
MarkDudeakk:  you free on the 24th for a geeknic in Los Gatos?01:43
akkAnd we could call it Geequinox (okay, the equinox is actually the 23rd, but close enough)01:47
MarkDudeOh that would be awesome01:48
MarkDudegood idea01:48
MarkDudeCool I should event details up by early next week01:48
MarkDudethe 17th wasa going to be tooo close01:48
MarkDudeI am going to be in bay for 3 days next week01:48
akkwhew! I'm away on the 17th, but the 23rd would be awesome01:48
MarkDudethen ohio01:49
akkwhen's ohio?01:49
MarkDudethen back on the 12th01:49
MarkDudeSeot 11th weekend01:49
MarkDudelovely time to travel01:49
MarkDudeDont touch my junk01:49
pleia2rww: my con(gratulations|dolences) for your recent #defocus privileges ;)02:52
DarkwingDuckYay! I'm learning Inkscape hardcore. http://people.ubuntu.com/~david.wonderly/SCaLE10/02:54
rwwpleia2: lol, thanks02:54
pleia2DarkwingDuck: interested in doing the Kubuntu part of a UserDays tutorial on the 24th?02:59
DarkwingDuckpleia2, Sure.03:00
pleia2(but doing it for real this time so I don't need to find a maco at last second :P)03:00
pleia2I need to find a Lubuntu person too03:00
DarkwingDuckpleia2, I'll mark it in my calendar. :P:P03:00
pleia2I figure we each get 20 minutes, I'll do xubuntu03:00
DarkwingDuckJust an overview of what Kubuntu has to offer?03:01
pleia2yep, lemme dig up the logs of what maco and I have done in the past03:01
DarkwingDuckOkay cool, thank you.03:01
pleia2instead it'll be KDE, XFCE, LXDE03:02
pleia2Unity can have its own whole session03:02
DarkwingDuckWe each get 20 or, we get 20 for the DEs?03:06
pleia2I dunno, I forgot I did that whole intro thing about what DEs are03:06
pleia2probably we explain what DEs are and each get 10 minutes to say how our favorite one is awesome, then answer questions03:07
pleia2so less kubuntu, more KDE03:07
DarkwingDuckThat's what I was thinking.03:07
DarkwingDuckAnd how they differ from Ubuntu/Unity/Gnome/Canonical Ra ra ra03:08
* DarkwingDuck ducks03:08
DarkwingDuckWho is doing Gnome/Unity?03:08
pleia2I might ask jorge03:08
* DarkwingDuck grins03:08
pleia2or tell jorge to find someone, he's good at that03:08
akkblah, DEs, they're a passing fad, everyone will go back to window managers before long  ;P03:09
pleia2but I think it needs its own session so all the flaming can stay in there session :)03:09
* pleia2 makes sure we have lots of classroom admins around during that session03:09
DarkwingDuckBut, it should be mentioned in the DE session a bit..03:09
pleia2we can start out by saying "We'll talk about alternate DEs from the default Unity in Ubuntu"03:10
pleia2that's all :)03:10
DarkwingDuckJust a "Unity/Gnome will have their own session, this is for the variations".03:10
DarkwingDuckYou took the words out of my mouth.03:10
DarkwingDuckAlthough, I think it's a good idea.03:12
DarkwingDuckLubuntu is official now isn't it?03:12
pleia2yep! :)03:13
pleia2pretty exciting03:13
DarkwingDuckohhh yeah.03:13
DarkwingDuckpleia2, what's the classroom backroom channel again?03:16
bkerensapleia2: I found out it was a Conf Kit shipped this morning... That was quick right? I sent the request last night after 7pm =o04:08
=== DarkwingDuck is now known as DWonderly
=== DWonderly is now known as DarkwingDuck
DarkwingDuckphilipballew, have you tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN05:08
philipballewno I have not DarkwingDuck Im afraid ill ssh into it. do stuff and eff up the server where I cant connect at all maybe05:09
rwwthank the gods for LISH05:10
DarkwingDuckphilipballew, After this weekend I'll play with VPNs on my server and give you access... The joys of a static IP address.05:10
philipballewive been using no-ip .com lately05:10
philipballew2 days till jam05:11
DarkwingDuckAye, and I'm still struggling with my damn local mirror.05:11
DarkwingDuckWell, not fully.05:11
DarkwingDuckBut, with the logistics of having it there.05:12
philipballewhow so?05:12
philipballewIt would probably be easy to set up a vpn. maybr only a few hours of work05:14
* bkerensa needs to find the cheapest colo on the west coast I wonder if its still Hurricane Electric05:14
DarkwingDuckpleia2, you still awake?06:37
DarkwingDuckphilipballew, setting up the local mirror now...06:40
DarkwingDuck74 gigs of info DLing.06:41
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=== jamalta_ is now known as jamalta
=== jamalta_ is now known as jamalta
* kdub_ should be on irc at night more...16:09
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=== kdub_ is now known as kdub
DarkwingDuckpleia2, woot! We are getting a conf pack for Libertopia.18:41
pleia2and I'll ship the ubuntu banner and tablecloth down after the solano stroll18:42
DarkwingDuckWhoot! Thanks!18:43
pleia2we'll probably leave those down there for scale, we can get by with the old california banner for the rest of the year18:44
MarkDudeCan I start making jokes about banners now?18:52
* MarkDude passes18:52
DarkwingDuckMarkDude, you get my note from last night?18:59
kdubDarkwingDuck: i don't know anything about libertopia, but from the name, i'd guss its in ocean beach...19:04
DarkwingDuckShelter Island.19:05
DarkwingDuckkdub, I'll fill ya in on saturday.19:05
kduboh, i can't come on saturday :-/19:06
DarkwingDuckAhh, Okay. BRB19:06
bkerensapleia2: I found out officemax does Vinyl banners starting at $99.95 so I might get one before our release party.... I got our posters printed for tomorrow and catering ordered now just gotta go tomorrow and run this jam :)19:11
pleia2cool :)19:13
MarkDudeDarkwingDuck: no i did not19:22
nhainesYay, I'm wrapping things up at work for the three-day weekend.  And by "wrapping things up" I mean I'm shutting down my computers.23:06
pleia2poor computers23:06
nhainesThey get a reboot every week.  Ubuntu doesn't really need it (well, oneiric does) but Windows sure does!23:07
pleia2I wondered if that had gotten better with recent windows releases23:08
pleia2you'd think they'd eventually find the memory leaks that makes windows explode after a week23:08
pleia2but I guess when your customers are used to frequent reboots already it's not a high priority23:09
pleia2t-mobile now warns me to reboot my android phone every week, somehow in my mind I've taken this alert as some kind of challenge23:09
nhainespleia2: sure, well, I don't have recent Windows releases, ha.23:09
nhainesOh, I usually go two or three weeks before I forget to charge it or I want to restart it or something.23:10
nhainesWhy does T-Mobile warn you to reboot every week?23:10
pleia2it's a t-mobile app, I don't know23:10
pleia2I suspect there are sometimes rogue apps that get stuck and reboots every week make sure customers have a better experience in the long run23:10
pleia2but yeah, I only reboot if netflix goes crazy and eats my phone (stupid netflix) or I go on a plane23:11
nhainesYeah, I woke up today and didn't have a notification bar.23:11
nhainesSo reboot was needed.23:11
pleia2the new market is a disaster for me23:12
pleia2realized this morning that I hadn't gotten any app upgrades in weeks23:12
pleia2my market only sees 2 apps installed, there are some "clear market cache, reboot, pray" tricks but none have worked so far23:13
nhainespleia2: you'll have to reinstall those apps.  But usually an upgrade doesn't trigger that.23:22
nhaines(that is, market upgrade usually doesn't break app associations.)23:22
pleia2nhaines: reinstalling them doesn't help, they still don't show up in my apps23:23
rwwi guess the "feature" in "feature phone" is "it works"23:24
jyorww: You still need any more books?23:26
rwwjyo: I'm sorry, my memory is terrible. Books?23:26
jyorww: Blog post!23:26
jyorww: Textbooks, I mean.23:27
rwwpeople read that o.O?23:27
rwwone came in today apparently, another two still on backorder23:27
rwwI think I'm going to cancel everything from that bookstore, including the one that came in, and get the ones I actually need from another store that aren't ridiculous23:27
* Ttech wobbles23:38
Ttechpleia2, I've been told to poke you about cds23:38
pleia2Ttech: yep, where are you located?23:38
pleia2(we ship them all over the state, so lots of people have bundles)23:38
TtechSF and LA area, LA currently. :/23:39
TtechDo you guys ever meet?23:40
pleia2you might be able to get some from nhaines at his Lake Forest ubuntu hour that's held twice a week, next is sept 8th: http://nhaines.livejournal.com/62158.html23:41
pleia2the whole team doesn't usually get together, but a lot of us come down for SCaLE in LA every year23:41
pleia2I also shipped some to DarkwingDuck but he's San Diego and if he has any left he's probably giving them out at their global jam in SD tomorrow23:42
pleia2will you be in SF soon?23:42
TtechNot likely.23:43
pleia2I can ship one down to you if you need (but I pay for this out of pocket, so it's easier if you meet up with someone in your region)23:43
TtechAh yea, I'm so sad they stopped doing free cds23:44
TtechMade it much harder for me to use Ubuntu.23:44
pleia2not able to download isos?23:44
Ttechpleia2, It takes me ~10 hours to download Ubuntu23:44
Ttech4 hours if I'm lucky on some days.23:44
pleia2well I can ship an 11.04 disk if you need, just email me: lyz@ubuntu.com23:45
pleia2(I'm leaving for a trip in 15 minutes though, so I won't be able to ship it until next week)23:45
TtechI'll have a go at dist upgrade from 10.0423:45
pleia2you'll want to go to 10.10 first23:46
pleia2but once you're done with both upgrades that's as much as downloading a whole iso :(23:46
TtechMight steal a friends internet though. :P23:46
DarkwingDuckI can ship if needed too :)23:47
DarkwingDuckI'm in San Diego.23:47
bkerensaWant some of this: http://imgur.com/SuiVM23:48
pleia2bkerensa: all for your jam?23:48
pleia2huh, we still haven't gotten our ubuntu books23:48
Ttechbkerensa, You get all that stuff free?23:49
bkerensaLOL thats only what I wanted to pull out of my closet23:49
bkerensaI have 17 boxes of stuff23:49
DarkwingDuckwhere you get all that swag? :)23:50
TtechIs that just because your insane loco people?23:50
DarkwingDuck:D We are all insane.23:51
bkerensaLet me see..... O'Reilly, Linux New Media (Ubuntu User), LinuxJournal, ThinkGeek, OpenStack, Apress, No Starch and then since Canonical doesnt like to give stuff for non conferences Linbit bought us stickers from Canonical :P23:51
DarkwingDuckI should probably contact them for swag to hand out at Libertopia 2011.23:52
bkerensaThen I got catering sponsored by one company... I got a entire startups corporate office donated for our use.... Beverages and Beer donated :P23:52
bkerensado it23:52
DarkwingDuckYou have contact info? david.wonderly@kubuntu.org23:53
bkerensaOur release party will probably be pretty lowkey though not a bunch of swag but I will be buying Oneiric cd's and likely have it catered23:53
DarkwingDuckBecause AFAIK we will have the only FOSS table at Libertopia.23:53
bkerensaDarkwingDuck: Yeah who's contact info you need? :)23:54
DarkwingDuckAny and all. :)23:54
kdubsweet, decent graphics card to replace my broken one on sale for $20 :D23:54
DarkwingDuckI'm getting into the groove of this event setup stuff.23:54
bkerensaI will shoot you a e-mail in a sec23:54
DarkwingDuckspeaking of graphics... Any amount of telling my how much I suck would be nice on this... http://people.ubuntu.com/~david.wonderly/SCaLE10/23:55
kdubDarkwingDuck: looks like the conference badge from last year :P not bad23:55
Ttechbkerensa, Feel free to send me some of that. :P23:56
DarkwingDuckI'm tossing more ideas/designs.23:56
DarkwingDuckI'm working with SCaLE this year.23:56
DarkwingDuckSo, I'll be there and I'll help out where I can at the booth23:56
DarkwingDuckBut, I'll be a busy working man. :)23:56
kdubworkends! :D23:56
bkerensait takes a bit of work23:57
DarkwingDuckYup, But it will be awesome. :)23:58
DarkwingDuckCanonical is sending a conference pack.23:58
DarkwingDuckSo, I'll add these with that and I'll have some massive swag. :)23:58
DarkwingDuckWe'll have a nice booth.23:59
bkerensayeah it took on a hour for them to send mine.... I sent it the other day late night and within the first hour of a normal business day they sent it yesterday23:59
TtechHow do you guys get into all this crazy stuff. :/23:59

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