
nlsthznso much to update everytime something happens it seems...00:29
pleia2nlsthzn: hah, yeah, we're getting into our busy busy time! :)01:44
nlsthzn:) ah so normally it is only busy, gotcha01:46
akgranerpleia2, sorry I was at the hospital - my uncle was moved to hospice this afternoon so they called in the family02:44
akgranercan you pull the Natty countdown banner or do I need to get IS to do that?02:44
akgranerand as soon as the official countdown banners are released we can get one of them added but as far as I know that haven't been announced yet02:44
pleia2akgraner: it should automagically update (they should just change which images are displayed)02:45
pleia2but if they don't, I'm not sure02:45
akgranerOk I got an email from skaet and jcastro asking about it b/c seeing the oneiric announcement beside the natty countdown banner looked funny to them02:46
akgranerI'll tell jcastro to handle it  - he has access to everything :-)02:46
pleia2it's not our fault the countdown banners aren't released yet02:47
pleia2do they want us to remove it?02:47
akgranerI know that and that's was my reply to them :-)02:47
pleia2I don't think they've even started the countdown banner design contest yet02:48
akgranerI just asked I say leave it until the new ones are released - and if they don't like that then I'll ask jcastro nicely to pull it :-)02:48
akgranerI don't think they have either02:48
akgranerat least I haven't heard anything about it02:48
akgranerjono, has the countdown banner contest been started yet?02:48
akgranerif not what's the timeline for that do you know?02:49
pleia2oh, regarding the newsletter this week, we need some In the Press articles, I suspect some will show up tomorrow but I'm working all day and right after I have to head to the airport for a weekend of questionable internet access02:50
akgranerI'll start adding stuff tomorrow02:50
pleia2so if everyone can just make sure the summaries get written that'd be great02:50
akgranerI'll have hours at the hospital sitting around waiting02:50
pleia2akgraner: I'm thinking for the blogosphere beta reviews from omg, webupdate, etc... we can put them under one title with something like "Early reviews of the Beta1 from popluar blog sites" and list the links, what do you think?02:51
akgranerI might as well be productive...don't worry we'll get it all done :-)02:51
akgranertotally agree02:51
pleia2there are several good reviews, but including them all with summaries feels silly, and lengthy02:51
akgranerwe've done that in the past02:51
pleia2oh good :)02:51
akgranerI'll be with holstein and internalkernal on Saturday so we can knock out a bunch of stuff in person02:52
akgranerGlobal Jam UWN tutorials :-)02:52
akgraner:-)  So just enjoy your weekend..:-) If I have too I'll do the Fridge post by hand like the "old" days :-)02:54
akgranerno worries :-)02:54
* nhandler notes that pulling/editing/adding the banner is quite trivial (just involves enabling/disabling a widget).12:21
nhandlerBut I see nothing wrong with just leaving it as-is and letting it update when the new banner is out12:21

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