
magespawngood morning everyone. TGIF.05:34
superflymorning magespawn05:34
magespawni am trying to come here more often. hope you guys can put up with me.05:35
superflymagespawn: *sigh* it's difficult, but we'll try our best05:36
superflyJust kidding :-)05:36
magespawnmmm. i can read sarcasm.(i hope).05:37
superflymagespawn: sadly, not everyone can.05:37
magespawnwhere is that sarcasm punctuation when you need it.05:38
superflymorning sakhi06:30
magespawnsuperfly may i ask you a somewhat personal question?06:42
superflymagespawn: sure06:42
magespawnwhere do you work?06:42
superflyat Interactive Junction Holdings, used to be called CareerJunction06:43
magespawnyes i remember that. what do you do there?06:43
superflyI'm the Application Architect06:44
magespawnokay then, i am going to pretend like i know what that is while i search google06:44
superflyI oversee a bunch of things not directly related to development, but necessary for it, like our version control systems, making sure applications run efficiently, and a number of other things06:45
superflyI also do development of non-money generating systems06:45
superflybasically, I'm like a developer with a good dose of sysadmin thrown in06:46
superflymorning Kilos06:46
Kilosmorning superfly that was quick06:46
magespawnhi kilos06:47
Kilosyou like a buddy pounce in pidgin06:47
magespawnfound this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_Architecture06:47
Kiloshi magespawn 06:47
superflymagespawn: yeah, that's part of what I do06:47
magespawnbit like the architect in the matrix06:48
Kilosmatrix the moviws?06:48
magespawni would like to come play around with your hardware some time06:49
magespawnyes kilos06:49
Kilosoh my . thats all supposed to be fantasy. must i start worrying06:50
magespawnit is sci-fi not fantasy. it is a fantasy, maybe06:51
Kiloswhere is a safe place to hide06:51
Kilosneo isnt here to save us06:52
magespawnneo is a program06:55
nuvolarineo is in the matrix07:16
nuvolarilo oom Kilos 07:16
nuvolarilo superfly, magespawn 07:16
Kiloslo nuvolari 07:17
nuvolarilo Maaz 07:17
superflysup nuvolari07:33
magespawnhowdy nuvolari07:35
Kiloslo Squirm 07:39
=== Squirm2 is now known as Squirm
Squirmwow it's windy today07:47
inetprogood morning07:59
Kiloshiya inetpro 08:00
inetprococooncrash: ping08:00
cocooncrashinetpro: pong08:00
inetprococooncrash: do you still use akregator for reading RSS feeds?08:00
cocooncrashinetpro: Yes08:00
superflyohey, it's cocooncrash!08:01
* inetpro has some issues with akregator08:01
inetproit doesn't like RSS2 produced by sharepoint08:01
cocooncrashsuperfly: :)08:02
inetprococooncrash: I was hoping that you perhaps found something else08:03
cocooncrashinetpro: Haven't had a reason to really08:03
cocooncrashinetpro: But there are plenty other feed readers out there08:03
inetprococooncrash: I still like akregator as well, except for this issue08:04
inetproit doesn't authenticate properly and then ends in a crash08:05
inetprowhat other rss readers do you guys use?08:07
superflyinetpro: twitter :-P08:13
inetprosuperfly: eish!08:14
inetprosuperfly: I need something that will tell me when an internal user has updated his internal blog08:14
superflyinetpro: I use akregator as well, so I don't know, I'm afraid08:15
Squirm2I need passkey-agent to pair my cellphone with my netbook, because I'm not running KDE or Gnome I can't use there apps. Found posts that say that Bluez should come with it, but I can't seem to get it to work or find the source for it anywhere. any ideas?13:25
Kiloslo JabberwockyA19 15:26
JabberwockyA19hi oom Kilos15:27
Kiloshehe who are you15:27
=== JabberwockyA19 is now known as scar[w]
scar[w]hehe sorry about that15:27
Kiloswhat a nick15:29
KilosMaaz, coffee on15:31
scar[w]I can't wait to test out the beta release!15:31
* Maaz washes some mugs15:31
Kilosah new ubuntu?15:31
scar[w]have to finish up at work quickly (next 10min)15:31
Kilosyou got alfa going15:32
scar[w]yeah I ran alpha 2/315:32
scar[w]but only live cd mode15:32
Kilosstill unity hey?15:33
scar[w]messed around a little, but I want to install the beta15:33
scar[w]not to sure, using kde this side15:33
Kilosthat will make the fly and the pro happy15:33
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!15:35
KilosMaaz, ty15:35
MaazEnjoy Kilos15:35
scar[w]this makes me very happy http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2011/08/rendering-at-60-frames/15:41
Kilosevening nlsthzn 15:43
nlsthznAlo Uncle Kilos :)15:44
Kilosi must learn to make them things15:45
Kiloshehe with beard15:45
scar[w]never let a computer know you're in a hurry15:45
nlsthznor a lift...15:46
Kiloshehe then it seems to take forever15:46
scar[w]hehe would not like to be in that position15:47
scar[w]ok, my work is done15:48
scar[w]off home to test out jenkins-ci and download beta1, man I'm going to miss my uncapped next month15:49
Kiloscheers scar[w] 15:49
scar[w]cya Kilos hope you have a good weekend15:49
Kilosyou too lad15:50
superflyscar[w]: I'm installing beta 1 Kubuntu into a VM at the moment16:08
nlsthznsuperfly: cool... I installed kubuntu 11.04 again this morning... I think the only thing I am missing out on is the new PIM and the new software center... it looks good16:14
Symmetriawho here knows stellenbosch resturants well?16:47
SymmetriaI need a recommentation of a nice place in stellies to take a female :)16:48
domecressI want to switch to ubuntu. Once i installed it and i was not able to change screen resolution,play vidos and other display settings. My friend told me to install video driver from software centre. But there were many drivers under display category. i was confused which to install or detect for my computer. My pc config is core i3 2100 sandybridge, intel dh61ww motherboard and 4 gb ddr3 ram.Plz tell what to do.17:06
superflydomecress: I don't use Ubuntu, but there should be an item in the administration section called "Additional Drivers" - that should detect which graphics card you have and install the right driver for it.17:09
domecressthanks superfly, can anybody else explain more?17:09
superflydomecress: which version of Ubuntu are you running?17:11
superflydomecress: can you watch youtube videos?17:13
domecressyeah man17:18
Kilosdomecress, did you update after installing?17:26
domecressno man. i m a new user. 17:27
Kilosif you go to system then administration17:27
Kilosyou will find update manager17:27
Kilosonce updated most things work17:28
Kilosin update manager you need to also17:28
Kilossec i look quick17:28
* nlsthzn always thinks quickest way to an update would be to type in terminal "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ... but that is just me :p17:28
Kilosyeah nlsthzn 17:29
Kilosdomecress, do you know how to use the terminal17:29
domecressis there any aplication in ubuntu as powerful as task manager of windows? i mean to say that can be used to terminate program when system hangs 17:30
Kilosgo to applications17:30
Kiloscopy paste this in the terminal17:31
Kilossudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:31
domecressis it somewhat similar to DOS?17:31
Kilosterminal is the same as command line in windows17:31
Kilosbut more powerful17:31
domecressi should consider linux mint or start with ubuntu?17:32
Kilosi love ubuntu17:32
nlsthzndomecress: if you don't mind using the terminal then it is your best tool... if you do you can do most of what it does via the GUI but it takes longer...17:33
Kilosif you dont like using the command line interface we can do it the graphical way17:33
nlsthznmint is ubuntu with some additional bells and whistles already installed... all of which can be added in Ubuntu very quickly ;)17:33
Kilosmaybe we first need to establish how much domecress knows about computers17:36
Kiloslotsa windows users are scared of the command line17:36
domecressno man17:36
domecressi can use dos17:36
Kilosok domecress which way do you want to go?17:36
Kilosok then the terminal is the quickest way17:37
Kilosgo applications17:37
domecressnow i am planning to completely switch over to linux17:37
Kilosi dumped windows 2 years ago17:38
Kilosin the terminal window type in sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrad17:38
domecresscan i get your facebook id kilos? i find u pretty interesting17:38
domecressi m serious17:39
Kilosi hardly go there but i am miles sharpe17:39
Kilosare you updating yet?17:40
domecresswhat updating? i cant understand17:40
Kiloswhen to type that command into the terminal and hit enter it will update17:41
Kilossudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:41
Kilosthat is the command to check what updates are available and update 17:41
domecresswhere can i find list of all basic commands of terminal17:42
domecressi m cuttently using xp and chatting through it17:42
Kilosoh ok17:42
domecressi will instal ubuntu within a week17:42
magespawnhowdy all17:43
Kilosare you writingall this down17:43
Kiloslo magespawn 17:43
magespawnhi kilos17:43
magespawnhi domecress17:43
magespawnnew face i see17:43
domecressno, but now i will save all this in text pad17:43
Kilosnlsthzn, you got a link for domecress for all the commands17:44
domecresshehhow magespawn17:44
KilosMaaz, google terminal commands for ubuntu17:44
MaazKilos: "Using The Terminal - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal :: "Ubuntu-tz Open new terminal from command line" https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-tz/2009-May/000065.html :: "CommandlineHowto - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommandlineHowto :: "Ubuntu Cheat Sheet | FOSSwire" http://fosswire.com/post/2008/04/ubuntu-cheat-sheet/ :: "Simple Terminal Co17:44
Kilosdomecress, check those links17:44
Kilos maaz is our local bot17:45
Kiloslo Delizia 17:45
Kilosanyway domecress welcome to ubuntu-za17:45
domecressthanks to all of you for helping me17:45
Kilosyou will find once ubuntu is updated everything works17:46
Deliziahi kilos17:46
domecressispecially kilos and superfly17:46
magespawnMaaz, google pdf on ubuntu17:46
Maazmagespawn: "VnTutor: What is The Best PDF Reader for Ubuntu Users?" http://vntutor.blogspot.com/2008/01/what-is-best-pdf-reader-for-ubuntu.html :: "Print to PDF in Ubuntu" http://lifehacker.com/264305/print-to-pdf-in-ubuntu :: "Modifying PDF Files With PDFedit On Ubuntu Feisty Fawn ..." http://www.howtoforge.com/editing_pdf_files_pdfedit_ubuntu_feisty :: "Main page - Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference" http://ubuntupocketguide.com/ :: "List 17:46
magespawnthe pocket guide is a good reading start17:47
Kilosit doesnt install a complete working system like windows. you need to update17:47
superflydomecress: did you get the video drivers installed?17:47
Kilossuperfly, he hasnt updated yet17:47
domecressi am currently using xp and will install ubuntu within a week17:47
superflydomecress: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RLU757OmPQ17:48
* nlsthzn does a pantsless dance...17:48
Kilossis nlsthzn 17:48
* Kilos closes eyes17:48
magespawnKilos mine worked right off, but then i also did not have any fancy hardware17:49
magespawni thought this was a pg channel.17:49
domecressbye and thanks again all my frnds. join you later17:49
Kilosi find everytime i install it works but things like power settings etc need to update first17:49
Kiloscheers domecress come back soon17:50
Kilosoh magespawn if you install with the option of updating at the same time then it will all work17:51
Kilosjust need to get online first17:52
magespawnyeah last time i did it the machines were already on a network17:52
Kilosya thats why17:53
Kilosif offline you need to update 200m or more17:53
magespawnuncapped lines come in handy.17:54
* nlsthzn would just like to put in context... From the theme song of I am Weasel... "You don't need pants for the victory dance..." I just found it full of win to help someone on IRC when they have a problem but haven't installed Ubuntu yet :D17:54
Kilosyeah 17:54
Kilospeeps are scared of the unknown and its quite a change from windows17:55
Kilosbut being able to use dos helps so cli commands will come easy to him17:56
magespawni used to use dos a lot back in the day, was easier then win 3.1117:57
Kiloswhats the bet once he has a working ubuntu he dumps winsucks17:57
Kiloslol. yeah magespawn 17:57
nlsthznI preffered Dos to Windows back in the day...17:57
magespawnstill do a lot in win 7 from cmd17:58
magespawnmost of the ppl i work with have win17:58
Kilosonly geeks use cli17:59
magespawndoes anybody know if i can replace winCE with ubuntu or some version of linux?17:59
magespawnright thanks Kilos18:00
nlsthznFor day to day use I can't imagine using the CLI... Now the terminal yes, I like to use the Terminal :)18:00
Kilosput your pants on so you can think18:00
superflymagespawn: it depends on the hardware18:01
magespawni have a quote i saw in a forum brb18:01
magespawnright i will check it out, but its one of those very small netbooks, not sure about the make.18:02
nlsthznKilos: sure they the same thing... but when I read CLI I think Windows... terminal and/or shell I think *nix :)18:05
magespawna thirty two bit extension and graphical shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight bit operating system originally code for a four bit microprocessor which is written by a two bit company that cant stand one bit of competition - LW18:06
Kilosas a matter of interest guys  what would be the command for xubuntu to replace sudo gdm start18:12
Kiloswould it be xdm instead of gdm18:13
superflyKilos: you can try xdm - did you already try gdm?18:16
Kilosno superfly i want to first update it etc18:17
Kiloswas given airtime for mtn uncapped so gotta get all i can in 24 hours18:17
Kilosand mtn is on edge only from this tower18:18
Kilosi just thought seeing as its gdm it wont work cause its not gnome18:18
KilosMaaz, define gdm18:18
MaazKilos: GDM Grid Data Management (Grid) 18:19
Kilosoh my18:19
Kilosnot gnome desktop manager18:19
Kiloswill start the bundle at midnight tomorrow night and see what all i can get done18:20
Kilosnatty gnome and xubuntu18:20
Kilosnice thing about xubuntu it comes with xchat and pidgin already18:21
Kilosonly desktop will need learning whats where18:22
magespawni have tried kubuntu, that is quite nice, also have tried puppy and dsl.18:36
Kilosian loves kubuntu18:37
Kiloswhen he saw it he wasnt interested in plain old natty wanted kubuntu18:37
Kilosthis delizia doesnt stay long hey18:39
Kilospeek and go18:39
Kiloswe need a fight here again so peeps come back for a while18:46
Kilosnight all sleep tight19:07
nlsthznstay awesome ZA land...19:07
magespawnnight all.19:36

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