
brouschi'm trying to get 0.2 out the door tonight00:00
brouschsmall improvements00:00
brouschpushed it. this is too much fun00:05
rick_h_ruh roh, he's got the bug now00:06
brouschyeah, and tomorrow is my wedding anniversary, so i probably won't be able to touch it ;)00:08
rick_h_welcome to life hacking on OSS in your spare time00:09
rick_h_why I do weekly status reports, helps remind me I did get some progress each week00:09
snap-lrick_h_: Got power back00:28
snap-lfiring up the rig00:28
rick_h_k, doing interview00:31
jcastrohey snap-l00:35
jcastrodo the dalek voices stay irritating throughout dr. who?00:35
jcastrofinishing up S01 right now00:35
snap-lYes, but they don't show up much00:36
jcastrothis first season is dorkfest00:36
snap-lBlame 1960s recording for those voices00:37
snap-lgive it time00:37
jcastroit''s very much like TNG's horrible first season00:37
jcastroI can tell it will be good00:37
jcastroI like cheesy00:37
snap-lonce you get to Tennant, it'll be awesome00:37
jcastrois that an episode?00:37
snap-lThat's an actor00:37
snap-lDavid Tennant00:37
jcastrois the tardis sound from the 60s?00:37
snap-l10th doctor00:37
jcastroit sounds like it00:37
jcastrohe's coming up00:37
jcastrohe looks very british00:37
snap-lIt's a piano board00:37
jcastrois he the fan fave or something?00:38
snap-lyes, he's scottish00:38
snap-lhe's just a damn good actor00:38
snap-l(The tardis sound is a piano string slowed down with some effects)00:38
snap-lBut yeah, that's a classic sound.00:40
snap-lIf you really like cheese, try the Tom Baker episodes once you've gotten in to the David Tennant doctor00:40
snap-lThe Key of Time is especially wonky.00:41
jcastrois he the 11th?00:41
snap-lMatt Smith is 11.00:41
snap-lDavid Tennant is 1000:41
jcastroI am watching 9 turn into 10 right now00:41
snap-land you'll want to watch Tennant before watching Matt Smith00:41
snap-lAh, good00:41
jcastrohow come this dude was only around for one season00:41
jcastroI kind of like him00:41
snap-lso you're beyond Bad Wolf, etc?00:41
snap-lI don't think they expected it to continue00:41
jcastroI am ending bad wolf00:41
jcastrolast episode of S0100:42
jcastrooh, looks like the doctor just had light coming out of his mouth00:42
snap-lYea, that was good, but it gets better00:42
jcastronot dying00:42
snap-l(long story)00:42
jcastroyeah I am familiar with it00:42
jcastroI thought they were going into that00:42
jcastrobut it was something else00:42
jcastrohe's still #9 so far00:42
jcastroI am conflicted though00:43
jcastroI only noticed "Bad Wolf" in one episode up to this point00:43
jcastrowhich means now I have to freaking go back and find them all00:43
snap-lToo bad you're not in MI00:44
snap-lI have S1-5 on DVD00:44
snap-ler, 1-400:44
snap-lS5 is Matt Smith, and I don't have that yet.00:44
jcastrooh ok, now he regenned00:45
jcastrolol this guy is way more english00:45
snap-ljcastro: Let me know when you start buying Tardises on thinkgeek00:46
snap-lbecause it will happen00:46
jcastroI already asked the uk team for pics of them in tardises00:47
jcastrotell me that isn't the most english thing you've ever seen ^00:47
snap-lOh totally00:48
jcastrois it the same dude when he regens?00:48
jcastroor just a new body?00:48
snap-lNew dude00:49
snap-lnew personality00:49
snap-lbut same person00:49
jcastrooh ok00:49
jcastroso each one is unique, but still the same00:49
jcastrolike Dax. :)00:50
snap-l*sigh* like dax00:50
jcastroso in the real world00:50
jcastrodo they change the doctor like when they want to refresh the show?00:51
snap-lActor changes00:52
jcastroso is it like "so and so wants to move on, new doctor time"00:53
jcastroor is it "ratings sucking, people are getting sick of this guy, new blood time."00:53
jcastrolike, if they would have said "same TNG, just no more picard, new captain", we would have rioted in the streets00:54
jcastrothough, I suppose with this show it's expected to have new doctors00:54
snap-lNah, more like actor wants to move on00:54
jcastrosnap-l: man, it's like I found a whole new world to play in00:54
snap-linitially it was because the first doctor just got too old to continue00:54
jcastrosee my last blog00:56
jcastroand get yourself some bon scott00:56
snap-lThat good, eh?01:27
snap-lrick_h_: http://getsatisfaction.com/kobo/topics/kobos_are_a_bad_deal01:58
snap-lRight between the eyes02:00
Blazeixsnap-l: well written post! 'Darrel' is pretty ballsy to just copy-paste 'pls to be giving me ticket number.'02:06
snap-lI think 'Darrel' is likely an outsourced person who got stuck with a bad situation02:09
jcastrowhat's a kobo?02:15
snap-leBook reader platform similar to Kindle02:17
snap-lthey have iOS readers as well as eBook hardware02:17
jcastroare they epubs or what?02:22
snap-lYeah, they are02:24
snap-lUsed to be partnered with Borders02:24
snap-lGood morning11:55
snap-l"Under no circumstance should you install Ruby, Rubygems or any Ruby-related packages from apt-get. This system is out-dated and leads to major headaches. Avoid it for Ruby-related packages. We do Ruby, we know what's best. Trust us.12:02
snap-lYeah, I'm cleaning out the ruby packages12:04
snap-lmay give things a go under rvm to see what happens12:04
snap-lI mean, it's not their fault. I don't use .debs for python, save to bootstrap virtualenv12:05
WolfgerYeah, apt-get fails sometimes....12:06
Wolfgeron the other hand, they could run their own repository and allow people to apt-get the "good stuff".12:06
snap-lOf course, this really makes me nervous:12:09
snap-lWith git-core and curl installed we’ll be able to install RVM with this command:12:09
snap-lbash < <(curl -s https://rvm.beginrescueend.com/install/rvm)12:09
snap-lYeah, this is getting done in a VM first12:31
snap-lI'm writing up a little blog post about this12:48
rick_h_cool, I keep thinking of playing with some ruby and messing with rvm/bundler12:50
snap-lWell, it's going to be a little inflammatory. :)12:52
snap-lMostly "please package this"12:52
snap-lHo boy.12:53
snap-lrvm install 1.812:53
snap-lessentially does curl to download ..12:54
snap-lcurl: (78) RETR response: 55012:54
snap-lERROR: The requested url does not exist: 'ftp://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/1.8/ruby-1.8-.tar.bz2'12:54
snap-lStarting to think Python developers are rocket scientists by comparison. :)12:57
snap-lit is cool though that you can use different versions of ruby13:01
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
snap-lblergh, who ordered the humidity?13:18
jjessei couldn't believe how hot it was last night when i went for my run at 7pm13:19
snap-lYeah, I'd believe it13:20
ColonelPanic001high of 67 on Monday.13:23
ColonelPanic00198 today, 67 Monday13:23
ColonelPanic001I listened to the raido and did this: >:-| >:-| :-\  ... :D13:24
* ColonelPanic001 is an artist13:24
WolfgerMonday is going to be beautiful13:37
snap-lOK, I have to recant13:37
snap-lRVM is beautiful13:37
snap-lthe install makes my ops side twitch like crazy, but using it is nice.13:38
snap-land bundler is pretty sweet13:38
snap-lIt's a little slow, though13:45
snap-lAnd by little slow, I mean on the order of minutes.13:47
WolfgerThat's slow. I don't think anything has taken "minutes" since the last time I booted XP  ;-)13:50
rick_h_snap-l: http://blog.dynatrace.com/2011/09/02/how-server-side-performance-affects-mobile-user-experience/13:56
rick_h_exactly part of what I was chatting about last night13:56
snap-lrick_h_: Oh, no doubt13:58
rick_h_love that, mobile site takes longer for the phone than the non-mobile lol13:58
snap-lstreamlining to one request is going to be good no matter how you slice it13:58
rick_h_well I mean the one domain vs multiple domains13:58
snap-lThat too13:58
rick_h_using a static.xxx and such is a big win13:58
snap-lWasn't arguing against that at all. :)13:59
rick_h_just thought it was funny to see an article right after our lococast chat13:59
rick_h_kind of cool, been getting better uverse speeds with the tv service off14:00
Wolfgermakes sense14:00
jrwrensnap-l: saw your tweet about ruby pkgs.14:18
jrwrenI'm torn on this issue.14:19
jrwrenIMO rvm and gem works so well, I don't see the point in solving the problem.14:19
jrwrenI'm not even sure ruby should be packaged for ubuntu14:19
jrwrenthat said, what if I want to run on a system w/o compiler, or a cpu memory contrained system where compiler is not practical.14:19
jrwrenI guess ruby is too slow and bloated to run on a cpu&memory contrained system. ;p14:20
snap-ljrwren: Well, it's the same with python and Perl14:22
snap-lThey have their own repos that they like to use14:22
snap-lI'm also once again having fun trying to get postgresql to work with Ruby.14:23
jrwrennot exactly teh same, since the distro itself uses TONS of python and perl14:31
jrwreni don't know that ubuntu uses ruby itself.14:31
jrwrendoes anyone who is coming to the jam tomorrow have some shrink tubing that they could bring and sell to me? I need as small as possible14:32
snap-ljrwren: It doesn't, but you can install it if needed14:34
snap-lAnd this is where we remember that installing a database adapter in Ruby is a severe pain in the ass14:49
jrwrenis it?14:51
jrwreni just gem install mysql :p14:51
snap-lgem uninstall jrwren15:01
snap-lHm, still here.15:01
snap-lhuzzah! I have tracks again15:08
_stink_so what was the key? getting rid of all packaged ruby?15:09
jrwrenso you are all rvm now?15:09
snap-lWell, and using RVM15:09
jrwrenso... what is the right thing for ubuntu in general?15:10
snap-lIn general? get someone to update the gem packages in a more timely fashion15:10
snap-lGood luck with that15:10
jrwrenwell, perhaps WE should do that?15:11
jrwrenor maybe there is a ruby ppa that makes a good rvm alternative?15:11
snap-lI know that redhat / fedora have a pretty nice way to package up Python eggs as RPMs15:12
snap-lmaybe if there was a scripted and repeatable way to create gem packages15:12
jrwreni'm sure there is.15:12
jrwreni know deb has it for cpan modules and eggs.15:12
snap-lAlso would help if the Rub community wasn't so mac centric where packaging is essentially brew or macports15:12
jrwrenthere has to be some good debian pattern and tools for ruby gems15:12
jrwrenno, its not brew and macports at all.  its all rvm and gem from source.15:13
snap-ljrwren: What I meant was that brew and macports are used just to lay the groundwork to install the gems15:13
jrwrenand ruby community is still 99% deploy onto linux. The Mac stuff is just for the dev env.15:13
jrwrenah yeah, brew and macports for the C deps15:13
snap-l_stink_: also I ran into trouble with my old tracks install15:15
snap-l_stink_: I installed new, and redid the config files15:15
_stink_it's been a while since i used tracks.  there's a reliable export/import?15:16
_stink_i would guess so.15:16
snap-lI'm not sure15:16
snap-lI just have evening backups of postgresql to help be be bold. ;)15:17
_stink_heh, phew.15:17
_stink_unless you use each reinstall as a chance to cut stuff from your list.15:17
snap-lNah, I just do a db:migrate and hope things don't blow up15:18
snap-land if they do, i grab a backup. ;)15:18
_stink_i would love it if my todo list blew up :P15:19
snap-lwhat will be interesting is to see how this will work for a reboot15:19
snap-l_stink_: trust me, you wouldn't15:19
_stink_i guess that's why i should do the weekly review15:19
snap-l_stink_: It's not like it all goes away15:19
snap-l_stink_: ahem... (wheels out the soapbox) if you're not doing the weekly review, you're not doing GTD.15:19
_stink_i confess fully that i'm not doing GTD :)15:20
_stink_i use multiple tags!15:20
snap-lOf course, if you're blowing up your system on a weekly basis, you're not doing GTD either.15:20
Wolfger"doing getting"? I think you've inserted a superfluous verb there...16:20
snap-l"Getting Things Done" is a trademark for the system.16:23
WolfgerAh, I see.16:25
WolfgerI rather disagree with allowing a sentence fragment that describes a process to be trademarked, but since when did IP lawyers start listening to me? :-p16:26
Wolfger...and nixternal shows up on the front page of a Google search for that sentence fragment. LOL16:28
WolfgerShawn Powers too16:28
snap-lOnly my random album mix could go from Herbie Hancock to The Faceless16:42
snap-lblergh... time to relocate to the bedroom17:07
rick_h_heat is rising17:53
snap-lYeah, it is18:23
snap-ldamn scammers19:19
snap-lapparently if you put your resume on monster.com, you'll get nothing but boiler-room scams19:20
krondorsnap-l:  are you interested in a career change?  work from home, be your own boss, flexible hours, no limit to your earning!19:20
snap-leven better: we need your bank account numbe for direct deposit (and withdrawl)19:21
gamerchick02Monster, Careerbuilder, etc. they all attract scams.19:21
snap-lYeah, I'm glad I removed my stuff from there19:22
gamerchick02i get porn spam from them, seriously.19:22
gamerchick02i did too. well, i have an account, but there's nothing in it *creepy woo-woo noises*19:22
snap-lWow, that's awesome19:23
snap-lwas it at least good porn spam?19:23
gamerchick02no. it was strange porn spam19:24
gamerchick02this was several years ago though.19:24
gamerchick02i get more stiffy pill spam now though19:24
snap-lMight come in handy someday; you never know.19:25
snap-l(note: not really)19:25
nullspacesilly script of the day http://se7enlabs.org/img_swril.js20:26
_stink_damnit.  anyone know of a desktop jabber client that supports anonymous logins?  empathy and pidgin don't afaict.20:50
rick_h_Blazeix: ahhh! http://techcrunch.com/2011/09/02/amazon-kindle-tablet/21:13
rick_h_"As far as the existing e-ink-based Kindles, all I’ve heard is that they’ll continue to co-exist with this new tablet (though the DX may or may not stick around). "21:13
Blazeix"Amazon has been working on a multi-touch screen/e-ink hybrid tablet device. But that’s nowhere near completion, I’m told."21:21
rick_h_yea, I've heard that there are some devices testing that out21:21
BlazeixI'm sure they'll keep e-ink around, but I hope they have another release between now and that rumored device.21:21
rick_h_but the thicknesses/tricks involved is a bit crazy21:22
rick_h_and the price of dual displays in there...21:22
rick_h_jrwren: looks like I will be out tomorrow22:58
rick_h_if you can still bring out my power cord22:58
rick_h_that's be grat22:58
rick_h_great that is22:58
rick_h_http://techcrunch.com/2011/09/02/video-der-kritzler-an-automatic-scribbling-machine/ kind of cool arduino23:58

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