
ScottLcharlie-tca, do you know who worked up your lightdm settings?00:41
charlie-tcaScottL: It was madnick02:11
charlie-tcamadnick: ScottL is the ubuntustudio project lead.02:11
madnickno, he probably means the xubuntu-default-settings02:12
charlie-tcaand that would be mr_pouit then02:12
charlie-tcaIt's about 04:15AM his time, so he won't be around for a couple of hours yet02:13
madnickhehe, same here :)02:13
madnickcharlie-tca: btw, i asked around about the plymouth thing, why it becomes a black screen with only the animated spirte visible02:15
charlie-tcaOh, good02:15
charlie-tcaanything interesting, or is it my hardware?02:15
madnicki got no direct answer, but it is possibly that plymouth screen becomes reset, and only the animation that is blitted on each iteration keeps going02:15
madnickSince its redrawn "on top"02:16
charlie-tcaso, basically, they don't know02:16
charlie-tcaThanks for asking02:16
madnickI will keep investigating02:16
charlie-tcaWish you could get some real answers, but there may not be one, too.02:16
madnickIf this happens regulary, and its not aborted by some error02:18
madnicka fix would be to redraw on every update, or every 10th or similar02:19
madnickThats what comes to mind02:19
charlie-tcaIs there a debug thing for it, so I could try and pull some logs?02:19
madnickIts called n times per second02:19
madnickcharlie-tca: well, i know plymouth debug thing needs you to manually set the debug file02:20
madnickplymouthd --debug --debug-file=/home/madnick/plymouth-debug-out02:20
charlie-tcaIs it something I could do from the live desktop?02:20
madnickneeds to be called, at invoke02:20
madnickDepends on how plymouthd is invoked02:21
charlie-tcaIf I do that before hitting restart, it should catch it, maybe.02:21
madnicklet me check my live cd02:22
charlie-tcaIt's worth trying, anyway. I can ssh into the computer and try to get the log before I hit enter after the cd ejects02:22
madnickUnless it shuts down ssh before it displays plymouth02:22
charlie-tcaheh, I know ways to make force it02:22
charlie-tcaIf I can get logs of a failed boot before it hits the desktop, I can make it give me this one02:23
charlie-tcaI will work on it tomorrow. I can't see good this late (for me)02:24
madnickill investigate further 02:24
charlie-tcaIf it writes a log, I will find a way to get it02:24
charlie-tcaGet some rest, if you need it. I will dig into it tomorrow and get a log if it is possible.02:26
madnickokay :)02:26
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charlie-tcaGood morning12:38
charlie-tcanew images again this morning to test for beta113:13
charlie-tcamr_pouit: do we have to worry about the failed to builds this morning?13:24
charlie-tcaabiword worked from a oneiric 64 live session13:24
charlie-tcaand I did not get any crashes in live session today13:24
charlie-tcaNew logo is in the menus today13:34
mr_pouitI don't know, having so many broken packages usually means it was a transient issue in a lib package, so probably images were rebuilt later13:48
charlie-tcaOkay, thanks13:48
charlie-tcaGood, because we do have images, even though I also see a couple of messages that they failed to build13:49
charlie-tcaThey must have been watching today and re-built them when they failed13:50
charlie-tcaAuto-login to installed system fails14:05
charlie-tcamr_pouit: I don't see any surprises on these images 14:29
charlie-tcaspoke too soon14:29
charlie-tcalvm encrypted just failed to complete14:29
charlie-tcaAug 31 14:29:58 in-target: The following information may help to resolve the situation:14:32
charlie-tcaAug 31 14:29:58 in-target: 14:32
charlie-tcaAug 31 14:29:58 in-target: The following packages have unmet dependencies:14:32
charlie-tcaAug 31 14:29:58 in-target:  libabiword-2.8 : Depends: libwv-1.2-3 (>= 1.2.4) but it is not installable14:32
charlie-tcaAug 31 14:29:58 in-target:  system-tools-backends : Depends: libnet-dbus-perl but it is not installable14:32
charlie-tcaAug 31 14:29:58 in-target:  xubuntu-desktop : Depends: tango-icon-theme-common but it is not installable14:32
charlie-tcaAug 31 14:29:58 in-target:                    Recommends: indicator-application-gtk2 but it is not installable14:32
charlie-tcabug 83813614:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 838136 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "xubuntu amd64 oneiric beta 1 candidate fails to install due to broken dependency in abiword" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83813614:40
charlie-tcaboth alternate images fail14:40
micahgcharlie-tca: unfortunately, I'm in the middle of something and can't stop for another few hours14:49
charlie-tcanotified -release; will use yesterdays images if they fix them quickly14:50
charlie-tcafirst attempt to fix - kick a respin14:55
charlie-tcareason for errors: UNKNOWN14:55
charlie-tcanew image for alternate published; syncing now15:25
charlie-tcamadnick: I know part of what is happening now15:34
charlie-tcathe shutdown process is staying on TTY7 for some reason, instead of swithching back to the one that it should (probably TTY6?)15:35
madnickhm okay15:40
madnickSo it does reset15:40
charlie-tcait just switched for me and I saw the message 15:40
madnickOkay, so we do not need a fix for plymouth?15:42
charlie-tcaI don't think so, I think caspar is messing up15:42
madnickBut this is replicatable every time for you?15:42
madnickI think it would be kinda sad if people did not know when to press enter15:43
charlie-tcaI don't yet. I have only seen the "hit enter to continue" once in weeks15:43
charlie-tcaI will release note it, just in case15:43
charlie-tcawhen the throbber stops moving, and the cd ejects, remove the cd and hit enter on the keyboard to continue15:44
charlie-tcalatest alternate re-spin worked! alternate 64 installed16:43
charlie-tcamr_pouit: I think we are in good shape for the beta1 images16:44
charlie-tcaI will try not to let them respin again, now16:44
mr_pouitI couldn't reproduce the failure above (abiword & co)16:45
charlie-tcaMaybe you missed the 20110831 image16:45
mr_pouitmaybe an archive glitch (because libwv-1.2-3 is still missing from gb.archive.ubuntu.com)16:45
charlie-tcaIt only happened with the one image, and it seemed to be a server error16:45
cody-somervillehttps://chinstrap.canonical.com/~cody-somerville/worst-error-message-ever.png <-- face palm17:27
micahgcody-somerville: that's an internal only link...17:29
micahgcody-somerville: but interesting anyways :)17:29
cody-somervillehttp://people.canonical.com/~cody-somerville/worst-error-message-ever.png <-- public link17:32
charlie-tcavery informative, isn't it17:35
scott-workmr_pouit:  ping18:07
pleia2knome: I think we tell canonical that the plugin writer doesn't want to maintain it in LP so creating a full project for it won't really work, and ask if we can just create a separate branch in xubuntu-website-wordpress18:33
mr_pouitscott-work: pong18:36
charlie-tcaOMG! I got a plymouth splash screen without the cd18:40
scott-workmr_pouit: have you updated teh lightdm package for xubuntu?  specifically, did you add any wallpaper or background to it?18:40
madnickiirc there was something about that, needed to fork the gtk-example-greeter18:42
madnickBut I submitted the files18:42
mr_pouitscott-work: no, it's either what madnick wrote, or a dpkg-divert of the greeter config file18:43
mr_pouittbh, both solutions suck18:44
scott-workas long as it works, ya know?18:44
scott-workmadnick: do you remember the package name or the code branch so i can look at it and hopefully knock something up for ubuntu studio?18:45
madnickscott-work: its not modified, we postponed the new greeter to o+118:45
madnickjust themed18:45
madnick1 sec18:45
charlie-tcaAre we holding the theme file for after beta1?18:45
mr_pouityeah, I'll work on it after the beta18:46
* charlie-tca noticed the blue or pink backgrounds are still there :)18:46
madnickscott-work: in that, it adds icons in the glade file18:46
mr_pouit(I think I'll go for the dpkg-divert solution, so madnick^W we don't have to maintain a fork of lightdm-gtk-greeter)18:46
micahgmr_pouit: so, we're hacking again?18:49
mr_pouitI guess ;>18:50
micahgmr_pouit: heh, I guess we should try to get a real solution for the LTS18:51
charlie-tcaWe are going to. Madnick has a lightdm theme package, he just can't get the --testmode to work right18:56
scott-workmadnick: i'm sorry but i am ignorant, can you explain the differences between themeing and modifying the package?18:56
madnickscott-work: what i refer to as themeing is changing the designated wallpaper, fonts, and perhaps the gtk theme18:56
madnickWhich is nearly all I did for this, i also modifided the glade file a bit18:57
scott-workmadnick: which is similar in process to updating the usplash and/or plymouth themes, correct?18:57
scott-workyou copy a file to the right place, update initrmfs18:57
madnickI acctually replaced /usr/sbin gtk-example-greeter :P18:58
madnickBut I guess18:58
* scott-work can't open the tarball from his work computer (windows) :(18:58
scott-workmadnick: okay...i can understand that18:58
scott-workmadnick: and this would be different than actually creating a new package for xubuntu based on the vanilla ubuntu lightdm package and putting your stuff in there18:59
scott-workthat wouldn't be considerd a "hack" then?18:59
madnickNot sure, tbh I never heard of vanilla ubuntu theme, but I guess if that greeter uses the same config file it would not be that different19:00
scott-worki'm not judging or trying to be pedenatic about language but i want to make sure that i understand your intent and nomenclature19:00
mr_pouitthe config file location is hardcoded at build time to /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf iirc19:00
micahgscott-work: get 7-zip19:01
mr_pouit(and it's shipped as a conffile)19:01
scott-workmicahg:  IT doesn't really want that on the machine since it's unnecessary for work :(19:01
madnickscott-work: is this vanilla ubuntu's greeter:19:01
mr_pouitwhich means you can't really change it on the fly in a postinst, because it would cause unnecessary prompts on upgrades (note that edubuntu does that though)19:02
madnickOh sorry, I thought vanilla meant a greeter ;)19:02
scott-workmadnick: wow, that is actually very slick looking :)19:02
madnickI am not familiar with the english terms19:02
mr_pouitbut ubuntu uses the unity greeter19:02
madnickthat well, for "plain" :P19:02
madnickscott-work: yes, you can modify teh unity greeter19:03
scott-workmadnick: lol, sorry for the confusion, i meant "vanilla" as "ubuntu"19:03
scott-workor non-derivative 19:03
madnickBefore I started on then new greeter19:03
madnickI did modify the Unityh greeter19:03
madnickEverything is hardcoded19:04
scott-workeh, is the unity greeter based on lightdm?19:04
madnickThat was what I did19:04
mr_pouit(they all use the lightdm interface)19:05
charlie-tcayeah, they took an application written specifically to be easy to modify, and made it as difficult for everyone to change as possible19:05
scott-workcharlie-tca: LOL, that figures19:07
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