
bastidrazor!logs > fremen_00:00
ubottufremen_, please see my private message00:00
roothorickSuccess: fglrx is a hot mess. I'd try getting the latest DRI first.00:00
roothorickof course, I'm not totally sure on the easiest way to do that with ubuntu00:00
Successwhats dri00:00
Successi installed fglrx now00:01
hylianbbbbbbbb: your drive isn't listed anywhere in fstab? can you pastebin your fstab here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/00:02
fremen_bastidrazor : is there a quick search function for a user name ? or do i have to check all of the logs myself ?00:02
xanguafremen_: contro+f on your favorite browser00:03
roothorickSuccess: well, if you want to go that route, give it a reboot, it should switch as it boots next00:03
Successwait what00:03
Successwhat was the other thing you said00:04
Successhow do i change to that00:04
Viking667quick question about nautilus - how do I make Ubuntu NOT show me the files on my desktop on startup? (Ubuntu classic theme)00:04
Successand when i do will i get webgl?00:04
bastidrazorfremen_: you could download the txt file then open it with an editor and search that way.00:04
roothorickSuccess: if your Firefox is new enough you should have limited webgl support right now00:04
Successim chrome00:04
Lindahttp://imagebin.org/170484 audio is wrong,something is not going well00:04
roothorickSuccess: I don't know about chrome, sorry. Though a new enough version *should* have some support00:05
Successfirefox is kind of icky00:05
fremen_xangua: i know that :), but what i mean is that; searching all of the agust logs for my name00:05
xanguaViking667: there is a value in gconf-editor to modufy that00:05
hylianbbbbbbbb: you win... how can anyone use a cd drive without it being in fstab first, do you have to mount it everytime?00:05
Lindai cant explain because i dont know what happend,,it just stop00:05
roothorickSuccess: let's not start that here ;)00:05
xanguaapps-nautilus-something :S Viking667 ;)00:05
Viking667xangua: thanks00:05
xanguafremen_: well if you don't remember the days you were here, yes00:06
hylianbbbbbbbb: did you install that dvd drive after installing ubuntu?00:06
bbbbbbbbhylian: no, it just works - i have no idea how. it was in there all along00:06
bbbbbbbbnever installed anything00:06
roothorickSuccess: I'm curious, what do you want webgl for?00:07
Viking667xangua: found it.   Thanks for that.00:07
hylianbbbbbbbb: , ok please pastebin what sudo blkid says, after running it in terminal.00:07
hylianbbbbbbbb: wait, i don't think blkid shows dvd devices.00:08
Successi dont ike ppl telling me im not supported lol and the stuff looks cool00:08
roothorickSuccess: you have an example?00:08
ActionParsnipbbbbbbbb: sudo lshw -C disk; sudo lshw -C drive      will00:08
fremen_xangua: ok then, but there is another problem, there are two files named #ubuntu.txt and #ubuntu.html on any day, one at the top and the other at the bottom, which one is this channel ?00:09
bbbbbbbbActionParsnip: yeah00:09
chalcedonyllhull@llhull:~$ jockey-text -l00:09
chalcedonyXlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".00:09
Myrttifremen_: both. they are just in different format.00:10
xanguafremen_: bot, one is pretty and the other is not00:10
chalcedonyActionParsnip, i'm not sure what's broken but it's still not fixed00:10
=== BlouBlou is now known as gafapastas
Myrttifremen_: google indexes the logs btw, do an advaced search for your nick...00:11
roothorickSuccess: works here... but I've got a GeForce running the official drivers so it should00:11
SuccessYour browser does not appear to support WebGL.00:11
Successthats what i get00:11
hylianbbbbbbbb: ok this will dump a lot of info, but atleast one of those will be the mnt or dev address for your cdrom: sudo lshw -C disk00:11
=== gafapastas is now known as BlouBlou
roothorickSuccess: odd you'd get that specific error00:12
bbbbbbbbhylian: just did this, see my paste00:12
fremen_xangua: ok thanks, my mistake, thought lubuntu was ubuntu also :)00:12
SuccessGoogle body-Google Body uses WebGL, a new standard for 3D on the Web. Your browser supports WebGL, but WebGL is not initializing properly.00:12
fremen_Myrtti: how can i do that ?00:12
hylianbbbbbbbb: what's your paste address?00:12
chalcedonyi'm really sort of desperate - my screen is hard to read00:12
roothorickSuccess: yeah, it's not initializing properly because your driver has limited support00:13
bbbbbbbbbut my desktop has configured /media/D4EE-AF16 as the mount point and this works every time. here i only see the /media/DISKNAME00:14
Successg2g bye ty00:15
Myrttifremen_: Im not on my computer so I cant really give a good answer, but try "site:irclogs.ubuntu.com inurl:2011 fremen_" without the quotes00:15
hylianbbbbbbbb: ok so again at this location http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=77876 you would replace /mnt/drive with /media/EN_102900, and then the /dev/ section below would be /dev/cdrom. if the /dev/cdrom doesn't work, i would try one of the others, but it should.00:16
bbbbbbbbhylian: but EN_102900 is the diskname00:16
jetscreamerD4EE-AF16 would be the uuid00:17
fremen_Myrtti: i found a good solution for this, i just change the day at url to go next days log :), like this "http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/08/""05""/%23ubuntu.html"00:18
bbbbbbbbjetscreamer: in the wine config00:18
hylianjetscreamer: he is trying to get wine to recognize his dvd rom. It's functional for ubuntu, but wine doesn't see it.00:20
hylianbbbbbbbb: yes, but it is also listed, thanks to your laste paste, as the media directory for the drive itself. i don't make this stuff up, i just read it off your paste..00:21
bbbbbbbbbut it would only work for this disk00:21
Lindahow can i restore my sound controller back to normal,,it stop working00:21
Lindathe pannel controler is acting up,i got sounds but i cant down or raise my volumen00:22
lahwranwhere might I find a greyscale version of the humanity theme?00:23
elpataI'm using Natty00:23
tony_on gnome look00:24
elpatawhen will Libreoffice PPA be updated to 3.4?00:24
ActionParsniplahwran: possibly www.gnome-look.org00:25
tony_ok dont ask me00:25
hylianbbbbbbbb: maybe i didn't get what you are trying to do. by symlinking the dvdrom, wine will have a symlink to follow, hopefully recognizing the dvd rom. (we also have to update the wine config.)00:25
byerleyhi, how can I find where the executable for a command resides? I'm trying to find an absolute path for 'source', but whereis just gives me the man pages. It's hard to search for and I'd rather not pick apart my paths.00:25
bastidrazorbyerley: which commandname00:26
byerleybastidrazor: source00:26
ActionParsnipelpata: could just use: http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable/3.3.4/deb/x86/LibO_3.3.4_Linux_x86_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz    and install manually00:26
bbbbbbbbhylian: how do i update the wine config? i can create the symlink in wine config and click apply, isnt that enough?00:26
bastidrazorbyerley: "which" is the command .. which source00:26
ActionParsniphttp://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable/3.4.3/deb/x86/LibO_3.4.3_Linux_x86_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz   elpata00:27
tony_o u beat me at it00:27
Lindai can only raise volumen using alsamixer GUI tool,not the pannel,,is not working00:28
byerleybastidrazor: "which: no source in...", command itself works fine from a fresh shell, but won't work in a makefile. I'm thoroughly confused now00:29
bbbbbbbbhylian: so if i put in /media/EN_102900 it works perfectly with any dvd called EN_102900 - others dont.00:29
Lindaand when i click on preferences it just stay on a little pop up message saying,,,waiting for sound system to respond00:29
hylianbbbbbbbb: right first you create the symlink, but it has to be in the ~/.wine/dosdevices/ folder named d.. and d. (you know windows) and then you have to update the wine config... and then cross your fingers. (i'm kidding)00:30
urlin2uLinda, have you looked in sound prefrences  with a right click on the sound icon00:30
ActionParsnipLinda: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh00:30
hylianbbbbbbbb: unfortunately so, this fix will only work for that device.00:30
urlin2uLinda, I guess you answrewd that sorry00:30
bbbbbbbbhylian: but how do i get a general mountpoint with that UUID like i have on my desktop?00:31
hylianbbbbbbbb: the other option would be to creats symlinks for every other device, but, i was under the assumption that only your dvd rom was not being seen.00:31
bbbbbbbbputting in /dev/dvd or others doesnt work00:31
popplerhello there00:31
bungholiopoppler: hello.00:32
elpatathanks ActionParsnip00:32
hylianbbbbbbbb: i really don't know. the way i usually do it is by stealing it from some source, but none of the apps i researched have ever given me a uuid for a dvd/cd rom. perhaps it's only for fixed disks? i don't know, or i should say maybe it's only for hard drives and usb drives...??00:33
popplerI tried a live of ubuntu 11.10 and the nouveau drivers worked seamlessly with nice 3d acceleration... in 11.04 I had to install proprietary drivers. How can I get in 11.04 the same result of the 11.10 live? what am I missing now that is in 11.10?00:33
ActionParsnipelpata: np, whats so vital in the new version, to you?00:33
ActionParsnippoppler: i'm exactly the same. The latest nouvea rocks00:33
Lindaurlin2u:) well i got from that command = ALSA Information Script v 0.4.60 and http://imagebin.org/17049000:34
popplerActionParsnip: so you say, we just need to update the nouveau driver? that's ti?00:34
omnimoonevening all00:34
ActionParsnipLinda: select to upload to the server, what is the URL made?00:34
popplerActionParsnip: or something more's needed?00:34
ActionParsnippoppler: not sure at all, sorry00:35
popplerActionParsnip: I've heard of something called "gallium3D" ... not sure how that comes into play00:35
omnimoonany able to get ubuntu on an hp touchpad? and could help me out00:35
ActionParsnippoppler: apparently kwni + nouveau performs slightly better then Compiz + nouveau  so I've got KDE on my media system now00:35
elpataActionParsnip: lo-menubar doesn't show window menu00:35
LindaActionParsnip:) im on it buddy,is uploading00:36
=== leinadninor is now known as un3k_ronin
popplerActionParsnip: ah I see... but I'm coming from kde, and wanted to give unity a try, so that's out for me00:36
ActionParsnippoppler: http://wiki.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/gallium00:36
popplerI'll have a look00:36
etfbI want to set up my home wireless router so I can refer to all the computers at home by name, via DNS.  Can anyone point me to some tutorials or explanations on how to do that?00:37
LindaActionParsnip:) http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=c758c9e73dbf1e5409206ba3cb8fc81977c3e22900:37
macbookairhow do i install ubuntu 11.04 onto my macbook air00:37
popplerActionParsnip: yes ok, that's a 3d architecture, but how does that play with nouveau? Is it another package to be installed or the new nouveau simply implements the thing?00:37
ActionParsnipLinda: run the big lucid command here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure00:38
poppleri don't get it00:38
hyliando cd/dvd drives have a uuid, i have never seen a uuid for one.,00:38
ActionParsnippoppler: i guess nouveau implements it, or has that implemented in it00:38
ActionParsnippoppler: me neither00:38
popplerah I see00:38
LindaActionParsnip:) coul that be installing the latest nVidia driver instead od the recomender vertion ?00:39
urlin2umacbookair, you will have to search the web not many here if at all run this http://www.infogenra.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-your-hp-touchpad.html00:39
popplerActionParsnip: I'll try installing the same version of nouveau drivers which is in 11.10 live and see how it goes00:39
ActionParsnipLinda: its at least Alsa 1.0.23 which may help00:39
popplerActionParsnip: you mean nouveau latest driver?00:39
hylianbbbbbbbb: yeah, i don't think uuid's are used for cd/dvd drives. i have to admit, i'd rather use a uuid than the old method. must be a reason why00:39
ActionParsnippoppler: Linda is having sound issues....00:39
popplerah ok, got mixed up00:40
bungholioanyone ever come across this issue? - with firefox sometimes when i fast forward the video, the video speeds up...00:40
ActionParsnippoppler: ;)00:40
bbbbbbbbhylian: but it works great on my desktop ... gonna try now00:40
popplerI'm using emphaty to get in IRC, not straightforward at all XD00:40
ActionParsnipbungholio: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep "flash|gnash|swf"00:40
chris215is there a way i can change my pointer to black, not just in firefox?  bc in the appearence preferences when i change it from default to dmz black its only changed in firefox, restart or not00:41
ActionParsnipchris215: hmm, usualy a log off and on is all that's needed. I've seen it in Lubuntu, where the theme only appys in some places. The log off usually makes it ok00:42
ScuniziScripting help... I've got a long ghostscript command I use on PDF's to make them smaller.  I need to do this on all the file in a directory I happen to be in.  Once the script is written I'd like to invoke it from ~.bash_aliases using a short cut.. any takers to help build the script? We can move channels if need be.00:42
bungholioActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/3w5sDyjp00:42
popplerbye guys, thanks for all00:43
chris215ActionParsnip: maybe its just me then...  my computer has ubuntu lucid and mint 11 and in both its the same thing and always like that in ubuntu00:43
ActionParsnipbungholio: sec, I'll get you a command00:43
chris215though maybe since the updates?00:43
chris215ill give it a shot logging out and in right now00:44
chris215from ubuntu00:44
hyliani'm hungry, see y'all later00:44
ActionParsnipbungholio: http://pastebin.com/cTJFeALH   64bit flash for a 64bit Ubuntu :)00:45
dudeis thaat prelink thingy making ubuntu faster?00:45
bungholioActionParsnip: thanks so much00:46
bbbbbbbbso. does anyone know how i find the UUID of my DVD drive that is not listed in fstab?00:46
Dr_Willisdude:  it helps.. :)00:46
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)00:46
Dr_Willisbbbbbbbb:  i dont think optical disks have a uuid..00:46
Dr_Willisbbbbbbbb:  it would be /dev/sr0 or sr0 or /dev/dvd or similer.00:46
ActionParsnipdude: I know of preload00:47
chris215still a black pointer00:48
bbbbbbbbDr_Willis: well, my desktops dvd drive has a uuid and works with wine - my notebooks dvd drive hasnt one and i cant use it with wine. on the desktop i can use /media/$UUID - here i can only try /dev/dvd (doesnt work) or /media/DISKNAME which i had to change with every new disk00:49
chris215after both logout and in and then restart00:49
ArcadeDawgIs there any chance changing the scrollbars back on Ubuntu 11.04 classic :P00:49
doogluswhat's the recommended way to have ubuntu 11.04 do automatic security updates?00:49
ActionParsnip!info apt-cron00:50
ubottuPackage apt-cron does not exist in natty00:50
chris215ActionParsnip: still have a white pointer...  except for like hovering over things00:51
dooglusArcadeDawg: sudo apt-get remove overlay-scrollbar00:51
Dr_Willisbbbbbbbb:  if you mount the thing to some location. you can set wine to access that same location. i imagine.    but i rarely use wine with optical disks these days.00:51
Scunizibbbbbbbb, you might be able to get away with creating /media/dvd then mounting /dev/sr0 to it..00:51
chris215is there another place where you can change your pointer besides apearence pref and customizing your theme?00:51
ActionParsnipdooglus: http://www.builderau.com.au/program/linux/soa/Automatically-update-your-Ubuntu-system-with-cron-apt/0,339028299,339279542,00.htm00:51
dooglusin general, how do I see the 'preferences' menu in 11.04?00:51
urlin2uArcadeDawg,  on this page is a tweak http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html00:51
nsd_Anyone know of a good calendar app for Linux? There's a Mozilla-developed plugin for Thunderbird, but I'd prefer a stand-alone application, and then there apparently was a standalone version, but it has been disbanded (?)...00:52
dooglusActionParsnip: thanks00:52
Scunizinsd_, the plugin for thunderbird is available as a stand a lone.. sunbird00:52
chris215nsd_: have you tried evolution?00:52
urlin2uArcadeDawg, which is the command dooglus  gave00:52
bbbbbbbbscunizi: sounds good, how? ^^00:53
nsd_chris215: I have, but I have never used the calendar. As I said before, I think I might like a standalone app (especially if I decide to switch mail clients)00:53
chris215i see...  because i just use my google calender from right in the web00:53
nsd_Scunizi: Yeah, but apparently it's been disbanded or something? http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/ recommends not using it for some reason.00:54
chris215nsd_: same with gmail00:54
Scunizibbbbbbbb, I think it's in the repos.. if not you could get it direct.. perhaps having to compile it. Also search for calendar in synaptic or your package manager of choice00:54
cornellHi.  My old box was dying, bought a new one.  I copied the old disk to a new one and put Ubuntu 10.04.3 on the old and mount the new as /home.  One thing I neglected was a list of software that I'd installed with Synaptic.00:54
nsd_chris215: I'm not sure I know what you mean by that00:54
Scunizinsd_, didn't know that.. I always use it in conjunction with thunderbird00:54
cornellIs there a way to get a list of installed software, is there a data file with that in it, plain text?00:54
nsd_cornell: You may be able to chroot into the old system, and use dpkg --get-selections once in00:55
bbbbbbbbScunizi: i think you have me confused - "creating /media/dvd then mounting /dev/sr0 to it.." was my question :)00:55
nsd_cornell: That'll give you a textual list00:55
NeoncamouflageWhere might I find the sound device location in Ubuntu 10.10? I was told to check /dev/dsp and /dev/sound/dsp. I have neither of those.00:55
nsd_cornell: It requires a bit of doing, but the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot describes how to chroot into another partition00:56
cornellThanks nsd, but...  The old system is gone.  The data is copied to another disk.00:57
cornellOr am I not understanding.00:57
nsd_cornell: I understand00:57
nsd_cornell: On the new system, you use chroot to be able to run commands in the environment provided by the old system's harddrive (now on /home, like you said), so that you can run dpkg --get-selections to get a list of installed packages00:58
cornellThe OS had been on its own 15 gig partition, which is now in its own directory buried in my /home00:58
nsd_cornell: Then un-chroot back to your old system and use that list to install those packages00:58
Scunizibbbbbbbb, sorry.. I missed that in the beginning.. I'm sitting here multi-tasking with work00:58
nsd_cornell: Just replace the grub reinstallation steps with dpkg --get-selections in that guide I linked to you00:58
nsd_cornell: And replace /mnt with /home00:58
bbbbbbbbScunizi: no problem - but how do i mount /dev/sr0 to /media/dvd00:59
nsd_cornell: I really don't know if there's a simpler way than that00:59
blakkheimW: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com lucid-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>00:59
Scunizibbbbbbbb, sudo mkdir /media/dvd > sudo mount /dev/sr0 /media/dvd00:59
Scunizibbbbbbbb, the ">" isn't used in the command..01:00
Scunizibbbbbbbb, hope it works01:00
nsd_cornell: Oh, and you don't have to be running off of a live CD01:01
nsd_cornell: I forgot to mention that, just run the version of ubuntu on the new system01:01
ScuniziI just found that I had 6 kernels installed.. not leaving much room in /.. eliminated 401:01
cornellRight, many of the steps seem unnecessary, as I have a running system with all disks mounted.01:01
nsd_cornell: So for you, do this: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done; sudo chroot /mnt; sudo dpkg --get-selections > installed_packages.txt01:03
hidhi, how can I install the new version of epiphany on terminal ?01:03
nsd_cornell: Then press Ctrl-D and do this: for i in /sys /proc /dev/pts /dev; do sudo umount /mnt$i; done01:03
hidI dont understand the documentation01:03
bbbbbbbbScunizi: "mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only"01:03
Lindamy volume controller in pannel is not working at all,i click on preferences and i get a pup ip little windows telling,,waiting for sound system to respond01:03
nsd_hid: Do you mean from source?01:04
hidnsd_; yeah here  http://live.gnome.org/Epiphany/Downloads01:04
bungholioanyone know the command to look in other drives ie- USB? i can't find the command in google /sigh01:04
BarBlitzsomeone please test my http ->
hidepipahny webkit version01:05
bungholioBarBlitz: Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
cornellmmm, I was thinking just sudo chroot /home/oldOS01:05
cornellOr do I have to do the for i in etc. after chroot'ing?01:05
BarBlitzoh, darnit01:05
Scunizibbbbbbbb, humm... not an issue if you're not going to write to it.. the other way of mounting it is through the fstab file.. try "man mount" to see if you can add parameters to the mount command giving r/w rights01:06
nsd_cornell: You do the for blah blah blah thing first, then chroot, then run hte command. Also, I forgot to change /mnt to /home in your case01:06
bbbbbbbbScunizi: wait it was mounted01:06
nsd_hid: Did you download a stable or unstable copy of the code? I would recommend the former. Or, did you not even get that far?01:07
Scunizibbbbbbbb, yes it was .. but you won't be able to write to it.. that's what the error said.01:07
bbbbbbbbdo i need to unmount it first?01:07
cornellok, nsd_, the for i etc will mask the existing ... mounts? /sys /proc etc.01:07
bungholiohow to i access another mount on my Hard Drive with Command?01:07
qincd /media && ls -l *01:08
qinbungholio: ^^01:08
cornellThen chroot, then I'm effectively running the old OS.  do the dpkg. and then do the second for i, which will unmask them.01:08
cornellI think I understand, nsd_01:08
nsd_The for loop is equivalent to typing this: "sudo mount -B /dev /home/dev; sudo mount -B /dev/pts /home/dev/pts; sudo mount -B /proc /home/proc; sudo mount -B /sys /home/sys"01:08
Scunizibbbbbbbb, unmount it to do what?  write to it? probably .. sudo umount /media/dvd01:08
hidnsd_: I didn't download the unstable version yet. I on the 2.30 now (former version)01:09
hidI'm on*01:09
Martahow can i reset alsa sound system to defaults01:10
bbbbbbbbScunizi: no. wasnt mounted01:10
nsd_hid: I would recommend downloading the stable version if you really must use the bleeding edge, then look to see if there's an "INSTALL" file in the downloaded source archive, then follow it's instructions. You'll probably have to install some development header packages, then run something like "./configure && make && sudo make install"01:10
Martamy volumen applet in pannel is not working01:10
BarBlitzok, sorry I made it listen on my IP, now please try again01:11
HaematomaWhat is the purpose of associating files with a file descriptor?01:11
BarBlitzYES!, its working, yay!01:11
HaematomaF.E. "exec 4>fd4.out"01:12
BarBlitzThanks :)01:12
newbHi, how do i check my dvd region in command line01:13
snfoHaematoma, I guess to assist with identifying files at the lowest levels01:13
snfoHaematoma, cause everything else file-related at higher levels is basically built upon FD's01:14
BarBlitzthis is sorta done ->
sabrionOkay.... I'm back. Anyone able to help with enabling a Dell Inspiron 1501 wifi key/light/interface?01:14
snfoHaematoma, and networking too01:15
Haematomaso after association could I redirect output to said by issuing a command like "ls >> 4"01:15
Haematomato said document*01:15
cornellnsd_,  Ok, unfortunately, when I did the copy, it used the made up name, so this is going to be messy...  It's actually in /home/oldJasmine/oldStuff15Gig/702869ec-2fcd-4848-bbd0-719cd4f8039601:16
snfoHaematoma, no that would just create a text file named '4' and put the output of `ls' in it01:16
cornellnsd_:  So the first step is:01:16
cornellfor i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys; do sudo mount -B $i /home/oldJasmine/oldStuff15Gig/702869ec-2fcd-4848-bbd0-719cd4f80396$i; done; sudo chroot /home/oldJasmine/oldStuff15Gig/702869ec-2fcd-4848-bbd0-719cd4f80396; sudo dpkg --get-selections > /home/myusername/installed_packages.txt01:16
cornellThe second step is:01:16
cornellfor i in /sys /proc /dev/pts /dev; do sudo umount /mnt$i; done01:16
FloodBot1cornell: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:16
sabrionAt least this time I was able to keep the wired working...01:16
Haematomasnfo,  I seem to be missing the point of a file descriptor :(01:16
nsd_cornell: I think that should work01:16
BarBlitzok, I'm turning it off, Thanks again =)01:17
nsd_cornell: Don't forget to reverse the process when you're done01:17
MartaHey,,,sounds issues here,,my pannel volume control is not woeking,,,but i have audio01:17
Haematomasnfo,  I know file descriptors 0, 1, 2 , can be used to choose which form of input/output gets redirected, but I don't know what #'s 3-N do01:17
cornellThat look right, nsd_... good cool, I'll give it a try.  Now, I'm doing this after sudo su.  And I assume that if there's a problem, rebooting will make all things right again.01:17
Striker3070can someone tell me the command line to shutdown ubuntu?   do i need to get down to single user mode b4 issuing cmd.01:18
bbbbbbbbwell, i guess i can live without optical drives in wine. thx everyone01:18
angel56Striker3070: shutdown01:18
sabrionStriker3070, Shutdown -k 001:18
nsd_cornell: I believe so.01:18
yaaaseHey, quick question - just installed xmonad in ubuntu and realized I don't know how to open a couple of things from the terminal (and dmenu seems not to like them) - what is the graphical volume control called from the terminal?  Also, if possible, the NetworkManager (which opens automatically, but remains hidden)01:18
ActionParsnipStriker3070: sudo shutdown -h now    is another way01:18
newbOk im in europe and my region is set to 2 but the dvd wont play only the intial universal 20 sec intro why?01:18
bungholioActionParsnip: beat me too it!01:18
Striker3070sabrion/ 0 is now, what is -k01:18
snfoHaematoma, I understand what you mean. Their basically used in low-level system calls and sockets for networking. If you create a new file 'test.txt', way down in the low-level stuff it has a FD (somewhere between 3-N)01:18
Dr_Willisyaaase:  alsamixer or alsa-mixer or somting like that is a curses based volume control tool01:19
bungholioStriker3070: sudo reboot also works *if you want to reboot.01:19
sabrionStriker3070, Not quite certain... lol... leftover training from an ancient linux class. Heh...01:19
somsipyaaase: I had this in Awesome WM with other software. Open software-centre and find the package. The binary names are listed in there.01:19
Haematomasnfo,  is there anyway I can tell what a file's default descriptor is?01:19
Striker3070ActionParsnip > so don't need to get to single user mode first, just shutdown.  cool th01:19
sabrionStriker3070, ignore the -k... that's useless for what you're wanting.01:20
sabrionStriker3070, it means send warnings, don't shutdown.01:20
Striker3070sabropn > thx01:20
ActionParsnipStriker3070: yeah, just fire it in a terminal, the rest is handled for you01:21
snfoHaematoma, I'm honestly not sure man. On the command line their really only useful when working with 0, 1, and 2 to be honest. Anything else can just be referenced by it's name.01:21
Arcademanty doug :) it seems to work :)01:21
yaaaseDr_Willis / somsip: thanks!01:21
sabrionActionParsnip, I'm back. I tried the website, and now I'm on the dell with wired, etc, etc. However wireless is still a no go. However, the buttons (hotkeys what have you) aren't working...01:21
sabrionActionParsnip, So I can't enable the wireless device.01:21
sgo11hi, using ubuntu 11.04. everytime reboot, I have to set my resolution manually to the correct one. how to fix this? nvidia card. there is no xorg.conf. I tried to remove ~/.nvidia-settings-rc which doesn't help. The story: The correct resolution is 1280x800. I used a projector before. At that time, I setup twinview in nvidia-settings and set it to 1024x768. after this point, verytime reboot, it uses 1024x768 by default.01:22
snfoHaematoma, now in C and/or C++, they are what's underneath the FILE struct and the sockets API.01:22
snfoHaematoma, that's where they're mainly useful I guess is all I'm saying.01:22
sgo11the resolution was OK before I used the projector.01:22
Haematomasnfo,  gotcha - maybe they are handled differently in BASH?01:22
=== fr0sted-bnc is now known as fr0sted
cornellCool, nsd_  worked like a champ!!!  Now, the list is ALL installed packages, so I just go through Synaptic and any on the list that aren't already installed, I install.01:23
fr0stedhi i cant seem to get spotify to run using wine, it just stops working01:23
battlehandsWhat is the hotkey to switch between workspaces?01:24
Haematomasnfo,  reason I ask is because I'm going through a shell programming book at the moment, and the author very briefly goes over assoc. files w/file descriptors and neglects to give a example01:24
sabrionbattlehands, ctrl alt direction01:24
nsd_cornell: Yes. You can also do the same command on your new system, and with some regular expression / command line magic get a list of only the programs not installed on the new system.01:24
Haematomasnfo,  but thanks for explaining01:24
sabrionbattlehands, such as up down left, right, etc.01:24
=== fr0sted is now known as fr0sted-bnc
cornellActually, I can do the same... I was going to say that.01:24
battlehandssabrion, can I move programs that are already open to another workspace?01:24
sgo11batrick, ctrl+shift+direction01:25
snfoHaematoma, I see. I don't believe bash handles them any diff though honestly. They're what's underneath all the "abstract" stuff like file names and directories basically.01:25
sabrionbattlehands, rightclick on the title bar... should show option "move to workspace #"01:25
sgo11batrick, ctrl+alt+shift+direction01:25
cornellThough my magic's not good, I was going to put both lists in a spreadsheet and do it manually.01:25
snfoHaematoma, if you catch my drift.01:25
sgo11battlehands,  ctrl+alt+shift+direction01:25
jaequeryanyone got openvz working for ubuntu?01:25
sabrionsgoll you don't need shift.01:25
battlehandssabrion, sgoll, thanks01:26
jaequerywhats the best way to virtualize your servers, these days .... last time i did so was 3 years back when xen/openvz was all the shiz01:26
sgo11sabrion, shift for moving the the window01:26
nsd_cornell: Well, either way, good luck01:26
sabrionsgoll oh... cool.01:26
imadperHow to change file between the two computer when I using01:26
imadper  remote-desktop?01:26
imadper<imadper> I use xp to visit my ubuntu.01:26
imadper<imadper> And why i can't input chinese in Emacs when i use remote-desktop?01:26
* cornell really needs to learn regular expression / command line magic01:26
* cornell still has no google-fu01:27
sgo11anyone has any ideas on my resolution problem01:27
test34Using the encrypted swap feature overwrote one of my data partitions... At install the swap partition was /dev/sdb4... but when I rebooted it switched to /dev/sda4... and /etc/crypttab doesn't use the UUID..01:27
imadperHelp~ How to exchange file when I using remote-desktop in win to visit my ubuntu?01:28
Dice-Mani want to make a clean install of gstreamer i'm on lucid01:28
Dice-Manwhen i ran gstreamer-properties i got errors like01:28
Dice-Manplugin unavailable blah blah01:29
snfoimadper, doesn't Windows have something like the SSH copy program (scp)? I think it's called WinSCP.01:29
guerrerohello.my internet is browsing mega slow?any one can help me fix that?01:29
nsd_cornell: Well, first off, I'd save a copy of each list (on the new and old systems) to a temporary directory (just so you don't lose them). Make them read-only, too. There's a command whose name escapes me that'll show common lines / lines in only one file / lines only in the other file that would probably do what you want.01:30
Lindahttp://imagebin.org/170497 , i need help having back volume control,it is not indicator01:30
imadpersnfo: does putty has this function?01:30
cornellWell... nsd_01:30
cornellBoth files are the same.01:30
guerrerocan any one help me?01:30
ArcademanMay I ask is there a driver for the Realtek 8211CL-VB yet :)01:30
Dice-Mani think i ruined the default gstreamer installation when i wanted to install the new version of rythmbox01:30
snfoimadper, I'm not sure, I haven't used Putty enough to know.01:31
snfoimadper, I would say it does though.01:31
guerreroCAN ANY ONE HELP ME PLZ?01:31
angel56yelling helps01:31
imadpersnfo: thx~ I found winssh01:31
snfoimadper, no problem01:32
imadperLinda: try to use alsamixer01:32
ActionParsnipguerrero: if you run: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf     delete ALL text and add this line:   nameserver      save the new file and close gedit, is it faster?01:32
ArcademanMay I ask is there a driver for the Realtek 8211CL-VB via Natty?01:32
ActionParsnipguerrero: You can help yourself by having some patience too01:33
Lindamadprops:) i install alsamixer,,boy why i have to use a program to control volumen,,it was working fine01:34
Superstar Hello01:35
ActionParsnipArcademan: if you run:  sudo dhclient eth0    does it get DHCP ?01:35
nsd_cornell: The command is comm.01:35
ArcademanError getting interface... No such device :P01:36
Lindais the only isue i ever had with linux,never had a problem that i can resolve with a little help01:36
cornellnsd_, I think I've screwed it up...  the list contents, both of them, don't show some I know were on the old machine.01:36
ArcademanError getting interface... No such device ActionParsnip01:36
nsd_Have you modified the old list?01:36
SuperstarI plugged my microsdhc card into my computer and now it won't read on my phone or my computer. In disk utility it, under the card reader it says "no media detected"01:36
Superstardmesg reports: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/679321/01:37
nsd_cornell: I can't explain why, but I've had dkpg seem to act oddly in doing similar such tasks, so it could also be to blame. If you can remember the package names, just mark them manually.01:37
ActionParsnipLinda: if you run:  alsamixer    is it all unmuted and cranked?01:37
SuperstarSo the card is being read - is there any way to fix this?01:37
cornellnsd_ the old machine was in service 6 years.  No, I can't remember all01:37
nsd_cornell: Did you modify the old list? Otherwise I don't know what to say -- that's just part of the pains in transitioning.01:38
cornellI ran just the first for i ... done;  There aren't any messages, I just get the prompt.01:38
ActionParsnipSuperstar: if you run:  sudo fdisk -l   do you see the partition?01:38
LindaActionParsnip:) i have audio,,it is just the volume controller from panel that does not work01:38
ActionParsnipLinda: I see, strange01:38
nsd_cornell: You mean just now you ran those to get another list?01:39
cornellYes, but only the loop part.01:39
Centurion2175Hi everyone01:39
hidWhere does this error come: "  configure: error: Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.40.0 or later. "01:40
cornellI don't know if I hosed something... if I reboot, whatever I've done will go away, correct, nsd_?01:40
bsmith093what does this mean Reading package lists... Done W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com lucid-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>01:40
nsd_hid: Like it says, I guess you need a newer version. You'll just have to get a newer one.01:40
SuperstarActionParsnip: Negative. Could a low level format solve this by any chance?01:40
nsd_cornell: I believe so.01:41
=== smw_ is now known as smw
nsd_cornell: Did you do the second for loop to umount?01:41
nsd_cornell: *unmount01:41
cornellEach attempt but the last.01:41
ActionParsnipSuperstar: when you last finished with the device, what steps did you take to remove it?01:41
bsmith093anyone, how do i fix the bad key for the main ubuntu repos?01:42
cornellGoing to reboot now01:42
SuperstarActionParsnip: Safely remove drive01:42
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)01:42
Dr_WillisHmm. Thers some factoid on fixing key issues.. what was it called...01:43
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts01:43
ActionParsnipSuperstar: good :). Makes a huuuge difference01:43
hidnsd_: but what is intltool? How to install it ?01:43
ArcademanActionParsnip, it does not even show it via lspci either :P really odd :P01:43
ActionParsnipbsmith093: can you pastebinthe output of: sudo apt-get update01:43
ActionParsnipArcademan: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network    does it show there?01:44
ActionParsnipArcademan: is it usb based or interneal?01:44
nsd_hid: I don't know. Google is your friend. Likely, if a newer version isn't available in the package repositories, you'll have to build it from source as well.01:44
nodexhey people01:44
ActionParsnipLinda: could try the Oneiric live CD, see if it works there01:44
ActionParsniphi nodex01:44
ArcademanActionParsnip, it does show my wireless adapter it is internal built on the motherboard ;)01:45
zhiweiwhen I use apt-get update, it shows an error:W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/Release01:45
LindaActionParsnip:) see if it work what buddy ?? my audio ?01:45
zhiweibut I can access this url01:45
bsmith093ActionParsnip: here http://pastebin.com/WtvzeLVE01:45
Lindai boot any live cd or dvd and audio controller from pannel work fine01:46
ArcademanActionParsnip, It is an Asus M4N68TM_V2 with 8211CL-VB onboard it does not show it under networking :)01:46
bsmith093btw how do i get pastebinit to output this, because all it will give to pastebin, is reading databases, checking, and installing, literally thats all, three lines.01:46
ActionParsnipArcademan: is the NIC enabled in BIOS?01:47
nsd_cornell: I have to go, so if you need more help you'll have to ask someone else, I'm afraid.01:47
ActionParsnipbsmith093: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 40976EAF437D05B501:48
ArcademanYes ActionParsnip :P since it works in Windows :P01:48
ActionParsnipLinda: check the sound settings and selected audio device, make a note then compare to the installed OS01:48
bsmith093ActionParsnip: worked thanks :)01:49
chalcedonyActionParsnip, how do i tell what video my ubuntu is actually running?01:49
ActionParsnipchalcedony: sudo lshw -C display01:50
chalcedonyoh thanks!01:50
ActionParsnipchalcedony: tells you chip and the driver01:50
tony_ 01:50
tony_ 01:50
tony_ 01:50
tony_ 01:50
tony_ 01:50
FloodBot1tony_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:50
LindaActionParsnip:) i cant get to the options,,it just stay on a little pop up window thas says,,,waiting for sound system to respond01:50
nodexi quit win xp 4 linux this is awsome an i needed a python power house to make games with (^_^)01:51
Arcademanty ActionParsnip my lan was disabled via BIOS01:51
samsonowiczcan somebody explain to me how to open ports? i want to host a server in a game. i opened ports on my router, on the correct IP taken from ifconfig, according to this: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/TP-Link/TD-W8901G/Doom_3.htm but still no go. i can actually connect to myself on localhost/ but not on my external ip address.01:52
sam__join #sct01:52
ArcademanSomehow I killed Mac on Board :P ty01:52
ActionParsnipLinda: not that icon, in the gnome menu or dash01:53
ActionParsnipArcademan: simplest solution is always the best01:53
nevoprosswhat is ./reflushtyus ?01:53
mynameisdeletedI'd like to contribute desktop backgrounds to the ubuntu project01:54
nevoprosshey                             what is ./reflushtyus ?01:54
mynameisdeletedwhat are the requirements for that?01:54
mynameisdeletedall images derive from my origional photos and image content obtained royalty free... mostely just my orgiional photo content01:54
nevoprossHelp me please01:55
nevoprosswhat is ./reflushtyus ?01:55
deveshwhat will be the umask value to allow evryone in an ext4 partition?01:55
disismthi all, when exactly will ubuntu 11.10 beta 1 be released?01:55
mynameisdeletedhttp://okser.net/~stv/nharbor4_cut2_9f2.jpg     thats one of the pictures I might submit01:56
nevoprossi use ubuntu 11.0401:56
mynameisdeletedhttp://okser.net/~stv/nharbor4_cut2_9.jpg  <--smaller version01:56
samsonowiczbump: can somebody explain to me how to open ports? i want to host a server in a game. i opened ports on my router, on the correct IP taken from ifconfig, according to this: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/TP-Link/TD-W8901G/Doom_3.htm but still no go. i can actually connect to myself on localhost/ but not on my external ip address01:59
invisibleksamsonowicz, unless you installed a firewall, you shouldnt have to open any ports01:59
invisiblekare you sure your doom server is listening on other addresses other than
nevoprossHelp me please02:01
nevoprosswhat is ./reflushtyus ?02:01
nevoprossi use ubuntu 11.0402:01
Lindahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting i done all in this page,and not sussefull,because is not the sound driver02:01
samsonowiczwell, actually the game isn't doom, but skulltag. i'm not sure if it's listening on other adresses, but on windows it worked with the same setup iirc.02:01
samsonowiczi checked in searched in synaptic for 'firewall' and the only apps that seem to be installed are ufw and iptables02:02
KrazyFukranyone know a good site for getting familiar with ubuntu as a linux newb?02:05
samsonowiczhow can i check on what ports an application is listening?02:05
qinsamsonowicz: sudo netstat -tulp02:05
qinsamsonowicz: Tcp Udp Listen Post02:06
chalcedonyi'm trying to figure out video drivers. http://pastebin.com/4KxBjuEY02:07
qin!manual | KrazyFukr02:07
ubottuKrazyFukr: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:07
chalcedonyi really do need help, please?02:07
gaelfxis there anything like notepad++ for Ubuntu?02:07
ActionParsnip!manual | samsonowicz02:07
ubottusamsonowicz: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:07
ActionParsnipsamsonowicz: sorry, wrong target02:07
KrazyFukrawesome, thanks much.02:07
andrew_does anyone know why libsvga isn't working on ubuntu 11.04? I switch to textmode terminal ctrl+alt+f2 and ran some demos that came with the source code.. but no graphics is displayed.. it's just a blank black screen02:07
ActionParsnipgaelfx: gedit02:07
qinActionParsnip: Coffee?02:07
gaelfxActionParsnip: gedit can do dyntax highlighting?02:08
ActionParsnipqin: totally, 3am here. Still 4.5 hours to go02:08
samsonowiczdoes this mean it listens on 10666 on external adresses, too? "udp        0      0 *:10666                 *:*                                 6461/skulltag-serve"02:08
chalcedonygaelfx, i like vi(m)02:08
ActionParsnipgaelfx: absolutely02:08
fabioHi, everyone02:08
roothorickdo I have to do something different to put Live USB on a *hard drive*?02:08
gaelfxActionParsnip: cool, I did not know that02:09
roothoricka USB external hard drive, I mean02:09
ActionParsnipgaelfx: http://www.fsckin.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/gedit-original.png02:09
qingaelfx: gedit have plugins, also kate, gvim.02:09
ActionParsnipgaelfx: even nano does syntax highlighting02:09
jribgaelfx: join the dark side, you know you want to... vi vi vi02:09
gaelfxjrib: I know, I'm gonna have to just do it I guess02:10
fabioI'm using an external HD and I'd like to use it as a flashdrive and to install ubuntu on it. The problem is, when I connect it to another computer, I can't see my files. Any help?02:10
chalcedonyActionParsnip, can you please look at my video driver problem? http://pastebin.com/4KxBjuEY02:10
samsonowiczqin: does this output mean an application would accept connections on external ip, too?  e.g. on 80. 8.80.67:10666 "udp        0      0 *:10666                 *:*                                 6461/skulltag-serve"02:10
jdevelfabio, is your name Kyle?02:10
qinActionParsnip: funny, I finnish also at 7am...02:10
fabioNo, my name is Fábio02:11
gaelfxvim.org doesn't look as spartan as I expected it to02:11
ActionParsnipqin: european shifts?02:11
jdevelk, someone I knew used that handle all the time02:11
jdeveland his name was Kyle02:11
ActionParsnipchalcedony: remove the driver and reboot, then install it02:11
jdevelI went to school with him many many years ago02:11
qinsamsonowicz: All addresses, port 10666, udp, looks ok.02:11
ActionParsnipchalcedony: i'm not too hot with ati stuffs02:11
qinActionParsnip: uk02:11
ActionParsnipqin: same, but do you do 4 days of 12 hours, then 4 off?02:12
chalcedonyActionParsnip, oh .. i'm so frustrated02:12
urlin2ufabio, whats the partition on the external and what other OS?02:12
guerrerocan any one help me?02:12
ActionParsnipguerrero: did my suggestion work?02:12
jdevelthis isn't the chat for that type of stuff.. this is jquery02:12
fabioWeird handle, eh? lol02:12
jdevelyea I suppose02:12
guerrerocan you tell me again.plz cuz my xchat clossed itself02:12
fabioTryed using a Windows XP installation to see the files02:13
urlin2ufabio, okay XP waht is the partion type on the hd02:13
ActionParsnipguerrero: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf     delete ALL text and add:  nameserver     save the new file and close gedit, is the web faster?02:13
qinActionParsnip: Last day off... 16 Aug. Last coffee, 15 minutes ago.02:13
ArcademanIs there a way I can place sudo apt-get list < list.txt into a list format not one by one line?02:13
fabioCan't remember the exact name right now, something that starts with 'e' and ands with '4'02:14
ActionParsnipqin: this is my 3rd day, got Fri, Sat, Sun & Mon off, then back on Tues on days02:14
roothorickfabio: ext4?02:14
fabioYes, that's the one02:14
urlin2ufabio, without a real outdated app windows wont read ext type partitions, generally people use a ntfs partition to shre .02:14
deveshi recently formated a ntfs partition to ext4 but its not giving the permission to read and write?02:15
jdevelor use samba02:15
deveshany suggestions?02:15
guerreroi have 2 name server02:15
guerrerodomain Belkin02:15
guerrerosearch Belkin02:15
qinActionParsnip: So you can stay here just for fun ;)02:15
FloodBot1guerrero: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:15
guerrerosorry :( for flood02:15
ActionParsnipfabio: you can use www.fs-driver.org to view ext2 and ext3 but Windows is too crippled to do anything of any value to Linux partitions02:15
ActionParsnipqin: its dead, so yeah02:15
ActionParsnipguerrero: I don't care what it says now, I just told you to change the file didn't I?02:16
deveshi have changed the umask to 000002:16
gaelfxdon't forget Ext2fs :P02:16
guerrerohow do i change it?02:16
fabioSo, what should I do? I couldn't install ubuntu on a ntfs partition, and didn't have the option to format any free space to ntfs02:16
guerreroboth name server to
Nach0z8.8.8.8. and
Nach0zthey're google's DNS servers02:17
ActionParsnipguerrero: I already told you what to do in as much detail as can possibly be given, try scrolling up and re-reading02:17
qinguerrero: and, but it is public google.02:17
urlin2ufabio, ubuntu goes in a ext4 make an extra ntfs to share between ubuntu and XO.02:18
ActionParsnipguerrero: you have ALL the instruction you can need02:18
guerreroaction i love you.and if ur a bot then ur a good one :p02:18
guerreroand thnx all of you 4 the help its browsing fast now :)02:18
fabioThat's my idea, but how can I create a ntfs partition?02:18
ActionParsnipguerrero: is it faster?02:19
roothorickfabio: use gparted from a LiveCD/LiveUSB02:19
samsonowiczqin: any idea why i can't connect to the server on external ip? localhost:10666 and (my internal ip) connect ok, but when i try to connect using my external ip i just time out? i have no firewall installed (except the standard iptables and ufw), the ports are forwarded to my internal ip on my router.02:19
urlin2ufabio, with a partitiner like gparted in ubuntu.02:19
guerreroits its much faster :)02:19
ActionParsnipguerrero: that change won't stick between reboots so you need to make the change in network manager so that the file gets THAT seting rather than your junky ISP's DNS02:19
qinsamsonowicz: Moment.02:20
guerreroand how can i do that change permanently?02:20
fabioThank you very much guys, all of you. I'll try that as soon as can. Bye02:20
ActionParsnipguerrero: in network manager, set the connection to DHCP (address only) then on the DNS line set the DNS to:,    and click to make it the setting for all users02:20
guerrerowhich one is beter.network conection manager that came with ubuntu.or wiicd?02:21
ActionParsnipguerrero: both are fine, I use wicd as I like the CLI interface :)02:21
urlin2u!better | guerrero02:21
ubottuguerrero: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:21
ActionParsnipguerrero: there is no 'better' in software, each has strengths and weaknesses, for what you need network manager is fine02:22
qinsamsonowicz: can you forward any known service (like ssh) for test?02:22
qinsamsonowicz: All ping attempts have failed, did you say that your sever was ok on M$?02:23
samsonowiczqin: yeah, it worked on win 7. i forwarded port 22 on my router, will that suffice for a test or do i need also need to setup something else?02:24
mibbitis there a separate irc channel for developers who are working on the beta release?02:25
xangua!oneirice | mibbit02:25
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:26
samsonowiczqin: "sudo nmap -v -sU -p 10666" outputs: "10666/udp open|filtered unknown"02:26
qinsamsonowicz: Yes, do you run telnet too, got 20-24 filtered.02:27
task0hello all, how can i create an efi patition (for boot booster) using a uuid table?02:27
mibbitthanks xangua02:27
samsonowiczqin: i don't know if i run a telnet service... what's strange is that scanning my internal ip with nmap gives: "All 1000 scanned ports on are closed", scanning my routers ip however gives: "Discovered open port 80/tcp on" and also ports 21 and 2302:29
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest1175
Coreysamsonowicz: May be your switch.02:30
Corey"Too many packets for different ports on $IP, we're going to block traffic for a bit from the origination point"02:30
CoreySome crappy consumer gear does that.02:30
samsonowiczCorey: don't have a switch... i think? unless an ordinary router is a switch. :P02:30
samsonowiczCorey: my networking knowledge is rather miserable.02:32
Guest1175i need help running unity02:32
Guest1175my driver is blacklisted02:32
qinsamsonowicz: 10666/tcp filtered unknown, Well, if router configuration is ok, then maybe DZM would help. for ssh test, forward port from box you running game and watch /var/log/auth.log02:32
Guest1175i have the link on the commands i need to run but im having a hard time figuring out how to run those commands02:32
qinsamsonowicz: And why it is tcp from router?02:33
Bentley_hi all, Something on my box is sending out data on the network as fast as possible. Can someone help me determine what process is doing it?02:34
samsonowiczqin: do you mean why is the tcp protocol open? i forwarded both protocols on ports 22 and 5000-1500002:34
qinBentley_: iftop02:34
task0hello all, how can i create an efi patition (for boot booster) using a uuid table?02:34
Guest1175i need to force unity to start. can someone help me with running the commands sudo nano /etc/environment and adding UNITY_FORCE_START=102:34
Bentley_qin, installing...02:34
qinsamsonowicz: Disregard, wrong switch in nmap02:35
ActionParsnipBentley_: Its keep alive stuff, Xboes do that02:35
qinBentley_: Also: sudo netstat -tuep or -tulp (for fisten only)02:35
ActionParsnipBentley_: I seem to recall they are IPX/SPX keep alive packets02:35
Bentley_315Gb since i don't know  when :)02:36
ActionParsnipBentley_: yep, they suck02:36
=== adrian is now known as Guest24138
qinsamsonowicz: box form you running game: start ssh server and forward in router.02:36
picolohi people02:36
rclayWhat's the best way to get gems to work?02:37
ActionParsniprclay: gems?02:37
rclayThe packages don't seem to be adding the gem path to $PATH02:37
Bentley_hmmm, iftop is showing me the top senders are to Lower-Room.local and Outside.local ....those are my airport expresses02:37
ActionParsnipahh i see now02:37
rclayI don't to have to manually add them to every node...02:37
ArcademanIs there a way I can place sudo apt-get list < list.txt into a list format not one by one line?02:37
Bentley_whew, at least it's not my embarassing home videos going out to some download site!02:38
rclayI read some long-running bug thread about how broken the gem paths are nowadays or something blather like that...02:39
ActionParsnipBentley_: I'd ask in an xbox channel someplace but basically they suck and I suggest you power it off when you aren't using it to not only save the gajillions of electricty they chug but to save your network02:40
Bentley_ActionParsnip, i don't have an xbox02:40
samsonowiczqin: installed openssh-server and -client. 'ssh localhost' seems to work for me.02:40
=== picolo is now known as Picolo
rclayArcademan: I would suggest writing a script to do that.02:41
qinsamsonowicz: Check. tail -f /var/log/auth.log02:41
ActionParsnipBentley_: must be crossed wires in my brain, my bad02:41
Guest1175i cant get my computer to boot in unity, can some one help?02:41
samsonowiczqin: 'localhost' outputs "ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused"02:41
rclayAnybody use gems in here?02:42
samsonowiczqin: "Sep  1 04:39:21 samson-ubuntu sshd[9316]: Server listening on :: port 22."02:42
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest30401
qinsamsonowicz: refused means firewall.02:42
ActionParsnipsamsonowicz: I get a request for username here02:42
ActionParsnipsamsonowicz: just connected to just fine02:42
ActionParsnipsamsonowicz: had to accept the key and everything02:43
qinsamsonowicz: Confirmed.02:43
Joknrclay: in the past when I was messing with rubygems i had to write the gem's path to ~/.bashrc02:43
samsonowiczqin: why i can't connect to myself using 'ssh' then?02:44
rclayJokn: Ugh, that's gross... Oh well, I guess that's how it goes ;)02:44
qinsamsonowicz: Wrong IP02:45
randrumsbefore i post the link , can somebody help me win a facebook like contest?02:45
Joknrclay: yea thats the way the ubuntu documentation says to do it, IDK of any other way, but I really haven't messed with it for about a year now.02:45
randrumsi'm not going to post it because I don't want to get booted02:46
randrumsbut.. if I could message my facebook page to anybody that will help02:46
xanguarandrums: then don't02:46
rclayJokn: I'm not sure why the package doesn't just put it in there, so "it just works" But then again, it's not Dropbox, haha.02:46
samsonowiczqin: what do you mean? myip.dk gives me:
ActionParsniprandrums: this is support ONLY02:46
randrumsi just installed Ubuntu on my netbook. Love it02:46
samsonowiczqin: also, i immediately get a refusal when i try to connect, i don't have to wait for a timeout or anything...02:47
randrumsalllright. well, thanks anyway02:47
jam120992i need help forcing unity to start at boot, can someone help me with the commands?02:47
ActionParsnipjam120992: add the command:  compiz --replace    in your startup and it should be ok02:47
Joknrclay: yea I'd agree it would be better if it would work just after the apt-get install02:48
mbernhardtDoesn't it?02:48
qinsamsonowicz: Wait, You can connect localy, but your isp may not resolve own mask, or blocking internal broadcast. try ssh -vvv02:48
Joknwell it does, but last I messed with it and what rclay is saying.  You have to update the path in bashrc02:49
JayWalker_Anyone familiar with a problem like this on 10.04: When I'm playing music through rhythmbox and I use any other program that plays sound at the same time (flash, games, facebook chat) the sound gets all garbled and distorted. SC is Soundblaster live 5.102:49
rclaymbernhardt: Yeah, it's all there, but you have to add it to the system path.02:50
samsonowiczqin: http://pastebin.com/hyC4CKmp02:50
rclaymbernhardt: And I don't want to have to do that with all of my nodes, but I suppose I'll have to figure out some witty way of doing it...02:50
openndoes anybody know how can I specify a DNS server using OpenVPN?02:50
jam120992ActionParsnip_ the commands on the support page look like this sudo nano /etc/environment add: UNITY_FORCE_START=102:51
Joknopenn: you mean like what DNS gets sent to clients via DHCP ?02:51
JayWalker_if anyone answered my question could you please repeat, ubuntu just locked up and crashed when starting openarena :/02:52
opennJokn: vpn server gives me a DNS IP which I dont want to use.02:52
Joknare you controlling the VPN? you can change what DNS it pushes via DHCP in the config02:53
jam120992ActionParsnip_ were you talking about running compiz --replace in the terminal or somewhere else?02:53
ActionParsnipjam120992: worth a try, its easily rolled back if it's no good02:53
opennJokn: no, I dont control the vpn server02:53
ActionParsnipjam120992: add a startup item to run the command and it will run, should make unity run as its a plugin in compiz02:53
opennJokn: hm how can I push the DNS I want via DHCP02:53
jam120992well im not sure how to run sude or how to add UNITY_FORCE_START=102:54
jam120992how do you add a start up item?02:55
jam120992im new to ubuntu btw02:55
Joknopenn: you'd have to have control of the server itself to change that02:55
opennJokn: the only solution is to edit /etc/resolv.conf?02:55
Joknon your machine, yea you could specify dns02:56
Joknare you trying to get around dns filtering ?02:56
JoknWhat's the problem then?02:56
opennjust to use a different DNS server02:56
opennlower latency, no log, etc02:56
opennecho "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf02:57
Joknyea, not sure if the VPN dns will take over though.  haven't really messed with VPN tunnels via desktop version02:58
gaelfxI remember someone once mentioning a method of learning vim to me, I think the program was called vimtutor, can anyone confirm that?02:58
infidhow do i install the development version of google chrome in ubuntu 10.04?02:58
Joknopenn: but I think you get the idea.  Do you have DiG installed?02:58
opennbash: /etc/resolv.conf: Permission denied02:58
xangua infid add the chromium ppa02:58
xanguathere are like 3 ppa's stable, beta and dialy i believe02:59
Onlyodinopenn, did you use sudo?02:59
Joknopenn: you use sudo to edit it?02:59
opennsudo echo02:59
Joknopen it with a text editor see what it looks like see if you can change it02:59
opennI want to edit it with single command02:59
samsonowiczActionParsnip: you said you can connect to my ssh, but why when i nmap my ip it doesn't discover the ssh service?02:59
Onlyodindefine "want to edit with single command"?03:00
xanguaopenn: you can set DNS on network preferences03:00
opennxangua: I know, but IM using terminal only03:00
opennnot network-manager03:00
opennOnlyodin: I want to edit /etc/resolv.conf with sudo echo "nameserver IP" >> /etc/resolv.conf03:01
xanguathen use sudo vim to edit it openn03:01
opennit doesnt work03:01
opennthats why I said with "single command"03:01
Onlyodinis there a cli version of network-manager, similar to system-config-network-cli?03:01
Onlyodinopenn, put the command inside a bash script or try putting it in quotes03:02
Onlyodin(not the sudo bit, the rest)03:02
qinsamsonowicz: Not sure why it do not reslve your public ip, but: http://pastebin.com/kBs1y5J603:02
JoknOnlyodin: yea its sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces lol03:03
OnlyodinJokn, not quite what I was thinking, but true enough ;)03:04
ActionParsnipsamsonowicz: strange indeed03:04
samsonowiczqin: yeah, when i nmap my ip for that udp port it does discover it too03:05
ActionParsnipOnlyodin: wicd has wicd-curses which is an awesome cli network manager tool03:05
qinsamsonowicz: On local or public ip?03:05
samsonowiczqin: public03:06
samsonowiczqin: yet trying to connect to the game server on that public ip and port times out.03:06
opennHow can I echo something to /etc/resolv.conf03:07
qinsamsonowicz: What dns are you using? /etc/resolv.conf ?03:07
ActionParsnipopenn: sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf    will be easier03:08
grendal-primedudes...disney digital copy blows03:08
qinsamsonowicz: Well do not make sense, since you can see port.03:08
opennActionParsnip: :P but then I have to write manually03:08
grendal-primeanyone know of a way of playing this crap?03:08
samsonowiczqin: nameserver
opennecho 'nameserver' | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf03:08
opennthis works03:08
opennbut ofc im not gonna use google dns ;)03:08
ActionParsnipopenn: openn use any dns ou like, there are many03:08
dzeremisHello to all! I need help with installation of Windows in a system with two versions of Ubuntu. I can't WINE programs effectively. VirtualBox is acting pathetically. I have two ext4 partitions, one with Ubuntu 10.XX. I simply want to erase this and install Windows without destroying my current Ubuntu 11.XX partition, which I use for non-Windows tasks. What are my steps to make sure Windows Vista 7 doesn't overwrite everything and leave me with03:09
dzeremisout a boot mechanism?03:09
qinsamsonowicz: I think you could test it with and public dns.03:09
dzeremisI'm talking about partitions and the boot loader which gives you an option of which operating system(s) to choose?03:09
ActionParsnipdzeremis: when you install, tell windows to format the current ntfs partition and install to it. You WILL need to reinstate grub2 to the MBR as windows will blindly overwrite it with its own03:10
samsonowiczqin: how?03:10
Polahdzeremis: Just set Windows to format and install on the proper partition, you'll need to reinstall grub afterwards03:10
dzeremisActionParsnip and Polah: Thank you very much. That is exactly what I suspected. I do not use Windows habitually on its own partition. So, Windows, in its arrogance, WILL let me select which partition to install on, and all I need to do is reinstall GRUB?03:11
opennActionParsnip: I created an alias but I have a problem now, since openvpn command leaves terminal open it cannot perform the last command, is there a way to do this?03:11
qinsamsonowicz: Wait, it do not make sense, since your paste have shown domain and ip. Thinking.03:11
dzeremisActionParsnip and Polah: speaking of which, what is the easiest way for me to reinstall grub2?03:11
Polahdzeremis: If you dd if=/dev/sda of=grubbackup bs=446 count=1 you'll end up with a file of  your grub install from the mbr. You can reinstate that later using dd if=grubbackup of=/dev/sda bs=446 count=1. You'll still need to update though to pick up Windows03:11
zahhAnyone know why my non-root users in a chroot'd Ubuntu can't get DNS resolving03:11
zahhAnyone know why my non-root users in a chroot'd Ubuntu can't get DNS resolving03:12
roothorickzahh: you forgot to copy resolv.conf to the chroot?03:12
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:12
zahhroothorick: my root user can resolve03:12
roothorickzahh: resolv.conf not world-readable?03:12
ActionParsnipdzeremis: use liveCD and you can chroot to install it03:12
zahhif I ping google.com as root it works, non-root no dice03:12
dzeremisPolah: I'm not so advanced a user. I can type in Terminal instructions, but once Windows is installed and has wiped out my boot loader, I don't know what to do...03:12
opennzahh: firewall03:13
zahhroothorick: its -rw-r--r--03:13
dzeremisActionParsnip: That's a good idea. chroot --> what to get to that point? what to do? That's a great idea, as I'd have access to a Terminal.03:13
zahhopenn: hmm Ill look into that03:13
txrugger86this room is a bit more lively as opposed to the last one03:13
ActionParsnipdzeremis: there are guides online03:13
opennhow can I perform a command leaving terminal open and perform another command in another window or in background?03:14
Polahdzeremis: do the first dd command in a terminal before install windows and you'll end up with a file name grubbackup in whatever directory you were in when you ran the command (probably your home), then after you install windows you'll need to boot a LiveCD, use the second dd command to reinstate GRUB and then update GRUB to do so. Or you could do a clean install of GRUB.03:14
dzeremisActionParsnip: Would you please direct me to one? I'm a little bit like a deer in the headlights right now, a temporary condition. I'm just making a plan so that after I install Windows, I'll know what to do.03:14
knoppiesIm trying to mount a win7 share onto my ubuntu machine using smbmount. I can get the mount working, but all files/dir get the ownership root:root when I want them to be user:user I have tried using -o uid=user gid=user but have no luck (obviously I replace user with my username)03:14
gaelfxopenn: sounds like you want to put an ampersand after the command03:14
dzeremisPolah: Which do you think is easiest for a person who feels a bit like a deer in the headlights tonight: not my normal clarity. A little dazed for no reason.03:15
openngaelfx: sry, what is that?03:15
gaelfxopenn: &03:15
jam120992side luancher bar or unity wont auto hide when windows are in full screen, any help?03:15
ActionParsnipdzeremis: trust me, they are all over the place. Just search for: reinstall grub2 ubuntu live cd            and take your pick03:16
openngaelfx: brb03:16
dzeremisPolah: I'm willing to do any of them. Just so long as I pick the one I can do most easily. I want to get off of here and go fry my previous Ubuntu installation in favor of functioning Windows and be sure I know EXACTLY how to return home to Ubuntu afterward.03:16
dzeremisActionParsnip: Okay. I will go look.03:16
Polahdzeremis: dd and then update-grub but it does require you to be careful since using it you can damage your partition table which would be irretrievable03:16
qinsamsonowicz: So, in M$, connecting to game with public ip from lan works? That would mean that address is translated to lans ip, but not certain how to set it, few minutes.03:16
dzeremisPolah: Thank you. ActionParsnip and Polah: I will remain connected while I look online.03:16
Polahdzeremis: You can always boot a LiveCD (which you'll need to do anyway to fix GRUB) and come back here for help later03:16
gaelfxopenn : if you put the ampersand after a command, it will run in background and you can still do other things in terminal03:16
dzeremisPolah: that would be extremely helpful. Would you be connected for a while?03:17
Polahknoppies: uid and gid need group IDs, i.e. numeric values not user or group names03:17
urlin2udzeremis, here is grub2, if you have the same cd you installed with follow this default the chroot method is below  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Copy_LiveCD_Files03:18
knoppiesPolah, ok, I will try that. the man page for smbmount (which actually gives me the man page for mount.cifs) implies that since version 1.10 you can use non-numeric form.03:18
dzeremisPolah: Okay. Just a moment while I investigate this and come to an understanding. I will be right back.03:18
Polahknoppies: Hmm, I don't know if you can but numeric IDs should work03:19
knoppiesHow do I (easily) find the uid and gid of my current user?03:19
knoppiesuid=1000 I take it that is a default.03:19
dzeremisurlin2u: Oops. I made a mistake. Thanks to you. Polah, ActionParsnip, I will report back. Thank you again, urlin2u.03:20
knoppiessame with gid, thanks Polah03:20
jam120992side luancher bar or unity wont auto hide when windows are in full screen, any help?03:20
knoppiesjam120992, Im sorry but I do not use unity.03:20
samsonowiczqin: yeah, i'm not sure if it translates it to localhost, though. i'm just trying to connect like that to test wheter my server is available on the public ip. i think it doesn't listen on the public ip at all, it doesn't seem to show up on the masterserver list. on win 7 it did, though. i don't know, maybe there's some specific setting on the linux build that i need to set...03:21
jam120992ok anyone else who can help?03:21
knoppiesPolah, they are still root:root even my ro (read only) option is ignored. It is almost as if it reads user= and then ignores the rest.03:22
ActionParsnipjam120992: it's a setting in ccsm03:22
qinsamsonowicz: what game is it?03:22
jamiewanjam120992: compiz, unity settings should try dodge windows03:22
samsonowiczqin: skulltag.03:22
Polahknoppies: What's the command you're using03:22
ActionParsnipjam120992: install compizconfig-settings-manager    and run: ccsm    you can configure unity there03:23
knoppiessudo mount.cifs //Q6600.local/Backup /media/q6600/Backup -o user=$auth uid=1000 gid=1000 ro03:23
knoppiesPolah, $auth is my username and password for the share on the windows machine.03:24
ActionParsnipknoppies: you want commans between the options, not spaces afaik03:24
knoppiesActionParsnip, thank you.03:25
knoppiesI thought it would be something simple.03:25
jam120992ActionParsnip: thank you, installing now03:25
Polahknoppies: Yes, -o user=$auth,uid=1000,gid=1000,ro03:25
Polahknoppies: perhaps those username's will work now too03:25
knoppiesPolah, I will give it a try. Let me try the numbers first.03:26
ActionParsnipknoppies: try adding    username=User,password=UsersPassword     instead of    user=$auth03:26
samsonowiczqin: when the server starts it gives this ouput: http://pastebin.com/3ByyMHzT i think it's correct...03:26
knoppiesActionParsnip, $auth=user%pass03:26
samsonowiczqin: i'm gonna reboot to win 7 and check what's the output when starting the server there.03:27
ActionParsnipknoppies: I see, you can also do it with a credentials file    http://rockpenguin.wordpress.com/2008/05/21/ubuntu-and-mountcifs/03:27
knoppiesActionParsnip, I noticed that in the man page while trying to fix these permissions. I might do that. Thank you.03:27
knoppiesActionParsnip, Polah. It now works. Thank you. Im going to give non-numeric uid/gid and credentials file a try.03:29
qinsamitheb1rber: That would be easier to find someone on DALnet with slient to test server.03:29
somsip!es | kausar03:30
ubottukausar: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:30
knoppiesPolah, using the username and groupname with uid= and gid= works too. Thank you for the help.03:30
WeberEIncHello - Anyone know what boot parameter (if any) I can use to stop a mouse from constantly snapping back to the center of the screen during a LiveCD session?03:32
roothorickI can't get usb-creator to work with my Seagate external HDD, when I boot it I get a very ambiguous "Boot error" and nothing else pops up03:33
ActionParsniproothorick: did you MD5 test the ISO you tranferred?03:34
roothorickActionParsnip: the same ISO worked with a thumb drive, but that was way too slow03:34
ActionParsnipWeberEInc: is it a mouse, or is it a touchpad on a laptop?03:34
ActionParsniproothorick: could try unetbootin03:34
WeberEIncActionParsnip: It is an optical USB mouse03:34
knoppiesWeberEInc, That might be something you can change using the mouse/touchpad settings rather than a boot parameter. I dont know much about boot parameters, sorry.03:35
ActionParsnipWeberEInc: tried a different usb port?03:35
WeberEIncKnoppies: Without control of the mouse - how can I cange any settings... I can't get up to the menu!03:35
ActionParsniproothorick: should still MD5 test the ISO too, so you know for sure all is well03:35
knoppiesIm not sure after unity, but you could ALT-F103:35
roothorickActionParsnip: I'm starting to think it's something to do with the hard drive itself. It seems to be confusing gparted...03:35
WeberEIncActionpParsnip: Yep - tried both front and back USB ports03:35
knoppiesWeberEInc, I am not sure with unity, but you can try ALT-F103:36
somsipWeberEInc: tried unplugging and replugging back in as well?03:36
WeberEIncsomsip: Yep... the mouse just snaps back to center of the screen after any movement attempt03:36
somsipWeberEInc: ok - worth asking03:36
Linda-007i have problems with the audio controller(PANEL) pulse audio aqualizer deactivate himself also03:36
Linda-007i have audio03:36
Linda-007but i cant control it03:37
knoppiesWeberEInc, Does the machine you are using have a trackpad/touchpad/ or one of those drawing tablets? (maybe its a touchscreen?)03:37
dzeremisIn the middle of some stuff in the road to installing Windows. Is there any way for me to reach my Ubuntu 10.XX partition under Ubuntu 11.XX? All I want to do is make sure there aren't any files worth keeping while trying to avoid having to reboot and log in.03:38
segnatoIn Ubuntu how do I unzip a a zip file?03:38
sabrionOkay... got the inspiron wireless thing worked out... now I have to figure out how to make it permanent... by running sudo modprobe b43 it activates the wireless.... but i have to do this each time I log on... How to fix?03:38
Nach0zunzip filenames.zip segnato03:38
Nach0z.w 3003:38
Nach0zno prob03:39
knoppiesWeberEInc, I assume the issue lies in a setting somewhere. It is almost as if your mouse is set to an absolute position rather than a relative one. There might be something you can run in the terminal to change the setting. Not sure what though.03:39
ActionParsnipdzeremis: no, windows is too primitive to access advanced linux filesystems03:39
ActionParsnipdzeremis: you can use an ubuntu liveCD and access the files just fine03:40
Nach0zaggressive much, ActionParsnip ?03:40
roothorickWeberEInc: do you use anything in Wine?03:40
ActionParsnipNach0z: not agressive, just stating facts. Windows is garbage03:40
roothorickActionParsnip: er, have you seen what NTFS is capable of?03:40
dzeremisActionParsnip: I mean, right now, while I am in Ubuntu 11.XX, can I access my other partition, containing solely Ubuntu 10.XX? I haven't started installing Windows yet. I just wanted to copy files over without logging into Ubuntu 10.XX if necessary. Seems a waste of time.03:40
ActionParsniproothorick: in what sense?03:40
dzeremisI'll have to download a LiveCD. I don't have a current one but have a current 11.04 disc.03:41
Nach0zActionParsnip: Ext2Fsd (You too dzeremis) you can use this to mount EXT2 and EXT3 partitions in Windows03:41
roothorickActionParsnip: NTFS can do pretty much anything ext3 can, and then some03:41
knoppiesdzeremis, yes you should be able to. Are they separate partitions on the same drive?03:41
Polahdzeremis, yes, mount it and copy away03:41
ActionParsnipdzeremis: yes both can access ext4 so you can access it just fine :)03:41
ArcademanI just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 and now my RT8185 is not working or connecting ActionParsnip any suggestion?03:41
ih20iI'm new to linux and trying to navigate filesystems with the terminal.03:41
roothorickActionParsnip: I can't speak of ext4 since I don't know exactly what they added03:41
ActionParsniproothorick: yes, including fragment heavily03:41
ih20iI created a folder but when I try to navigate to it it says no such file or directory03:41
segnatoI am following the tutorial here: http://www.blog.highub.com/linux/install-and-run-joomla-on-ubuntu/03:41
WeberEIncWell the Alt-F1 got me to the menus, but none of the mouse setting changes had any effect... it must be a boot action I need03:41
dzeremisknoppies, Polah, and ActionParsnip: :-) Yes, two ext4 partitions containing pure Linux on the same drive. I'm just not sure where to go to mount the sucker (the other partition containing 10.XX.) ^_^ Thanks all you you!03:42
segnatoand it tells me to use tar xvjf to unpack a zip file03:42
segnatobut its not working...03:42
somsipsegnato: unzip for a zip file. tar xjf for .bz203:42
Polahdzeremis, mount - ext4 -o defaults /dev/sdX /media/blah03:42
urlin2usabrion, you on a live cd, it should be working. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43_-_Internet_access03:42
knoppiesdzeremis, ls /dev/ and see if you can see something like sda sda1 sda2 sda3 (it might be hda or something too)03:42
Polahdzeremis, replace sdX as necessary and change blah to whatever you want to name the mount point03:43
Linda-007the sound indicator applet does not let me manage my volumen03:43
jam120992was just in here asking about how to auto hide unity luancher bar. i played with the compizconfig with all the setting and unity will still not auto hide, any other sugestions ?03:43
WeberEIncknoppies: I just read a post you wrote that I missed... YES! This machine has an input for a touchscreen (a SmartBoard actually!) I'll bet if I remove that connection, I will get the mouse!  I'm gonna try that now!03:43
sabrionurlin2u, I"m on a full install.... And base live wasn't working all that well.03:43
dzeremissda, sda1-3, sda5, no hdas.03:43
dzeremissda, sda1-3, sda5, no hdas. (knoppies)03:43
knoppiesdzeremis, and if they are separate HDDs then you might have sdb sdb1 sdb2 as well?03:44
segnatoso xvj will unzip it?03:44
urlin2usabrion, take alook at the link it may have some info if you haven't used it already.03:44
jamiewanjam120992: try dodge windows did u03:44
Linda-007plus pulse audio equalizer,i keep cheking the EQ enable,,and keep uncheking itself03:44
dr-willisjam120992:  autohide is the default. or are you having issues with fullscreen apps and the panel?03:44
ActionParsnipjam120992: http://ubuntu-install.blogspot.com/2011/04/make-unity-bar-autohide-itself.html03:44
ActionParsnipjam120992: if that fails, set it to not hide, then hide again: http://peterpants.blogspot.com/2011/04/ubuntu-1104-unity-how-to-disable-unity.html03:44
knoppiesWeberEInc, glad I could help. I hope that works. You might need to try tweek the smart board settings.03:44
ArcademanI just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 and now my RT8185 is not working or connecting yet it worked ok on 10.04 ActionParsnip or any other Ubuntu Support Staff suggestions I should take?03:45
WeberEIncKnoppies: ActionParsnip:  Well - that is it... I just tried moving the mouse via the smart board, and sure enough... the mouse moves... The driver can't handle both inputs it appears.03:45
Linda-007i have sound,and the driver,,i tried all,,followung troubleshooting in ubuntu pages03:45
ActionParsnipsegnato: if you nistall unp, you can unzip EVERYTHING with a single command03:45
dzeremisknoppies: I've got just one hard drive. According to Partition Magic (eureka), I've got sda1, my Ubuntu 10.XX partition, sda2 + sda5 (swap space or something), and sda3 (the partition I'm currently in.) Odd numbering system. So, I guess I'll just Terminal and try to mount sda103:45
WeberEIncThanks all!03:45
jam120992jamiewan,ActionParsnip: i have tried that and the other options the side luancher bar will still sit on top of any window open and never hides, will try the links u posted03:46
Linda-007is just the applet03:46
knoppiesdzeremis, yes, I recommend you mount it in mkdir/media/somename and then mount it to /media/somename03:46
ActionParsnipWeberEInc: least you have a cause. Is there a switch to disable the pad?03:46
gaelfxdzeremis: the numbering is that way because primary partitions are always sda1-4, exteneded partitions are sda5+03:46
knoppiesdzeremis, sorry, I should have formulated that sentence better.03:46
zahhQuestion: All my non-root users are getting no access to anything that involves "Socket"03:46
knoppiesgaelfx, thanks for that. I always wondered why.03:46
ActionParsnipjam120992: all I can do is websearch, just like you can. I don't use unity personally03:46
zahhI'm getting "Permission Denied" for ping, browsers etc.03:47
gaelfxknoppies: no problem03:47
dzeremisknoopies: Dear, helpful friend, I am still limited in my understanding of Terminal code. Could you suggest a string of commands to do that?03:47
ActionParsnipzahh: what groups is one of the problem users in?03:47
gaelfxdzeremis: it's that way because you can only have 4 primary partitions on a single drive03:47
dzeremisgaelfx: Thanks for letting me know. Cool nick.03:47
zahhits just a fresh new user03:47
* ActionParsnip gasps at his own grammar03:47
ActionParsnipzahh: irrelevant, what groups is it in?03:47
dzeremisknoppies: No worrying about sentence formulation. I have a flexible understanding of English. Are you a native English speaker or something more interesting?03:47
jam120992ok thanks, seems like alot of people who use ubuntu alot dont like unity. i like it but it seems to be buggy03:47
gaelfxwhere are the grammarnazis when you need them?03:47
zahhhis own and one called  aid_inet03:48
ActionParsnipgaelfx: indeed03:48
Kardoswe're on strink03:48
knoppiesdzeremis, mkdir /media/name; mount - ext4 -o defaults /dev/sdX /media/name03:48
lws@gaelfx: right here03:48
ActionParsnipzahh: that's why then03:48
dr-willisjam120992:  its a work in progress03:48
knoppiesdzeremis, you can change name for anything you like.03:48
Kardos*strike. tf is a strink03:48
sabrionurlin2u, no new info... I need a way to make step five permanent.03:48
knoppiesdzeremis, you will probably need to put sudo in front of both of those commands.03:48
zahhActionParsnip: what is it03:48
ActionParsnipzahh: my user (andy) is in: andy adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare03:48
gaelfxlws: hopto! there's poor grammar gallavanting around here03:48
* dzeremis is from a European-American immigrant family and speaks with a light Native American accent from early childhood exposure to paternal family members. I can pass as both Eastern European and Native in one breath and also as an American.03:48
zahhwhich one is required for internet/socket access03:49
ActionParsnipzahh: add it to those groups (not the admin group if you don't want the users to have sudo access etc) and it should be ok03:49
knoppiesdzeremis, English is the only language that I can speak (ok, I can do a little bash too). I was just chopping and changing the sentence as I was writing it, so it came out a bit scrambled.03:49
jam120992dr-willis: whens the next update? and why the lack of support for nividea ?03:49
dzeremisknoppies: sudo mkdir ....?03:49
lws@gaelfx: sadly, I'm at work fixing grammar in reports written by people with english as a second language03:49
knoppiesdzeremis, yes, and then sudo mount the ; separates the two commands.03:49
ActionParsnipEnglish and ok French. I can ask for Booze in a lot of langages :)03:49
lwsgot quite enough of that :(03:49
urlin2usabrion, you look in System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers03:49
sabrionAnyone? Auto init of b43 driver. Similar to the sudo modprobe b43 command?03:49
dzeremisknoppies: nothing wrong with speaking only English. I don't know what I'd be like if I let my grammar slide. It'd be a very interesting situation!03:49
dzeremisknoppies: Okay, let me try this...03:50
dr-willisjam120992:  be a bit more clear..  my nvudia works fine.03:50
ActionParsnipsabrion: add the line:   b43   in the file /etc/modules   and it wil load at boot03:50
sabrionActionParsnip, Thanks! Glad to be done with this!03:50
knoppiesdzeremis, rememer to change th sdX for sda1 (I cannot remember what yours was called)03:50
dr-willisjam120992:  next release is in oct i belive03:50
jam120992mine happens to be on the blacklist03:50
knoppiesdzeremis, and now I am missing keys.03:50
jam120992i think 7200 or 7400 gforce03:50
gaelfxdr-willis: releases are always in April and October, hence it's always *.04 or *.10 ;)03:51
gaelfxsabrion: received03:51
jam120992oh ok thanks03:51
Polahgaelfx: Now 6.06 feels left out ):03:51
jamiewansaba: woo hoo wireless03:51
dzeremisknoppies: sda1. Can you give me a verbatim command line sequence to enter, please? Is it just sudo mount...? You might want to just give me the commands again. PLEASE. I'm afraid to make a mistake until my mental fog blows over (it is in the process of it.)03:51
* dzeremis is missing the W key, like the Bush White House after the Clintons left, supposedly!03:52
jamiewansabrion: woo hoo wireless03:52
gaelfxPolah: ah, different times :D03:52
knoppiesdzeremis, brb, phone03:52
lwsdzeremis: what are you trying to do?03:52
dzeremisknoppies: okay. EVERYONE ELSE? sudo mkdir /media/name, THEN sudo mount - ext4 -o defaults /dev/sdX /media/name03:52
Polahdzeremis, sudo mkdir /media/name && sudo mount -t ext4 -o defaults /dev/sda1 /media/name        change name if you want03:52
bugzssome one wget http://darkinfo.org/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso03:52
dzeremislws: Simply mount my other partition to grab data off of it before I wipe it clean.03:52
bugzsand tell me what speed they get03:53
dzeremisPolah: thanks.03:53
ActionParsnipdzeremis: does nautilus just mount it for you automagically?03:53
lwsdezeremis: Polah's command will be fine03:53
dr-willisbugzs:  why that url?03:53
knoppiesdzeremis, sudo mkdir /media/name; sudo mount - ext4 -o defaults /dev/sda1 /media/name (not sure on that, but I have to pick my brother up, will be back in 15min)03:53
Polahbugzs: 200KB/s, which is my maximum.03:53
bugzsbecauses its my server03:53
dzeremisknoppies: okay, thanks, friend.03:53
dzeremisActionParsnip: I'm checking. Just a moment.03:53
ActionParsnipbugzs: about 50k/sec03:54
sabrionActionParsnip, Worked! Danke. Thanks for trying urlin2u.03:54
ActionParsnipbugzs: bursting at 5Mb/sec which is normal03:54
dooglusdzeremis: that doesn't look like good mount usage to me03:54
ActionParsnipbugzs: why not just use torrents, much faster and more reliable03:54
knoppiesdzeremis, oops, my mistake I think it is supposed to be sudo mount -t ext4 -o defaults /dev/sda /media/name03:54
knoppiesdzeremis, bbsoon03:54
dzeremisActionParsnip: all I see is UBUNTU and FILE SYSTEM. They appear to be the same thing. Nothing changes between them.03:54
jamiewanbugzs: 450k03:55
dooglusdzeremis: "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/name" should do it03:55
dr-willis -o defaults   is the default.03:55
dzeremisdooglus: Thanks for your input.03:55
dooglusknoppies: /dev/sda is the whole device, not the partition?03:55
dzeremisknoppies: Thanks a lot!03:55
Linda-007waiting for sound system to respond is all i get when cliking on sound preferences on indicator applet03:55
dzeremisdooglus: Just the other ext4 partition.03:55
knoppiesdooglus, yes, oops, I meant sda103:55
Polahknoppies: Not /dev/sda, that's the entire drive, requires sda1 for a partition03:55
knoppiesdzeremis, I meant sda103:55
knoppiesthanks Polah I mean sda103:55
dzeremisknoppies: Got ya.03:55
* dzeremis is going to have to try one of these. Which one to choose...? (Appreciating all the help.)03:56
dooglusdzeremis: the -o and -t shouldn't be necessary03:56
dooglusdzeremis: do "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/name" and see what happens.  check with "mount" to see how it mounted03:56
Polahdzeremis: Mine and knoppies are the same, except mine makes /media/name and mounts it all on one line whereas knoppies makes the location and then mounts it afterwards03:56
Linda-007does my problem have a solution or not,i dont want to waste my time here beggin for help,or a simple answer03:57
Polahdooglus: Always good to specify the file system and options just so you ensure you're getting what you want03:57
Nach0zw 4103:57
PolahLinda-007, waiting in here for a response and asking every 10 minutes or so while you go other things isn't a waste of time (:03:57
jamiewanthats how it works03:58
linociscohi all03:58
dzeremisPolah, dooglus, knoppies: I tried sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/U10 . It asked me password. I put in passwd. Said the mount point /media/U10 does not exist. So I have to mkdir somehow?03:58
* dzeremis scrolls up to look at previous code03:58
Polahdzeremis: Did you do sudo mkdir /media/U10?03:58
lwsdzeremis: yes, sudo mkdir /nt/U1003:58
dzeremisOkay, just did that. This is beginning to make sense to me again as my brain fog is clearing.03:59
lwsdzeremis: gah, * /media/U1003:59
linociscoI am now trying to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.1003:59
dr-willisdouble check it was made03:59
linociscowhy do i need 10.10 CD ?03:59
Linda-007i have all day asking,,im sorry im going crazy here :(03:59
linociscoshould I get it done with internet only ?03:59
dzeremisPolah, lws: just created U10.03:59
lwsdzeremis: now try sudo mount ...03:59
dr-willislinocisco:  its doable either way04:00
dzeremisNow, should I try mounting to it again? sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/U1004:00
lwsdzeremis: if the mount command works, ls -al /media/U10 should show you the contents of your drive04:00
Polahdzeremis, yes try mounting again04:00
dr-willisaltcd can work as a upgrade midium04:00
dzeremisNo complaints in Terminal. No feedback. Let me look if it worked.04:00
lwsdzeremis: so try the mount comand and report back04:00
linociscoas my CD drive is not working04:00
linociscohow could I do ?04:01
dzeremislws Polah: already did. ls -al /media/U10 shows up with expected folders. It might show up in Nautilis, if that's what it's called, spelling approx. I'm checking.04:01
dr-willislinocisco:  you just need the alt cd iso to mount... or.. just upgrade via the internet..04:01
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade04:02
ArcademanActionParsnip, are you even answering my question?04:02
Polahdzeremis, if ls works then it'll show up in Nautilus unless Nautilus is broken04:02
lwsdzeremis: well done, you can now get to it via nautilus04:02
lwsdzeremis: just browse to /media/U10 and carry on as usual04:02
Linda-007If i upgrade my sistem,will the sound indicator applet start responding ?04:02
dzeremislws Polah: Now "HD icon" UBUNTU shows as mounted. File System does not have that icon. They show the same thing. But wait! Can I go to my /home/ folder from this? It comes up with some cop-out files, not my actual data.04:02
dzeremislws: Oh, okay. Momento.04:03
Polahdzeremis, after you've installed Windows you might consider editing your fstab to mount your windows partition automatically so you can access data on there without manually mounting it on your Ubuntu system. Of course, vice versa on Windows you'll need to download and install some cool software to access your ext4 Ubuntu partition04:03
dzeremislws: Thank you. Well, I can't get into /home files. Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop. Hm...04:04
dzeremisPolah: Yes, I was thinking that it might make sense to reorganize my partition situation.04:04
Polahdzeremis, encrypted your home directory04:05
dzeremisPolah: not intentionally. I see no visible differences between each partition, if both of them are mounted properly. I'm about to try manually mounting the current partition, NOT sda1, and see what I see.04:05
Polahdzeremis, it's an option you can select during install to encrypt users' home directories04:06
dzeremisPolah: That's probably a smart idea. Well, I manually mounted sda1 and sda3. I see no visible differences, and I wasn't heavily invested in 10.04. I think I might as well go log into 10.04 very quickly, get GRUB or LiveCD ready, or both, install Windows, and get back #ubuntu.04:07
ArcademanMay I ask is RT8185 supported on Ubuntu 11.04 anyone :)?04:08
* dzeremis thinks all of you have been wonderfully helpful and supportive.04:08
linociscoit is still  asking for CD04:08
* dzeremis has just found out that the previous chat history about GRUB is deleted. Yah...04:09
PolahArcademan, look here: http://www.realtek.com/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=1&PFid=1&Level=6&Conn=5&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true04:09
Singhamhi... I have a a wireless USB modem (internet working) and a model which has wifi broadcasting service (Internet not working).Can I link my both modems so that the modem withot internet can broadcast signals of USB modem ?04:09
dzeremisPolah: all right, my mind is feeling better. Not totally clear, but much better. I can think. To reinstall GRUB after Windows, can I quickly prepare a GRUB reinstall CD or should I download a LiveCD before I go install Windows? I will report back to #ubuntu regardless, but I'm looking for the quickest way at the moment: the smartest way. And then, another time, I'll get to work on improving my partition situation after Windows is installed, as04:13
dzeremis discussed.04:13
Polahdzeremis: I don't know about any specific CDs for reinstalling GRUB but a LiveCD/USB I could help you with.04:14
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest22508
dzeremisPolah: Okay. Then I think it makes the most sense for me to go ahead and download a LiveCD or USB, so I can be in touch with you here in the channel when I reinstall GRUB after Windows.04:15
gaelfxtooo quiet, who died?04:15
Singhamwill anyone plz help me ?04:15
PolahSingham: what do you need help with?04:16
dzeremisgaelfx: I don't know! We were so robust for a little while.04:16
dzeremisgaelfx: I don't know! We were so robust for a little while.04:16
SinghamPolah : I have a a wireless USB modem (internet working) and a modem which has wifi broadcasting service (Internet not working).Can I link my both modems so that the modem withot internet can broadcast signals of USB modem ?04:16
* dzeremis so appreciates the help he has received and is going to take a short break while the LiveCD downloads. I'll be back.04:17
PolahSingham: That's called a wireless bridge. You'd need to configure the broadcaster to function as a bridge and your network connection to recognise that. I can't help you do it though, sorry.04:18
Singham<Polah> : So where should I ask for it ? Any idea ?04:19
PolahSingham: Here for the connection part, #networking on how to set up the bridge perhaps04:19
Singham<Polah> : Thanks.. :)04:20
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing04:20
* dzeremis has a different problem in the meantime.04:23
lapagahello all...is there a email program that will let you look at emails on the server without downloading them?  It does not seem that thunderbird does that04:23
gaelfxlapaga: it does, but you have to change the settings for imap04:23
gaelfxlapaga: and also make sure you're using imap, not pop04:24
Lindahttp://imagebin.org/170508,,,,i cant control my audio volumen in pannel any more since few hours back,does any one have any information to share about this matter04:24
lapagagaelfx: I think  my isp is only pop but not positive - will look into it04:24
dzeremisI just realized: I can't get into any of my stuff through Nautilis (sp?) I enabled root the other day for something and now it won't let me do anything under my usual user, not even open my flash drive. What do I do to fix this? Yuck!04:25
=== PuffTheMagic is now known as CheebaHawk
dzeremislapaga: IMAP is the key to that, as far as I know. Thunderbird can do IMAP. After that, I'm no expert in the options. If you are going to be looking at an e-mail, it is going to get downloaded to your computer in some fashion, because that is how it can be visible to you. But IMAP doesn't download all of them like POP.04:25
gaelfxlapaga: yeah, if it's pop only, then I think you kind of have to download them, but you should be able to set it up so that it doesn't delete the emails from the server after it downloads them04:25
PolahEvolution, the default client can use IMAP too04:25
dzeremislapaga gaelfx Setting it up so it doesn't delete them on the server is an excellent idea.04:25
PolahOf course, to view them requires downloading anyway. Do you want the client to not delete them from the server or not store them locally?04:26
dzeremisAny of you guys have any idea why it won't open my flash drive? The thing is not corrupt. It should work.04:26
dzeremis*USB memory stick04:26
dzeremisIt won't mount.04:26
gaelfxdzeremis: actually, I think it can just keep the subjects of the email without downloading the actual content until you want to view it, and then it flushes the data once you close it. Could be wrong though04:27
dzeremisNot automatically, not manually through "Nautilis." I bet it won't let me unless I go root. This is really silly.04:27
Guest26025softwares is failing to get translations04:27
Polahdzeremis, now you know why we tell people not to use their root accounts (:04:27
lapagagaelfx: dzeremis Polah well to be honest not sure...I have it set to save on server but in the windows  program I use one of the options is to view but not download...would like something like that04:27
Guest26025why is that?04:27
Polahlapaga: What do you use in Windows?04:27
dzeremisgaelfx: You're right there in some way. That all sounds very familiar. IMAP downloads the subject of e-mails but not necessarily the content. You can probably set a program to flush it. I think you're right.04:28
lapagaPolah: well my wife likes incredimail so that is what I use:)04:28
ActionParsnipyou can set email clients to download only the headers...04:28
gaelfxdzeremis: it's been too long since I actually set up an email client, I'm totally rusty04:28
dzeremisPolah: I guess I just learned why. :-) There was some reason I enabled it before, to create a directory in /opt. Can I turn it off.04:28
dzeremisgaelfx This is something I'm rather good at. I don't read books on it, but I can usually intuit or troubleshoot my way through it. I was setting up Thunderbird for my Gmail account last night.04:29
Polahdzeremis: I don't think disabling it will fix your problems, but doing sudo passwd -l root will lock the account again04:29
dzeremisPolah speaking of which, Thunderbird was the reason I enabled my root account. I was trying to install it manually, something I didn't know how to do, and following tutorials.04:30
lapagaActionParsnip: yes that is how I have it set up now...just was wondering if there was a way to just view them on the server ...seems safer unless of course my head is under a rock and that is not actually happening04:30
Polahdzeremis, in future, when you want to do things as root (i.e. make a directory in opt) use sudo, don't enable and log in under root.04:30
Guest26025Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main TranslationIndex04:30
Polahdzeremis: Again, use sudo for that04:30
Guest26025why is it failing to download??04:30
dzeremisPolah Ouch, and my Ubuntu 11.04 install was working so well.04:30
Polahdzeremis: Not sure why you'd try and install it manually either when it's in the repos04:30
dzeremisPolah: for some reason, it would not allow me to do it, even with sudo. I simply had to become root for it to let me.04:30
PolahGuest26025, you're the one getting the error messages, you tell us and then we can help you fix it04:31
Polahdzeremis: sudo runs the command as root.04:31
dzeremisPolah: Stubbornness, I guess. Ubuntu Software Center downloaded a really old version of it. It took me some time to get to 6.0. I wanted to learn how to install things manually anyway.04:31
Guest26025Polah: it just fails o get translation packages from repositories04:31
dzeremisPolah: I have no idea why it would not work, but it said, "Not authorized" until I enabled root.04:32
Polahdzeremis: You have to prepend every command to run as root with sudo, not just put it at the start of the line or only once. You can use sudo -i to get an extended login as root and run commands through that until you exit04:32
ex-demonрусские есть тут04:33
dzeremisPolah: don't know why, don't know how, don't know.04:33
dzeremisYa govaru neminoga po-russky, dolka neminoga, ex-demon.04:33
dzeremisYa lietuvis-amerikanits.04:33
qin!ru | ex-demon04:33
ubottuex-demon: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.04:33
PolahGuest26025, oh, it's ignoring that repo. You'll need to enable it by uncommenting in /etc/apt/sources.list or through System > Administration > Software sources04:33
Polahdzeremis: Most strange and broken04:34
dzeremisPolah: I dunno. I did what you said. It says, "passwd: password expiry information changed." Is this what we want?04:35
Polahdzeremis, I think so, yes.04:35
dzeremisWhy on earth did ex-demon come in here and advertise in Russian I only partially understood the existance of #ubuntu-ru? There have to be hundreds of Russian speakers in there. I am a Lithuanian descendant who is a U.S. citizen. We were under Russian occupation historically. #ubuntu-lt gets very little foot traffic.04:36
dzeremisPolah : Let me see if I can get into my flash drive. Odd side effect.04:36
lapaganow on to something out of the blue...does the fact that kernel.org was possibly compromised have anything to do with our updates?04:36
dzeremisPolah : I just tried to "eject" the drive and it said Daemon is inhibited. HUH?04:37
Polahdzeremis: sudo unmount <mountpoint>04:37
Polahthen unplug it and plug it back in04:37
dzeremisLemme try. I'm just confused why the GUI version wasn't working. I'm not sure it mounted to start with. But I'll go try and report back in just a moment.04:38
PolahWell unplug it and plug it back in anyway04:38
Guest26025Polah: it's repositories related with translations04:39
dzeremisPolah : for sudo unmount, it said that sudo: unmount: command not found. Plugging it back in after pulling it out didn't help. Am I going to have to manually mount and unmount everything?04:39
dzeremisTwelve minutes left on the LiveCD...04:40
knoppiesdzeremis, umount NOT unmount04:40
Polahdzeremis, hopefully not. Also, my mistake, the command for unmounting is umount04:40
dzeremisMy error in reading. Much obliged. A moment.04:40
PolahNo, I put unmount the first time04:40
dzeremisNeither one works. It's not finding it. I'm using sda and sda1, how it shows up in Partition Magic, which is still open in the background. Won't mount or umount?04:41
ParkerRWb ShapeShifter49904:41
PolahGuest26025, like I said you need to enable the PPA through /etc/apt/sources.list or Software Sources.04:41
bugzshttp://darkinfo.org/phpsysinfo/ :P04:41
dzeremisCan't find /sdb in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab. Same to /sdb1.04:41
ShapeShifter499ParkerR, hey04:42
Polahdzeremis, sdb would be a second hard drive04:42
Polahdzeremis: Good luck with your strange broken root and mounting problems, I'm sure someone else can help you better than me with that.04:42
knoppiesdzeremis, I thought that /etc/fstab used UUID or something, rather than /dev/*04:42
PolahGood night everyone04:42
knoppiesgood night Polah, and thanks a lot.04:42
Polahknoppies: It can use UUIDs, device names, labels and probably one or two other things04:42
knoppiesPolah, do you know how to add an SMB location such as //q6600.local/Backup to it?04:43
dzeremisPolah, I'm confused. I dunno. We'll see. It might fix itself. Good night and thank you for all the help!04:43
dzeremisknoppies: Welcome back!04:43
[THC]AcidRainis there a way to remove the most recent update to a package?04:43
Polahknoppies: It's possible but I don't know exactly how.04:43
knoppiesdzeremis, thank you.04:43
knoppiesPolah, thanks again.04:43
dzeremisknoppies: Of course. I'm glad you got home safely.04:43
knoppiesdzeremis, sorry I took so long. I was trying to find the air leak in a tire, but none of our containers are big enough to put it in.04:44
Polahknoppies: Here you go http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/configure-a-system-to-automount-a-samba-share-with-etcfstab/04:44
dzeremisknoppies: It's all right. You do what you have to do. Thanks for the link. Let me look...04:44
Polah/server/sharename /mount/location smbfs <options> <dump> <pass>04:45
Polahsorry, //server/shareame04:45
PolahSo you'd do //q6600.local/Backup /media/Backupshare smbfs <various options> <dump> <pass>, set options dump and pass as you see fit and change /media/Backupshare to where you want it to go04:45
knoppiesthank you Pooze04:46
knoppiesoh, nvm he logged out. Sorry Pooze04:46
dzeremisknoppies: Thanks very much for that link, which I will use. In the end, after quasi-success mounting and realizing that my personal files under 10.04 were encrypted, I opted for the LiveCD route, so I could reenable GRUB with you guys present. That is my goal for the evening, other than installing Windows.04:47
knoppiesdzeremis, I always install windows before linux (if I duel boot) so I have never needed to fix GRUB before.04:47
dzeremisknoppies: The LiveCD is about to be finished. I will burn it onto a fresh CD, go check out 10.04 for anything useful, and then install Windows and come back to you guys via the LiveCD to reinstall GRUB. I also appreciate your down-to-earth nature.04:47
knoppiesdzeremis, pleasure.04:48
dzeremisknoppies: Well, originally, my Windows installation tanked on this laptop so badly that I went Ubuntu-only with 10.04. Then I added 11.04, splitting the partition. Running Windows under VirtualBox OSE worked well for a little while, but now it's clear I just need an installation.04:48
knoppiesyea, I understand.04:49
dzeremisknoppies: Since I'm no longer using the 10.04 installation, the idea is simply to wipe it out. And hey: reinstalling GRUB, I learn something. The pleasure is mine. You're a nice person, pleasant to interact with. :-)04:49
dzeremisYeah, no big deal... Just a night of learning while fixing the computer. I mainly learn when something needs to be fixed!04:50
bugzscan any one wget http://darkinfo.org/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso testing04:50
dzeremisOkay, LiveCD ALMOST finished...04:50
bugzstesting my webserver04:50
knoppiesSo are you. dzeremis. I hope your burn goes well.04:51
bugzswhat speeds u all geting ?04:51
qinbugzs: 10 minutes, 1.15M/s04:51
qinbugzs: Do I need to get whole iso?04:52
bugzsi'm testing limts and what not04:53
dzeremisknoppies: I do so appreciate it. I'm about to try to burn the CD. It's nice to meet somebody else who is kind and courteous. Whatever we are, we seem to have a lot in common in personality, even over a distance. I like how you look out for your brother and are still courteous to helping me.04:53
ActionParsnipbugzs: 400k/sec here and climbing04:53
ActionParsnipbugzs: 600k/sec04:53
qinbugzs: 400K/s04:53
dzeremisknoppies: A healthy attitude of people-first while still not taking care of yourself. That's kick-ass.04:53
chenwhy my grub can't splash a image ?04:55
lwsdzeremis: dzeremis: deep, man, deep04:55
dzeremisknoppies: Well, I was born in Atlanta, GA and grew up in the surrounding area. I am a U.S. citizen and an American but also identify as European. I'm also from a mixed Native American cultural background on my father's side of the family. My parents migrated to ATL after college.04:56
[THC]AcidRainis there any way to remove the updates of a previously updated package?04:57
lws[THC]AcidRain: you mean roll back?04:57
ActionParsnipchen: do you use nvidia / ati gpu with proprietary driver?04:57
[THC]AcidRainlws, im not sure. what do you mean by roll back?04:58
dzeremisknoppies: I've lived in the Atlanta area, Warner Robins (military town where my mother was born and I currently live), Germany near the French border, and Marin County, north of San Francisco. I identify with modern Europe but also as a European descendant, primarily Lithuanian. My grandmother was a U.S.-born Lithuanian and my mother was born in this military town with a U.S. mother of Lithuanian ethnicity at the height of the Cold War!04:58
[THC]AcidRaini have an icon theme named aw0ken. and the updates are wicked stupid. i just want my computer to look how it used to.04:58
ActionParsnipchen: do you mean you get no plymouth splash, or did you add a background inage to grub which isn't showing?04:58
knoppiesdzeremis, anything to give you a hand.04:58
dzeremislws: I'm a person of caring and philosophy, open-minded and also definite and specific. I'm into an attitude of benevolence toward other people.04:59
dzeremisknoppies: Thanks very much! Where are you from yourself?04:59
lws[THC]AcidRain: is your problem that you just installed version 2.0.1 of something, and you want to go back to version 2.0.0?04:59
knoppiesdzeremis, do you know how to /msg? that is starting to become off topic.04:59
blacklehow can I change my X11 keyboard layout so when I press a certain button it enters a unicode character in the same way pressing "A" enters "A"04:59
[THC]AcidRainlws, yeah. but it was done through the updates. how can i roll back?04:59
dzeremisknoppies: YES, LOL, I think I do. Why don't you message me?04:59
[THC]AcidRaini want to only "roll back" a single package though04:59
knoppiesdzeremis, I did.04:59
dzeremisBut it's nice to make a connection.04:59
dzeremisYes, one moment.04:59
lws[THC]AcidRain: stand by while I google05:00
lws[THC]AcidRain: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1719075.html05:01
lws[THC]AcidRain: apparently synaptic will let you choose a particular version of a package to install05:01
lws[THC]AcidRain: so just force-install the previous version05:01
lws[THC]AcidRain: then next time you do a package update, choose to hold your icon theme package at the existing version instead of updating it05:02
ActionParsnip/j #lubuntu05:04
ActionParsniphi a05:05
=== a is now known as Guest75127
[THC]AcidRainlws, great... i cant force the version. this is gay05:05
Guest75127when adding a command to /etc/rc.local, should I add before "exit 0"?05:05
ActionParsnipGuest75127: yes, anything after exit 0 won't happen05:05
lws[THC]AcidRain: you could alternately find a copy of the old version of the package and install that manually05:06
jamescarrwhat risks do I run doing an apt-get dist-upgrade on ubuntu 9?05:06
[THC]AcidRainlws, thx for your help sir. thats what im about to attempt to do05:06
lws[THC]AcidRain: apt keeps copies of old packages, try /var/cache/apt/packages05:06
ActionParsnipjamescarr: ubuntu 9.10 and ubuntu 9.04 are no longer supported05:06
ActionParsnipjamescarr: so nothing will happen05:06
jamescarrActionParsnip, how can I upgrade it then?05:07
ActionParsnip!upgrade | jamescarr05:07
ubottujamescarr: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:07
lws[THC]AcidRain: these days double clicking a .deb file in Nautilus is enough to install it, no need for terminal comands05:07
jamescarrso I cant dist-upgrade?05:07
gnomitsudoes ubuntuone sync run in background or i need to have its Control Panel open for proper operation?05:07
ActionParsnipjamescarr: you can, its a little more involved though05:07
ActionParsnip!eol | jamescarr05:07
ubottujamescarr: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:07
[THC]AcidRainlws, well i fear i wont find an old copy. its the awoken icon theme. its supported by a third party repo05:07
lws[THC]AcidRain: if you've installed it previously, it will be cached on your computer05:08
lws[THC]AcidRain: provided you haven't purged your package cache, that is05:08
lwstry something like "find /var/cache/apt | grep awoken"05:08
danielI was looking at ubuntu kung fu.  It looks like it was written for ubuntu 8.4.  Will it still apply to 10.4.05:08
lws[THC]AcidRain: acutally, make that grep -i, for "case (i)nsensitive"05:09
[THC]AcidRain:) lws excellent work sir05:09
[THC]AcidRainlws, and im sending an email to the developer right now05:10
lws[THC]AcidRain: for what purpose? to get an old version of the package?05:11
[THC]AcidRainno. to tell him how horrible this new thing is. and that i wont be accepting any more updates05:11
[THC]AcidRainive got the old package back05:11
domino14could someone please explain what this could mean? "System information disabled due to load higher than 1" when the cpu% and mem% don't add up to anything more than like 5-10% when i do ps aux?05:11
domino14why are my servers so screwed up05:12
dooglusdomino14: IO wait?05:12
[THC]AcidRainlws, or at least i thought i did. its stuck on installing05:12
domino14domino14: i think it has to do something iwth IO yes, what does that mean?05:12
domino14my processes are at status D05:12
domino14and they just stopped writing to the log file05:12
domino14and hte whole computer is basically frozen05:12
dooglusdomino14: that's disk wait i think05:12
lws[THC]AcidRain: sugest uninstall first, then reinstall05:13
domino14but what would cause a disk wait.. my processes arent that many, theyre just celery workers.. i maybe write 50 MB to disk every 3 hours or so05:13
domino14and old log files get deleted.. i dont understand05:13
[THC]AcidRainlws, i did05:13
lws[THC]AcidRain: also, before you email the developer, remember that you didn't pay anything for his work05:13
domino14if many workers are all writing to the same file, the OS should take care of switching who writes when, right? there shouldnt be a deadlock in writing?05:13
lws[THC]AcidRain: so be polite and give constructive feedback, k?05:13
[THC]AcidRainoh lol. it wasnt installing because i didnt exit senaptic05:13
dooglusdomino14: right.  brb05:14
lwsdomino14: if there are many programs writing to the same file, you have issues05:14
[THC]AcidRainlws, i did. i told him that the folder icon was horrid and if i thought so then i was sure everyone else would. the folder from 2.1 was leet05:14
lwsdomino14: the OS doesn't take care of file locking, beyond providing the lock() mechanisms for doing so05:14
lwsdomino14: it's up to the application to make sure the file doesn't get trashed05:14
domino14lws: a supervisord process starts multiple celery workers, and it has a supervisor log. as far as i can see the outputs of the workers go to the log correctly05:15
domino14then after an indeterminate amount of time the entire computer just freezes05:15
lwsdomino14: "freezes"?05:15
lwsdomino14: as in hard lock, the magic-sysrq keys don't work?05:15
dooglusdomino14: check what's busying the disk with 'iotop'05:15
ActionParsnipmmmmm celery05:16
dooglusdomino14: does the hdd sound busy?05:16
lolsometimes after computer is 'sleeping' the graphics just get weird and I cant nothing but REISUB :(05:16
dooglusdid you know that typing the word 'celery' uses more calories than you get from eating it?05:16
loleven tried ctrl+alt+backspace05:17
lwslol: funny enough, sometimes that happens to me while i'm playing minecraft05:17
lwslol: i blame java! JAVA IS THE ROOT OF ALL OUR SINS05:17
domino14lws: the computer is just super slow, it says system load is higher than 1, it's not writing to the log file anymore, i do a ps and i see dozens of CRON jobs (in all uppercase), pstree just hangs, a lot of operations hang05:17
domino14dooglus: this is an AWS instance05:17
ActionParsniplws: do you have the latest Java?05:17
dooglusdomino14: this is #ubuntu...05:17
lollws: no, the computer was doing anything it was just sleeping, and using blank screensaver05:18
lolwith password to unlock05:18
lolnothing sorry05:18
lwsActionParsnip: yes, latest Sun java05:18
domino14iotop won't do anything05:18
tjoyIs oneiric at a point where it's reasonable to run services on it?05:18
domino14just hangs05:18
lwsActionParsnip: i was mainly joking about java, i believe it's actually a hardware fault05:18
domino14how do i unscrew my server05:18
lwsActionParsnip: i have strange graphical artifacts, running minecraft just happens to make the entire thing crash05:19
tjoyI know oneiric is not released, but is it still terribly unstable?05:19
ActionParsniplws: is your ram healthy?05:19
qintjoy: #ubuntu+105:19
tjoythank you05:19
lolmaybe screensaver is the problem, it freezes if I left computer sleeping for like 1hour or so05:19
lwsActionParsnip: i've not memtested recently, no05:19
dooglustjoy: I've never found any prerelease of ubuntu to be unstable enough not to use05:19
dooglustjoy: but I guess it depends on your tolerance for problems...05:20
tjoyfair enough05:20
domino14first of all why do i have like 100 CRON jobs that are just doing nothing?05:20
dooglustjoy: I'd probably have switched to oneric already if I could spell it05:20
domino14this always happens before the computer becomes completely unresponsive (can't ssh into it)05:20
lolI did not try ctrl+atl+f1 but maybe it would work05:21
domino14anything that requires read/write from disk just won't run05:21
dooglusdomino14: sounds like an application bug is causing ever-increasing disk activity until everything hangs05:21
lwsdomino14: sounds like an application bug05:22
lwsdomino14: what software is causing the grief?05:22
gnomitsudoes ubuntuone sync run in background or do i need to have its Control Panel open for proper operation?05:22
domino14lws: i have celeryd running tasks on this machine05:24
domino14supervisord serves to "daemonize" it05:24
lolim gonna try powersave options brb05:24
_shtHas anyone here by any chance experienced strange hardware raid (even in jbod) issues where disks will disappear from the hw raid controller?05:25
_shtin particular lsi raid05:25
HaakonKLCan someone help me with some upstart/init.c problems?05:26
tjoy_sht: i have that issue sometimes with illumos, a reboot usually solves it05:26
_shtreboots arent acceptable to fix that :P05:26
tjoyi've been using old, junky disks05:26
HaakonKLBasically, I want to ensure that apache and mysql does NOT get started on boot.05:26
lwsgnomitsu: i believe ubuntu one syncs in the background05:26
tjoyon an old, junky sas card05:26
tjoyin an old, junky server05:26
tjoyso for me they're acceptable05:26
_shtyeah see i have all brend new stuff, and it shits the bed :)05:27
tjoytell it to lsi05:27
tjoyi guess05:27
lwsgnomitsu: i don't actually use it though, ad the docs i'm finding aren't very illuminating - perhaps just try an experiment to answer your question?05:27
stricklyhey ques05:27
tjoythey generally write the drivers05:27
stricklywhats the release you guys recommend to be installed?05:27
stricklysorry about the simple ques05:27
lwsstrickly: 11.0405:27
stricklybut just on a hurry and wanted some advice05:27
stricklythats the latest stable release?05:27
lwsstrickly: yes05:27
stricklyok, 32 bit better?05:27
lwsstrickly: i generally install 32-bit, you'll hear various opinions05:28
HaakonKLOnly if you don't have a 64 bit processor, or you really want to play zsnes05:28
lwsstrickly: but 32-bit is guaranteed to work05:28
HaakonKLlws: point.05:28
gnomitsulws: that sounds too 'risque' for some values of 'important data'05:28
stricklyright, so to be on the safe side better to stay on 32 bit05:28
HaakonKLstrickly: is this on a desktop?05:28
stricklynoup, for  VPS05:28
stricklyfor a*05:29
lwsgnomitsu: plenty of other automatic backup services to be had05:29
domino14lws: it seems there is a sudden spike in disk writes shortly before the machine becomes unresponsive05:29
domino14but i cant figure out where it;s writing too05:29
lwsdomino14: anything in the logs?05:29
HaakonKLAnyway, can someone tell me how to disable mysql and apache2 from starting on boot? I can't quite manage to google that.05:29
domino14which logs should i look at?05:29
gnomitsulws: i wouldn't be recommending 'experimentation' in an official support channel05:29
HaakonKLEven a just[meanword]googleit link would be nice.05:29
lwsdomino14: try the everything log, hich i believe is either /var/log/messages or /var/log/everything05:29
HaakonKLI just found a forum post, but I don't have a login, so I can't view it. :(05:30
HaakonKLCan I just use the launchpad ID thingy to log on?05:31
HaakonKLOh, yes I can. Nice05:31
domino14no clues in either of those logs.05:33
ponderaquestion, is there away i can strip down my current install of ubuntu 11.04 and rebuild it by using someing in tasksel ?05:33
lwsHaakonKL: http://askubuntu.com/questions/19320/whats-the-recommend-way-to-enable-disable-services05:33
domino14everything is just hanging waiting for disk, i cant do anything that reads or writes05:33
lwsHaakonKL: see the post about "bum", the graphical "bootup manager"05:34
ActionParsnip!boot | HaakonKL05:34
ubottuHaakonKL: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:34
lwsHaakonKL: i would recommend trying that05:34
lwsActionParsnip: do you have all those macros memorised? ;)05:34
jimmy_bireranyone in need of help?05:34
lwsjimmy_birer: yes, i need to escape my job05:35
ponderai am jimmy_birer05:35
ActionParsniplws: I've been coming in here for 4 years, so kinda ;)05:35
pmjI actually do. So I've been using this monitor for a couple of years, and all of a sudden the resolution isn't detected correctly anymore.05:36
ActionParsnipjimmy_birer: could help me05:36
pmjI get the correct resolution outside X, which is 1680x1050, but in X it's 640x480. It's the fault of the nvidia driver I suppose, but I haven't updated it in months.05:37
syionide                             . .  IMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM05:37
syionide                        .IMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8I            .  ...  .          =MMMM05:37
syionide                    :MMMMMMMMMZ .       7MMMMZ   .         7MD .            IMMD .05:37
FloodBot1syionide: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:37
pmjTried updating xorg.conf with no success. It doesn't seem like modifying it actually does anything.05:37
ponderaquestion, is there away i can strip down my current install of ubuntu 11.04 and rebuild it by using someing in tasksel ?05:38
lwspmj: xorg.conf isn't used anymore, i believe05:38
pmjI don't actually expect any help. I'm just here to vent.05:38
lwspmj: and thank god for that05:38
lwspmj: we have a club for05:38
lws"* pmj: we have a club for xorg haters05:38
lwsactually, just make that X11 architecture in general05:38
pmjSo if xorg.conf isn't used anymore, what is?05:39
pmjHow can I force a resolution for this monitor?05:39
lwsxorg configuration is done dynamically these days05:39
pmjAnd if it fails you're out of luck?05:39
lwsi believe you may be able to fall back to xorg.conf in a pinch05:40
lwsif you're on a nvidia card, you could also try nvidia-settings (assuming you're using the binary drivers)05:40
pmjThis is highly disappointing. My computer is basically unusable. nvidia-settings says it detects my monitor and says maximum resolution is 640x480.05:41
ponderaquestion, is there away i can strip down my current install of ubuntu 11.04 and rebuild it by using someing in tasksel ?05:42
pmjnvidia-settings doesn't know the name of the monitor even, but ddcprobe from a terminal gets it all right.05:42
lwspmj: strangeness05:43
lwspmj: you've tried a reboot, of course05:43
pmjSeveral reboots and reinstallations of the nvidia driver.05:44
urlin2upondera, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel05:44
pmjOh well, I suppose it was time for a new monitor either. If that fails, I'll come in and vent even harder. Thank you for your time.05:45
pmjsay s/either/anyway05:45
lwspmj: recommend you draw a pentagram and sacrifice a chicken05:45
pmjIgnore me, not only am I tired but I've mudded too much.05:45
Shirakawasunais the official recommendation when updating ubuntu versions (e.g. the upcoming 11.04 -> 11.10) to do a complete fresh reinstall, or is dist-upgrade now safe?05:45
lwsmpj: i've found that to be the most effective technique for troubleshooting xorg05:45
pmjlws, I'll make that plan B.05:46
pmjIs frozen chicken breast OK?05:46
=== syionide is now known as qry
konris there an ubuntu-specific file I can check out to detect whether the current system is indeed ubuntu?05:46
lwspmj: don't insult the gods05:47
lwspmj: gotta be KFC at least05:47
stricklyhello to all the people from argetina :)05:47
robbufI was hoping someone can help me figure out why ati drivers will not install05:47
konrstrickly: hola!05:47
stricklyhola konr :)05:48
robbufin the terminal it said I cannot run sh ./ati-drivers-installer-9-4-etc-etc05:48
pmjIs your file really named -etc-etc?05:48
damnodoes the piccasa for linux package actually use wine to run?05:50
lwsdammo: yep05:51
lwsdamno: it's horrible, isn't it?05:51
damnolws: exactly05:52
lwsrobbuf: what exactly are you doing, there?05:52
ActionParsnipkonr: lsb_release -a    will tell you what's what05:53
jbhewittyikes i'm trying to share a printer in 10.04 and not having much luck.  Enabled it in the cups web interface and whenever I try to print to it I get "lp: Forbidden"05:54
konrActionParsnip: I'd rather avoid this program, as some distros, like Arch, do not include it by default. Isn't there some /etc/ubuntu_release or similar file?05:54
jbhewittthen in the cups log it says  Returning HTTP Forbidden for Create-Job (ipp://localhost:631/printers/BNEFAX-Tenders)05:54
glebihankonr, if lsb_release does not work, you'll have your answer, it's not ubuntu05:55
domino14if i have eleven processes all writing to the same file in ubuntu, this shouldnt cause a system lock, right?05:55
Generic_DumbassIs there a way to make the terminal beep or buzz when it finishes an operation?05:55
Generic_DumbassIE a compile05:55
domino14i mean, shouldnt the file system take care of locking and unlocking the IO resources?05:55
ActionParsnipkonr: you can run:  cat /etc/lsb-release05:58
MACscrhow do i do an rsync between two directories and delete files off the destination that no longer exist on the source?05:58
Herzgooood morning tu ubuntuers05:58
damnolws: exactly   /quit05:59
Generic_DumbassIs there a way to make the terminal beep or buzz when it finishes an operation, so I don't have to keep checking on it?05:59
urlin2uGeneric_Dumbass, here is a brainstorm on that.  http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/item/14476/06:00
domino14can i have multiple threads writing to the same file at the same time?06:00
lwsGeneric_Dumbass: append the command 'beep' to the end of your command06:00
lwslike "fsck /dev/sda1; beep"06:00
lwsnote: "beep" is not installed by default06:01
chaospsychexsudo apt-get install beep06:01
domino14is there a way to send the output of iotop to a file?06:02
domino14i want to see what the hell causes an insane number of writes at some point06:02
domino14like 50 MB/sec apparently06:02
glebihanMACscr, have a look at the "--delete" option in rsync's manual06:02
ActionParsnipcould use:  sudo fsck /dev/sda1; notify-send "fsck done"06:03
lwsActionParsnip: does that pop up a notification bubble?06:04
Generic_Dumbasslws: It did.06:04
lwsdomino14: yes, iotop can log06:04
lwsdomino14: see man iotop for details of that06:05
ActionParsniplws: yeah, not sure of the absolute syntax, but you get the idea06:05
raj-darkmysteryhi all.. does anyone knows how to logrotate only access.log in one month while keeping other logs rotating over weekly in /var/log/apache2? As I contain several log files in the folder so I cant use *.log.. any guidance?06:05
Generic_Dumbassa shame Beep doesn't work on VMware06:05
ActionParsniplws: handy for long commands: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/tech-tip-get-notifications-your-scripts-notify-send06:06
lwsGeneric_Dumbass: http://www.arrfab.net/blog/?p=105 <- relevant06:06
dzeremisThanks to everybody that helped me, including ActionParsnip, whom I see right now. But also everybody else.06:06
lwssends a notificaiton bubble fro ma remote computer06:06
* dzeremis is going to go take the plunge into installation fun and try to come back after06:07
MACscrcrap, how do i deal with something that wont mount? I know its ext3, but when i try to mount it, it says i need to specify the filesystem type06:07
dc5alaraj-darkmystery, do you know cronolog?06:07
calmpitbullafter fresh installaton of ubuntu 11.04 my broadcom wifi is in eth1 and not wifi06:07
lwsMACscr: mount -t ext3 /dev/... /mnt/...06:08
lwsMACscr: the "-t ext3" specifies the filesystem type06:08
raj-darkmysterydc5ala, not sure06:08
raj-darkmysteryok will check for this dc5ala06:08
MACscrlws: but ext3 is implied isnt it? I tried with doing your way and it says wrong filesystem type06:09
lwsMACscr: filesystem type is not implied06:11
gaelfxMACscr: maybe it's not really ext3, or the fs is corrupt06:11
lwsMACscr: can you post the relevant line from sudo fdisk -l?06:11
lwsMACscr: please try sudo fdisk -l06:12
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lwsMACscr: post entire output06:12
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MACscrbut im not sure how other disks are pertinent to the issue. Im mounting these disks on another system06:14
MACscrso i can migrate it from lvm to a single partition06:14
lwsthat is the strangest fdisk output i ever saw06:15
lwswait, LVM?06:15
MACscrlws: forget that output or lvm, has nothign to do with the issues were talking about. Those are other working disks06:16
lwsi have no iea how to deal with that, but i would recommend firing up gparted and seeing what it makes of it06:17
MACscrthe /dev/sda5 disk is the only one i am having issues with06:17
MACscrgparted isnt an option, this is a remote headless system06:17
lwsnote: i'm used to /dev/sda being the disk, and /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, etc. being hte partitions on that disk06:18
MACscrlws: the system im doing this on is a xen guest, so things are a bit weird because it was setup years ago06:19
bullgard6How to convert a HSQLDB from embedded mode to server mode?06:20
ChristW_I have a problem after upgrading to 11.04. I have an old computer that I have running as a server in text-mode. After the upgrade to 11.04, the TTY text font has become unreadable. Not as in black-on-black, but the shapes of the characters are totally wacko. Anybody seen this? Any other info I can give? I have SSH access, so I can do standard admin tasks there.06:22
maurieI'm new to Ubuntu :D06:22
je0rJeywelcome maurie06:23
rajeshjHi ChristW do u have graphics?06:23
rajeshjfor your machine?06:24
ChristW_rajeshj: No, I have text-mode only. I'm afraid that it's a non-standard card...06:24
rajeshjgconftool-2 --unset /desktop/gnome/interface/monospace_font_name06:24
rajeshjtry that command06:24
glebihanrajeshj, that will no nothing for a server06:25
glebihan*do* nothing06:25
ChristW_Also, gconf is not installed...06:25
rajeshjI see i got for my desktop06:25
wwwdI installed python2.5 from source. It lives in /usr/local/bin. I am trying to apt-get but get a message that Package python2.5 is not installed. Any idea how I would uninstall it without breaking things?06:25
glebihanwwwd, if you didn't use checkinstall to install it, you have no way to uninstall it06:26
ChristW_I can give a screenshot, but that involves me getting out the camera and walking upstairs ;-)06:26
wwwdAlso, I tryed doing a checkinstall but it does not seem to see python06:27
wwwdDon't you just do .config then make then checkinstall?06:28
glebihanwwwd, checkinstall has to be used when installing (when running "make install"). If you didn't use it then, it's too late06:28
MACscrfor the file system, is a kernel panic about as bad as pulling the power on a system?06:28
wwwdDamn teh luck!06:28
david1234567890why after the updates my Intel PRO/Wireless 4965 wont connect to my wifi06:28
tjoyMACscr: if the kpanic was not caused by filesystem integrity, then yes06:28
david1234567890plz help me plz06:30
MACscrdavid1234567890: be patient or leave06:30
david1234567890my router is fine i am sure06:30
glebihanwwwd, what you could try is to reinstall (using checkinstall this time), this should overwrite your current install, and you should be able to uninstall it then06:30
urlin2udavid1234567890, did you have akernel update?06:30
david1234567890sorry about the "plz help me plz"06:31
MACscrthen boot up with the old kernel until you find a solution06:31
urlin2udavid1234567890, reboot and try the other kernel at this time, sometimes this happens.06:31
david1234567890w8 brb06:31
wwwd<glebihan>I'll give it a try. So to be clear. I do config...make then checkinstall instead of install?06:32
wwwdBye the way I've only done this once or twice.06:32
glebihanwwwd, that's right, also have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall06:32
wwwdOk! Thanks. Ubuntu would be great if I would just stop breaking it.06:33
zeepdarbe : hi06:34
darbei have problem about graphic card06:34
darbeis there somebody can help06:34
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wwwd<darbe> What's the problem?06:35
zeepwrok work~~~06:35
darbei think i removed driver06:35
darbei need to reinstal it06:35
darbebut how?06:35
urlin2udarbe, if your in the desktop look in additional drivers06:36
wwwdHave you tryed system>Administration>Hardwar drivers?06:37
darbei cannot open it06:37
darbeit's disappear06:37
darbeno panel on my screen06:37
darbeis there any cpmmand to open it>?06:37
ActionParsnipdarbe: log in to ubuntu classic and do it there06:37
urlin2udarbe, are you at a command line try startx06:37
darbeno i see desktop06:38
darbebut there is no panel on it06:38
AndChat-Darbe: its an option at the bottom of the login screen06:38
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david1234567890ok back06:39
david1234567890urlin2u it didn't work06:39
darbedoes it say classic login?06:39
stricklywelcome back david123456789006:39
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darbei'l try06:40
AndChat-darbe: no it.will say Ubuntu Classic in the session menu06:40
darbei don't see it too06:40
LuciddGood evening.06:41
darbeno panel06:41
aelen_vI have set manually DNS servers in nm. Why pppd is logging different (=automatic) DNS servers in syslog? Which one is correct: nm-tool or syslog?06:41
darbeLucidd you too06:41
david1234567890rly what is the problem with linux and Intel PRO/Wireless 496506:41
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Lucidddarbie:  What is that?06:41
darbei don't see panels06:42
darbecaption's of windows06:42
LuciddWhat do you mean by pannels?06:42
Luciddpanels rather06:42
stevethepirateHi, so I login to Ubuntu (default WM - although I have GNOME3 installed) and it just shows background and then stops loading.06:43
darbebar which had application system etc06:43
urlin2udarbe, crtl-alt-t get you are terminal06:43
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AndChat-Darbe: http://www.multimediaboom.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/ubuntu-classic.png06:43
LuciddFirst time here.  Not sure in what you mean.  Will look at hyperlink you posted06:43
AndChat-darbe: click your username first06:43
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AndChat-stevethepirate: gnome3 isn't supported here06:44
darbei opened tilda06:44
urlin2uAndChat-, I think they are on a blank desktop at the moment.06:44
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AndChat-urlin2u: gotcha06:44
stevethepirateAndChat-: Yes, I'm not trying to use Gnom306:45
stevethepirateI'm trying to use Unity; just I happen to have Gnome3 installed also.06:45
mkquiststevethepirate: is ur system up to running gnome3?06:45
stevethepiratemkquist: Yeah06:45
mkquiststevethepirate: you can use gnome2 too06:45
david1234567890i even removed the install the driver06:46
AndChat-stevethepirate: then what desktop environment are you logging into?06:46
stevethepirateI know I can, Gnome3 works fine by itself. I'm trying to log into Unity.06:46
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urlin2udarbe, not famioliar with tilda but can you logut or reboot to te login, to choose the classic desktop.06:46
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david1234567890anyone have  Intel PRO/Wireless 4965 ?06:46
AndChat-stevethepirate: unity isn't a desktop. You are logging into gnome3 which isn't supported here, nor is it stable in Natty06:47
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Stoopithow do i setup a tftpd server, please?06:47
stevethepirateYeah, sure; when I say "unity" I mean the default Ubuntu WM that comes with the CD. I haven't removed that at all, I've installed and been using Gnome3 for a while, and now I'd like to go back to the default.06:47
Stoopitatftpd wouldnt work with any parameters i could come up with06:48
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Stoopittftpd and tftpd-hp don't seem to have executables06:48
LuciddI have a 802.11n Wireless Lan Card and am running a dual linux ubuntu / win 7 combo.  Version of linux is 10.04 and the situation I face is Not able to connect to the net.  I have a few options for connections and the SSID's are not hidden but I cannot see them under linux.  Ideas?  I believe it to be either compatibility with the netbook I am running or something with the drivers.  It worked on Version 11.10 Ubuntu upon install.06:48
Stoopitso: how can i just plain and simple: start a tftpd server from CLI?06:48
mkquiststevethepirate: you mean classic gnome?06:48
stevethepiratemkquist: Whatever comes with Ubuntu. It's probably that.06:49
mkquiststevethepirate: then just log out and long in with classic gnome06:49
darbeit worked06:49
darbeubuncu classic06:49
mkquiststevethepirate: well the newest ubuntu uses unity06:49
darbeso do  i need to install driver?06:49
AndChat-stevethepirate: then install ppa-purge and use the same ppa address as you added, the app should pull out gnome3 and install gnome from the official repo06:49
stevethepiratemkquist: Of course, I know that. I do that, and the login process begins; I get my correct background and then it just stops. No top bar, no side bars, no icons.06:50
mkquiststevethepirate: but you can log in using classic and get gnome 2 basically06:50
urlin2udarbe, look in additional drivers in the menu.06:50
stevethepirateAndChat-: So one cannot have Gnome3 and 2 side-by-side?06:50
darbealso, games are working06:50
david1234567890if anyone know aobut make  Intel PRO/Wireless 4965 work with linux tell me plz06:50
mkquiststevethepirate: prob need to use compiz06:50
LSD`I know this is a long shot, but does anyone know a solution for the screen going blank and the GPU fan going to 100% when booting an 11.04 CD (and derivatives thereof)?06:51
stevethepirateI don't mean "at the same time"; I mean, "on the same machine but one at a time"06:51
AndChat-Darbe: great. Get 3D acceleration and you can use unity, or install unity-2d and you can use it without 3D06:51
darbein additional driver NVIDA accelerated and Experimental 3D var06:51
stevethepirateI'd like to _keep_ gnome3, but just go back to gnome2 for a bit.06:51
AndChat-stevethepirate: if the package names are the same, then no06:51
darbehow about nvida?06:52
darbedo I need it?06:52
darbeactivate or something like that?06:52
AndChat-Darbe: which nvidia chip do you have?06:52
lwsah, stevethepirate, i believe what you want to do is select "GNOME Classic" as the session type when you log in06:52
sunilhi how to install graphics card in ubuntu 10:1006:52
mkquiststevethepirate: and enable desktop decorations in config manager06:52
darbei don't know06:52
sunilcan anyone help me with this?06:52
darbewhere can i learn?06:52
manishGo to XFCE 4.8 instead of Gnome 206:52
sunilhi how to install graphics card in ubuntu 10:1006:53
AndChat-Darbe: use the driver app under system -> administration06:53
raj-darkmysterysunil, what graphic card do you have?06:53
manishstevethepirate : rate> I'd like to _keep_ gnome3, but just go back to gnome2 for a bit.06:53
manish* sunil (~sunil@ has joined #ubuntu06:53
manish* Nozy (~Nozy@falzon2.lnk.telstra.net) has joined #ubuntu06:53
manish* peterhil` has quit (Quit: Byes!)06:53
manish<AndChat-> stevethepirate: if the package names are the same, then no06:53
manish* tfilipczuk (~tfilipczu@89-68-36-136.dynamic.chello.pl) has joined #ubuntu06:53
FloodBot1manish: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:53
AndChat-Or Kde, or Lxde :-)06:53
sunili have ATI Radeon 110006:54
Stoopitis there no decent tftp server aroudn there that actually has a binary to execute from CLI ?06:54
sunilcan u tell me how to go about it?06:54
Stoopitstarting to go quite crazy here06:54
Stoopit"trivial" ftp06:54
Stoopitnot so trivial here....06:54
AndChat-There is an unofficial and unsupported gnome 2 fork called 'mate'06:54
AndChat-Stoopit: tftpd may be one. It will run as a service06:55
manishAndchat : Regarding this talk on Gnome 2, why not XFCE ?06:55
sunilhi how to install graphics card in ubuntu 10:1006:55
sunili have ATI Radeon 110006:55
sunilhi how to install graphics card in ubuntu 10:1006:55
sunili have ATI Radeon 110006:55
StoopitAndChat-, as service? i jsut wanna start it from CLI, and kill it later06:55
FloodBot1sunil: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:55
mkquistmanish: cause it crashes maybe?06:55
AndChat-!find tftpd06:56
ubottuFound: tftpd-hpa, atftpd, libnet-tftpd-perl, tftpd, uec-provisioning-tftpd06:56
StoopitAndChat-, i only need the tftp server while i execute my script06:56
aeplusim pretty sure tftpd can be started at the command line as well06:56
manish@Andchat : Well I am using xubuntu 11.04 , 4.8 is amazing06:56
LSD`Stoopit: you shouldn't have to do anything for those, they're so old ATi don't provdie drivers for them and Ubuntu should be using the open source ones oob06:56
StoopitAndChat-, yeah liek i said: tftpd and tftpd-hpa don't seem to have binaries i can execute06:56
chaospsychexhow can i see the boot messages when i boot ubuntu ?06:56
StoopitLSD`, wrong highlight i think06:56
LSD`Stoopit: oops, yeah06:57
StoopitAndChat-, and atftpd didnt start :s06:57
mkquistchaospsychex: remove quiet from the boot option06:57
bullgard6How to convert a HSQLDB from embedded mode to server mode?06:57
StoopitAndChat-, jsut kept giving me back the list of possible options06:57
AndChat-Stoopit: they will run as services and start at boot by default06:57
StoopitAndChat-, ok, so there is no way to run a tftpd server in linux from CLI?06:58
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Stoopitnever thought i would need windows for a tftp server :s06:58
mkquistchaospsychex: edit the boot option, when the menu pops up you can edit each line and remove the quiet tag at the end06:58
AndChat-Stoopit: not that i know of, its ungraceful to not use services06:59
aeplusso, it is either command line or a whole new OS06:59
tjoyStoopit: what sort of operation are you doing with tftpd?07:01
Stoopittjoy, i want to serve a file for maybe 10 seconds, that's it07:01
darbeis it updating driver?07:01
Stoopittjoy, its hard to explain but its for a machine that only has tftp as an option to download something07:02
tjoyso it's meterpreter, got it07:02
AndChat-Stoopit: using services is great, you can modify the config and restart the service to reload the settings. Much of what you use in ubuntu is a service07:02
Stoopittjoy, meterpreter? never heard of that term07:02
AndChat-darbe: yes, read the screen, it tells you what is going on07:02
StoopitAndChat-, i know... but i don't need/want that now07:02
AndChat-Stoopit: can i ask why not...?07:03
AndChat-Stoopit: why not a service, why does it HAVE to be a program?07:03
StoopitAndChat-, never mind i found it07:04
* AndChat- shrugs07:04
StoopitAndChat-, /usr/sbin/in.tftpd -s /tftp-dir07:04
StoopitAndChat-, a service might not be available everywhere, why do you insist on using a service?07:05
AndChat-Glad you got the goal07:05
damnois there some commanline tool to convert and combine jpg images to a pdf file?07:05
tjoyStoopit: so compile a static tftp binary that you can upload wherever and reprogram the router07:05
wwwdNow I have 74 broken packages...but the good news is I'll have a fresh install in the AM!07:05
rokraHi, I m experiencing an issue with a graphic card matrox. I installed the driver , modprobe it , and I need to modify the xorg.conf which is not existing on the 10.04 LTS version. Xorg changed his config file?07:06
Stoopittjoy, its not used to reprogram a router07:06
Stoopitwell.... in a way07:06
tjoylolol gtfo07:06
AndChat-Stoopit: because every tftp runs that way. It is also a service in the OSI model, so it makes sense to mirror the defacto standard07:06
Stoopittjoy, is swearing allowed here?07:06
tjoywho knows07:06
Stoopitit's not..07:07
tjoytoo bad07:07
tjoyalready said it07:07
AndChat-Stoopit: how do you mean "service not available everywhere"?07:07
StoopitAndChat-, too ovbious to explain07:07
tjoyyou're too obvious ;)07:07
Stoopitdoesn't mather, i foudn it and it works :)07:08
AndChat-Stoopit: its not obvious, if you install a service it will then be available...07:08
tjoyhe's probably trying to hack.07:08
tjoywhy do i come here, goodbye07:08
Stoopit"trying to hack"..07:09
meta-coder"trying to hack"?07:09
Stoopitby startign a server07:09
Stoopitmeta-coder, just quoting what tjoy said about me07:09
AndChat-Stoopit: strange how you fight against the easy road is all. Quite entertaining07:09
StoopitAndChat-, i'm going to ignore you now, getting tired of typipng so much07:10
Stoopitmeta-coder, you see starting a tftp server without using the service is hacking07:11
Stoopitmeta-coder, (</sarcasm>)07:11
meta-codertftp server..?07:11
Stoopityeah just a simple server that can transfer files over UDP :)07:12
AndChat-!find sarcasm.h07:12
ubottuPackage/file sarcasm.h does not exist in natty07:12
meta-coderWhat is the difference between ftp and tftp?07:12
qinStoopit: nc would be simpler.07:13
AndChat-meta-coder: ftp uses tcp, tftp uses udp07:13
Stoopitqin that's not available07:13
Stoopitqin only an ftp client available on the machine07:14
meta-coderhow can we make Ubuntu more popular?07:14
Stoopitno wget either07:14
qinLife is cruel07:14
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aeplussomeone is up with the alternate install CD07:15
aepluserr, something07:15
tolmunWhat doesnt kill you, makes you stronger07:15
AndChat-meta-coder: log bugs so it gets more stable and when people see a quality product they will go for it07:15
AndChat-tolmun: except polio07:15
wwwd<meta-coder>Get people to want to learn...07:15
aeplusyeah... had to update the paths in the bootloader, also had to use install cd in recovery mode so that it wouldnt jump to booting an incompletely installed kernel07:16
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meta-coderIs native-install of Ubuntu more stable than the WUBI-install?????07:16
tolmunAndChat-: polio?07:17
aeplusotherwise, 11.04 with encrypted root and swap partitions over lvm is sweet07:17
wwwd<AndChat>I have been running ubuntu for 3-4yrs. The only time I have a problem is when I break it. which is often. But with Windows it did not need my help!07:17
tolmunAndChat-: paranoid virus07:17
AndChat-meta-coder: same stability, just gets hurt by the drive image being on ntfs07:17
=== zXslhCl is now known as zXsl
meta-coderAndChat- Fontforge crashes in the WUBI.. So should I try the native-install?07:18
AndChat-tolmun: if you survive polio, you aren't stronger and more than likely something else will kill you due to weakness in your body's basic functions07:19
urlin2umeta-coder, per the wubi designer it was developed for trying out ubuntu, and moving to a ful l.install in the end07:19
tolmunAndChat-: yeah life is cruel07:20
meta-coderwhat file system Ubuntu uses?07:20
aeplusit seems to offer ext407:20
AndChat-meta-coder: it will be the same, you may find it fixes it due to it being a clean install. The OS stability is not improved07:20
wwwd<AndChat> Oh and when I bought a new Hp w/o checking compatability. But finally I was able download new bios and seems to wrk.07:21
qinAndChat-: Fatality of polio is to high to say "Polio do not kill you", thats defends mr N. statement.07:21
meta-coderAndChat- What is Ubuntu's file system?07:21
LSD`Polio doesn't kill you in a developed country since it's been vaccinated out of existence justabout07:21
urlin2umeta-coder, this may interest you, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151935407:22
meta-coderHow is better than Apple's EFS?07:22
AndChat-meta-coder: default is Ext407:22
LSD`meta-coder: ext4 by default, but if you;re willing to manually partition there are a few others07:22
meta-coderHow is it better than Apple's EFS?07:22
AndChat-Qin: does happen though07:22
meta-coder* How is it better than Apple's HFS?07:22
urlin2umeta-coder, not a relevant question,07:22
aepluswow, i was hesitant about ext4, but it seems better than ext3 by being backwards compatible and more07:23
urlin2umeta-coder, really how would we know is a better answer07:23
AndChat-meta-coder: both have strengths and weaknesses.07:24
meta-coderLinux has very viruses. Is it because not many people write viruses for linux, or is Linux really very stable??07:25
meta-coderLinux has very *few viruses. Is it because not many people write viruses for linux, or is Linux really very stable??07:25
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus07:25
AndChat-meta-coder: that link has a link to answer that07:26
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AndChat-meta-coder: if an OS is stable it doesn't make it protected against viruses. Its a different thing altogether07:27
Lednaybuenos dias07:28
meta-codersudo apt-get install trojan-horse07:28
meta-coderha ha ha07:28
qinmeta-coder: One of reasons is, Linux user-base is more aware of dangers and risks.07:28
fwlorenzoif u want protect u must do sudo apt-get install norton-antivirus-201107:30
bazhang!ot | fwlorenzo meta-coder07:30
ubottufwlorenzo meta-coder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:30
meta-coderhttp://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/ Ubuntu Brainstorm is a place for people to post their ideas about Ubuntu. They can be promoted/demoted, and the most popular are reviewed by the Ubuntu developers.07:31
baismy paradise.. :)07:32
bazhangmeta-coder, actual support question? chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here07:32
meta-coderbazhang: OK07:32
wwwd<AndChat>Don't you think that not breaking (i.e being suceptalbe to viruses) is a component of stability?07:33
meta-coderWhat programming languages should I know before I can start developing the OS?07:33
baisit's very hard to promote Ubuntu server on enterprise environments .(  here are conquest territory of redhat and suse :(07:33
baismeta-coder:  ansi c ? and assembly ? :)07:33
fwlorenzoubuntu is not stable as debian07:34
baisdebian is basement07:34
linociscohi . i have upgraded to 10.04 to 10.10. now I can't get internet07:35
baisdebian is another distribution (like gentoo) out of enterprise companies07:36
linociscoI have entered correct entries in network card07:36
AndChat-Wwwd: a system could run for 5 years without reboot and be stable but have all blank passwords and all the welcome banners stating the available usernames and that each has no password. The system is stable but not secure. Its a completely separate affair07:36
Hashamhi...my ISP is is asking me to to install wvdial in order to connect to internet , but how can i install it without internet (i can go online with windows ) kindly helpme out07:36
Schalahow do I get a list of Unity-supported video cards?07:36
urlin2ulinocisco, do remember having to install any drivers for Lucid?07:36
linociscourlin2u: no07:37
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AndChat-Schala: you simply need 3D accelerated display and unity will run.07:37
wwwdTrue but if every time I log on a music site, a game, or porn site I end up having  to reinstall it's not very stable.07:37
AndChat-Wwwd: why would you reinstall?07:38
Schalahow can I determine that?07:38
qinHasham: All packeges are on ubuntu web site, what version and arch are you using?07:38
wwwdOn the other hand. I have had to break ubuntu my self.07:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:38
AndChat-Schala: you can even not use 3D acceleration and use unity 2D07:38
wwwdMeaning with Windows. I assume when we are talking viruses we are talking window.07:39
Hashamqin, 10.04 , how can i download using windows and install manually07:39
urlin2uwwwd, would you mind taking the chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic  :D07:39
meta-coderGenuine question: Does the source repository have all the packeges in Universe, Multiverse etc combined??07:40
AndChat-Schala: unity is a plugin for compiz, compiz needs 3D acceleration. Ergo, unity needs 3D acceleration07:40
wwwd<Hasham>Download iso and burn to a disk. then reboot from disk dirve.07:40
Schalahmm ok07:40
Garfioquien hay x hay07:40
IdleOnemeta-coder: yes and no, each repo contains both the .deb and sources. the sources are not in a separate repo.07:41
AndChat-meta-coder: there is universe source repo and multiverse source repo. Its different.07:41
Garfioalguna xica q hable español¿?07:41
linociscohi what do I do ??07:41
IdleOne!es | Garfio07:41
ubottuGarfio: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:41
qinHasham: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/wvdial install with sudo dpkg -i file.deb, you will also need dependencies, so you have to check all of them.07:42
merlotanyone know how to add an application to gnome startup by command line?07:42
Schalais there a way to enable 3D acceleration through some setting?07:43
merlotSchala: what kind of video card do you have?07:44
SchalaATI Radeon HD 577007:44
Schalapoor choice, but oh well07:44
merlotSchala: I'm not familiar with configuring ATI cards in linux, just nvidia07:44
meta-coderAndChat- IdleOne: I manually added the 'universe', 'multiverse' lists to my offline Ubuntu 11. To see all the available packages, do I have to add the 'source' list too?07:44
Hashamqin,  could you please check for me how many dependicies it has , do i need to install them in any particullar order07:44
Schalaoh ok07:44
merlotSchala: there might be a propertierary driver from ATI You can download07:44
merlotSchala: Try System->Administration->Additional Drivers07:45
szal!ati | Schala07:45
ubottuSchala: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto07:45
urlin2umeta-coder, they are there already you don't have to add them, you remove the # blocking them in the soutces.list07:45
IdleOnemeta-coder: uncomment the lines that begin with deb-src in /etc/apt/sources.list07:45
szalthat won't help matters if the machine is offline..  you still need to be online to download source packages07:47
meta-coderHow can i hide these redundant "strickly [~strickly@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]" messages?07:47
=== tfilipczuk is now known as makak
Schalaehh.......I figured VirtualBox would screw up recognition of my host graphics card......oh well... hopefully when I get my hard drive put in tomorrow and install for real, it'll be detected07:47
qinHasham: Most likely you will need this: libuniconf4.6 libwvstreams4.6-base libwvstreams4.6-extras, it by "clean" xubuntu 11.04, all of them are listed on site, or can be checked in synaptic, or dpkg -l | grep package_name (ii mean installed)07:48
IdleOnemeta-coder: depends on the irc client you are using but you want to "hide join/part/quit" messages07:48
meta-coderszal: that helps because I can get the list of dependencies and then download the dependecies from an online machine...07:48
meta-coderhide join/part/quit07:49
IdleOnemeta-coder: in your client settings07:49
qinmeta-coder: in xchat, irssi /help ignore07:50
szalmeta-coder: pkg dependencies are listed in the package, so adding or removing repositories on an offline machine won't change a thing there07:50
szalonline repositories, that is07:51
meta-coderszal: That makes a difference: Suppose I already have half the number of dependencies installed, then I only want a list of the other half..07:51
szalmeta-coder: still doesn't make a difference07:52
meta-coderszal: How?07:52
qinmeta-coder: each installed_depend grep against installed list, if match skip, if not show. Do you want it in particular language?07:53
szalmeta-coder: if you 'dpkg -i' a pkg, it'll compare the list of depends in the pkg w/ what you have install & complain about what you haven't installed (if it works anything like rpm, that is, I rarely use dpkg directly to install stuff)07:54
meta-coderIs there a easy way to manually download all the dependencies of a package from http://packages.ubuntu.com07:55
ringberarhey, can anyone point me into the right direction07:57
meta-coderIs there any ubuntu.com's server side script that produces a list of links to download all the dependencies?07:57
ringberaron how to set up multiple monitors on an ubuntu setup07:57
ringberaralso, i have downloaded the proper drivers for my video card, but it seems not to recognize the monitors when i plug them in07:57
ringberarrymate could you help me out?07:59
=== kim0|holiday is now known as kim0
meta-coderIs there any ubuntu.com's server side script that produces a list of links to download all the dependencies of a given package?08:00
qinmeta-coder: apt-get have --download-only option.08:00
meta-coderqin: what will that command do?08:01
antiheroHow do  I launch a browser window from crontab?08:02
meta-coderqin: My Ubuntu cannot connect to internet. So tell me a universal method to download all the dependencies of a given package..08:02
antiheroI have this line in my crontab "0 9 * * 1,2,3,4,5 konqueror 'http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/bbc_6music'08:02
antiherobut it does not work08:02
FloodBot1antihero: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:02
tihmsind hier auch deutsche?08:03
szal!de | tihm08:03
ubottutihm: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!08:03
qinmeta-coder: hm, it is hard to download with no internet, I would get Ubuntu DVD.08:03
meta-coderWhere can I get Ubuntu DVD which has *all* the packages.08:04
szalmeta-coder: even a DVD won't have _all_ packages08:05
qinantihero: full path in knqueror, and there is issue with display.08:05
meta-coderwhat length will *all* the packages for natty amount to08:05
aelen_vantihero: have you tried gnome-schedule? And make that page your home page?08:06
meta-coderwhat length will *all* the packages for natty amount to? 20GB ?08:06
notamazteropo iki..08:07
qinmeta-coder: http://askubuntu.com/questions/21605/what-is-the-size-of-ubuntu-repository08:08
RobinJArchive-Update-in-Progress-zaniah.canonical.com << does that mean that the beat 1 iso is currently being uploaded? :p08:10
ubuntarhey! is here anybody understand iptables well? For some reason packets, that i decided to log, for some reason stopped to appear in logs, what can be reason of this?08:11
szalRobinJ: what is a 'beat 1 iso'?08:11
RobinJbeta 1 would be released today :p08:11
szal!id | notamazter08:12
ubottunotamazter: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia08:12
elacheche_anisGood morning everybody08:12
szalRobinJ: probably a question for #ubuntu+108:13
elacheche_anisI have a question about the apt-cacher server08:13
RobinJFUCK A DUCK :|08:13
FloodBot1RobinJ: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:14
RobinJhow many ubuntu channels are there? xD08:14
IdleOnehundreds, Please don't swear in any of them08:14
elacheche_anisIs it possible to merge the source.list file of more then one version and of 64b and 32b versions too???08:14
qinOK, my desktop is almost pretty, using DustSand theme and slightly shrunk gnome-panel, is there any way to adjust panel icons, they seems to be too large.08:14
szal!channels | RobinJ08:14
ubottuRobinJ: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:14
aelen_vantihero: In gnome-schedule this works: epiphany-browser -n "http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/bbc_6music"08:16
bullgard6How to convert a HSQLDB from embedded mode to server mode?08:17
qinelacheche_anis: Are there two different lists for 64 and 32?08:18
elacheche_anisI have a question about the apt-cacher server please08:19
ratcmy harddrive mounts alternatly. 1 boot it mounts, the next boot it won't. anybody ever had this?08:19
IdleOnebullgard6: have you looked at http://hsqldb.org/doc/guide/guide.html#N1013D ?08:20
elacheche_anisqin, can I use just one source.list file for both?? and if I need to use to source.list files how can I do it?08:20
panda_I'm trying to get XMBC for Natty08:21
checheHi, i want to install firefox 3.5.3 on a lucid release.08:21
chechehttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox-3.5/firefox-3.5_3.5.3+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu6_i386.deb is the package08:21
panda_however a ppa repository doesn't have a /natty/ directory08:21
chechebut I am not able to installed because the firefox  package requieres a 3.6xxx version08:21
Dazzledis there a way to reset the component pôsitions on the GNOME menu bar (11.04)08:21
panda_how can I redirect the request to an older version of ubuntu08:22
panda_and is that wise?08:22
Dazzledlike put the date on the far right corner, and the running executables in front of that08:22
szal!info firefox lucid08:23
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.21+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 11135 kB, installed size 30032 kB08:23
bullgard6IdleOne: "The server at hsqldb.org is taking too long to respond."08:24
qinelacheche_anis: source.list of clients is important, there is no hing in config or man about 64/32 problems.08:24
sunilhi anyone can tell me how can i install online java jdk in ubuntu 11.0408:24
chechethanks szal. Ubuntu 10.04 had firefox 3.5.308:25
szalcheche: why would you want an older Firefox than you already have?08:25
checheszal: works ok on a webapplication and to give time for developeers to fix the issue.08:25
elacheche_anisI' asking about source.list of the server, for clients I will change the source.list files to look for packages in the server..08:25
remko_hi all08:26
happygoluckysunil: try default-jdk08:26
remko_does annyone can help me with a mouse problem?08:26
aelen_vWhy pppd reports in syslog different DNS servers as nm-tool? In NetworkManager there are manually assigned IPs.08:26
checheszal: what I do not like is that it firefox-3.5 package actualy is a 3.6.20 version08:26
checheand firefox force the update08:26
sunilhappygolucky: i want to install sun jdk which is oracle jdk08:27
checheand firefox (package) force the update08:27
qinelacheche_anis: ok, what is apt-cacher source list, can you give me file path?08:27
szal!anyone | remko_08:28
ubotturemko_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:28
remko_My mouse stops responding after a minute, after reconnecting my mouse works for a few second08:29
urlin2uremko_, do you have another to compare, to that one, to see if it is broken?08:30
W43372Anybody here have any experience with Confity?08:30
happygoluckyremko_: do you have package gpm?08:30
remko_all my mouse have the same problem with win xp they work08:31
andreidoes everyone have this crappy skin installed on ubuntu 11.0408:32
norbert_hi all, I have a question08:33
norbert_somebody has accessed a server I'm also working on as root08:33
ray_hi all08:33
norbert_I would like to find out what the IP address was of that other person that used the root account08:33
norbert_any ideas?08:33
W43372Anybody here have any experience with Confity?08:33
bullgard6!language | andrei08:33
ubottuandrei: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:33
qinnorbert_: last lastlog /var/log/auth.log08:33
andreiok ;)08:34
andreido you have the same skin installed?08:34
* iText agrees with ubottu08:34
andreiI just hit Accept on the latest ubuntu updates and I have the skin of windows 9808:34
happygoluckyremko_: no i said gpm. to figure out if it's only in your GUI or when in tty terminal thingy08:34
andreiDo you know how can I reverse the process?08:34
norbert_qin: there is no *auth* in /var/log08:34
andreiI really want to get back to my old skin08:35
qinnorbert_: ups.08:35
norbert_qin: what does that mean... is that a bad thing? :|08:35
bullgard6!prefix | andrei08:35
ubottuandrei: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:35
remko_happygolucky: I only tested in onder gui08:35
qinnorbert_: /var/log/auth.log is kind of important, do you have syslog?08:36
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:36
elacheche_anissorry for the late qin, it's /etc/apt/source.list08:36
szalelacheche_anis: no, it's /etc/apt/sources.list08:36
andreiwhat does it do...08:36
=== Merdam is now known as Calvin
qinelacheche_anis: /etc/apt/source.list is not apt-cacher file, it is apt-get file.08:36
=== Calvin is now known as Merdam
andreiSo if I don't write !tab no one can see what I'm writing?08:37
norbert_qin: ls /var/log/syslog has no results08:37
W43372I'm trying to install confity from a tarball, the readme says to term sudo setup.py install. term says cannot find when I KNOW it's there. What do?08:38
andreidoes anyone see what I'm typing?08:38
bullgard6andrei: Yes.08:38
andreiOh ok..08:38
panda_andrei, I do08:38
andreiwhat's with this !tab08:39
andreiI don't understand08:39
qinelacheche_anis: Read man page of apt-cacher, edit (after making copy) clients /etc/apt/source.list like they show you, source lists will look same between arches but apt will request apropirate packsge.08:39
elacheche_anisqin, szal : there is no source.list in: /etc/apt-cacher/ !!!08:39
qinnorbert_: is your rsyslogd running?08:40
* andrei wants help to reverse an ubuntu update08:40
W43372I'm trying to install confity from a tarball, the readme says to term sudo setup.py install. term says cannot find when I KNOW it's there. What do?08:40
norbert_qin: root      3347  0.0  0.0   5932   576 ?        Ss   Jun08   3:48 syslogd -m 008:40
=== vega is now known as Guest10292
bullgard6andrei: You have been told: "You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line." What do you not understand in this message?08:41
happygoluckyW43372: i'm not too familiar with python but usually to run a script you ./FILENAME and sometimes you would have to run as root but 99.9 percent of compiling is 3 commands ./configure, make, make install08:41
qinelacheche_anis: apt-cacher do not provide source.list, it will use clients list to get packages, and store them.08:41
andreiOk !tab , I understand now08:41
jamiewanandrei: what ARE you talking about? your theme?08:41
andreiYes, my Ubuntu theme automatically changed after I accepted the auto updates...08:42
qinnorbert_: So what logs do you have (and how acctual they are)?08:42
norbert_qin: I have /var/log/messages*08:42
happygoluckyW43372: some of the more illusive compiling have autoconf and autogen to which you would need those packages installed as well as build-essential08:42
elacheche_anisah ok :) thx qui & szal :) And happy UGJ for tomorrow ;) I'm preparing the apt-cacher for the ugj :) that's way I want to be sure about the source.list problem :)08:42
W43372happygolucky - I tried the ./configure make yadda yadda and it said 'you no has' when I entered ./configure so I followed the instructions in the readme and it didn't work eiter08:43
jamiewanandrei: right click on desktop, change background, themes and icons and stuff can be sorted in there08:43
norbert_qin: but that doesn't contain the word "ssh"08:43
andreijamiewan: I already tried that, it doesn't work08:43
remko_what does it meens when dmesg says that my usb mouse is disconnected08:44
W43372happygolucky - I googled and there's no record of google of anybody having this same problem with confity. I haven't found a single piece of 'i need help with confity' on google.08:44
andreithe mIRC commands beat me... -.-08:44
konrWhat's the name of that app that prints the current keyboard layout?08:45
andreiIs there a way to reverse the ubuntu updates?08:45
happygoluckyW43372: you've definitely extracted the tarball and are working in a confity dir though right?08:45
qinnorbert_: ask your provider for his logs. Nuke server.08:45
happygoluckyW43372: is there an INSTALL and or src dir08:45
happygoluckyW43372: correction, sub dir08:46
W43372happygolucky - yeah, I extracted it and did what INSTALL told me to do, it didn't work, that's why I'm here.08:46
qinnorbert_: Btw, what made you think that someone accesse your box?08:46
andreiGreat..now my Terminal is all White...08:46
norbert_qin: bash_history has commands that I didn't type, and when I start mysql and check the scrollbar (arrow up) I see commands I didn't type08:47
andreiI think I'll reinstall Ubuntu >.>08:47
andreiand disable those foolish updates08:47
jamiewanandrei: do a reboot,08:48
andrei<jamiewan> done that08:48
qinnorbert_: Well, if you have time and power, you can turn your box into honeypot, or just nuke it.08:48
happygoluckyW43372: i am downloading to try myself08:49
andreijamiewan: my theme changes back for 2 seconds, then when I change brightness, it changes back to windows 98 theme08:49
W43372happygolucky - good luck08:49
andreiI'm on Ubuntu 11.0408:49
happygoluckyW43372: well that is annoying it didn't make its own dir08:50
Hoythi , how can i know which package does a file belongs to ?08:50
qinnorbert_: is it vps?08:50
andreiOk I'm reinstalling Ubuntu08:50
andreiSee you later guys :)08:50
W43372happygolucky - yeah08:50
happygoluckyW43372: you know what i notice08:52
happygoluckyW43372: setup.py doesn't have the correct permissions08:53
happygoluckyW43372: if we chom +X setup.py08:53
W43372happygolucky - k, what do?08:54
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)08:54
happygoluckyW43372: sudo chmod +x setup.py08:54
W43372happygolucky - then it works?08:56
happygoluckyW43372: idk i didn't try it08:56
happygoluckyW43372: i figured i'd let you take a wack at it, i dont want this on my machine08:56
W43372happygolucky - still says command not found08:56
W43372happygolucky - typed in sudo setup.py install just like INSTALL says to do and it tells me that still08:57
W43372happygolucky - back to square one basicaly.09:00
=== Grepsd||BNC is now known as Grepsd|BNC
baiswhy on a virtualbox when I use Ubuntu 2D acceleration isn't supported ?09:03
auronandaceW43372: setup.py is a script09:03
W43372aurondace ok?09:04
auronandaceW43372: so it should be sudo ./setup.py09:04
david1234567890i fixed it :)09:04
happygoluckyW43372: got it09:04
happygoluckyW43372: sudo python setup.py install09:05
david1234567890idk why but i had to put my router to channel 6 or 709:05
david1234567890if i put 12 or 13 wont connect09:05
W43372happygolucky - that got results09:05
happygoluckyW43372: yup09:05
W43372happygolucky - now wha tdo I do?09:06
happygoluckyW43372: can you elaborate09:06
happygoluckyW43372: i'm a icewm and Xorg user09:06
david1234567890why i have to set the channel to 6 or 7 for linux?09:07
W43372happygolucky - that line you had me run did what it was supposed to do but I'm unsure what to do next09:07
david1234567890for my router09:07
david1234567890any know about linux and wifis?09:08
happygoluckyW43372: i guess go to Configure Unity in Control Center, where that is i have no idea09:09
W43372happygolucky -  it said running that would create an entry in the control center I dont' know what control center is09:09
happygoluckyW43372: oh okay ccsm09:10
W43372happygolucky ccsm?09:11
natalieevening all09:11
happygoluckyW43372: if you have compizconfig-settings-manager installed you ought to be able to gksudo ccsm and then find Configure Unity there09:12
nataliei have twonky, and i can run it. want to to run on boot before login. am i on the right track thinking i can just copy the executable to /etc/init.d/ or should i write a bash script that calls the specific file?09:13
=== Jarhead is now known as panda``
panda``I'm wanting to remove Windows from my computer09:13
panda``I currently have Ubuntu installed09:13
panda``and have used it for a day or two and like it more09:13
panda``I've run a LiveCD (USB)09:13
natalieAlso, my name is not natalie, but gooey wont let me change my username. any pointers to do it via command line. I'm on lununtu09:13
panda``and I've got GParted running at the moment09:14
Lloirnatalie, type /nick newnick09:14
natalieLloir, i mean as the user on ubuntu09:14
natalieLloir, lubuntu!!!09:14
panda``however, I can't see where ubuntu is installed09:14
panda``I don't really want to have to reinstall it09:14
nataliepanda``, what do you see???09:14
panda``natalie, //dev/sda109:15
panda``/dev/sda1* is highlighted, filesystem NTFS09:15
happygoluckyW43372: i think i gave you a bad lead.09:15
panda``Flags: boot09:15
panda``clearly sda1 is the partition with XP on it09:15
W43372happygolucky - yeah, I'm not finding anything in ccsm09:15
nataliepanda``, ok, on boot, do you see both your installs in the bootloader, GRUB09:15
panda``well, funnily enough09:16
panda``I think I have 2 bootloaders09:16
panda``the first shows XP & Ubuntu09:16
panda``then the next (i think this one is GRUB)09:16
panda``has Ubuntu, Ubuntu (service mode or something) then XP09:16
natalieGRUB is the program you are seeing that information in each time you boot09:17
panda``well i don't want to go ahead and resize / remove any partitions that have ubuntu on it09:17
happygoluckyW43372: Right-click on start Applications menu, select Edit Menus. In left box choose System->check Control Center in right.09:17
natalieummm.... so in gparted, you see the disk sda1, but there is no sda0?09:17
panda``no sda009:18
W43372happygolucky - right click on what?09:18
panda``I'll refresh devices09:18
Pupusersorry i have a serious problem on Kubuntu...when i log at startup it wait 2 seconds and show me again the same page for login in Kubuntu...i can't use Kubuntu, only the version by cd (without install) goes..can somebody help me please??? sorry for my bad english but i speak italian :(09:18
happygoluckyW43372: i suppose the word Applications09:18
nataliePupuser, correct password???09:18
Pupuseryes is correct..09:18
W43372happygolucky - unity interface, no has.09:18
panda``natalie, on the right hand upper corner, I can choose /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc09:19
panda``sdb, and sdc and external HDD's09:19
panda``sdb is the USB with the live disk09:19
panda``I choose /dev/sda09:19
ziarkaenPupuser, Have you ever had it working?09:19
norbert_qin: by the way, thanks for all the information ;)09:19
nataliepanda``, i would try removing all other HDD and start gparted again as a first step09:19
panda``two partitions are visible: /dev/sda1 and unallocated09:19
Pupuseronly in the desktop...on my laptop no...09:20
ziarkaenPupuser, Find out where in /var/log KDE logs the info and check there09:20
panda``k, drive removed, retrying09:20
panda``ok, same setup09:20
ziarkaenPupuser, You may do CTRL+ALT+F2 to get a command line login (F7 takes you back to GUI)09:20
Pupuseryes i have try the login with the command line and then "startx" but nothing...09:21
makaraMr Ubuntu! this thread needs your urgent and sincere attention http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1120649709:21
nataliepanda``, sorry mate, whenever i have had win/linux i can always see both in gparted. im doin ok but fairly new, so hopefully someone else here can help you09:22
W43372dammit, i just want to figure out how to install and run this thing so that I can go to bed...09:22
freaXhow can i fix that >>> W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com natty-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>09:22
panda``natalie, thanks anyway natalie09:22
=== freaX is now known as Charbel
Pupuser...so??? :(09:23
happygoluckyW43372: i think you have to sudo apt-get install gnome-control-center09:23
natalieso can anyone give me some advice on the best place to start twonky on boot before login. can i just copy the executable into /etc/init.d/ or am i best to write a script and place it there with a link to the /bin folder where i put it?09:24
W43372happygolucky - never heard of it09:24
happygoluckyW43372: me neither09:24
W43372happygolucky - you sure?09:24
W43372happygolucky - nevermind. I need to get sleep more than I need this figured out. Thanks for helping me, I'll follow up on this tomorrow.09:25
happygoluckyW43372: um i think it's ucc something09:25
nataliePupuser, where u at bud09:25
happygoluckyW43372: nevermind the gnome09:26
panda``natalie, I just rebooted09:26
panda``checked out the GRUB screen09:26
panda``it says09:26
panda``Windows XP (on /dev/sda1)09:26
panda``clearly that is the windows partition09:26
panda``how can I find out what partition ubuntu is using>09:26
Pupusersorry i have a serious problem on Kubuntu...when i log at startup it wait 2 seconds and show me again the same page for login in Kubuntu...i can't use Kubuntu, only the version by cd (without install) goes..can somebody help me please??? sorry for my bad english but i speak italian :(09:26
szal!enter | panda``09:27
ubottupanda``: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:27
=== mang0 is now known as Seryth
W43372happygolucky - I'm having trouble staying awke. I'll figure this out later, but thanks :)09:27
szal!it | Pupuser09:27
panda``ok, thanks szal09:27
ubottuPupuser: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:27
bassois ubuntu 11.10 beta out?09:27
nataliePupuser, not really familiar with KDE, but i would google how to reset KDE desktop, and then follow advice from before where you use ctrl+f2 to get to command line, login, perform fix, reboot09:28
szalbasso: ask #ubuntu+109:28
=== Seryth is now known as mang0
szalPupuser: look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log(.old), /var/log/kdm.log and/or ~/.Xsession-errors for errors and report any such here09:29
gnomitsufor kubuntu specific help, visit #kubuntu09:29
Charbelhello, how can i fix that >>> W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com natty-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>09:29
snitspanda, if it is only showing /dev/sda1 and saying it is NTFS, and everything else is unallocated then Ubuntu wasn't installed on that disk. You said up above you were using a live cd. When did you install Ubuntu?09:30
=== mang0 is now known as Seryth
szalgnomitsu: #ubuntu is just as valid for Kubuntu questions as #kubuntu, and the latter can be very quiet at times09:31
panda``snits, It just clicked09:31
panda``I used Wubi09:31
panda``but I also have a livecd09:31
szalpanda``: Wubi installs Ubuntu in a virtual disk file09:31
=== alexy_ is now known as alexy
panda``thanks everyone09:32
panda``well I'm going to be installing ubuntu, for real, now, would you mind if I asked questions here if I encounter problems?09:32
david1234567890anyone know anything like  iwconfig with GUI?09:33
gnomitsuszal: most folk here do not use kde. #kubuntu is there for a reason. furthermore, it is an official support channel09:33
snitspanda, yes you can ask questions in here09:33
szal!cn | yeticry09:34
ubottuyeticry: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:34
yeticry!cn | yeticry09:35
ubottuyeticry, please see my private message09:35
david1234567890anyone know anything like  iwconfig with GUI?09:35
szalpanda``: decide how much disk space you want Ubuntu to use, free up that disk space (in advance, if possible), then let Ubuntu do the partitioning in the free space09:35
gnomitsuszal: also, kde has an entirely different set of applications. mixing it in here will only create a rather chaotic situation09:35
szalgnomitsu: we're constantly talking about all kinds of different apps in here, no reason to think adding KDE stuff in the mix would complicate things further ;)09:36
gnomitsuyou are mistaken in your view09:36
IdleOnegnomitsu: Kubuntu is on topic for this channel also.09:37
szalgnomitsu: if there's one thing we don't need here, then that's evangelists ;)09:37
panda``szal, it seems quite easy actually, it gave me the option to "Replace Windows XP with Ubuntu"09:38
meta-coderI want the drivers needed to connect a generic ADSL modem to Ubuntu via USB.10:11
happygoluckySeryth: icewm, just apt-get install icewm but it's not a stand alone application or anything. icewm is a window manager like gnome or kde etc.10:11
SerythI see10:11
gaelfxSeryth: you could also try openbox :D it's very cool10:11
CluelessPersonHello everyone10:11
Serythgaelfx what's taht?10:11
oooaaaooohi guys, im running 11.04 on a samsung nc110 netbook and was wondering if there was any gui/cli utility to use the built in webcam to take pictures?10:11
CluelessPersonoooaaaooo,  Usually is.10:12
gaelfxSeryth: another window manager, very minimal10:12
Serythoh, k.10:12
* Seryth goes to google images10:12
gaelfxoooaaaooo: cheese?10:12
shaikhsaiyad alam10:12
oooaaaooogaelfx: thanks ill look it up10:13
CluelessPersongaelfx,  oooaaaooo   Yeah, I thought it came preinstalled with something that does that.10:13
gaelfxCluelessPerson: indeed, but that assumes that the cam is actually working10:13
acalvohow can I disable the X server on the livecd so it is not started at boot time?10:13
gaelfxacalvo: I think you need to add an option like -nogui or something like that10:14
oooaaaooogaelfx: apt search doesnt yield much10:14
acalvogaelfx, I do not want to start any kind of installation, just to use it as a standar liveCD (no installation nor demostration livecd)10:14
CluelessPersonWhere is a good place to learn about security vulnerabilities?10:15
oooaaaooogaelfx: is this a propreitary area?10:15
gaelfxoooaaaooo: it should be under accessories or media in applications10:15
gaelfxoooaaaooo: nope, shouldn't be10:15
Serythgaelfx openbox looks pretty neat10:15
happygoluckySeryth: lxde is another of my favorites10:16
Serythlxde, arite, off to google images again!10:17
Rurd2di|Serverhey all10:17
=== Rurd2di|Server is now known as Rurd2di
CluelessPersonhey man10:17
CluelessPersonHey guys, I have a serious question.10:18
Rurd2dicool story bro10:18
anzwubi error during installation!10:18
MonkeyDustjust installed Firebird Mail, how do I backup mails, like in Evolution?10:18
anz09-01 10:16 INFO   root: === wubi 11.04 rev211 === 09-01 10:16 DEBUG  root: Logfile is c:\docume~1\anz\locals~1\temp\wubi-11.04-rev211.log 09-01 10:16 DEBUG  root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Anz\\My Documents\\Downloads\\wubi.exe"'] 09-01 10:16 DEBUG  CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\DOCUME~1\Anz\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl16.tmp\data 09-01 10:16 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\DOCUME~1\Anz\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl16.tmp\bin\10:18
the_owldon't install ubuntu with wubi10:19
oooaaaooogaelfx: nope the closest thing i found was a video editor called pitivi...didnt have webcam capture10:19
the_owlmake a dualboot10:19
Serythhappygolucky that's also nice10:19
SerythI wonder10:19
Serythwhat's a sorta "classic linux" manager10:19
anz@owl: ty. I had installed it earlier using wubi10:19
Rurd2dii just fucked up, by putting an x86 ubuntu disk in, now have to wait for the 64 one to finish downloading :(10:19
Rurd2diiwanna use all my memory10:20
CluelessPersonif I want to seriously learn about hacking, where should I go?10:20
SerythCluelessPerson LOL10:20
Rurd2dito the police10:20
the_owlwuby report me always error10:20
SerythCluelessPerson hacking or cracking?10:20
AquixCluelessPerson    www.google.com10:20
szalCluelessPerson: define 'hacking'10:20
oooaaaooogaelfx:  http://www.r3uk.com/index.php/home/38-software/100-webcam-capture-using-fswebcam sounds promising10:20
SerythCluelessPerson can you code?10:21
hiwkCluelessPerson: http://www.amazon.com/Shellcoders-Handbook-Discovering-Exploiting-Security/dp/047008023X10:21
anzi'm running windows on the OEM partitioned harddisk. no additional partitions10:21
Rurd2dii wanna know if amd64 will cause me any greif10:21
Rurd2dilike older versions ubuntu10:21
the_owlCluelessPerson: learn c++ and learn the security10:21
CluelessPersonSeryth, Both, and yes, I can code somewhat.  I know enough to script in several languages, and merely use several others, and the furthest I've gone is writing daemons/python distribution server code and interacting clients.10:22
Rurd2dishit didnt work right in x6410:22
the_owlif you learn how defend a pc you can learn how attack it10:22
SerythCluelessPerson and when you say "hacking" what exactly do you mean - hacking or cracking? VERY differant10:22
CluelessPersonSeryth,   I know they are, interested in both.10:22
the_owli hope hacking10:23
Win7I am in irssi10:23
CluelessPersonSeryth,  I also have experience with circuitry, soldering, schematic work, designed several projects, etc.10:23
SerythCluelessPerson PM?10:23
happygoluckyi farted my way out of an elevator once10:24
CluelessPersonSeryth,  Sure, I just downloaded a new irc client though, I'm not sure how to initiate a PM at the moment. :p10:24
szal!enter | Rurd2di10:24
ubottuRurd2di: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:24
the_owlCluelessPerson: learn c++ perl pyton ruby10:24
CluelessPersonsend me one though.10:24
CluelessPersonthe_owl,  And my computer security usually involves AVG, and keeping my firewall very restricted.10:24
CluelessPersonthe_owl,  Using sandboxes to test suspicious programs, with say "sandboxie"10:25
the_owllearn how modify your system how you can make it beter10:25
the_owlyou first must learn programm10:27
digisalvociao a tutti10:27
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:27
the_owldevi parlare inglese qui10:27
YounderWin7: grow up?10:29
Win7what is the command to hide join/quit notifications?10:29
gaelfxWin7: you do realize ubottu is not a person, right?10:29
ep0hy there10:29
sina2i need some help about vpn10:29
ep0i have a question related to c++ programming10:29
ep0and that is10:29
gaelfxWin7: depends which IRC client you're using10:30
ep0how can i make my application unicode friendly under linux?10:30
ep0all the tutorials are about windows10:30
fmauroWin7: "/ignore #ubuntu ALL -PUBLIC -ACTIONS"10:30
gaelfxWin7: /ignore #ubuntu +joins +parts +nicks10:30
Win7gaelfx: I am using irssi (Cygterm -Putty)10:30
Younderep0: well that is a bit to extensive to answer here10:30
happygoluckyWin7: /ignore -channel #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS KICKS NICKS MODES10:30
ep0there is a place to start10:30
ep0can you point me to an c++ irc channel or something?10:31
fmauroep0: join #c++10:31
ep0@fmauro: thank you10:32
Younderep0: I'm also on #c10:32
nnullif you hold down the right mouse button before the screensaver starts (with lock) when you move the mouse to go log back in, it switches to the desktop for 2-3 seconds before asking you for a login prompt --- random meh bug10:33
ep0@Younder: Cannot join #c (Channel is invite only)10:33
ranjanhi all, i accidently done a chmod 777 -R / and now most of the things are not working, how can i reset the filesystem permissions?10:34
damo22ranjan: you messed up dude10:34
ranjandamo22, :(10:35
ranjandamo22, is there any way i can reset the permissions?10:35
damo22ranjan: at least you didnt accidently dd /dev/random to your hard disk10:36
CluelessPersondamo22, What does that do?10:37
damo22CluelessPerson: it writes random bytes to all your data10:37
damo22CluelessPerson: next best thing to taking a hammer to your disk10:38
szalep0: /join ##c10:39
szal(with 2 hashtags)10:39
cruminalwhere does xchat live by default in ubuntu? can't find a program dir...very new to linux10:39
hplpbcruminal: should be /usr/bin10:40
damo22cruminal: most programs live in /usr/bin10:40
robin0800cruminal, ~/.xchat2 for its configuration10:41
Rurd2dileech box shouldnt need 8gb of ram10:41
Rurd2dii hope10:41
steak__I have a question related to apt-get and its behaviour when connecting to a repository server reached through an SSH tunnel10:43
happygoluckycruminal: whenenver you can't find something try whereis or which, if you still can't locate try something like find / -name 'partialletters' >2/dev/null10:43
happygoluckycruminal: sorry i meant find / -name 'partialletters' 2>/dev/null10:43
cruminalyou guys are helpful. i appreciate it10:45
damo22happygolucky: i do this with find / -iname '*partial*' 2>/dev/null10:45
happygoluckyoh right sorry10:45
damo22possibly need " instead of '10:45
hplpbhappygolucky: is find better than using locate?10:45
happygoluckyhplpb: i meant locate as in the word10:46
maharaj09hi.. is there any way we can search for a particular package using apt-get ? looking for something similar to 'yum search vnc'10:47
hplpbhappygolucky: I know10:47
m_fulderhello =)10:47
happygoluckyhplpb: well that's very sly10:47
=== Merdam is now known as Mooooooo
hplpbmaharaj09: aptitude search [package]10:47
=== Mooooooo is now known as Pooooo
glebihanmaharaj09, use apt-cache search10:47
damo22maharaj09: apt-cache search package10:47
=== Pooooo is now known as Merdam
hplpbhappygolucky: I mean is there a difference between locate and find?10:48
=== Alternative is now known as Guest2716
hplpbI usually use locate, that's why I ask10:48
m_fulderI would like to create a .rar file like this .zip : sudo zip /myDir/myZip.zip -r /myFolderWith/Files is that possible? .. I've tried the same syntax but none file was created :/10:48
damo22hplpb: ive had mixed results with locate, but find always works10:48
hplpbdamo22: ah, thanks10:48
maharaj09oh great ! thanks10:49
damo22m_fulder: you need rar10:49
happygoluckymaharaj09: aptitude has a search function but i personally don't use apititude because i think it's slugish therefore a lot of times when i need to find a package i use type apt-get install partialname and then hit the tab key until it either completes it or it gives a list.. you have to have the latest bash completion installed10:49
jb-Whenever I try to play music in VLC player and Banshee Media Player I can't hear anything, but when I play videos on the web the sound is fine. What is going on?10:49
fr0stedhey anyone got any ideas on why wine crashes when i try to run spotify.exe ?10:50
damo22jb-: how many sound cards you got?10:50
Younderhplpb, locate uses a file created by updatedb which is updated by scanning your file system once a day usually a 8 am10:50
jb-damo22: Only whatever came with my laptop.10:50
Win7ping damo2210:50
cruminalplayer volume?10:50
damo22Win7: pong10:50
hplpbYounder: oh, so find actually scans the entire file system instead of relying on the db?10:51
Younderhplpb, learn "whatis, where, which" as well10:51
Win716:20 < damo22> Win7: pong10:51
Win716:20 < damo22> Win7: pong10:51
Win716:20 < damo22> Win7: pong10:51
FloodBot1Win7: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:51
LockziHello, I have now reinstalled Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server x64 (using Ubuntu 10.04.3 image) twice. I always end up with this message: http://pastebin.com/t418uVPh - I've googled and found a lot of answers on how to solve them - non has worked so far. This is a clean default installation so the problem should be common?10:51
Younderhplpb, yes it does so it's slow10:51
jb-How do I find out what sound card I have?10:52
hplpbYounder: gotcha, I've used which before, I'll check out the other two as well10:52
damo22jb-: lspci10:52
Win7ignore join quit10:52
hplpbhappygolucky: how do you get the tab completion to work with apt-get install.. it appears that I have the latest bash completion, but it doesn't work for me10:52
Win716:20 < damo22> Win7: pong10:53
steveccci realise this isnt strictly an ubuntu question but I am having a dns issue and wondered if anyone here would mind running a host command for me and telling me what the nameservers are listed as. host -v 2bm.co.uk10:53
m_fulderah got it "sudo rar a /myrar.rar -r /myFolder10:53
damo22hplbp: sudo apt-get install partial<TAB>10:53
jb-damo22: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)10:53
happygoluckyhplpb: what are you saying buddy10:53
Win716:20 < damo22> Win7: pong10:53
MyrttiWin7: start making sense10:53
jb-Whenever I try to play music in VLC player and Banshee Media Player I can't hear anything, but when I play videos on the web the sound is fine. What is going on?10:54
Win7Myrtti: right clicking automatically sends messages!!10:54
Younderhplpb, oreder of priority should be which (in path), whereis, locate and then find. Find is a power tool10:54
hplpboh! "packagekit-bash-completion" I see it now10:54
markio92ITAsorry where can i find support for elive?10:54
damo22jb-: check your audio line cable10:54
Win7How to add someon's nick quickly?10:54
LockziAny ideas on how to solve "Setting locale failed LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset)"?10:54
MyrttiWin7: no, in putty it pastes. stop it.10:55
jb-damo22: What ?10:55
happygoluckyhplpb: just bash-completion ought to do10:55
damo22jb-: make sure your speakers are plugged in10:55
jb-damo22: It's not a hardware problem. I have sound when I play videos in my browser.10:55
Younderwill someone ban that win7?10:55
damo22jb-: it could be a loose connection10:55
jb-damo22: I'm also on a laptop.10:55
hplpbhappygolucky: "bash-completion is already the newest version."10:56
hplpbI get nothing when typing a partial package name and hitting tab though :(10:56
D3814Nsudo apt-get remove --purge Win710:56
rcngeoffcan anyone tell me how to disable unity in 11.04 from the command line?10:56
Win7Myrtti: I am not lying. Right-clicking automatically sends it. Anyway, I forgot how to ignore join/quit notifications in irssi?10:56
hplpbanything I need to do to enable it?10:56
panda``jb-, seriously, check the connection, I had this happen to me last night10:56
panda``just check it once10:56
damo22hplbp: hit tab twice10:56
the_owlhow i can change the grub background (ubuntu 11.04)?10:57
hplpbdamo22: I did10:57
hroiI seem to recall that there is a tool that ships with ssh to set up passwrd free connection - instead of copying the key over by hand.10:57
hroianyone know what this tool is called?10:57
jb-panda``: I'm on a laptop and I don't have a screwdriver that is small enough to get the screws out10:57
panda``jb-, oh, ok then10:57
happygoluckyhplpb: what i meant is if you have an idea of what it is you're looking for if you type part of that name say for instance you want to know what is available for gstreamer plugins type out apt-get install gstream<TAB>10:57
tsimpsonhroi: ssh-copy-id?10:57
damo22hroi: ssh-coypy-id?10:57
panda``playing through the laptop speakers then10:57
hplpbok weird.. now it works10:57
Younderthe_owl, rigt click the background and select'change background'10:58
qrq1I need help10:58
hplpbhappygolucky: I know.. it just wasn't working for some reason.. dunno what I was doing wrong, lol10:58
panda``how can I change banshee out of the superbar at the top right hand corner (11.04)10:58
panda``I would like to use RhytmBox instead10:58
the_owlnot  desktop10:58
hroitsimpson: damo22: ah, yes maybe - lets see.10:58
the_owlthe bootloader10:59
damo22jb-: try wiggling the cable a little while you play through vlc10:59
qrq1I use pcsxr and it use SDL driver , I get underruns all the time ALSA lib pcm.c:7223:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured10:59
qrq1I want to change audio latency10:59
panda``damo22, he's playing through laptop speakers10:59
glebihanthe_owl, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10340183#post1034018310:59
happygoluckyqrq1: sdl is a beautiful thing10:59
Younderqrq1, why?10:59
damo22laptop speakers should be fine10:59
qrq1Because I get underruns10:59
qrq1ALSA lib pcm.c:7223:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured10:59
qrq1And sound is awful10:59
jb-damo22: For the third time, I'm on a laptop. I am not using a desktop. I don't have a screw driver small enough to open my laptop. I am not going to open my laptop.10:59
damo22jb-: yes i understand now11:00
panda``jb-, what type of file are you trying to play through vlc?11:00
Younderqrq1, sounds like a hardware problem11:00
qrq1And I cannot change latency in config file11:00
jb-panda``: mp311:00
panda``could it be a codec issue?11:00
jb-panda``: I don't know11:00
damo22jb-: have you got a wav file you can play?11:00
panda``try playing a .wav file if you have one11:00
qrq1younder Windows version of applications works well11:00
Win7who looks after the linux kernel? Is Linus Torvalds still active? Anyway, how can I change from GNOME to KDE?11:00
jb-damo22: I can try to find one11:00
qrq1younder because I changed latency in config file11:01
happygoluckyqrq1: i don't have pcsxr but have you tried using a different audio output such as pulse11:01
qrq1younder In Linux I cannot change11:01
Younderqrq1, so you have a sound card it isn't just on the motherboard11:01
theadminWin7: You apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, and yes, Linus is. However, Ubuntu mantains it's own kernel with various patches and such11:01
qrq1On Pulse Audio I get crash11:01
damo22jb-: you can use lame -d mp3file.mp3 wavfile.wav or something11:01
the_owlWin7: sudo apt-get instal kde-full11:02
jb-damo22: What does that do?11:02
qrq1I need to force audio latency11:02
Sidewinder1!codec | jb- <--Perhaps this might help.11:02
ubottujb- <--Perhaps this might help.: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:02
damo22jb-: unencodes the mp3 into a wav11:02
Younderqrq1, doen't surprise me who ever changes the latency?11:02
Sidewinder1!sound | jb- Or..11:02
ubottujb- Or..: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:02
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:02
Merdamhay quien me puede rascar los huevos?11:03
qrq1younder I want to :11:03
damo22ubottu stop flooding11:03
Merdames que entendí mal el instructivo en inglés11:03
theadmin!es | Merdam11:03
ubottuMerdam: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:03
Younderdamo22, you are aware the ubottu is a net bot?11:04
popplerhello there11:04
Merdamacabé de meter el disco de aranque en mi culo con la ayuda de la bota de mi novio11:04
jb-damo22: No, the .wav doesn't work either11:04
Merdam"to boot" verdad?11:04
Merdamo  perdon11:04
popplerany ideas on why fsck.reiserfs is not on my system and thus failed to scan my disk on boot? I'm on 11:0411:04
YounderMerdam, #ubunto_es is in spanish11:05
cruminalcrazy. are the restricted formats due to licensing or what?11:05
theadminpoppler: You should install the package it's in11:05
theadmincruminal: Yes.11:05
panda``cruminal, yes, licensing11:05
cruminalthat's just weird11:05
the_owlthere is ubuntu it?11:05
damo22jb-: open a console, find the path to your wav file and type:  aplay /path/to/wav11:06
cruminalthose formats are so ubiquitous i figured they were open11:06
popplertheadmin: got it, it's in reiserfsprogs11:06
linociscowhat is the best inventory software to record toner cartriges , CD/DVD issue / recieve . relocate.  ?11:06
popplertheadmin: thanks a lot11:06
jb-damo22: I don't here anything11:06
qmrsomeone give me info about making "guest" account in new ubuntu?11:07
damo22jb-: okay make sure its a nice long wav file and open another console while its running and type: alsamixer11:07
panda``qmr, System Settings -> Users -> New11:07
Calinouwhat is above ^ problem solved11:07
the_owlsudo adduser name-user11:07
=== szal_ is now known as szal
Calinouthe_owl: we don't need your complicated solutions11:07
qmrmaybe you're not understanding me11:07
Calinouif he asks this way, he's probably a newbie11:07
Younderqmr, what's the problem11:07
qmrI thought there was some facility coming up for a proper guest account, wiping things between logins and the like11:08
jb-damo22: What do I do with alsamixer?11:08
qmrI've been using unix for around 20 years, so.. no not a newbie11:08
damo22jb-: up down left right, 'm' you should work it out11:08
Win7_OK now I am finally in Xchat..11:08
panda``jb-, there should be a whole bunch of coloured bars11:08
Younderqmr, a guest account is just a restricted shell.11:08
panda``ar all of the XX<>XX greater than 75?11:09
jb-panda``:  Yes, there is. damo22: That didn't do anything11:09
the_owlCalinou: but if he use linux is better if learn to use the terminal11:09
Calinouguest account is someone who can't sudo, just that11:09
qmrYounder: no, you're not understanding what I'm asking11:09
Younderqmr, 1986 for me11:09
Thykkawhenever i hold shift down for too long, "slow keys" gets turned on. is there any way to prevent this?11:09
panda``jb-, ok, well it seems that your media players might be outputting the sound to a different device11:09
Thykkasuper annoying11:09
CalinouI use linux since 2 years, I don't know much :P11:09
panda``just check they aren't muted11:09
jb-panda``: Yes11:09
panda``but from here on in, I don't really know where to go11:09
damo22jb-: you need to set the volume levels up to 70 or so on PCM and Master and anything else you need and unmute with 'm'11:09
CalinouThykka: go in accessibility settings11:10
hroihi agian11:10
panda``maybe Younder could help>11:10
ThykkaCalinou, I did (btw. using gnome3), but the setting there does not seem to affect it in any way11:10
hroiok I used ssh-copy-id and it worked, I can login without passwrd,.11:10
cruminallinux is fun11:10
theadminqmr: Well, if you use lxdm you could write a /etc/lxdm/PostLogout script with "rm -rf /home/guest/*"11:10
jb-damo22: Already done11:10
Calinoucruminal: only a few games work :P11:10
damo22jb-: go across to the right and see if "internal speakers" is muted11:11
CluelessPersonIf I wanted to seriously learn about hacking, where should I go?11:11
hroiIm now wondering, if say my host computer from which I login to the server, were to change its ip address or say its hostname.11:11
ThykkaCluelessPerson, what do you intend to "hack"11:11
hroiwould that break the password free entry?11:11
CalinouCluelessPerson: lol11:11
cruminali'm running it through vmware..my steam is covered11:11
Calinougo to #minecraft and listen to piracy discussions?11:11
theadminCluelessPerson: *not* Freenode. Illegal activities are offtopic on this entire network.11:11
the_owlCalinou: i use linux since 1 year but i know use the terminal so and so and i think is better learn it11:11
CalinouI use the terminal too, I know basic stuff too11:11
qmractually, I see now I can click "guest session" from my account and a temporary guest user account is used11:11
Thykkahacking is not illegal, cracking is. and only if you're not cracking something you own :P11:11
qmrhow do I get that temporary account available on the home screeN?11:11
CluelessPersonThykka, I have no specific intentions, I like to be knowledgable.11:11
CalinouANY open source project would be forbidden11:12
Win7_how to ignore join/quit notifications in Xchat?11:12
Calinouread code's comment:11:12
Calinou"Note this is a hack"11:12
Calinouthe devloper is k-lined?11:12
jb-damo22: I don't see "internal speakers".11:12
qmrbasically anything fun is illegal.  meh.11:12
Younderpanda``, help with what?11:12
CalinouWin7_: in the settings menu of xchat...11:12
cruminali installed linux cause i'm learning python and raspberry pi will use it11:12
panda``jb-, can you hear audio through banshee?11:12
cruminaldigging the terminal though11:12
linociscowho knows which inventory software is good for recording IT stock like cartridges ?11:12
panda``if you go Sound Preferences -> Hardware -> Test Speakers, can you hear anything?11:13
CluelessPersontheadmin  I haven't suggested, planned, or have any specific interest in illegal activity, only in attaining knowledge.11:13
jb-damo22: When I run vlc file.wav from the console I keep getting '[0x1c9d070] pulse audio output error: overflow'11:13
jb-panda``: Nop11:13
happygoluckytheadmin: hacking by definition is not inherantly criminal or unethical11:13
CalinouCluelessPerson: google is your friend here11:13
damo22jb-: hmmm11:13
Calinouno offence, though11:13
panda``Younder, ^11:13
the_owlcruminal: how is the python?11:14
CluelessPersonCalinou,  Google merely is an internet troller of the first top 500 feet of an ocean of information at least 6 miles deep.11:14
Myrttiplease keep the discussion to Ubuntu support issues11:14
panda``jb-, link me to a page where you get sound11:14
theadminCluelessPerson: Well, okay, /msg alis list #*hack*11:14
cruminali'm only a chapter or two into it. it's a whole lot more intuitive than c++11:14
CalinouCluelessPerson: ask friends who know...11:14
Calinoureally, google should help you11:15
Win7_help! I cannot hide join/quit notifications in Xchat.. What mask should i add in the ignore list?11:15
glebihanWin7_, afaik, you can't11:15
Calinounot that, Win7_11:15
Calinougo in /home/your_username/.xchat211:16
Calinouthere should be a config file11:16
Calinoucheck inside, and use ctrl+f to find anything which is related to hiding11:16
Win7_Calinou: then?11:16
Calinouenable it, save, and reload xchat11:16
the_owli'm using yaac on my android11:16
Win7_Calinou: I am on Windows..11:17
jb-Problem solved ...11:17
damo22jb-: how11:17
jb-damo22: Apparently when I'm playing Runescape it's the only thing I can hear ..11:17
Calinouxchat + windows = sucks11:17
linociscohi I lost my ubuntu after upgrading to 10.10 . my CD drive is also no working. how can I take my grub back11:17
Win7_Calinou: Where is the config file on windows?11:17
damo22jb-: you stole the sound card with runescape11:18
the_owllinocisco: make a other cd11:18
jb-damo22: I refreshed the page and now I can hear everything11:18
jb-damo22: I don't understand computers :<11:18
cruminalusb stick..11:18
damo22jb-: how are you running runescape?11:18
Win7_Calinou: Where is the config file on windows?11:18
szalWin7_: -> #xchat11:18
damo22jb-: through wine?11:18
jb-damo22: Runescape is Java based. I'm running it in my  browser11:18
Win7_#xchat ?11:18
szalWin7_: ask there11:19
damo22jb-: oh ok11:19
Calinouit's a channel11:19
szalWin7_: we don't support Windows or Windows apps here11:19
hplpbWin7: https://toxin.jottit.com/xchat_set_variables#irc_conf_mode11:19
Calinouyou shouldn't use xchat on windows anyway... it sucks11:19
Win7_szal: OK11:19
Calinouit's not even free11:19
jb-damo22: I'm going to start a world-wide campaign to get Blizzard to make D3 available on Linux :S wanna join?11:19
szalCalinou: it is free, but it's not free ^^11:19
theadminCalinou: Somebody made a cygwin-based free version somewhere11:19
Win7_OH No11:19
damo22jb-: D3=?11:19
jb-damo22: Diablo III11:19
Calinoucygwin? uh11:19
Calinouit's not windows11:20
damo22jb-: wont affect me i dont play games11:20
jb-damo22: You're a better man than I. Thanks for your help.11:20
=== Win7_ is now known as FBI
=== FBI is now known as fbi
=== fbi is now known as FBI_
=== FBI_ is now known as meta-coder
meta-coderSo please tell me a good GUI IRC client for Windows... Please11:22
CluelessPersonmeta-coder,  XChat ?11:22
meta-coderSo please tell me a good GUI IRC client for Windows... Please11:23
theadminmeta-coder: This is not a Windows channel11:23
meta-coderSo please tell me a good GUI IRC client for Windows... Please11:23
theadminmeta-coder: Ask in ##windows11:23
linociscothe_owl: h i11:23
theadmincruminal: You can't be serious.11:23
CluelessPersonmIRC ewwww11:23
szalmeta-coder: and don't repeat yourself11:23
cruminali just wanted him to stop asking11:23
=== meta-coder is now known as FBI
CluelessPersoncruminal,   but that's cruel.11:24
Myrttiplease keep the discussion to Ubuntu support issues11:24
cruminalto be fair, google would have answered and been less annoyed11:24
linociscowhat do I do ?11:25
happygoluckyi have a problem with my dvd drives11:25
RamtinAhey , i want remove openoffice.org11:25
happygoluckyit says buffer i/o error all the time but then vlc still plays the dvd11:26
RamtinAand write " sudo apt-get autoremove openoffice.org-* "in terminal11:26
SerythRamtinA: sudo apt-get remove openoffice11:26
Serythdoes that not work?11:26
RamtinAmy system crashed ( cause of my low system ) and now when i type " sudo apt-get autoremove openoffice.org-* " , say : " E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."11:27
RamtinASeryth: no , it dosen't work11:27
glebihanRamtinA, first it's not "autoremove" but "remove", second you should do as said an run "'sudo dpkg --configure -a"11:27
SerythRamtinA, remove it via synaptic?11:28
BarBlitzI don't think you can un-install a website from the net11:28
glebihanBarBlitz, goo point ;)11:28
Sidewinder1RamtinA, So did you run" 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem?11:28
happygoluckyRamtinA: you might not have to do dpkg if you remove the thing it was interupted with11:28
nnullwhen installing apps via Ubuntu S C, i get this popup "debconf on machinename" whats with that? its totally lame11:29
RamtinASidewinder1: that work now thank you so much11:29
happygoluckyRamtinA: sudo apt-get --purge remove openoffice.org works too11:29
RamtinAhappygolucky: that work now thank you so much11:30
glebihannnull, those are configuration dialogs11:30
glebihannnull, some packages need to be configured at installation time11:30
nnullglebihan, indeed, just never seen that popup, been using ubuntu before fiesty11:31
glebihannnull, never seen it, really ?11:31
glebihannnull, you must use apt-get in terminal a lot then11:31
nnulli do.. but still.. im sure i would of noticed it in 5 odd years of ubuntu?11:32
RamtinAi love linux and linux users :) . there isn't anything like that. thank you all.   @};- @};-11:32
glebihannnull, well it's been there for years, that's for sure11:32
nnullglebihan, so it pops up for a split second and disappears?11:32
glebihannnull, huh, it does not usually do that11:33
BarBlitzum, if I use aac format for my songs, is it better to make em .m4a or mp4, as a container format ?11:33
cruminali read an article recently that said that 90% of computer users didn't know what ctrl+f did11:33
nnullglebihan, yer thats what mines doing.. and this is my 2nd install :x11:33
glebihannnull, normally when it pops up, it's because there are some questions to be asked about configuration11:33
nnullthats why it bothers me, it looks haxish lol11:33
AFDI'm having trouble removing ubuntu-desktop from a server and replacing with Xubuntu11:34
glebihannnull, in that case, take back what I said, don't think I've ever seen that either11:34
bazhang!purexfce > AFD11:34
ubottuAFD, please see my private message11:34
=== Guest10292 is now known as vega-
nnullits like "im altering debconf" --- " wait no im not im gone! "11:34
AFDtried "sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop"11:34
AFDand then "sudo apt-get autoremove" and it's still there11:34
glebihanAFD, have a look at ubottu's message11:35
nnulljust happened again now glebihan , its a blank window with title "debconf on machinename "11:35
glebihannnull, what were you installing when it did that11:35
nnullright now im installing eclipse...11:35
glebihannnull, does it do it each time ?11:35
nnullits done it about 4 times just during the eclipse install11:36
BrixSatEthernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) not working on ubunt 11.0411:36
CluelessPersonBarBlitz,   HELL no  Keep lossless. :D11:38
BarBlitzI got flacs too but eat up too much space, for listening too11:38
BarBlitzanyway aac is max quality with lowest filesize11:39
CluelessPersonBarBlitz,   I have extremely high quality earbuds, I love high quality music11:39
happygoluckyBrixSat: do you need help with wireless?11:40
CluelessPersonBarBlitz,   And why is filesize an issue?  Hard drive space is cheap11:40
ameenSepi bangets di ubuntu-indonesia....11:40
AFDglebihan: I've just tried the bot response and followed the guide on the link given but the terminal keeps spitting back that some of the packages I'm trying to remove aren't there11:40
AFDglebihan:  can I add "-something" to just let it skip errors?11:41
Ergo^so the original plans for beta 1 release today are still valid ?11:41
glebihanAFD, could you pastebin the exact error message ??11:41
Eminem__Hi folks...11:41
theadminErgo^: #ubuntu+1, please11:41
Eminem__If I am banned, can I continue to chat under a different nick?11:42
Calinouthank you, ban evader, now leave11:42
Calinouunless the op was a jerk and only banned your name11:42
theadmin!language | Calinou11:43
ubottuCalinou: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:43
AFDglebihan: http://pastebin.com/2p3zab6H11:43
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PiciEminem__: Please join #ubuntu-ops if you are supposed to be banned here, or ask the ops of your channel.11:43
AFDglebihan: it's just telling me that the packages aren't there I think...11:43
glebihanAFD, and you're trying to remove those packages ?11:43
AFDglebihan:  I'm following this (where the bot told me to try) http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce11:44
glebihanAFD, well if you get this message then this package is not installed, just skip it11:45
AFDand it's not working. I tried removing the references to the first couple of packages that didn't appear to be installed and it just kept spitting out the next one along11:45
AFDI can't manually go through and skip a hundred packages11:45
AFDglebihan: is there not a way to --skip-broken or something when removing?11:46
glebihanAFD, I don't think so11:46
PiciAFD: Try apt-get install -f11:47
AFDglebihan: sorry - I may have made a n00b error and am following the walkthrough for 11.04 when I am on 10.04 - found another link and trying it now11:47
glebihanPici, he's trying to remove, not install11:47
glebihanAFD, ok11:47
AFDglebihan: Pici thanks for the advice... the other line of code seems to be working11:48
PiciAFD: That link may not have been updated to include packages that are no longer shipped.11:48
BrixSathappygolucky:  yes11:48
AFDpici ok I'll look out for that11:48
Pici!pl | ubuntu_11:50
ubottuubuntu_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:50
BrixSathappygolucky:  i cant put it to work even with madwifi11:51
ubuntu_us3rhey, i install ubuntu, then when i reset all it gives me a black screen with a blinking light11:53
scottjany explanation for why size minus used doesn't equal avail in df on /?11:55
jribscottj: some space is reserved for root11:55
scottjjrib: /root? 400mb?11:56
EnimemIs there a tool similar to CHKDSK in Ubuntu?11:56
jribscottj: not sure what you are asking me there11:56
scottjjrib: by reserved for root what do you mean?11:57
jribscottj: only root can use the space11:57
jribscottj: the root user11:57
EnimemIs there a tool similar to CHKDSK in Ubuntu?11:57
BrixSatEthernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) not working on ubunt 11.0411:57
scottjjrib: do you know roughly how large that space is?11:57
jribscottj: man tune2fs  search for "reserved"11:57
EnimemCan you hear me? Am I banned?11:58
theadminEnimem: No.11:58
theadmin!repeat | Enimem11:58
ubottuEnimem: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:58
Sidewinder1Enimem, Yes, fschk, but DON'T run it on mounted filesystems.11:58
theadminSidewinder1: It's fsck11:58
Sidewinder1theadmin, Yes, you're correct, sorry for typo. :-)11:59
Enimemtheadmin: What did you mean by '!repeat | Enimem'?12:00
Younderifconfig is the thing to use for network checks12:00
theadminEnimem: That was a bot command12:01
theadminEnimem: See the message ubottu sent you as a result12:01
Enimemtheadmin: What IRC network are we in?12:02
theadminEnimem: Freenode.12:02
YounderEnimem, freenode12:03
EnimemAre we using Transport Layer Security?12:03
szalEnimem: server/network-specific questions in #freenode please12:04
YounderEnimem, yes12:04
YounderEnimem, Unix network programming vol 1 and 2 rule in this matter12:05
thepreacherI have plugged a USB dongle at the back of my server and will like to know on ubuntu which ttyUSB port its connected to. What command do I use?12:06
Sidewinder1thepreacher, sudo lsusb12:06
Picithepreacher: it might be shown in the output of dmesg.12:06
Younderthepreacher, lsusb12:06
EnimemI've been searching for quite a while now, but still I couldn't find a good free graphical-user-interfaced IRC client for Windows.12:06
bullgard6What command-line command reveals most about the characteristics of any file on my  Ubuntu computer?12:07
YounderEnimem, I use X-Chat12:07
PiciEnimem: Thats nice, but keep in mind that #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support only, if you want to chat you can join #ubuntu-offtopic :)12:07
kanhawhile runnig command sudo apt-get update i am getting an error msg as>>>>E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/"  how to fix this12:07
jribbullgard6: try "file" and "gvfs-info"12:07
Picikanha: do you have another package manager open? synaptic, software center, etc?12:08
Pici!aptfix | kanha check out12:09
ubottukanha check out: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »12:09
thepreacherThanks all12:09
BrixSatEthernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) not working on ubunt 11.0412:09
YounderBrixSat, Then how are you communicating to us?12:10
BrixSatYounder: i have a problem with my wiffi card not working on ubuntu 11.04 :(12:11
kanhaits package is not present and unable to install12:11
AFDglebihan: are you still there? I could do with a little more advice pls12:11
AFDglebihan: I managed to uninstall ubuntu-desktop and have apparently install xubuntu-desktop too12:12
AFDglebihan: but I am using freeNX to connect to the server which xubuntu should now be on and I don't get a DE like I did with Gnome - I get a single bg colour and nothing else12:12
AFDglebihan: any ideas?12:12
bullgard6jrib Thank you for your help.12:13
EnimemHow can I program in Java on Ubuntu?12:13
BrixSatEnimem:  use netbeans, eclipse etc..12:14
YounderBrixSat, I found your card on the net and it does seem to have problems12:14
BrixSatYounder:  so.... :S12:14
YounderBrixSat, basically you need another card12:14
BrixSatYounder:  seriosly....12:15
=== arlen is now known as Guest99946
YounderBrixSat, seriously...12:15
BrixSatis that it?12:15
kanhaits not working | ubottu12:15
YounderBrixSat, As far as I can see12:16
Picikanha: can you pastebin the exact command you are running and the error message you are getting? use http://paste.ubuntu.com12:16
aLeSDhi all12:16
BrixSatYounder:  i saw people saying it worked12:16
aLeSDis there a tool to configure unity ?12:16
YounderBrixSat, It doesn't under ubuntu12:17
BrixSat:( why?12:17
kanhaabhishek@abhishek-VirtualBox:~$ sudo apt-get update E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/12:17
BrixSatYounder:  aint there a way to use windows drivers here?12:17
AFDaLeSD: you could try Confity http://sourceforge.net/projects/confity/12:17
YounderBrixSat, no12:17
Sidewinder1aLeSD, There is also: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html12:18
th0rYounder: is there some reason BrixSat can't try ndiswrapper?12:18
Picikanha: Can you pastebin the output of: ps aux | grep -E '(dpkg|apt)'12:18
EnimemWhy isn't OpenOffice included by default in Ubuntu 11?12:19
PiciEnimem: Because libreoffice is instead.12:19
thiebaudeEnimem, they are not going with openoffice12:19
YounderTh0r: do you know something I don't?12:19
kanhaabhishek@abhishek-VirtualBox:~$ ps aux | grep -E '(dpkg|apt)' root      1827  0.0  0.2   5796  1672 pts/0    T    23:00   0:00 sudo apt-get update root      1828  0.0  0.2   6928  1976 pts/0    T    23:00   0:00 apt-get update root      1832  0.0  0.2   6984  1764 pts/0    T    23:00   0:00 /usr/lib/apt/methods/http root      1833  0.0  0.2   6984  1812 pts/0    T    23:00   0:00 /usr/lib/apt/methods/http root      1834  0.0  0.2   6912:19
thiebaudeits libre office now :)12:20
Picikanha: Please use a pastebin, that is nigh unreadable.12:20
th0rBrixSat: look into ndiswrapper and its gui frontend ndisgtk...they will let you try the windows drivers12:20
=== FBI is now known as Guest66670
hplpbdid the name change, or is libre office completely different than openoffice?12:20
BrixSatth0r:  thanks12:20
EnimemI think OpenOffice is better than libreoffice. Why do Ubuntu developers don't like OpenOffice?12:21
Picihplpb, Enimem:its a fork resulting from Oracle's handling of te Openoffice project, its mostly the same thing.12:21
=== Guest66670 is now known as Eminem__
thepreacherlsusb tells me that my Huawei dongle is on Bus 001. How do i find out if the actual device is ttyUSB1 or tty1. ls -l /dev/ttyUSB?  tells me No such file or directory12:21
Younderwe don't like Oracle12:21
th0rYounder: ndiswrapper is an api to allow use of windows wifi drivers. It isn't a guaranteed success, but I personally have never had any problems using it12:21
FreezeShey guys12:22
YounderTh0r thanks for the update on that one12:22
FreezeSis there any documentation about setting up clvm with corosync ?12:22
EnimemSo what will it take to make the developers include OOo?12:23
=== Eminem__ is now known as Eminem_
MyrttiEnimem: they wont.12:23
YounderTh0r ndisGTK right?12:23
EnimemMyrtti: Why won;t they?12:23
baldur-Hey i'm installing ubuntu server on my computer... And i'm getting loads of errors while installing the base system errors say that files are corrupted... Whats the solution to that ? whrite a new boot cd?12:23
th0rYounder: that is the gui frontend for ndiswrapper...if you tell synaptic to install that, it will also fetch ndiswrapper12:23
Younderth0r, so I gathered12:24
Sidewinder1baldur-, Yes, I would reburn a new boot CD. Make sure you md5sum the ISO prior to burning.12:24
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chalcedony i've upgraded from Lucid 10.04 to Natty 10.10 - but now i have no GUI!?12:25
baldur-Sidewinder1: md5sum ?12:25
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Pici!hashes | baldur-12:25
ubottubaldur-: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.12:25
Sidewinder1!md5sum | baldur-12:25
ubottubaldur-: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:25
Sidewinder1Pici, Wow, there's two; never knew about the hashes factoid. :-)12:26
baldur-Sidewinder1: will cheack that.. thanks :)12:26
=== Einstein is now known as AlbertEinstein
Sidewinder1baldur-, Hope it helpd. :D12:26
th0rdoesn't take an Einstein to see why AlbertEinstein was worried about being banned12:27
philinuxchalcedony: Natty is 11.04 do you mean maverick 10.1012:27
chalcedonyphilinux, yeah that12:28
hplpbth0r: :)12:28
philinuxchalcedony: 10.10 then. Do you get the login screen or what ?12:29
chalcedonypooky, hi12:29
chalcedonyyes philinux i have the login screen12:29
philinuxchalcedony: so what happens when you attempt to login12:29
chalcedonyphilinux, login works12:30
chalcedonybut its still just the command promt12:30
baldur-Sidewinder1: i've found my md5sum what should i do with it ?12:30
philinuxchalcedony: what graphics card you got?12:30
Younderchalcedony: prompt?12:31
alex88hi guys, unity doesn't save the bar setting, everytime i login i see the default apps, what can i do?12:31
chalcedonyyounder yes and no graphics12:31
Sidewinder1baldur-, In terminal, md5sum "the_ubuntu_ISO_image and compare the output to the hash.12:32
Younderchalcedony: oh that one12:32
chalcedonyphilinux, do ou remember the command to see 3200 is all i'm remembering12:32
philinuxchalcedony: at the prompt type startx and let us know what it says12:32
chalcedonyoh ok12:32
Sidewinder1baldur-, They should be identical.12:32
JoyFMhey guys12:33
chalcedonyphilinux, Fatal server error: no screens found12:33
mo12what software should  i use to convert mp4 into something i can play using a DVD Player on Ubuntu 10.04? I have avidemux & ffmpeg installed12:33
JoyFMI got a little problem with a touchpad on an acer laptop12:33
chiiiiizQuestion about AHCI. I have a DVD-RW drive, that is not recognized by Ubuntu Natty64. It is a STAT drive, but my BIOS offers only IDE comm mode... not AHCI (it seems to be a bug). Is it something I can solve with drive firmware or driver, or only on the Bios side?12:33
JoyFMit has a button to switch the touchpad on and off12:33
baldur-Sidewinder1: i dont have a linux computer to check it... Can i do it in windows?12:33
philinuxchalcedony: what graphics card you got in the pc12:33
chalcedonyxinit; No such file or directory (errorno 2):unable to connect to X server12:33
Serythis there an inbuilt video editor for ubuntu, like WMM for windows?12:33
JoyFMto get that button to work I needed that hack described here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/374459/comments/6812:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 811466 in linux (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #374459 Acer Aspire 4810TG: touchpad can be switched off, but not on again" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:34
chalcedonyphilinux, Radeon HD 3200 Graphics12:35
mo12i also have WinFF installed12:35
kanhaabhishek@abhishek-VirtualBox:~$ sudo kill -9 1827 1828 [sudo] password for abhishek:  [1]+  Killed                  sudo apt-get update abhishek@abhishek-VirtualBox:~$ sudo apt-get update 0% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]12:35
Sidewinder1baldur-, There may be a windows way, but I'm not sure how; you might try a search. :-)12:35
mo12i've tried playing around with the settings on these but haven't managed to get the video to play on the DVD player so far12:35
JoyFMnow the button is working but the funny thing is - if you log out (or restart or whatever) the computer while the touchpad is disabled it will work if gdm starts but stops working after the user has logged in12:35
qinSeryth: few: kino, cindirella, piviti...12:36
JoyFMyou can fix that problem if you disable it in the login screen before login in12:36
Seryth qin but are there any built in?12:36
Serythqin I have a movie file that's 120 frames long, I need to add some sound to it...?12:36
qinSeryth: http://techcityinc.com/2009/02/04/top-10-free-video-editors-for-ubuntu-linux/12:37
JoyFMalso trying to enable it when logged in with the user with the command "synclient TouchpadOff=0" doesn't work12:37
Serythqin thanks12:37
JoyFMso how does ubuntu/gnome store the touchpad settings and what could cause the corruption?12:37
YounderJoyFM, now that is wierd12:37
qinSeryth: No, your input will be limited to: sudo apt-get install best_from_list12:37
Sidewinder1mo12, Totem will play mp4s, I beleive; you must install the "non-free", "restricted" codecs.12:37
Serythqin :P well derp12:38
ADmadhi, can someone suggest me a dual paned file manager with synchronous directory browsing feature12:38
chalcedony philinux error when it was upgrading: seting up gdebi-core (0.6.3ubuntu1) ... Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".12:38
JoyFMit seems like the user setting and the general xsetting (which is that the touchpad is turned on from start) differ than it wont change the state anymore12:38
norbert79ADmad: Gnome-commander12:38
ADmadnorbert79: thanks checking it out, any other you might know of?12:39
JoyFMmaybe SHMConfig would help?12:39
YounderJoyFM, I will have to think about this one. will you send me your driver?12:39
hdpbWhen opening Terminal, I get the following output right away.12:39
hdpbbash: /home/jon/.bashrc: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('12:39
hdpbbash: /home/jon/.bashrc: line 1: `# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.'12:39
philinuxchalcedony: from the prompt try this sudo dpkg --configure -a12:39
norbert79ADmad: Only a few tries, like DoubleCMD (which looks promising). Alternatively you might try running Total Commander in Wine. Works well.12:39
JoyFMYounder: what do you mean send you the driver?12:39
chalcedonyphilinux, ok12:40
YounderJoyFM, email it to jpthing@online.no12:40
JoyFMit's ubuntu 10.10's standard synaptics driver12:40
mo12SIdewinder1: I want to convert the mp4 files to a format that can be played on a DVD player12:40
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YounderJoyFM, no it aint12:41
lukuscould someone tell me the difference between / and //12:41
ADmadnorbert79: resorting to wine feels dirty :P will checkout double cmd too, thanks12:41
Myrttilukus: depends on the context12:41
chalcedonyphilinux, i seem to be in :/etc/init.d$ - done12:41
Sidewinder1mo12, You could look at Nero for linux; but it's not free. :-( I was under the impression that ffmpeg/winff would re-encode but if you've already tried, I guess it doesn't.12:42
norbert79ADmad: You are welcome12:42
philinuxchalcedony: where there any errors with that dpkg command12:42
th0rmo12: devede?12:42
chalcedonyphilinux, no12:42
kanhaabhishek@abhishek-VirtualBox:~$ sudo apt-get update 0% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]>>>>its not working how to fix this12:43
JoyFMYounder: I didn't change anything12:43
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Myrttipooky: hi12:43
mo12Sidewinder1: i don't know if i am using the correct encoders on those(avidemux/winff)12:43
chalcedonyphilinux, is it likely to need updated drivers?12:43
philinuxchalcedony: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdebi-core12:43
mo12th0r: installing devede ATM12:43
chalcedonyah ok12:44
JoyFMand I didn't mention if you start gdm after loging out with touchpad disabled it is disabled when gdm starts12:44
JoyFMand if you change it to being enable and than login it stops switching back to being enabled12:45
chalcedonyphilinux, Reinstallation of gdebi-core is not possible, it cannot be downloaded12:45
elb0w`Is there a way to span and stretch a wallpaper?12:45
philinuxchalcedony: gdebi unlikely to be cause. Logout and at the login choose safe graphics mode from the session12:45
chalcedonyphilinux, i'll see if it offers that12:46
osseI have a network share in Windows 7 that I connect to simply via "\\name". To connect to it in Ubuntu I input simply "name" into the "Server" field of the "Connect to server" dialog box, right?12:46
philinuxchalcedony: you'll need net connection to reinstall ati drivers.12:46
Piciosse: yes.12:46
JoyFMis there anyway to change what changes in synaptics driver while login in?12:46
chalcedonyphilinux, recovery mode?12:47
philinuxchalcedony: no thats grub I though you said you get the login screen12:47
chalcedonyphilinux, i do12:47
chalcedonyi restarted, twice now12:48
philinuxchalcedony: at the login screen when you click your user there are option on the bottom of screen one of these is the type of session.12:48
JoyFMhmm I try updating to 11.04 maybe it's fixed there12:48
chalcedonyphilinux, i have : Ubuntu 10.10 llhull tty1 / llhull login:12:49
ossePici, thanks. Can I leave the "Share" field empty?12:49
Piciosse: I don't believe  you can.12:49
ossePici, ok thanks. If I do I connect, but Nautilus shows zero items. If I do "\\name" in Windows Explorer I get a list of shares.12:51
SerythHow do I install a ppa from terminal?12:51
osseIf I specify a share in Ubuntu I immediately connect to that with no problems12:51
szalSeryth: the PPA page will tell you12:51
callaghanosse: In nautilus, choose go / location and enter smb://name does that work?12:51
chalcedonyphilinux, i logged in but i don't see anything to click, it's inviting me to get natty12:51
norbert79Seryth: You don't. You install the repository link for aptitude/apt-get first by using apt-add-repository <ppa name>, do "apt-get update"12:51
ossecallaghan, actually, it did! :O12:52
norbert79Seryth: You can then install the necessary package you are looking for12:52
callaghanosse: alright, then ;)12:52
sgo11hi, using ubuntu 11.04. everytime reboot, I have to set my resolution manually to the correct one. how to fix this? nvidia card. there is no xorg.conf. I tried to remove ~/.nvidia-settings-rc which doesn't help. The story: The correct resolution is 1280x800. I used a projector before. At that time, I setup twinview in nvidia-settings and set it to 1024x768. after this point, verytime reboot, it uses 1024x768 by default. the resolution was OK before I used th12:52
sgo11e projector.12:52
hidHi, I'd like to have the OS boot choice under ubuntu. I used startup manager but I cannot set windows in 1st position.12:53
ossecallaghan, now it suddenly works through the "Connect to server" dialog box as well. Weird. Anyways, as you said, it's alright :)12:54
norbert79hid: Did you look inside /boot/grub/grub.cfg, and tried to find the line of "use default"?12:54
szalsgo11: what driver/exact card model?12:54
hidnorbert79: I'm goona look it12:55
norbert79hid: set default="0" Change it to the position of your Windows is being listed under. 0 means normally position 1st12:55
sgo11szal, does it matter? it was working fine before I use the projector. the nvidia card is geforce 9650m GT 1GB. The driver is the official one downloaded through ubuntu software center. how to check the version?12:56
callaghannorbert79: isn't grub.cfg everytime overwritten when a new kernel is installed (when update-grub executes)?12:56
=== Linus is now known as LinusTorvalds
norbert79callaghan: No idea, I am a bit behind since GRUB2 appeard12:56
norbert79callaghan: Might be true12:56
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Sidewinder1Hi Win712:57
hidnorbert79: where to put "0" ?12:57
BluesKajhey folks12:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:57
callaghanhid, norbert79: the best solution I found is to rename /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober to /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober (so it appears before 10_linux). Then run "sudo update-grub". Afterwards, Windows should be at the top of the boot list...12:57
norbert79hid : ^^ I think ubottu's line might be helépful for you12:57
szalsgo11: in that case it'd most likely be the 270 (which is a bit buggy btw, but not w/ regard to setting resolution)..  you might try to 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' and reboot12:57
norbert79!grub2 | hid12:58
ubottuhid: please see above12:58
MyrttiLinus_Torvalds: pick a nickname and stick to it12:58
norbert79callaghan: I see, yet I think it's a bit of a dirty workaround...12:58
norbert79callaghan: there must be some more preferred way too12:58
callaghannorbert79: probably ;) I'd like to know the proper way too ^^12:58
norbert79callaghan: yet still, I might be behind since introduction of grub212:59
sgo11szal, it just uses the wrong resolution by default every time boot. let me try nvidia-xconfig, reboot. thanks. will be back soon.12:59
jamiewanLinus_Torvalds: basically you are using someone elses real name, and not just anyone name mind you12:59
TheMatrix30001trying to set proxy with gconftool-212:59
TheMatrix30001how do I set it to use a wpad file?13:00
norbert79callaghan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8788992&postcount=4 :) Might be also a solution, but maybe just doing the same trick13:00
str1ngscallaghan: you can add a default to custom.cfg13:00
callaghannorbert79: that looks nice, I also checked /etc/default/grub, in there is a default field13:01
sgo11szal, not reboot yet. I just run sudo nvidia-xconfig. It's creating xorg.conf file. why do I have to create xorg.conf file? I remember linux can set the X11 automatically without xorg.conf. I don't have it before. It was working fine before I use that projector. thanks.13:01
str1ngscallaghan: say ' set default "1" ' to /boot/grub/custom.cfg13:02
str1ngsthere is not default field in default/grub13:02
kanha_while running command sudo apt-get update am getting error msg as>>>abhishek@abhishek-VirtualBox:~$ sudo apt-get update E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/ abhishek@abhishek-VirtualBox:~$13:03
sgo11szal, btw, the driver version is
callaghanstr1ngs: fourth line of /etc/default/grub: GRUB_DEFAULT=0 Isn't that what I think it is?13:03
norbert79kanha_: Simple: you are using the database from another instance, like GUI based aptitude or other copy of apt-get running13:04
str1ngscallaghan: possibly, could be a ubuntu only thing?13:04
callaghanstr1ngs: I think so, because on my system (10.10) /boot/grub/custom.cfg does not exist...13:05
sgo11szal, anyway. let me reboot first. thanks. ttyl.13:05
str1ngscallaghan: it wont exist unless yo create it13:05
kanhawhat to do now13:05
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str1ngscallaghan: generally it will be sources after default.cfg13:05
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norbert79kanha: Check if another instance of any apt-get or aptitude running in background. :)13:06
callaghanstr1ngs: oh, ok. Thanks, good to know13:06
str1ngscallaghan: I should have checked default/grub first so many ubuntu specifics13:07
kanhai checked and killed all the process still its not working13:07
str1ngskanha: does /var/lib/apt/lists/lock exist?13:08
str1ngskanha: stat or ls /var/lib/apt/lists/lock if you are not sure.13:09
norbert79str1ngs: It exists for me too, yet it isn't locked in my case. File is just a 0 byte empty file13:09
BrixSatthe network-manager is saying that my wifi is disabled by a fisical switch, but it is a button not a switch :713:09
str1ngsnorbert79: empty is good13:09
norbert79str1ngs: Ah, ok, so different logic for this one then13:10
kanhayup it exits!13:10
TheMatrix30001does that look correct?13:10
norbert79kanha: is it empty?13:10
rcmaehl_mobileHow can I connect to a samba share that exists but doesn't seem to want to accept sessions13:10
norbert79rcmaehl_mobile: What about Firewall?13:10
kanhano its not..13:10
rcmaehl_mobileFirestarter is off13:10
CluelessPersonrcmaehl_mobile,   Sessions?  I use Samba for remote file system on the network13:10
norbert79rcmaehl_mobile: What about the hosting machine? :)13:11
mbeierlDumb question here.  I'm using natty with unity and somehow I managed to make Thunderbird get maximized in such a way that it has no title bar, nor can I grab it or move it.  restarting the app puts it back into the same mode, as does logging out/in, switching to metacity, etc.  I don't know how to get control of the window again.13:11
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rcmaehl_mobilenorbert79: IDK it's my school so probably13:11
rcmaehl_mobilebut I'm on their LAN13:11
callaghanmbeierl: hold down the alt key, you should be able to drag the window down13:11
str1ngskanha: cat /var/lib/apt/lists/lock13:12
str1ngskanha: what is the output?13:12
mbeierlcallaghan: nope.  tried that already.  that works for other windows, but somehow thunderbird is completely off the grid and won't respond to alt-grab13:12
nullwireI made the mistake of letting my [not so technical] friend use my computer. Now my icons are enormous, and I can't see most of them, and he says he didn't do it. I'm using ubuntu 10.0413:14
rcmaehl_mobileI get this from terminal using smbclient: http://pastebin.com/SbXUnbwj13:14
rcmaehl_mobilebut I can't connect using nautilus13:14
callaghanmbeierl: hm. that is unusual. I am not sure if executing "unity --reset" might help or if it is a compiz-related problem13:14
str1ngskanha: thats the output?13:15
mbeierlcallaghan: nope - i did try that.  They don't help either.  It's like it's a thunderbird problem, not unity as I did switch to regular metacity (no effect) and it behaves the same there13:15
nullwireAnyone have any idea how to make enormous desktop icons small again?13:16
edbiannullwire: right click them and choose resize13:16
toekhola, im installing ubuntu 10.04 server on vmware esxi 4.1, the network is going up and down on the ubuntuinstall... ping for about 30 sec then 30 sec down then 30 more sec etc... any clues?13:16
callaghanmbeierl: does the thunderbird safe mode work?13:16
nullwireedbian, not an option13:16
mbeierlcallaghan: how do I start tb in safe mode?13:17
nullwireI do have "restore its original size" however it is grayed out13:17
callaghanmbeierl: thunderbird -safe-mode13:17
nullwireSomething my friend did inadvertently caused all of my icons to become about 30% of my screen size.13:17
mbeierlcallaghan: YES!  Thank-you.  know to figure it out what's causing it13:17
BrixSatYounder:  i got wifi working :) so the card works :D13:17
nullwireOr not so large actually, but enormous nonetheless.13:18
YounderBrixSat, good for you13:18
callaghanmbeierl: glad that worked. I hope you can find the setting that causes this strange thing... :)13:19
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mbeierlcallaghan: starting without safe mode puts it back into fullscreen again.  annoying13:19
nullwireCertainly someone in ubuntu chat can tell me how to fix enormous icons13:19
sgo11szal, hi, just reboot. and tried many ways. still no luck. it always uses 1024x768 as default resolution. i have to setup 1280x800 manually with nvidia-settings13:20
callaghanmbeierl: maybe this helps: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Standard_diagnostic_-_Thunderbird13:20
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mbeierlcallaghan: ah - found a bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/196058  - Enabling Extra WM Actions - Toggle Fullscreen allowed me to get TB out of that mode.13:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 196058 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Thunderbird starts in a full-screen mode and cannot be restored" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:21
mbeierlcallaghan: thanks for your help!13:21
callaghanmbeierl: np ;)13:21
=== Narayan_Murthy is now known as Anna
=== Anna is now known as Guest98929
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_dave_h_dhi all, we messed up our graphics card in ubuntu, how can we boot into comman dline13:22
nullwireDo I have nautalus by default in ubuntu 10.04?13:23
nullwireIf so how do I access it13:23
nullwireIf not how do I zoom out on retardedly large icons13:23
mbeierl_dave_h_d: hold down the shift key when starting the computer (boot time).  This should display the Grub boot menu.  Choose recovery mode13:23
jribnullwire: nautilus is the default file browser13:24
_dave_h_dmbeierl: we are doing it in recovery mode, all we see is black screen13:24
edbiannullwire: nautilus is installed by default.  To use it open any folder or run nautilus in a terminal13:24
afeijohi guys13:24
nullwirejrib, thank you13:24
mbeierl_dave_h_d: the recovery mode does not display text at all when booting?13:24
_dave_h_dstarts off with some text and then goes to black screen13:25
afeijoI created one account with adduser, but all emails sent to this acct are going to my acct inbox??13:25
_dave_h_dmbeierl: there must be a shortcut to switch to command line from windows login?13:25
mbeierl_dave_h_d: it should not even attempt a graphical interface from recovery.  it should display text asking you what recovery mode (command line, command line with networking, attempt to fix X server, etc) you want to enter13:26
mbeierl_dave_h_d: so the fact that it goes black means something else must be wrong too13:27
callaghan_dave_h_d: have you tried booting normal, and when it gets messed up, press ctrl+alt+f1 to get to a terminal (press ctrl+alt+f7 to get back)?13:28
callaghan_dave_h_d: but like mbeierl said, recovery mode would be the better way to go13:28
tetsuo--Hello, how do i gain root permission to backup my home folder to an external drive? the ubuntu wont boot anymore and i want to format the disk13:30
tetsuo--im in the livecd now13:30
tetsuo--i have the password for the original disk if i can somehow switch to that user i think that should solve it13:30
mbeierl_dave_h_d: sorry - let me clarify.  You are choosing the "Ubuntu, <version> (recovery mode)" from the very first boot menu when the computer is started, correct?13:30
callaghantetsuo--: is this home folder you want to backup encrypted?13:31
tetsuo--it is not, i disabled that option for situations like these13:32
tetsuo--although i might reconsider now that ubuntu one is free for basic use13:32
callaghantetsuo--: then you should see your hard drive in nautilus, from there navigate to /home/yourusername, copy everything there, plug in an external drive, paste it there and you should be good to go :)13:33
_dave_h_dmbeierl: yes13:35
mbeierl_dave_h_d: ?  undecided?13:36
_dave_h_dmbeierl: i am first choosing ubuntu rather than windows13:36
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_dave_h_dthen second menu13:37
_dave_h_dubuntu (recovery mode)13:37
_dave_h_dis this what we are supposed to do?13:37
mbeierl_dave_h_d: yes, correct.  That is the one I was referring to.  It should not attempt to start a graphical login at all, so if the screen goes blank from there, it is not just graphics that are wrong, perhaps13:38
afeijo_damn, I recreated the account, and still it does not get the emails... wth13:38
tetsuo--\callaghan  when i do that it says it cannot copy them beause i dont have the required rights13:38
Thelmaria!quietirssi | Thelmaria13:38
ubottuThelmaria, please see my private message13:38
_dave_h_dmbeierl: well that is what is hapenning13:38
lukushi - what's the difference between cd / and cd //13:38
afeijo_what am I doing wrong!13:39
mbeierl_dave_h_d: yes.  I just wanted to confirm that as I have not seen that level of boot failure in a while.  Your Windows partition is still good, correct?13:39
[DeVil-BoY]greetins everyone13:39
_dave_h_dmbeierl: yes13:39
Picilukus: Just like you asked before, it depends on the context.13:39
_dave_h_dmbeierl: is there a shortcut to attempt?13:39
[DeVil-BoY]looking for some advice on my 915GM intel graphics13:39
norbert79!just-ask | [DeVil-BoY]13:40
* [DeVil-BoY] is away, auto-away after 20 minutes (4h 21m 41s ago)13:40
norbert79oops :) Anywa, just do so13:40
[DeVil-BoY]i have installed a linux os and the video playback does not work13:40
mbeierl_dave_h_d: i'm going to do a quick bit of reading and let you know if there's anything further I can recommend...13:40
lukusPici, in the context of changing directory13:40
neoZ7I try to add Trac Bazaar Plugin to my Bazaar Explorer (win32), downloaded an .egg file and can't find a tutorial what to do with it. Could someone please point me to a place to read up on it? Thank you.13:40
coz_[DeVil-BoY], which linux OS?13:40
Picilukus: // doesn't mean anything13:40
lukusPici, could you offer any other clues?13:40
[DeVil-BoY]it's linuxmce13:40
norbert79[DeVil-BoY]: Bit more specification would be nice. Which distribution, which Video Player?13:40
lukusPici, then why can I cd // ?13:41
BluesKajafeijo_, you didn't happen to subscribe to Opendns lately, by any chance?13:41
Picilukus: you can cd ///////////////13:41
[DeVil-BoY]the player is xwine13:41
lukusno you can't13:41
Picilukus: it doesn't do anything.13:41
afeijo_BluesKaj, no, it is an internal server, for local emails13:41
[DeVil-BoY]at first boot the video playsback13:41
coz_[DeVil-BoY], you need to go to #linuxmce channel13:41
[DeVil-BoY]then it goes dark13:41
lukuscd // brings me to //13:41
BluesKajafeijo_, ok13:41
lukuscd ///////////////// brings me to /13:41
_dave_h_dmbeierl: thanks!13:41
callaghantetsuo--: ok, try opening a terminal and enter "sudo nautilus" there, a new nautilus with super user rights should launch13:41
[DeVil-BoY]i'm there13:41
[DeVil-BoY]but no joy13:41
[DeVil-BoY]i think it might be a driver issue13:42
norbert79[DeVil-BoY]: I think using a more recent distribution might solve the trick. 8.10 is rather very old, and not supported anymore13:42
coz_[DeVil-BoY],  ah ok  ,, sometimes you have to hang out in a channel and wait ,,,then ask the question again13:42
Gentoo64lukus, its exactly the same as root13:42
Sidewinder1callaghan, I believe it's "gksude nautilus".13:42
tetsuo--callaghan: that works. thanks!13:42
coz_gksudo nautilus13:42
Sidewinder1gksudo, even.13:42
tetsuo--the sudo seems to work13:43
callaghanSidewinder1: does it make a difference other than the password window popping up?13:43
_dave_h_dmbeierl: i can also tell you that my friend installed it using something like wubi13:43
callaghanSidewinder1: since tetsuo-- is on a live cd, there isn't even a password set, so nothing to enter ;)13:43
coz_callaghan,   yes it can,,, gksudo is better ,, there is a possibility that permissions can be messed up with just sudo nautilus13:43
tetsuo--ok and its actually copying now13:43
mbeierl_dave_h_d: oh, I've never done wubi install.  Does that actually replace the MS Windows bootloader with Grub?13:44
Sidewinder1callaghan, GUI programs should always use gksudo...13:44
callaghancoz_: oh I didn't know that! thanks13:44
tetsuo--will the backup haver any rights issues when i finish formatting?13:44
coz_callaghan,  no problem13:44
lukusI've found the answer13:45
Sidewinder1callaghan, Have a look at this: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo13:45
kasi_how can I install a version of RubyGems > 1.8 on natty?13:45
lukus/ is possible due to a $PS1 bug13:45
lukusrather // is possible due to a $PS1 bug13:45
Gentoo64lukus, its not a bug afaik its just something thats probably just "there"13:46
Gentoo64prob some old thing13:46
lukuswell, glitch13:46
lukusI was curious about whether it was different .. and it was impossible to google13:46
coz_kasi_,  not sure let me check13:46
SpiderFredhow to put reverse ssh tunnel into background? when i do ssh -R port:localhost:22 username@server & I cant connect there13:46
Gentoo64lukus, its not different in any way. just use / and forget about it13:47
callaghanSidewinder1: that is indeed interesting, thanks13:47
coz_kasi_,   are you sure it is 1.8?13:47
momoleehey there can anyone help me with how I could crack my wireless network(for educational purposes)13:47
Gentoo64momolee, what s it a neighbours wifi?13:48
callaghantetsuo--: you can always change the owner of the copied files back to your user with the command "sudo chown -R yourusername /path/to/the/files"13:48
xuanbing why can not I type in Chinese in the Ubuntu system?13:48
luiteyou can try to crack kernel.org for educational purposes ;)13:48
jnsl_When i type: "service mysql status" i get: "mysql start/running" but when i do "ps -ef | grep mysql" i get: "jn        6568  2070  0 13:47 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql" ....dose this mean mysql is running or not ?13:48
coz_kasi_,   go here   http://rubygems.org/pages/download  click the targz  download,,,13:49
dnivrajnsl_: I think it is running :). that's what service mysql status say doesn't it?13:49
Sidewinder1callaghan, My pleasure. :-)13:49
toekhola, im installing ubuntu 10.04 server on vmware esxi 4.1, the network is going up and down on the ubuntuinstall... ping for about 30 sec then 30 sec down then 30 more sec etc... any clues?13:49
=== afeijo_ is now known as afeijo
coz_kasi_,   extract the package... open terminal ,, cd to that extracted package.. type   rub setup.rb13:49
afeijook, simpler question: how to make an linux acct get emails?13:49
GunArmi usually use Nvidia cards to be safe on ubuntu.  but im thinking about building a home theater PC with an onboard intel graphics chip, does ubuntu get proprietary drivers for intel like it does for nvidia?13:49
coz_kasi_,  sorry ,,,that's    ruby  setup.rb13:49
jnsl_dnivra aye =) ok... but when i just type "mysql" or try to login to mysql, i get this error: "ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"13:49
luiteGunArm: intel drivers are open source13:50
[DeVil-BoY]intel drivers13:50
[DeVil-BoY]i need some of those13:50
mbeierl_dave_h_d: dumb question - is this a laptop?13:50
[DeVil-BoY]dunno which ones to install13:50
GunArmluite, do they work? for all the modern gpu offloading and stuff?13:50
SpiderFredplease how to put reverse ssh tunnel into background? when i do ssh -R port:localhost:22 username@server & I cant connect there from server13:50
luiteGunArm: (doesn't mean that they always work flawlessly though)13:50
dnivrajnsl_: try mysql -u <user> -p13:50
ThelmariaSpiderFred: try -f13:51
[DeVil-BoY]can anyone care to explain how to install this driver13:51
[DeVil-BoY]Intel 2011Q3 graphics package13:51
jnsl_when i do mysql -u root -p i get the same error :S13:51
jnsl_could it be related to my firewall ?13:51
jnsl_the error comes after i change bind-address to my servers ip in my.cnf13:51
dnivrajnsl_: eh? I get a prompt for password. that's really baffling :). dunno. probably someone else can help out in thir regard.13:52
zhenbeijuhelp  how can i get source from this page http://code.google.com/p/phonevisions/source/checkout13:52
jnsl_i get prompt as well, and then the error afterwards13:52
Thelmariajnsl_: You're possibly trying to connect on, not <ip address> ? not sure though.13:52
SpiderFredThelmaria: that doesnt work either13:52
luiteGunArm: hmm, don't know exactly. there are different gpu's though. some intel stuff has an integrated gma500 thing, that uses the psb driver (used in a few netbooks)13:52
jnsl_I replaced with my servers ip in my.cnf13:52
dnivrajnsl_: weird question but do you have mysql-server installed?13:53
luiteGunArm: the usual on-chipset (gma3000 etc) driver is probably the best supported one, the sandy bridge on-die gpu is newer13:53
jnsl_but how do i check ?13:53
jnsl_just in case13:53
dnivrajs_: alright. just making sure cos I don't :).13:53
dnivraoops sorry js_. I mean jnsl_ ^^13:54
dnivrajnsl_: try the command "dpkg -s mysql-server"13:54
luiteGunArm: but I have to admit that I don't know much more, I built a htpc a few years ago (xbmc) and had an intel, but swapped the motherboard to get a nvidia gpu (on-board) for the better drivers13:54
jnsl_yeah its installed alright13:54
dnivrajnsl_: ah okay. just clarifying that :).13:55
[DeVil-BoY]which one should i download to install?13:55
glebaronjnsl_, ps -ef | grep mysqld13:55
mbeierl_dave_h_d: is there a "toggle between external monitor and lcd panel" button?  Could you try that, or maybe plug in an external monitor?13:55
=== safejav_ is now known as safejav
GunArmluite, i see, i was trying to build this for my dad since it has a lot of goodies onboard, but I wanted to check to be safe http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2011/03/revisiting-the-home-theater-pc.html13:55
GunArmits a modernish hardware htpc13:56
jnsl_That returns: jn        6611  2070  0 13:55 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysqld  ...But "service mysql status" gives: "mysql start/running"13:56
glebaronjnsl_, it's not running.13:56
jnsl_the first indicates that its not running and the last that it is right13:56
luiteGunArm: ah looks cute. I had a lot of problems with nvidia as well to be honest, especially audio output over hdmi has been problematic, would only work with very specific driver versions, and then there were still audio channels swapped13:57
ThelmariaSpiderFred: What are you trying to do exactly?13:57
glebaronjnsl_, service mysql status should also give you a pid.13:57
ThelmariaSpiderFred: -f -N will work.13:57
jnsl_service mysql status mysql start/post-start, process 6721post-start process 672213:58
jnsl_ok now i get this: service mysql restart13:58
jnsl_restart: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.64" (uid=1001 pid=6813 comm="restart) interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Restart" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init"))13:58
FloodBot1jnsl_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:58
ThelmariaSpiderFred: You want to put a reverse tunnel so you can get from A->B, yes? So, on B, you do: ssh -R <port>:localhost:22 user@A -f -N13:58
GunArmluite, yeah i think alot of people have the audio over hdmi problem.  i like the low power and the portable case on this14:00
jnsl_ok as root: "service mysql restart" gives: "mysql start/running"14:00
callaghanjnsl_: just to make sure: does "sudo mysql -u username -p" work?14:01
jnsl_ps -ef | grep mysqld returns the same14:01
jnsl_same socket error :/14:01
jnsl_I can get it to work if i change back bind-address14:01
jnsl_but i need to be able to access the databases from my laptop14:02
BluesKajGunArm, sometimes pulseaudio options, usually the pavucontrol needs to be configured for hdmi , if hdmi is even recognized by pulseaudio14:03
callaghanjnsl_: http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?11,9689,71099#msg-71099 a solution to the error message was posted14:03
glebaronjnsl_, forgive my ignorance, but in what file do you set the bind-address?14:03
callaghanjnsl_: maybe you have the same permission issue...14:03
jnsl_I edited the vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf14:04
jnsl_callaghan hmm but i cant even log in as root =(14:05
glebaronjnsl_, it should be set to
jnsl_I think you are right, strange though multiple guides have told me i need to bind the address to my server ip if i want to access mysql remote14:06
JanusmanHelp! I want to temporarily disable Nvidia proprietary driver and use integrated Intel gfx. I disabled nVidia in BIOS (this is a thinkpad w520) and I get a GUI but no compositing.14:06
jnsl_it works when i change it back to
rafaelsoaresbris it possible to mount ext4 filesystem as ext2?14:07
zhenbeijuno one here?14:08
anaithnidI am looking for help with audio output problems with jack on a 2010 iMac14:08
Stanley00rafaelsoaresbr: what is that for?14:08
Myrttizhenbeiju: install mercurial, enter that code into your terminal, rock and roll14:08
Stanley00rafaelsoaresbr: anyway, I don't think it is possible14:09
rafaelsoaresbrStanley00: okay, thanks14:09
bullgard6What is the name of the command-line command that performs the inverse operation of 'readlink'?14:10
Featurefreaki'm having trouble with the network indicator, the menu specifically, when i click on a wireless network, or click on Connect to Hidden network cause my wifi just hasn't seen the network yet, nothing happens14:10
=== twocarlo_ is now known as twocarlo
Featurefreakclicking anything on that menu doesn't seem to be having any effect anymore.14:10
jribbullgard6: probably find ;)14:10
Featurefreakthe only way i just got on wifi now, was hitting super key, searching for network connections, editing the wifi connection for my home wifi, just changed to or from available for all users, and save, then it picks up the netwoork itself and connects14:11
FeaturefreakDoes anyone know why this would be happening?14:11
zhenbeijuMyrtti,  i do it14:11
wadI'd like to edit the command that runs firefox from the launcher, to add a "-p default" to it. Where can I do this?14:12
wadright-clicking on the launcher icon doesn't bring up any sort of properties dialog...14:12
zhenbeijuMyrtti,  but reture   abort: error: Connection reset by peer14:13
bullgard6jrib: In this generality your answer is wrong. As 'man find'explains, find - search for files in a directory hierarchy."14:13
robin0800wad, try usr/share/applications14:13
jribbullgard6: yes, find with some options14:13
Myrttizhenbeiju: then there's a problem with your network connection.14:13
Featurefreakhmm, llost irssi for a sec14:14
wadrobin0800, thanks!14:17
Gredeuis btrfs the fastest file system for a SSD drive for operating system / mount point only ?14:19
mASOUD_42i have 4gb ram and 2gb swap partition, what happens if i hibernate?14:19
Gredeudepends what you have in memory it all goes to hard drive space14:19
mASOUD_42gredeu , what if i have all 4gb ram full?14:20
Gredeuyou wont have enough swap14:20
Gredeugparted to resize it may take a long time14:20
mASOUD_42i mean will it hibernate?14:21
Gredeudepends what you have loaded14:21
Gredeuyou have 2GB of space to swap14:21
wadrobin0800, hmm, that didn't do the trick. I edited the file, but clicking the firefox icon in the launcher still does the wrong thing.14:21
wadIt isn't cached somewhere, is it?14:21
Gredeuover 2GB you need larger swap14:21
mASOUD_42you mean it wont hibernate?14:22
Sidewinder1mASOUD_42, I believe the rule of thumb is 1.5 times RAM for swap.14:22
Myrtti!pm > zhenbeiju14:22
ubottuzhenbeiju, please see my private message14:22
zoufengHi,Are you using ElementOS?  Because I am using VMware to try ElementOS,but  it must use password and user  while i cannt find .14:23
zhenbeijuMyrtti,  network connection look ok, i talk with you now14:23
zhenbeijuubottu,   i see it, sorry,14:24
ubottuzhenbeiju: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:24
robin0800wad, remove icon from launcher launch from  usr/share/applications and tell icon to stay in launcher14:24
robin0800wad, you also need to be administrator to edit icon info so gksudo nautilus might be your friend14:26
tsunamiehi there. Does anyone know why when I add the following to the /etc/sudoers file the user test can still use commands other than the one I stated? test    ALL=/usr/bin/mysql14:28
tsunamiedo I need a restart for the changes to take effect or something?14:28
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delacany way to grab screenshot of window that spans over multiple desktops?14:29
zhenbeijuwho can help me download source from this page  http://code.google.com/p/phonevisions/source/checkout14:29
ovovhello everybody14:30
=== himcesjf1 is now known as himcesjf
BarkingFishdelac - the only way would be to take a screenshot of each desktop in turn and put them together in something like gimp.14:30
BarkingFishI'm not aware of a screencapture facility which can cross desktops to get a multi screen window14:31
tnbbootI get CD-ROM is NOT in ISO 9660 format when I tryand open a .iso file. And when I mount it, there is nothing on it.14:31
delacBarkingFish: I was trying to avoid the stiching by taking one big screenshot in the first place...14:31
tnbbootIt's a 7gb file14:31
BarkingFishthat's the problem, delac - I'm not sure you can.14:31
compdoctnbboot, sounds like a bad d/l14:32
compdocwhere did you get it?14:32
tnbbootIt works for loads of people14:32
compdocI was going to try to d/l it myself, but I dont think I will if its a crack14:33
tnbbootI don't know why it doesn't work14:33
tnbbootcompdoc: I think it may work on Windows14:34
Abbas-everything works onm windows14:35
Abbas-get the iso, install daemon tools lite (old non blaoted) vefsion14:35
Abbas-mount iso, install game, copy crack.14:35
juggernautsI am trying to boot from gparted through pd...i m using unetbootin software..whn i boot from pd it dosent show any screen and just hangs.. why??14:36
tsunamiehi there. Does anyone know why when I add the following to the /etc/sudoers file the user test can still use commands other than the one I stated? test ALL=/usr/bin/mysql14:37
matlockubuntu sees my android phone as a digital audio player, how do i change this14:37
BarkingFishmatlock, most cellphones have a choice of how to identify when connected via usb.  Have you checked your phone to see if you can change it?14:38
matlockmost cellphones don't14:38
matlocks/cellphones/android phones/14:38
bill_toulasmost cellphones do14:38
BarkingFishmine for example will connect via usb as a webcam, a media player or a portable HDD14:38
hplpbmatlock: most android phones I've used do14:39
matlockthe problem lies with ubuntu14:39
hplpbusually it'll pop up when you plug in your phone and ask if you want to charge only, disk drive, etc14:39
matlockok now you're making sense14:39
matlockcause those are the only two options android phones offer14:40
matlockactually it's one option14:40
matlockenable disk usage14:40
matlockor not14:40
hplpbI plug mine in, choose disk drive, it sees it as a usb drive14:40
BarkingFishthat was what I was getting at14:40
briank__anyone know how of any repositories out there that have bind9 9.8? looked through oneiric, and it still only has 9.7.314:40
matlockthen tell me why ubuntu sees mine as an mp3 player (since now)14:40
jnsl_why is it bad to open port 3306 (:14:40
matlocklast time i connected it, it worked fine.14:40
hplpbwhen you click enable disk usage it does?14:40
jnsl_i want too!14:40
DJonesmatlock: It depends which version of android software, mine gives about 1/2 dozen different options, which version of android does your phone have14:41
matlockthis time i connected it it says 'these files are on a digital audio player'14:41
sgo11After I use a project and use nvidia-settings to configure twinview and 1024x768. my laptop boots to 1024x768 from that point on. I have to manually use nvidia-settings to change it after reboot. how to fix this problem? I tried (1) rm xorg.conf. (2) rm ~/nvidia-settings-rc (3) sudo nvidia-xconfig . no luck.14:41
matlockDJones, just stop, it's not my phone14:41
matlockit's ubuntu14:41
BarkingFishjnsl_, it's not bad to open 3306 if you're using mysql, since mysql uses 3306 for connections14:41
BarkingFishotherwise, don't open it.14:41
matlockso. how can i make ubuntu NOT see my phone as a digital audio device14:42
matlockconsidering it just started with this bS14:42
jnsl_Its so i can connect to remote databases... but everywhere on the net people say its not so brilliant14:42
jnsl_and its not even recommended with restricted ips14:43
drullani have a problem with the security ring and svn server validation ....14:43
BarkingFishbasically mysql uses it for incoming server connections, jnsl_ - leaving any port open when you're not using it is obviously not good.14:43
drullansurely is not easy to repair this but...14:43
matlockyou guys are useless14:44
hplpband that's now you don't get helped :)14:44
drullanwhen i make a checkout the keyring remember the keys BUT it nos interprete that on terminal...14:44
BarkingFishhplpb, some people like nothing more than to bitch, simple as that :P14:44
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hplpbBarkingFish: exactly.. and I bet he changed something in his phone that's causing it.. the phone is telling ubuntu that it is a digital audio player14:45
drullanand it ask me 2 keys, 1 username and a key.... every time, everi check out commit etc14:45
drullanhow i can repair it?14:46
BarkingFishMine asks when I plug in via usb what I want it to be - although it's not an android phone, I know the option exists on a lot of the modern phones - even my old Nokia E71 has it.14:46
sgo11anyone have any ideas about my problem? ...14:47
shep_Anyone have issues with corrupt files on installation CD's?  I cannot seem to get an iso to work to install Ubuntu14:47
hplpbBarkingFish: Yeah, it will unless you choose the wrong option and check not to ask anymore which is probably what he did, or changed usb settings14:47
jnsl_<BarkingFish> do you know how i open 3306 with apparmor ?14:48
sgo11shep_, you can try a usb drive for installation.14:48
ovov3306 ?14:49
BarkingFishjnsl_, sorry, I don't.  I only have default ports open on here, and I've never tried to open others.14:49
shep_thanks, have you heard of others having issues with iso's installing?14:49
ovovyou need stronger passwd14:49
sgo11shep_, not really with ubuntu. I had this issue with opensuse iso.14:49
Sidewinder1shep_, Did you md5sum the ISO before burning?14:50
sgo11I assume everyone should check md5sum first. :)14:50
shep_I have had it with CentOS 6 and Ubuntu 10.04 /11  the only OS that I can get working it seems is CentOS 5.414:51
ovov- - i use ubuntu server 10.1014:51
shep_I did not md5sum14:51
iuytfrwhat this command does ?14:51
Sidewinder1sgo11, But you know what happens when one assumes. :-)14:51
iuytfrip -a14:51
Sidewinder1!md5sum | shep_14:52
sgo11shep_, CD drive is not useful in these days anyway. you can use usb disk for installation. if you don't check md5sum, you should check it now. :)14:52
ubottushep_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:52
juggernautsI am trying to boot from gparted through pd...i m using unetbootin software..whn i boot from pd it dosent show any screen and just hangs.. why??14:52
sgo11Sidewinder1, ^_^14:52
Onepamopaanyone knows how to allow port 443 to be "bound" by process, started from user with limited privileges (and without sudo) ?14:52
case_9829hi scooby14:52
bytetrialhi, hows it going14:52
Sidewinder1!hashes | shep_14:53
ubottushep_: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.14:53
mykaanyone here willing/able to help me with an installation mystery?14:53
BarkingFishiuytfr, from what I can see of man ip, -a is not an option14:53
Onepamopaanyone knows how to allow port 443 to be "bound" by process, started from user with limited privileges (and without sudo) ?14:54
Sidewinder1!ask > myka14:54
ubottumyka, please see my private message14:54
Onepamopaas far as I know ports bellow 1000 are root only14:54
Onepamopabut I need 443 to be usable by normal user14:54
CluelessPersonhey guys14:54
CluelessPersonOnepamopa, can't.14:54
Onepamopathat's not good14:54
Onepamopano config anywhere ?14:55
CluelessPersonHey guys, what's the best linux email server?14:55
CluelessPersonOnepamopa,  it requires root.14:55
iuytfrperfect BarkingFish14:55
iuytfrnetstat is for what purpose ?14:55
fr0stedhi can someone help please, ubuntu keep taking me to a black login screen, and wont boot up normal14:55
kionWhy when I start my ubuntu Box it only asks for my password, but my moms, asks for the password and then the keyring passwod as well?14:55
CluelessPersonOnepamopa,  only root can use ports below 100014:55
CluelessPersonkion,   The key ring password is very different14:55
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
OnepamopaCluelessPerson good, I have root but I've made a non-root user with no sudo privileges14:56
Onepamopaand I want it to be able to use port 44314:56
Onepamopathere's no way to do it ?!14:56
mykai have a pc that is running Qimo 1, built on xubuntu 8. I want to upgrade to Qimo 2. When I put the installation disc in the installation stalls and the capslock and scroll lock lights start flashing. I tried just installing Ubuntu 10.04, and the same thing happened. What's going on and how can I fix it?14:56
CluelessPersonkion,  The password is the password to the user long, the keyring password is basically a password for access to ALL other saved passwords14:56
kionCluelessPerson, yes but why my box never asks for the keyring password and another also asks for that keyring one?14:57
CluelessPersonI dunno14:58
glebaronCluelessPerson, the best linux email server is zimbra, which uses postfix on the bottom. IMHO.14:59
ZequezHello, the Ubuntu Oneiric beta 1 links are all 404 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview14:59
OnepamopaCluelessPerson blah, on freebsd you can adjust those prots via simple sysctl change14:59
Onepamopawhy cant @ ubuntu ?14:59
=== henry- is now known as Henryboo
PiciZequez: Its not yet released. Feel free to await the release in #ubuntu+115:00
Sidewinder1!oneiric > Zequez15:00
ubottuZequez, please see my private message15:00
Sidewinder1Oops, too slow. :-)15:00
ZequezPici: Thanks, I will ^^15:00
coronaIs it normal to have a firefox related zombie process on ubuntu 11.04 when firefox is running? Like this:  [firefox-bin] <defunct>15:02
danutzgoogle earth doesn`t work on ubuntu?15:02
glebarondanutz, it works on my ubuntu.15:03
coz_it should15:03
danutzwell I have 11.04 and it doesn`t15:03
danutzit`s a bug it says15:03
BarkingFishdanutz, I have 11.04 and the build for ubuntu works here.15:04
mykaasking again: I am trying to upgrade to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS from Qimo1/Xubuntu8. The installation stalls after about a minute with the caps lock and scroll lock lights flashing on the keyboard. What does this mean and how do I fix it so I can complete the installation?15:05
fr0stedhi can someone help please, ubuntu keep taking me to a black login screen, and wont boot up normal15:06
chrisgucan you get a shell using ALT+F1 or ALT+F2?15:06
Sidewinder1myka, I think that it's a "kernel panic". :-(15:07
mykasidewinder1, what does that mean -- it sounds bad.15:07
Sidewinder1myka, It ain't good.15:07
chrisgudid the machine just to an update?15:07
chrisgumight be a problem with your X config15:08
Sidewinder1!who | chrisgu15:08
ubottuchrisgu: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:08
_cbJust upgraded to 11.04 and now looking at installing several programs via sudo-apt get instead of typing them 1 by one in the terminal window is it possible to run a batch? Any links that would show me how?15:08
nnulluse spaces ?15:08
Sidewinder1_cb, Have you tried Synaptic Package Mgr.?15:09
mykasidewinder1, is there a way to overcome the kernel panic, or am I just stuck.15:09
glebaron_cb, sudo apt-get install program1 program2 program3 program415:09
_cbSidewinder1 that is one option but if I could just have a text file that is read by the terminal it would be so much faster15:09
chrisgumyka, are you able to login ? if so you may just have a problem with your X config15:10
DaZ_cb: apt-get something `cat file|xargs`15:10
Sidewinder1myka, I was lucky to identify your problem; beyond that, fixing that particular problem is beyond my expertice, sorry. :-(15:10
glebaroncb, if you have a file you can sudo apt-get install < filename15:10
iuytfrHow to view print jobs in progress?15:10
mykasidewinder1, swell.15:10
mykasidewinder1, thanks for the lead... back to research how to fix it.15:11
Sidewinder1myka, Please just persevere; someone else will "chime-in" eventually and help you solve your problem.15:12
_cbHow would I run the following install with one command?15:13
_cbsudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak sudo apt-get install vlc15:13
Pici_cb: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak vlc15:13
Pici_cb: or replace ; with &&15:14
_cbWow that is so cool. Can I put it in one file ie /install.txt and then have the terminal execute /install.txt?15:16
BarkingFishguys, what is our implementation of opengl?  I have a feeling that danutz' installation of Google earth isn't working because he's missing OpenGL15:16
BarkingFishthe error is Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"15:17
iuytfrhello there15:17
iuytfrHow to view print jobs in progress?15:17
BarkingFishI'm sure that needs an opengl installation15:17
glebaron_cb, yes, but you have to make the file executable before you do it.15:18
Dr_Willisscripting fundamentals. :)15:18
iuytfrHow to view print jobs in progress?15:19
Dr_Willisiuytfr:  lpq command is one way.. old skool way.15:19
brahmanaHi all15:20
brahmana`pmap -x <pid>` doesn't print RSS. It only prints VMSize15:20
glebaroniuytfr, lpstat -l15:20
brahmanaIs that known bug?15:20
* Dr_Willis said lpq, try it and see.. try lpstat.. never used that one.. :)15:20
_cbglebaron is it as simply as using chmod to make the text file an executable?15:20
brahmanaThis is 10.04.1 (LTS) btw15:20
glebaron_cb, yes. something like chmod 755 filename15:21
brahmanaI saw a bug report of the opposite nature (i.e. resident set size being printed but not VM size)... but I have the version in which that bug is fixed15:21
Stanley00glebaron: I think chmod +x is a better choice ^^15:21
brahmanaSo any known reports of pmap not being able to resident size?15:21
iuytfrHow to view the NFS mounts mounted and shared on the network?15:22
danutzI have 2 graphic interfaces..how do I change between them?15:22
_cbGreat!! thanks a lot. Eye opener for me15:22
bravo_OK, I installed proprietary nVidia in 10.04 lucid by doing the System -> hardware drivers install (GUI), now my ubuntu does not show any video when I boot. PLEASE, how do i rollback to nevau drivers???15:23
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bravo_can anoyone help me to roll back my nvidia driver to the standard ubuntu video drivers, i cant access my system because I have no video15:26
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Dr_Willisbravo_:  boot to text mode perhaps15:27
glebaronStanley00, why?15:28
bravo_how do i do that dr_willis15:28
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode15:28
bravo_hold down shift, edit grub entry manually then boot?15:28
bravo_thx, gonna try now15:28
Stanley00glebaron: it's just do what we want, make executable, and no more :D15:28
bravo_do i edit one of the menuentrys and add !text or what?15:29
luckybunnyhi folks... does anyone know if there's a channel for wine on freenode?15:32
Piciluckybunny: #winehq15:32
Benkinoobyi use ubuntu 10.04 and it randomy freezes. i got the feeling that it got to do with firefox but can not verify that. what happens is that my whole system freezes after firefox is under heavy load. right now, after the freeze (and a hard reboot) i notice an other strange behaviour: my xchat window is on top of my midori (i use midori for now because i am mad at firefox) window and at 2% cup load. alt tabbing to midori makes my system to go a15:32
Benkinoobyt 100% cpu load and the part of the midori window, that was hidden by xchat stays gray for about 5 seconds15:32
Benkinoobycan some1 help me to investigate the cause for that odd behaviour, pleasE15:33
BarkingFishright guys, I gotta go for a bit, if someone could help danutz when he comes back, he just needs to switch video modes I think, I'd appreciate it - I got half of his google earth problem fixed, he just needs to know how to switch video from processor to his dedicated video card.15:33
BarkingFishSee you guys later :)15:33
Sidewinder1Benkinooby, I would first back-up my bookmarks; then completely remove FF, then reinstall FF. But that's just me. :D15:34
mtrd`Benkinooby, same issue with flash for my part..15:35
BenkinoobySidewinder1, i was recommended to that last time i came here with the same/similar problem... it helped for a while15:35
MisterKpakcan i talk?15:35
Dr_WillisMisterKpak:  you can type... :)15:35
mtrd`Benkinooby, so i would buy Adobe and make it opensource...15:35
Benkinoobymtrd`, it alos happens when not using flash15:35
bravo_how do I edit grub entry to do text only boot?15:36
Dr_Willishit e - at the grub menu i belive. think it says it at the bottom of th emenu...15:36
Dr_Willisreplace 'quiet splash' with 'text'  and boot the entry15:37
Benkinoobymy cpu is at 50°C15:37
bravo_thanks dr willis15:38
CombatjuanHello.  I have a lucid box.  I'd like to update alternatives so that crontab -e uses actual vim instead of vim.sucky or vim.really_sucky.  I tried just changing the /usr/bin/editor symlink but that didn't do it.15:38
Dr_Willisactual vim?  never notced there being a vim.sucky..15:38
Dr_Willistheres the tiny vim, but installing the full vim replaces it.15:39
jribCombatjuan: install actual vim, you will have alternative automatically...15:39
CombatjuanDr_Willis: I think they are vim.basic and vim.tiny.  I'm not sure which is tinier.  But neither support all the commands I want.15:39
Dr_WillisCombatjuan:  the answer is to install the vim full package then15:39
* Sidewinder1 Looks for vim.really_sucky.15:39
Combatjuanjrib, Dr_Willis: Real vim is installed, it is not a choice when I do "update-alternative --config editor"15:40
jribCombatjuan: you want to update the vim alternative15:40
qmrWhy is empathy the default IM client?15:41
viking88why not15:41
Combatjuanjrib: Sorry, I don't know how to do that.  It doesn't seem to be "update-alternative --config vim"15:41
jribCombatjuan: it is15:41
jpdsCombatjuan: I get vim.nox listed under editor.15:41
Combatjuanjrib: I mistyped it.  Now I get "There is only one alternative in link group vim: /usr/bin/vim.basic"15:41
jribCombatjuan: but editor should also list the vim variants.  How did you install real vim?15:41
Combatjuanjrib: "apt-get install vim" -> "vim is already the newest version"15:42
skarufueCombatjuan: update-alternatives not alternative15:42
jribCombatjuan: try vim-gtk or vim-gnome15:42
Combatjuanskarufue: Yeah, that was a typo.15:42
jpdsCombatjuan: sudo apt-get install vim-nox15:42
Combatjuanjrib: This is a headless machine.15:42
jribCombatjuan: vim-nox then15:42
Pius_FabricaAnybody available to help with a15:43
Pius_Fabrica" dylan@DylanX22:~$ sudo apt-get update15:43
Pius_FabricaE: Malformed line 62 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)15:43
Pius_FabricaE: The list of sources could not be read."15:43
FloodBot1Pius_Fabrica: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:43
Combatjuanjpds, jrib, Dr_Willis: Thank you.15:43
user__installing packages from a folder15:43
user__please tell any one15:43
ghufranhi. i can't connect another monitor to my laptop. using 11.04. the external monitor works with other machines. can anyone help?15:44
skarufuePius_Fabrica: open /etc/apt/sources.list with root privileges in a editor of your choice look at line 62. does it look like the other lines? if no make it look like the other lines15:44
despoildeas to test hardware like CPU, RAM, HDD  for Issues  that would cause an ubuntu PC to reboot randomly throughout a day?15:45
despoilerr  *ideas15:45
bravo_question, can I uninstall nvidia driver using aptitude? ive managed to login in text mode now15:45
Benkinoobymtrd`, hm... i tried what you said it really seems to depend on the website content displayed... can you verify delayed alt-tabbing and cpu-usage peaks for http://askubuntu.com/questions/48029/investigating-an-ubuntu-10-04-system-freeze15:45
bravo_need to roll back the nvidia driver15:45
rhin0maybe vacuum it out and reset all the cards despoil15:45
OerHeksdespoil, run memtest86 from the ubuntu-iso to check ram first.15:46
Pius_FabricaSkarfue, Its the same as other lines in format : "deb http://archive.cannonical.com/lucid partner"15:46
pmitrosI'd like to set permissions for a (huge) directory tree such that all subdirectories are 777/rwx, but files are 444/r--. Is there a way to do that?15:46
jribpmitros: use find15:46
BluesKajbravo_, why do yout think you have roll back the driver , if anything you should upgrade it15:46
pmitrosBasically, I want the whole tree to be world-readable, and I'd like users to be able to create files, but I'd like to prevent accidental file modifications, and if possible, deletions.15:46
bravo_no I want the neavue driver instead15:47
Combatjuanpmitros, jrib: Why not chmod -R 0777?15:47
Benkinoobymtrd`, also scrolling on that site is unusable15:47
bravo_cos that one makes my screen work at least..15:47
despoilgood, thanks15:47
pmitrosCombat: One sec. Let me check what that does.15:47
pmitrosjrib: Find is a fallback. I wanted to figure out what the Right Way to do it is.15:47
jribpmitros: find is the way to do this...15:48
jribor use zsh globs...15:48
user__jrib>please can you say  how can i install packages from folder15:49
Combatjuanpmitros: I misread your request.  I didn't see that you wanted a difference between directories and child nodes.  jrib is absolutely correct.15:49
jribpmitros: but I'm not sure how these permissions accomplish what you wanted15:49
Benkinoobymtrd`, hm, firefox hadles that site much better15:49
jribuser__: what do you want to install exactly?15:49
pmitrosCombat: Yeah. I hoped the extra 0 you added at the beginning did something magic, but it didn't.15:49
mtrd`Benkinooby, scroll bug happens all the time for me15:49
mtrd`but it's related to flash...15:49
user__<jrib> i want to install deb packages from folder15:50
pmitrosjrib: They don't exactly, but they come as close as I can think of.15:50
Benkinoobymtrd`, :(15:50
pmitrosjrib: This isn't a security issue. This is a preventing accidents issue.15:50
mtrd`Benkinooby, may the force be with you15:50
Combatjuanuser__: Like "dpkg -i *.deb" from that folder?15:50
jribpmitros: but no one can write to the files and everyone can delete them15:50
Benkinoobymtrd`, thx15:50
cipherssonhey i ran remastersys but it said the file was to big..i solve that out but now my computer says there is no disc room left any one know what i can do?15:51
pmitrosjrib: I'd like no one to be able to write to files. That's correct. I'd prefer to avoid accidental deletions, but I don't see a way to do that with Unix permissions, while still permitting users to create files.15:51
Combatjuanuser__: As an aside, It's always best to run "dpkg --simulate -i" first just to make sure things make sense.15:51
user__<jrib>add downloaded packages from synaptic package manager15:52
damagednoobmy linux server crashed a minutes ago, what logs should i be looking to give me insight into the problem?15:52
jribpmitros: does sticky bit do what you want?15:52
damagednooba few minutes*15:52
pmitrosjrib: Possibly, I could place a second directory tree that's 000 with hard links to the first. That would avoid unrecoverable deletions.15:52
user__jrib>  how can i add downloaded packages from synaptic package manager?15:52
Combatjuandamagednoob: /var/log/syslog for one15:53
jribuser__: can you answer my question?15:53
jribpmitros: I still don't understand exactly what you want to do.  What happens to the files new users create?15:53
abtekkCan anyone that has knowledge with configuring touch screens PM me please? :)15:54
Benkinoobycan some1 give me a link to a really, really big image? i suspect firefox having troubles with it15:54
user__jrib>i want to add downloaded packages from synaptic how can i do it?15:54
jribuser__: what software do you want to install?  What is its name?15:54
skarufuePius_Fabrica: can zou pastebin the file and link it15:55
abtekkCan anyone that has knowledge with configuring touch screens PM me please? :)15:55
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skarufuePius_Fabrica: e.g. http://pastie.org15:56
pmitrosjrib: I don't really care. The application is basically that I have a big catalog of photos. I want those files there forever. The photoediting program I use creates metadata in seperate files (xmp files). I'd like it to be able to create and modify those. If I lose the xmp files, I'm okay. If I change the original photos, I'm not. I've had a bunch of programs which promised to be non-destructive editors do destructive things by accid15:56
dorigentoowhen I run a command followed by &, it will run as a daemon. Is it possible to specify the PID we want to to run one ?15:56
luckybunnyok... the people at #winehq have passed me back here.. so here it is...15:56
pmitrosjrib: others). I'm basically trying to make sure that no program has permissions to change files, and ideally, to minimize the set of mistakes that either I or my other family members can make.15:56
OerHeksabtekk try #Ubuntu-touch15:56
xissburgWhat is the name of that tool that allows you to add delay to your local ethernet card?15:56
luckybunnyI've been having severely choppy sound in wine.15:57
abtekkThanks OerHeks.15:57
whoeverhow do you create a symlink that contains the contents of a directory? ie i am trying to sym link /home/<user>/MusIc to /mnt/music . and when i creat the link , i then clinck on /home/<user >/Music. and i have a folder that is "music" i want it to list all the contents of that dir with out the toplevem music folder name15:57
luckybunnywhen I say severely, It's like I have a helicopter in front of my speakers15:57
xissburgI want to simulate internet latency in my local machine15:57
Pius_FabricaManaged to fix it, commented out the offending lines and it seems to have resolved the issue, cheers anyways o715:57
pmitrosjrib: I just read about sticky bit. It appears to do the correct thing.15:57
Piciwhoever: what command are you using to create the link?15:57
damagednoobthe last message before the crash was an 'unexpectedly shrunk window' crash error15:57
pmitrosjrib: Thank you. I didn't know about what it did to directories.15:57
jribwhoever: how did you create it?15:57
damagednoobhas anyone seen that before?15:57
jribpmitros: seems like it should work, yeah15:58
luckybunnyI have tried using padsp, which actually gives me sound, but it's that choppiness15:58
whoeverPici: ln -s15:58
Piciwhoever: that won't work unless you supply arguments, I wanted to know exactly what you typed.15:59
whoeverPici:  ln -s /mnt/music/ /home/<user>/Music/15:59
Piciwhoever: and you put your actual user name in place of '<user>' ?16:00
abtekkCan anyone that has knowledge with configuring touch screens PM me please? :)16:00
user__jrib> my friend doesnt have i16:00
whoeverPici: correct16:00
qmris there a channel for ubuntu developers?16:00
Piciwhoever: no brackets, right?16:01
abtekkNo brackets.16:01
Combatjuanwhoever, Pici: Sounds like a permissions issue?16:01
whoeverPici:  correct no braces16:01
mikemarksjrHello, I have an issue. I am running Ubuntu Server 10.04 w/ Gnome desktop, and after updating the kernal through Update manager and rebooting. I now cannot boot the OS and have an error message "Kernal panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)". Please help.16:01
PiciCombatjuan: possibly, but it shouldn't have been created at all.16:01
IdleOne!alis | qmr16:02
ubottuqmr: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*16:02
qmrmikemarksjr: does the old kernel work?16:02
iuytfrhow to view nfs mounted parititon ?16:02
Piciwhoever: /home/user/Music doesn't already exist, does it?16:02
Dr_Willisiuytfr:  you mean you mounted a nfs share somewhere?16:02
abtekkCan anyone that has knowledge with configuring touch screens PM me please? :)16:02
whoeverPici: yes it does16:02
mikemarksjrqmr: I don't know how to boot the old kernal. The message pops up immediately16:02
qmror you could just tell me the channel?16:02
markkkzHello! How do I know my hardware supports ASPM? I want to know because I want to apply the "pcie_aspm=force" temp fix. This to be applied on a notebook.16:02
Piciwhoever: it shouldn't.16:03
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whoeverPici: its an empty dir created bu ubuntu16:03
qmrmikemarksjr: Don't you have a grub splash screen?16:03
garthounetjoin #ubuntu-fr16:03
mikemarksjrqmr: It doesn't reach the splash screen.16:03
IdleOnePici: isn't it /what/to/link/ /where/to/link/it/ seems he has it backwards16:03
Piciqmr: There are a lot of Ubuntu dev channels, I don't know which you want: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:03
yonijHi, help please - how to update to apache 2.2.216:04
iuytfryes Dr_Willis16:04
PiciIdleOne: its ln -s $target $linkname16:04
yonijapt-get is still saying 2.2.16 is the newest16:04
iuytfrnfsmount exist ? Dr_Willis16:04
Piciyonij: Which release of Ubuntu are you using?16:05
abtekkCan anyone that has knowledge with configuring touch screens PM me please? :)16:05
IdleOneabtekk: better to just ask your question and if someone can help they will16:05
yonijPici : its a stabbed one , Linux lin5451 2.6.18-028stab077.1 , 10.10 64 bit16:05
Dr_Willisiuytfr:  if its mounted.. the mount command will show it.16:05
Dr_Willisiuytfr:  then you go to the directory its mounted to and access it as if it was any other local directory.16:06
abtekkI have ported Ubuntu 9.10 to my Zenithink ZT-180 but I can't get the touchscreen to act like the mouse. I can calibrate it with ts_calibrate but it wont function as a mouse. Any idea's?16:06
markkkzHello! How do I know my hardware supports ASPM? I want to know because I want to apply the "pcie_aspm=force" temp fix. This to be applied on a notebook.16:06
Piciyonij: I see, well there aren't any newer ones in the repositories as it stands right now. You might be able to find a PPA somewhere though.16:06
Dr_Willismarkkkz:  you could just try that option at the grub menu and see if it works..16:06
Dice-Manhello people16:07
iuytfryou  mean mount -a ? Dr_Willis16:07
yonijPici I actually just need to fix that DOS issue - is it automatically fixed in update ?16:07
Noianois it possible to create a file and use it as a mountable filesystem?16:07
Dr_Willisiuytfr:  no... i mean 'mount'   shows all mounted filesystemns...16:07
yonijIt still says its vulnerable when I checked16:07
markkkzDr_Willis: The article says it machine will stop responding. What exactly does that mean? Can I still reboot and take it off GRUB?16:07
abtekkI have ported Ubuntu 9.10 to my Zenithink ZT-180 but I can't get the touchscreen to act like the mouse. I can calibrate it with ts_calibrate but it wont function as a mouse. Any ideas?16:07
Dice-Manwhy i got this when i launch in a terminal the command gstreamer-properties ?? see here http://pastebin.com/pQCRHrBz16:07
Piciyonij: not that I know of, I was going to poke some people today about it for my own use actually.16:08
Dice-Manhow to install these plugins ?16:08
Dr_Willismarkkkz:  you edit the grub menu at boot time. and it only applkies to the next boot... if it messed up.. reboot.16:08
Piciyonij: You can quickly check a given CVE's status on this site: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/  , so http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2011/CVE-2011-3192.html16:08
Dr_WillisNoiano:  you can create a filesystem in a 'file' and mount it via the loop option of mount..  a common trick done with iso files..16:08
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:09
markkkzDr_Willis: Ok. well my notebook is fairly new. Like bought this year. Is it safe to assume it supports ASPM?16:09
abtekkI have ported Ubuntu 9.10 to my Zenithink ZT-180 but I can't get the touchscreen to act like the mouse. I can calibrate it with ts_calibrate but it wont function as a mouse and won't respond to touch outside of calibration.. Any ideas?16:09
NoianoDr_Willis, what if I want to create a brand new iso file and then mount it as a filesystem?16:09
iuytfrwhat is the defaut daemon for sending mail on ubuntu ?16:10
Dr_WillisNoiano:  that command above  mounts an iso file to a directory.,..16:10
Dr_Willismarkkkz:  No idea.. never heard of aspm befor..  No idea why you want it - if the thing is working properly16:10
NoianoDr_Willis, I do not have this iso file, I want to create it...an empty iso file...16:11
abtekkI have ported Ubuntu 9.10 to my Zenithink ZT-180 but I can't get the touchscreen to act like the mouse. I can calibrate it with ts_calibrate but it wont function as a mouse and won't respond to touch outside of calibration.. Any ideas?16:11
Dr_WillisNoiano:  you DONT mount an iso file 'writeable'16:11
Dr_Willistheres specific tools to allow editing of iso files.16:11
Dr_Willisbut ive rarely used them16:11
NoianoDr_Willis, I just wanted to emulate a flash drive16:11
markkkzDr_Willis: It's for the power regression on Linux kernel starting with .38 currently in use by Natty. This gives a slightly longer battery lifetime.16:11
Dr_WillisNoiano:  you dont want an 'iso' then - you use some other filesustem. not the cd/iso9660 filesystem16:12
Piciyonij: I just got word that something should land today.16:12
Dr_Willismarkkkz:  so boot up. edit the grub menu.. add the option to the end.. and see if it works16:12
yonijah great :), so it would be in the repo soon I guess then16:13
lotuspsychjeis the desktop ubuntu install same as netbook edition?16:13
NoianoDr_Willis, Can I read/write using that filesystem?16:13
Piciyonij: Yep.16:13
abtekklotuspsychje: Yes.16:13
markkkzDr_Willis: right.... well thanks bud.... ;)16:13
Dr_Willismarkkkz:  quiet splash --- becomes --> quiet splash theoptions16:13
lotuspsychjeabtekk: tnx16:13
luckybunnyhow can I disable pulse audio?16:13
abtekkI have ported Ubuntu 9.10 to my Zenithink ZT-180 but I can't get the touchscreen to act like the mouse. I can calibrate it with ts_calibrate but it wont function as a mouse and won't respond to touch outside of calibration.. Any ideas?16:13
luckybunnywithout losing all sound16:13
Dr_WillisNoiano:  of course..   If you are using somtning like ext2/3/4/vfat/ntfs/whatever... but not iso966016:13
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yonijPici: great, just for my knowledge - If at all I get a hit, a restart of apache would fix it right ?16:14
yonijthe memory issue16:14
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Piciyonij: It should.16:14
yonijok, cool16:14
abtekkI have ported Ubuntu 9.10 to my Zenithink ZT-180 but I can't get the touchscreen to act like the mouse. I can calibrate it with ts_calibrate but it wont function as a mouse and won't respond to touch outside of calibration.. Any ideas?16:15
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plouffeabtekk, what does "ported" mean?16:16
bravo_im really stuck here, ive managed to boot into my ubuntu 10.04 install in recovery text mode, but how do I go on from there reinstalling the Nouveau graphic drivers?16:16
abtekkplouffe: I compiled it to work on the device as it doesn't natively.16:16
xanguaabtekk: ubuntu 9.10 is not supported16:17
abtekkIt was originally an Android tablet.16:17
abtekkxangua: I know but the set up would be the same for new versions.16:17
xanguathen i sugest you to try an android rom or keep with your stock rom abtekk16:17
trijntjeabtekk: I've read something about ubuntu + touch here, no idea if its relevant:http://jeffhoogland.blogspot.com/2011/08/howto-linux-on-dell-inspiron-duo.html16:18
trijntjeI've suddenly lost all emails from my evolution Inbox, but not from any of its subfolders. Any idea how to get them back?16:18
plouffexangua, how is an Android room going to help with his Ubuntu install?16:18
ComradeHaz`Hi all. Got a machine that I accidentally cut power to during a windows install as it was formatting the drive. It's an old IDE HDD. I now want to boot an Ubuntu live cd to sort out the HDD but Ubuntu 11.04 won't boot with the HDD connected. Are there any options I can try to get this box booted with the drive attached?16:18
xangua(11:17:19) abtekk: It was originally an Android tablet. - plouffe16:19
ComradeHaz`Obviously as it's an IDE disk, attaching after boot isn't an option.16:19
plouffexangua, he wasn't looking for Android support but Ubuntu16:19
Brutus-How can i start the sbackup's gui from terminal?16:20
xanguaplouffe: and 9.10 is not suported either16:20
plouffexangua, "originally" meaning he had wiped the Android and replaced it with Ubuntu16:20
plouffeso the Android support room would be utterly useless16:20
triptecdoes debian 6 have never pakages than 10.04 or is ubuntu still more fresh?16:20
tf_howdy, quick question i'm using lubuntu and was wondering how to install the graphical add / remove application?16:21
ComradeHaz`tf_: which one?16:22
tf_yeah comes preinstalled in normal ubuntu16:23
tf_it just makes finding apps way more easy then apt-get16:23
ComradeHaz`tf_: if so, get yourself a terminal up and do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install synaptic16:23
itiliouswhy must i disable my firewall to print to my wireless hp photosmart printer?16:23
xanguatf_: if you mean software center, intall the software-center package :P16:24
tf_lol aight thanks!16:24
ComradeHaz`tf_: or that xD16:24
Brutus-How can i start the sbackup's gui from terminal?16:24
* ComradeHaz` doesn't use gui package mangers,16:24
Brutus-Or, my side and top bars are disappear. How can i restore they?16:25
peragrateHi everyone. I need some help.16:25
peragrateThe problem is complicated (to me) and the forum list is here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183719916:25
peragrateI'm gonna loose my shirt if I can't get help with this.16:26
Dr_Willisat least summarize the issue peragrate.16:28
peragrateis anyone here an expert at configuring Ubuntu?16:28
beniwtvAny news about Oneiric Beta? Still not out...16:28
xangua!oneiric | peragrate16:28
ubottuperagrate: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:28
Dr_Willisit will be out when its out. :)16:28
xanguathat was for beniwtv ;)16:29
peragrateI have a phone that has never had a problem connecting to my computer. It's a generic phone and doesn't require drivers. You simply plug it in and a window pops open. This is how it normally works.16:29
peragrateI have tried for four hours now and the computer won't connect to the phone. I can't get the data I need off the phone.16:30
MarlaPlease help mr on my Qiyze exam!_)16:31
peragrateI've tried everything. booting to live cd, software installs, checking the phone settings 5 times, fdisk can't find it, lsusb can't find it.16:31
LurchiderLurchHello! I tried to follow a tutorial to install the old xv on Ubuntu and I am stuck on the last step16:32
philinuxperagrate: try it on a windows machine if you can and it's that important.16:32
LurchiderLurchperagrate, what kind of phone?16:32
peragrateYet when I boot up with it plugged in, on the phone end, it recognizes the computer and asks me if I want to initiate a mass storage or com port session. I've tried them all.16:32
philinuxperagrate: or if the data is on a removable crad try a card reader16:33
peragrateI was about to give up when I noticed that network manager was detecting the phone as a possible cellular connection: but it's grayed out and can't be accessed.16:33
LurchiderLurchah, on http://olivers.posterous.com/build-xv-on-ubuntu there is the tutorial16:33
peragrateSo the phone is detected by Ubuntu on some level, and it charges when plugged into the computer, but I can't interface with it as a user...16:33
philinuxperagrate: try disconnecting the internate and try16:33
MarlaI need the script that prints a list of shells installed in the system, but do not use as a starter by any user.16:33
tf_ComradeHaz`, thanks the software center was exactly what I was looking for!16:33
LurchiderLurchIn the target directory there are the requested files  with ".c" at the end. What might I do?16:33
* amal029 --->check16:34
glebaronperagrate, how many different computers have you plugged the phone into?16:34
ComradeHaz`tf_: no worries :)16:34
LurchiderLurchperagrate, what kind of phone? Is it an android phone?16:34
w30LurchiderLurch, there are lots of .deb and source files for xv. Some work and some don't. I keep trying different ones until one works16:34
peragrateIn the last month month and a variety of windows computer (maybe two or three) at internet cafes near my house...16:34
luckybunnyI've been having severely choppy sound in wine.16:35
Antonio007is this the proper place for help on ndiswrapper compilation?16:35
g3orgehey guys16:35
g3orgeI'm ssh-ed in a server.16:35
g3orgeWhat's the command to see the (My)SQL version?16:35
peragrateNo. It's an generic chinese phone. I think I said that as long as I've owned this phone, with this ubuntu install, I've never had problems.16:35
LurchiderLurchperagrate, what kind of phone?16:35
w30LurchiderLurch, there is even one with staticly linked libs, libs included with install file16:35
luckybunny#winehq directed me back here, as it's a pulseaudio thing, not a wine thing16:35
LurchiderLurchperagrate, what kind of OS System is on that phone?16:36
peragrateBut the system is acting a little funny. For example, one day I woke up and tried to access a folder throught the "Places" menu: everything in that menu now opens with VLC!!! I have no idea how to fix that either.16:36
bluebomberAre user crontabs run in Ubuntu even when the user's not logged in?16:36
Tinkerer1hey quick question: enabled ufw but forgot to open ssh port, now i rebooted and cant login :( am i screwed?16:36
LurchiderLurchperagrate, can't you simply take a memory card out of the phone?16:37
oratedAnyone knows a decent place for hard drive data recovery??16:37
seivanAnyone know of an application that can split a 5 pages PDF into 5 separate PDFS command line?16:37
dr-willisperagrate:  seen fixs fir that at some sites. the file assiocation for folders got set to be vlv16:37
peragrateI don't know about the OS. I really don't know much about phones. It was bought in Asia, but as I said, I've never had any software issues or connection issues before and I've never used any software between the phone and computer at all. ever.16:37
beniwtvTinkerer1: You will need some kind of virtual console access to the system, or be physically at the system.16:37
jribseivan: pdftk probably can16:37
peragrateIt's 11:30 pm here. I can't go buy additional hardware right now.16:38
peragrateI really don't think it's hardware guys.16:38
peragrateHal is recognizing the mobile.16:38
Tinkerer1beniwtv: ah ok im gonna log into my vps control panel i thought vnc was available option ill have a look16:38
peragrateThere's a screen shot of network manager identifying the phone on this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183719916:38
dr-willisluckybunny:  restate the problem fir the channel16:38
Antonio007any help available for ndiswrapper?16:38
fnTinkerer1: you should have console access16:39
beniwtvperagrate: Anything in dmesg?16:39
fnfrom the vps control panel16:39
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luckybunnyI've been having severely choppy sound in wine, and #winehq directed me back here to try to configure ALSA and pulseaudio to get those working better16:39
peragratelet's try: dmesg by itself or dmesg | usb? What should I type?16:39
beniwtvperagrate: type in dmesg once, then plug in the phone and do another dmesg and see the new lines16:40
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beniwtvperagrate: maybe we can find out if it uses mass storage or something else (mass storage would be a lot easier)16:40
luckybunnyI have tried running the wine programs under padsp, but that's what allows me to hear anything at all... albeit so choppy that all sound is impossible to tolerate16:41
peragrateResult phone unplugged: Should we go into a private chat? because the output of dmesg is very very long: lots of: [ 2405.641331] fxz-hw_cdc_ioctl: callec16:41
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:41
beniwtvperagrate: use a pastenbin site16:41
peragratemass storage would be great. This phone usually just opens like any other usb stuck.16:42
rymate1234Hello, I am having a small problem with nautilus16:42
rymate1234when i transfer a file to a server via the connect to server feature, it disconnects after transferring the file16:43
luckybunnyI know it's not the program itself, as others seem to have no problem wine-ing it16:44
luckybunnyand I myself didn't yesterday16:44
peragrateOK. I've never used pastebin before. So here's what I did: http://paste.ubuntu.com/679912/ (Phone Unplugged)16:44
RobinJi need windows applciations on my computer  for school tasks, and these (office 2010, visual studio 2010) do not run using wine... what's my best option? Citrix seems a good solution but it's bloody expensive...16:44
luckybunnyRobinJ: for Office, I recommend using libreoffice16:44
rymate1234RobinJ, Use OpenOffice16:45
rymate1234or libreoffice16:45
RobinJi'vz got libreoffice, but the visual studio is the greatest problem16:45
RobinJno monodevelop is not an option16:45
rymate1234RobinJ, Boot into windows :316:45
RobinJyuk xd16:45
hplpbRobinJ: virtualbox > windows > visual studio?16:46
luckybunnyyeah. I'd say for VS, your best bet is probably a Win VM16:46
RobinJa virtual machine is incredibly slow, and i havent got enough hard disk space anyway to just install it.16:46
peragrateResults with phone plugged in: http://paste.ubuntu.com/679915/16:46
mosdef100200Hi there anyone used bumpbox (which is a type of lightbox) i need some advice with setting classes16:46
RobinJa VM  can be put on my 16GB USB drive though, but the fact remains that its incredibly slow16:47
jaybuttscan anyone help me with setting up vpn connection, says unable to connect now after i have install openvpn , im using the network manager to do it16:47
jaybuttsconnection failed16:47
houkouonchi-homeanyone here really familiar with mdadm?16:48
peragrateI just had an idea. I use a sim card to connect to the internet through a cellular dongle. I'm going to disconnect, switch sims, and see if the dongle will give me access...16:48
beniwtvperagrate: There's nothing in the dmesg log, you will have to connect it for that16:52
RobinJi thought beta 1 would be released today?16:53
KnightmareJust installed ubuntu on a pc and am having problems with wifi and sound, wifi works occassionally and im getting no sound at all, anyone willing to help?16:53
RobinJthe alpha3 has been removed from cdimage.ubuntu.com and there's a folder called beta 1... but its empty! :|16:53
beniwtvRobinJ: Yeah, we are all waiting :)16:54
trismRobinJ: the topic will be updated in #ubuntu+1 when it is out16:54
IdleOneRobinJ: 11.10 in #ubuntu+116:54
RobinJbut it will be today, right? or did i get it wrong?16:54
IdleOneit will be when it is.16:54
RobinJif you need seperate channels for every subject, then why is there a normal #ubuntu? :p16:55
hwildeque sera sera16:55
saberclawhello world16:55
suigenerisI have a problem16:55
IdleOneRobinJ: because this channel is to support the released and still supported versions of Ubuntu.16:55
hwilde!ask | suigeneris16:55
ubottusuigeneris: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:55
damnothe indicator that lets you set online/offline as is im status is missing16:56
xanguadamno: right clic in panel-add-indicator16:56
suigenerisI have 10.04 on my VPS, and I have to start vsftpd every time it reboots. I have the links in /etc/init.d/16:56
suigeneriswhy would that happen?16:57
hwildesuigeneris,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vsftpd/+bug/56397316:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563973 in vsftpd (Ubuntu) "vsftpd fails to start on boot when using pasv_addr_resolve" [Medium,Expired]16:57
suigenerisI did update-rc.d vsftpd defaults several time16:57
damnoxangua: doesn't work16:57
damnoxangua: I can set status only from within empathy now16:58
peragrateI'm back. Any suggestions please?17:00
g3orgeWhat's the command to see the (My)SQL version?17:00
meta_coderg3orge: try mysql -v17:01
Ollehselect version();17:01
suigenerishwilde: thanks17:02
meta_coderperagrate: What do you need?17:02
chris215hey, can someone point me to the correct channel to find assistance for simple java developement?17:03
chris215or am i in the right placE?17:03
dephyreHey guys! Just got OnLive fully working in Wine! WHOOOOOO!17:03
peragrateI had a group of people helping me... they asked me to pastebin... now their gone.17:03
peragrateIt's the phone thing17:03
beniwtvperagrate: no, still here :), we need now a pastebin after you connected the phone17:04
peragrateHi there. Thanks. Did that: Results with phone plugged in: http://paste.ubuntu.com/679915/17:04
beniwtvperagrate: I don't see any USB connection notices17:05
suigenerishwilde: it says the bug has been fixed in 2.2.2-3-ubuntu6 and I am using that17:05
peragrateThe dong;e idea didn't work. It only open a folder for the dongles firmware... not the sim data.17:05
peragrateThat's my point.17:05
peragrateThe phone is catagorically not being identified.17:05
peragrateBut give me a second to post a screen shot... check this out...17:06
beniwtvperagrate: Is it USB?17:06
kwrigh01Need help with sound control issue with dell studio laptop ... the buttons don't increase/decrease sound ... thanks in advance17:06
hwildesuigeneris, u got the right version of vsftpd?   did you try removing and reinstalling it17:06
peragratedarn. I can't pastebin images...17:06
suigenerishwilde: many times17:07
peragrateThis thread, on page two at the end, has the screen shot. Hal is identify my phone but the user interface and command line are not: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183719917:07
peragrategoing to image bin17:07
houkouonchi-homelol rsync CPU usage is bottenecking my transfer...17:08
destihttps://annorath-game.com/index.php/de/alpha-registration <--- new mmoprg17:08
Ollehhoukouonchi-home: disable compression17:08
houkouonchi-homeits not enabled unless it is by default17:09
ubun`is it possible that i could have installed some kind of keylogger or something like that while trying to install another program? (i got my credit card #stolen) so im trying to eliminate possibilities17:09
Ollehah, no.. you need to specify compression. Its just i ran into the same problem.. network was too fast, and compression/cpu was the bottleneck.17:09
houkouonchi-homeOlleh: not even doing this over the network, just going from one block device to another =(17:09
houkouonchi-homecp was going almost twice as fast17:09
beniwtvperagrate: That's odd - if NM finds it there must be something in dmesg17:10
peragrateIt's possible that it's recognizing the dongle and the sim inside the dongle as two separate things, but that seems weird.17:10
houkouonchi-home  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S PU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND17:10
houkouonchi-home13874 root      20   0 11576  616  264 R   97  0.0   0:05.86 rsync17:10
houkouonchi-home13872 root      20   0 11912 1064  864 R   84  0.0   0:05.01 rsync17:10
FloodBot1houkouonchi-home: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:10
beniwtvperagrate: yes, that would be weird17:10
houkouonchi-homeheh it was only 3 lines17:10
peragrateExcuse me while I continue smashing my head against the wall17:10
suigeneris!pastebin | houkouonchi-home17:10
ubottuhoukouonchi-home: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:10
houkouonchi-homesuigeneris: man it was 3 lines lol17:10
suigenerisFloodBot1 warned ypu, right?17:11
peragratethere's nothing in dmesg, lsusb, or fdisk17:11
houkouonchi-homeyes. I don't really consider 3 lines flooding though. I probably would have used pastebin if it was over that though17:11
beniwtvperagrate: that is some very odd problem you have - I never seen any USB device not detected in dmesg17:12
kwrigh01Need help with sound control issue with dell studio laptop running ubuntu 11.04... the buttons don't increase/decrease sound ... thanks in advance17:12
peragrateI think someone has put a hex on my tech department. Everything is failing without reason... even "Places" opens VLC! etc.17:12
peragrateANd I'll be darned is I can get the clamav-daemon to start!17:13
beniwtvperagrate: um...17:13
peragratesilly speculation.. just buying time and hoping someone else get a bright lightbulb.17:13
peragrateI wonder if something has inflitrated the system. Somekind of virus that changing settings or blocking things17:14
rabbi1How can I update "Artist, Album, and Genre" automatically from Rthythmbox?17:14
peragrateI have a firewall up but I'm not an expert at detecting backdoors17:15
suigenerishwilde: do you have an idea for me?17:15
ex-demonкак подключится к русскому каналу17:17
Piciperagrate: Change the 'open with' properties for a folder to nautilus from vlc17:17
Pici!ru | ex-demon17:17
ubottuex-demon: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:17
ubun`is it possible that i could have installed some kind of keylogger or something like that while trying to install another program? (i got my credit card #stolen) so im trying to eliminate possibilities17:17
Piciubun`: not if you're using the official Ubuntu repositories.17:17
edbianubun`: If you install things from the repo only it is extremely unlikely17:17
hwildesuigeneris, use proftpd? :)17:18
edbianubun`: If you are installing things you downloaded from the Web than it is more likely (but still rare cause you're using linux)17:18
=== jthomas is now known as TheDracle
ubun`pici: edbian: i figured... but im just making sure17:18
edbianubun`: People who write keyloggers etc often do not expect their victims to be using linux and compiling software.17:18
edbianubun`: sure :)17:18
rabbi1How can I update "Artist, Album, and Genre" automatically from Rthythmbox?17:19
beniwtvrabbi1: You mean batch-updating?17:19
meta_coderwhat should I change in xchat.conf file to hide all the join/quit notifications?17:19
rabbi1beniwtv: yeah, kind off., i have some huge collection of songs, but doesn't have artist, genre, album on few...17:20
chompghello, where can i find firefox 3.6? (which package?)17:20
beniwtvrabbi1: Try EasyTag if you have the info in the filenames or picard from musicbrainz for batch updating17:20
beniwtvrabbi1: AFAIK Rythmbox only has rudimentary editing17:21
rabbi1beniwtv: picard is a all new app17:21
beniwtvrabbi1: No, has been around for quite some time17:22
suigenerischompg: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all-older.html17:22
rabbi1beniwtv: i mean, i got install another? i already got rhythmbox, vlc. any other alternative, if you can think of now ?17:22
beniwtvrabbi1: No, I'm afraid you need to install something to do it. Or update with rhythmbox one by one, but that's tedious :P17:23
gumushi all17:24
rabbi1beniwtv: i am not even getting 1by1 option17:24
camdenhi everyone.17:24
beniwtvrabbi1: right-click, properties IIRC17:24
gumusI'm trying to activate my camera for skype but my  computer doesn't recognize it. Do you have any idea to fix it ?17:24
ChristofferI just upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and padevchooser doesn't start any longer when I run it. Is this i a known bug?17:24
rabbi1beniwtv: that way? that's horible17:24
beniwtvrabbi1: That's why I said "rudimentary"...17:25
camdenI'm trying to set up xrdp on my 11.04 machine, and while it's working, I cannot get the password dialog to open, for example when running synaptic17:25
happygoluckycamden: camden, new jersey?17:25
camdenhappygolucky: nah, just Camden. it's my given name.17:26
rabbi1beniwtv: will check out for some plugin, incase available17:26
rabbi1beniwtv: thank you17:26
gumusdoes anyone has any idea for it ?17:28
Aiaxjoin #ubuntu-nl17:28
gumushow can I make ubuntu recognize my built-in camera ?17:28
gumusI need to skype17:28
simontolHi, is it possible to share an internet connection by 2 PCs (both with ubuntu) without a router?17:31
camdenI'm trying to set up xrdp on my 11.04 machine, and while it's working, I cannot get the password dialog to open, for example when running synaptic17:32
rumpe1simontol, yes. "firestarter" is a tool for connection-sharing for beginners (i guess)17:32
beniwtvsimontol: yes, how are they connected?17:32
kwrigh01Need help with sound control issue with dell studio laptop running ubuntu 11.04... the buttons don't increase/decrease sound ... any takers?17:32
gumusubuntu doesn't recognize laptop's camera17:33
simontolrumpe1 : I knew something about firestarter, but I need to configure wireless connection on both PCs first17:33
beniwtvsimontol: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:33
beniwtv(this is with firestarter)17:33
josephwegnerHi all - I'm running Ubuntu 10.10.  For some reason, every once in awhile my network connection on Ubuntu gets all messed up.  It still technically says that I have a connection but I can't ping any websites or local computers.  I've tried different cables, different routers, and even booted into windows and had a connection fine.  Any ideas?17:33
beniwtvjosephwegner: what connection type?17:34
josephwegnerbeniwtv, hard line17:34
beniwtvjosephwegner: ethernet?17:35
simontolthanks, but I know how to do it on wired network, I'm looking for help to configure a wireless network17:35
josephwegnerbeniwtv, yeah, sry.17:35
beniwtvsimontol: use the network applet, there should be an option to "create a network"17:35
beniwtvthen just connect to it with the other computer17:35
Elven___It would be greatly appreciated If anyone could provide some information/guide/tutorial/anything about setting up a dial-up connection on 11.04, thanks in advance17:36
beniwtvjosephwegner: if the drop-out happens, do you still see an IP address on the interface?17:36
josephwegnerbeniwtv, yep - I have a static IP..  still says I've got it17:36
beniwtvjosephwegner: have you checked the dmesg command for any error messages there?17:37
katesmithhey i just want to know if i am allowed to pist the video games of my son, he does some awsome video games with you tube17:37
josephwegnerbeniwtv, ehh, no.  Is there anything specific I should grep for, or just scan for errors?17:37
beniwtvjosephwegner: I would just scan for errors17:37
chandanhi I want to get default login session to terminal rather than gui.. how do i get it ?17:38
beniwtvjosephwegner: just to see if there is anything that comes up17:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:38
OerHekskatesmith, please join #Ubuntu-offtopic for that.17:38
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
katesmithoh thankyou OerHeks17:39
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josephwegnerbeniwtv, nothing terribly interesting.  The only network-related error said that there were no no IPv6 routers present.. but that shouldn't matter..?17:40
beniwtvjosephwegner: no, that message is harmless17:40
josephwegnerbeniwtv, well it does say this: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready17:41
josephwegnerbeniwtv, that's directly before teh IPv6 message17:41
beniwtvjosephwegner: any messages about "link down"?17:41
gumuscan anybody help me with built-in camera problem ? Ubuntu doesn't recognize my laptop's camera17:41
katesmiththankyou for letting me know OerHeks17:41
josephwegnerbeniwtv, lots of them on SATA drives..  one that says eth0 link is not ready, then followed by that one about the link becoming ready17:41
camdenok I've narrowed my problem down: when the password prompt shows up, I think it's showing up on the wrong display17:41
camdenany way to configure where the prompt shows up?17:42
beniwtvjosephwegner: ok, are these repeating?17:42
mephist0has someone installed succesfully chrome os on 256MB RAM system?17:42
josephwegnerbeniwtv, no, just one of each17:42
beniwtvjosephwegner: ok, then we can rule out cable and speed signaling problems17:42
josephwegnerbeniwtv, check :)17:42
beniwtvjosephwegner: now, if you try deactivating the interface and then activating it again do you get Internet again?17:43
dttysI was trying to install a patched driver, so i updgraded my kernel-headers with apt-get. I ended up with 2 kernel-header folders, one was the obsolete one. i was then advised to run:17:45
dttysapt-get remove linux-headers prepare-kernel-sources17:45
dttysThen i went to usr/src and i had 2 versions of linux-source17:45
dttyswhat can be wrong, and how can i fix this? (already tried rebooting and autoremove)17:45
FloodBot1dttys: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:45
josephwegner_beniwtv, sorry, laptop mysteriously unplugged itself and died.  Missed everything after my last message,.17:45
beniwtvjosephwegner: ok, if you try deactivating the interface and then activating it again do you get Internet again?17:46
josephwegner_beniwtv, what is the command to deactivate the interface?17:48
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beniwtvjosephwegner_: try sudo ifdown <interface> then sudo ifup <interface>17:49
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josephwegnerbeniwtv, hmm.  The interface would usually be eth0, right?  it's saying "Ignoring unknown interface eth0=etho."17:51
LurchiderLurchHello! I tried to follow a tutorial to install the old xv on Ubuntu and I am stuck on the last step17:51
beniwtvjosephwegner: depends, try sudo ifconfig to see17:51
LurchiderLurchah, on http://olivers.posterous.com/build-xv-on-ubuntu there is the tutorial17:51
josephwegnerbeniwtv, yeah, ifconfig shows eth0 and lo17:51
LurchiderLurchIn the target directory there are the requested files  with ".c" at the end. What might I do?17:51
beniwtvjosephwegner: are you using NetworkManager?17:52
josephwegnerbeniwtv, nope.17:52
josephwegnerbeniwtv, also, now ifdown says "interface eth0 not configured"17:52
beniwtvjosephwegner: how did you configure the interface?17:52
SIFTUjosephwegner: what do you want to do?? set a static IP?17:52
SIFTUjosephwegner: "sudo ifconfig eth0 inet <IP> netmask <mask> up"17:53
josephwegnerSIFTU, my internet connection randomly gets lost.  Ubuntu still says link is up, and the same cable/switch/router combination works in windows17:53
josephwegnerbeniwtv, well, for that I used Network Connections (the default for Ubuntu.  I would imagine we are talking about the same thing)17:53
beniwtvjosephwegner: yes, that's NetworkManager17:54
SIFTUjosephwegner: and when it doesnt work what does "ifconfig eth0" tell you17:54
josephwegnerbeniwtv, ah.  then yes17:54
josephwegnerSIFTU, everything looks normal in ifconfig17:54
beniwtvjosephwegner: so you can just click the connection icon, click "disconnect" then select the configuration to connect17:54
beniwtvjosephwegner: that'll do the same as ifdown and ifup17:54
SIFTUjosephwegner: so you have IP address etc, and your default route exists in "netstat -rn"17:55
josephwegnerbeniwtv, no luck17:55
beniwtvSIFTU: He can not even ping other computers, that's the strange thing17:55
beniwtvjosephwegner: So Internet hasn't returned when you did that?17:56
SIFTUah ok, on the same network.. josephwegner what network card?17:56
josephwegnerSIFTU, hmm..  netstat has some odd output.  Let me paste it...17:56
__serialAutomated ubuntu update script! Cleans old updates and more!: wget http://updateubuntu.webs.com/Update.py && chmod a+x Update.py && ./Update.py17:56
josephwegnerbeniwtv, no it did not17:56
josephwegnerSIFTU, oh.. can't paste it, cause I don't have internet :)17:56
josephwegnerSIFTU, wtv card is default in Compaq Elite 820017:56
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!17:56
beniwtvjosephwegner: ok, something strange then in your routes or the network chip driver is borked17:56
SIFTUjosephwegner: "lscpi |grep -i net"17:57
josephwegnerSIFTU, netstat doesn't have a gateway set for my local network.. but it does have the correct gateway for the network with destination "
SIFTUbeniwtv: cant be routes if he cant ping comps on the same lan17:57
josephwegnerSIFTU, Intel 8257SIFTU, oh.. can't paste it, cause I don't have interne9LM Gigabit Nic17:57
beniwtvSIFTU: depends, there needs to be a route to the local lan with localhost (*) as gw17:58
josephwegnerumm sorry17:58
josephwegnerSIFTU, Intel 82579LM Gigabit NIC17:58
beniwtvjosephwegner: what routes do you have currently?17:58
josephwegnerbeniwtv, interesting.  Now I can ping on the same lan17:59
josephwegnerSIFTU, see above :)17:59
josephwegnerbeniwtv, sorry to be difficult.  What command to see my routes?17:59
beniwtvjosephwegner: netstat -nr17:59
lednyloif i have installed a new video card and X windows wont boot [ubuntu 10.10] how can i get back into X Windows without re-installing ubuntu?17:59
lednyloi can get a command prompt17:59
djfjdjsjsk Awesome! Automated Update script for UBUNTU!!! Cleans old updates and more!!: wget http://updateubuntu.webs.com/Update.py && chmod a+x Update.py && ./Update.py18:00
lednyloctrl atl and f518:00
josephwegnerbeniwtv 1st:    U    U    U    0    eth018:00
josephwegnerbeniwtv, 2nd:    U (same as above18:00
djfjdjsjsk Awesome! Automated Update script for UBUNTU!!! Cleans old updates and more!!: wget http://updateubuntu.webs.com/Update.py && chmod a+x Update.py && ./Update.py18:00
djfjdjsjsk Awesome! Automated Update script for UBUNTU!!! Cleans old updates and more!!: wget http://updateubuntu.webs.com/Update.py && chmod a+x Update.py && ./Update.py18:00
josephwegnerbeniwtv, 3rd:    UG    same as above18:00
josephwegnerbeniwtv, and that's it.  Looks like the first route doesn't have any gateway set18:01
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!18:01
neil_mhigh voltage18:01
Aquix_on the dancefloor18:01
SIFTUjosephwegner: strange mask too18:01
beniwtvjosephwegner: no, it's ok, it has as route, to your local net18:01
Picineil_m, Aquix_: heh18:01
josephwegnerSIFTU, the mask is correct, is intentional18:01
Aquix_let's start a war18:01
beniwtvjosephwegner: the strange part is the 169.... which is avahi autoconf18:01
SIFTUjosephwegner: ah ok18:02
josephwegnerbeniwtv..  avahi.  Never heard of it18:02
SIFTUjosephwegner: and just to clarify this is static right, not dhcp18:02
* meta_coder wants ChanServ to give him operator status18:02
josephwegnerSIFTU, correct18:02
meta_coderWhat are modes of a channel?18:02
beniwtvjosephwegner: avahi should not be the problem though18:02
beniwtvjosephwegner: just a question, why 192.2?18:03
josephwegnerbeniwtv, Old old network admin.  We have no idea why :)18:03
beniwtvjosephwegner: or, to rephrase, on the internal network you should have 192.168.x18:03
h00kmeta_coder: you can check with freenode documentation, or ask in #freenode18:03
suigenerismeta_coder: #freenode18:03
SIFTUjosephwegner: /etc/network/interfaces looks something like this? (with your own IPS) http://pastebin.com/yg8iPgX618:04
beniwtvSIFTU: he's using NM18:04
SIFTUbeniwtv: so am I18:04
ErstHow can I set up brigde over PPPoE?18:04
beniwtvSIFTU: NM does not touch /etc/network/interfaces18:04
Gredeui'm a very basic newbie at partitioning and i might be getting a SSD drive today.  the SSD drive will contain only /   its 64GB.  i know swap can't be on it.  np.  are there other directories for a SSD that size that would be useful to have and not reformat ?  home will be on moving parts drive18:05
beniwtvjosephwegner: can you do an arp -n?18:05
josephwegnerSIFTU, that file has two lines.. one says "auto lo"  the other says "iface lo inet loopback"18:06
SIFTUbeniwtv: then why did you say to use ifup and if down?18:06
SIFTUbeniwtv: "man interfaces"18:06
beniwtvSIFTU: because I hadn't established he was using NM18:06
josephwegnerbeniwtv, two lines.  First is "  ether  M:A:C:X;X;X;X;X C      eth018:06
josephwegnerbeniwtv, the second is "    ether M:A;C:0:0;0:0   C   etho"18:07
beniwtvjosephwegner: sounds right, too18:07
SIFTUetho doesnt sound right18:08
josephwegnerSIFTU, eth0.. sorry18:08
ErstI have modem with is set up on bridge mode atm (I need to set it up like this get use of external IP). I've setted up like they sad on info page, but now I need to set up Linux machine to get this IP. I have my PPPoE login/pass. People on phone from my ISP told me that I need to set up bridge on (or over) PPPoE to get it work.18:08
ErstAnyone can help?18:08
josephwegnerSIFTU, type too fast for my own good18:08
beniwtvjosephwegner: the only strange this about this is the 192.2.x range, but I can not imagine any reason this should exhibit this problem18:08
SIFTUjosephwegner: thats ok18:08
camdenanybody? xrdp using xrdp but password prompt doesn't show when trying to run administrative tasks?18:08
josephwegnerbeniwtv, it never has caused problems in the past.  We've been on that network for years and years18:08
Zotachi guys18:09
beniwtvjosephwegner: sure, that's why I can't think of any problem. Though you would not be able to access any web sites or services in the 192.2.x range18:09
Zotaci have some problems with grub, can anybody help me?18:09
josephwegnerbeniwtv, oh boy - is that a valid external IP range?  I suppose I should have that conversation with my boss sometime soon18:09
Zotaci have installed ubuntu 11.04 in sda3 partition18:10
Zotacafter that, i have installed gnewsense distro in sda118:10
beniwtvjosephwegner: yes, that's a valid range18:10
Zotacgnewsense has putted an old grub in my mbr, and dont see ubuntu partition18:10
beniwtvjosephwegner: but as I said I do not think this is the source of your problem18:11
Zotaci have stolen gnewsense partition (sda1) and now grub say: grub rescue>18:11
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Zotaci need to boot sda3 with my ubuntu 11.04 partition18:11
Zotacany idea?18:12
glebihanZotac, boot on a live CD and reinstall grub from there18:12
hat0hey all.  anyone know anything about getting ubuntu to recognize the wireless built into a new mac mini?18:12
josephwegnerbeniwtv, any more ideas, or am I pretty much just sitting this one out till it works again?18:12
glebihanZotac, you'll find instructions on how to do that there : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub18:13
Zotachi glebihan, i have made it, i have boot with a ubuntu 11.04 live, i have maked root, i have maked: grub-install /dev/sda18:13
beniwtvjosephwegner: not really, it sounds like the driver, maybe check google for issues with the chipset18:13
Zotacbut it doesnt work18:13
Zotacthe grub stage1 run in gnewsense style18:13
beniwtvjosephwegner: also since you tried more routers, probably the router is not the problem either18:13
Zotacand then, menu is over18:13
Zotacgrub rescue> shell appers18:14
TehAndrewRyani'm getting poor sound quality with ALSA, ubuntu 10.1018:14
TehAndrewRyani need someone to help me configure ALSa properly, and also disable pulseaudio (not uninstalling it)18:15
TehAndrewRyanso first, which packages do i want to install with alsa?18:16
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dttysi'm trying to compile a driver for my chipset in backtrack;  my kernel headers didnt match my kernel version, so i updated them with apt-get18:18
yokobrqndo rodo uma pagina que usa cgi, aparece a opção de download :/18:18
dttysI ended with 2 versions of the headers intalled so i ran:18:18
dttysapt-get remove linux-headers prepare-kernel-sources18:18
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beniwtv!pt | grep yokobr18:18
dttysthen, when i checked linux-source i got this: http://pastebin.com/Nzj3jLPn18:18
ubottugrep yokobr: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:18
dttysShould i remove all sources except for the first and last one?18:18
TehAndrewRyanout of a couple of hundreds, someone gotta know how to install ALSA here?18:19
dttyssorry wrong channel18:19
beniwtvTehAndrewRyan: ALSA is already installed by default18:20
TehAndrewRyanbeniwtv: yes but i want to use it instead of PulseAudio since i'm getting sick latency in skype18:20
PolahTehAndrewRyan, sure, but those people probably aren't here. Like beniwtv said, ALSA comes by default.18:20
maheanuu2 questions, how do I turn on my web cam in Ubuntu and why would my webcam video in skype be upside down?18:20
meta_coderha ha18:22
PolahTehAndrewRyan, PulseAudio is a server for handling input/output on top of ALSA, it doesn't run standalone. You can disable it by running sudo service pulseaudio stop | sudo killall pulseaudio   you'll need to disable it's startup script too, but I don't know how to do that18:22
beniwtvTehAndrewRyan: I'm not experiencing any lag here in Skype, so I'm not much of a help here.18:22
TehAndrewRyanPolah: i have already made a script which kills pulseaudio and prevents it from autostarting again18:22
TehAndrewRyanPolah: i'm for some reason getting weird sound quality with alsa though18:23
glebihanTehAndrewRyan, that's not a very clean way to do it18:23
MalvoroHi everybody18:23
maheanuuI am asking these questions for my daughter as she is using 11.04 my son in law tells me that last week they used the camera and it was normal???18:23
PolahYes, you should disable it on startup, not just make a script to run to disable it afterwards.18:23
Malvoroi need ur help18:24
Malvorosomeone can help me18:24
beniwtvPolah: AFAIK it runs with each user session, not on system startup18:24
PolahThe easiest was it System > Preferences > Startup Applications and then uncheck PulseAudio Sound System18:24
h00k!ask | Malvoro18:24
ubottuMalvoro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:24
Polahbeniwtv: Yes, actually you're right18:25
glebihanPolah, beniwtv : actually half-right : there's also a daemon started on boot18:25
TehAndrewRyanhow comes i'm getting about 2000 ms latency in skype? i can talk, but others don't hear me until about 2 seconds later18:25
Malvorojajaj sorry thaks i have a problem with the mount comand i cant mount my mp3 player in my ubuntu 10.1018:25
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Polahglebihan, I guess the daemon is there to start pulseaudio for the user?18:26
beniwtvglebihan: hum... could be. last time I remember the startup script just erroring out with "PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions..." but that could have change now18:26
beniwtvhas been a while since I had to touch sound...18:26
Polahbeniwtv, actually that's what I get when I restart the service18:26
iTextmy terminal dosent displays the unicode fonts correctly, while i copy the text to gedit, it displays properly, how to solve this in terminal18:27
maheanuuTenAndrewRyan what sound distro are you using18:27
brontosaurusrexiText: paste here a line of problematic text18:27
h00kiText: make sure your terminal is set to UTF-8 characters18:27
beniwtviText: what's the output of the locale command?18:28
glebihanPolah, beniwtv : it seems to depend on configuration, pulseaudio can run either on a system level or on a user level18:28
mattt_Is it possible to have multiple bluetooth headsets connected and functioning simultaneously one on BT radio/adapter?18:28
iTextlocale dosent prompts utf818:28
beniwtvglebihan: yes, you're right. But I think Ubuntu only does user sessions18:29
iTextLANG = en_IN18:29
glebihanbeniwtv, looks like it's the default18:29
beniwtviText: you're missing the UTF-8 support, it should say en_IN.UTF-8.18:29
iTextbeniwtv: how to set this LANG to utf8?18:29
iTextbeniwtv: it does displays some chars properly but not all18:30
brontosaurusrexterminal/set chat encoding/18:31
beniwtviText: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-select-and-generate-locales-on-ubuntu.html18:31
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* iText is trying the link given18:32
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maheanuuCould someone help me with a video problem  My daughter is using 11.04 and her webcam on the laptop is showin the image upside down it was normal last week18:33
bluebomber_satelWill user cron jobs be run when the user is not logged in?18:34
h00kbluebomber_satel: yep.18:34
beniwtvbluebomber_satel: yes18:34
Picibluebomber_satel: they may not if you have an encrypted home for your user.18:35
brontosaurusrexmaheanuu: that could be anything on the video processing path18:35
bluebomber_satelh00k, beniwtv : Thanks. They will be run as that user from that user's home directory?18:36
maheanuubronto, where do I start, when you go to test in skype it shows you upside down///18:36
beniwtvbluebomber_satel: yes, but take care of what Pici said, encrypted home will not work18:36
brontosaurusrexmaheanuu: do you have to use some 3rd party drivers for the webcam?18:37
maheanuuNo, not to my knowledge the computer is an Asus laptop that was given to my daughter and I installed 11.04 on it and it was working fine until yesterday and they used skype and the image is upside down now, before it was normal18:38
maheanuuBronto, it was normal until yesterday18:39
beniwtvmaheanuu: It could also be a update you applied, like a kernel update that changed something in the driver18:39
maheanuuOk beniwtv I was thinking the same thing she does the auto update and it might have messed with the kernel18:40
beniwtvmaheanuu: It would be nice to find out which kernel module it uses and see if there is any parameter18:41
prakasi am trying to connect to a wifi network but it gives me time out. the signal level shows -79dBm. how can i connect to this access point?18:41
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prakasany way to make iwconfig connect to the access point?18:41
maheanuuOk, I will be going to my daughters house this morning, I will look at it and also see what has happened.  I am now at my place and until I go there I really do not have a true handle on the situation18:42
maheanuuThanks for everone who answered and I will be back....18:42
bluebomber_satelPici, beniwtv: Many thanks.18:43
dephyreVideo4Linux in the Software center has a fix for that,18:44
zahhis there anyway to run conky ina terminal18:45
chris215hey, in synaptic, is glade-gnome (GTK+ 2 User Interface Builder (with GNOME 2 support)) the same thing as glade interface designer?18:45
zahhin a console only environment18:45
chris215bc i dont see glade interface designer18:46
glebihanchris215, it's the same18:46
beniwtvchris215: there should be glade (3.8.0) and glade-gnome18:47
glebihanchris215, well about the same anyway, but you should also see glade in there18:47
chris215glebaron: so i will have the gui?18:47
glebihanchris215, yes18:47
chris215b/c i can download it from glade.gnome.org to be safe18:47
brunoborgesanybody have ever succeed in fix a broken ubuntu 11.04 installation (after gnome3 mess up)18:47
chris215glebaron: but if its better than i will just use synaptic18:48
brunoborgesit happened recently (2 days ago), after some weird updates18:48
zahhCan you run conky in a terminal?18:48
glebihanbrunoborges, you shouldn't have installed gnome 3 on ubuntu 11.04 in the first place18:48
glebihanbrunoborges, it's unstable and unsupported18:49
brunoborgesglebihan: I had gnome3 running fine for months18:49
brunoborgesglebihan: but some update 2 days ago messed up with it18:49
beniwtvzahh: It's a X app, so no18:49
glebihanbrunoborges, then you were lucky for months18:49
brunoborgesglebihan: I don't mind to not have gnome3, actually I'm looking for a way to repair my installation with xubuntu18:49
zahhbeniwtv: Ah thanks. Know of a terminal only alternative?18:50
SIFTUzahh: you could try compiling it with --disable-x1118:50
beniwtvzahh: byobu is nice, but I don't know if that's what you're after18:50
prakasmy wireless adapter times out. how can i force iwconfig to connect to this ap? Frequency:2.442 GHz (Channel 7) Quality=48/100  Signal level:-78 dBm  Noise level=-127 dBm18:50
zahhAlright. thanks guys ill look into both18:51
glebihanbrunoborges, the problem is, by installing gnome3, you also switched to gtk3 (and I'm not sure at all how well xfce supports it)18:51
SIFTUzahh: as beniwtv said, its really an X app18:51
brunoborgesglebihan: let's consider I removed a lot of things, and now I only have console and irssi ? :-)18:51
brunoborgesglebihan: I'm still not able to install ubuntu-desktop18:51
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glebihanbrunoborges, what errors do you get ?18:52
Polahbrunoborges, what error do you get whe nyou try?18:52
brunoborgesglebihan: it states some dependencies are not met, like "Depends: libdbus-glib-1-2 (>= 0.88) but it is not going to be installed"18:52
simius__brunoborges, Are you trying to install 11.04?18:52
brunoborgesglebihan: but that lib is installed and at version 0.918:52
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glebihanbrunoborges, did you remove the gnome3 ppa from your sources ?18:52
beniwtvbrunoborges: probably you still have the new libs installed, which is causing that problem18:53
brunoborgesglebihan: I only have natty sources18:53
brunoborgesglebihan: is there any way to revert that ?18:53
brunoborgesglebihan: not really: Package: libdbus-glib-1-218:53
prakasanyways is -78 dbm too weak?18:53
brunoborges0.92-0ubuntu1 (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-amd64_Packages)18:53
glebihanbrunoborges, could you pastebin the complete error message ?18:54
beniwtvprakas: depends, I giuess. Have you tried moving closer?18:54
=== Guest65632 is now known as tetsuo--
prakasbeniwtv: yes but it shows times out in dmesg|tail18:55
brunoborgesglebihan: no I cannot pastebin (no browser, remember?)18:55
xrealDo the kernels from "mainline" include any ubuntu specific patches?18:55
brunoborgesglebihan: I only have console and irssi for now18:55
glebihanbrunoborges, no need for a browser, use the pastebinit application18:55
beniwtvprakas: Tmeout associating, i presume? Or DHCP timeout?18:55
tetsuo--what could be causing 100% cpu usager visable in the system montior, when all processes listed say 0% cpu18:55
Featurefreaktetsuo--: check it in top also18:55
beniwtvtetsuo--: try the "top" command18:55
Featurefreaktetsuo--: i'd trust top over system monitor18:56
brunoborgesglebihan: ?18:56
brunoborgesglebihan: what pastebinit?18:56
glebihanbrunoborges, install pastebinit18:56
tetsuo--through terminal right?18:56
Featurefreakpastebinit?   hmmm,18:56
brunoborgesglebihan: can't install that18:56
glebihanbrunoborges, then run "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | pastebinit"18:56
beniwtvtetsuo--: yep18:56
glebihanbrunoborges, why ?18:56
MoMoI have a modem that can give ipv6 and ipv4 ... right now dhclient gives me v6 ... can i tell it i want a v4 address?18:56
Featurefreakneat :)18:56
tetsuo--ok yop works, its says mount.ntfs is using the most cpy time followed by nautilus18:57
brunoborgesglebihan: because apt-get is Unable to locate package pastebinit18:57
learnerhi all18:57
beniwtvtetsuo--: Are you copying any files?18:57
prakasbeniwtv: wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:80:48:69:91:ca timed out18:57
Featurefreakooh, nautilus extension also.18:57
tetsuo--beniwtv: yes i am18:57
glebihanbrunoborges, then either you didn't restore your software sources to the natty ones or you didn't run "apt-get update"18:58
learneri am here on behalf of my frnd. who is using ubuntu 10.10. he has configured internet mobil connection (reliance netconnect) and gprs conection it was working fine sudennly yesterday he is not able to connect and there is a exclamation mark in his network applet saying tat network manager is not running.18:58
tetsuo--kswapd0 is also using a lot on once in a while18:58
beniwtvtetsuo--: ok, just out of curiosity, what system specs?18:58
Featurefreakglebihan: that nautilus pastbinit extension any user?18:58
brunoborgesglebihan: what's the easiest way to revert some lib to the latest version in natty repository ?18:58
Featurefreakany use i mean.18:58
prakasbeniwtv: did u see? wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:80:48:69:91:ca timed out18:59
glebihanbrunoborges, uninstall it and reinstall it after making sure you really have *only* the official repositories in your sources.list18:59
glebihanFeaturefreak, what ?18:59
brunoborgesglebihan: guess it's gonna be a long night18:59
brunoborgesglebihan:  =)18:59
beniwtvprakas: almost missed it, seems like it's not getting any response from the AP18:59
glebihanbrunoborges, could be ;)18:59
beniwtvprakas: Do you use some sort of MAC filtering on the AP?18:59
brunoborgesglebihan: is there any command that removes everything except base system ?19:00
brunoborgesglebihan: how do I list groups ?19:00
Featurefreakglebihan: there's a nautilus pastebinit extension in the repos, just wondered if you''d tried it.19:01
glebihanbrunoborges, no no such command afaik19:01
brunoborgesglebihan: shit19:01
glebihanbrunoborges, you mean user groups ?19:01
brunoborgesglebihan: package groups19:01
tetsuo--beniwtv: a cheapish core2duo with 3gb of ram19:01
glebihanFeaturefreak, I have it installed but don't think I ever actually used it19:01
Featurefreakglebihan: yeh, not sure i'd really use that either..19:02
magnusI have installed Apache on my PC, and I have a problem, because I do not get up any error message when I'm wrong in my php script19:02
prakasbeniwtv: no it is not mac filtered19:02
glebihanbrunoborges, what do you mean by package groups ?19:02
Featurefreakmagnus: ##php19:02
beniwtvtetsuo--: Strange it would take up so much CPU. What's the network bandwidth?19:02
beniwtvprakas: ok, maybe a driver problem then, which chipset is it?19:02
glebihanmagnus, that's a configuration in your php.ini19:02
prakasbeniwtv: intel 3945abg19:03
tetsuo--beniwtv: 019:03
TheProfHello.  I hope everyone is doing well.  My question: I have 2 network cards in my computer.  How do I determine which one performs better so I can use it as the main one?  One is PCI Intel  82541G gigabit controller the other is an on-board Realtek RTL8111/8168B PCI express gigabit controller19:03
glebihanmagnus, check the value of the "error_reporting" configuration directive in php.ini19:03
magnusok so, were in the php.ini file do i config it?19:03
magnusok :)19:03
learneri am here on behalf of my frnd. who is using ubuntu 10.10. he has configured internet mobil connection (reliance netconnect) and gprs conection it was working fine sudennly yesterday he is not able to connect and there is a exclamation mark in his network applet saying tat network manager is not running.19:03
beniwtvprakas: Never had Intel, so not sure how the drivers are. Try searching for Linux problems with that chipset in google.19:03
glebihanmagnus, everything you should need is explained in the file itself19:04
tetsuo--beniwtv: ive been following it for a while now, and it seems to average out at 50% cpu usage with regular peaks as high as 100% (both cores)19:04
beniwtvtetsuo--: 0?19:04
prakasok :(19:04
tetsuo--beniwtv: network reciving and sending is both 0bytes/s19:04
beniwtvtetsuo--: Oh, ok. Files do still transfer or has it stalled?19:05
tetsuo--ive also noticed that my copying speed has slowed from 25mb/s to 13,6mb sec19:05
tetsuo--beniwtv: still copying19:05
_vikingwhat is a good programming language for a high school student to learn first? my goal is learn the guts behind network protocols like https, pop etc19:05
beniwtvtetsuo--: ok, so the network can't be 0bytes then. 25mb/s it pretty good19:05
=== tetsuo-- is now known as tetsuo55
magnusglebihan is it this you mean? error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED19:06
jrib_viking: python19:06
_vikingjrib thanks, but why python19:07
beniwtvtetsuo--: Depending on the disk usage, you might have high I/O which is causing this. The new kernel in Oneiric should help with those issues. For now, I wouldn't worry if it copies fine19:07
glebihanmagnus, that's right19:07
magnusok, but i still got no error message :S19:07
beniwtvmagnus: have you checked /var/log/apache/error.log?19:07
jrib_viking: because I really like it :D  It's a high level language with good syntax choices, a library for anything you want, and plenty of support19:07
glebihanmagnus, there is also the "display_errors"19:08
beniwtvmagnus: fatal errors go there19:08
tetsuo55beniwtv: im copying from DiskA to diskB19:08
jrib_viking: in reality, you should try doing some intro tutorial for a bunch of languages and then choose the one you enjoy the most19:08
brunoborgestetsuo55: ronald... :P19:08
glebihanmagnus, and you have to run 'sudo service apache2 reload' once you're done with modifying the php.ini19:08
beniwtv_viking: I also like Vala, which is a high-level language that compiles down to C code19:09
tetsuo55brunoborges: i dont get it19:09
beniwtv_viking: And has integration with almost all gnome libs19:09
sysadaminfor a highschool student?19:09
sysadaminlearn bash.19:09
magnusStill got no error message :S19:09
brunoborgestetsuo55: sorry, I thought was a friend of mine19:09
sysadaminplease learn bash scripting. and PERL. and python. and ruby.19:10
tetsuo55brunoborges: ahh ok, no sorry19:10
glebihanmagnus, did you also check the "display_errors" directive ?19:10
Merdamhey   how do you trigger a "channel emergency" alert?19:10
magnussame adress?19:10
_vikingsysadamin i'm in form three here in zimbabwe, which translates to grade eight in the states19:10
_vikingwhich i'm guessing is where you are19:10
glebihanmagnus, same file yes, it should be just below the error_reporting one19:11
learneri am here on behalf of my frnd. who is using ubuntu 10.10. he has configured internet mobil connection (reliance netconnect) and gprs conection it was working fine sudennly yesterday he is not able to connect and there is a exclamation mark in his network applet saying tat network manager is not running.19:11
MerdamZimbabwe...   wow  How are things over there?19:11
_vikingpolitics, racism, violence except for where i live, the wealth suburbs19:11
Merdamno racism there?19:11
tetsuo55beniwtv: now kswapd0 has been using 100% cpu for a longer than usual time19:12
beniwtvlearner: usually that means that NetworkManager is not running and/or has crashed. Try "sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager restart"19:12
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beniwtvtetsuo55: that means it's swapping something - you can check with free -m19:12
magnusgot it now :)19:13
beniwtvtetsuo55: Also it swaps from time to time so this is nothing strange19:13
glebihanmagnus, you're welcome19:13
kyle__So, my machine is useable, but still royally screwed up after trying to remove the ATI driver.  Now I have two heads hooked up, but one always overlaps the other, and is set at horribly low resolution.19:14
tetsuo55beniwtv:  says 700 used 8000 free19:14
agentgasmaskHow can I use "bind" to run a shell script? bind \\ /home/user/bin/script.sh  ??   Will that run script.sh when C-a \ is pressed?19:14
tetsuo55ram is only 22 free19:14
learnerbeniwtv: it shows this result sudo: /etc/init.d/NetworkManager: command not found19:14
beniwtvtetsuo55: seems normal19:14
tetsuo55is there any way i can make it copy faster? 13,6 is no where near the theoretical max for sata disks19:15
beniwtvlearner: /etc/init.d/networkmanager on new version19:15
beniwtvtetsuo55: Probably not, it depends on a lot of things. Mainboard, chipset drivers, etc...19:16
kyle__tetsuo55: Most rotatating, and even most SSD sata discs can't touch the theoretical limit for a moment, let alone saturate it.19:16
learnerbeniwtv: what should i do now?19:16
beniwtvlearner: Did it do anything?19:16
magnusone thing more, how to delete a file using terminal?19:16
agentgasmaskHello. In gun-screen, how can I use "bind" to run a shell script? bind \\ /home/user/bin/script.sh  ??   Will that run script.sh when C-a \ is pressed?19:17
brunoborgesis there a way to search for packages that do not origin from natty repo ?19:17
brunoborgeswith apt19:17
dweezbrunoborges, I would think you would have to add 3rd party repos to do that19:17
kyle__agentgasmask: Not sure at all how to do that, but if you're not getting an answer, try posting the question in a forum, like superuser.com or linuxquestinos.19:17
brunoborgesdweez: I want to know which packages are installed in my PC, but are not from Natty official repo19:18
Merdam_viking are there a lot of people on the downlow in Zimbabwe that I could hookup with?19:18
kyle__agentgasmask: Actually, I didn't even know you could bind scripts to screen like that, so when you find out, I wanna know!19:18
_viking2Merdam hmm?19:18
Merdampeople in the closet19:18
tetsuo55yeah but still, 13,7 is slow for a disk that benchmarks around 100 burst and 70 sustained19:18
MerdamAfricans with large proboscises19:19
_viking2yeah man sodomy will get you a life sentence here19:19
Merdamany white people where you live?19:19
kyle__tetsuo55: It was giving you a sustaned transfer of not even 14MB/sec?19:19
_viking2and i'm a european-african19:19
_viking2i live in borrowdale brooke, it's all white here man19:19
MerdamI thought they kicked the whites out of Zimbabwe19:19
tetsuo55kyle__: current copy speed is less than 14 right now, top speed ive seen today was 2519:19
_viking2mostly people of dutch, british and german descent19:19
tetsuo55kyle__: im used to seeing 30-6019:20
learnerbeniwtv: it gives this result bash: /etc/init.d/networkmanager: No such file or directory19:20
_viking2no they took a few thousand white owned commercial farms19:20
kyle__tetsuo55: Are you maybe, copying using ssh or rsync over ssh?19:20
_viking2there are a few hundred thousand whites left19:20
_viking2i think19:20
beniwtvlearner: did you by any chance remove network-manager?19:20
tetsuo55kyle__: im on the desktop itself, using liveCD, to copy the home folder from physical drive A to physical Drive B19:20
learnerbeniwtv :no19:21
rumpe1learner, the file is called "network-manager", not "networkmanager"19:21
learnerbeniwtv: ok i will try tat19:21
kyle__tetsuo55: Humm.  Well, I suppose the live cd may be using unoptimized drivers.  I deffinately don't see it be that slow when I do that sort of thing here.19:21
rumpe1learner, advice: use tab-completion more often19:21
beniwtvrumpe1: ooops, I think you're right19:21
j0bito ssh my server outside from internet should i port forward eg port 2219:21
tetsuo55kyle__: thats why i came here and asked for help, it seems extraordinary slow19:21
agentgasmaskkyle__: I'll be sure to pass on the info. There is this line from the screen man file for running a telnet session: bind ^f screen telnet foobar  It says it will open a new screen "window" and run a telnet to "foobar". I didn't think screen has a bilt in telnet, so I'm gessing it is running system programs. I'll keep looking19:22
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kyle__tetsuo55: What's it like when you're booted into the local installation on that box?  And are those drives ext2/3/4 ntfs, ufs?  Are they mounted using fuse?19:22
rumpe1j0bi, i would advice a non-default port for forwarding, at least on your router. Port 22 on the net is often under attack.19:23
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...19:23
tetsuo55kyle__:  local install they max out the connection, so 30-60 depending on the place on the platter, the one disk is ext(whatever ubuntu10.10 made it) and the other seems to be ntfs19:23
j0birumpe1:  yes i agree i just ask if i should port forward ?19:24
kyle__rumpe1: you know you can always setup ssh to accept key-only authentication :)  makes brute forcing a ton harder.19:24
j0bifor ssh to work from outside?19:24
rumpe1j0bi, how else does the router knows, where he should send the ssh-connection-requests?19:24
j0biokz thanks19:24
mahnazI am new in linux19:25
mahnazI want to19:25
kyle__tetsuo55: The slow down could be the ntfs.  The only decent way to mount ntfs is using ntfs3g, wich is fuse.  Fuse runs userspace, not kernelspace.  That slowdown could be entirely fuse & ntfs.19:25
_viking2zimbabwe has the largest amount of ubuntu users per capita vs anywhere else on the planet, that's pretty cool if you ask me, it's 'cause ms windows is so expensive and ubuntu zimbabwe gives out cd's for free19:25
tetsuo55kyle__: would cherry picking updates relate dto those functions in the livecd work you think?19:25
mahnazchange content of boot/grub/grub.conf19:25
tetsuo55help improve performance?19:25
rumpe1kyle__, well... non-default port reduces traffic and cpu-time for stupid bruteforce-scripts.19:25
ishinozakikyle_ whats the diff from running it at user and kernel?19:25
mahnazbut I am not able19:25
mahnazcan any one help me plaese?19:26
Polahj0bi, rumpe1 you'd also need to configure the SSH server to listen on the other port19:26
kyle__ishinozaki: Most mount processies are run in kernel space, like when you mount ext3 or xfs or reiserfs.  That's in the kernel, which always has the highest priority.19:26
ishinozakidid you recommend running it at kernel or user?19:27
_viking2why does /var/cache/apt/archives keep .deb files after they're installed?19:27
kyle__ishinozaki: FUSE runs the mount processes as the user, in user space, with the priority and access of the user.  Nice becuase then the user doesn't need any root access to mount.  Not nice, because it's slower.19:27
rumpe1_viking2, so you don't have to download them again for a reinstall19:27
Polah_viking2: Because if a user wants to reinstall something they don't need to redownload the packages and can just use them from there, or move them elsewhere to reinstall elsewhere19:28
kyle__ishinozaki: It all depends on what you need & what you want to do.  But kernelspace is faster than userspace.  No two ways about it.19:28
ishinozakiwhen we talk about priority it means performance?19:28
ishinozakii see, that made sense.19:29
kyle__ishinozaki: Not directly.   A higher priority means when a process wants to run, it gets to run before processes of lower priority.  It can affect performance, but isn't performance.19:29
StylesHey my scroll wheel oesn't work for chrome, any way to enable it?19:29
ishinozakilet me get one thing clarified: no root access reflects good security and convenience?19:30
_viking2is there anyway to retrieve or change the root password if you forget it?19:30
Polahishinozaki, no complete, unrestricted root access reflects good security19:30
ishinozakirunning in userspace allows that?19:31
Polah_viking2: Yes, you can boot to a recovery console or probably chroot from a live session to do so.19:31
_viking2Polah thanks19:31
kidwe have a project server and have moved buildings. we have plugged it and the computers can find the server, just cannot connect.19:31
PolahAlternately sudo would allow you to do it too, from a sudo-enabled admin account19:31
ishinozakii am trying to further understand sudo19:32
glebaronhow can I find out what packages are installed on my system?19:32
ishinozakibecause from the way i see it, if i run something malicious under sudo its no different from being root19:33
Polahishinozaki, it allows authorised users (users that are allowed to use sudo for commands) to run commands as root temporarily.19:33
rumpe1glebaron, dpkg -l | grep ^ii19:33
Polahishinozaki, sudo can be restricted to only allow usage of certain commands, so you can restrict the abilities of users using sudo and forces users to think about what they're doing before actually doing it, preventing accidental damage. Having access to a root account allows totally unrestricted, unquestioned access to anything, increasing the risk of damage19:34
kidhow can i access the server, it's stuck on "connecting" but when i click "connect" it doesn't work.19:35
glebaronrumpel, thanks !19:35
ishinozakii see, would you know how similar that is implemented in windows now these days?19:35
kidgetting the "connection failed. the server may not exsist or it is not operational at this time. check the server name or IP address and your network connection and try again." error19:35
Polahishinozaki, Windows can UAC which attempts to stop users running admin-level commands unrestricted and asks them to confirm what they're doing, but it doesn't actually stop permission elevation and suchlike for malicious softwares. Implementation of sudo allows authorised users to run commands as root temporarily but is actually effective at stopping malicious programs. Check this link out for the benefits and downsides of sudo: https://h19:37
ishinozakiyou mean the implementation of uac is more of validation?19:38
Polahishinozaki, UAC is just "Are you sure you want to do this, yes or no?". sudo is "Are you sure you want to do this, do your user account have proper authorisation to do this through sudo and are you that user (do you know the user password)?"19:40
ishinozakii see. its "may i do that" as opposed to "can i do that"19:41
tetsuo55should i cancel the copy action  before installing file-system related updates?19:41
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tetsuo55i assume i can resume it later by "skipping all files" that it finds19:41
agentgasmaskkyle__: OK, I've got it to work if you want me to message you the details. :)19:42
[DeVil-BoY]hi everyone,19:42
kidany reason i wouldn't be able to connect to the server. we've recently moved offices and now i can "find the server" just cannot get past the "connecting" phase.19:42
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Polahishinozaki, somewhat. The user asks sudo to do a specific action and sudo then asks for authentication. Windows' UAC just appears when they try to do something and gives a yes/no option with no actual authentication, anybody can just click yes. It also doesn't stop malicious programs for accessing protected files, it just hinders the user really. sudo allows access to those authorised and that can authenticate and any other attempts that19:43
Polahdoesn't have authorisation, can't authenticate or both are rejected19:43
[DeVil-BoY]i have a laptop dell inspiron 6000 trying to install drivers for the 915GM adapter19:43
[DeVil-BoY]can someone tell me which ones i need to download from that site19:43
PersonIf I wanted to learn to hack/crack, where would you suggest I go?19:44
=== Person is now known as CluelessPerson
Polah[DeVil-BoY], the ones labelled "Linux Drivers", perhaps? Or if you can't find those, ndiswrapper allows use of Windows (XP, I believe) drivers instead19:44
ishinozakiperson: go to college first then prison19:44
ActionParsnipdevral: they are in a default install19:45
[DeVil-BoY]that's for wifi19:45
PolahCluelessPerson, not here.19:45
glebihanCluelessPerson, not here19:45
[DeVil-BoY]i'm trying to improve video performance19:45
[DeVil-BoY]video controller intel 915GM graphics19:45
ActionParsnip[DeVil-BoY]: you may need an xorg.conf file if your disaply device is not reporting EDID19:45
[DeVil-BoY]ActionParsnip how would i check that?19:46
ishinozakicluelessperson: if youre still asking way too general questions like that you havw a long way to go19:46
CluelessPersonishinozaki,   I've found some answers already.  I'm just looking for more sources, even though my cup has already been filled.19:47
glebihanCluelessPerson, please drop the subject19:47
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:47
ActionParsnip[DeVil-BoY]: check in /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:47
ishinozakicluelessperson: good luck19:48
[DeVil-BoY]ok i'm oign to check19:48
* CluelessPerson wants to learn and everyone is like "ILLEGAL!! RUN AWAYYYYY" >.>19:48
Polahmegalinux: If you aren't going to ask a question or help, stop that or leave.19:50
[DeVil-BoY]ActionParsnip it's huge that file19:50
FloodBot1megalinux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:50
Polah[DeVil-BoY], it is a log of all your Xorg activity, it'll probably be quite large.19:51
daharonHey guys, what is the Ubuntu version of "yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'"?19:51
daharonI need to compile some projects on an ubuntu machine and I don't have the development libraries/apps that I need.19:52
hallmanAnyone know why xorg sucks up 25-100% of my cpu? Seems to be a common problem, yet the many suggested solutions doesn't seem to work for me.19:52
Polahdaharon: What libraries do you need?19:52
Styleshallman: rm -rf /19:52
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!19:52
Stylesdon't rly lol19:52
hallmanI've also looked through the ubuntu wiki on X troubleshooting, HighCPU in particular.. I find it hard to believe that it's a client application. It's not software rasterizing. I've tried various drivers. Logs seem fine.19:52
PolahStyles, don't suggest that to people.19:53
daharonPolah: glib-devel, cups-devel, automake, etc.  The development stuff.19:53
Stylesguess not a funny joke?19:53
[DeVil-BoY]it has a few entries for the EDID19:53
bastidrazorPolah: build-essentials may be the package you need for compiling.19:53
PiciStyles: No. Do not joke around like that here.19:53
m4vStyles: this channel isn't for jokes.19:53
dweezNot a funny joke?  How could it NOT be funny that some poor trusting soul just wiped out his whole directory19:53
dweezdamn, I fogot to add the <sarcasm></sarcasm> tags19:54
Polahdaharon, sudo apt-get install <packages>     build-essentials may have all that, I don't know exactly.19:54
dephyreI think that the best joke!19:54
hallmanSo no help then?19:54
StylesHow do you know it's using that much?19:54
StylesI find it hard to believe19:54
hallmanStyles: I guess I trust the system monitor in kde19:54
hallmanAnd the system is slow as fuck, so something is going on.19:55
Stylesworks for me, just making sure your reading it right haha19:55
Polahhallman: Run the top command and see if it agrees19:55
StylesYou've tried restarting right?19:55
hallmanPolah: it does19:55
Stylescheck logs hallman19:55
StylesThere is something going wrong19:55
hallmanStyles: I don't want to hear any more from you.19:55
Styleshallman:  lol k19:55
Polahhallman: Are you using generic drivers, specific linux drivers or proprietary drivers for your GPU?19:56
dephyreI know nobody care but I got OnLive 100% working in wine today.19:56
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zeperempathii ?19:56
hallmanPolah: Just whatever came with kubuntu (I'm asking here instead of #kubuntu since #kubuntu is useless and it's doesn't matter for this particular problem)19:56
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Calinou<Polah> daharon, sudo apt-get install <packages>     build-essentials may have all that, I don't know exactly.19:56
Calinoubuild-essential without "s"19:56
fr0stedhi all, quick question, could installing ubuntu with wubi stop ubuntu working from an update to 11.04? as i cant get it to boot, just getthe black login screen Ubuntu login ttyl119:57
kidafter moving buildings, our computers cannot connect to the server running ubuntu. i sticks at "connecting."19:57
fr0stedi have been playing all day19:57
hallmanPolah: I've tried using other drivers but it doesn't seem to work. (modifying the Driver bit of the xorg.conf under the Device section)19:57
lowninWould anyone be able to tell me how to use UFW to allow the connection of a specific TCP port on the outside to connect in, but to a different specific TCP port on the inside?19:57
PolahCalinou: Thought it was that actually, bastidrazor said -essentials19:57
shawn_can someone help me with a wireless issue?19:57
fr0stedshawn_ whatsthe problem mate /19:58
jbehlinganyone here have experience with setting up pam_krb5 and pam_ccreds for off-network login (using cached credentials)19:58
ActionParsnip[DeVil-BoY]: hardly, its only about 40 lins or so19:58
kidi'm having a wireless issue as well.19:59
shawn_I just loaded Ubuntu , I can connect to unsecure networks in my region, but not my own wireless router from my laptop!19:59
RaweedHey, has anyone on here sucessfully installed ubuntu 11.04 onto an external HDD im having issues ?19:59
[DeVil-BoY]ActionParsnip so does that mean everything is working as it should19:59
[DeVil-BoY]because really, the issue is video playback19:59
dephyreWhat's the encryption shawn_?19:59
Polahshawn_: Are you using the correct encryption protocol?19:59
shawn_I turned security on my router off.  Still the same thing.19:59
fr0stedye i was gonna say use wep and not wpa19:59
[DeVil-BoY]on reboot it play video files after they are playing it goes dark with only sound19:59
fr0stedshawn_ try changing your encryption type to wep20:00
dephyre...right, what encryption scheme is it using? WEP, WPA, or WPA2?20:00
shawn_on both the router and laptop?20:01
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alkisgMy laptop bios says that it has an "EFI" mode, do I gain anything if I enable that? Does Ubuntu/grub/etc support EFI?20:04
ActionParsnip[DeVil-BoY]: if your performance is poor, you may need an xorg.conf to set better settings, or you can add the xorg edgers updates ppa to get a newer driver (not really advised but may help)20:04
str8has anyone installed libjpeg8 on ubuntu 10?20:04
shawn_here goes20:04
[DeVil-BoY]might go ms on this laptop20:04
str8anyone at all20:05
chalcedonyi've upgraded from Lucid 10.04 to Maverick 10.10 - but I was hoping that upgrading to a new ubuntu would fix my video problem. it followed me. This is the error:setting up gdebi-core (0.6.3ubuntu1) ...  Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0", i saw it while it was upgrading. It's only giving me the command prompt, and i can login, but no GUI at all.20:05
kyle__Any flgrx users here who know how the fsck to make it happy with multiple monitors?20:06
ActionParsnip[DeVil-BoY]: intel is pretty hit and miss. The intel 8xxx is particularly frustrating20:07
alkisgchalcedony: what graphics card do you have? lspci -nn -k | grep -A 2 VGA20:07
kidwhat changes are needed to take place when you move servers from locations.20:07
[DeVil-BoY]but i don't know what else it could be20:07
kyle__kid: If you've got the same IP, none really.20:08
kidkyle__ i'm unsure if i have the same ip. in fact, i don't know how to check it. we moved locations and now our local computers cannot connect to the project server which contains all our project files.20:09
TheEvilPhoenixstr8:  what about it20:09
kyle__kid: So you don't even know if the server is up now?20:10
Polahkid: Does the file access protocol have a specific IP defined? The other computers on the network could find it but if the IP were different then the attempts to connect could fail it they're attempting with a specific but now incorrect IP20:10
kidit was setup before i got the job and i know a miniscule amount of networking. i just moved the box and plugged hoping it would play.20:10
Polahkid: Can you access the server?20:10
Polahkid: Through SSH or suchlike?20:11
kidwhen i plug it, the computers can find it, they locate the server, however i'm stuck at the "connecting" stage.20:11
kidi cannot enter my user/password.20:11
chalcedonyalkisg,  Radeon HD 3200 Graphics20:11
qinkid: Your server, do you have phisical contact with it?20:12
chalcedony(sorry my husband needed attention )20:12
shawn_@fr0sted thats not it.20:12
Polahkid: If the IP is different, do you have a firewall in place that restricts access for various protocols except on certain IPs?20:12
kidqin: it does.20:12
kidit's simply a local server which allows us to network in house and work with the same files.20:13
rellisHi folks. I was install empathy 3.x on ubuntu 11.04 from a PPA when my internet connection died. I had to ctrl+c the "apt-get install empathy". Now I keep getting errors saying I have broken package that cannot be fixed. I've tried "sudo apt-get install -f" and "sudo dpkg --configure -a" but it has not helped.20:13
shawn_Why would my wireless connect to an unsecure network.  But not my own?  Maybe I'll try to reset the router and box.20:13
kidit times out and gives me a "connection failed. the server may not exsist or it is not operational at this time. check the server name or IP address and your network connection and try again." error20:14
kyle__shawn_: If, say, you have an old wireless card in your box, that doesn't speak wpa2, you would be able to connect an insecure network, but not your own wpa2 secured network.20:14
ActionParsniprellis: can you give the output of: sudo apt-get -f install   use pastebin20:14
rellisoops.. this is the full error i get trying install now l in place that restricts access for various protocols except on certain IPs?20:14
shawn_Its not old though20:14
qinkid: And now you hanging on same lan what server?20:14
rellishere's the output from apt-get install -f .... http://pastebin.com/A9rs1dCb20:15
rellisActionParsnip: ^20:15
kidqin: not following.20:15
qinkid: Are you in work or home?20:15
shawn_my desktop reads that it exists, it sees it.  But keeps bringing up the password box like its not right.20:15
kidin work20:16
ActionParsniprellis: seems to be needing gnome3, just researching20:17
kidi feel like it's something pretty simple. nothing complex. it's worked forever and we simply moved locations and now cannot connect.20:17
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kidif i get onto the server itself, i can connect to it with my personal computers password/un. however, i cannot connect to the server with my computer.20:17
qinkid: Ok, make sure server is up (power up), what isconnected to network (lan port with light), do your server have rgb port for monitor?20:17
rellisActionParsnip: The weird part is... the install went along fine before.. when I first added the PPA... i definitely have broken packages.20:18
that_guy3Hi, Idk if this is the right channel or not, I'm looking for help with Ubuntu Server20:18
kidyes. plugged up monitor and keyboard.20:18
qinkid: In server: ifconfig, check in clients configuration, ip you got from ifconfig on server.20:19
kidqin, how would i do so?20:19
rellisActionParsnip: This is what I get inside synpatic when I run Edit -> Fix Broken Packages ... http://pastebin.com/Wrxc9c8F20:19
kidi know nothing. i'm the web developer and network guy can't be in until next week.20:19
ActionParsniprellis: I'd contact the PPA maintainer to see what the score is20:20
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glebihanrellis, which ppa did you add ?20:20
qinkid: On server: ifconfig, sudo netstat -tulp (to see what is running there)20:20
rellisThe ppa I added was ppa:telepathy/ppa20:21
rellisI wanted empathy 3.x so I can block people...20:21
rellisAnyone have any idea why synaptic now throws these errors about "held packages"?20:22
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silverarrowdoes anyone know if ubuntu vlc builds are broken?20:22
kidifconfig worked, showed a bunch of stuff. the other didn't because i don't have sudo pw.20:23
ActionParsniprellis: I'd grab the ppa maintainer, it may need Gnome3 to satisfy deps so you will need to upgrade to Oneiric20:23
glebihanrellis, did you try "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?20:23
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: no issues with it here20:23
rellisno i did not..20:23
triptecI'm gonna do some compiling and styff is there any good sudo apt-get install build-essensials readline etc anyone could point me to20:23
stercorHow do I make a .jpg into my screensaver?20:23
rellisthe reason I think you're wrong is because the install started up without ocmplaining about deps the first time around20:23
tripteclike now I'm also missing zlinc20:23
dexter_I just lost ALL of my xchat channels20:23
rellisit's only now after ctrl+c the apt-get instal lthat it complains..20:24
dexter_can anyone help me?20:24
rellisI also get these errors from synaptic telling me a have broken packages20:24
rellisso it seems to me that's the root of the problem20:24
andybrineHey everyone20:24
glebihanrellis, that's weird cause apt-get doesn't see any broken packages20:24
andybrinedoes anyone know a good application for webcams on ubuntu?20:25
ActionParsnipandybrine: cheese20:25
rellisyeah, i agree... it's pretty weird20:25
glebihanrellis, could you try that last command I gave you ?20:25
stercordexter_: Which chat client?20:25
ActionParsnipdexter_: if you readd them again is it ok?20:25
Richard_28 is there a wat to detect forwarded ports (set up with ssh)20:25
silverarrowactionparsnip, good to know, I was told by the videolan guys, ubuntu had broken vlc packages. That would mean I don't have to worry about that?20:25
rellisgleibhan: I'm on 11.04... 11.10's not out yet, right? So what would i dist-upgrade to?20:25
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: wouldn't worry, the packages in the official repos are tested well so should be fine#20:26
Pici!dist-upgrade | rellis20:26
glebihanrellis, dist-upgrade doesn't change distribution20:26
ubotturellis: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.20:26
andybrineActionParsnip I have used cheese and everytime i try and record the webcam is starts lagging20:26
cgermanna dist upgrade also forces the upgrading og all pacages that are upgradeable20:26
ActionParsniprellis: dist-upgrade doesn't get you to the next release20:26
rellisoh, oops20:26
andybrineActionParsnip and my system is really good20:26
silverarrowActionParsnip, then it my computer then20:26
dexter_ActionParsnip, readd?? I had like 12 servers and like 60 channels...20:26
ActionParsnipandybrine: "really good" is debatable, but it should be enough to run a cam. Have you tried xvidwincap20:27
dexter_stercor, is xchat a chat client? Im a noob20:27
ActionParsnipdexter_: i see, freaky20:27
rellisalright it's installing some stuff..20:27
ActionParsnipdexter_: xchat is an irc client20:27
andybrineActionParsnip, I will give it a go20:27
twig11Where should I start troubleshooting to figure out why my Brother mfc-j615 AIO scanner unit isn't detected across the local network? I've installed the brother print and scan drivers, and printing works fine, but the scanner is not recognized. I've googled this and read whatever I can find on Brother's support site, but I'm not getting anywhere. Thanks for any help.20:27
ActionParsnipdexter_: restore your settings from backup then, all I can really suggest20:27
andybrineActionParsnip, it is strange that whenever i try to record with cheese it just laggs20:28
ActionParsniptwig11: have you installed the scanner drivers from the brother site? they make linux drivers you know ;)20:28
cgermannI also recomend the IRC client called "smuxi" it tends to be lighter than Xchat20:28
twig11ActionParsnip: That's why I purchased a Brother. Read my whole post.20:28
dexter_ActionParsnip, noob here never learnt to make a backup, afraid I dont have one, unless ubuntu does that automatically...20:28
twig11ActionParsnip: Sorry for sounding rude, it wasn't meant that way.20:29
qinkid: Did you get IP from ifconfig?20:29
ActionParsniptwig11: its cool20:29
ActionParsnipdexter_: oh dear20:29
qinkid: Ang highlight nick. please20:29
ActionParsnipandybrine: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/02/webcam-linux/20:29
dexter_ActionParsnip, lol20:29
rellisalright well it wants me to reboot20:29
rellisi shall return20:29
glebihanrellis, you could try installing empathy first20:30
ActionParsniptwig11: so if you use simple scan, what message do you get?20:30
jbehlinganyone use pamccreds with pamkrb5?20:30
rellisgleibhan: throws the same error as previous20:30
rellislisting the impompatible deps in a tree20:30
glebihanrellis, then I guess we're back to contacting the ppa's maintainer...20:31
rellisalright ,fair neough20:31
twig11ActionParsnip: It's all installed, like I said, and I've followed the directions at20:31
twig11to no avail. I'm not sure where to go from here.20:31
twig11ActionParsnip: Sorry didn't see your last message. "No Scanners Available" and No Scanners Connected"20:32
juanchihi.. whats the name of the package that makes QT applicactions look native in GNOME.? After a fresh install I cant remember the name20:32
relliswell i disabled the ppa and put empathy 2.34 back on here20:33
rellisgonna reboot, bi2m20:33
glebihanrellis, does synaptic still show errors ?20:33
ActionParsniptwig11: is your OS 32bit or 64bit?20:33
dexter_i executed sudo apt-get clean, could that be related to the loss of my schat configuration?20:33
twig11ActionParsnip: 32bit20:34
ActionParsnipdexter_: that only cleans the apt cache20:34
glebihandexter_, no20:34
Polahdexter_: That just cleans saved packages from /var/cache/apt20:34
dexter_then it must be the power cut...20:34
l1nuxmanhow can I easily add a user and not permit he view or cd into any other directories besides his home directory?20:34
l1nuxmanmost of my directories have r-x for other and that's the problem20:35
ActionParsniptwig11: try:  wget http://www.brother.com/pub/bsc/linux/dlf/brscan3-0.2.11-4.i386.deb; sudo dpkg -i ./brscan3-0.2.11-4.i386.deb; rm ./brscan3-0.2.11-4.i386.deb20:35
ActionParsniptwig11: there is also a set of brother drivers in the repos, may work20:36
qinl1nuxman: It more depense from setting of others, than new user.20:36
l1nuxmanwell others usually have r-x but I want only that user to not be included in 'other' group20:37
andybrinesuch a shame you cant record good quality video on linux without getting a lot of lag.....20:38
guntbertdexter_: does ~/.xchat2/servlist.conf exist?20:38
dexter_does anyone here have problems with firefox 6.0.1? hyperlinks only work for the first page of results. Example: I type for love on scroogle, get a list of 100 results, none of the hyperlinks works20:38
ActionParsnipandybrine: you can, you just need to find an app20:38
dexter_guntbert, yes20:38
twig11ActionParsnip: I'm trying your instructions. I already installed the brother drivers from the repository earlier.20:38
ActionParsnipdexter_: what happens when you hit a link?20:38
rumpe1l1nuxman, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-unix-rssh-chroot-jail-setup.html   maybe this is something20:38
dexter_ActionParsnip, absolutely nothing, it makes an attempt to load the page and then nothing20:39
l1nuxmanhmm k20:39
guntbertdexter_: that file contains all your servers and the subscribed channels20:39
andybrineActionParsnip I have tested many of them and I stil get a lag :s20:39
supernintendohow do I find someones IP address?20:39
dexter_guntbert, I know, and its empty20:39
ActionParsnipandybrine: maybe the driver for your webcam sucks20:39
dexter_guntbert, well, 6 lines, but not the 12 servers I had to automatically connect20:39
guntbertdexter_: ouw - sorry, I obviously came late ...20:39
twig11ActionParsnip: Do I need to reboot after installing that driver?20:40
dexter_guntbert, :)20:40
ActionParsnipsupernintendo: I'd ask in ##networking20:40
l1nuxmanrumpe1, wow thats so hard20:40
ActionParsniptwig11: don't think so20:40
supernintendooh neato :) will they help me find out if this person is for real?20:40
andybrineActionParsnip, I was sure to get a really good camera that worked well in linux20:40
ActionParsnipsupernintendo: I gues20:40
ActionParsnipandybrine: vlc appears to be able to do it too, I'd wager mplayer can too20:41
dexter_ActionParsnip, the changes made to firefox were made together with a kernel update: mine now is and GNOME 2.32.120:41
ActionParsnipandybrine: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam20:41
YGOfani need someone who can speak japanese20:41
andybrineActionParsnip I will have a look at a few more thanks20:42
twig11ActionParsnip: Still doesn't work. Could it have something to do with the network configuration, even if the printer is working on the network?20:42
ActionParsnipdexter_: is it ok in other browsers?20:42
dexter_ActionParsnip, yes, chromium seems to work fine20:42
bodomHello, can anybody please explain me how to manage the ubuntu boot sequence?20:42
Pici!jp | YGOfan20:42
ubottuYGOfan: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。20:42
bodomYGOfan: Have you tried #ubuntu-jp?20:42
YGOfannobody answering20:42
hylianbodom: exactly what are you trying to manage?20:43
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:43
jlholmessup ppl20:43
hylianActionParsnip: thanks action, that's easier... :)20:44
rellisJust an update for the oflks that were helping me..I sent an email to the PPA maintainer on launchpad.20:44
YGOfani need someone who can speak japanese, it's nothing ubuntu related tbh20:44
rellisThanks for trying :)20:44
jlholmescan I install KDE on ubuntu via software centre20:44
hylianYGOfan: the best i could do is run babelfish, sorry :(20:44
bodomhylian: Well, when the system boot up, it starts all daemon and processes, then displays the console login screen. Then, it hangs for about 120 sec. before starting KDM. That's because KDM is started after the task that's hanging, I guess. I'm trying to make kdm start earlier20:44
dexter_YGOfan, I can say konnichiwa and watashi wa nipponjin desu20:44
YGOfannp hylian20:44
ActionParsniphylian: I like easier20:44
YGOfannot enough I'm afraid20:44
ActionParsnipjlholmes: yes you can20:45
hylianbodom: did you see ActionParsnip's post?20:45
xissburgheh eh20:45
jlholmesok although KDE is crap.. unity ftw20:45
MadRat-Er, Hi.  I just installed Natty Narwhal and used the Ubuntu Software Center to install LXDE.  Um... h-how do I... start it?  *blush*20:45
ActionParsnipjlholmes: i don't mind either, LXDE ftw here :)20:45
ct529hi everybody20:45
jlholmesbefore you log in.......20:45
kyle__jlholmes: Seriuosly?  Neither unity or KDE Is reasonable for day to day use.  I use classic mode, or console.20:46
jlholmesgo to a drop down box at the bottom of the login screen and select whichi nterface you should use20:46
silverarrowwipe your shoes on the mat20:46
kyle__CLI, the real interface.20:46
ct529I run the usual weekly update, reboot .... and now it says "you do not have the hardware to run unity"20:46
chalcedonywhat's the address of the xorg.conf in maverick?20:46
PolahMadRat-: When logging in, select your user and at the bottom there's a few dropdown menu, the third one will allow you to select an environment.20:46
ct529which I was running until 2 hours ago20:46
ct529what is going on????20:46
hylianjlholmes: i am using xubuntu, runs well. the only problem i ever have with it is if you choose restart/shutdown sometimes logs out instead. xfce is pretty sweet.20:46
jlholmesi use http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixa1kXjMhAU20:46
ActionParsnipkyle__: if flash ran in CLI, I wouldn't use X20:46
Polahchalcedony, /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:46
bodomhylian: oh, hadn't noticed it, ty. Is the rc.x.d script system still in use? I've read something about lbs and dependency-based startup sometime in the past20:47
ssbrhow can I tell what changes were made by an apt-get? The Ubuntu wiki lists a joystick package for setting up a control pad, but no information on how to use it. Knowing the actual programs I installed would help the search20:47
chalcedonyPolah, thanks20:47
ssbrby an apt-get install*20:47
ActionParsnipct529: log in to Ubuntu Classic, setup 3D accelleration then log off and log in to the Ubuntu session20:47
ActionParsnipssbr: look in /var/log/dpkg.log20:47
bluphow do you normally start processes in the background? i tried with '/usr/bin/redis-server start &', but it keeps logging on the current screen, which makes it hard to keep using it.20:47
MadRat-jlholmes & Polah: OK.  I don't remember a login screen but I'll reboot, see if I can find it and try that.20:47
* kyle__ high fives ActionParsnip 20:47
hylianbodom: you know, i don't rightly know. I havent read a whole lot about that peticular side of ubuntu lately. I've actually been researching a new fork of mandriva, sorry. :(20:47
Polahssbr: /var/log/dpkg.log or /var/log/apt/history.log20:47
ActionParsnipssbr: that will show the log of packages install / removed etc20:47
jribblup: redirect output somewhere else, or use nohup, or use screen or tmux20:48
PolahMadRat-: Your system may be configured to autologin with a user20:48
ssbrWell, I know the package I installed: the joystick package20:48
MadRat-Polah: Yeah, I think it is.20:48
ActionParsnip!info joystick20:48
ubottujoystick (source: joystick): set of testing and calibration tools for joysticks. In component universe, is extra. Version 20051019-12ubuntu1 (natty), package size 33 kB, installed size 224 kB20:48
jribssbr: there's usually useful info in /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE20:48
hylianActionParsnip: is there a list of the ! comments, sure seems to save time.20:48
twig11ActionParsnip: Have any idea if I should be worried about my network configuration interfering with recognition of the AIO scanner if its printer is being recognized?20:49
blupjrib: i'm using screen, but that leaves that terminal in use.. how would you redirect output somewhere else/use nohup?20:49
ActionParsnip!brain | hylian20:49
ubottuhylian: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:49
ssbrjrib: it has a changelog and copyright information20:49
infested999Why are xfs partitions mounted read-only by default?20:49
ActionParsniptwig11: none at the moment, tbh I don't use scanners20:49
jribblup: you don't want to just create a new window in screen?20:49
ssbrI'm specifically wondering what the calibration tool it installs is20:49
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ActionParsnipinfested999: use a different mount option20:49
ct529ActionParsnip: How do I set that up? Why was it unset?20:50
mc_teoI would like to make an wireless access point. my wifi card bcm4312 doesnt support master mode with its propietary driver, therefore would it be possible to like bridge wlan0 and eth1 (to an old routers wan port)20:50
ActionParsnipssbr: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-set-up-a-gameportgamepad-or-joystick-in-ubuntu.html   may help20:50
infested999ActionParsnip: What /etc/fstab line do I use to mount the partition at boot: Here is my current: "UUID=xxxxxxxxxxxx /media/Backup xfs defaults 0 0"20:50
jribssbr: dpkg -L PACKAGE  will list what was installed by PACKAGE20:50
ActionParsnipct529: do you use proprietray drivers for video?20:51
ActionParsnipinfested999: try:  default,rw    see if it helps20:51
ssbrActionParsnip: that's about jscalibrator though20:51
ct529ActionParsnip: yep20:51
ActionParsnipssbr: I've only seen that in the playdeb ppa20:51
ssbrActionParsnip: it's the thing listed in the xbox controller FAQ20:51
ssbrer, joystick is*20:52
ssbrjscalibrator I don't know anything about20:52
ssbrjrib: Perfect!20:52
Polahinfested999: Should be defaults, not default there20:52
ActionParsnipssbr: http://www.getdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/11.04/?q=joy20:52
PolahAlso defaults includes write access20:53
Polahor should do20:53
ct529ActionParsnip: where do I set up 3D acceleration? I am lost here. Since I am using a proprietary driver and did not upgrade the kernel, why should the 3d acceleration be swicthed off?20:53
ActionParsnipct529: if you change kernel, the module may not get built, if you log into the 2D envirionment and reinstall dkms, it should rebuild it for you20:54
ct529ActionParsnip: I did NOT change kernel20:54
ct529ActionParsnip: hence the surprise20:54
ActionParsnipct529: try it anyhoo, should be ok20:55
ct529well, I would rather understand what is going on ....20:55
ct529anyway, food time .... thanks for your help20:56
mauregato /join #debian20:56
MadRat-OK I found it thank you Polah and jlholmes ^_^20:57
BarkingFishmauregato, perhaps try that without the space in front :)20:58
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guntbert!nickspam | Guest1248921:05
ubottuGuest12489: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines »21:05
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=== Fighter is now known as Fighter_
bodomhylian: just to let you know, I've found my answer: ubuntu is using upstart now21:06
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goldinshi, I'm trying to download something over tftp from a host that's behind an ubuntu firewall host; the firewall has this rule: 69                         ALLOW IN    Anywhere but when I tcpdump host vessel (vessel being the tftp server) I only see the requests21:07
goldinswhat's the syntax for UFW to allow these packets through?21:08
goldinsor really to allow any packets from a host through21:10
Fighter_please  can you help me about Ubuntu Brazil21:12
DavidGradis#join linuxfrance21:13
glebihan!brazil | Fighter_21:13
ubottuFighter_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:13
Polah!brazil | Fighter_21:13
ActionParsnipgoldins: do you have a desktop UI to work in?21:13
goldinsActionParsnip: not easily21:14
ActionParsnipgoldins: dang21:14
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AlexqwDoes Ubuntu backport drivers to Lucid from newer kernel releases?21:16
snooffy_hi guys, can anybody help with apt-get behind proxy? I've tried to set the proxy in /etc/apt/apt.conf as advised in various guides, also tried the network proxy preference in gnome, but no luck still getting 407 Proxy Authentification Required.21:19
snooffy_tried to "export http_proxy://......"21:19
snooffy_doesn't help either, the problem might be that in my password for the proxy is "&" but i was escaping that in the conf file or in the export command like \& also do i have to escape the @ as well in the prosy url, i mean http://uname:psw\@proxy.com ?21:21
ActionParsnipsnooffy_: http://pastebin.com/Mmj4Xcdi21:23
ActionParsnipsnooffy_: make that your apt.conf file21:23
ActionParsnipsnooffy_: http://www.onlinehowto.net/apt-get-via-authentication-proxy/138821:24
ActionParsnipsnooffy_: http://travisepperson.blogspot.com/2007/08/using-proxy-for-apt-get-in-debian.html21:24
goldinsActionParsnip: I'm an idiot...21:26
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goldinsmodprobe nf_nat_tftp21:26
snooffy_ActionParsnip: ok I'll try21:27
snooffy_what about the & symbol in my password?21:27
ActionParsnipsnooffy_: not sure dude, try it just as you expect, see if it flys21:29
dmsupermanCan somebody explain how apt forms download URLs for deb packages?21:29
dmsupermanI have this line: deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable main21:30
dmsupermanBut that url gives me a 40421:30
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dmsupermanHow can it not exist and yet still be able to be retried by apt?21:30
vantage_puddinghi, I just installed ubuntu correctly with unity running, but the top bar doesn't have the correct default theme21:31
vantage_puddinghow do I enable the default theme for the top bar?21:31
PolahHow can I get the Linux version of Ubuntu to work after installing from CD?21:32
ActionParsnipPolah: reboot without the CD in...21:32
Jeanbeaudrillardvantage_pudding, right click on the desktop and change the theme21:32
vantage_puddingJeanbeaudrillard, thanks, I tried that, but it doesn't change :s21:32
vantage_puddingand unity works, so it's not the drivers21:33
ActionParsnipvantage_pudding: log off and on after changing the theme, may help21:33
Jeanbeaudrillardok weird :d21:33
vantage_puddingyeah it's strange21:33
Jeanbeaudrillardim using mint but it's base on ubuntu though21:33
snooffy_ActionParsnip: no joy man, tried various combinations of escapes/no escapes in the psw but it just doesnt work  :(21:33
BarkingFishanyone here up for a challenge?  I'd like to see someone update and build artsd for ubuntu as an alternative to pulseaudio, if they could make plugins for the major bits and bobs of the dm, I'd be ecstatic :)21:34
vantage_puddingwell, they say you rarely have to reinstall linux, so it should be fixeable21:34
ActionParsnipsnooffy_: is it possible for you to change the password, just to make sure the syntax in the file is ok?21:35
vantage_puddingJeanbeaudrillard, what's also strange is that the buttons don't have the theme, but the window top bar does21:35
ActionParsnipvantage_pudding: did the logoff work?21:36
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glisstechI have a question about the built in disk utility...palimpsest21:36
vantage_puddingActionParsnip, already tried that, including rebooting21:36
vantage_puddingthanks for helping thou :)21:36
ActionParsnipvantage_pudding: is it Unity2D?21:36
glisstechcan i print out the smart data and benchmark data?21:36
glisstechOr is there an alternative that will allow me to do so?21:37
vantage_puddingActionParsnip, it's the default unity, just installed it21:37
vantage_puddingI mean, just installed ubuntu21:37
ActionParsnipglisstech: there is hdparm which can show performance of a drive21:37
ActionParsnipvantage_pudding: is it natty?21:37
vantage_puddingActionParsnip, ah sorry, it's the latest ubuntu yes, 32 bit21:37
glisstechActionParsnip: That will let me print smart and benchmark data?21:38
BarkingFishHow do I find out about the past history of ubuntu as a distro please? I need to know what the last issue of Ubuntu was which did not come with pulseaudio as the default sound server.21:38
ActionParsnipvantage_pudding: maybe this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/53321/how-does-one-retheme-the-unity-panel-with-gtk21:38
ActionParsnipglisstech: yes21:39
glisstechActionParsnip: is it cli only?21:39
ielezovikjWhenever I stop charging my laptop and remove the cable Ubuntu suspends can anyone show me how to stop this? Thank you very much.21:39
goshawkhey... i just received the mail that Oneiric beta 1 is out but i don't see the server version on http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/21:39
vantage_puddingActionParsnip, myeah, thanks for the link, I only wonder why it doesn't work by default21:40
vantage_puddingdoesn't matter21:40
vantage_puddingI may just reinstall the whole thing21:40
h00k!oneiric | goshawk21:40
ubottugoshawk: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:40
robin0800vantage_pudding, you can use gnome-tweak-tool21:40
goshawkk h21:40
ielezovikj Whenever I stop charging my laptop and remove the cable Ubuntu suspends can anyone show me how to stop this? Thank you very much.21:40
goshawkk h00k21:40
ielezovikj Whenever I stop charging my laptop and remove the cable Ubuntu suspends can anyone show me how to stop this? Thank you very much.21:41
vantage_puddingrobin0800, hmm, lemme try that :) one sec21:41
h00kielezovikj: Does your battery hold a charge? It sounds like the battery isn't charging.21:41
vantage_puddingrobin0800, ActionParsnip, you know what's even more strange, I see the correct theme for 1 second, then it falls back21:41
ielezovikjh00k: Even though I have enough battery to last even for 50 minutes still my laptop suspends whenever I remove the charging cable.21:41
vantage_puddingwhen logging in I mean21:42
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ActionParsnipielezovikj: what is the make and model of the system?21:42
ActionParsnipielezovikj: are there any bug reports?21:42
ielezovikjActionParsnip: My laptop is Sony Vaio. And, I am not informed.21:43
ActionParsnipvantage_pudding: check your startup apps. I had this in Lubuntu, where stupid gnome would overlay my LXDE, if i ran xkill and clicked the desktop then my usual desktop would show21:43
KNUBBIGHey guys, I've just been asked for help from a friend with a server whose apache crashes daily and says segmentation fault (11). Can that be due to PHP5 and PHP4 being installed? (yes I know that's not good at all :-))21:43
ActionParsnipielezovikj: I'd check the bugs, see if it is a known issue21:44
ielezovikjActionParsnip: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1401551 There a guy has a similar problem but I can't see any solution.21:44
doodmangIs Unity suitable for netbooks?21:44
ActionParsnipielezovikj: I suggest you log a bug with acpi, you could also add the bootoption:   acpi=off   see if it helps21:45
vantage_puddingActionParsnip, tried xkill, it killed the whole screen :s21:45
ActionParsnipdoodmang: sure21:45
Jeanbeaudrillarddoodmang, yep21:45
vantage_puddingthis must be just some wrong config file or so21:45
Jeanbeaudrillarddoodmang, what is your netbook though  ?21:45
ielezovikjActionParsnip: Sorry I just recently started using Ubuntu. Can you please tell me how to log a bug with acpi?21:45
ActionParsnipvantage_pudding: was just saying, that's what I had to do, you can reboot, or maybe pressing ALT+F2 and run;  nautilus   will sort it21:45
doodmangHow does it compare to other desktop environments in terms of resources?21:45
ActionParsnipielezovikj: in a terminal, run:   ubuntu-bug acpi21:46
doodmangJeanbeaudrillard, how do you want me to describe it21:46
snooffy_ActionParsnip: I'll try21:46
vantage_puddingyeah it's ok :) I logged off21:46
ActionParsnipdoodmang: lxde and xfce use a tonne less, kde uses a little more21:46
Jeanbeaudrillarddoodmang, ho i meant the amount of RAM because it is important the gui on linux21:46
ActionParsnipvantage_pudding: that too :)21:46
doodmangJeanbeaudrillard, 1 GB21:46
Jeanbeaudrillarddoodmang, ok i should be enough for unity21:47
doodmangJeanbeaudrillard, alright, thanks21:47
Jeanbeaudrillarddoodmang, glad i can help you can also make the os faster by changing the default theme21:48
Jeanbeaudrillardi do that in my old pc :P21:48
tapirHi, I tried to create a launcher to peazip, but it dissapears when I disconect my cpu :P21:48
doodmangJeanbeaudrillard, what do you mean by changing the theme? Desktop effects?21:48
Jeanbeaudrillarddoodmang, yes i believe it can have a great impact on some less powerfull pcs21:49
ActionParsniptapir: disconnecting CPU will cause issues, as in zero boot or a big flash and lots of smoke21:49
vantage_puddingthat's interesting21:49
vantage_puddingI wrote "unity restart" in the terminal, and now everything's gone xD21:50
Jeanbeaudrillardoo good luck with that lol21:50
snooffy_ActionParsnip: still no joy m8 :(21:50
snooffy_ActionParsnip: the password doesnt contain no special chars21:50
tapiris when i restarted my computer....21:51
doodmangJeanbeaudrillard, yeah, I plan on changing that.21:51
doodmangThanks everyone. Now I have to have three OSs >_>21:51
glisstechActionParsnip: I tried "sudo hdparm -T /dev/sdc" and only got Timing cached reads: data in the output...am I missing something? The man page doesn't give anything about outputting the SMART data21:52
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snooffy_ActionParsnip: the script works as when i do a deliberate mistake in the proxy url it says the url cannot be resolved.21:54
Jeanbeaudrillarddoodmang, lol trialboot21:54
doodmangJeanbeaudrillard, What do you mean21:55
jlgaddissince i don't keep up on the gray market, how's $200 for a 50-user asa 5505?21:55
jlgaddis"base" license, if that matters21:55
doodmangI want to access the network from the installer, but it asks me to use a password for the keyring. I don't want to have to store a password while booting up from the Live USB though21:55
Jeanbeaudrillarddoodmang, about the three os in your netbook21:56
jlgaddisoh hell, wrong window21:56
doodmangJeanbeaudrillard, oh, I mean 3 OSs over the two computers I have21:56
doodmangWill the password I use for the network be stored on any disk when booting from the live USB?21:57
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melhuishjdoodmang, I'm no expert, but I believe that your password would only be stored in a temporary place until you leave the live session, either by shutting down or restarting, and then it would be lost.22:03
Jeanbeaudrillardit depend if you boot on a persistent session i think22:04
Jeanbeaudrillardlive session is safer22:04
doodmangmelhuishj, hm, alright. I seemed to have gotten a solution that seems to ask me for a password every time I reconnect from the network.22:04
doodmangJeanbeaudrillard, how can I check?22:05
doodmangJeanbeaudrillard, I can't remember if I created the live USB with persistent space22:05
Jeanbeaudrillardhum i have a live and a persitent entry in my usb :o22:06
miss_busted irc.bondage.com22:06
Jeanbeaudrillarddoodmang, if it's persitent than normally you can save data on it22:06
Jeanbeaudrillardlive usb just alone read only session22:07
doodmangJeanbeaudrillard, what session can I expect if I am installing? probably live?22:07
Jeanbeaudrillarddoodmang, hum i should probably be persitent since ubuntu is the first distro to be ported on usb22:10
Jeanbeaudrillardanyway you can try saving some document on the desktop and rebooting to see if they are still here22:10
doodmangJeanbeaudrillard, well, I already entered in the network password, so I'm already at the point where it doesn't matter22:11
melhuishjAlways good to know though22:12
doodmangJeanbeaudrillard, not that I know how to access the desktop from installer22:12
since96rj e suoid jgay et je m'appel benjamin le boçzzzz22:13
Jeanbeaudrillardbonsoir lol22:13
since96pauvre con22:13
doodmang!fr | since9622:13
ubottusince96: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:13
doodmangI think it's french anyways >_>22:14
since96mother fucker22:14
Jeanbeaudrillardhe insult me in french -_-22:14
Jeanbeaudrillardsince96, tu es fatigué ?22:14
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since96my name is jeremie22:15
Jeanbeaudrillardand what ?22:15
since96cocksucker :D22:16
since96chuppa pico22:17
jakempI am using epoll to handle multiple sockets, and when I call accept on the main fd, the epoll fd changes and this breaks everything.22:17
OerHeks!language | since9622:17
ubottusince96: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:17
Jeanbeaudrillardsince96, va faire dodo22:17
since96avec toi ok22:17
Jeanbeaudrillardsince96, mon lit est pas assez grand haha22:18
vboxwclassic desktop in 11.04 - transparent  terminal shows desktop, not the window under it.  nVidia driver.  Have compiz installed.22:18
x_Guys, do Linux desktops use X as a skeleton?22:18
toyman61Ubuntu 10.04: DWA-140 USB Adapter (Wireless). In Windows XP I get 270 Mbps, on Ubuntu I only get 54 Mpbs (802.11n versus 802.11g). Is it possible to get 270 Mbps on Ubuntu as well ?22:18
aeon-ltdx_: what do you mean?22:19
Jeanbeaudrillardx_, x is the graphical user interface for linux22:19
x_Are Gnome and KDE based on X?22:19
since96mon connard de frère$22:19
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aeon-ltdx_: no they run on top of X22:19
Jeanbeaudrillardi guess Oo22:19
doodmangCan the partition with Ubuntu mounted on it be completely encrypted with eCryptfs22:20
aeon-ltdfruitbag: gnome the DE uses GTK and metacity as well as 'gnome' applications that's what makes gnome, KDE uses qt and plasma with other apps and that is what KDE is22:20
aeon-ltdoh... fruitbag left :(22:20
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h00k!en | since9622:21
ubottusince96: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:21
ActionParsnipfruitbag: http://www.ghacks.net/2008/12/09/get-to-know-linux-desktop-environment-vs-window-manager/22:22
doodmangActionParsnip, he left22:23
doodmangwow, when did I get so sexist. fruitbag left22:24
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toyman61No answer this time either... :-(22:25
sysadmin_pcwhois Dasda22:27
Jeanbeaudrillardwhat is it :)22:28
ActionParsnipoh well22:28
osd1000is anyone using kubuntu or xubuntu?22:29
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Jeanbeaudrillardosd1000, i did used both but didn't like it22:29
ActionParsniposd1000: I have kubuntu on my media system22:29
rypervencheosd1000: What's up? I used Xubuntu for a bit. Using Xfce right now.22:30
Jeanbeaudrillardxfce is intressting because it's lightweight but it lacks some options on the gui22:31
Jeanbeaudrillardlxde is a similar desktop22:31
ActionParsniplxde is a bit lighter :)22:31
Jeanbeaudrillardyeah i noticed that hehe22:32
vantage_puddingActionParsnip, this fixed it for me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170498422:32
Jeanbeaudrillardi gtg have a nice day all22:33
KurlonAfternoon all, anyone had any luck migrating from ext4 to btrfs in Natty when the system is already setup with a separate /boot?  I can't coax grub/the kernel to mount / as btrfs, it insists on doing so as ext4?!22:34
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cogocogoI just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on an old Dell Latitude 110L. I used the wifi (eth1) during install and everything worked fine. But after installation is complete, the gnome network manager does not know of any network interfaces at all. ifconfig lists both eth0 and eth1 though. Any idea on what I might be missing?22:34
ActionParsnipcogocogo: if you run: sudo iwlist scan     do you see wireless networks?22:35
cogocogoActionParsnip: Yes22:38
cogocogoActionParsnip: But none of them are listed in the network manager tool. I have also tried adding a wireless network with the correct SSID and so forth, but nothing happens.22:39
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=== kad is now known as Guest70324
MatthiasHamburgHi, I installed newest kernel (linux-server 2.6.24-29) on a hardy machine. But it still boots into 2.6.22-16-server. What can I do? /boot/grub/menu.lst has 2.6.24-29-server has first entry and "default 0"22:40
cogocogoActionParsnip: When I click connection information I just get "No valid active connections found"22:42
ActionParsnipcogocogo: instal wicd, network manager seems to expect wlan0, wicd can be told which interface name to use, should be ok22:44
cogocogoActionParsnip: Ok, will try that. Thanks!22:45
chalcedonyfresh 10.10 - but now Monitor Preferences isn't saving my settings?22:46
chalcedonywe got the gui working! YAY22:46
nitetriphello, i have a linux machine set up as a router with two nics. I also set up a ssh tunnel so I can use it as a proxy. How would I send all the routed traffic through this ssh tunnel?22:46
chalcedonyhi nitetrip22:47
nitetriphello chalcedony :-)22:48
debug_nitetrip: you can't route everything through ssh but you could setup ssh to route traffic through a proxy-ish connection22:48
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klj613im having trouble with amarok.. my music files are on a NTFS drive located /media/Media and cant seem to import anything..22:48
nitetripwhat I am trying to accomplish is getting my xbox to connect to my linux box and have it go through my ssh tunnel, so I can watch US netflix here in canada22:49
chalcedonyi'm trying to set up my monitors in 10.10. it's not saving the settings when i reboot, is there someplace i need to change something? i have ATI Technologies Inc Radeon HD 3200 Graphics22:49
ActionParsnipklj613: can you navigate the files in you file browser?22:49
debug_nitetrip: you will have to use a VPN for that unfortunately22:50
klj613ActionParsnip: yes22:50
nitetriphrm I can set up a vpn through ssh also, can't I ?22:50
klj613however, i just tried it for a 6th time, and worked now. (running in debug mode)22:50
klj613my luck it works when i ask for help, thanks anyway.22:51
SIFTUnitetrip: thats ssh tunneling22:51
debug_nitetrip: no need, VPN is encrypted (assuming you tell it to be)22:51
debug_nitetrip: ssh tunnelling is a port by port only protocol22:52
ignarpsI have an application that is stuck in the state "stop/waiting"   The application is down.  How can I clear this ?22:53
chalcedonyignarps, does it show in top?22:53
ignarpschalcedony, no the prcoes is not running22:53
chalcedonyignarps, you tried kill -9 and so on?22:54
ignarpschalcedony, the application is not up.  I would like to start it.  But the upstart script says.  stop/waiting22:54
ignarpschalcedony, when I run.  start <servicename>22:55
ignarpschalcedony, stop returns,  stop: Unknown instance:.   start returns.  <name> stop/waiting22:56
chalcedonyignarp ouch! shoot the gremlins (i really don't know this one)22:57
cogocogoActionParsnip: Weeeeell ... I just renamed the eth1 to wlan0 in udev persistent rules, and now I can't even log in to the machine any more. :p22:57
cogocogoWhen I click on the username and start to enter the password, nothing happens.22:57
ignarpschalcedony, thanks :)  yeah it would seem I need the equivalent of zap in gentoo22:57
cogocogoI do believe this machine will end up in the garbage tomorrow. :)22:58
Nicolas_Leonida2where do you put the public keys in ubuntu server?22:59
GummyBearhi everybody... one question: what if I do tmpfs greater than the RAM I've in my system? for example: tmpfs == 4GB when I've only 2GB physical RAM here... is it expected a normal behavior by making the tmpfs as great as 4GB when are only 2GB RAM available?22:59
dolphmI have 3 monitors on two identical nvidia cards using ***nouveau***... both monitors on the first card work fine, but the third monitor on the second card doesn't show up in System > Preferences > Monitors... do I need to go somewhere else to enable the second card / third monitor?22:59
chalcedonyignarps honestly you need to kill it.23:00
ignarpschalcedony, nothing to kill here23:00
Striker3070What's the ubuntu database equivalent of Access?23:01
debug_Striker3070: openoffice.org base23:02
yeats!info libreoffice-base | Striker307023:02
ActionParsnipStriker3070: libreoffice - database23:02
ubottuStriker3070: libreoffice-base (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite -- database. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.3.3-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 1959 kB, installed size 7932 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 armel armhf hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc powerpcspe ppc64 s390 s390x sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 all)23:02
rypervencheStriker3070: One of the LibreOffice programs.23:02
Striker3070didn't see it, is it installed by default23:02
ActionParsnipStriker3070: yes23:02
ActionParsnipdolphm: you may need to edit the options in the display settings23:02
yeatsStriker3070: LibreOffice is installed by default, but not libreoffice-base - FYI23:02
Striker3070<ActionParsnip> thx, going to look for it23:03
Striker3070<ActionParsnip> ahh so I have to see if it's in th software center23:03
Nicolas_Leonida2my server keeps refusing my keys23:08
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jribNicolas_Leonida2: did you say please?23:08
Nicolas_Leonida2what's the location of ssh piblic keys?23:08
Nicolas_Leonida2jrib, lol23:09
jribNicolas_Leonida2: by default ssh will check ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for authorized keys, but you should just use ssh-copy-id to get your pubkey to your server23:09
jribNicolas_Leonida2: let me ask you this however: do you have your home directory encrypted?23:10
Nicolas_Leonida2jrib, I'm not sure it's a server I bought23:10
jribNicolas_Leonida2: you should find out :D23:10
jribkanupatar: step 1) disable caps lock23:11
jribkanupatar: please stop with the caps lock.23:11
kanupatarsorry guys23:13
kanupatarmy caps lock button become stuck23:13
kanupatarhow can i compare hex files in uuntu 11.0423:13
kanupatari have kdiff3 and kompare23:13
kanupatarbut they are not detecting it23:14
glisstechNicolas_Leonida2: Did you check ~./.ssh23:15
eosshow to search for files that contain a certain word?23:16
jribeoss: grep23:17
eosswill search all files everywhere?23:17
chalcedonyeoss, grep word *filename* | less (in the directory you think it's in)23:17
=== magnus is now known as Magnus
eoss*filename* ?23:18
eossi dont know what the filename is thats the problem23:18
matiuif someone has jaunty installed .. what's the location of the old old repos they can put in sources.list ?23:19
jribeoss: how much do you know... how many files do you want to search?23:19
jribmatiu: you need to upgrade23:19
matiuso they can still install old old software ?23:19
jrib!upgrade > matiu23:19
ubottumatiu, please see my private message23:19
eoss<i> all <i> the files23:19
need4helpQuestion: i install a new hard drive that was in ntfs, with gparted i make it ext4, now i dont have permission on it... how do i add permissions on it? its on /dev/sdc23:19
eoss(in my home directory)23:19
klj613can anyone suggest any download manages which support fileserve logins? i've downloaded both GWGet and KGet and cant find anywhere to enter login details23:19
jribeoss: grep -R word directory23:19
funkeyyHi all! i just wanted to creat a crontab for me... "crontab -e" however gives me "/bin/sh: /usr/bin/mate: not found".. any suggestions on what might be wrong here?23:19
eossjrib: will it go recursive, ok-R thanks23:20
jribfunkeyy: does /usr/bin/mate exist?  You may want to consider a different default editor23:20
jribeoss: yes, recursive23:20
funkeyyjrib, could be that its not there.. how do i change it to gedit?23:20
matiuubottu, we don't want to upgrade right now .. just install one thing .. :) I know there's something like 'old.archive.ubuntu.com' opr something like that ..23:20
ubottumatiu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:20
matiugrr dammit23:21
jribfunkeyy: try: sudo update-alternatives --config editor23:21
jribmatiu: you *need* to upgrade, jaunty is no longer supported.  Anyway, the upgrade page tells you the old repositories23:21
chalcedonyi upgraded to Maverick/ 10.10 and got the gui back (YAY)! but it's not saving my settings in Monitor Preferences? i have an ATI Radeon HD 3200 graphics card - got the drivers installed and working finally23:22
chalcedonybut why won't it save?23:22
funkeyyjrib, crontab still wants to use /usr/bin/mate (which does not exist).. (my default in --config-editor was nano already)23:23
jribfunkeyy: echo $EDITOR   returns what?23:23
KradllitHi, All! I am from Ukraine. So my English is very bad. But i need yours help. I tried install FreeRDP-1.0 from source. I never did this before. I read wiki compilation and i need run ./autogen.sh  But i don't have this file..23:25
need4helpcan anyway help me out... i install a new hard drive... with ext 4 partition but i don't have permission to write on it.. only read... how i create or add permissions? its on /dev/sdc23:25
PolahKradllit: To connect to RDP servers you can use rdesktop which comes by default23:26
coz_Kradllit,  do you have a link so I can take a look at the packages23:26
jribKradllit: freerdp is in the repositories; why are you not using ubuntu's package manager?23:26
funkeyyjrib, /usr/bin/mate -w23:26
jribfunkeyy: you should change that (or install mate)23:26
KradllitI want connect to Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. It use RDP 7.1 Version23:26
funkeyyjrib, how do i change it? sudo select-editor doesnt work.. i chose nano already23:27
jribfunkeyy: you have EDITOR defined somewhere.  Maybe ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc23:27
need4helpguess i'll have to google for help thanks :/23:28
PolahKradllit: Run the command: rdesktop <ip>23:28
jrib!permissions | need4help23:28
ubottuneed4help: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions23:28
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kiondoes ubuntu 64 bit comes with flash 64 bit?23:28
PolahKradllit, change <ip> to the address of the server, do man rdesktop to find out about options like screen size.23:28
PolahKradllit: The server will need to have been configured with Network Level Authentication disabled23:29
Kradllitkradllit@bt:~$ rdesktop office.karnaval-club.com23:30
KradllitAutoselected keyboard map en-us23:30
KradllitERROR: recv: Connection reset by peer23:30
dasrsI need a Browser for ubuntu which use WebKit to run this demo: http://www.paulrhayes.com/experiments/cube-3d/index.html . know someone a good browser?23:30
kanupatarhow can i compare hex files in uuntu 11.0423:30
kanupatari have kdiff3 and kompare23:31
kanupatarbut they are not detecting it23:31
jrib!enter | kanupatar23:31
ubottukanupatar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:31
kanupatarubottu: sure thanks23:31
Stoopitis there a specific version optimized for intel atom based netbooks?23:31
mickster04dasrs: try chrome?23:31
Stoopitmy neighbour told me his computer was slow and asked me to look at it, so i want to try ubuntu on it un an SD card to test the speed23:32
Polahkradllit: You'll need to get physical access to the server or through another method to disable Network Level Authentication on the RDP server23:32
dasrsChrome and Firefox are based on gecko, i think.23:32
mickster04dasrs: well i am on windows and running chrome and it worked23:32
dasrsmickster04, i use chrome, but it didnt work.23:32
Stanley00Stoopit: you can try rebuild the kernel for that CPU23:32
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StoopitStanley00, is there nothing specific for them to download?23:32
mickster04dasrs: ah well... i amand it did...so not sure what that's about23:32
PolahWebkit is used in Safari and Chrome I think, Firefox uses Gecko23:32
StoopitStanley00, i know there was a netbook remix but can only find info about old versions for that23:33
dasrsmickster04, really? if you press a cursor key, the cube move?23:33
kanupatarwhat about my hex compare too ?23:33
KradllitBut if i want best security with Network Level Authentication? I think maybe FreeRDP-1.0 can connect with Network Level Authentication23:33
ErfolgStoopit: no more netbook remix w/ unity23:33
PolahStoopit, there is no netbook edition for 11.04 onwards.23:33
Stanley00Stoopit: hmm, I think you should consider using an minimal Ubuntu, like lubuntu23:33
Stoopiti hate unity personally23:34
ErfolgStoopit: use gnome 3 then23:34
Stoopiti think it was silly to go use this by default23:34
ErfolgStoopit: same23:34
mickster04dasrs: yeah23:34
StoopitErfolg, its more of a touchscreen thing imho23:34
dasrshmm. very confused.23:34
ErfolgStoopit: especially when both suffer from bugs and neither help each other23:34
PolahKradllit: I think NLA is for allowing automatic login on connection for users that can authenticate with appropriate credentials from a Windows machine. With it disabled then the connecting user will be presented with a login screen and need to provide a username and password23:35
Stanley00Stoopit: so give Lubuntu a try :)23:35
dasrsPolah, do you use chrome under ubuntu?23:35
ActionParsnipStoopit: you can use ubuntu classic23:35
StoopitStanley00, thanks i'll google it, never heard of it23:35
Polahdasrs: No, I use Firefox. You can get it from the repos though23:35
ErfolgStoopit: what hardware are you trying to install on?23:36
Stanley00Stoopit: you are welcome :D23:36
StoopitActionParsnip, yeah i know i do that23:36
Stoopitbut still i hate that unity is default23:36
PolahKradllit, NLA is for RDP 6.0 and up, FreeRDP uses a kind of RDP 5.023:36
ActionParsnipStoopit: then you can use a different DE23:36
StoopitErfolg, an acer netbook 250 something23:36
funkeyyjrib, thanks VERY much.. its been defined in .bashrc23:36
Stoopitits not mine23:36
jribfunkeyy: no problem23:36
ErfolgStoopit: ah. you could try arch or something a little more minimal than ubuntu if you can't get it to run on there. arch runs fine on my netbook.23:37
mickster04dasrs: there is chromium and chrome i think, depending on which repos you have listed23:38
jetscreamerkonqueror actually makes a good browser23:38
dasrsChromium and Chrome are different browser?23:39
dasrs@ mickster0423:39
Erfolgdasrs: no23:39
mickster04dasrs: uhm. not certain I can't remember what, if at all the difference was23:40
StoopitErfolg, i was just hoping there would be something optimized for the atom / small screens23:40
Erfolgdasrs: chromium is an open source version of chrome23:40
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Stoopitthe thing probably runs default ubuntu just fine23:40
Stoopitbut slow probably23:40
dasrsErfolg, beides webkit?23:40
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ErfolgStoopit: actually right now i'm using chromiumos on mine. you have to build it but it's not hard.23:40
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Erfolgdasrs: no. it's literally the exact same browser. chromium doesn't ship w/ the flash plugin by default is all23:41
KradllitPolah: Thanks for answer. I go to Google. And will be find information is realy security best with NLA or not23:41
Stoopiti dont liek chrome and chromium personally23:41
ErfolgStoopit: ah. ok23:42
dasrshmm. if chrome use webkit, why didnt work the demo on my laptop? *confused*23:42
KurlonKradllit: I think you'll find NLA requires more than just the right RDP version, you need to be using certs with your network stack, your switch and router need to be aware, etc.23:43
mickster04dasrs: ave you tried turning it off and on again?23:43
ErfolgStoopit: also gnome 3 has a special setting bulit in to change it a little for netbooks w/ small screens23:43
mickster04dasrs: maybe it was working, but really slowly23:43
NeoncamouflageHow can I change the permission on a directory from root to all users?23:43
mickster04dasrs: i dunno if you know but pressing keyboard keys changes the speed and angle of rotation, so maybe you held it down?23:44
dasrsmickster04, wait23:44
CajunTechieAnyone having the GDM totally freeze (or the login box be inactive) on the new beta?23:44
ErfolgNeoncamouflage: add all your users to group "users" then chown the directory to root:users and chmod 66423:44
zykotick9CajunTechie, #ubuntu+1 is the channel you should ask23:44
ZopiacWhat sort of 3D graphing applications are there for linux?23:45
Stanley00Stoopit: unity is make for small screen actually :D23:45
CajunTechieAhh thans zykotick923:45
CajunTechiethanks even23:45
StoopitErfolg, nice i'll keep that in mind23:45
glisstechzopiak: I know Blender is supposed to be good23:45
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Erfolghe doesn't like unity though23:46
Erfolgdon't blame him23:46
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Zopiacglisstech: not 3d modeling, 3d graphs. like, plotting z=sin(x)/y^e23:46
dasrsmickster04, does it work? http://jsfiddle.net/Eimer/cXDFT/23:46
zykotick9glisstech, TAB can be used to autocomplete nicks23:46
dasrsmickster04, does the cube rotate if you click on "Click me to move".23:47
mickster04dasrs: no23:47
mickster04not on the main channel and i am running windows23:47
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dasrshmm okay.23:48
MagnusHi, I tried to install fl studio but got an error message, can not load Get.mfx. This object might need an external program or library not yet installed. what do I do to install it?23:48
dasrsi am despaired and helpless :(23:49
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jrib!away > satellit_23:50
ubottusatellit_, please see my private message23:50
NeoncamouflageThanks Erfolg!23:50
dasrsmickster04, i start my virtual windows XP, open chrome aaaaannnnnddd -> it did NOT work. oooh my god.23:50
zykotick9Magnus, you should probably try the #winehq channel23:51
mickster04well the first link you sent out was useful, the second one wasn't23:51
mickster04dasrs: ^^^^23:51
Erfolgdasrs: virtual machines don't work with directx23:51
Erfolgdasrs: chrome requires directx23:51
dasrsErfolg, are you a german?23:52
Erfolgdasrs: no i'm american but i'm a decent german speaker23:52
KurlonI thought Virtualbox supported DX now for Windows guests?23:53
vic20gmri want to increase the pace available to my ubuntu install , and i was thinking i could add extra partitions with different mount points [/var,/etc/usr and so on], will this work?23:53
primedeathI was wondering if there was a way to format a CASPER-RW file?23:53
zykotick9Kurlon, me too (limited obviously)23:53
primedeathI would like to start fresh without having to completely redo the LiveUSB boot on my portable HDD.23:53
dasrscan i query you? my english isnt very good and i didnt understand you completly.23:54
vic20gmrdasrs if you mean me, i supose so23:54
dasrs@ Erfolg23:54
vic20gmri meant to type space, instead of pace in my question23:55
Stanley00vic20gmr: it will be okay as long as ubuntu can mount it, and it have right dir struct23:56
Polahvic20gmr, adding new partitions would not increase the amount of space available to you. It would stop the entire filesystem from being filled as if you place files in /home/ and that partition becomes full you will not be able to place anything there until you remove something, that would stop your unexpectedly running out of space in other parts of your system on different partitions23:56
ChogyDan[q] what format should I use for a 3 TB backup drive?  that I may want to be compatible with windows...23:56
doodmangHow can I disable effects in Unity?23:56
ChogyDandoodmang: if no one else has an answer, try ccsm23:57
vic20gmrPolah i cant add partitions with the various mountpoints to increase the combined freespace then?23:58
qinvic20gmr: lvm is goodie you think about.23:59
Darth_Tuxin unity is it possible to place the panel on the left on the bottom of the screen?23:59
vic20gmrqin i dont understand what you mean23:59
Polahvic20gmr: No, you'd just be splitting up your current space. The only way to get more space would be to get a larger hard drive23:59
doodmangChogyDan, what is ccsm? Do you know any other ways to configure Unity? I haven't seen any settings23:59
qin!lvm | vic20gmr23:59
ubottuvic20gmr: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:59
ChogyDanDarth_Tux: no23:59

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