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tjaaltonRAOF: btw, did you commit the git-cleanup on the mesa ubuntu branch on purpose?07:00
RAOFRather than on the debian-branch?  No; I thought I'd done it in debian?07:01
tjaaltonwell, is it more than a matter of taste should we keep git as close to upstream as possible, and only cleanup the symlinks before building but not commit the changes?07:02
tjaaltonI don't have a strong opinion there, just noticed that I couldn't build a source package from the debian branch07:02
tjaaltonand noticed the dif07:03
RAOFHm.  It was meant to be set up so that you *could* build a source package from the branch.07:03
RAOFThat doesn't work?07:03
tjaaltonyeah it works from the ubuntu branch :)07:03
RAOFOh, right :)07:03
tjaaltonbut not the binary build, need bin/install-sh for that07:04
RAOFYeah.  That needs to happen in a chroot.07:05
RAOFOr, rather, in an unpacked source package.07:05
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tjaaltonwith the mesa swrast patches from ajax compiz runs, unity is still "weird" but overall it works. compiz takes 150% cpu though on a core2 :P10:06
jcristauthat leaves plenty of cpu free for other tasks10:08
tjaaltonI need to try it on the sis laptop..10:10
tjaaltonit'll boil10:10
RAOFUse that heat to distil alcohol!10:10
tjaaltongot plenty already :)10:21
tjaaltoncould fry an egg or two though, since I'm hungryy.. ->10:23
Sarvattricotz: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/78736960/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.mesa_7.12.0~git20110901.49e24d3b-0ubuntu0sarvatt_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:51
Sarvattwayland packages need updating?18:51
ricotzSarvatt, mhh18:53
Sarvattmy thoughts exactly :(18:54
ricotzwhy doesnt mesa have a proper buildsys to check for its dependencies :\18:54
ricotzbut it looks like that18:55
Sarvattbecause windows18:56
ricotzthere were quite some commit for wayland lately18:56
Sarvattits in pkg-xorg now isnt it? might be able to start updating it in my daily build script18:57
ricotzyes, but better to use the ubuntu branch18:58
Prf_Jakobricotz: You know, we do actually have a autoconf part which is the part that does the dependancy checking.18:58
Prf_Jakobricotz: so its only the developers that adds the wayland part that fails to add checks.18:59
ricotzi see18:59
ricotzit is also hard to check for unreleased version of libraries ;)18:59
Prf_Jakobthat too18:59
Sarvattricotz: hmm, pretty sure i got wayland working with auto-xorg-git, are version strings like wayland-0.1+git20110902.25fddf65 going to mess anything up?19:46
ricotzSarvatt, should be atleast 0.1.019:50
Sarvattjust pushed it to lp:~xorg-edgers/xorg-server/xorg-pkg-tools, ./auto-xorg-git -d origin/ubuntu -t + -a 0ubuntu0sarvatt -g -p wayland seems to dtrt19:50
ricotzlike 0.1.0~git...19:50
Sarvattokie easy enough19:50
ricotzto actually override the oneiric one19:50
Sarvattoh joy http://paste.ubuntu.com/680825/ :)19:51
Sarvattjust need to set PACKAGE_VERSION=0.1.0 in a hook then and use -t '~' instead of -t +19:53
Sarvattwayland (0.1.0~git20110902.25fddf65-0ubuntu0sarvatt) oneiric; urgency=low there we go19:57
Sarvattjust need to patch the symbols and i'll push it all to xorg-pkg-tools19:57
Sarvattbryceh: wasnt there a work item to put git wayland in xorg-edgers somewhere?19:58
Sarvattthat took all of 15 minutes, sheesh19:58
brycehSarvatt, yep19:59
brycehSarvatt, thanks!20:00
ricotzSarvatt, did you remove the hard dep in rules?20:00
brycehSarvatt, yeah you'd been blocked by something when I asked last time, but I don't remember what the issue was20:01
Sarvattah yeah it was mesa not having wayland support20:01
Sarvattricotz: nope, looking into that now20:01
Sarvattbryceh: well hold off marking it done, this symbols stuff might be tricky20:07
Sarvattricotz: any pointers on what the right way to get around the symbols is? patch debian/libwayland0.symbols.in in a hook? can ya bzr branch lp:~xorg-edgers/xorg-server/xorg-pkg-tools and do a ./auto-xorg-git -H hooks-sarvatt -d origin/ubuntu -t '~' -a 0ubuntu0ricotz -g -p wayland to see if ya spot any problems?20:14
ricotzSarvatt, just remove the symbols check in rules and change c4 to c120:19
Sarvattricotz: c0?20:34
Sarvattc1 fails because symbols disappeared20:35
ricotzfor this purpose c0 is fine too, but then you can drop the whole section "# Generate hard dependencies:"20:35
ricotzoh there are?20:35
ricotzoh right the symbols file contains 0.1.0~0 instead of 0.1.020:36
ricotzdropping the whole section should be fine then20:36
ricotzassuming the git builds are done in sync it should work20:37
Sarvattdone in sync with mesa, or wayland-demos too?20:38
ricotzoh right, demos would need to be updated too20:41
Sarvattok think i got it going now, just need to add wayland-demos support to auto-xorg-git then get that updated too20:52
Sarvattreally appreciate the help ricotz20:52
ricotzSarvatt, oh, thought i wasnt much of a help here, i am not really present20:53
Sarvatt\o/ the optional cairo-egl patch was upstreamed in wayland-demos21:55
Sarvattso mesa doesnt even build with wayland master ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/680881/ ), and wayland-demos will be broken without a mesa rebuilt against the new one, i'll hold off uploading all this for now22:27

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