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mahnazI nees some info about file server and file system functionality in22:35
mahnaza ubuntu based cloud22:35
mahnazcan any one help me with this?22:35
kim0mahnaz: try asking :)22:53
mahnazkim() : tthanks for answering22:55
mahnazdid you read my question?22:55
flaccidmahnaz: the answer is yes22:55
mahnazso lucky I am:)22:56
flaccidi guess so22:56
mahnazI want to know22:57
mahnazwhat file systems  are22:57
mahnazused in cloud?22:57
kim0same filesystems that are used on earth22:57
* kim0 needs to reboot22:58
mahnazfor example?22:58
mahnazwhich are best for a ubuntu cloud22:58
flaccidany that ubuntu supports22:58
mahnazand what about22:59
mahnazfile server? do we have a file server22:59
mahnazin a cloud?22:59
mahnaz( I am buliding a cloud using eucalyptus)22:59
flaccidcloud or not cloud, its still ubuntu so you can do the same thing you would on any ubuntu box23:00
mahnazto be honset23:01
mahnazfor my final project23:01
mahnazI am working on23:01
mahnazfile server and file system in clouds23:01
mahnazbut till now23:01
mahnazI have no idea23:02
flaccidi can see that :)23:02
mahnazwhat is fiffrerent between23:02
mahnaza cloud uesd file system23:02
mahnazand non cloud23:02
flaccidi've never heard of a 'cloud uesd file system'23:02
mahnazflaccid, : how?:D23:02
flaccidyou aint making sense dude23:03
flaccida filesystem has no idea if its in the cloud or not.23:03
mahnazand what about file serevr?23:04
mahnazflaccid, : sory if I am asking so question23:05
flaccidwhat about it23:05
mahnazbut it is subjet my23:05
mahnazgave it to me!!23:06
mahnazdo we have a file serevr in a cloud?23:06
flaccidfile servers also have no idea if they are in the cloud or not23:07
mahnazmy bad :(23:07
kim0maybe you mean, CDNs, or S3 like object stores ?23:07
flaccidcould be anything when you are vague23:08
kim0read up some more on wikipedia, you'll have a better understanding of the basics23:08
mahnazkim : yes , and I am gonig to use23:09
mahnaz for working with sc23:09
kim0cool, so your teacher probably means S3 indeed23:10
kim0wikipedia it23:10
kim0and it's not a filesystem btw .. it's called an object store23:10
flaccidmaybe confirm exactly wha tyou should be researching first heh23:10
mahnazKim: but the subject is " file server and file systems in cloud "23:11
mahnazI think he him self does not konw23:11
kim0maybe the teacher has no idea too :) go talk to him23:11
flaccidmahnaz: then you can answer that with one line, "its the same"23:12
mahnazwhat shoul  I do :(23:12
kim0haha :)23:12
flaccidteachers are commonly uneducated23:12
mahnazbut it is my misadventure23:13
flaccidjust tell your teacher its the same and that he should learn cloud computing before trying to teach it23:13
mahnazI think I should do same:D23:15
mahnazany way thanks alot for your help23:15
flaccidcloud is the most abused buzz word. people who don't know what it is always misuse the term23:15
mahnazand sory for my simmlpe question23:16

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