=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi [11:43] If I am banned, can I continue to chat under a different nick? [11:43] meta-coder et al [11:43] * Pici sighs [11:43] oh? [11:45] * [meta-coder] (75c34991@gateway/web/freenode/ip. - http://webchat.freenode.net [11:45] What is the ban against? [11:45] * [Eminem__] (~Win7@ Win7 [11:47] none, just planning it seems [11:58] hmm [12:07] Martinp23: how about getting your network fixed [12:07] [12:07] banforwarding to ##fix_your_connection in 3... 2... [12:23] Martinp23: done now? [12:27] I think he is afk [12:27] sshh. let Myrtti think she can talk to him. [12:27] oh, okay [12:28] "Disconnected by services" might actually mean that he is doing something... [12:28] maybe that last time. [12:29] thank you for that [12:29] \o/ [12:31] well that settles it then [12:43] hm [12:43] look at pooky [12:44] why? [12:45] oh [12:56] lol [12:56] k-lined [12:56] classy [12:57] ugh [12:57] 'Linus_Torvalds' = Eminem__ [12:57] yup [14:30] Pici, that was hugely confusing until i realised what channel i had clicked on to [14:39] gord: hmm? [15:30] Lham: hi, how can we help you today? [15:33] Tim_Cook: can I help you? [15:33] Tim_Cook: I know you've read the channel guidelines, do you have any intention of following them, or should I just change this banforward into a regular ban? [15:34] Pici: changing nick cannot be a reason to ban someone. [15:35] Tim_Cook: After being told numerous time not to do so, it certainly is a reason. [15:38] Lham: How can we help you today? [15:42] !ubottu [15:42] Hi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots [15:43] meta-coder: welcome back. [15:44] meta-coder: If you'd like to pick a nick and stick with it, I don't mind letting you back in -offtopic, but as it stands now, that will not be happening. [15:46] meta-coder: kindly part this channel. [15:53] jrib: I'm pretty sure I spent a while the other day trying to answer this same user__'s questions. [15:54] yes, seems like that kind of person... [15:55] I think I told them that I didn't remember where the menu item for synaptic to install a .deb was, but that dpkg -i would work just fine. [15:55] They still didn't get it though. :/ [17:58] h00k: interesting script there [17:58] Pici: ...yeah... [17:58] At first, I thought perhaps malicious [17:59] Well, it does have an 'update script' function, which could be made to download malicious code. [18:00] Yep. [18:00] so, other people, I suppose, watch out for this ___serials guy throwing out an 'ubuntu update script' [18:00] h00k: again [18:00] it's happened before? [18:00] I must have missed it [18:00] I meant right now ;) [18:01] fingers too slow today. [18:02] /hilight updateubuntu.webs.com [18:02] good call. [18:04] I'm half here, anyway [18:04] (busy at work) [18:04] ditto. [21:32] "Linux version of ubuntu"? [21:37] jrib, hah