
elz89frewsxcv: I was not aware of uwsgi at the time of configuration. Maybe I will look into changing that. I also did not know of nginx, but I am going to give it a try on aspare00:17
airtonixnice xapian packages weren't compiled with python00:17
elz89*a spare arch server I have just set up.00:17
airtonixi've got a ubuntu 10.10-server virtual machine running inside virtualbox 4.1 headles on a ubuntu 64bit 10.10-server host. it uses bridged networking. when i use ssh to do stuff on the 10.10 vm guest the terminal repsonse to typing is __reallllllyy__ slow, it uses 2gb of ram and has two cores. the server is an i7 3ghz with 8gb of ram. any ideas?01:30
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airtonixgahhh that did nothing03:04
airtonixstill slow as a muckraker03:04
airtonixtype a letter, wait 2secs, letter appears03:04
twbairtonix: what diagnostics have you already tried?03:06
airtonixnot even sure what to do03:09
airtonixmy other two vm guests ( also ubuntu-server 10.10) don't have this delay response with ssh sessions i have running. i have all three running at the same time and all have ssh sessions going03:10
twbWell, for example, have you looked for suspicious resource usage in top?  Have you tcpdumped?  Have you compared the /etc/ trees for different settings?03:12
twbJust to be clear, you're sshing *from* a normal machine *to* the VM, right?03:13
twbYour terminal emulator isn't running inside an emulated system03:13
airtonix<twb> Just to be clear, you're sshing *from* a normal machine *to* the VM, right? <<<< yes03:15
twbThe particular failure case you're getting sounds to me like swap-thrashing or similar03:17
twbIt's not likely to be something like vda being slow because it's a qcow2 when the others are raw, because that would only have an effect after you hit the enter key and sent the command, whereas you're saying this is happening on each keypress03:18
twbIt could also be that the ssh line is flooded, hence tcpdump.03:18
twbCould be something obscure like ip n caching isn't happening so every TCP packet needs an ARP handshake first.03:19
airtonixtwb yeah i don't even know how to deal with any of that03:41
linociscohow to download and burn all required packages on CD/DVD and reuse that time to time without internet03:48
qman__linocisco, every package you install from the internet gets downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives/03:50
qman__unless you manually delete them or run apt-get clean, they will still be there03:51
qman__so if you have a system set up the way you want, just copy all the files from there03:51
DanaG  create_connection_server_info failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED03:57
DanaGI'm getting that when trying to point Windows Backup at my home share.03:57
DanaGoops, wait, fixed that, but now:03:57
DanaG  elitebook ( connect to service dana initially as user dana (uid=1000, gid=1000) (pid 15214)03:57
DanaGNothing after that.03:57
lickalottyou have a samba share setup and have set everything appropriately?03:59
DanaGI can write to files fine, but the "permissions" interface in Windows shows funky results (owner only has "special").04:00
DanaGIt may very well be Windows failing, but I can't tell that.  I can create files, but not "change permissions" via samba, as I assume the backups thing wants to do.04:01
lickalottchange the permissions on the samba share04:01
qman__samba creates the 'share' permissions that windows expects04:03
qman__and approximates NTFS security04:04
qman__I couldn't tell you off hand what option precisely you need04:05
qman__but there's a lot more of them than the stock configuration lets on04:05
DanaGI try to change the permissions, I get "access denied".04:07
DanaGHow do I get more, but not horrendously much more, debug info?04:09
DanaGHmm, "access mask" bits are all unset on the server's SMB response.04:21
DanaGer, "read attributes" and "sync" are set.04:21
DanaGSo, looks like it's a permissions issue.04:22
DanaGNot quite "access denied", but instead, "you didn't give me the permissions I asked for."04:22
DanaGer, wait... they're unset on the REQUEST, as well.04:23
DanaGCreate options: .... .... .... .... .1.. .... .... .... = Backup Intent: This is a create with BACKUP INTENT04:24
airtonixtwb: through experimentation i think i reducedthe problem but not eliminated it by sudo service <something> stop a bunch of stuff including byobu (which was spiking now and then)04:26
linociscohow to burn files  in  /var/cache/apt/archives from server ?04:29
DanaGokay, so it's samba being funky.04:33
DanaGokay, so it seems things owned dana:staff are erroring, but things owned dana:dana are not.04:37
DanaGSo, my permissions are funky.04:39
DanaGShould I try Samba 4?04:43
DanaGoh, and it's on ZFS, by the way.  chacl not supported.04:44
DanaGHomes are on zfs, that is.04:44
DanaGBecause btfs is usesless without a fsck that can actually fix.04:44
DanaGTo heck with it; I'm trying samba4.04:47
DanaGGNUTLS failed to initialise - Error while reading file.04:52
DanaGUnable to save certificate in /var/lib/samba/private/tls/cert.pem parent dir exists ?04:53
DanaGThat's a copy-and-paste.04:53
DanaGokay, scratch samba4.04:58
DanaGweird... I uninstalled 4 and reinstalled 3, and did smbpasswd, and now it works.  Go figure.05:00
twbairtonix: byobu is just a wrapper around screen05:00
twbairtonix: it shouldn't be doing anything interesting05:00
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lambda_xanybody knows why adding -net user,hostfwd directive makes vm use 100% cpu and make starts to choke whole server?07:19
lambda_x(kvm, 11.04)07:19
twblambda_x: that's for punching holes throught the userspace NAT?07:43
twbWhat was the full command line?07:43
lambda_xone sec07:44
lambda_xtwb: /usr/bin/kvm -monitor unix:/var/run/kvm/dummy.socket,server,nowait -vnc -name dummy,process=dummy -rtc base=localtime -M pc-0.12 -balloon virtio -m 512 -drive file=/dev/vol0/dummy-boot,if=virtio,index=0,media=disk,boot=on,cache=none -drive file=/dev/vol0/dummy,if=virtio,index=1,media=disk,boot=off,cache=none -vga cirrus -S -daemonize -pidfile /var/run/kvm/dummy.pid -boot c -net nic,vlan=0,model=virtio,macaddr=fe:16:3e:75:89:cd -net tap,vlan=007:45
twbWell, unless you are adding another -net nic, I guess it's confused as shit trying to both DNAT and TUN the one virtual NIC.07:46
twbEr, s/TUN/TAP/07:46
lambda_xwell, so it is impossible?07:47
twbYou can't have both a userspace NAT and a tun on the same virtual NIC07:47
lambda_xto have tapped interface and redirect port?07:47
twbs/tun/tap again07:47
twbIf you want to do port redirection of a TAP you do it in the firewall of the host OS07:47
twbBecause that's where the NAT, if any, will be07:48
twbuserspace NAT is in kvm/qemu for when you are running it as a non-root user and don't have permission to TAP07:48
lambda_xwell, that is good idea... :)07:51
lambda_xtyvm twb07:52
twbYou could've worked if you if you stared at -net manpage entries for a few more hours07:53
twbThat's what I did07:53
twbIt is, sadly, not very obvious07:53
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AlanI was hoping somebody might help me... I'm having issues with disk usage quotas....08:16
twbAlan: you forgot to mount it -ousrquota08:17
Alanno I didn't :P08:17
Alanthe quota is working, it's just not correctly08:17
Alanso according to dumpe2fs, the block size is 4k08:18
twbWrong kind of block08:18
Alan... seriously?08:18
Alanwhat kind of block is a filesystem quota going to use if not a filesystem block?08:19
twbThat's a working hard quota of 1GiB per user on /home, on ext4 on lucid08:19
twb(The inode limits are currently way too high; ignore them.)08:19
Alanok, well thanks for that08:19
Alanbut I totally want to slap whoever decided that "block" was the correct terminology there08:20
twbIt's block limit as in blocks vs. inodes08:20
jamespageDaviey: want me to pickup the iscsi tests?  still have my test rig intact08:21
Alanwhen you say "block limits" in relation to a filesystem, how is it supposed to mean anything other than filesystem blocks?08:21
Alantwb: i understand the difference, but it's still ambiguous terminology08:21
Alani.e. it implies the wrong units08:21
twbAlan: the way you should have worked this out, is to set it to a number like 1k or 1M, then dd /dev/zero into a file and see where it chokes08:21
Alanespecially since the inode limit is the number of inodes08:21
Alanthe block limit is intuitively the number of blocks...08:21
twbFWIW not all filesystems are block-oriented in the first place08:21
Alantwb: i thought i had done that, effectively...08:22
twbAlan: maybe your test was bogus because quotaon wasn't on?08:22
Alanit was on08:23
Alanit was an unscientific test though08:23
twbNow you know better08:24
AlanI set the quota to 1024, and started SFTPing stuff until it errored08:24
Alanwhich it did08:24
AlanI didn't actually check exactly how much space i'd used though...08:24
Alanso... are the M/G suffixes valid when specifying limits?08:26
twbProbably not08:26
Alanor just there for convenience in the output?08:26
Alandamn :(08:26
twbquotatools is from the dark ages08:26
Alanso... those are 1k blocks then?08:28
twbI think they are 1b blocks08:31
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linociscoi have only P3 with 2*128MB SDRAM, can I install ubuntu server on that Compaq Ex815 computer ?10:11
jmarsdenlinocisco: I think 10.04 LTS should install on that.  I have installed it on machines about that age and capabiity.  But the best way to find out is to try it :)10:11
linociscojmarsden: thanks man10:12
jmarsdenlinocisco: You're welcome.  have fun :)10:13
linociscojmarsden: that is obsolete in office . so i got it as present10:13
jmarsdenYes, it's not much use in a normal office environment as a workstation any more :)10:14
jmarsden3am here, I need to sleep ... goodnight.10:14
linociscojmarsden: I am trying to make the most out of it. with pure CLI server. I want to install mail server on it10:14
linociscojmarsden: ok. good nite10:15
acalvohow can I disable the xorg server in a livecd to not start at boot time?10:29
acalvotrying to create a custom livecd10:30
jamespageDaviey: just looking at the bug queue - does bug 835625 need to be noted for beta-110:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 835625 in cyrus-sasl2 "package libsasl2-2 2.1.24~rc1.dfsg1+cvs2011-05-23-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: libsasl2-2:i386 2.1.24~rc1.dfsg1+cvs2011-05-23-4ubuntu2 (Multi-Arch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83562510:36
blinkizI installed a virtual machine with ubuntu 11.04 server. I can not get the 70-persistent-net.rules to be generated. What am I doing wrong?11:02
xokvictor_join #ubuntu-server-ru11:19
xokvictorHi people, i have some problem with UEC. How i can make failover cloud controller?11:22
just-a-visitorblinkiz: Check http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=562211 if it applies.11:35
uvirtbotDebian bug 562211 in udev "udev: 70-persistent-net.rules is not generated" [Important,Open]11:35
zulsmb: so those two patches from xen hg will fix your hypervisor bug?11:53
smbzul, Yes, first one fixes the disk, second one the NIC11:54
zulsmb: cool ill get it in after the beta11:54
smbzul, Excellent. With those we can at least boot kernels before Oneiric.11:55
smbin hvm mode11:55
linociscohow to check if my desired domain name is taken or free?11:57
zulmorning btw11:57
linociscoI am setting up ubunt mail server with dpkg-reconfigure postfix12:03
linociscoplease help in choosing some options12:03
linociscoshould I choose Procmail for local delievery ? Yes or No ???12:05
linociscohi all12:11
linociscoi got error in postfix12:11
linociscowhat do I do ?12:11
PiciPosting the error would be a good start. Use a pasetbin though.12:11
linociscotelnet mail.example.org 25 = could not resolve .xxxxxx.org/25:Temporary failure in name resolution12:11
linociscowhat do I do ?12:11
Picithats not really a postfix error, it sounds like either your DNS is malfunctioning or there is an issue with your domain registration.12:13
linociscoPici: I have no config on network cards and no DNS server. that server is now standalone without internet12:15
linociscoPici: how can I make it work?12:15
linociscoPici: giving IP address can solve ?12:15
Picilinocisco: is your server's hostname '.xxxxxx.org' or whatever?12:16
linociscoPici: yes. let say example.org12:16
linociscoPici: how can I check host name ?12:16
Picilinocisco: the command is 'hostname'12:16
linociscoPici: yes. I see12:17
linociscoPici: it is hostname=ubuntuserver12:17
Picilinocisco: so use that name instead of '.xxxxxx.org'12:17
jamespagezul, Daviey, RoAkSoAx: any of you guys have a bit of time to sponsor a few jenkins related merge proposals for me?12:17
zulhow many beers are we talking about? ;)12:18
linociscoPici: I got it12:18
linociscoPici: i got telnet  = fine. ehlo xxxx.org = fine12:19
linociscoPici: btw, can I install dovecot from ubuntu server CD ?12:20
jamespagezul: beer (>=4) | beer (< 5)12:20
ersiIn about two hours, we will be beering at the office \o/12:21
zuljamespage: oh hell ok....give them here12:21
ersiThanks for remining me :-)12:21
jamespagezul: ta12:21
Davieyjamespage: oh joy, multiarch fallout.12:26
jamespageDaviey: well maybe12:26
jamespagethe last change was a multiarch change12:27
jamespagebut I can't reproduce ATM12:27
linociscohow can I add apt proxy on 10.04 LTS server?12:29
linociscoi found no apt.conf file under /etc/apt12:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #838768 in nova (universe) "Should default to --use_deprecated_auth" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83876812:36
Davieyttx: ^^ seen that?12:37
linociscoi found no apt.conf file under /etc/apt12:37
linociscoi found no apt.conf file under /etc/apt12:37
ttxDaviey: ack12:38
ersilinocisco: Just add the CD into /etc/apt/sources.list12:38
linociscoersi: uncommenting ??12:39
ersiYes. And if it's wrong, correcting it.12:40
linociscoersi: why would I need CD while my server is connected to internet ?12:42
ersiI'm sorry, I can't help you. I'm about to lose it when I'm trying12:42
DavieyHmm.. i had better get the TechnicalOverview for Beta 1 done, and known bugs.  Anything jumping out at people for stuff to inlclude.12:42
linociscoersi: lose what?12:42
DavieyRoAkSoAx: ensemble api work, all works now?  Is that something i can add?12:43
ersiControl of my mind, and my ability to be helpful. I'm gonna go do something else now. Good luck.12:44
linociscoersi: ok12:44
linociscohi  all. I lost apt.conf file under /etc/apt12:45
linociscowhat do I do ??12:45
linociscohi  all. I lost apt.conf file under /etc/apt12:50
linociscohi all please help me12:55
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linociscohi all12:57
sorenHow can you lose a file?12:58
linociscosoren: I dont know . I found apt.conf.d folder instead of apt.conf file12:58
linociscosoren:  because I need to point correct apt proxy to download files with apt-get install command12:59
linociscosoren: actually I didn't configure apt  and network during installation12:59
sorenThere is no apt.conf by default.12:59
sorenJust create it.12:59
linociscosoren:  that's all ?13:00
sorenYou have to put your configuration in there.13:01
sorenOr put it in a file in apt.conf.d.13:01
linociscosoren: Acquire::http::Proxy myproxy.net:8080 ??13:03
sorenHave you tried?13:03
sorenTry before you ask.13:03
linociscosoren: thank alot. I put outside of apt.conf.d folder. it is working now13:04
linociscosoren:  you are long term ubuntu server geek. I saw your name in mailing list for such a long time.13:05
sorenlinocisco: Yes. I'm old.13:05
sorenIt's true.13:05
hallynDaviey: we both forgot.  I can't create an ubuntu-virt ppa.13:06
sorenI can.13:06
zulsoren: you are decreped13:06
linociscosoren: I am now updating with apt-get update. then I will try to install (which package) to work with microsoft outlook13:06
sorenzul: I'm almost sure that's not a word.13:06
linociscosoren:  some said. I need to install dovecot-common13:06
sorenNo idea. I live in the land of fairies and unicorns where there are no Microsoft clients.13:07
zulsoren: you are right its spelled decrepit :)13:07
sorenhallyn: Do you want me to?13:08
sorenhallyn: Wait, hang on.13:08
* hallyn hangs on13:08
sorenhallyn: There. You can now.13:09
sorenhallyn: Have fun.13:09
Davieysoren: May i have that foo aswell please ? :)13:10
linociscosoren: do you know what packages we need to install to work with microsoft outlook ? I am setting up mail server to be used by microsoft outlook client13:10
sorenDaviey: I may be bribed into bestowing such foo upon you, yes.13:10
sorenlinocisco: Nope, no idea.13:11
linociscosoren: that is real difficult thing I even can' t find on youtube13:11
sorenOn... youtube?13:11
Davieysoren: I'll let you buy me a drink at ODS>13:11
sorenDaviey: You know how to make me feel special.13:12
nigelbReverse psychology at work right there.13:12
Davieysoren: There is $50 in my drawer, feel free to take that on your way out.13:12
sorenJust.. no :)13:13
hallynsoren: thanks :)13:14
roastedif I'm on an Ubuntu LTS running as a server, no network manager, should I have my DNS servers within the interface file AS WELL AS etc resolv? Or just etc resolv?13:15
roastedBecause I'm having some DNS issues on my ubuntu thin client LTSP server and I can't trace if it's network config or the server itself.13:15
hallynDaviey: so do you still think i should call it qemu-0.15, or should i make a 'upstream-candidate' ppa for more general use?13:15
hallyni fjeer to have ubuntu-virt end up like my acct with too many undeletable ppas...13:15
sorenroasted: Using DHCP?13:15
zulif you call it upstream-candidate then you can reuse it for other things later13:16
roastedsoren, DHCP is handled by windows. DHCP is disabled on the server. The server has a static IP for both interfaces.13:16
sorenroasted: Then put it in resolv.conf13:16
roastedsoren, it is... :(13:16
Davieyhallyn: upstream-candidate sounds ok to me13:16
roastedsoren, I really can't figure this one out.13:16
Davieyfishy-software-is-it-crack also sounds OK13:16
roastedsoren, now all of the sudden its working. what the...13:16
sorenroasted: Whatever is in resolv.conf is what counts.13:16
roastedsoren, It's strange. The clients themselves cannot ping by host name, however my laptop (plugged into a line that feeds into the Ubuntu server) can ping by hostname fine.13:18
sorenBAck up a bit.13:18
sorenWhat are you trying to do, exactly? This doesn't sound like DNS at all.13:18
roastedsoren, basically I have a thin client server here. IT's 10.04 64 bit. It has 2 network ports. each one is subnetted into a different IP range from the main network.13:21
roastedsoren, both switches are Dell 3548's. One network port to one switch. Then the switch connects to 30 systems in the lab.13:21
roastedNIC 1 - 3548 - 30 thin clients that PXE boot to it. 10.52.18.X network on triple 255 subnet.13:21
roastedNIC 2 - 3548 - 30 thin clients that PXE boot to it. 10.52.17.X network on triple 255 subnet.13:22
roastedThe main network is 10.52.X.X (third octet being whatever building it is) on
roastedI'm just kind of confused on where it could be.13:22
roastedThe LTSP guys are also telling me I could put a DNS entry in the LTS.conf file, which controls how LTSP operates.13:23
roastedone of the LTSP devs told me to do that, and then said: I have found that in some of the versions, we don't have the initramfs code to update resolv.conf on the client from dhcp13:23
roastedperhaps I should try it quick13:23
sorenYou're confused where *what* could be?13:24
roastedsoren, the issue.13:28
roastedsoren, sec, Im trying the devs suggested fix.13:28
sorenAnd I'm asking what the issue is.13:29
roastedyeah, no dice.13:30
roastedon the clients, I cant ping by hostname.13:30
roastedhowever, I can plug in my laptop to a port the client was plugged into, and I can ping by hostname then13:30
PiciIt sounds like there may be an issue with your dhcp server.13:31
sorenYou can't ping what by hostname?13:31
sorenCan you ping google?13:31
Picinm, that line of questioning is probably better.13:32
roastedoh wow13:37
roastedI can ping google. I can't ping our file server.13:37
ersiThere's your problem13:40
RoAkSoAxDaviey: ensemble api?13:46
sorenhallyn: Does this look familiar? error: Unable to create cgroup for instance-00000002: No such file or directory13:47
roastedlooks like this may be it13:48
hallynsoren: yes13:48
hallynsoren: stop libvirt-bin; start libbvirt-bin13:48
sorenhallyn: What gives?13:48
hallynwell lemme know if that fixes it first :)13:48
sorenIt did.13:48
sorenThanks :)13:48
roastedbingo. fixed.13:48
RoAkSoAxDaviey: all the orchestra stuff is in ensemble trunk now13:49
hallynsoren: bug 82806113:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 828061 in libcgroup "cgroup-bin prevents libvirt from starting" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82806113:49
hallynsoren: best workaround is swap cgroup-lite for cgroup-bin13:49
sorenhallyn: Otherwise I'll have to restart libvirt-bin every time I.... what?13:49
hallynI need to insert a different barrier between cggconfig and libvirt upstart jobs13:49
hallynevery time you boot13:49
hallynlibvirt-bin just needs to start a bit later13:50
sorenIt's because cgroups-bin reclassifies the existing libvirtd or something?13:51
hallynand i think most often, cgconfig gets the list of pids,13:51
hallynthen libvirt spawns off 8 threads,13:51
hallynthen cgconfig reclassifies the pids it has13:52
hallynwhcih do not include the newly spawned threads13:52
hallynso really while cgconfig starts, the whole system should be frozen13:52
hallynthe libcgroup stuff is going to cease to be developed, with functionality going into systemd,13:52
hallynand i think that's the right move.13:53
hallynthe run-time daemon thing is inherently racy.  there are unsolvable races requiring a different kernel-user api13:53
sorenDo you have a plan for fixing this?13:53
hallyncgroup-lite :)13:54
hallynbut no, i could stand to have a chat for ideas if you're up for it13:54
hallyncould help to pull in speakman13:55
hallynuh, SpamapS  i meant13:55
hallynsoren: to be more precise, the libvirt one i can fix, but the general case is problematic13:55
hallynhm, maybe the libcgroup-libvirt-waiter.conf should turn into a more generic libcgroup-pause-all-daemons-using-libcgroup.conf13:56
hallynspeakman: apologies :)13:59
speakmanhallyn: no worries :D13:59
sorenhallyn: That was what I was going to suggest :)14:03
afeijohi guys, I have a new acct that is not getting any emails. How to proper set that acct inbox? using postfix here14:05
rbasakhi utlemming, Daviey has asked me to sort out the qemu arm image - I understand you built the binary image for it?14:06
utlemmingrbasak: yup14:06
rbasakI can't get it to run :-)14:07
hallynsoren: a more generic waiter job?  I'm not sure of the best way to get that done though14:07
utlemmingrbasak: well, your my new best friend14:07
rbasakDaviey wasn't sure if it had ever worked14:07
rbasakI'd like to start by reproducing your build14:07
utlemmingrbasak: the image works -- I used qemu-system-arm to get the image created14:07
utlemmingrbasak: the problem is the kernel14:08
rbasakwell that's what I was trying to get to run :)14:08
rbasakI'd said to Daviey before that the userspace will probably all work and the issue is the kernel :-P14:08
utlemmingrbasak: initially we were told to use the linario-vexpress kernel, but that kernel is not compiled by Ubuntu14:08
utlemmingso we got told to use the OMAP kernel. The OMAP kernel requires a bootloader (u-boot) I believe to be installed on the image14:09
hallynsoren: i'll send an email to ubuntu-server with the problem and what we're dong so far14:09
rbasakI think we need a versatileab kernel14:09
rbasakqemu-system-arm doesn't appear to support OMAP14:09
utlemmingrbasak: :)14:10
utlemmingrbasak: hang out in #ubuntu-arm and they'll tell you otherwise :)14:10
utlemmingwhat your hitting is that the OMAP and Beagle emulation requires a special boot loader installed on the image14:10
rbasakBut qemu refuses to start without a kernel image14:11
rbasak(in ARM mode)14:11
rbasakOh, hang on14:12
rbasakAh, I should be using -M beagle or something?14:12
utlemmingthen the images need to have u-boot or some sort of firmware installed14:12
rbasakOK I follow14:13
rbasakis there a spec for what the bootloader built into -M beagle is doing?14:13
Davieyutlemming: Oh? I thought qemu-system-arm could exec the kernel directly?14:16
utlemmingDaviey: yeah, it can, but the OMAP kernel says, "no boot device found"14:23
roboshello, am I seeing this right? Ubuntu 10LTS will install solr version 1.4?14:25
sorenrobos:       solr | 1.4.0+ds1-1ubuntu1 | lucid/universe | source14:25
sorenrobos: Yes.14:25
PiciSeems like it.14:25
robosyikes. Even 11.04 is 1.4.1. The latest version out is 3.114:26
rbasakutlemming: I'm pretty sure that message is from the qemu's beagle bootloader emulator rather than the kernel14:28
utlemmingrbasak: interesting14:29
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rbasakutlemming: going the beagle emulation route seems a bit obtuse for what we need14:30
rbasakutlemming: http://code.google.com/p/qemu-omap3/wiki/UserManual14:31
rbasak(have to generate a separate nand image maybe, etc)14:31
rbasakutlemming: what do you think of using a different machine type (and thus kernel) to save having to create an additional intermediate image?14:32
utlemmingrbasak: "bit obtuse" would be overly generous14:32
rbasakutlemming: (given that qemu already supports not having to go down the bootloader route for arm in versatibleab)14:32
rbasakI mean we're not trying to emulate beagle here, qemu is our target14:33
utlemmingrbasak: I'm absolutely fine with that -- but AFAIK, we don't have a kernel with the meta package that will work on versatibleab14:33
rbasakOK, I don't really know what would be involved in adding a different kernel14:33
hallynstgraber: ping for pushing libcgroup 0.37.1-1ubuntu6 for bug 838380 ?14:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 838380 in libcgroup "non-root should not be able to create files in /sys/fs/cgroup" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83838014:34
stgraberhallyn: archive is still frozen for beta114:34
jamespagerobos: solr is well behind at the moment - however work is going on to package lucene3 + solr3 (now part of the same source package) in Debian which should land next release (12.04)14:35
hallynstgraber: oh, i thought i heard a rumor that it was unfreezing today :)14:35
hallynstgraber: are you on ubuntu-server m-l?14:35
hallynzul: do i understand right that there is nothing you need from the candidate libvirt 0.9.3-5 merge?  you just need an arm patch that can just as well go into the current package?14:36
robosjamespage, when do you think the next LTS version will be out?14:37
zulhallyn: it can go in the current package i just have to rediff it14:37
robosWell, you probably can't answer that. :-)14:37
robosBut... I wonder if compiling solr and making it an ubuntu package will do the trick14:37
hallynzul: ok, we have enough crap to fix without the merge, i'm thinking of marking the FFE bug invalid14:38
zulhallyn: ok cool with me14:38
hallynfor that matter, Daviey was right to ask if there was anything in qemu 0.15 that we needed.  I'm not convinced.14:38
zulill get on it after what im done here14:38
hallyngreat, thx.  i'll roll it in with the other two fixes i'm waiting to push14:38
zulwhich fixes?14:39
hallynDaviey: pls do put out the call for testing for qemu 0.15 like you were going to, and we'll see if anyone says "i need this"14:39
hallynzul: for bugs 828211  and 83212314:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 828211 in libvirt "libvirt lxc should not rely on 'ip' and 'ifconfig' inside container" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82821114:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 832123 in lxc "when booting oneiric cloud-images under libvirt, no pty is available" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83212314:39
zulhallyn: cool beans14:39
stgraberhallyn: yeah, it should unfreeze once beta1 is out a bit later today. I'm not subscribed to ubuntu-server14:40
utlemmingrbasak: hang on -- it looks like Daviey might have you put on a wild goose chase14:41
utlemmingrbasak: I'm now seeing a linux-image-versatile (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta)14:42
hallynstgraber: ok, i wanted to have a conversation about fixing the race with libcgroup startup.  i'll cc: you?14:42
jamespagerobos: should be april 201214:43
rbasakutlemming: OK, so can we build the image using that?14:43
rbasakIn fact to test I can just grab the binary image14:43
stgraberhallyn: yep, just CC me14:43
hallyngreat, thanks14:43
robosapril 2012 for LTS? sweet!14:43
jamespagerobos: the packages should land in Debian in the next month or so - its just not good timing for oneiric as that would be very later in the cycle14:44
hallynLOL! of course there *is* a simpler solution to the libcgroup startup.  Make '/' the default cgroup.14:44
rbasak<rbasak> utlemming: OK, so can we build the image using that?14:45
rbasak<rbasak> In fact to test I can just grab the binary image14:45
rbasakIt doesn't seem to be in the latest build :-/14:46
jamespagerobos: oh - and solr skipped version 2.x altogther so its not that out-of-date :-)14:47
eagles0513875hey guys i am having issues after following the postfix and dovecot wiki's to setting up the servers. now my issue it seems like i am having issues authenticating with the imap server14:49
utlemmingrbasak: humm....where are you looking for the kernel?14:50
eagles0513875can anyone help me with debugging the issue as I am getting increasingly frustrated14:50
rbasakutlemming: same page, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta14:50
utlemmingrbasak: your right14:53
eagles0513875any ideas as to my issue ?14:53
eagles0513875any dovecot imap authentication experts in here cuz i am at a total lost14:57
skaetanyone know if Daviey's around?15:10
hallynskaet: he was...15:15
skaethallyn, thanks.15:16
eagles0513875hey guys question15:17
eagles0513875what should my permissions be set to for squirrelmail15:17
patdk-wkboth dovecot's and postfix's websites explain how to do it correctly15:17
patdk-wkpermissions? doesn't matter at all15:17
eagles0513875patdk-lap: im following ubuntu squirrelmail documentation15:17
eagles0513875well im having issues with it loading right15:17
patdk-wkoh, the website won't even load?15:18
eagles0513875ERROR: Could not complete request. Query: SELECT "INBOX" Reason Given: [SERVERBUG] Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information. [2011-09-01 17:16:39]15:18
eagles0513875ERROR: Could not complete request. Query: LSUB "" "*" Reason Given: [NOPERM] No permission to read subscriptions15:18
cloakableThat sounds like an IMAP error, not a squirrelmail error15:19
eagles0513875cloakable:  O_o15:19
eagles0513875how so15:19
eagles0513875how is that an imap error15:20
cloakabledovecor isn't giving squirrelmail permission to check folders15:20
eagles0513875and how do i fix that15:20
cloakableHave a look at the permissions on your mailfolders.15:20
eagles0513875the permission is fine15:21
cloakableCheck your dovecot configuration to see if it's looking in the right place. Check the error log15:21
cloakabletry logging in using telnet15:21
eagles0513875logging in via telnet works15:22
stgraberhallyn: archive unfrozen. Looking at that upload now.15:31
hallynstgraber: great, thx.15:31
stgraberhallyn: uploaded15:33
eagles0513875problem solved15:37
eagles0513875need to update the dovecot wiki15:38
jmarsdeneagles0513875: Go ahead and update it, wiki are editable :)15:38
eagles0513875ya i will15:38
jmarsdenOk, good.15:38
eagles0513875already updated the dovecot wiki with an issue i discovered with encrypted home directories15:39
eagles0513875now the problem im having it doesnt seem like my emails are coming through to my server15:40
aleuckhello, i  have 2 HDs (sda and sdb) and sda is not listed on blkid15:50
aleuckhow can i format it to ext4 and mount?15:50
jibelsmoser, Hi, why did you set bug 1 for test case http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/6432/519 ? Is there a real bug or an infrastructure failure or ?15:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115:53
smoserjibel, i updtaed it. i there were 2 boot failures seen there, i dont have a bug for the second, but i changed it to the first.15:58
jibelsmoser, cool. thanks15:59
smoserbut i do find it annoying that i can't log a failure without a bug16:01
DavieyRoAkSoAx: Have you been able to document ensemble for bare metal?16:13
RoAkSoAxDaviey: i've notes here and there but nothing definitive just yet16:13
RoAkSoAxDaviey: wanted to actally have things working on the test righ though I'm just waiting for a fix from cloud-init to get that working again16:14
RoAkSoAxDaviey: ut i will start writing a wikipage soon16:14
RoAkSoAxDaviey: this weekend/next week16:14
smoserSpamapS, around ?16:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #825127 in python-novaclient (main) "[MIR] python-novaclient" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82512716:28
hggdhRoAkSoAx: please tell me when you have it -- so that I can build a test env Foolowing The Standard16:31
RoAkSoAxhggdh: coolio, will do16:31
RoAkSoAxhggdh: I promise it will be ready for next week ;)16:32
hggdhRoAkSoAx: heh. No need to promise ;-)16:32
RoAkSoAxhggdh: hehe, better to promise that not do so :P16:32
DanaGSay, my tests over gigabit ethernet have given me only 40 megabytes per second on file transfers... is that normal?16:33
DavieyRoAkSoAx: Okay, thanks16:33
DanaGOne end: Ubuntu 11.04, on HP Microserver with 5GB RAM and two Samsung F4 drives with ZFS mirroring.16:33
DanaGThe other end: HP EliteBook 8530w -- Intel 82567 ethernet, ICH9M-E, and an OCZ Vertex.16:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #838931 in backuppc (main) "package backuppc 3.1.0-9ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83893116:36
patdk-wkdanag, and what is the test?16:45
DanaGah, the test case can be either simple file copy (samba), or Windows 7 backup (also samba).16:53
patdk-wkthose are horrible tests16:53
patdk-wk40MB/sec sounds right then16:53
DanaGThat may just be the answer, then.16:53
patdk-wkusing like ftp, around 60MB/s16:53
DanaGWhat's most likely the bottleneck: network bandwidth, samba, or drive?16:54
patdk-wkwho knows wit hthe laptop16:54
DanaGI've benchmarked file copy from SSD to SSD, through same switch, at like 80 megabytes per second.16:54
patdk-wkbut tuning tcp windows makes a huge difference at gigabit speeds16:54
patdk-wkI've benchmarked 110MB/sec over gigabit on my systems16:55
DanaGBy TCP window do you mean jumbo frames?16:56
DanaGThe Broadcom 5723 in the microserver doesn't do jumbo frames.  :(16:59
maswanDanaG: tcp window has nothing to do with jumbo frames17:03
DanaGah, recieve window size.  As in sliding window algorithm?17:03
DanaGI've taken networks class, but forgot the precise name of the algorithm.17:04
maswanyeah, for tcp. doesn't matter much for low-latency transfers though17:04
maswanI'd test pure network performance and see if it is there, using iperf17:04
eagles0513875DanaG: how much ram is in the laptop. as well  what kinda hdd is in said laptop17:09
patdk-wkfor low latency I find larger windows hurt performance17:10
eagles0513875and jumbo frames will only cause more issues17:10
DanaGThe 80 test was from EliteBook 8530w to a Fujitsu Pentium M system.17:10
patdk-wkwhy would jumbo frames cause more issues?17:10
patdk-wkjumbo frames works extreemly well, and no issues17:10
eagles0513875DanaG: i know what your talkin bout i just took a compression class and studied that this past year17:10
eagles0513875patdk-lap: wont you have massive amounts of fragmentation17:10
patdk-wk1500 -> 9000? why would increasing it cause fragmentation?17:11
DanaGEliteBook had 4 gigs of RAM and an Intel 82567, with OCZ Vertex 2.17:11
patdk-wkwhy do you have fragmentation at all i nthe first place?17:11
eagles0513875patdk-lap: woudl depend on the route taken not all routes to the destination support jumbo frames17:11
patdk-wkeagles0513875, like we said *DIRECT*17:11
DanaGTarget was a Pentium M + ICH6 AHCI + OCZ Vertex 1, with Broadcom NIC of some sort.17:11
DanaGNow the Vertex 1 is back in the EliteBook, since the Vertex 2 died.  Twice.17:12
patdk-wkand you still wouldn't have fragmentation due to pmtu over a long multihop path17:12
eagles0513875DanaG: i think the 2 biggest issues would be the speed of the nic's as well as the rpm's of the disk drives17:12
eagles0513875if they are SSD then the bottle neck woudl be the NIC17:12
patdk-wknot all ssd's can substain >100mbit17:13
patdk-wkand rpm's don't matter for the disk17:13
patdk-wkdoing sequential read of the drive will give you it's max17:13
patdk-wknormally between 80-120MB17:13
DanaGDirect-attached benchmark of the Samsung was at least 80, I believe.17:14
DanaGI'll bet ZFS is part of the bottleneck.17:14
patdk-wkso you will never go >80MB/s17:14
patdk-wkzfs will cause some latency, slowing things down17:14
patdk-wkalso depends on how everything is attached17:14
patdk-wkdoes the nic and drives have their own pcie lanes?17:14
patdk-wkdo they share a southbridge? ....17:14
patdk-wkif they are all connected over pci, then max would be 50MB/sec17:15
patdk-wkhalf for drives, half for nic17:15
patdk-wksame goes for your laptop17:15
patdk-wkyou could always try doing a transfer from /dev/zero to /dev/null17:16
patdk-wkif you get gigabit17:16
patdk-wkthen it's a harddrive + nic sharing pci most likely17:16
DanaGIt's on PCIe.  Not even one PCI legacy slot in the thing.17:17
eagles0513875hardly anything has pci any more17:18
rbasakutlemming: I've got your image booting with a different kernel image now, but it seems to require an initrd?17:18
utlemmingwhich kernel image are you using?17:18
rbasakutlemming: fedora's :-)17:18
rbasak(for the moment)17:18
DanaGThe southbridge is an SB850, I think.17:18
DanaGServer kernel.17:18
DanaGlspci.  somebody else's paste.17:19
rbasakthe initrd is going to be awkward if we're going to boot it like this17:19
rbasakoh that's interesting, qemu does support an initrd17:19
utlemmingrbasak: there is a linario vexpress kernel that works, but networking is flaky17:20
* utlemming looks for URL for linario kernel17:21
rbasakutlemming: what are you doing with the initrd? I tried the one in your image but of course that's mismatched with the kernel now and it doesn't seem to work17:21
utlemmingrbasak: nothing, I would fully expect the in-image initrd to completely fail17:22
utlemmingit was generated in qemu-arm-static (i.e. chroot)17:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #838959 in rabbitmq-server (main) "rabbitmq-server startup_log should include a date/timestamp" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83895917:26
utlemmingrbasak: I just found something that might help -- from linaro https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/DevPlatform/Ubuntu/ImageInstallation17:27
utlemmingrbasak: the problem with this is we _can't_ ship any of this in the default cloud images. We're can only ship stuff from main or restricted17:27
DanaGOnce btrfs gets a fixing fsck, I'll probably switch.17:27
rbasakutlemming: their linaro-media-create looks like it'll be able to help, then we could use our omap image17:29
utlemmingrbasak: that is the road that I just started barking down17:30
rbasakutlemming: I was reluctant because it's ugly, more work and harder to debug, but if they've already done it...!17:30
utlemmingrbasak: agreed, its the reason why I didn't do it as well. I'm more likely to try and implement a toolchain that has sane instructions and good documentation17:31
rbasakutlemming: I need to go. Do you want to see how far you get or would you like me to look at it further tomorrow morning?17:32
utlemmingrbasak: I'll beat my head against this for a bit. I generally am on around 14:00 UTC, we can sync up then if that works for you17:33
rbasakutlemming: OK, speak to you tomorrow17:33
eagles0513875any mail experts in here17:52
eagles0513875need some urgent help17:52
axisysmount.nfs keeps the uid/gid as it is shared by nfs server.. but mount.nfs4 adds some odd uid/gid.. like below17:58
axisysline 14 (nfs) and line 29 (nfs4)17:58
axisysany idea why?17:58
axisysmount.nfs works.. but mount.nfs4 b0rkes it17:59
jj995axisys: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo, and the section on mapping ID names with /etc/idmapd.conf18:02
jj995anybody know what version of ubuntu started defaulting NFS to version 4 instead of version 3?18:02
smoserRoAkSoAx, adam_g bug 838968 is what is stopping cloud-init and apt from working sanely on mabolo18:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 838968 in ifupdown "static-network-up event does not wait for interfaces to have an address" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83896818:04
axisysjj995: looks like what you are showing is for nfs server..18:06
axisysjj995: I am trying to do nfs client18:06
axisysas you can see on line 14.. nfs keeps the uid/gid sane.. unlike in line 29 it does not with nfs418:07
jj995axisys: from the link I gave, if the client is mounting nfs4, "In order for the ID names to be automatically mapped, both the client and server require the /etc/idmapd.conf file to have the same contents with the correct domain names."18:08
axisysjj995: oh ok18:09
elb0w`How do I format a drive into XFS?18:09
GrueMastercjwatson: Ping.  Do you remember the name of the IPv6 test suite you mentioned at UDS?18:19
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axisysjj995: thanks, that was it!18:47
TechnicusHello . . . I have been trying for a few days to connect with a guest operating system ( Ubuntu Server Edition ) from the host operating system ( Ubuntu Desktop Edition ) via SSH.  I have tried port forwarding, changing the guest network device, and taking suggestions from people on the channels #VBox, and #OpenSSH.  Nothing I have done was successful. How do I establish this connection?18:54
lickalottinternal or external network?18:56
lickalotthave you edited the sshd files on the server at all?18:56
ScottKDid you installl openssh-server on the server?18:57
ppetrakiand of course, you've installed openssh-server on the guest, since it's not installed by default18:57
smoserwell, ugly as all sin, but https://gist.github.com/1186970 would help us wait for IPV4 to comeup (bug 838968)19:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 838968 in ifupdown "static-network-up event does not wait for interfaces to have an address" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83896819:02
smoserSpamapS, ^19:03
Technicuslickalott, ScottK, ppetraki: I have tried Host-only adapter, Internal Network, Bridged Adapter, and have it currently set to NAT.  I have not edited the sshd files, openssh-server is installed.19:04
lickalottcan you ping the box?19:09
TechnicusHow do I do that?19:10
TechnicusPing the ip address or ping the name of the server?19:10
SpamapSsmoser: interesting19:11
SpamapSsmoser: I wonder if there isn't some netlink socket that we can listen to for these things, a-la network manager... IIRC, n-m doesn't poll..19:12
hallynstgraber: sorry to bother you again, but can't think of anyone else to ping on this - if you get a chance could you look at the proposed debdiff for bug 838410 ?19:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 838410 in lxc "sshd template is broken" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83841019:14
smoseryeah, there has to be some way. we're interested in network interface changes.19:14
hallynzul: will you be able to get that patch for libvirt to me today?19:14
zulhallyn: ill do my best19:14
zuldo you have a bzr tree19:15
lickalotteither should suffice19:15
hallynzul:  i don't, but debdiff is at people.canonical.com/~serge/libvirt-0.9.2-4ubuntu12.debdiff19:15
hallyn(i'd toss up a bzr tree, but since it's so out of sync i don't have the bandwidth right now, don't ask)19:15
lickalottif you're Nat'd correctly you should "hop" all the way through to the server.  if you can't ping it successfully then i would look at your routes and/or NAT statements then re-engage19:15
stgraberhallyn: looking19:16
hallynstgraber: thx.  noone really cares (obviously) about sshd template, but it's something ppl often try for fun...19:16
stgraberhallyn: looks good, uploaded19:19
stgraberoh, one note actually :)19:20
stgraberhallyn:  -- Ubuntu <ubuntu@server-639.localdomain>  Thu, 01 Sep 2011 16:01:31 +000019:20
hallynis that in quilt file?19:20
stgrabernope, debian/changelog19:20
stgraberreplaced with your @ubuntu.com19:21
hallynstgraber: great, thanks19:22
hallyni'll send the template patch upstream of course19:22
stgrabergood thing lintian detected it ;) I didn't see it by reading through the diff19:22
hallynat some point...19:22
hallynhm, guess i only built it with fakeroot debian/rules binary19:23
hallyni need to get my sbuild box up19:23
zulsmb: xen fix has been uploaded19:29
zulhallyn: people.canonical.com/~chucks/libvirt-0.9.2-4ubuntu12.debdiff19:31
hallynzul: thx, i'll test a bit and push19:31
zulhallyn: ok ask if you need someone to upload19:32
zulits already signed locally ;)19:32
elb0w`Im trying to run mysql server using a different datadirectory19:43
elb0w`and its not liking it19:43
elb0w`when I try to start the service it just hangs19:43
elb0w`fuckin apparmor isnt it19:45
hallynzul: gah, bad build.  a few more minutes, and i'll ask you to push your built version :)19:46
hallyn(bad build = my fault, not the package)19:46
hallynzul: success - pls push :)19:51
hallynnow on to this libcgroup crap.19:52
zulhallyn: uploaded20:05
hallynzul: rockin'!  thx.20:07
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ChmEarlhow to downgrade a minor version of python2.7?20:37
ChmEarlnm - downgraded the 3 files from apt-cache20:45
lickalottChmEarl i would downgrade the file from the apt-cache dir20:47
ChmEarllickalott, first time I ever did this20:48
astrostlanyone know about an httpd update for https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-3192 ?20:51
uvirtbotastrostl: The byterange filter in the Apache HTTP Server 1.3.x, 2.0.x through 2.0.64, and 2.2.x through 2.2.19 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory and CPU consumption) via a Range header that expresses multiple overlapping ranges, as exploited in the wild in August 2011, a different vulnerability than CVE-2007-0086. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-3192)20:51
astrostlred hat has issued one20:51
jdstrandastrostl: it was just published20:52
astrostlfor lucid?20:52
jdstrandfor hardy-natty20:52
astrostlso, not for the *LONG-TERM SUPPORT SERVER DISTRIBUTION...*20:52
jdstrandhardy through natty20:53
astrostli seriously don't get ubuntu sometimes20:53
jdstrandhardy, lucid, maverick, natty20:53
Piciastrostl: read again20:53
astrostlooops :)20:53
astrostlnot showing on an apt-get update here20:53
astrostli'm constantly screwed by bugfixes that are only applied to new releases, pardon the outburst!20:53
jdstrandit will be available in approximately 12 minutes directly from LP, about 45 from security.ubuntu.com20:53
mmncs_Hi everybody and first thanks for your time. I have a VPS 512 MB RAM running Ubuntu 11.04, MySQL and NGINX standard conf, but after 24 hours it is slow as hell, almost unreachable which makes it worthless. Any help on this issues would be most appreciated, here is the output from top: http://pastebin.com/eziWYrK822:13
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DavieyWho wants to have a go at testing ubuntu-server beta1 candidate, last minute respin? :)22:25
TheEvilPhoenixDaviey:  sure, if it runs in a VM22:32
ignarpsI have an upstart process stuck in stop/waiting22:51
ignarpsWhen I try to run start <service> it tells me that.  How can I reset this stop/waiting22:51
DavieyTheEvilPhoenix: sounds good to me!22:54
DavieyTheEvilPhoenix: automated test cases have been achieved, but hand testing is helpful - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/oneiric-server-i386.iso22:55
hggdhand http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/oneiric-server-amd64.iso23:13
hggdhplus http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/notcompleted with what is missing23:14

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