
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
infinityion: Does this mean you'll be sponsoring my uploads and reviewing my patches and such? ;)00:07
ioninfinity: It did from 02:25:49 to 02:26:17 (UTC+3).00:10
infinityDamnit, I missed my chance.00:14
lynxmanit was such short... but intense piloting00:20
keesanyone else seeing "debsums: invalid package name" errors?00:22
keesseems related to doing sums on transitional packages00:23
ionkees: Yeah. There’s a bug report about it on Launchpad.00:28
ionBug #80992400:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 809924 in debsums (Ubuntu) "debsums "invalid package name"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80992400:29
stgraberkees: debsums might be a bit broken at the moment because of the changes that happened to it to make it multiarch aware. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=61606600:54
ubottuDebian bug 616066 in debsums "/usr/bin/debsums: should not access dpkg's internal database directly, but use dpkg-query" [Important,Open]00:54
stgraberkees: what's in Oneiric is based on a relatively hacky script I wrote back the sprint but I probably missed some corner cases that have been addressed by the newer version of the patch in Debian00:55
keesstgraber: ah, cool01:00
mynameisdeletedI'd like to submit artwork to the ubuntu project01:57
mynameisdeletedwhats the process for doign that?01:57
hammmawhere can I suggest ideas for the unity project?02:02
sladenhammma: ayatana-design02:15
sladenhamma: https://launchpad.net/~ayatana02:17
sladenhammma: should be a subscribe link at the bottom02:17
pittiGood morning05:23
didrocksgood morning05:46
=== naba_ is now known as naba
YokoZarIs there an environment variable that will set bzr launchpad-login ?06:51
infinityYokoZar: Setting it with 'bzr launchpad-login' isn't enough?06:55
YokoZarinfinity: meh, I figured I could put it in bashrc along with the long list of other environment variables I have there like BZR_EMAIL06:56
infinityYou could put "bzr launchpad-login whoever" in bashrc...06:56
broderbzr launchpad-login just sets a variable in ~/.bazaar, right?06:58
YokoZarfor some reason I thought it did something a bit more complex than that, like verify the name somehow06:58
infinitylaunchpad_username in bazaar.conf, yeah.06:59
YokoZarok then since it's persistent there's no need for environment variable or bashrc messing ;)07:01
infinityNope, not if you always have a bazaar.conf.07:01
dholbachgood morning07:03
pittihey dholbach07:04
geserHi pitti, dholbach07:04
dholbachhi pitti, hi geser07:05
pittihey geser, wie gehts?07:10
geserpitti: I'm fine. And you?07:22
pittipretty well, thanks! a bit in crunch mode due to the late respin for beta07:22
dholbachUrsinha, happy birthday!08:07
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jibelpitti, where is the code of the apport duplicate finder ? it's doing things that doesn't make sense.09:09
pittijibel: it's all in lp:apport, but where exactly depends on the nature of what you are seing09:10
pittijibel: what's an example?09:10
pittijibel: we recently added some non-crash dupe things to the ubuntu hook (/usr/share/apport/general-hooks/ubuntu.py); these are fairly new and might cause false positives09:11
jibelpitti, it marked bug 837503 and bug 837288 as duplicates of bug 837042. In its logic it is probably right but we should probably add rules to say "Don't touch a report that is in this state".09:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 837503 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "'Prepare for shipping' not available on DVDs" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83750309:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 837288 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "oem-config-remove-gtk crashed with SystemExit in _on_failure(): 1" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83728809:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 837042 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "wrong encoding for input in oem-config" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83704209:13
jibellike don't touch what is triaged09:13
jibelor also bug 837282 as duplicate of bug 619363, one is a timeout of dbus the other is a dbus service not found09:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619363 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #837282 aptdaemon dbus backend crash in self._transaction.run(defer=True)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61936309:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619363 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) "aptdaemon dbus backend crash in self._transaction.run(defer=True)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61936309:14
pittijibel: right, that DuplicateSignature looks totally inadequate for a manually created bug report09:17
pittibdmurray: ^ I think ubuntu.py should only add these for crash bugs perhaps, not for manually filed bugs?09:18
pittijibel: so for that I think the code is in /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_ubiquity.py09:19
pittiline 73 ff.09:20
pittiit sets the DuplicateSignature regardless of the ProblemType09:20
pittiit shuold only do that for "Crash" and perhaps "Package", but not "Bug"09:20
pittibdmurray: ^ do you agree?09:20
pittijibel: bug 837288 should keep the DuplicateSignature, though, do you agree?09:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 837288 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "oem-config-remove-gtk crashed with SystemExit in _on_failure(): 1" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83728809:22
jibelpitti, the signature is wrong. It is not the error in the Traceback but from ubiquity syslog, which is not what triggered the crash.09:27
pittijibel, bdmurray: first fix: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/oneiric/apport/ubuntu/revision/183409:27
pittibdmurray: can you look into the wrong DuplicateSignature in 837288?09:28
pittijibel: right; I meant for these kinds of bugs it makes sense to keep a DuplicateSignature, but not for the other two (ProblemType Bug)09:28
pittijibel: I'll remove that faulty master bug from the dup db in a moment09:28
jibelpitti, agree. for crash reports it makes sense to keep the signature.09:29
lynxmanjhunt_: ping09:30
jhunt_lynxman: hi09:30
lynxmanjhunt_: hey :)09:30
lynxmanjhunt_: I've been fighting with a bug the last day, very nasty one09:30
lynxmanjhunt_: looks like a race condition in the initrd ramfs when your root or swap are in extended partitions09:31
lynxmanjhunt_: which makes udev not mount properly and you can't boot up09:31
lynxmanjhunt_: in oneiric server09:31
lynxmanjhunt_: bug 81817709:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 818177 in linux (Ubuntu) "HP DL380G5 root disk mounted read-only on boot and boot fails" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81817709:31
jhunt_lynxman: I'll take a look...09:32
lynxmanjhunt_: adam_g suggested a small patch to /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-bottom/udev09:32
lynxmanjhunt_: just want to make sure it makes sense from the foundations side as well09:32
lynxmanjhunt_: thanks :)09:32
infinityjml: I bet it suspends great, it just fails to resume. ;)10:17
cjwatsontkamppeter: it's too late to change beta-1 for anything short of an emergency10:18
pittitkamppeter: this kind of bug can be fixed perfectly with a  post-installation upgrade10:19
tkamppetercjwatson, pitti, OK. Probably beta1 users update regularly anyway, as it is not a final.10:37
cjwatsonyes, I think that can be expected10:37
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cr3is there a debian script or something for a package to modify the configuration file of another package when it doesn't have a convenient *.d directory, ie should be able to add either lines or a section on install and then remove that on uninstall11:08
pitticr3: if it's a dpkg-managed configuration file (so-called "conffile"), this is not allowed11:09
pitticr3: if it's a non-managed file, there are no scripts for this, as every conffile looks different; the usual approach is to use sed, etc.11:09
cr3pitti: /etc/sysctl.conf, I'm only writing a convenience optimization package for use in the cloud, not intended for the real archives :)11:10
pitticr3: but these things need to be done very very VERY careful; it must never touch a file of an unkonwn/unexpected format, the code needs to be idempotent, etc.11:10
ogra_cr3, you want /etc/sysctl.d/ instead11:10
pitticr3: sysctl.conf is a conffile; what ogra said11:10
ogra_that can override /etc/sysctl.conf and you only drop a file in place with your package11:11
cr3awesome, I didn't even notice sysctl.d! I can't remember last time I actually did an ls of /etc, strange :)11:12
cr3but now I have to modify /etc/postgresql/$version/main/postgresql.conf :(11:13
pitticr3: that's not a conffile11:13
pitticr3: also, that file isn't guaranteed to exist (there might be more/other/differnet clusters), but as long as it's for a personal package, that's fine11:14
cr3pitti: yeah, it's personal but I'm still trying to be minimally careful, like not just appending blindly and so forth11:14
bdrungcjwatson: are you working on a patch for xmms2?11:50
bdrungoh, now i got the mails. thanks for your work.11:51
cjwatsonbdrung: I'm working on all the remaining libav NBS dependencies (that Fabrice doesn't beat me to)11:55
cjwatsonit's just a bit tedious11:57
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
bdrungcjwatson: can you give me your patch as real file / attachment? i copied the inline patch and 'patch' complains about it.12:07
cjwatsonbdrung: perhaps easiest to grab it from https://launchpadlibrarian.net/78695385/xmms2_0.7DrNo%2Bdfsg-2build2_0.7DrNo%2Bdfsg-2ubuntu1.diff.gz12:12
cjwatsonminus the debian/control bit of course12:12
Davieyslangasek: Do you have thoughts on, bug 835625 .. smelling multiarch related.12:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 835625 in cyrus-sasl2 (Ubuntu) "package libsasl2-2 2.1.24~rc1.dfsg1+cvs2011-05-23-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: libsasl2-2:i386 2.1.24~rc1.dfsg1+cvs2011-05-23-4ubuntu2 (Multi-Arch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83562512:28
=== lenios__ is now known as lenios_
jibelpitti, do you still get bug 83188412:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 830061 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "duplicate for #831884 ubiquity-dm crashed with AttributeError in run(): 'Pixbuf' object has no attribute 'render_pixmap_and_mask'" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83006112:57
pittijibel: I didn't notice apport popping up for this12:57
jibelnot  the master, the first report.12:57
pittijibel: but I didn't do a test case with an existing user account, so there was nothign to migrate12:58
pittijibel: ah, no, I don't get 831884 any more12:58
jibelit is still an issue there with ubiquity 2.7.2512:59
pittiI tried the beta-1 on the very same machine (Mini 10), plus my workstation (X201), both worked fine12:59
jibelI tried on an eeepc, same error. another system work fine booted from CD. I'll try from USB.13:03
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lynxmanjhunt_: hey sir o/ any feedback on bug #818177?13:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 818177 in linux (Ubuntu) "HP DL380G5 root disk mounted read-only on boot and boot fails" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81817713:30
jhunt_lynxman: can't recreate the problem myself yet, but the proposed solution sounds reasonable, although maybe we should have some sort of timeout waiting for udev?13:47
lynxmanjhunt_: okay, I'll figure out a patch with a timeout value then :13:48
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
bdmurraypitti: one issue with using if report['ProblemType'] != bug is bug 71267714:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 712677 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Does not report crashes during "Install Ubuntu" installs" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71267714:04
Andy80hi all14:22
Andy80I've read that Oracle retired their license for distributing their SDK on Linux... does it mean we will be able to distribute only OpenJDK in the Software Center?14:23
pittibdmurray: right, we need to fix that14:24
bdrungcjwatson: uploaded xmms2 to sid. i did more changes: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-xmms2/xmms2.git14:27
cjwatsonok, dh_python2 will need an FFe though14:28
slangasekAndy80: what Oracle has retired is their standing public redistribution license; given that the sun java packages currently available through Software Center are part of the Canonical Partner archive, not part of Ubuntu itself, it's not clear from this whether Oracle will maintain that particular relationship14:30
Andy80slangasek: ok, so it's a different agreement, not the general one. Thanks14:32
slangasekAndy80: well, I'm not actually privy to whether Canonical does have a separate license agreement for those packages - but by virtue of the package's presence in partner, I can say there's a direct *relationship*, so they may work something out :)14:33
slangasekDaviey: thanks, bug #835625 triaged14:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 835625 in apt (Ubuntu Oneiric) "package libsasl2-2 2.1.24~rc1.dfsg1+cvs2011-05-23-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: libsasl2-2:i386 2.1.24~rc1.dfsg1+cvs2011-05-23-4ubuntu2 (Multi-Arch" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83562514:33
pittistgraber: oh, bfb? I thought that was gone in oneiric now, does 2d still have it?14:47
stgraberpitti: it's still called bfb (as in the file) but that's now the dash launcher14:47
pittijibel: trying a zh_CN install with the oneiric desktop CD now; which one is simplified Chinese, the third-last or second-last in the language list?14:47
pittistgraber: ah14:49
jibelpitti, this one 中文(简体)14:49
slangasekthe simpler one, obviously! :)14:49
pittijibel: ah, it does look a tad simpler, doesn't it14:49
pittijibel: merci!14:49
* pitti now trying to do a "blind" install14:49
stgraberpitti: anything in particular you want to test?14:50
pittijibel: still curious that I don't see it when I create a chinese user in a running system, or in the live session14:50
stgraberpitti: I just did a chinese test install for Edubuntu14:50
pittistgraber: bug 77151014:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771510 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu Oneiric) "missing translations for Simplified Chinese" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77151014:50
pittistgraber: and the two related ones for two other indicators14:50
* pitti retitles the bug14:50
stgraberpitti: ok, I have an installed chinese system here, let me have a quick look14:50
pittibug 77151014:50
pittistgraber: some indicators show "Empty Label" in them14:51
* pitti figures out how to select US keyboard layout14:51
stgraber"Label Empty" actually14:51
pittiah, right; bug updated14:52
stgrabersession/me, sound and date all have the problem14:52
pittiyeah, seems everyone gets it but me..14:52
pittiI'm currently doing a clean test install with zh_CN right from the start14:52
pittiseems it doesn't happen in live session or post-install14:53
stgraberouch, and seems like we also have some font problem (might be related14:53
pittiah, with the "guess your keyboard layout" button I was able to find US :)14:53
stgraberpitti: default chinese keyboard is US14:53
stgraberpitti: http://www.stgraber.org/download/unity-chinese.png14:55
stgraberthat doesn't look too good :)14:55
pittiI didn't get that14:55
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pittiafter jibel's latest post I'm beginning to think it's a broken locale setting14:56
stgraberfor some reason I didn't get that in the live session either, only on the installed system14:56
pittistgraber: do you mind to post the output of "locale" to that bug, plus ~/.profile and /etc/default/profile ?14:56
stgraberpitti: and you'd be right, locale is wrong14:56
pittiif it is locale, then it'll also explain why I didn't get it with a test user14:56
stgraberpitti: I have zh_CN not zh_CN.UTF-814:56
pittias control-center sets it right14:56
pittiaccountsservice, I mean14:56
pittistgraber: I bet that's it; it's getting an invalid LC_CTYPE and chinese $LANGUAGE14:57
stgraberrestarting session with the right locale14:57
stgrabereverything looks good now14:57
pittiok, so we should just attach the wrong files; my install is almost through, will do it afterwards unless you beat me to it14:58
stgraberok, so I guess that bug should be changed to: "/etc/default/locale set to zh_CN instead of zh_CN.UTF-8 when installing in Chinese"14:58
stgraberpitti: attached the screenshot and /etc/default/locale to the bug15:00
stgraberI guess this will need re-assigning but not sure to what, localechooser?15:01
stgraberpitti: it very well might explain bug 83884515:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 838845 in ldm (Ubuntu) "Chinese glyphs (and potentially some other languages) aren't rendered properly in ldm" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83884515:03
pittistgraber: very probabl15:03
pittistgraber: I updated the bug and will add a few dupes15:03
pittistgraber, jibel: ok, reproduced here as well; I updated the bug and duped the others15:06
pittiArchive: Feature/UI Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy ->  oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: robert_ancell15:14
pitti(freeze lifted, go wild)15:14
pittididrocks: ^ you might fancy uploading unity-2d15:14
didrockspitti: ah nice, I'm preparing the next release of unity-2d with the unity one right now :)15:15
tkamppeter_pitti, It looks like that LP has a problem with the two s-c-p uploads approved at once. It seems that it has picked the older one, 1.3.6+20110824-0ubuntu2 instead of 1.3.6+20110831-0ubuntu1.15:25
pittitkamppeter_: it should have accepted both15:25
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tkamppeterpitti, See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/system-config-printer, which shows the old version and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/system-config-printer/+changelog which includes the new version.15:26
tkamppeterpitti, I got two accept e-mails, but the one for the old version came after the one for the new version.15:27
pittitkamppeter: the latter page shows unpublished sources, too; all is well15:27
tkamppeterpitti, yes I can access the newer version's page through a link on the changelog page.15:30
cjwatsondon't worry about mail ordering15:30
slangasekif both are accepted, the higher version will win15:31
cjwatsonjust leave it an hour or so and everything will sort itself out15:31
tkamppeterOK, thanks.15:34
bdmurraysuperm1: Did you see my patch in bug 766160?15:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 766160 in dkms (Ubuntu) "apport hook should identify duplicates" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76616015:38
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qmrWhy is empathy the default IM client?16:05
hallynhow come /dev/mqueue is not mounted  by default on an ubuntu system?  Just obsolete?16:28
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kirklandjml: ping17:00
jmlkirkland: hi17:00
kirklandjml: i'm not able to reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/83880717:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 838807 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "Lose access to Private directory after logging out then logging in again" [High,New]17:00
jmlkirkland: ah, ok. I can reproduce it easily and lots.17:00
kirklandjml: hmm17:00
kirklandjml: actually, hang on17:01
jmlkirkland: I mean, sucks to be logging out all the time.17:01
kirklandjml: i'm encrypting all of $HOME, you're encrypting $HOME/Private17:01
jmlkirkland: yep17:01
kirklandjml: let me try to reproduce that17:01
jmlkirkland: ok. thanks.17:01
kirklandjml: oh, one more thing17:01
kirklandjml: ls -alF $HOME/.ecryptfs/auto-mount17:02
kirklandjml: and is this a recent thing?  or has it been doing this for a while?17:02
jml-rw-r--r-- 1 jml jml 0 2008-10-14 07:09 /home/jml/.ecryptfs/auto-mount17:02
jmlkirkland: for a while17:02
kirklandjml: dang17:02
kirklandpitti: ping?17:02
kirklandpitti: you encrypt *just* $HOME/Private, right?17:02
kirklandpitti: have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/838807 yet?17:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 838807 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "Lose access to Private directory after logging out then logging in again" [High,New]17:02
cjwatsonI think I've seen that.  I can't log out right now though, and it seems fine on the first login after booting (which this is)17:03
cjwatson-rw-r--r-- 1 cjwatson cjwatson 0 2008-08-20 14:14 /home/cjwatson/.ecryptfs/auto-mount17:04
kirklandhmm, is there any chance that subsequent logins are short circuiting the pam stack in lightdm?17:04
kirklandjml: one more thing ...  could you try with ssh?17:06
kirklandjml: ie, logout of your desktop, and then ssh in/out repeatedly, and see if it's automounting/unmounting17:06
kirklandjml: i just tried that with an encrypted private, and ssh logins seem to be behaving properly17:06
* kirkland logs out to test this17:07
jmlkirkland: ok. sure. sorry for delay.17:10
jmlI need something to log in with.17:10
kirklandjml: ssh?17:12
kirklandjml: if you're running an ssh server there, you can drop to a tty, login as root or another user, and ssh jml@localhost17:12
jmlkirkland: ahh, right.17:12
kirklandjml: i just logged in/out 10x times with a test user and an encrypted private directory, with no luck reproducing the problem17:12
jmlkirkland: ok. will try that.17:12
kirklandjml: do a mount | grep ecryptfs in between logins17:13
kirklandjml: to see if you're getting unmounted properly17:13
* jml tries.17:14
kirklandjml: hmm, I'm just not reproducing this17:20
tgm4883jdstrand, ....17:20
jandruskReally? Dead link off of "Create" section of developer.ubuntu.com? http://developer.ubuntu.com/create/qt/17:21
superm1bdmurray, yeah but i don't have access to sponsor it until next week.17:21
jmlkirkland: so I tried logging out, but I need to reconfigure my SSH server :)17:21
superm1it looks fine to me though17:21
jmlkirkland: give me a bit longer.17:22
jmlkirkland: when I log in on the tty as jml, I get an error.17:22
barry@pilot in17:22
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Alpha 3 released | Archive: Beta 1 Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: barry, robert_ancell
kirklandjml: np;  i'll get this solved for you, but we'll need to work together a bit to triage it, since I'm not reproducing it17:22
jandruskIt's the last link on the left on 'QT creator'.17:22
jmlkirkland: but I think it's the one in the paste in the bug report17:22
kirklandjml: are you in your desktop now?17:23
jmlkirkland: yes.17:23
kirklandjml: okay, give me a couple of pastebins ...17:23
kirklandjml: ll $HOME/.ecryptfs/17:23
kirklandjml: and17:24
kirklandjml: ll $HOME/.ecryptfs17:24
jmlkirkland: http://paste.ubuntu.com/679942/17:24
jmlkirkland: going to try the SSH thing again now.17:25
kirklandjml: hmm, okay, i do see one aberration17:26
kirklandjml: minor, but let's try this ...17:26
kirklandjml: echo "$HOME/Private" > $HOME/.ecryptfs/Private.mnt17:26
kirklandjml: ie, set your private mountpoint17:26
kirklandjml: i think that should default to $HOME/Private, but it's possible that it's not doing so for you?17:27
jmlkirkland: ok. done that. Will log out and log in again.17:27
kirklandjml: k17:27
jmlkirkland: no joy.17:29
jmlkirkland: want me to try the SSH thing, now that I have a properly configured server?17:29
kirklandjml: okay ls -alF /dev/shm/ecryptfs-jml*17:29
jmlkirkland: -rw------- 1 jml root 2 2011-09-01 18:28 /dev/shm/ecryptfs-jml-Private17:30
jmlkirkland: but this is while it is mounted17:30
kirklandjml: cat /dev/shm/ecryptfs-jml-Private17:30
kirklandjml: okay, good17:31
kirklandjml: yeah, try ssh17:31
kirklandjml: you can even do it in your desktop session17:31
kirklandjml: just ssh in and out of localhost17:31
jmlkirkland: ssh works while I'm in desktop session (thing shows up as mounted).17:32
jmlkirkland: shall I try outside of desktop session?17:32
kirklandjml: ecryptfs-umount-private17:32
kirklandjml: make sure it gets unmounted17:32
kirklandjml: mount | grep ecryptfs17:32
kirklandjml: and then try in and out of ssh a couple of times (3?  4?  5?)17:33
jmlkirkland: http://paste.ubuntu.com/679951/ (line 25 is when I umount)17:34
kirklandjml: ooh, so you can reproduce it with ssh alone?17:35
kirklandjml: dpkg -l ecryptfs-utils17:35
jmlkirkland: apparently so. although I notice that with SSH I don't get the warning about keyctl_search, which I *do* get when I do a tty login after first desktop logout17:35
jmlii  ecryptfs-utils      90-0ubuntu1         ecryptfs cryptographic filesystem (utilities)17:36
kirklandjml: okay, do: keyctl list @u17:36
kirklandjml: this should show 2 keys in your keyring17:36
kirklandjml: well, 2 if you're encrypting filenames17:36
jmlno, only one.17:36
kirklandjml: 1 if you're not17:36
jmlI don't know if I'm encrypting filenames. I chose the option on install some three years ago :)17:37
kirklandjml: wc -l $HOME/.ecryptfs/Private.sig17:37
kirklandjml: :-P17:37
kirklandjml: if that wc is 1, then you're not17:37
kirklandjml: if it's 2, then you are17:37
kirklandjml: or, ls $HOME/.Private17:37
kirklandjml: and if you see normal filenames, then you're not encrypting filenames17:37
jmlkirkland: right. they are all there.17:38
kirklandjml: if you see: ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.FWYkiiM.WVXtxUQ5kMZ3hnYV7a7TNI7Ya0xUZWDbvgdLrupba-Nlw.EU--17:38
kirklandjml: then you are :-)17:38
kirklandjml: okay, good17:38
jmlkirkland: so, keyctl list @u has one key. Are there details there that you would like to see?17:39
kirklandjml: no need17:39
kirklandjml: okay, can you get it back to the point where you reproduce the problem, and then see if keyctl list @u shows 1 key?17:40
jmlhmm. by "reproduce the problem", do you mean, say, in an ssh session?17:40
kirklandjml: sure17:41
kirklandjml: reproduce is "ssh in, enter password, but ~/Private is not mounted"17:41
kirklandjml: also, pastebin "md5sum /etc/pam.d/*"17:42
jmlkirkland: http://paste.ubuntu.com/679960/17:43
kirklandjml: oooh, your /etc/pam.d/common-auth and /etc/pam.d/common-password differ from mine17:45
kirklandjml: could you pastebin those two files?17:45
jmlkirkland: sure.17:45
jmlkirkland: have 1 key under ssh17:47
jmlbut when I remount the thing I have two keys17:47
kirklandjml: oh ho ho, that's interesting, that gives me an idea17:47
kirklandjml: -auth   optional                        pam_smbpass.so migrate17:48
kirklandjml: that's inconsequential here17:48
jmlalso, the numbers are slightly different17:48
jml"1000    0" for one, "1000   1000" for the one that appears after mounting17:48
jmlkirkland: sorry, I don't quite grok the "-auth" line.17:48
kirklandjml: oh, i just looked at your minor pam differences, and it's just an smbpass thing, which should have nothing to do with this17:49
jmlah right.17:49
kirklandjml: okay, so those two numbers are uid and gid, and that shouldn't matter here17:50
kirklandjml: but you're saying sometimes you have 2 keys in there, and sometimes 1?17:50
jmlkirkland: when ~/Private is mounted, I have two17:50
jmlkirkland: otherwise, 117:50
jmlkirkland: but maybe that's because I've been using the interactive command to mount it? /me really doesn't know. Not sure what it has on first login17:50
kirklandjml: okay, when private is mounted, could you give me the output of "mount | grep ecryptfs" ?  you may choose to fuzz the sig hex numbers, as these are hashes of your keys17:51
kirklandjml: i'm think i'm on the track here17:51
jml/home/jml/.Private on /home/jml/Private type ecryptfs (ecryptfs_check_dev_ruid,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=16,ecryptfs_unlink_sigs,ecryptfs_sig=XXXXXXXXXXX)17:52
kirklandjml: okay, take a mental note of the true value of your ecryptfs_sig=XXXXXXXXXXX17:53
jmlgot it.17:53
kirklandjml: now, do whatever you do to reproduce the problem (ie, get it to not auto mount)17:53
kirklandjml: and before mounting do your keyctl list @u17:53
kirklandjml: see if that hex key id is in the list17:53
kirklandjml: if i understand you correctly, there will be 1 and only 1 key in your list, and it won't be ecryptfs_sig=XXXXXXXXXXX17:54
jmlkirkland: correct.17:54
kirklandjml: then do ecryptfs-mount-private17:54
kirklandjml: enter your pw, see that private mounted, and now keyctl list17:54
kirklandjml: and you get two keys in the list17:55
kirklandjml: which includes the necessary ecryptfs_sig=XXXXXXXXXXX17:55
jmlkirkland: correct again.17:55
kirklandjml: okay, i have an idea of what's wrong17:55
kirklandjml: see line 46 of /usr/bin/ecryptfs-mount-private ... I need to simulate that in pam_ecryptfs.c17:56
kirklandjml: okay, give me a little while to get this reproduced and tested;  i'll put a package in a ppa for your testing17:56
kirklandjml: thanks for your patience17:56
jmlkirkland: thank you for helping me debug this17:56
jmlkirkland: or, umm, the other way around.17:57
jmlkirkland: anyway, I'm grateful :)17:57
kirklandjml: :-)  yes, thank you17:57
kirklandjml: how much longer until your EoD?17:57
jmlkirkland: I'm an hour past it.17:58
kirklandjml: okay, it might be on the morrow for you then17:58
jmlkirkland: but I'll be around online most of the evening.17:58
kirklandjml: cheers, though, you'll have a ppa package waiting for you17:58
jmlkirkland: ok, thanks. :)17:58
kirklandjml: okey doke17:58
pdtpatr1ckQuestion .. what's the preferred method for building a package.. there's dkpg-buildpackage -rfakeroot .. there's fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -F .. there's debuild -S -sa and then sudo pbuilder build <package_version.dsc>18:12
infinitypdtpatr1ck: Any of those except for "fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage".18:20
slangasekpdtpatr1ck: debuild is a better interface than dpkg-buildpackage for developer use cases; fakeroot never needs to be specified manually becuase it's a default; what infinity said; and use of debuild vs. pbuilder has more to do with your workflow than whether one is a "preferred method".18:20
infinitypdtpatr1ck: "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot" will only use fakeroot during the bits where it needs to (and debuild, pbuilder, and sbuild will all call dpkg-buildpackage in that same manner)18:21
slangasekif you already have a dsc, you're not going to be running 'debuild -S -sa', so the last two are orthogonal18:21
pdtpatr1ckGreat .. much appreciated guys18:21
infinityslangasek: Is it sad that even though I know debuild is easier and less typing, muscle memory dictates that I still type "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us -S" every time?18:22
infinityslangasek: Worse still, because -rfakeroot is the default now, and I still type it.18:22
infinitySilly fingers.18:23
pittikirkland: no, I switched to full $HOME encryption a few cycles ago18:26
pittikirkland: yeah, I think I saw it sometimes; seems to be some kind of race condition or mis-counting sessions18:26
slangasekinfinity: you're losing valuable seconds of your life that way!  best to just let the autobuilders do it all for you18:35
infinityslangasek: *glare*18:41
pittiinfinity: "bzr bd" !!!11!18:44
* infinity packs up his toys and goes home.18:45
* pitti is still a bit grumpy about debhelper claiming 'dh', a command that nobody ever types into a shell18:45
infinityI imagine you'll get over it.18:46
infinityBesides, I type it in shells.18:46
infinitydh --no-act can be handy.18:46
pittistill, it's so un-Huffman-y18:47
pittiinfinity: but anyway, I think you already LARTed me for my collection of aliases :)18:48
infinityYou were a math major turned programmer, weren't you?18:48
pittino, just a lazy typer :)18:48
infinityAnd I may have.  It sounds like the sort of thing I'd make fun of.18:48
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smoserhey all. i'm looking at trying to find a solution for bug 838968 .19:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 838968 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "static-network-up event does not wait for interfaces to have an address" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83896819:23
smoseri'm wondering if there is any way suitable for that a daemon could avoid polling to see if all of a list of network interfaces are up and have IPs assigned to them.19:24
smosers/suitable for that/suitable for ubuntu boot where/19:24
hallynsmoser: wasn't SpamapS working on an event for that?19:25
smoserhallyn, you're funny.19:26
smoserits broken :)19:26
smoserand i want to fix it.19:26
stgrabertoo bad upstart can't react to netlink activity yet...19:26
hallyndon't suppose there is a udev uevent when an address is defined?19:27
smoserpolling is probably *really* light, but it just seems dirty.19:28
hallynstgraber: are you thinking NETDEV_CHANGENAME?19:30
slangaseksmoser: I think it's a bug in dhclient and/or ifupdown19:30
smoserits by design in dhclient19:31
slangasekyeah, I think the design is wrong :)19:31
stgraberhallyn: yeah, didn't remember the name though :)19:31
DoctorPepperhi guys !!!19:31
slangaseksmoser: is there a reason you think it's correct for dhclient to background itself before it's gotten a response from the DHCP server and applied it?19:32
slangasekI think this is a bad design that only exists to work around historic limitations, but maybe I'm missing something19:33
stgraberhallyn: there's also NETDEV_CHANGEADDR but that might be for the mac address but maybe NETDEV_CHANGE would work then (haven't played with these in a while, just had to google for them again :))19:33
smoserslangasek, i dont have a good reason.19:33
slangasekstgraber: ^^ perhaps you have an opinion there19:34
smoserbut even if i did, it in that bug info, it seems like ifupdown is going on immediately as opposed to waiting 60 seconds.  although in attempts to reproduce that outside of boot, i can't see it.19:34
slangasekifupdown is going on immediately because dhclient has backgrounded and ifupdown has no channel by which to detect that the interface isn't actually up19:35
stgrabersmoser: any reason we don't simply put a script in /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d ?19:35
smoserslangasek, when run after boot, it doesn't do it immediately, dhclient holds around until it gets an IP address.19:35
slangasekstgraber: because ifupdown and networkmanager already emit events when interfaces are "up", and we should fix *that* to work as intended instead of adding more layers19:36
smoseri have the luxury of working on a system where the driver is apparently bad and a dhcp request is taking like 45 seconds, so i know this :)19:36
slangasekstgraber: since ifupdown and network-manager still have to have them for the static interface case19:36
smoserslangasek i just assumed that the static interface case was more straight forward. is it not?19:37
slangaseksmoser: I did see another bug report recently about *statically* configured interfaces getting the up event emitted before the driver was ready to tx/rx - maybe you have the same issue?19:37
slangaseksmoser: er, from upstart's perspective static vs. dynamic is (and should be) the same model19:37
smoserstgraber, so, saying theres a hooks dir there, how would you tie that all together to ?19:37
DoctorPepperchrisccoulson: i need your  help  , i am trying to build  globalmenu-extension for installing on a non ubuntu distribution (archlinux) , but  when running autoconf  i get the following error : build/autoconf/acwinpaths.m4:44: error: defn: undefined macro: AC_OUTPUT_FILES when the build fails19:38
smoserslangasek right, i agree it should be the same.19:38
stgrabersmoser: as slangasek said before, it's probably not a good idea to add yet another hook, but otherwise a workaround would have been to change the ifupdown script not to send the event when doing dhcp and add a hook in dhclient to send the event when it gets an ip19:38
chrisccoulsonDoctorPepper, you need autoconf2.1319:38
chrisccoulsoni'm sure you already asked me that a while ago, and i gave the same answer ;)19:39
smoserstgraber, right... and then i' dhave to have another upstart job that ran on if-really-up, and determine if all interfaces were up in *that* and fire the event.19:39
* stgraber starts liking NM for that ;) at least we have one piece of software starting everything and that knows the state of all NICs19:41
stgrabersmoser: yeah, that'd get even more of a mess than what we currently have...19:42
DoctorPepperabout 6 month ago but back then  i was impossible to build  it since i was using  fedora  the whole appmenu infrastructure  wasnt avalaible19:42
smoserbut it would give me a solution19:42
smoserwhich i need19:42
DoctorPepperchrisccoulson: i got another error : ./allmakefiles.sh: line 104: ./toolkit/toolkit-makefiles.sh: No such file or directory19:43
DoctorPepperwhat should ido ?19:43
smoserslangasek, how much would you hate me if i did something like that? if it was clearly marked as "the only consumer of 'is-really-up' events is 'static-networking-up.conf', DO NOT USE IT YOURSELF"19:44
slangaseksmoser: a lot :P19:45
slangaseksmoser: that's a lousy workaround - fix the real bug19:45
smoserdo you really think "fix the real bug" is even an option for 11.10 ?19:46
slangasekifupdown shouldn't say the interface is up until it's up; whatever is causing it to say it's up before it is is a bug19:46
smoserchanging dhclient to not bacakground itself would be seemingly invasive at this point.19:46
chrisccoulsonDoctorPepper, looking in the README file would be a good start19:46
slangasekI disagree.  We're not making dhclient not background itself, we'd only be changing *when* it backgrounds itself.19:46
stgrabersmoser: is dhclient being called with -d?19:47
stgrabersmoser: if so, that's your bug19:47
smoserstgraber, i dont thin it is. but i think you're reading the man page wrong.19:48
smoser-d just says "never background"19:48
stgraberwasn't the manpage but yes I read it wrong ;)19:48
smoseri did the same thing19:48
DoctorPepperchrisccoulson:  i worried about one thing   i see  two option  disabling both ogg and web  would this affect the ability  to play ogg and web video on the browse19:49
chrisccoulsonDoctorPepper, no, they have no effect at all19:49
chrisccoulsonthe build system is copied straight from firefox, so those build options just stop you depending on them19:50
smoserSpamapS, ^ slangasek says "make it work right".19:50
SpamapSsmoser: so is dhclient backgrounding itself too early?19:50
chrisccoulsonDoctorPepper, in fact, the build system is basically from https://launchpad.net/mozilla-build-system ;)19:50
DoctorPepperok thanks19:51
smoserSpamapS, so i think there are 2 issues.  1, by design dhclient is not what we'd like.19:51
smoser2. i swear i'm seeing ifupdown emit the interface immediately, but i can't see how.19:51
slangasekwhere is it said that this is by design in dhclient, btw?19:53
slangasekin fact, dhclient has a '-nw' option19:54
slangasekwhich we should avoid using :)19:54
slangasek(and we're not, in either ifupdown or NM - so dhclient daemonizing before IP is acquired is certainly a bug)19:55
SpamapSslangasek: it daemonizes after 60 seconds I believe19:55
smoseryeah... so maybe i'm having old daemons in my head.19:55
smoseri know it used to do this "no ip found for XX seconds backgrounding"19:56
slangasekright; and that's not a sensible thing to do with a modern init system19:56
smoserand actually, i can verify that right now on a system not connected . if i 'sudo ifup eth1' then it *does* return and dhclient is in daemon mode afterwards19:56
stgraberare we sure it's dhclient daemonizing when it shouldn't and not ifupdown starting it in the background to start with (I see quite a few fork() in ifupdown's code)?19:57
slangaseknot sure at all19:57
smoseri'm not usre.19:58
smoserthen *it* would have to be performing the "wait for a little while".  i can test it easily on my unconnected eth119:58
slangasekyou can run dhclient directly with the same options as ifupdown does, check the behavior?19:59
smoseryeah. thats what i was going to do.19:59
slangasekwhat's the full dhclient commandline it uses, btw?  I only have ifupdown-managed dhcp on Debian machines handy, not Ubunut20:00
stgrabersmoser: can you try: killall dhclient3 ; ifconfig eth0 ; dhclient3 eth0; ifconfig eth0?20:00
stgrabersmoser: I just did it a few times here and I always get an IP when dhclient returns20:00
SpamapSI only see two fork's in ifupdown's code20:01
slangasekstgraber: yes, but in your case you *are* getting an IP so that's a racy test :)20:01
DoctorPepperis anyone from the appmenu team here ?20:01
slangasekmore interesting is to see what happens when you aren't20:01
smoserslangasek, ok. i verified.20:01
smosertime sudo dhclient3 -e IF_METRIC=100 -pf /var/run/dhclient.eth1.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth1.leases eth120:02
smoserthat comes back in 1 minute and 0 seconds and change20:02
* slangasek nods20:02
smoserand syslog shows20:02
smoserSep  1 16:01:35 mabolo dhclient: No DHCPOFFERS received.20:02
smoserSep  1 16:01:35 mabolo dhclient: No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.20:02
smoserand dhclient on eth1 still running per 'ps'20:03
slangasekso there's a built-in timeout of 60 for dhclient20:03
slangasekI wonder if we can set that to -120:03
slangasekor if the timeout is fine and we just need to fix the behavior *when* it times out20:04
SpamapS"To run force dhclient to always run as a foreground process, the  -d flag  should be specified. "20:04
slangasekwe don't want it to always run as a foreground process20:04
* SpamapS notices a bug in the man page. :)20:04
SpamapS-1 for a timeout would mean what though?20:05
DoctorPeppercan anyone tell me why   installation of ubuntu on lvm encrypted partitions dont boot ?20:05
smoserSpamapS, no.20:06
slangasekSpamapS: that it would wait forever for a server instead of the current behavior, which is that it waits for 60 seconds and then *backgrounds anyway* as if it had succeeded20:06
smoserslangasek is wanting it to background when and only when it gets a connection.20:06
SpamapS       The -1 flag will cause dhclient to try once to get a lease.  If it fails, dhclient  exits  with  exit  code20:06
SpamapS       two.  In  DHCPv6  the -1 flag sets the max duration of the initial exchange to timeout (from dhclient.conf,20:06
SpamapS       default sixty seconds).20:06
SpamapSSounds like thats what you want.20:07
slangasekright - devil's in the details.  What does "try once" mean here?20:07
slangasekdoes it mean it will never try to renew?  that it will only send out one request packet?20:07
SpamapSDoctorPepper: this is for discussion of development of Ubuntu. You may want to try #ubuntu if you're talking about a stable release, or #ubuntu+1 if you're trying this on oneiric.20:07
DoctorPepperSpamapS: actually  i tried it  on both 10.04 , 11.04 and oneric  always the same results  failure to boot20:09
hrwapparmor messages should rather not appear in dmesg - right?20:10
stgraber-1 seems to do what we want. It tries until it reaches the timeout, when it does it exits with exit 1. If it gets an IP before the timeout, it'll go in the background and renew it as usual20:10
kirklandjml: fixed!20:10
kirklandjml: package pushed to ppa:ecryptfs/ppa20:10
kirklandjml: but i've reproduced the problem and tested the solution here locally20:10
slangasekSpamapS, stgraber: my testing concurs, -1 does seem to DTRT at least for the cases of reliable and non-existent dhcp servers.  I don't know about an intermittent one, though20:10
kirklandjml: i'm confident enough that I'm just going to push20:11
slangasekstgraber: did you test to make sure it will retransmit the requests?20:11
smoserwe may want to bump the timeout on it too.20:11
slangasekhrw: apparmor is a kernel lsm, so it will log in dmesg20:11
SpamapSit seems to just skip the daemonization step20:12
smoser60 seconds is reasonable, but if its not blocking, then it might as well be longer.20:12
stgraberslangasek: what I tested is the behaviour with link and no DHCP (waited a minute and died), with link and dhcp (got an IP went in the background) and with an existing lease (renewed it)20:12
stgrabersmoser: I wouldn't change that timeout as it's likely going to affect NetworkManager too20:12
hrwslangasek: thx20:12
smoserstgraber, so can you test no link, start it, plug in link, what happens.20:12
* hrw -> sleep20:12
slangaseksmoser: well, would anything else in the boot sequence wind up blocking indefinitely if we raised the timeout?20:12
slangasekand is that a good or bad thing?20:13
smoserplug in link after ~ 30 seconds or so, to make sure that dhclient is re-transmitting its requests if the first dont go through.20:13
slangasekSpamapS: "seems"?  it still daemonizes here on successful lease, which is what we want20:13
SpamapSslangasek: with the failsafe boot, boot happens 30 seconds after 'filesystem' no matter what.20:13
stgrabercan we set the timeout on the command line so we don't have to change it for everyone?20:13
stgrabersmoser: it's an LXC container, the "no link" case is a bit of a problem to implement ;)20:14
slangasekstgraber: how about the "DHCP server not running yet, gets started in the middle" case?20:14
SpamapSslangasek: right, on receiving a lease it always daemonizes. "onetry" mode just skips the daemonization after reaching the initial timeout.20:14
slangasekSpamapS: right - 'swhat we want20:14
stgraberslangasek: that I can try20:14
slangasekso, have we analyzed this to death now? :)20:15
stgraberslangasek: works fine20:15
SpamapSit only takes 4 people to analyze it20:15
smoserbut this is good.20:16
smoserSpamapS, and i think i ssee the flaw in our /etc/network/if-up.d/upstart logic.20:17
smoserwe are reading /var/run/network/ifstate for "is interface up".  (ie, just checking that the interface is in there).  I think that ifupdown is pupulating that immediately.20:18
smoserpopulating it immediately even.20:18
SpamapSThat would be.. unfortunate, but makes sense.20:19
slangasekheh, that's true20:19
SpamapSSo instead of trusting that, being in there means its "up" .. we have to additionally check that it has the configuration intended?20:19
SpamapSgod I hate ifupdown's code20:19
smoserSpamapS, well not really. we can just make our own20:19
smoserthat only is populated on successful bringup20:20
stgraberSpamapS: bah, it's just a big manpage that happens to have C in it (and some other things) ;)20:20
smoserhm... but races20:20
SpamapSstgraber: you forgot the bit that turns "defn" to C20:20
SpamapSand the bit that turns nowebm to "defn"20:20
smosercan that perl script compile this conversation into working code ?20:21
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SpamapSso  yeah, looking at the code, I think its adding it to say "I've got this don't try to do it"20:22
SpamapSnot to sya "this is up"20:23
SpamapSso we can simply replace that with our own state managed by if-up.d/upstart ...20:23
smoserthats what i said.20:23
SpamapSsmoser: setting bootytraps?20:23
smoserbut we have to avoid racy-ness.20:23
SpamapSsmoser: I'm prepared to simply ignore /var/run/network/ifstate entirely20:24
smoseri'm prepared to do that too20:24
smoserbut its not as simple20:24
SpamapSsmoser: what I need is "what should be up" (ifquery gives us that) and then a canonical source of what *is* up.. initctl list gives us that.20:24
smoseras you can't just "echo $IFACE" >> /var/run/my-really-up-state20:24
slangasekinitctl list seems like a good choice20:25
slangasekalternatively, you could use 'pidof ifup' + /var/run/network/ifstate20:25
SpamapSthe race isn't as important since this is forward only..20:25
SpamapSif something comes up, then goes down again, we don't really care.. thats not something we can solve.20:25
SpamapSwhat we want is the moment at which they were all "up"20:25
smoseri dont follow that.20:25
slangasekif ifup is still running for an interface you care about, and it's not the *current* interface, then you're not ready yet... oh, except those can race each other, so ignore this.20:25
slangasekinitctl list is the best20:26
SpamapSright, because start/running is only achieved after ifup --allow auto $INTERFACE returns20:26
slangasekwell, no20:26
slangasekit's achieved *within the upstart hook* :)20:27
smosernetwork-interface (eth1) start/running20:27
slangasekthinking of the wrong event, sorry20:27
smoserthat is from my system, where eth1 is unplugged20:27
SpamapSinitctl list | grep '^network-interface .* start/running$'20:27
SpamapSsmoser: thats because ifup didn't error out20:27
SpamapSit should have20:27
SpamapSbecause we're calling dhclient wrong, it didn't20:28
slangasekyou could have an instantiated job that does nothing but catch the net-device-up event20:28
SpamapSone issue, do we want it trying ifup.. forever?20:28
slangasekand then enumerate *those* jobs with initctl list20:28
smoserwhy another layer of indirection, slangasek ?20:29
SpamapSslangasek: thats sort of what the if-up.d/upstart script is already.. so it wouldn't be too far fetched to simply move all of this into that job.20:29
slangaseksmoser: because there's no other way currently that lets you count interfaces as "up" that's not racy20:30
smoseri think its ok.20:30
slangasekSpamapS: you couldn't move *all* of it into that job... you couldn't move the part that emits the event you're trying to catch ;)20:30
smoserin the if-up.d of all of them you just say "are all auto interfaces up" (other than self) and emit if that is the case.20:31
slangasekyou have no way to determine that's the case20:31
slangasekthat's the bit that needs solved20:31
slangasek/var/run/network/interfaces is an imperfect proxy20:32
slangasekit tells you "ifup has been called", not "the interface is up"20:32
smoseroh, and initclt list was not sufficient ?20:32
smoserfyi: network-interface (eth3) start/running20:32
slangasekyes, it's not sufficient20:32
smosereth3 is not in interfaces at all20:32
slangasekconsider two interfaces, eth0 and eth120:33
slangasekboth are detected in parallel, so ifup is launched for each20:33
slangasekdhcp runs in parallel on each, finishes within a split second of each other20:34
slangasekso /etc/network/if-up.d/upstart is called for each interface; emits the 'net-device-up' event, which doesn't directly start any uniquely identifiable jobs that will show up in 'initctl list'20:34
slangasekat this point, you'll see this output in initctl list:20:35
slangaseknetwork-interface (eth0) start/starting20:35
slangaseknetwork-interface (eth1) start/starting20:35
slangasekyou can ignore your *own* interface, but what about the other?20:35
slangasekif you say "it's starting, that's close enough", you risk emitting the event before the interface is actually up20:36
slangasekif you say "it's starting, we'll do nothing and let the *other* script handle it when it starts", you risk both scripts doing the same thing and nobody emitting the event20:36
SpamapSslangasek: indeed, race found.. so we should sync these up...20:37
SpamapSwait-for-state to the rescue?20:38
Laneycody-somerville: can you vote on chase and brian please?20:38
SpamapShrm no.20:38
slangasekright, so one way to do that is to instantiate a job for each interface, at a point in this script before it does the initctl check20:38
slangasekhas to be done synchronously, of course, not using -n20:39
slangasekbut the last of the interfaces to do so is guaranteed to see all interfaces as up20:39
slangasek(...then you just have to deal gracefully with our event being emitted multiple times, which you already have to do)20:40
jmlkirkland: testing now20:41
smoserslangasek, we were avoiding multiple times with mkdir /var/run/network/static-network-up-emitted . but maybe im' missing something.20:41
kirklandjml: thanks!20:41
kirklandjml: man this bug has a bunch of dupes20:42
slangaseksmoser: ahh yes20:42
SpamapSslangasek: hm.. I'm trying to remember if emitting a sync event returns when the goal is changed to start, or when the jobs have entered start/running20:42
slangaseksmoser: a perfectly cromulent semaphore :)20:42
SpamapSif the former, then we still have the race.20:43
SpamapSWell except now we don't care about start/running .. just start/20:44
SpamapSso I think that will work20:44
SpamapSsince we're really just using upstart as a synchronous place holder20:44
jmlgreat. I have to get a libreoffice update at the same time :)20:45
SpamapSwhich makes me wonder if we shouldn't just use /var/run/network dirs for simplicity sake...20:45
smoserSpamapS, i couldn't avoid a race there either.20:45
slangasekSpamapS: right, and does that seem reasonable or should we just do it all in /run :)20:45
SpamapSjml: if we never updated openoffice, I would never have an excuse to check facebook. ;)20:45
slangasekrather than making init do it for us20:45
smoserhow would you avoid the race?20:45
slangaseksmoser: by having this script write to /run/network, instead of starting an upstart job20:46
jmlSpamapS: heh.20:46
smoserwhen you ccheck "are all other interfaces done" you risk a race of 2 jobs saying "nope, the other isnt done yet"20:46
jmlSpamapS: sadly, I get plenty of chances.20:46
SpamapSsmoser: create the dir, /var/run/network/ifup.$INTERFACE , then ls /var/run/network/ifup.* .. compare with /etc/network/interfaces list..20:46
slangasekSpamapS: why a dir instead of a file? in this case no collisions20:47
SpamapSsmoser: as long as you only check after you've updated yours, you are ok20:47
slangasekalso, /run/network please, /var/run is a compat symlink :)20:47
slangasekhow bad?20:47
barryseriously?  what's with all this seismic activity?20:48
smoserSpamapS, i think there is a race still.20:48
slangasekhe's in California, he's statistically ignorable :P20:48
slangaseksmoser: there isn't, because you're doing a filesystem-level test and set :)20:48
SpamapSnot much20:48
smosereth0 touch /var/run/network/ifup.eth0; eth1 touch /var/run/network/ifup.eth120:48
SpamapSLos Angeles area.. sometimes I think I feel them and its just a big truck.. old building..20:49
slangaseksmoser: each instance must create its own flag file *before* checking the list.  Therefore, whichever one creates its file *last* is guaranteed to see all of them20:49
barryslangasek: :)20:49
smosereyah..i guess.20:49
smosermuch easier.20:49
slangasekas long as we're using a POSIX filesystem, that is ;)20:49
smoseras long as we dont remove them.20:50
slangasekwhich we shouldn't20:50
smoseri think we're kind of screwed if /run is not POSIX20:50
SpamapSslangasek: we decided to put off non posix support for /run until after systemd migration... 15.10 maybe? ;)20:50
slangasekjust making sure your code isn't portable to Win32 ;)20:51
SpamapS4.1 in the valley20:51
smoserSpamapS, ok20:51
slangaseks/your code/you know your code/20:51
smoserso i'm still going to make the /var/run/network/static-network-up-emitted dir.20:51
* slangasek nods20:51
smoseror touch that. or something. so that when i come up i can say "has that event happened?"20:51
slangasekthe mkdir is best because you only want it to succeed once20:52
kirklandjml: what's the word?20:54
jmlkirkland: ssh test failed. trying logout of desktop session.20:54
smoserSpamapS, i have to run. i'll put together a merge proposal later.20:54
Davieysmoser: don't break it.20:55
SpamapSsmoser: ok THANKS!20:59
kirklandjml: hmm, i don't get it ... i reproduced your setup and the bug here exactly20:59
kirklandjml: and this is fixing it for me20:59
kirklandslangasek: howdy21:02
slangasekkirkland: hiyo21:02
kirklandslangasek: okay, a grep shows: http://paste.ubuntu.com/680126/21:02
kirklandslangasek: so all of these can/should be dropped to a LOG_DEBUG?21:02
slangasekkirkland: my position is that at least the first 2 should not be logged at all unless the module is being passed some debugging option21:03
slangasekbecause "pam_sm_authenticate: Called" is bloody useless output21:04
slangasekunless you're debugging the module21:04
kirklandslangasek: agreed, okay21:04
slangasekkirkland: also, please put the module name *in* the log messages :)21:04
kirklandslangasek: agreed21:04
jmlkirkland: v91?21:05
kirklandjml: hmm21:05
slangasekkirkland: we actually have a pam helper function in current Linux-PAM that you could use, fwiw (pam_syslog())21:05
kirklandjml: i think i might have push a bad upload to the ppa21:06
kirklandjml: ie, without the fix21:06
jmlkirkland: ah, ok.21:06
jmlkirkland: I've got to head now -- laptop and mental batteries are fading21:06
jmlkirkland: but I can test on the morrow if you upload to your ppa again.21:06
kirklandjml: k21:06
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ApteryxHey, I've got a really trivial patch (one mirror line to add to /usr/share/python-apt/templates/Ubuntu.mirrors21:21
dupondjeSomebody pushed some upgrades :D21:23
ApteryxI made a patch, showing the added line, see: http://pastebin.com/EFF2mvhv21:23
ApteryxWhat's the process to get this line incorpored efficiently in Ubuntu 11.04 and later?21:24
ApteryxI could report a bug against python-apt, but it seems almost overkill.21:25
kirklandjml: ecryptfs-utils_92-0ubuntu1~ppa1_source.changes uploaded to ppa:ecryptfs/ppa21:28
stgraberApteryx: this is a generated file, so shouldn't be patched21:30
slangasekApteryx: as stgraber says - the correct procedure is to get your mirror registered with launchpad21:31
slangaseksee https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors21:31
slangasek(and the 'register a new mirror' button)21:31
slangasekif it's already registered and what's needed is to refresh the mirror list in the package, please do file a bug against python-apt21:32
stgraberApteryx, slangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/680146/ is the diff from what we currently have in python-apt and what's in Launchpad21:33
stgraberApteryx: what version of Ubuntu was that patched written for? I see the uqam mirror at the top of LOC:CA in the current package21:35
stgraberApteryx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/680147/ is what we have in Oneiric21:35
sladenskaet: are we unfrozen now post beta1 ?21:35
slangaseksladen: we are now in feature freeze again instead of beta freeze, yes21:35
skaetsladen.  yup21:36
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta 1 released | Archive: Feature/UI Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: barry, robert_anc
skaetthanks slangasek. :)21:37
slangaseksure :)21:39
sladenta :-)21:39
slangasektedg: hi22:15
tedgslangasek, Unfortunately I need to run... I was just logging out.22:16
slangasektedg: ok22:16
tedgI'll assume you'll implement the highlander directive and we're all happy :-)22:16
slangasekwell, wanted to talk through it with you22:16
slangasekthe reason apt has such a problem with it is because the breaks is so deep in the dependency tree22:17
slangasekif it were done against the indicators themselves, which seems perfectly appropriate, apt would sort it out22:17
slangasekbut I realize there are a lot more of those, so it's hard to be comprehensive22:17
tedgslangasek, Hmm, okay.  I have no specific concern there, but we just thought if we did it lower it would be more complete.22:17
tedgWhich I guess is kinda the problem :-)22:17
slangasekyeah :)22:18
tedgslangasek, So, in a nutshell, I'm totally open to ideas, but I think we need to have something to protect for that situation in the package.22:18
slangasekI'll see what I can come up with22:19
tedgCool, thanks.  I'll run around in 100 degree heat with 5 year olds ;-)22:19
SpamapSerr.. can somebody explain this one for me...22:23
SpamapSI have python3 3.2-3 installed, but it says the >= 3.2 < 3.3 dependency is not satisfiable..22:24
barrySpamapS: i've seen that before too, and i don't understand it either22:30
barrytumbleweed: ping22:30
SpamapSmaybe its to signal that python3-profiler isn't a separate package anymore.. which is cool22:30
barrySpamapS: i find apt's error messages to be about as cryptic as you can get ;)22:31
jelmerSweetshark, hi22:41
jelmerSweetshark, just noticed you registered a libreoffice import - unfortunately we don't support git imports over http using the smart server protocol yet, I've fixed the URL22:42
jelmerSweetshark, There was already an import at lp:~vcs-imports/libreoffice/trunk; that failed to scan for some reason22:42
barry@pilot out22:43
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta 1 released | Archive: Feature/UI Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: robert_anc
TheMuso@pilot in23:00
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta 1 released | Archive: Feature/UI Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: TheMuso, robert_a
pdtpatrick_Which team would I ask this question to? .. why does the shell built-ins navigate better than for instance /usr/bin/less? ... here's an example.23:46
pdtpatrick_notice how if u use cd it would add the /23:47
pdtpatrick_when u tab to autocomplete23:47
pdtpatrick_when u use less .. if u tab - it just creates a space instead of realizing you're navigating a directory23:47
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