
silverarrowwhat do I do for antivirus?01:16
Unit193You don't really need antivirus, but if you REALLY want to, you can add it to help other idiot windows computers on the network ;)01:18
phillwsilverarrow: it is not required for linux based systems. If you share stuff with windows / Mac  systems then you can add something that will protect them from stuff you download to be transferred.01:19
silverarrowI see01:19
silverarrowthing is I download films, tv shows, and it might come with god knows what?01:20
silverarrowthough I don't share much with windows systems01:20
phillwsilverarrow: if it 100% linux - do not worry.01:20
silverarrow100% lubuntu01:20
phillwI wrote up, a while ago, a section on such beasties, you'll just have to trust me that my forum area is not injecting nasties into your computer :P http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1701:21
phillwand with that... time for bed!01:24
Unit193Awwww... Good night!01:31
silverarrowgood night phillw01:33
silverarrowis there any gnome player gurus here?01:37
moomooAny recommendations for a light weight dock? wbar seems complicated to set up and adeskbar doesn't seem to be in development anymore.02:02
j0hndoeHow do I edit grub2?  On boot up screen I see Lubuntu and Unknown Linux Distribution,  I would like to change that to Puppy Linux.04:24
bioterrorJohnDoe_71Rus, still problems with pcmanfm?05:39
JohnDoe_71Rusbioterror: yes. :(05:39
KM0201whats wrong?05:40
JohnDoe_71Ruspcmanfm not start  to folder browse05:42
JohnDoe_71Rusjust blink desktop05:43
jmarsdenj0hndoe: For messing with grub, look in /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/ and read the files in there *carefully* before doing anything.05:43
KM0201JohnDoe_71Rus, have you tried installing thunar?..05:44
bioterrorKM0201, that's not the solution05:44
jmarsdenJohnDoe_71Rus: Open a Terminal window and run pcmanfm from there, if you see an error message, tell us what it says.05:44
KM0201bioterror, i never suggested it was, but it's a workaround until he can get this resolved05:44
JohnDoe_71Rusjmarsden: no error of "file or folder not exist"05:45
bioterrorjmarsden, problem also exists when he launches pcmanfm from applications menu05:45
jmarsdenJohnDoe_71Rus: OK, do    LANG=C pcmanfm     and tell us *exactly* what it says.05:45
JohnDoe_71Ruspcmanfm %U pcmanfm05:45
JohnDoe_71Rusjmarsden: nothing. just blink folder icon on desktop. no error or text in console05:49
KM0201hmm, mine drops right back to a prompt, and opens pcman...05:50
KM0201i'm assuming that is what it is supposed to do.05:50
JohnDoe_71Ruslubuntu 10.04 + update from xlde ppa and lubuntu-desktop ppa05:52
JohnDoe_71Rusubuntu 10.04 + same ppa = same problem05:53
jmarsdenJohnDoe_71Rus: OK, let's try deleting your pcmanfm config files and see if it helps.    rm ~/.config/pcmanfm/*05:53
JohnDoe_71Rusone story on 3 computers05:53
jmarsdenand then try the     LANG=C pcmanfm      again05:53
KM0201so you have the same prob on 3 pc's?05:53
jmarsdenJohnDoe_71Rus: If you do a clean Lubuntu 10.04 install, no updates at all, does it work then?05:54
JohnDoe_71Rusjmarsden: the same. just reset desktop walpapers05:55
JohnDoe_71RusKM0201: yes. 2 real comp and lubuntu 10.04 on virtual. it happend after update.05:56
jmarsdenAh, so before the updates from PPA it was OK?05:56
JohnDoe_71RusNot at once05:57
jmarsdenJohnDoe_71Rus: Not at once?  What did you do to get it working earlier?    Also, if you make a new virtual machine and install Lubuntu 10.04 from the ISO image, will it work then?05:58
JohnDoe_71Rusjmarsden: yes. but it was to early. on weekend install lxde to ubuntu and it happend05:58
JohnDoe_71Rusthen it works It is an old story05:59
jmarsdenSo something in the PPA updates is probably the cause... but I don't know what it would be... if you do the install in English language, and then update, does it work?  Maybe this is a localazation issue of some sort??06:00
jmarsdenJohnDoe_71Rus: Does the "Rus" mean your installs are in русский ?06:03
jmarsdenOK.  Not right now, but maybe this weekend, I will try a русский install in a VM here and see if I can duplicate the issue.06:04
jmarsdenIf you can try an English install and see if it is fine for you in English, that would be good to know.06:04
JohnDoe_71Rusjmarsden: try change menu to english and reboot virtual. no effect06:11
jmarsdenOK... I can't work any more on this now, hopefully I will have some time this weekend to try to duplicate the problem here.06:12
SchalaI'm rather curious as to what Lubuntu means by 'lightweight'. Is it Ubuntu but stripped of the extras like games, mailing clients, extra utilities, leaving me to install what I want at my discretion?06:37
jmarsdenNot quite.  It uses a desktop environment that needs less RAM and CPU than GNOME/Ubiquity do, and picks its apps for 'usual' tasks for similarly lowish RAM/CPu requirements.06:38
jmarsdenSo Lubuntu will run smoothly on some older low-RAM PCs that Ubuntu has a hard time running at reasoanble speed on.06:39
jmarsdenThere is a Ubuntu mini-iso that is closer to what you see, the bare minimum OS that you can add (Lubuntu-desktop or gnome-desktop) to...06:39
jmarsden*to what you seek06:40
Schalasee, when I get new Ubuntu releases, almost immediately I go to the software center and taking out stuff like games and the email client and stuff that I know I'll never use06:40
Schalaah, where's that?06:40
j0hndoeall Ubuntu distro are the same, it just use different Desktop Environment and different programs initially.06:41
jmarsdenj0hndoe: well, sort of -- Ubuntu Server uses a server-tweaker kernel and no DE or X at all :)06:41
j0hndoebut you can remove the lightweight programs like abiword/gnumeric and use libreoffice, but depending on your hardware and system spec, programs you use may lag your pc etc06:42
j0hndoejmarsden oic06:42
Schalaso Ubuntu's minimal CD let's me pick the stuff at install time and automatically selects dependencies as well, as opposed to the normal distro which puts a standard default selection of it on my drive?06:45
jmarsdenSchala: Right, the minimal cd is so minimal you get a text-based command shell to work from until you add more stuff.06:46
Schalahmm....ok....haven't too much experience with being locked to CLI... but I do want to be conservative about what I put on, seeing as 11.04 has some out of date packages like Mono and what not06:48
jmarsdenSo install the minimal CD and add a desktop of your choice :)06:49
Schalaah, ok06:49
SchalaI'll go give that a download06:49
Schalawhen I boot from CD does the installer have a GUI? I'm getting better with terminal, having used it since my Mac OS X days but strict terminal with no GUI I get rather spooked about06:50
jmarsdenNo, the CD uses the "Alternate CD" style textmode installer.06:50
jmarsdenTry it and see :)06:50
SchalaI guess it won't hurt, thanks06:50
jmarsdenifyou have a working Ubuntu machine now, you can try it in a virtual machine first under virtualbox if you like :)06:51
jmarsdenYou're welcome.06:51
Schalaunfortunately no.... I find myself needing Windows as well and started with it, but I'm a Linux fan and crave it as well... I've just recently been able to buy a nice 1 TB drive for the extra hard drive slot on my motherboard06:52
jmarsdenIf you have enough RAM, virtualbox will run under windows...06:52
Schalabad news is I have ATI and don't know how well it'll hold on Linux06:52
bioterrordepends on ATI06:53
bioterrorI have Radeon 4350 or something and works like a dream with opensource drivers06:53
jmarsdenLinux as primary OS with windows in a virtualbox is "better" for Linux-y people, but the other way around works.  I do it that way at work.06:53
jmarsdenbioterror: I have the same thing -- cheap low end Radeon, works fine for me.06:54
bioterrordunno about the low end, 512MB RAM is enough :D06:54
jmarsdenOh it is low end... $30 or so.. the high end cards are ten times that :)06:55
SchalaRadeon HD 5770 here.... I've been intrigued by the existence of an opensource driver for ATI..... My friend says ATI sucks with shader support in the official driver, so I've been wondering if that's a strength the open driver has over the proprietary one06:55
jmarsdenSchala: Windows gaming and general linux use are two different things... is your friend running Linux when making this statement?06:56
Schalawell, I mean a few friends.... and that would be both yes and no06:56
Schalathey all tell me the same thing, that ATI's lack of shader support is a driver issue06:57
jmarsdenOK.  Lubuntu is more of a low end "general purpose" OS than a gaming platform, so you're in the wrong place for good advice about Linux gaming really...06:57
Schalawell not exactly gaming, but graphics-oriented yes06:58
Schalathanks again for the mini CD link anyway06:58
jmarsdenYou're welcome.06:58
JohnDoe_71Rusjmarsden: install lubuntu 10.04. pcmanfm 0.9.5. update to 0.9.7. work fine. try add lxde ppa and update07:05
JohnDoe_71Rusupdate to 0.9.807:14
bioterrorbacktrace it ;)07:32
bioterrorand report a bug07:32
head_victimI game on Lubuntu, Urban Terror rocks :)08:23
nicofsIs someone there?09:17
jmarsdenNo :)09:17
JohnDoe_71Rusbioterror: bak to pcmanfm2 0.9.7 fix problem09:17
JohnDoe_71Ruspcmanfm %U open / not the home dir09:19
nicofsI have been trying to create an ARM rootfs of lubuntu-desktop, but it fails due to "gecko-mediaplayer is not installable"...09:26
jmarsdennicofs: As a temp fix, grab lubuntu-meta and edit it to not include gecko-media-player, rebuild the package and continue?  (It is 2:30Am here, I need to go to bed!)09:32
nicofsjmarsden, how would i do that inside rootstock...?09:33
jmarsdenNo, do that on a normal PC.  Get the PPAs to rebuild it for ARM, assuming they support ARM?09:33
nicofssorry, that's beyond my abilities... i don't know how to make a rootfs manually...09:34
jmarsdendoes your "rootstock" have the normal build tools available to you?  gcc, binutils, make, debuild, ... ?  if it does, you can certainly try rebuilding lubuntu-meta in there...09:36
nicofsit's a toolchain - i feed it with parameters and then hit enter - apart from that i don't do anything else...09:36
nicofsall i can do ist "--seed [package name]"09:37
nicofsi'll try building gecko...10:27
andantinoanyone else have issues with lxde and setting the mouse speed10:58
Gabriel_SallesI made a script to edit my touchpad settings11:06
BielekeAnybody has a link or url to a howto or manual to put lubuntu on an usb-stick ?11:08
andantinohmmm brb11:09
JohnDoe_71Rusneed menu editor, like alacarte11:51
usr13bioterror: I think the instructions for putting Ubuntu on USB will apply.  It's basically the same proceedure.13:25
usr13there may be one written for Lubuntu as well, I don't know for sure, but...13:26
usr13I've got a question.13:27
usr13ALt-F2 does not bring up the run command. Anyone else have that problem?13:28
usr13Or, would anyone be willing to look at the stansa in my config to see if they can tell where the error is?13:28
bioterroralt+f2 is default13:29
bioterrorshould work13:29
bioterrorand for putting ubuntu on usb pendrive, unetbootin is always the best solution13:30
bioterroratleast for me it has been13:30
bioterrorwith any ubuntu flavour13:30
usr13bioterror: bioterror I think unebootin just takes the iso and spits it right on there, you just have to tell it which / where the iso is.  Right?13:31
bioterroryou tell where the iso is and it will extract and yadda yadda ;)13:32
bioterrordo some small things13:32
bioterrorbut my workday is done, see ya later13:33
bioterrorgotta catch mrs. terror from school13:33
usr13bioterror: Oh yea, does several things. Creates a boot loader ...13:33
usr13I'd also like to set a hotkey, F12, to open terminal.  Anyone done that yet?13:34
usr13I use CLI a lot and like to bring up a terminal real quick and easy.  I find F12 very handy.13:35
usr13I have another question.  If I just restart lspanel, will that activate changes to the lubuntu-rc.xml file?13:41
usr13* lxpanelctl13:59
Gabriel_SallesThat think of F12 to bring lxterminal is a nice idea... I will do this here and then tell you how to do it14:17
jibelHey all, there are new Lubuntu Oneiric Beta 1 alternate images available for testing14:25
jibelif you're interested go there http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/6468 for i386 or http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/6467 for amd6414:26
jibelhopefully that should fix the bug where lubuntu-desktop was not installed14:27
phillwjibel: I'm waiting for the alternate to be re-spun. Hopefully in next couple of hours.14:31
jibelphillw, its done http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily/current/14:32
silverarrowhow do I check what kind of player I am using in the browser?14:32
silverarrowit's not adobe flash player at least14:33
silverarrow....and I am looking in to what's the best way to get Tor,14:34
silverarrowpackage manager or the bundle from their site14:34
silverarrowI go for what will install with least trouble14:35
usr13silverarrow: I just install Adobe Flashplayer 1014:50
usr13silverarrow: You ARE talking about flashplayer, Right?14:51
usr13when you go to the package manager and do search for flashplayer  or Adobe  you'll see which is installed now.14:52
silverarrowyes, but I think something else is streaming when I am watching oline tv14:52
silverarrowit doesn't look like adobe14:52
usr13I would venture to say it's either gxine or flashplayer14:53
usr13what site is it?14:53
usr13can you post a screenshot?14:53
usr13I'll bet it's just flashplayer.14:54
usr13YOu could find out by uninstalling flashplayer and try the site again.14:54
silverarrowon the windows machine, it opens in windows media player14:56
silverarrowthe site recommends using windows media player too14:57
silverarrowusr13, any sense of the picture?14:58
usr13looks like flashplayer to me15:15
silverarrowusr13, can't be?15:15
silverarrowat least not adobe15:15
usr13Let me try it on mine..15:20
usr13silverarrow: What flashpler do you have installed?15:24
usr13It wont even play on mine.15:25
silverarrowit plays here15:35
usr13Well, I think you are right.  Its not.15:35
usr13but it won't play on mine.15:35
usr13Is yours stock install?15:35
silverarrowI am afraid there are blocks out side norway15:36
usr13OH.. that's it.15:36
silverarrowyou have to use some kind of clever stuff to by pass, like Tor15:36
usr13Well, I'm not in Norway15:36
silverarrowYes, I am about to install it, tor I mean15:37
jmarsdenusr13: use Google.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tor15:37
silverarrowis is a project for making software that confuses the block, so it will not allow streamng15:37
usr13My player comes up but it  doesn't play.15:37
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silverarrowwhat kind of player do you get?15:39
silverarrowyou are in lubuntu too?15:39
silverarrowusr13, it might be either gecko or mplayer15:56
silverarrowusr13, I am just guessing from what I see in my config files15:56
silverarrowgnome player I mean15:56
silverarrownot mplayer15:57
Antonio007Sorry, when compiling ndiswrapper Unknown field 'ioctl' specified in initializer17:20
Antonio007any ideas?17:20
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silverarroware buntu vlc builds still broken?20:21
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silverarrowanyone who knows the lubuntu mediaplayers?20:53
silverarrowi stream online tv marvelously20:53
silverarrowyoutube a bit so so20:54
stephen-smallyhi eveybody21:13
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Neosanono way to test 11.10 beta? :\22:15
Neosanoor is it.. too early for it?22:15
gilirNeosano, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/oneiric/beta-1/22:44
Neosanogilir, oh, thanks!22:47
Neosanowould be cool if it was here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing22:50
hosokahello all23:13
hosokacurrently i have the lubuntu 10.10 and I wanted to have at the startup the grub but this cannot be found. How to access this ?23:14

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