
=== daker_ is now known as daker
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cjohnstonmhall119: {% block title %}{% block page_name %}{% trans "Home" %}{%endblock %} | {% trans "Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal" %}{% endblock %}14:16
mhall11920:22 <mhall119> right, I just want to make sure we work on them in order of priority15:25
mhall11920:22 <joey> https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/76503115:25
mhall11920:22 <joey> https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/77983315:25
mhall11920:22 <joey> https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/78169315:25
mhall11920:22 <joey> top 315:25
mhall119Loco Directory:15:25
cjohnstonnigelb: ! wtf15:32
cjohnstonNO DINNER15:32
cjohnstonI'm putting that on FB for your mom to see15:32
mhall119caption the picture of him drinking with that15:33
cjohnstonwith the drinking picture15:33
nigelbthe interwebs has pictures of me drinking15:33
nigelbso no big deal now :D15:33
cjohnstonnigel, can you do bug 77983315:35
nigelbyeah, I got that.15:36
cjohnstonwe are thinking maybe a url to clear the cache with a link that is displayed in top nav to "Clear Cache"15:37
cjohnstonas well as when something is changed15:37
nigelbadding the url is easy15:37
nigelbthe latter one isn't15:37
nigelbwe use a very low level cache funtion15:37
cjohnstonthat way cache is automagically cleared and manually clearable15:38
mhall119nigelb: there should be a way to just nuke the entire cache and start over15:39
nigelbmhall119: Oh, you want to nuke the cache with changes?15:39
nigelbDoes Django have postSave hooks or something?15:40
nigelbExcellent, it does.15:40
nigelbmhall119: how about creating a utility function to nuke complete cache, and calling it on click of the button or something critical to the schedule changes.15:41
nigelbmhall119: I may also skip working on anything tonight.15:41
nigelbI have a bad headache.15:41
cjohnstonnigelb: mhall119 http://pad.ubuntu.com/RefjlPq8rG15:51
cjohnstonjcastro: did you see dholbach is in charge of this UDS?15:54
nigelbHe is.15:56
nigelbLike, everyone knowsit.15:56
jcastrocjohnston: yeah, I'm on ensembler15:57
jcastrowithout the r of course15:57
cjohnstonjcastro: can you go to that pad please for your experience15:57
cjohnstonjoey: http://pad.ubuntu.com/RefjlPq8rG15:58
cjohnstonnigelb: we just talked about putting a "My Schedule" where the "My Teams" goes, that will display an agenda schedule for the user.. thoughts?15:59
cjohnstonjames_w: thanks for joinign the pad15:59
cjohnstonplease join back james_w !15:59
nigelbmhall119: did you re-review my summit MP?16:00
mhall119the % one?16:03
cjohnstonjoey: anything else?16:08
nigelbjoey: cjohnston and are setting up Summit Inc so you can just pay us to fix summit :P16:09
joeyon a conf call right now. Be with you in 60 mins16:09
cjohnstonjames_w: thoughts?16:13
nigelbHe's probably on the same call ;)16:13
james_wlooks ok to me16:14
james_wI wonder about the conflict resolution part given that I think some of it is done in javascript?16:14
cjohnstonnigelb: ?16:15
cjohnstonthats your field16:15
joeynot on same call :-)16:15
nigelbjames_w: Well, the easy trick is to not let people edit on that page.16:15
nigelbso, the javascript bits are taken care of16:15
james_wedit on which page?16:15
nigelbOH FUU16:16
nigelbSorry, mixed up with something16:16
nigelbI'll have to look at the javascript code16:16
nigelbKeybuk's code. God save me.16:16
cjohnstonnot letting people edit on what page?16:16
nigelbcjohnston: No, I take that back, I was wrong.16:16
cjohnstonnigelb: mhall119 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2494160/summit.db16:44
cjohnstonnigelb: mhall119 https://code.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/private-rooms16:47
mhall119cjohnston: nigelb: http://ec2-50-16-133-193.compute-1.amazonaws.com/16:58
mhall119is running trunk16:58
mhall119jcastro: ping17:02
mhall119jcastro: what's your preferred shell username?17:02
cjohnstonmhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/private-rooms/+merge/7385617:03
cjohnstonmhall119: ack: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/char/+merge/7385817:05
mhall119cjohnston: nigelb: jcastro: django admin for the ec2 is root/password17:32
cjohnstonjoey: mhall119 https://code.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/private-rooms/+merge/7385617:52
cjohnstonnot totally done17:53
cjohnstonbut a good start17:53
joeybtw, I'm on with james_w and we're going through the larger list of Linaro items and getting priorities and such assigned to them17:53
joeyI think james_w will communicate those over. mhall119 had asked us for this yesterday17:53
cjohnstondont go getting too many more without getting some developers17:54
joeycjohnston, nigelb, mhall119 - ok looking at the Pad now18:10
joeyFirst question:  From the patch, I don't see where the private room will not display on the list of rooms18:11
joeydid I just miss that?18:11
cjohnstonthat is already in production18:11
joeythe only other immediate comment is on the last todo bullet point:   we need the ability for people who are attending meetings in private rooms to be able to see that both when they look at their own schedule but also via the ical, etc.18:12
cjohnstoni dont think that we have personalized icals18:13
joeysure we do18:14
joeyHide talks that aren't for me18:14
joeySo end user experience is that a person who must attend a private meeting will see that meeting in the ical as well as when they look at the day view18:15
cjohnstonthe hide talks that arent for me page will not display private rooms18:15
joeyI suspect the day view is hard to fix18:15
joeybut the ical should be easier18:15
cjohnstonwhere do you find a link to your ical?18:16
cjohnstonhuh.. i didnt know we had that, but still dont know where its linked from joey18:19
cjohnstonDaviey: ping18:20
cjohnstonnot about icals Daviey18:20
cjohnstonjoey: anything else?18:29
joeycjohnston: nothing atm18:35
Davieycjohnston: hey18:44
DavieyHey joey, good to see some linaro love for soummit! :)18:48
* daker is not jamming18:53
cjohnstonDaviey: http://pad.ubuntu.com/RefjlPq8rG18:54
cjohnstoncan you help explain the autoscheduler and the conflict resolution thing for me a little to make sure that the first little bullet point and the second big bullet point are both correct?18:55
Davieycjohnston: Sort of driving at the moment.18:57
cjohnstonok.. at some point soon hopefully/18:57
Davieysure thing!18:59
mhall119cjohnston: personalized icals can only be access while logged in, which means you can't have thunderbird or evolution updating from them, which makes them significantly less useful19:01
mhall119cjohnston: I think we can generate some very hard to guess hashes and use them to allow unauthenticated access to the ical, like how google calendar does19:02
cjohnstonjoey: ^19:02
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mhall119so it'd be something like http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/participant/joey_a5e1313aa28abc1f7f0942aab59a8e8a.ical19:03
cjohnstonmhall119: jamalta http://pad.ubuntu.com/hdMZvfrHZa19:03
mhall119and only the user ever seens that generated hash19:03
mhall119and it's his responsibility to keep it private19:03
joeymhall119: cjohnston the current desire is to use them for personal gcals19:05
cjohnstonmhall119: can you join that pad please and help me out a little19:06
mhall119joey: you mean import them into google calendar?19:06
mhall119cjohnston: which pad?19:07
cjohnston15.03.39 < cjohnston> mhall119: jamalta http://pad.ubuntu.com/hdMZvfrHZa19:08
mhall119cjohnston: creating meetings is done through the django admin19:09
mhall119or automatically from the launchpad api19:09
joeymhall119: yeah google cal19:09
mhall119same with editing19:09
mhall119joey: will google calendar keep checking it for updates?19:09
joeymhall119: in the past you had to force it19:10
joeymhall119: but on Monday of UDS I don't care19:10
mhall119well the schedule changes during the week, so you might19:10
joeyI have a schedule at that point19:10
mhall119heck, the schedule changes during the *day*19:10
mhall119cjohnston: why are you making an interface to add meetings?19:11
cjohnstonto create private meetings easier than in admin19:11
mhall119marriana and michelle already know how to do that in /admin/19:11
cjohnstonthere was talk about wanting to allow others to create meetings too19:13
mhall119cjohnston: let's just worry about the scheduling parts first19:13
mhall119that part isn't a necessity19:13
cjohnstonwell.. as of right now, there is no ability to have a "private" meeting19:13
mhall119and probably won't even be allowed this cycle anyway19:13
cjohnstonother than calling it private19:13
cjohnstonso i do need to add that ability19:14
mhall119private meetings aren't in the public ical, and their details are hidden in the schedule view19:14
cjohnstonthere is no such thing as a private meeting afaik..just a private room19:14
mhall119private meetings have been in the codebase for a while19:14
mhall119they came before private rooms19:14
james_whey, so how do I make a new db migration for summit?19:25
mhall119are you working against trunk or 1.x?19:26
mhall119well, either way it's ./manage.py schemamigration $app $migration_name --auto19:27
james_wand is there a test suite that I can hook anything in to19:28
mhall119james_w: ./manage.py test $app19:29
james_wyeah, but is there one for any part of summit?19:30
cjohnstonmhall119: where is the code for defining a meeting as private19:32
mhall119summit/schedule/tests.py and summit/sponsor/tests.py19:32
mhall119cjohnston: cjohnston meetingmodels.py:9219:33
cjohnstonnow are private meetings displayed then i guess on the edit page?19:33
cjohnstonmhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/private-rooms/+merge/7385619:34
mhall119and also on the read-only page, but their details are hidden19:34
cjohnstonso we may need to unhide the details for schedulers so that they know what they are looking at19:35
cjohnstoni assume that its possible for them to add people to the meeting?19:35
cjohnstonWe need to get with Daviey about the autoscheduler and the conflict resolution thing to see what we need to do with them19:36
cjohnstonand we need to somehow display to users that they are scheduled for a private meeting19:36
james_wI don't believe it's possible to add people to meetings at all currently19:36
james_wI've only been able to find that you can add the drafter, assignee etc. in the meeting admin page, but that's not sufficient19:36
mhall119james_w: we can register people as being necessary participants in a meeting19:37
james_wwhere's that done?19:37
mhall119james_w: through the Participants model19:38
mhall119I'm not sure if there's a UI for it other than tha django admin19:38
mhall119I think it pull some of that data from launchpad19:38
cjohnstonmhall119: fire up a working copy of summit please and try adding a meeting.. I keep coming up with "Meeting Model"19:38
cjohnstonsorry.. "Meeting object"19:38
james_wah, ok19:39
james_wthat's rather heavyweight, but at least it is there19:39
cjohnstonmhall119: https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/765031/comments/219:41
cjohnstonmhall119: do you think you can work on the My Schedule thing?19:48
mhall119cjohnston: you mean displaying private meetings on the schedule for people participating in them?19:49
cjohnstonand https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/83978019:49
cjohnstonjussi: what happened to the bug bot19:50
mhall119cjohnston: yeah, I can work on that19:56
mhall119needs a review: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/fixes-647131/+merge/7388220:02
mhall119cjohnston: are any of your branches ready for a review to land in trunk?20:02
cjohnstonmhall119: ya.. the one ive been working on all day20:06
james_ware others seeing a problem with get_edit_link_to_pad ?20:08
cjohnstonwhats wrong with it20:08
cjohnstonor whats the problem20:08
james_wthe indentation looks wrong20:09
james_wso it's stopping e.g. try_schedule from being a method on Meeting20:09
james_wonce I changed that then it gave an error about '/' not being a valid format character20:09
james_wI'm wondering if we should change the cache to invalidate everything on any change?20:14
james_wat the moment is just invalidates that meeting when it changes20:14
james_wbut for instance, it won't invalidate the cache of a meeting that now has all of its participants available20:15
james_wperhaps we can write code to invalidate all the right meetings, but I'm not sure20:15
james_wmaybe everything in the old and new slots?20:15
mhall119james_w: what is meeting.is_linaro?20:16
mhall119I don't see that on the model definition, but it's being checked in render.py20:16
james_wschedule/models/meetingmodel.py:153:    def is_linaro(self):20:17
mhall119ah, yes, your get_edit_link_to_pad indentation problem caused it to not be part of the model20:17
james_wwe might be able to remove is_linaro this time20:18
james_wI'm not sure yet though20:18
jussicjohnston: no idea, ask jpds20:35
mhall119cjohnston: can you  approve https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/fixes-647131/+merge/73882 please20:41
jpdsjussi: wut.20:47
jussijpds: the lack of ubot4...20:47
mhall119cjohnston: http://ec2-50-16-133-193.compute-1.amazonaws.com/uds-p/2011-10-31/?20:54
cjohnstonmhall119: looks correct, no?20:58
mhall119yeah, was getting your approval on the look20:58
cjohnstonumm.. sure20:58
cjohnstonnothing else is outlined red is it20:59
cjohnstoni made myself superuser in the db, why am i not getting acess21:00
cjohnstonmhall119: my wireless is down21:00
mhall119cjohnston: it was working when I left21:12
mhall119maybe jamalta stole it21:12
jamaltasorry, i'm pretty greedy.. i know.21:12
mhall119cjohnston: private room slots and private meetings are outlined in red21:12
jamaltai just wanted it all to myself21:12
cjohnstonim out21:14
mhall119cjohnston: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/scheduling-testcase/+merge/7392623:35
mhall119cjohnston: nigelb: I added a testcase to help write tests for the auto scheduling and conflict checking23:40

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