
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, RAOF, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-boot-speed seems like the right place to track boot issues00:58
jasoncwarner_yeah, that makes sense...perhaps I should upload the video there ;)00:59
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: that video un-glitch for you? I'm uploading the native video to U1 now01:00
robert_ancellit could be a flash problem, I've only just got it working again01:00
RAOFThat video worked fine for me.01:02
jasoncwarner_uploading to U1...but it is taking a long time...01:03
* robert_ancell -> dentist (duh, duh, duhhhhh!)01:04
jasoncwarner_a big thank you to rodrigo for getting me back my keyboard options...and putting it in keyboard instead of the insane default gnome has...thank you rodrigo!01:07
RAOFYeah, props!01:15
kenvandinejasoncwarner_, interesting thing about your bootchart is the cpu usage01:20
kenvandinei compared mine, which is a little faster, and it looks similar01:20
kenvandinemost of the cpu is xorg01:20
kenvandinei don't recall xorg being such a consumer of cycles at boot time last time we focused on speeding up boot01:22
kenvandinefor me unity-greeter runs from 12s until 43s01:23
kenvandineand my boot is 49s total01:23
brycehkenvandine, me either01:24
kenvandinei am sure pitti still has his old bootcharts01:25
kenvandineprobable on people01:25
kenvandinemaverick final01:26
brycehwell, fair bit of cpu there on xorg01:26
kenvandinexorg was still the biggest consumer...01:26
brycehfwiw, cpu and memory for xorg are often mostly driven by client program needs01:26
brycehso it's possible Xorg by itself hasn't changed at all in this respect, but we're driving load via heavier clients01:27
brycehin the Xorg.0.log it has timestamps for log messages, so that should give an idea of how long X is taking for its own internals01:27
kenvandineyeah, in this case it is lightdm01:27
desrtdoes anyone still have natty installed on a non-VM?01:28
kenvandinedesrt, not me01:28
brycehlooking at my Xorg.0.log on a sandybridge with oneiric I see it showing 15 sec -> 17 sec, about 2 seconds which is about what we got it down to before (maybe .5-1 second more)01:28
brycehhowever it's odd that it starts at 15 sec rather than 001:28
micahgdesrt: I do01:29
kenvandinebryceh, on the maverick bootchart it started at about 8s01:29
kenvandinejust 4s before completion01:30
desrtmicahg: would you mind testing something for me?01:30
desrtmicahg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eglibc/+bug/83897501:30
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 838975 in eglibc "weird pthread/fork race/deadlock" [Undecided,New]01:30
kenvandinebryceh, maybe lightdm is pushing X harder than gdm was?01:30
micahgdesrt: how long? doesn it need to be tonight01:30
desrtmicahg: download, compile, run01:30
desrtshould take < 1 minute01:30
kenvandinewould be surprising... but dunno01:30
micahgdesrt: k, np01:31
brycehmm I spot a sec we can easily win back01:31
desrtmicahg: you'll need -pthread for the compile01:31
desrtmicahg: when you run the program it should display a sequence of dots on your screen01:31
brycehunity_support_test is run, taking ~1 sec, but we shouldn't need to run that every boot01:31
desrtmicahg: either the dots will stop at some point, or will go forever01:31
kenvandinegood point01:31
desrtmicahg: running it for a minute or two should be enough to see if the bug exists01:31
desrtit is known to exist in oneiric but not in lucid01:31
desrti'm trying to bisect that a bit :)01:32
kenvandinebryceh, zg is a bit harsh too01:32
kenvandineand it seems to block unity01:32
micahgdesrt: gcc -pthread test.c?01:32
desrtthat will work01:32
desrtthen run ./a.out01:32
kenvandineover 4s of thrashing on mine before unity starts01:33
micahgdesrt: stops01:33
desrtmicahg: thanks.01:33
desrtwi micahg01:34
micahgdesrt: that's with natty with -proposed enabled01:34
brycehwonder if laptop-mode is causing some of the lagging?01:34
desrtmicahg: this is a pretty wide-spread bug.  probably upstream.01:34
kenvandineand there is a load of stuff starting before unity that doesn't need to01:34
kenvandinelike gnome-screensaver starts very early01:34
brycehno, we had laptop-mode before01:34
kenvandinei suppose that is lightdm01:34
kenvandinethe eds related stuff starts before unity too01:35
brycehindicator-sound appears to take a large chunk of time?01:35
jasoncwarner_desrt: I have it installed...that is what my wife runs01:35
jasoncwarner_desrt: need me to test something?01:35
kenvandineseems like all the unity services start after everything else desktop related01:35
desrtjasoncwarner_: micahg just confirmed the bug01:35
brycehkenvandine, yeah01:35
jasoncwarner_desrt: ok01:35
kenvandinebryceh, not on mine01:35
desrti guess i need to find a maverick box to test next :)01:36
brycehkenvandine, looking at jason's01:36
jasoncwarner_desrt: out of luck there!01:36
kenvandinewe should be starting all the unity related things first01:36
micahgdesrt: this doesn't show in a VM?01:36
jasoncwarner_desrt: I don't run something I didn't work on ;)01:36
desrtmicahg: i don't know if it will01:36
brycehon jason's I see indicator-sound twice01:36
desrtmicahg: just wanted to eliminate a possible extra factor01:36
jasoncwarner_kenvandine and bryceh any idea why X cpu usage would be so high? and what is going on at various stages of my boot? i can't believe it would take that long etc01:36
desrtmicahg: it's quite possible to get a false negative here -- but false positives are impossible01:37
jasoncwarner_kenvandine: luckily, I can't blame gwibber ;)01:37
kenvandineindeed :)01:37
desrtsince if it stops printing dots then, by definition, something is broken01:37
micahgdesrt: I can try in my maverick vm01:37
desrtmicahg: would be appreciated01:37
brycehjasoncwarner_, can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?01:37
kenvandinegwibber-service should start on a 30s delay :)01:37
brycehit has timestamps so we can see what X is doing01:37
desrtmicahg: can i get the verisons on your kernel and libc?01:37
jasoncwarner_bryceh: sure...one sec01:37
jasoncwarner_ps. anyone know a command line pastebin tool? would be super handy01:38
desrtfpaste or pastebinit01:38
brycehjasoncwarner_, anyway, like I mentioned earlier, oftentimes X cpu usage is due to it responding to client demands, rather than its own internal needs01:38
micahgdesrt: 2.6.38-11.49 and 2.13-0ubuntu1301:38
brycehmy guess is that X is done setting itself up within a few seconds, and all the later cpu activity is driven by clients01:38
jasoncwarner_bryceh: http://pastebin.com/0iQeR82D01:39
brycehjasoncwarner_, yeah pastebinit rocks :-)01:39
kenvandinethat is my bootchart01:39
kenvandinequite a bit different than jasoncwarner_'s01:40
brycehThe X log starts at 17.0 sec's01:40
brycehat 17.1 it starts probing video outputs01:40
brycehjasoncwarner_, looks like it takes a whole *2 seconds* to do that01:41
kenvandinejasoncwarner_, SSD in that thing?01:41
jasoncwarner_kenvandine: do you have an SSD? I have 7200rpm right now....but really most people are not going to hvae SSD for a while more01:41
kenvandinemine is an SSD01:41
brycehyikes...  3 HDMI, 3 DisplayPort, an LVDS, and a VGA.  Lots of outputs.  Still, that's a long time spent01:41
kenvandineand for comparison... it had a 9s boot with maverick01:41
kenvandineclean install and fresh user account with maverick that is01:42
kenvandineit was FAST01:42
micahgdesrt: yeah, keeps going in the maverick vm01:42
jasoncwarner_9 sec boot on maverick to a 40 second boot now?01:42
kenvandine49s now01:42
jasoncwarner_sorry, 50 second boot?01:42
desrtmicahg: version numbers from that one?01:42
jasoncwarner_at least not 1.5 minutes like mine...but, you know...bad ;)01:42
kenvandinebut... the cycle before... it was over 2 minutes :)01:42
brycehew, then it probes the outputs again a second time... another 2 sec hit01:42
kenvandinejasoncwarner_, in one cycle it went from over 2m to 9s01:43
micahgdesrt: 2.6.35-28.50 and 2.12.1-0ubuntu10.201:43
jasoncwarner_I like that way, let's do that! ;)01:43
kenvandineearly this cycle it was well over a minute too01:43
kenvandineit has gotten faster01:43
desrtmicahg: thanks.  infos added.01:44
brycehthen I'm seeing several more EDID info gathering's which are probably client apps asking for monitor info01:44
brycehkenvandine, pastebin your Xorg.0.log too01:44
* desrt starts to ponder the possibility of a glibc build01:45
kenvandinebryceh, ^^01:45
jasoncwarner_desrt: btw...just got the x220...love it. my battery life is like 5.5 hours...miss some screen realestate, but loving how small it is and stuff...you should get another one and make this one the x220 ;)01:46
kenvandineugh, those u1 urls have gotten ugly01:46
bryceh[     5.810] (II) intel(0): Output VGA1 has no monitor section01:46
bryceh[     8.469] (II) intel(0): Output HDMI1 has no monitor section01:46
kenvandinethat looks slow01:46
jasoncwarner_kenvandine: how are you putting those up on u1 so fast? do you have command line tool to get the URL or something? I have been using webclient and that is slow01:46
brycehkenvandine, 2.5 sec for it to study your video outputs?01:46
bryceh[     8.530] (II) intel(0): EDID for output VGA101:47
bryceh[    11.174] (II) intel(0): EDID for output HDMI101:47
kenvandinejasoncwarner_, just the cp command01:47
desrtjasoncwarner_: i got a T420 now.  loving it.01:47
kenvandinebryceh, and nothing is plugged into it01:47
brycehkenvandine, craziness there01:47
desrtjasoncwarner_: i need the T series.  i have two external monitors at home and i use my laptop to double as a desktop when docked01:47
brycehRAOF, what do you think is going on?  probing output and sleeping?01:47
kenvandinei get about 5 hours on battery with my old T40001:47
kenvandinewith the SSD01:47
kenvandinethe SSD was the single best upgrade ever!01:48
RAOFbryceh: Looking at it; VGA output probing can be slow, I understand.01:48
jasoncwarner_desrt: nothing wrong with the Tseries...can't wait to put an SSD in this and get 6+ hours, however ;)01:48
desrtjasoncwarner_: the evil nvidia optimus crap t420s was sent back.  lenovo was nice enough to take it without restocking fee due to the troubles.01:48
desrtjasoncwarner_: with the slice battery i'm supposed to get ~30 hours on the T420 :)01:48
jasoncwarner_then, watch out...the number of manager emails I can send is limited to my battery life...this thing is gonna make my emails go through the roof!01:48
brycehkenvandine, looks like X is pretty much done by 11.383, so it took about 6.5 sec (mostly that VGA output probing).01:48
jasoncwarner_desrt: slice battery?01:49
brycehkenvandine, but notice the stuff after 11.383; things are asking for monitor info  multiple times01:49
desrtjasoncwarner_: clips onto the bottom, attaching to the dock port01:49
kenvandineyeah, in my bootchart something is clearly using cpu and blaming X01:49
kenvandinebryceh, what kinds of things would be asking for that?01:50
kenvandinei would think the only thing that would care is unity and X01:50
kenvandinebut unity is staring way late01:50
RAOFbryceh: Didn't we determine that compiz was doing a *huge* amount of unnecessary work during startup roundtripping to the X server?01:50
brycehRAOF, yeah01:50
brycehdid we include or exclude compiz with the earlier boot speed studies?01:51
kenvandineRAOF, but in my care Xorg appears to be very busy long before compiz starts01:51
RAOFWhich was why switching away from X to VT1 made startup much faster, even including the switch-back to X.01:51
desrtjasoncwarner_: it's a bit on the heavy side, but at 30 hours, that's not too surprising...01:51
brycehkenvandine, gnome-settings-daemon has a fair bit of X invocations in it01:52
RAOFbryceh: You know, we could totally make X startup not block on the VGA polling.01:52
kenvandineRAOF, bryceh: in my bootchart compiz is starting at about 32s into the 49s boot01:52
brycehRAOF, do tell01:52
RAOFbryceh: Oh, just by doing it asynchronously.01:53
RAOFbryceh: It'd be not a *lot* more than a SMOP.01:53
brycehhmm, maybe we should hook up xtrace for the first 2 min to record what client operations are actually going on?01:53
jasoncwarner_bryceh: tell me what to do and I'll run it....01:54
brycehjasoncwarner_, heh, also a SMOP01:54
kenvandineon my bootchart, g-s-d isn't starting before compiz either01:54
kenvandinethe only thing running at the same time that looks like it could be using X is lightdm01:54
* kenvandine blames robert_ancell :-p01:54
RAOFkenvandine: DUDE!  Why is your udev so fast?01:54
kenvandineRAOF, dude... this laptop had a 9s boot with maverick...01:55
* kenvandine hopes this T400 lasts 3 more years :)01:55
RAOFAlternatively, why does my modprobe take like 10 seconds.01:55
kenvandinegood question too01:55
RAOFOn a SandyBridge, with fast SSD.01:55
jasoncwarner_bryceh: SMOP?01:55
kenvandinesimple matter of programming01:55
RAOFSimple Matter of Programming.01:55
jasoncwarner_ah ;)01:55
* jasoncwarner_ waves hands and talks about it being easy...01:56
kenvandinei gotta run guys... bbiaf01:56
brycehyeah I think we'd need to hack xtrace into the boot sequence somewhere, maybe in lightdm01:56
RAOFWell, with X there's a *lot* of scope for things not just being a SMOP.01:56
RAOFThat should be a simple matter of getting lightdm to execute "xtrace gnome-session" rather than just "gnome-session", right?01:57
brycehyeah maybe01:58
brycehbut I'm not sure that'd report all client activity or just gnome-session itself01:59
brycehwell, worth trying anyway01:59
RAOFxtrace sets up a proxy X server; gnome-session and everything with the same environment as gnome-session would go thorugh it.01:59
RAOFI'd expect that to mean "everything that gnome-session starts", and that's everything :)01:59
brycehhey if this works it could give us a really powerful tool for analyzing boot slowness02:00
RAOFHey, how did we test that "boot is super fast if we're not at X" thing?02:01
brycehnot at X?02:01
brycehoh, hmm.  stick in a chvt 1 somewhere?02:01
RAOFHm, in lightdm's post-start staza should do.02:02
RAOFLet's give this a whirl.02:04
bryceh /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.conf has some timing info in it too02:06
brycehhmm, on my system it looks like X signalled itself ready after about 4.5 sec; not bad02:07
kenvandine[+0.03s] DEBUG: Waiting for ready signal from X server :002:07
kenvandine[+5.73s] DEBUG: Got signal 10 from process 117502:07
brycehkenvandine, yep 5.7 sec in your case02:07
kenvandineand the log ends at +5.8002:07
kenvandineso lightdm itself looks like it is almost all waiting02:08
brycehmaybe with async VGA we could drop that to closer to 2 sec, but still doesn't explain all the other time02:08
brycehyeah mind seems to end with02:08
bryceh[+5.99s] DEBUG: Activating VT 702:08
kenvandinei guess the rest is waiting for gnome-session to do something02:09
kenvandineabout 6s after lightdm starts, gnome-session starts02:09
kenvandineand gnome-settings-daemon02:09
kenvandineand then like 19s before anything else really happens02:10
kenvandinebut all the time X is getting hit... so must be g-s-d02:10
jbichamy indicators keep crashing which makes Unity very frustrating to use, how do I report this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/680255/02:10
jasoncwarner_bryceh: btw...I <3 you for pastebinit02:12
* bryceh tries slapping an xtrace into Xsession02:12
kenvandinejbicha, looks like unity-panel-service not the indicators02:13
kenvandinejbicha, actually maybe it is indicator-weather02:14
kenvandinejbicha, try removing that and see if it gets better02:14
kenvandinejbicha, looks like indicator-weather uses gtk2... but the unity-panel-service is gtk302:16
kenvandineso that can't work02:16
brycehhmm, that did not work02:16
jbichakenvandine: thanks, that might be it02:17
brycehmy bootchart:  http://www.bryceharrington.org/files/clanfield-oneiric-20110901-1.png02:18
jasoncwarner_bryceh: wow..80s ?02:18
* jasoncwarner_ steps out for a few...be back later.02:19
kenvandineholy stacking craziness batman02:23
kenvandinealt-tab only shows up if all the windows aren't shown and the dash shows up behind everything02:23
TheMusojbicha: Ah crap, didn't notice your yelp-tools branch was an ubuntu-desktop packaging branch, I'll use that branch then, since its better to use the packaging branch anyway.02:27
jbichaTheMuso: thanks, Launchpad makes it easy to propose a merge with the wrong one :(02:30
RAOFFor the sake of completeness, here's my bootchart http://ubuntuone.com/4JPVYvpQV432sBGgXNzH8z02:33
RAOFAnd trying to chvt during startup is no longer much fun; I think unity_support_test fails, so the session doesn't get loaded.02:34
TheMusojbicha: Seems itstool is also needed at build time. Nvm updating, I've done it locally, but please test build next time.02:34
=== eeejay is now known as eeejay_is_afk
pittiGood morning04:19
pittijasoncwarner_: hey, do you have some time to tweak your bootchart to include the desktop session, too?04:19
jasoncwarner_pitti: sure...let me know wha tyou need me to do and I can do that...04:32
pittijasoncwarner_: please edit /etc/init/bootchart.conf04:33
pittijasoncwarner_: and comment out the "stop on stopped rc" line04:34
jasoncwarner_ok...edit it? like in libreoffice? :P j/k04:34
jasoncwarner_after that, reboot?04:34
pittijasoncwarner_: right04:35
jasoncwarner_rebooting...be back in a few...04:35
pittijasoncwarner_: and as soon as you are in the desktop session, do "sudo stop bootchart"04:35
jasoncwarner_pitti: back...that took a long time!04:45
jasoncwarner_also lost my theme and icons :/04:45
jasoncwarner_pitti: emailed you latest bootchart04:45
jasoncwarner_rebooting again....04:46
jasoncwarner_freakin' gnome-systems-deamon...always crashing on me...04:50
jasoncwarner_I wonder if 1/2 my problems are because of that thing04:50
pittiyes, presumably more than half04:52
pittijasoncwarner_: still with 2.21.90?04:52
pittijasoncwarner_: replied to your first mail04:53
pittijasoncwarner_: sorry, you sent me the .tgz; can you send me the .png?04:55
jasoncwarner_pitti: sure04:56
pittijasoncwarner_: I'll do two reboots to get a bootchart of mine, to compare04:56
jasoncwarner_pitti: btw..saw a note on one of the gnome-settings-daemon bugs from robbiew and it says tha tif you are plugged into power, the g--s doesn't crash04:56
jasoncwarner_I just tested that and it is true04:56
jasoncwarner_it doesn't crash04:56
jasoncwarner_g-s-s tha tis04:56
jasoncwarner_hey pitti should I do this from your email? sudo rm /var/lib/ureadahead/*pack and reboot twice?04:59
pittijasoncwarner_: yes, it doesn't crash for me either05:02
pittijasoncwarner_: yes, please do this: after the first boot, wait a bit (45 seconds into the session or so) until /var/lib/ureadahead/ has some pack files05:02
pittijasoncwarner_: then reboot the second time, and remember the "sudo stop bootchart"05:02
pittijasoncwarner_: after that, wait for a bit until /var/log/bootchart/ has a new one, and send that05:03
jasoncwarner_should I do sudo stop bootchart both times or just he second?05:03
pittijasoncwarner_: both times05:03
jasoncwarner_hey pitti just emailed latest...05:11
pittijasoncwarner_: replied again with a comparison with my bootchart05:12
pitticompared to your's it's good, but compared to natty, or considering what this machine is able to do, it's ridiculously poor05:12
pittimy boot time more than doubled since natty, where natty already was 50% slower than lucid05:12
jasoncwarner_and you and I have the same machine now, except I don't have SSD righ tnow05:13
jasoncwarner_gah...looks like we have some work ahead of us!05:13
pittiright, but SSD vs. HDD should only make a difference initially, in ureadahead stage05:13
pittii. e. it should take almost no time for me, and about 10 seconds for you05:13
pittijasoncwarner_: xdub-oneiric-20110902-1.png (from your latest mail) looks really bad05:14
pittijasoncwarner_: xdub-oneiric-20110902-2.png looks fine, ureadahead did its job there05:14
pittijasoncwarner_: is xdub-oneiric-20110902-1.png after you removed the pack files?05:15
jasoncwarner_they both are05:15
jasoncwarner_1 would be the first boot05:15
jasoncwarner_2 would be the second boot after removing the pack files05:15
pittiok, so we can ignore -105:15
pittiso, 15 seconds until X starts05:16
pittithat's about as fast as it can be with a HDD05:16
pittistill very poor HDD utilization05:16
pittijasoncwarner_: look at the green line at the top of the bootchart05:16
pittiyou reach 86 MB/s for about a second, more than half of the big red IO wait block it just crawls along05:17
pittiseek times suck :)05:17
pittiI still don't understand why there is just one CPU utilized, and the other is completely idle05:17
pittiand there's a horrible amount of IO going on during the desktop session05:18
pittiit seems ureadahead didn't catch that part05:18
* jasoncwarner_ thinks he should mail pitti his laptop ;)05:18
pittijasoncwarner_: ok, nothign specific I could put my finger on, but there's two blatant things:05:19
pitti- X is ridiculously slow05:19
pitti- IO wait kills desktop performance05:19
pittijasoncwarner_: for the second, we can try something05:19
pitti1. edit /etc/init/ureadahead.conf and change "sleep 45" to "sleep 90"05:20
pittimake that 9505:20
pitti2. sudo rm /var/lib/ureadahead/pack05:20
pitti3. reboot, "sudo stop bootchart"05:20
pitti4. wait until you have /var/lib/ureadahead/pack05:21
pitti5. perhaps clean up old boot charts, to not lose track what's new05:21
jasoncwarner_do I need to reboot twice again?05:21
pitti6. reboot a second time, wait for boot chart to appear05:21
pittisorry, after the second reboot you again need "sudo stop bootchart"05:21
pittithat should hopefully take the desktop part into ureadahead's umbrella05:22
pittiand we can then see the CPU problems05:22
jasoncwarner_ok...going to reboot, step #305:22
jasoncwarner_be back in a few05:22
pittijasoncwarner_: I have no idea about the X.org part, though; perhaps bryce or RAOF know about some known performance problems on your system?05:22
RAOFpitti: No; we were hypothesising that it's likely to be client traffic being the problem.05:22
pittiRAOF: did you see jason's?05:23
pittiRAOF: he has a more modern computer than mine, and my looks like http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/donald-oneiric-20110902.png05:23
pittiRAOF: it also needs a whole 7 seconds to initialize until lightdm starts, where it should take 205:23
pittiwell, in lucid bryce actually had the init time down to 0.5 seconds05:24
RAOFMan, mine's worse than yours too. http://ubuntuone.com/4JPVYvpQV432sBGgXNzH8z05:24
pittithis is a crappy slow Mini 10v with atom05:24
pittiand X.org initialized faster than on my X201 with oneiric05:24
pittiRAOF: oh, you also have the big aptd blob05:25
pittiwhatever triggers this needs to be taught not to05:25
pittioh, you also start gwibber05:25
RAOFI don't know why mine takes so long to start udev.05:26
pittihow do yo mean?05:26
RAOFIt takes more than double the time that yours does, and my system should be faster in every way.05:26
pittiRAOF: I suppose all the udev-y things at the start like modprobe, mtp-probe, etc. are just because ureadahead runs in parallel05:27
RAOFFor Donald, init→udev is ~1.5sec.  For Faye, init→udev is ~6 sec05:27
pittiureadahead is meant to own the HD, so everything else has to wait for a bit05:27
pittibut that's fine05:27
RAOFI mean from the start of the graph to the start of the actual activity.05:28
pittiRAOF: ah, that's mostly noise; depends when upstart gets around to start bootchart05:28
RAOFAh, fair enough.05:28
pittiRAOF: the more interesting thing is that modprobe takes so long for you05:28
pittiseems you have a module or two which take very long to initialize05:28
RAOFMust be.05:29
pittiRAOF: looks like you use ecryptfs?05:29
RAOFFor ~/Private, yeah.05:29
pittiyes, that's the solid 1 s blob that's called "lightdm"05:29
RAOFOh, really.05:30
RAOFMan compiz eats CPU on startup.05:30
jasoncwarner_hey pitti I just shared my boot directory on ubuntu one with you.05:31
jasoncwarner_you should have access to all the stuff in there05:31
jasoncwarner_I just put the two latest bootcharts in there as well.05:31
pittiRAOF: also, it shows that CPU utilization during sessino startup is poor; the whole thing is pretty much just an exercise in waiting05:31
pittibut not on IO or free CPU05:32
pittijasoncwarner_: hm, it's not shown in my shares05:32
* pitti pokes U105:32
pittiso yeah, in summary, we desperately need to fix GNOME all over again to stop waiting on Godot and just start in parallel05:33
pittiseems there's nothing left from our lucid efforts :(05:33
jasoncwarner_I shared with RAOF, bryceh and robert_ancell as well05:33
jasoncwarner_pitti: do you want me to email them to you?05:34
pittisorry, I still don't see them; I disconnected and reconnected05:34
* jasoncwarner_ emailing05:34
jasoncwarner_just emailed. you , robert_ancell bryceh and RAOF should have them05:35
jasoncwarner_anyone else who wants them, feel free to ping em :)05:35
pittijasoncwarner_: you can also put them on people.canonical.com :)05:36
jasoncwarner_don't think I've ever used that, (checking now)05:36
pittijasoncwarner_: ooh, I got an email from U105:36
pitti"Jason Warner shared boot with you via Ubuntu One"05:36
pittiapparently I have to ack that first05:36
robert_ancellpitti, Godot?05:36
pittiwell, makes sense, otherwise anyone could DoS my net connection05:36
didrocksgood morning05:36
pittibonjour didrocks05:37
pittijasoncwarner_: ok, trying U1 (dogfooding..)05:37
didrocksguten morgen pitti! How are you?05:37
pittirobert_ancell: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waiting_for_Godot05:38
jasoncwarner_pitti: be back in a few (showering ... wife just told me we are expecting company! doesn't she know I work from home!)05:38
pittijasoncwarner_: ok, U1 working really nicely05:38
pittididrocks: quite fine, thanks! how about yourself?05:38
pittididrocks: congrats about landing oneconf!05:38
didrockspitti: I'm fine as well, thanks, it's some kind of a relief TBH. Just to check again with isd guys now when the server will be in production :)05:39
pittijasoncwarner_: ok, that helped; 91 -> 75 seconds05:39
didrockspitti: new Qt 4.7.4 as well!05:39
didrocksand some dbusmenuqt, appmenu-qt stack to update :)05:39
pittijasoncwarner_: so the massive IO wait during the session is gone, and now it's just generally slow everywhere05:39
pittiand X takes tons of CPU05:39
pittijasoncwarner_: I'm afraid I can't tell much more from it now05:40
pittiit takes some 18 (!) seconds until gnome-session starts compiz05:41
pittiand even trivial things like xrdb take 5 seconds05:41
jasoncwarner_pitti: so what do we know right now then?05:41
didrockspitti: FYI, I'll move the nux checking a little bit before (during the loader)05:41
jasoncwarner_did we learn anything that we can fix?05:41
pittijasoncwarner_: yes, aptd, initramfs wait for root device, and general pointless waiting in GNOME05:42
pittijasoncwarner_: but I don't know what's so wrong on your particular system05:42
pittiit's like you were using the VESA driver or so05:42
pittijasoncwarner_: just that it's not a general problem that happens everywhere05:44
BigWhaleGood Morning05:45
RAOFMine does quite a lot of CPU spinning in X, and gnome-session takes ages to start compiz, too.05:51
TheMusopitti: I noticed that you uploaded pygobject 2.90.2. Any reason why you didn't upload 2.90.3? I need 2.90.3 for the latest orca update.05:51
didrockshey TheMuso! Btw, do you activate now QT_ACCESSIBLITY=1 when accessibility is enabled?05:52
pittiTheMuso: I'm currently packaging it05:54
jbichadidrocks: oneconf isn't fully operational yet then?05:54
TheMusodidrocks: No, will be uploading a new at-spi2-core either today or Monday to turn that on.05:54
TheMusopitti: ok thanks.05:54
didrocksjbicha: not the server part, it's waiting for going in production05:54
didrocksTheMuso: excellent, thanks :)05:54
pittiTheMuso: working fine here; uploading to experimental/oneiric now05:58
TheMusopitti: ok thanks.05:59
pittijbicha: do you know what gnome-power-manager does these days? seems it's pretty much obsolete since it moved into g-settings-daemon?06:00
pittijbicha: I'll sponsor your updates now, thanks!06:01
jbichapitti: it still provides gnome-power-statistics which you can see when you click on an item in the power menu06:01
pittijbicha: in fact I dropped it from the seeds yesterday06:01
jbichaI have no idea what else it does06:02
pittijbicha: aah06:02
pittiright, that's the only thing I found06:02
jbichapitti: ok, the statistics looked a bit out-dated06:03
rickspencer3good morning all06:05
pittihey rickspencer306:06
rickspencer3pitti, if I dist-upgrade today, will I get a usable system?06:06
jbicharickspencer3: now that we're in beta, have photobomb sales improved?06:06
* rickspencer3 is worried about cracky post B1 uploads06:06
pittirickspencer3: from beta-1?06:07
rickspencer3jbicha, well, I am only selling it on Natty06:07
pittirickspencer3: I upgraded and rebooted, working fine here06:07
rickspencer3pitti, ok06:07
rickspencer3I shall go full Oneiric today (dist-upgrade all 'puter ;))06:07
pittirickspencer3: it was a lot, but every single one was relatively moderate06:07
rickspencer31 at a time of course06:07
didrocksgood morning rickspencer306:07
rickspencer3hiya didrocks06:07
rickspencer3didrocks, are you going to come down for the Oneiric release party in November?06:08
didrocksrickspencer3: yeah, as usual :-)06:08
didrocksthe 11/11/11 IIRC :)06:08
didrocksyou are coming as well?06:08
rickspencer3didrocks, of course!06:08
didrocks(the Paris one)06:08
rickspencer3no no no the Toulouse one!!06:08
didrocksah, the Toulouse one, not sure, let's see if huats is ok to host me ;-)06:09
rickspencer3you can stay with us if he says "no" ;)06:09
didrocksrickspencer3: you should go to the parisian one as well :)06:09
didrocksheh, thanks :-)06:09
rickspencer3speaking of which, I'm going to get ready to head to huats office06:09
didrockssee you!06:09
didrocksrobert_ancell: hey, the fact the the input window in unity greeter isn't focus is known, isn't it?06:11
robert_ancellyes, should be fixed on master06:11
didrocksrobert_ancell: excellent! Also, I wait to tackle next week the pre-unity test (during user typing), we discussed about patching unity-greeter for that, isn't it?06:13
robert_ancelldidrocks, yes06:13
didrocksrobert_ancell: ok, will propose a patch shortly, will look where it's the best ;)06:14
* pitti grabs a few more GNOME updates to package06:20
didrockspitti: I'll talk to Neil about the unity/compiz slowdown06:20
chrisccoulsonwow, viewing my own bootchart here consistently crashes X06:21
ricotzpitti, good morning, could you restart https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-data-server/3.1.5-0ubuntu2/+build/2759340 it shouldnt fail if it catches up vala 0.13.306:21
pittiricotz: done06:22
pittichrisccoulson: eek, that sounds bad06:22
pittichrisccoulson: buffer overflows which crash X are security-ish06:23
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'll share one of my bootcharts. my situation is even more dire than jasoncwarner_ ;)06:23
chrisccoulsoni seem to have a similar problem, but on an even worse scale06:23
ricotzpitti, thanks06:25
chrisccoulsonhuh, what happened to the nautilus integration for ubuntu one? i don't have any option to share files here06:27
pittijbicha: whoops, simple-scan FTBFS on segfaulting valac :/06:27
pittichrisccoulson: presumably it wasn't ported to GTK3?06:27
pittiU1 is still completely GTK206:27
pittijbicha: hm, gnome-games failed as well, with a vala type error; did you build these two with a different vala than 0.13.3-0ubuntu1?06:29
jbichapitti: yes 13.3 was only uploaded a few hours ago06:30
pittiah, darn; I guess gnome-games needs porting, and maybe robert_ancell has an idea how to work around the simple-scan valac segfault06:31
robert_ancelljbicha, haven't seen the simple-scan fault06:33
pittirobert_ancell: apparently it worked with valac 0.13.1, but now valac 0.13.3 segfaults when building simple-scan06:33
jbicharobert_ancell: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/simple-scan/3.1.90-0ubuntu1/+build/2760596/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-amd64.simple-scan_3.1.90-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz06:34
jbichahmm, it works in my pbuilder though06:34
jbichaoh, my pbuilder just needed updating06:44
ricotzpitti, while you are grabbing GNOME updates, it could be useful to update glibmm2.4 to 2.29.12 before updating glib2.0 which would break it06:45
BigWhaleHmm I've noticed that dbus-daemon is taking 99$ of my CPU time06:45
BigWhaleerrr, that's 99% .. :>06:45
pittiricotz: oh, ok; I'm just test-building glib2.006:46
ricotzpitti, glib2.0 broke api and glibmm2.4 suffers from it06:47
pittiricotz: but shoudln't glibmm2.4 be builtl against the new glib then?06:47
ricotzpitti, no the generated cpp files still have references to the timezone stuff which breaks it06:48
=== bschaefer_ is now known as bschaefer
ricotzi mean the bindings arent generated with this build, they are already included in the tarball06:50
pittiricotz: so it doesn't strictly need to go before, packaging right afterwards would work fine as well?06:51
ricotzit needs to go first to prevent breaking things ;)06:52
ricotzwithout the updated glibmm2.4 things like inscape and gnome-system-monitor break06:54
pittichrisccoulson: your ureadahead is completely broken06:55
chrisccoulsonpitti - as in, you can't view it?06:56
pittichrisccoulson: perhaps you can remove /var/lib/ureadahead/*pack, change "sleep 45" to "sleep 100" in /etc/init/ureadahead.conf, reboot, wait until you get /var/lib/ureadahead/*pack, and reboot again?06:56
pittichrisccoulson: no, as in "looks horrible"06:56
chrisccoulsonok, i'll try that06:57
pittichrisccoulson: you are drowning in IO wait, and there's hardly any HD throughput06:57
pittiyou essentially spend two minutes waiting for the bits to come off the HD06:57
pittichrisccoulson: the only things that really use CPU are aptd, gwibber, and ubuntuone..06:58
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that seems to tie in with my experience after it's finished booting too06:58
chrisccoulson(ie, everything grinds to a halt when I do something disk intensive)06:58
chrisccoulsonand the firefox link taking 4 times as long as it used to06:58
pittichrisccoulson: that's not due to IO wait, that's because linux sucks06:58
chrisccoulsonah, ok06:59
chrisccoulsonbut it's got worse ;)06:59
pittiI even get that here with a 250 MB/s SSD with virtually no latency06:59
pittiyes, muchly06:59
pittiif I rsync a CD or DVD, I can hardly do anything else06:59
pittinot even IRC06:59
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's the same here too06:59
pittithat might be even worse on HDD, or better because the HDD throughput is much lower, and thus the cache gets destroyed much slower07:00
pittiI don't know07:00
pittibut from what you tell, it seems to be just as bad07:00
pittichrisccoulson: did you ever try booting a  lucid kernel and see if that makes a difference?07:00
pittijasoncwarner_: ^ might be worth a try07:00
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, i don't have any ureadahead pack files :/07:01
RAOFOh, boy.  You should see my poor x200s' bootchart.07:02
pittiricotz: ok, new glibmm building here07:09
* pitti goes to have breakfast while glib, glibmm, and jhbuild are running07:09
TheMusoI'll join in the fun next week. I'll get a bootchart from my desktop I use for work, as well as my THinkpad, once both have fresh installs. :)07:15
RAOFTheMuso: Could we also have bootcharts from your mature installs?  We don't particularly want to only measure bootspeed before users have actually _used_ their system.  If it gets slow over time we should fix that, too.07:18
TheMusoRAOF: Yeah we can do that.07:18
TheMusoBut I'm about EOW, so it won't be today.07:18
TheMusoRAOF: It will be interesting for my desktop because it has a radeon.07:18
chrisccoulsonpitti - so, it doesn't look like there's any difference with your suggestion07:22
chrisccoulsonureadahead holds up the boot for much longer now, but the rest of it looks the same07:22
pittichrisccoulson: hm, still lots of IO wait?07:23
pittichrisccoulson: refreshing ureadahead seemed to do the trick for jasoncwarner_07:23
pittiit was still awfully long, but 15 seconds shorter, and no huge IO wait any more07:23
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, IO wait for pretty much the entire boot07:23
pittichrisccoulson: can you compare with a lucid kernel?07:23
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'll try that in a bit07:24
chrisccoulsonpitti - http://ubuntuone.com/6wf4aOvUGAs28c81J6JPCc07:24
chrisccoulsonthat's the new one07:24
pittiah, suck07:25
pittichrisccoulson: even ureadahead doesn't do much, look at the disk bandwidth utilization (the green line at the top)07:25
pitti91 MB/s for two seconds, and then just sloooooow07:25
chrisccoulsonoh yeah, i didn't notice that green line07:25
didrockschrisccoulson: btw, the "inbox ony" property just affect the messaging menu, not the notification?07:26
didrockson thunderbird ;)07:26
RAOFHm.  Can someone with a non-intel system try opening this bootchart: http://ubuntuone.com/64uqNfyoaan2pr1Vlv0Wtt07:28
RAOFOr an intel system, of course, but beware - it might lock up X.07:28
pittiI better wait until my glib build is done07:28
pittiRAOF: in firefox or eog?07:28
htorqueno problem on intel (opened in opera)07:29
RAOFeog was what was hanging for me.07:29
RAOFLet's see if firefox works..07:29
RAOFYeah, it's apparently just eog.07:29
RAOFMan, look at that iowait.07:29
pittiRAOF: can you try shotwell?07:30
pittithat ought to use the same GNOME libs07:30
RAOFShotwell also seems to work.07:30
RAOFhtorque: In eog, firefox, or what?07:31
htorqueRAOF: eog killed it07:31
RAOFAnd killed it in a particularly silent way.07:32
htorquei could slowly move the pointer but nothing else happened, couldn't even change to tty07:32
RAOFYeah.  It looks like the intel driver either infinite-loops or blocks indefinitely on the kernel.07:32
RAOFThe mouse pointer works, because that's special, but everything else goes away.07:32
htorqueshould i try it with nvidia?07:32
RAOFYeah, why not.07:33
RAOFIt shouldn't crash, but it's obviously a hard image for graphics drivers to deal with :)07:33
* didrocks tackles the gnome-session update07:35
htorqueRAOF: yes, works fine with nouveau.07:36
RAOFhtorque: Yeah, thought so.  Since I can easily reproduce it, I'll do the hunting.07:36
htorquegood luck! :)07:36
RAOFOpening that in firefox can also apparently kill X.  Although this time it was a crash, rather than a EQ overflow.07:37
htorqueRAOF: no crash here when opening it with FF07:42
RAOFHappened on sandybridge, not gm45, and when scrolling while zoomed in before the image had fully loaded.07:43
RAOFI don't particularly want to reproduce that right now, though.  I like my X session :)07:43
* didrocks reboots with the new gnome-session07:50
xclaessehm, still missing gir for libaccountsservice08:06
xclaesseneeded to run latest gnome-shell08:06
jbichaI don't suppose any of you have tried sushi, the new previewer for Nautilus08:15
jasoncwarner_pitti didrocks anyone? Anyone know when the 2 ubuntu one's in system settings will become one item in system settings?08:24
jasoncwarner_feel that thing is dragging on there.08:24
jasoncwarner_is ken online? (nope..answers own question)08:24
pittijasoncwarner_: question for rodrigo, I guess08:24
didrocksI don't really know TBH, I just have one there?08:25
jasoncwarner_ok..I'll see when Rodrigo get's online...thanks08:25
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didrockspitti: can you force the retracer to get bug #839382 quickly? the fts extension cjk patch makes zg-daemon crashing (hopefully, I had the debug symbol for the fts part locally, so even if I didn't push it yet, we have it there, but would be nice to have the rest of the xapian part08:27
pittihm, it shouldn't take that long in teh first place08:28
didrockspitti: oh ok, in that case, that's fine :)08:28
pittididrocks: when was it reported?08:28
didrockspitti: just reported it, but as sometimes it took a lot of day because of the retracers being on and off…08:28
pittididrocks: and which arch? I can run it right now if you are waiting for it08:28
didrockspitti: is your new version get no issue anymore since you moved out of a chroot?08:29
pittididrocks: oh, was that during your holidays?08:29
pittiI rewrote the entire thing08:29
pittiand because it's so robust and fast now, I run the retracers every 15 minutes instead of 3008:29
pittididrocks: no, it has run happily for the past week08:29
didrockspitti: yeah, I saw your blog post, robustness was really bumped by that? nice :)08:29
pittididrocks: i386 starts in 3 minutes, amd64 in 1008:30
didrocksso ok, 15 minutes should be enough, no worry :08:30
pittididrocks: there you go08:33
pittinot very useful, though, I'm afraid08:33
didrockspitti: urgh, indeed :/08:34
didrocksok, so zg-extension 0.0.9 is messy with this cjk support, I'll get kamstrup to test his release :-)08:35
chrisccoulsonpitti, the lucid kernel didn't seem to make any difference btw08:40
htorquechrisccoulson: just another idea: have you checked your hard disk for bad sectors etc.?08:42
pitticyphermox: you didn't commit your last gnome-icon-theme uplaod to bzr, doing now08:42
rodrigo_am I online?08:59
pittihey rodrigo_09:00
rodrigo_hi pitti09:00
rodrigo_power going down and up because of a storm :(09:00
ronocpitti, besides mvo who else works on apt ?09:04
pittironoc: David Kalnischkies is a very active contributor these days, but I don't know whether he IRCs09:05
ronocpitti, grand I'll wait for mvo, i have bug for him :)09:05
pittironoc: he's on holidays this week09:05
ronocpitti, sure, is he back next week ?09:05
pittinot sure whethher it's one or two weeks09:06
ronocno panic09:06
ronocits not a massive bug09:06
ronocwrong signature on a variant he is returning09:06
RAOFpitti: It's just occurred to me that reading the bootchart output to try to determine how drm in the initramfs affects boot time is not actually going to measure the right thing.  Is there a better way than stopwatch-time-to-X?09:08
xclaesseseems upstream has a fix for https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65722509:12
ubot2`Gnome bug 657225 in general "Missing dep on libGL" [Normal,Assigned]09:12
xclaessecould that be pulled into ubuntu please? :D09:13
pittiRAOF: bootchart2 has been around for some time, and is said to be massively better, but I haven't tried it yet09:13
pittiRAOF: stopwatch time is actually not that bad09:14
pittiRAOF: as bootchart itself has quite a high impact on the boot (some 5 or 10 percent, depending on the machine speed)09:14
RAOFpitti: Can bootchart2 measure time-from-bios rather than time-from-kernel-load?09:14
pittiI doubt it09:14
pittiyou need the kernel and initramfs started before you can start anything like bootchart09:14
RAOFI guess I can just try stopwatch time; my bootchart seems to suggest throwing drm in the initramfs is a slight win, which is probably because it doesn't need to load it from disc again :)09:15
jbicharodrigo_: could we hide the useless "Checking for Updates" in System Info...or maybe tie it into Update Manager so it works?09:20
rodrigo_jbicha, it works here, and runs update-manager instead of packagekit one09:21
rodrigo_jbicha, it doesn0t work for you?09:21
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jbicharodrigo_: no, maybe I should reboot, I had some packagekit remains on my computer which might be confusing it09:22
rodrigo_jbicha, yes, it uses the Dbus API from PK, which we implement, so it should work09:23
pittibigon: hey, how are you?09:28
pittibigon: you have a lot of staged changes in libnotify svn, is that ok to upload? I'd like to update svn to 0.7.409:29
bigonpitti: it's multiarch changes09:30
pittiwhich are fine for unstable now09:30
bigonso it's ok for me09:30
jbicharodrigo_: my Disk always reads "Calculating..." in System Info too09:32
rodrigo_jbicha, yes, also for me, looking...09:34
jbicharodrigo_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/680409/09:34
jbichaI wish System Settings were smart enough to hide Wacom & Bluetooth from users like me who don't have them09:36
jbichaalthough based on their panels, Wacom looks way cooler than Bluetooth09:37
* didrocks reboots09:56
dupondjesomebody else hit the bug that NetworkManager in debug doesn't set dns servers?10:09
jbichapitti: robert_ancell fixed the gnome-games vala compiling but I think I'll just wait for 3.1.91 which should be in a couple days10:14
pittijbicha: hm; might be nice to test .90, depending on how many changes it got; but a few days sounds fine10:15
jbichaonly a few lines of code changed since 3.1.510:16
jbicha2 betas in a week is pretty fast10:18
jbichawill the software-center-gtk3 binary be renamed to software-center before release? I think it might mess up the launcher icon for upgrades otherwise10:20
pittijbicha: I think so, yes; we'll probably drop gtk2 entirely10:20
pittijbicha: or at least rename it to -gtk2, and -gtk3 becomes s-c10:20
pittijbicha: but when we switched it wasn't 100% sure that we'll keep it10:20
jstwhois jst10:22
jbichapitti: right, it's pretty usable now though :-)10:22
ronocpitti, how do i file an UI exception ?10:30
pittironoc: file a bug against the package, and subscribe ubuntu-release10:31
pittironoc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess10:31
ronocpitti, great thanks10:31
ronocpitti, lovely10:31
pittiI have to leave now to catch a train10:31
ronocsafe travels !10:31
pittiI probably won't be around much this afternoon, the week was long enough with the release and all that10:31
ronocaye, good w/end10:32
pittisee you on Monday!10:32
ronoctake it easy10:32
didrockspitti: see you on Monday pitti :)10:34
rodrigo_jbicha, sorry, got power down again10:43
rodrigo_jbicha, do you have sessioninstaller installed?10:43
jbicharodrigo_: no, would you like me to install it10:44
jbichasorry about your power trouble :-(10:44
rodrigo_jbicha, well, that won't solve the problem, but it's the one providing the PK dbus API10:45
rodrigo_but yes, there's something wrong here also10:45
rodrigo_Disk info is all the time calculating10:46
rodrigo_and I get no upgrade buttons10:46
pittiargh, I screwed up gdbus-codegen in glib, fixing11:36
pittianyway, will go offline, spotty 2G on the train11:43
pittisee you on Monday!11:43
rodrigo_bye pitti, have a good weekend!11:43
didrocksrodrigo_: hey, did you finallly track the decorator issue btw?11:51
rodrigo_didrocks, no, still looking at it11:53
rodrigo_didrocks, I updated the patch to change both gconf keys, but still doesn't work until you log out and back in11:53
didrocksrodrigo_: that's really weird, is there a bug to track it?11:53
didrocksyeah, that's weird :/11:53
rodrigo_hmm, not that I know11:53
didrockswe should open one, will do it next week11:54
rodrigo_ok cool11:54
dupondjeSomebody around that can run NetworkManager in debug mode and see if it setting the resolv.conf?11:59
didrocksrodrigo_: don't you think it can be gsd not notifying anymore on gconf key change?12:02
GunnarHjpitti: Hi Martin, suggesting two items for your (or someone else's) todo-list:12:02
rodrigo_didrocks, the notification is done by gconf itself, isn't it?12:03
didrocksrodrigo_: oh right, would maybe worse checking the notification is still done? just a silly idea…12:03
rodrigo_didrocks, not sure that's the problem, gconf-editor shows the change correctly12:04
didrocksyou're right :/12:05
GunnarHj1. bug #833065 - see the latest comments12:06
GunnarHj2. can't start gdm-guest-session in gdm 3; the description in the lightdm bug #799950 covers also the gdm side of it.12:06
ubot2`Launchpad bug 833065 in language-selector "fontconfig-voodoo crashed with TypeError in getUserDefaultLanguage(): expected string or buffer" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83306512:06
ubot2`Launchpad bug 799950 in lightdm "Can't launch guest session from a LightDM session" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79995012:06
rodrigo_didrocks, I think the problem might be gnome-shell and unity not listening to the change?12:06
rodrigo_didrocks, can you check what does unity do and I'll check gnome-shell?12:07
didrocksrodrigo_: it's not unity, it's metacity or compiz and the code didn't change12:07
rodrigo_right, for the unity cause it's compiz, so it should be as it was before12:07
didrocksrodrigo_: and metacity code didn't change a lot…12:08
didrocksrodrigo_: it's using libmetacity-private (compiz), not sure what mutter is using12:08
rodrigo_there was a similar bug with keybindings in gconf, so it's starting to look a gconf problem12:08
rodrigo_I'll think more about it while having lunch :-)12:09
didrockslike ctrl + alt + T not working?12:09
didrocksrodrigo_: enjoy! :)12:09
didrockschrisccoulson: oh, speaking of small issues to get the release done, do you have a lot of part of thunderbird that appears as transparent as well? (like the statusbar)12:10
didrockschrisccoulson: got that on metacity and compiz12:10
rodrigo_didrocks, the bug I refer to is about the screenshot keybindings12:10
rodrigo_didrocks, but yeah, bbiab12:10
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asachello! asac's friday challenge: if i click on the keyboard preferences, the gnome control center opens and i cannot find the UI for changing keyboard layout anymore.13:05
asactried to find the direct command on cmdline without luck :/13:06
asaconeiric latest that is13:06
jbichaasac: gnome-control-center region13:08
asacwill try after reboot13:09
nessitapitti: p[ing13:17
didrocksnessita: hey, he's away for the week-end13:23
nessitadidrocks: oh, ok :-)13:24
nessitamaybe someone knows about this:13:24
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nessitawould these traces ring any bell for anyone? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/680551/ I think they are related to the gi changes pitti added a couple of weeks ago. The maverick builds for the controlpanel are failing with that, so I guess some of the changes are not that compatible with gi in maverick13:25
didrocksnessita: waow, maverick? gi is changing a lot I would even don't dare trying on natty13:26
nessitadidrocks: the changes we added were "small" (try-except clauses to use gobject if already import, Gobject if not)13:27
nessitaI thought that was "harmless" for older releases13:27
didrocksnessita: not that you can't mix anymore pygi things and pygtk, is it the issue?13:28
nessitaI would guess, but in these traces the problem occurs when using libSoup13:29
rodrigo_hey nessita13:49
rodrigo_nessita, do you work on ubuntuone-installer?13:50
nessitarodrigo_: nopes, dobey does. Can I help?13:51
rodrigo_nessita, dobey: the .desktop file contains the magic to show it on the gnome-control-center (Categories and the X-GNOME-Settings-Panel field), which is wrong since it shouldn't show up on the control center13:52
nessitarodrigo_: can you please report a bug in the project?13:53
rodrigo_nessita, yes13:53
rodrigo_nessita, there's already one -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-installer/+bug/83877814:04
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 838778 in ubuntuone-installer "After installing Ubuntu One, there are 2 Ubuntu One launchers in System Settings" [Undecided,New]14:05
nessitarodrigo_: ack, I'll ping dobey on Monday14:06
rodrigo_nessita, ok14:09
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didrocksok, time for week-end! see you on Monday everyone :)16:47
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tjaaltonslomo_: hey, are you planning on backporting the fix to gnome bug 656018 for oneiric?17:34
ubot2`Gnome bug 656018 in don't know "crash playing some mp3's" [Critical,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65601817:34
dupondjeSomebody around for a NetworkManager issue/bug?18:44
dupondjesomebody smelled my issue I guess18:53
dupondjelatest upload fixed it :)18:53
dupondjecyphermox: thx!18:55
cyphermoxwhat was your issue? ;)18:56
dupondjewhen making vpn connection18:56
dupondjedefault route was not set18:56
dupondjeits is now :)18:56
cyphermoxthere was something broken in the way netlink was used to replace the default route (it wasn't passing the "replace" flag ;)18:57
dupondjewell yea :) it fixed it :D18:57
dupondjestill have the other issue tho18:57
dupondjeif I run networkmanager in debug, it doesnt set resolv.conf ...18:57
dupondjebut ok :) no need to debug anymore, as the reason I needed debug is gone :)18:58
cyphermoxdupondje: doesn't set resolv.conf, I'm pretty sure there's a but open about that (iirc kees opened something similar)19:04
cyphermoxI'll get to it soon, probably while I figure out stgraber's issue with DNSLL19:05
dupondjecyphermox: can't see that directly on lp, but yea, not really a breaker now :)19:05
cyphermoxwell, it's not going to help though, but np19:06
dupondjeI'll fix a bugreport if you want ...19:06
dupondjeany info you need ?19:06
cyphermoxwell, just syslog, so ubuntu-bug network-manager will do everything for you19:12
cyphermoxactually, attaching the resolv.conf (once cleaned if you have any sensitive info there) would help too, so I can see what it looks like "broken"19:13
dupondjewell its empty :)19:13
cyphermoxok, then just specify that :)19:13
cyphermoxis it just for VPN or just any connection?19:14
dupondjeonly breaks when I have it in debug mode19:14
dupondjereally weird19:14
dupondjelet me fix a bug19:17
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 839836 in network-manager "resolv.conf empty when running in debug" [Undecided,New]19:25
sergio91ptHi, I noticed, in gconf, that /desktop/gnome/applications/calendar/exec is set to evolution by default..20:52
sergio91ptWon't that cause any problems?20:52
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