devilman__ | good night | 00:05 |
devilman__ | alguno sabe como configurar el tactil de un panasonic toughbook cf 73 con xubuntu maverick?? | 00:24 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
philipballew | how do i set a new theme in xubuntu 10.04 | 07:19 |
=== Unit193 is now known as Guest21521 | ||
huseyin | hi | 07:25 |
huseyin | since this morning i have a problem with xubuntu | 07:25 |
huseyin | i'll be glad if someone can give some hint | 07:26 |
huseyin | all application borders are gone | 07:26 |
huseyin | i cannot move, exit, minimize apps | 07:26 |
huseyin | i cannot see the list of running applications on the panel | 07:26 |
huseyin | i cannot switch workspaces | 07:26 |
huseyin | the number of workspace were 2 but became 4 and i cannot change that too | 07:27 |
huseyin | any idea? | 07:27 |
=== Guest21521 is now known as Unit19 | ||
nicofs | huseyin, from how you describe it, it must be some problem with the window manager... can you access the settings? appearance, themes, something like that? | 07:31 |
nicofs | sadly, I don't have xubuntu anymore, i can't check where all the stuff is... | 07:31 |
huseyin | yes, i can access the settings | 07:31 |
nicofs | i guess you tried to change them several times and it didn't help... | 07:32 |
huseyin | well, i just checked the window manager settings but i cannot see anything in it | 07:32 |
huseyin | it's totally emoty | 07:32 |
huseyin | i mean, i open settings manager and click on window manager | 07:33 |
huseyin | and i cannot see anything in it | 07:33 |
huseyin | it's an empty page | 07:33 |
larre | So, I'm running xubuntu using Oracle VirtualBox on Windows 7. Cant get higher resolution that 1024x768. My monitor is a Full-HD 1920x1080 native. How can I fix it? | 07:33 |
nicofs | larre, what did you try so far to change it? | 07:33 |
well_laid_lawn | larre: tried checking the log to see what's going on? | 07:34 |
larre | editing xorg.conf and I even found some kind of settings editor in the menu, and there it is set to 1920*1080 indeed, but no change | 07:35 |
well_laid_lawn | it more than likely is vbox at fault then try #vbox | 07:36 |
larre | ah it has a support channel too, nice | 07:36 |
huseyin | should i try to reinstall xfce4? | 07:37 |
nicofs | huseyin, we somehow need to reconfigure your settings... last resort would be to find the folder with the settings, delete it and restart... | 07:37 |
nicofs | i can't guarantee that this will work, though | 07:37 |
huseyin | where should i look for the settings? | 07:37 |
larre | Also I have now given up trying to install xubuntu on my old Dell Inspirion 1100 Laptop. Guess it's too old, even though it seems to have enough memory | 07:38 |
nicofs | it should be a hidden folder in your home folder... | 07:38 |
huseyin | .config or domething? | 07:39 |
nicofs | huseyin, rather something with .x* | 07:39 |
huseyin | that was the first thing I checked: somehitng with .x | 07:40 |
huseyin | i can see .Xdefaults, .xsession-errors | 07:40 |
huseyin | nothing else related to cfxe4 | 07:40 |
huseyin | sorry xfce4 | 07:40 |
larre | As running Xubuntu directly from CD doesn't work either, I guess it's a sign it won't work. Perhaps an earlier version would work? | 07:40 |
nicofs | huseyin, hmm... maybe xsession-errors has something in it that tels us what's wrong... | 07:41 |
huseyin | it's a large file actually | 07:42 |
=== Unit19 is now known as Unit193 | ||
huseyin | i tried to read it but didn't really get it | 07:42 |
huseyin | but, there are a lot of lines with: xfdesktop[2639] is already running; assuming --reload | 07:42 |
huseyin | another eye catchy is: (xfce4-xkb-plugin:2615): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_hash_table_destroy: assertion `hash_table != NULL' failed | 07:43 |
huseyin | (xfdesktop:2589): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed | 07:43 |
huseyin | (xfdesktop:2589): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance | 07:43 |
nicofs | huseyin, i know that somewhere there is a set of files where all your session settings are stored - i know because i edited it... but as i don't have xubuntu, i can't check from here... | 07:44 |
huseyin | under .config there are some xfce related files with a .xml extension | 07:44 |
huseyin | could those be? | 07:44 |
nicofs | huseyin, sounds about right... | 07:44 |
huseyin | here there are some .xml files | 07:46 |
huseyin | like: xfce4-desktop.xml, xfce4-panel.xml, xfce4-session.xml, xfce4-settings-manager.xml, xsettings.xml, xfce4-session.xml | 07:46 |
huseyin | i.e. in xfce4-session.xml it seems all the values are set to "empty" | 07:47 |
nicofs | I'd just back them up somewhere (just put them into an archive), so that they are gone and restart - hopefully that sets your session back tu default... in case of the worst: do you have something to boot a live system if it fails...? | 07:48 |
huseyin | i have a dual boot system. I can boot from Pardus (Linux again) and reach back to the files | 07:49 |
huseyin | nicofs: thank you very much. I'll backup the directory, remove the files and restart to try | 07:49 |
huseyin | i'll get back here with the result :) | 07:50 |
huseyin | bye | 07:50 |
larre | you were right, there is a package called gues additions from virtualbox that needs to be installed in xubuntu | 07:52 |
larre | Now as a newbie I dont even know how to install that | 07:52 |
larre | is the file. How do I run it? | 07:53 |
larre | could just click on it as I need to be root | 07:54 |
larre | could not I mean | 07:54 |
nicofs | larre, is it set to executable...? | 07:55 |
larre | have no idea | 07:56 |
nicofs | can you sudo? | 07:57 |
larre | of cpurse | 07:57 |
larre | course | 07:58 |
nicofs | "sudo chmod +x" | 07:58 |
larre | vbox has emulated a cd-rom where the files are, but I dont know how to get to that folder in the terminal | 07:59 |
larre | ah nevermind | 08:01 |
larre | solved it | 08:01 |
huseyin | hi again | 08:03 |
huseyin | nicofs: removing configuration files didn't help | 08:03 |
huseyin | but, during our conservation i have realized that window manager settings were disappeared | 08:04 |
huseyin | i googled for that problem | 08:04 |
huseyin | and found out the solution | 08:04 |
huseyin | xfwm4 --replace | 08:04 |
huseyin | solved my problem | 08:04 |
larre | chmod just changes rights it seems. I need to execute the run-file as root | 08:05 |
huseyin | but, when i put back the original configuration files, i had to run xfwm4 --replace command again | 08:05 |
huseyin | nicofs: thanks again | 08:06 |
huseyin | bye | 08:06 |
larre | finalli things are working | 08:08 |
searching | where is resolution config file on xubuntu 10.10? | 09:02 |
well_laid_lawn | in ~/.config/xfce4 with the rest of 'em I suppose searching | 09:12 |
searching | thanks | 09:13 |
well_laid_lawn | don't thank me yet ... | 09:13 |
well_laid_lawn | wait till you find it :) | 09:13 |
searching | i find | 09:15 |
searching | a xml file | 09:15 |
searching | and I put a new resolution | 09:15 |
searching | will keep the newone after reboot? | 09:16 |
well_laid_lawn | when you close xfce it will probably be overwritten searching | 09:17 |
searching | nothing happens | 09:20 |
searching | how can I force 1024/768 resolution? | 09:21 |
weakref | hi guys, I'm searching for a lightweight Ubuntu based distribution for my old P4/256mb ram desktop computer | 09:22 |
weakref | I've found Xubuntu | 09:22 |
TheSheep | weakref: you need more ram | 09:22 |
weakref | is it ok for my specs? | 09:22 |
searching | no | 09:22 |
searching | ? | 09:23 |
weakref | damn :-/ another ubuntu based distro? I would avoid to install windows xp (it runs fine with that specs) | 09:23 |
searching | lubuntu | 09:24 |
weakref | thank you searching | 09:24 |
searching | some one help me? | 09:24 |
well_laid_lawn | searching: check the X log | 09:25 |
well_laid_lawn | /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 09:25 |
searching | ok | 09:26 |
flaren | hi! how can i add a keyboard language indicator to a top panel? xubuntu 11.04 | 09:26 |
searching | yes | 09:27 |
searching | checked | 09:27 |
well_laid_lawn | searching: the log will say what vid driver is being used | 09:28 |
well_laid_lawn | vesa or ati or... | 09:28 |
well_laid_lawn | and why it won't give a bigger display | 09:29 |
searching | I can`t see nothing | 09:31 |
searching | is killing my eyes | 09:32 |
well_laid_lawn | pastebin it | 09:32 |
well_laid_lawn | !paste | 09:32 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 09:32 |
searching | !paste | 09:34 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 09:34 |
searching | | 09:34 |
well_laid_lawn | k | 09:35 |
searching | I change monitor | 09:35 |
searching | it is a CRT :( | 09:35 |
searching | what next? | 09:36 |
well_laid_lawn | the log says it is using the vesa driver | 09:36 |
searching | ok | 09:37 |
well_laid_lawn | which is a fallback, basic one | 09:37 |
well_laid_lawn | open a terminal | 09:37 |
searching | yes | 09:37 |
well_laid_lawn | do lspci | grep -i vga | 09:37 |
well_laid_lawn | it'll tell what vid card you have | 09:38 |
weakref | just another question. Is there a way to put in sleep and resume my desktop computer using Linux? | 09:38 |
weakref | what's the best way? | 09:38 |
searching | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01) | 09:38 |
well_laid_lawn | searching: that should have good support | 09:38 |
searching | 64 Mb | 09:38 |
searching | how to reinstall the vesa? | 09:39 |
well_laid_lawn | I'd try the intel driver | 09:39 |
well_laid_lawn | xf86-video-intel | 09:40 |
searching | how to install it? | 09:40 |
well_laid_lawn | it should be installed already iirc | 09:40 |
searching | ok | 09:41 |
well_laid_lawn | try sudo apt-get install xf86-video-intel | 09:41 |
searching | ok | 09:41 |
well_laid_lawn | I dunno why udev didn't recognise it | 09:41 |
searching | E: Unable to locate package xf86-video-intel | 09:41 |
searching | :)) | 09:42 |
searching | how to reconfigure xorg | 09:42 |
searching | get in recovery | 09:42 |
searching | and what next? | 09:43 |
TheSheep | there is an option in there called 'reconfigure xorg' afair | 09:43 |
Myrtti | well_laid_lawn: which linux are you using? XF86 hasn't been in Ubuntu for years... | 09:44 |
Myrtti | well that name anyway | 09:45 |
well_laid_lawn | I got the name wrong again? | 09:46 |
searching | reconfigure: command not found | 09:46 |
searching | :)) | 09:47 |
searching | thanks bye | 09:47 |
searching | gave over | 09:47 |
searching | game | 09:47 |
Myrtti | right | 09:48 |
searching | I put a xorg.conf file | 10:15 |
searching | and it works | 10:16 |
searching | but very slow | 10:16 |
searching | the refresh rate to be the problem? | 10:17 |
=== Alan_ is now known as Alan | ||
flameboy | Hi guys, I need some help with my xorg.conf coding | 10:39 |
emilhem | I'm having a problem. When the Swap "memory" is starting to be used by the system the computer starts to lag very much. I only have 1GB of RAM and almost 4GB of Swap. | 11:04 |
Sysi | completely normal, happens because harddisk is much slower than RAM | 11:06 |
emilhem | But the lag is extreme. Yes the hard drive isn't the best but I think that it shoulden't lag this much. Do you think that I should reduce the size of the Swap or is there a way to reduce the usage of the Swap file system? | 11:08 |
Sysi | swap is used when you're out of ram.. you need to get more if you use apps that require lots of ram | 11:10 |
Sysi | hdd is *terribly* slow compared to ram really | 11:10 |
Sysi | amount of swap doesn't matter much, you need to have it as much aas you need.. | 11:11 |
emilhem | I know that. But I'm only using the computer for browsing the web and typing php codes in Geany. | 11:11 |
Sysi | what browser? | 11:12 |
TheSheep | flashblock should help | 11:15 |
emilhem | Firefox. | 11:16 |
ablomen | emilhem, are you running any other applications? i'm running ff with a lot of tabs, and loads of other stuff and only 1754mb is being used, of which 950 mb is cache/buffers | 11:17 |
emilhem | I run lamp too but its only for local usage and it's set to use as little cache and memory as possible. | 11:18 |
emilhem | I use skype too. | 11:18 |
ablomen | emilhem, you could take a look at the task manager (or top) to see whats using all that ram | 11:20 |
ablomen | firefox uses about 500mb here but that's with plugins open and sites like facebook, google docs/read/plus and twitter open, which are quite JS heavy | 11:21 |
emilhem | I'll do that. But thanks for the tip about flashblock. | 11:21 |
=== gusnan is now known as AndreasR | ||
flopato | hey guys n girls | 16:10 |
gigenieks | hi guys! | 17:29 |
gigenieks | what was the command of Alt+F2 to restart Xubuntu window manager? I remember it was something like "xfce4 --replace ? | 17:31 |
charlie-tca | xfwm4 --replace | 17:31 |
gigenieks | charlie-tca: it fixed I just didnt remember at first exact typo.. it happened 2nd time in month or so. Anyway thank you, have a nice evening! :) | 17:51 |
charlie-tca | You are welcome | 17:51 |
charlie-tca | Not easy remembering all these different commands. | 17:52 |
Sysi | doesn't it suggest command when you type "xf"? | 17:52 |
Myrtti | Sysi: alt-f2 in Xubuntu? no | 17:54 |
Myrtti | only if you've used it before | 17:54 |
gigenieks | yeah it did suggest (this is 2nd time i do this) | 18:03 |
Myrtti | alt-f2 is lovely tho - I used gnome-do for a while and got used to the keyboard combo to evoke it so I changed the keyboard combo for "Run program" to be from alt-f2 to ctrl-space and now I use it more than I do use menus :-D | 18:05 |
einseenai | hello, guys, anybody experienced multiple "don't show this message again" buttons in xfce4 notify? | 18:16 |
charlie-tca | yup | 18:18 |
charlie-tca | is your system up to date? | 18:18 |
einseenai | any way to solve it? | 18:18 |
einseenai | well, i just tried xubuntu daily image | 18:19 |
einseenai | oneiric | 18:19 |
charlie-tca | I haven't seen that on any of the tests | 18:19 |
charlie-tca | is that todays image? | 18:19 |
einseenai | nope O:) | 18:20 |
einseenai | ok, i'll try today's one now | 18:20 |
charlie-tca | Then, I would suggest today's image. old images have bugs that have been fixed | 18:20 |
einseenai | thanks a lot, charlie-tca :) | 18:20 |
charlie-tca | We never fix bugs on old images :) | 18:21 |
einseenai | :D | 18:21 |
einseenai | yup | 18:21 |
charlie-tca | If you get the pile of notices with today's image, please file a bug report | 18:21 |
einseenai | ok, i'll try :) though i don't know how to. | 18:22 |
einseenai | (when i saw this in oneiric - i thought, oh god, it's still here since 10.04) | 18:22 |
einseenai | ok | 18:22 |
einseenai | do i have to do this in launchpad or with a prog? | 18:23 |
charlie-tca | No, it should be fixed already | 18:23 |
charlie-tca | let me find it | 18:23 |
einseenai | | 18:24 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 606825 in notification-daemon (Ubuntu) "Showing many Dont Show This Messege again" [Low,Confirmed] | 18:24 |
einseenai | but this one is from 10.04 | 18:24 |
einseenai | there's one more form 11.4 | 18:24 |
einseenai | was* | 18:24 |
einseenai | ok. | 18:25 |
einseenai | i try new image now. | 18:25 |
charlie-tca | yes, it's not good for oneiric | 18:25 |
charlie-tca | you open a terminal and type | 18:25 |
charlie-tca | ubuntu-bug xfce4-notifyd | 18:25 |
charlie-tca | to file it against oneiric | 18:26 |
einseenai | thanks, charlie-tca, i'll see if it's still there. | 18:27 |
charlie-tca | Thank you | 18:27 |
einseenai | charlie-tca, btw, don't you know by chance, is there some nice ap to set colors for gtk themes in xfce? | 18:28 |
charlie-tca | no | 18:28 |
charlie-tca | not that I know of | 18:28 |
charlie-tca | Mostly it is by direct modification of the files | 18:28 |
einseenai | charlie-tca, thank you. is that possible that gnome-color-chooser will work? | 18:30 |
charlie-tca | sure, it is possible | 18:31 |
charlie-tca | I don't know | 18:31 |
einseenai | ok. thx -) | 18:31 |
madnick | | 18:31 |
madnick | Aloows you to change the xpm files, using gvim for example | 18:32 |
madnick | sorry | 18:32 |
madnick | did not read your question good enough | 18:32 |
einseenai | madnick, :) | 18:33 |
sleek | does anyone know what config file has the line "exec startxfce4"? | 19:51 |
sleek | or know how the login manager automatically gets started? | 19:53 |
Sysi | login manager is GDM and it starts xfce when you have autolog set too | 20:00 |
Sysi | it's run like ither init scripts | 20:00 |
cavaticus | If anyone can help, it would be much appreciated. I have spent the past 5 hours scouring Google for a fix. FYI, I'm a noob. Anyways, I have had Xubuntu 11.04 installed for a day on my system. It was fine when I turned it off last night. When I turned it on this afternoon, however, the desktop is a brown color, no icons are appearing. There is no titlebar, and there is only one workspace. Menus on the menu bar are occasionally di | 23:34 |
cavaticus | sappearing when I mouse over them. I have found that typing "Metacity" in the console temporarily fixes the window based problem and changing themes fixes the icons and background, but once I reboot, it's all messed up again. Anyone know what is going on and how I can fix it? | 23:34 |
knome | cavaticus, try running "xfwm4 --replace" | 23:36 |
cavaticus | Wow, seems to have fixed the problem. Just to satiate my curiosity, what was going on? | 23:38 |
cavaticus | Thanks! | 23:38 |
knome | cavaticus, apparently, the xfce window manager was shut down | 23:38 |
knome | cavaticus, now, when you shut the pc the next time, remember to save the session | 23:39 |
cavaticus | How do I save the session? | 23:39 |
knome | when you click the quit button, there should be a checkbox in the quit dialog | 23:40 |
cavaticus | knome, thank you. | 23:40 |
knome | no problem | 23:40 |
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