
=== danilo_ is now known as danilos
kelemengaborhi danilos, do you have a minute to pick up your intltool-developer hat and save me? :)07:53
kelemengaborany idea, why do I see this in the software-center po directory: http://paste.ubuntu.com/680349/ ?07:54
daniloskelemengabor, what is it? (if it's going to take me a bit, then not right now)07:54
kelemengaborgoogle finds almost nothing for this message07:54
kelemengaborand the worst part, that it detects only one file missing from POTFILES.in, but I found manually about 707:55
daniloskelemengabor, maybe perl has changed recently to be more strict about using $1 and similar when it wasn't matched07:55
daniloswell, intltool-update missing file detection was always a heuristic, not to be fully trusted07:55
daniloskelemengabor, have you tried the trunk (lp:intltool) as well?07:55
kelemengabornot yet07:56
daniloskelemengabor, also, for missing files detection, maybe something is listed in POTFILES.skip?07:56
kelemengaborno, .skip didn't contained those07:56
daniloskelemengabor, right, so the best thing to do is try trunk, if that has no such problems, ping me and I'll try to do a release RSN (so it trickles down to distributions); if it doesn't help, file a bug and I'll try to look into it later today or over the weekend, but I make no promises07:58
kelemengaborokay, thanks in advance07:59
kelemengabordanilos: the line 312 contains this function: http://paste.ubuntu.com/680352/ (here 312 is 6), so maybe it is because s-c doesn't use autotools08:00
daniloskelemengabor, intltool should be reasonably happy with just po/Makevars I believe, but I can't really say off the top of my head now08:02
kelemengaborwell, no Makevars either08:02
kelemengabordanilos: hooray, trunk doesn't have this problem!08:06
daniloskelemengabor, probably due to my fix for https://launchpad.net/bugs/806006, thanks for checking08:13
daniloskelemengabor, can you shoot me an email at danilo@gnome.org so I am reminded to put out a release later today08:18
oierhi, are the translations for strings in unity (dash, indicators) and update manager for instance translatble until LanguagePackTranslationDeadline?10:22
artnayoier: should be10:32
andrejz@oier: AFAIK yes10:32
oierand until then new LanguagePack are generated every week, right?10:32
oierDo i have to enable oneiric proposed or do I get the latest translations by just running oneirics?10:34
andrejzi think you should get them atomcatically10:34
artnayoier: there are no proposed available afaik10:34
andrejzthey are only moved to proposed after the stable release10:34
oierok, I recently upgraded to Oneiric so I just wanted to be sure10:35
oierthank you very much!10:35
kelemengabordpm: shouldn't we have newer language packs in Oneiric than 20110822?12:40
dpmkelemengabor, pitti needed a full export for beta-1 before the freeze. I tried to schedule one for the Thursday so that we'd have a more recent one, but as it got quite tight (full exports seem to take ~16 hours and it would only be ready late in a Friday afternoon -Friday uploads are not a really idea if people is not around at the weekend-), we ended up picking up the one from that Tuesday13:09
kelemengabordpm: I take this as a no, thanks :)13:10

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