
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
wallyworldwgrant: is one supposed to review a mp with a conflict or wait/ask for the conflict to be resolved?00:14
wgrantwallyworld: That's one of the great unanswered questions of the modern age.00:16
wgrantAre there more conflicts than just sourcecode.cache00:17
wallyworldthe other issue is the mp was resubmitted (after the susperceded one was approved) so perhaps the original approver should be the one to look at the new one00:17
wgrantThat seems to be it.00:17
wallyworldno, no other conflicts00:17
wallyworldi could easily remove them when running locally00:18
wallyworldjust wondering as a matter of policy00:18
wgrantIt was last reviewed two months ago; I'm not sure that bac would have significantly more context than you at this point.00:18
wallyworldsure. i'll jump in then00:19
mwhudsonwallyworld: what happens now with https://code.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/ChoiceSource-flexibility/+merge/73611, does it need to be mentored?00:34
wallyworldmwhudson: i'm thinking for such a small change it's ok00:34
mwhudsonwallyworld: can you land it then please?  I don't think i have all the relevant bits set up00:34
mwhudsoni guess it needs a commit message00:35
wallyworldmwhudson: sure, i was just about to ask you if you wanted me tyo do that00:35
mwhudsonand uh, a bug report?00:35
wallyworldmwhudson: yes, a bug report if you want to be able to qa it before it gets released00:35
mwhudsoni think that would be a good idea :)00:35
wallyworldjust to be sure nothing breaks00:35
mwhudsonthere are semi related problems to do with the zIndex of the blocking div that prettyoverlay creates00:36
mwhudsonbut they can wait for another day :)00:36
pooliei'm getting persistent oopses on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/83515300:38
_mup_Bug #835153: oosplash.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in XSetForeground() <amd64> <apport-crash> <oneiric> <running-unity> <libreoffice (Ubuntu):Triaged by bjoern-michaelsen> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/835153 >00:38
mwhudsonwallyworld: ok, should be good to land now00:38
wallyworldmwhudson: cool. onto it00:38
Gallenap: thanks for those two suggestions for the 61428 merge01:04
wallyworldwgrant: looks like a buildbot test has hung. i assume we just force a new build in this case? i think this happens occasionally?01:04
wgrantwallyworld: It's a regression in the last couple of weeks, but yes.01:19
Gallenap: I just made the change that you suggested on my MP (https://code.launchpad.net/~dev-nigelj/launchpad/bug61428/+merge/73632) so it should be good to land now01:22
LPCIBotProject devel build #1,022: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 55 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/1022/01:30
jtvhi wallyworld!02:11
nigelboh oh.02:53
nigelb503 error from loggerhead.02:53
jtvhi nigelb… sorry, never got around to looking at your MP yesterday.02:56
nigelbjtv: hehe, np, I asked the OCR. I'm fixing test failings in it now :)03:00
jtvOK great03:00
nigelbWhat is the solution if the result of the doctest is > 78 characters?03:18
nigelbwgrant: about?03:24
wgrantnigelb: Unless you're using -NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE, you can just add newlines wherever you want.03:32
nigelbDoes this look fine?03:33
nigelb    >>> browser.getControl('Title').value = 'Extension Manager '03:33
nigelb    ...     'System Upgrades'03:33
nigelbbecause lint complains for that.03:33
wallyworldjtv: hi. sorry missed your ping. my stupid irc client doesn't pop up notifications for very long and then I miss them if i am afk eating or something :-(03:35
wgrantnigelb: Oh, that's not the result... I'd do this:03:35
wgrant    >>> browser.getControl('Title').value = (03:35
wgrant    ...     'Extension Manager System Upgrades')03:36
jtvwallyworld: I was just saying good morning.  As you know I don't think you need any further mentoring, and since I can't find any further procedural notes, I hereby formalize your graduation.03:37
jtvNote to mailing list to follow.03:37
nigelbcongrats wallyworld!03:37
wallyworldjtv: cool :-) i did a largish review this morning but it needs fixing so i didn't ping you yet. but i guess now i don't need to03:37
wallyworldnigelb: thanks03:38
jtvThat's right.03:38
* wallyworld goes back to fixing some failing tests !@%@!%@$!03:39
nigelbIf my code passes tests, does it automatically get merged?03:41
nigelbpasses tests from ec2land.03:41
wallyworldnigelb: yes, unless pqm is in testfix mode03:41
wallyworlddue to a buildbot breakage03:42
nigelbhrm, I don't think my branch last night merged, despite tests passing.03:42
wgrantbuildbot was broken for a while.03:42
wallyworldnigelb: check your email - there should be one saying it merged or else something like 0 tests blah blah03:42
mwhudsonnigelb: whoever ran ec2 land should have an email in that case03:42
mwhudsonheh, simultaneous contradiction!03:43
wgrantThe signer gets the PQM email.03:43
wallyworldoops. i forgot that someone else would have landed it03:43
wgrantBoth parties get the EC2 email.03:43
nigelbok, I'll poke danilos later when he gets on.03:44
nigelbmwhudson: Did you find configobj helpful? :)03:44
mwhudsonnigelb: i haven't gotten around to looking at it yet03:57
mwhudsonnigelb: i'd blanked on the fact that bzr used an external library for this sort of thing though03:58
mwhudsonwell sort of external03:58
nigelbThere are lots of things in ConfigParser which really irritate me03:58
nigelbargh, doctests.03:59
nigelbHow do I reduce this one to less than 7803:59
nigelb    'http://blueprints.launchpad.dev/firefox/+spec/extension-manager-upgrades/+edit'03:59
poolienigelb: do you have to silence the lint complaint?04:00
pooliei don't know if doing so would be a good use of time04:00
pooliehi, btw04:00
nigelbpoolie: Well, I can always ignore it :D04:00
StevenKI didn't think we cared about 78 char limit in doctests ...04:01
nigelbpoolie: Morning! :)04:01
nigelbStevenK: \o/04:01
pooliehi there04:01
nigelbCan someone kick this back into ec2? https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/launchpad/specification-validation-59301/+merge/7363104:16
* nigelb also notes the /topic needs updation04:18
nigelbjtv: "to a vicious shark who will go as deep as it takes to find out what's wrong with your branch" -- you've trained him well :P04:23
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: supreme ruler wallyworld | Critical bugs: 251!! - 0:[#######=]:256
wgrantDoes anybody know of a Unicode explosion character?'04:23
wgrantOr something similar?04:23
jtvwgrant: an invalid UTF-8 sequence will usually do the trick :-P04:24
jtvnigelb: thanks  ☺04:24
wgrantjtv: The graph in the topic will need it soon :(04:24
jtv☢ ?04:25
nigelbHa, that's why.04:25
wgrantjtv: That works.04:25
wgrantThere are 257 tasks :(04:25
jtvI take it the counter's been running the wrong way then?  Otherwise you'd be looking for ☮04:25
wgrantBut 6 of them are private.04:25
wgrantSo webnumbr says we are safe and the world has not ended.04:26
jtvWho is webnumbr?04:26
nigelbwgrant: http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/1f4a3/index.htm04:26
wgrantThat is worryingly far outside the BMP. I wonder how widely supported it is.04:27
wgrantBut that looks helpful, thanks.04:27
wgrantIntroduced in Unicode 6.04:27
wgrantie. 10 months ago.04:27
nigelbOnly 2 fonts support it.04:27
=== wallyworld changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: wallyworld | Critical bugs: 251!! - 0:[#######=]:256
nigelbwallyworld: Hi, I had a few test failures yesterday from this MP. Would you mind re-reviewing and kicking it back into ec2? https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/launchpad/specification-validation-59301/+merge/7363104:34
wallyworldnigelb: sure04:34
* wallyworld looks04:35
nigelbI should have commited test fixes and then fixed lint.04:35
StevenKwallyworld: Nice work!04:38
wallyworldStevenK: thanks. how's the battle scenario modelling going?04:39
StevenKMore painting :-P04:39
wallyworldremember, i want to see a photo when it's done :-)04:41
StevenKI've been linking you photos in privmsgs, you didn't comment :-P04:41
wallyworldStevenK: ah bollocks. didn't notice :-(  Under Unity, quassell notifications aren't very obvious to me anymore for some reason so i miss them04:42
wallyworldStevenK: so they start out blue? so you still have some work to do on those ones?04:43
StevenKwallyworld: They start out grey and on a sprue04:44
wallyworldnigelb: ec2 is off and running the tests04:44
StevenKSo I need to cut them out, assemble them and then paint them fully04:44
nigelbwallyworld: thanks04:44
nigelbStevenK: battle scenario modelling?04:44
* wallyworld types into google "define: sprue"04:45
wallyworldnigelb: that was my made up term04:45
wallyworldnot sure what the official name for it is04:45
nigelbWhat is he making? :)04:45
wallyworldnigelb: painting little figurines of warriors and the like for display in a battle field scenario04:47
wallyworldStevenK:  not sure if that's the correct description? ^^^^04:48
StevenKClose enough04:48
nigelbStevenK: You made those? O_O04:49
nigelblike, from scratch?04:49
StevenKwallyworld, nigelb: http://wedontsleep.org/~steven/IMG_2807.JPG is what they start out like.04:49
nigelbah, not entirely from scratch.04:50
StevenKThat is for a different army, but you get the idea.04:50
nigelbBut still, excellent work.04:50
wallyworldStevenK: oh, i didn;t realise you had to glue them together before painting04:50
nigelbYou manage to do stuff that does not involve computers during paid vacation.04:50
StevenKwallyworld: That's the colour they start out as well.04:50
* wallyworld nods04:50
StevenKThat blue colour on them is 4 different blues04:51
nigelbhow do you attach them?04:51
nigelbor glue?04:51
StevenKnigelb: Plastic glue04:51
* wallyworld wonders how StevenK is typing with all his fingers stuck together04:51
StevenKPlastic glue doesn't affect skin, it washes off easily04:52
nigelbIf his fingers do get stuck, I know which key it will be on.04:52
* G fears StevenK's army04:52
StevenKPft, I use vim, so it would be d04:53
Gohhh I may have spied on a another bugfix :)04:59
nigelbG: You're +1200?04:59
Gnigelb: yep04:59
nigelbTwo people with first names Nigel and we're both not British? Talk about breaking stereotypes  :P05:00
Gin way of ancestry I'm mainly British05:00
Gbut I'm also partly Swede etc as well05:01
pooliehooray for wallyworld!05:22
pooliecongratulations on your asterectomy05:22
nigelbasterectomy sounds painful :P05:22
nigelb"define asterectomy" got spell corrected to "define hysterectomy" making me LOL :)05:23
wallyworldpoolie: thanks05:32
pooliethe removal of his "i'm not a real reviewer" star05:32
nigelbaww wallyworld changed it, wgrant put a better /topic ;)05:33
=== Topic unset by poolie on #launchpad-dev
=== poolie changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: wallyworld | Critical bugs: 251!! - 0:[#######=]:256
LPCIBotProject devel build #1,023: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 7 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/1023/05:37
jtvwallyworld: gratifying that your graduation did not go unnoticed, no?  ☺05:58
wallyworldjtv: i was hoping to sneak under the radar and keep it quiet. but you put an end to that ambition :-P05:58
jtvWhy would you want to do that?05:59
wallyworldjtv: i don't like attention :-)05:59
wallyworldi'm shy05:59
jtvTip #1 for a reviewer: be feared.  Otherwise people start bothering you for reviews even when they have other options.05:59
wallyworldhah. good advice :-)05:59
jtvThe attention comes in the one form or the other.  Trust me, you got the better deal.05:59
wallyworldjtv: i notice you have a repuation as a feared reviewer06:00
wallyworldnow i know why06:00
jtv"fascist" is the more common term, but alright06:00
wallyworldjtv:  well, if hard questions are asked and you get good answers, then that's good06:01
jtvI rejected a sentence added to an HTML page the other day.06:01
Gall this discussion about fearing reviewers when I want to run something by... :)06:01
jtvwallyworld: see?  ^^06:01
wallyworldG: i don't bite, but jtv does06:01
wallyworldi think i need more mentoring therefore :-)06:01
jtvI'm doing my best for you, wallyworld.  Don't throw it all away.06:01
Gwallyworld: well it's lucky I also don't fear people generally :)06:02
jtvRepeat afer me: I bite.  I'm a shark.  I'll go as deep as it takes to find what is wrong with your branch.06:02
* wallyworld repeats I bite. I'm a shark. I'll go as deep as it takes to find what is wrong with your branch.06:02
wallyworldjtv: why the rejected sentence?06:02
jtvSorry, is this _still_ not clear to you?06:03
wallyworldah, right.06:03
* wallyworld needs to grow a pair06:03
jtvYou don't have to be online who you are in real life though.  Ever seen BjornT and bigjools face off in the two arenas?  The outcomes are very different, I tell you.06:04
Gwallyworld: putting your self proclaimed fearsome-ness to the test... I'm looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/793670 and found the issue ln 1819 of lib/lp/registry/browser/person.py runs setPreferredEmail(None), but a reactivation doesn't know which e-mail to set preferred again06:04
_mup_Bug #793670: User account missing preferred email after suspension/reactivation <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/793670 >06:04
jtvwallyworld: What we have online is you with a huge automatic weapon.06:04
jtvNo go get 'em.  :)06:04
Gwallyworld: would the right way be to create a new EmailAddressStatus such as "OLDPREFERRED" to save that detail?06:04
wallyworldG: i'll look, give me a second06:05
wallyworldjtv: will do06:05
Gwallyworld: so maybe something like setSuspendedPreferredEmail() which changes the status of the current preferred e-mail to OLDPREFERRED and then does _setPreferredEmail(None)06:07
nigelbG: jtv doesn't bite. Be makes you bite yourself after seeing his reviews.06:07
nigelb*But he06:07
jtvWell _if possible_ obviously I like to avoid even that bit of the work.  :)06:07
Gwallyworld: rationale for a new Status, is that otherwise the question is "which VALIDATED e-mail should become the new PREFERRED e-mail"06:09
jtvStevenK, wgrant: we don't import binaries from debian, do we?  I suddenly wonder if there's still any need for gina to import binaries at all.06:09
wgrantjtv: We don't use gina's binary importer at the moment, no.06:11
wgrantjtv: But removing it right before we start migrating derivative distros onto LP would be somewhat foolish, I think.06:11
wallyworldG: another option is to modify the preferredemail property on person to check the account status before returning the email object06:12
wallyworldG: that seems cleaner to me06:12
Gwallyworld: ahhh now that is a good idea06:12
wallyworldG: it's a smaller, more localised change with a smaller footprint06:13
Gwallyworld: but I think the logic to removing the preferred e-mail address is to avoid cases where it may not go through the preferredemail property?06:13
wgrantG, wallyworld: This is a pretty difficult and all-encompassing issue.06:14
wgrantwe need to make person status explicit, and fix a lot of code that checks for preferredemail instead.06:14
jtvwgrant: so when are we going to start using gina's binary importer?  What tells us that it will still work properly when we do?  What work have we done to verify that there are no harmful interactions between the binary importer and derived distributions?06:14
wgrantDB queries and stuff that doesn't use the property.06:14
wgrantjtv: None, but it will probably need to be done this year and deleting it is not a good idea.06:14
wgrantG: So, in summary, "run away".06:14
wgrantG: This is a deep rabbit hole.06:15
wallyworldwgrant: you would hope there's a single piece of logic to do "get the email address to send stuff to for this person"06:15
wgrantwallyworld: Hee hee hee.06:15
jtvwgrant: so we have something that we don't use, and won't use, and may do some kind of unknown damage.  Therefore we can't delete it shortly before the point where it may start doing that damage.  Does that sum it up?06:16
wgrantwallyworld: So, no, there isn't. And the preferred address is used not just for finding the preferred address, but also for checking whether the account is active.06:16
Gwgrant: so essentially noone understands the logic so run away?06:16
wallyworldwgrant: that's dumb. account status should be via an "status" property of some sort06:16
Gwgrant: thats what I'm saying... introduce a new ENUM option "OLDPREFERRED" and set the PREFERRED to that instead of VALIDATED on suspension06:17
wgrantjtv: gina is known to not be in a good state. I hope nobody is crazy enough to run it in anything except source-only Debian mode without first extensively checking the code.06:17
wallyworldnot piggybacked onto another property06:17
wgrantG: But the account status is unrelated to email addresses.06:17
wgrantG: It should be a property of the person.06:17
jtvwgrant: so what else would we use it for?06:17
wgrantjtv: Migrating Linaro and OEM and $OTHER_DERIVATIVES to LP.06:17
wgrantwallyworld: You. Would. Think.06:17
wgrantwallyworld: There is Account.status, but very little uses it, and Account needs to burn anyway.06:18
wallyworldyeah, clearly i'm still too idealistic wrt lp code cleanliness06:18
Gwgrant: but isn't: make it so LOSA's don't have as much work to do, and "re-implement everything sanely" two different issues?06:18
* jtv gives up on wgrant06:18
wgrantjtv: Hm? We've just enabled LP to handle derivative distributions.06:18
wgrantjtv: We have several derivative distributions that need to be moved into LP.06:18
wgrantThe way to migrate a distribution to LP is to use gina on it, importing binaries too.06:19
wallyworldG: you should talk to someone like cutis (who is on leave till next week). he know a lot about our email infrastructure i think06:19
wgrantgina needs significant repairs to be able to do that properly nowadays, but deleting the code is hardly going to make it better.06:19
wgrantG: Not really. Adding a new email address status is just perpetuating the insanity.06:20
wgrantG: We should fix this properly.06:20
spmG: fwiw. "so LOSA's don't have as much work to do" is a ... funky way of phrasing it. better would be "so losas can spend THAT time on other tasks equally valuable"06:20
spmit's not like we're sitting around on our hands waiting to be pinged :-)06:21
Gspm: actually that is a better way of putting it :)06:21
Gspm: I should have said "So they don't have to worry about that issue anymore" :)06:21
Gor something like that :)06:22
Gwgrant: but yes, I see your point06:22
Gwgrant: and obviously the solution would be to find everything that generates and e-mail and make sure that it someway or another goes through a proper method to get the e-mail address, that also checks if the account is active06:23
wgrantG: Roughly.06:23
wgrantjtv: So, am I still given up on? I'm not quite sure what's so controversial about not deleting code that we will probably have to revive to bring this feature into use.06:24
Gand I'd imagine doing that, and all the subsequent tests to make sure it's working properly would be quite a lot :)06:25
jtvwgrant: sorry, I get frustrated sometimes.  I now realize that you meant to give the right answer, but because you never answered the direct question, I completely misinterpreted the rest of what you said.  So for confirmation I posed that "so we're not going to use this code," but you didn't deny it.  After all that, it was a very disorienting realization that you meant the exact opposite of what I was getting all along.06:26
jtvI asked a composite question, which in retrospect maybe I shouldn't have done, and so when you talked about "None" and "it," that left a lot of room for interpretation.06:27
wgrantjtv: We are going to use the code, but not in its current state.06:27
wgrantIt was last used in mid-2007. People know not to use it now, so it is not harmful.06:27
jtvYou really know how to scare me!06:28
wgrantBut when we want to move distros onto LP, we will have to revive it and verify its correctness.06:28
jtvThat's the part I was curious about: I got the impression that this was basically no more than a leftover from the original Ubuntu import.06:28
wgrantIt *is* basically no more than a leftover from the original Ubuntu import.06:28
wgrantBut it was used 18 months later to import partner too, because it still mostly worked, and didn't break too much.06:29
jtvWell one thing more, apparently: the start of derived-distros import.06:29
wgrantAnd I imagine it will be used against soon.06:29
wgrantBut it's still just a leftoer.06:29
wgrantJust one that will be reincarnated.06:29
wgrantgina itself was just a leftover from the Ubuntu import.06:29
wgrantIt got reincarnated and fixed up to import Debian.06:29
wgrantSome years later.06:29
jtvI don't know how many changes it went through; usually I advocate ditching poorly-understood custom code over reviving it after a long period of falling out of touch with the working application.  It'd do this code a world of good, but I can see the point for not rewriting this kind of stuff on a whim.06:30
jtvBut oh, the stuff I keep prying out.06:31
wgrantgina's not huge, and it's pretty awful, but given the way LP goes it's tempting not to throw away roughly working code.06:32
wgrantBecause it would naturally take at least 18 months to get a replacement working :/06:32
jtvI finally figured out that some very hard-to-read code with practically untyped data was really iterating over a dict's elements in alphabetical key order.06:32
wgrantYeah, there is a bit of that sort of stuff.06:33
jtvA bit, he says.06:33
wgrantBut it's normally possible to untangle.06:33
wgrant... occasionally by rewriting it and seeing what differs when you import an archive.06:33
jtvThat's what I did with the dominator: a huge sql-laden mega-method turned out to be a few completely independent, easily-described methods.06:33
jtvWhich reminds me: ran a full test domination of Debian on dogfood.  Seems to have gone pretty well, apart from the known problem with pre-existing publication records.06:34
jtvI wonder why we have all this support for deleting a source package without its binary packages though.06:34
jtv(Well, requesting deletion of a publication of a source package without doing the same for the publications of its binary packages)06:34
jtvThings could be a whole lot simpler and faster without that ability.06:35
wgrantSPPH<->BPPH links are special.06:35
wgrantie. implied and varying.06:35
jtvOh God no.06:36
jtvPlease no.06:36
jtvRemember that complicated code that iterated over a dict's keys?06:36
jtvThat was for source packages.06:36
jtvIt has a near-exact counterpart for binary packages.06:37
wgrantAh yes.06:37
wgrantThat also happens a bit.06:37
jtv        for binary in sorted(packages_map.bin_map[archtag].values(),06:37
jtv                             key=lambda x: x.get("Package")):06:37
jtv—where packages_map.bin_map[archtag] is, of course, keyed by x["Package"].06:38
wgrantI'm glad to see you cleaned up the dominator more.06:38
wgrantI did a bit a yearish ago.06:38
wgrantBut it was still pretty awful.06:38
wgrantI didn't get all the way up to judgeSuperseded and judgeAndDominate... just the lower-level stuff.06:39
wgrantYou seem to have fixed the rest up nicely, however.06:39
jtvThanks.  Didn't even change much in terms of complexity, just moved large blocks of code.06:40
wgrantAnd simplified the setdefault/sort/reverse mess.06:40
jtvOh, that :)06:40
wgrantWith the creative variable name 'L'.06:40
jtv            package_name = binary.get("Package", "unknown")06:41
jtv ^^ after all that trouble reconstructing the dict key, which is binary['Package']06:41
wgrants/.*/raise DebianIsInsaneError/06:42
jtvI'll catch your DebianInsaneError and raise you a personal sanity failure.06:42
nigelbdanilos: Hi, around?06:46
wgrantI made the mistake of using qannotate to check the dominator's history.06:46
wgrantForgetting the qt apps now hang X.06:46
wgrantThanks unity :)06:47
nigelbAren't you going to go the extra mile and blaim thumper for it?06:47
wgrantNah, I've already done that once this week.06:47
wgrantjtv: Launchpad is really good at consistency, isn't it?06:55
jtvWe're getting better.  I think squads are a step forward.06:56
wgrantEven within a squad.06:56
wgrantConsider the ?PPH state transitions from PUBLISHED.06:56
wgrantsupersede(), setDeleted() and requestObsolescence().06:56
jtvWell, setDeleted is purely an internal support method.06:56
wgrantThree different tenses, three different prefixes.06:57
jtvThat part makes sense.  The real comparison I think is {requestDeletion, requestObsolescence} and those look consistent to me.06:57
wgrantIndeed, I'd forgotten that setDeleted had not entirely replaced requestDeletion.06:57
jtvIt was never meant to.06:58
jtvwgrant: here's a thought about debian domination.  I can make retireDeadSourcePublications find the latest source publication for each package; request deletion for that one and supersede the rest.07:03
wgrantjtv: That would work.07:04
jtvOh, gotta help out with something else now.07:04
* wallyworld is off to see Australia vs Thailand in a soccer World Cup qualifier :-)07:04
adeuringgood morning07:07
stubStevenK: So tell me about our Storm branch. Is there stuff in there that hasn't or cannot land upstream?07:31
wgrantstub: Has with_ landed upstream?07:32
wgrantThe main issue apart from that is that storm now converts Date to a Python date, rather than a datetime.07:32
stubI dunno. I think this happened while I was on leave.07:33
wgrantwhich breaks tests and some code.07:33
stubDo we have bugs open on Launchpad or Storm?07:33
wgrantI don't recall. lifeless did the Date -> date revert initially.07:34
wgrantStevenK and I just updated the branch later with fixes we'd landed on trunk.07:34
stubok. I'll trawl some bugs.07:34
=== danilo_ is now known as danilos
jelmerwallyworld, hey, congrats on becoming a reviewer and thanks for using your newly found powers to review my code-imports-ui branch !07:46
lifelessis someone fixing the merge conflict?07:47
stubI can get there in a minute07:48
nigelbdanilos: Aha, thanks for merging! I was about to poke you. :)08:12
danilosnigelb, you are welcome (it failed to merge yesterday because we hit "testfix" mode: a mode which stops further landings from happening when someone merges a branch that fails the test suite)08:18
nigelbhey mrevell :)08:21
nigelbdanilos: ah! that makes sense :)08:21
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daniloshum, how does one update sourcedeps.cache without doing it manually?08:28
jelmerdanilos, ./utilities/update-sourcecode ?08:28
danilosjelmer: oh, thanks :)08:29
Ghmmm I was looking at the list of trivial Launchpad bugs, and found: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/137373 the funny thing is, now it seems the blacklist deosn't exist, and you can 'register' a project named 'codeofconduct' without error, but be generated to the code of conduct page08:41
mrevellG: that sounds odd. Let me try that.08:46
Gmrevell: I just did a grep around, and can only see the error message in relation to person/team names08:47
mrevellG: on staging,I get the message "The name 'codeofconduct' has been blocked by the Launchpad administrators."08:47
Git's as if the concept of blacklisting project names went into a void/black hole08:47
Gmrevell: on my rocketfuel setup LP, it just proceeds like nothing happened08:48
mrevellG: Weird. On product it's blocked. I did notice that initially it tried to give me a project name of "codeof", though.08:49
Ghaha and now it says "codeofconduct is already used by another project" so the registration obviously worked08:49
nigelbG: did you check if the blacklisting is in the db?08:49
nigelbI'm just guessing. It is possible that its a table of some sort.08:50
mrevellI'm not sure how the blacklisting works. Any ideas wgrant?08:50
Gfor people/teams it's done in python in: ./lib/lp/registry/interfaces/person.py (class PersonNameField(BlacklistableContentNameField)08:51
StevenKThat's a person, not a project08:51
GStevenK: I said that :)08:51
Gmy point is, greping around in my checkout, I can't find anything similar for projects08:52
Gohhh except I know what I mayhave done wrong08:53
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: wallyworld, adeuring | Critical bugs: 251!! - 0:[#######=]:256
danilosmrevell, I am pretty sure blacklisting is a table in the DB08:59
StevenKG: ^08:59
Ghmmm okay, theory didn't work out08:59
GI created a user that didn't belong to any teams in the DB and it still worked w/o error09:00
danilosmrevell, "psql launchpad_dev" and then "\d nameblacklist" :)09:00
Gdanilos: ahhh ha09:01
Gand select * from nameblacklist; doesn't include a regex that matches codeofconduct09:01
nigelbWhich is why it worked for you.09:02
StevenKIt's in the production database09:02
Gyep, okay that makes sense now09:03
StevenKSELECT regexp from nameblacklist where regexp like '%code%'; => ^codeofconduct$, ^code$, ^decode$09:03
nigelbTest results: specification-validation-59301 => devel: SUCCESS09:03
nigelbOh. I just landed 2 successive branches.09:04
nigelbAchivement Unlocked.09:05
Gso what would be a better way to put it? "The name (foo) has been blacklisted in Launchpad, please select another project name" ?09:06
Gnigelb: I'm catching you up ;)09:06
nigelbG: Which is still winning. We're making Launchpad better.09:06
Gexactly, not a race either09:07
nigelbWell, it is a race, except we're trying to beat wgrant, not each other :D09:07
* wgrant forces a /Contributions update.09:09
wgrantNot bad, not bad.09:12
nigelbClimbed up to two digits in a leap.09:13
wgrantIt was 10 before.09:13
nigelbwell, 10 was today as well.09:13
wgrantAh, right.09:13
wgrantIt appears that the race may be on, and I may have competition :(09:16
Gwgrant: but aren't you a Canonical employee now?09:17
nigelbwgrant: I also love that you can't compete09:17
wgrantG: Yes :(09:17
nigelbG: He is, his numbers are static.09:17
nigelb(Those are pre-Canonical numbers)09:17
Goh I get it, that is just tracking the pre-employment commits?09:17
wgrantSo I have a 130 branch head start, but no velocity.09:17
wgrantEverything post-employment is with my Canonical address, so is conveniently excluded.09:17
Gokay, I think I've come up with another good tiny bug to kill, one that actually confused me :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/30656909:21
_mup_Bug #306569: Link to https://help.launchpad.net/Code from project branch listing page <lp-code> <trivial> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/306569 >09:21
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nigelbwhen I propose a merge09:42
* nigelb kicks _mup_ 09:43
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LPCIBotProject devel build #1,024: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 8 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/1024/09:46
wgrantnigelb: I find it encouraging that timeouts surprise you now.09:47
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nigelbwgrant: Well, it does. LP has been fairly untimeouting except for staging and qastaging.09:47
nigelbwallyworld: can I add https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/launchpad/merge-review-mail-824487/+merge/73765 to your list as well?09:48
wgrantI hope wallyworld is not still here.09:49
nigelbIn which case, adeuring would you review this branch ^^09:49
adeuringnigelb: sure09:49
adeuringnigelb: nice work, r=me09:53
adeuringshould I land it?09:53
nigelbadeuring: Yes, please :)09:53
danilosanyone feels like reviewing a simple loggerhead branch?10:04
jelmerdanilos, might as well10:13
danilosjelmer, cool, https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/loggerhead/bug-839395/+merge/7376610:13
danilosjelmer, actually, got a review from jam in the meantime10:14
jelmeractually, it looks like jam beat me to it :)10:14
danilosjelmer, yeah, though his vote was not registered by LP10:15
jelmerdanilos, he's hanging out in #bzr10:16
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gary_posterA bit of insomnia has me noticing that buildbot is unhappy.  The failing tests are all bzr bits and bobs, which no-one seemed to have touched.  Has anyone investigated?  I might try running some of the failing tests locally, and if they pass, I might force a build.10:23
* jelmer has touched some bzr bits recently10:28
jelmerI'll have a look10:29
wgrantjelmer: We've had several lots of spurious bzr (particularly puller and import) failures since your recent series of branches.10:29
wgrantThey've always been fragile, but they were mostly sorted for the last 6 months.10:30
jelmerwell, I did reenable some that were supposedly going to be fixed with the new version of twisted10:31
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gary_posterjelmer, thanks.  FWIW, they do pass locally, so it sounds like it is fragility10:32
jelmeractually, it looks like these are not the tests I was expecting to fail10:33
jelmerthese are all failing with "no such module bzrdir", which is pretty weird10:34
gary_posterall sent by the server too10:36
gary_posterrather than in the main process10:36
gary_posterwould be nice if we could dupe locally :-/10:39
jelmerI wonder if somehow the system bzrlib gets loaded10:39
gary_posterLemme see if I can find out how that subprocess is started...10:40
* jelmer has to run off for lunch, back in ~3010:41
danilosadeuring, hi, a very simple branch up for review on https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/bug-839395/+merge/7377910:41
adeuringdanilos: ok, I'll look10:42
danilosadeuring, thanks10:42
gary_posterFWIW, all tests using ForkingServerForTests failed10:44
adeuringdanilos: r=me10:45
gary_posterGoing to ask for some diagnostics from the bb machine10:52
danilosadeuring, thanks, landing already :)10:57
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: wallyworld, adeuring, bac | Critical bugs: 251!! - 0:[#######=]:256
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer:adeuring, bac | Critical bugs: 251!! - 0:[#######=]:256
bachello adeuring11:10
adeuringhi bac11:13
jelmergary_poster: ah, interesting11:17
jelmergary_poster: I wonder if we're using bzrlib.bzrdir somewhere but don't do "import bzrlib.bzrdir" in the forking service11:20
stubgary_poster: Is this an intermittent problem? I just resolved a merge conflict between stable and db-devel dealing with bzrlib imports11:25
gary_posterstub, yes intemittent, AFAICT11:28
stubso this might go and infect db-devel now11:29
gary_posterjelmer, sorry, I have to do morning things with children now.  Will be back in < hour11:29
stubgary_poster: Interestingly, the imports where the same but the order was different.11:29
nigelbIs Julian away today?11:30
jelmergary_poster: np, talk to you later11:30
wgrantnigelb: Yes.11:33
wgrantnigelb: He will return next week.11:33
nigelbAh, ok. I found a few bugs he'd opened which doesn't seem reproducible.11:33
wgrantnigelb: Link?11:34
nigelbLet me hunt them down.11:34
nigelbbug 814696, bug 81469711:35
_mup_Bug #814696: Link to show inline diffs in merge proposals should be green <code-review> <trivial> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/814696 >11:35
_mup_Bug #814697: Inline diffs in merge proposals don't have a spinner when it's waiting for the diff <code-review> <trivial> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/814697 >11:35
nigelbInline diffs in an MP is green. And there's no spinner since it just points to the diff further down in the page.11:36
wgrantHe may mean inline diffs *for* MPs.11:36
wgranteg. on branch, bug pages.11:36
wgrantBut they are also green and have a spinner.11:36
wgrantIt was broken due to a partial revert for a few hours a month or so ago... not sure if the timelines coincide.11:37
nigelbIt was filed a little over a month ago.11:37
nigelbSo, entirely possible.11:37
nigelbHrm, is bug 787798 trivial?11:38
_mup_Bug #787798: Launchpad should use Google web fonts for the Ubuntu font <css> <trivial> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/787798 >11:38
nigelbI tend to think not.11:38
wgrantnigelb: Why not?11:40
wgrantIt's basically one line of HTML.11:40
wgrantAlthough it needs a bit of thought as to which subset of the font we want.11:40
wgrantProbably all of it.11:40
nigelbOne line of HTML and another line of CSS.11:40
nigelbIt might end up looking ugly for monospace.11:40
wgrantWe already use the Ubuntu font in our CSS.11:41
nigelbone line of HTML then11:41
* nigelb grabs11:41
nigelbhrm, interestingly. I have no idea which is the page template thing for LP.11:43
wgrantnigelb: base-layout.pt11:45
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nigelb\o/ 4 branches in a day? I'm aiming for my personal best today.11:58
jelmernigelb: whoa11:59
* jelmer is glad if he manages one lp branch in a day11:59
nigelbjelmer: 2 of them got merged only today. I worked on them for 2 days12:00
nigelbthe other 2 are small fixes :)12:00
nigelbwgrant: Does this need tests?12:07
nigelb(is there a way to test this?)12:07
bacgo nigelb, go!12:12
nigelbbac: heh thanks! And for that, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/launchpad/ubuntu-font-787798/+merge/7379312:13
bacnigelb: would be glad to, in just a bit.  i'll claim it now.12:13
gary_posterjelmer, I'm back, but assuming that you are on the test failure.12:37
gary_posterjelmer, heh12:37
jelmerhah, brain wave sync. or something. :)12:37
jelmerI haven't found much yet, other than that previous hypothesis is almost certainly wrong.12:38
gary_posterjelmer, the bzrdir not imported idea you had is reasonable, though I would have expected...heh, ok12:38
nigelbbac: That article about checklists was "enlightening"!12:40
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baci should re-read it.  saw it when it first appeared in the NYKR12:40
gary_posterjelmer, I'm not sure where to go with this one.  site.py is where we set up paths, and it is obviously working fine for the main process, and the environ passed to the forked server subprocess on my system was correct12:40
gary_posterI looked at site.py on buildbot and it was fine...12:40
gary_posterEverything was also OK here before 2.4.x so that's the most obvious smoking gun12:41
gary_posterbut I certainly would not like to roll that back, and I'm sure you feel even more strongly that way12:41
jelmer_gary_poster, db-devel has had 2.4 for a while12:42
gary_posterIf I could dupe that would sure be nice.  I tell you what jelmer, I'm going to ask for a screen session on the buildbot and try running the tests there and see if I learn anything.  Are you around for awhile?12:42
jelmer_gary_poster: I'll be out for about an hour soon, but should be able to help after that12:43
gary_posterack thanks jelmer_12:44
nigelbIs buildbot temporarily broken?12:56
gary_posternigelb, we are in testfix12:57
gary_posternigelb, I'm working on it12:57
* gary_poster has to step away for 2012:57
* gary_poster back13:11
bachi nigelb, thanks for the font fix.  i'm not sure making the change in the base page template is the right place to put it.  there are still other fonts being used, on buttons for example.13:20
bacnigelb: i'd like to talk to sinzui to get his thoughts13:20
nigelbbac: I'm only making sure google web fonts get included.13:21
nigelbThe font gets changed to Ubuntu wherever the font is set as 'Ubuntu'13:21
nigelbAlso, hrm, I was looking for sinzui the other day as well. Has he not been around?13:25
bacnigelb: i don't know his schedule13:25
bacthere is a US holiday on monday though, so if he isn't around today it'll be tuesday before he comes back13:26
StevenKsinzui has been on holidays this week, like I have.13:26
nigelbI'll wait for next week :)13:26
bacnigelb: ok, sorry to put a speed bump in your mojo today!  :)13:26
nigelbno worries!13:27
nigelbI'll applaud sinzui for *really* being away when he's suspposed to be away.13:29
* nigelb glances at StevenK and wgrant.13:29
nigelbmrevell: Might be interesting to you - http://nigelb.me/ubuntu/launchpad/2011/09/02/some-new-improvements-to-lp.html13:34
wgrantnigelb: Heh.13:45
danilosadeuring, bac: anyone eager to pick up a branch for review: ://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/bug-302449/+merge/7381313:48
bacdanilos: sure13:48
LPCIBotProject devel build #1,025: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 9 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/1025/13:56
danilosbac, thanks :)14:00
mrevellthanks nigelb14:00
bacdanilos: why does 'make lint' not report problems for you?  i see it complaining about the use of a==b in storm clauses with no spaces.14:07
danilosbac, I thought I fixed that14:07
danilosbac, :/14:07
bacoh, maybe you didn't push14:07
danilosbac, actually, I didn't even commit :)14:08
danilosbac, pushing now14:08
bacyou need the 'bzr-telepathic' plugin14:08
danilosbac, heh, I thought I had that14:14
bacdanilos: done.  thanks.14:14
stubhttps://code.launchpad.net/~stub/launchpad/dboptions/+merge/73824 needs a review. I can deal with it in 15 mins, or tomorrow so schedule accordingly :-)14:22
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bacstub: done14:37
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stubbac: ta14:47
nigelbI just got an interesting comment :)15:00
nigelb"Do you know how to make lp sexy? MAKE A DESCRIPTION HOW TO CLONE REPO! "15:01
Gactually, I was thinking about that myself15:01
nigelbThere is instructions here - https://code.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel15:02
nigelbGet this branch: bzr branch lp:launchpad15:02
GI was looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/306569 and thinking of fixing it15:02
_mup_Bug #306569: Link to https://help.launchpad.net/Code from project branch listing page <lp-code> <trivial> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/306569 >15:02
Gbecause I must admit, it is sometimes a bit vague15:02
gary_posterjelmer_ or abentley, I'm about to submit a diagnostic hack for when the forked server might fail again.  The output when we have an error will be something like this. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/680623/  Unfortunately, you'll notice that the message, delivered straight from bzr, does not give me a  traceback for where this bad flafla import was (it was in the lpserve plugin).  Is there a way to make it give me one?15:03
nigelbG: Oooh, good one15:03
gary_poster-v does not15:04
abentleygary_poster: yes.  From the commandline, you'd use -Derror.  I don't know what the equivalent in bzrlib is.15:04
Gnigelb: I just assigned it to $me :)15:04
gary_posterabentley, would it hurt anything to start lpserve up in that way for the tests?15:04
gary_posterI can try :-)15:04
* gary_poster does15:05
abentleygary_poster: I think that would be fine.  There's a small chance that a test is expecting the non-Derror output.15:05
jelmer_gary_poster: from bzrlib import debug; debug.debug_flags.add("error") is the python equivalent of using -D15:10
gary_posterjelmer_, cool, thanks.  The forking server uses subprocess to run lpserve on the commandline, so -Derror works fine.  So far tests  are passing with the change and the error message is much more informative, as you'd expect.15:11
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: bac | Critical bugs: 251!! - 0:[#######=]:256
gary_posterabentley, thanks that worked well.  Could you take a glance at https://code.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/testfix/+merge/73840 before I submit it to see if you have any better ideas that I can implement now or later?15:26
abentleygary_poster: what does "we are not on a testcase" mean?15:28
gary_posterabentley, it is supposed to mean that self is not a testcase15:29
gary_posterwhich is where the "addDetail" lives15:29
gary_posterabentley, better?15:31
gary_posterWe cannot use the "addDetail" method because this class is not a TestCase and does not have access to one.  It runs as part of a layer.15:31
abentleygary_poster: I'm seeing that now.15:32
abentleygary_poster: Since it's part of the layer, we can't even pass a TestCase in.15:32
jmlfixtures have addDetail, or something similar15:32
gary_posterright, abentley.  jml, this is a tool used by a Zope layer.  Our layers are not fixtures, right?15:33
jmlgary_poster: some of them are almost fixtures. The LibrarianLayer, for example.15:33
* gary_poster goes base class hopping...15:34
abentleygary_poster: I guess I wonder whether the return value isn't a sufficient test by itself.15:37
gary_posterabentley, that's what I had initially.  It wasn't sufficient practically: the return value was None.  The process hadn't completely died yet.  I could do a time.sleep before the poll, but I thought the error string check was the lesser of those two evils.15:38
abentleygary_poster: I'm mildly surprised that Popen.wait doesn't accept a timeout.15:42
gary_posterack abentley, me too.  It looks like the underlying C module, exposed as _subprocess, takes either a 0 or INFINITE timeout.  Maybe it has other options, but that's all that subprocess.py uses.15:45
gary_posterah, no, that's windows...15:46
abentleygary_poster: So it seems okay to me.  Perhaps you could check for success, rather than failure, which might look a bit less kludgy.15:46
gary_posterabentley, ok thanks.  I thought about checking for success, but it seemed more fragile.  The success output is this:15:49
gary_posterPreloading 0 modules15:49
gary_posterListening on socket: /var/tmp/launchpad_forking_service.sock15:49
gary_posterwell, not 0 modules15:49
gary_posterbut anyway15:49
gary_posterthe first line seems to happen no matter what15:49
gary_posterbut I could be wrong15:49
gary_posterabentley, if you feel stongly about it, I'll do it.  I don't.  Otherwise I'll land as is.15:50
gary_poster("I don't" == I don't feel strongly about it.)15:51
abentleygary_poster: I don't feel strongly.  I was just trying to help you find a solution that made you happier.  My theory is that success is predictable, but failure can take many forms.  So if you don't get something you recognize, it's a failure.15:51
gary_posterHm, yeah, there's something to that abentley.  OK, I'll maybe look for "Listening on socket" and fall over if not found.  Thank you very much.15:52
abentleygary_poster: np.15:52
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LPCIBotProject devel build #1,026: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 55 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/1026/21:14
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 251!! - 0:[#######=]:256

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