
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
didrocksgood morning05:37
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kamstrupdidrocks: https://launchpad.net/zeitgeist-extensions/trunk/0.0.9 is out. Never mind 0.0.8...08:01
didrockskamstrup: excellent, thanks :)08:02
kamstrupnjpatel: I'll be looking into the libunity gir issue08:12
njpatelkamstrup, awesome :D08:13
njpatelthe pythonics will be happy08:13
njpatel(and me, I need to write a grooveshark lens for app developer week!)08:13
kamstrupnjpatel: lol08:14
kamstrupnjpatel: any bug report?08:14
njpatelkamstrup, none that I can find, but davidcalle has been venturing into making a python lens/scope08:14
njpatelkamstrup, really I just need someone to test to see what's broken, if anything08:14
njpatelkamstrup, main issue is that it's had no testing...08:15
kamstrupnjpatel: ok, i'll try to forward port my old python lens and see where it takes me08:15
* davidcalle hugs kamstrup08:15
kamstrupdavidcalle: :-)08:16
didrockskamstrup: zeitgeist-daemon is craching a lot since the update08:21
didrockskamstrup: the fts one08:22
AlanBellI have been doing some hacking about so that I could use the application lens08:23
AlanBellI feel the lens suffers from extreme scope creep to the point that it fails the primary purpose of launching applications I want to run08:24
didrockskamstrup: bug #83938208:25
AlanBellso I ripped out the zeitgeist unpredictable stuff at the top and the advert for random stuff from software centre at the bottom and switched the filters to categories08:25
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 839382 could not be found08:25
AlanBellnow I can find and run applications again \o/08:25
seifdidrocks, i will also look into it08:27
didrocksseif: adding you to it08:27
AlanBellwould there be a way of making the main applications lens work like this (configuration option somewhere to turn off the cruft)?08:27
didrocksseif: done, you should have access08:28
seifthis is messed up08:31
didrockskamstrup: seif: so, you have the symbol from the cjkied fts, the system one is running now and you should get the rest of the stacktrace in a few min (minus the fts part as the symbol won't match)08:32
kamstrupdidrocks: odd, I am dogfooding it here without issues...08:36
didrockskamstrup: I just installed the new version, killed the daemon, killed the datahub, and the unity-files-lens08:36
didrockskamstrup: then go to the file lens, it restarts the family08:37
didrocksmake a search08:37
didrocksa get this crash, reliably (and not result at all, of course)08:37
didrockskamstrup: do you think I missed something?08:37
kamstrupdidrocks: don't know... I just killed zg here, and let the rest of the services sort themselves out :-)08:38
didrockskamstrup: I'm downgrading fts to confirm08:39
didrockskamstrup: no crash after downgrading and killing zg08:39
kamstrupdidrocks: ?! 32 or 64 bit?08:40
didrockskamstrup: 3208:40
kamstrupdidrocks: m208:40
didrockskamstrup: weren't you talking about a quiet Friday? :p08:40
kamstrupdidrocks: so, it's a segfault in libxapian in fact, and not just some Python screwup08:40
didrockskamstrup: indeed, seems you trigger a bug in the xapian xjk patch, maybe?08:41
didrockskamstrup: I think your database is upgraded with the zg-fts change?08:41
kamstrupdidrocks: can you run the test.sh script from the fts package?08:41
didrockskamstrup: ok, should I reinstall it?08:41
kamstrupdidrocks: you need to install Xvfb08:41
didrocksor it takes from trunk?08:42
kamstrupdidrocks: you can run it seprately, it's sets up its own bus and everything08:42
didrockskamstrup: let's have a try08:42
kamstrupdidrocks: from tarball or trunk - it's the same08:42
didrockskamstrup: $ ./fts/test.sh08:43
didrocksDone - tests passed08:43
kamstrupso, probably happening when reindexing...08:43
didrockskamstrup: I don't see how it takes the local fts extension in your script08:44
kamstrupdidrocks: magic08:44
didrocksexport PYTHONPATH="$(dirname $0)"08:44
didrocksok :)08:44
didrockskamstrup: I fear magic :)08:44
kamstrupas you should08:45
didrocksheh :)08:45
didrockskamstrup: let me reinstall 0.0.9 and try, if it was the reindexing08:45
kamstrupdidrocks: can you kill zeitgeist-daemon and start it manually in a term to watch the output?08:45
didrockskamstrup: sure08:46
kamstrupdidrocks: or wait - we have a ~/.cache/zeitgeist/daemon.log in fact :-)08:46
didrockskamstrup: I see a lot of "Indexing"08:47
kamstrupdidrocks: that indicates that it reindexes your db08:47
didrocks[DEBUG - zeitgeist.fts] Committing FTS index08:47
didrocksok, let's try a search08:47
didrocksworking now08:47
kamstruphehe, I feared as muc08:48
didrocksweird, the reindexing sounds fast, but maybe you continued where it failed?08:48
kamstrupno, it should be transactional08:48
didrocksok, so maybe as it was started by the lens08:48
kamstrups/should be/is/08:48
didrocksand the lens was started while opening the file one08:48
didrocksI didn't wait enough08:48
didrockshum, would be there a way to avoid that? block answering?08:48
didrocksor returning dummy empty data?08:49
kamstrupdidrocks: yeah, the reindexing can take a little time depending on log size and cpu08:49
didrocksit will be better than nothing08:49
didrocksyou restarted insulting my computer! :-)08:49
didrocksyes, it's slow! ;-)08:49
kamstrupdidrocks: lol08:49
didrockskamstrup: so maybe sending back empty data? no result for a while is better than a crash?08:50
kamstrupdidrocks: I still don't understand why we crash...08:50
kamstrupdidrocks: in theory it should just work08:51
seifkamstrup, i think i know one of the crashes08:51
seifwell its not ur bug exactly08:51
kamstrupseif: "one of"? we have more than one?08:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 807950 in zeitgeist (Ubuntu Oneiric) "zeitgeist-daemon crashed with LookupError in remove_from_connection(): <_zeitgeist.engine.remote.RemoteInterface at /org/gnome/zeitgeist/log/activity at 0xb74ee2cc> is not exported at a location matching (None,None)" [High,Triaged]08:52
seifbut this is a crash that happens on session end08:52
seifbut notified upon the next session start08:52
didrockskamstrup: I guess we should find a solution before I push fts to oneiric, isn't it?08:52
kamstrupseif: we are discussing a crash that occurs in relation to me enabling indexing of CJK characters in the latest fts08:53
kamstrupdidrocks: :-S yes08:53
seifkamstrup, ok count me out08:53
kamstrupseif: :-)08:53
kamstrupdidrocks: it's not impossible that it's some race condition in libxapian. I do the indexing in a thread to avoid starving the mainloop of zg - but searches are coming in from the main thread. I am quite sure the xapian API is thread safe, but maybe not so mch :-)08:55
didrockskamstrup: as you wish, I'm happy with a workaround for blocking the search meanwhile if it touches xapian09:00
kamstrupdidrocks: I can see, most conveniently, the threadstacktrace includes the line in the fts.py the segfault was at09:01
kamstrupdidrocks: namely line 25109:01
didrocksI would be surprised about xapian not being thread safe as well09:03
kamstrupdidrocks: it's probably trying to write some updates in the worker thread, and then I try to close the index from the main thread09:04
didrockskamstrup: makes sense :)09:06
andyrockTrevinho, around=09:07
andyrocksmspillaz, around?09:10
andyrockwith unity (last revno) when i minimize an app and then i raise it, only the window decorators appear...09:12
andyrockonly client side decorator windows (like chrome) work...09:13
kamstrupdidrocks: Browsing the docs I can't actually see anywhere they explicitly say that the apis are thread safe09:17
kamstrupdidrocks: maybe I just assume it because I am used to that from Lucene...09:17
kamstrupit is single-writer-multiple-reader, but that's not the same as thread safe09:18
didrockskamstrup: oh really? but anyway, you are in single-writer one-reader mode there, isn't it?09:18
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kamstrupdidrocks: it would look like that, but not really :-) The .close() call is from the main thread, and it may do writing...09:19
didrocksyeah, ok ;)09:20
kamstrupdidrocks: aha! so I am a dufus... http://xapian.org/docs/overview.html (search for "thread")09:21
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didrockskamstrup: you can say you wanted to ensure it's the case ;)09:23
kamstrupdidrocks: so you say your api is not thread safe?! I don't believe you! ;-)09:24
didrockskamstrup: heh, "I will proove your're wrong!" :-)09:25
kamstrupdidrocks: i'll grab some tea and fix it09:27
didrockskamstrup: I guess you mean "fix xapian to make it thread safe" </kidding>09:28
smspillazandyrock: rgeat09:56
smspillazandyrock: I'll fix that, hang on09:56
andyrocksmspillaz, thx09:57
kamstrupdidrocks: fudge! this is gonna be hairy... :-( sqlite is not thread safe - so I can't access the zg db from my xapian worker thread...10:09
kamstrupdidrocks: aha! I am so clever! I have the elegant solution!10:10
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didrockskamstrup: \o/ what are you doing to do?10:15
seifkamstrup, you are a show off (I wish i had those mighty hacking fingers)10:17
kamstrupdidrocks: ok can you test r63?10:51
didrockskamstrup: sure, one sec10:51
didrockskamstrup: the thing is that I'm already upgraded10:52
kamstrupdidrocks: one way to test is to kill zg, and then rm -rf ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/fts.index, and restart zg10:53
kamstrupwhich also reminds me... I should add a DBus method to trigger a reindex...10:54
didrockskamstrup: ok ;) I won't loose all my files indexation that are already indexed? (won't start from an empty database)10:54
seifdidrocks, nope10:54
kamstrupdidrocks: nope, the db is left intact, it's just the xapian  index10:54
seifdidrocks, u lose them if u remove activity.sqlite10:55
didrocksok, doing then :)10:55
didrocksoh so, it will reopens all the files seen by zg (in activity.sqlite) and restart indexing, got it!10:55
didrockskamstrup: hum, crashed…11:00
didrockskamstrup: weird, it continued indexing, for a while (can see that), I made some research, still indexing11:01
didrocksand at some point… crash…11:01
didrocksthen respawn11:01
didrocksand now, it indexed everything again11:01
didrocksand search works11:01
didrocksqlet me check if the crash is not when I killed it11:03
didrocksno, it's a little bit later11:04
didrocks8875 [2011-09-02 12:57:24,301] - DEBUG - zeitgeist.fts - Indexing 'application:/11:06
didrocks11738 [2011-09-02 12:58:19,247] - DEBUG - singleton - Checking for another running instance...11:06
didrocks11738 [2011-09-02 12:58:19,839] - INFO - zeitgeist.sql - Using database: /home/didrocks/.local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite11:06
didrockskamstrup: easier to read like that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/680468/11:07
kamstrupdidrocks: a "crash" is a little less well defined because we have multiple threads here. Just because one thread prints stacktrace the others can continue running11:09
didrockskamstrup: ah, indeed… it seems the whole process stopped for a while though?11:09
kamstrupdidrocks: odd...11:09
didrocksbut at least, it finished its job without me having to restart11:09
kamstrupdidrocks: if you pull the latest rev I have added a ForceReindex() method you can call over d-feet11:10
didrockskamstrup: ok :) at least, I think we can go with that one, wdyt?11:10
didrockstook 5 minutes there to reindex everything11:11
kamstrupdidrocks: wow!11:11
kamstrupdidrocks: how many items in your log?11:11
didrocksI was untarring Qt at the same time :)11:11
kamstrupdidrocks: not fair :-)11:11
didrocksso not relevant! :-)11:11
didrockskamstrup: ok, can u roll a releaz pleaz? :)11:12
kamstrupdidrocks: i think the latest rev is good. And with the ForceReindex method on DBus we can more easily debug problems that might pop up11:12
didrocksindeed :)11:12
kamstrupdidrocks: ok, I'll roll it up for you then11:12
didrocksexcellent, thanks! :)11:12
kamstrupdidrocks: ok... third time's the charm https://launchpad.net/zeitgeist-extensions/trunk/0.0.1011:19
didrockskamstrup: I prefer when there are only binary digits in a release version :)11:20
didrockskamstrup: hum, there will still be some search stuff to tweak (I guess it's timeouting in the home dash)11:37
didrockskamstrup: like, I'm searching "foo" in the file lens and I get a foo file (just one result)11:37
didrocksdoing the same in the home dash, and I get nothing11:37
kamstrupdidrocks: is that while it's indexing - or a general problem?11:39
didrockskamstrup: general problem11:40
kamstrupdidrocks: hmmm, that's a new one... I ownder if it's somehow related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/83707511:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 837075 in unity "Cannot search for some apps in Dash" [High,Confirmed]11:40
* kamstrup needs to log out11:40
didrockskamstrup: already on natty, some people mentionned to get unreliable result IIRC (on the french forum for instance)11:42
kamstrupdidrocks: odd... I use it all the time 100% reliable...11:43
didrockskamstrup: I guess it appears more on "slow" machines/harddrives11:44
kamstrupdidrocks: probably - which tends to indicate that it's a race condition11:44
kamstrupdidrocks: and only in files?11:44
didrocksyeah, I guess so11:44
kamstrupie not in apps11:44
didrocksnot sure, I can reproduceably get it in files11:44
didrocksdo you want me to launch the daemon by hand?11:45
didrocksso that I can see if the result is set before/after the timeout11:45
kamstrupthat'd be nice11:45
didrockskamstrup: will do in a few (10 minutes), just finishing some qteries first :)11:45
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om26erkamstrup, since you are back ;) what do you think about this bug 82032211:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 820322 in unity (Ubuntu) "searching for the same term the second time in the dash is slow" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82032211:52
om26erunity or the daemons bug in your opinion ?11:53
om26erit seems not be an issue anymore in Oneirc :/11:57
kamstrupom26er: I can't seem to reproduce that here...11:59
didrockskamstrup: from what I see it's really because the daemon is slow to answer (it answers after the timeout)12:00
om26erkamstrup, me neither false alarm :(12:00
didrockskamstrup: I guess it's worse when doing the same search in all lens in parallel12:00
kamstrupom26er: but generally I'd say a Unity issue, as in most cases the daemons should onlyt get *faster* on the second query as the caches are warm12:00
njpatelom26er, I fixed it last week I believe12:01
om26erkamstrup, something certainly changed in the dash which made it little better.12:01
njpateli was doing something silly...let's not talk about it :)12:01
om26erand now we know who fixed it ;-)12:01
njpatelkamstrup, did we learn about threads today? ;D12:02
kamstrupnjpatel: watch out - or your life will be hanging by a thread...12:02
htorqueoh, the search result order has been fixed. thanks, i was sick of opening "xchat.png". :P12:03
njpatelkamstrup, hehe12:04
om26ernjpatel, in dash applications are not given the higher priority in the result12:04
kamstrupdidrocks: you're not depending on specific bzr branches for releases of dee, right? I want to split trunk into a stable 0.5 series and a 0.6 all-things-go series12:04
htorqueom26er: they do? that's what i was talking about.12:05
njpatelI manage to "fix" my duplicated music issue yesterday by accidentally deleting 3/4 of my music :/12:05
njpatelom26er, 'tis a bug, please file against 4.14.0 and assign to me12:05
om26erhtorque, yes i search empathy and got to gwibber results12:05
didrockskamstrup: no, it's ok, you can do the split :)12:05
njpatelhtorque, om26er it's random12:05
kamstrup\o/ rock and roll12:05
htorquenjpatel: oh, in that case i take back the 'thanks' :P12:06
om26ersmspillaz, this branch is causing some serious problems https://code.launchpad.net/+branch/~smspillaz/unity/unity.fix_83806212:08
om26ercombined with https://code.launchpad.net/~smspillaz/unity/unity.fix_output_bug/+merge/7375212:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 73752 in Bazaar "Bzr needs a simple way to prevent revision history changing order on shared branches" [Low,Fix released]12:09
kamstrupnjpatel: ! one can no longer type a URL into the Dash? I did that just last week...12:15
njpatelkamstrup, what the hell? the dash just crashed when I typed in htt12:17
njpatelkamstrup, is that the issue you had?12:17
kamstrupnjpatel: not exactly. I just expect example.org to give me one hit which launches the url12:18
njpatelkamstrup, we're sending stuff out to the lenses, maybe I broke something there? (it was in files scope, right? I thought that part of the code was fine :/)12:19
kamstrupnjpatel: I can't recall exactly where that code was - but yeah, it was a simple regex...12:20
kamstrupnjpatel: hmmm... also seems my files lens has stopped responding12:20
njpatelkamstrup, definitely in files lens, but first I'll take a quick look at why this crashed12:20
njpatelkamstrup, http://www.google.com works12:24
njpatelwww.google.com works too12:24
njpatelkamstrup, so, yeah, definitely hang in files place is the issue12:24
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roignacguys, did anybody had experience of creating lenses using python and libunity-4.0?12:34
smspillazom26er: yeah, I'm aware. these problems are complicated though, give me some time12:34
om26erdidrocks, Hi is there a way to override gpu blacklist?13:17
didrocksom26er: indeed, there is one13:19
* didrocks doesn't remember the variable he added :)13:19
didrocksom26er: one sec :)13:20
om26erdidrocks, any where i should look?13:20
didrocksom26er: just set UNITY_FORCE_START to something :)13:21
didrocksexport UNITY_FORCE_START=113:21
om26erdidrocks, thank you13:21
didrocksyw ;)13:22
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greybackmardy: hey I'm Gerry. I was looking at the wallpaper bug, and can (like you) only find nautilus to blame.13:32
mardygreyback: yep. I also tried with all the unity-components not running, and it still happens13:32
greybackmardy: I must check to see if it happens with Unity.13:34
didrocksmardy: FYI, I uploaded the metacity change13:34
didrocksmardy: thanks :)13:34
mardydidrocks: thanks to you! BTW, I also submitted the patch upstream (as a bug), so you might have to remove it from debian/patches/ if it ever gets accepted13:35
didrocksmardy: sure, the usual business :) try to ping marmanel to ensure he can have a look13:36
didrocksmardy: he's sick right now apparently13:36
mardydidrocks: ok, I'll ping him at regular intervals :-)13:36
AlanBellroignac: I think the gwibber lens is in python14:23
roignacwell, the previous version did14:23
roignacnow they are ported to vala14:23
AlanBellgah, OK I was looking at their packaging14:23
AlanBellvala makes my head spin14:24
AlanBellnot the language itself, just the c files it makes and compiler errors that report against the c files rather than the vala files14:24
njpatelAlanBell, it's actually way better than it used to be but, yes, sometimes you just want to kill someone14:25
AlanBellI would be interested in porting my appmenu lens to python because I think it is overcomplicated in vala14:25
njpatelpreferably a vala dev14:25
njpatelappmenu lens?14:25
njpateldo tell14:25
roignaci'm actually pretty happy with python14:26
roignacbut libunity-4.0 bindings just don't allow me to set filters for a lens14:26
AlanBellI took the applications lens and ripped out the zeitgeist stuff and the software centre suggestions and the filters and made it just show applications categorised by category14:26
AlanBellso now I can find and run applications using unity \o/14:27
roignacmore info here - https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libunity/+question/169894 - I'd be pretty happy to solve this14:27
lucazadeAlanBell is that categorized Unity dash someway official?14:28
njpatelAlanBell, lol, nice14:28
njpatelAlanBell, the filters aren't helping?14:28
njpatel(in 11.10)14:28
AlanBelllucazade: nope, it was just me ripping out stuff until I could use it!14:29
AlanBellthe filters take up half the dash14:29
lucazadeAlanBell, thanks.. i was thinking to the same layout for the dash14:29
AlanBellso I had a dash with three lines of icons, top being zeitgeist recently used stuff, bottom being adverts of random stuff from software centre right hand side being the filters, so half of the middle line was three of the applications I had installed14:30
Kaleohey didrocks, got a minute?14:30
Kaleodidrocks: mardy, greyback and I are looking at some visual glitches that happen during session login; I found 4 of them so far14:31
AlanBellcode is here https://code.launchpad.net/~alanbell/+junk/appmenu-lens14:31
jcastroheya didrocks14:31
AlanBelljcastro suggested I package it for extras, but I have no idea how to do that14:31
didrockshey jcastro14:31
jcastrodidrocks: doing anything?14:31
* jcastro tries to trap didrocks 14:31
jcastroso I was looking at: https://launchpad.net/unity/+patches14:32
jcastrobecause why not ....14:32
didrocksjcastro: not stopping since this morning :/14:32
didrockspinging machine this week14:32
jcastroah ok14:32
jcastroI can bother someone else14:32
didrocksjcastro: like… dx? ;-)14:32
jcastroyeah, well I was just wondering if a patch gets accepted into ubuntu why it remains open in the upstream project14:33
jcastrobut I'll figure it out14:33
jcastroI think it's just an LPism14:33
didrocksjcastro: let me have a look14:33
didrocks(quick one ;))14:33
jcastroI think if people are just attaching patches then I can have someone grab them and properly propose them14:34
didrocksjcastro: no patch is in ubuntu, I just closed the cjk one14:38
Kaleodidrocks: the one that I think you should have a look at is https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-2d/+bug/839610 because I suspect 02_additional_marge_for_unity.patch patch to Nautilus might be the culprit14:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 839610 in unity-2d "Background wallpaper briefly appears shifted horizontally by around 15 pixels on startup" [Medium,Confirmed]14:39
AlanBellnjpatel: could the main applications lens be made to be uncluttered and categorised?14:40
lucazadeKaleo, I believe bug 804435 is a dup of that wallpaper bug14:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 804435 in unity-2d "Wallpaper is loaded twice with different alignment by gnome-session and nautilus (Oneiric)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80443514:41
njpatelAlanBell, have you tried out 11.10 (sorry if you've answered)14:41
AlanBellnjpatel: this is using 11.1014:42
njpatelAlanBell, allows you to filter per-category pretty easily14:42
Kaleolucazade: no, I don't think so; when I deactivate gnome-session's wallpaper it still occurs14:42
AlanBellyes, the filters kind of wokr14:42
njpatelAlanBell, ah, then no, main apps lens are hard-coded in the lens14:42
didrocksKaleo: the patch only touches the icon14:42
lucazadeKaleo, ok :)14:42
didrocksKaleo: not the wallpaper14:42
AlanBellnjpatel: but the filters use up half the room in the dash14:42
Kaleodidrocks: ok14:43
Kaleolucazade: I just added clearer steps to reproduce14:43
AlanBellif there was an option to turn off the zeitgeist suggestions (they are not too bad) and the software centre stuff (really dislike that) then I would be fine with it14:43
didrocksKaleo: it's really some separated process, I can have a look next week to confirm anyway14:43
Kaleodidrocks: we have 4 different bugs that hinder the visual beauty of the login process14:44
didrocksKaleo: indeed, in particular, the one making everything grey14:44
Kaleodidrocks: 2-3 of them affecting both unity-2d and unity14:44
kenvandinehaha... yesterdays unity release has broken the horizontal renderer again and unity-2d fixed it's horizontal renderer14:45
Kaleokenvandine: do you like it?14:47
Kaleokenvandine: (the u2d's one I mean)14:48
kenvandineKaleo, of course :)14:49
Kaleokenvandine: great, let us know if anything's wrong with it14:50
davidcalleKaleo, the grey text looks a lot better than 3D14:50
kenvandinewill do14:50
Kaleodavidcalle: cool14:55
didrocksjcastro: ok, I'm a little bit more in a quiet time right now, do you need me for anything? :)15:31
didrocksKaleo: as well ^15:31
Kaleodidrocks: yes :)15:31
Kaleodidrocks: me me me me :)15:31
jcastrodidrocks: just wondering if it's worth going through all the bugs with patches15:32
jcastroand see if there's any low hanging fruit15:32
didrocksjcastro: I guess that someone on dx should do it, the list is not that long :)15:32
* jcastro nods15:33
jcastroKaleo: welcome back!15:33
Kaleojcastro: :)15:34
Kaleojcastro: you mean kamstrup no?15:34
jcastrooh right15:34
jcastrobut also, hi to you!15:34
ronockenvandine, -> https://launchpad.net/indicator-session/+milestone/0.3.415:38
ronocshould fix the apt menuitem weirdness15:39
kenvandineronoc, i got it16:19
kenvandineany bug associated with it?16:19
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ronockenvandine, yep16:21
* ronoc finds bug no16:21
ronockenvandine, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-session/+bug/83165016:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 831650 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) "indicator-session states 'software up-to-date' although there're updates available" [Undecided,New]16:23
jonogord, if I remember right, did you write the code that speeds up the search and presentation of items in the dash?16:42
jonoI seem to remember it was you16:42
jonoit is rocking because the dash feels really zippy now :-)16:42
gordjono, not search but yeah presentation, anything drawing related really16:42
jonogreat work!16:42
gordjono, still only done half the performance speedups :)16:42
gordmore to come next week16:42
jonoso it is going to get faster?16:43
jcastro~15 minutes until AMA16:43
jcastroI started a hangout if you guys wanna prep16:43
jonojcastro, where does it take place, the AMA?16:43
njpateljcastro, I'll probably join in in around an hour or so, once i get back home16:51
jcastronjpatel: sweeeeeeeeet.16:52
jcastrowe're now answering questions about Unity on reddit! http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/k2nvl/we_are_the_ubuntu_unity_development_team_we_3/17:36
jonojcastro, posted to FB too, jcastro17:41
lamalexjono, fixing your music lens bugs :)17:43
jonolamalex, you, rock, pal!17:43
jcastrolamalex: you already have a music lens question17:44
jcastrojono: ta for that, I got g+ covered too17:44
lamalexfar out17:44
jcastrolamalex: and now a followup17:50
jcastrowow, this got popular fast!17:50
lamalexyah cuz unity da coolest17:58
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jonobtw, are you folks aware the files lens is not displaying accurately filtered results?18:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 839807 in unity (Ubuntu) "Files lens results filter produces inaccacurate results" [Undecided,New]18:38
jonoRAOF, around?18:39
AlanBellis there a problem with lenses where a category that gets expanded does not quite show the last row of icons?18:41
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davidcallekenvandine, hi22:30

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