
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
jayson_rrunning 11.10 I'm getting this message constantly in /var/log/kern.log:  kernel: [100785.210036] hub 1-0:1.0: connect-debounce failed, port 3 disabled01:45
jayson_ranything to worry about?01:45
jayson_ri even get it on a VT if I switch to it01:45
leotrhi! how to disallow launcher from hiding in unity2d?01:48
Himehow do I upgrade ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 3 to Beta 1????????????02:01
charlie-tcause "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in terminal02:01
Himeis the update 70MB?02:02
Himecause it says 70MB to be downloaded after running sudo apt-get update02:03
charlie-tcaThe update is whatever you get from updates. If you keep your system up to date, it is always at the latest image02:04
Himebasically, after running the update I am running beta 1 right?02:05
leotrhi. I just done it. How to get back to 11.04?02:06
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.02:07
Himeleotr: install 11.0402:07
charlie-tcaInstall 11.04 fresh02:07
leotris there gnome3 on 11.10?02:08
Himejust install gnome-shell from PPA02:08
leotrah, ok thanks. Hope it's more stable that unity...02:09
HimeUnity fail on nouveau02:09
Himejust asking what driver did you use?02:10
leotrdriver... it's ati... i have old system02:11
Himeah kk02:12
Himecause nvidia binary has problems with gome 302:12
leotrwell in unity3d when i press on dash home button i get nothing02:12
leotrso now i'm on unity2d but still may apps crash ^)02:12
Himeand my nvidia graphic card won't run on latest drivers02:13
Hime11.10 is pretty stable02:13
Himebut you MUSt make sure you keep updating it so bugs can be fixed02:13
leotrHime: could you please tell me how to install gnome shell from ppa?02:13
Hime"sudo apt-get install gnome-shell"02:14
leotrthank you02:14
leotri will check for updates every 2-3 hours :)02:15
jbichathe GNOME 3 PPA isn't really supported either02:17
Himefor 11.04 yes02:17
Himebut for 11.10 it works02:17
leotrok, switching to gnome... see you all!02:17
jbichaif you're using 11.10 you don't need a PPA, but GNOME 3 is not supported for 11.04 even though there is a PPA you can try02:18
Himehe's using 11.1002:18
Himenever bother using unity02:18
bjsniderHime, why did you tell that guy to use a ppa?02:27
Himei didnt02:27
bjsniderit looks to me like you did02:29
bjsnideryou said he should install gnome-shell from a ppa in oneiric02:29
mibbithi all, if I install ubuntu using netboot for Oneric (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/oneiric/), will I be basically getting the packages of the beta release or of the previous alpha 3 release?02:30
Himei ask him to use sudo apt-get gnome-shell02:30
bjsniderand earlier in the conversation you told him to use a ppa02:31
Himemibbit: im not sure02:31
Himesynaptic is PPA right?02:31
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa02:32
bjsnidertelling him to use a ppa means you're suggesting gnome-shell isn't available in oneiric, which isn't correct. the latest code is in oneiric.02:33
bjsnidersynaptic is a graphical frontend for apt02:33
Himei told him its available at oneric02:34
mibbitHime: can you tell me at around what time tomorro the beta release will be done?02:34
Himei also told him to use sudo apt-get instll gnome-shell02:34
Himemibbit: Its already here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview02:35
mibbitoh wow thanks :)02:36
Himeits already Sept 102:36
Himeim running beta 102:36
Feldegasthow stable is it?02:38
Himevery stable02:38
Himemore stable than 11.0402:38
Feldegastnot saying much considering i have to re-install a 11.04 system02:38
Hime11.04 is pretty unstable02:39
Himeits half baked02:39
Himelike vista02:39
Feldegast11.04 is that bad???02:42
Feldegastwow that's saying something02:42
Himewhen i install gnome 3 and removed unity on 11.04, it removes the entire gnome desktop and restore unity02:44
Himeand thus broke my system02:44
Feldegastahhh but i do not use gnome02:45
Feldegastgnome is for disaster recovery only02:45
Feldegaston my system02:45
leotrhi again. I still get problem. I installed Gnome-shell but i can't see menu. Everything looks like rectangles. Is it driver problem?02:45
Himehow you isnatll it?02:47
leotrapt-get install gnome-shell02:47
Himedid you add any PPA?02:47
leotrshould i?02:47
Himeno dont02:48
Himepost a screenshot02:48
leotrtrying to press printscreen but no effect02:50
leotralso window headers look strange02:51
Himewhat grapic driver are you using?02:52
ssargenntoleotr, im having the same problem as you02:53
leotri have ati videocard. Old onboard videocard. fglrx i think02:54
leotrradeon xpress 20002:54
Himeupdate your driver?02:54
Himegnome 3 has problem with older graphic driver02:55
leotrhow to update the driver?02:55
Himei experienced it beforwe02:55
Himeim not sure about Ati02:57
Himesince im using a nvidia one02:57
Himebut you can go to Additional Drivers02:57
tjoyIs oneiric stable enough to run reliably?05:19
ActionParsniptjoy: works fine here, but my hardware is super compatible with linux ;)05:20
tjoyi've got some old junky P4s, but with ECC and good storage05:20
ActionParsniptjoy: try liveCD, see how it goes05:20
ActionParsnipP4 is a great chip05:20
urlin2uruns good here as well.05:20
tjoyfair enough05:21
tjoywhen I tried 2 months ago it wouldn't install.  i don't suppose you're using emulex fc HBAs?05:21
urlin2utjoy, always back up though05:21
tjoynothing to back up05:21
tjoynew installation05:21
ActionParsniptjoy: go crazy then :)05:21
tjoyway ahead of you05:22
bullgard6HOw can determine if I am using Beta or Alpha 3 ?05:25
urlin2uif you updated I would assume beta05:26
bullgard6urlin2u: Your answer is imprecise and this not helpful. Of yourse I updated often.05:27
urlin2uoh well pardon me.05:28
billybigriggerany irssi users?05:30
urlin2uhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule aug 25th beta, I assumed you could reason that.05:34
tjoyoh, beta05:34
tjoylast i looked it was alpha 205:34
tjoyand i thought that was last week but maybe it was a long time ago05:35
ActionParsniptjoy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule05:37
tjoylast week was not jul 705:38
ActionParsniptjoy: is if you have a time machine05:38
tjoyit only goes forwards05:39
tjoybut it sure tastes good05:39
ActionParsniponly in France05:40
ActionParsnipbut definately not on Wednesday05:40
tjoyif it's wednesday, use the time machine05:41
billybigriggerahh there we go05:42
billybigriggeralt # changes windows...05:42
billybigriggeri feel dumb05:42
tjoybillybigrigger: if you  can't use alt for wahtever reason, ESC works the same05:42
tjoyor if neither work, you can use /window # or /win #05:43
billybigriggernice, im a lil rusty on irssi05:43
billybigriggerya just read that in the docs05:43
tjoythat works for this window, for instance, which is #5405:43
billybigriggeri thought it was alt left/right on the arrow keys05:43
billybigriggermaybe thats weechat05:43
tjoyalt+a transports you to the window with most recent activity05:43
billybigriggerhavent used txt based irc client for a while05:44
tjoygo get a free micro instance for a year from amazon05:44
tjoythose never go down *cough*05:44
tjoykeep your irssi session there05:44
billybigriggera micro instance on the amazon cloud? never looked into it much so i don't know alot about it05:45
tjoyyeah, google for aws free tier05:45
bullgard6urlin2u: I know this plan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule. But times and again I'm experiencing surprises. This time UpdateManager tells me that there is an untrusted  package and does not let me update.05:45
tjoyyou get a whole vm to break whenever you want05:45
billybigriggermy visa's maxed or i'd try that out, thanks for that info though tjoy05:47
tjoyit's not so bad in here, i didn't think there could be an ubuntu channel that's elitist enough for my tastes05:47
tjoyah, they do want to pull a token amount to verify your card, should you run up a bandwidth bill05:47
billybigriggeryeah, understandable05:47
tjoyyou could run it on freeshells.de or something05:47
urlin2ubullgard4, if you look at the details on the page it basically says at any stage changes can be added if approved, so it is been common in my experience to see stuff held back even in full releases. Sometimes I just go to synapticand they install or run a dit-upgrade, but I image all my setups in case of breakage.05:48
billybigriggeri used to have a linode account forawhile, until i started going broke :P hehe05:48
billybigriggerlinode was good05:48
tjoyyeah i hear that.05:48
tjoyi was in rough shape for a while too05:49
billybigriggermy line of work is always a rollercoaster, the alberta oil field has been bumpy since the recession...slowly on the up and up though05:49
urlin2ubullgard4, as far as untrusted do you get a missing key, sometimes the package is broken is all.05:49
bullgard6urlin2u: You are trying to give me hop. --  Thank you.05:51
tjoybillybigrigger: yeah, i'm lucky to be in a compliance/liability position.  no end of stupid red tape to work with05:51
billybigriggerthe fun never stops05:53
urlin2ubullgard6 I sometimes give info that is not completely accurate but I'm experienced enough to not give anything to brick your setup.05:53
billybigriggerwhat's oneirics plans for gnome 3...are we going to pull in 3.2 when it's released? even though the freeze's are in effect...i haven't checked both schedules but isnt gnome3's release after oneirics freeze?05:54
bullgard6urlin2u: Yes. I appreciate that much.05:54
billybigriggerwe're not going to release oneiric with a gnome3 dev build are we?05:54
bullgard6billybigrigger: I would not be so sure of it.05:56
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ssargenntois it okay to enable my software sources that Oneiric disabled on upgrade? like will the old software sources work or will i need to add new ppas for 11.10?07:02
bazhangcheck if they have ppa for oneiric07:04
ssargenntobazhang, alright. thank you07:14
HeinzBoettjerAre the oneiric-isos on http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ still Alpha or already Beta?07:14
billybigriggerif they are daily they will be beta..check the date07:16
vega__this page already talks about beta1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview07:24
vega__although download links don't work yet07:24
jbichabeta will be announced here when it's final: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2011-August/thread.html07:31
nocturnHow can I disable access to the guest user from the login screen?  I don't want anyone to be able to use my laptop without my consent08:06
tjoytry deluser or whichever it is?08:07
urlin2unocturn, are you encrypted?08:12
nocturnIt seems auto-generated, and I don't want to kill guest sessions from the me-menu08:12
nocturnurlin2u: no, I will after reinstall but encrypted LVM is broken on the Oneiric alternate install08:13
urlin2uah I was just thinking a live cd would have acess to all your stuff is all.08:13
nocturnBut even then, If I boot up my laptop and it's at the login screen, I only want real users to log in08:13
nocturnurlin2u: nah, I set BIOS passwords on that08:13
RobinJArchive-Update-in-Progress-zaniah.canonical.com << does that mean that the beta 1 iso is being uploaded? :p08:17
urlin2unocturn, a little old but probably correct. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96718808:17
nocturnThanks, I will check what the equivalent for lightdm is08:18
nocturnNone, apparently :-(08:19
zniavreHappy Ganesh Chaturthi to all tester's08:19
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jbichanocturn: bug 83508409:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 835084 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) "Guest Session should not show if guest session was disabled in the display manager" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83508409:02
nocturnthanks jbicha09:13
bassois beta 1 out?09:29
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bassoyes it is09:32
jmlMy laptop isn't suspending reliably anymore (under oneiric), how can I report this usefully?10:11
Ian_Cornejml: try first if it's a compiz problem10:11
Ian_Corneuse unity2d10:11
jmlIan_Corne: Hmm. OK.10:12
jmlI'm willing to do that, but it'll be almost half an hour of rebooting etc. Anything I should know before I start?10:13
Ian_Cornewhy does it take that long?10:15
jmlIan_Corne: well, maybe that's how it feels. Let's time it, shall we?10:16
Ian_Corneok :D10:16
Ian_Corneit really shouldn't tho :p10:16
ryehello, anybody experienced the following issue with webcam: default resolution in cheese is way high and on that resolution (1280x1024) the CbCr planes are rendered in a wrong way? Also GTalk plugin does not work with the camera10:39
jmlOK. So it still doesn't suspend under unity2d10:50
Ian_CorneI think you should file against linux then10:51
jml"my laptop doesn't suspend, please fix"?10:51
jmlwhat useful information can I provide?10:51
Ian_Corneubunt-bug linux10:52
Ian_Cornewould provide log files10:52
Ian_Cornebut i think the people actually following linux bugs could help you more with saying what they need10:52
jmlIan_Corne: ok. thank you.10:54
* jml logs out, because I've accidentally logged into unity2d again.10:54
jA_cOpI have a problem, same thing occurred using 11.04: when I open certain windows, like the Byobu terminal, the top of the window is slightly off screen, and I can't seem to resize it in any way. I'd show you a screenshot but the PrtScrn button does nothing for some reason, and neither does Alt+PrtScrn. Anyone familiar with this problem? (my screen is just 1024x600)11:31
jA_cOpThe "system settings" window does the same thing, except it's out of bounds at the bottom instead, so I can only see the top half of the window11:32
Guest10292alt + mouse wheel11:34
Guest10292on top if the window..11:34
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vega-and then drag mouse11:34
jA_cOpalt+mouse wheel does nothing different from mouse wheel, it just scrolls?11:36
Ian_CornejA_cOp: clickt he mouse wheel11:38
Ian_Corne"middle mouse button"11:38
jA_cOpI don't actually have a mouse right now11:38
jA_cOpjust the touchpad11:38
Ian_Corneaha :p11:38
Ian_Cornei think it's the two buttons then11:38
jA_cOpand it has a scroll field to the right, but no third mouse button11:38
Ian_Corneat the same time11:38
jA_cOpah I can try that11:38
Ian_Corneit was that on my asus eee11:38
Ian_Cornewhich i deeply miss :(11:38
jA_cOpWhat's supposed to happen when I press the third mouse button? I can't tell if it works, nothing's happening11:39
Ian_Cornekeep clicking while moving the mouse11:40
Ian_Corneit's supposed to resize the window11:40
jA_cOpI confirmed that pressing the two buttons at the same time works as third mouse button anyway, tried in the browswer11:40
Ergo^so the original plans for beta 1 release today are still valid ?11:40
jA_cOpbah, nothing happens, can't resize or move these windows no matter what :(11:41
jA_cOpThe settings window doesn't actually have a title bar or anything like that, so11:42
jA_cOpand if the byobu terminal does, I can't see it, as it's off screen :/11:42
jA_cOpI had the exact same problem before upgrading though11:43
PiciErgo^: It should be.11:44
jA_cOpArgh, and byobu is apparently the only terminal now, so the whole thing is basically useless11:50
Ian_Cornei still have gnome-terminal ?11:51
jA_cOpoh yeah, true, it's here11:51
jA_cOpand it has the exact same problem as byobu, woot11:51
jA_cOpI'd really like to take a screenshot but the screenshot button does absolutely nothing11:52
Ian_Corneuse the gnome-screenshot command11:53
vega-there's WAY too much silly basic problems in oneiric like these .. i've tried unity maybe once a month, but there's always been some kind of showstoppers like these11:54
jA_cOpthanks Ian_Corne11:54
Ian_Cornedo your other widnwos have menu bars?11:56
Ian_Corneseems to me unity isn't running properly11:56
jA_cOpI think so, is the settings menu (the one accessed from the shutdown button) supposed to have one? It doesn't here11:57
jA_cOpwow lol11:58
jA_cOpso basically this is completely fucked11:58
jA_cOpI guess I should do a fresh install11:59
PicijA_cOp: mind your language here please.11:59
Ian_CornejA_cOp: or you could go into logs and stuff11:59
jmlBack from lunch, still have a backlog of bugs to report.12:16
jmlClosing my lid suspends even when power is plugged in. What would I file that against?12:16
geserjml: gnome?12:18
jmlgeser: that's pretty broad.12:19
geserjml: do you use gnome?12:20
jmlgeser: oh. yes. insofar as I'm running unity.12:21
geserjml: if yes, then it's on purpose: http://blogs.gnome.org/hughsie/2011/02/02/is-gnome-3-going-to-melt-your-laptop/12:21
geserjml: while googling for that blog entry, I've found: http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/power-closelid.html.en Perhaps it helps you12:22
jmlgeser: I see. Thank you.12:23
jmlI guess Ubuntu could carry a delta and provide a switch in the combo box if it wanted to12:23
jmlsince suspend is broken on my laptop, being able to close the lid without suspending is very, very welcome.12:25
jbichajml: you could install gnome-tweak-tool or dconf-editor to change the default setting12:31
jmljbicha: thanks.12:31
jbichaclosing a laptop lid should suspend (but suspend should work), however the inability to easily customize that is an12:32
jbichaunfortunate GNOME Design decision12:32
vega-in natty you can choose what happens when lid is closed (power management preferences)12:33
vega-you can't do that in oneiric?12:33
Ian_Cornenot atm no12:33
jbichavega-: no, a bunch of power & screensaver settings were removed from the UI12:33
Ian_Cornepretty broken12:33
vega-yet another reason to avoid oneiric...12:34
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Ergo^vega-, so you need to avoid gnome in general12:40
jmljbicha: my "suspend not working" has been reported, but until that's fixed...12:41
jmlok, next bug: "restart" doesn't.12:41
jmlSorry, I know these are quite vague, but reporting bugs in an OS is much harder than in an application or a library.12:41
vega-Ergo^: well that's just it .. i'm used to gnome, don't like KDE12:42
Ergo^vega-, then you need to get used to something else ;-)12:42
jbichajml: what happens when you run pm-suspend?12:43
vega-i wouldn't mind using unity/compiz or whatever it is, if at least basic stuff would work12:43
vega-like you could start apps and move windows and configure dual screens without graphics going nuts and things hanging/crashing12:43
jmljbicha: I really don't want to try to find out now, because that will probably mean I'll have to forcibly power my computer off, causing a minimum five minute interrupting what I'm doing now.12:44
jbichajml: yikes, something to try later then :-)12:44
jmljbicha: pad.lv/838729 if you're interested.12:45
vega-in my case, it looks like i'm going to skip oneiric altogether, would be the first ubuntu version i've skipped12:45
jbichabut maybe it would do the same thing12:45
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jbichajml: you reported it to the right place, hopefully the kernel guys will be able to help12:46
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jbichathere's a #ubuntu-kernel room if you want to talk to the devs12:47
jmljbicha: thanks. right now I'm going to focus on reporting the rest of my backlog of bugs.12:47
jmlknow where to report bugs on the power menu thing that's in the top-right in unity?12:47
geserindicator-power probably12:50
jbichathe battery one is indicator-power, the shutdown one is indicator-session12:53
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BluesKajhey folks12:57
jmljbicha: thanks. ended up guessing that from the bugs. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-session/+bug/83879212:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 838792 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) ""Restart" logs out, even when there are no other people logged in" [Undecided,New]12:58
jmlOK. Last one. When I log out then log in again, I can no longer access my encrypted "Private" directory.12:59
jbichajml: I think that's ecryptfs-utils13:03
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* BluesKaj wonders if there's a Kwin fix in the mix today13:06
jmljbicha: ta13:06
* BluesKaj waits for beta and fixes13:50
x0r_I have an odd problem with a alpha 3 server install, and just wanted to see if this is a known issue, or do I need to look elsewhere13:59
x0r_I have a dell dx4860 with i5 and sandy bridge13:59
x0r_the network seems to pause alot14:00
x0r_sometimes for 10 seconds there is a pause14:00
x0r_then it pops back to life14:00
x0r_is this a result of the sandy bridge support not being completed?14:01
mortalis it a known bug that at least my 3g huawei modem does not work on oneiric14:07
mortalit gets the ip address fine but does not move packets through it14:07
x0r_I see in the syslog, that the ethernet link has "link up" messages14:09
x0r_in the last 47 minutes, 10 of these messages14:09
Ergo^what time does ubuntu release -2 UTC  ?14:09
x0r_looks like the eth0 driver is the r816914:10
BluesKajErgo^, do you mean beta?14:10
Ergo^BluesKaj, yeah, i dont remember if its same as with final releases14:11
BluesKajx0r_, sudo modprobe r816914:11
Ergo^it was 3pm UTC if i remember14:11
BluesKajthat would be 11AM here in EDT14:12
x0r_sudo modprobe r8169, returns nothing14:13
PiciErgo^: they get released when they're done.14:13
BluesKajx0r_, that's agood thing14:13
Ergo^Pici, that is a very insightful and brillian answer, being open source dev myself i would have never thought about it14:14
PiciErgo^: I'm serious, there aren't set times for releases. It'll get released today, but not until ISOs are tested and depending on problems that could be right now or in a few hours etc.14:15
Ergo^i know that for final version they always release about 5pm my time14:15
BluesKajI hope the kde devs have been busy fixing kwin , because suddenly yesterday after an update the seemed inconsequential , my desktop was totally messed up and the windows settings need resizing at every launch ..none of the settiings are remembered , even if one resets them in "advanced"14:19
robin0800BluesKaj, did you file a bug?14:27
BluesKajrobin0800, no I was too busy trying to fix my desktop, and I'm not sure what to call the "bug"14:30
x0r_has anyone else had problems with the realtek gige on alpha 3?14:44
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BluesKajrealtek gige14:57
ZequezIs Oneiric released yet?15:01
ZequezThe beta15:01
ZequezThe download links here throw all 404 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview15:02
ZequezWhy!? Whyyyyyyyyy15:04
charlie-tcaZequez: Not yet. It should be released by midnight UTC time15:04
PiciBecause its still being worked on.15:04
PiciThere isn't a magic 'do release' button that Mark Shuttleworth pushes when he wants a new release.15:04
ZequezPici: Is not? Are you sure?15:05
PiciZequez: Am I sure about which part?15:06
ZequezPici: jk :P. I'll wait then ^^15:07
x0r_BluesKaj, if I give you a login to my server would you be able to tell more, about the network issue?15:31
BluesKajx0r_, are you using network manager ?15:43
x0r_I am not15:47
x0r_or if I am, I don't know that I am15:47
BluesKajx0r_, open /etc/resolv.conf , there will be an indication at the top of the page if NM is writing the file15:48
x0r_it says generated by NetworkManager15:50
x0r_this is a fresh installation from the alpha 3 server iso15:50
BluesKajright x0r_ so NM is installed by default , ..ethernet on the server ?15:51
x0r_"..ethernet on the server ", is this a question for me to answer15:52
BluesKajyes , is it connected to your/router/modem with an ethernet cable15:53
x0r_ethernet to a linksys switch15:53
BluesKajlinksys is then connected to a router or modem15:55
x0r_yes ethernet to a d-link15:55
BluesKajhow many input ports on the d-link/15:56
x0r_1 in use, to the switch15:57
x0r_there are also some sun systems connected to the switch, a few windows boxes, and a mac15:57
x0r_all the other systems do not experience network pauses15:58
BluesKajis it physically possible to connect the server directly to the d-link15:58
x0r_all the other boxes, with the exception of the mac, are off15:58
x0r_it is physically possible, but very hard15:58
x0r_I am remote to the machine15:59
x0r_are you thinking that the switch might be the issu?15:59
x0r_the switch is older, only does 100M15:59
BluesKajx0r_, I'm not real sure , but I think the linksys could be the problem with NM16:00
x0r_what is NM, can I disable it, and do the network configu manually?16:03
BluesKajtoo many cooks so to speak...NM regularly scans the IPs in case of drops and it auto connects if it detects any changes ...a switch can sometimes be mistaken for new device till the connection to the router is re-established16:03
x0r_this would explain the eth0 up messages16:04
BluesKajx0r_, yes , I have a couple of tutorials that will help you bypass NM .,, hang on16:05
x0r_I do not see any eth0 ddown messages16:05
BluesKajx0r_, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/  and http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html16:06
x0r_how do I disable NM then16:07
x0r_I know how to edit those files16:07
x0r_how ifconfig works, resolv.conf, etc16:08
BluesKajjust remove NM16:08
x0r_sudu apt-get uninstall networkmanager ??16:08
x0r_I be very new to ubuntu16:08
x0r_was a solaris joky back in the day16:08
BluesKajlook in synaptic for the correct wording16:09
BluesKajx0r_, it changes periodically , probly network-manager , but also modem-manager too , it also writes to resolv16:10
x0r_well, I will do this when I am physically at the box, messing with network live via ssh is not really doable16:11
BluesKajx0r_, once you remove network-manager modem-manager tries to fill in for some reason , too me a while to track thjat down16:11
x0r_so, remove modem-manager forst16:12
BluesKajif it's installed , but it depends on your ubuntu version16:12
BluesKajif you upgraded or clean installed , that is16:13
x0r_clean install16:13
x0r_no previous version of ubuntu works on sandy bridge on this box16:13
BluesKajyeah , then modem manager is probly installed16:13
x0r_all I wanted was a compile box, and I ended up getting a pile of trouble, lol16:14
x0r_my own fault for not thinking that and researhing the hardware first16:14
BluesKajx0r_, problem is with unwanted  :)defaults16:14
BluesKajto me NM is more trouble than it's worth for etherent connections16:16
x0r_if I do apt-get purge networkmanager, will that disable the eth016:16
x0r_or will the current files lay aorund unchanged?16:16
x0r_and oth0 stay configured as is16:17
BluesKajdon't purge NM , just remove it ...eth0 will stay configged , even if you purge '16:17
x0r_is there some deamon running16:18
x0r_nm deamon16:18
BluesKajthe daemon is /etc/ini.d/networking16:20
BluesKajerr /etc/init.d/networking16:20
BluesKajin resolv.conf just make sure your nameserver is the router IP  , but it should auto config16:22
RobinJhuh thought beta 1 would be released today? the alpha3 has been removed from cdimage.ubuntu.com and there's a folder called beta 1... but its empty! :|16:54
IdleOnepatience my child. All good things to those who wait.16:55
IdleOneyeah well should wait for the official announcement16:56
charlie-tcayup, most of those websites will make the announcement before it becomes official. Some will even announce several days early, just to be first16:57
neglesaksbeta will be released to, and is, afaik being uploaded to mirrors...16:57
neglesaksbut please use torrent to download if you want it.... hittign the mirrors now will slow the distribution down16:58
neglesaksaand yes, wait for release announcement16:58
IdleOneI prefer to wait for the email from the announce team peoples.16:58
neglesaksi prefer to wait for the courier with the DVD presh from the presses ;P16:59
neglesaksthe torrents are starting to become active, but no data available yet.17:01
RobinJwhere can i find the torrents? not at cdimage.ubuntu.com i suppose?17:07
callaghanIdleOne: is the place you get the email from an official list everyone can subscribe to? like ubuntu-devel mailing list?17:07
tioxIs the 11.10 beta available yet?17:08
RobinJUbuntu 11.10 Beta 1 enables "multiarch" support for installing 32-bit library and application packages on 64-bit systems.  << YES!! FINALLY! :D17:09
RobinJtiox: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview/17:09
hifi64 becomes usable? thats something interesting17:10
charlie-tcacallaghan: I get the announcements from https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel-announce, which should be open to anyone to subscribe to it17:13
RobinJits online :p17:14
RobinJonly AMD64 yet? lol17:14
beniwtvRobinJ: Multiarch IS nice, though I prefer 64 bit flash. I only use 32 bit for Skype17:15
RobinJwindows has had it for years, and sometimes it became very annoying that on ubuntu 32 bit applications simply wouldnt install :p17:16
RobinJamd64 for mac is online... the rest isnt xD17:16
Ian_Corne64-bit Mac (AMD64) desktop CD17:16
Ian_Cornewhy does it say Mac?17:17
Ian_Cornehas 32 bit too17:17
Ian_Corneshameless own mirror plug :p17:17
RobinJbecause its for macs :p17:17
BluesKajx0r_, how goes the network interfaces configurtaion ?17:22
BluesKajer config ;017:22
mongytrying to install gnome-tweak-tool and getting forbidden error17:32
neglesaksseeding of the torrents has begun17:56
alkisgI don't see an i386 CD image in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/oneiric/beta-1/, will it be released in a while or it won't be available for beta-1?18:21
Picialkisg: The release announcement hasn't happened yet.18:23
alkisgPici, thank you, utc times vs developer timezones confuse me sometimes ;)18:23
tiox[11-10b1]I can already say one thing wrong about 11.10b118:29
tiox[11-10b1]The Unity dash does not fit in my screen properly.18:29
tiox[11-10b1]I have access to all of my icons at the home screen, yes, but it gets cutoff on the right side.18:29
RobinJhow small is your screen? 0.o18:30
tiox[11-10b1]Standard 4:3 screen.18:30
neglesaksinstalled on an old android? :P18:30
RobinJhmm for a normal computer thats quite small, but all the same they should make the icons smaller on small screens18:31
tiox[11-10b1]It's a widescreen laptop, but it's kinda headless.18:31
RobinJ1024x768 is not widescreen18:31
tiox[11-10b1]Why I mentioned headless.18:31
tiox[11-10b1]Broken screen.18:31
tiox[11-10b1]So I had to use a monitor, VGA connection.18:31
alkisgMany netbooks have 1024x600, which is even smaller...18:32
tiox[11-10b1]But still widescreen, yadda yadda.18:32
tiox[11-10b1]But yeah, on 1990's monitor hardware, the right side gets cut off.18:33
tiox[11-10b1]The workspace switcher also has difficulty filling out the entire screen, leaving the bottom and right sides with a higher margin.18:36
tiox[11-10b1]And I hope that Unity eventually phases out the standard Nautilus interface.18:36
tiox[11-10b1]Since, it's tacky using Unity as a really big launcher for folders. :/18:37
tiox[11-10b1]My username for the beta comes up as [Invalid UTF-8].18:37
jtaylorknown issue18:38
jtaylorbug 83658718:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 836587 in unity-2d (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[dash] Invalid UTF-8 in the dash" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83658718:38
h00khow about the google-talk self-signed cert message? (In the US)18:40
* tiox[11-10b1] doesn't know18:40
h00kI'm not sure what to file it against, empathy, or telepathy-gabble or something?18:41
tiox[11-10b1]Can someone enlighten me why a full LibreOffice suite doesn't come with Base?18:41
beniwtvtiox[11-10b1]: I have been wondering the same thing...18:41
tiox[11-10b1]The Ubuntu dev team could make it easier on themselves if they were to just include LibreOffice, instead of bits and pieces from it that function as LibreOffice.18:42
neglesaksprobably the CD was not large enough to contain it all. just a guess18:42
beniwtvtiox[11-10b1]: Probably space18:42
tiox[11-10b1]I call BS. There's enough space there, unless the libs eat it all up.18:42
tiox[11-10b1]But I see why Synaptic got scrapped for that reason.18:43
beniwtvtiox[11-10b1]: Well, they already had to remove things this cycle AFAIK, because there wasn't18:43
callaghancharlie-tca: thanks for the link18:44
Andy80it's only me or x86 desktop image is not available http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/oneiric/beta-1/ ?18:46
charlie-tcaThere has been no official announcement yet18:46
charlie-tcaUsually that means the images might not be ready yet18:47
Andy80ah ok, thanks18:47
charlie-tcanote the topic... Alpha 3 released:18:47
h00kbug 83900218:47
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 839002 could not be found18:47
h00kbug 83900218:47
charlie-tcahm, if the bug is private, it shows as "could not be found"18:48
h00kI just marked as public18:48
h00kIt's an Equifax18:50
h00kso, I don't know if it's a CA-Certificates issue, Empathy, Telepathy-Gabble, etc, etc.18:50
Piciasssign it to all!18:52
h00kCan you do that...?18:52
h00kI'll try it. It's potentially a big problem, I suppose, I just don't want to be annoying18:53
PiciYou know, the worst thing that could happen is that they mark it invalid in those packages.18:53
h00kI can't find where to add more packages it affects18:54
=== Guest65632 is now known as tetsuo--
h00kfound it!18:55
tiox[11-10b1]I absolutely love(athe) how I cannot install Synaptic.18:56
tiox[11-10b1]I mean c'mon, that's a power tool for goodness sake. I even modified the sources.list file and I still can't get it.18:57
Ergo^why you cant install synaptic WTF :/18:57
charlie-tcaIt is in the repositories, why can't you install it?18:57
tiox[11-10b1]I'll wait until repogen updates 11.10 to b1 themselves.18:57
tiox[11-10b1]I tried from USC, tried from apt-get, both fail.18:58
jtaylorwhat happens18:58
charlie-tcacomes installed by default in Xubuntu18:58
tiox[11-10b1]Package synaptic is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source  E: Package 'synaptic' has no installation candidate18:58
charlie-tca!info synaptic18:59
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.75.2ubuntu6 (oneiric), package size 2099 kB, installed size 6968 kB18:59
tiox[11-10b1]Maybe I AM doing something wrong with the sources.list file.18:59
tiox[11-10b1]Hang on.18:59
charlie-tcamake sure universe is enabled18:59
beniwtvugh.... synaptic now in universe? o.O19:00
tiox[11-10b1]Got it.19:00
tiox[11-10b1]Forgot, I had to overwrite the ENTIRE file.19:00
tiox[11-10b1]I left the CD stuff in, left some deb lines out etc.19:01
tiox[11-10b1]This be the website I used to generate the sources.list file: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/index.php19:01
tiox[11-10b1]Now, is there any reason why Ubuntu doesn't want us playing around with compiz right now?19:04
=== tetsuo-- is now known as tetsuo55
tiox[11-10b1]For laughs; Your face, God Dammit!: http://gizmodo.com/5835977/sonys-hmz+t1-is-an-awesome-oled-3dtv-that-you-wear-on-your-head19:19
tiox[11-10b1]More WTF. GREAT show HP! The tragedy that is the TouchPad still has one more act. http://gizmodo.com/5836619/hp-threatens-to-sue-itself-over-touchpad-refunds19:32
BUGabundopackage building is NOT for me :(19:37
BUGabundo make fdupes19:37
BUGabundogcc -Wall -O -g -I. -DVERSION=\"1.50-PR2\"   -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64   -c -o fdupes.o fdupes.c19:37
BUGabundofdupes.c:34:21: error: ncurses.h: No such file or directory19:37
BUGabundomake: *** [fdupes.o] Error 119:37
charlie-tcaHello, BUGabundo19:37
BUGabundohow can MAKE a package be so hard???19:38
BUGabundoor am I just stupid?19:38
Ergo^BUGabundo, you need ncurses-dev or someting like  that19:38
charlie-tcaOh, it seems normal to me to have it be hard to do19:38
BUGabundokg install ncurses ncurses-dev19:38
BUGabundoPackage ncurses-dev (5.7-1) installed in root is up to date.19:39
BUGabundoNothing to be done19:39
BUGabundoit got to be this branch19:39
BUGabundothe old one I think builted fine19:39
BUGabundosvn co http://fdupes.googlecode.com/svn/branches/fdupes-1.60 fdupes1.6019:39
BUGabundoif anyone would care to try it19:39
jtayloryou need libncurses5-dev19:39
BUGabundoI'm amazed they haven't updated trunk. its still dated from 200919:40
BUGabundoI need a patch that was sent upstream by debian19:40
tiox[11-10b1]Attempting to change the theme beyond Radiance and Ambiance makes some icons disappear.19:42
tiox[11-10b1]Unity also seems to have a delay or unwillingness to appear once I move the pointer to the left side of the screen.19:43
BUGabundofiled upstream19:44
BUGabundoanyone using Gnome Classic having compiz or X freeze a lot ?19:47
ActionParsnipBUGabundo: tested RAM health?19:48
BUGabundoI guess not19:48
BUGabundoI guess I'm the last one on Classic19:48
BUGabundoeveryone else moved to unity19:49
BUGabundoActionParsnip: not recently. why?19:49
ActionParsnipBUGabundo: worth testing, make sure its ok and not causing the issue19:49
ActionParsnipBUGabundo: I moved to LXDE, no gnome here19:49
BUGabundoActionParsnip: I *just* purged lubuntu-*19:49
BUGabundoso, until I get fdupes to use -L properly, how can I pass parameters to ln hardlink duplicate files?19:51
ActionParsnipBUGabundo: there is also a 3rd pary fork of Gnome 2 called 'mate'19:54
Ergo^i actually used gnome-shell in fedora and i liked it19:56
Ergo^has some way to go - but its not bad - modding should be made easier i guess19:56
Ian_Cornecam to the point again that I uninstalled empathy20:06
Ian_Cornewhy do they make it near impossible to quit?20:06
ActionParsnipIan_Corne: just run:  /quit20:07
Ian_Cornein what?20:07
ActionParsnipIan_Corne: in your irc client, and it will quit. Is that what you meant?20:08
Ian_Cornei use irssi for irc :)20:08
ActionParsnipsame now, usually pidgin when I'm at home. SSH from work then irssi20:09
Ian_CorneI used empathy/pidgin for IM20:09
jtaylorhurray archive seems to have thawed and I'm getting updates again :D20:11
tiox[11-10b1]ActionParsnip: Thank goodness the userlist bug was fixed in 2.10.20:14
tiox[11-10b1]Also, rebooting my computer. And leaving you with why you should be thankful you don't live in Americas. http://gizmodo.com/5836558/fema-judges-how-bad-a-hurricane-is-by-checking-if-the-waffle-house-is-open20:15
ActionParsniptiox[11-10b1]: and the sticking bug when it used sound20:18
aim1159am I the one who have "Invalid UTF-8" string in the Me Menu in the Beta1 live cd?20:19
aim1159also - "Apps" shortcats in "home" lense does not work (just lense closing)20:20
tioxOther things I found: I cannot shutdown from the log-in screen. The login box is not centered (intentional?). but the Unity Dash shows up right with the Ubuntu 2D session.20:44
Ian_Cornejockey works!20:53
Ian_Corneor launches20:53
Ian_Cornetrying to install fglrx now20:53
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tioxCan someone explain to me why the Ubuntu dev team is making it infinitely harder to use a standard, typical, old-timey interface like Ubuntu Classic?21:19
Ian_Cornebecause it's no longer supported upstream21:20
nhainestiox: because GNOME 2 is no longer supported or under development.21:20
tioxI'll wait a whole 'nother release cycle until the next Ubuntu LTS.21:21
bassoUhm, when i have the ALT key pressed down21:21
bassothe "alt-tab" function activates21:21
Ian_Cornebest tiox21:21
bassobut i use alt for metakey in terminal21:21
Ian_Corneif you can wait, just do that :)21:21
SmedlesTP11.10 is running nicely here bar a couple of crashes at startup - which dont seem to really affect anything21:22
Ian_Corne10.04 is a fine release, with ppa support to give you newest porgrams21:22
bassoso how do i turn of/configure the alt key21:22
Ian_Corneccsm basso21:22
nhainesbasso: Alt just by itself shouldn't tricker the task switcher.21:22
Ian_Corneand it's actually the alt-grave key but non-us keyboards don't know what to do or something21:22
bassoit activates when i hold down the alt key21:22
Ian_Corneuse compizconfig-settings-manager21:23
Ian_Corneto go to the unity plugin, then switcher21:23
Ian_Corneand disable21:23
nhainesIan_Corne: Alt-Tab and Alt-` (backgrave) do different things, but the key above Tab should trigger the window switcher no matter what it is on your keyboard.21:23
nhainesbasso: did you do a clean install or an upgrade?21:24
bassoclean install21:24
Ian_Cornewell, the problem is, the switcher gets activated when you hold alt down21:24
Ian_Corneit's really annoying21:24
nhainesI just set up a mirror for the CD images at work... I haven't been able to do a fresh install yet.21:24
bassoIan_Corne: yes, its quite annoying <.<21:25
bassoand i get vertical tearing in gnome-shell!21:25
nhainesConstant upgrade from just before Alpha 3 doesn't have that problem.  I look forward to testing.21:25
nhainesOoh, maybe I should install GNOME Shell before I reinstall.21:25
Ian_Cornei get bad rendering all round, haven't seen it since last updates21:26
Ian_Cornebut it'll come21:26
Ian_Corneand fglrx doesn't work21:26
Ian_Cornei did have that problem nhaines21:26
Ian_Corneand i come from alpha121:26
bassoIan_Corne: i disabled everything on the switcher, it still activates when holding down alt :(21:26
bassoor maybe i didnt..21:27
nhainesHmm.  Is there a bug on this?21:30
Ian_Corneit's been a while, but i think there is21:30
bassoi kinda like gnome-shell better than unity :321:33
bassodoes that make me mad?21:33
BUGabundoUbuntu 11.10 Beta 1 (Oneiric Ocelot) Released.21:33
BUGabundomail just got in21:34
BUGabundoOPs please upgrade /topic21:34
h00kI just got the Oneiric Beta Release email21:34
=== h00k changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: set Discussion and support for Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot | Release schedule: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule | Beta 1 released: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview/Beta1
Ian_CorneI hope people wait for beta2 :p21:36
aleasdohi guys, I am unable to change keyboard layout21:36
tioxI am.21:37
aleasdolaunchpad says fix is released but there is still no such option21:37
h00kRegarding the Beta Release ^21:37
aleasdoguys, any clue re the layouts?21:38
Ian_Cornei don't know aleasdo21:39
aleasdook, too bad beta1 is less usable that usual this time :(21:40
nhainesaleasdo: it used to be in the Regional Options setting group, but they pulled it.21:40
nhainesWhich is bad because I can't map the Compose key on my own.  :P21:40
goshawkhey... i just received the mail that Oneiric beta 1 is out but i don't see the server version on http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/21:40
nhainesgoshawk: it's missing, but I haven't found out why yet.21:41
goshawknhaines, so i'm not dumb21:41
goshawkshould we mail back Kate Stewart for this ?21:41
nhainesgoshawk: hmm, we should ask someone... I just don't know whom.  :)21:42
aleasdohow about the font size - can I change the size of the system fonts?21:42
=== KNUBBIG_ is now known as KNUBBIG
nhainesaleasdo: you confused this with KDE, this is GNOME.  They only remove options.  :)21:42
goshawknhaines, it should be labeled "-server" isn't it ?21:43
nhainesDuring the lucid window control change, I joked I could write a Python startup script that every 20 startups would randomly remove a window control in GNOME mode, or randomly add a window control in KDE mode.  :)21:43
aleasdonhaines: at least it's not glossy yet...21:43
nhainesgoshawk: right.21:43
goshawknhaines, if u figure it out let me know21:44
nhainesgoshawk: will do!21:45
bassohurr hurr21:45
bassostill have vertical tearing21:46
goshawkin the meantime i'm mailing Kate21:46
bassonever had it in gnome-shell before...21:46
bassomust be something scary they have done21:46
nucc1hi guys, anyone know how i can disable global menu? I'm using gnome-shell, and i can't see app menus21:47
charlie-tcaWe are looking for the server images21:48
bassonucc1: you what?, you can not see the application menus in gnome-shell? :O21:49
charlie-tcagoshawk, you can download them from http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/ until they get in the releases area21:49
goshawkcharlie-tca, thx21:49
charlie-tcagoshawk: should tell you, they are going to be re-built yet before they are officially released21:50
nucc1basso, yes21:51
goshawkcharlie-tca, i'll wait for them to appair in http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/21:51
charlie-tcagoshawk: never mind. THat is the the image, it just has to get moved21:51
bassonucc1: strange, i am on shell right now, and the only problem im having is vertical tearing issues21:52
nucc1basso, mine works perfectly, except i can't see menus21:52
nucc1i'm running the livecd21:52
nucc1so i just ran "gnome-shell --replace" in the terminal21:53
bassoi did a clean install21:53
nhainescharlie-tca: thanks for the info.  :)21:53
nucc1is there a proper way?21:53
nucc1if i try to log out of a live cd, does it shut down?21:53
=== KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_
nucc1basso, how do you launch yours?21:53
nhainesnucc1: no, lightdm starts.21:53
nucc1i'm just wondering if it will be an option to choose gnome-shell at the login prompt21:54
bassonucc1: when i installed it on my drive i just installed gnome-shell, logged out, choose gnome-shell at logon21:54
nucc1ah, perfect21:54
nucc1let me try that.21:54
nucc1be back.21:54
bassoits called gnome!21:54
bassohope he saw that21:54
nucc1basso, it works now :)21:56
bassogood good21:56
nucc1i should be able to migrate back to ubuntu now :)21:56
nucc1peace at last :)21:56
nhainesnucc1: :)21:59
bassomaybe my neighboor has a cigarette22:00
nucc1awesomeness. thanks guys :)22:01
bassoah yes22:06
bassothat he had22:06
bassoso hows the beta going folks?22:06
bassoeveryone having fun?22:06
bassojuding my the silence, i imagine everyone is raving quite hard22:07
bassonow to find a new wallpaper22:12
charlie-tcaEveryone is speechless, that should be a good thing, right?22:13
bassotrue true22:14
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=== alexy is now known as alexy_
=== alexy_ is now known as alexy
robin0800charlie-tca, perhaps there is22:37
robin0800charlie-tca, perhaps there are a lot of people with problems and no time to chat22:37
charlie-tcarobin0800: I prefer to remain optomistic about it. They are so happy, they have no complaints.22:39
* gnomitsu upgrading via update-manager -d 22:44
tioxbasso: Yeah, we've all been playing with it.22:56
gnomitsuwifi driver fail. upgrade fail. starting download .iso install method23:01
gnomitsudriver: rt73usb23:02
gnomitsufluctuations in signal strength23:03
gnomitsusigh, too many variables23:05
dsdaleI recently enabled multiarch to try to support the flash plugin. I still couldnt install the plugin, so I disabled multiarch. Or so I thought: sudo dpkg --configure -a23:36
dsdaledpkg: error processing libc6 (--configure):23:36
dsdale libc6:amd64 2.13-17ubuntu2 cannot be configured because libc6:i386 is in a different version (2.13-16ubuntu4)23:36
dsdaledpkg: error processing libc6:i386 (--configure):23:36
dsdale libc6:i386 2.13-16ubuntu4 cannot be configured because libc6:amd64 is in a different version (2.13-17ubuntu2)23:36
dsdaledpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libc6-dev:23:36
dsdale libc6-dev depends on libc6 (= 2.13-17ubuntu2); however:23:36
dsdale  Package libc6 is not configured yet.23:36
dsdaledpkg: error processing libc6-dev (--configure):23:36
dsdale dependency problems - leaving unconfigured23:36
dsdaledpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libc-dev-bin:23:36
dsdale libc-dev-bin depends on libc6 (>> 2.13~); however:23:36
dsdale  Package libc6 is not configured yet.23:36
dsdale libc-dev-bin depends on libc6 (<< 2.14); however:23:36
dsdale  Package libc6 is not configured yet.23:36
dsdaledpkg: error processing libc-dev-bin (--configure):23:36
dsdale dependency problems - leaving unconfigured23:36
dsdaledpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libc6-i386:23:36
dsdale libc6-i386 depends on libc6 (= 2.13-17ubuntu2); however:23:36
dsdale  Package libc6 is not configured yet.23:36
dsdaledpkg: error processing libc6-i386 (--configure):23:36
dsdale dependency problems - leaving unconfigured23:36
dsdaleErrors were encountered while processing:23:36
dsdale libc623:36
dsdale libc6:i38623:36
dsdale libc6-dev23:36
dsdale libc-dev-bin23:37
dsdale libc6-i38623:37
dsdaleAny idea how I can fix my system?23:37
nhainesdsdale: The first, most important thing is to learn about http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23:37
dsdaleexcuse my ignorance23:37
nhainesdsdale: it's okay.  It's not only polite, but a lot easier to read.23:37
Stanley00dsdale: you can try apt-get update, and then apt-get install -f23:37
nhainesdsdale: the second thing is, how did you enable (and then disable) multiarch?  :)23:38
Stanley00dsdale: it's a basic start23:38
dsdaleadding i386 to a file in etc that I think was called multiarch23:38
dsdalethen aptitude update, aptitude dist-upgrade, then I deleted the file, aptitude update, aptitude dist-upgrade again23:39
nhainesAh, shouldn't have deleted that file.  :)23:40
dsdalewhy, it didn't exist in the first place23:40
dsdaleapt-get install -f gives the same errors23:40
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CajunTechieHello everyone. Any idea why the GDM would simply freeze or display the login box as inactive?23:46
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BUGabundoCajunTechie: well you shouldn't be using GDM at all23:51
BUGabundobut lightdm23:51
dsdaleno other suggestions about libc6?23:56

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