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jmarsdenpdtpatr1ck: I can't duplicate that behaviour, but do not ask teams about bugs.  Please file a bug in LaunchPad against a package, in this case probably bash-completion,  if you think one exists and can describe how to reliably reproduce it.03:24
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dholbachgood morning07:26
iulianMorning dholbach.08:15
dholbachhey iulian08:21
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hakermaniaWhat is the process to provide update for your app through the update manager?10:16
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates10:17
nigelbhakermania: ^10:17
hakermanianigelb, thanks, will look in it. May I ask something else? What's the point in having a README and an uninstall script inside the source? For the use of the persons who choose to see the source via apt-get source?10:30
nigelbI believe the uninstall is for cleaning up things when your package is deleted. The README should ideally be in /usr/share/doc/PACKAGENAME/10:31
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nigelb(I may be wrong, and glad to be corrected)10:32
RAOFhakermania: Is your app an open-source application, packaged through the normal channels, or is this via developer.canonical.com?10:32
hakermaniaRAOF, who knows :D ? I uploaded to REVU and it's in 11.10's repos10:33
hakermaniaYes, I assume the former10:34
hakermaniait's open source10:34
RAOFhakermania: Yeah, that's the normal channels :)10:34
geserhakermania: the uninstall script is usefull for those who didn't use a package manager to install that software, it doesn't make sense to have it in the package as the package manager takes care of the uninstallation11:22
hakermaniageser, that's why I asked, I'll let the uninstallation script lay at the tarball only on the next release11:38
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al-maisanI am looking for an example of a package with multiple binaries (ideally a python and a java binary). Any suggestions?13:39
al-maisanrationale: our project (http://openquake.org) consists of java and python sources, I need to package it so that the java sources get installed as a jar and the python sources in the usual way.13:43
tumbleweedal-maisan: that's an uncommon combination, can't think of  any. But multiple binary packages isn't that uncommon...13:43
tumbleweedin this case it sounds like you'll need to drive both build systems from your debian/rules13:44
gesera package with java and python bindings sounds uncommon13:45
al-maisanyeah .. so I will probably need to override the build target .. I still have older packages where java and python are separate .. I can run them through pbuilder and watch what commands are issued..13:45
tumbleweedal-maisan: that depends a lot on the contents of this package. If I ca nsee the source, I can probably give hints13:46
al-maisantumbleweed: the source to be packaged is here: https://github.com/gem/openquake/13:46
tumbleweedsounds big...13:47
al-maisanit has java and openquake sub-directories .. the latter is where the python sources live13:47
al-maisantumbleweed: I am a beginner .. and not even sure whether a single package with  multiple binaries is the best approach to this13:48
geseral-maisan: found one source package with java and python bindings: protobuf. But I didn't check if it's a good example or not13:48
al-maisangeser: that's great .. will take a look .. thanks!13:48
cjwatsonlfaraone: dpkg-source: warning: diff `imageshack-uploader-2.2+hg20100408.d802dea89428/debian/patches/1002-fix-FTBFS-libav-0.7.diff' patches file imageshack-uploader-2.2+hg20100408.d802dea89428/ffmpeg_fas.c twice13:58
cjwatsonlfaraone: it's probably that as an error rather than a warning for whatever reason.  do you want me to fix that up for you and reupload?  it's fairly obvious13:59
and` /WINDOW NAME (status)14:13
and`argh :)14:13
Piciand`: not doing much better ;)14:17
and`Pici: definitely not :P14:18
jamespageal-maisan: zookeeper also produces java and python (and native libraries) so that might be worth a look to14:18
and`Pici: I have too much consoles open at this time, and I am getting confused :)14:18
geserand`: type Ctrl+D till it's better14:30
lfaraonecjwatson: sure, thanks!14:37
al-maisanthanks jamespage ! Will take a look.14:43
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thelinuxerhi guys, I am trying to build this http://desowin.org/gdigi/ . I followed this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete16:00
thelinuxerThe install path in the Makefile is $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin  .16:00
thelinuxerIf I leave it like this i get the following error "install: cannot create regular file `/home/atoulan/workspace/gdigi/gdigi-0.2.0/debian/gdigi/usr/bin': No such file or directory"16:00
thelinuxershould I use override_dh_auto_installed  and create the directory ?16:00
tumbleweedthelinuxer: dh_installdirs can help you out there16:02
thelinuxertumbleweed: I added this to my rules file dh_auto_install --destdir='/usr/bin'16:06
thelinuxernow i get permission denied error16:06
tumbleweedthelinuxer: I'd expect that, you don't want it to install into the buildd16:07
azeemthelinuxer: the DESTDIR is supposed to be relative to your source package16:07
tumbleweedthelinuxer: just put "/usr/bin" in debian/gdigi.dirs16:07
thelinuxertumbleweed: thanks, it's working. will bug u again if i need anything else16:11
thelinuxertumbleweed: :)16:11
cjwatsonlfaraone: uploaded; the only change from your upload was to run 'quilt refresh'.  thanks!16:39
cjwatsonlfaraone: and I built it directly against libav 0.7 since that just hit unstable yesterday16:40
lfaraonecjwatson: awesome. thanks for catching that, I'll have to remember to check for warnings next time. (perhaps ftpmaster scripts treat warnings as errors)17:04
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