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ps2chiperhi, anyone online07:51
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ogra_diwic, public ones are in the works but not ready yet ... there are some private ones10:11
diwicogra_, Ford_Prefect who is a PulseAudio developer is trying to get PulseAudio working on ARM10:12
diwicogra_, and his questions are 1) why isn't it working out-of-the-box on a Natty image (I thought we fixed that?)10:13
ogra_no, we dont have anything that automatically calls the alsaucm stuff, you need to do it once manually to initialize10:14
diwicand 2) can we enable ARM builds for a specific ppa10:14
ogra_its mentioned in the bug10:14
diwicFord_Prefect, ^^10:15
Ford_Prefectogra_: is it just setting the hifi verb?10:15
diwicogra_, but we fixed that for Oneiric at least?10:17
diwicogra_, the udev rule that was supposed to call alsaucm lacked path information10:18
ogra_we didnt have sound devices in the kernel until recently afaik10:18
ogra_hmm, and i dont see any on my server install still10:18
ogra_the switch to 3.0 messed up a lot once again ...10:19
ogra_and as usual sound is the last bit TI fixes :P10:19
Ford_PrefectOkay, so the alsaucm bits did make sure the sink gets picked up10:24
Ford_PrefectNo source though10:24
diwicFord_Prefect, are you setting the input verb as well?10:25
Ford_PrefectAh, I needed the Record verb10:25
Ford_PrefectNot HiFi10:25
ogra_you need to also make sure to remove alsas state file10:30
ogra_or re-create it10:30
Ford_PrefectNo output with Record10:31
ogra_the kernel only supports line in sources with that driver atm10:31
ogra_try with an mp3 player10:32
Ford_Prefectpaplay works (thought it's always playing mono afaict)10:33
Ford_PrefectI don't have a line level mic, though10:33
diwicogra_, wasn't line in (rather than mic in) a hardware limitation?10:33
ogra_might as well be, in any case we only have line in atm10:33
ogra_no mic support10:33
ogra_(unless you have a littel pre-amp for mics or some such :) )10:34
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ogra_ogra@panda:~$ ls /dev/snd/11:15
ogra_[    1.150665] ALSA device list:11:17
ogra_[    1.150665]   No soundcards found.11:17
ogra_ppisati, ^^^11:17
Ford_PrefectThere's also been complaints on the PA list about how their device only supports s32le and this was causing alignment problems in mixing11:17
Ford_Prefectdiwic: I also see the latency problem that was reported on list with usb devices11:21
Ford_PrefectIn seconds11:21
Ford_PrefectPlayback latency seems okay11:22
diwicFord_Prefect, ok11:22
ogra_Ford_Prefect, there are general ehci issues on the panda atm11:24
Ford_PrefectAh, okay.11:24
ogra_bug 70924511:25
ubot2`Launchpad bug 709245 in linux-ti-omap4 "ARM SMP scheduler performance bug" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70924511:25
ogra_that one11:25
ogra_(ignore the title, it boiled down to a USB issue in the end)11:25
Ford_PrefectCheers -- I'll point the people who were complaing about these problems to this11:25
ogra_you can work around it by using nosmp on the kernel cmdline11:27
ogra_or by pinging the wired NIC from an external machine11:27
Ford_PrefectI've got an ssh session running there11:27
Ford_PrefectAnd I've got empathy running with an ssh -X even11:28
ppisatiogra_: i've a new kernel12:00
ppisatiogra_: let's see if the sound has been fixed12:00
ps2chiperHey guys12:05
ps2chiperWould anyone here like an ubuntu arm thin client?12:05
ps2chiperMy company is working on a STB project, and I gained access to the amlogic HDK12:07
ps2chiperI could build a mini-tx based arm computer if i can get a ubuntu arm developer to commit to maintaining it.12:07
ogra_defdine maintaining12:14
ps2chiperi need someone to get the amlogic ip drivers to work under ubuntu. and someone to do a bug tracking system.12:16
ps2chiperall there is currently is a android bsp12:16
ogra_create a launchpad team and you have a bug tracking system ;)12:16
ogra_s/team/team and project/12:17
ogra_are these drivers GPLed ?12:17
ps2chiperI never done a project like this before. the guys from china ubuntu recommend i talk on this channel12:17
ogra_well, if you want6 dedicated bugs, go to launchpad,net, and create team and project there12:18
ps2chiperwell i am unsure if all the drivers are gpl, but they do follow gpl laws. they have an openlinux webstie to comply with them12:18
ogra_beyond that i dont see what beyond a kernel you would need to maintain for that ... the userspace should work the same on all armv7 systems12:19
ps2chiperoh no. i dont have the skill required. that is why unless i can get someone to commit to it ahead of time. im not going to start something that cant be finished12:19
ps2chiperzengpeng hou suggested persia might be interested in it.12:20
ogra_finding someone to maintain a kernel who doesnt have the HW might be a tricky task though12:20
ps2chiperi can supply the hardware12:20
ps2chiperthey already have amlogic devices on the market12:21
ps2chiperjust not in a think client format12:21
ogra_right, i mean you should try to find someone in the community with such a device12:21
ps2chiperi can buy it for them12:21
ogra_who wants to take maintenance of that kernel in universe12:21
ps2chiperi work for a shenzhen factory12:21
ogra_maintaining a kernel package is a non trivial task, so the person doing it needs to have some motivation ;)12:22
ps2chiperit can be like another rasberry pi, but more relevant since people can use this like a regular desktop12:22
* ogra_ would be happy to sponsore prepared packages, as, i think, would be the rest of the ubuntu-arm team12:22
ogra_but you would still need to find a community member to prepare and maintain them12:23
ps2chiperand that is why i am here12:23
ogra_right, all i'm saying is we're happy to help, but within time limited boundaries since the team cares fro much other stuff12:24
ogra_persia did something liek that with the n900 kernel12:25
ogra_he helped a community member to roll the initial package, now that community person cares for the rest12:25
ps2chiperI keep saying to eric miao "Unless an ubuntu developer takes it upon him self to build a thin client, no company will attempt it since their is no market for it"12:25
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ps2chiperits quiet again12:30
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ndecogra_: hi. if someone dist-upgrade from natty to oneiric. what happens to bootloaders (since oneiric manages bootloaders differently with packages) are they correctly upgraded?13:16
ogra_no, you would need to manually upgrade with the script function we added last release13:16
ogra_sudo flash-kernel --update-bootloader13:17
ogra_though it seems NCommander recently broke that, we need to check, it curretly does a lot mor than bootloaders suddenly13:17
ndecogra_: thx. do you know if the upgrade to SPL has happened?13:30
ogra_yes, with lots of pain13:30
ogra_but its done13:30
ndecthx. ogra_ one more thing... are there any network issues with 11.10 today? we are messing around with some kernel changes and no more network ;-)13:35
ndecseems like a DNS issue, so i was wondering if there could be something on user land13:36
ogra_not for me, i just tested -server yesterday13:36
ogra_and -desktop the day before13:36
ndecok... so that's the kernel !13:37
ogra_well, check if NM isnt making a mess here13:38
ogra_~/.xsession-errors and syslog should tell you13:38
ogra_there were some NM bugs recently, proposedly fixed, but you never know13:38
ps2chiperhey ogra_ when will persia be online?13:41
ogra_ps2chiper, he wasnt for a while, might return today though13:41
* ogra_ isnt sure13:41
ps2chiperis their any body else i should look for?13:41
rbasakDoes qemu-system-arm support OMAP?14:10
ogra_in recent versions, yes14:11
ogra_n800/900 and a few beagle variants i think14:12
rbasakaha, thanks14:14
rbasakI was looking for an -M omap or something14:14
ogra_-M help should tell you :)14:21
rbasakI've found -M beagle14:22
rbasakIs there any central place for info on the beagle emulation, and is this still current: http://code.google.com/p/qemu-omap3/issues/detail?id=2#c2 ?14:26
rbasakIf so I presume I need an mmc image with u-boot on it?14:26
rbasakI've just found http://code.google.com/p/qemu-omap3/w/list14:30
plmwhat is default filesystem of ubuntu for arm/omap?14:53
GrueMasterplm: The preinstalled images currently use EXT3, but we will be switching to EXT4 hopefully for 11.1014:59
GrueMasterOther filesystems have been tested during netinstall, and work well for that purpose (just not as easy to work with in a preinstalled image that gets resized on first boot).15:00
ogra_GrueMaster, plm, we'll switch post beta115:01
plmGrueMaster: well, some people would like to use arm arch for embedded systems.. and ubuntu can be a alternative for a linuxfromscrash that will be done for works with a embedded filesystems.. likje as ubifs, ffs, ffs2, btrfs, etc? So ubuntu will look arm like as a PC, im terms of user.. not emebedded use?16:05
GrueMasterFor that type of work, we have ubuntu-core.  It is a stripped down minimal image (a chroot for all tense and purposes).16:06
DavieyNCommander: Is there anything to add to the release notes for ARM server?16:45
Daviey(Note, we really need to get better at syncing)16:45
DavieyI didn't know i was required at the meeting that just happend, and the ARM meeting section in the server meeting has been stale for the last few weeks.16:46
ogra_Daviey, i thought there was an agreement that you attend our and NCommander attends your meetings ?16:47
ogra_at least the tipoc line for server in the meeting suggests that :)16:47
Davieyogra_: I understood it, that it was being handled in just the server team meeting.16:52
DavieyI must have missed that :/16:52
Davieysorry if that was the case.16:53
GrueMasterWe like to have as much cross-talk as possible.16:53
DavieyHell Yes.16:53
Davieyrbasak is the king pin in this. :)16:54
rbasakan arm meeting just happened?16:56
ogra_every thu  at 15:00 UTC (it is announced on ubuntu-devel every week)16:56
hallynNCommander: hey, on those toshiba tegras, where did you say the hardware switch for touchpad was located again?16:59
ogra_hallyn, above the 716:59
ogra_it has a little mouse printed on it16:59
* hallyn hits that with all his might17:00
hallynah!  finally!  thank!17:00
hallynthat did NOT look like a mouse to me at first :)17:00
ogra_sadly its hardwired ... no way to suppress it in SW17:00
hallynjinkeys.  stil pretty useless :)  i must've given it too much crack17:01
ogra_dont try to use F9 :)17:01
ogra_no, the button you just used17:02
hallynoh, haha17:02
ogra_its F9 but also kills your touchpad17:02
hallyni had to hit it two more times to get it to stop flying around like a rabid bat17:02
rbasakwhen is the next arm meeting?17:22
rbasaksame time next week?17:22
rbasaksorry I've seen that answered above17:23
ogra_yep :)17:23
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NCommanderhallyn: F720:26
hallynNCommander: Hm, maybe it depends on where you start counting :)  got it though, thanks.21:28
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Nekohey guys, anyone a compiler nut in here?23:17
ps2chipernope, im just trying to start a hardware project23:18
Nekojust curious if there's any way I can tell just from gnu binutils kind of stuff, some magic looking for particular instructions, if something is compiled using thumb code or normal 32-bit ARM instructions23:18
ps2chiperyo Neko, can i pm you?23:21
ps2chiperanyone from china here?23:29

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