
Darth_TuxChogyDan: really?00:00
Stanley00Darth_Tux: yes00:00
vic20gmrPolah i have a dualboot sytem, and i want to reduce the windows partiton in order to give it to my ubuntu install, does this help clear up what i mean?00:00
doodmangDarth_Tux, it's probably best not to. Usually you scroll vertically, so you generally need the vertical space00:00
Stanley00Darth_Tux: you cant do that.00:00
Darth_Tuxokie then00:00
ChogyDandoodmang: Darth_Tux: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity00:00
popplerhello there00:01
Polahvic20gmr: Oh, in that case that's easy. You'd need to boot into Windows, back up your data and then resize that partition to make it smaller using Windows' disk management tool, then back up the data on your ubuntu partition, boot a LiveCD and extend your Ubuntu partition into the free space left by the Windows partition.00:01
Stanley00vic20gmr: then, why dont you decrease window partition, and then increase ubuntu partition?00:01
popplerI'm on 11.04 and while everything in the system is localized in my language, firefox is still in english... any idea?00:02
doodmangChogyDan, alright, I'll look into it after updating. Thanks00:02
doodmangpoppler, you could try creating a new profile?00:02
popplerah, that could be it doodmang, lemme try00:02
Stanley00poppler: try find it in language support tool, it will install add in lang for you.00:03
popplerok Stanley00, thanks. Language support tool is something I can type in the dash, right?00:04
vic20gmrStanley00 the last time i tried a non-destructive change [i think i tried to make it smaller] of an ubuntu partiton it did not go so well, btw i found a great non-destructive partitioning app for winXP and newer , EASEUS partitoning00:04
Stanley00poppler: yeeap00:04
popplerok lemme see, thanks for the input00:04
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Polahvic20gmr: Resizing a partition will always be destructive if data is left outside the partioned space. You should back up your data and defragment your Windows drive before resizing, as fragmentation would increase the risk of more files being damaged.00:05
vic20gmrStanley00 also, to make sure i get it right, what is the name of the ubuntu app i should be looking for in order to do the non?-destructive partitiong increase [10.10 maverick]00:05
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ChogyDanvic20gmr: gparted?00:06
Stanley00vic20gmr: Ubuntu livdCD come with gparted, as I know00:06
glisstechPolah: Wouldn't using gparted from a LiveCD work for that?00:06
Polahvic20gmr: gparted, it's already on the LiveCD which you'll need to boot to resize your system partition00:06
Polahglisstech: gparted could resize the Windows partition, but NTFS tools are typically better in Windows so I'd defrag and resize from Windows and then switch to resize ubuntu00:07
jetscreamerit's going to destruct something, just hopefully not that partition.. yes gparted parted all say they can resize safely00:07
vic20gmrPolah im less worried about individual files being damaged on my windows parttion, and ive used EASUS to resize a windows partiton in the past without any problems, and without having defragmenting the drive, it moves the data as it resizes the windows partition00:07
jetscreamerwell same thing diff front end but00:07
ChogyDanglisstech: another benefit of defragging before repartitioning is that it will make the repartitioning step go allot faster00:08
Polahvic20gmr: Ah, if it moves the data then that's okay then, but defragging would increase performance anyway so I'd suggest doing that regardless00:08
zykotick9Is this now #ubuntu/##windows?  Defragging...00:08
vic20gmrPolah would i need to do [is it even posible?] a defrag of the ubuntu partiton?00:09
glisstechChogyDan: I agree with defragging...but have had better luck and faster results using gparted to rearrange partitions even on NTFS drives00:09
StoopitErfolg, i found a distro for it that seems nice :) and its specifically aimed at this device00:09
Stanley00vic20gmr: Ubuntu use ext4 fs by default, and as I know, ext4 doesnt need defrag00:10
Polahvic20gmr: I don't know how Linux and the various filesystems handle fragmentation00:10
ubottuThe default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.00:10
vic20gmrStanley00 i used ext3, it seems to me i read somewhere that is nesseccary in order to dualboot windows, i cant remeber for sure my reason otherwise, i assume ext3 is same in that regard?00:11
zykotick9Defragging any EXT partition is easy - copy all the data to a different drive, reformat the drive, copy it all back - easy ;)00:11
Dr_Willisext4 is not neeede to dual boot with windows..  :)00:11
vic20gmrDr_Willis i said ext3, is that what you meant?00:11
Stanley00I think ext3 is same as ext400:11
ChogyDanDr_Willis: is that page really correct?  I thought the defrag issue was because of inodes...00:12
glisstechvic20gmr: using piriforms defraggler to perform an offline defrag beforehand will do a much better defrag than the built in Windows defrag00:12
KingFisherI installed a mysql-server on my computer using ubuntu and when I enter "mysql -u root" to set a root password i get this: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)00:12
Polahext4 is the next version of ext after 3, it has a few improvements here and there00:12
Dr_Willisyou can dual boot with ext2/3/4/ or the other fss.00:12
KingFisherI just installed mysql and a mysql-server on my ubuntu computer00:12
Dr_WillisNow booting with Raid can get picky...00:12
KingFisherSo I have no idea why its not working00:12
vic20gmrthank you all or the input, ill look at that defraggler, thanks again00:12
PolahKingFisher, root password shouldn't been set while installing mysql-server00:12
Dr_WillisChogyDan:  no idea if its correct.. ive never worried about it. :)00:12
KingFisherPolah, I already installed it00:12
popplerStanley00: actually this is weird, if I launch firefox from the dash it starts up in english, if I start it up from a terminal it's in my locale... hints?00:12
PolahKingFisher: And you didn't get a prompt for the root password?00:13
KingFisherPolah, No.  I am trying to do that right now.00:13
zykotick9Polah, s/shouldn't/should HAVE/00:13
Stanley00poppler: try remove firefox from launcher, start it in terminal, keep th new one00:13
poppleraaah right, let's try00:13
Polahzykotick, KingFisher: Yeah, root password SHOULD HAVE been set during install00:13
KingFisherPolah, how would I do that during install ?00:14
KingFishersudo apt-get install mysql-server -p root?00:14
joao_Hi, I can't see my pocketpc in virtualbox through usb00:15
joao_I can see my blackberry fine, but not pocketpc..screw windows!00:15
popplerStanley00: it worked! apart from the fact that, the terminal launched firefox has no icon in the launcher, just a question mark00:15
ChogyDanKingFisher: have you tried using your `sudo` root password as the mysql root password?00:15
joao_well, unfortunately I have to still work with windows on my daily job00:16
PolahKingFisher: Did you use apt-get to install it?00:16
PolahKingfisher: No, after doing apt-get install mysql-server it should prompt you to define a root password. Consider purging and reinstalling mysql-server00:16
popplerStanley00: not that this is a problem for me, it's just that I'm setting the system up for a new user and want it to be right00:16
KingFisherChogyDan, Yeah.  Even when I just enter "mysql" into terminal I get the same error.00:16
joao_VBoxManage list usbhost does not list the pocket pc...00:16
Stanley00poppler: well, in that case, try launch firefox from dash... I hope00:16
zykotick9KingFisher, are you sure mysql is actually running?  You wouldn't be able to set the p/w if it isn't - and the error says can't connect00:16
popplerStanley00: worked00:17
KingFisherPolah, I purged it a couple times already and installed it again.00:17
popplerStanley00: it works, I don't know what happend but works, thanks a lot!00:17
PolahKingFisher: And it never prompts you for a password during install?00:17
Stanley00poppler: you are welcome :D00:18
ChogyDanKingFisher: `service mysql status`00:18
KingFisherPolah, not once. ChogyDan: mysql stop/waiting is the status but I have tried /etc/init.d/mysql start/restart00:19
ChogyDanKingFisher: what about sudo service mysql start00:19
PolahKingFisher: Strange, do sudo service mysql restart00:19
KingFisherokay after doing sudo It is  running. Now I get: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'segnato'@'localhost' (using password: NO)00:20
fbdystangHey all, I am trying to do port forwarding to reach my server at home. However, my server is dished out on an IP address and no ports. How is this done?00:20
PolahKingFisher: mysql -u root -p00:20
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PolahKingFisher: Oh actually that won't work since you have no password defined, hang on00:20
zykotick9fbdystang, port numbers are dependent on the service you are running - http =80, ssh =22, etc00:21
ChogyDanKingFisher: try your main password, mysql -u root -p $sudo_password00:21
Dr_Willisip address with no ports.. is like.. not posible..  :)00:21
fbdystangzykotick9: what about https?00:21
Dr_Willisunless you mean all ports are blocked.00:21
objornI need to download some old kde 3 libraries for the GCC on Ti-89 project00:22
objornHow do I do this?00:22
zykotick9fbdystang, port 443 by default00:22
PolahKingFisher, read this on how to reset/set the root password manually http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html00:22
ubottuError: unresolvable <alias> to intrepidkde300:22
ChogyDanobjorn: are you running ubuntu?00:22
Dr_Willisobjorn:  you may have to use the source code.00:22
KingFisheralright thanks Polah, thanks ChogyDan. I appreciate everything.00:22
glisstechfbdystang: are you trying to ssh to the server?00:22
objornChogyDan: yes00:23
objornDr_Willis: That's fine, but I can't find it anywhere00:23
Dr_Willisobjorn:  check kde.org and their ftp sites I guess..00:23
objornI'm afraid it might mess up my current qt and kde libs00:23
Dr_Willisobjorn:  breaking the current setup is a poibility00:23
Dr_Willisrun an older kde3 disrto in a virtual machine perhaps.00:24
objornDr_Willis: that's scary00:24
objornI don't want to break anything00:24
Dr_Willisobjorn:  the fact you are using somthing that still uses kde3 is scary also.00:24
objornBut I want to write some c for the calc00:24
objornIt's not my fault the school doesn't want me using a python interpreter00:25
Dr_WillisYou are cross compiling some stuff for the calculator?00:25
fbdystangglisstech: no just browse, but zykotick: figured it out with the 443 port. thanks though you guys rock00:25
objornDr_Willis: I have to if I want to use C instead of the stuff ti gives you00:25
joao_I added myself to usbfs as noted in the ubuntu forums but no go00:28
joao_then added this to fstab none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=1001,devmode=664 0 000:29
zykotick9joao_, other USB devices work in your VBox?  Are you using virtualbox-ose?00:29
joao_rebooted both the virtualbox and ubuntu00:29
joao_no, I am using the one from their website with usb support00:29
zykotick9joao_, ok, just checking00:30
joao_zykotick9, yes, other devices work00:30
xsinickwhere  would i find news of the next ubuntu relase00:30
ChogyDanxsinick: try: omgubuntu.co.uk   :)00:30
joao_the webcam works fine in both Bus 001 Device 004: ID 04f2:b071 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd 2.0M UVC Webcam / CNF712900:31
zykotick9joao_, your issue with PocketPC and Windows in a VBox is most likely not Ubuntu related00:31
joao_maybe, maybe it's the pocketpc itself...I can see the camera by doing VBoxManage list usbhost00:32
joao_can't get rid of windows yet...yuck!!!!00:34
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ActionParsnipxsinick: ask in #ubuntu+100:34
KingFisherOkay I have reset the password for my mysql server.00:36
KingFisherand I changed it.00:36
KingFisherbut I still get the error: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'segnato'@'localhost' (using password: NO)00:36
TheEvilPhoenixKingFisher:  you arent defining that you want to use the passcode00:36
TheEvilPhoenixKingFisher:  add -p to the mysql string:  mysql -usegnato -p00:37
TheEvilPhoenixit'll prompt ya for the passcode00:37
KingFisherTheEvilPhoenix, I still get the same error :/00:37
joao_now, which one of you has ubuntu running on a tablet? android rules there, huh?00:40
ActionParsnipKingFisher: have you asked in the mysql channel too?00:40
Us3r_Unfriendlynot me00:40
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zykotick9TheEvilPhoenix, (using password: NO) suggests not00:41
joao_one of these days will by myself one and probably will install ubuntu to see what it does00:41
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lnghi! the max resolution available is 1280x1024 on my box, but it looks shrinked. how can I add some other resolution? I have '01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 6779'00:42
urlin2ujoao_, if you want to really know put it on a regular computer really.00:43
ActionParsniplng: try using a smaller DPI for the display, may help00:44
ityler15Can anyone help me with getting my bcm4311 card working? My drivers aren't wanting to load right:/00:45
joao_urlin2u, that's the thing...works fine ;) that is why this is driving me nuts00:45
ActionParsnipityler15: did you follow the broadcom howto page?00:45
joao_and now it has been charging with ubuntu because the light became green from orange when it was charging00:46
doodmangIs swap wiped every time the system is restarted?00:46
joao_could I have a port conflict?00:46
ActionParsnipdoodmang: no, but it holds loads of random stuff00:46
zykotick9doodmang, certainly NOT if you're using hibernate00:46
ActionParsnipdoodmang: its good for computer forensics too :)00:46
doodmangActionParsnip, I don't understand what you mean00:47
ityler15Yeah, I've ha the problem before an fixed it but cant remember how, I think wl is blocking b43 from loading or vice versa00:47
doodmangActionParsnip, I guess what I'm trying to say is I want to wipe the swap when I shutdown, if it's feasible00:47
joao_ok, I think I found the culprit but don't know how to fix this00:48
joao_the pocketpc is on Bus 003 Device 003: ID 045e:0745 Microsoft Corp00:48
joao_and this is too Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub00:48
joao_two devices can't share the same Bus, correct?00:49
ChogyDandoodmang: why do you want that?00:49
lngActionParsnip: ok00:49
doodmangChogyDan, paranoia for security00:50
ActionParsnipdoodmang: you could write 0s to the partition at reboot/shutdown. It will massively increase the shutdown time. If the drive is flash based then it will greatly shorten the drives life00:50
ChogyDandoodmang: obviously the fastest would be to not use swap.  But maybe you could encrypt swap?00:51
ActionParsnipdoodmang: it contains segments of RAM which have been swapped out when you exhausted your RAM, the data is not very intelligent without special software00:51
doodmangChogyDan, you can do that?00:51
zykotick9doodmang, you might be interested in this thread (i didn't finish reading it) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137241600:52
doodmangActionParsnip, well, in the case of security, low possibility still means a vulnerability, I would think00:52
ActionParsnipdoodmang: depends how many tinfoil hats yuo own00:52
ActionParsnipdoodmang: how big is your swap?00:53
doodmangActionParsnip, 5 gbs. I'm running a netbook and wanted to be on the safe side00:53
ActionParsnipdoodmang: that will take ages to zero out dude, is swap on a platter based drive or is it a flash storage00:53
ActionParsnipdoodmang: netbook with 5Gb RAM?00:54
doodmangActionParsnip, probably platter, and one of the slower models as well lol!00:54
doodmangActionParsnip, I meant 5gb of swap00:54
joao_I mean, usb devices for data transfer should be on a different bus, no?00:55
joao_lsusb shows two devices on Bus 00300:55
ChogyDandoodmang: so. much. swap.00:55
ActionParsnipdoodmang: yes but how much ram does the system have?00:55
doodmangActionParsnip, 1 gb00:55
doodmangChogyDan, not like the space would be used for anything else00:55
mickster04doodmang: did you read up on how much swap you should use?00:55
abstraktwhy does Ubuntu Server not run ssh agent by default?00:55
timmydHey, I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 and I can't get my sound to work. I have a soundblaster audigy SE (CA0106). it shows up in lspci and the module is loaded, but alsa doesn't show the device anywhere00:55
mickster04abstrakt: it did last i checked?00:56
abstrakton my regular Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 machine my ssh-agent loads automagically00:56
doodmangmickster04, I did. Still decided to go on the safe side.00:56
abstraktmickster04, ok well then why would I end up having to run "exec ssh-agent bash" manually each time I log in?00:56
mickster04doodmang: it's just wasteful, and for what you want to do , doubly so00:56
abstraktmickster04, I do see ssh-agent in ps -ax00:56
mickster04abstrakt: wait, what is ssh-agent?00:56
bsmith093is there a way to reformat twxt so that it doesnt line break early, like not skinny columns, i know im horribly exlplaining this.00:56
joao_ps -ax00:56
mickster04abstrakt: i had assumed you meant ssh-server00:57
joao_oops, wrong window ;)00:57
doodmangDoodmang, well, I don't plan on using that hard drive space for anything else, but I see what you mean for the wipe part00:57
doodmangwhy did I name myself00:57
doodmangmickster04, above00:57
mickster04doodmang: well if you want to be security consious, cut down the amount of swap00:58
zykotick9doodmang, 5GB of swap for 1GB RAM seems ludicrous00:58
mickster04and then wiping won't take as long00:58
abstraktwhy do I end up needing to run ssh-agent manually every time after logging in?00:58
abstraktalso, incidentally i tried adding exec ssh-agent bash to my .bashrc but it hangs my login window and never gives me the prompt00:59
doodmangzykotick9, I try not to look at RAM/swap charts, so I wouldn't really know how much RAM I use. Plus it would be a pain to resize the partitions anyways00:59
davfHaving trouble getting bluetooth to come up.00:59
robin0800doodmang, 2x ram is usual for swap size01:00
szal1.5x is perfectly enough01:00
joao_davf, what is the problem? I use blue all the time01:00
cornellGood evening....  I'm going through the software stack from my old machine to see what I need to install on the new one, ubuntu 10.04.  I notice clamav isn't installed.  I thought that was SOP.  Is there an anti-virus program running on ubuntu by default?01:01
ityler15abstrakt: I foun this guide somewhere that tells you how to get use a GUI for your linux server from you laptop or whatever, and it teaches you how to do a lot more01:01
doodmangWhere are you guys pulling these numbers from anyways01:01
zykotick9cornell, no anti-virus running, cause it's not required01:01
szalcornell: antivirus is redundant unless you share w/ Windows machines01:01
joao_doodmang, can you install htop? top is a little deceiving for newbies like me ;)01:01
cornellnsd_, Hi... glad to see you again.  I finally had success.  I tried running the commands you offered, each one separately.  Worked like a charm.01:02
zykotick9szal, i'd say "antivirus is redundant."  Why bother caring is MS boxes get infected?01:02
doodmangjoao_, You sure you have the right person?01:02
Ky|e';l pvvvvvvvvv0[01:02
cornellI think there's some aspect of having them all on one line that ... interferes with it doing what we think it should01:02
szalKy|e: please clean your keyboard outside the channel01:03
PARAG0Dim new to linux....i installed 8.04 UBNT as app on windows machine..... I would really like to learn terminal.. could anyone help01:03
urlin2uzykotick9, fine reasoning.01:03
cornellWell, zykotick9 and szal, we all share with windows machines... ever hear of the "Internet"01:03
pr0t0c0nwhats up01:03
PARAG0Dnothing CB01:03
cornellIn my particular case, I've three windows boxes on my home LAN.01:03
PARAG0Dhave 911...brb\01:03
joao_doodmang, I think so..You were asking about memory info, no?01:04
cornellclamav still considered the best choice, for those who feel the need?01:04
joao_type the command "top" in the terminal01:04
doodmangjoao_, oh. Well, I just meant I don't look at the RAM I use, and I don't really plan on doing so01:05
joao_I like better "htop" which is not installed by default in may ubuntus01:05
zykotick9doodmang, using "free" from a terminal will tell you memory usage directly01:05
doodmangzykotick9, that doesn't necessarily tell me the max amount of memory I use01:06
joao_doodmang, there are many commands but I use top/htop to see what is hogging my eeepc sometimes01:06
th0rdoodmang: if you want to keep a running tab on memory usage consider using something like conky or gkrellm01:07
doodmangjoao_, it's still only an estimate01:07
doodmangth0r, I don't plan on doing so, but thanks01:07
robin0800doodmang, 2x ram is in case you wish to hibernate01:07
leinidrunk n scared to death01:08
KimI have problems with my radeon hd6720. anybody knowledgeable? forums couldn't help me.01:08
joao_doodmang, yes, but when I see a process taking a lot of the CPU and/or memory I find the culprit pretty fast01:08
davfI cannot get my bluetooth usb dongle to work: see http://pastebin.com/3emaZiSJ thanks in advance for help.01:09
davflsusb: Bus 005 Device 003: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)01:09
ityler15Help with bcm4311 drivers?01:09
bonhofferanyone know how to fix this locale problem: http://pastie.org/246858401:09
bonhofferi want to set my locale for utf-8 english01:10
vboxwanyone know how to fix terminal transparency in 11.04 classic? Show the background, not the window under it.01:10
jimrewhi im back lulz01:11
urlin2uvboxw, edit-preferences is where it'sat01:12
joao_vboxw..look into change transparency.. it might be set into the theme but the terminal normally has settings too01:12
jimrewhow do i get older vers of back track linux???01:12
bonhofferexport LC_ALL=en_EN.UTF-801:13
urlin2ujimrew, on the web, not supported here.01:13
vboxwurlin2u & joao:  transparency is on, but it show the background, not the window under it01:13
joao_doodmang, I am now using 500megs with several windows open and my eeepc works fine, with the occasional gasp here and there ;)01:13
doodmangrobin0800, where do you get this number from? what if I'm using 2x the amount of ram I have01:13
zykotick9vboxw, are you running compiz?01:13
jimrewurlin2u: back track said this waas suport01:14
urlin2uvboxw, adjust it01:14
Picijimrew : We do not support backtrack here, please use their support channel at #backtrack-linux01:14
urlin2ujimrew, they lied01:14
jimrewok thx :)01:14
zykotick9vboxw, with compiz on - i see window under, with compiz off i see background01:14
bonhofferis there a way to reset my locale01:14
doodmangGlad to know that my hard drive will take 11 minutes to wipe 2.5 gbs of swap01:15
disismthi all, is it possible to install ubuntu and automatically add an entry for Ubuntu in windows 7 boot menu rather than installing grub on the MBR?01:15
Jordan_Udisismt: Not automatically, no. Why?01:15
Jordan_U!ot | leini01:15
ubottuleini: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:15
urlin2uzykotick9, vboxw solid color01:16
zykotick9vboxw, keep it in channel please.  try alt+f2 and enter "compiz --replace"01:16
disismtJordan_U: ok, basically I dont want ubuntu to  overwrite win7 bootloader, so what should I do ?01:16
bonhofferi'm closer: http://pastie.org/246862601:17
Jordan_Udisismt: Why? Grub will allow you to still boot Windows.01:17
joao_bonhoffer, http://blog.andrewbeacock.com/2007/01/how-to-change-your-default-locale-on.html01:17
nnulldisismt, use a different bootloader, or possibly a boot disk ?01:17
vboxwzykotick9, sri.  That seems to cause all the windows to flicker - the terminal does show the  window under it, but the desktop is locked.  have to restart gdm to log back on01:18
zykotick9vboxw, you obviously don't have a working compiz - thus no "true" transperency01:18
Kimhow do i change the color depth to 24bit when xorg.conf already says its 24bit. but it is clearly only 8 bit?01:19
vboxwzykotick9,  That would not surprise me as it is working on my other pc.  Any idea what I  should  remove and reinstall?01:19
arcaicoWhat is the file necessary to change for the gdm automatically authenticate01:19
Jordan_Uleini: This channel is for asking and answering Ubuntu support questions. If you want to stay in this channel please keep your comments to Ubuntu support.01:19
zykotick9vboxw, what graphics card are you using?01:19
joao_Arcaico, if you are using gnome do this from the GUI settings01:20
leiniunderstood. thanks for your nice reply01:20
vboxw zykotick9 nvidia GeForce Go 740001:20
leinimr. nerd.01:20
arcaicojoao_, I am not using x01:20
Braber01I can't remember how to tell ubuntu that I don't want a GUI login screen01:21
arcaicosoftware on framebuffer01:21
zykotick9vboxw, humm, i'm surprised it's nvidia - i've always had great success with them.  Sorry, I don't know what to suggest - best of luck.01:21
vboxwzykotick9: nvidia driver 270.41.0601:21
Braber01BTW I'm talking from my shell :P01:21
joao_Arcaico, i think /etc/gdm/gdm.conf01:22
joao_AutomaticLoginEnable=true //This line to true01:22
joao_AutomaticLogin=’USERNAME’ // Your username on this line with out the single quote01:22
joao_arcaico, look also into etc/gdm/custom.conf01:23
zykotick9Braber01, rename the GDM file in /etc/init/ (NOT init.d!!!) to GDM.disabled (you have to verify what the GDM file is actually called)01:23
ActionParsnipha renaming init.d would cause all sorts of pain01:26
zykotick9ActionParsnip, are you speaking from experience?  I've never tried it - but won't now, on your suggestion ;)01:27
ryoohkiis there a gnu equivelent of webex or gotomeetingtop shring?01:28
psycho693Hey everyone01:29
zykotick9ryoohki, i've never even heard of webex before (i had to google it) but here is a list of alternatives (also from google search) http://www.voip-sol.com/top-5-webex-alternatives/01:30
zykotick9ryoohki, but a GNU version - i don't think so01:30
chris215hey.  i do not use a bottem gnome panel, or screenlets.  is there a way to shortcut to my trash?01:31
arcaicothanks joao_01:32
urlin2uchris215, right click choose trash?01:32
arcaiconow, work fine01:32
pr0t0c0nhey i recently instaled ubuntu 11.04 and i have had a few problems01:33
psycho693Protocon: like what?01:33
urlin2uchris215, you can have it bypass trash and delete if you want.01:33
chris215urlin2u:   right click what?01:33
urlin2uchris215, ah to open trash I see>01:33
pr0t0c0ni downloaded urban terror , and extracted it to my home folder , well it played fine01:33
chris215urlin2u:  yes01:33
chris215thanks in advance01:34
pr0t0c0nbut then when i turned my pc off , or when ever it went into sleep mode , the file disappeard from the home folder like it was never there01:34
zykotick9chris215, do you use a top panel?  if so, right click panel - Add to Panel - Trash01:34
urlin2uchris215, I don't use trash I delete, and missread your post, mybad.01:34
chris215urlin2u:    how can i bypass the trash?01:35
pr0t0c0neven the zip file didnt show up in the downloads on firefox01:35
chris215i didnt want to have a trash applet on my top panel if possible01:35
chris215i wish there could be a shortcut to it01:35
shaneohey guys having issue compiling kernel with vmware7 and suggestions as to why01:35
pr0t0c0nits like i could download it , and play it , and as soon as my pc went to sllep or i turned off the pc , the file would disappear from my home folder01:35
urlin2uchris215, open nautilus edit then preferences tehn behaviour01:35
pr0t0c0nas if it wasnt there01:36
pr0t0c0nit happend to me 2 diffrent times01:36
urlin2uchris215, you can switch to a single click there as well.01:36
chris215urlin2u: wow01:36
robin0800doodmang, as I said its for hibernation that takes everything in memory and copies it to the swap file01:37
chris215i cant beleve i didnt know this01:37
chris215well i can01:37
chris215but still wow01:37
pr0t0c0ni rolled back to ubuntu 9.10 and we'll see if i have the same problem01:37
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chris215urlin2u: how about underlining the names of files and folders?01:38
urlin2uchris215, not sure there.01:39
chris215hmmm i see bold and italic but not underline01:40
chris215urlin2u:   thank you so much01:40
urlin2uchris215, no problem, first thing I do is bypass the trash and set single click on every set up I can.01:40
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ZequezHello, I'm installing the Ubuntu 11.10 beta 1 and the installer that `ubi-partman failed with error code 10`, can I continue withouot this or is kind of critical?01:42
ryoohkizykotick9: Thanks!01:42
PiciZequez : Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.01:42
doodmangrobin0800, Yeah, but if you have stuff in your swap partition already, then it's not enough..01:43
Kimmy ubuntu 11.04 has only 8 bit, how do i change it to 24bit coloring?01:44
robin0800doodmang, thats why its 2x01:45
firefly2442Does anyone have a /var/lib/dhcp3/dhcpd.leases file for a DHCP server example that I could look at?01:45
Kimwhy does radeon have to be so poorly supported :(:(01:46
zykotick9Kim, what graphics card are you using?  Didn't you mention a xorg.conf earlier?  What happen.... oh ATI - i can't help01:47
Kimyeah guess most use nvidia01:47
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tony_Ahoy, i have an nvidia 310m card. says the driver is activated but not currently in use. how do i "use" it01:54
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zykotick9tony_, is it working?01:57
\DSAFEW\tony_, I'm not an expert, but usually you have to get out of X and load a driver module, but there could be more to it, did you reboot?01:57
tony_zykotick9, it's working but i am limited with my screen resolution to 1366x768 . i've removed and reinstalled them several times01:58
zykotick9tony_, there is a bug with about reporting "activated but not in use" on many systems.  To definitively know what driver you're using run "lspci -vnvn" in a terminal, find the VGA section and it's "kernel driver is use" line.01:59
ZequezIf I'm running a live session from a USB drive, the OS is loaded into the memory? I mean, can I erase the USB drive to reinstall Ubuntu in there from the live session?01:59
\DSAFEW\tony_, try opening a terminal and entering: lsmod01:59
tony_zykotick9, i found where it says "kernel driver is us" and it says nvidia02:01
zykotick9tony_, then you're probably using nvidia... ;)02:02
bynwi was attempting to start an app from the gui and it doesnt start. so i went to terminal to start it (to see any error messages too) and got this error: Gtk-ERROR **: List item does not match its index: item index 28 and list index 27  ... anyone know how to fix that?02:02
zykotick9tony_, is 1366x768 your native resolution?  that a non-standard res.02:02
tony_\DSAFEW\, ran the command, it listed all my hardware?02:02
zykotick9tony_, lsmod lists the loaded modules - nvidia will be one of them02:03
\DSAFEW\tony_, so it's working from what I gather from zykotick9's question02:03
trnzmetaguys: in 11.04 is there a specific netbook download or is the desktop all encompassing?02:03
tony_zykotick9, yes that is my native resolution but shouldn't it be able to project a higher res. everything is quite large02:03
trnzmetain 10.x there was that that's why I'm asking02:04
minimumnzhi, how do you install apache2 2.2.20 on ubuntu 10.04, the current apache 2.2.14 has quite a nasty DoS vulnerability that's crashing one of my servers. thx.02:04
urlin2utrnzmeta, all incompassing,02:04
minimumnzor patch it02:04
trnzmetacheers urlin2u :)02:04
zykotick9tony_, not sure, but nvidia probably detects that as the proper resolution to use...02:04
tony_\DSAFEW\, yes it's working just would like a better resolution. even a 1280x900 would be nice02:04
\DSAFEW\tony_, well I don't know where you read that the driver wasn't working, but it's wrong, you have an issue with detected resolution, not supported resolution02:04
zykotick9minimumnz, i believe only Debian has released a fix for that so far02:04
zykotick9minimumnz, other then manually compiling i mean02:05
\DSAFEW\tony_, yeah, try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Adding_undetected_resolutions02:05
minimumnzzykotick9: :( I guess i could give that a go.02:05
tony_\DSAFEW\, am i able to add resolutions ? xrandr --addmode does not seem to work02:05
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zykotick9minimumnz, i'm sure ubuntu devs/package maintainers are working on it - or should be.02:06
flodinewow no problems02:10
flodinemust be messing with beta02:10
gliorosi like very much that songs guys02:10
glioros Lady Gaga - Judas (Lyrics)02:10
tony_\DSAFEW\, thanks for the guide. any clue when xrandr gives you a can't get size of gamma for output02:15
jpapertowelsi notice in mini.iso a new package option "Ubuntu Desktop USB" -- what's the diff between that and non-usb desktop package?02:16
chochilHi somebody can help with my wireless card, i have to execute ifconfig wlan1 up, and i cant see my wireless conection, i can only for wired02:18
ActionParsnipjpapertowels: the mini iso is a tiny OS to install ubuntu and will download the packages required to complete the install from the repos02:23
ActionParsnipchochil: after the command, is it ok?02:24
jpapertowelsActionParsnip: what that wasn't even my question02:24
chochilyes after the commad i can see it02:24
ActionParsnipjpapertowels: it's how I understood it. If I am off the mark then can ou clarify it rather than a petulant remark, it's more constructive02:25
chochilbut i cant get connection02:26
Kimchochil: have you tried to create a new wireless network by going to system>prefs>network connections? then enter the ssid and password?02:27
chochili m goingtry it to02:27
ActionParsnipchochil: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan     do you see wireless networks?02:27
chochilsorry im going to try it02:27
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bonhofferi'm confused, i have a symlinked file:  omniauth_settings.rb -> /var/www/fit/staging/shared/omniauth_settings.rb, but more /var/www/fit/staging/shared/omniauth_settings.rb returns omniauth_settings.rb: No such file or directory02:31
bonhofferthe symlink shows, but i can't work with the file02:31
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bonhofferi can ls there, but not work with the file in any way02:32
jpapertowelsActionParsnip: http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/4070/ubuntuusb.png02:32
bonhofferpermissions are: lrwxrwxrwx02:32
bonhoffervery strange02:33
bonhofferany troubleshooting options greatly appreciated02:36
RussWWhat is the best antivirus option out there for Natty?02:37
KimLinux :D02:37
johndoIs there a way to change the name of the workspaces?02:38
RussW@kim...yes Linux is a help, but there are viruses out there for Linux as well...any thoughts?02:39
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus02:39
einseenaiguys, is power consumption foxed in 11.10's beta kernel?02:40
urlin2ueinseenai, #ubuntu+102:41
jmghey all02:41
einseenaiurlin2u, thanks02:41
jmghow can i view a list of all the non base packages i have installed?02:41
jmgoptional ones on top of the base install02:41
jmglike dpkg -l02:41
jmgthis is a karmic box that needs an upgrade, but it's got 1200mb of packages to dl02:42
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ActionParsnipjpapertowels: thats waaay clearer, that's a new one to me. Is that natty?02:42
Rob250Hello, does anybody know if it's possible to update to 11.10 from the update manager?02:42
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ActionParsnipRob250: it is possible, yes02:44
zykotick9Rob250, a question for #ubuntu+1 -- i think "update-manager -d" d is for development will do it though02:44
aeon-ltdRob250: not now of course02:44
happygol1ckyRob250: if you have update-manager-core you should be able to sudo do-release-upgrade in terminal02:44
Rob250ActionParsnip: How so?02:44
ActionParsnipjpapertowels: sounds like it will install to USB rather than the internal drive as the bootloader my be different on USB sticks... I'm guessing but sounds right. The image is dead handy for your question though02:45
meaniefacehi im having a weird grub problem. i am running windows 64 bit and installed from inside so i can just uninstall as a program.  the install goes fine, i have a partition set up just for ubuntu 11.04. boots up fine goes to 2 choices windows and ubuntu and when i choose ubuntu it comes up to the grub screen. when i choose the kernel to load it says "need to load kernel first" but if i go back into the grub menu again and choose the 02:45
ActionParsnipRob250: sudo do-release-upgrade -d     (-d means development)02:46
Rob250ActionParsnip: Cool, thanks.02:46
urlin2umeanieface, did you make a partion for ubuntu rather then letting it format its own voodoo02:46
Rob250Anybody know if 11.10 is completely incompatible with anything?02:46
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Rob250I want to know before I go ahead and update.02:46
ActionParsnipRob250: ask in #ubuntu+102:47
Stanley00Rob250: you can join #ubuntu+1 to ask02:47
meaniefaceurlin2u: i made a partition in just raw format, when the wubi asks i choose the partition and set it to the size i want02:47
Rob250ActionParsnip: Okay, thanks.02:47
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urlin2umeanieface, wubi is best run in c02:47
urlin2umeanieface, it does not make a partition but is a file in one.02:48
meaniefaceurlin2u: but why does it not work when i first hit enter on it, says it needs the kernel to be loaded first and when it comes back to the menu i just hit enter again and then it loads02:48
urlin2umeanieface, not sure but do you get my explanation, not many here run wubi.02:49
meaniefaceurlin2u: yeah i think i get what you are sayin, its kind of like a virtual drive that is one big file?02:49
urlin2umeanieface, a virtual is a good analogy to a extent but running without the host running02:50
urlin2umeanieface, at least in a standard host set up02:51
greykingsup everyone02:51
greykingcan anyone help me log in to this server using SSH keys only?02:52
xi93i'm looking for a fax machine which can use the interent to fax (like voip does)... i don't have a telephone line.02:52
Thelmariagreyking: ssh-keygen, ssh-copy-id.02:53
Thelmariagreyking: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys02:54
greykingthelmaria, I have to log into a Tandberg video conferencing server and the admin only provided me with keys02:54
delerium_Thelmaria: did knew about ssh-copy-id, thx ;)02:54
ahmed__join #ubuntu-sa/02:58
newerthhi all03:01
newerthi cant get sound in doom303:02
newerthand any idtech4 game03:02
newerthknow how to enable it?03:02
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Guest88080hey guys. i've had an idea for ubuntu's "aero snap" feature - when resizing the left or right border of one of the snapped windows (if you have two), if you hold down both the left and right mouse button it should change the width of both windows.03:03
Guest88080what do you think?03:03
newerthit sucks!03:03
ActionParsnipnewerth: do you get sound normally?03:03
ApleUbuntu newb here. How do I add something to my command line? For instance, if I want to launch an .exe by typing a shortcut like: "sublime" (Sublime Text editor), how could I do that?03:03
ActionParsnipnewerth: wil you have some patience as well please03:03
bsmith093i realize this is a bit vague, but how do i wget a copy of oldskool.org without this happening www.oldskool.org/demos/pc/explained/htmlsounds/dd/explained/htmlsounds/dd/explained/htmlsounds/dd/explained/htmlsounds/dd/explained/htmlsounds/dd/explained/htmlsounds/dd/explained/htmlsounds/dd/explained/htmlsounds/dd/explained/htmlsounds/dd/explained/htmlsounds/dd/explained/htmlsounds/dd/explained/htmlsounds/dd/explained/htmlsounds/dd/expl03:04
ApleI found this on their forums, but it looks like it's for OSX: http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1450#p660803:04
ActionParsnipAple: you can make a script in /usr/bin  to run what it takes to make the ting run03:04
ActionParsnipnewerth: how did you install the game?03:04
newerthwith the linux installer03:04
ApleActionParsnip: Do you happen to know of a tutorial or some keywords I could google to help?03:05
newerththe problem is with these older games03:05
newerthwith recent ones03:05
ActionParsnipnewerth: ok, and what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc03:05
ApleAlso, why /usr/bin?03:05
newerthlike heroes of newerth and quakelive03:05
newerththere is sound03:05
ApleShouldn't it be in my home dir?03:05
ActionParsnipAple: well you run it with commands in a terminal, right?03:05
Dice-Manhow to properly reinstall gstreamer ??03:05
ApleNot really, I can double click the .exe and run it03:05
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ApleLike I can't even open it up in Command Line03:06
newerthi read that older games like the idtech4 games used oss03:06
ActionParsnipAple: ok so run:   gksudo gedit /usr/bin/sublime    and add this as the top line:   #!/bin/bash03:06
newerthand ubuntu now uses pulseaudio03:06
ApleLike if i nav to /home/Sublime Text 2/ then type sublime_text.exe, it won't open.03:06
ActionParsnipAple: then the next line is:   wine /path/to/file.exe     change the /path/to/file.exe to the ACTUAL filename, case sensitive03:06
ActionParsnipnewerth: can you give the output of the command I gave please03:07
newerthI read that i could add this to the launcher: +set s_alsa_pcm plughw:0 +set s_driver alsa +set r_alphaToCoverage "0"03:07
newerthoutput is "command not found"03:07
ActionParsnipnewerth: lsb_release -sc03:07
ActionParsnipnewerth: its a standard command03:07
ApleActionParsnip: Sublime Text isn't in /usr/bin03:08
newerthwhat should i do then=03:08
ActionParsnipAple: then save the new file, close gedit and run:  chmod +x /usr/bin/subline     and it will be a script03:08
ApleSo when I run gksudo ... it loads an empty file03:08
ActionParsnipAple: yes, its a new file you are creating03:08
ApleOh ok03:08
ActionParsnipnewerth: I can't make it any clearer. Can you run 'lsb_release -sc'   without the quotes03:08
newerthim getting command not found03:09
ActionParsnipnewerth: ok then  run: sudo apt-get -y install pastebinit; clear; pastebinit /etc/lsb-release03:09
ActionParsnipnewerth: what is output?03:10
newerthstrange thing is that with that +set s_alsa_pcm plughw:0 +set s_driver alsa +set r_alphaToCoverage "0" i added, sound played, but only the first time i ran it03:10
ApleActionParsnip: subline or sublime?03:10
ApleThinking the latter :)03:10
ActionParsnipAple: whatever you want, it's YOUR script. There is no right answer03:10
ApleOh, so I could name it "sub" ?03:10
ActionParsnipAple: sub is a command in a few packages, you need to avoid those. sublime is fine03:11
ApleAlso, since there are spaces in the name, do I need to make it:  wine "/home/aple/Sublime Text 2/sublime_text.exe"  ???03:11
edbianAple: yes03:12
PolahAple: Yes03:12
Apleok thanks guys03:12
ActionParsnipAple: should be ok, or you can use: wine /home/aple/Sublime\ Text\ 2/sublime_text.exe03:12
c4pthello i am having problem withs getting empathy to make audio/video calls with google i have theora and ffmpeg and gstreamer installed but the option is greyed out03:12
TheProfGood day.  Looking for help to correctly set up dhcp3 on my new server.  It has two network cards, but when I try "service sudo service isc-dhcp-server start" it fails with "No subnet declaration for eth1 (no IPv4 addresses)" and "Not configured to listen on any interfaces!" Recommendations? Thank you03:12
ActionParsnipAple: you have just learned how to script :)03:12
ApleWhat about "st2"? is that taken?03:13
ApleI'm awfully lazy for 4 more chars every time I use it (frequently) :)03:13
ActionParsnipAple: I don't follow, that doesn't appear to be part of your command03:13
Aplechmod +x /usr/bin/st203:13
ApleLike, naming my command st2 instead of sublime03:13
Aplechmod thing is where i name it right?03:14
ActionParsnipAple: yes, just gonna check if st2 is a command03:14
xi93can anybody recommend an SIP provider with fax support and that I can get a analog adapter to go with it to hook up a phone?03:14
ApleAh, thanks man03:14
ApleTerminal says "Command not found"03:14
ApleSo I think it's safe right? :)03:14
ActionParsnipAple: then its free :)03:14
wwwdWhat the hell did I just Do?03:15
ApleCannot access it. No such file or directory.03:15
ActionParsnipAple: simple scripts like that make life waaay easier :)03:15
wwwdAnd why did'nt it work?03:15
ActionParsnipAple: you can even make a launcher to run your script on the desktop ;)03:15
lwizardlhow do i choose when I want the boot loader instlled to03:15
ApleActionParsnip: Since Sublime Text is actually in /home/aple/Sublime Text 2/sublime_text.exe, is that why it's not finding it in usr/bin ?03:15
ApleActionParsnip: I'm not using Unity I don't think. I'm using Ubuntu Classic. Not that fancy shtuff with big buttons n' crap.03:16
ActionParsnipAple: the command is not in $PATH, using the script makes it so, I do it that way myself, it's just easier if you ask me03:16
ApleI've had problems making launcher stuff on this03:16
ApleWhat do you mean it's not in Path?03:16
ActionParsnipAple: can still use alacarte to add it to the menu then, or just keep it on the desktop by right clicking and clicking "new launcher"03:17
ApleI'd like to be able to open up terminal, type in "st2" and it open Sublime Text03:17
ActionParsnipAple: that will now happen, try it03:17
AplePreferably be able to type "st2 myfile.html" and it open the file in Sublime Text03:17
wwwdI entered rm -r * in my home dir. It removed all folders. But I find all the hidden files are still there. WHY???03:17
ApleIt isn't working :(03:17
rwwwwwd: because * does not match files beginning with .03:17
ApleStill not finding it when I type in st203:17
ActionParsnipAple: not sure about args, you could edit the script and add:   $1     to the end of the second line03:17
ActionParsnipAple: what is output?03:18
CaptainLulzI'm a novice, so sorry if this is too basic: How do you set up a proxy on Natty? (Again, novice, so if you need specifics ask).03:18
wwwdI realy like luke. Count on it infact!03:18
Aplecory@ubuntu:~$ chmod +x /usr/bin/st203:18
Aplechmod: cannot access `/usr/bin/st2': No such file or directory03:18
ApleThen I run just: st203:18
ApleNo command 'st2' found, did you mean: ...03:18
Aplest2: command not found03:18
qinAple: Wait!03:19
ActionParsnipAple: use sudo03:19
Aplecory@ubuntu:~$ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/st203:19
Aplechmod: cannot access `/usr/bin/st2': No such file or directory03:19
qinAple: Where is your script st2 right now?03:19
PolahDoes anybody else have trouble with sites on wikia.com not loading most the time and just displaying white pages?03:19
qinAple: Give path03:19
Aple /usr/bin I suspect03:19
Apleqin: How?03:19
qinAple: ls /usr/bin/st2 ?03:20
Aple /usr/bin/sublime (since I did gksudo gedit /usr/bin/sublime)03:20
Arcanohi, everybody!03:20
Aplels: cannot access /usr/bin/st2: No such file or directory03:20
qinAple: OK, sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/sublime03:21
newerthis there way to turn off pulseaudio and use oss instead?03:21
Aplecory@ubuntu:~$ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/sublime03:21
Aplecory@ubuntu:~$ sublime03:21
Aple/usr/bin/sublime: line 2: wine: command not found03:21
newerthlike, toggle pulseaudio on and off?03:21
ActionParsnipAple: how are you running the exe, if you don't have wine installed?03:22
qinAple: "which wine" , no quotes03:22
Aplewhich wine did nothing03:22
qinActionParsnip: All yours, going for coffe.03:22
ApleActionParsnip: I was just double clicking it.03:22
Aplelol :)03:22
mikdur__Is this where beginner go.03:23
ApleThe Mighty Newb, conqueror of many helpful gurus03:23
holywhat kind of Linus i should use ?03:23
ActionParsnipAple: or did you get the Linux version?03:23
holyi get the Fedora Core03:23
ActionParsnipholy: I'd ask in #ubuntu-offtopic03:24
ApleActionParsnip: I got the Linux 64 bit version03:24
Polahholy: Whichever one you like, there's a few hundred to choose from.03:24
* ActionParsnip facepalms03:24
qinAple: sudo apt-get install wine; wine /home/aple/Sublime Text 2/sublime_text.exe;03:24
ApleUnpalm your face friend03:24
ActionParsnipAple: ok, this is EVEN easier03:24
mikdur__I need help on getting  the compiz  cube thing going03:24
ActionParsnipAple: sudo rm /usr/bin/sublime; sudo ln -s /home/aple/Sublime\ Text\ 2/sublime_text.exe /usr/bin/st203:25
ApleCome to think of it, it might not have an .exe extension03:25
ActionParsnipAple: done03:25
ActionParsnipAple: check that, it's important03:25
ActionParsnipAple: this isnt crappy windows03:25
ActionParsnipAple: you can check with:  ls /home/aple/Sublime\ Text\ 2/03:26
ApleWell, it doesn't show the extension in the folder, but it shows it as an "executable" in Properties03:26
ApleYeah, I don't think it has an extension :\03:26
Aplefml I'm sorry :)03:26
ActionParsnipAple: that doesn't mean it has a file extension03:26
ApleI just realized that03:26
ActionParsnipAple: then remove the .exe bit from my command and you are in business03:27
ActionParsnipAple: I just downloaded it myself03:27
ActionParsnipAple: the binary is sublime_text03:27
mikdur__Does this mean I'm in in the wrong place if so where ca I get some help03:28
ApleOk, so make that script again, remove the exe jazz, and run the wine thing on it?03:28
ApleOr can I bypass wine?03:28
ActionParsnipAple: so it's:  sudo rm /usr/bin/sublime; sudo ln -s  /home/aple/Sublime\ Text\ 2/sublime_text /usr/bin/st203:28
ActionParsnipAple: its not a windows app, so you don't need wine03:28
ApleWine can be used for PS right?03:28
ActionParsnipAple: ou don't need a script, a symlink will do it03:28
ActionParsnipAple: what is PS?03:29
ActionParsnipAple: check the appdb03:29
ApleDude... you're awesome.03:30
ApleWorks perfect03:30
ApleThanks for bearing with me03:30
mikdur__Where can I get some "beginners help".03:30
qinAple: btw, you could just use gvim.03:30
ApleNo thanks qin03:31
ApleI've used it before. Not a huge fan.03:31
^MikeHow can I check if a given package is installed?03:31
ApleI can get around and do some stuff with it, but it's just not my cup of tea for some reason (I'm a designer jerk)03:31
ChogyDan^Mike: apt-cache policy <package>03:31
ApleBesides, ST2 has a lot of cool features built-in and can actually use all of Vim's functions03:32
^MikeChogyDan: thanks03:32
holywhat book should i read to understand Linux ?03:32
zeleftikamthe Bible03:32
holyBible Linux ?03:32
qin!manual | holy03:32
ubottuholy: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:32
ActionParsnip^Mike: apt-cache policy packagename03:33
ActionParsnipholy: just use the OS. You'll learn just like you learned your other OS03:33
jenuehi all, is super OS and ubuntu 11.04 are one?03:34
mikdur__how do I get the compiz cube working on my desk top03:34
xanguajenue: only ubuntu support here03:35
xanguamikdur__: saw a post about that on omg!ubuntu! blog03:35
xanguaif you mean for unity03:35
jenuexangua super os is ubuntu and i just want to clarify if that super os is same as 11.0403:36
ActionParsnipjenue: superOS is based on Ubuntu, yes. But it's not supported here03:37
newerthanyone know?03:37
ActionParsnipnewerth: know what?03:38
jenuethanks ActionParsnip03:38
newerthhow to disable pulseaudio and enable oss instead03:38
newerthlike, toggle it on and off03:38
ActionParsnipnewerth: have you tried doom3 in wine?03:38
ActionParsnipnewerth: do you by chance use a creative soundcard?03:39
newerthno creative soundcard03:39
newerthonly intel onboard03:39
ActionParsnipnewerth: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/how-to-switch-to-alsa-or-oss-instead-of.html  could try that, I'd try wine personally. I've ran Doom3 in wine really well on my POS system03:39
newerthand i wont run doom3 on wine03:39
newerthim on ubuntu, ill run it natively03:40
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ActionParsnipnewerth: the guide may help03:44
ActionParsnipnewerth: not done it myself though#03:44
rawfodog_My sdcard reader will only mount cards as read only. I don't know what to do, even sudo won't work03:44
rawfodog_I check the switch obviously.03:44
Polahrawfodog_: Have you tried remounting manually using -o remount,rw?03:45
ApleActionParsnip: Sorry to take you away from your work, but I'm thoroughly enjoying this. Thank you so much again. :)03:45
ActionParsniprawfodog_: when you remove them from systems, what do you do?03:45
ActionParsnipAple: np man :)03:45
rawfodog_I don't know how to do that03:45
rawfodog_ActionParsnip, what do you mean ?03:45
rawfodog_Polah, what is the command to do that ?03:45
Polahrawfodog_: mount -o remount,rw /dev/device /media/mountpoint03:45
mrjbarDoes anyone know how to boot from a usb drive from within grub bootloader/console ?03:45
jerwareThe Panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID: GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet".03:46
Polahrawfogdog: Use sudo mkdir /media/mountpoint to create the directory and you'd have to find out the device name through lspci or lsusb or something like that. Change "mountpoint" to whatever name you like, really.03:46
jerwareI have defaunct nautalis processes.  The cursor stays as a stopwatch, gnome won't logout when I tell it to.03:46
jerwareWhat do I have to type to make this work?03:46
rawfodog_Polah, how do I found out the device ?03:47
Polahrawfodog_: mount -l should give you a list of mounted devices, insert the SD card and run it and then pastebin the output for me please03:48
kasansweatAnyone know a good way to find duplicate DIRECTORIES (and be smart enough to perhaps not display dupe directories within other dupe directories?)03:48
rawfodog_Polah, http://pastebin.com/8SG1Wv8y03:49
rawfodog_Polah, it's called "NintendoDS" (installing some homebrew)03:50
Polahrawfodog_: NintendoDS SD card, right?03:50
SquarismIve got wine installed.. now how do i launch explorarer? Browsing "C:\" into Program\Internet Explorer\ and launche iexplore.exe just goes to some winehomepage wo address field and other controls03:51
jasongriffeei read that 11.04 beta was in progress, can i get in on that? i have 11.0403:51
ActionParsnipSquarism: that browser is not really a browser to give you IE03:51
jasongriffee11.10 beta sorry03:51
ActionParsnipjasongriffee: 11.10 is in beta today03:51
Polahrawfodog_: Do this: sudo mkdir /media/ds && sudo mount -t vfat -o remount,defaults /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/ds03:51
SquarismActionParsnip, So IE is not bundled with wine?03:51
ActionParsnipjasongriffee: so you want to change from Natty to Oneiric?03:51
jasongriffeeto 11.10 yes03:52
ActionParsnipSquarism: there are parts of it03:52
ActionParsnipjasongriffee: run:  sudo do-release-upgrade -d03:52
PolahOh god, IE on Linux :/ Whatever next.03:52
rawfodog_Polah, "mount: /media/ds not mounted already, or bad option"03:52
PolahSquarism: Is there a particular reason you need IE for?03:52
Stanley00jasongriffee: I think you should try it first on liveCD03:52
rawfodog_(ds is NintendoDS I think)03:52
ActionParsnipPolah: look into ies4linux :)03:52
ActionParsnipSquarism: look into ies4linux03:53
Polahrawfodog_: Oh, sorry. Do this this:   sudo umount /media/NintendoDS && mount -t vfat -o defaults /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/ds03:53
PolahActionParsnip: Why do these things exist? ): You can even get an IE skin for Firefox and Chrome if you really need it that much03:53
jerwareLinux is EPIC Failing.  I have defaunct nautalis processes.  The cursor stays as a stopwatch, gnome won't logout when I tell it to.03:54
jerwareWhat do I have to type to make this work?03:54
jerwareThe Panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID: GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet".  WTF???03:54
PifferI installed PlayOn, and then installed the IE6 package, to get IE on my Ubuntu install... Worked OK, but I could not get Java/Flash to work. People who make webapps requiring IE should be shot...03:54
rawfodog_Polah, "mount: only root can do that"03:55
rawfodog_(i used sudo)03:55
ChogyDanjerware: to be honest, I just reboot when I get a failed panel loading errors, and things work ok03:55
Polahrawfodog_: Oops again, I'm doing so bad. put sudo before mount on that last line I gave you03:55
ChogyDanit is weird though, and a fail03:55
jerwareChogyDan: it won't let me reboot.03:55
jerwareit's failing.03:55
SpacemanRunning 11.04 on my VIA Mini-ITX mainboard with a C7 processor and 512bm of RAM ... and I like it....03:55
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rawfodog_Polah, "mount: block device /dev/mmcblk0p1 is write-protected, mounting read-only03:56
Polahjerware: Hold down the power button, then press it again when the computer turns off to reboot (:03:56
jasongriffeeterm stopped @: "Calculating the changes", can this take very long?03:56
SquarismActionParsnip, thanx man03:56
rawfodog_I changed the card adapter, now I get "mount: special device /dev/mmcblk0p1 does not exist03:56
Squarismdamn, its funny IRC still lives after all these years. No evolution of chat networks =(03:57
jasongriffeewas there a reason to evolve?03:57
jasongriffeei love irc03:57
ActionParsnipSquarism: its not great or to be used for anything other than curiosity. Why do you want IE?03:57
wimsirc <303:57
aeplusi came back to irc... news sites are too slow for new content03:58
SquarismActionParsnip, the page im using relies on explorer only stuff03:58
ActionParsnipSquarism: its works, and well. So why change it03:58
SquarismActiveX stuff03:58
ActionParsnipSquarism: oh jeez03:58
jerwarePolah: it still sucks.03:58
jerwareI think I thought of that.03:58
ActionParsnipSquarism: heard of an agent switcher03:58
jerwareI still get the same linux failures.03:58
Polahrawfodog_: sudo mount -t vfat -o remount,defaults,force /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/ds03:59
PolahI think that's how to force mount03:59
ActionParsnipSquarism: it makes your browser identify itself as another browser03:59
SquarismWell irc works really really well.. just that there should be room for improvement.03:59
Polahjerware: Can you md5sum the ISO you burned/put on a USB and provide that04:00
SquarismActionParsnip, its client side libraries you know... when MS was at their peak they introduced its own Standards that no other browsers support04:00
SpacemanIRC is very bandwidth thrifty04:00
rawfodog_Polah, my screen just went black and all the bash text appeared04:00
rawfodog_I think the system fubared.04:00
rawfodog_I'm gonna reboot everything brb04:01
ActionParsnipSquarism: it may just work, give it a go. Its a lot more graceful than using some half baked implementation of a browser04:01
ActionParsnipSpaceman: it was first introduced on 9600 baud modems, so it had to be :)04:02
doodmangis there anyway to see what processes are doing read/write operations to disk?04:02
PolahNothing wrong with being thrifty with bandwidth04:03
Polahdoodmang: Install iotop and run it, it's basically the same as top but shows disk activity04:03
SpacemanI got my first computer job in 1981... I remember 9600 baud modems when they cost a hell of a lot of money04:03
aeplusdo irc splits still happen?04:03
ActionParsnipaeplus: sometimes04:03
Polahaeplus: Yes.04:03
ActionParsnipmust admitm, a lot less frequently in the last 6 months04:04
jerwareblame the md5sum.04:04
jerwarewhile windows dominates the free market.04:04
jerwarelinux is crap.04:04
doodmangPolah, any graphical ones? : P04:04
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Polahdoodmang: Well, it does display things on your screen so it is technically graphical (:04:06
Polahjerware: No, it just means that something has gone wrong with YOUR install. The panels work for everything else. You could have easily incompletely or incorrectly downloaded the ISO, or incorrectly burned the disk.04:07
aepluswhich iso was used?04:07
ActionParsnipPolah: gone04:08
aeplusi had issues with the alternate install cd, but i resolved them, and now everything is great04:08
PolahActionParsnip, typical.04:08
darkopiumjoin #oe04:09
ZequezHey, how do I shutdown the Xserver? /etc/init.d/gdm is not there04:10
zykotick9Zequez, "sudo service gdm stop"04:10
Zequezzykotick9, it gives me an "Unrecognized service"04:11
zykotick9Zequez, are you running ubuntu?  "sudo service gdm3 stop" perhaps?04:11
Zequezzykotick9, yes, I'm running Ubuntu. I'll try that04:11
zykotick9Zequez, 11.10 perhaps?04:12
Zequezzykotick9, yes :P04:12
Zequezzykotick9, does it matters? =/04:12
zykotick9Zequez, ask in #ubuntu+1 - i don't think it uses GDM anymore04:12
Zequezzykotick9, oh, ok, thanks ^^04:12
ActionParsnipPolah: very typical04:13
ActionParsnipzykotick9: nice catch04:13
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stephenthemartyrcanm anyone help me make sense of the virtual box so i can have a virtual machine on my ubuntu 10.4 side with windows xp in the virt.box which is on other side of partition?04:19
zykotick9stephenthemartyr, do you want to boot the physical Windows XP from Ubuntu?04:20
Guest16757everyone having a good night?04:20
aeplusoh yeah... getting paid tomorrow, three day weekend here04:21
stephenthemartyrzykotick9: i think so04:21
K-Richgot a bootle of04:21
Guest16757so do people still have bot wars on irc?04:21
stephenthemartyri want to use the few windows programs i have on the ubuntu side so i dont have to keep switching04:21
K-RichCaptain Morgan and a buy 2 get one free deal at the dispensary... i'm great04:22
zykotick9stephenthemartyr, if that's what you want you might be able to do it with "wine"04:22
Guest16757captain morgan is the best!!!04:22
zykotick9Guest16757, perhaps you're looking for #ubuntu-offtopic04:22
stephenthemartyri dont think so,the programs are sonar and a few others,can i do it in the virt.machine?04:24
rypervenchestephenthemartyr: virtualbox is pretty straight forward04:25
zykotick9stephenthemartyr, it's possible yes - but it's not recommended in VirtualBox, research RAW access.04:25
zykotick9rypervenche, not for RAW partition access04:25
rypervencheoh, shutting up then04:25
zykotick9stephenthemartyr, rypervenche has a point - if you install a new Windows in VBox it's pretty easy04:26
Lesterwoodwhy is find not working with grep04:26
zykotick9Lesterwood, what command are you trying?04:26
Lesterwoodi type the command /find / -name someshit|grep users04:26
Lesterwoodit should be in a file called users04:26
stephenthemartyri did that but how do i get the windows programs in the virtualwindowsbox?ive read everything i can find and i dont understand still so can u please help me04:27
zykotick9Lesterwood, if you're looking for a file called "users" use "find / -iname users"04:27
Lesterwooda file called someshit04:28
zykotick9Lesterwood, is the file "something" or "users"04:28
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Lesterwoodthe file is named someshit04:28
Lesterwoodthe file is users04:29
FloodBot1Lesterwood: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:29
bkerensaLesterwood: Can we reduce the profanity or obfuscate it04:29
zykotick9Lesterwood, i give up04:29
PolahLesterwood, use find to find files and grep to search within files. You could do find -name "<name>" | xargs cat     to find a file and then display the contents in a terminal04:29
stephenthemartyrzykotick9: so its not straightfoward enough for me,im newish to computers04:29
rypervenchestephenthemartyr: You install windows in Virtual Box.04:30
PolahLesterwood: Are you trying to find it or display it?04:30
rypervenchestephenthemartyr: If you want to do what they were talking about, the RAW thing, I have no idea.04:30
zykotick9stephenthemartyr, i suggest you follow rypervenche's advice and reinstall Windows in Vbox rather then trying to use your current physical install04:30
rypervenchestephenthemartyr: I have Windows 7 on a partition, and Windows XP on a virtual machine so I can access it while on Linux.04:31
stephenthemartyrid have to have the windows cd correct?04:31
samerquick question, so I set up an ubuntu server, and the site seems accessible from the ip (, but on the server I can't do anything that accesses the internet, like ping, or more importantly, download packages. The firewall is off, and the router has its ip address DMZ'd, so that shouldn't be a problem, in theory. It's a verizon router, and i'm currently accessing the server through ssh, if either of those make a differenc04:31
rypervenchestephenthemartyr: Yes.04:31
stephenthemartyrcuz i dont which is the p[roblem04:31
ActionParsnipsamer: can you ping ?04:31
Lesterwoodnever mind04:32
Lesterwoodi am a idiot04:32
Lesterwoodthank you Polah04:32
ActionParsnipsamer: if you run:  route    do you have a default gateway set?04:32
stephenthemartyrzykotick9: although i do have a windows recovery thing on my grub menu could i use that?04:32
samerhmm, I don't04:33
zykotick9stephenthemartyr, no04:33
samerwould that be the problem?04:33
zykotick9stephenthemartyr, are you SURE you can't use your programs with wine?  It would certainly be the easiest method.04:33
ActionParsnipsamer: yes, the system doesn't know the next hop04:33
ActionParsnipsamer: did you define the IP information yourself?04:34
Polahstephenthemartyr: I believe you can download burnable images of Windows from the Microsoft store, you have to pay or you may be able to get it through verification of an existing owned key perhaps04:34
samerno, I haven't defined any ip information04:34
samerthanks lol, let me work on that now04:34
ActionParsnipsamer: so you are getting it via DHCP?04:34
rypervenchestephenthemartyr: You can also find torrents of the Windows CDs. You'll have the problem of the key though.04:35
zykotick9Polah, i imagine stephenthemartyr must have an OEM copy of windows - which legally can't be used in a VM04:35
zykotick9!warez | rypervenche04:35
ubotturypervenche: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o04:35
rypervenchezykotick9: It's not illegal to share the vanilla windows disc.04:35
ActionParsnipsamer: ok what interface name do you use and what is the routers internal IP. I can give you a command04:35
Polahzykotick9: Oh really, I didn't know OEM versions had such restrictions04:35
zykotick9rypervenche, yes it is04:36
rypervencheknowledge +104:36
samerthe router's internal ip is, and what do you mean by interface name?04:36
ActionParsnipsamer: sudo route add default gw eth0             is an example command, assuming 173.66.247 is the router's internal IP and you are using eth0 to access it04:37
ActionParsnipsamer: how do you access the router, wired or wireless?04:37
samerit's wired04:37
ActionParsnipsamer: ok so if you run:  ifconfig eth0    does that give the IP you know?04:37
ActionParsnipsamer: sudo route add default gw eth0           is the command04:38
samerso, I am using eth004:38
samerjust ran the command and it's still not pinging04:39
samerI had this issue before, and I did a new install and that fixed it04:39
ActionParsnipsamer: cool, the last command is the one you need, it tels your OS that to get network access the place to go is and you get there via eth004:39
zykotick9samer, how did you configure your network?  Do you have a GUI right now?04:40
samerI configured the static ip + dmz through the verizon router04:40
samernothing special to the server except for the rule I just added04:40
samerand it still won't ping out04:40
samerthe ufw firewall is disabled04:41
ActionParsnipsamer: can you ping ?04:41
Zetacuhello everyone. I have a Compaq V3000 with a broadcom b43 wireless adapter. Today i install a fresh install of ubuntu 11.04. And ubuntu can't find the wifi adapter any ideas?04:41
ActionParsnipsamer: your IP should be 192.168.1.something04:42
samerit's 1.1004:42
ActionParsnipsamer: wait, you can ping the gw?04:42
samerI can04:42
samercould this be a firewall issue on the router's side?04:42
zykotick9ActionParsnip, /etc/resolv.conf perhaps?04:42
ActionParsnipsamer: shouldn't your system have an IP in the same subnet as the routers internal IP. 192.168.1.x04:42
ActionParsnipzykotick9: can't ping
sameror, it's
zykotick9ActionParsnip, true04:43
ActionParsnipsamer: can you now ping after the route add?04:43
samerI can ping internally, but not externally04:43
zequezIf I restart the gdm service through console, and then I change to Ctrl+Alt+F7 but there is nothing running there... what does that means? Can I force it to start?04:43
ActionParsnipsamer: what interface is
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sameractionparsnip: what do you mean by interface?04:43
newerthi now dont get sound on quakewars04:44
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urlin2uZetacu, take a look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:44
newerthanyone got suggestions?04:44
ActionParsnipsamer: eth0, eth1, wlan0 etc04:44
sameractionparsnip: eth004:44
ActionParsnipsamer: so where does this come from?04:45
samerthat's my external ip04:45
Zetacu+urlin2u i try that one but in te first comand gets an error04:45
sameryou can go to it and see the apache page04:45
ActionParsnipsamer: ahh I see, ok well we don't need that bit ;)04:46
ActionParsnipsamer: indeed, It Works!!04:46
samerActionParsnip: hahaha, but that doesn't make sense why it won't let me ping out04:46
samerActionParsnip: or download anything04:47
hat0hey all.  i'm trying to get xubuntu onto a very recent mac mini (model:  macmini5,1).  anyone have any experience with this?  specifically, refit doesn't seem to take when i've installed it--i can't get it to show the refit menu04:47
ActionParsnipsamer: seems bizarre. let me think04:47
ActionParsnipsamer: can you pastebin the output of:  route    please04:47
ActionParsniphat0: http://blog.costan.us/2009/03/ubuntu-810-or-904-on-mac-mini.html04:48
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samerActionParsnip: not sure what the thing is about04:49
samerActionParsnip: seeing as I can't access that04:49
hat0actionparsnip, thanks, i've read that already actually, it doesn't work with lion due to changes in the boot camp assistant, and it also assumes that refit installs properly..04:49
ActionParsnipsamer: here is mine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/680301/04:50
ActionParsnipsamer: is the address of your network04:50
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samerActionParsnip: ah04:51
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samerActionParsnip: hmmmm, so what do you think would be the problem? Because I ran into this before, and it was solved with a clean install. It's a LAMP server with ssh and ftp04:53
astePCI'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.04:54
ActionParsnipsamer: its quite bizarre, that is my basic networking data via DHCP04:54
ArcademanMay I ask, is there a way to get back the window top bar in Ubuntu 11.04? Is this a compiz setting?04:54
ActionParsnipastePC: it's taken as understood04:54
urlin2uastePC, to be honest that is not ubuntu related but a personal gripe.04:55
ActionParsnipastePC: it's like IDE drives people go on about, like SATA drives aren't IDE.04:55
astePCLinux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.04:55
ActionParsnipastePC: its taken as understood dude04:56
samerastePC: you're preaching to the choir04:56
ArcademanMay I ask, is there a way to get back the window top bar in Ubuntu 11.04? Is this a compiz setting? Since I did a recent update ActionParsnip any suggestion?04:56
ActionParsnipArcademan: do you use ubuntu classic, or unity session?04:56
hat0astepc, please, go on, don't be shy, elaborate04:56
ArcademanActionParsnip, Ubuntu Classic04:56
ActionParsnip!panels | Arcademan04:56
ubottuArcademan: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:56
urlin2uhat0, maybe you can invite them to a pm or #ubuntu-offtopic. :D04:57
ArcademanActionParsnip, that will reset the top windows to like min ^ max?04:57
ActionParsnipastePC: it's like chalk you use on a chalkboard, it's not chalk. It's Gypsum but everyone says 'chalk' same thing04:57
hat0urlin2u: i was hoping he'd go on until someone kicked him ;)04:57
ActionParsnipArcademan: that is the windows manager, different thing04:58
urlin2uhat0, OH you evil helper you. :D04:58
astePCMany computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.04:58
ArcademanWell it seemed to disappear ActionParsnip I cant min/max at all :P04:58
urlin2u!pm | Zetacu04:58
ubottuZetacu: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:58
reavengreyHi, I haven't updated ubuntu in a while, but I updated today, and the desktop env is very different.04:58
reavengreyI'd first like to be able to change the number of workspacesd back to 304:59
reavengreyI like having 3 in a single row04:59
reavengreyI cannot right click on the workspaces menu item on the left menu04:59
samerI think the whole GNU crusade is becoming irrelevant04:59
ActionParsnipastePC: in short, it doesn't matter, people know what they mean and people understand what is meant even if the 'wrong words' are used04:59
samerit's not really free vs not free anymore04:59
samermore like how you can use both in the ways the work the best05:00
samermake love not war05:00
reavengreyI don't suppose anyone here can advise me?05:00
ActionParsnipastePC: I have given classic exaples of everyday objects being misnamed in the same way but I'm VERY sure you use thm all the same05:00
reavengreyHow do I change the number of workspaces?05:00
zykotick9reavengrey, CCWM - General05:00
reavengreyCCSM = ?05:01
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz05:01
Polahreavengrey:  Alternately, right click the workspace switcher on your panel, hit preferences and then you can change the number of rows and columns and thus workspaces.05:01
zykotick9Polah, MAY not be an option05:01
reavengreyIt doesn't work: when I right click nothing happens05:01
reavengreyI'll try the compiz package05:01
reavengreyI assume there is a way to revert to the old GNOME?05:02
zykotick9!classic | reavengrey05:02
ubottureavengrey: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".05:02
reavengreyThank you so much :)05:02
ActionParsnipreavengrey: in oneiric and onwards, unity2d replaces gnome classic05:02
reavengreyBrb, relogging05:02
zequez /join #ubuntu+105:03
* ActionParsnip rubs hs tummy "mm trolpie"05:03
zequezWell, restarting solved it05:03
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ActionParsnipzequez: nice05:03
zequezOops, I left I space05:03
xgt001is there a way in natty to make the global menu always visible?05:04
Dice-Manhi again05:04
Dice-Manthe documentation about installing gstreamer is dark and cold05:05
reavengreyThank you, I'm not back to GNOME05:05
Dice-Manif someone by any hasards could help me to solve this05:05
urlin2uxgt001, tye left panel?05:05
reavengreyGNOME > KDE > everything else05:05
cedriczgHello there, anyone may know how to recover a pendrive which shows no files on it, but df command shows it has 86% used?...05:06
Polahcedriczg: cd to it and run ls -la, does it list any files?05:06
cedriczgPolah, nope05:06
urlin2ucedriczg, have you hit crtl-h and looked for a trash05:06
cedriczgNo trash either05:07
xgt001urlin2u: i mean i don want to hover to the top menu to see the menu options. i just want the menu to be always visible on top... any hacks?05:07
cedriczgI found on the even loger05:07
AplePossible to start Terminal Maximized??05:07
cedriczgFAT: Directory bread(block 528) failed05:07
PolahAple: Look in Profile Preferences for terminal05:07
cedriczgPolah, urlin2u, in my syslog I see messages like FAT: Directory bread(block 528) failed happened before I got into this05:08
AplePolah: I did, but it just lets you use rows/columns05:08
ApleNot "maximize"05:08
PolahAple: Yes, increase them till it's about full screen I guess (:05:08
ApleI know it's little difference, but I'm just curious if anyone knows05:09
Apleheh :)05:09
urlin2uxgt001, in compiz config manager is a unity plugin use never hide.05:09
reavengreyOkay, I'm productive once more05:10
=== Smedles_ is now known as Smedles
reavengreyThanks and bye :)05:10
PolahDice-Man: I could give you a list of typical gstreamer plugins that I have if you'd like05:11
xgt001urlin2u: thats the left panel... its not an issue. i want the top panel to always show thee menu05:11
Polahxgt001: Do you mean like "File, Edit" and so on?05:11
samuelsappsif there any cd emulator that can emulate bin files in ubuntu 11.0405:13
xgt001Polah: exactly05:13
brainard52I would like sime help please.05:13
zequezHey, I put the "Hide Launcher" to never in the CompizConfig Settings Manager but Unity launcher keeps hiding. Do I have to restart compiz or something?05:14
urlin2ubrainard52, have you posted a question?05:14
brainard52I need to set up a static IP05:14
brainard52and I am too noobish to be able to figure it out05:15
xgt001brainard52: go on05:15
AdamMan 05:15
Polahbrainard52: Could you run ifconfig and pastebin the output for me please05:16
brainard52that's just it. I've looked it up, and people have said, just copy this into your interfaces file found at etc/network and the run this command05:16
brainard52oops >.<05:16
brainard52wasn't thinking05:16
urlin2ubrainard52, what OS are you rub=nning?05:17
zhiweihello,all. there is no ibus icon in my ubuntu panel, do you know why?05:17
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blahblahI'm having issues with my iowait going through the roof with my usb harddrive05:19
blahblahgoolge hasn't been very helpful05:19
brainard52is there a polah http://pastie.org/pastes/2469448/text05:19
cedriczgurlin2u, Polah, well I am trying testdisk utility I just installed...05:19
blahblahI just migrated from gentoo and didn't have this issue then05:19
Polahbraindard52: Are you running GNOME?05:20
pathornHey, I'm testing oneric and I'm having trouble installing tsconf:i38605:21
urlin2upathorn, #ubuntu+105:21
cedriczgPolah, I guess I had bad luck. No file found, filesystem seems damaged. :(05:22
Polahbrainard52: Click the arrows network icon on your panel, click edit connections, select the connection you want to set as static, click edit, go to IPv4 settings and select the dropdown menu and choose manual. Then, click Add next to IP addresses and put in the IP you want to assign, then subnet mask and gateway address, for DNS servers you can find the ones assigned to your router or just use, for Google's DNS servers05:22
brainard52What would I put for subntet and gateway? I'm 17, and I've only been experimenting with linux for a while now. sry.05:24
brainard52hm... guess i didn't have to put my age...05:25
ActionParsnipPatric3: ask in #ubuntu+1 for oneiric05:25
Polahbrainard52, your subnet is and gateway is probably or, the address you use to access your router05:25
lo-fihey guys limited experience here, trying to set up ubuntu server for experimental reasons but am having trouble setting up lo with dhcp was wondering if anyone would mind helping05:25
brainard52oh ok. i tshould be on my router then?05:26
rwwlo-fi: lo is the loopback interface. it's internal to your computer. it doesn't use dhcp.05:26
Polahbrainard52: The address you use to access your router through a browser is your gateway address05:26
lo-fii see05:26
lo-fii thought it was my wireless, and eth0 being ethernet05:27
lo-fihm would anyone mind helping me get connected to my network then? having a bit of trouble i dont think im understanding things completely05:28
brainard52so now I have static IP?05:28
lo-fiill brb after a cig05:28
brainard52I followed your destructions to the letter05:29
Polahbrainard52: Destructions, oh dear... :P Yeah, you should do05:29
brainard52xD and it seems you're very popular here.05:29
brainard52or you offer your knowledge a lot05:30
brainard52anyway, gotta get back to my server.05:30
dsnydersHI all!  Is there a simple way of executing a command on every  file in a folder, but prompting for a yes/no before each file.  eg: ask mplayer *05:30
blahblahI am running into this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/786776 IOWait makes system unusable with usb harddrive. Can anyone offer suggestions?05:32
Polahdsnyders: Which command?05:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 786776 in Ubuntu "USB disk writes cause IOWait, freeze system" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:32
dsnydersPolah, mplayer05:32
Polahbrainard52: Thanks what you get when you sit up in the early hours of the morning in here (:05:32
Polahdsnyders: And you want to go through a directory and only open certain files?05:33
urlin2ublahblah, in which release?05:34
dsnyderspolah, yes, basically05:34
blahblahurlin2u: Natty05:34
urlin2ublahblah, strange says it fixed in natty not sure myself.05:34
blahblahurlin2u: I have googled and found multiple people affected by it, but no solutions05:35
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doodmangHi, how can I move my wrapped ecrypt passphrase to another device and reconfigure ecrypt?05:43
brainard52sorry to be a pain again, but how do I find my DHC?05:43
brainard52or whatever that is?05:44
zequez How can I | grep the list of possible commands?05:44
brainard52dns >.<05:44
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doodmangbrainard52, DHC or DNS?05:44
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brainard52sorry. How do I find my DNS05:44
Polahbrainard52: It'll be listed on your router pages somewhere. Just use, if you don't want to look for them05:45
brainard52ok. ty :)05:45
* Stanley00 help05:45
* Stanley00 help05:45
rwwStanley00: best to just ask your actual question05:46
brainard52um... it says that it's automatically getting DNS from my ISP05:46
brainard52should I set it to something?05:46
Stanley00rww: sorry, xchat suck! :)05:46
doodmangbrainard52, uh... the way you use the term is really confusing05:46
Polahbrainard52: Yes, just set it to, in that case05:47
brainard52ah... I am on my router page, and I was looking for the DNS. under the DNS option, the bubble "Get automatically from ISP" is filled in.05:48
Polahzequez: What command are you looking for?05:48
Polahbrainard52: Leave it like that then and just set your computer to mine.05:48
brainard52ok. thanks. I just wanted to be sure i wasn't giving bad info and then getting bad info in return...05:49
brainard52sorry :/05:49
zykotick9brainard52, FYI there are some disadvantages to using Google's DNS - geolocation won't work, so stuff like, find closest server will fail to work properly05:50
brainard52ah, and what about minecraft? will that still work?05:51
brainard52like if im hosting a server?05:51
zykotick9brainard52, i wouldn't know for sure, but i assume it would05:51
brainard52alrighty. I know where I'll come back to if i have any problems :)05:51
DrManhattanjust looking to get an opinion on mint vs ubuntu - does ubuntu actually have Gnome2 built in05:51
brainard52thanks for your trouble polah05:51
DrManhattanI don't really understand what "unity" is05:52
brainard52and others :)05:52
Polahbrainard52: DNS for your network connection is how YOUR computer resolves host names down to IP addresses.05:52
zykotick9!classic | DrManhattan05:53
ubottuDrManhattan: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".05:53
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PolahDrManhattan: It's an alternative shell for GNOME as opposed to the classic shell.05:53
DrManhattanbut it's still gnome2, right?05:53
zykotick9DrManhattan, yes05:53
PolahDrManhattan, it runs on top of it yes05:53
DrManhattanright on, thanks05:53
learnerhi all. i m using ubuntu 10.10. problm with empathy chat. account manager crashes as soon as i select irc to create an irc account05:56
Spaceman cd404605:58
Stanley00learner: have you tried update empathy?05:59
zykotick9learner, personally i'd suggesting using a real IRC client, BUT i remember some bug where you had to add another account type in empathy before IRC would work.06:00
mewayHello what would be the best version of ubuntu be for an old Dell Latitude D610 with windows and 2gram upgrade *no cd Drive* ??06:00
BalaLearner: I was reading something about this earlier today, somone mentioned about adding an AIM account before adding IRC. I know it sounds absurd, but please try that.06:00
mewayprocessor is apparently 1.86 ghz06:00
Stanley00meway: how about the video card?06:01
Polahmeway: Lubuntu perhaps, lxde has a smaller footprint that gnome apparently06:02
mewayStanley00: how do I find this out?06:02
mewayPolah: I am familar with ubuntu does lubuntu have a dual boot like ubuntu?06:02
Polahmeway: Lubuntu is ubuntu with lxde by default instead of gnome. Just different environments by default, they're still the same operating system really06:03
mewaypolah I want a faster enironment to work with06:03
=== Milos|Netbook is now known as meh
Polahmeway: gnome should work fine, I'm just suggesting lxde since it's lighter. You can Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu or a few others. The only difference is the default desktop environment, it's your choice.06:04
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Stanley00meway: well, then may be lubuntu is a good choice here06:04
lotuspsychjeMilos|Netbook: what netbook you have?06:04
mewayStanley00: I have no cd drive so does this have an installer like wubi?06:05
mewayand do you have a link? :s06:05
Polahmeway: You can use a USB drive to install. Like I said, they function exactly the same as Ubuntu, they just look different.06:05
lotuspsychjemeh2: what netbook you have?06:05
mewayPolah: lets assume I don't have a flashdrive and I'm on a windows machine wanting to dual boot06:06
mewayPolah: and the cd drive happends to be broken as well :s06:06
Polahmeway: Don't think it's possible to install properly then. You can use wubi but I wouldn't really recommend that.06:06
Stanley00meway: like above, ubuntu and lubuntu is the same, so dont worry about that06:07
=== Milos|Netbook is now known as Guest92576
mewayPolah: can't use wubi to install lubuntu06:07
mewayStanley00: kk06:07
Polahmeway: Yes you probably can but I just wouldn't recommend wubi in general06:07
zequezHey, the top bar with the menues and title of the window, it's from Unity or from Gnome?06:07
mewayStanley00: should I worry about installing a previous version of ubuntu? dell latitude Idk how effeciant it is with 2g ram and 1.86 processor06:07
mewayPolah: whats wrong with wubi?06:08
lotuspsychjedoes ubuntu netbook remix support all regular ubuntu apps from software centre?06:08
Stanley00meway: just give lubuntu a try, and you will see, btw, I recommend install via usb or something like that06:09
zykotick9meway, i "personally" think Wubi is a terrible idea - and hope it gets realized as a failed experiment soon.06:09
mewayPolah: is there a way to get ubuntu on a flashdrive that contains information already?06:09
zykotick9lotuspsychje, there isn't a netbook remix anymore - it's same as desktop06:09
Polahmeway: It doesn't give Ubuntu an independent filesystem or make it accessible without image editing tools or booting into it. A proper install doesn't force it to rely on Window's NTFS and you can edit it whenever you like provided you have access to tools for the filesystem you used06:09
Stanley00meway: wubi just for test purpose only, I thinks06:09
Polah!liveusb | meway06:09
ubottumeway: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:09
urlin2umeway, read what Augustino says. http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/06:09
almoxarifemeway: I got started with ubuntu via a wubi install, get the current wubi installable ubuntu, try to give the install the max amount of gig for the system, if you don't like it, uninstall via windows06:10
mewayPolah: I refuse your links but thanks. It was a simple yes or no :p06:10
Polahmeway: The answer is yes and the links tell you how.06:10
mewayI like wubi as I use both windows and ubuntu06:10
Polahmeway: You can use both, install Ubuntu on a second partition and GRUB lets you choose to boot into whichever installed OS you want06:10
mewayPolah: ok thanks :)06:11
PolahAnd here's the page for getting Lubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu#A11.0406:11
urlin2umeway, that is the designer answering the question of long term use.06:11
mewayurlin2u: ?06:11
CluelessPersonhow is everyone?06:11
almoxarifemeway: I don't see why you can't install lubuntu after the wubi install, to ubuntu its just another desktop06:12
urlin2umeway, the link I posted.06:12
lotuspsychjezykotick9: tnx for hint, so all apps should work normally on netbook06:12
mewayalmoxarife: you just lost me06:12
Polahalmoxarife: If you only want to try, why install at all? Use a live session, or better yet a LiveUSB with persistence06:12
Wolfwalker_PrimeI bet there's a FAQ for the latest Ubuntu.  And I bet right at the top of the FAQ there's how to get your old applications drop-down menu back.  Maybe even how to get rid of that big honking launcher.06:13
Wolfwalker_PrimeSo where is the FAQ?06:13
mewayPolah: can I install ubuntu on a flashdrive with data already on it?06:13
Polahalmoxarife, meway: You should be able to install lxde through apt-get after installing any other version of Ubuntu, the same applies to other desktop environments too06:13
mewaywthout having to move it06:13
zykotick9lotuspsychje, generally.  Netbooks tend to not have a lot of RAM or high power graphics, so not EVERYTHING will work, but most should06:13
rww!classic | Wolfwalker_Prime06:13
ubottuWolfwalker_Prime: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".06:13
mewayPolah: ah ok I will try that06:13
almoxarifemeway: what Polah said06:13
Polahmeway: Hmm, without having to move it perhaps not, it would depend on the tools you use.06:13
mewaypolah any way you can think06:14
Polahmeway: But if you're yet to download an ISO and want to use LXDE instead of GNOME or another, just getting the Lubuntu ISO would be quicker than getting Ubuntu and then installed LXDE afterwards06:14
Wolfwalker_PrimeThank you rww.  Unity sucks eggs.  Having tried it, I hate it because it makes it harder to do a lot of stuff.06:14
Wolfwalker_PrimeFor end-users it is probably better though.06:14
rwwWolfwalker_Prime: I use KDE. So... yeah :\06:14
Polahmeway: There's ways to create a LiveUSB manually but quickly moving your data away, using unetbootin or similar for windows to create the liveusb and then moving your data back afterwards would be the safest and possibly easiest way06:14
mewayPolah: I have neglected to say I have a copy of ubuntu06:15
Polahmeway: Ah, in that case install lxde afterwards then06:15
zykotick9rww, sorry personal question - have you always used KDE?06:15
mewayPolah: so I can put files on the live drive?06:15
Wolfwalker_Primemeway I install to flash drive all the time... I just use a flash drive like a hard drive during install, and it works the same.  No need for unetbootin, specialist USB install or anything.06:16
Polahmeway: Yes, if you move them, make the LiveUSB and then move them back they shouldn't be affected and you should still be able to boot the USB06:16
mewayWolfwalker_Prime: if you remove the drive all the files stay correct?06:16
rwwzykotick9: I've hopped around a lot. KDE's been my favorite for long enough that it's likely I'll stick with it06:16
Wolfwalker_PrimeThey do for me.06:16
mewayPolah: ok06:16
mewayWolfwalker_Prime: kk06:16
Wolfwalker_Primerww Kubuntu, or Ubuntu with KDE installed afterward?06:16
rwwWolfwalker_Prime: Kubuntu, when I'm not using Debian06:17
mewaythanks guys I will try this06:17
Polahmeway: Always good to back up your files just in case (:06:17
zykotick9rww, thanks, just curious06:17
Wolfwalker_PrimeNo Linux Mint? ^.^06:17
mewayNow how do I make a usb drive with windows?06:17
rwwWolfwalker_Prime: no06:17
PolahWolfwalker_Prime, they're really the same thing there, it's just installing KDE after the system install may have another environment too06:17
Polah!liveusb | meway06:17
ubottumeway: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:17
mewaykk ty06:17
Wolfwalker_PrimeUh... none of that stuff is really necessary.  At least not in an OS that will give you flash drives as external hard drives on install.06:18
Wolfwalker_PrimeI'm just now trying out 11.04 though, so I don't know if it will install to a flash drive normally.06:18
xgt001hello.. wifi not working , i have broadcom bcm4313 , iwconfig leads me nothing, natty with kernel 3.0.306:18
xgt001any ideas?06:19
almoxarifeI have been using ssh x11 and I find myself mixing 'sudo' and 'gksu' a lot, what is the worse case scenario?06:19
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rumpe1almostroot, permission problems for some configurations06:20
urlin2uWolfwalker_Prime, it will instal to a thumb no problem.06:20
Wolfwalker_PrimeO....kay, latest Ubuntu is missing that little step at the end where you can hit Advanced tab and specify where to install Grub.06:20
urlin2ufull or iso.06:20
Wolfwalker_PrimeWhen you install to a flash drive how do you specify where to install Grub?06:21
zequezCan I make Unity show the window title and the menu at the same time in the same row?06:21
urlin2uWolfwalker_Prime, it is in the something else portion06:21
learnerhi all. i m using ubuntu 10.10. problm with empathy chat. account manager crashes as soon as i select irc to create an irc account06:21
Wolfwalker_Primeurlin2u: If "something else" then you have to set up partitions manually...06:21
urlin2uWolfwalker_Prime, yes06:21
frewsxcvwhere do the upstart scripts live if i want to create one?06:21
Wolfwalker_PrimeSo... the latest, greatest Ubuntu makes it HARDER?06:22
urlin2uWolfwalker_Prime, not really06:22
Wolfwalker_PrimeThis is going backward.06:22
urlin2uWolfwalker_Prime, a different design, you have to adapt .06:23
almoxarifelearner: might I suggest you use 'pidgin'06:23
Wolfwalker_PrimeThis different design is not as easy.  In the old design you select a flash drive as though it were a normal hard drive, hit Advanced at the last step and select the flash drive for grub.06:23
=== takeshi is now known as ps-ax
Wolfwalker_PrimeThen Ubuntu made its own partitions, installed itself, etc.06:24
zykotick9frewsxcv, /etc/init/06:24
doodmangWhat other ways are there to encrypt directories?06:24
urlin2uWolfwalker_Prime, you do the same in a different gui is all.06:24
Wolfwalker_Primeurlin2u: but now you have to manually make partitions.06:24
urlin2uWolfwalker_Prime, yu would on a thumb before as well.06:24
katarnHi i need some help =(06:25
Wolfwalker_PrimeUbuntu just installed itself, made its own partitions like the flash drive was a normal hard drive.06:25
frewsxcvzykotick9: if i add a script there, how do i start it06:25
PolahIs it possible to upgrade the distribution of Ubuntu on flash drive, not a persistent install but just a LiveUSB? i.e. boot the LiveUSB and run do-release-upgrade, or plug it in and chroot from a full install?06:25
lazy-diggerhi :-)06:26
zykotick9frewsxcv, i have no idea - i just know that's where the upstart stuff is located.  Good luck.06:26
urlin2uPolah, not a good idea it's running off the ID=ISO, and the csaper-rw06:26
learneralmoxarife, : yeah surely i will try but is der any fix for this problem in empathy?06:26
katarni have a raid 0 with windows 7, and i want install ubuntu 11.04 too but for some reason i cant install i need something more?06:26
Polahurlin2u: Thought so, I was just hoping it would be possible since I always have a LiveUSB around for emergencies and I'd like to keep it up to date without needing to redownload the full ISO and remake the drive06:26
matrixiumnhan anyone heard of notepad++06:26
urlin2uPolah, some have but the casper-rw doesn't clean easily06:26
Stanley00learner: you can try update empathy and/or remove it's config file06:27
almoxarifelearner: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ZZSAm8S6j1IJ:live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ+empathy+chat.+account+manager+crashes+as+soon+as+i+select+irc&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us <-- follow the link to the header 'IRC" , its not promising06:27
urlin2umatrixiumn, in windows yes.06:27
katarnsomeone know?06:27
matrixiumnyes but using wine will it work?06:27
matrixiumnbecause I am currently a windows user about to switch to ubuntu06:28
Polahmatrixiumn: Try out Bluefish, sudo apt-get install bluefish. It has syntax highlighting for multiple languages, tabs for files and has a lot of features of Notepad++ like replace tabs and suchlike06:28
PolahThey're fairly similar06:28
urlin2umatrixiumn, not sure, libreoffice is pretty good, of google docs I thinmk it's called06:28
katarnsomeone can help me?06:28
learnerthanks  Stanley00  and almoxarife now i m using Xchat. since i m new to irc..i am a bit confused on which irc client is the best06:29
urlin2ukatarn, not many do that so you may wait awhile, during the day US are more people though.06:29
almoxarifelearner: xchat is a good choice for 'irc'06:30
Polah!raid | katarn06:30
ubottukatarn: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto06:30
Stanley00learner: I just have xchat 2 weeks ago, and I thinks this is the best06:30
almoxarifelearner: if you decide to esperiment, try pidgin, irc without the irc look,06:30
Wolfwalker_PrimePidgin is great.06:31
learnerok almoxarife06:31
dr-willispidgin can be annoying for irc06:31
Wolfwalker_PrimeDepends if you're a mod.06:31
katarnmmm i dont know but my raid works already, i guess that info talk about for create the raid 0 on ubuntu, no?06:31
learnerStanley00, : xchat also looks cool06:31
Wolfwalker_Primekatarn: the difference between Raid 0 and Raid 1 (or so I hear) is that with Raid 0, 0 stands for how many files you get back if something goes wrong.06:32
Stanley00learner: yep, and so more ;)06:32
almoxarifedr-willis: probably true, I got opped once, I never figured out where to kick or ban, I don't get opped much, so it was a non issue :)06:32
PolahThere's a lot of IRC clients. Pidgin, Empathy, Xchat, Xchat GNOME (simplified interface I think), irssi and probably a lot more06:32
katarnthe raid 1 is a backup, like a mirror06:32
PolahWolfwalker_Prime: I laughed, that's quite a good one.06:33
dr-willisweechat is my fave. kvirc and quassle also06:33
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katarnraid 0 the 2 hard drive work like 1, so the drive increase the speed06:33
ActionParsnipPidgin here and irssi06:33
Polahkatarn: Theoretically increase the speed, it's not guaranteed. What IS guaranteed is a compromise of data integrity06:34
learnerStanley00, , almoxarife are u fimilear with network manager?06:34
katarnyes i know, but i want the speed06:34
Wolfwalker_PrimeXChat GNOME I have tried before.  It is XChat with all the tools safely locked away from the user.06:34
almoxarifelearner: yes, to a degree06:35
Stanley00learner: nope, I just an end-user :(06:35
learnerok Stanley0006:35
Wolfwalker_PrimeRegular XChat is great though.  What I'm currently using.06:35
ActionParsnipkatarn: raid0 isnt technically raid, it just uses the same idea technology ;)06:35
Polahkatarn: Sure, if you're actually getting any decent performance increase.06:35
Wolfwalker_PrimeComes with some standard Op popups even.06:35
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Benkinoobysome1 has experience with managing an ipod in ubuntu and can recommend me a program for it? (i read several articles but hardly found any experience reports)06:35
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod06:36
PolahBenkinooby: Banshee has built in support for iPod syncing and whatnot I believe06:36
Wolfwalker_PrimeBenkinooby: I hear the real iTunes works well in Wine (Windows emulator.)06:36
ActionParsnipBenkinooby: install ifuse and you can treat it like a normal usb drive06:36
Wolfwalker_PrimeAs I do not (nor will I ever) have an iThing I have no idea if it really works, but a friend of mine has no complaints.06:36
katarnThanks for the help, cya! =D06:37
dowany home?06:37
=== dow is now known as ubububntu
dr-willisitunes did not work in wine last i heard06:37
doodmangHow can I move my ecrypt passphrase file?06:37
ActionParsnipDow: nobody but us chickens06:37
BenkinoobyActionParsnip, so with ifuse i can handle it with my music manager like any other pm3-player...nice & thx for the hint!06:37
ubububntuI need halp06:37
Polahubububntu, is it with spelling Ubuntu?06:38
BenkinoobyPolah, have you tested it?06:38
learneralmoxarife, one of my frnd has a problem with network manager.the internet was working all fine with both  wireless data card and gprs. but sudenly one day the network manager applet shows up with a red exclamation mark saying tat network manager is not running,networking disabled,,tryed maney things frm forms but still the problem exist,, and bluetooth is also not working06:38
ActionParsnipdr-willis: some do according to the appdb. Not used it personally06:38
PolahBenkinooby, tested what?06:38
almoxarifelearner: not enough info, no idea06:38
xgt001wifi not working on bcm4313 despite having broadcom proprietary drivers.. any help06:39
ActionParsnipBenkinooby: no idea. I don't buy apple rubbish. I only know of ifuse06:39
BenkinoobyWolfwalker_Prime, i read about it... but to be honest itues has it's flaws (like no folder monitoring Oo )... but thank you for that advice... in case nothing works, i'll fall back to that06:39
learneralmoxarife, tat system is lenovo g560 running on ubuntu 10.1006:39
BenkinoobyPolah, banshee + ipod06:39
BenkinoobyActionParsnip, it#06:39
learneralmoxarife, pls sugest specific info06:39
PolahBenkinooby: Nope, but I know it's there06:40
BenkinoobyActionParsnip, it's not even me (i don't have an mp3-player at all)06:40
almoxarifelearner: I will assume though that since it was working fine till I saw no network that the issue is 'no network avail'06:40
BenkinoobyActionParsnip, I will do further investigations to ifuse and how i can be used for media players06:40
almoxarifelearner: or, your friend decided to play with 'firewalls' but forgot to tell you?06:41
BenkinoobyPolah, ActionParsnip Wolfwalker_Prime thank you all for your input06:41
learnerthe msg on network applet says "network manager is not running and networking disabled.." and when blutooth is on they says tat " network manager not running and wireless is disabled"06:42
ActionParsnipBenkinooby: yw and thanks for the gratitude :D06:42
Wolfwalker_PrimeI hear Amarok works with players that have to sync stuff.06:42
Wolfwalker_PrimeI haven't tried Amarok in years though, so my info is way out of date.06:42
learneralmostroot, : dnt knw weather he has messed up with firewall06:42
almoxarifelearner: tried clicking it into run mode?06:42
ActionParsnipWolfwalker_Prime: a big install if you use gnome, lots of Qt deps06:42
PolahYou should never play with firewalls if you don't know what you're doing. Walls made out of fire are much worse than matches :P06:43
ubububntuI have installed ubuntu, I have ubuntu dvd-iso on hard drive. Now I want to install some apps from dvd. I mount iso file, but package manager cant work with it(it gives errors despite it mounted). I use Ubuntu 10.02 or 10.04 not sure.06:43
Wolfwalker_PrimeI never, ever, ever buy a media player unless I am sure I can load music by dropping files in a folder.06:43
learneralmoxarife, : wat is run mode?06:43
ActionParsnipubububntu: there is no 10.02 ;)06:43
DBordelloDoes anybody know what would cause grub to ocassionaly sit waiting for user input?  This is pretty annoying on a headless machine06:43
ubububntuActionParsnip: idc, just want to know how to mount iso properly06:44
azmDBordello, pressing a key06:44
ActionParsnipubububntu: there should be a button to add cdrom in software centre. Not sure if it honours mounted ISOs06:44
DBordelloazm, no body near the box06:45
Polahubububntu, sudo mount -o loop,rw <iso> <mount point>06:45
almoxarifelearner: this machine that does not work, you looking at it?06:45
PolahThen you can pull packages for /mount/point/etc/cache/apt and install06:45
learneralmoxarife, : when we rightclick on network applet icon everything is grayed out..cannot select anything under tat menu06:45
almoxarifelearner: this machine that does not work, you looking at it?06:45
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ubububntuPolah: I know, I tryed to mount it to /cdrom, media/cdrom, which one ?06:45
learneralmoxarife, : no that is a remote machine i hav no access to it06:45
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ActionParsnipubububntu: as Polah says, the mount point must exist (mount points are folders so make an empty new on to use)06:46
azmDBordello, try to chnage waiting time in eg. grub manager06:46
ubububntuI get it.. I can see it in "Places", but synaptic doesnt06:46
learneralmoxarife, : i m just trying to help him fix it06:47
DBordelloazm, it isn't a timeout issue.  It sits there indefinetly06:47
Polahubububntu, sudo mkdir /media/cdrom && sudo mount -o loop,rw <isopath> /media/cdrom06:47
ubububntualso i have "4.5 GB File: Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS i386" in "Computer", but it gives errors when I click it06:47
ActionParsnipubububntu: sudo mkdir /media/iso; sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /media/iso06:47
doodmangHi, I want to replace my ecryptfs passphrase file with a link to removable media, are there any precautions I should take?06:48
almoxarifelearner: I can't help you, its hard to imagine scenarios, sorry06:48
PolahActionParsnip, do ; and && between commands function the same way?06:48
azmDBordello, I'm just shooting.. try ./join #grub06:48
Polahdoodmang: Back it up somewhere safe06:48
doodmangPolah, oops. Yeah, that would probably be a good idea, though I don't have any important information on it yet06:49
ActionParsnipPolah: ; doesn't mind if thr last command worked or not whereas && needs it to succeed to continue to the next  command06:49
PolahActionParsnip, oh I see, thanks.06:49
DBordelloazm, good idea06:50
ActionParsnipNo worries !D06:50
ubububntuI mounted it, but  Failed to fetch cdrom://06:50
ubububntuI can see cdrom in "Places", click it06:51
chicorihi Is it okay to uninstall unity?06:51
doodmangPolah, how can I make sure my removable media is mounted on boot?06:51
almoxarifewho knows surround sound hdmi and how to fake it when you don't have surround sound?06:51
JZApplesCan anyone help me get the microphone on my Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium to work.  I've had no luck.06:51
ubububntuI see "Failed to fetch cdrom://" everywhere06:51
Polahdoodmang: Make an fstab entry for it.06:51
ActionParsnipubububntu: let me search a sec06:51
libraryi have a ubuntu 10.4.1 running i clicked on install updates and suddenly system hanged06:52
ActionParsnipJZApples: those things ca06:52
doodmangPolah, by including it, will it automatically be mounted, or do I need to add a flag or something06:52
ActionParsnipCan be a pain06:52
Polahdoodmang: I guess you're trying to make a removeable key so that the filesystem is only decrypted when that key is inserted?06:52
JZApplesactionparsnip, tell me about it06:52
almoxarifeJZApples: does it show up as hardware in the 'sound' applet ?06:52
JZApplesalmoxarife, it does.06:52
doodmangPolah, yep. Unfortunately it's not my brilliant idea though06:52
almoxarifeJZApples: does it show up in the 'input' tab?06:52
librarywhen i rebooted the system it is not booting and its giving me an error as busybox .... and comes to initramfs prompt can some one pl. help me i have to quickly work on that machine06:53
Lindai can hear my pc thru earphones but not on speakers,,is a laptop06:53
urlin2uchicori, you have the classic desktop, why would you need to remove unity06:53
ubububntuSynaptic says Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs06:53
Polahdoodmang: Do sudo blkid and pastebin that for me please, and tell me the mount point you want06:53
Lindait just happend06:53
learnerok almoxarife  thanks for ur support06:53
doodmangPolah, I haven't gotten the removable media yet06:54
chicoriurlin2u, for one its causing screen to be black in patches.. second I dont like it at all.06:54
JZApplesalmoxarife, yes.  I have it set to Analog Stereo Output + Analog Mono Input.06:54
Polahdoodmang: Ah, well then you'll probably want to wait for that to set up mounting it then06:54
JZApplesalmoxarife, and alsamixer is not muted06:54
PolahDo I need to disable a ppa before using ppa-purge?06:54
libraryi am using ubuntu 10.4.1 and after running install updates system hanged and when i ran reboot it is not booting and coming with a message BusyBox v1.13.3 ... (initramfs) can some one pl. quickly help me to boot my machine i need to work on it06:54
Lindaeven on my multyboot,,i can hear anything on both operative systems06:54
almoxarifeJZApples: does it show up in the 'input' tab?06:55
JZApplesalmoxarife, yes06:55
urlin2uchicori, personally I wouldn't even if disliked, not sure if safe to do so.06:55
Lindadont tell me this linux system has mess up my audio on my laptop06:55
ActionParsnipubububntu: if you run: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list  you should see a line relating to the install media. You may be able to point it to the mount point of the iso. Its dirty and I've not done it but it makes sense in my head. Not sure of the syntax of the line. Let me ssh home to check06:55
baisgood morning06:56
almoxarifeJZApples: is it connected to the correct jack?06:56
doodmangYeah, but I'd hate to come back next time to have people not know how to do it.06:56
doodmangat Polah06:56
JZApplesalmoxarife, yes...06:56
Wolfwalker_PrimeThere.  I will never again have to select "Classic" at login.  Unity is no more, bwahahaha!06:56
Linda 06:56
corinthWhat command can I run to see if I'm running 32/64 bit?06:56
ubububntudeb cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release i386 (20110214.1)]/ lucid main restricted06:57
almoxarifeJZApples: does it require external power?06:57
JZApplesalmoxarife, no.  when i use sound recorder it records the output.06:57
rwwcorinth: uname -m, i686 is 32-bit, x86_64 is 64-bit06:57
doodmangPolah, as long as I don't add the noauto flag, it should mount automatically, yes?06:57
ubububntufile contains: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release i386 (20110214.1)]/ lucid main restricted06:57
JZApplesalmoxarife, like if i am watching a video or listening to a song, it will record that06:57
urlin2uWolfwalker_Prime, what are you planning to run after Natty?06:57
corinthThanks rww06:57
almoxarifeJZApples: sound recorder does not use the mic06:58
almoxarifeJZApples: the issue is a mic right?06:58
JZApplesalmoxarife, i've recorded things using my USB mic in it.  yes mic issue06:58
bullgard6Synaptic  does not list the package  flashplugin-nonfree. Do I have to enable in Synaptic >Repositories > (Software repositories) > Other Software > Canonical Partner?06:58
ActionParsnip!info flashplugin-nonfree06:59
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (natty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)06:59
ActionParsnipbullgard6: multiverse repo06:59
almoxarifeJZApples: when you tap the mic while looking at the 'input' tab, do the bars move?06:59
Polahdoodmang: Everything in fstab is mounted automatically. This should do you:      UUID="blah" /mount/point -t vfat -o ro,nouser,suid,uid=UID,gid=GID 0 006:59
ubububntu"Failed to fetch cdrom:/media/cdrom/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz" how to point it properly?07:00
librarycan someone quickly help me i tried running install updates on ubuntu LTS and when i rebooted the machine it did not boot and is now giving me an error as BusyBox v1.13.3 ..... (initramfs) i want to reboot the machine how to sort out the issue. pl. help.07:00
JZApplesalmoxarife, no and i've tried with 3 different mics that should all work.07:00
ActionParsnipubububntu: try removing cdrom:07:00
Polahdoodmang: Change vfat to the appropriate filesystem if it's not that, change UID and GID (capital parts) to the specific user's UID and GID, and change blah to the proper UUID when you have the drive set up07:00
almoxarifeJZApples: then the hardware found is not the mic, or the mic is muted07:01
bullgard6ActionParsnip: My Synaptic says that multiverse is enabled.07:01
JZApplesalmoxarife, how do i know which hardware profile to choose?07:01
Wolfwalker_PrimeSomething is very wrong with my shiny new Ubuntu.  I just installed it, it hasn't had time for me to break anything yet.07:01
doodmangPolah, well, users can have their own passphrases on the drive as well, cant they? If you limit the UID and GID, then only one user can use it. In that case, shouldn't permission just be set07:02
almoxarifeJZApples: how many pieces of hardware do you see in the hardware tab?07:02
ActionParsnipBullguard6: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree07:02
Wolfwalker_PrimeEvery time I open a program, the top edge of the window... the part of the window you can click and drag to put the window somewhere else... is above the edge of the screen.07:02
almoxarifeJZApples: I have two, one is inputs, the other is outputs07:02
JZApplesalmoxarife, two devices.  One is the X-Fi Titanium and the other is my USB mic.07:02
ubububntuI am getting error about malformed lines. give me example how could it look If my cdrom is mounted here /media/cdrom/07:03
JZApplesalmoxarife, i've tried every input possible, nothing works07:03
almoxarifeJZApples: the mic you want working is not the usb07:03
JZApplesalmoxarife, yes.  usb works fine07:03
almoxarifeJZApples: unplug the usb07:03
JZApplesalmoxarife, but i would like to use the other port as well07:03
almoxarifeJZApples: unplug the usb for testing07:04
doodmangPolah, permissions on the files*. And what about if I wanted to add a passphrase because I had another file to add?07:04
JZApplesalmoxarife, when i first tried troubleshooting this, the usb wasn't even in my possession, but ok USB unplugged.07:04
Polahdoodmang: That would mount it read-only07:04
ActionParsnipubububntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-35807.html07:04
JZApplesalmoxarife, i'm using 11.04 by the way07:04
almoxarifeJZApples: you may need to reboot or at least log out and return,07:04
Polahdoodmang: Don't know about a passphrase to add another file, sudo might be able to override read-only though07:05
ActionParsnipubububntu: has the line to add07:05
JZApplesalmoxarife, usb went away in devices07:05
ActionParsnipubububntu: search the page for:  file:///07:05
almoxarifeJZApples: I had to make hdmi work on natty, there was one option of 7 that worked, and I had to go thru them all07:05
doodmangWell, what if that drive needed to be opened by more than one user?07:06
ActionParsnipubububntu: obviously change the path and dist name07:06
almoxarifeJZApples: now only one hardware shows, and in 'input'?07:06
zykes-anyone here having problems with unity 2d and autohiding ?07:06
JZApplesalmoxarife, going through every profile again.  yes only one.07:07
Wolfwalker_PrimeAlso this freshly installed Ubuntu won't even boot unless I delete "quiet splash" from the boot line.07:07
urlin2uzykes-, have not seen anything, what's the problem?07:07
almoxarifeJZApples: one mic should be a 'mono'07:07
Wolfwalker_PrimeForget this.  Ubuntu these days is totally nuts.  Goodbye y'all, and good luck.07:07
ActionParsnipzykes-: I've seen some gconf commands to make it hide. I've seen the issue myself07:07
JZApplesi have lots of profiles that have mono input07:08
JZApplesalmoxarife, i have lots of profiles that have mono input07:08
urlin2uWolfwalker_Prime, don't let the door hit you on the way out,:D07:08
librarycan someone help me? after running install updates when i rebooted the system boot did not work and it is with (initramsfs) prompt how to boot system normally from this error07:08
no_gravityGood Morning! In this day and age, whats the right way to tell Apache not to start on startup? I used to do it like this: "rm -v /etc/rc*.d/*apache*" but the startup scripts get recreated by ubuntu updates.07:09
almoxarifeJZApples: the profile should match the reality of the capabilites07:09
JZApplesalmoxarife, i went through every single profile again, none register under input level.07:09
urlin2ulibrary, have you installed any apps to default the boot?07:09
ActionParsnipzykes-: http://katastrophos.net/andre/blog/2011/04/24/disable-the-auto-hide-functionality-of-ubuntu-unity-2d/07:09
almoxarifeJZApples: reboot, try it07:09
ActionParsnipzykes-: you can use the co07:10
libraryno i just ran install updates07:10
JZApplesalmoxarife, brb, i've tried all this already though07:10
urlin2ulibrary, Lucid?07:10
_Buzzz_if if plug in a ext4 formatted usb drive how do you get user perms to write on int?07:10
ActionParsnipCommands there with a little intelligence ;) zykes-07:10
libraryno its is 10.4.1 LTS07:10
urlin2ulibrary, that lucid is it a wubi?07:11
Polah_Buzzz_: Remount it with defaults or rw option07:11
ActionParsnip_Buzzz_: the users should get the access the files give them.07:11
_Buzzz_Polah: it is mounted like this /dev/sdc1 on /media/BACKUP type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks)07:12
libraryit is linux 2.6.32-28-generic07:12
libraryno it is not wubi07:12
urlin2ulibrary, did you install it from windows=wubi?07:12
_Buzzz_ActionParsnip: all my other drives seems to mount with user perm (usb drives that is)07:12
libraryno no i didnit install from windows07:12
ActionParsnip_Buzzz_: sounds fine. Are the folders you are accessing owned by your user?07:13
urlin2ulibrary, okay I got it is it the only OS?07:13
libraryit is only ubuntu 10.4.1 iso and has only linux OS07:13
_Buzzz_ActionParsnip: it is empty07:13
_Buzzz_ActionParsnip: trying to copy files to it but would like to do that without a sudo07:13
ActionParsnip_Buzzz_: ok so make a folder, what message do you get?07:14
slobrohow good does that mean the SL510 should work with ubuntu?07:14
urlin2ulibrary, #12 in this link has various methods on reinstalling grub2 to the mbr. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Upgrading07:14
almoxarifeJZApples: ready for round two or it works now?07:14
_Buzzz_ActionParsnip: touch: cannot touch `/media/BACKUP/donkey': Permission denied07:14
JZApplesalmoxarife, does not work.07:14
almoxarifeJZApples: open a terminal07:14
JZApplesalmoxarife, i've gone through all profiles, terminal open.07:15
ActionParsnip_Buzzz_: what about if you chow07:15
almoxarifeJZApples: do you have 'alsamixer' installed?07:15
_Buzzz_ActionParsnip: and perm is only rw for root so.. but the other drives get it for u and g too07:15
ActionParsnipchown the mount point to your user?07:15
librarydo i need to insert the ubuntu installation disk and try this07:15
bullgard6ActionParsnip: "The following packages have dependencies which are not met:  flashplugin-nonfree : Depends: flashplugin-installer but should not be installed. E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." --  Do I have to wait for some days and try again?07:15
librarybut i tried doing this07:15
_Buzzz_ActionParsnip: drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 2011-09-02 08:50 BACKUP07:16
_Buzzz_drwxrwxrwx  5 root root 4096 2010-10-12 21:13 ee5932b2-ab45-4efc-8c49-7537315ee2c807:16
JZApplesalmoxarife, yes, i've done that.  under capture everything but the mic is muted.  i've also tried it with everything in capture turned all the way up.07:16
_Buzzz_drwxrwxrwx 16 root root 4096 2011-08-27 10:18 storage07:16
librarybut my /dev/sda2 partition is not getting mounted07:16
almoxarifeJZApples: unmute it07:16
libraryi am getting an error as filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?07:16
ActionParsnipbullgard6: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc   please07:16
librarywhen i try to mount the /dev/sda2 partition temporarily07:16
JZApplesalmoxarife, everything in alsamixer is now turned all the way up.07:17
almoxarifeJZApples: back to input tab07:17
_Buzzz_ActionParsnip: chown will fix it but after reboot it will get back to old ownership i guess?07:17
bullgard6ActionParsnip: oneiric07:17
ActionParsnip_Buzzz_: sudo chown $USER:$USER /media/BACKUP07:17
ubububntuActionParsnip: file:///media/cdrom works07:18
JZApplesalmoxarife, tried every profile.  nothing registers under input.07:18
ActionParsnipbullgard6: a) its prerelease so you will get issues  b) oneiric isn't supported here. Ask in #ubuntu+107:19
LazyNoopi couldn't boot after install 11.04 from CD on SSD [grub complain file not file, ls (hd0,1)/boot show nothing] but i did check it from live (mnt the partition, chroot, did grub-install/update-grub) and things look fine. Anybody have any suggestion?07:19
bullgard6ActionParsnip: Thank you very much for your help.07:19
ActionParsnipubububntu: no walk in the park. Glad we got there :)07:19
_Buzzz_ActionParsnip: but will that persist thru reboots?07:19
almoxarifeJZApples: in alsamixer all capture was unmuted?07:20
ActionParsnip_Buzzz_: that I am not sure of07:20
JZApplesalmoxarife, yessir.07:20
ActionParsnip_Buzzz_: try it is all i can recommend07:20
almoxarifeJZApples: sucks to be you, I have no more ideas, sorry07:20
_Buzzz_ActionParsnip: oki have to do that :) thanks anyway07:21
almoxarifeJZApples: the machine a dual boot?07:21
JZApplesalmoxarife, thanks.  i tried all that already.  no it's not a dual boot.  I'll double-check it on a different windows machine, but i know this mic works.07:21
ActionParsnipubububntu: taught me something new too :)07:22
almoxarifeJZApples: starting with a known working mic in the correct jack is a must07:22
JZApplesalmoxarife, naturally...07:22
urlin2ulibrary, try sudo fsck /dev/sda2 from the live cd07:22
librarytried that it says filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?07:23
JZApplesalmoxarife, i'm a mild mannered software analyst by day.  I know how to test things.  :)07:23
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libraryi cannot mount that partition07:24
i_is_brokeso how well does gnome3 work with the 11.04? anyone know?07:24
urlin2ulibrary, take a look at this link especially post 3 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172130507:24
librarycan u help me i have booted the system with livecd07:24
ActionParsnipJZApples: are there any bugs reported?07:24
ActionParsnipi_is_broke: badly07:25
JZApplesActionParsnip, i found some other people having the same problem on the internets, but i don't know if a bug is reported07:25
JZApplesActionParsnip, i've noted a few bugs in 11.04 but no idea if they're reported or not.07:25
ActionParsnipi_is_broke: if you want gnome3, install or upgrade to oneiric when its released, or take the risk of prerelease now07:26
i_is_brokeActionParsnip, thats ok, thats why i asked.07:26
almoxarifeJZApples: I have used vlc to trouble shoot, it detects hardware better for some reason, it's a thought07:26
JZApplesalmoxarife, i have vlc installed, but not sure how to record with it.07:27
i_is_brokeand am to afraid to install oneiric right now...its not stable.07:27
Shirakawasunai_is_broke: try it out using virtualbox07:28
dowtrying to install wine from dvd repository and it says "Sorry, 'wine' is not available for this type of computer(i386)" Same dvd I installed Ubuntu07:28
Shirakawasunai_is_broke: then you're safe when it inevitably explodes07:28
hkaishello all07:28
hkaiscan anyone tell me what the content of /etc/debian_version should be for dapper?07:28
i_is_brokeShirakawasuna, yeah thats what im going to do.07:28
hkaisI tryed to upgrade now, but it fails on that file07:29
ActionParsnipJZApples: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting  has a command starting with wget for the alsa-info.sh  script, can you please run it, upload to the server and give the generated URL please07:29
urlin2uhkais, dapper is way beyond end of life.07:29
ActionParsniphkais: dapper is dead dude. I doubt anyone will have it07:29
hkaisurlin2u: ohh noo, why do you think I am trying to upgrade to a new version?07:30
urlin2uhkais, it is a waste of time .07:30
ActionParsnip!eol | hkais says how to upgrade07:30
ubottuhkais says how to upgrade: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:30
libraryit is not allowing me to run e2fsck command07:30
JZApplesActionParsnip, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=c5f56295edca1e7e1b54390d0ffb91db96aa26d207:30
hkaisokay seems you cannot help?07:30
libraryit says filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?07:31
ActionParsniphkais: id go for a fresh install personally07:31
urlin2ulibrary, not sure really, sorry07:31
ActionParsnipJZApples: I've see07:33
sunitI am using ubuntu 9.10 and when trying to access a web based application from LAN with http://IP:8888/context , I am unable to access07:33
sunitbut when accessing the same from browser with http://localhost:8888/context07:34
sunitI can aceess successfully. I can connect ssh also07:35
ActionParsnipJZApples: I've seen marco braida on launchpad get these things working with some firmware thing. See if you can use websearches to find it/them07:35
almoxarifesunit: external or internal ip?07:35
ActionParsnipsunit: can other systems on the same lan access it ok?07:36
ActionParsnipSunit: karmic is no longer supported07:37
sunitalmoxarife: internal IP07:37
JZApplesActionParsnip, i'm really surprised this is an issue.  I thought this was one of the most popular sound cards, that's why i bought it.07:37
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ActionParsnipJZApples: creative hate Linux and refuse to support it07:38
almoxarifesunit: or 192.xxxxxxxx07:38
sunitActionParsnip: I know that Karmic is no longer supported07:38
roflmausUbuntu server. I've got "connect-debounce failed, port N disabled" and "unable to enumerate USB device on port N" spamming my console. WHYYYYYY07:38
geirhasunit: You probably have to configure it to either listen on, or to allow access from other hosts than localhost.07:38
ActionParsnipsunit: so why ask, if you know your release isn't supported07:38
JZApplesActionParsnip, yeah i seen some other people mention that on the internet.  kind of ridiculous.07:38
penosis osx linux?07:39
ActionParsnipJZApples: yeah. Logitech and Kodak also have zero interest07:39
almoxarifepenos: no07:39
ActionParsnipPenos: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic07:40
sunitActionParsnip: I have lots of development and application in this karmic machine. To upgrade , I need to backup huge amount of things07:40
rumpe1sunit, some web-based applications restrict access to localhost as default (cups-server e.g.)07:41
almoxarifeJZApples: the mic has an on/off switch?07:41
JZApplesnope, none of them do.  i've tried 307:41
geirhasunit: An upgrade won't delete your files, and you should be doing regular backups anyway.07:41
urlin2usunit, you should be backed up anyway.07:41
suniturlin2u: ok07:41
ActionParsnipJZApples: whats funny is those whom support Linux enjoy the extra sales for the userbase, otherwise they just alienate them as nobody will buy hardware they cannot make work07:42
JZApplesalmoxarife, ActionParsnip, i'll just stick with the USB mic.  No worries.  It would have been nice to have available if i ever needed it though.07:42
JZApplesActionParsnip, Yeah, it makes no sense.07:42
almoxarifeJZApples: you said you have vlc, open it and look under 'devices' audio capture07:42
ActionParsnipsunit: doesn't matter. The release is dead and not to be discussed here07:43
JZApplesalmoxarife, is that in preferences?  i'm using a different skin.07:43
almoxarifeJZApples: media browser, left pane07:43
sunitActionparsnip: ok07:43
ActionParsnipJZApples: id buy creative if they supported Linux, they'd deserve the cash. Glad you have a workaround07:44
ActionParsnipsunit: sorry07:44
JZApplesalmoxarife, audio device name is blank.07:45
JZApplesalmoxarife, what capture mode?07:45
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JZApplesIs anyone aware of a way to have nautilus keep the folder highlighted when you move forward and backward between folders.  For example if I go into a folder from a long list of other folders and then click the back button, i would like to have the folder that i just went into highlighted so i know where i was.07:46
almoxarifeJZApples: vlc 1.1.9 here07:46
JZApplesalmoxarife, 1.1.9 here too.07:46
ActionParsnip1.1.11 here07:46
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sunitgeirha: how can I configure to allow access from other host ?07:47
almoxarifeJZApples: under 'devices' I see 'audio capture'07:47
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geirhasunit: That's different from application to application. You have to consult the documentation for that application.07:47
JZApplesalmoxarife, i'm not sure what screen you're on.  From the main menu...Media > Open Capture > Device?07:49
JZApplesalmoxarife, sorry that was Media > Open Capture Device...that's the screen you're asking me about?07:50
almoxarifeJZApples: in the default skin, under 'media' tab is area called 'media browser'07:50
almoxarifeJZApples: I am not opening the 'media' tab, I am looking under the media tab07:51
JZApplesalmoxarife, looking under the Media file menu, I do not see media browser07:52
JZApplesalmoxarife, i don't see media browser anywhere.07:52
ActionParsnipControlling vlc from a phone is great fun :)07:53
almoxarifeJZApples: click on aplet 'show playlist' to the right of the 'play' button07:53
sunitgeirha: the application was accessible , few days ago externally. from 3-4 days I could not access from external IP07:54
JZApplesalmoxarife, gotcha.  Ok Media Browser > Devices > Audio capture > Creative Labs > X-Fi Titanium series [EMU20k2] (0)07:54
almoxarifeJZApples: double click on it, look for feedback07:55
JZApplesalmoxarife, feedback would be a bar in the bottom right?07:55
almoxarifeJZApples: no, feedback would be noise from output from the mic07:56
JZApplesalmoxarife, i hear nothing07:56
almoxarifeJZApples: in alsa mixer did you have the correct card picked?07:57
JZApplesalmoxarife, yessir.07:57
JZApplesalmoxarife, Card: Creative X-Fi07:58
almoxarifeJZApples: I hate to say this, the geeks at best buy are going to take your money07:58
JZApplesalmoxarife, Best Buy?07:58
almoxarifeJZApples: here we have best buy, not sure who you have there07:59
almoxarifeJZApples: could the card itself be faulty?07:59
JZApplesalmoxarife, i know what Best Buy is.  Why would I ever step foot in one though?  So ridiculously over priced.  I guess it could.  The mic used to work in Windows, but not well.  Then again that was probably my mic, i've had to RMA that headset 3 times now.08:00
almoxarifeJZApples: does your rom allow you to bypass motherboard ?08:00
JZApplesalmoxarife, i'm not sure.08:01
almoxarifeJZApples: I had to bypass my mother board audio to finally get hdmi to work with a nvidia card08:01
almoxarifeJZApples: just the audio was the issue also08:02
j0hnd0eWhat's a good LiveUSB creator using linux?08:03
JZApplesalmoxarife, hmm, i never thought about this.  My motherboard does have an additional board that gets plugged into the mainboard for audio but I don't have it.  maybe that's causing an issue, but I doubt it.08:03
Stanley00j0hnd0e: the build-in of ubuntu liveCD is a also good08:04
almoxarifeJZApples: I didn't get audio out of my nvidia card till I did the rom thing08:04
JZApplesalmoxarife, thanks for the help but i'm just gonna throw in the towel on this one.  Creative sux.08:04
JZApplesalmoxarife, need sleepy08:04
almoxarifeJZApples: alrighty08:05
j0hnd0eIdleOne, Stanley00,  thnx08:05
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Deeslhow can I see Autocad dwg files in ubuntu? What software is required?08:07
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Guest22004i need help with xubuntu 11.04 kinda of a noob to linux08:09
BoomboyDeesl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121461108:10
rumpe1Guest22004, just ask08:11
ShambatI'm looking for a sys admin guide or book that talks about ways to maintain servers etc08:15
lolmausIs it reasonal to use a 64 bit distro on a home server that will never have more than 2G of RAM?08:20
rumpe1lolcat, 64bit has also advantages in other areas like encryption, calculations...08:22
zerocool1234how to setup dns server on ubuntu?08:22
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ZenMasterAnyone awake?08:31
ZenMasterAnyone here framiliar with joomla?08:31
lolmausZenMaster, i only know that Drupal is better08:33
ZenMaster I have used drupal before. :)08:34
premis there a way to copy  a file along wit its bookmark from one system to other?08:35
premfile is created using gedit08:35
ShambatZenMaster: I think tehre is a #joomla ...08:37
vltprem: Bookmark?08:37
ZenMasterShambat: I am there. :)08:38
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premvlad, yes.,bookmarking a particular line using gedit and copy the file to other machine08:40
premam losing all the bookmarks08:40
premhosorry its vlt08:40
ouyeshow to set the button(close max, min) and the menu of the window in the same line08:44
Stanley00ouyes: it's default in natty...08:47
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iuytfrhello there08:57
naked89ttI only have ubuntu on my computer,how could I let grub display when booting?08:57
Stanley00naked89tt: you can edit /etc/default/grub08:57
Stanley00naked89tt: and then run sudo update-grub08:58
naked89ttStanley00, i tried,but cant work08:59
ApleI keep receiving this error when I try to access my File System: "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock"08:59
ApleCan anyone help? This really sucks :(08:59
Stanley00naked89tt: well, in that case, you can manually edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg09:00
Stanley00naked89tt:  add line "  set timeout=10" to the beginning of the file09:01
Stanley00Aple: maybe it has some disk error, try fsck before mounting it09:01
ApleNevermind, false alarm. I'm silly09:01
ApleI was trying to access my book09:02
ApleNot my actual file system09:02
Stanley00Aple: :))09:02
naked89ttstamina, which 'set timeout'?09:02
LanglyAple, the new chinese knockoff computer brand09:03
ApleExternal harddrive I never mount properly09:03
Stanley00naked89tt: add it to /boot/grub/grub.cfg09:03
ApleBut if you've got a nice cheap Chinese computer, I'd be glad to take an upgrade09:03
naked89ttok Stanley00 ,I'll try it.Thank you09:04
iuytfrwhen you create raid 6 on 8 disk of 100 Go what is capacity of disk we got ?09:05
ApleAnyone know how to install PyFlakes?09:05
AsidoHi, I have a flash drive and no files have become corrupt, so do not drive but are still there, I tried to rescue them with ddrescue but give the order to make the image reads: dd_rescue: (fatal): open "/ dev / sdb" failed: Permission denied09:05
Asido<pendrive> help09:05
ApleWait, wrong place.09:05
beingI have this problem finding what's running dhclient3, when I do /etc/init.d/networking restart. I would like to change some flags.. is it in the ifup binary maybe? :/09:05
ApleMeh, nevermind, I'll ask you guys too. Where/how should I install PyFlakes for linting?09:07
Asidoyou have no solution for my problem?09:07
ApleI grabbed the tar but when I try to run python setup.py from folder on desktop it tells me "no commands supplied" http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyflakes09:07
ouyeshow to set the button(close max, min) and the menu of the window in the same line09:09
Stanley00ouyes: which ubuntu version are you running?09:10
ouyesStanley00, 1.0409:10
ouyesStanley00, I can not get used to 11.0409:11
Stanley00ouyes: as I know, it already has that function09:11
Stanley00ouyes: or you lost me somewhere...09:12
ouyesStanley00, I am now running 10.04,09:12
Stanley00ouyes: ah, I remember that there have a tool call global-menu...09:13
ouyesStanley00, global-menu where can I find it?09:14
Stanley00ouyes: here you are http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-globalmenu-in-ubuntu-10-04lucid9-10karmic.html09:14
Stanley00ouyes: but why dont you give 11.04 a try? ;)09:14
Stanley00It wont take much time to get used to it.09:16
ouyesStanley00, as i said I have tried 11.04, but I cannot get used to it09:16
ouyesStanley00, I will not spend time OS just a tool09:17
Stanley00ouyes: OK man.09:17
ouyesStanley00, thanks,09:20
Stanley00ouyes: you are welcome :)09:20
ouyesStanley00, I tell you, if ubuntu goes like this, it will loose a lot of customers,09:21
Stanley00ouyes: why? I personally like the way it'i doing...09:21
ouyesStanley00, for 15 years, you see any big change in xp ? that is one big reason, it get success, you have to keep something unchanged all the way,09:23
debarunhi fuckers09:23
ouyesStanley00, except it is a technical revolution09:23
szal!language | debarun09:24
ubottudebarun: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:24
Stanley00ouyes: well, ubuntu 11.04 and 10.10 just like window 7 and xp.09:24
scarleoouyes, No you don't have to just because thats the micro$hit way to do things09:24
watajI like 10.0409:24
ouyesscarleo, Stanley00, learn to survival first09:25
scarleoouyes, Oh, Ubuntu will survive :)09:25
Stanley00ouyes: ...and much more than that...09:26
scarleoouyes, besides, If it's just Unity you don't like abt 11.04 it's easy to just run Gnome instead, it's just like in 10.0409:28
watajDoes top command use ncurses lib?09:28
szal!pm | debarun09:28
ubottudebarun: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:28
lolmausI've reinstalled Ubuntu Server from scratch, and now it doesn't see my PCI network adapter. How do i make him use it?09:28
watajI'm sorry, thank you.Bye.09:29
Stanley00scarleo: good point out...09:29
zabomberhow can i view a list of windows shares on an XP machine via terminal?09:29
ouyes_Stanley00, I think you misunderstand my question09:29
Stanley00ouyes_: yes?09:29
ouyes_Stanley00, I need more space in vertical, so merge the max min close button with the titlebar of the window09:30
szalzabomber: ask in ##windows09:30
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ouyes_Stanley00,  you will see one more line, max min close button and the file edit view menu are in the same line09:30
zabomberszal: no…. I'm in an ubuntu terminal… i want to view windows shares on a windows box FROM ubuntu… in Windows its "net view \\ip"...09:30
Stanley00ouyes_: you just can make it like that when you maximize the windows.09:31
ouyes_Stanley00,  that is my question09:31
Stanley00ouyes_: an unMaximize window simply can't (and dont need to) to that.09:31
ouyes_Stanley00,  I max the firefox, but it is still the same09:32
Stanley00ouyes_: firefox need an add on call global menu ( or something like that) too...09:33
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Stanley00ouyes_: once again, unity do this very well, it maximize you vertical space ;)09:33
hroion ubuntu server, will I need to activate cron so that users are allowed to run their cron?09:34
Stanley00hroi: does your user need that?09:34
hroiI certainly managed to do a crontab -e    and set up a script that logs to a log file..09:34
hroithe editor exits with a nice "new crontab installed"09:35
hroibut it doesnt run09:35
hroiStanley00:  I am using the word user in the unix/linux lingo,09:35
ouyes_Stanley00, so far so good09:35
hroiStanley00: in actuality I have a certain set of processes running under a certain process user name09:36
beingI have this problem finding what's running dhclient3 on ubuntu, when I do /etc/init.d/networking restart. I would like to change some flags... anyone know where it might be or how I could find it?09:36
ouyes_Stanley00, yes but I still need the application Place system09:36
ouyes_Stanley00, and see all the windows I need at the bottom09:36
Stanley00ouyes_: I think all my app on the left will be better ;)09:38
ouyes_how long will it takes (or how much data do I need to download), if I upgrade to 11.04 from 10.0409:38
scarleozabomber, smbclient -L <hostname or ip>09:39
Stanley00ouyes_:  I recommend fressh install, since they have many difference09:40
ouyes_Stanley00, ok , you have helped me a lot, maybe I will give it a try again09:41
Stanley00ouyes_: :)09:41
scarleohroi, can you post the crontab line?09:43
zabomberscarleo: thank you!09:43
hroi10 * * * * echo "hello" >> /home/satellite/logs/hello.log09:44
damo22why do you want to append hello to a file every 10 minutes?09:45
hroidamo22: It's a very popular non-sensical activity while bug-checking09:45
scarleohroi, that script will run once every hour09:45
g0tchai have win7 installed on my primary hdd, if i plugin a secondary hdd, it should b ok to install ubuntu on it for dual boot, right?09:46
scarleohroi, you expect it to run every 10th minute its */1009:46
hroiscarleo: yes you are right, forgot the slash09:47
hroiscarleo: non the less this has been installed fro 24 hours already09:47
damo22hroi: so is this:  while 1; do sudo eject /dev/cdrom ;sleep 1; done09:47
[DeVil-BoY]hey guys09:48
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[DeVil-BoY]trying to enable 3D acceleration on this install09:48
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[DeVil-BoY]and it's not happening09:48
[DeVil-BoY]running out of ideas i've changed the xorg.conf09:48
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[DeVil-BoY]but not luck09:48
[DeVil-BoY]i'm using and intel 915gm built in graphics solution09:49
[DeVil-BoY]it's quite poor but it should work with 3D and increase somehow the performance09:49
scarleohroi, whats in your log? ANy error messages? Do something like: cat /var/log/messages | grep cron09:49
[DeVil-BoY]i keep getting couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig09:50
Calinou"intel gma"09:50
CalinouNO, JUST NO09:50
doodmangYeah, somehow I was playing with the hidden files of my home directory and my sound seems to be malfunctioning. Sound is unmuted and volume is up.09:50
[DeVil-BoY]this is the only thing missing09:50
[DeVil-BoY]and it's a laptop not like i could upgrade it easily09:50
hroiscarleo: I just added this user to /etc/cron.allow09:51
[DeVil-BoY]Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0".09:51
Calinoudon't use open source drivers, they just suck09:51
Calinou(no offense intended)09:51
[DeVil-BoY]interesting point of view09:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 753370 in mesa (Ubuntu) "No Desktop Effects in Kubuntu 11.04 Beta1" [Medium,Fix released]09:51
[DeVil-BoY]i came across that post09:51
damo22the earth doesnt have gravity, it just sucks09:51
RistovskiHow much does Ubuntu 10.04 download?09:51
[DeVil-BoY]it seems to be recent and addressing the issues i'm having09:52
Ristovskion install09:52
Calinouthe .iso is around 700MB09:52
[DeVil-BoY]expect that my graphics is 915gm09:52
RistovskiHi Cal!09:52
Ristovskiremember me?09:52
scarleohroi, does it work now?09:52
Calinouoh, then, ok09:53
hroiscarleo: no error messages under var09:53
FloodBot1Ristovski: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:53
hroiscarleo: seeing if the /etc/cron.allow does it.09:53
RistovskiI mean how much does it download packages09:53
hroiscarleo: most probably it will :(09:53
Calinouonce installed, it should take 10-15 GV09:53
Ristovskiit will download so much?09:53
scarleohroi, not sure which log it is in Ubuntu, not on Ubuntu right now, might be syslog09:53
RistovskiI mean Ive heard it needs to download packages09:53
Calinouno, not in download09:53
Calinouin disk space, disk space taken != files downloaded09:53
Calinouyes, it downloads packages09:54
Calinouunsure about the size though09:54
Ristovskiso Only thing I need is the iso09:54
Ristovskithats what I need to know09:54
Ristovskithe size... my ISP will kill me09:54
hroiscarleo: it is working now :) thansk09:55
scarleohroi, np09:56
aLeSDhi all09:56
aLeSDis there an app to play music that has very big buttons in fullscreen ?09:57
aLeSDcause I have a wireless keyboard and I want to command my music from my far away bed09:57
Gentoo64aLeSD, if its just music cmus is a very basic ncurses one09:58
Gentoo64thats easy to use with keyboard09:58
scarleoaLeSD, maybe learn key shortcuts09:58
aLeSDno learning here09:58
scarleoaLeSD, No learning No gaining :)09:59
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aLeSDcmus is little09:59
scarleoaLeSD, xbmc?09:59
aLeSDI need big buttons ... big names09:59
Gentoo64if you make the terminal full screen its plain and simple09:59
sinthey, i got 2 wireless cards running in my pc. in ifconfig its shown as wlan0 and wlan1. how to find out witch device is wlan0 and which is wlan1?09:59
aLeSDGentoo64, I can't read the tracks from the bed10:00
aLeSDxbmc is interesting10:00
aLeSDbut it's not in the repository10:01
damo22sint: try bringing down one of the interfaces and see which light at the back stops10:01
scarleoaLeSD,   you can eaily add the ppa10:01
sintdamo22: how to bring it down?10:01
aLeSDno easyling here10:01
Gentoo64only maverick ppa i see10:01
damo22sint: sudo ifdown wlan110:01
sintdamo22: gives me "interface wlan0 not configured" but i can see it in ifconfig10:02
scarleoaLeSD, what version Ubuntu are you on?10:02
aLeSDscarleo, is it stable ?10:03
damo22sint: iwconfig10:03
aLeSDI mean .. I don't like to add repositories10:03
scarleoaLeSD, I use it every day, yes it's stable10:03
aLeSDscarleo, is it the best one ?10:03
sintdamo22: ya i see both10:04
scarleoaLeSD, to me it is10:04
damo22sint: the mac address should be printed on the interface if its a pci card10:04
aLeSDok I belive you10:04
damo22sint: then check the mac in ifconfig/iwconfig10:04
sintdamo22: ok, i just thought there might be some command to show the hardware name next to the device. networkmanager does this, but nwm don't show if its wlan0 or wlan110:06
damo22sint: should be able to lspci or something and get some more info10:06
nakee_photo manager with camera supporti is there one?10:08
sintdamo22: i just found that lshw show the device :)10:09
sintdamo22: thanks for your help10:09
kostixI'm trying to upgrade 10.04 -> 10.10. the problem is no matter what I try, update-manager does not show the upgrade button. do-release-upgrade tells there's no new release. I did ensure that release checking is set to normal (as opposed to LTS). anything else I could try?10:10
Ycareneis there a way I can test run unity without having to load ubuntu-desktop (and unloading xubuntu-desktop)?10:13
kflottorpHey folks. I installed nautilus-elementary but I didn't like it. I want to go back to the old nautilus. Do I simply remove the PPA I added, apt-get remove nautilus, then install it again?10:14
aLeSDscarleo, nice... thanks10:14
doodmangHi, I tested sound on an fresh account and sound is working. It does not seem to be working on the account I am using. Is there anyway to reset the sound settings for my user?10:14
scarleoaLeSD, yw10:15
scarleokostix, What if you do Alt+F2 and write update-manager -d ? What version does it suggest?10:16
bonhofferis there a way to see what pid is using a specific port?10:16
Stanley00nakee_: did you use shotwell?10:16
bonhofferi'm getting: The address is already in use by another process10:17
sdx23bonhoffer: you may give lsof -i # a try10:17
scarleobonhoffer, did you try lsof -i | grep 300010:18
scarleotoo late :)10:18
bonhoffernginx   5695 passenger    4u  IPv4 5677397      0t0  TCP localhost:3000 (LISTEN)10:18
bonhofferhmm. .  . i wonder how to kill this10:18
bonhofferwhat is 5695?10:18
kostixscarleo, it shows a normal update-manager window and then does nothing10:19
bonhofferah - that is the pid10:19
scarleobonhoffer, 5695 is pid, do 'kill 5695'10:19
bonhofferscarleo: i always do -9 when i kill -- is that needed10:19
scarleobonhoffer, -9 is a bit harder kill, try without first, if it doesn't die you can do -910:20
bonhofferscarleo: thanks10:20
kostixI wonder where update-manager keeps its state. I think I could try to wipe it and to a clean check run10:20
ranjanHi all, is it possible to steal the data transferd using sftp?????10:20
mintI just installed Winblows7 on a differant partition on my HDD, and now when I boot, it boots straight to the windows. How can I make it boot to Grub, then I choose 7 or Ubuntu10:20
jribranjan: it's encrypted10:20
mintI'm on the ubuntu live cd at the moment10:20
MACscrwhats so special about ubuntu that its time is always out of sync when running as a xen guest, but all my centos guest systems are fine10:21
scarleokostix, sorry, don't know what to do then, maybe add the correct repos manually and do a dist-upgrade10:21
ranjanjrib, ok, and is it possible to decrypt it by a third party?10:21
Ycarenemint - look for information on how to reinstall grub from the livecd.10:21
jribranjan: if they have your private key, have a lot of cpu time, or break the encryption algorithm10:21
kostixscarleo, I thought of it but wasn't sure it could work. I'm actually a Debian guy so it's a normal way to upgrade Debian, but WRT Unbuntu I wasn't that sure10:22
nakee_Stanley00: no, but wasn't it replaced with some other program in the new version?10:22
ranjanjrib, i have just tranfered a confidential document using sftp, and wanted to know whether its hackable.10:22
scarleokostix, me neither :)10:22
ranjanjrib, so the possiblity is very less isnt it? thank you.10:22
jribranjan: yes10:22
scarleokostix, you found nothing on google?10:22
LarryEllishow to know which version of ubunto im running?10:22
ranjanjrib, thank you jrib :)10:23
Stanley00nakee_: I just suggested...10:23
qmra bad hard disk is keeping my live system from booting10:24
qmrhow can I ignore this disk at bootup?10:24
nullisnilHi, does somebody know where to tune the syndaemon which is started automatically in natty?10:24
jrib!synaptics | nullisnil10:24
ubottunullisnil: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad10:24
ranjananyone is here with a latest HP dv4 with dual graphics ???10:25
scarleoqmr, maybe disable in BIOS?10:25
jribqmr: edit your fstab10:25
nullisnilthank you jrib google is getting worser from day to day10:25
qmrI want to do things with this disk after the system comes up.  I don't think I can disable it in the BIOS anyway10:25
kostixscarleo, well, everything related to fixing this problem I managed to find was about changing the LTS to normal releases checking10:25
qmrjrib: "live system"10:25
jribqmr: don't understand what you mean by that10:26
kostixwell, in any case I've just replaced lycid with maverick everywhere in the sources.list and now update-manager is downloading stuff; let's see...10:26
scarleoqmr, can ou disable hardware check in BIOS?10:26
qmrbooting from USB10:26
scarleoqmr, how far in boot process do you get?10:26
qmrjust past 915 driver loading and getting a high res console10:27
qmrit's stuck in initramfs looping printing errors about hard disk10:27
scarleokostix, sonds promising10:27
* scarleo needs a new keyboard with all the keys on it10:30
nullisnilsadly the link to the SynapticsTouchpad did not help there is no information where the syndaemon is started to add additional parameters which are not settable using the gui10:32
lolmausHow do i mount an LVM volume? I have connected a drive where Ubuntu Server 9.10 had been installed with lvm auto disk partitioning10:34
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SwedeMikelolmaus: you make sure you have lvm2 installed, do lvscan, then you'll get the device name you can use for mounting.10:35
doodmangHi, my sound doesn't seem to be working; I was playing with my hidden home files earlier. Sound works in another user10:35
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asdjaputradoodmang, sound preferences in panel10:36
doodmangasdjaputra, what about it?10:36
asdjaputrais it muted ^^10:36
asdjaputracheck the card you have and the card it's using10:36
doodmangasdjaputra, nope, and the volumes are up10:37
doodmangasdjaputra, and the sound works on another user, so it shouldn't be the card10:37
doodmangasdjaputra, it was working an hour ago10:37
asdjaputradoodmang, what did you do10:37
doodmangasdjaputra, oh, delete a few files here and there... LOL10:37
Guest38935hi all quick Q). 10.04.3 grub2 How do i change the menu item text? grub has miss named vista recovery and vista recover, its been a while since i last use menu.lst lol10:38
doodmangasdjaputra, I thought it would be safe if I removed things from my home folder, but apparently not10:38
asdjaputradoodmang, did you somehow achieve deleting sound preferences for your user?10:38
asdjaputradoodmang, like the ones that starts with .10:38
kflottorpHey folks. I installed nautilus-elementary but I didn't like it. I want to go back to the old nautilus. Do I simply remove the PPA I added, apt-get remove nautilus, then install it again?10:38
doodmangasdjaputra, yes. The odd thing is I hear sound for a bit and then it cuts off10:39
doodmangasdjaputra, the expected sound*10:39
rstuarti'm having mouse problems on 11.04, and was wondering if anybody was having the same problem.10:39
asdjaputradoodmang, .. why would you do that?10:39
Guest38935kflottorp, yes just apt-get remove first then remove ppa if your not using it!10:39
ranjanhi all , my laptop has flickering at lower bottom of display , is it possible to shift my DE's display above the flicker level?10:39
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doodmangasdjaputra... blame my stupidity10:39
doodmangasdjaputra, plus a lot of configs for programs I don't use any more so10:40
kflottorpGuest38935: thanks :)10:40
rstuartmouse hardware works, as in moves, clicks work10:40
asdjaputradoodmang, yes i will :P the problem's there10:40
asdjaputradoodmang, but sorry idk when it comes to config files10:40
Guest38935kflottorp, how are you with grub210:40
kflottorpGuest38935: not familiar at all :P10:40
Guest38935lol kk10:40
rstuartbut then behaves wierdly, eg: clicking the close button on the mouse settings panel *opens* another mouse settings panel.10:41
Guest38935Q). 10.04.3 grub2 How do i change the menu item text? grub has miss named vista recovery and vista loader, its been a while since i last use menu.lst and thats gone now!10:41
Stanley00Guest38935: grub2 config file is locate at /boot/grub/grub.cfg,10:42
doodmangasdjaputra, what do you think programs I should look into? I've looked through alsa10:42
szalStanley00: yes, but you don't edit that file directiy10:42
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doodmangasdjaputra, and cleaned out pulse10:42
Stanley00szal: but update-grub dont do the right thing he need, so ...10:43
asdjaputradoodmang, steal sound config files from another user :P10:43
asdjaputradoodmang, seriously i can't help10:43
asdjaputrai just know that the problem's there but don't know how to fix it10:43
doodmangdoodmang, alright. I would steal those config files if I knew what to steal10:43
asdjaputraasdjaputra, you're talking to yourself10:44
szalStanley00: yes, and the changes will be lost the next time update-grub is executed10:44
l3gionhello all10:45
Stanley00szal: so, do you got any idea?10:45
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Guest38935Stanley00, that file should not be edited as changes will be lost!, im deploying this install for my little bro and i need to make sure that grub works after updates etc...10:46
Stanley00szal, Guest38935 : how about /etc/grub.d/40_custom?10:46
damo22grub2 sucks, grub-legacy is easier to use10:47
Guest38935was thinking that, but is that the correct method for menuitem text changes?10:47
Stanley00Guest38935: files in /etc/grub.d/is use by update-grub. give it a dig :)10:47
Guest38935the text and boot default is all i need to change but it must survive an update10:47
damo22Guest38935: in that case you need to spend an hour or so learning grub210:48
Guest38935looking at the files, 30_os-prober is the script that creates the items, so i was thinking i should -x 30 and make +x 40_custom,10:49
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jribGuest38935: you should  be modifying /etc/default/grub to configure grub10:49
szaljrib: that doesn't have the names of Grub entries10:49
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damo22it used to be a heck a lot easier with grub1 to edit menu.lst10:50
Guest38935the update is my concern as im guessing it will at some point probe again and swap the names back,10:50
damo22its just a fricken bootloader, not a configurable operating system10:51
Guest38935the menuitem text is set by the prober, and is the wrong way round ?10:51
Guest38935damo22, that is ture, im not new to this just grub2 lol10:51
Stanley00Guest38935: os_prober did its job well, so dont bother change it, just add your script to 40_custom10:52
damo22guest38935: i know, im new to grub2 as well i hate it10:52
Guest38935Stanley00, i just want to swap the text, grub2 detect the recovery as loader and loader as recover?10:52
Stanley00Guest38935: well, then change the number before the file name  ;)10:53
damo22i like to be able to set it like, label "Winblows 7"  root (hd0,1) chainloader +1 boot10:53
Guest38935i just dont want my little bro running the vista recover instead of vista loader lol10:55
damo22Guest38935: you could always purge grub2 and install grub-legacy10:56
Guest38935lol, forward man not backward ;)10:57
damo22some things are meant to be simple not advanced10:57
damo22eg bootloader10:57
samba23how to sort cpu usage using TOP10:58
Guest38935http://pastie.org/2470534 <-- this is the menu at the moment from grub.cfg10:58
Guest38935sd1 is the recovery and 2 is vista10:58
Guest38935but you cant just edit the .cfg file any more, so would i just take this lot and place into a 40, then -x the 3010:59
damo22Guest38935: put it into a custom thingy10:59
damo22and pray it doesnt get clobbered10:59
Ollehsamba23: top sorts by cpu usage by default.. if you sorted by another coloum you can hit F (or O) and then select cpu% (K i believe)11:00
Guest38935its take me about a year to convince my little bro to start using Ubuntu so i want it to work forever lol11:00
YammerHello, can anyone help me with a netroot problem?11:01
LarryElliswhats the version of ubuntu distro before 11.04?11:01
bazhang10.10 LarryEllis11:01
LarryEllisbazhang:,thanks! now i know the version im running!11:02
arun_111is this discussion forum for android development?11:03
damo22LarryEllis: another way is to press ctrl-alt-F1 then ctrl-alt-F7 or 8 to get back11:03
bazhangarun_111, no11:03
arun_111could you let me how to join the Android developers chat forum?11:03
bazhang!alis | arun_11111:04
ubottuarun_111: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*11:04
damo22arun_111: /join #android11:04
jAguAr`good morning everyone11:06
jAguAr`is there a way for me to install gnome 3 onto my ubuntu 11.04 system?11:06
FloodBot1sami: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:06
bazhangjAguAr`, its not supported, and will require a reinstall (ie no downgrade)11:06
bazhang!gnome3 | jAguAr`11:07
ubottujAguAr`: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.11:07
jAguAr`bazhang, ok, then how do i upgrade to the 11.10 where it is used?11:07
kevin_I cant connect to my bthomehub wirelessly but i can connect to a BTOpenzone no problem, anyone know why i cant connect to my router? http://i54.tinypic.com/2i0utn8.jpg11:07
jAguAr`bazhang, i've tried updating my system, but that upgrade doesn't show up as an option11:08
bazhangjAguAr`, its only beta at this point; #ubuntu+1 for discussion support on that11:08
jAguAr`bazhang, ok, thanks :-)11:08
asdhsadhiwdwhat is the alternative of the functionality of controlling phone via bluetooh to make call using a laptop's microphone and speakers, in linux??11:09
samiany body there11:09
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bazhangsami, yes11:09
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asdhsadhiwdno u r alone here11:13
Guest38935ok so i made the change to 40 and -x the 30 -x 20 did a grub-update and all is fine ;)11:13
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Guest38935if i've got 4 items within the menu and i want the 4th option to be default am i right in saying i can just set the default in /etc/defaults/grub11:15
samiany f to chat here11:15
jribGuest38935: yes11:15
jrib!ot | sami11:15
ubottusami: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:15
A_JHey All, My Deluge is Acting Funny. Lately it's been Hanging and slowing down a lot.. Also it does not recheck files it just stays at 0.0%. I Need to reload the torrent file to make it recheck it. Also it randomly freezes up.. What can i do? Version 1.3.1 OS: Ubuntu Natty 11.0411:15
samihi jrib11:16
jribsami: hello11:16
kevin_I cant connect to my bthomehub wirelessly but i can connect to a BTOpenzone no problem, anyone know why i cant connect to my router? http://i54.tinypic.com/2i0utn8.jpg11:16
samiany female here11:16
jribsami: this channel is for ubuntu support, nothing else.  Stop that.11:17
A_Jjrib, can you look at my question11:17
asdhsadhiwdsami is a gud girl11:17
samibye sry friend11:17
jribA_J: don't know.  Try running from a terminal and looking for output11:17
samii need help on virtual machine11:18
tarelerulzI have ipod touch 2.2.1 fermware  I just jail broke it with  redsn0w .    How do I mount it?11:18
samiany body help me how to get11:18
jribtarelerulz: you could just ssh to it11:18
asdhsadhiwdkick ->sami11:18
bazhangsami, #vbox11:18
bazhangasdhsadhiwd, stop that11:18
scarleoA_J, see if a reinstall of deluge helps11:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:19
samihelp me sir11:19
steel__hi,how can i use gdm themes in ubuntu 11.04?11:19
asdhsadhiwdwhat is ur question?? sami11:19
kevin_eat my shlong11:19
tarelerulzssh my only option ?  I thought once it was root/jailbroke I could see it.11:20
jribkevin_: that's not acceptable here.  Do you have an ubuntu support question?11:20
samiVirtual machine installation process11:20
Myrttikevin_: did you have an Ubuntu related question or a problem?11:20
kevin_I cant connect to my bthomehub wirelessly but i can connect to a BTOpenzone no problem, anyone know why i cant connect to my router? http://i54.tinypic.com/2i0utn8.jpg11:20
A_Jscarleo, if i did that would i loose all my torrents?11:20
jribtarelerulz: I don't know if it's your only option11:20
scarleoA_J, probably not11:21
Guest38935/etc/defaults/grub GRUB_DEFAULT=X fails to boot X any clues what number i need to each item? should x be the partition number ?11:21
jribGuest38935: X is the row it's on (I think it starts counting at 0, not sure)11:22
scarleoA_J, you can back yor torrentfiles up somewhere first if you like11:22
jribGuest38935: the row it's on in the menu, that is11:22
Myrttikevin_: have you connected to the homehub earlier with Ubuntu?11:22
A_Jscarleo, rechecking would take forever then..11:22
A_Jgot about 500+ torrents11:22
Guest38935lol its cool i set it to 4 cas i have 3 items and wanted the last one, but the actual number is ...... (3) starting from 0 lol11:22
scarleoA_J, well, how long does it take now? ;)11:23
A_Jscarleo, can take a few days lol11:23
kevin_no, i have new instal of ubuntu coz im trying to get away from windows, but cant get connected to my router to get online11:23
A_Jfor the rechecks11:23
scarleoA_J, I mean how long does it take when it doesn't work?11:23
scarleoA_J, I don't think a reinstall would mess with your files but I'm not 100% sure11:24
A_Jscarleo, how would i reinstall11:24
kevin_my router is in the list, then i click connect and then put the key in but it just wont connect11:24
scarleoA_J, in synaptic, right click and reinstall11:25
A_Jok ty scarleo11:25
steel__is there any way by which i can install gdm theme in ubuntu 11.04?11:25
learneris der any free online courses with certificate to learn ubuntu?11:30
bazhang!manual | learner11:30
ubottulearner: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/11:30
bazhang!wiki | learner and here11:30
ubottulearner and here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.11:30
mark_stageplazabut he searches for a certification in specific I think11:31
scarleolearner, http://www.ubuntu.com/support/training11:31
bazhangdoubt thats free11:31
learnerthank you bazhang ubottu11:31
learnerthank you scarleo11:32
scarleolearner, np11:32
g0tchahey guys, how can i access Windows Server Domain shared folders?11:35
Nu^253rhow do i overcome this ? http://pastebin.com/48exjALy11:36
zombuntug0tcha look up SMB.11:36
Nu^253ri get an error while im trying to compiling a program11:36
tomodachig0tcha: in the home folder , press ctrl+l  , in the adress field type smb://pathtoserver/pathofshare/11:36
samba123update manger is failing with proxy authentication required...11:37
tomodachisamba123:  do you have a proxy?11:37
samba123in browser., it's working fine11:37
tomodachiim guessing the browser has authed somehow? hmm i dont know really11:37
samba123have added credentials in synaptic as well as network proxy windoww11:38
samba123and applied system wide11:38
g0tchatomodachi, thanks alot dude11:39
tomodachig0tcha: np11:39
learnergotcha: press alt+F2 in the run field smb://serverip11:40
sshdi install ubuntu 11.10 beta111:44
sshdhow i change fonts?11:44
bazhangsshd, #ubuntu+1 for that11:44
diwmaronread on the net ;]11:44
samba123update manager proxy error?11:45
learnersshd go to system-preference -appearance..in the appearance window you will find a tab called fonts11:48
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jimi_I downloaded the 11.04 installer, and about 80% through it popped up and said something like the package deforma is broken, and then it said i was done, but then it also said it didnt install a boot loader. Haas anyone else had this experience? Should I go to 10.04 and then upgrade to 11?11:52
g0tchalearner, thanks for the help as well man11:52
learnergotcha np11:53
szaljimi_: you should (1) check MD5/SHA1/SHA256 sum (either one will do) after download, (2) set CD burner to verify data after burning, (3) execute the install medium's self test option before installing11:54
jimi_szal: I downloaded the ISO, 'burned' it to USB. but I also verified the checksum after downloading and it was fine.11:55
diwmaronhi! I have problem with mouse - it's buttons freeze for a little - i cant click for a while.. when i close all windows (by Alt+F4) then i can use mouse normally. but if i open new window it is again. Dell Latitude E5500. Ubuntu 11.04 (10.04 - the same problem) dmesg > pastebin.com/Fh65cxch11:55
psypher246hello ubuntu fans. i know this is a bit offtopic but anyone here possibly an open/libre office calc guru?11:57
jimi_szal: Also, these were packages the installer seemed to be downloading from the FTP repos11:57
coz_psypher246,   I am not ,, I rarely if ever use office apps11:58
matiuHey guys I'm on natty, and I apt-get install postgresql; but it just fails silently when I try to start the service12:01
matiuany direction appreciated12:01
Ollehmatiu: checked the logs?12:01
matiuOlleh, log dir for postgres is empty12:01
matiuand syslog has nothing related12:01
Ollehahh.. im no expert on postgres, but mysql logs by default.. maybe try turning up the log verbosity and see if it creates logs.12:03
coz_Olleh,  you  might try the ##linux channel since that is not specific to ubuntu12:04
bazhang!pl | diwmaron12:04
ubottudiwmaron: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:04
diwmaroni wrote!12:05
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penosfirst i was in love with windows 7 look but i'm equally impressed with ubuntu unity12:08
mick1jonesHi first time user12:08
mick1jonesI have a question12:08
mick1jonesanyone out there?12:08
captainjamieJust give the question12:09
penosmick1jones, yes?12:09
captainjamieDon't ask to ask...12:09
mick1jonesI downloaded latest version and burned to disc and then loaded from cd but system very unstable12:10
mick1jonesit was freezing and I couldn't see dialogue boxes12:10
captainjamiemick1jones: have you updated?12:10
wh1zz0 Hello all, please has anyone come across a workaround that actually works or a solution to the problem posted in this link? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi/+question/16650912:10
mick1jonesI downloaded 11.0412:10
penosme too12:11
captainjamiemick1jones: have you run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y in the termial?12:11
Bielekebielen@BIELCO-LUBUNTU:~$ sudo nvidia-settings12:11
Bieleke[sudo] password for bielen:12:11
BielekeXlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0".12:11
Bielekeanybody can look into his xorg.conf what exactly i miss ?12:11
Bielekeit's always a pain in da ass that nvidia crap12:11
mick1jonesno how do I do that?12:11
captainjamieopen a terminal and paste that command in or start update manager...12:12
mick1jonesI think the screen is too ustable for me to do that12:12
captainjamiepress alt+ctrl+F2 then12:13
A_Jwhat is the location of the config folder of Deluge12:14
mick1jonesthanks will try that12:14
xanguaA_J: tried ~.deluge ¿12:14
captainjamiemick1jones: send me a message when you're in the terminal...12:15
xanguaor .config .gconf12:15
mick1joneswill do12:15
ussy_http://goo.gl/BYjNA thanks http://goo.gl/BYjNA12:17
A_Jxangua, in natilus how do i navigate to : ~/.config/deluge12:18
penosA_J, use Ctrl-L12:18
xanguaA_J: ~ means your Home12:18
A_Jxamanu, i don't see a .config folder12:19
PiciA_J: press ctrl+h to see hidden files12:20
Stanley00A_J: press Ctrl-H to view hidden files in nautilus12:20
A_Jaah ty pici and Stanley0012:20
penoswhat is good webcam app for linux?12:21
PsyTrancepenos: cheese12:21
Stanley00penos: cheese12:21
penosok ill try cheese now12:21
penosbut isn't that command line?12:21
Stanley00penos: it has a gui12:22
_shanttu__hi. how to repartiton more space to ubuntu, which is on dev/sda1, table here http://i.imgur.com/CDDsH.png12:23
xangua_shanttu__: use gparted from he live cd12:23
penoscheese recognized my webcam immediately12:24
_shanttu__xangua:  of corse. already made more space, but don't know how to resize dev/sda1. what to move and where? on live-cd at the moment12:25
KrokiHello I want that thunderbird is started upon clicking at the mail symbol in the message indicator12:25
captainjamiexangua: you'll need to move the ntfs which will take ages12:25
xanguaKroki: there are some addons to integrate thunderbird to the message indicator12:25
xanguacaptainjamie: say that to _shanttu__ , not me ;)12:26
Krokixangua: SUCH AS?12:26
Squarismhow do i create a in memory file?12:26
Stanley00_shanttu__: personally, your disk layout is a mesh...12:26
captainjamiesorry, chat moving too fast...12:26
xanguaKroki: no idea, you can search on the omg!ubuntu! blog , i saw them there or in the thunderbird addon site12:26
_shanttu__Stanley00: new install easier then.  just asking if there was an easier solution12:27
captainjamie_shanttu__ : move the ntfs all to one side and have the free space in the middle12:27
Krokixangua: thx12:27
Stanley00_shanttu__: you can move th XP partition to the right, and join unallocated part with /dev/sda112:28
Stanley00_shanttu__: or simply format unallocated part and mount it as /home12:28
_shanttu__Stanley00: hmm. what happenes to old home then?12:29
Tinkerer1hey quick question:  vps with ubuntu 11.04/apache2/mysql/php5 running adds up to 125MB ram is normal, can i get it lower?12:29
captainjamie_shanttu__ I would merge all the free space with ntfs and then shrink from the left which will take a few hours12:29
Stanley00_shanttu__: you have to move it to new /home12:29
thunsuckerTinkerer1, vps?12:30
captainjamiemick1jones: how are you getting on? Does Ubuntu even boot?12:30
_shanttu__Stanley00: thanks. i guess that is the way to go then12:30
pohUsing LibreOffice Impress Ubuntu 11.04 but cannot get the sound effect to work. Any advice?12:30
Tinkerer1thunsucker, virtual server12:30
vltHello. How can I make Ubuntu re-write my grub.cnf to let it boot the first menu item automatically?12:31
Stanley00_shanttu__: personally, I prefer repartition whole disk ;)12:31
pohUbuntu 10.10 OpenOffice.org Impress has the same problem12:31
thunsuckerTinkerer1, are you running them in a virtualized software host?12:31
captainjamievlt: grub.cfg isn't it12:31
pohSo I conclude it might related to pulseaudio thingy12:31
_shanttu__Stanley00: it's an option as weel. would like to try 64 bit this time but could not get natty to boot12:31
_shanttu__Stanley00:  I'll try if lucid works12:32
captainjamievlt: you edit the custom file with an edited version of grub.cfg.12:32
Stanley00_shanttu__: then, good luck! ;)12:32
Tinkerer1thunsucker, oh no i got a physical server with 256MB ram12:32
pohany advice. The sound, for eg. laser, sound too short. Not full length.12:32
_shanttu__Stanley00: captainjamie thanks for your help12:32
cnzI just did apt-get remove python2.712:33
cnzand it's now uninstalling everything12:33
Stanley00_shanttu__: you are welcome :)12:33
captainjamieno problem12:33
cnzdid I just fuck up my system?12:33
thunsuckerTinkerer1, okay so it's say an old desktop or something?12:33
oCeancnz: mind your language here12:33
cnzoCean: sorry12:33
thunsuckerTinkerer1, or is it actually a virtual server that you pay a monthly subscription for?12:33
BluesKajHi all12:34
Tinkerer1thunsucker, no virtual lol with monthly fee12:34
vltcaptainjamie: Yes, grub.cfg. What exactly do I have to so?12:34
captainjamievlt: Well you need to edit the custom_40 file with your edited grub file and run sudo update-grub12:35
cnzand oCean who are you to tell me to watch my laungage in here?12:35
captainjamie(is it custom_40?)12:35
oCean!guidelines | cnz we have our channel guidelines here12:35
ubottucnz we have our channel guidelines here: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:35
cnzoCean: you're not an op in here so i won't listen to you kthnx12:36
thunsuckerTinkerer1, your best bet is to optimize apache to use less resources12:36
thunsuckerTinkerer1, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/misc/perf-tuning.html12:36
vltcaptainjamie: There's no /custom_40 and how to edit one file with another?12:36
captainjamievlt: sorry, it's 40_custom12:36
[DeVil-BoY]hi people12:36
A_Jcan some help me update to the latest Deluge ie 1.3.312:36
oCeancnz: it does not matter whether I'm an op or not, you will stick to our guidelines12:36
[DeVil-BoY]i have a problem configuring a intel 915gm graphics card12:36
thunsuckerTinkerer1, but 128mb of memory is not bad, you won't be able to get it much lower than that12:36
[DeVil-BoY]i've been changing the xorg.conf12:36
cnzoCean: you willn ot tell me what to do :)12:36
[DeVil-BoY]put i still caznt' get glxinfo12:37
[DeVil-BoY]to display direct rendenring on12:37
[DeVil-BoY]can someone please hlp?12:37
[DeVil-BoY]it's really messing me up12:37
Tinkerer1thunsucker, ah ok i was just wondering if it was high, ill have a look at finetuning thanks!12:37
[DeVil-BoY]i've been chasing this issue for 4 days12:37
vltcaptainjamie: What does "edit the custom_40 file with your edited grub file" mean?12:37
thunsucker[DeVil-BoY], what release are you running12:38
* [DeVil-BoY] is away, auto-away after 20 minutes (3h 29m 8s ago)12:38
oCean[DeVil-BoY]: please disable that away announcement12:38
captainjamievlt: right. do sudo gedit /pathtogrubfolder/grub.cfg (can't remember the path sorry) then copy and paste it into /etc/grub.d/40_custom12:38
[DeVil-BoY]part of a linux mce install12:38
theadmin[DeVil-BoY]: That's dead, and not supported anymore12:38
A_Jcan some help me update to the latest Deluge ie 1.3.312:39
[DeVil-BoY]and i've tried to get help from them as well12:39
theadmin!intrepid | [DeVil-BoY]12:39
ubottu[DeVil-BoY]: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.12:39
thunsucker[DeVil-BoY], why not upgrade to 11.04?12:39
Stanley00vlt: it's /boot/grub/12:39
vltCan anyone confirm captainjamie's suggestion, please?12:39
[DeVil-BoY]not sure how that will affect the rest of the setup12:39
vltStanley00: Thank you.12:39
[DeVil-BoY]that's why i'm trying to solve this issue12:39
captainjamievlt, yes they can. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527512:39
[DeVil-BoY]it's the only problem i have with the install12:39
[DeVil-BoY]i came across with 2011 posts regarding the same issue on 10.412:40
[DeVil-BoY]any help would be imensly appriciated12:40
delcainhi everyone12:41
captainjamievlt: This is exactly what to do. It'll take me a while to type... hang on12:41
delcaini steel have a problem12:41
vltStanley00: When I boot now I get a grub2 prompt, have to enter "linux ... initrd ... boot" manually.12:41
vltcaptainjamie: ^12:41
huangheyi can anybody teach me how to use the IRC ?12:41
theadminvlt: You should run sudo update-grub on your Ubuntu system, make sure grub is installed properly12:42
theadminhuangheyi: You already do ;)12:42
vltcaptainjamie, Stanley00: Why do I have to edit the file. Can't I just "cp grub.cfg /etc/.../40_..."?12:42
Myrttihuangheyi: congrats, you know how to use IRC12:42
captainjamievlt: you haven't rebooted have you?12:42
delcainmy documents from my folder Documents desappeard thats tomorrow12:42
Stanley00vlt: try run update-grub, and then reboot ?12:42
vltStanley00: Tries twice already :/12:42
captainjamievlt: can we go into a seperate chat and ill talk you through it12:42
theadminhuangheyi: Some commands you may want are /server irc.example.org, /join #ubuntu, /part, /quit and probably /query ubottu (and similar)12:43
Stanley00vlt: update-grub use scripts int /etc/grub.d/ to make /boot/grub/grub.cfg12:43
huangheyithank u ,  means that we talk through command?12:43
Stanley00vlt: what did you do to files in /etc/grub.d/ ?12:44
theadminhuangheyi: It's also a good idea to put the nickname of the person you're talking to in front of your message. You can type the first feew letters of the nickname and hit tab. Try typing "thead" and hitting tab, for instance12:44
[DeVil-BoY]the update fails to commit12:44
perlsyntaxI download the broadcom sta driver from ubuntu but how do i get the to work?12:45
=== IRC_JUNKIE is now known as matrixiumn
perlsyntaxi reboot and not a thing happon12:45
theadminperlsyntax: modprobe whatever?12:45
perlsyntaxhow do i do that12:45
perlsyntaxi do that when i get into my desktop12:46
theadminperlsyntax: Well, to load a driver named "ext4", you could do "sudo modprobe ext4". I'm not sure what the driver name is12:46
perlsyntaxSTA driver12:46
theadminperlsyntax: That's not a name12:46
huangheyiit's kinda hard for me, but that's interesting12:46
=== Merdam is now known as Merdam-away
perlsyntaxhow do i find the driver??12:49
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ansjhis this the right place to try to get support for something under wine?12:52
tomodachiansjh: not really this is ubutu specific12:53
ansjhhm... i'm running ubuntu though. :P12:53
bazhangansjh, #winehq is really the place12:53
ansjhah, thanks12:53
bazhangcheck he appdb ansjh12:53
bazhangerr the12:53
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:53
shabbarankshi all... Any ideas why if I put a static IP on my ubuntu server I am unable to access the mysql port?12:54
shabbaranksthe firewall isnt on so its not that12:54
ansjhshabbaranks: is the listen ip correct?12:55
shabbarankshow do I check that? But surely if the server is set to dhcp then a listen ip wouldnt be configured?12:55
shabbaranksas it could change every so often12:56
ansjhcheck the config file12:56
ansjhtry making it listen on
tmusWhere can I download and try Ubuntu Core? (or is it *just* for OEMs and such??)12:56
Stanley00tmus: i think you can find it in alternate cd12:56
tmusStanley00, ah, i'll try that right away and let you know... :-)12:57
shabbaranksansjh - could you tell me where is the config file located please?12:57
ansjhshabbaranks: probably in /etc/mysqld/ or something12:59
shabbaranksfound it - great thank you13:00
=== samitheb1rber is now known as samitheberber
jessDMornin all!  I've gout a weird issue; audio playback sounds like crap; it's like there's an eq off, but I'm using multiple mp3 players which don't include eq's, and they all sound that way.  Any idea how to reset it?13:02
linuxuz3rtry aumix13:05
jessDlinuxuz3r: /me tries...13:06
linuxuz3rdid it work13:07
shabbaranksedited the conf file and it still doesnt make a difference13:08
shabbaranksas soon as I set a static IP I am unable to telnet to the ubuntu server on 3306 :s13:09
jessDlinuxuz3r : Nope.  Example, pearl jam Even Flow; Eddie's voice is nearly muted ,and sounds like it's coming in late, but the guitar and drums sound fine13:09
jessDlinuxuz3r: It's not the file; played it on a windows machine next to the linux box, and sounds fine there, same headphones13:10
learneris der any offline update package for updating broken xserver13:10
=== Merdam-away is now known as Merdam
linuxuz3rtry installing aumix to get a better control of your sound system13:11
jessDlinuxuz3r : I'm using aumix; none of the sliders really changes the weird effect I'm getting13:12
shabbaranksany ideas peeps?13:12
linuxuz3rjessD, what does it do?13:12
linuxuz3rjessD, how does it sound?13:12
jessDlinuxuz3r : Like the midrange is muted, I think13:13
jessDlinuxuz3r : Example, pearl jam Even Flow; Eddie's voice is nearly muted ,and sounds like it's coming in late, but the guitar and drums sound fine13:13
LordvedaWhat are the possible way of recovering data from a failing IDE HD?13:13
arusselwhen ripping a CD is there a way to have name of songs and title automatically set ?13:13
linuxuz3rjessD, i dont know what midrange is13:14
safirehey guys13:14
jessDlinuxuz3r : On some songs, part of th eaudio sounds normal, but other parts, like the singer, sounds muted13:14
safirehas anyone encountered the "Failed" error when downloading things to /tmp with firefox?13:15
jessDarussel : Look for a CDDB option in your ripper13:15
jessDarussel : If it's on, it should query the cddb database out on the net and get your track info after it reads the cd13:15
linuxuz3risnt that a file in it self13:15
linuxuz3ri mean if the instrumentals sounds ok then other sounds must play ok13:16
linuxuz3rit maybe depends on your audio card13:16
safireSpecifically, if you click on a pdf link on the web and click open (no plugin out of browser acroread), It'll download but say Failed13:16
safireif I browse to /tmp/doc.pdf, I can still open it with acroread manually13:17
safireThis is firefox 3.6.20 on ubuntu 10.1013:17
jessDlinuxuz3r : No, not if there's an equalizer somehwere, thus my original question.  I installed Jack yesterday, and while that shouldn't effect what I do outside of jack, I'm wondering if there's a setting that got shifted..13:17
arusseljessD: thanks13:19
linuxuz3rjessD, i dont know13:19
Gredeuctrl alt T is not respawning a new terminal for me.  any ideas ?13:21
jessDAHAHAHAAHAH!! Figured it out13:21
jessDlinuxuz3r: It's a short in the mike input plug.  <heavy sigh>13:22
jessDlinuxuz3r : But hey, if you ever get in a similiar bind, apparently sudo /usr/sbin/alsa force-reload will do the trick13:22
Gredeuwhats the key sequence to spawn a new gnome terminal in unity ?13:22
tieinvctrl alt t13:24
kflottorpHey folks.. I'm sitting on a fresh install of 11.04 (32bit). In gnome-terminal, pressing ALT show the menubar, but it's not accepting any commands, like ALT t 4 to increase the window size. This works fine in all other programs I have running. Any ideas?13:25
ouranogrammisex :)13:26
eduardoanyone have 11.10 oneric?13:28
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:28
Picieduardo : Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.13:28
newbHi, does anyone know why I cant play a region 2 dvd, after I changed my dvd player to play region 2 with setreion in command line13:30
usr13What is the name of the app.  Remote Desktop Viewer?13:30
hwildeusr13, tsclient13:30
BluesKaj!medibuntu |newb13:31
ubottunewb: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:31
usr13How can kill it up from CLI?13:31
usr13I've brought it up in full screen mode and do not know how to kill it.13:32
usr13Or, how do I get out of full screen mode?13:33
newbBluesKaj, how do i check the region of my dvd player in command line13:33
gdamicoCurrently using Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS, what do I need to do to upgrade to Natty Narwhal?13:34
EgyParadoxgdamico: You need to upgrade to 10.10 first13:35
glebarongdamico, you should seriously consider waiting for 12.04.13:35
Triscar0cmd to see hardware speccs?13:36
BluesKajnewb, it's not dvdplayer , it's the dvd disk's regional codes that have to be bypassed ..install ubuntu-restricted-extras , that should saolve your problem13:36
gdamicoEgyParadox:  I keep my system up tp date nut have never seen an option to update versions13:36
bazhangTriscar0, sudo lshw13:36
Triscar0thnx bazhang!13:36
mulkave@gdamico try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in the terminal13:36
bazhanggdamico, check the only go for LTS and uncheck it13:37
gdamicomulkave: Thanks, I'll try that13:37
bazhangmulkave, thats not correct13:37
deancI accidentally left work without disconnecting from my vpn. So i did a hard reboot. How can I check that im no longer connected?13:37
EgyParadoxgdamico:sudo do-release-upgrade13:37
EgyParadoxif u want to upgrade to maverick13:37
newbBluesKaj, do I have to install them seperatly, i.e. each program, I typed the comand son their website into comand line13:37
mulkave@bazhang sorry I have 11.04 here already13:38
mulkaveseen this command quiet a lot and thought it would help him do that13:38
bazhangmulkave, a common misconception, no worries13:38
BluesKajnewb, are you going to install ubuntu-restricted-extras or not , if not then you will continue to have regional code problems13:38
mulkaveany Eclipse-C/C++ and gtkmm experts here ?13:39
Triscar0i had to use dhclient eth1 to get ip on my server, will it get ip automatic next time i reboot ? or ?13:40
gdamicoEgyParadox: I really want to get to Natty Narwhal but an told I need to get to 10.10 first13:40
gdamicoEgyParadox: once I get to 10.10 how do I get to natty?13:40
hongbinlist channel13:40
Pici!alis > hongbin13:40
ubottuhongbin, please see my private message13:40
BluesKaj!cn | kimyoungdeok13:40
ubottukimyoungdeok: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:40
bazhangthats Korean13:41
BluesKajbazhang, yeah , just realized that :)13:42
bazhanghe quit at any rate13:42
Int-Vent-iveHi, Can I make a custum installation with repositories... from the scratch?13:44
bazhang!remaster | Int-Vent-ive13:45
ubottuInt-Vent-ive: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility13:45
bazhangInt-Vent-ive, or get the mini iso13:45
Triscar0i had to write "dhclient eth1" to get ip on my server, when i reboot will it still get ip or do i have to config somthing?13:45
bazhang!minimal | Int-Vent-ive13:45
ubottuInt-Vent-ive: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:45
aswinany boody know how to remove plymouth theme in ubuntu 10.0413:48
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug-
aswinany boody know how to remove plymouth theme in ubuntu 10.0413:49
fmauro!repeat | aswin13:50
ubottuaswin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:50
aswin@ ubottu do u know how to remove plymouth theme in ubuntu 10.0413:51
=== Guest32707 is now known as kad
Triscar014:14:54 up 65 days, 37 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.09, 0.04, 0.2113:52
Triscar017:38:22 up 22 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.67, 0.35, 0.1313:52
Triscar0The firs server is with 512mb ram, and then i moved the HD over to a 2gb ram computer,  why is the load average so different?13:52
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Fuchsaswin: ubottu is a bot13:52
=== Karmicads01 is now known as Karmicads
sipiorTriscar0: you can use "top" to investigate processes.13:54
PiciTriscar0: You may want to take a look at the manpage for 'uptime' as it explains how load averages are calculated, things are not as simple as they seem.13:55
Triscar0sipior, but it runs just the same as before13:55
sipiorTriscar0: obviously not.13:55
Triscar0okok, soo it dont work harder? only the calculations that is different with 1,5gb more memory ?:D13:56
sipiorTriscar0: the machine hasn't been up long, and is likely running through a number of cron jobs at the moment.13:56
newbBluesKaj, I installed all the programs, but when i try the dvd it sys it cannot read from the source13:57
Gredeukewl.  ubuntu is working great for me today.13:57
Triscar0sipior, have been up for 44 minutes now.13:58
SquarismCan someone see the problem http://pastebin.com/VDdGf9bu13:59
BluesKajnewb , install libdvdcss214:02
sodapophi trying to install openssh-server on 10.04 but i can't find it in aptitude, any idea?14:03
Picisodapop: What does apt-cache policy openssh-server say?14:04
Jeanbeaudrillardsodapop, update your sources maybe14:04
bazhangJeanbeaudrillard, please dont do that here14:05
ziikutvis it possible to upgrade to ubuntu beta 11.10 without using a disc14:05
Piciziikutv : Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.14:05
TheoKarSquarism: tried with changing the "$LOL" into $LOL14:05
sodapopPici: all none14:05
ziikutvPici: THanks14:05
glebaronaswin, does this help you? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/quick-tipplymouth-themes-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html14:05
asushello guys14:06
asusi need help14:06
ubottuSELinux is available on Ubuntu, but not officially supported. Ubuntu uses another security framework by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor14:06
Picisodapop: What about the output from: lsb_release -d14:06
asusi cant boot my natty14:06
asusit enters sh:grub>14:06
sodapopPici : 10.04.3 LTS14:07
asus11.04 natty14:07
sodapopshould i add the canonical repos to the sources ?14:07
Gredeusodapop, sure is nice14:07
asusneed help14:07
Picisodapop: Can you pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list ?14:08
Gredeusodapop, and select your fastest server14:08
asusgredeu i wanna ask you a thing14:08
Gredeuasus i don't have the screen memorized14:08
asuscan someone help me14:08
Gredeucanonical packages are gifts14:08
newbBluesKaj, thanks you it worked14:09
asusi have installed ubuntu i used wubi i was working find but  today i cant boot linux14:09
Jeanbeaudrillardasus, hi must be a grub problem14:09
Gredeuasus i've never used wubi in my life14:09
asushow can i solve it14:09
Jeanbeaudrillardho wubi :o14:09
asusi cant find disks folder in my c:\ubuntu directory14:10
mac_hi when i install some software in synaptic mgr it shows like this "pastebin.com/N5crQ3Mm" plz help me highly emergency ..14:11
sodapopPici: http://pastebin.com/NAxt3ms714:11
jj_Bonjour! Dîtes-moi, j'essaie d'extraire un fichier en mode console. je tape: tar -x xammp-linux-1.7.4.tar.gz mais il ne se passe rien!14:11
Myrttijj_: why not use proper apache, mysql and php?14:12
IdleOne!fr | jj_14:12
Picisodapop: can you run: sudo apt-get update  and then see if apt-cache policy openssh-server  has any valid results?14:12
ubottujj_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:12
sodapopPici: that was it, cheers14:15
Picisodapop: great :)14:15
mac_hi when i install some software in synaptic mgr it shows like this " www.pastebin.com/N5crQ3Mm " plz help me highly emergency ..14:18
awsnetworkrecordwould somebody be able to guide me on how Rockplayer for Android does hardware decoding?14:19
Piciawsnetworkrecord: Try asking in #android , not #ubuntu14:20
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* G` matilah14:22
=== asus is now known as mamed
xSmurfhey guys, so I'm having quite a few issues with natty... one of which being that nm-applet doesn't display the status of available wireless APs (signal strength and protection)14:23
xSmurfany clue as to how to fix that?14:23
mac_plz help me when i install some software in synaptic mgr it shows like this " www.pastebin.com/N5crQ3Mm "14:24
ronan__Apple sucks14:25
gentoofanI am taking a graduate operating systems course and I have been given access to a 32-bit Ubuntu 10.04.3 virtual machine. I need to chroot into a 64-bit linux installation. Is there any way to install a 64-bit kernel via the package manager?14:26
xSmurfanother issue I'm having is that the if-up scripts don't seem to ever get executed14:26
OerHeksgentoofan, sorry, not possible.14:26
edbiangentoofan: There is no way (that I know of) to switch from 32 bit ubuntu to 64 bit without installing.  What is the ultimate goal here?14:26
gentoofaneboyjr: I don't want 64-bit Ubuntu. I want a 64-bit kernel with 32-bit userland.14:27
ronan__iPhone sucks14:27
ronan__Mac OS sucks14:27
ronan__iPad sucks14:27
xSmurfI added macchanger in the ip-pre-up and it never gets called, and added an if-up to automatically connect my vpn, but also a no go14:27
FloodBot1ronan__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:27
gentoofaneboyjr: Sorry, that was meant for edbian.14:27
gentoofanSo is there no way to install the 64-bit Ubuntu kernel on 32-bit Ubuntu via apt-get?14:29
edbiangentoofan: I've never seen something like that.  It's likely to break everything.  You can search for the package that contains the 64 bit kernel here and install it (it's a deb) : http://packages.ubuntu.com/14:29
sipiorgentoofan: probably safer simply to build a 64-bit kernel.14:29
aureianimusso, i have these broken packages: python-uno and python-aptdaemon, and i figured i could try remove --purge and then reinstalling14:29
gentoofansipior: I was hoping apt-get could save me the trouble. I was feeling lazy, but I guess I will have to do that.14:30
sipiorgentoofan: as a gentoo fan, i imagine you know the drill :-)14:30
aureianimusand i removed some packages that depend on them meanwhile, amongst which the software center, and i can't force them down or reinstall, so now i don't have a software center14:30
aureianimushttp://paste.ubuntu.com/680604/ this is what sudo apt-get install gives now14:31
aureianimusany ideas how i could get my software center back?14:31
gentoofansipior: Umm... yeah. I probably should have changed my nick before asking that question here. I want to put 64-bit Gentoo on the system and I need someway to chroot into it from the existing 32-bit Ubuntu installation. I was hoping no one would realize the connection.14:31
gentoofanFor anyone curious about how you replace one Linux distribution with anther with nothing but root access, read man pivot_root. Anyway, thanks for the informtaion everyone. :)14:33
=== Mud is now known as Guest6866
mac_plz help me when i install some software in synaptic mgr it shows like this " www.pastebin.com/N5crQ3Mm "14:38
kalideswalhow to get rid of bluetooth problem14:42
kalideswalbluetooth get disabled & i have to type sudo service bluetooth restart14:43
kalideswalto temporary solve this problem14:43
al-sindiHi any buddy know how to open blocked sex site from ubuntu ????14:48
FenixdeuxHi. I just installed Xubuntu linux ( now I have 3 linuxen systems ) using pendrivelinux.com's software and the keymap is almost working almost, now if I could just compose "ç" ( alt-c in OS X ), "ß" (alt-s) and "ü" ( alt-u ) chars it'd be perfect14:49
IdleOneal-sindi: no.14:49
al-sindiIdleOne why??14:49
Fenixdeuxit'd be perfect perfect perfect ... Windows 7 was weird, I mean I know how to use Windooze 95 and Windooze XP SP2 but this I didn't really hack14:50
ExodusFenixdeux, change your keyboard layout to match the one used in OS X14:50
al-sindiHow to browse blocked sites in ubuntu >>?????14:51
ExodusFenixdeux, they're almost all present in every OS. I for one use US International which lets me use éáóúüö easily on the keyboard.14:51
FenixdeuxExodus: this is my OS X machine, I used Xubuntu linux for my new netbook that came with Windows / Starter so I dunno if setting Mapple settings help14:51
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al-sindiIs there any buddy can help me?????????????????????14:52
ExodusMapple, is that what it's called?14:52
Exodusal-sindi, you would need a proxy to browse unallowed sites14:52
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al-sindiwhere i can get that proxy>>????? Exodus14:53
Exodusal-sindi, there isn't an Ubuntu way to do this, there are several ways in linux to do this as there are in every OS14:53
Exodusal-sindi, Google for proxies or use something like tor14:53
andihaving trouble installing gnome3 over unity14:53
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al-sindiI installed tor but I dont know how to work on it??14:53
Exodusal-sindi, torproject.org14:53
andiDie folgenden Pakete haben unerfüllte Abhängigkeiten:14:53
andi gnome : Depends: gnome-desktop-environment (= 1:2.30+11ubuntu2) soll aber nicht installiert werden14:53
andiE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.14:53
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.14:54
al-sindiExodus its already blocked for me.....14:54
FenixdeuxI can use [[Article|Shows as this text]] on my lovely Xubuntu so I'm all set for successfull wikiing14:54
jbehlinghello. Is there anyone here who would help me with a pamkrb5 / pamccreds issue?14:54
andii have upgraded from natty to oneiric beta114:54
andibut the packages in apt-get are still 2.xx14:55
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ExodusFenixdeux, link didn't come out right14:55
Exodusright click and copy url link not text14:55
OerHeksandi support for oneiric beta in #Ubuntu+114:55
FenixdeuxExodus: yes it did if you have Wikilinks1.7 for Chatzilla14:55
Gredeunot wise andi.  breakage likely.  you'll have to know how to repair or when not to update your system if at all14:55
ExodusFenixdeux, most people don't use Chatzilla14:55
andigive it a try in ubuntu+1 :)14:56
al-sindido any one know how to hide ip?????14:56
andithanx men14:56
ExodusFenixdeux, also, Wikilinks isn't something portable or highly used enough for you to mainstream it into a chat with multiple clients. I use Xchat and requiere a URL not wiki formatting14:56
FenixdeuxExodus: yeah.. Quassel with the core installed on my VPS Ubuntu 10.04 Server Edition and client on my Xubuntu 11.0414:56
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newbhow do i list running programs in command line14:57
Fenixdeuxps -ax14:57
Exodusnewb, ps aux14:57
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andiyeah ps14:57
ExodusFenixdeux, so, back to the keymap, I don't particularly know a specific xubuntu way, like if there's a program in xubuntu settings to change it14:58
ExodusFenixdeux, but I do know that you can change it manually in /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:58
FenixdeuxExodus: I'm having trouble getting German and French exclusive characters but other then that it ( Xubuntu 11.04 ) is working like a charm14:59
ExodusFenixdeux, you just have to find the name of your variant. Mine is US International (With dead keys)14:59
ExodusFenixdeux, yeah, changing the keyboard layout will fix that.14:59
Gredeu6 @ 100.  very kind14:59
ExodusFenixdeux, I speak spanish so I need the accents on my vowels áéöü15:00
Exoduslet me see if I can find that program that shows all the keyboards15:01
grzeslawhelo.. I'am installing vmware-server on my 11.04 ubuntu, based on kernel 2.6.38-11-generic-pae. I have allready installed linux-headers-2.6.38-11-generic-pae pkg, but i got the following error: The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match15:01
grzeslawyour running kernel (version 2.6.38-11-generic-pae).  Even if the module were15:01
grzeslawto compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel. How can I solve it? any ideas/hints?15:01
newbthe program transmition has frozen, i trield kill in command line but its still going?15:01
^MikeWhat's the thing that tells you what package provides a command when you use stuff that isn't installed15:01
al-sindiAny Arab Girl Here????????????????????///////////////15:01
Gredeuhappily running server kernel on natty desktop15:01
edbian^Mike: I don't know but you can probably make use of apt-file15:02
Gredeual-sindi, yes, but you cannot ask that15:02
sipioral-sindi: explore puberty elsewhere.15:02
newbthe program transmition has frozen, i trield kill in command line but its still going? how do i kill the process?15:03
kmediai recently installed ubuntu 11.04 and when i installed drupal and try to run it, i get a black screen in firefox. does anyone have any ideas why15:03
^Mikeedbian: apt-file isn't installed :)15:03
sipioral-sindi: because doing otherwise is bad manners.15:03
edbian^Mike: so install it15:03
^Mikeedbian: I didn't know which package! :D15:03
juboubuntummm.. now I will use irc to test for keyboard similarity of this Samsung NC210 to that of the standart OS X kbrd15:03
edbian^Mike: It's not the program you're looking for but it will help you solve that problem15:03
juboubuntunot bad, not bad15:03
^Mikeedbian: I know15:03
glebaronnewb, sudo kill pid#15:04
al-sindiwell how to hide IP?? Can any buddy help me ???15:04
juboubuntuit's very closely the same layout of the keys and I can type fairly rapidly15:04
ExodusFenixdeux, I just read XFCE has a keyboard layout changer. Go to the settings menu, the settings manager. There should be a Keyboard item there.15:04
juboubuntubig tnx to all devels15:04
ExodusFenixdeux, http://thebestbestblogblog.blogspot.com/2009/04/how-to-change-keyboard-layout-in.html15:04
FenixdeuxExodus: will see15:04
ExodusFenixdeux, don't know if it's there in your version, but there should be something similar.15:05
ExodusGnome has one, KDE does too, I'm sure XFCE has it, last time I used it it did.15:05
al-sindiNo one is replying why >>>???????15:05
FenixdeuxI can write the ß and the ü and ç by hand in my printouts15:05
Exodusal-sindi, hide IP?15:05
newbglebaron, still going15:05
Exodusal-sindi, hide your IP?15:05
al-sindiYep but how ??15:06
al-sindiExodus How ??15:06
Fenixdeuxbut it'd be nice to have this alt-s, alt-u and alt-c like it is in OS X15:06
glebaronnewb, sudo kill -9 pid#15:06
Exodusal-sindi, it depends, what are you hiding it from?15:06
Exodusal-sindi, and for what reason?15:06
Fenixdeuxglebaron: wouldn't you suggest starting with 'kill -15' ?15:06
Fenixdeuxit's not as brutal as 'kill -9' is15:07
al-sindihere our ISP doesnt allow us to veiw sites which are blocked like torproject.org , proxyservers.ca etc..15:07
glebaronFenixdeux, sorry you're correct.15:07
newbglebaron, still going15:07
Fenixdeuxnewb: after kill -9 .. uh-oh15:07
ExodusFenixdeux, the good news is that isn't something OS X only. That is just OS X using that keyboard layout. You just have to select it in linux like you did or whoever installed that OS X did.15:08
Fenixdeuxnext up: kernel panic15:08
glebaronnewb, you must be entering the wrong process id number.15:08
newbnope i see it in top15:08
al-sindiExodus do u know something about hiding IP ??15:08
Exodusal-sindi, you can't hide your IP from your ISP.15:08
Fenixdeuxal-sindi: get some psyBNC accounts ?15:08
edbiannewb: 1724!15:08
Exodusal-sindi, your ISP is the one giving you your IP which is necesary to connect to the web.15:09
sunilcan anyone tell me how to setup jboss in 11.9415:09
newbthe pid is 172415:09
Exodusal-sindi, doesn't mean you can't bypass your ISP's limitations. Just find another proxy, I suggest you google it as this has nothing to do with Ubuntu and that's what this channel is for.15:09
edbiannewb: ignore me15:10
al-sindiWell in windows 7 I got Jordy Proxy it works well....!!!!!!!!!! and I got access to all over the world. No any blocked site.15:10
sunilplease help to setup jboss in ubuntu..15:10
juboubuntuIt was a hassle to get Xubuntu on a USB stick but then with Universal USB Installer from pendrivelinux.com that did the trick for me.. Thank you very much for this great free collection of softwares15:11
Exodusnewb, maybe it has spawned several times15:11
al-sindiExodus did u get it ??15:11
KAVAhello why i cant download a source file form gitthub. it said permission denied. fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly15:11
Exodusnewb, when I'm looking for a process I usually grep it from a 'ps aux' like this: ps aux | grep firefox15:11
Exodusal-sindi, get what?15:11
al-sindiJordy Proxy Changer in windows 715:12
OerHekssunil, all i have is the wiki > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JBoss15:12
newbExodus, does this amount to the same thing as top?15:12
glebaronal-sindi, http://rosinstrument.com/howto.htm15:12
=== fr0sted-bnc is now known as fr0sted
Gredeudoes apparmor only work with packages from the official repo ?15:13
ExodusKAVA, you have to add your public key15:13
sunilOerHeks, I already checked that site....but there is not any solution..15:13
ExodusKAVA, http://help.github.com/linux-key-setup/15:13
Gredeuand is apparmors purpose to trust the integrity of ubuntu's most vital security and services ?15:13
ExodusKAVA, also, Use google next time. This answer you could of gotten as a first result of a google search.15:13
fr0stedcan anyone help with me with a driver issue, nvidia 280, its not working with unity, when i enable my second screen, it kills ubuntu.!15:14
fr0stedas in cant do nothing apart from failsafe mode15:14
KAVAok... thank you Exodus15:14
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Exodusfr0sted, Unity is under heavy development right now. I wonder if Unity has support for second screens yet.15:15
tetsuo55how long should the please wait during disk partitioning take?15:15
tetsuo55for a 500gb drive15:15
sunil_anyone know how to join java channel15:15
fr0stedhm ye i did wonder, just thought i would ask, as there wasnothiong about it not being supported on the net or ubuntu site15:16
OerHekstetsuo55, a few minutes.15:16
ratcwhat exactly is /bin/echo for? if it's removed it still works , both in sh and bash...15:16
tetsuo55OerHeks: i think ive been waiting for 25 minutes now15:17
OerHekstetsuo55, 25 is too long, do you see hdd-led activity ?15:17
Picisunil_: you need to register first.15:17
Exodusratc, same thing as what bash has it for15:17
edbianratc: If you remove it and reboot it will no longer work.15:17
fr0stedsunil_ you need to identify with NickServ15:17
Pici!register > sunil_15:17
ubottusunil_, please see my private message15:17
ratcedbian , ok thanks, didn't know had to reboot :)15:18
tetsuo55OerHeks:  no i don't15:18
edbianratc: not sure why you wanna remove echo though15:18
sunil_i already registered......15:18
Exodusratc, bash has echo built in15:19
Exodusratc, /bin/echo is a program that does the same thing15:19
ratcexodus, ok, i understand now. thx15:19
kubancanyone ever tries to install numark omni control on ubuntu?15:19
LafiirAh. I accidentally  deleted the gnome audio profiles in rhythmbox. How do I get them back?15:19
Exodusratc, maybe some terminals don't have a built in echo so they use that one.15:19
juboubuntubig tnx for work well  done15:20
tetsuo55OerHeks: so reset and retry?15:20
OerHekstetsuo55, yes, try again.15:20
ExodusLafiir, is that something like a rhythmbox option or feature?15:22
LafiirExodus: in Preferences > Music > Preferred Format > Edit15:23
Xen0_anyone gotten this before? new .deb installation, seems to just not start because it can't get the plugins15:23
Xen0_[Fri Sep  2 03:17:39 2011][24178.0] nessus-update-plugins: failed to update plugins - Could not verify the signature of all-2.0.tar.gz15:23
ExodusLafiir, everything you modify is something local to your user unless you did something that requieres adminitrative action15:24
ExodusLafiir, with this said, there's probably a folder with rhythmbox's configuration, you'd just have to delete it15:24
LafiirExodus: Thank you. I will try that15:24
ExodusLafiir, and it should get you back to default. Let me find it for you15:25
kubancanyone know if Numark Total Control works under ubuntu?15:26
kubancwhat is Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub15:27
Picikubanc: What is 'Numark Total Control'? A windows app?15:28
kubancPici, http://www.numark.com/omnicontrol15:28
ExodusLafiir, what version of Ubuntu are you using?15:28
juboubuntuWhen I first came across this keyboard I found it to replicate the standart Mapple Ackingtosh kbrd XD XD15:28
Picikubanc: You may want to ask in #ubuntustudio or #opensourcemusicians15:29
juboubuntuthey've made it 10:16 ratio which allows you to fit a nearly have wide enough hbrd15:29
LafiirExodus, 11.04 and I deleted ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/ ~/.cache/rhythmbox/ and ~/.gconf/apps/rhythmbox/ but I did not restore the audio profiles. Guess they are somewhere else15:29
Picijuboubuntu: Please keep in mind that #ubuntu is for support, if you want to chat, you may join us in #ubuntu-offtopic :)15:30
mikael89If I install Ubuntu via WUBI, how can I remove Windows afterwards?15:30
kuancheenhi everyone, i just installed ubuntu on virtualbox running on vista host.15:30
kuancheenInstallation was all fine, but it started saying that my dispaly could not support Unity, and then defaulted me to the classic DE, this is before i installed the VBox additions, after i installed the additions, i thought i could getit loaded with unity, but it seems that i default to the classic DE.15:30
kuancheenMy question is can i get unity back? is yes, how can i do it? please help =)15:30
FloodBot1kuancheen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:30
Picimikael89: You can't.15:30
mikael89Pici is it hard to install ubuntu via a USB flashdrive?15:30
Picimikael89: I've never done it myself, but lots of people have successfully.15:31
al-sindiis there any channel for mac os x 10.7 lion ????15:31
Pici!alis | al-sindi15:31
ubottual-sindi: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*15:31
fr0stedmikael89 no its not mate, do exactly what it says on the ubuntu site and your fine ;)15:31
fr0stedjust the same as a cd :)15:31
fr0stedtime to try and fix my ubuntu brb15:32
=== fr0sted is now known as fr0sted-bnc
Gredeutears of light.  handbrake saved my life :o ;)15:33
tetsuo55OerHeks: you where right, after a reboot it only took 2 seconds to move to the next screen (timezone selection)_15:33
OerHekstetsuo55, nice :-)15:33
juboubuntuthe Libyans are so pleased with the outcome of the war..15:34
juboubuntuthey've all shouted themselves so much they lose voice15:35
juboubuntuThis one thing..15:35
Myrttijuboubuntu: I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with Ubuntu support issues15:35
albechi have this weird thing happening where every time i try to open a location from the 'Places' instead of opening Nautilus it tries to open the location with VLC..15:35
juboubuntuhow much the Fire-Your-Kalasnikov-intha-air-intha-air-air15:36
juboubuntu.. the arab peoples love to fire their Kalashnikov AK-47 in the air .. a lot15:37
kuancheenhi everyone, (not sure my previous question got muted by the floodbot LOL) i just installed ubuntu on virtualbox running on vista host. Installation was all fine, but it started saying that my dispaly could not support Unity, and then defaulted me to the classic DE, this is before i installed the VBox additions, after i installed the additions, i thought i could getit loaded with unity, but...15:37
kuancheen...it seems that i default to the classic DE. My question is can i get unity back? is yes, how can i do it? please help =)15:37
sipiorjuboubuntu: enough.15:37
juboubuntu'k fair 'nuff .. I'll stfu15:37
Nach0zkuancheen: seems to me you need to increase the RAM and CPU power allocated to that vbox15:37
Nach0zthat's happened to me before.15:37
Stanley00kuancheen: a better choice is using persistent liveUSB, I think15:38
Gredeuubuntu needs nicer wallpaper for next release.  maybe Mark will spice it up.15:38
kuancheenNach0z: hey, thanks will give that a try, what will be the recommended RAM?15:39
PiciGredeu: you were just in #ubuntu-offtopic, so you know it exists, lets try to keep the non-support chatter in there :)15:39
Nach0zum. how much ram do you have in your actual computer, kuancheen ?15:39
Gredeui didn't mention wallpaper Pici.15:39
PiciGredeu: Ubuntu discussion not related to support still belongs in there, not here.15:40
Gredeueasily forgiveable15:40
szal2 GB will do in most situations; 1 GB tends to be a bit low already; 4 GB almost never gets used up, and everything more is a pro15:41
zfurHi, people.15:41
paranoid_ndroidhello, I have a faulty key on my keyboard and would like to attribute that faulty key to another key in the keyboard, how can I accomplish this? Thanks in advance.15:42
Nach0zkuancheen: try to allocate at least two gigs of ram to the vbox if you can, preferably more. But without knowing how much ram total your computer has i can't give you a real number there15:42
adam__changing icon size in the notification area ?15:46
LafiirExodus: Found it. Had to add them back via gconf-editor to /system/gstreamer/0.10/audio/global/profile_list :)15:46
sergio91ptparanoid_ndroid: Look in man xmodmap15:46
paranoid_ndroidsergio91pt, isn't there a tool with a GUI?15:47
juboubuntuooh. I so like my GRUB boot loader. I love it15:47
n20Hello world! How can I hide the server signature of my apache2? I tried adding the ServerTokens Prod and ServerSignature Off to httpd.conf but it's still displaying after a restart. What gives?15:47
juboubuntunow I can avoid microsoft and support free software movement15:47
sergio91ptparanoid_ndroid: dunno, give me a sec to search15:48
paranoid_ndroidsergio91pt, thank you so much15:48
kuancheeneveryone: thanks guys for the help will need to reboot to change RAM =)15:48
FenixdeuxPici: what was that for ?15:49
PiciFenixdeux: consistantly offtopic despite being told about #ubuntu-offtopic15:49
Fenixdeuxoh yeah 'k 'k #ubuntu-offtopic15:50
fr0stedgot it working, unity with dual screen setup :D now for compiz.!15:50
sergio91ptparanoid_ndroid: xkeycaps is in the software-center. Not the greatest GUI but should get the job done15:50
fr0stedha only taken me about 2 days!15:50
CluelessPerson I've just installed Transmission on my server, but for reason I can't seem to get it configured correctly and I can't find any logs  or any errors otherwise indicated.15:50
CluelessPersonOn the remote client on my android, I'm getting the error "Connection Refused"15:51
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Tinkerer1@clueless last time i got connection refused it had something to do with the port being closed15:52
CluelessPersonTinkerer1,   The port is most definitely open15:53
designbybeckgood write up about Ubuntu if you haven't already seen it: http://www.thevarguy.com/2011/09/02/canonical-again-pushes-desktop-ubuntu-for-the-enterprise/15:53
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CluelessPersonTinkerer1,   I was just running deluge on that port, I uninstalled deluge, installed transmission, configured it for the same port15:54
CluelessPersonand I double checked the software firewall.15:54
CluelessPersonTinkerer1,   However according to my port scan, my server isn't responding on port 900215:55
wooshumicrosoft cinema was awesome.  it records just as well as a russell crowe movie, face, expressions, all look great !@15:55
wooshuon ubuntu15:55
CluelessPersonTinkerer1,   What should the rpc bind address be?15:56
CluelessPersonTinkerer1,   I have the whitelist as false, rpc bind address  rpc port as what I need.15:57
Tinkerer1CluelessPerson hmm tbh i have no idea :(15:57
paranoid_ndroidsergio91pt, it worked like a charm. Many, many thanks. Are you in PT? I'll buy you a beer sometime if that's the case!15:58
thunarguyHow can I install flash in Ubuntu 11.10?15:58
CluelessPersonTinkerer1,   Could I see a copy of your configuration file?15:58
Picithunarguy : Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.15:58
thunarguyPici: OK :D15:59
i_is_brokehaving some issues with auto login. i cant seem to get it to shut off.16:00
dudei got a problem cccam cannot read my smargo on natty16:00
i_is_brokeand whats the easiest way to switch the login manager?16:00
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i_is_brokeoh and the clock wont set.16:01
sergio91ptparanoid_ndroid: yep, Porto. Glad I could help16:01
mrtrousersId like to read a file on the terminal, but using cat it scrolls way too fast.. Got any ideas to see a screen at a time?16:02
Picimrtrousers: pipe into less or more16:02
mrtrouserscat readme.txt | less ?16:02
Picimrtrousers: or just use less or more to open the file.16:02
bobweaveranyone know how to get sandy bridge to work16:02
Picimrtrousers: less readme.txt16:02
CluelessPersonTinkerer1, ?16:03
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Tinkerer1@clueless sorry no don't have it installed atm16:03
mrtrousersPici: Thanks..16:03
sergio91ptless is better btw16:03
Picimrtrousers: press q to quit when you're done.16:03
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Picisergio91pt: 'most' is pretty nice too16:04
meepsmeepI am unable to install flashplugin-installer in Oneiric, it says http://paste.ubuntu.com/680671/16:05
Picimeepsmeep: you were already asking in the right channel, Oeniric is offtopic for #ubuntu at this time.16:05
fr0stedhey does anyone know how to enable the fire options in compiz ?16:06
nnullfr0sted, ccsm > animations > select from dropdown menu FIRE eg for CLOSE'16:07
nnullor theres another one that draws fire on the screen with the mouse16:07
nnullto memory lol16:07
nnulli understand fr0sted, when we ping hosts we want to circle the hosts with fire and say our mantra, i get you fr0sted, im down.16:08
nnullsorry, its friday night, im going to bed lol16:08
fr0stedhahah :D16:09
fr0stedim using the compiz manager thingy and there is no fire on it :(16:09
nnullumm did you do 'apt-get install compiz-extras' ?16:09
nnullnot sure if thats the exact package name, think im missing a -word16:09
fr0stednnull:  will now :D16:10
fr0stedunity is awesome !16:10
[DeVil-BoY]hello people16:11
[DeVil-BoY]trying to get improved performance on my graphics card which is a 915GM intel onboard, when i run glxinfo | grep direct, it tells me that direct rendering is not enabled. also on the xrog.0.log it tells me that it fails to load. I have changed the xorg.conf file and it has improved a bit, i.e no more screen flickering.16:11
[DeVil-BoY]i'm trying to solve the issue that i'm having video files playing, on a reboot they will play for a few seconds then black no video image just sound. So i thought it would be related to direct rendering which is not enabled16:12
[DeVil-BoY]please help§§§§16:12
nnullwhat sort of videos, avi/mp4 or flv/flash ?16:12
nnullor both?16:12
LocoenelCocoanyone can tell me if the touchpad bug was solved on the new ubuntu?16:14
fr0stednnull:   compiz-extras came back with - unable to locate package16:14
nnullfr0sted, try compiz-fusion-plugins-extra16:15
LocoenelCocothat crazy uncontrolable touchpad bug was solved on new ubuntu?16:15
fr0stednnull: yea thats what i figured :)16:16
nnullnot sure LocoenelCoco , im sure bugtracker would!16:16
LocoenelCocobugtracker? gonna look for it!16:16
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LocoenelCoconnull, ty16:17
nnullLocoenelCoco, np.16:17
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tetsuo55how can i limit the quota disk use of a user?16:18
tetsuo55and for that matter limit their total login time per day16:18
M0n3yRuL3zhey all, how do you guys mount ".iso" file in Ubuntu ?16:19
nnulltetsuo55, http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2005/10/disk-quotas-in-linux-explained.html16:19
Stanley00M0n3yRuL3z: by using mount -o loop16:20
paulh-paulhhi, i just upgraded to a new version. in the new version the screen stays black. is there any way to "downgrade"? so i dont need to press on older versions in the boot process?716:20
Stanley00M0n3yRuL3z: ex mount -t iso9660 /path/to/cd.iso /cdrom -o loop16:20
root_Godd afternoon16:20
M0n3yRuL3zStanley00, Thanks :)16:21
Stanley00M0n3yRuL3z: :)16:21
tetsuo55oh, seperate partitions for each user's home folder would be even better16:22
paulh-paulhat the moment i got version 11-.0416:22
paulh-paulhanyone got an idea?16:23
glebihantetsuo55, that's not a valid solution if you have more than a few users16:23
nnullpaulh-paulh, probably easiest to just reinstall, copy over whatever you need salvaged on a live boot from your media if you didnt make a seperate home partition16:23
paulh-paulhso there is no way to kind of "rollback" ?16:23
glebihan!downgrade | paulh-paulh16:24
ubottupaulh-paulh: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.16:24
tetsuo55glebihan: i have 4 users in total, and 2 of them need to be limited to say 10 or 20gb total size for their home directories16:24
tex19servers are in Spanish16:24
tetsuo55glebihan: also i only have 1 partition for all data16:24
glebihantetsuo55, well I would still not recommend using separate partitions for home folders, what would you like it to be that way ?16:25
tetsuo55nnull: that link you gave does not seem to apply to my case16:26
glebihantetsuo55, why not ?16:26
tetsuo55glebihan: well i don't really care how it works, as long as those 2 users are limited in their disk use, or they will use up alle the available space16:26
M0n3yRuL3zStanley00, one more question pls, in console im trying "su -" it asks for password i put my regular password but it says it's wrong, but i have never put one other password anywhere the only password i have its this which does't work, how to get rid of this ?(16:26
tetsuo55glebihan: it starts with " this assumes home is own paritition16:26
sliptteesexists any option to apt-get --quiet or --silent?16:27
Stanley00su - need root's password, try sudo16:27
gumushi all, ubuntu doesn't recognize my built-in webcam. Does anyone have any idea to fix it ?16:27
Stanley00M0n3yRuL3z: su - need root's password, try sudo16:27
sipiorslipttees: "man apt-get" is authoritative.16:28
samuelsappswhen i enter radio streaming website it's show the play button, but when i clicked it, there is no sound16:28
glebihantetsuo55, is assumes that only in order to have an example16:28
glebihantetsuo55, you can make it work for whatever partition you want16:28
sliptteessipior, :(16:28
lo-fi_hey guys newbie here: i was wondering how i can find where i saved a file using the command line?16:28
Riginpls help to operate teamviewer16:28
Rigin my id is 886 332 80716:28
Rigin password is 29216:28
lion42gumus, does this help you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam#Driver_installation16:28
sliptteessipior, my english is puor, examplo for usage,please16:28
nnulllo-fi, man locate16:28
glebihantetsuo55, here is another example based on the partition being mounted on "/" : http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-setup-disk-quotas-in-ubuntu.html16:29
lo-fi_thank you nnull16:29
bastiI have a question16:29
tetsuo55glebihan: thanks, reading16:29
bastii changed login to xterm but how can i reset it to GNOME16:30
samuelsappslo-fi: you can use find / -name your files name16:30
sliptteessipior, ping16:30
tjiggi_fobasti, ask16:30
samuelsappsput sudo first16:30
sliptteesexists any option to apt-get --quiet or --silent?16:30
sliptteesi cant undestand man pages, my english is puor, example for usage,please16:30
Polahslipttees: Example of how to use man pages?16:31
bastii set mz login page to xterm16:31
mohakhow to speed up torrent16:31
bastii want to schange it back to GNOME16:31
sliptteesPolah, to use apt-get --quiet16:31
usr13slipttees: examples are usually near the bottom of the man page.16:31
CalinouI'm kind of like this... why do someone wants to use --quiet...16:31
Polahslipttees: man apt-get and then scroll down to the section about flags/options for --quiet16:32
sliptteesPolah, i need example for usage16:32
usr13basti: What is your native language?16:32
sliptteesPolah, apt-get remove --purge --quiet wine16:32
mohakhow to speed up torrent16:32
sipiorslipttees: you seem to understand english just fine.16:32
LocoenelCocobuy more bandwith16:33
nnullslipttees, 'man command > file.txt' then chuck the contents into google translate16:33
Pici!de | basti16:33
ubottubasti: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:33
nnullim sure theres a better way to do this, but ive never had the need.16:33
sliptteesnnull, thx16:33
Polahslipttees, sudo apt-get install --quiet <package>   layout is sudo apt-get <action> <options> <package>16:33
nnullhmm odd font bug i have meh16:33
sliptteesPolah, nice :D16:33
LocoenelCocoiread on wiki i think that to erase the packages installers u need to "apptitude purge packg" but this doesnt works16:34
sliptteesPolah, run apt-get on background16:34
LocoenelCocothe installer still exists16:34
sliptteesPolah, possible16:34
tetsuo55glebihan: im getting a bunch of errors16:34
usr13LocoenelCoco: apt-get purge package16:34
PolahLocoenelCoco: remove unintalls the package, purge uninstalls the package and removes dpkg configuration files for it. You need to use apt-get clean to clean up .deb files stored by apt in /var/cache/apt, or sudo rm to delete the mone by one16:35
LocoenelCocousr13, doesnt really  works16:35
LocoenelCocoPolah, got it ty16:35
tetsuo55glebihan: qsudo quotacheck -avugm " you need to enable journaled quota"   and sudo quotaon -avug: cannot find //aquota.user on xxxx [/]16:35
glebihantetsuo55, maybe have a look at this thread : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1014051.html16:37
tetsuo55thanks again16:37
thecpaptain_yo guys, i'm trying to change the security of a router, and i'm trying to access it to do so, but I am unable to find the router's IP adress, or the one I find simply isn't working [16:27] <thecpaptain> right now i'm operating in windows, as I am unable to access the LAN via Ubuntu16:39
usr13thecpaptain_: Wired or WiFi?16:40
nnullrouter brand?16:40
Polahthecpaptain_: Default router IP is generally or, if you go to your network settings on Windows you should get a gateway address, that's the router IP16:41
thecpaptain_that I don't know, its my landlords router16:41
nnull10.1.1.1 /
thecpaptain_hm, yeah I've tried the standard IP-adresses, non work16:41
nnullalso highly possibly16:41
nnull.254 also..16:41
thecpaptain_i'll try the one16:41
sipiorthecpaptain_: windows has a traceroute utility, doesn't it?16:41
usr13thecpaptain_: Do you have permission from landlord?16:41
atyounglets not forget or 1.10016:42
thecpaptain_yes I do, and i asked him if he knew the ip adress, but he didn't know16:42
usr13thecpaptain_: If so, the router's IP will more than likely be default route.  i.e.
thecpaptain_hm, how do i use the traceroute ?16:42
thecpaptain_hm yeah i tried that one, but it doesn't work16:42
nnullheres a hint.. whats your ip address ?16:42
usr13thecpaptain_: Bring up the command prompt and issue command  ipconfig16:42
jnsl_how can i tell if port 3306 is open? also i have apparmor running =)16:42
thecpaptain_next ?16:43
usr13thecpaptain_: what is the route  (Default GW)16:43
thecpaptain_but that one doesn't work when i try connecting to it via Chrome16:43
thecpaptain_and pinging it is no problem16:43
skrubI'm  trying to run 4 monitors, 2 on an ATI card and 2 on an NVidia. Can anyone help me out?16:43
usr13thecpaptain_: take your browser to
thecpaptain_doesn't work16:44
gumusHello all!16:44
Picijnsl_: netstet -tan  should show you16:44
usr13thecpaptain_: What is make and model of router?16:44
gumusUbuntu doesn't recognize my built-in camera. Does anyone know how to fix it ?16:44
nnullthecpaptain_,  do
thecpaptain_no idea16:44
thecpaptain_hm aight, i'll try .25416:44
gumusthere must be a solution. At least can somebody tell me how to make ubuntu recognize a driver ?16:45
nnullin ipconfig -a it should have the ip of your gateway...16:45
gumusI hate this community16:45
jnsl_Pici, it says: tcp        0      0*               LISTEN16:45
nnullif you have an ip it aqquired it from somewhere.. and your PC knows where, you just need to ask it lol16:45
* nnull feels like the little girl from never ending story #116:45
jnsl_127.0.0.1:3306, dose that mean i cant connect from remote to it ?16:45
sipiorgumus: we think highly of you as well.16:45
thecpaptain_.254 doesn't work16:45
atyoungNot all routers have a web interface you realize16:45
usr13thecpaptain_: Some routers have an option to only accept connection from wired and/or from one particular IP16:46
Picijnsl_: so it is listening locally, but other computers will not be able to get to it.16:46
nnullatyoung, i do, but they have ip addresses that are pingable a good amount :)16:46
thecpaptain_i see16:46
usr13thecpaptain_: Refer to router manual for details.16:46
jnsl_Pici Ok thanks for clearing that up! i think i know what must be done :)16:46
atyoungnnull, He said he could ping it.16:46
=== rafa_ is now known as rafaht
nnullatyoung, lol ahh must of missed that16:47
thecpaptain_if I assume that is the case, then I either need to change that by asking him (he isn't all that hi-tech) or by figuring how to solve the original problem16:47
skrubI'm  trying to run 4 monitors, 2 on an ATI card and 2 on an NVidia. Can anyone help me out?16:47
lo-fi_how long should wpa_supplicant take once i run it16:47
thecpaptain_which is that my Ubuntu is unable to connect to the WPA2 securty it has16:47
atyoungA good example might be those apple airport routers that don't have a web interface at all, and default to 10.0.1.x16:47
thecpaptain_or at least unable to access it16:47
Polahthecpaptain_, run ipconfig /all in command prompt and pastebin the output please16:48
usr13thecpaptain_: Sounds like you are unable to connect to the router because of unknown passphrase or wep key (password).  Right?16:48
usr13thecpaptain_: Is that correct?16:48
nnullatyoung, do they have ssh/telnet or anything?16:48
thecpaptain_hm no, I have the password correct, I have accessed it in Windows16:48
usr13thecpaptain_: Then what is the problem?  What exactly do you need to accomplish?16:48
atyoungnnull, I'm not entire sure how they work, apple has their own interface built into osx16:48
nnullatyoung, mk16:49
atyoungnnull, probably works via some kind of telnet, on a non standard port.16:49
nnullatyoung, just never come across one is why i ask16:49
nnullbut yeah16:49
atyoungnnull, hehe when you do, you'll be annoyed.16:49
lo-fi_so im running "sudo wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/home/lo-fi/wpa.conf" and its just been sitting there for about 10 minutes not doing anything, anyone have any tips?16:50
thecpaptain_ipconfig /all ===> http://paste.ubuntu.com/680705/16:50
tetsuo55how do i exit vim16:50
Picitetsuo55: :q!16:50
nnulli stay as far away from mac as i can, not for any sort of political or cultural view, their stuff has just always given me the shivers for some reason lol16:50
thecpaptain_usr13 - the original problem is that i'm unable to access the network using ubuntu16:51
nnulllo-fi, grab a beer some chips and turn on the tele16:51
tetsuo55Pici: i get error 3716:51
thecpaptain_since i've heard that it might be because of the WPA2 security in the router, I intended to change to WEP or similar to fix it16:51
lo-fi_so this is normal then?16:51
Picitetsuo55: You may want to ask in #vim, I'm not familiar with that16:51
nnulllo-fi, or just use the default network manager, which if is not working, consult installing a correct driver16:52
thecpaptain_and how do i type to specific users btw? making their names red and all ?16:52
Picithecpaptain_: just use your tab key to complete their nicks.16:52
usr13thecpaptain_: You can not duplicate the process the windows PC uses?  Tell it to show you the passphrase, (or what ever).  What type of security is it using?16:52
=== gitarr is now known as gitarr_
Rigindont know16:52
Riginany know team viewer16:52
nnullJeez Pici, stop giving away the super secret hax :s16:52
lo-fi_i assume my driver is fine because i can see my card in ifconfig16:53
dudei got a problem cccam cannot read my smargo on natty16:53
defunktis there a simple way to echo a command to a running process...  i know in /proc/<process id>/fd you can echo text to a terminal screen but i cant quite get it to work16:53
thecpaptain_usr13: If you're wondering what security the Router is using? I think its WPA2, but I'm guessing you're asking me to verify16:53
usr13thecpaptain_: Look at the connection configuration the Windows PC uses.16:53
lo-fi_nnull what would be the default network manager?16:53
nnulldefunkt, google --stdin stdout16:54
defunktthnx null16:54
thecpaptain_usr13: hm yeah I just did, its WPA2-Personal16:54
Riginpls help me to use teamviewer16:54
=== gitarr_ is now known as gitarr
prakasis wget found by default in ubuntu?16:54
usr13thecpaptain_: SO that doesn't work for you on the Ubuntu machine?16:54
nnulllo-fi 11.04 ? theres an indicator applet on the top PANEL16:54
Stanley00prakas: yes16:54
babaican anyone download the 11.10 beta amd64 torrent?16:54
atyoungdoesn't ubuntu have iwconfig?16:54
Rigini didnt get16:54
nnullatyoung, yah16:55
thecpaptain_usr13: hm, I haven't verified it to be the actual reason, but talking to people have lead it to seem the most likely16:55
prakasi am trying to connect to an AP in iwconfig gives me timeout! signal strength of the AP is -74dBm16:55
usr13thecpaptain_: Does the network-manager come up and ask for passphrase?16:55
thecpaptain_usr13: i'm able to access other networks in Ubuntu, and it finds other networks and even the network i'm trying to access, it just keeps processing when i'm trying to access it16:55
atyoungthen it should give you all you need to know really.16:55
nnullprakas, thats decent, not good, but connectable16:55
thecpaptain_usr13: yes, and it automatically sets it to WPA2-personal16:55
thecpaptain_usr13: and even though I put the correct phrase, it doesn't allow me access16:56
lo-fi_nnull i have no gui16:56
usr13thecpaptain_: Ok then it is associating with the essid of the WiFi router? (But not acquirig IP info)?16:56
santhoshhow to install sun java5 in ubuntu 10.0416:56
hamedhow to install tar.gz files im new??16:56
usr13thecpaptain_: Is that correct?16:56
thecpaptain_usr13: no idea, I don't know what that means hehe. How do I find out ?16:57
guckohi guys16:57
nnulllo-fi, ahh always worth mentioning :)16:57
atyoungthecpaptain_, pastbin the iwconfig output16:57
skrubI'm  trying to run 4 monitors, 2 on an ATI card and 2 on an NVidia. Can anyone help me out?16:57
usr13thecpaptain_: iwconfig16:57
guckoI have an Ubuntu Server installed and I want to change the Download Server for the packages. How to do that on command-line plz?16:57
usr13thecpaptain_: ifconfig16:57
prakasnnull: it gives me an error direct probe response from ap (mac address) timed out in dmesg16:57
hamedhow to install source packages ?/16:57
prakasnnull: a similar error16:57
dudehow can instll kernel headers?16:57
santhoshany help for me to install sun java516:57
nnullprakas, you sure the AP doesnt have mac filtering?16:58
thecpaptain_usr13: so should i run iwconfig in windows ? or is it still ipconfig we're talking about ?16:58
thecpaptain_usr13: and should i do it in windows or Ubuntu ?16:58
atyounggah windows...16:58
prakasnnull: the mac is in allow list16:58
lo-fi_nnull well ill just wait if its not an issue, its just i have a feeling i messed up somewhere down the line since its taking forever to finish/do anything. Is there a command for wpa_supplicant to display what its doing?16:58
prakasnnull: and encryption is set to off16:58
Phoenix87i'm getting a poor link quality with a wifi atheros card. I'm about 3 ft away from the router16:58
thecpaptain_atyoung: yeah i know... microsoft... hehehe16:58
prakasnnull: i am able to connect to it from a windows box with the same mac16:59
lo-fi_nnull you're very popular :)16:59
thecpaptain_usr13: you there ?16:59
usr13!compile |hamed16:59
ubottuhamed: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall16:59
usr13thecpaptain_: On the Ubuntu PC, open a terminal, type  iwconfig  (and hit enter)  THen type ifconfig (and hit enter).17:00
sahilskhi guys.17:00
tetsuo55had to use CTRL+{ and then :  and then type q! to exit vim17:00
thecpaptain_usr13: and then return, paste and give it to you, right ?17:00
sahilski've install ubuntu inside window. so, i couldn't access window drives from ubuntu. is there anyway that let me do so?17:00
prakasnnull: any way to make it connect? -74dBm doesnt seem to be that bad a signal and the noise is -127dBm17:00
thecpaptain_usr13: I need to know since its this comp that i need to reboot in Ubuntu in order to do it17:00
nnullnoise is bad17:01
Phoenix87i'm getting a poor link quality with a wifi atheros card (38/70). I'm about 3 ft away from the router17:01
thecpaptain_usr13: that's why i'm so cautious before doing it ;)17:01
zimbresWould someone help me configuring my printer?17:01
prakasnnull: -127 seems no noise right?17:01
usr13thecpaptain_: I see.17:01
nnullthats plenty17:01
prakasnnull: the lower the noise the better?17:01
gumusUbuntu doesn't recognize my built-in camera. Can you help me with that ?17:01
thecpaptain_usr13: should I go ahead and do it ?17:01
usr13thecpaptain_: First, verify the wpa passphrase on the MS Windows side.17:01
thecpaptain_i am able to access internet via ubuntu through another network17:01
usr13thecpaptain_: Tell the MS Windows PC to show the passphrase.17:02
thecpaptain_usr13: aight, I'm positive i have the right one though17:02
nnullin conventional wired networks, definitally, tbh i havent done any real research on wifi noise, id only be assuming17:02
fr0stedgot it all working now, thanks nnull17:02
lo-fi_im sure im doing something wrong. I stopped the wpa_supplicant and ran dhclient wlan0 and its taking forever now as well17:02
nnullfr0sted, enjoy17:02
crash1hdI was wondering if anyone could suggest a good hardware forum for motherboards? as I am looking into getting a new mobo :017:02
prakasnnull: any tips that would allow me to connect to the AP?17:02
Stanley00gumus: have you try cheese or something like that?17:02
Phoenix87nnull, can you help me?17:02
thecpaptain_usr13: got it, its verified17:02
usr13thecpaptain_: Give it a shot.17:03
lxyuhello, I have a webserver connect to internet and a dbserver only connect to webserver by wire, how can I share the network of webserver to dbserver so the dbserver can 'aptitude update & install'?17:03
guckohello people!! I need help plz! I just want to change the Download Server using command-line17:03
usr13lo-fi_: Is the DHCP server running on the WiFi router?17:03
nnullprakas, are you sure you have the right driver for the your wifi card?, like can you connect to any other AP's from linux?17:03
thecpaptain_usr13: aight, i'll log into the wonderful world of ubuntu and shall return to this shatroom shorty, brb17:03
nnullPhoenix87, i dont know?17:03
Phoenix87nnull, i'm getting a poor link quality with a wifi atheros card (38/70). I'm about 3 ft away from the router17:03
prakasnnull: i can connect to my home router but not the isp's router17:03
usr13thecpaptain_: Ok, good luck17:03
lo-fi_usr13 i assume so17:04
lo-fi_oh wait17:04
* nnull flaps wings like an angel, and gets shot like ben afflec in that religion movie17:04
sahilskhow to access windows drives after install ubunut inside window? p17:04
lo-fi_ok it finished with no errors but i still cant ping google17:04
Riginpls help me to use team viewer17:04
nnull##networking could be a better place to ask guys, just fyi -- um theres plenty of possible reasons..17:04
usr13lo-fi_: iwconfig  #Check to see that the essid is set17:05
Picisahilsk: They're in /host17:05
prakassahilsk: windows drivers dont work in linux17:05
Rigintake places tab17:05
usr13Rigin: install wine17:05
Riginthen the windows drrives are present17:05
lo-fi_no th essid is set to off/any17:05
lo-fi_i know the essid for the router17:05
usr13Rigin: sudo apt-get install wine17:05
prakassahilsk: even the executable binaries differ in format. windows uses PE. linux uses ELF17:05
prakassahilsk: your windows drivers wont work in linux17:06
Phoenix87nnull, googling around it seems that this could be something related to 2.6.38-1117:06
thecpaptain__usr13: aight i'm back, or at least logged on from ubuntu17:06
Polahprakas: Actually, ndiswrapper allows usage of XP drivers for some hardware17:06
usr13thecpaptain__: Very good.  I knew you could do it!  :)17:07
prakasPolah: i didnt know17:07
thecpaptain__usr13: now i'm logged on through a different LAN, do i need to attempt to access the LAN in question when i do the iwconfig thingie17:07
lo-fi_should i run wpa_supplicant again?17:07
thecpaptain__usr13: hehehehe, don't get your hopes up, i haven't accessed the network i want to access :)17:07
Coreylo-fi_: "Try it and see."17:08
thecpaptain__usr13: i've just logged on to another one, that uses mobile broadband connection17:08
CoreyYou're not likely to break anything.17:08
prakasusr13: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "type ssid of network"17:08
usr13Well yea, tell the network manager to tyr the other one.17:08
Riginmy id in teamviewer is 886 332 807.17:08
Riginmy password in team viewer is 236817:08
Rigin my id in teamviewer is 886 332 807.17:08
thecpaptain__usr13: you were saying that to me? i'm going to let the network manager try the other one yeah ?17:09
Riginmy password in team viewer is 236817:09
usr13Rigin: Who are you telling this to?17:09
Riginpls demonstrate it to me17:09
thecpaptain__usr13: should i try a test or anything like that while i'm at it ?17:09
usr13Rigin: You need to turn off teamviewer now.17:09
usr13Rigin: DO it privately.17:09
prakasRigin: dont share your ids with the public anyone can login and damage your configurations17:09
lo-fi_i guess im just confused as to how long wpa_supplicant should take17:10
jsidhuis there a update/fix for apache 2.2.20 that fixes the DOS voln.  in ubuntu 10.04? I believe it currently has 2.2.1417:10
Merdamwhat's the difference between ubuntu and debian?17:10
MerdamThey are both linux, right?  Same thing practically?17:11
SpikestuffIf I don't partition and format my whole Hard Disk, will I still be able to use my CD/DVD Drive to install another OS from a LiveCD?17:11
MerdamWhy would I choose Ubuntu over Debian?17:11
neil_mbooo i was expecting a joke there17:11
nnulla blue dress /badoomching17:11
=== gucko_ is now known as gucko
thecpaptainusr13: its not able to connect, its just accessing infinitely17:11
SpikestuffMerdam: Ubuntu is based on Debian, so I suppose it's just a matter of choice...17:11
skrubI'm trying to run 2 monitors on an ATI card and 2 on an NVidia card, can anyone help me out?17:11
swiss_chrisHi - I have a question regarding default vhosts in apache17:12
swiss_chrisI have various sites-available.17:12
swiss_chrisand one of them is default.17:12
swiss_chrisI presume it's the one lowes on the alphabetical order.17:12
swiss_chrisCan I override that alphabetical criterion?17:12
swiss_chrisCan I choose which sites-available vhost is my default?17:12
Spikestuffskrub: Are you running Ubuntu 11.04?17:12
swiss_chrisI erased all vhosts in httpd.conf17:12
man567what can i get the best softwaer for ubuntu17:13
usr13thecpaptain: Was it associating with the essid?  iwconfig  will tell you if it picked up the essid.17:13
usr13thecpaptain: If so, it is possible that the DHCP server is not turned on.17:13
skrub@Spikestuff yes17:13
tool_kitcan i get a proxy for ubuntu?17:13
Spikestuffman567: Try the Ubuntu Software Center to get a bunch of useful software.17:13
Spikestuffskrub: Go to System Settings, then under "Hardware" go to Monitors and you should be able to configure a dual-screen setup there.17:14
thecpaptainusr13: hm, i ran iwconfig just now when i'm connected to the other network, I should run it when i'm trying to access the other one right ?17:14
tool_kitand whats the best way to speed it up?17:14
man567tq spikestuff17:14
skrubSpikestuff: it isn't that easy, only the ATI monitors show up and even those cannot be configured17:14
tool_kitgood evening room :)17:15
glebihanswiss_chris, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/en/vhosts/examples.html#default17:15
prakasgood evening17:15
tetsuo55i keep getting the error " connot find quota files to run quotas on/off17:15
tool_kiti just installed ubuntu :) it cant find my sound card17:15
usr13thecpaptain: Yes17:15
thecpaptainusr13: to clarify. I should run iwconfig when i'm trying to access the network I want to gain access to right ?17:15
tetsuo55when running sudo quotaon -avug17:16
prakastool_kit: what sound card is it17:16
Spikestuffskrub: Try reading http://hobbylobby.wordpress.com/2007/09/08/dual-monitors-in-ubuntu-xorgconf-driver-ati-card/, that may help.17:16
usr13thecpaptain: see if your wifi device is acquiring the essid17:16
man567how to go to the block web site17:16
tool_kithi prakas. it used to run on realtec or pci.. how can i check?17:17
man567how to go to the block web site  by use firefox17:17
rabbi11http://paste.ubuntu.com/680729/ This is what i get during "Check" in Update Manager... Any important files or updates are missing ? should I take any steps or just ignore it.. just worried of system files not getting updated.17:17
swiss_chrisglebihan: that lets me create a new default vhost. but I would like to reuse an existing vhost and just tell apache somehow that it's the default.17:17
samuelsappsman567 it's depend how your's ISP/Office blocking method17:17
prakastool_kit: i got a realtek hda audio chip and it works without issues in ubuntu 10.1017:17
swiss_chrisIn fact, I symlinked the "default" vhost site to the vhost I want, but it seems that has no effect.17:17
swiss_chrisapache prefers to use the vhost with the name lowest on the alphabet.17:18
glebihanswiss_chris, you can modify your exiting vhosts according to that documentation in order to make it the default17:18
usr13man567: What is your native language?17:18
defunktnnull, im looking to run a script(s) to directly interact with a process (command line game server) so im not sure stdin will quite do the trick.  any other ideas?17:18
thecpaptain_usr13: here be the results http://paste.ubuntu.com/680730/17:18
zimbreshi, I sent a job to my printer and it is processing it since 6 minutes is this normal?17:18
swiss_chrisglebihan: o.k. - but do you know then why I have a "default" vhost in my sites-available if it is not recognized as default by apache?17:18
guckoI'm getting this error: libproxy0_0.3.1-2ubuntu5_amd64.deb  403  Forbidden [IP: ]17:18
man567samuelsapps: blocking by gov in malaysia like web site megaupload17:19
tool_kitprakas thats great! :) i think my sound card is older.. pci'97? haha il check..17:19
guckowhat's wrong plz?17:19
hamedmmmwhere can i download dialup driver???17:19
glebihanswiss_chris, default is just the name of the file, it does not change the way Apache handles it17:19
chewy_anyone here using a htpc case?17:19
skrubSpikestuff: I'm not sure how to add another device to this... only the ATI card is showing up in the xorg.conf17:19
usr13thecpaptain_: You will need to compare and see if the essid is correct for the AP you are trying to connect to.17:20
hamedmmmwhere can i download dialup driver???17:20
man567usr13 malaysia @ malay language17:20
glebihanswiss_chris, you can even have several vhosts in that file, and obviously several vhosts cannot be default at the same time17:20
thecpaptain_usr13: hm, firstly, what is an essid, and how do i do that ?17:20
thecpaptain_usr13: hm, firstly, what is an essid, and how do i do that ?17:20
swiss_chrisglebihan: I see.17:20
glebihanswiss_chris, for more details you may want to ask in #httpd17:20
hamedmmmwhere can i download dialup driver???17:20
kuchikuis there any app that allow to peek into the streaming video url ?17:21
Spikestuffskrub: I'm sorry, I don't know what to do then - let me see if I can find out for you. Anyone else can be willing to help as well, so you may want to ask in a half hour or so too.17:21
man567 how to go to the block web site  by use firefox ni malaysia like megaupload17:22
hamedmmmwhere can i download dialup driver???17:22
genii-around!dialup | hamedmmm17:22
Featurefreakhmm, anyone know if ubuntu are going to move into app hosting with the One platform?17:22
ubottuhamedmmm: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up17:22
thecpaptain_usr13: any ideas ?17:22
usr13thecpaptain_:  essid is the network name that a Wireless Access Point uses.  The first step in accessing a Wireless Access Point is getting the Wireless Network Adapter to assign itself the same essid that the Wireless Access Point uses.17:22
lo-fi_ok so using iwconfig i was able to get wlan0 to recognise the essid of my router, and now im running dhclient wlan0 for an ip, but i know the router has a WPA which i know, so i dont think this is going to work17:22
FeaturefreakubuntuApps, that would be awsome17:22
skrubSpikestuff: it seems like the Nvidia and ATI drivers won't run side by side like they do in windows... I'm not sure how to force that17:22
thecpaptain_usr13: hm i see17:22
Featurefreakor Uc2 :P17:22
samuelsappsman567:one way is you can use proxy, there's lot of proxy in the net, try find one17:22
usr13thecpaptain_: If there is encryption, that must be negotiated first.17:22
Spikestuffskrub: Probably with messing around with some sort of configuration file, we just need to know which one...17:22
nnulldefunkt, dont wanna send ya on another wild goose chase.. maybe #bash / #perl / #linux can help17:22
Featurefreakhosted instances, that's what i really want. with Ubuntu one storage backing it17:23
samuelsappsbecause you use proxy there's some bandwidth limitation17:23
gumusubuntu doesn't recognize my built-in webcam. Can you help me?17:23
thecpaptain_usr13: hm all right, so how do we find out whether the essids match ?17:23
SpikestuffHow do I go upon formatting my whole hard drive from Ubuntu while it is running? Obviously it is busy, so I'm not sure on how to do this. I want to try to install another OS, but it is saying I don't have enough space and I am guessing since Ubuntu is on there.17:23
=== sarkis_ is now known as sako
hamedmmmhow to install source packages???17:24
glebihanSpikestuff, you can't format it while it's mounted17:24
glebihanSpikestuff, you'll have to use a live CD or USB stick17:24
samuelsappsactually to by pass website, you can google it how to by pass blocked website, you can find a lot of method you can use17:24
samuelsappsgood luck!17:24
thecpaptain_usr13: any ideas ?17:25
swiss_chrisglebihan: In the vhost I want to use as default, I entered <VirtualHost _default_:80>, then restarted apache. however apache2ctl -S still shows the alphabetically lower vhost as default.17:25
swiss_chriswhat might I be doing wrong?17:25
Spikestuffglebihan: So I would have to unmount it and then format it?17:25
glebihanhamedmmm, you don't "install" sources packages, you download them, and that's done with "apt-get source packagenam"17:25
gumusnobody ?17:25
glebihanSpikestuff, yes17:25
gumusnobody knows how to do it ?17:25
usr13thecpaptain_: Once the proper passphrase is entered and received by the Wireless Access Point, the PC's Wireless Network Adapter can associate using the same essid (name) as the Wireless Access Point.  Then the PCs Wireless Network Adapter asks for IP information from the Wireless Access Point's DHCP server.  If the DHCP server receives the request and sends back proper IP information, the Wireless Network Adapter on your PC will use that information to establis17:26
Spikestuffglebihan: Thanks. :)17:26
Guest90549hey guys. super + W is waaay too close to ctrl + W. i keep closing firefox windows accidentally. is there any plans to solve this problem?17:26
thecpaptain_usr13: to establish a connection17:26
usr13thecpaptain_: We can not make all that stuff work, only you can.17:26
glebihanswiss_chris, well I'm not sure then. I've never had that kind of issues, I have one vhost without a ServerName directive, which is taken as default by apache17:27
thecpaptain_usr13: yeah I figured as much, but how do I go about doing it ?17:27
genii-aroundhamedmmm: The source package will usually have a suffix of -dev17:27
glebihanswiss_chris, again you should probably ask in #httpd, they should know more about i17:27
usr13thecpaptain_: I have given you all the information I have.17:27
glebihanSpikestuff, you're welcome17:27
gumusubuntu doesn't recognize my built-in webcam. Can you help me?17:28
usr13If someone else has any further information on how to connect to a Wireless Access Point, please pass it on to thecpaptain_17:28
lo-fi_hm when running wpa_supplicant its saying failed to initiate AP scan17:28
Spikestuffglebihan: One more problem, when I try to unmount it, it says it's still busy. I am guessing I need to create another Ubuntu partition?17:29
lo-fi_says device or resource busy17:29
prakasalsa-oss comes preinstalled in ubuntu 11.04 or not?17:29
glebihanSpikestuff, that's why I told you you will have to use a live CD or USB stick, you can't unmount the drive on which your current system is running17:29
thecpaptain_usr13: all right, if you don't have any further ideas then thank you for what you have so far provided :)17:30
SpikestuffAh, alright.17:30
CyborgSmurfIs there a possible way to play StarCraft on wireless?17:30
CyborgSmurfI mean, LAN?17:30
=== TestBot is now known as Guest12425
thecpaptain_usr13: so you don't think the problem might be the WPA2 connection and Ubuntu ?17:30
swiss_christhumbs: the guys at #ubuntu told me about http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/en/vhosts/examples.html#default and when that didn't work asked me to get back to you guys :-)17:30
jorge@swiss_chris: the documentation does say that _default_ catches requests NOT serviced by any other vhost... check the other vhosts17:31
the_owl 17:31
swiss_chrisjorge: aha.17:31
usr13thecpaptain_: Yes I DO think the problem is with the WPA2 authentication.  More than likely, yes.17:32
prakasthecpaptain_: why dont u specify the essid of your ap in iwconfig?17:32
swiss_chrisjorge: so there's no way to specify which vhost should be serviced first.17:32
usr13thecpaptain_: If y ou could turn off the encryption, that would do the trick.17:32
the_owlhow i can ho the_owl217:32
usr13thecpaptain_: But we can not do that for you.  Only you can.17:32
thecpaptain_usr13: and for that i need to access the router, hence the router's configuration challenge right ?17:32
the_owlhi the owl217:33
thecpaptain_prakas: hm how do i do that ?17:33
the_owlgood name17:33
jorge@swiss_chris, i don't see what would be the ponint of having two vhosts that match the same ip/hostname and port17:33
usr13thecpaptain_: You need to know the make and model of the router. YOu probably also need  a wired connection to it, etc.17:33
the_owlmaybe you have my name because we are the same people?17:33
Fenixdeuxoh noenes.. Compiz Config doesn't fire up upon fireing up. already tried to remove and reinstall it. help would be appreciated. cannot live without "full screen task switcher" coming from nine, may I add picth black, years of OS X17:34
jorge@swiss_chris if what you mean by default is catching *:80, then do that17:34
thecpaptain_usr13: hmm17:34
prakasthecpaptain_: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "wifissid"17:34
prakaschange the ssid to match the id of your wifi17:34
usr13thecpaptain_: sudo iwconfig essid type-essid-here17:34
swiss_chrisjorge: here's what I'm trying to do. I would like all vhosts to be accessible locally by their different host names. but I would like one particular vhost to be accessible from the outside (local netword) via IP address (and I don't know the IP address yet!)17:34
maalacinstalling fglrx using kernel anybody knows ..17:35
swiss_chrisjorge: any idea on how to best set this up ?17:35
usr13prakas: The only problem is that it appears that he is not getting passed the wpa authentication.17:35
hamedmmmi need Dlink dilauo modem driver17:35
thecpaptain_prakas: and the SSID i want is the one that iwconfig showed me as Nicnmake:"XXXXXX" right ?17:35
Travis-42Anyone know why the Activity Journal's blacklist plugin doesn't work?17:35
tetsuo55allright ive googled a dozen or so pages17:35
swiss_chrisjorge: so the guys over at #httpd recommendet setting all vhosts to *:8017:35
tetsuo55i cannot find a solution for "sudo quotaon -avug: cannot find quota file on / "17:36
hamedmmmi installed aircrack so where can i start it?17:36
akerlhamedmmm: Command line?17:36
glebihanswiss_chris, that's what I do too, it's the ServerName directive which makes the difference17:36
B0g4r7Hai guyz.  Is there a way to access the "start menu" in this Unity interface, rather than having to type the name of the app I want to run?17:36
thecpaptain_usr13: the ESSID i want to change to is the one that iwconfig showed me as Nickname:"XXXXX" ?17:36
tetsuo55the file is there, i tried deleting but that does not helpo17:36
usr13thecpaptain_: There is one possibility and that is that network-manager is imporperly negotiating the wpa authentication.  In which case, you could switch to wicd.17:36
prakasusr13: i just told him this before u wrote lol17:36
swiss_chrisglebihan: can you explain?17:36
prakasusr13: i see17:36
usr13thecpaptain_: sudo apt-get remove network-manager ; sudo apt-get install wicd17:37
ascheelCan someone please take a look at http://pastebin.coom/gsCtztW5 and tell me what's going on?  dmesg shows tons of 'link up' messages for my NIC, a r8169 chipset.   Doesn't matter which kernel I boot to.  Windows does not have any such issues with this PC (if that matters)17:37
CyborgSmurfStarCraft, Wireless LAN (Ubuntu vs Windoze PX) Help?17:37
hamedmmmno help me17:37
prakasthecpaptain_: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan               this will give the essid of all the wifis in range17:37
B0g4r7And on a related note, why does Unity seem to be such a big step backward re usability?17:37
SpikestuffI am running a LiveCD with Ubuntu 11.04, can someone help me with creating a new partition that has the least memory that Ubuntu can use so I can format the rest of my hard drive from the former installation?17:37
thecpaptain_usr13: aight, should i try that before or after the Essid thingie ?17:37
swiss_chrisglebihan: when accessing my vhosts with their server names, all is fine. it's when I use IP addresses that things don't run as I want to.17:37
glebihanswiss_chris, if you have a ServerName directive like "ServerName www.test.com" inside your vhost, then this vhost will only be used for requests made on the www.test.com domain17:38
akerlhamedmmm: I told you. aircrack is used from the command line17:38
swiss_chrisglebihan: yes, but I can also access those same vhosts via IP address if they are recognized/chosen by apache as "default" server.17:38
usr13ascheel: The link you are sending... could it possibly be  http://pastebin.com/gsCtztW5  ?17:38
glebihanswiss_chris, ok do you have a vhost without a ServerName directive ?17:38
swiss_chrisglebihan: how would I quickly find that out?17:39
usr13thecpaptain_: Yes17:39
glebihanswiss_chris, also do you have several IPs pointing to your server ?17:39
ascheelusr13: I apologize, but yes that is it.  I'll reost.17:39
hamedmmmhow to install gnome 3 in 11.04???17:39
rabbi11http://paste.ubuntu.com/680729/ This is what i get during "Check" in Update Manager... Any important files or updates are missing ? should I take any steps or just ignore it.. just worried of system files not getting updated.17:39
glebihanswiss_chris, no quicker way than to check them one by one17:39
swiss_chrisglebihan: and the LAN one.17:39
usr13hamedmmm: What did you install originally?17:40
ascheel(fixed my link, thanks usr13): Can someone please take a look at http://pastebin.com/gsCtztW5 and tell me what's going on?  dmesg shows tons of 'link up' messages for my NIC, a r8169 chipset.   Doesn't matter which kernel I boot to.  Windows does not have any such issues with this PC (if that matters)17:40
usr13hamedmmm: uname -a  | pastebinit17:40
crash1hdCan anyone suggest a motherboard that has 6 or more sata controllers onboard video and possibly 1 ide controller?17:40
thecpaptain_usr13: hm, the ssid seems to match the one in Network manager17:40
thecpaptain_usr13: i'll try the wicd17:40
maalaccrash1hd: use Asus PQSE217:40
swiss_chrisglebihan: I checked, none17:40
swiss_chrisglebihan: they all have servername directives17:41
maalaccrash1hd: it has 6 SATA Ports built-lan and Video card17:41
glebihanswiss_chris, then remove the ServerName directive from the vhost you want to be default17:41
i_is_brokeok, any suggestions other then the simple ones, how can i stop autologin?17:41
swiss_chrisglebihan: ok will try.17:41
lo-fi_ok so i ran "sudo wpa_passphrase essid wpa > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf but its saying permission denied17:41
thecpaptain_usr13: if i type the commands you showed me, will i not lose my internet connection before ubuntu is able to acquire the wicd ?17:41
lo-fi_why is this?17:42
swiss_chrisglebihan: no difference17:42
Faustus2is there a way to make symlink-results show up in 'locate' results?17:42
swiss_chrisglebihan: my adobe vhost is still default server17:42
crash1hdmaalac, hmm I googled Asus PQSE2 and nothing comes up?17:42
SpikestuffI am running a LiveCD with Ubuntu 11.04, can someone help me with creating a new partition that has the least memory that Ubuntu can use so I can format the rest of my hard drive from the former installation?17:43
glebihanswiss_chris, weird... well one workaround would be to put your default vhost in a file named "0default" so that it would be first alphabetically17:43
glebihanswiss_chris, not ideal but should work17:44
D3locedHey whats up?17:44
=== pr0xy is now known as proxy
thecpaptain_usr13:  you there mate ?17:44
=== proxy is now known as _proxy
maalaccrash1hd: try P5QSE2 sorie..17:45
lo-fi_how come im getting permission denied when trying to do something using sudo?17:45
crash1hdmaalac, no problem :) just wanted to find out :)17:45
jxshxxHelp!  Trying to load 10.04LTS on a laptop.  CD loads, tells me to reboot ... nothing happens after reboot.  Other options?17:45
swiss_chrisglebihan: ha! In the mean time I did exactly that: "0_default" and "0_default-ssl". Works like a charm :-) But I had to put the ServerName back in for to work for ssl - don't know why but o.k.17:45
usr13thecpaptain_: Yes17:45
maalaccrash1hd: there are newer boards same as that ..that's why i currently have ..works great for me..17:46
thecpaptain_usr13: if i type the commands you showed me, will I not lose network manager before its able to install wicd ?17:46
usr13thecpaptain_: Yes, sorry I did that backwareds17:46
thecpaptain_usr13: hehehe lucky i was awake17:46
glebihanswiss_chris, kind of a mystery there, weird that they couldn't be of more help on that in #httpd17:46
thecpaptain_usr13: i'll do them reverse then17:46
usr13thecpaptain_: sudo apt-get install wicd ; sudo apt-get remove network-manager17:47
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thecpaptain_usr13: its necessary to remove network manager for it to work then ?17:47
crash1hdmaalac, hmm does it have onboard video? cause what I see doesnt17:47
usr13thecpaptain_: Sorry, my mistake.17:47
usr13and I know better!17:47
swiss_chrisglebihan: what I find really weird is that there is no way to configure which vhost apache takes as default. would be easy enough to make "default" the standard default vhost file. besides, on #httpd they don't recognize or work with sites-available. seems to be a foreign concept over there.17:47
thecpaptain_usr13: no worries, shit happens17:47
thecpaptain_usr13: no need to apologize even :)17:48
thecpaptain_usr13: but it is necessary to remove network manager ?17:48
thecpaptain_usr13: or should I install wicd and try it without removing first ?17:48
swiss_chrisglebihan: well, it's almost 8pm over here. need some sugar and rest. cheers, and thanks a lot for the help. really appreciate it.17:48
usr13thecpaptain_: Yes17:49
glebihanswiss_chris, you're welcome17:49
usr13thecpaptain_: sudo apt-get install wicd ; sudo apt-get remove network-manager17:49
thecpaptain_usr13: got it17:49
usr13     use this command        ^^^^^17:49
usr13install wicd and remove network-manager all at once.17:49
maalac crash1hd: hmm..strange ..let me double check ..17:52
usr13thecpaptain_: Good.  Now try and connect again.17:53
chesterbdoHello. When I go to download Ubuntu, 32bit is the default. And in my Virtual Box host, 32bit is the default. I have a 64bit processor, as I'm sure most people do. Do I use 64bit or not?17:53
johnny45t4332i think so17:54
usr13chesterbdo: That is up to you.  I recommend 32bit17:54
Vaatihello all17:54
usr13chesterbdo: Unless you have a good reason to use 64bit, go for 32bit.17:54
chesterbdousr13: But why on earth would I use 32bit software on my 64bit processor? What is the issue?17:54
rhin0chesterbdo: 64 bit is faster17:55
rhin0use 64 bit17:55
johnny45t4332@chesterbo 64bit works fine nowadays17:55
rhin0there is no advantage to running a 32 bit version of ubuntu on a 64 bit processor17:55
dabukalamchesterbdo: how much memory do you have?17:55
chesterbdodabukalam: 8gb i think17:56
usr13chesterbdo: How much RAM do you have?  What do you intend to do with your PC?  What 64bit apps will you be using?  What really large files will you need to negotiate?  What CPU intensive apps will you be using?17:56
glebihanchesterbdo, then definitely 64 bits17:56
rhin0chesterbdo: you won't encounter any problems running 64 bit ... 8gb?  you won't meet that not even 1/4 of that17:56
dabukalamchesterbdo: then definitely go 64bit17:56
gumusguys Ubuntu doesn't detect my built-in webcam. Can you help me ?17:56
usr13chesterbdo: Again. It is up to you. Only you can make that decision.17:56
chesterbdoBut why would I ever want to use 32bit? What is the advantage?17:56
glebihanusr13, with 8gb he *needs* 64 bits17:56
dabukalamchesterbdo: no advantage any more17:56
thebwtwhat channel is appropriate for 11.10b1 discussion?17:57
rhin0there is no advantage it is only there to run on 32 bit processors there is the option (for some reason) it will run on 64 bit processors17:57
dabukalamchesterbdo: 64bit is pretty much supported now17:57
usr13chesterbdo: there are a number of advantages to staying with 32bit.  But again, it is up to you.17:57
johnny45t4332some outdated applications might be buggy running on 64bits, but most apps should run fine on 6417:57
gumusshould ubuntu.iso be the only file in usb for installation ?17:57
Polahthebwt: #ubuntu+117:57
dabukalamgumus: no17:57
thebwtPolah: thanks!17:57
dabukalam!usb > gumus17:58
ubottugumus, please see my private message17:58
gumusubottu: ok17:58
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:58
tetsuo55i fixed it, had to add -m to the quotacheck command17:58
dabukalamgumus: ;)17:58
gumusdabukalam: ok17:58
johnny45t4332I've got a problem with ubuntu 11.04 which I cross posted on askubuntu, but didnt get a respone: I am running Ubuntu 11.04 64bit with a ATI RadeonHD 5750/5770 (JUNIPER), 4GB ram. When I get to the login screen, all I see is a flickering white box instead of the login dialog. The background displays fine. My hunch is that this problem is not related to the video driver, since I've reinstalled17:59
johnny45t4332xserver-xorg-video-radeon and deinstalled fglrx. I deleted the xorg.conf and tried different configurations, all with the same result. This only occurred after a recent update - though I don't know which packages got update. Any ideas? thanks17:59
gumusdabukalam: and also ubuntu doesn't recognize my built-in cam. do you have any idea ?17:59
usr13chesterbdo: I have a 64bit system but it is also multilib.  Setting up multilib is complicated and you may, or may not need it.  It is up to you.  Install what suits  your needs.  As was just pointed out, most of the software you will use is available in 64bit, probably all, but we have no way of knowing. If, in fact you need 32bit libraries, you can install them as needed.17:59
maalaccrash1hd:  P8P67 DELUXE17:59
dabukalam!webcam > gumus17:59
ubottugumus, please see my private message17:59
Janusmanquestion: I successfully found out how to get an All-in-one PC working (Lenovo C205). Where should I share this?17:59
dabukalamgumus: :P17:59
dabukalamJanusman: forums?17:59
Luig1Hey there, I'm on Ubuntu 10.10 but I think I'm going to need to jump ship and reinstall. Is there a way to generate a list of packages that I've installed, excluding the default packages17:59
johnny45t4332dpkg -l > somefile18:00
Janusmandabukalam: uhm, anything more specific? =)18:00
PolahLuig1: No, dpkg -l will give you a list of installed packages though.18:00
Janusmandabukalam: looking for recommendations for better impact18:00
glebihanLuig1, Polah yes there is a tool for that, can't remember how it's called though, let me check18:01
Luig1Is there a copy somewhere of that as it comes with the basic 10.10 install?18:01
Luig1I can just make a diff18:01
PolahLuig1: If you do dpkg -l > file now and then hold onto it, boot a live session and do the same to different file and then compare them18:02
Luig1Wonderful idea Polah18:02
glebihan!clone [ Luig118:02
ubottuglebihan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:02
genii-aroundLuig1: Alternately, use dpkg --get-selections and --set-selections18:02
The_FredI'm working on an adroid app to give ubuntu sppech recognition, but im insure how to implement the pc side of acting on commands, and thoughtttttttttt18:02
glebihan!clone | Luig118:02
ubottuLuig1: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate18:02
Luig1Oh, great18:03
Luig1Thanks folks18:03
tetsuo55how large is a block in terms of hdd and quota18:03
tetsuo55im trying to set 20gb limits18:03
Secrisok I have been looking for days trying to fix my screen resolution and have tried a few different ways the only problem is none of them tell you what to do when xrandr says the screen can't do the resolution18:04
samuelsappsit's OK when we install programs start with K* to GNOME environment ?18:04
=== joatmon54 is now known as joatmos
glebihansamuelsapps, it's going to require a few dependencies but should work fine18:04
johnny45t4332@Secris have you tried using the defaul xorg.conf, eg. xorg.conf.failsafe?18:04
* meta-coder is here.18:05
Secrishow do I use that18:05
PolahHow nice of wine to include a handy installer with their source (:18:05
crash1hdmaalac, thanks :) looks good no vga :( but thats ok hdmi is the future lol :)18:05
Luig1Yes samuelsapps on some machines they may have a slight overhead, but it's generally fine18:05
usr13Polah: What?18:05
Luig1The first one you install will bring in several dependencies but it's otherwise seamless18:06
usr13Polah: You didn't use the package manager?18:06
samuelsapps ok thanks for you info guys18:06
johnny45t4332@Secris: go to the console then make a backup cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bk18:06
johnny45t4332then overwrite xorg.conf with xorg.conf.failsafe18:06
SecrisI have no xorg.conf file18:06
Polahusr13: I was going to compile 1.3.26 from source, but there's an included script to do it automatically after being run18:06
usr13Secris: You probably do not have proper video driver installed.18:07
rhin0secris it is not there anymore you must generate it18:07
rhin0there is a way to generate xorg.conf to define you current graphical configuration18:07
usr13Secris: If the live CD has proper video, check what driver it is using.18:07
johnny45t4332Xorg -configure is worth a shot18:07
maalaccrash1hd: great..i think that's the latest one ...hoping to get one next month ..18:07
johnny45t4332has anybody ever had the issue, where the login dialog would just be white and flashing?18:08
defunktthanx nnull, ill try that18:08
InfiniteSetHello all, I wanted to play Dwarf Fortress on Ubuntu, and it said I needed to install some certain libraries: GTK+ 2+, SDL 1.2+, SDL_image, libgl, libglu18:08
Secriswell jockey doesn't say I need any proprietary drivers other than wifi and when I tried to download the ati driver all it says is "Segmentation fault"18:08
InfiniteSetHow do I check if I already have these libraries installed and how do I install them if I don't have them already?18:08
lfaraoneI'm running Natty with awesome as my WM, and an intel sound card. Mplayer, pithos both play sound fine, but totem and banshee both fail. Banshee keeps on skipping tracks without playing any, and totem says "pulsesink.c(930): gst_pulseringbuffer_acquire (): /GstPlayBin2:play/GstPlaySink:playsink0/GstBin:abin/GstBin:audiosinkbin/GstGConfAudioSink:audio-sink/GstBin:bin2/GstPulseSink:pulsesink118:08
crash1hdmaalac, yeah I am also looking at Asus F1A75-M PRO/CSM and Gigabyte GA-A75M-UD2H (If anyone out there has any opinions?) :)18:08
usr13Secris: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log     # /Driver18:09
lfaraone… (and totem gives a "pulsesink.c(930): gst_pulseringbuffer_acquire (): /GstPlayBin2:play/GstPlaySink:playsink0/GstBin:abin/GstBin:audiosinkbin/GstGConfAudioSink:audio-sink/GstBin:bin2/GstPulseSink:pulsesink1" error)18:09
usr13Secris: What video card is it?  #lspci18:09
lfaraone*Failed to connect stream: No such entity18:09
usr13lfaraone: You might try uninstalling pulseaudio18:10
rhin0ininiteset first of all look at synaptic are the packages there?  if installed they are shown as installed (synaptic package manager)18:10
Secris00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 980718:10
lfaraoneusr13: and use what? straight alsa?18:10
usr13!pulseaudio | lfaraone18:10
ubottulfaraone: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions18:10
usr13lfaraone: Yes18:10
shbkhello, does anybody know where  can i find   information about my keyboard,motherboard,video card, peripheral devices? for example I found info about processor (/proc/cpuinfo),RAM(/proc/meminfo). I will to do  this using only c/c++18:11
crash1hdmaalac, this system is going to be a stepping stone to allow me to upgrade over time18:11
Secrisit's an ATI Radeon HD 6250 ---- It's a laptop video card18:11
=== creamzz is now known as Creamz
InfiniteSetrhin0: Does the package name have to be for example "GTK+ 2+"?18:13
johnny45t4332has anybody ever had the issue, where the login dialog would just be white and flashing?18:13
san_1989please help me to find a channel handling issues of device drivers...18:13
RistovskiI need help18:13
RistovskiI cant open apturl18:13
usr13Secris: You should find   intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets: i810,i810-dc100, i810e, i815, i830M, 845G, 854, 852GM/855GM, 865G, 915G  #etc. in the /var/log/Xorg.0.log (In other words, the Intel video driver, as opposed to vesa).18:13
Ristovskiit says downlading packages.. the package "name" doesnt exist18:13
san_1989please help me to find a channel handling issues of device drivers?18:13
SecrisIt's an ATI not an intel18:14
rhin0InfiniteSet: you should just be able to look for "gtk" in the package manager ... go through the listed packages, check18:14
Secrisusr13: It's an ATI not an intel18:14
usr13Secris: Oh.. sorry missread..  Well at any rate, look at the logfile.18:14
Ristovskihelp pls?18:14
usr13sorry, was looking at someone else's info18:14
rhin0so just search for "gtk" in package manager (synaptic) InfiniteSet18:14
oCeanRistovski: please have some patience18:14
san_1989anyone please help me to find a channel handling issues of device drivers..18:14
Secrisi am if I am reading this right the problem isn't the video it's the monitor18:15
johnny45t4332ristovsky, what do you call then you try to istall the package?18:15
oCeansan_1989: please don't repeat that often18:15
oCeanRistovski: have you configured your browser to use apturl?18:15
johnny45t4332apt-get install apturl should work18:15
B0g4r7Secris: You need to generate a xorg.conf for an ATI card?18:15
usr13Secris: There comes to be a match between the video driver and the monitor.18:15
B0g4r7Try 'sudo aticonfig -f --initial --adapter=all'18:16
usr13Secris: Is this system fully updated?18:16
B0g4r7That should generate a new xorg.conf for your hardeare (and backup the old one if you have it).18:16
InfiniteSetrhin0: So I searched for gtk in the quick filter, and it shows several packages with the name "gtk" in them Hmm?18:16
usr13Secris: What did you install?  11.04  10.04 ???18:16
RistovskioCean ? no? I mean how? Im on moyilla18:16
Secris10.04 at my bosses request... and it's the only one that doesn't freeze18:17
B0g4r7So long as Jockey installed the ATI driver binaries, you should have aticonfig.18:17
starZhi all - since a moment I can not change my mouse pointer from the controle panel, everything goes normal, but it does not change.. I'm on natty with gnome, any idea ??18:17
usr13Secris: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade18:17
johnny45t4332@starZ unplug and replug your mouse?18:17
usr13Secris: Did you install point 3?18:17
oCeanRistovski: and in Menu Edit > applications the correct path is set for apturl?18:17
SecrisB0g4r7: jockey doesn't list it18:17
PicistarZ: This is a known bug, let me get you a bug link that might help you though.18:17
Secrisusr13: yes18:17
rhin0infiniteset -- get the latest - try it ... look for messages the gtk on the install should be the later version ... later versions are mostly compatible with lesser versions ... if it doesn't work you can un-install and try something else18:18
Secrisusr13: and it is fully updated18:18
starZdoesn't help.. i have a laptop with a trackpad.. :))18:18
starZPici: thx!! bro!!18:18
usr13Secris: ubuntu-10.04.3-desktop-i386.iso  ?18:18
B0g4r7Hm...I've used a lot of Radeons on lucid and on natty and jockey always did it's thing...18:18
grillermoanybody here running 10.10?18:18
grillermoi need your help18:18
jackrunning natty, i wonder: what exactly does ubuntu's "unity" consist of?18:18
rabbi11http://paste.ubuntu.com/680729/ This is what i get during "Check" in Update Manager... Any important files or updates are missing ? should I take any steps or just ignore it.. just worried of system files not getting updated.18:19
Secrisusr13: the amd64 version but yes18:19
B0g4r7I guess mine were all in the HD 5000 series, but I'd think the 6000 series would be pretty similar.18:19
usr13Secris: And has it asked you if you want to install any additional drivers?18:19
KPGWhat is the difference between /dev/sda and /dev/hda? Can a laptop's primary hard drive be /dev/sda?18:19
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johnny45t4332hda is the harddrive18:19
jackif it's mainly the dock, i love it18:19
johnny45t4332sda is a partition18:19
starZjack: I hate unity toooooo..18:19
jack? :P18:19
B0g4r7Secris, you might try running aticonfig from the shell and see if it's installed.  If it is, it may be work a try using my above command to see if it generates a usable xorg.conf for you.18:19
jack_^starZ: how did you know?18:19
Secrisusr13: yes it asked about proprietary drivers for my wireless card18:19
usr13Secris: Well then you did NOT install from ubuntu-10.04.3-desktop-i386.iso18:19
oCeanjohnny45t4332: no, that's not true18:19
PicistarZ: Take a look at some of the workarounds linked from here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/8618418:20
grillermoi need a reference, could you tell me what happens when you type, nautilus 'the name of somefile' , does it open it with the correct associated program?18:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 86184 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Can't change cursor style using Compiz." [Medium,Confirmed]18:20
B0g4r7There's a 10.04.3 now?  Oh my...18:20
oCeanKPG: hda is for IDE devices, sda for scsi/sata drives18:20
Secrisusr13: it's a 64-bit machine so that is the disc I picked18:20
jackstarZ:  what exactly does it consist of?18:20
usr13Secris:  You used:  ubuntu-10.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso  Right?18:20
rhin0yep B0g4r7 as of a few days ago18:20
B0g4r7sd* is for ide/ata devices too sometimes these days.18:20
Secrisusr13: yes18:20
starZPici: thx!!!!!18:20
rhin0B0g4r7:  its just 10.04 with all the packages downloaded18:21
rhin0just  a step18:21
grillermoplease anybody with ubuntu 10.10 i need a couple of mins in private18:21
thecpaptainusr13: i'm now unable to access either network18:21
KPGoCean: Ok. So does that mean that an ATA hard drive could be considered /dev/sda on a laptop rather than /dev/hda, or am I completely off?18:21
starZjack: a design for the desktop..18:21
InfiniteSetrhin0: Looking at the files that I already installed, I see that I have packages named: libgtk2-perl, libgtk2.0-0, etc. that means I have them installed right?18:21
B0g4r7kpg, yes.18:21
usr13Secris: Does the LiveCD load proper display settings?18:21
jackstarZ: i love the dock18:21
KPGB0g4r7: Ok, thank you very much for the help.18:21
rhin0if they are green ticked as installed in synaptic yes InfiniteSet18:21
B0g4r7kpg, you can 'cat /proc/scsi/scsi' to get some more details on the device(s).18:21
jackthe menubar is sweet as well18:21
grillermoanybody with Maverick i need a little debugin help, just a couple of minutes on private18:21
Polah johnny45t4332 sdX and hdX both refer to drives, sdXY and hdXY refer to partitions. They're for different interfaces but you'll typically see sdX18:21
KPGB0g4r7: Ah, ok thank you.18:22
oCeanKPG: that could be correct (depending on other devices) but generally: yes18:22
usr13thecpaptain: Didn't work?18:22
Secrisusr13: no so far the only distro to correctly identify the screen res is fedora 1518:22
KPGoCean: Ok, thank you.18:22
starZjack: I love gnome's dock :)))18:22
thecpaptainusr13: unfortunately no, and i'm unable to access the network that worked before now as well18:22
thecpaptainusr13: i had to log onto windows just to have internet again18:22
grillermowhat happens when you run on the terminal, nautilus 'the name of somefile.txt' , does it open it with the correct associated program?18:22
usr13Secris: Was that amd64 ?18:22
Secrisusr13: yes18:23
genii-aroundKPG: Ubuntu uses libata which makes all hdX appear as sdX18:23
Polahjohnny45t4332, beyond GPU issues perhaps, no.18:23
KPGgenii-around: Ah, ok that is interesting.18:23
Nox2k3Hi, does anyone know why rails is now suddenly not installable?18:23
usr13thecpaptain: What happens when you try to connect?  What kind of error do you get?18:23
grillermorun on the terminal, nautilus 'the name of somefile.txt' , does it open it with the correct associated program?18:23
thecpaptainhm, unable to receive IP-adress18:24
grillermorun on the terminal, nautilus 'the name of somefile.txt' , does it open it with the correct associated program? because i get an error but i'm not sure if im the only one18:24
=== Ristovski_ is now known as Ristovski
Nox2k3Or rather,Or why ruby-rails-2.3 has no installation candidate?18:24
InfiniteSetrhin0: Ah I see, I think I have SDL installed (libsdl1.2debian is green), but I can't seem to find SDL_image unless those are the same?18:24
usr13thecpaptain: What does iwconfig say?18:24
kailoHi, I'm on an install from the latest livecd with a 5600+x2 and a 5200fx pci; upon boot I have what looks to be a 640x480 display, and when I move the mouse I get flickers of what look like menus/windows18:24
grillermojesus... is not that hard its just a command18:25
kailoWhat's the best way to get hardware acceleration or at least 1024x768 display from console?18:25
grillermorun on the terminal, nautilus 'the name of somefile.txt' , does it open it with the correct associated program? because i get an error but i'm not sure if im the only one18:25
thecpaptainusr13: don't know. hmm i'll tell you what i'll do. i'll get my mobile broadband to my laptop where i can talk to you, so we can have ubuntu running at the same time18:25
grillermocan anybody read me?18:25
rhin0InfiniteSet: you're going to have to google for read the documenation whether it has acutally run on ubuntu etc18:25
usr13thecpaptain: I'm afraid you will need to go to the router's configuration menu and turn off security.  Either that, or connect via wired port.  (We have pretty much exausted all solutions.)18:26
Polahgrillermo: Nope18:26
bungholioim trying to learn how to use linux/ubuntu, i want to spend about an hour each day increasing my overall skills - can anyone suggest me some tips or websites/ebooks etc.. so i can learn?18:26
grillermorun on the terminal, nautilus 'the name of somefile.txt' , does it open it with the correct associated program? because i get an error but i'm not sure if im the only one18:26
thecpaptainhm all right18:26
rhin0bungholio : stay in here try to help out watch and learn18:26
thecpaptainso how do we fix so that i'm still able to connect to the other wireless that was working before ?18:26
szalgrillermo: 1. don't be an attention whore and stop repeating yourself..  2. define 'an error'18:26
usr13thecpaptain: Refresh my memory.  Is this a ubuntu 11.04 system?  Is it 32bit or 64?  And is it fully updated yet?18:26
rhin0bungholio: try to achieve something definite every day ... setting up a web server for instance18:26
thecpaptainusr13: so how do we fix so that i'm still able to connect to the other wireless that was working before ?18:26
IdleOneszal: Please keep the language polite and clean.18:27
InfiniteSetrhin0: Oh okay18:27
grillermoi get "location is not a folder" when i try to open a file on the terminal using nautilius 'the name of the file' am i the only one?18:27
B0g4r7bungholio: I recommend tldp.org.  In particular, I found reading the "howtos" on there to be quite useful.18:27
thecpaptainusr13: hm not sure which one actually.18:27
B0g4r7Although that was some time ago.  Hopefully it's all up to date for today's stuff.18:27
thecpaptainusr13: i know its later one at least18:27
Polahgrillermo: Nautilus is not for displaying files, it shows directories. You can't open files in nautilus, you have to open them in their appropriate program.18:28
san_1989i am going to  develop device driver for usb bridge cable in linux(ubuntu 11.04)...any suggessions?any good reference sites?..or any good channel that handling it..?18:28
thecpaptainusr13: just not sure if its the absolute latest18:28
bungholiorhin0: sounds good18:28
usr13thecpaptain: You will need to know what it is.  What ISO did you install from?18:28
grillermoPolah: could you run that command to see if you get the same message please, i just need to know that18:28
bungholioB0g4r7: alright sweet, thanks18:28
rhin0 bungholio also ubuntu forums18:28
san_1989anyone please listen me....18:28
B0g4r7san_1989: I discovered the other day that wireshark can "sniff" USB packets.  That may be useful to you.18:28
thecpaptainusr13: i'll log onto ubuntu and find out, i'll log on to here from my laptop, brb18:28
SlindoBisthey all, i just installed ubuntu 11.04 on my macbook. i was wondering if there were some way to to set up a keybinding of sorts in order to simulate a right click? for instance pressing the command key to right click.18:28
[THC]AcidRainPolah, nautilus also selects the appropriate program used to open a certain file as sudo18:29
usr13thecpaptain: Was it ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso  ?18:29
mewayhow do I get flash to work with lubuntu?18:29
mewaysorry wrong channel18:29
yeatsgrillermo: I get the same message, fwiw, but I don't typically try to open particular files with nautilus - that's not the way it's used (usually)18:29
usr13meway: install flashplayer-nonfree18:29
tolmunsearching for lightweight DWG viewer?18:30
Polah[THC]AcidRain, which file would that be?18:30
grillermomy problem is that i get "the location is not a folder" message everywhere when trying to open files, firefox, gnome-do, file-browser-applets18:30
meta-coderhttp://xkcd.com/934/ (Mac/PC)18:30
grillermoand gnome-open sends the same error18:30
improveuponevery time i try to start firefox, the os crashes. in a vt every few seconds it prints like 10 lines, one of which is like "failed command: read dma (something)"... something makes me think it can no longer detect the hard drive... you have to ctrl+alt+sysrq to reboot. if you do not try to use firefox, it seems to run fine.18:30
Polahgrillermo, I get the error too because like I said, it is for displaying directory structure, not the contents of files.18:30
mewayusr13 nonfree ?18:30
usr13meway: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound18:30
thecpaptainusr13: i'm sorry to say, but I do not know18:30
yeatsgrillermo: what behavior are you expecting?18:30
grillermoPolah: but if you try gnome-open "the file" it works right? for me it doesnt18:30
improveuponum, should i remove and reinstall firefox from the repository?18:30
rhin0meway sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:31
Stanley00meway: how about apt-get install flashplugin-installer ?18:31
usr13thecpaptain: So you dont know what iso you downloaded?18:31
[THC]AcidRainPolah, well pretty much any file rly. when i run gksu nautilus. and i click on a .txt file. it is opened in gedit using gksu gedit file.txt18:31
rabbi11failing to load image information..... ???? :(18:31
grillermoyeats: to be able to open files18:31
thecpaptainusr13: i would like to say 10.4 or something like that18:31
efxaThose who are kernel / OS / system hackers, testers, packagers may register to http://oshackers.org. A corner where all OS hackers can see each other.18:31
yeats!nonfree | meway18:31
ubottumeway: When we use the term 'non-free', we mean that it is not Open Source. Software that is not open source cannot be fixed or improved by anyone except the software authors -- which is not us :(18:31
mewayStanley00:  may work18:31
rabbi11right click and properties for image "failing to load image information ?? any idea why ?18:31
xrdodrxis there any way to "calibrate" the sound in Ubuntu? 100% is far too loud, but i can't seem to change the volume easily without almost defening myself :(18:31
efxaThose who are kernel / OS / system hackers, testers, packagers may register to http://oshackers.org. A corner where all OS hackers can see each other.18:32
efxaThose who are kernel / OS / system hackers, testers, packagers may register to http://oshackers.org. A corner where all OS hackers can see each other.18:32
efxaThose who are kernel / OS / system hackers, testers, packagers may register to http://oshackers.org. A corner where all OS hackers can see each other.18:32
FloodBot1efxa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:32
grillermoyeats: i get "the location is not a folder" in many programs that call some gnome function to open them, and i think its related to nautilus18:32
mewayoh thanks for clarifying yeats18:32
[THC]AcidRainefxa dont flood sir.18:32
san_1989i am going to  develop device driver for usb bridge cable in linux(ubuntu 11.04)...any suggessions?any good reference sites?..or any good channel that handling it..?18:32
rwwthey were still doing it despite being quieted *facepalm*18:33
Polahgrillermo: gnome-open opens files based on designated file handlers in gnome, I guess you don't have any set perhaps18:33
grillermoi'm on x-chat how do i hide all these user has joined #ubuntu messages?18:33
yeatsgrillermo: ok - can you be more specifica about what you mean by 'many programs' and 'some gnome function'?18:33
Pici!quietxchat | grillermo18:33
ubottugrillermo: To disable joins and parts from being displayed in all future channels you join, type /set irc_conf_mode 1 . To apply this setting to all current channels, type /gui apply. To disable the prints for only certain channels, right click on the channel tab and click Settings -> Hide Join/Part Messages18:33
B0g4r7What exactly is a "usb bridge cable", and what is it's purpose?18:33
thecpaptainusr13: should i download network-manager manually here and get it back to ubuntu again ?18:33
grillermoPolah: if i open nautilus i can open all the files just fine, and the files on desktop have no problem18:33
san_1989anyone please help me....18:33
Picigrillermo: read what ubottu just told you18:33
jAyenGreenWhat does a @ in a file listing mean? I'm getting a 403 forbidden on the path to my local web server, and the ls shows -rwxr-xr-x@18:34
Polahgrillermo: But gnome-open doesn't work?18:34
grillermoPolah: yeah gnome-open doesnt work18:34
jnsl_I have an amazon instance with ubuntu. I have installed mysql, and it is running. I have edited the my.cnf file and commented out the "bind-address" part. The mysql port 3306 is listening and i have opened the port in amazon console. But when i try to connect from my local machine i get this error: "ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host 'myip' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server" Also for the sake of testing im connecting as root with all privileges18:34
jack<3 xscreensaver-gl....but, can i define corner functions? like blank now, blank never...18:34
grillermoPolah: my /user/share/applications .desktop files are ok18:34
Polahgrillermo: I couldn't tell you how to fix it, I've never used it myself.18:34
MoMoIs there any consideration I need to take if I have a laptop that has two network conncetions.  And I want to connect from Network A, to this laptop? and I want all network stuff to go out Network B?18:35
genii-aroundgrillermo: Do you have also Thunar installed?18:35
grillermogenii-around: i had it, and uninstalled it, and also the exo-utils (i read about the bug)18:35
pdtpatrickQuestion .. what's the fix for ubuntu 11.10 and getting stuck on Checking battery state? It seems it really hates nvidia-drivers18:35
yeatsMoMo: that's all very easily done in Network Manager18:35
Polahjnsl_, is there a firewall in place?18:35
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jnsl_Polah Im using apparmor18:35
genii-aroundgrillermo: OK18:35
idumychso I did something silly18:35
grillermogenii-around: i still the error after uninstalling it thou :(18:36
MoMoyeats: thank you, but what is it i'm looking for?18:36
fr0steddamn ubuntu is cool ! not going back to windows 7 :D18:36
idumychI did an in place upgrade to 11.10 beta and now my system is slightly messed up :P18:36
jack<3 xscreensaver-gl....but, can i define corner functions? like blank now, blank never...18:36
Xokeidumych: we all have at some point lol18:36
thecp4ptainusr13: busy ?18:36
idumychI had to run GDM by hand but at least I got in18:36
grillermoi think i need to read the gnome-open source code to sort this bug :''(18:36
genii-aroundgrillermo: Have you had a logout-logon since you removed it? Might be cached Nautilus you're using18:36
yeatsMoMo: the network indicator in your panel - click it and click Edit Connections - it will let you set what each connection does18:37
idumychdoes anyone know a command that I can run to reset things to default?18:37
Slindobisthey all, i just installed ubuntu 11.04 on my macbook and i was wondering if there was some way to set up a key on the keyboard to act as a right click on the mouse? can any one help me out or point me at a howto?18:37
MoMoyeats: also, are you refering to the Wicd network manager?18:37
Polahjnsl_: That isn't a firewall. Do you have apparmor set up to restrict access to the mysql server?18:37
idumychI had to reboot the computer during the upgrade18:37
Polahidumych: Reset what exactly?18:37
idumychI already used recovery to finish installing all the packages though18:37
grillermogenii-around: yeah, tried restarting18:37
idumychPolah: like I hit the power button18:37
yeatsMoMo: no - not wicd - the default ubuntu network manager18:37
jnsl_Polah I don't believe so, but can i check if i have?18:37
MoMoyeats: i only see power and speaker and mail18:37
idumychso if I run gdm manually and log in to Ubuntu 2d it works well18:37
idumychbut the default ubuntu session is a mess18:37
MoMoyeats: whats the comand to run it?18:37
kailoIs there a recommended guide for installing 5200fx nvidia drivers by terminal?18:37
Polahidumych: I mean what do you want to reset? Unity is broken? You could remove and reinstall it through apt-get18:38
yeatsMoMo: nm-connection-editor18:38
idumychPolah: pretty much just the default ubuntu sesion and the login manager18:38
Polahjnsl_: Yes, or if there is a firewall running it could have been set up by default (by Amazon) to only initially allow connections on port 22 for SSH?18:38
jackcan i define corner functions for xscreensaver? like blank now, blank never...18:38
sharperguyHey. I'm trying to use pavucontrol to record sounds my system is playing with audacity. I set "ALSA capture from" on the audacity stream to "Internal analog stereo" like always and this time for some reason it's not recording anything - it's just blocking waiting for data. Anyone got any ideas?18:39
jnsl_Polah yeah amazon have a firewall in place, but i have allowed connections to port 3306 in my amazon security group, so that should work. On second thought i might be running with UFW18:40
usr13thecp4ptain: Waht?18:40
Polahjnsl_: ufw should allow connections if there is something listening, unless told not to do that18:40
thecp4ptainusr13: i've logged on to this chat via my laptop now, so i'm able to be on ubuntu at the same time18:40
johnny45t4332jnsl are you connecting via localhost or remotly?18:40
jackjnsl_: why not just save with audacity?18:41
jnsl_an ufw status gives me this:  http://pastebin.com/KhviCMJg18:41
xrdodrxis there any way to "calibrate" the sound in Ubuntu? 100% is far too loud, but i can't seem to change the volume easily without almost defening myself :(18:41
jnsl_jack im not familiar with that18:41
usr13thecp4ptain: Yes, download network-manager manually and install  it I guess.  But there is no reason my wicd wouldn't establish the connection for you as well.  At least one of the connections.  It would be nice to know what you installed.  Is it Ubuntu 11.04 ?  Or What?18:41
jnsl_not seeing port 3306 in the status18:42
thecp4ptainusr13: how do i find out ? can i see it when inside ubuntu ?18:42
Polahjnsl: perhaps add a rule and retry: 3306 ALLOW Anywhere18:42
usr13thecp4ptain: lsb_release -a18:42
jnsl_aye cool :-))) i will try that right away18:42
usr13thecp4ptain: Or look at the iso file.18:42
usr13See what the name of the iso file is.18:42
crash1hdHmm this is very odd my motherboard is fine and the video card is fine but when I test this video card in my motherboard I see the post screen and it goes to go to the next screen but all that shows up is an __ thats it and there it sits? the motherboard is older and has an agp 4x port on it18:42
crash1hdand I am pretty sure the video card is either 4x or 8x18:43
thecp4ptainusr13: version 10.04 apparently18:44
thecp4ptainusr13: do you think updating to 11.04 or similar would be preferable ?18:44
jnsl_i have added the rule:  "3306/tcp                   ALLOW       Anywhere" but get the same error =/18:45
spreeuwhello, anybody know how to enable gallium on r600 for 11.04 ?18:45
bungholioany idea how i can setup my VLC like this person? -18:45
usr13thecp4ptain: Is it fully updated?  Did you do:  sudo apt-get upgrade  ?18:45
johncNew guy first time irc.  Am I really visible?18:45
kailoDoes -anyone- know how to install nvidia drivers when X is completely busted?  All I can see is the background at 640x480 (or 320x240) and the mouse.18:45
Polahjohnc: Nope, can't see you (:18:45
spreeuwjohnc yep18:45
thecp4ptainusr13: i updated it recently, yes. it should be fully updated18:46
Polahjnsl_: What command are you using to connect?18:46
spreeuwkailo install sshd and do it renmote18:46
jnsl_mysql -u myuser -h my.server.com -p18:46
kailospreeuw: why would I have to do it remote?  I have access to a terminal18:46
usr13thecp4ptain:  What is the wireless network card?18:47
usr13make and model?18:47
thecp4ptainusr13: is there a command to find out ?18:47
usr13thecp4ptain: lspci18:47
banjo597hey guys18:47
bungholioany idea how i can setup my VLC like this person? -18:47
usr13thecp4ptain: Share the netwrok over the laptop's eithernet port and plug into it. (You may need a crossover cable or switch or hub, but...)18:48
Polah!repeat | bungholio18:48
ubottubungholio: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:48
The_Fredhey folks - what would you expect voice command for ubuntu to do?18:48
banjo597hey i'm trying to remote connect to windows 7 from ubuntu how do i do that?18:48
thecp4ptainusr13: don't have such wires unfortunately18:48
Polahbanjo597: Remote desktop or file sharing?18:48
usr13thecp4ptain: Well, I've just about given you all the info I have.18:48
banjo597!tell Polah Remote desktop18:49
ubottubanjo597: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:49
usr13thecp4ptain: Where do you live. I'll just drop by and give you a hand....18:49
jnsl_banjo597 try remmina remote desktop client, or you could ssh in terminal18:49
usr13(we've been talking so long, I feel like we're old pals anyway...18:49
Polahbanjo597: Set up an RDP server on Windows 7 with NLA disabled and connect to it through Ubuntu with the rdesktop command18:49
thecp4ptainusr13: hehe, Stockholm, Sweden, so i'm guessing it's not in your neighborhood18:49
epzil0nbanjo597: i have a realVNC server on windows and then i use gtkvnc in ubuntu to control it ;)18:50
usr13thecp4ptain: Not exactly. I'm in Texas18:50
thecp4ptainusr13: hehehehe18:50
thecp4ptainusr13: That's some distance18:50
usr13It would take a while to get there and you may have it figured out by the time I get over there.18:50
Polahjnsl: Try this: mysql --host=host.ip.goes.here --user=username --password=password databasename18:50
usr13and my horse is not a good swimmer18:51
thecp4ptainusr13: probably, then i'll simply treat you some food or something18:51
Polahjnsl_: Failing that, you could always SSH in and do mysql -u <user> -p   to connect locally18:51
usr13he doesn't like the water at all.18:51
thecp4ptainusr13: hehehe, yeah it wouldn't be nice to ask it to cross the atlantic ocean18:51
usr13thecp4ptain: Try sharing the network from your laptop.  Find a wire.18:52
thecp4ptainusr13: i like horses, although i've only ridden one a couple of times18:52
lo-fi_ how can i tell if im accociated with a network? iwconfig?18:52
usr13I have 2, a sorrel and a strawberry roan18:52
thecp4ptainusr13: i'll check to see if i have one, although i'm pretty sure i don't18:53
bluelightis there a way to have packages installed on alternative storage devices in linux ?18:53
Polahlo-fi_: If you're using wireless yes, else ifconfig18:53
thecp4ptainthe only thing that tells me is that you have two horsies hehe, the other details escape my current comprehension18:53
bluelightwindows alows to pick a install location, does linux have this ability ? or is ther a package i can install to provide this ability ?18:54
johncHow do I quit?18:54
thecp4ptainusr13: nope, none ying around18:54
thecp4ptainusr13: *lying around18:54
crash1hdcan anyone tell me if this motherboard will handle a 8x agp card? http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=1393&dl=1#sp18:54
Polahbluelight: If they're installed they'd have to go into proper system folders which could be on different mounted devices, or symlinked to files on a removeable devices. If you only want to store packages (.deb)s then you can move them from /var/cache/apt/archives18:55
usr13sorrel is brown, the strawberry roan is pretty much grey and splotchy in the summer.18:55
jnsl_Polah I get the same error with your suggested command. The thing is i would like to connect a website on my localhost (local machine) with the database on my server18:55
thecp4ptainusr13: i'm downloading network-manager now, i'll transfer it using a HDD18:56
bluelightPolah: how could i get them to install on different mounted devices?18:56
Polahjnsl_: I don't know if remote mysql-ing is encrypted so SSHing in and then runnign locally on the server may be more secure. Perhaps Amazon has a firewall in place to prevent use of MySQL servers on their usual servers, since they offer specialised database hosting don't they?18:56
kailoIs there a recommended guide for installing 5200fx nvidia drivers by terminal?18:56
lo-fi_gah im missing something here for wpa_supplicant .. i cant get associated with my network, but im following 3 instructions ive found online to the T... maybe its my drivers? my card is a 802.11agb and im using the wext drivers....18:56
usr13crash1hd: AGP 4X, supports 1.5V display card only18:56
KPGWhat is the safest way to securely wipe a hard drive using a live cd?18:56
jnsl_Polah thats true, they do. Hmmm, i will have to investigate that a bit18:57
Polahbluelight: You'd need to use mount to mount those devices at various locations, but there'd be quite a lot. Files are spread out in a lot of places, /var, /usr, /etc and suchlike18:57
crash1hdusr13, ok so does that mean if I put a 8x agp card into it that it will not work? cause I have 2 8x agp cards as I was saying above they both post but they cant get past the post screen18:57
usr13KPG: What do you mean safest ?18:57
bluelightPolah: could i delete the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives to gain for space without harming the system ?18:57
Polahjnsl_: Perhaps contact their support to see if that is the case18:57
kailoI've modprobe'd nvidia-173 but xorg still seems to be looking for some vmwgfx module18:57
usr13KPG: Industry standard is to write zeros to it seven times or more.18:57
KPGusr13: Perhaps a method that is DoD compliant as opposed ti just zero filling a hard drive.18:57
crash1hdusr13, I had a geforce 6800 gt 512m 128bit agp ddr2 which was a 8x/4x agp card and it did work (now I am wondering if the only reason it worked is because it was a 8x/4x and not just an 8x) does that sound right?18:58
Polahbluelight: Yes, sudo apt-get clean   would remove all stored package files. You would need to redownload those packages if you wish to reinstall one of them though18:58
usr13KPG: dd  will do the job18:58
blsh0pwhats the channel for backtrack?18:58
loculinux_esto no es el canal  de melilla...como me meto18:58
Polahblsh0p: #backtrack-linux18:58
lo-fi_would anyone mind helping me trouble shoot wpa_supplicant?18:58
bluelightPolah:  thanks, that may be all i need to fix my shrinking storage problem :)18:58
thecp4ptainusr13: should i consider downloading ubuntu 11.04 do you think ?18:59
Polahbluelight: You'll probably get a few hundred MB from that18:59
KPGusr13: Ok, I only ran dd once however. Would you consider that a safe enough method for general purpose deletion of files?18:59
bungholioblsh0p: i believe backtrack's IRC is #crunchbang.18:59
bungholioblsh0p: actually nevermind thats openbox heh19:00
Picibungholio, blsh0p: #backtrack-linux19:00
Picibungholio: Please don't mislead our users.19:00
usr13KPG: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd?# bs=409619:00
blsh0pi got it, thanks guys19:00
bungholioPici: that's not misleading.19:00
bluelightPolah: the device is an asus eee pc 900 with 4gig ssd and an 8gig sd19:00
PolahKPG: You can use dd to write random data or zeroes over the entire disk, it works the exist same way as using DBAN or a similar program. The next best thing would be to zero it with dd and then destroy the drives by sanding the platters and breaking them19:00
KPGusr13: I did bs=1M is that also acceptable?19:00
usr13KPG: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd?# bs=1638419:00
Polahbluelight: well, a few hundred MB is quite a lot of space for you then19:01
usr13KPG: Yea that's good.  higher BS is faster.19:01
Polahusr12: 16384?19:01
bluelightPolah: yes :)19:01
blsh0pif i download an OS on a flashdrive, as a live cd, i wont be able to save files, correct?19:01
KPGusr13: Ok, thank you for the help.19:01
Polahbluelight: You can always uninstall unused programs as well, compress long-standing files that aren't accessed often and suchlike to save space19:02
Polahblsh0p: You can set up persistence with a live session, or do a proper installation on a flash drive.19:02
blsh0pif i run an OS as a live cd, can i save files? even if its on a 55gig flashdrive?19:02
KPGPolah: Would dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda bs=1M achieve the randomness that you mentioned rather than using dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M and simply zero filling the hard drive?19:02
blsh0pwill i be able to save?19:02
thecpaptainusr13: should i consider downloading ubuntu 11.04 do you think ?19:02
Polahblsh0p: As a LiveCD, no. LiveUSB, yes19:02
urlin2ubish0p, there are thumb loaders that have persistance19:02
blsh0poh ok19:02
PolahKPG: if=/dev/zero would write zeroes, /dev/random would write random data to the drive, they'd have the same outcome of data destruction it's just that the written data may be different. /dev/zero may be quicker I believe19:03
urlin2ubish0p, check out the mutisystem multi loader19:03
usr13thecpaptain: I don't know really.  Wouldn't hurt tho. See what the LiveCD will do.19:03
KPGPolah: Ok, that is helpful to know. Thank you very much for the assistance.19:04
blsh0pwhats that do, urlin2u?19:04
thecpaptainis it possible to launch LiveCD if i put the file on an external HD ?19:04
lo-fi_does wpa_supplicant support 802.11agb?19:04
thecpaptainusr13: is it possible to launch LiveCD if i put the file on an external HD ?19:05
urlin2ubisg0p, it is a app that loads ISO's to a thumb for booting and has a persistence option.19:05
usr13thecpaptain: Use a CD or Flash Drive19:05
blsh0pok and one last question. Is it better to do direct downloads or to download torrents?19:05
urlin2uthecpaptain, you need a boot setup.19:05
usr13thecpaptain: See instructions at:  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download19:06
urlin2ublish0p, depends a p2p that is legit is usually just as fast.19:06
kailodoes anyone know why xorg is being forced into 640x480 with my 5200fx pci?  It wasn't like this with the livecd19:06
thecpaptainhm aight19:06
Polahblsh0p: Torrents may be a bit more reliable due to checking of each piece, just make sure it's a reliable safe torrent from an official website.19:06
blsh0pim download backtrack from the website, that should be a safe torrent right?19:07
escottkailo, install the proprietary drivers with jockey-gtk19:07
moon8945@search john barnes19:07
kailoescott: can I even do that from a terminal?19:07
Polahblsh0p: Perhaps, ask in #backtrack-linux.19:07
Hashamhi...does office 2003 works under wine...?19:07
kailoescott: It actually looks like 320x240 and nothing within x is useable19:08
PolahHasham: Look it up in WineHQ's appdb.19:08
Polah!appdb | Hasham19:08
ubottuHasham: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:08
blsh0pno one is available in backtracklinux19:08
blsh0phow do i download an os as a livecd19:08
Polahblsh0p: You just download the image and then make a LiveUSB as told here: !liveusb | blsh0p19:09
Polah!liveusb | blsh0p19:09
ubottublsh0p: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:09
kailodoes anyone know why xorg is being forced into 320x240** with my 5200fx pci?  It wasn't like this with the livecd19:09
urlin2ublsh0p, to be honest if you don't know this basic stuff backtrack is a waste of your time.19:09
SlindoBisthey guys, i just installed ubuntu 11.04 on my macbook, i was wondering if there were some way to map a key on the keyboard to mimic a right click from the mouse? can anyone give me a hand or direct me to a howto that might help?19:09
Polahkailo: Please stop repeating your question so quickly. If someone has an answer they'll help you.19:10
blsh0pur prabably right irlin19:10
thecpaptainurlin2u: if i create a boot setup on the flash, i don't need to remove other content and such right ?19:10
kailoPolah: It was a fix to my previous comment; 320x240 vs 640x48019:10
urlin2uthecpaptain, depends on the loader most wipe the thumb.19:10
escottkailo, there is a jockey command line client, but it sounds like X is failing to start if all you have is a console19:11
lo-fi_ok so im using wpa_supplicant to connect to my router. I've made the config file, and then run the command "sudo wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/root/wpa.conf" but im still not associated with the network. Any ideas?19:11
thecpaptainurlin2u: wipe the thumb ?19:11
urlin2uthecpaptain, unetbootin can install to a partion and if ubuntu be persistent.19:11
Hashamubottu,  it has database for games only . i am looking for ms office 200319:11
ubottuHasham: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:11
kailoescott: no, x starts just fine.  I'm USING a console because x is unusable.  All I get is the background, mouse, and sometimes a flicker of a menu when I right click on the background.19:12
tommyvyoany recommendations on which version of ubuntu is best to use for a server?19:12
urlin2uthecpaptain, wipe-remove thumb=usb drive19:12
urlin2utommyvyo, probably a lts19:13
thecpaptainurlin2u: so i need to cleanse the HD then ?19:13
fishsceneubottu is back!19:13
kailoescott: kind of hard to run nvidia-settings etc if X is locked into 320x240 with just a background19:13
urlin2uthecpaptain, your question was will anything be removed, now use your brain here. :D19:13
thecpaptainurlin2u: i'm trying xD i'm trying to figure if it is necessary for it to be partitioned, or if it can simply boot from an individual file on the HD19:14
thecpaptainurlin2u: i'm guessing it needs partitioning to boot19:15
tetsuo55is it possible to use a custom dns for only certain users?19:15
urlin2uthecpaptain, it needs a partition for a file to start with and needs a bootloader to boot19:15
urlin2uthecpaptain, a bootloader needs files in a OS and the mbr generally.19:16
Polahthecpaptain: If you get multibootusb you can just set it up and it'll install GRUB and just require the .iso to be present without need to unpack it and such19:16
urlin2uthecpaptain, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/19:18
CharlieSuis there a key sequence to kill Unity?  control-alt-backspace type of thing19:18
urlin2uCharlieSu, if you kill it you will have a blank screen probably, try the classic desktop19:19
urlin2uCharlieSu, do you mean a logout or reboot?19:20
CharlieSuWhen running either groovyconsole or grailsconsole my windows all go crazy on my desktop19:21
CharlieSucan't figure out why19:21
lo-fi_when i type "iwlist scan" for wlan0 it says failed to read scan data : network down" what does this mean?19:23
muktiIs there an alternative to skype that will allow me to voice chat with users who use skype (on ubuntu)?19:27
muktiIs there an alternative to skype that will allow me to voice chat with users who use skype (on ubuntu)?19:28
auronandacemukti: no, skype uses a proprietry format19:28
cheakoHello, I'm trying to build clover(a project that uses clang) what package contains the include files?  Specifically looking for: include / clang / Frontend / CompilerInstance.h as in: http://repo.or.cz/w/clang.git/blob/6bf5537e0b2d67701a27f0591c5e97fb6fcf8f3c:/include/clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h19:28
mongyis ekiga still maintained?19:29
TEJAS123I formatted my pc and reinstalled ubuntu i m getting error : file not found grub rescue > what shuld i do???19:29
neandrwhich channel is the best to discuss dual boot compatibilty .. just finish some bad expereience with Dell Vostro 375019:29
auronandacemongy: skype can only connect with skype, nothing else can19:30
mongymukti, could always just get everyone together on google plus and do a hangout19:30
cheakoTEJAS123: Where does this error come from?19:30
mrintegrityneandr: what probs did you have?19:30
ubunHas anyone installed HPLIP? its in the synaptic but it has a warning about people taking control of my pc. any help???19:30
A_Jwb ActionParsnip19:30
ActionParsnipA_J: ty :)19:30
neandr mrintegrity: no ubuntu cd7dvd was able to start at all .. no installation/no test possible19:31
Hashamdoes ms offive 2003 work in wine..?19:31
TEJAS123cheako : act i used gparted and tried to move partition...but it hanged and i lost my data since then tht error is present19:31
mrintegrityneandr: thats odd, i guess you did all the bios settings and stuff19:31
mongyHasham, mostly.  access and outlook have issues19:31
PiciHasham: Like we said before, you need to look in the appdb.19:32
ActionParsnipHasham: check the appdb19:32
auronandace!appdb | Hasham19:32
ubottuHasham: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:32
PiciHasham: or ask in WINE's support channel, #winehq19:32
cheakoTEJAS123: Where is the error present?19:32
ActionParsnipHasham: why not use libreoffice....19:32
mrintegrityneandr: how did you create the installer? using a usb stick created with unetbootin works great for me19:32
mrintegritymongy: outlook doesn't work with wine19:32
mongymrintegrity, thats what I meant by issues19:32
TEJAS123cheako : when computer boots..... I guess it is unable to find grub19:32
atyoungmrintegrity, good :P19:32
mrintegritymongy: works great in crossover though19:32
atyoungI'm kidding19:33
neandr mrintegrity: which pc/laptop?19:33
mrintegrityatyoung: hehe yeah19:33
HashamActionParsnip,  i use libre office at home but i can only install ubuntu on my office machine if it runs office 200319:33
ActionParsnipHasham: why so?19:33
mrintegrityneandr: what do you mean?19:33
wildc4rdevenin all!19:33
neandr mrintegrity:  used standard ISO downloaded from Ubuntu pages19:34
mrintegrityHasham: pay for crossover office, it works very well and is not so expensive19:34
HashamActionParsnip,  for compatibility issues19:34
ActionParsnipneandr: does it MD5 testok?19:34
cheakoTEJAS123: Ahh, rescue is one of the boot options on a cd.  Could be booting a cd instead of the disk??  Perhaps you just need to interrupt grub and get to the menu, hold "ctr" key...  IIRC.19:34
mrintegrityneandr: i see. and you burned it to cd with what program?19:34
ubunHas anyone installed HPLIP? its in the synaptic but it has a warning about people taking control of my pc. any help???19:34
mrintegrityubun: what error?19:34
neandr mrintegrity: I was asking which machine did you used19:34
mrintegrityubun: sorry, what warning19:34
ActionParsnipHasham: never had an issue personally19:34
mrintegrityneandr: servers, desktops, laptops, virtual machines.. you name it (didn't use a usb stick for the virtual machines of course)19:35
ubunmrintegrity: it says it is not authenticated and could contain something malicious that could allow someone to control my computer19:35
neandr mrintegrity: no error, no warning, just blank screen, all boot options (nomodeset, xforce.. ) worked19:35
TEJAS123cheako : No i m booting from hard drive19:35
mrintegrityubun: can you show me teh exact error ? you can msg me directly19:36
ActionParsnipneandr: does the ISO pass MD5 test?19:36
HashamActionParsnip,  if LO writer and spreadsheed and compatibale with ms office 2003 i will replace my xp to ubuntu at office :)19:36
mrintegrityneandr: what kind of computer is it?19:36
ActionParsnipHasham: try it19:36
mrintegrityHasham: they are mostly compatible but there are almnost always formatting / font errors19:37
thecpaptainusr13: it seems that i'm able to connect to the network using ubuntu 11.0419:37
neandrmrintegrity: you may read the last psoting at : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1732030&page=5 for details19:37
HashamActionParsnip,  i have tried it appreantly it is working fine but formatting problems are there19:38
bungholiothis is odd, im trying to install Midnight Commander but when i click Install in Ubuntu Software Center it doesn't install it just.. flashes and doesn't install..19:38
cheakoTEJAS123: I suspect this error is from grub when it's trying to boot.  Getting gurb's attention should help.19:38
neandrmrintegrity: I'm looking for support to buy another machine, but I need a dual boot for sure19:39
ActionParsnipbungholio: does it install ok in terminal?19:39
ubunmrintegrity: i dont know if i did it right, but i sent it.19:39
kc_where should i go for Google App Engine related queries?19:39
TEJAS123cheako: how to get grub's attention??19:40
usr13thecpaptain: Very good.19:40
bungholioActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/Q1n2YS8D19:41
thecpaptainusr13: yes indeed. so now i'm simply taking all the files and stuff i want from my previous installation, then i'm installing 11.04 :)19:41
thecpaptainusr13: thanks for all the help, truly appreciate it19:42
=== winut_ is now known as winut
ActionParsnipbungholio: isn't it:   mc19:42
newuserdoes anyone here use wine?19:42
cheakoTEJAS123: press keys during boot, try holding ctrl.19:43
TEJAS123cheako : k19:43
Gentoo64newuser, no19:43
neandrAny specific channel for dualboot questions19:44
bungholioActionParsnip: got it working, thanks :p19:44
Gentoo64neandr, ask anyway19:44
neandrdid already19:45
Gentoo64whats the Q19:45
kaolc2On Ubuntu, how do I install an older version (5.3.2) of php-cli?19:45
neandrhow to make sure a devive with nivida graphic works correct with dualboot -- not a with Dell vostro19:46
mrintegrityneandr: which of those postings is yours?19:46
neandrthe very last one19:46
Gentoo64neandr, whats devive19:46
neandrvostro 375019:46
newuserCan I use an HP Scanjet 4570c with Ubuntu?19:46
Gentoo64dont understand19:46
ActionParsnipbungholio: np19:47
xqix9u2vprobaly not19:47
neandrGentoo64: it's a dell vostro 3750 with makes trouble with dualboot19:48
Gentoo64neandr, what sort of trouble?19:48
neandrcan't boot from CD/DVD at all .. blank screen .. but I posted a link to a ubuntu forum before ^^19:49
ActionParsnipneandr: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?19:49
Gentoo64neandr, whats that to do with nvidia?19:49
Gentoo64idk about dells,19:49
neandrtested a bunch of ISO' & also Knoppix a German distro19:49
Gentoo64neandr, and none work19:49
prakasmy ubuntu sometimes shows black screen during boot. and pressing ctrl alt del brings the ubuntu logo and shutsdown19:49
mrintegrityneandr: which vostro model is it?19:49
kailoBy installing xubuntu-desktop I've managed to get nvidia-settings to run in X, however I'm still locked in to 640x480 and 320x240 as my display options.  'additional drivers' still shows that nvidia drivers 173 are activated, but 'not currently in use'19:49
jimrewwhere's the source code to gconf editor?19:50
ActionParsnipneandr: add the boot option:   nouveau.blacklist=1      be sure you MD5 test the ISO19:50
mrintegrityjimrew: try ubuntu package archives19:50
mrintegrityjimrew: or upstream at gnome.org somewhere19:50
jimrewok thx19:50
rabbi11how to restart rhythmbox? its' not responding19:52
prakascan i know why it sometimes the black screen during boot and doesnt show the gui19:52
prakasand sometimes it works as expected19:52
Gentoo64prakas, i hear a lot of people have that19:52
prakasis it a bug?19:52
Gentoo64idk sounds like it19:52
neandr ActionParsnip: OK will try and report back .. .. before returning the laptop19:52
xqix9u2vif you want to check printer status its foomatic rite?19:52
kaolc2On Ubuntu, how do I install an older version (5.3.2) of php-cli?19:53
prakasthe black screen shows like 20 percent of the times19:53
rabbi11how to restart rhythmbox? its' not responding19:53
prakasand ctrl alt del brings the ubuntu logo followed by a restart19:53
Gentoo64rabbi11, killall rhythmbox19:53
prakasnot a hardware hang19:53
Gentoo64then restart it19:53
Gentoo64prakas, i have no idea what it is19:53
prakasyou never had this issue?19:54
rabbi11Gentoo64: thank you19:54
prakasi reinstalled ubuntu 10.10 again19:54
xanguakaolc2: compile19:54
prakasbut problem persists19:54
Gentoo64prakas, its obviously some bug with hardware19:54
prakassame problem with another netbook that my father uses19:54
Gentoo64maybe kernel idk19:54
prakasthe problem did not occur in 7.04 version :P19:55
Gentoo64things change19:55
rabbi11it happens to me as well, just blank screen with a cursor on top left flickering for 5-10 mins19:55
prakasyes bugs get added ;p19:55
Gentoo64all i hear on here is blank screen19:55
prakasit doesnt show anything but ctrl alt del brings the ubuntu logo immediately lol19:55
gnewbHow do I disable/stop/kill the Battery Sate script?Currently running Ubuntu 10.04.3 on Desktop.19:56
Gentoo64thats reboot command19:56
prakasand then a reboot19:56
prakasand then the os starts without the black screen :P19:56
prakasi am unable to even see what went wrong19:56
Gentoo64brb making coffee19:56
prakasit should instead show some message that something failed so the black screen ;)19:57
Gentoo64prakas, when you do boot, try dmesg and scroll up for any errors19:57
Gentoo64like maybe gpu related19:57
prakaswill dmesg still keep the logs when rebooted?19:58
prakasa fresh reboot will perhaps not keep logs of a previous session but dont know19:58
kaolc2xangua: One word does unfortunately not help me much, thanks though19:59
th0rkaolc2: that version is not available, your only option is to compile it from scratch20:00
BloodSkinanyone know of any articles on the birth and background of ubuntu?20:01
ActionParsnipBloodSkin: omgubuntu has stuff on that20:01
BloodSkinthank you20:01
SIFTUprakas: that is an optimus enabled laptop.. what verion of ubuntu are you trying to load?20:01
bungholiookay so i launched Ubuntu Software Center from Command "software-center" ; and got this FAILED stuff in Terminal was curious why it's doing it, but Ubuntu Software Center did open up, so there doesn't seem to be a problem from what i can see.20:02
prakasi am using 10.10 ubuntu with a samsung n148 plus20:02
SIFTUprakas: actually maybe it isnt optimus20:02
prakaswhat is optimus20:02
SIFTUprakas: what does "lcpci|grep -i vga" show.. 1 or 2 lines20:03
ActionParsnipprakas: a headache20:03
SIFTUprakas: sorry lspci20:03
prakasit works perfectly usually20:03
urlin2ubungholio, why are you using the terminal to open it?20:03
prakasjust sometimes doesnt load during boot20:03
prakasi get a 1024x600 resolution and  movies do play well20:04
bungholiourlin2u: using openbox, im quite new to OB and didn't know how to open it any other way lol20:04
prakaseverything runs fine except during some boots the screen goes black20:04
urlin2ubungholio, ah just curious.20:04
prakasand ctrl alt del brings the ubuntu logo followed by a restart20:04
SIFTUprakas: you havent answered any of the questions.. version of ubuntu and how many lines20:04
dudehello dudes20:04
dudedoes it work with sandy bridge?20:04
BloodSkinwhats up dude20:04
rbookhouseAnyone here got RTCW or ET working on 11.04 _with_ perfect sound?20:05
Gentoo64dude, yes20:05
prakasi dont have the laptop in this room. i did a install using the gui provided with ubuntu 10.1020:05
neandrActionParsnip: with ISO boot I get: [27.048163] [Firmware Bug] ACPI (PEGP) defines _DOD but not _DOS20:05
ActionParsniprbookhouse: what is RTCW and what is ET ?20:05
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dudeok i got two ssd, i will install ubuntu to a btrfs raid1 on /20:05
Gentoo64dude, use ext420:05
Gentoo64its faster20:05
rbookhouseActionParsnip, if you had them you'd know :P but they're games.20:05
ActionParsnipneandr: does the ISO pass MD5 test?20:05
SIFTUprakas: is it a new laptop?20:05
prakasyes a new netbook20:05
prakaspurchased 6 months ago20:06
SIFTUdude: yeah dont use btrfs20:06
ActionParsniprbookhouse: please don't initialise non-standard things, it makes support near  impossible20:06
prakasintel atom20:06
neandrto be honest .. can you tell how to check? sorry20:06
rbookhouseActionParsnip, I'll initialise what I like20:06
ActionParsniprbookhouse: if they are windows games, did you check the appdb?20:06
SIFTUprakas: ah netbook, I though it was a vostro 375020:06
BloodSkinis there anywhere better than newegg to (window) shop?20:06
rbookhouseActionParsnip, please stop trying to help now and give someone else a chance20:06
Gentoo64BloodSkin, not outsude us i dont think. amazon and ebay20:07
prakasno it is not a vostro. i use it on an acer aspire core 2 duo laptop with 965gm graphics and another netbook with atom20:07
kaolc2th0r: Where would I obtain it?20:07
ActionParsniprbookhouse: fine, but nobody will have any idea what you are talking about, needing then for further clarification. You choice.  You can give full details and GET support, or initialize "what you like" and get nowhere. Your choice20:07
SIFTUprakas: ah ok20:07
th0rkaolc2: not in the repos20:07
ActionParsniprbookhouse: essentially, check the appdb for wine20:07
rbookhouseActionParsnip, it is, well done, good bye20:07
prakasin both the same issue persists so both of them are not having any hardware problem. something is buggy but what idk20:07
neandrActionParsnip: to be honest .. can you tell how to check for MD5? sorry20:07
rbookhouseActionParsnip, and that just proves you have no idea, these are not windows games20:08
rbookhouseActionParsnip, done yet?20:08
BloodSkinoi. it was more of a statement lol but thanks for confirming haha20:08
yeats!md5sum | neandr20:08
ubottuneandr: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:08
ActionParsniprbookhouse: if you give what they ACTUALLY are, we can help20:08
rbookhouseActionParsnip, if you had either game you'd be able to help - otherwise you can not... It is just that simple.  And if you had those games you'd know what RTCW and ET is.20:09
ActionParsnip!md5 | neandr20:09
ubottuneandr: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:09
th0rrbookhouse: you haven't been here much before, have you20:09
rbookhouseth0r, just the opposite, I'm well aware how easy it is to get caught up in mis-advice here and time wasters20:09
ActionParsniprbookhouse: fine, struggle away. If you want help then please give details. I doubt anyone will give any help as you aren't being co-operative. I have asked nicely.20:10
Gentoo64rbookhouse, whats wrong with the sound? have none of them games got configs for sound20:10
rbookhouseActionParsnip, And I have asked equally as nicely for you to simply dtop it20:10
Gentoo64idk what them games are either20:10
ActionParsniprbookhouse: you got it20:10
ActionParsniprbookhouse: if you get no answer and want to enlighten me, I'm ready to help20:11
MHDHey, I need to boot into single user mode on an older box with a forgotten password...20:11
Gentoo64MHD, and do what?20:11
rbookhouseGentoo64, they use OSS now removed from 11.04.  work arounds I'm finding to get them to use ALSA/PA are not working and the OSS Proxy doesn't work as I think they need direct mmap support - any of this on your wavelength?20:11
ActionParsnipMHD: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode then select root. You can reset your password there20:12
MHDGentoo64: reset the password.20:12
Gentoo64rbookhouse, nope. lol. isnt there some alsa-oss thing20:12
neandr ubottu: puh .. i don't have the iso download file anymore .. only the cd with the image. that page tells me I have to store both into one dir20:12
ubottuneandr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:12
rbookhouseGentoo64, yeah "OSS Proxy" is one, OSS API emulation to ALSA or PA.  Which has worked for other OSS games but not these20:13
Gentoo64rbookhouse, i only know alsa. im not sure whats in the current ubuntu kernel20:13
ActionParsnipneandr: you can make the CD test itself once the boot starts20:13
Gentoo64dno if they disabled stuff or not20:13
yitz_I'm having issues with java running out of heap space. So I'm trying to use -Xmx to make a jvm with a bit more. Should I be able to go above the amount of physical RAM I got? If I go to high, it failed to "reserve enough space for object heap"20:13
prakasrbookhouse: is that alsa-oss available by default in ubuntu 11.04?20:13
rbookhouseprakas, no you need to compile it yourself20:13
yeatsneandr: you should be able to "Verify Disk Integrity" from the Live CD menu (hit any key when first booting to get to the menu)20:13
prakaswithout that alsa-oss many midi players dont function20:14
rbookhouseI'm thinking just put OSS 3 back in the kernel and be done with it20:14
Gentoo64rbookhouse, thats prob bad as it deprecated20:14
rbookhouseGentoo64, no other way20:14
Gentoo64dont soudn work at all?20:14
prakasoss was great20:14
Gentoo64or is it just dodgy20:14
prakasthe new versions have many sound problem issues20:15
rbookhouseGentoo64, the games are proprietary so they *only* use OSS20:15
prakasoss is good i think ;)20:15
rbookhouseso it's either fool them with library pre-loads to use some other sound system which is flakey at best and isn't working... or translate OSS to ALSA or PA20:15
prakaswhen i load them with ./aoss program they work lol20:15
rbookhousebut the OSS translation isn't perfect and isn't working for these20:15
prakasi dont know why ubuntu by default does not use oss20:16
Gentoo64rbookhouse, i dont have enough knowledge about oss to help much!20:16
rbookhouseprakas, yeah that is a preload trick - which games do you use that on?20:16
prakasi use a program called tuxguitar20:16
kaolc2th0r: Please tell me more places where I won't find what I am looking for. Perhaps if you tell me enough I can eliminate all possibilities but one20:16
prakasneeds to be loaded with ./aoss20:16
rbookhouseprakas, are you on 11.04 too?20:16
improveuponfirefox keeps crashing my os. you have to use magic sysrq to reboot. i have already tried removing and re-installing the package + dependencies.20:16
prakasi am on 10.1020:16
prakasmidi breaks and does not work20:17
prakasin old version it worked without issues20:17
HaematomaCan I route ALL outgoing internet traffic through aSSH tunnel?20:17
improveupon(almost any suggestions will be appreciated)20:17
Gentoo64improveupon, how much ram have you got?20:17
Haematomaor would I need to use VPN for that?20:17
rbookhousei give up for now, bbl20:17
prakasin 7.10 and 7.04 it worked well. lol in new versions we have to use an aoss ;) annoying20:17
improveuponlike 2 gigs20:17
yeatsimproveupon: I've seen the same behavior - top shows that plugin-container is the culprit20:18
prakasand why dont they preinstall this aoss xD20:18
Gentoo64improveupon, ah idk. i know maxing your ram will crash entire os20:18
ActionParsnipimproveupon: is it ok as a different user?20:18
sunilhi, can anyone tell how to set classpath ?20:18
yeatsimproveupon: my life got better after installing flashblock (FF addon)20:18
surfduei installed a package that installed lots of dependencies, i removed the pacakge now i have dependencies just in idle how to remove all unused dependecies20:18
surfdueAND purge them20:18
Gentoo64surfdue, theres a prog called gtk orphan20:18
Gentoo64dno if its still used or not20:19
improveuponthank you both... yeats your suggestion sounds like the culprit20:19
surfdueGentoo64: im on command20:19
Gentoo64surfdue, that cleans deps20:19
yeatssurfdue: deborphan is the command line version20:19
prakassuppose i use javax.sound.midi and play a note it doesnt work :D i need to pass it as a param in aoss20:19
sunilhow set classpath ?20:20
improveuponbut wait... i just uninstalled and re-installed firefox using aptitude. it's still crashing the os. wouldn't that get rid of all the add-on's too? and how can i install ff-block if i cannot start firefox?20:20
adantewhen i run metacity --replace, am i supposed to get a window manager?20:20
yeatsimproveupon: yeah - it's a pretty serious problem - full memory, high swapping, *very* high load20:20
grillosthello everybody20:20
adantemy... it seems to kill the existing one, but does not replace it with anything20:21
Gentoo64sunil, http://www.linuxheadquarters.com/howto/classpath.shtml20:21
adantethis is not a good desktop experience20:21
Polahimproveupon: sudo apt-get purge firefox && sudo rm -r ~/.mozilla && sudo apt-get install firefox20:21
MustardCUadante, you are suppose to get a windows manager if you use metacity --replace20:21
surfdueError connecting to authd socket20:21
yeatsimproveupon: your settings/addons/etc. aren't touched when you add/remove Firefox20:21
improveuponPolah: thank you20:21
Polahimproveupon: Copy .mozilla away before deleting it if you want to keep bookmarks and stuff20:21
MustardCUadante, are you sure you have metacity installed?20:21
HaematomaCan I route all outbound internet traffic through SSH?20:21
Haematomaroute through an SSH tunnel*20:21
adanteMustardCU: pretty sure, because metacity is a command?20:22
yeatsimproveupon: you can 'mv .mozilla .mozilla-old' if you'd rather not lose everything20:22
adanteMustardCU: unless this is a dummy command provided by another package?20:22
grillostwhen i try to start ubuntu 11.04 after  a new installation, the pc can't start the x, pc shows a message that say the monitor is out of range, anyone could help me please?20:22
ActionParsnipgrillost: what GPU do you use?20:22
MustardCUadante, metacity is a program that can run just as you posted it as long as yo have metacity installed20:22
grillost@ActionPasnip wait please...20:23
improveuponyeats: thank you20:23
yeatsimproveupon: sure ;-) good luck20:23
bungholiois there some type of third party software channel? to talk about (well everything) i suppose?20:23
Gentoo64grillost, have you tried turning the monitor off then on while it says that?20:24
yeatsbungholio: ubuntu-wise, there's #ubuntu-offtopic20:25
grillost@Gentoo64, yeah but appears the same message20:25
bungholioyeats: okay, thanks alot!20:26
grillost@ActionPasnip is a video integrated of a Asrock M266A20:26
grillostthis is the link http://www.asrock.com/mb/overview.asp?Model=M266A20:26
Gentoo64grillost, ah ok. sometimes it works. sounds like the refresh rate / res is trying to go too high20:26
CluelessPersonCan anyone tell me why I can connect to my samba local server share on my android phone, but not from my netbook?20:26
Gentoo64grillost, maybe its the gpu?20:26
Gentoo64its old20:26
ActionParsnipCluelessPerson: can the netbook ping the server?20:26
CluelessPersonActionParsnip,   Yes, I think, depends on what you mean by that20:27
improveuponwould anyone like to suggest a favorite browser other than firefox?20:27
Gentoo64improveupon, chromium20:27
grillostyeah, it's old, and i think that its the gpu, cause when i try with another monitor, the mistake is the same20:27
ActionParsnipgrillost: try adding the boot option:   nomodeset20:27
improveuponthat was fast20:27
Gentoo64it is fast20:27
robin0800grillost, if it finally boots and you can see it then install startupmanager and use it to srt sane values20:27
CluelessPersonActionParsnip,   the server shows up on the local network in the workgroup on my netbook20:27
ActionParsnipCluelessPerson: its a connectivity tester, makes sure you have a logical path to the server20:27
CluelessPersonActionParsnip,   you want me to literally ping the server?20:28
CluelessPersoncluelessperson.com  try pinging it. :p20:28
KonataOk guys, "You Must Choose" moment.20:28
ActionParsnipCluelessPerson: if you can see it local network, it should be ok20:28
CluelessPersonActionParsnip,   I get an error20:29
KonataI know this is #ubuntu, though, choose: Ubuntu or Debian, and be honest.20:29
ActionParsnipCluelessPerson: if you run:   smbtree    do you see the share?20:29
genii-around!polls | Konata20:29
ubottuKonata: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:29
CluelessPersonrun that from where?20:29
echecatlhi, anyone driving ubuntu with ipv6 (i mean in a lan on ipv6)?20:29
CluelessPersonActionParsnip,   I get the error, "Cannot access //CLUELESSSERVER"20:29
Gentoo64Konata, what do you want? a normal desktop?20:30
CluelessPersonActionParsnip,  my netbook is running windows20:30
CluelessPersonsmbtree from where?20:30
KonataEither is fine for me.20:30
ActionParsnipCluelessPerson: the command is:   ping cluelessserver20:30
th0rGentoo64: please don't feed the troll20:30
CluelessPersonyes, it's pinging20:30
Konatath0r: I'm not trying to be a troll lol20:31
ActionParsnipCluelessPerson: wait, so the syem which cannot access the share is windows based?20:31
Gentoo64th0r, he might just be asking20:31
CluelessPersonActionParsnip,  yes20:31
ActionParsnipCluelessPerson: then how is this related to Ubuntu?20:31
CluelessPersonActionParsnip,  It was working fine for awhile, and then it just stopped.20:31
KonataNo wait, isn't there a release of Ubuntu based off Debian?20:31
th0rKonata: consider...ask here and they will say ubuntu; ask in debian and they will say debian. Try apt-get install common-sense20:31
CluelessPersonActionParsnip,   The server is running Ubuntu 11.0420:31
ActionParsnipCluelessPerson: but android can access it ok?20:32
Gentoo64Konata, what about windows?20:32
genii-aroundKonata: If you go ask in ##linux they will have likely entirely different answers.20:32
CluelessPersonActionParsnip,  Yes, it can20:32
ActionParsnipCluelessPerson: then the settings are ok, the issue is with the windows client.20:32
CluelessPersonActionParsnip, I can agree with that, how do I reset it?20:32
ActionParsnipKonata: all ubuntus are based on debian...20:32
ActionParsnipCluelessPerson: reset what?20:33
CluelessPersonActionParsnip,   the smb client?  it worked originally, then suddenly stopped.20:33
bungholiohow do i change my hostname for when i connect to IRC?20:33
skassythis is probably more related to bash than ubuntu specifically, but i removed firefox from apt, and i installed it from source to /usr/lib, but when i type 'firefox' in bash it looks for the file in the old location. any idea how to change this? echo $PATH includes /usr/lib20:33
Gentoo64bungholio, #freenode can give you stuff20:34
ActionParsnipCluelessPerson: not sure, its in windows so I'd ask in ##windows   You can restart the samba server with:  sudo service smbd stop; sudo service smbd start20:34
genii-around!cloak > bungholio20:34
ubottubungholio, please see my private message20:34
CluelessPersonActionParsnip,  I'll try, and I did try.20:34
neandryeats:  "you should be able to "Verify Disk Integrity" from the Live CD menu" .. sorry there is only a check of the disc integrity, not the image on the CD20:35
Gentoo64neandr, the md5 is probably fine20:36
neandrBut before I posted the Firmware error .. to which system does it belong .. the laptop or Ubuntu CD??20:36
yeatsneandr: same thing - since you didn't md5sum, that's the best you've got unless you want to re-download20:37
ActionParsnipCluelessPerson: you may need to add the username and password when you connect to the share, there should be an option in windows for that20:37
neandr[27.048163] [Firmware Bug] ACPI (PEGP) defines _DOD but not _DOS20:37
Gentoo64neandr, try disable acpi in bios20:37
Gentoo64neandr, what problem are you having? lol20:38
abountuhow can I get ubuntu to accept Tor updates?20:38
Gentoo64add tor ppa20:38
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl20:39
neandr Gentoo64: can't install from CD/DVD .. had posted a forum link about it20:39
urlin2uneandr, post that forum link20:39
Gentoo64neandr, do other cds work? what happens?20:40
abountuyeats, I know what is Tor, to explain my question, I installed Tor and it's working perfectly since a while, today, I got an Update through Update Manager, I'm trying to install it, but it's saying: "Requires installation of untrusted packages" how can I get around this?20:40
grillost@ActionParsnip how can i add the boot option?  i try to push down shift while the system boot, but GRUB doesn't appears20:40
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:41
bdiui tried to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 but I'm having issues with initramfs.. any suggestions on how I can try to reinstall this?20:41
yeatsabountu: you need a GPG key for the repo you're using20:41
neandrGenntoo64: yes they work20:41
neandryou may read the last psoting at : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1732030&page=5 for details20:41
neandrthe very last posting, please20:41
ActionParsnipbdiu: did the upgrade complete?20:41
jimmy_birervery last posting20:42
jimmy_bireror you`ll die20:42
jimmy_birerin your sleep20:42
bdiunot correctly... it died due to the initramfs issues20:42
ActionParsnipbdiu: i see20:42
bdiui rebooted and had to use an old kernel20:42
bdiunow I'm trying to repair, but not having any luck20:42
ActionParsnipbdiu: ok then i'd retry the upgrade. How did you kick off the upgrade?20:42
ArWhello eveyone20:43
urlin2uneandr, do you know the graphics card?20:43
bdiu sudo update-manager -c -d20:45
ActionParsnipbdiu: should use:  sudo do-release-upgrade -d20:46
ActionParsnipbdiu: does it work ok?20:46
bdiuwell it says no new release found if I try to run that now20:46
neilb_hello all, I'm trying to install 11.04 on a netbook (Toshiba NB555) and getting kernel panic during install.py has anyone encountered this before?20:47
neandr urlin2u: Integrierter Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator HD // NVIDIA® Geforce™ GT 525M Grafikkarte mit 1 GB VRAM20:47
surfduehow do i reset ubuntu to its default pacakges20:48
Priceysurfdue: I'm afraid as far as I know, there's no easy way to do that.20:48
Priceysurfdue: What is your 'real' problem?20:49
grillost@ActionParsnip nomodeset didn't works20:49
surfduePricey: i cant get openpanel installed and aptitude wont give me a real error20:49
ActionParsnipsurfdue: you could boot live cd and get the list of installed packages, then compare to what you have installed and remove the extras20:49
Priceysurfdue: Please could you post a log of what happens when you try?20:49
Priceysurfdue: (in a pastebin)20:49
surfduePricey: yes20:49
bdiuActionParsnip: i have a limited terminal and can't seem to scroll back to any error messages... any suggestions on how I should troubleshoot this?20:50
surfduePricey: first problem is broken ones http://pastebin.com/62dgBCjX20:50
surfduei cant seem to clear this out20:50
ActionParsnipbdiu: not sure dude, I always clean install. You could boot to root recovery mode and you may be able to fix from there with:  sudo apt-get -f install20:51
Priceysurfdue: sudo apt-get remove openpanel-mod-apache2 openpanel-mod-mysql openpanel-mod-spamassassin20:51
Priceysurfdue: Then try again.20:51
surfduePricey: that said 0 to all notihng upgraded, intalled or removed20:52
grillostanother suggestion for this issue?20:52
Priceysurfdue: if it doesn't work, a paste of the process would be appreciated :)20:52
surfduePricey: http://pastebin.com/GmRAk5gR20:52
Priceysurfdue: My foo fails me... sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install20:52
Priceysurfdue: Then try installing it again?20:52
bdiuis there an opposite of 'tail'?20:53
Priceybdiu: head20:53
Priceysurfdue: Oh... have you added a 3rd party repository?20:53
surfduePricey: yes20:53
Priceybdiu: Beware, not all options match.20:53
bdiuokay the error i see is 'not writing through dangling symlink /etc/initramfs-tools/modules'20:54
Priceysurfdue: Aha... at a guess they're not maintaining their repository properly. What exactly did you add?20:54
surfduePricey: http://www.openpanel.com/download/openpanel-download/20:55
surfduePricey: W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://download.openpanel.com/deb/ stable/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/download.openpanel.com_deb_dists_stable_main_binary-amd64_Packages) but this is not an amd system20:55
Priceysurfdue: I think those are Debian packages.20:55
freeb0yI have workspaces... and I notice that the workspaces contents will switch around. The boxes  in each one will all go left or right... up down etc. This happens once every two-three hours20:55
grillostI can login into tty1, but x doesn't starts20:55
Priceysurfdue: Although they apparently claim it works on all...20:56
Priceysurfdue: Sorry I'm failing a little here :)20:56
grillost@ActionParsnip more suggestions?20:57
cortexmanHow can I find out if there is support for this hardware in Ubuntu? Serial Attached SCSI controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic SAS2008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Falcon] (rev 03)20:57
surfduePricey: np.. ubuntu == debian.20:57
Priceysurfdue: I'm afraid not.20:57
cortexmanLSI used to be supported via package mpt but it no longer exists20:57
surfduePricey: pretty much20:57
Priceysurfdue: And I wouldn't normally use debian packages on an Ubuntu system.20:57
ActionParsnipgrillost: if you are only installing ubuntu, you could use the alternate installer and install in text mode20:57
meomichey, does anyone kno wwhat can cause the driver to stuck (needs to be restarted) (driver iwlagn) when i just start tcpdump using this driver?(wlan0)? (ubuntu 11.04 x86-64, wifi card:intel 4965 AGN)20:57
bdiucan I force initramfs-tools to completely reinstall?20:57
Priceysurfdue: Could you try making sur eyou've removed all openpanel packages, then add openpanel-gui?20:58
surfduei cant remove them20:58
Priceysurfdue: I see reports that that one installs fine, which'll get you the bare bones at hte very least.20:58
surfduehow do i force them?20:58
grillost@ActionParsnip i do it, but the problem is when i start the x20:58
Priceysurfdue: Run sudo apt-get install openpanel-gui20:58
Priceysurfdue: And tell me what it says.20:58
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grillost@ActionParsnip the system is installed fine.20:59
ActionParsnipgrillost: alternate install doesn't use X. It installs in text mode20:59
ActionParsnipgrillost: i see20:59
grillost@ActionParsnip yeah, the problem is after the system is installed, 'cause i can't start the video21:00
K|nGHi there I have one problem :A why there doesn`t show the minimize and close :A ??21:01
l3dI am using 10.10 and was wondering if there is a easy way to get the latest firefox?21:01
fuhoHi, I think I found a character in Ubuntu fonts that is incorrect, where should I report it?21:01
K|nGto anything I open ?? How i should fix that ?/21:01
Priceyl3d: 'latest'?21:02
meomiche prolly mean nightly builds21:02
fuhoCharacter that renders as a different character. I don't know much about fonts, so I tried other fonts, but the issue seems to stay.21:02
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Priceymeomic: or '6'21:02
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Priceymeomic: 6 is stable, but then there are 7, 8 & 9... any of which could be 'latest' :)21:03
bdiui don't know exactly how I fixed it.. but I ended up reinstalling initramfs-tools and it looks like it might be booting21:03
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jweinbergWhat is the recommended wireless-N card?21:03
jweinbergfor a desktop machine21:03
surfduePricey: how do u tell apt-get to install depencies21:03
Atlantic777Hi! A friend of mine has just asked me what's the easiest way to restore ubuntu-deksktop/unity. He told me that he sees the ubuntu classic (the old gnome) either he enters ubuntu or ubuntu (classic) in the GDM.21:04
Atlantic777What's the easiest way to fix this?21:04
Priceyjweinberg: I've had good experiences with realtek & atheros chipsets but 'yeah'... Preferably try befor eyou buy ;-)21:04
Priceysurfdue: That's the beauty of apt... it does it on its own... you don' tneed to.21:04
jweinbergthats why I'm asking :)21:04
jweinbergI was using wired connection up until now21:04
surfduePricey: http://pastebin.com/CAC7qfdz21:05
jweinbergjust want to drop something in and not mess with it21:05
Priceysurfdue: Awesome, you got openpanel-gui installed then?21:05
jweinbergno using whatever that tool that lets me use the windows drivers, or using fwcutter21:05
Priceysurfdue: Now THIS is why using debian packages/repositories on Ubuntu is a BAD(tm) idea :)21:05
surfduePricey: yes but i cant find shareutilz21:06
Priceysurfdue: I expect that package is available on Debian.21:06
Priceysurfdue: openpanel build their packages on debian.21:06
K|nGCan anyone help me why to any windows doesn`t show [ _ [_] X ]21:07
The_Fredhi folks, If ubuntu had voice commands - what would you want your pc to do?21:07
Natty-DaveI'm having a strange problem... I'm trying to shutdown mysql. ps -A | grep my shows mysqld_safe and mysqld. if I run etc/init.d/mysql stop it tells me to use the service command. if I run service mysql stop I get "stop: Unknown instance: "... I can use killall mysqld_safe, but then I have this problem reoccurs when I run it again...21:08
bazhangThe_Fred, not really a support question21:09
K|nGWhy doesn`t show to me the MINIMIZE and CLOSE buttons to any window I open any help please21:09
The_Fredbazhang, ah! have i got the wrong channel? which one should I ask it on?21:09
bazhangThe_Fred, #ubuntu-offtopic perhaps21:10
The_Fredbazhang, ok, will do, thank you21:10
bazhangK|nG, why doesn't *what* show you that21:10
K|nGbazhang: I install a compiz advanced config after some effects there doesn`t show any CLOSE button "X" or minimize button maximize do you understand cus my english is bad21:11
tetsuo55i copied a bunch of files to the various folders under /home/username for my users, however i now find out they have been flagged as root only files, how can i change all the subfolders and files access restrictions to that user?21:12
bazhangtetsuo55, copied them from where21:12
usr13tetsuo55: chown21:12
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tetsuo55bazhang: usb drive21:12
K|nGbazhang: any reply >>21:14
bazhangK|nG, no idea sorry; you may also try in #compiz as well21:14
usr13tetsuo55: chown -R username /home/username/21:15
tetsuo55do i need to do username:username21:15
usr13tetsuo55: Only if you want to.21:15
bobo87hi, can i ask?21:16
usr13bobo87: yes21:18
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bobo87so - today i bought new notebook (ASUS K53SJ) and after installing nVidia drivers it will not bootup :) x server crashes - this notebook has hybrid Intel & nVidia graphics chips - any ideas, how to solve it?21:19
bobo87specs - http://www.asus.com/Notebooks/Versatile_Performance/K53SJ21:20
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newbhi, i want to unrar a file but it has a password, any way round this?21:22
usr13bobo87: rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:22
jimmy_birersearch rarcrack linux on google newb21:23
bobo87usr13: that's all?21:23
jimmy_bireryeah bobo8721:23
usr13bobo87: Yep21:23
jimmy_birerit will rewrite itself21:23
jimmy_birerwhen you launch Xorg again21:23
jimmy_birer(the system does it automatically)21:23
jimmy_bireri love helping newbs21:24
bobo87thx, i'm not with notebook right now, but i'll try it21:24
usr13bobo87: BTW, what version of Ubuntu did you install?21:24
gwinbeei did not know that either. TIL.21:24
bobo87usr13: latest (11.04?)21:24
adrian_tdoes anybody know how to install dazuko for avira antivirus?21:24
usr13bobo87: Fully updated yet?21:24
bobo87usr13: it fully updates after first login21:24
usr13bobo87: very good.21:25
bobo87usr13: i hope, in about 15-30 minutes try to remove that config and hope, it will work :) but really thanks now21:26
jrmcmIs it possible to change the titles of the OS's in the grub2 boot menu?21:26
jimmy_birerjrmcm:see /etc/grub.conf21:27
usr13!grub2 | jrmcm21:27
ubottujrmcm: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:27
jimmy_birerafter the "title" word21:27
jimmy_birerthats wwrong21:27
jimmy_birerlets help the guy change it21:27
minashokryhello, I was using Unity without problems bu today, suddenly, unity doesn't open anymore, it starts in classic gnome. where can I find the problem?21:27
jimmy_birerminashokry:select from the login menu21:27
jimmy_birerat the bottom21:27
jimmy_birerthere is an icon21:28
jimmy_birerclick on it and select Ubuntu Desktop21:28
minashokryjimmy_birer: I already select it but it still opens in classic gnome21:28
jimmy_birerwhat video card you got?21:28
minashokryjimmy_brier: Intel & nVidia with optimus technology. unity was working before on this configuration21:29
jimmy_birerminashokry:what video card you got...21:30
jrmcmjimmy_birer, all i have is grub.d21:30
jimmy_birergo to command prompt21:30
minashokryjimmy_brier: I think it should be working on the intel as I have to use a special command to run something on the nVidia card21:30
jimmy_birerat applciations>accesories>terminal21:30
jimmy_birerand type "sudo nano /etc/grub.conf"21:31
jimmy_birerenter the password then (the password will not show but you its entered anyway)21:31
jimmy_birerthen look for title21:31
jimmy_birerafter the title type what you want21:31
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jrmcmjimmy_birer, ty21:32
jimmy_birerhave fun bro,-hugs-21:32
auronandacejimmy_birer: grub.cfg is under /boot/grub/ and you shouldn't edit it directly21:32
jimmy_birerooooooooooooh crap21:32
jimmy_birerits sudo nano /etc/grub.d/grub.conf21:32
jimmy_birerman i didnt use ubuntu for a long time21:33
jimmy_birerand wait,editing grub.conf at /boot/grub/grub.conf doesnt put risk21:33
guntbert!enter | jimmy_birer21:33
ubottujimmy_birer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:33
jimmy_birerguntbert:i would tell you to go .... yourself but as a gentleman i wont21:33
klj613just created a symlink /var/www/domain.com -> /media/Media/WebDev/domain.com however via http://localhost i get 403 Forbidden. how can i counter this?21:35
minashokryjimmy_brier: I guess I have this problem because I installed "fglrx" package. but I uninstalled it and still can't restore unity21:35
usr13jimmy_birer:  I think the file your looking for is  /boot/grub/grub.cfg  and it's the text in quotes after menuentry21:35
jimmy_birerthats right21:35
jimmy_birerty very much for pointing it out21:35
Polahklj613, make sure you have public read permissions set up21:35
fenjaminalright here i am21:35
fenjaminhere i am21:36
jimmy_birerinb4 spam21:36
mah454I have a big problem for installing ubuntu in Acer Laptop ...21:36
jimmy_birermah454:explain it to us bro21:37
jimmy_birerwe`re listening to you21:37
rickhklj613: That is apache stuff, apache needs to be configured to follow symlinks, only I forgot how.21:37
usr13jimmy_birer: But at the top of the file, it says "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE" & "It is automatically generated by grub-mkconfig using templates from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub"21:37
rickhklj613: By default it does not for security reasons, but it can be turned on.21:37
jimmy_birerdo it anyway21:37
jimmy_bireri did it21:37
klj613rickh, its setup by default, just dont have permissions i assume.21:37
jimmy_birerand didnt do me anything21:37
mah454graphical installer do not show me partition table21:37
jimmy_birerklj613:he has them21:37
jimmy_birerbut in the file21:37
jimmy_birerit reads that21:37
FloodBot1jimmy_birer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:37
devishyoutube-dl is giving me ERROR: no fmt_url_map or conn information found in video info  can any one tell what i am missing.21:38
mah454jimmy_birer,  graphical installer do not show me partition table21:38
mongyOptions FollowSymLinks21:38
berugaHey, guys, something that's puzzling me right now: I always thought, if there is a .desktop file in your ~/.config/autostart it means it will start up once you log in,21:38
jimmy_birerdevish,youtube-dl is outdated21:38
jimmy_birerbecause youtube changed its layout21:38
jimmy_birerfor videos21:38
beruganow, I disabled the bluetooth manager via unchecking the box in the "Startup Applications Preferences" dialog and found out it actually created that very bluetooth-applet.desktop in the autostart folder21:38
berugaand if I try deleting it myself in this folder, it will recheck the box next to the application entry. Why is that? Shouldn't it be the other way around?21:38
devishjimmy_birer: so what now21:38
mongyjimmy_birer, youtube-dl works fine21:38
jimmy_birerdevish:use another downloader21:38
jimmy_birerfor youtube21:38
rickhklj613: The permission for webcontent ought to be 0644, in short read-write for the owner, read for the group and everyone else.21:38
mah454I have a big problem for installing ubuntu in Acer Laptop . Graphical installer do not show me partition table ....21:39
jimmy_bireror go get youtube-dl.py21:39
jimmy_birerfrom their website21:39
devishjimmy_birer: like what21:39
klj613the source folder in the symlink is on NTFS and cant seem to adjust permissions21:39
jimmy_birerjust google youtube-dl.py21:39
guntbertusr13: if you edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg directly your changes will be overwritten with the next kernel update, thats why editing /etc/default/grub and then running sudo update-grub is recommended21:39
jimmy_birerdevish:go get youtube-dl.py,save it to your folder with your name21:39
IdleOneyoutube-dl is in the repos21:39
jimmy_birerIdleOne:its outdated21:39
mongyIdleOne, it needs updating because youtube changed stuff.  the one from youtube-dl site works fine21:40
IdleOnewasn't aware21:40
IdleOnegood to know. thanks.21:40
jimmy_birerdevish:go get it from their website21:40
jimmy_birerjust search youtube-dl first link click21:40
jimmy_birersave it to the folder named with your name21:40
jimmy_birerand then open applcations>accesories>terminal21:41
jimmy_birertype ./"file-name-here"21:41
devishjimmy_birer: ok ,thanks buddy let me try out21:41
jrmcmguntbert, How can i change the titles of the menu entries from /etc/default/grub ?21:41
mongymake it +x21:41
jimmy_birerok buddy21:42
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guntbertjrmcm: there is no easy way if I remember correctly - but please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 for some hints and tricks21:43
stephenthemartyr can i use furies mount tool to get my recovery copy of windows xp so i can put it in a virtual machine?21:43
usr13jrmcm: As was stated before, you would have to edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg  but your work will be wiped when a kernel upgrade comes along.21:44
mongyguntbert, i've just directly changed grub.cfg before, but it wont last an update-grub obviously :)21:44
guntbertmongy: of course, but that is not an option I want to suggest to others21:45
mah454I have a big problem for installing ubuntu in Acer Laptop . Graphical installer do not show me partition table ....21:46
bobo87usr13: after removing xorg.conf system boots up, but when i starts NVIDIA X Server Settings, it says, that i don't use nVidia drivers and when i open additional drivers dialog, it is also marked as activated but currently not in use :/21:46
mongyguntbert, I know.  You'd think ubuntu by now would have all that in place itself21:46
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jimmy_birersmoked a cigarette21:46
guntbert!away > jimmy_birer21:46
ubottujimmy_birer, please see my private message21:46
koppeWith upstart, is it possible to define more than 6 runlevels?  Does really runlevels work at all?  If I change the start-on-runlevels in the rc-file, must I still remove/disable the links in the rcNUM21:47
koppein the rcLEVEL.d directories?21:47
marsjeSimple question: is scp a standard command on Ubuntu, or do I need to install a package 1st?21:47
rwwmarsje: it's installed by default as part of the openssh-client package21:48
MrFishermanE: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. ?21:49
marsjerww: thanks. I'm trying some remote ubuntu user to scp a file to me, but she says scp does not work (unknown command)21:49
bobo87usr13:any idea?:)21:49
koppemarsje: You must then install the ssh-server pack, as they're trying to connect to your computer21:50
marsjekoppe: I have it21:51
klj613a basic symlink works on apache, however when i point it to a NTFS file system (storage hdd, used via all my OS's) i get 403 forbidden.. not sure how to edit permissions on a media based filesystem.. /media/Media21:51
devishjimmy_birer: http://rg3.github.com/youtube-dl/download.html i dowloaded it from here changed it to type  py but its not directly execubale21:51
mah454fenjamin, are you hear ?21:51
devishneither youtube-dl works with sudo21:52
jimmy_birerdevish:type "python youtube-dl.py"21:52
wildbatklj613: you have to change mount options you can't chown/chmod on ntfs. umount it ~ and remount with option like uid=????,gid=????,umask=????21:52
jimmy_birerin applications>accesories>terminal21:53
jimmy_bireri mean "python youtube-dl "your youtube link here"(without he quotes""21:53
klj613wildbat: is it a way for me to make it mount specific way automatic? when i boot up21:53
devishjimmy_birer: yes never ran python so no idea;)21:54
devishjimmy_birer: CAN I pipe axel with it21:54
wildbat!fstab | klj61321:54
ubottuklj613: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:54
devishklj613: you can put a line in fstab an it will work21:55
devishor put in rc.d21:55
mongyyoutube-dl (link to url here) is enough21:55
jimmy_birerno it is not21:55
mongyjimmy_birer, I use it.. it is21:55
jimmy_birermongy brother,he downloaded the file21:56
jimmy_birerit isnt installed from apt21:56
devishmongy: the python is not directly exxecutable here i suppose21:56
mongyjimmy_birer, I know21:56
mongyjimmy_birer, it still works21:56
jimmy_birerlet me try it21:56
mongywell, I always move mine to /usr/bin out of habit.21:56
devishme too21:56
mongyand make an alias called yt21:57
jimmy_birermongy:you cant run downloaded files21:57
jimmy_birerif you didnt install it from apt21:57
jimmy_bireryou should take it thru python21:57
jimmy_birerand it doesnt do it by default21:57
mongyalias yt='youtube-dl -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s"'       outputs to a nice name21:57
mongyjimmy_birer, I got from youtube-dl site, moved to /usr/bin and now it executes as yt from my alias or from youtube-dl fine21:58
jimmy_birermongy:he didnt do that21:58
klj613devish: how do i know the file system? e.g. /dev/scd0 (dont know which is which etc)21:58
minashokryHello, I installed fglrx by mistake (I don't have ATI card) and after that I can't login to unity anymore. I uninstalled fglrx but still can't login to unity. any clues?21:58
jimmy_birerare you stupid?21:58
mongyjimmy_birer, whats wrong with yours I dont know21:58
devishmongy: it doesn't work that way21:59
Polahklj613: Is the partition mounted already?21:59
mongyso I am dreaming when I run it and it gives me a video?21:59
klj613Polah: yes22:00
Polahklj613, mount -l will show mounted filesystems, just find the one from the list that matches22:00
jimmy_birercant anyone explain this dumbfuck that if someone doesnt move a file to any location in PATH it wont execute by simply typing it?22:00
klj613Polah: thanks22:01
Polahjimmy_birer: Watch your language.22:01
mongyjimmy_birer, /usr/bin is in path, and it executes fine22:01
jimmy_birerok im sorry22:01
jimmy_birermongy:thats what i told you22:01
minashokryjimmy_brier: do you have any clues about my problem of unity? I guess it is related to installing then uninstalling fglrx22:02
devishklj613: you always know use diskscanner partionmanager gparted or fcsk22:02
jimmy_bireryour gfx may be the problem22:02
jimmy_birerminashokry:what video card do you have?22:02
marsjeIs Ubuntu supposed to crash when I pull an usb card reader?22:02
cristian_cI've got  a keyboard called Media Wireless Desktop22:02
Ristovskiplease help22:02
Polahmarsje: Nope22:02
RistovskiCan i install on SD card (4GB) and use persistence?22:02
PolahRistovski, with what?22:03
minashokryjimmy_brier: intel and nvidia with optimus technology ... I could run unity before22:03
marsjePolah: totally hung.. mouse/keyboard stopped working22:03
Ristovski"Can i install on SD card (4GB) and use persistence?"22:03
cristian_cjimmy_birer, no22:03
Polahmarsje: Does that happen every time you remove it?22:03
Ristovski"Can i install on SD card (4GB) and use persistence?"22:03
marsjePolah: 1st time I just pulled it...22:04
PolahRistovski, if the computer you're using it on can boot from an SD card and the reader is compatible with Ubuntu. You may have to get the ISO and customise it with the drivers for the SD card before installing22:05
RistovskiPolah : can I use persistence on an 2GB USB?22:05
cristian_cI tried to set the keyboard shortcuts directly from the Applications-> Settings-> Xfce4 settings manager -> Keyboard-> Applications shortcuts22:05
mongyRistovski, 4gb is fine if you make a liveusb with persistence.22:06
Ristovskieven if it is SD?22:06
mongyRistovski, 2gb also works..22:06
Ristovskihow to make persistence?22:06
minashokryjimmy_brier: I have intel & nvidia with optimus ... this configuration could run unity before22:07
mongyRistovski, if your pc can boot it, yes22:07
Ristovskimongy ^^22:07
RistovskiI dunno ... if not how to make it boot?22:07
cristian_cI clicked on Add and for example I typed the command 'evolution'. I pressed Ok and then the system asked me to type the key on the keyboard. In this case the key was correctly recognized as XF86Mail and has been included in the list of shortcuts22:07
mongyRistovski, use usb-creator to make it, with persistence22:07
Shai-Hi, I had installed UBuntu and GNOME3, but to run GNOME3, i need make the command in console $gnome-shell --replace, and when i restart my computer, GNOME3 dosent start, someone can help me?22:08
RistovskiI have22:08
RistovskiIll tr to boot later22:08
rwwShai-: Ubuntu 11.04 comes with GNOME 2. The various methods for using GNOME 3 on it are not supported in this channel, and any problems you have you have we can't help with.22:09
rwws/you have//22:09
cristian_cBut if I press the mail key, it always happens the same problem, that instead of opening evolution, the pc goes into stand-by22:09
Ristovskimongy : is the usb creator in Ubuntu?22:10
cristian_cIs anyone able to understand what the problem is due?22:10
Ristovskiand if so where?22:10
S0LIDUSShai-: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-GNOME-3-on-Ubuntu-11-04-194085.shtml22:10
minashokryjimmy_brier: any news?22:10
cristian_cI even tried keytouch editor22:11
klj613whats the panel called which is defaultly at the top right? removed by accident..22:11
cristian_cand it recognized the keys22:11
cristian_cBut after setting up the keyboard with keytouch, if I press the 'mail' key, the PC goes always on standby for no reason22:13
ThePendulumGreetings, in an attempt to install Ubuntu (11.04 as well as 10.04), I got this error even before the install started: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25683105/Pictures/2011-09-02%2023.18.51.jpg22:15
ThePendulumDoes anyone have a clue? :o Thank you in advance22:15
Spacemanod afternoon all...22:16
jimmy_birerARP = bind();22:17
DeviceZer0ThePendulum, did you verify your isos?22:20
DeviceZer0ThePendulum, and does the machine have sufficent ram?22:20
ThePendulumDefine 'sufficent' RAM22:21
ThePendulumDeviceZer0: How am I supposed to verify my iso's? They're downloaded straight from the Ubuntu website (ubuntu.com)22:21
DeviceZer0withing the required specs22:21
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:21
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:21
ThePendulumIt's a PC with brand new parts, that won't be an issue I assume :)22:21
ThePendulumHow am I supposed to do that...? Ubuntu isn't even installed yet lol22:22
klj613how do i reset ubuntu (gnome) panels?22:22
DeviceZer0check the links22:22
fr0stedhey, can anyone help me22:22
fr0stedWhen I try to connect using wicd, it gives me a bad password error, even when the hub's wireless security is disabled, I get a bad password error.22:22
DeviceZer0there should be info on verifying them in other os's22:22
DeviceZer0klj613, gnome2? or unity?22:22
ThePendulumThere's nothing wrong with the ISO's, I installed Ubuntu using the exact same USB stick (with the exact same files) on my own PC a while ago22:23
fr0stedi have tried everything and cant get it to connect, im using a belkin adapter, and hopefully this will speed it up slightly ?22:23
klj613gnome2 (classic) i think22:23
klj613i didnt like the new 'unity'22:23
DeviceZer0klj613, there should be a ubuntu forum post about resetting things.22:23
ThePendulumklj613: Not a lot of people like Unity. Yet Ubuntu still decided to make the 11.10 fallback 'unity 2d'22:23
* ThePendulum applaudes22:24
DeviceZer0i dont mind unity.22:24
fr0stedunity rules !22:24
DeviceZer0ive gotten used to it and kinda like it now22:24
klj613i've searched, and tried a few of the solutions with no luck.22:24
fr0stedon dualscreen with compiz... BOOM! awesomenessness22:24
klj613also tried to add the panel back although its non-existant.. (the top right area)22:24
fr0stedso anyone got any ideas?22:24
ThePendulumI prefer Ubuntu because it's minimalistic22:25
fr0stedWhen I try to connect using wicd, it gives me a bad password error, even when the hub's wireless security is disabled, I get a bad password error.22:25
ThePendulumUnity surely isn't22:25
DoonzSo does zfs handle the "Green" drives ok or does it have the same problems as a hardware raid card22:25
fr0stedThePendulum: i  agree, but also powerful22:25
DeviceZer0ubuntu is in no ways "minimalistic" lol22:25
DeviceZer0arch, gentoo....those are minimalistic22:25
ThePendulumI guess it's a personal issue. Some like Unity, some hate it.22:26
DeviceZer0like kde/gnome22:26
fr0stedUnity is just what i have been wanting, and now i have it, im not going back to windows22:26
ThePendulumI personally don't like Unity of the new Windows 8 design. I'm not ready for a world of tablets :)22:26
fr0stedye ofc :D22:26
fr0stedi do like the classic version though22:26
fr0stedbut much prefer unity, i love the "dock" or side panel22:26
ThePendulum*Unity OR the new... etc.22:26
DeviceZer0i wanted to try one of the new WM's...so i tried fedora15 and gnome3...which sucked real bad. total mess for me22:27
ThePendulumIt seriously costs me at least twice as much time to get where I want using Unity22:27
DeviceZer0then switched to ubuntu/unity and it works great22:27
gnuvinceI'm trying to get pyo (http://code.google.com/p/pyo) to work on a laptop with an onboard sound card (obviously) and I keep getting an error from PortMidi that my MIDI device is closed.  Has anyone gotten it to work?22:27
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klj613gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel & killall gnome-panel doesn't reset..22:27
ThePendulumAnyway, Ubuntu still doesn't work at all here :P22:27
ThePendulumNow trying to install 10.04 from USB22:27
ThePendulumAnd I'm pretty damn sure there's nothing wrong with the ISO22:28
fr0stedunity took me 3 days to et working with compiz, new to it all you see, as an os22:28
symptomi made changes to synaptic via synclient and syndaemon, but Im trying to figure out how to make them persist accross reboot.... any help?22:28
DeviceZer0gnuvince, did you install the dependencies?22:28
gnuvinceDeviceZer0: yes22:28
fr0stedsymptom:  tried doing it in root ? sudo su22:29
DeviceZer0gnuvince, ok. no ideas. only thing i thought of was dependencies22:29
StaticSyphonHello :)22:29
gnuvinceDeviceZer0: I can install it just fine, the problem is actually using the lib.22:29
symptomfr0sted, tried doing what in root?  I edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf but the changes didnt take after i restarted X22:29
StaticSyphonI'm having trouble installing ubuntu 10 onto a machine with a raid. GParted shows the disk and I can partition it, but when I run the included installer from the desktop, no device appears at all.22:30
StaticSyphonAnyone have any thoughts or tips as to what the issue might be?22:30
fr0stedsymptom: tried making the changes and restarting ?22:30
fr0stedrestartthe x server sometimes doesnt work22:30
fr0stedi found this out with the nvidia driver issue for unity and dualscreens22:30
StaticSyphonWondering if there is some kind of driver that might need to be enabled? Strange that GParted would see it though.22:31
manbra_laptopHey, how can I access my windows XP partition from ubuntu 11.04?  They are both on the same hard drives, diff. partitions22:32
SawI'm trying to connect from my windows OS to a linux os, which is hosted inside vm. Connect to an sql db that is. From inside the linux os it self, everything is working (locally). I can also connect using localhost ip. I can ping to the 'outside ip. I can't however connect to it using mysql port (3306). Any ideas?22:32
jazz710Hello everyone. I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 onto a Dell PowerEdge which should be quite fast. I'm noticing that while it can run analyses quickly, the graphics side of things are really sluggish?22:32
th0rmanbra_laptop: put a line in fstab mounting the ntfs partition to a mountpoint22:32
ThePendulumjazz710: Did you install the appropriate drivers for your graphics card?22:33
Matth1a3when I create an executable using make from a folder on the desktop - where does it go?\22:34
manbra_laptopth0r, thank you.  I'm reading up on fstab now.  I think this is what I need22:34
DeviceZer0Matth1a3, did you run "make install"22:34
th0rmanbra_laptop: you might need to install ntfs-3g, not sure if it is installed by default in ubuntu22:34
Matth1a3DeviceZer0: no I did make -f makefile.unix bitcoind22:35
DeviceZer0Matth1a3, also its very dependent on the application...traditionally applications you compile your self will use "/usr/local" so the binary(executable) would be in /usr/local/bin/22:35
DeviceZer0oh no idea Matth1a3....its using its own custom make file22:36
DeviceZer0look around in the subfolders22:36
raevolanyone else's flash player get broken in a recent update? any fix available?22:36
raevolusing chromium from the stable ppa22:36
DeviceZer0if you ran that as NOT ROOT....it should be in of the subfolders...if you ran it as root....it could have installed to any folder.22:36
DeviceZer0raevol, flash has been working great for me on firefox.22:37
DeviceZer0iirc there is a command that you sometimes have to run for chrome to have chrome relocate the new flash version22:37
Matth1a3it created an executable file in the folder that the makefile resides, but when I try to run it I get bitcoind: command not found22:37
StaticSyphonAnyone have any thoughts about installing on a raid 1? Or could point me to some reading material on the topic?22:37
=== lucas1 is now known as lukas
DeviceZer0Matth1a3, how are you running it?22:38
Matth1a3i just type bitcoind -server22:39
Matth1a3maybe I have to copy it to usr/local/bin22:39
DeviceZer0Matth1a3, if you ONLY type "bitcoind" it wont work. when you simply type a command it looks in your system $PATH(try "echo $PATH"22:39
raevolDeviceZer0: any ideas on what that command is? :( google is less than helpful22:39
SpikestuffHow do I get rid of the Unity bar in Ubuntu 11.04?22:39
DeviceZer0Matth1a3, nope run it as "./bitcoind -server" in the same folder22:39
DeviceZer0raevol, i looked and did not see it. give me a sec22:40
Saw.. anyone?22:40
=== gewt is now known as l33td00d
xangua!classic | Spikestuff22:40
ubottuSpikestuff: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".22:40
symptomi made changes to synaptic via synclient and syndaemon, but Im trying to figure out how to make them persist accross reboot.... any help?22:41
SpikestuffThanks xangua.22:41
flameb Hello22:41
DeviceZer0raevol, i cant find it. google around for "linux flash chrome" or different combos of that.22:41
=== l33td00d is now known as gewt
DeviceZer0you may even need to just rm a file that chrome uses to regenerate22:41
manbra_laptopth0r, I'm a bit lost here.  I'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab.  I used sudo blkid and found my windows drive on /dev/sda1.  Then I go to /etc/ and put in fstab dev/sda1 and it gives me command not found.  fstab by itself also gives me command not found.  If I dir the directly there is a file in there called fstab22:41
raevolDeviceZer0: thanks :[ i'll see what i can find22:41
Matth1a3DeviceZer0: thanks, i think that is working22:42
DeviceZer0manbra_laptop, fstab is not a command22:42
DeviceZer0Matth1a3, right on :)22:42
manbra_laptopoh, god damn it.22:42
DeviceZer0manbra_laptop, what are you wanting to do? mount windows partition once? or ALWAYS mount it at boot?22:42
th0rmanbra_laptop: ok...first, make sure you can read/write the partition. Make a folder in your home folder (mkdir /home/username/windowxp22:42
flamebWho Speak Spanish?+22:43
th0rmanbra_laptop: then mount the partition there (sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /home/username/windowsxp)22:43
dudebeavis speaks spanish22:43
DeviceZer0flameb, i think there is a spanish help channel22:43
xangua!es | flameb22:43
savidWhat's the correct cron format for "every tuesday at 7am" ?22:43
ubottuflameb: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:43
th0rmanbra_laptop: if it works you should see your windowsxp in that folder in your home dir22:43
dudecargando caramba andando grrrrrr bunghole!22:44
flamebubottu thanks22:44
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:44
th0rmanbra_laptop: once you are sure it works, just add the following line to /etc/fstab (sudo nano /etc/fstab)...22:44
jgcampbell300I have a question about daemons ... the init.d script wants a name for it to start the daemon as (i think) ... but i cant seem to ask the right question to google to give me information of exactly what i need to learn to create daemon users22:44
dudewho invented fstab?22:45
jgcampbell300frank stabith22:45
jgcampbell300lol jk22:45
th0rmanbra_laptop: the line looks like this....../dev/sda1  /home/username/windowsxp ntfs rw,user,noauto 0  022:45
th0rmanbra_laptop: if the mount command doesn't work let me know22:46
jgcampbell300dude, good question ... im sure google would point you in the right direction to find that answer22:46
manbra_laptopth0r, I got an error message.  One sec, screenshotting.22:46
jgcampbell300can anyone point me to an page with information about creating users for system ??? users - i dont know what to call it .. a user that is not human22:47
th0rmanbra_laptop: try using -t ntfs-3g in the mount command22:47
manbra_laptopth0r, I made the /home/username directory.  Then I did "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /home/username/windowsxp22:48
manbra_laptopOh, nvm, I see what I did wrong22:49
fenjaminim back22:49
keithbsavid: 0 7 * * 222:51
punterMy VPS provider has set /etc/apt/sources.list to its own repositories, which have not been updated for days. Can I just change the appropriate line to point to security.ubuntu.com and then press 'u' from aptitude?22:52
punterWill that break existing packages?22:53
ActionParsnippunter: should be fine as long as you stick to the same release22:53
ActionParsnippunter: also: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ ;)22:54
punterthanks ActionParsnip22:54
manbra_laptopth0r, it mounted.  I can access the partition w/ places and by terminal.  I'm trying to add that line w/ nano.  Does it matter where I put it?  And, how do I save inside of nano?22:54
dudeoneric with gnome2 is possible22:55
th0rmanbra_laptop: you save with Ctrl-X and then follow the prompts to save. The line should go at the end of the fstab file22:55
Gr8Qhi there! what can i do from control network panel i cannot see my wired network card22:55
dudesave me from gnome3 and unuty22:55
th0rmanbra_laptop: fyi....the mount command is for one off mounts. If you put the line into /etc/fstab it will automatically mount every time the computer boots22:55
redmenacehi, i have a prblm with blender. when i downloaded it and tried to launch the executable nothing happed22:55
bazhangdude, you installed the gnome3 ppa? on 11.04?22:56
bazhangdude, or were you asking an #ubuntu+1 question ; ie oneiric22:57
manbra_laptopth0r, thank you for the help.  Sorry for being such a linux nub.22:57
ActionParsnipdude: there is an unofficial fork called 'mate' documented on omgubuntu22:57
th0rmanbra_laptop: I had the same questions once....then the dinosaurs died22:58
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phong_guys, will you give me suggestion?   should i install ubuntu as main and have windows as vmware?22:59
phong_or windows as main and ubuntu in virtual?22:59
phong_what do you guys think?22:59
StaticSyphonanyone know if there are drivers for adaptec 1420sa raid card?22:59
ActionParsnipphong_: what do you intend to use each OS for??23:01
ActionParsnipphong_: why not just dual boot?23:01
szalActionParsnip: how about dual boot?23:01
ActionParsnipszal: waaaay ahead of you ;)23:01
phong_hmm, so i have to restart eveytime i need on each os ?23:01
ActionParsnipphong_: ok, what are the OSes for?23:01
phong_for fun23:02
phong_not that i do anything23:02
phong_just to have it23:02
rocky_i have a question about the ubuntu clouding, i want to  play around with clouding b4 i make it everyday use. is it possible for me to simulate this process on 1 single machaine using vmware (1 cluster + 1 node)23:02
phong_maybe paybills with ubuntu23:02
GOMIanyone can give me some tips with installing a webcam with gspcav23:02
ActionParsnipphong_: then it doesn't matter, if you intend to game then make the windows OS the host23:02
pAt_then use Ubuntu as your main system phong :D23:02
szalgaming -> Windows on hardware..  resource-heavy Windows apps -> Windows on hardware..  all else -> Linux on hardware23:02
Quantum_IonTell me a good story23:03
ActionParsnipphong_: why do you even need windows?23:03
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: wrong channel dude23:03
phong_ActionParsnip, ok, i'm going to install main on each HD23:03
szalQuantum_Ion: we don't tell stories, we answer legitimate support questions23:03
ActionParsnipphong_: you don't appear to have a real need for WIndows...23:03
phong_probably not,23:04
phong_but i found that windows has more apps23:04
phong_my work use windows23:04
ActionParsnipphong_: so why complicate the system?23:04
ActionParsnipphong_: so what if your work uses windows...23:04
phong_ActionParsnip, currently i install 3 OSes as vmware23:04
phong_Win 7 -Host,  ubuntu, win2008 -> as vmware23:05
rocky_i have a question about the ubuntu clouding, i want to  play around with clouding b4 i make it everyday use. is it possible for me to simulate this process on 1 single machaine using vmware (1 cluster + 1 node)23:06
phong_can ubuntu run webserver?23:06
ActionParsnipphong_: you dn't seem to have any need for windows, I'm very confused as to why you are bothering with it23:06
phong_ok i try to learn ubuntu then23:06
ActionParsnipphong_: yes, may webservers use Linux23:06
sytheDoes someone have something against XBMC?23:06
sytheIt's nowhere in the repos23:06
sytheAnd...it's highly regarded23:07
phong_ActionParsnip, i will learn more ubuntu ..try to stay away from windows then23:07
ActionParsnipsythe: its ok, the xbmc team has a ppa23:07
sytheActionParsnip: Not ok...23:07
sytheIt's worthy of the repos...IMO23:07
phong_ActionParsnip, so if i want to have web server what do i need for ubuntu?23:07
sytheIf PiTiVi can make it in, why can't XBMC, ActionParsnip?23:07
ActionParsnipsythe: could add a suggestion on http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com23:07
sytheActionParsnip: It's been around for years and years23:08
ActionParsnipsythe: those are totally different apps with different goals23:08
sytheThey won't add it23:08
sytheActionParsnip: And...PiTiVi is crap23:08
ActionParsnipsythe: maybe they will, there is an xbmc team ppa, you can add it and install the app23:08
ActionParsnipsythe: many use it23:08
sytheI mean....really, really, really obscure crap is there23:09
sytheIn the repos23:09
sytheAnd XBMC isn't23:09
sytheIn fact, they still have Fluendo's media center23:10
ActionParsnipsythe: all I can suggest is add the ppa and.or make the suggestion23:10
klj613can somone explain why i cant change folder permissions via nautilus if im using nautilus as 'root'.23:10
sytheAnd...it's cancelled23:10
ActionParsnipklj613: is the folder on an ntfs partition by any chance?23:10
GunClivehi. is it true that ubuntu 11.04 has no partimage package? thanks23:10
sytheActionParsnip: You're telling me that nobody has tried that?23:10
sytheI'm sure someone has23:10
ActionParsnipsythe: tried what?23:10
klj613ActionParsnip: yes23:10
sytheActionParsnip: Suggesting it23:11
ActionParsnipklj613: that's why. NTFS os far too basic to hold linux file permissions, you set the file access at mount23:11
ActionParsnipsythe: maybe they did23:11
klj613ActionParsnip: i used aptana IDE to copy a project. now PHP cant do nothing with the files.23:11
ActionParsnipsythe: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc   please23:11
xanguaGunClive: if you mean gparted , it's on repository23:12
klj613ActionParsnip: i have setup mount correctly (so i think) as it worked, but the folder was copied now i got to remount? each time theres a new file?23:12
maxflaxwas wondering about the installer - when trying to install on my macbook I get the option in the setup if I want to save my MacOS installation and install ubuntu on the side.. is that gonna work right out of the box?23:12
vehemothhi, how would I go about scrolling text in tty23:12
ActionParsnipklj613: you set the mount as writable, it will apply to the whole filesystem23:12
maxflaxThought u had to do the partitioning manual for the macbook comp23:13
ActionParsnipsythe: https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archive/ppa    is a ppa, it has up to maverick on it23:13
rocky_i have a question about the ubuntu clouding, i want to  play around with clouding b4 i make it everyday use. is it possible for me to simulate this process on 1 single machaine using vmware (1 cluster + 1 node)23:13
GunClivexangua, no partimage.23:14
ActionParsniprocky_: I guess, if you limit the CPU use on the VMs23:14
klj613ActionParsnip: how would i mount it as writable?23:14
ActionParsnip!mount | klj61323:15
ubottuklj613: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount23:15
GunClivecould someone check if partimage appears in synaptic under 11.04? thanks.23:15
xangua!info partimage | GunClive23:15
ubottuGunClive: partimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.8-1 (natty), package size 276 kB, installed size 968 kB23:15
qinvehemoth: Shift-PgUp/PgDown23:15
bungholioi just downloaded a font, how do i add that to my selection?23:15
klj613ActionParsnip: already been through that, although i ended up using a GUI (PySDM) which in the options i cant see 'writable'. although i assume u mean somthing like the umask?23:16
xanguabungholio: double clic on it to install it23:16
xanguaor just move it to .fonts23:16
ActionParsnipklj613: you can also use the remount option of mount23:16
rocky_ActionParsnip ok awsome if thats the only limitation im good. i just want to test this whole thing out b4 i install the operation systems on decated machines23:16
klj613ActionParsnip: then remount again next time i boot up, then again. i been through that months ago when i reverted back to windows for obvious reasons23:17
ActionParsnipklj613: not so obvious to me23:18
vehemoththanks qin; your a life saver23:18
klj613ActionParsnip: that i dont want to play around with mount each time i boot up the pc23:18
minashokryhello, I can't run glxgears. I get "Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual" message, any clues?23:19
ActionParsnipklj613: if its an internal partition, you can add an entry to /etc/fstab and it will mount automagically and with the options you set23:20
klj613which i dont earlier, but the options doesnt seem to be applying to 'new folders' hence why php cant do nothing with them. going to try restart pc atm as i cant unmount the device (its busy) although i closed everything to do with the device23:21
minashokryplease guys, anyone has clues?23:23
jgcampbell300can anyone answer me this ... i am looking for a free solution to TeamViewer to run on ubuntu to fix people i knows computers from remote locations23:24
jsecjgcampbell300: why not use TeamViewer?23:25
jgcampbell300jsec, i cant afford it just yet23:26
szaljgcampbell300: TeamViewer is free23:26
jsecjgcampbell300: ^^ that23:26
bungholiois there a logout command? sudo logout?23:26
Onlyodinkillall -9 gnome-session?23:26
szaljgcampbell300: drawback: it runs on Wine, so might not be perfect just yet23:26
jgcampbell300jsec, even if im going to charge people23:27
bungholioOnlyodin: thanks23:27
jsecszal: iirc, TeamViewer has a linux port now?23:27
szaljsec: a Linux "port", heavily utilizing Wine23:27
bungholioOnlyodin: didn't work.23:27
Onlyodinbungholio, welcome23:27
szalthey prolly customized a Wine lib for their needs23:28
jsecszal: that's kind of funny.23:28
Onlyodinwith sudo or without?23:28
JZApplesIs anyone aware of a way to have nautilus keep the folder highlighted when you move forward and backward between folders.  For example if I go into a folder from a long list of other folders and then click the back button, i would like to have the folder that i just went into highlighted so i know where i was.23:28
bungholioOnlyodin: tried both.23:29
Onlyodinsomething must've worked23:31
bungholioOnlyodin: i got it - killall -KILL -u (NAME)23:32
bungholioOnlyodin: thanks though23:32
fr0stedhey all, does anyone know anything about the brioadcast accounts ? if i try to update my status etc, nothing happens, but i am able to like stuff ?23:32
fr0stedany help would be groovy !23:33
Onlyodinbungholio, another alternative might be to try sudo service gdm restart23:33
szalwhat's that supposed to be?23:33
fr0stedusing gwibber, and it doesnt post my updates23:33
bungholioOnlyodin: okay, cool thanks!23:33
freebirdyou guys, the ubuntu I' ve installed yesterdat came with a left bar that I definitively don't want it, how do I get back to normal ?23:34
fr0steddo you know of another social app thats better ?23:34
CajunTechieHi everyone. Does anyone know of a good tool to search text across multiple files? I have 17k diles in a directory and need to search for specific text in one of them (I don't know which one)23:34
phong_anyone know how to install web server for ubuntu?23:34
qinCajunTechie: grep23:34
fr0stedfreebird:  on login, change to ubuntu classic23:34
CajunTechiephong: look at XAMPP23:34
fr0stedon the bottom bar23:34
freebirdnice, I'll try23:34
CajunTechieDug qin. Thanks! lol I completely forgot about that23:34
fr0stedfreebird:  enjoy23:35
CajunTechieDuh rather23:35
exutuxCajunTechie: OMG why suggest XAMMP23:35
fr0stedso any ideas with the broadcast ?23:35
CajunTechieexutux: because it's easy for people starting out to use and grasp. What's wrong with it?23:35
fr0stedxammp is good with windows23:35
exutuxphong_: web server for what? web server is apache generally but if you want use php and mysql you nedd LAMP23:35
StaticSyphonany one have ideas about getting an adaptec 1420sa raid card to work with Ubuntu?23:35
exutuxCajunTechie: isn't easy is freaky23:36
exutux!lamp | phong_23:36
ubottuphong_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:36
minashokryHello, I installed fglrx by mistake (I don't have ATI card) and after that I can't login to unity anymore. I uninstalled fglrx but still can't login to unity. any clues?23:36
GunClivepartimage does not appear in my repositories. but it should be in 11.04. how can this happen? thanks23:36
CajunTechieextutux: Huh? How is it not easy? You install it in like two commands?!? lol I'm not saying use it for production or anything but..23:36
yeats!info partimage23:37
ubottupartimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.8-1 (natty), package size 276 kB, installed size 968 kB23:37
JZApplesIs anyone aware of a way to have nautilus keep the folder highlighted when you move forward and backward between folders.  For example if I go into a folder from a long list of other folders and then click the back button, i would like to have the folder that i just went into highlighted so i know where i was.23:38
exutuxCajunTechie: LAMP in only one command then... look above what ubottu says about LAMP23:38
CajunTechieexutux: XAMPP *is* LAMP. It's just a preconfigured install of it.23:38
GunCliveyeats, i know it should be available. but it is not on my computer. but on my other computer it is23:38
atyoungCajunTechie, fraid not, it's missing the L :P23:39
exutuxCajunTechie: XAMMP isn't LAMP is a fake for linux... :)23:39
zul__I've a problem with git commit in permissions.. who can help me?23:39
fr0stedoh nvm i found the problem and the fix for gwibber23:40
yeatsGunClive: check to see that universe is one of the repos you have selected23:41
CajunTechieFr0sted: What was the problem? I'm having a huge prob with the current gwibber myself23:41
exutuxCajunTechie: and most important thing...XAMPP isn't in the official repos too ...ok OT finished :p23:41
CajunTechieexutux Good point. But I'm sure if he can use LAMP he can figure out how to download and untar a file properly. I hope at least!23:42
CajunTechieHoly crap, grp is taking FOREVER to search these files :-(23:43
CajunTechiegrep rather23:43
GunCliveyeats, it is. but does not appear23:43
GunCliveyeats, i am using 64 bit system. is that the reason?23:43
BlueProtomanDoes anybody here have Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit and WINE, and would be willing to test a few programs for me?23:44
BlueProtomanI'm getting a System76 in a few months, and I might play some games on it with WINE.23:45
exutuxCajunTechie: ok and apache2 ( fake apache inside XAMPP ) doesn't will have important security updates in that way...athoer good points for don't choose XAMPP? :p23:45
yeatsGunClive: apparently so, looking at http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/partimage23:46
yeatsGunClive: I use 64 bit and can confirm that it does not install23:46
GunCliveyeats, thank you. i thought my system was corrupted. but now i am relieved.23:47
qinBlueProtoman: Use wine appdb on they website.23:47
BlueProtomanqin: I know, but it doesn't have data for all the things I wanna use.23:47
yeatsGunClive: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135854623:48
qinBlueProtoman: Then #winehg may be good place.23:48
bazhangBlueProtoman, #winehq not here23:48
BlueProtomanThanks, then.23:48
olfireballhi, who does wap pages here?23:51
szal!ot | olfireball23:51
ubottuolfireball: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:51
meomichey anyone else have 2 thunderbird windows on buntu 11.04? - ive started thunderbird once - i have this for 1-2 weeks already - dunno what to say about it lol23:51
zul__anybody use git?23:51
james_i do23:51
james_for pretty much all my vcs stuff23:51
yeatszul__: what's your question?23:52
zul__james can you help me?23:52
james_zul__, i can try my best23:52
zul__well when I try to commit a file in a git repo I get this error23:52
zul__Counting objects: 5, done.23:52
zul__Delta compression using up to 4 threads.23:52
zul__Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.23:52
zul__Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 291 bytes, done.23:52
zul__Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)23:52
zul__error: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database ./objects23:52
FloodBot1zul__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:52
satch5150hi all, trying to get xen installed on  natty amd64 - apparently there is no libc6-xen pacakge for amd64 - how do I work around this ?23:52
james_zul__, is this when you're trying to push to master or actually commit a file locally23:53
feydrwhat is ubuntu use virtuoso for? -- just upgraded and it's smacking my cpu around -- it's a sql db but not sure what it's being used for23:53
=== rafase282 is now known as Rafase282
zul__I get that error after doing: git add filename; git commit -a -m "message"; git push23:54
james_zul__, you're going to want to check your ./.git/config file within your local repo, check which user the origin 'master' is using, and verify on the remote side that that user has sufficient privileges to the entire repo store23:54
james_your origin 'master' setting will look something like:23:55
james_remote = user@host:/path/to/repo23:55
yeatssatch5150: this is from about a year ago, but http://www.virtualmin.com/node/1538923:55
GunCliveyeats, i could compile the most recent version of partimage for 64 bit for myself even without any programming skills right? thanks again.23:55
satch5150yeats: thanks23:55
zul__I see this:23:56
james_careful not to paste too much again :P23:56
=== cdelapena is now known as cdelapena2
zul__        repositoryformatversion = 023:57
zul__        filemode = true23:57
zul__        bare = false23:57
zul__        logallrefupdates = true23:57
zul__[remote "origin"]23:57
FloodBot1zul__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:57
zul__        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*23:57
exutuxjames_: tha famous last words lol23:57
yeatsGunClive: compiling typically doesn't involve programming skills, though I would look at http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/partimage before installing from source23:57
satch5150I'm not sure that helps me much, since I'm trying to do this through apt and I have no idea where an install.sh is edit23:58
zul__james are you there?23:58
exutux!paste | zul__23:58
ubottuzul__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:58
zul__ok sorry exutus23:59
phenriqueQuem consegue invadir esse site? www.hatin.net?23:59
phenriqueWho can invade that site? www.hatin.net?23:59
bazhang!ot | phenrique23:59
ubottuphenrique: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:59

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