
androidbruceseattlegaucho, haha that's the way it goes eh 01:06
seattlegauchohad a sh***y day today01:06
seattlegauchotime to go home and crack open a beer01:06
valorie{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}} and an extra beer to ya, seattlegaucho01:07
androidbruceseattlegaucho, i want a beer too man 01:07
androidbruceim too full right now 01:07
androidbrucebut later 01:07
androidbruceit's beer thirty 01:08
androidbrucevalorie, anything planned for 11.10 release?01:08
seattlegauchoshe was saying a couple of days ago that nottin' so far01:08
androidbruceseattlegaucho, gotcha 01:08
androidbrucewell we should do something 01:09
androidbrucei missed the last one 01:09
seattlegauchocan we find a place where we can all get together? aka ... as in a meetup?01:09
androidbruceseattlegaucho, yeah definitely 01:09
seattlegauchopizza + beer + hacking ... what can go wrong01:09
androidbruceid have a party/bonfire at my place if we wanted 01:09
valoriewhere are you, androidbruce?01:09
androidbrucewe can use my place to hack,eat,and burn stuff ;)01:09
androidbrucePuyallup now 01:09
androidbrucenew place big back yeard 01:09
valorieI would love to have a party somewhere01:09
androidbruceparty here, pass out w/e 01:10
valoriecool -- that's easy for me01:10
seattlegauchoBTW, I upgraded my old windows phone to a mytouch 4G01:10
androidbruceseattlegaucho, ha nice dude 01:10
androidbruceseattlegaucho, put cm7 on it 01:10
seattlegaucho... love to use it as my personal wifi hotspot01:10
valorienot sure about the folks up north01:10
androidbruceyeah 01:10
valoriebut I just made contact with a guy in Tacoma via linkedin01:10
androidbrucegotcha 01:10
seattlegauchopls don't make it too far south01:10
androidbruceits' 11/10 or 10/11?01:10
androidbrucei'm close to Tacoma seattlegaucho 01:11
seattlegauchosouth ctr mall is not that bad depending where you are in Tacoma01:11
androidbruceseattlegaucho, that's Tukwila 01:12
androidbrucetacoma is even farther south 01:13
androidbruceseattlegaucho, http://g.co/maps/whaz01:13
seattlegauchoI know that much ... but I work close to Pike Pl market and live in Bellevue ... Tukwilla is pretty far away01:14
seattlegauchoespecially w/ traffic after work01:15
seattlegauchoRed Robin ... if I remember correctly ... it's in the south part of the mall01:15
seattlegaucho... but I can imagine it could be a pain if you're in the south part of Tacoma01:15
androidbruceseattlegaucho, yeah true 01:16
androidbrucewell we can have a meetup 01:16
androidbruceand a party in puyallup 01:16
androidbruceor just one, w/e 01:16
androidbrucei no longer work on the eastside01:17
androidbruceseattlegaucho, are you a dba?01:18
seattlegauchomysql dba01:18
* seattlegaucho was looking for RR further South01:19
androidbruceRR? 01:19
seattlegauchored robin :)01:19
androidbrucethere's one in tacoma 01:19
androidbruceand federal way 01:19
androidbrucefederal way is in between tacoma and tukwila01:20
seattlegauchothe one I could go the furthest on a week day is in kent ... unless the federal way and tacoma ones are close to I-501:20
androidbrucethey're close to I-501:21
androidbrucelast time we met in Burien, that was sort of in between 01:21
valoriered robin is so effing noisy01:21
valorieallll the time01:21
androidbruceyeah 01:21
seattlegauchothe Federal Way is right off I-5 ... I can do that one01:21
androidbruceeveryplace is 01:21
androidbrucewe can't HACK at a red robin either 01:21
valorieI guess01:21
seattlegauchoright no wifi01:22
valorielibrary is quiet, but no beer01:22
seattlegaucho... and hacking can be noisy w/ all the chatter01:22
androidbruceyeah library isn't open late either right? 01:22
valoriesome are open till 1001:22
valorieit depends01:22
androidbrucehmm 01:22
seattlegauchoand phone hotspot would kill my bill01:22
androidbruceany places we can reserve or rent? 01:22
androidbrucelike vfw types?01:23
valorieactually, there is a library in southcenter01:23
valorielet me see if they allow food01:23
valoriebecause food and drink would be ok, even without beer, right?01:23
androidbruceyeah 01:23
androidbrucebetter than nowhere 01:23
seattlegauchosome King County libraries have 'event rooms'01:23
valoriefood, drink, wifi, and our own room01:23
androidbruceyeah it will be alcohol free, but that's not always bad 01:24
androidbrucewe could go to a "bar" afterwards if we wanted 01:24
valorieopen till 901:24
androidbrucewhat day did we want to do?01:25
seattlegaucho6:30 to 8:30 to leave room and not rush it?01:25
seattlegauchodoes the release have a set date?01:25
androidbrucewhich day again?01:25
androidbruceim not sure 01:25
androidbrucewas it in october or nov?01:25
valoriemmm, southcenter has no room01:26
valorievalley view does, though01:26
seattlegauchoit would have to be the weeks of the 17th or 24th ... release date: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule01:27
seattlegauchois a Thu01:27
valorie13 Oct. is the day01:27
seattlegauchowhich is Thu01:27
androidbruceohh shoot i need to check my schedule i have a concert in october 01:27
seattlegaucho... and I wouldn't do it on a Fri or the actual release day01:28
seattlegaucho... or weekend01:28
androidbrucenot on a weekend?01:28
androidbruceoct 12th is the concert01:28
androidbruceso im goooood01:28
valorieit's available on the 13th01:29
androidbrucevalorie, if you reserve and we decide something else, no big deal eh?01:29
valorieexactly, I'01:30
valoriell reserve it now01:30
androidbruceok word 01:30
seattlegauchogotta go ... pls post it to the email list and loco wiki01:30
* seattlegaucho runs to get his bus01:31
valorieok, scheduled01:36
androidbrucecoolio 01:40
androidbrucedo you know if they have wifi?01:40
valorieyes, that's standard01:40
androidbruceok cool 01:40
valorieit rather sucks sometimes01:40
valoriebut we'll deal01:40
androidbrucei haven't spent anytime in a library 01:40
androidbrucewe can rip some hardwire spots 01:40
valoriefor shame01:40
bkerensaman Canonical was fast approving the puppetconf conf pack I requested 04:08
bkerensa=o I requested last night after 7pm and they shipped this morning04:09
valoriethat's awesome04:18
bkerensaNow we will have some media to give out04:20
valorieI hope thefinn catches whatever you have, and passes it along04:23
valoriewe need some more juice up here04:23
valoriewe do have a release party planned: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-washington/1260/detail/04:23
bkerensaWA/OR both need to get approved04:26
bkerensaI'm aiming for right after release party to apply for loco approval and my own membership04:26
bkerensanobody is really giving me much guidance on when to apply? I have been contributing for over a year... The only perk to me is the @ubuntu.com e-mail alias for loco e-mails04:27
valoriewell, start your wiki page04:34
valorieget some cool stuff on it, including recommendations04:34
valoriethen just schedule yourself in one of the board meetings04:35
valoriewhere ever you are most active04:35
valoriebugsquad can do it I think04:35
bkerensaI did :) You have me a testomonial and finn did and markdude said he was going to but I think he got sidetracked :P04:35
valorieAmerican board can do it04:35
bkerensaThats the problem.... I'm spread out between IRC/Bugs/Forums and doing our LoCo04:36
bkerensaso I figured Americas04:36
valorieyou can even do it with IRC, Forum council04:36
valorienot sure bugs has a council, 04:36
valoriecome to think of it04:36
valorieif you aren't an IRC op, I wouldn't ask them04:37
valorieif you have lots of forum answers, that will work04:37
valorieor the American board04:37
bkerensaYeah I will probably do Americas04:37
valoriebasically, you just add yourself to the wiki page for the next meeting04:38
valorieand show up04:38
valorieI did it through the Kubuntu Council04:39
valorieso I'm both a Kubuntu Member and ubuntu Member04:39
valoriethere really isn't much guidance besides your own feelings that you want it now04:41
valorieand are planning to be around for awhile04:41
bkerensaWhat kind of stuff do they ask? Whats the meeting like04:44
valorielook up some meeting logs04:54
valoriethey basically look at what's on your page and ask you about what's there04:54
valorieoh, the more pictures, the better04:54
* valorie had none04:54
valoriepictures of events and such that you organized04:55
valorienot just random bling, of course04:55
valoriesame for team approval04:55
bkerensavalorie: So this might not be a winning photo for approval? http://bit.ly/n3hpPj04:59
* bkerensa smirks04:59
bkerensathat was just for show I wasn't really doing that :P04:59
bkerensaI actually barely drink a couple sips and ended up leaving the MediaTemple party to talk with Gareth Greenway (August cover of LJ)05:11
bkerensathen went home and slept :P05:11
* valorie didn't party much this year05:16
valorienot at OSCON, not in Berlin05:16
valoriehad a great time anyway05:17
bkerensawow.... Someone is maybe coming from Seattle to our global jam19:46
valorieI wish I could come20:52
valorieany other weekend.....20:52

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