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SpamapShrm.. python experts of ubuntu fame.. where is all the missing time going: http://paste.ubuntu.com/680217/00:13
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* hallyn curses whoever decided it was ok to overwrite power setting on a package upgrade so as to enable suspend (aka unclean reboot) after 30 idle mins00:36
TheMusoHrm. Dealing with source format 3 packages with patches in packaging branches is somewhat painful.00:45
TheMusoSeems that 1) the .pc dir is included with the merge, and 2) some of the files that are meant to be in the .pc dir to point to debian/patches are not getting included.00:45
SpamapSTheMuso: indeed, the two things seem to conflict constantly. If you keep the patches unapplied in the branch, its simpler (but then you don't see patched files in the branch.. which can have its own barrel of worms)00:46
micahgTheMuso: there's an option to not include patches applied in the .pc dir00:46
TheMusoSpamapS: Yeah. Just working on a fix from a contributor, and had to do it the conventional way, just to keep my sanity.00:47
TheMusomicahg: There is?00:47
TheMusoIn packaging branches?00:47
micahgTheMuso: pure packaging or UDD branches?00:47
TheMusomicahg: pure packaging.00:47
TheMusoSorry, distributed development00:47
TheMusoso udd00:47
micahgwell, either way actually, there was some discussion a while back on debian-devel I think, it's part of source format 300:48
micahgor wait, maybe it's a debhelper option00:48
micahgI know there's some way to do it...00:48
TheMusomicahg: Well whatever it is, I think we need it for udd branches.00:49
TheMusoSo we don't have to deal with the mess of .pc contents.00:49
* micahg wonders if that's git only...00:50
micahgTheMuso: http://raphaelhertzog.com/2010/11/18/4-tips-to-maintain-a-3-0-quilt-debian-source-package-in-a-vcs/00:50
micahgoption 200:50
TheMusomicahg: Right we need that for UDD>00:51
TheMusoBut its somewhat different, because when you branch a UDD branch, it has the .pc directory in it.00:51
TheMusotahts my point.,00:52
ionToo bad that doesn’t mention git-dpm. It’s really nice.00:56
ionOh, it does mention it. :-)00:57
slangasekhallyn: dunno what caused the behavior change, but this seems to have fixed it for me: gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-type 'nothing'01:03
smoserslangasek, or SpamapS you west coasters, if you'd like to review https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/oneiric/ifupdown/lp838968/+merge/7374101:22
smoseri just uploaded the cloud-init portion01:22
smoserit results in something like:01:25
hallynslangasek: thanks, i'll have to look into that.  (i did meta-a and picked 'power' which brought up the powe rsettings, and picked nothing there.  but prefer a cmdline)01:54
hallynsoren: hi, regarding the libvirt not starting VMs bc it couldn't create a cgroup this morning - if you still have a box you can test this on, could you try the package from http://people.canonical.com/~serge/libcgroup-fix-libvirt01:56
hallynif that works, i'll commit that for bug 82806101:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 828061 in libcgroup (Ubuntu) "cgroup-bin prevents libvirt from starting" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82806101:56
hallynsmoser: ^ you also might be good tester?02:15
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TheMuso@pilot out03:01
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta 1 released | Archive: Feature/UI Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: robert_a
slangasekScottK: you said you could reproduce Debian bug #633461 - I can't, with the current python2.7 in experimental04:09
ubottuDebian bug 633461 in gobject-introspection "gobject-introspection: fails to install with Python 2.7: E: pycompile:234: Requested versions are not installed" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/63346104:09
slangasekScottK: is this really still an issue?04:09
ScottKIt is, but as long as we remember to binNMU it after 2.7 is default it will go away.04:10
ScottKSince 2.7 is the last python, I think that's an adequate solution.04:10
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slangasekScottK: hmm; how/why is it an issue?  (given that I can't reproduce it)04:14
pittiGood morning04:19
ScottKslangasek: I don't recall.  Heading to bed now, I'll see if I can remember to try it again tomorrow.04:30
slangasekScottK: ok, 'night04:30
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micahgpitti: or slangasek could I get one of you to please copy thunderbird lucid from ubuntu-mozilla-security to lucid-security?05:27
* micahg wonders if any other archive admins are available05:32
pittimicahg: doing05:34
micahgpitti: thanks05:34
pittimicahg: done05:36
micahgpitti: thanks!05:36
didrocksgood morning05:37
doko_pitti, is the libindicate build failure on powerpc transient?06:45
pittidoko_: very well possible, the new gobject-introspection was lagging behind yesterday06:47
pittidoko_: retried06:48
pittiif it fails again, I'll investigate06:48
dholbachgood morning07:26
pittiyay, libo built on powerpc07:28
pittiSweetshark: ^ nice!07:28
pittihey dholbach07:28
htorqueRAOF: killed X on intel07:31
htorqueoops, wrong channel, sorry07:31
dholbachhey pitti07:34
sorenpitti: I just noticed a bunch of you guys just expired from the techboard, but I don't recall any mention of an election during your meetings?08:17
doko_pitti, libindice still ftbfs on powerpc08:20
geserhuh, we have no TB anymore?08:20
pittiyeah, we mentioned it to sabdfl, he needs to re-new our membership for about four weeks08:24
pittielections will be held soon08:24
pittidoko_: ah, ok; I'll tell Ken08:24
sorenpitti: Ok, cool. I really just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed it. :)08:26
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jmlkirkland: v92 works. Thanks!09:49
hrwshit. quilt/oneiric works different then quilt/lucid ;(10:09
hrwgcc-4.[56]/oneiric fails to patch on lucid10:09
pittiev: FYI, I landed pygobject 2.90 in oneiric yesterday, this breaks ubiquity; I have a branch which fixes most of it, but this afternoon I'll go through the whole installation to check for more breakage; you should have a merge proposal from me by Monday10:13
ogra_hmm, no mvo ...10:13
pittiogra_: holidays10:14
ogra_update-manager refuses to upgrade here, complaining it cant find a -meta10:14
ogra_but ubuntu-desktop is installed10:14
anthony_devhi guys. I got a problem and I think its a bug of Libre Office. where I should post info about this?10:23
ionanthony_dev: Run ubuntu-bug /usr/bin/libreoffice10:28
anthony_devion thanks, I'll try it later at home. at work I have Windows.10:29
hrwok, found10:32
hrwdoko_: gcc-4.[45]/debian/patches/gcc-multilib64 patch does not apply under non-multiarch systems10:43
hrwdoko_: gcc-multiarch.diff is applied always - so looks like gcc-multilib64-multiarch should also be applied always10:49
bambeehello, these days on oneiric, I've strange problems with my mouse. Sometimes the mouse freezes completely (the keyboard works and the system too), a workaround is to unplug/replug the mouse, and then it works again11:24
ionAnything interesting in the X log or syslog?11:24
bambeeMy X log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/680481/11:31
ionAt the point of the mouse disappearing, that is.11:32
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dokopitti, bryce_ bryceh, cjwatson: is there a reason that xcb-util-renderutil is not in oneiric? and if yes, what is the replacement for it?12:09
dokohmm, still in libxcb-util0-dev ?12:14
dokodidrocks, pitti: uploaded unity to fix the b-d on libxcb-icccm4-dev, but I get a bzr error to check in the change. could you check in the change?12:22
didrocksdoko: did you push it to the vcs? I don't find your change12:24
dokodidrocks, did you read my message???12:24
didrocks"check in the change", ok12:24
didrocksdoko: waiting for the diff to generate and then will check it in12:27
didrocksyw :)12:28
bambeeion: it happens again, I just saved my syslog and my Xorg.log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/680520/, http://paste.ubuntu.com/680522/12:31
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dokodidrocks, pitti: feel free to work on bug 839526, if it's not for the dx team12:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 839526 in utouch-gesturetest (Ubuntu Oneiric) "package needs b-d on libxcb-icccm4-dev, but ftbfs" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83952612:32
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didrockscnd: once you are around ^12:32
bambeeion: perhaps "Sep  2 14:28:45 linux-EX58-UD4P acpid: client 1267[0:0] has disconnected"12:33
dokoand promoted libxcb-icccm4 libxcb-icccm4-dev12:44
cjwatsondoko: xcb-util-* got merged into xcb-util upstream, AFAIK12:52
pittiev: I just finished two ubiquity test installs with my pygobject fix branch, they both succeeded now; MP sent: https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/ubiquity/pygobject-2.90/+merge/7380213:01
* pitti -> back to travel/weekend13:02
smoserhallyn, is there a reason you'er not using grep -q ? but rather [ -n "`grep ..`" ] ?13:03
hallynsmoser: nope13:08
smoser- if [ -n "`grep "/sys/fs/cgroup" /proc/mounts`" ]; then13:10
smoser+ if grep /sys/fs/cgroup /proc/mounts; then13:11
smoser+ if grep -q /sys/fs/cgroup /proc/mounts; then13:11
smoserobviously not a big deal.13:11
smosercjwatson, i'm told you know some tool to check what upload permissions someone (I) have13:14
OdyXsmoser-has-upload-on ?13:14
micahgsmoser: edit_acl.py in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools13:15
cjwatsonwhat he said13:15
hallynsmoser: yeah i'm usually more comfortable with 'test' ('[') i guess but i'll make the other change you mentioned, get rid of '.sh' suffix13:15
hallynsmoser: but if you can verify that it works for you then i can ask someone to push :)13:16
cjwatsonmuch more efficient to test exit code vs. testing length of string output13:16
hallynthat way leads to system-d :)13:17
hallynnot just testing length, also forking off a task to do it13:17
hallyn(iow - agreed)13:17
smosercjwatson, i don tknow about "much" more efficient13:17
smoserbut definitely at least char compare better.13:18
smoserhallyn, i will test.13:18
cjwatsonwell, ok :)13:18
* hallyn takes on some Daviey-isms13:19
kirklandjml: \o/13:19
kirklandjml: thanks for ALL of your help13:19
kirklandjml: that bug had 4 dupes13:19
jmlkirkland: :D13:21
Davieyhallyn: :o13:21
* Chipzz wonders what's up with .sh/.pl/.py extensions for programs anyway13:27
Chipzzdon't we have shebangs for a reason? and shouldn't wether a program is in perl/python/shell/whatever be an implementation detail the user doens't care about?13:31
OdyXChipzz: that's 10.4 of the Debian policy: "(…) scripts (…) in the system PATH (…) should not include an extension (…)"13:36
ChipzzOdyX: right. but the tool micahg was talking about probably isn't packaged even13:37
OdyXah yeah, sorry; I lacked context.13:38
cjwatson*shrug* not that important.  maybe some day we'll get round to renaming them13:38
Chipzzcjwatson: I was actually more wondering why ppl do that than complain13:41
Chipzzit's rather ugly imho13:42
Davieyedit_acl.py isn't packaged, i just have it symlinked into ~/bin/ .. There are more importiant disasters in the world than fixing unpackaged file extensions :)13:43
DavieyChipzz: If you fix that, you will break my symlink, and for that, i will hate you.13:43
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ChipzzDaviey: I don't even remotely have access to that machine :)13:43
DavieyChipzz: you do, if i pull a branch where someone 'fixes' it.13:44
dokoSweetshark, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/  please look at the libreoffice* packages, and remove these in the OOo build13:46
ChipzzDaviey: no interest in "fixing" it, like I said, rather more wondering why ppl do it. but I think I'm going to shut up about it, only adding noise to the channel :)13:46
lenios_sorry if that's not the best place to place, but does anybody know how to disable dh_shlibdeps (looks like it's now default on 11.10) when packaging with pbuilder cdbs?13:59
cjwatsonthat's generally a really bad idea14:00
lenios_i know14:00
cjwatsonand it's been the default forever14:00
cjwatsonwhy would you want to disable it?14:00
lenios_i need i386 libs to run a lotus notes on an amd64 system14:00
cjwatsondoesn't look like cdbs offers a way to disable it in general14:00
cjwatsonwhat's the package you're building?14:01
lenios_i need to run lotus notes14:01
cjwatsonwith 11.10 you should use an i386 version of it with multiarch14:01
lenios_can't change this one, so i'm trying to package libs and put them in /opt/lib3214:01
cjwatsonbetter to just build it as a straightforward i386 package14:02
cjwatson11.10 supports installing i386 packages on amd64 systems14:02
cjwatsonand hopefully has enough multiarch-capable libraries to support whatever you need14:02
lenios_i need old libs14:03
cjwatsonyou could multiarchify them; http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation14:03
lenios_for example libeel2-2, which is only in hardy14:03
cjwatsonprobably no more difficult than trying to bodge something together with /opt/lib3214:03
cjwatsonin fact I suspect it'd be easier since it's a fairly standard process14:04
lenios_wait, /usr/lib is going to be /usr/lib/<triplet> for all libs?14:09
lenios_notes is hardcoding /usr/lib path14:09
lenios_i hope it can work with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/i386 like it works with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib3214:11
cjwatsonyou shouldn't need LD_LIBRARY_PATH for that14:13
cjwatsonthe toolchain already knows about it14:13
lenios_i'll try14:13
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cjwatson(and it's /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/, or /lib/i386-linux-gnu/)14:13
lenios_oh, i've seen that14:13
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SpamapSsmoser: so, re the new behavior of dhclient to have -1 passed.. how do we know when to retry bringing up that interface? I strikes me that this changes the behavior quite fundamentally14:43
SpamapSsmoser: currently, if I 'ifup eth0' .. it will eventually get an IP and find its way to DHCP land.14:43
SpamapSsmoser: but with this change, it won't have that chance.. it will just fail, and I'll have to manually 'ifup eth0' after plugging it in.14:44
smoserSpamapS, i thought the same, but slangasek said its busted, fix it.14:45
smosernow, it will try for 60 seconds and then say "yes i did that"14:45
smoserwhich i agree is fundamentally broken.14:45
smoser(if you were not plugged in)14:46
SpamapSIts also the suck if you have dark network cables that you plug in and let time out..14:46
SpamapSNot sure why somebody would do that, but as a change in critical behavior, I think we'll need to mention it in the release notes.14:47
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dokoo xcb-util-wm: libxcb-ewmh1 libxcb-ewmh1-dev14:58
doko   [Reverse-Depends: Rescued from xcb-util-wm, libxcb-ewmh1-dev]14:58
dokokees, are you ok to promote this (no other mir team member here)14:59
keesdoko: promote which? all 3?15:11
dokokees, right15:11
keesdoko: i will go read there over quickly, one sec15:14
keesdoko: +1 it's pretty small15:21
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hallynsmoser: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/libcgroup-fix-libvirt2 has the fixes you suggested.  D'oh, without credit in the changelog, sorry.15:24
cjwatsonzul: bug 798925 / bug 805656 - how about xenwatch?  is it intrinsically specific to xen 3.3 or would it be straightforward to update to 4?15:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 798925 in xen-3.3 (Ubuntu) "Please remove xen-3.3 from Ubuntu" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79892515:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 805656 in xenner (Ubuntu) "Please drop xenner from Oneiric" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80565615:30
zulcjwatson: lemme have a look15:30
smoserhallyn, if [ -n "`status cgconfig | grep "start/running"`" ]; then15:31
smoserif status cgconfig | grep -q "start/running"; then15:31
cnddidrocks, interesting, I'll upload a fix for gesturetest15:32
hallynsmoser: no15:34
hallynno, bc if it's not running, 'status' will print garbage to stderr15:35
hallynand in dash i could find no clean way to get rid of that15:35
hallyn2>&/dev/null doesn't seem to work15:36
hallyni think it complainted about that15:37
hallyncomplained even15:37
hallynlemme try15:37
cjwatson2>/dev/null is portable15:37
hallynright, and & means fd :)  so what i typed was wrong in any case15:37
smoseryou need to redirect the first half.15:37
smoserstatus cgconfig 2>/dev/null | grep -q "start/running"; then15:37
hallynwell id on't know why it complained in my euca instance, unless i had a typo there too.  but it works here15:38
hallyni'll change that IF you test it successfully :)15:38
hallyn(and then i can credit you too :)15:39
bambeebdrung: ping, debuild is totally borked with parallel jobs15:42
bambeeI don't know if it has something to do with your last revision, but it worked just fine before15:43
Laneybambee: 'borked' doesn't say much.15:52
bambeeLaney: when I try to build a package with "debuild -j8", there is only a single job15:54
bambeesame thing with pbuilder (using a correct .pbuilderrc)15:54
tumbleweeddebuild takes -j options?15:54
tumbleweedbambee: you are aware of DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS?15:55
bambeeit did... at least few months ago it worked fine15:55
Laneydpkg-buildpackage does15:55
tumbleweedoh, neat, I just have it in my bash profile...15:55
bambeetumbleweed: yes I am15:55
bambeemy pbuilderrc15:56
Laneytry it with just dpkg-buildpackage. it's unlikely to be anything to do with devscripts. (likely the package in question)15:56
tumbleweedthe package should also be following DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS not MAKEFLAGS (according to debian policy)15:56
bambeeLaney: trying15:56
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SpamapSsmoser: so, re bug 839595 .. if we're going to raise it above 30 seconds, I'd actually think more like 2 minutes .. the thinking being that there may be complex and slow network configs going on leading up to the minute of DHCP waiting..16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 839595 in upstart (Ubuntu) "failsafe.conf's 30 second time out is too low" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83959516:08
smoserSpamapS, i think that is reasonable.16:08
smoserone other "benefit" for it being larger16:08
smoseris that if the user has misconfigured /etc/network/interfaces, they're more likely to know16:08
smoserand fix it16:08
SpamapSsmoser: I'm still concerned about the fact that we're not going to fork dhclient off to re-try the auto interface's dhcp forever.. maybe we need to start our own daemon to do that.16:09
SpamapSsmoser: yeah I'd love to actually print a plymouth message at 90 seconds saying something like "Boot waiting 30 more seconds for network interfaces to be configured.." so that they see it very clearly.16:10
smoserSpamapS, cloud-init-nonet does something like that.16:10
smoserbut not a plymouth message16:10
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smoserjust an echo.16:10
smosersleep 30 , echo a message, sleep some more16:10
jtayloris glib2.0 not multiarch coinstallable anymore?16:13
jtaylortrying to install it will remove half the system since .1816:13
smoserSpamapS, ^ will tha tnot do what you wanted ? or did you mean something special by "plymouth message". if there is a command to do it, just substitute for echo.16:14
shbkhello, does anybody know where I can find  in /proc (another place) information about my keyboard,motherboard,video card, peripheral devices? for example I found info about processor (/proc/cpuinfo),RAM(/proc/meminfo)16:16
cjwatsondevice information is more likely to be found in /sys16:16
cnddoko, I can't reproduce your build failure for utouch-gesturetest16:18
cndI used bzr bd --builder=pdebuild from our packaging branch16:18
cndand with an updated oneiric pbuilder chroot16:18
dokocnd, did you change the b-d?16:19
cnddoko, no16:20
cndwhy do I need to change the b-d?16:20
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cjwatsonbecause libxcb-icccm1-dev is no longer built by any source package and thus is due to disappear from the archive.  see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html16:20
dokocnd, because it's gone, only the binary -dev package is still in the archive16:20
cnddoko, I'm curious, why is libxcb-icccm1 gone now?16:22
cjwatsonupstream changes16:23
cndcjwatson, ok, but why now?16:23
infinityReplaced by libxcb-icccm4-dev/libxcb-icccm4?16:23
cndit seems late in the cycle16:23
cjwatsonit was actually ages ago16:23
infinityI assume.16:23
dokocnd, well, as you can see from the build log, incompatible changes, and packages are renamed for that reason16:23
cjwatsonit's just that we haven't managed to clean up the NBS packages until now16:24
cjwatsonthis is the point in the cycle when we traditionally sit for ages fighting to do that16:24
cjwatsonif people haven't noticed and sorted it out earlieer16:24
hallynsmoser: is cgroup-bin+libvir testing ok for you?16:24
smoserhallyn, i'll test now.16:25
smoseri suppose the bzr branch is broken for that?16:25
hallynyou know it might not be.  it's broken for the things i touch most often so i tend not even check right now16:26
hallynsmoser: i can push a bzr tree, gimme a min16:27
hallynyou know what's broken?  Alt-friggin-tab in unity16:28
bambeeLaney: I found, "warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add `+' to parent make rule."16:28
cjwatsonhallyn: I got fed up and just turned it off ...16:29
cjwatsonccsm -> Ubuntu Unity Plugin -> Switcher -> Key to start the switcher -> Disabled16:30
hallyndoes that bring alt-tab back for actual application switching?16:30
hallynI assume there's a way to fix it in the compiz manager...16:30
cjwatsonI suppose I should have filed a bug but given that it was exposed as a preference I assumed it was just a "some people hate this, we know" kind of thing16:30
cjwatsonyes, and that *is* the compiz manager16:30
hallyndoh. right.16:32
hallyncjwatson: yay!  thx16:33
hallynsmoser: lp:~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/oneiric/libcgroup/fix-libvirt16:35
infinitycjwatson: Remind me again exactly when and how a Mac user wants amd64+mac versus amd64?16:49
cjwatsoninfinity: if they don't want their system bricked16:49
cjwatson(depending on the exact vintage)16:50
infinitySo, they always want +mac, is what you're driving at?16:50
cjwatsoninfinity: also if they want the image to boot (again depending on the exact vintage, and that's why it was created)16:50
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cjwatsoninfinity: yep16:50
tjaaltonamd build of latest unity somehow failed to build unity-common and unity-services16:50
tjaaltonsorry, unity-services is fine16:50
Laneyis there a private contact address for the TB?16:50
cjwatsoninfinity: I went into more detail in http://askubuntu.com/questions/37999/what-is-different-about-the-mac-iso-image16:51
infinitycjwatson: Irksome, since we only build it for ubuntu.16:51
* infinity scraps suggesting trying kubuntu and xubuntu to his mac friend.16:51
tjaalton*amd64 build of unity, somehow broken. archive has unity-common 4.12.0-0ubuntu1, while unity is -0ubuntu2. and this one confirms that no unity-common got built: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/4.12.0-0ubuntu2/+build/276129916:53
tjaalton..which breaks upgrades, unity wants to deinstall itself16:54
cjwatsoninfinity: mjg59 did figure out how to make it unnecessary, and I have a to-do item somewhere to explain that to the xorriso developer so he can implement it16:55
cjwatsons/the /a/16:55
infinitytjaalton: Hrm?16:55
infinitytjaalton: Common is arch:all, no?16:55
infinitytjaalton: Which would be from the i386 build.16:55
tjaaltoninfinity: ah.. ok :P but still, not in the archive16:56
infinitytjaalton: Define "the archive".  Mirrors suck. :P16:56
tjaaltonthe main one16:56
tjaaltonmirrors suck, yes16:56
tjaaltonat least for the devel series16:57
infinityunity-common | 4.12.0-0ubuntu2 |       oneiric | all16:57
infinityIt's in "the main one".  When I say "mirrors suck", that includes our own.16:57
infinityarchive.ubuntu.com is still a bunch of mirrors. :P16:57
infinity(moral of the story: patience)16:57
tjaaltonheh, ok16:57
tjaaltonthat was an unfortunate dinstall run, then16:58
infinitycjwatson: Would be pretty shiny to make it go away, if for no other reason than to allow flavours to boot on mac without us building N more images (which we won't do)16:58
tjaaltonanyway, thanks for confirming16:58
cjwatsoninfinity: indeed, I don't *like* its presence, it's just necessary right now16:59
cnddoko, cjwatson: would I need an FFe for a micro-release update of utouch-gesturetest, the only change being the ftbfs against newer xcb-icccm?17:04
infinitycnd: No.  If the only change is literally just the FTBFS fix.17:05
infinity(Unless you consider "it builds now!" to be a new feature)17:05
cndthe FF process says microreleases that just fix bugs like this are "okay", but it's unclear if that means "okay without and FFe", or "usually they are okay to get an FFe"17:07
cjwatsoncnd: no need for an FFe, since they don't contain new features17:12
infinitycnd: Fair enough.  And we do appreciate caution over the alternative.  But yeah, strictly bugfixes that don't implement new features (or change old ones) are fine without an exception.17:12
LaneyThe part of the version string that changes has no bearing on whether the upload needs an exception or not. I guess that paragraph is there because people were unclear about whether they could upload new upstream releases.17:13
cjwatsonWould anyone like to take on bug 789268?  I've posted an explanation of what needs to be done, but given that the reporter's LP display name is "deleted" and username "to-delete", I'm guessing they're no longer interested17:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 789268 in batmand (Ubuntu) "Please remove batmand-gateway-(source|dkms) from the Ubuntu archives (FTBFS)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78926817:14
zulcjwatson: xenwatch has been updated to libxen-dev, with regards to xenner it wont build with the new xen library and there hasnt been a new version in like 2 years so we might as well drop it17:16
cjwatsonzul: yeah, I know there's a removal request for that, that's fine17:17
cjwatsonzul: thanks, I'll process those once xenwatch has built so that the reverse-depends chain is clear17:17
cjwatsonI just don't like breaking the archive by removing stuff, especially at this point in the cycle17:17
zulcjwatson: ok17:23
dokojtaylor, why didn't you upload your fix for debian bug 632114?17:23
ubottuDebian bug 632114 in mooproxy "ftbs with --as-needed" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/63211417:23
dokojamespage, did you get FFe's for the maven syncs?17:23
jtaylordoko: I have no upload rights17:25
jtaylorits sitting in the sponsor queue17:25
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
dokojtaylor, you should get some ;-) asked MOTU about this?17:41
jtayloryes, I'll apply for motu soon17:42
bdrungbambee: what was the result with dpkg-buildpackage?17:45
jtaylordoko: my unfinished(!) application is here in case you already want to endorse https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JulianTaylor/MOTUApplication17:46
SpamapSsmoser: congrats btw!17:48
bambeebdrung: same thing17:53
dokobarry, what is your obsession with pyside? ;-P18:17
pdtpatrick11.10 really hates nvidia drivers doesn't it .. keeps getting stuck on Checking battery state if u use nvidia-drivers. And this is using the Additional drivers feature18:34
san_1989i am going to  develop device driver for usb bridge cable in linux(ubuntu 11.04)...any suggessions?any good reference sites?..or any good channel that handling it..?18:36
SpamapSslangasek: an old, ugly bug seems to have reared its head.. can you review my comments just posted to bug 462169 ?18:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 462169 in samba (Ubuntu Lucid) "nmbd dies on startup when network interfaces are not up yet" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46216918:38
barrydoko: i take that bug as a personal affront :)18:38
san_1989anyone help me...18:40
smoserslangasek, your comments / re-review and of would be appreciated (https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/oneiric/ifupdown/lp838968/+merge/73741)18:40
Davieyadam_g: Did someone from foundations look at your branch for bug 818177?18:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 818177 in linux (Ubuntu) "HP DL380G5 root disk mounted read-only on boot and boot fails" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81817718:41
adam_gDaviey: hasn't gotten any response on LP, but i believe lynxman spoke to someone from foundations here yesterday18:51
lynxmanDaviey: jhunt reviewed it and he thought it was okay if we added a timeout on wait_for_udev18:51
lynxmanDaviey: did you go to SL6 yet? I could still go :P18:52
slangasekSpamapS: reviewed :)18:55
Davieylynxman: Not yet.. but am closer.18:55
lynxmanDaviey: :)18:55
SpamapSslangasek: that is incredibly confusing.. UGH... thanks though.18:57
slangasekSpamapS: so that new bug report needs an smbd.log and the smb.conf showing what exactly they're doing, because smbd is not supposed to need the interface up before it starts, in the general case19:01
slangaseksmoser: my opinion on the ifupdown merge hasn't really changed; I think returning results in global variables is a horrible pattern in any language, and I don't think that's a change to be made during Feature Freeze19:03
smoserwait. what? slangasek ?19:03
smoseri thought i said yesterday that i thought it was too late in a release for this.19:04
smoserand you said otherwise.19:04
smoseryou're really objecting only on the basis of a global variable ? after complaining about forks other places ?19:05
smoseri'm fine to change that, but my personal feeling is that _RET as a return variable in shell is completely acceptable.19:05
slangaseksmoser: I think it's perfectly appropriate to fix the bug at this point in the cycle, but inappropriate to restructure the code like that in the process19:07
smoserwell, i'm more than willing to put it back the way it was, but I think restructuring of that loop is several orders of magnitude less likely to cuase fallout than adding '-1' to dhclient.19:08
smoserbut i will shut up now19:08
smoseras i want that change in19:08
slangasekI agree, it is less risky - but there's also less benefit, as in none that I can see :)19:09
smoserdo you also disagree to the check for mkdir ?19:09
slangasekI do, but it's not worth arguing about because it's clearly low risk19:10
smoserslangasek, ok. i'm going to ditch the mkdir also19:14
slangaseksmoser: ok, cheers19:14
smoserbut not because you said to19:14
smoseronly because if there were a trailing slash on it anyway then it would actually make the lock dir19:14
smoserie if someone did: MARK_STATIC_NETWORK_EMITTED=/run/network/mylock/19:14
smoserand i dont want to deal with that now.19:14
slangasekadam_g: 818177> fwiw, doesn't look like you'd set foundations as a reviewer, so I've only seen it now because the bug was assigned19:15
slangasekadam_g: anyway, I talked about this issue with someone (hallyn, I think?) a couple of weeks ago... this change only moves the race, it doesn't fix it :/19:15
slangaseksmoser: heh, fair enough19:15
slangasekah no, it was smoser, I was just having another conversation with hallyn at the same time19:17
adam_gslangasek: ah, right. i figured it was just a bandaid but worth submitting to get discussion going, since its a nasty one19:18
slangasekmore like smacking bubbles in the wallpaper than a bandaid :)19:19
adam_gwell, a bandaid for my specific boo-boo :P19:19
slangasekadam_g: I would recommend talking to udev upstream about this, and maybe check what dracut is doing as far as udev handling in initramfs... maybe this is a known solved problem already, or maybe it needs an upstream fix19:20
smoserbug 81817719:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 818177 in linux (Ubuntu) "HP DL380G5 root disk mounted read-only on boot and boot fails" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81817719:21
smoserslangasek, ok. please take one last glance at that MP and then i can upload.19:22
slangaseksmoser: looks good, ship it! :)19:25
smoserthank you for not objecting to the new comments19:26
slangaseksmoser: also, congrats on the new core-dev status :)19:27
cjwatsonquick, assign him some bugs19:28
* slangasek grins19:28
slangasekwell, ifupdown being one's second upload as a core-dev isn't too shabby :)19:29
stgraberslangasek: oh, just noticed that iscsi bug, seems like I'll be having some fun next week ;) Only briefly played with iscsi back in 8.04 and tried very hard to avoid it since then.19:35
* cjwatson breathes a sigh of relief since I handled the last n iscsi bugs19:36
cjwatsonit's usually networking being torn out from under iscsi at some inconvenient time19:36
slangaseksmoser, SpamapS: we still need to deal with the flipside of this bug, which is that during normal operation, a network interface that's properly configured and is going to come up should *never* hit the dhclient timeout - whether we deal with that by treating the ifup command as succeeding or failing19:55
slangasek(as SpamapS has pointed out)19:55
slangasekcyphermox, cjwatson, stgraber: what would the consequences be outside ifupdown (i.e., NM + installer) if we raised dhclient's initial timeout limit from, say, 60 seconds to 300?19:56
slangasekstgraber: you mean you don't have airborne nanomachines in your office that boot over iscsi?! The illusion is shattered19:57
cyphermoxslangasek: I think NM has it's own timeout, I'll check19:58
slangasekcyphermox: right, that's what I would hope - ideally we could have dhclient called with -1 everywhere and an infinite timeout, and let the network managers (whichever they are) handle timeouts19:59
slangaseksmoser: the other question is, why is it taking >60s for your interface to prime itself :)  kernel bug?20:00
smoseryeah. apparently you can add some kernel flags to help the driver, per Daviey.20:00
smoserbut it was useful in that we found this.20:00
slangasekhas anyone asked the kernel team about setting those flags by default, or otherwise dealing with the slowness?20:01
smoseri dont think so. but i know nothing more than i thought i'd found a time warp to 1995 when daviey said "I had to add some kernel flags to make dhcp work"20:02
stgraberI have some switches that currently need somewhere between 30 and 45s to negociate a link, "by design" :)20:02
* slangasek chuckles20:02
stgraberat least most servers run with static IPs so I only use dhcp at install time where I usually need between 2 and 3 retry before they get an IP...20:03
stgraberI'm not sure how netcfg handles the dhcp timeout but if it has its own, I'd suggest it be raised to some higher value (twice what it currently is would be nice, you can easily skip it anyway)20:04
slangasekstgraber: could you check into netcfg and see?  It'd be nice to close this out today20:05
slangasekand if everything that calls dhclient does its own timeout, I'd rather raise dhclient's internal timeout exponentially instead20:05
slangasekto avoid any risk of false negatives20:05
stgraberslangasek: ok, from a quick read of netcfg's code, it's starting "dhclient -1" with a custom configuration "-cf xyz" that contains a custom timeout set to the value of netcfg/dhcp_timeout in debconf20:07
slangasekok, cool20:07
cyphermoxslangasek: yup, NM already has a timeout set to 45 s20:08
slangasekexcellent, so we can update dhclient with impunity20:08
cyphermoxstgraber: if your switches take 30 to 45s to negociate for client nodes, turn portfast on to those ports ;)20:09
ApteryxHi everyone. When packaging new release of a software, what's to do with old patches?20:10
stgrabercyphermox: yeah, I guess I'll simply turn STP off entirely on all my switches. All unused ports are shutdown anyway and most of the others require 802.1x, so it's pretty unlikely that a loop would appear ;)20:12
cyphermoxApteryx: you'd then want to see if those are still needed, and if so, try to apply them / fix them so they work on the new release.20:12
Apteryxcyphermox ok... man this is hell, there's like 44 patches to track.20:13
cyphermoxstgraber: heh, you never know when a link stops working. stp is good to have, but it's up to you. portfast on cisco hardware (and I'm sure there's an equivalent on others) makes sure it skips the stp stuff and comes up usually in < 15 s20:13
cyphermoxstgraber: also, any luck with DHCPv6 and my patch to deal with DUIDs ? ;)20:14
stgraberI guess I'll start by turning portfast on then (I'm currently using small cisco gigabit switches)20:14
stgrabercyphermox: I'm "almost" there ;) I now have my scripts generate my test VMs automatically, just need to get the d-i preseeding done and it'll be NM's turn.20:15
Apteryxcyphermox, but will the patches even apply? The versionning is different and is often found in filenames.20:16
cyphermoxApteryx: depends on software, but usually the version number for the software is irrelevant (though if it bumps a lot then the code base is likely very different and thus the patches might be more difficult to apply)20:17
Apteryxcyphermox, I'll give it a try, thx!20:19
cyphermoxApteryx: sure. it may well look worse than it is, but you really need to try to know. what application is that for?20:20
Apteryxcyphermox, this is pulseaudio20:36
Apteryxcyphermox, I'm having a hard time understanding Ubuntu's versionning scheme. I want to update pulseaudio version from 0.9.22 to 0.99.3-0.1. Old package version was: 1:0.9.22+stable-queue-24-g67d18-0ubuntu3.120:37
ApteryxWhat's the leading '1:' ?20:37
cyphermoxApteryx: is the upstream version number 0.99.3-0.1?20:37
Apteryxcyphermox, 0.99.3 and 0.1 is kind of a release candidate version.20:38
cyphermoxthe leading 1: is the epoch value which you usually shouldn't change. if it's there for a package, you'll need to keep it20:38
ApteryxI understand that the digit following 'ubuntu' in the version number is for the ubuntu package specific revision, what about the leading digit of 'ubuntu'? (in this case 0)20:39
ApteryxWould "1:0.99.3-0.1-0ubuntu1" be a sane version number?20:40
cyphermoxnope, the - has a special meaning.20:41
cyphermoxI'm not sure where you get the 0.1 from, but 0.99.3 appears to be the lastest version available for pulseaudio20:41
cyphermoxso you'd use 1:0.99.3-0ubuntu1 for version number, assuming you'd use http://freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/releases/pulseaudio-0.99.3.tar.gz as the source tarball20:42
cyphermoxthe - and following numbers are used for package revisions in Debian and Ubuntu, so you can't really have it in version number for the upstream project20:43
Apteryxcyphermox, Yeah, I think I made up the 0.1 xD, sorry about that.20:44
cyphermoxnp :)20:44
Apteryxcyphermox or at least can't find trace of it anywhere now.20:45
ApteryxApparently I have a missing /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/autoreconf.mk file on my system. Shouldn't this come with cdbs?20:53
jtaylorno dh-autoreconf20:55
Apteryxjtaylor, thank you!21:01
SpamapSslangasek: indeed I must have jumped the gun a bit on that duplication.. smbd does have the ability to bind to a specific IP tho, right?21:15
SpamapSn 1521:15
slangasekSpamapS: yes, it does, but it's not enabled by default - if you want to be conservative, I suppose you could make smbd wait for the all-auto-interfaces event, though I'm inclined to think someone fiddling these parts of smb.conf should also update the upstart job for their specific (non-standard) requirements21:16
SpamapSslangasek: that sounds very... strange to me, that one would have to update the start script order just for what is basically a normal very common config change.21:19
slangasekSpamapS: I don't see why you would say this is a very common config change21:19
slangasekI think most people who make this change are doing so without a good reason21:20
SpamapSLike not wanting samba on the insecure network.. ?21:20
slangasekthat can be specified with 'interfaces = eth0' - no hard-coding of IPs21:21
SpamapSsame problem though21:21
slangasekI don't think so21:21
slangasekI believe you'll find the behavior differs21:21
SpamapSIt just polls until eth0 has an IP?21:22
slangasekI believe that's what it does, yes21:22
SpamapSso its the one well behaved daemon that does it right. ;)21:22
SpamapSslangasek: I believe you, I really do... I'm just worried that we're unnecessarily burdening people.. what good reason is there to start smbd before all network interfaces are up?21:25
slangasekin the pathological case, because the machine has loopback smb mounts in /etc/fstab? :)21:27
slangasekI don't feel too strongly about doing it this way, honestly; the current start condition predates the availability of the "all interfaces" event21:28
SpamapSslangasek: I'm fairly convinced that we can simplify everyone's life by simply moving most things to runlevel 221:29
SpamapSslangasek: the few things that *need* to start before then already do.21:29
slangasekwell, smbd can't be moved to runlevel 221:30
slangasekbecause it *could* block the filesystem event21:30
slangasekwaiting for all interfaces merely slows down the boot; waiting for filesystem could block it entirely21:31
SpamapSRight.. hm.21:33
SpamapSloopback to the local smbd .. thats just.. nuts. ;)21:33
slangasekno more nuts than hard-coding ip addresses in your smb.conf ;)21:34
infinityLoopback to local smbd isn't as uncommon as you'd think.21:35
infinityThough it sounds odd.21:35
SpamapSI still think thats a pretty common use case and not one to derride.21:35
SpamapSthe ip thing, not the loopback samba mount21:35
SpamapSthe loopback samba mount sounds crackers to me. ;)21:35
infinityAnd, I dunno, binding to interfaces SHOULD be more common than binding to IPs.21:35
infinityBut I can't say what people actually do.  Just what they should. :P21:36
slangasekSpamapS: why would you hard-code the IP?21:36
SpamapSinfinity: unless you want just a specific IP on a specific interface.21:36
SpamapSbecause eth0 has 20 IPs, and you only want to provide smbd on one of them.21:36
* slangasek thinks about this21:36
slangasekwhy would you not configure alias interfaces in that case, if you mean to provide different services?21:37
infinityBy "eth0", you mean "eth0 and 19 aliases", or actually eth0?21:37
SpamapSif you also added interfaces = eth0 .. would it wait to bind() until eth0 was fully configured.. how would it even know that the ip you wanted was ready21:37
SpamapSslangasek: you think it would be easier to have 'interfaces = eth0:14' instead of binding to the IP I mean?21:37
infinitySpamapS: Yes.21:37
SpamapSlol.. ok21:38
SpamapSI guess I think differently.21:38
infinitySpamapS: Since eth0:14 might have your IPv4 and IPv6 IPs for all the services associated with that alias.21:38
infinity(For instance).21:38
SpamapSI never grouped things like that.. but I did make multi-tenant systems where IP was the method of separation .. not interface.21:40
SpamapSIts far enough off from the generic case that I think its ok to just let people figure it out.. but "all static network interfaces are up" does seem better to wait for than "a network interface is up"21:41
slangasekthe latter does mean smbd will be up and ready to go sooner for users who don't have that particular scenario21:42
slangasekbut I'm not going to fight it if you go with the more conservative start rule21:42
SpamapSproblem is, this guy who started this conversation has a static IP via network manager, which the new event doesn't touch21:43
SpamapSand for good reason.. too hard to predict what n-m is doing. :p21:44
SpamapSFor now I think we can just rely on smbd's robustness and not change anything yet21:45
slangasekI've at least asked for a copy of the relevant config on the bug, so we can verify that it really only happens under the circumstances I've suggested (namely, 'bind interfaces only = yes' + 'interfaces = $IP')21:47
dupondjemmmm did gnome-shell just break ?22:09
dupondjesegfaults here :(22:09
cjwatsonslangasek: yeah, as stgraber said, d-i already sets its own DHCP timeout22:11
bdrungbambee: then it's not a problem of debuild. either your package fault or dpkg-buildpackage22:11
cjwatsonI wouldn't advise raising the netcfg default further, because it's synchronous and long timeouts annoy people without a DHCP server22:12
cjwatsonthe current value is a compromise, already raised a bit from what's in Debian22:12
stgrabercjwatson: yeah, I didn't know the timeout was configurable through debconf before. I now changed my default pxe settings for d-i to set it to 120s, that should fix my problem22:13
slangasekcjwatson: oh yes, I wasn't intending to change any timeouts in netcfg, didn't realize that's what stgraber was referring to22:13
slangasekI am bumping the timeout in isc-dhcp though22:14
stgraberslangasek: I just mentioned that the 60s timeout was a bit short for me in d-i and that I wouldn't mind it being 120s but I can see that being annoying for quite a few users ;)22:15
slangasekstgraber: yeah, a timeout in the installer critical path has a slightly different role :)22:16
bambeebdrung: the package is kde-workspace, it's not a package fault. Already checked with downstream and upstream. The error comes from make itself22:20
bambeethe makefile is generated by cmake, it does not make sense22:20
bdrungso it's a cmake bug?22:21
ApteryxHello, is commenting the patch in the file debian/series (quilt used as patching system) enough to prevent it being merged?23:06
ApteryxI thought so, but pbuilder keeps failing on an already commented out patch!23:07
cjwatsonshould be.  quilt(1) says: "Lines in the series file that start with a hash character (#) are ignored."23:08
cjwatsonperhaps your working tree is inconsistent in some way23:08
cjwatsonI would suggest checking that 'quilt pop -a' then 'quilt push -a' works, for starters23:08
Apteryxcjwatson, I'll check this.23:09
DoctorPepperhi guys !!!23:57

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