
mhall119does anyone here have permission to change the /topic in #ubuntu-locoteams?00:16
Picimhall119: apparently I do.00:16
mhall119thanks Pici00:20
rwwmhall119, os2mac: Anything we can help you with? If not, please /part so we can keep track of whether people are waiting for help :)02:51
almoxarifehello, can I get re-voiced?05:47
rwwalmoxarife: which channel?05:48
almoxariferww: only one I think it is need on is #ubuntu05:49
rwwalmoxarife: alrighty, give me a few minutes to go poke bantracker into responding05:50
almoxariferww: thnks05:50
almoxarifedo I wait? here?05:50
Flannelalmoxarife: yep.05:51
rwwFlannel: let me know if you get there first, BT hates me recently05:51
rwwoh, there it goes05:51
rwwalmoxarife: Alrighty, I'm going to have ubottu give you a link to our IRC guidelines. Please read them, say in here you agree to follow them in future, and I'll unquiet you.05:54
rww!guidelines > almoxarife05:54
ubottualmoxarife, please see my private message05:54
almoxarifeI agree05:54
rwwalmoxarife: alrighty, it should be removed. Please be aware that future actions tend to be less easy to get removed :)05:55
rwwoh, and please say something in #ubuntu so I know I'm not failing at opping again05:55
almoxarifethanks rww05:56
IdleOnebkerensa: heya05:57
IdleOneanything we can help with?05:57
rwwbkerensa: IdleOne's probably about to tell you, but #ubuntu-ops isn't somewhere people idle, because we like to keep the room clear so we can see who needs help. There are channel logs if you're curious :)05:58
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/05:58
IdleOnewhat he said05:59
Myrttimhall119 hi07:06
oCeanos2mac, hello. How can we help you?08:37
oCeanmhall119: anything we can help you with?08:39
=== apachelogger is now known as transitlogger
bazhang_mhall119, whats up10:30
bazhang_idle 8.5 hours pr thereabouts10:30
bazhang_err or10:30
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhangestimate time to trolling: three nanoseconds12:26
PiciI think I'm going to take my advil now, before this headache starts.12:30
bazhang<cnz> I just did apt-get remove python2.712:33
bazhanggood call12:33
bazhanggot a live one12:36
bazhangsame guy asked if #ubuntu was for android development a bit back14:20
jpdsThe hell.15:34
PiciOne of our freenode staffers was talking about that the other day.15:35
marienzisn't the internet fun15:40
mneptokon a positive note, "describe a complex NAT configuration," now has a one-word answer.17:03
* Myrtti prods mneptok 17:03
mneptokMyrtti: ooo! right!17:06
* mneptok scrobbles 17:06
mneptokto-do updated17:06
* Myrtti goes back to reading her SafariOnline book "Unix® and Linux® System Administration Handbook, Fourth Edition"17:12
rww!away > jimmy_birer_brb21:43
bazhang<Quantum_Ion> Tell me a good story23:03
bazhangmore nonsense from him23:03

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