
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi
=== vlada is now known as Guest49742
astraljavaHey all, all amd64 tests are now covered, but if someone wants to help me with the i386 tests, the team would sure appreciate it!14:18
PauseBazingahey guys, quick question:  I meant to install ubuntu-studio with the video production packages but I think I somehow skipped any/all additional packages.  Is there a preferred way to install the video suite after-the-fact?21:36
PauseBazingasweet background btw, and kudos for sticking with Gnome 2 for those of you involved in develpment21:37
astraljava$ apt-cache show ubuntustudio-video21:38
astraljavaPackage: ubuntustudio-video21:38
astraljavaPauseBazinga: That should give you an idea.21:38
PauseBazingathanks astraljava21:38
astraljavaThanks for the kind words, but unfortunately GNOME2 isn't around much longer.21:39
astraljavaFrom 11.10 onwards, Studio will be based on XFCE, or likely Xubuntu.21:39
PauseBazingawhere are you heading after gnome 2 then?  Xfce maybe?  lots of great work has been done of that front, 4.8 is a great success and very gnome 2 like21:39
PauseBazingaoh, cool :)21:39
PauseBazingaread my mind21:39
astraljavaHehe. :) Yeah. Hope people will like it, but 11.10 is more of a practice target. The real deal will only be ready and available for 12.04.21:40
astraljavaWe went in a little too late, so I'm not too confident we'll get everything ready and rockin'.21:41
PauseBazingait'll be fine dude, I've been using Xfce on Fedora 15 for a while now and it's real cozy21:41
astraljavaYeah that's not the problem. I'm thinking we won't get it "branded" the Studio way, as the previous releases were.21:41
PauseBazingaahh, I see what you mean.21:41
astraljavaNo doubt the foundation is rock solid.21:41
PauseBazingaToday is day 1 for Ubuntu-Studio and I21:42
astraljavaHell yeah! :D21:42
PauseBazingaI have my hopes up though, as a long time Ubintu user21:42
astraljavaGlad to hear that. Hope you'll find it enjoyable to stick around.21:42
PauseBazingaI've been using Fedora since Unity came around, but I'm hitting my head agianst the wall on video production in such a legally sanitary environment21:43
PauseBazingaI'm probably going to end up compiling Cinelerra on Studio, have you seen much trouble with that?21:44
astraljavaTo be frank, I forget where we left off with cinelerra. I think we had it at some point, but then I presume there were some issues.21:46
astraljavaNow it doesn't seem to be in the repos at all.21:47
PauseBazingait had some serious issues with the new kernel, the stable release still does.  the dude who wrote ogg vorbis/theora has been jumping into it heavily lately, though, and doing some great things with it.21:56
PauseBazingawe'll see how it comes out though21:57
PauseBazingathis is actually really nice guys. like, for real for real.21:59
PauseBazingawhat about ATI/AMD drivers?  I've preferred plain old radeon lately, mostly because of issues with installing Catalyst, are the proprietary drivers "normally" installed on this distro without distress?22:08
PauseBazingaI'm tossing out a lot of questions, I'll try to keep them to a minimum22:09

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