
philipballewhey holstein you around?00:13
holsteinphilipballew: i am... whats up?00:13
philipballewi'm makin my ubuntu wiki better and was wondering how yo did your box's at the top so nice?00:15
philipballewyour kinda a pro at that part00:16
holsteinphilipballew: i actually stole them from someone00:16
holsteinwith permission00:16
holsteinphilipballew: you can just hit the edit button and grab what you like :)00:16
holsteinand edit it to fit what you need00:16
holsteini used the beginners team header becuase i thought it was most appropriate00:17
philipballewalright :)00:17
philipballewsounds good00:17
NeoncamouflageAnybody here know where I might find the sound device location in Ubuntu 10.10? Was told to check /dev/dsp and /dev/sound/dsp but I have neither.00:57
holsteinNeoncamouflage: i would try a few things... open a terminal and type00:58
holsteinif its a usb interface, use lsusb00:58
holsteinyou want to see it one of those places... then.. you want to run these 200:59
holsteinaplay -l00:59
holsteinarecord -l00:59
holsteinfeel free to pastebin any of that Neoncamouflage and i'll see if i can help interpret00:59
NeoncamouflageA Python module called tkSnack needs access to my sound device, what I"m trying to find here. I'll see if I can find it in the list.01:00
holsteinNeoncamouflage: so, you have sound?01:00
holsteinthis is not a 'i dont have sound' issue?01:01
NeoncamouflageOh, no, I already had that issue, solved it myself.01:01
NeoncamouflageThis is an issue of tkSnack needing to be able to utilize my speakers, and it's unable to do so01:01
holsteinNeoncamouflage: not sure if i'll be much help with the coding... i'll leave it to some others :)01:01
NeoncamouflageWell my only issue is locating where my sound device is01:01
Neoncamouflagelooked it up, but it01:01
Neoncamouflages not in the two directories it's supposed to be01:02
holsteinNeoncamouflage: you can pop in #opensourcemusicians real quick and ask01:04
holsteinNeoncamouflage: someone in #ardour might know as well, but thats pretty far OT01:05
NeoncamouflageCool, thanks01:07
ktwohig9hello folks: ubuntu 11.04 installed 7 days ago. Sony F series laptop. Hooked up to panasonic 32" TV via HDMI - video is fine, no audio. Any ideas?02:34
holsteinktwohig9: sure02:37
holsteinopen up a terminal... run the command02:37
holsteinaplay -l02:37
holsteinsee if you see anything there02:38
holsteintheres some great tips here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting02:38
ktwohig92 devices intel based, 4 devices nvidia02:38
holsteinktwohig9: thats good02:39
ktwohig9nvidia seems to be the HDMI02:39
holsteinktwohig9: get some headphones, and make sure the sound works otherwise02:39
holsteini would be *very* surprised if that audio works out of HDMI02:39
ktwohig9yes i can get sound via headphones or the laptop's speakers02:39
holsteinktwohig9: i would just get that kind of adapter, and run that audio to whatever02:40
ktwohig9oh ok. Kinda figured that but since it works in win 7 I figured worth a shot02:40
holsteinyou should let nvidia know02:40
ktwohig9I will and thanks02:41
holsteinktwohig9: sure :)02:41
holsteinyou could poke around for bug reports too02:41
holsteinim not 100% by any means02:41
jpkI'm trying to figure out what I need to run on the ubuntu side so I can use my RealVnc client on my XP box?03:15
holsteinjpk: depends on what version you are running03:15
holsteini use whats built in to lucid03:15
holsteinfrom the terminal... vino-preferences03:16
jpkubuntu 11.0403:16
holsteinyou can install vino if you dont have it03:16
bodhizazendoh - not vino03:16
holsteinyou can just any vnc server in the repos though03:16
holsteinbodhizazen: what is it now?03:16
bodhizazenvnc / vino is insecure03:17
holsteinwell... im assuming its local03:17
bodhizazen'lo holstein03:17
jpkI downloaded x11VNC server but not sure how or if compatible with RealVNC on windows side03:17
holsteini shouldnt though...03:17
holsteinbodhizazen: o/03:17
holsteinjpk: it should work fine03:17
holsteinyou can try it and see03:17
bodhizazenyes but if the route has UPnP you are sort of opening a deep , dark pit03:17
bodhizazenit is jpk03:17
bodhizazenx11vnc uses a shared X11 session, so you will have to be logged in @ ubuntu03:18
Unit193Or run it with root to get to GDM03:18
jpkThis is internal network and I can ping my ubuntu box from my windows machine03:18
bodhizazenjpk, be sure to firewall it03:19
bodhizazeniptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5900:5910 -s ! -j DROP03:20
jpkConfused - What do I run on the ubuntu side? Do I download the RealVnc Server?03:21
jpkI don't want to open any dark pit.03:23
bodhizazenVNC is the most common crack on the ubuntu forums as it is insecure03:23
bodhizazenYou really should use ssh03:23
bodhizazenor freenx, freenx is both faster and more secure03:23
holsteinyeah, jpk, i was assuming you were local when i suggested vino03:24
bodhizazenIf you are going to use a vnc server on your lan, you need to firewall it03:24
Unit193But doesn't always work03:24
bodhizazeniptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5900:5910 -s ! -j DROP03:24
bodhizazenAlso, does your router have UPnP ?03:24
bodhizazenyou should disable that ( UPnP )03:25
bodhizazenUnit193, nothing always works =)03:25
Unit193bodhizazen: I was kinda sad that I couldn't use *NX03:25
bodhizazenFreenx is a bit of a hassle to set up, granted, but it is a faster protocol and more secure, so it is sort of a win win03:26
Unit193Didn't exactly work with Xubuntu though03:27
bioterrorI've never really seen the benefit for remote desktop in *nix03:28
jpkI just want to be able to see my ubuntu desktop from my windows xp box using RealVNC viewer free Edition03:28
bioterroras the shell is more powerfull03:28
bioterrorhardly nothing I cannot do03:28
bodhizazenjpk, I understand that, it is easy to do, but you need to be sure to secure it =)03:29
bioterror"oh you could add torrents to your client!" but that can be done with http ;)03:29
holsteintheres always teamviewer :)03:29
bodhizazenjpk, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers#x11vnc03:29
bodhizazenteamviewer is nice03:29
holsteini dont leave it on, but i leave it installed on most boxes i work on now03:30
jpkbodhizazen - my modem has UPnP03:30
jpkIs that what you mean by securing?03:31
bodhizazendo you know what UPnP is jpk ?03:31
jpkNot really03:31
holsteinuniversal plug n play?03:31
holsteinauto detection?03:31
holsteincool :)03:31
jpkI see that03:31
holsteini know enough to be dangerous on a network03:31
jpkDoes that allow other to see into my lan?03:32
bodhizazenIt means you router detects servers, like say VNC, and automatically forwards them, meaning they are accessible outside you LAN03:32
bodhizazenMakes the LAN "easy" to use03:32
bodhizazena little too easy03:32
jpkSo disable and use vino03:32
bodhizazendisable UPnP yes03:33
bodhizazenthen you should be "OK" with vino03:33
jpkI'll disable then try the vino, thanks03:34
jpkVino is freeware03:34
bodhizazenvino is the default VNC server in Ubuntu03:34
jpkMaybe it is already on here?03:34
holsteini can only say for sure about lucid03:35
holsteinand its in there by default03:35
holsteini havent looked/noticed since then03:35
jpkWhen I typed it in I got Remote Desktop03:36
jpkCan I use Remote Desktop?03:36
bodhizazenRemote Desktop == vino03:36
jpkAny configuration?03:37
bodhizazenset a password =)03:37
jpkDo I just start it up?03:37
holsteintry running vino-preferences03:38
jpkFrom a command line03:38
holsteinjpk: however you want to run it... alt+F2, terminal, its in the menu somewhere... remote desktop? something like that03:38
stricklyanyone alive commares?06:12
stricklyhaha thats what it seems06:13
philipballewHey strickly06:15
stricklysup philipballew06:15
philipballewdoin the nightly neverending homework!06:17
stricklyah whats it about?06:21
philipballewwell strickly its history homework and math homework06:42
philipballewi bet your jealious06:42
stricklyah ok, not something I would enjoy myself most def06:42
philipballewcollege is fun!06:42
stricklyhha if you say so06:43
=== alexy_ is now known as alexy
raubvogelI have a hp pavilion dv6700 laptop with a  broadcom 94312 wireless card and Ubuntu 10.10.  ifconfig and lshw -C network have no problem seeing card. And I can see the networks around here, but when I try to join a WPA protected one, I can enter the password but it will not connect.14:14
philinuxraubvogel: try this from the terminal. sudo apt-get install --reinstall wpasupplicant14:23
raubvogelphilinux: done14:24
raubvogelnow try again?14:24
philinuxyou may need to reboot dunno14:25
raubvogelIt did not work; let's try rebooting first14:26
raubvogelDid not work.14:29
raubvogelIf it is relevant I am using the broadcom b43 proprietary driver14:29
raubvogelsince this is a 4312 LP-PHY card14:30
philinuxraubvogel: I'm not a network expert but other peeps seem to have same problem maybe a solution too. http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=uubntu+cant+join+wpa&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gl=uk#sclient=psy&hl=en&client=ubuntu&hs=xOo&channel=fs&gl=uk&source=hp&q=uubntu+10.10+cant+join+wpa&pbx=1&oq=uubntu+10.10+cant+join+wpa&aq=f&aqi=&aql=1&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=347762l349356l0l349981l6l6l0l0l0l0l209l933l0.5.1l6l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp14:30
philinuxerr sorry bad link14:31
raubvogelOn my other laptop I solved the problem by replacing the broadcom with an atheros card14:31
philinuxGoogle this "ubuntu 10.10 can't join wpa"14:32
philinuxHave you looked in system Admin hardware drivers. I guess you have14:32
Antonio007can you  help with  ndiswrapper compilation?16:48
Antonio007when compiling the package ndiswrappe I get Unknown field 'ioctl' specified in initializer16:54
=== MichealH is now known as ecks
learneri am here on behalf of my frnd. who is using ubuntu 10.10. he has configured internet mobil connection (reliance netconnect) and gprs conection it was working fine sudennly yesterday he is not able to connect and there is a exclamation mark in his network applet saying tat network manager is not running.18:22
learnerpls suggest some solution18:28
learnerproblem with ubuntu network manager18:37
RaweedHey, has anyone on here sucessfully installed ubuntu 11.04 onto an external HDD im having issues ?20:09
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