
h00ktwopoint718: yo17:21
=== Cheesehead is now known as Cheesehead2
CheeseheadAh, perhaps I'm finally getting the hang og irssi settings and screen usage.17:31
Cheeseheadog not. Hasn't helped my spellng.17:32
h00kCheesehead: I saw you....logged in as root earlier!17:33
CheeseheadDid I learn for that experience?17:33
CheeseheadPerhaps I will do *everything* as root for a day or two. With my fumbly fingers, what could go wrong?17:34
h00kO.O good idea.17:35
h00kit's okay, you have backups...17:35
CheeseheadWhat's a backup?17:35
* Cheesehead washes his car AS ROOT muah ha ha ha17:39
* Cheesehead pyas the eclectric bill AS ROOT muah ha ha ha17:44
CheeseheadDang. That typo just cost me $40.17:44
* Cheesehead goes back to being an ordinary user.17:44
CheeseheadHooray! Just tried detaching irssi screen, logout of ssh session, log back in, re-attach irssi screen.17:46
CheeseheadAt last, my announced presence in this channel is irrelevant!17:47
CheeseheadWell, slightly more irrelevant.17:47
twopoint718running as root: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/02/24/bofh_2006_episode_8/ (funny)19:12
mikeputnam"So of course I'm sporting a headache that measures 'Kurt Cobain' on the pain scale and instead of easing it with some hair of the dog I have to sit through the inane drivel of a man who knows as much about linux as Princess Grace did about mountain driving..."20:51
mikeputnam"It seems you were right after all"20:55
mikeputnam"What do you mean?"20:55
mikeputnam"About a silly typing error causing problems"20:55
mikeputnam"Well I logged in as root earlier and I was just going to try that ps thing you mentioned, but instead I accidentally typed in 'nohup cd /; rm -rf * > /dev/null 2>&1 &' "20:55
* Cheesehead hates when he types that by accident20:57
mikeputnamespecially with that dangling carrot of nohup20:58
CheeseheadI figured out that I *can* do most things as root. Just not on the computer.20:58

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