
Picimhall119: go for it.00:18
mhall119oh, not what I expected, but ok00:19
paultagcute :)00:19
=== mhall119 changed the topic of #ubuntu-locoteams to: Full team list: https://launchpad.net/~locoteams | Approved Teams: Get your CDs https://forms.canonical.com/lococd/ |Report hosting issues to rt@ubuntu.com |Need a forum? http://tinyurl.com/ReqLoCoForum
* mhall119 should have kickbanned paultag while I had superops powers00:21
operator89guten morgen @ all00:22
paultagmhall119: :)00:23
operator89noch jmd wwach?00:24
paultagoperator89: ich kann nur ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen :)00:25
paultagoperator89: was geht? :)00:25
operator89aso ookay......ned viel bei dir?00:25
paultagoperator89: tja, nichts :)00:25
operator89aaso ookay.......aber du ich geh ma off.....man schreibt sich bestimmt wieder....bb und gn800:26
paultagoperator89: n8 :)00:26
dholbachgood morning07:26
dholbachsalut huats08:21
huatssalut dholbach !08:22
czajkowskiAloha 08:31
trinikronoGoodmornings Ubuntu LoCo Teams09:39
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AlanBellis anyone jamming on packaging and Unity lenses?14:45
czajkowskimhall119: cjohnston ^^^15:18
czajkowskijamming :) 15:18
mhall119czajkowski: you can add it eithour either15:20
mhall119we can probably make the LC a Team record, but then it'll show up in like the teams list15:21
czajkowskihmm what ever you think 15:22
czajkowskiit is a team on LP 15:22
czajkowskiso I just assumed it would pull in that info as well15:22
mhall119it's a Django group in LD, but not a "Team"15:22
czajkowskithat way it'll pull in our logo for our flag as well 15:22
mhall119loco teams have a mapping between the Django group record and the Team record15:22
czajkowskiah gotcha 15:23
mhall119czajkowski: it'll also let you schedule events and meetings15:23
mhall119and anything else a loco team can do in LD15:23
czajkowskiwhich could be handy to put our meeting info on there as well 15:23
mhall119want to give it a try?15:24
czajkowskiwill do tomorrow15:26
mhall119hmmm, Team has to have a country15:26
czajkowskiatm need to put away the grocery shopping and get ready for going out to go see http://j.mp/rmsGew15:26
mhall119ok, making lococouncil a Team isn't going to work real well as-is15:27
paultaghttp://j.mp/[rms Gew] - RMS Goo15:27
paultagczajkowski: we could declare that our blog belogs to a loco that's netural ground - let's say Ohio15:28
czajkowskipaultag: lets say no shall we 15:28
akgranerHey all a new version of Checkbox has been uploaded to oneiric so if your jamming and have a change take a look at the systems testings client/app and give the Ubuntu Friendly squad some feedback :-)  thanks!15:32
czajkowskipaultag: the etherpad I was working on before I went away is what I am going to finish tomorrow 15:35
czajkowskithen get the lovely LD Devs to create a page on the LD for 15:35
paultagczajkowski: cools 15:37
czajkowskiso if you have any thoughts before then 15:37
czajkowskiadd em to the pad 15:37
paultagczajkowski: I'm at work, I can't do that shaz, but when I looked at it last it was fine15:37
czajkowskigrand 15:38
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bkerensaOregon is gonna do it big at our jam tomorrow.... In fact I better get some jam to give away :D19:47

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