=== Claudinux is now known as Guest95049 === Guest95049 is now known as Claudinux_ === Claudinux_ is now known as Guest38548 === Guest38548 is now known as Claudinux === Claudinux__ is now known as Claudinux === henninge is now known as henninge-lunch [11:23] hello [11:24] if i try to search for deja dup in the dash (11.10) i find nothing. I find it only if i search for "Create backup". Is that intentional? === Claudinux is now known as Guest9828 === henninge-lunch is now known as henninge [12:24] is it possible yet to upload a random pot file to a project and use LP Translations to translate it? [12:25] in particular, this would be a big help file for the GJ this weekend [13:13] kelemengabor, I'm not sure I can follow the question, can you give me an example? [13:13] dpm: sure. we want to translate the evolution help at the GJ [13:13] using LP [13:14] but the template is not there, because we normally do not translate help [13:14] so, I'd have to upload it to somewhere, like a project we already own [13:15] can I do that without checking it into bzr? [13:16] technically, it'd be possible to create an evolution project in LP, enable translations and either upload the template manually or commit it to a bzr branch. However, I'm wondering if we could do this in a less ugly way, [13:16] is the evo help a template we block, or is it simply not built? [13:17] no idea, probably it is blocked [13:17] if it were blocked and it's still on the queue, we could just approve it, and disable it after the global jam [13:18] but I'm guessing it's no longer in the queue. [13:18] probably not [13:18] so I think there's only the ugly hack option left [13:20] any chromium translators around? [13:21] let's see: https://translations.launchpad.net/i18n-hu-help/trunk/+imports :) [13:22] the nasty "imports overwrite translations" bug happened again