
RAOFMan, writing upstart rules is super-easy.00:32
RAOFNow I just need to figure out the proper dbus-monitor incantation I want.00:32
broderRAOF: http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#message-bus-routing-match-rules :)00:39
jasoncwarner_RAOF and robert_ancell :0 glad to see both of you ! I have a lightdm-that-might-be-an-x question00:52
jasoncwarner_RAOF and robert_ancell , so I got my fancy new x220 (intel, of course) and everything is working great now...after some tweaking00:55
jasoncwarner_but on the unity-greeter screen, my mouse has HUGE amounts of lag on it...I can't really move it around...00:56
jasoncwarner_not sure how to debug it and get you both some useful information00:56
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, anything in the -greeter.log file in /var/log/lightdm?00:58
* jasoncwarner_ looking00:58
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, also, once logged in can you run 'dm-tool add-nested-seat' and see if the same problem occurs?00:58
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: what should I be looking for in the greeter log?01:00
robert_ancellanything looping around?01:00
robert_ancelli.e. hundreds of lines of something?01:00
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: no, nothing like that...01:01
jasoncwarner_dm-tool, should I just run that and then reboot?01:01
robert_ancellno, it will pop up a nested X window with a login screen01:02
robert_ancellwhich is running everything the same as normal, except it uses the Xephyr X server instead of the normal one01:02
jasoncwarner_do you know package name ot install for xephyr?01:03
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, apt-get install xserver-xephyr01:03
jasoncwarner_thanks, installing...01:03
jasoncwarner_thanks,,, robert_ancell01:04
jasoncwarner_it does not happen in the dm-tool01:04
jasoncwarner_mouse moves fine01:04
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: guessing X then...01:07
robert_ancellthat suggests an X problem.  It could be gnome-settings-daemon or something like that though01:07
robert_ancellthe next step is to log out, and then go to a text terminal and run top and see if anything is acting up01:08
robert_ancell(I'm assuming it always occurs?)01:08
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: yeah, it has always happened ... "always" being, 'since I got this computer yesterday...every time on this comp"01:09
jasoncwarner_I'll log out now and check top...be back in a few01:09
robert_ancellat least it's consistent01:09
jasoncwarner_hey robert_ancell I just tried to shutdown/restart from the greeter01:13
jasoncwarner_#1 - the box wasn't themed with a GTK style...it was base GTK01:13
jasoncwarner_#2 - nothing worked? couldn't restart and couldn't power down...01:13
robert_ancelldo you have a /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf?01:13
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: rebooting again...will check in a sec01:14
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: I hate writing this, and I don't know how you'll feel reading it (RAOF either)01:15
jasoncwarner_but when I went to a tty and then back to unity-greeter01:15
jasoncwarner_the mouse just started working fine01:16
jasoncwarner_and then when I rebooted...it seemed to work fine01:16
jasoncwarner_that is my def of "magic" :)01:16
robert_ancelloh yay01:16
robert_ancellum, so problem solved right?01:16
jasoncwarner_:) that would be an awesome note in the release notes: if laggy mouse, do this ;)01:17
jasoncwarner_i do have a unity-greeter.conf file01:17
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, does it sound like bug #828112?01:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 828112 in unity-greeter "Password field feedback slow at times" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82811201:18
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: I think it resembles, that but not exactly.01:21
jasoncwarner_though, when I am having the problem, yes, the password field does have lag as well01:21
robert_ancellcould you put your notes on that bug and note the mouse was also a sympton01:22
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: will do01:24
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: lag is back after reboot01:29
jasoncwarner_and, yes, it was solved simply by this01:29
jasoncwarner_CTRL+ALT F201:29
jasoncwarner_CTRL+ALT F701:29
jasoncwarner_no lag after that01:29
jasoncwarner_rebooting again...01:29
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: could it be gnome-settings-daemon related?01:31
jasoncwarner_I am getting pretty consistent crashes with g-s-s01:32
jasoncwarner_and that might be why I don't have a GTK theme on the shutdown dialog?01:32
robert_ancellI'm just speculating, but both the indicators and g-s-d could run all sorts of things that unity-greeter has no control over01:32
TheMusoThe sound indicator runs pulse for one...01:33
jasoncwarner_I imagine if g-s-s fails to load I would have quite a few problems...and g-s-s crashes each and every boot for me.01:35
jasoncwarner_so perhaps...01:35
ubot2`jasoncwarner_: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0x8d65a2c> bug 838502 not found01:35
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: after rebooting quite a few times,I think that bug you linked before and mine are probably the same02:20
jasoncwarner_the op prob just didn't move his mouse to see it not moving02:21
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, oh good.  Is it coming back again?02:21
robert_ancellyeah, that was my guess too02:21
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: did you see my above? I can get it to go away with switching to TTY and back again02:23
jasoncwarner_and when I lock my screen and go to switch user (which brings me back to unity-greeter)02:23
jasoncwarner_I get it as well02:23
robert_ancellRAOF, ^ does that sound remotely X related?02:23
robert_ancellMy first guess is video drivers with VT switching, or some sort of power management issue (i.e. idle checking)02:24
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: I'm on intel on this machine...02:25
=== qwebirc74340 is now known as cyphermox_
RAOFrobert_ancell: That could be X related; VT switching drops drm master, and switching back regains it, which might mean that if it failed the first time then VT switching could re-enable acceleration?02:35
robert_ancellRAOF, anythink we could check to confirm that?02:36
RAOFrobert_ancell: /var/log/Xorg.0.log would contain information to confirm or deny that hypothesis.02:36
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, ^^02:36
jasoncwarner_RAOF: what should I be looking for int aht log?02:37
RAOFjasoncwarner_: Well, pastebinning it would be good.  The drmOpenDevice lines would be part of the bit.02:38
jasoncwarner_RAOF: http://pastebin.com/HwtT0JZn02:40
RAOFWell, that doesn't contain what I'd expect.02:41
RAOFOh!  Compiz is being really slow?  Can you check your top output?  I've had a problem where something's spamming the dbus, and dbus-daemon has high CPU usage, and because the panel is in the compositor that means that _everything's_ slow.02:42
RAOF(I think in my case it was because indicator-datetime was endlessly trying to enumerate all my calendars)02:42
RAOFVT switching could possibly halt compiz for long enough to unwedge things.02:43
jasoncwarner_RAOF: my top didn't show compiz being slow...I'll reboot and look again...but remember, switching to a VT seems to clear it all up...I'm not sure I'll be able to see it...02:44
jasoncwarner_oh...I'll log in remotely to see if it is there02:44
jasoncwarner_RAOF: ok...I'm actually goign to finish these three emails from my TODO first...been all day and I haven't gotten 'em done...be back in a bit02:48
RAOFjasoncwarner_: No problem :)02:49
RAOFrobert_ancell: Have you played around with dbus-monitor?  I can't seem to get it to display anything but signals, and I want to trace method calls instead.02:49
robert_ancellRAOF, no, sorry02:50
stgraberRAOF: system or session bus? and do you need the content of the call of just interface, path and function name?02:51
broderRAOF: you can't use dbus-monitor to get method calls by default02:51
RAOFstgraber: System bus, and I really just want to know _when_ it gets called.02:51
RAOFbroder: Ah, well now my results make sense :)02:52
stgraberRAOF: sorry can't help much with system bus unless you can tell your client that it's at another location than /run/dbus/system_bus_socket02:52
stgraber(I wrote a dbus proxy as part of my work on arkose which logs everything that goes through it)02:52
broderRAOF: if you put http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/679351/ at /etc/dbus-1/system-local.conf and then do pkill -HUP dbus-daemon, you'll be able to see them02:53
RAOFbroder: Can I mess with the system bus config to make that work?02:53
broderbut that completely compromises the integrity of anybody that's depending on dbus for security :)02:53
brodere.g. NM02:53
RAOFWell, it's just for local debugging, so that's fine.02:54
robert_ancellRAOF, does it make sense to disable TCP connections in lightdm by default for security reasons (Bug #838152)02:54
ubot2`Launchpad bug 838152 in lightdm "hard-coded "-nolisten tcp"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83815202:54
RAOFrobert_ancell: Not listening on TCP is certainly the correct default.02:55
robert_ancellRAOF, ta02:55
RAOFIt's something that you might want to offer as an option, though.02:56
broderRAOF: fwiw, i think there are less heavyhanded ways of enabling limited eavesdropping, but i've never been able to get them to work03:13
RAOFbroder: Nyargh!  Is there a *more* heavyhanded way of enabling eavesdropping?  I've dumped that in, and can see _other_ method calls, but not the ones that I'm interested in!03:14
broderhmm..that's not a problem i've had before03:15
broderare you sure the calls are actually getting made?03:15
RAOFAh, there we go.03:15
RAOFApparently you need to restart d-feet before that'll work.03:15
RAOFOh, yeah!  The dbus reload probably needs that, doesn't it.03:16
broderhuh, weird03:16
RAOFI wasn't expecting getting dbus-monitor to work to be the most difficult part of this :)03:18
RAOFWriting upstart rules is plesantly easy.03:20
DBOping RAOF03:22
DBOso good news bad news time03:23
DBOgood news: the signal for figuring out when a resume happens works03:23
DBObad news: recreating the FBO's doesn't fix the corruption issue03:23
RAOFDBO: Hm.  That's non-good.03:44
DBOso looking at it more carefully03:44
DBOwhat I observe is this03:44
RAOFDBO: I thought you'd previously tested and found that to work?03:44
DBOit did in nux03:45
DBOI was assuming that would transfer over...03:45
DBO(we had the inverse problem last cycle, nux was corrupted and compiz wasn't)03:45
DBOso my observations seem to be as follows:03:45
DBO1) the FBO, without being reloaded, actually pants fine (contents are uncorrupted when painted into)03:46
DBO2) painting the texture the fbo is bound to onto another fbo works fine03:46
DBO3) painting the compiz FBO onto the backbuffer somehow fails terribly03:46
DBOwhich really makes me wonder, why do the nux fbo's paint just fine03:47
RAOFBecause magic.03:47
RAOFPresumably :)03:47
DBOI have a screenshot03:48
DBORAOF, http://i.imgur.com/TFOXc.png03:50
DBOsee how the corruption is a predictable pattern03:50
DBOI suspect somehow the driver is blending the FBO onto the backbuffer with an incorrect format03:50
RAOFThat looks like it's likely to be tiling-related.03:50
RAOFGiven that it occurs on what looks like tiling-sized blocks.03:51
RAOFTextures aren't linear in memory, at least not if you want it to be fast.03:52
DBOis that done automatically by the driver?03:52
RAOFThey're tiled into crazy patterns so that the multi-bar memory controllers are used maximally.03:52
RAOFYeah, that's done by the driver.03:52
DBOmaybe an error in the fixed function pipe03:53
DBO(sam, he's silly like that)03:53
DBOobviously unity blends fine03:54
RAOFBut it's a fertile source of bugs in the kernel/DDX/mesa layers, at least for the free drivers.03:54
DBOand functionally, it too is painting FBO's03:54
RAOFYeah, if Unity's doing shadery things and compiz is using fixed-function that could be different, I guess.03:55
DBOwell I mean painting the contents of an FBO shouldn't be functionally different than painting a texture03:56
DBOwhich still works fine03:56
RAOFDBO: Will you still be around in ~20 minutes?  I'd like to relocate back from this cafe to home.03:56
RAOFCatch you in 20.03:57
RAOFDBO: Back.04:23
DBOwelcome back RAOF04:23
DBORAOF, if you got any ideas that would be great...04:26
DBORAOF, is the backbuffer tiled?04:26
RAOF*Everything* is likely to be tiled; back buffer, front buffer, textures, the whole enchilada.04:26
RAOFBecause it's like a 300% performance win.04:26
RAOF(Well, not exactly, but it's a huge performance win)04:27
DBOI hope we dont have to recreate the GL context to get around this04:27
RAOFIn fact, from what I gather from nouveau the nv5x+ cards don't actually handle *untiled* surfaces.04:27
DBOthat would kind of suck04:27
RAOFThat would rather suck, yes.04:28
RAOFCan you recreate the backbuffer or something?  Like, swap out the composite overlay window?04:28
DBOI dont think so04:34
RAOFThat might be something to try, if some tiling bit isn't getting reset properly across suspend.04:35
DBOI just realized that the opengl plugin in compiz creates a shader in the most crazy ass fashion04:37
DBOim betting if we change how we paint this thing04:37
DBOthat will fix it04:37
RAOFAlways it is with the craaaazy compiz!04:38
jbicharobert_ancell: good work on unity-greeter today, fixed 2 of my bugs!04:47
jbichamy indicators are in a crash-loop, it's "fun" to see the appmenu appearing and reappearing04:49
jbichaare there any logs I can look at it to see what's breaking with my indicators?04:57
robert_ancelljbicha, :)05:23
pittiGood morning05:23
jbichapitti: good morning05:25
kenvandinegood morning pitti05:25
pittihey guys, how are you?05:26
TheMusoMorning pitti.05:30
RAOFHey pitti05:30
pittiso, interesting release night..05:31
kenvandinepitti, how is the release looking?05:34
pittiwas respun during the night due to a pretty serious bug with GPT partitions05:34
didrocksgood morning05:46
pittibonjour didrocks05:47
RAOFOh, no!  It's didrocks!  Quick, hide! :)05:48
didrocksguten morgen pitti05:52
didrocksRAOF: not fast enough! :-)05:52
didrocksthe more I see bug report, the more I will be in favor to revert Ctrl + Del to simply Del. The trash is there for fat fingers…05:57
jasoncwarner_didrocks: I agree with that..05:57
pittiand now crtl+del is harder to do than shift-del, which immediately removes it..05:58
pittithis was one of these rather pointless changes which destroy the habits learned in years *sigh*05:59
jasoncwarner_pitti didrocks change it to just DEL? makes most sense to me.05:59
didrockscan do it if you both agree :)06:00
didrocksand +1 with pitti's remark, it's harder that shift + del, which is some kind of hilarious :)06:00
pittididrocks: we'd need to update the GNOME documentation for that, too, though06:00
didrockspitti: indeed, so, opening/find a bug and subscribe the doc team to it? (I think there is no patch to the doc for all the indicator/systray removal anyway)06:01
pittinot sure whether it's in gnome-user-guide or nautilus help or both06:01
didrocksI can have a look, will do that after the cjk landing06:02
didrockspitti: so, a bunch of package will land with real cjk support (there was a first attempt one ok ago while I was on vacation if i understood correctly), but this time, the correct patches will land06:03
pittijust saw the confirmation in the bug, nice to hear!06:03
didrocksthis touches apt-xapian-index, zg-extension, sotware-center and unity06:03
didrocksjasoncwarner_: FYI ^06:04
didrockspitti: ok, will land today if all go well :)06:04
jasoncwarner_didrocks: saw that....big change...lots of testing needed06:04
didrocksjasoncwarner_: indeed06:04
didrocksjasoncwarner_: what was missing from the first round was the rebuild of the index once cjk is there06:05
jasoncwarner_didrocks: ah...cool...thanks06:05
jasoncwarner_once this gets in then, back to oneconf? ;)06:05
didrocksjasoncwarner_: I finished the first round of oneconf in parrallel, it's now working with software-center gtk3 :)06:08
didrocksstill missing some speedup improvment (caching and stuff) that I made for the gtk2 version, but it's usable (the whole software-center gtk3 needs some speedups anyways)06:09
jbichadidrocks: I'll take care of making sure the Ubuntu docs say just Delete06:58
didrocksjbicha: I'm writing a script for that, will be way easier :)06:58
jbichait's not in that many places, is it?06:58
didrocksjbicha: it's in gnome-user-guide FYI, I just run a script to do the sed and such06:59
didrocksjbicha: yeah, but there are the translations ;)06:59
jbichadidrocks: the real docs are in ubuntu-docs, gnome-user-docs is currently just a copy from Debian, it's unclear whether we want to maintain a diff there06:59
didrocksjbicha: if I press F1 on nautilus, it's gnome-user-docs which is used, isn't it?07:00
jbichadidrocks: yes that will need to be patched too, thanks :-)07:01
didrocksjbicha: I'm patching this one (and so, add the tool for regenerating the patch for easier use), can you take care of ubuntu-docs, please?07:01
jbichadidrocks: actually can you correct the nautilus help link to point to ghelp:ubuntu-docs instead of gnome-user-docs?07:02
jbichagnome-user-docs isn't installed by default07:02
jbichaI thought Nautilus shipped its own help but it just piggybacks on the system help since it's Core07:03
didrocksjbicha: you're right, it's not installed by default07:06
didrocksweird, it's in main, maybe for the dvd?07:06
jbichadidrocks: upgraders will still have it & it's pulled in for users who install gnome shell07:06
jbichafor Natty, we heavily modified gnome-user-docs instead of just using ubuntu-docs so it was installed in Natty07:07
RAOFpitti: You're our resident PolicyKit maestro, right?  In bug #837851 it seems that policykit hates colord running as not root; is there a way to tell PolicyKit that it's ok for the colord user to check whether $USER has authorisation on its interfaces?07:09
ubot2`Launchpad bug 837851 in colord ""Color" tool in GNOME System Settings only recognizes my webcam as color-manageable device" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83785107:09
didrocksjbicha: ah, makes sense then, now everything is in ubuntu-docs? I should not touch gnome-user-docs then07:09
jbichadidrocks: yes, it's just easier to keep gnome-user-docs in sync with Debian for now07:09
didrocksjbicha: ok, I remove my script then :)07:10
didrocksjbicha: adding an ubuntu-docs task and assign to you, ok?07:10
jbichadidrocks: that's fine, we were thinking about pushing a new ubuntu-docs update this weekend07:11
RAOFpitti: Specifically, colord asks polkit, as the colord user, whether $USER is authorised to perform the actions, and polkit only allows root to query whether someone else is authorised to perform an action (presumably for security purposes).07:11
didrocksjbicha: but that means that we will have to patch every application to reference ubuntu-docs rather than gnome-user-docs?07:11
jbichadidrocks: there aren't that many apps that use g-u-d, but gnome-control-center probably does07:13
didrocksjbicha: ok, let's try to change it for nautilus first07:13
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:14
pittihey chrisccoulson07:15
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?07:15
didrocksjbicha: so, basically, now it's ghelp:gnome-help#… should it be ghelp:ubuntu-help#… ?07:15
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson07:15
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks07:15
pittichrisccoulson: pretty well, thanks!07:15
pittiRAOF: (will get to you, still stuck in release juggling and CD testing in parallel)07:15
RAOFpitti: No problem!07:15
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, i just did apport-bug compiz, and apport seems to have frozen :/07:18
jbichadidrocks: yes, when we push the new ubuntu-docs we'll have to change it again though because the new url will be help:07:18
jbichainstead of ghelp:07:18
didrocksjbicha: ok, let's do that change once you pushed the new ubuntu-docs package, ok?07:19
didrocksjbicha: I'll just push the Ctrl + Del -> Del07:19
jbichadidrocks: yes the other isn't ready yet07:20
pittiRAOF: so, polkit07:33
pittiRAOF: right, I'm afraid the 'ownuser || uid==0" check is hardcoded, so that you can't spy on other uers07:33
RAOFThat seems like a misfeature.07:34
pittiso for this we'd need a provision to mark a particular system user as being able to do the same07:34
RAOFRight, that was what I was thinking.07:34
pittior a particular program07:34
pittilike, this privilege could become a polkit privilege07:34
pitti(recursivity FTW)07:35
RAOForg.freedesktop.polkit.check_authorisation :)07:35
RAOFHm, no.  That wouldn't work; it needs to be a per-action thing.07:35
RAOFYou want the colord user to be able to check whether $USER is authorised for org.freedesktop.colord.*, but not anything else.07:36
RAOFSo, an extension to the action semantics could do this.07:36
pittiRAOF: what does colord do if it cannot check this?07:36
RAOFRefuses to add the device, so the cups and g-s-d integration fail.07:36
pittiasked the other way round, what are the default permissions on org.freedesktop.colord.* ?07:37
pittiI'm not entirely sure why it asks a particular user's permissions to add devices to cups, as cupsd is a system service07:37
pittiRAOF: eww07:37
RAOFYeah, I'm not sure if cups is actually going to work *at all*07:37
pitticolord uses polkit _and_ at_console?07:38
pittiat_console is an ancient hack for programs which don't use polkit07:38
RAOFSorry, I couldn't remember the polkit name for at_console.  It's default-deny, allow for active user.07:38
pittiah, ok07:38
RAOFAh, allow_active.07:38
RAOFWill allow_active allow cupsd access?07:40
pitticupsd is not on any console07:40
SweetsharkMorning all!07:40
pittithe consolekit stuff only works for actual sessions, not for system daemons07:40
pittihey Sweetshark07:40
Sweetsharkpitti: libreoffice_3.4.2-2ubuntu3 for upload on chinstrap07:40
pittiRAOF: another option would be to actually stop using polkit, and control this with d-bus policy07:41
RAOFpitti: Yeah, thought so.  So, cupsd isn't going to work even once I fix the session stuff.07:41
pittiRAOF: i. e. allow calling the API from root (that'll cover cupsd) and at_console07:41
pitticf. my comment about at_console being deprecated, though07:42
pittiRAOF: yet another alternative is to let colord run as root, and lock it down with an apparmor profile07:42
RAOFpitti: That would be reasonably easy, and a transitional plan while fixing polkit.07:42
pittiRAOF: depends on how much patching is involved to remove all the polkit checks from colord07:43
RAOFAlthough running as root _still_ won't fix cupsd, right?07:43
RAOFpitti: colord has a --no-polkit option.07:43
pittiRAOF: but I guess it could be factored out, and the functino would only ask polkit if geteuid() == 007:43
pittiand otherwise just allow it07:43
pittithen we put a d-bus policy in front of it07:43
pittithat patch should even be upstreamable07:44
pittiRAOF: ah, that sounds promising, too07:44
RAOFIt wouldn't need to be a patch at all; we can just build colord without policykit support.07:44
pittiyou'd need to patch the d-bus policy, but that's relatively simple07:45
RAOFYeah, I'm pretty sure I know how to do that.07:45
pittisome of the interfaces might be save for everyone to call07:45
pittiand the ones that aren't should be removed from context="default" and added to <policy at_console="true">07:46
pittiand again to <policy user="root">07:46
pittito cover g-s-d (first) and cupsd (second)07:46
pittiRAOF: /etc/dbus-1/system.d/NetworkManager.conf does that, for example07:47
RAOFAnd then, a patch to polkit to allow doing this there.07:48
pittiand a patch to its policy to allow access to root users, not just allow_active07:52
pittiRAOF: ^ that's easy to do, I can help you with that once it becomes relevant07:52
pitti(man pklocalauthority)07:52
pittisomething like07:52
pitti[allow access to cups]07:53
didrockspitti: when you get a second: bug #838623. Do you need a bug/FFe for activating the CJK support? (it was supposed to already be activated, it wasn't the case though)07:54
ubot2`Launchpad bug 838623 in software-center "FFe, UIFe: bring back OneConf to Software-Center" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83862307:54
pittididrocks: no, bug fix07:54
didrocksok, thanks :)07:55
pittieverything is supposed to work in CJK :)07:55
RAOFOh, there isn't an <allow_root>yes</allow_root> specifier in the actions.  That's kinda strange.07:56
didrockspitti: indeed :)07:56
RAOFLet's play with dbus policy!07:56
pittiRAOF: not in the .policy files, no; that needs to go into pklocalauthority07:57
RAOFThe strange corners you find in polkit!07:59
kamstrupdidrocks: don't sweat over dee - we don't need it really, all required things are distropatched by ken, it's just so that other distros can ship gwibber without cherry picking extra api from trunk :-)08:00
didrockskamstrup: I know, was just kidding :-)08:01
kamstrupdidrocks: phew, i wouldn't wanna upset you already after my second day back ;-)08:01
didrockskamstrup: it's never too late to upset me, seems that's dx paradigm ;-)08:02
rodrigo_kamstrup, did you get someone to upload jhbuild?08:23
kamstruprodrigo_: I poked lool (as he was the original maintainer afaik), but he was not overly keen on jumping in :-)08:24
rodrigo_kamstrup, ok, I can do a merge proposal then08:24
rodrigo_what's the jhbuild version you need?08:25
rodrigo_hmm, there's only 2.32.4 from last December in download.gnome.org08:25
kamstruprodrigo_: that's also the one :-)08:26
rodrigo_that's the one you need?08:26
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, enjoying your new laptop? ;)08:50
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: yes, yes I am08:51
chrisccoulsonexcellent :)08:52
jasoncwarner_and, chrisccoulson , glad you are here! :) I had a question for you. I just installed aurora build of FF08:52
jasoncwarner_and the menu and ubuntu theme went away08:52
jasoncwarner_anyway to get those back?08:52
chrisccoulsoni really want to buy a new laptop, but i fear that jo might end my life if i spend money on one, when we're meant to be saving for our own house ;)08:52
chrisccoulsonhmmm, the menu disappeared entirely, or appears in it's own window?08:52
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: it is just not in the global menu position. I would like to renable that because it takes up precious screen realestate on the smaller monitor! :)08:53
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: just tell her for hte good of your relationship you need a new laptop08:53
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, you could try reporting a bug with apport-bug, as the new apport hook i wrote attaches lots of useful information which might save me asking lots of quetions :)08:53
jasoncwarner_and then watch how quickly a good relationship can go bad ;)08:53
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: I think the menu is the new firefox "we don't enable third party libraries anymore" stuff08:54
jasoncwarner_it says it will be renabled when it is "compatible"08:54
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, this is a build from the firefox-aurora PPA isn't it?08:54
jasoncwarner_whatever that means08:54
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, yeah, apport-bug firefox might help me figure out what's wrong :)08:54
chrisccoulsonit should let you report a bug from the PPA08:55
chrisccoulsonand it will be useful to find out if the new hook works from there :)08:55
jasoncwarner_what about the ubuntu theme? can that be reenabled as well?08:55
jasoncwarner_stock firefox isn't exactly pretty :/08:55
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, we only shipped with the stock firefox theme before (it just inherits colours from our theme)08:56
jasoncwarner_this "every new release of firefox breaks all the plugins" thing is getting old...08:56
jasoncwarner_I highly doubt all those plugins are broken08:56
jasoncwarner_would like to be able to override and try it out anyway08:57
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, did you manage to report a bug?09:00
jasoncwarner_on a call...do it in a bit...I'll let you know...09:00
jbichajasoncwarner_: don't you use https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/add-on-compatibility-reporter/ ?09:01
chrisccoulsonjbicha, that won't ever work for the globalmenu-extension09:11
chrisccoulsonif it's incompatible, forcing it on will likely just make it crash09:11
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/83867109:13
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 838671 in firefox "Auroa PPA does not work with global menu" [Undecided,New]09:13
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, ah, silly me. i need to refresh the aurora branch with the latest version of the extension ;)09:14
pittiSweetshark: oh, you apparently built with -sa; I'll edit the sources.changes in-place to drop the tarballs09:14
chrisccoulsoni should have checked that already09:14
zen_monkeynights, how can i report an issue with gnome-settings-daemon from the gnome3-team?09:14
pittiSweetshark: oh, or was this done for libreoffice_3.4.2.orig-ext-human-updates.tar.gz? i. e. is that one new?09:15
zen_monkeyit's seriously hogging cpu... lappy will melt :D09:15
pittiSweetshark: I'll try whether uploading only this will work09:15
pittiSweetshark: uploaded09:16
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, i'll push the latest version and respin the build09:16
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, oh, were you actually using a custom theme before btw?09:18
chrisccoulsonhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/78687110/Themes.txt shows that the default is enabled, but you have an incompatible theme installed in your profile09:18
jasoncwarner_yeah...I was...09:18
Sweetsharkpitti: Yes, I had too build with -sa: there is one new tarball *-ext-human-updates (I hope you didnt drop that one ...)09:18
pittiSweetshark: no, that's the one I kept :)09:19
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, the theme seems to work on a current nightly with addon compatibility checking disabled09:21
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/add-on-compatibility-reporter/09:21
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, i'm respinning the aurora builds now, so you should get an update in a few hours10:11
chrisccoulsonwow, i've reported 3 bugs this morning. i think that's the most i've reported in ages ;)10:11
didrockspitti: small pygi question, how do you handle out parameter for basic types, like GtkMenuPositionFunc (x and y) ?10:21
pittididrocks: normally, when you just simply call them, they are part of the return tuple10:22
pittibut in this case these are out values of a callback10:22
pittididrocks: in theory, the callback should just return them, but I don't know whether anyone did that before10:23
didrockspitti: ok, let's have a try then ;)10:23
didrockspitti: interestingly, it seems to work for y, but not for x… I try adding random parameters, it doesn't complain…10:31
ronocpitti, hey ! do you know a way to query if the guest session is disabled on a system ? I could not see anything obvious on d-feet10:31
pittididrocks: with somethign as complex and unusual as correctly marshalling out arguments for callbacks I'd not be surprised if it's buggy..10:31
pittironoc: hm, that's a question for robert_ancell10:32
pittironoc: I'm not familiar with how lightdm handles that, I'm afraid10:32
ronocpitti, sure no probs10:32
didrockspitti: yeah, confirm, only y is working, where should I open a bug, can get a minimal reproduceable testcase10:33
pittididrocks: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=pygobject10:33
didrockspitti: thanks!10:34
pittididrocks: does that block you?10:34
pittididrocks: I used popup_for_menu() in computer-janitor, but with a None callback, so I didn't notice that10:34
didrockspitti: not, it's just a little bit uglier (the popup menu will appear where the cursor is)10:34
pittiyeah, that seems to be a reasonable default (menu where you click)10:34
didrocksso, not a blocker, just a polish10:35
didrocksthat's not the behavior of what I was using: gtkMenuToolButton10:35
didrocksit position the button above or below10:35
didrocksbut this button has two part: the button itself and the dropdown to show the menu10:35
didrocksin mpt's spec, it's only one button (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#oneconf)10:35
didrocksso trying to polish this with a regular button which shows the popupmenu10:36
didrocksok, it works on the minimum "not reproducer" :/10:46
didrockspitti: oh I get it, it's because I was on my secondary screen, and so x was outside my monitor and so, it sticks on the monitor border10:47
didrocksso in a nutshell, it works, I just have the get the absolute coordinate10:48
pittididrocks: so the callback just returns the actual return value and all the out values in order?10:48
didrockspitti: indeed, and you just have to not list them as args of the method of course :)10:49
jasoncwarner_pitti: just sent you my bootcharts for today...now I'm going to bed! have to get up around 5 for a call :/11:21
rodrigo_hmm, I don't get any mail when packages in the queue are accepted (or rejected, don't know), is that normal?11:34
Sweetsharkpitti, jasoncwarner_: tommorrow morning I wont be on IRC as I will fly to http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfest201111:57
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: ok, thanks. have fun and crack some heads ;)11:57
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: see if you can get any traction on simplifying the UI! :)11:58
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner_: yep11:58
* jasoncwarner_ notes that he sounds like a broken record sometimes11:58
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner_: Christoph will be there too ...11:59
jasoncwarner_nice...when are you back?11:59
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner_: I fly back on sunday.11:59
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: ok...we'll catch up next week. cheers. have fun...12:00
* jasoncwarner_ going to bed for real this time...12:00
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pittijasoncwarner_: ok, we need some further mods for that12:05
* rodrigo_ -> lunch12:10
* didrocks has a super small testcase working, but returning the same coordinate in pressing enter or clicking on the mouse doesn't do the same thing in software-center O_o13:47
ronocpitti, is mvo on holidays ?13:50
pittironoc: yes13:51
stgraberdidrocks: hey, for Edubuntu we're customizing the big-friendly-button of unity. Apparently diverting /usr/share/unity/4/launcher_bfb.png does the trick for the 3d version but not for the 2d one. Do you happen to know the equivalent?13:55
didrocksstgraber: I guess that agateau used the vendor-logo or something like that, but he should fix it for using the same14:00
didrocksagateau: FYI ^^14:00
stgraberagateau: bug 83882914:00
ubot2`Launchpad bug 838829 in edubuntu-artwork "[UIFe] Big friendly button not customized in Unity 2d" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83882914:01
stgraberagateau: I'm fine diverting another file if needed but I guess using the same icon for both versions would be better :)14:01
agateaustgraber: is it for Natty or Oneiric14:01
stgraberagateau: Oneiric14:01
agateaustgraber: : I sent an email to design and dx asking if everyone agreed on using distributor-logo... it seems I was ignored :/14:01
didrocksagateau: stop using standard icons! :)14:02
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
agateaudidrocks: heh, my mistake, won't happen again :)14:03
didrockshope so! :-)14:03
agateaustgraber: I think bug 838829 should be reassigned to unity-2d (or at least marked as "also affect")14:05
ubot2`Launchpad bug 838829 in edubuntu-artwork "[UIFe] Big friendly button not customized in Unity 2d" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83882914:05
stgraberagateau: Sure, I can change that to "Make unity-2d use the same bfb icon as unity". Will I have that done by beta2?14:06
agateaustgraber: I think so14:06
* agateau starts a branch14:06
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stgraberagateau: should I assign that bug to you?14:11
agateaustgraber: please do14:11
DavieyGRRRRR.. who bound Alt+a ? :(14:14
DavieyHow do you change keybindings in unity?14:22
pittiDaviey: bound to what?14:28
pittiDaviey: these days, in ccsm I think14:28
pittibut Alt+A doesn't do anything here, it gets into the application here14:29
pittiit's not supposed to be bound to anything14:29
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
oierI have seen that there is some kind of alt+' switcher but in my ccsm unity plugin I don't see any switcher tab to activate or configure it15:03
oieram I missing an update or a package?15:04
tedgpitti, Hey, what is the machine that has the archives on it that we can grep through?  I can't remember its name.15:24
pittitedg: people.canonical.com? that's lillypilly15:24
pittitedg: it's not about "Label Empty", is it?15:24
tedgpitti, I don't think so...15:25
pittitedg: ok; I subscribed you to a bug, but it's debugged nwo15:25
tedgAh, okay.  I forgot to start up my mail this morning, so it's still downloading :-)15:25
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
didrocksrebooting on unity-2d, brb15:41
chrisccoulsong'ah, trying to build the lightning source package is painful in oneiric15:42
chrisccoulsonjust the source15:42
chrisccoulsonit takes nearly 15 minutes with bzip compression15:42
chrisccoulsonand i have to do it 4 times :(15:42
kenvandinechrisccoulson, that sounds painful15:45
didrockschrisccoulson: thunderbird-bin doesn't integrate to the session isn't it? (I always have it running and so, the gnome-session dialog)15:45
chrisccoulsondidrocks, i'm not too sure what you're asking15:47
didrockschrisccoulson: when I quit my session, I almost always have the "thunderbird-bin doesn't respond" dialog15:47
didrockschrisccoulson: even if I closed the thunderbird window before15:47
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i've not seen that before. in any case, there is no integration at all on the default install (for tbird or firefox), because libgnome isn't on the CD15:49
chrisccoulsonso you won't see that dialog normally ;)15:49
didrockschrisccoulson: I get it almost everytime15:50
chrisccoulsondoes thunderbird actually appear to close?15:50
didrockschrisccoulson: the -bin is still their, but there is no more window15:53
chrisccoulsonah, ok15:54
chrisccoulsonany chance of attaching gdb to the process?15:54
chrisccoulsoni've seen a shutdown hang before15:54
didrocksrebooting with new gnome-session15:57
didrockschrisccoulson: sure, will do that (probably tomorrow)15:57
Davieypitti: sorry, missed your response. Seems that Alt+a is now doing 'similar' behaviour to alt+tab.. showing a preview rather than icons tho.16:09
pittiDaviey: hm, that's supposed to be Alt+`16:09
pittinjpatel, didrocks ^16:09
Davieypitti: Hmm, yes - showing the same thing on both shortcuts for me16:09
Davieya real pain the butt for irssi users :)16:10
pittiok, that sounds like a bug16:10
didrocksDaviey: do you have unity trunk?16:10
Davieydidrocks: no, oneiric up-to-date16:10
pittiDaviey: at least it's not meant to behave like this, so it's fixable :)16:10
Davieypitti: hurray!16:10
didrocksDaviey: ok, so, there is a change right now about it16:10
DavieyI am such a noob, i'm not quite sure what to raise it against.16:10
didrocksDaviey: normally, now, it tries to detect the key above the tab16:10
pittiDaviey: raising it against #ubuntu-desktop is not a bad start :)16:11
didrocksDaviey: I just pushed unity, it will be available in a few hours16:11
pittididrocks: how is it supposed to detect where a key is located?16:11
pittididrocks: my ` key is in the lower left corner of the keyboard..16:11
Davieywebcam + OCR?16:11
pittiabove the Tab key is +/= for me16:11
didrocksyeah, webcam is required now  :)16:11
didrockspitti: some low level xkeyboard API16:12
didrocksto have the ranges, and such16:12
didrocksmutter is doing the same btw16:12
pittididrocks: that sounds crazy and bug prone16:12
Davieydidrocks: For the impatient, is there a PPA with trunk?16:12
pittiI've heard several people now who have that on totally unexpected keys16:12
didrockspitti: there is a shortcut anyway, it seems the keycode is 4516:12
didrocksDaviey: no, there isn't16:12
didrockspitti: for gnome-shell16:12
didrocksor unity?16:12
pittiunity, I suppose16:12
didrockspitti: it was an hardcoded key before16:13
pittididrocks: that sounds better16:13
didrocksworked only on US config16:13
pittididrocks: how on earth is software supposed to be able to figure out how my keyboard is physically arranged?16:13
didrockspitti: is it better to get the current state which is Alt + Altgr + è on a french keyboard, for instance?16:14
pittiCan't it be Alt+Tab and Ctrl+Tab or so?16:14
didrockspitti: mutter is doing the same for a release already, I just saw that the unity guys went the same path (avoid random keys)16:14
pittihardcoded is the opposite of random?16:14
didrocksand as they ignored modifier, it resulted in Daviey's bug, where A is mapped16:14
didrockspitti: random in term of layout on the keyboard?16:15
didrockspitti: Alt + Tab is already used, isn't it?16:15
pittididrocks: Alt+Tab is hardcoded as well, isn't it?16:15
didrockspitti: yeah, but on all keyboards, it's approximately at the same place16:16
didrocksanyway, it's not mentionned anywhere, not in the changelog, in any bug16:16
didrocksI just saw the change because I'm looking at unity trunk16:16
pittididrocks: so using ctrl+tab for the "other" switcher would be a lot more predictable?16:16
didrockspitti: that's a question for DBO and design I guess16:17
pittihow do you want to document/explain to people how to find the other switcher?16:17
pitti"Alt+some key on your keyboard, we can't tell you what it is" :)16:17
DBOyou mean "alt + key above tab"16:18
didrockspitti: again, it's not a question for me :) I'm not even supposed to be aware about it…16:18
pittiDBO: except that it's not :)16:18
DBOpitti, how do you figure?16:18
pittiDBO: the key above tab is =/+ for me, and it doesn't do anythign with compiz16:18
didrockspitti: it's in the incoming release16:19
DBOpitti, are you running trunk?16:19
pittiDBO: no, current oneiric16:19
DBOyeah you need trunk, the key detection works16:19
DBOI had several people do testing16:19
DBOyou can too if you want16:19
DBOthere is a test program in unity trunk you can run16:19
DBOit will tell you what the key above tab is on your layout16:19
* pitti branches lp:unity16:20
pittiDBO: so no need to report all the bugs from e. g. Daviey?16:20
pittiwe'll test that program from trunk instead?16:20
DBOyes just run the program16:20
DBOin the tests directory16:21
DBOif it prints out a key that is not your key above tab16:21
DBOit failed16:21
DBOso far, it has not failed16:21
pittiah, I guess I need to configure/make etc. first?16:21
pittiah, no configure16:21
pittididrocks: is there a trick how to only build tests/test-keyutil from a trunk checkout?16:22
didrockspitti: mkdir build16:22
didrockscd build16:22
didrockscmake ..16:22
didrocksthen, I guess cd tests && make16:22
didrocks(instead of make in the root dir)16:22
* desrt spends the last two days chasing a ghost16:24
DBOpitti, sorry, didn't mean to leave you hanging16:24
didrocksDBO: did you saw that the keycode can always be 49 btw?16:24
didrocksDBO: that's why I read on some other code ;)16:24
DBOdesrt, in the end, it's revealed that you are the ghost16:24
didrocksdesrt: ghost window? :-)16:25
desrtDBO: i see kernel bugs?16:25
DBOdesrt, I think you do16:25
DBOdidrocks, what?16:25
desrtcan everyone download and run a test program for me?16:25
DavieyDBO: If you need helping testing something, please do let me know :)16:26
desrtit should print out a bunch of dots on your screen.  at some point, the dots should stop.16:26
DBODaviey, what keyboard layout do you use?16:27
didrocksDBO: see the comment on http://git.gnome.org/browse/mutter/commit/?id=4ea00e102b6afe25e2b84f9def2f44da1b4953c616:27
DBOdesrt, it does this in a window, right?16:27
desrtDBO: it's a console program...16:27
desrtits interaction with you is limited to putchar('.'); fflush();16:28
DavieyDBO: Oddly, English (US) atm16:28
DavieyDBO: i do have an Xmodmap rebinding # to the button below Esc tho.16:28
desrtdepending on your luck, the crash could happen immediately or after a thousand or so iterations16:28
desrti've had to run it for as much as 5 minutes before16:28
DBODaviey, do what pitti is doing16:29
pittistill building here16:29
pittiapparently cmake generates broken Makefiles which don't work with parallel building :(16:29
Davieypitti: Are you building trunk unity for amd64?16:29
pittiDaviey: yes16:29
DBOI do -j4 constantly pitti16:29
didrockspitti: it works with parallell building here (thanksfully)16:30
Davieypitti: for the lazy, are you able to scp them somewhere?16:30
pittiit still seems to build the world, even when running make in tests/16:30
pittiDaviey: sure16:30
didrocksbut still takes 30 minutes just for unity16:30
DBOdidrocks, I am making it longer by adding more test applications16:30
didrocksDBO: what, you do test? where is the snow? :)16:30
pittiDaviey: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/test-keyutil-amd6416:31
pittiKey above Tab is grave16:31
pittiwell, what I thought16:31
pittiI suppose that's based on the standard physical layout of a keyboard, not my real keyboard :)16:32
pittibut I guess I'm a bit of a special case here16:32
pittiDBO: &16:33
pittiDBO: and when I switch to German layout, it still says the same16:33
DBOpitti, what?16:33
pittisorry, that was meant to be a ^16:33
DBOpitti, I honestly have no idea if that is right for you or not16:34
pittiDBO: anyway, Alt+` was workign for me, so I guess Daviey's output is more interesting16:34
pittiDBO: http://www.kinesis-ergo.com/images/kb_adv-pro_met720x471.jpg is my keyboard16:34
DBOpitti, okay screw that16:34
didrockspitti: what is the keycode for reference,16:35
pittibut as there is no way to find out about the physical layout of a keyboard, I guess that's the next best thing16:35
pittiDBO: I'm not worried about my case16:35
pittiDBO: I'm worried about Daviey's16:35
pittiDBO: but it seems there is no point in reporting Daviey's bug now, when that got changed in trunk after all, right?16:35
pittididrocks: for what?16:35
DBOpitti, what layout does your keyboard report itself as?16:36
pittiDBO: US16:36
Davieypitti: sorry, before i exec this - what is it? :)16:36
pittiDaviey: don't worry, just an alias for rm -r16:36
Davieyoh good16:36
pittiDaviey: no, it just prints out a list to stdout, nothing more16:36
didrockspitti: I meant, the keycode of the key += (the one above the Tab)16:37
DBOdidrocks, his keyboard is lying to the xserver16:37
DBOclearly that wont work16:37
* Daviey trusts pitti :)16:37
pittiKeyPress event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x4200001,16:37
pitti    root 0xbe, subw 0x0, time 40499628, (150,16), root:(766,853),16:37
pitti    state 0x0, keycode 21 (keysym 0x3d, equal), same_screen YES,16:37
didrocksyeah, it won't work then :)16:37
Davieypitti: http://pb.daviey.com/0QFc/16:37
pitti"Key above Tab is numbersign"16:37
pittiDaviey: does that sound true?16:38
Davieypitti: blame me for that, Xmodmap.16:38
DBOso its true for you Daviey?16:38
Daviey$ cat ~/.Xmodmap16:38
Davieykeycode 49=numbersign16:38
Davieykeycode 94=dead_tilde16:38
Davieyremove Lock = Caps_Lock16:38
desrtDBO: did it crash yet?16:39
DavieyI can retest without that, if it helps test this?16:39
didrockspitti: and for your question about discoverability, this is another way than the arrow to show the instances FYI16:39
DBOdesrt, oh sorry I forgot to run it with everything else16:39
desrts'ok :)16:39
desrtdidrocks: can you test too, maybe?16:39
didrocksdesrt: sure16:40
DBOdesrt, didn't crash16:40
DBOstopped printing dots16:40
desrtDBO: the stopping is the crashing16:40
desrtcan you give me your uname -r?16:41
desrtapt-cache policy for libc, too?16:41
didrocksdesrt: same here, same kernel16:41
DBOdesrt, same as didrocks16:42
DBOdesrt, it prints a different number of dots each time if that helps16:43
pittiDaviey: would be interesting to confirm, anyway, I guess16:43
desrtDBO: it's a race... it happens by random chance16:43
desrtwe're on eglibc these days, right?16:43
DBOpitti, you jelly of my key above tab code?16:43
pittiDBO: "jelly"?16:44
DBOsorry... too much reddit lately16:44
DBOyou dont like the key above tab stuff?16:44
pittiDBO: my original question was debugging Daviey's issue of Alt+A, which is certainly unexpected16:44
pittiand then we found that trunk uses a different approach than what's in oneiric right now16:45
pittiso I guess the original bug is moot now16:45
DBOmore or less16:45
pittiI still think Ctrl+Tab might be a little easier to document/explain/be more robust, but as long as it doesn't grab letters any more, I'm fin e:)16:45
DBOpitti, ctrl+tab is used by other applications16:46
DBOand you cant switch from alt-tab to ctrl-tab without the switcher going away16:46
Davieypitti: http://pb.daviey.com/1Cbb/17:05
Davieyunmodified layout.17:05
Daviey(incidently, without my modified layout alt+a works again)17:09
desrtDBO, didrocks; can you try again with -static?17:18
DBOdesrt, sure17:18
desrtannoyingly, static linking appears to solve the problem for me17:19
desrtwhich prevents me from checking old libc versions with new kernels17:19
desrtputs more weight on chances of it being a libc bug, though17:19
desrttime for a libc bug, methinks17:22
kenvandinepitti, are you still around?18:13
pittikenvandine: again, yes (was at dinner)18:25
kenvandinepitti, nm... unping :)18:25
dbarthAmaranth: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/nux/+bug/83869318:28
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 838693 in compiz "Add support for GL-ES" [Undecided,New]18:28
Amaranthdbarth: so the compiz changes are 59 files changed, 2330 insertions(+), 2934 deletions(-)18:29
Amaranthand that's just compiz, not even including compiz-plugins-main18:29
Amaranthyay for removing more code than added, I guess :)18:30
dbarthAmaranth: woops18:30
dbarthoh right, smspillaz mentioned the plugin rewrite you had to do18:30
Amaranthhaven't rewritten any plugins yet, just ported them all18:30
dbarthwell, yeah, in that case it's a significant distro-patch18:31
* didrocks waves goodnight18:38
DBOits 3PM and all is quiet in the desktop team19:00
pittiit's 9 pm, and my wife gets angry :)19:00
pittiFTR, pygobject 2.90 uploaded \o/19:00
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
pittigood night everyone!19:31
brycehpitti, night19:33
cyphermoxnight pitti19:33
=== eeejay_is_afk is now known as eeejay
=== eeejay is now known as eeejay_is_afk
=== eeejay_is_afk is now known as eeejay
dupondjeSeems like network-manager-openvpn is broken22:33
dupondjeit does not change default route to the vpn tunnel, even if wanted22:33

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