
karniNight everyone!00:02
alecuralsina, cool!00:05
ralsinaalecu: then the "watch in00:05
alecuralsina, I've proposed it for merging, I'll send an email asking for reviews tomorrow.00:05
ralsina~" kicked in and everything stands still00:05
ralsinaalecu: cool00:05
alecure: "watch-in" great!00:05
ralsinaIf mandel has the watches fix, I think it's a good point for a release of some sort00:06
ralsinaalecu, doesn't your branch mean we now need to do a branch on u1cp to connect only to the signals we need?00:08
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
alecuralsina, no, we don't need that. The ipc client is all contained on the ipc_client.py inside syncdaemon, and that's what's used inside u1cp00:22
mandelmorning all!07:06
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
karniGood morning guys10:52
rodrigo_who works on the ubuntuone-installer?10:55
karnimandel ↑ ?10:57
rodrigo_I should have guessed it was mandel, as it's always him who breaks stuff :D10:59
karnirodrigo_: I meant "mandel, do you know?", I'm sure ralsina or nessita will know, but I don't think they're around yet.11:00
rodrigo_ah :)11:00
rodrigo_ok, I'll ping them later11:00
mandelrodrigo_, why?11:01
mandelrodrigo_, I'm sure I can give you a hand :)11:01
mandelaunque a un desertor? ni agua ;)11:01
rodrigo_mandel, the .desktop file is wrong, it has the same categories as the ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk.desktop file, so they both show up on the control center11:02
rodrigo_also, the X-GNOME-Settings-Panel should be removed from ubuntuone-installer.desktop11:02
rodrigo_mandel, :D11:02
mandelrodrigo_, in which project is that? in the ubuntuone-control-panel or in the unbutuone-windows-installer?11:04
rodrigo_hmm, no idea, let me check11:04
rodrigo_$ dpkg -S /usr/share/applications/ubuntuone-installer.desktop11:05
rodrigo_ ubuntuone-installer: /usr/share/applications/ubuntuone-installer.desktop11:05
nessitagood morning!11:07
ralsinadobey: worked on it, but he's on holiday11:08
ralsinaand no I am not working yet ;-)11:08
mandelrodrigo_, yep, that is the new installer being added for linux so that we do not ship in the cd...11:08
mandelrodrigo_, we haves sooooo many projects? and I've been told you are porting it to meego, right?11:09
rodrigo_no, to Windows 3.111:09
rodrigo_the installer shouldn't be on the control center11:09
mandelralsina, this is for you: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/eq-add-ancestors-watches/+merge/7377511:10
mandelralsina, can you do a IRL to see if its ok :P11:10
mandelralsina, that should fix the watches issues11:10
mandelrodrigo_, do not say to high :)11:10
mandelralsina, ping11:14
mandelfacundobatista, buenas!11:17
mandelfacundobatista, do you need reviews?11:17
facundobatistamandel, not for client, thanks11:18
mandelfacundobatista, cool11:20
mandelralsina, ping11:27
* nessita starts the review run11:27
nessitagatox: ping11:30
gatoxnessita, pong11:32
nessitagatox: can you please attach the bug # to https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/reset-password-page/+merge/73522?11:32
gatoxnessita, ok11:33
nessitagatox: and one ssmall fix to reset-password in sso: I know this is correct because is alphabetical ordered:11:37
nessitafrom PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui11:37
nessitabut this causes some times ugly errors like:11:37
nessita    basenames = [base.__name__ for base in member.__bases__]11:37
nessita TypeError: C++ type 'QWidget*' is not supported as  type11:37
nessitagatox: so, I'm approving, but before landing, change the Qt import to:11:37
nessitafrom PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore11:38
gatoxnessita, weird....... ok....... changing11:38
gatoxnessita, done11:39
nessitamandel: ping11:42
nessitamandel: are you reviewing alecu's branch?11:42
mandelnessita, yes, just added a needs fixing11:44
mandelnessita, I think that adding all the remote_calls is dangerous since the signals are a subset of all the remote calls11:45
mandelnessita, I pushed changes to https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add-method-name/+merge/73400 and added the new MP I mentioned in the email, please feel free to hurt my feelings ;)11:46
mandelnessita, I need to walk the dog, any comments can you add them to the MP :)11:48
mandelI'll me 30 min or so11:48
* mandel walking beast11:48
nessitaralsina: ping12:14
gatoxnessita, we talk yesterday that the size of the wizard should be: width=736.... and, do you have in mind which should be the proper height?12:22
nessitamandel: did you test IRL the ancestors branch?12:31
nessitagatox: ping12:39
nessitagatox: sorry, I just saw your question12:39
gatoxnessita, pong12:39
nessitagatox: ideally, 736x52512:40
ralsinanessita: pong12:40
nessitagatox: can you please propose a quick branch for ussoc to solve this?12:40
nessita== Python Lint Notices ==12:40
nessita     24:  [F0401] Unable to import 'ubuntu_sso.qt.reset_password_ui'12:40
nessita     24:  [E0611] No name 'reset_password_ui' in module 'ubuntu_sso.qt'12:40
nessitagatox: nightlies are not building because of that12:40
gatoxnessita, ok12:40
gatoxnessita, nice!!!!! now the size is: 740x53812:40
nessitagatox: GREAT!12:41
nessitathat's GREAT12:41
nessitagatox: I think there is no need to put more time in this for now12:41
gatoxnessita, ok...... working in the branch you mention now12:41
nessitagatox: thanks (just needs pylint disables)12:41
ralsinaalecu, mandel, gatox: Who needs a review? I am selling!12:45
ralsinaand nessita too, of curse12:45
ralsinaof COURSE12:45
* ralsina is not cursing12:45
gatoxralsina, not yet...... almost done!!!12:45
nessitaralsina: we should talk about this https://code.launchpad.net/~sidnei/ubuntuone-windows-installer/sourcedeps/+merge/73728 in the mumble, before reviewing. I'm not sure if the right solution.12:46
gatoxralsina, nessita review (if you want, just 2 lines to disable and enable lint to fix some lint issues): https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/reset-lint-fix/+merge/7380012:50
nessitagatox: yes!12:50
ralsinagatox: I got it12:50
* ralsina suggests gatox that he doesn't ask for reviews until after the diff is visible ;-)12:51
gatoxralsina, ok...... understood12:51
ralsinalooks like my cat is having kittens uder my desktop. Anyone wants one?12:52
alecuralsina, I'm sure gatox would be interested12:52
ralsinagatox, want some gatitoxs?12:53
nessitaalecu: you're on fire today!12:53
gatoxralsina, sorry..... i already have one!12:53
nessitaalecu: question, did you run the windows suite for facundobatista's  branch from yesterday?12:53
nessita(client branch)12:53
gatoxralsina, and don't play well with others :P12:53
alecunessita, very good question. I think I did not.12:53
alecushame on me12:54
ralsinaboy launchpad is slow to parse branches today12:54
nessitaalecu: yes, because that branch added 7 failures! already debugged and fixed :-)12:54
alecunessita, sorry about that :/12:54
alecunessita, anyway, I'm still not getting all tests passing around here12:55
nessitaalecu: I know...12:56
nessitaalecu: we need to debug that (timing issues evdently)12:56
nessitaalecu: "good news" is that we can use the same box as parameter, seems pretty reproducible12:58
nessitaboth the non-failures and the failures12:58
ralsinagatox: I am flipping to approved your reset-lint-fix branch13:00
gatoxralsina, okkk13:00
gatoxralsina, i have my branches to fix the installer size ready...... just waiting for launchpad to scan them13:00
gatoxalecu, nessita mandel standup?13:02
nessitaalecu, mandel?13:02
nessitagatox: go!13:04
gatoxBranch to fix Installer sizes, now the size is: w: 740, h: 538.13:04
gatoxKeep killing UI bugs.13:04
gatoxralsina, go13:04
ralsinaDONE: implemented proof-of-concept of the systray icon, worked on stderr fix, lots of IRL testing, reviews, call. TODO: finish stderr, finish systray, reviews, testing, package a release candidate. BLOCKED: waiting for all the needed branches to land before packaging of course13:04
nessitaDONE: landed branch for bug #814113, meetings (TOO MANY), reviews13:04
nessitaTODO: reviews using the new schema (already did 2 hours of review, now switching to coding!). Work on bug #807021 and bug #834766 (I need to solve both to have a clean solution).13:04
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes13:04
nessitaNEXT: alecu13:04
alecuDONE: proposed a branch to fix the multiple ipc connections issue13:04
alecuTODO: fix some issues that mandel has regarding this branch13:04
alecuBLOCKED: no13:04
alecuNEXT! mandel13:04
* nessita adds TODO: fix nightlies builds13:05
gatoxnessita, ralsina this branches are ready for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/wizard-sizes/+merge/73803  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/wizard-sizes/+merge/7380413:06
nessitagatox: queueing those up for after lunch13:06
gatoxnessita, ok13:06
ralsinagatox, nessita: I'll do a first review of those now13:06
mandelirc issues13:07
gatoxralsina, nessita the one from sso is really trivial13:07
nessitaralsina, gatox: sso one was trivial, so I just approved it13:07
ralsinagatox: yeah, I am setting that one to approved as soon as I see how it looks13:07
ralsinanessita: beat me to it :-)13:07
mandelDONE: fised issues with add-method-name branch. Proposed fix for the watcher issue. Reviews alecus branch.13:07
mandelTODO: get fixes to possible review. Look at bug assigned to me13:08
mandelBLOCKED: no13:08
nessitamandel: did you test IRL the ancestors branch?13:08
ralsinagatox: what the heck is the difference at line 59 about?13:08
* gatox looking....13:08
gatoxralsina, thats the content of license page......13:09
ralsinagatox: yes, but what changed?13:09
ralsinaI can't parse it :-)13:09
gatoxralsina, ........ nothing.......13:09
gatoxqt designer....13:09
gatoxralsina, do you want me to revert that and try to apply the change of the margin only?13:10
nessitagatox: can we have that in a variable in the code?13:10
ralsinagatox: nah, I don't mind, I just assumed you had changed the text13:10
gatoxralsina, nono13:10
ralsinagood idea, and with reasonable HTML?13:10
nessitagatox: so we can avoid stuff like this13:10
ralsinaas in not specify font sizes and MS Shell Dlg font13:10
gatoxralsina, nessita, ok...... moving it to a html format13:11
ralsinagatox: cool13:11
mandelnessita, no, I did not IRL, did you find any issues?13:11
mandelnessita, if you did, the tests are wrong then :(13:11
nessitaralsina: can I have a trivial for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/build-lucid/+merge/73805 ? (fixes a lucid nightlies build failure)13:11
mandelnessita, I can do it though13:11
ralsinanessita: sure!13:11
nessitamandel: I did not, but I would like you to do an extensive IRL test13:11
nessitamandel: I want you to be confident about the fix :-) Ideally, please first reproduce the bug with trunk, and then use your branch to test13:12
mandelnessita, sure, I'll test with my test accound with different UDFs created to ensure that no watches are added13:12
nessitamandel: thanks! (be sure to first reproduce with trunk)13:12
ralsinanessita: +1 and  set it to approved13:12
mandelnessita, sure? although I'm confident hehehe13:12
mandelalecu, ping13:12
nessitamandel: I'm not :-D13:13
gatoxralsina, where should i put that variable?? gui.py?13:13
nessitamandel: but I trust no one (not even me)13:13
ralsinagatox: yes13:13
gatoxralsina, ok13:13
ralsinathat's where we have internationalized stuff, IIRC13:13
nessitagatox, ralsina: or the gui/qt/__init__.py?13:13
mandelnessita, hahaha I told you you were free to hurt my feelings ;)13:13
nessitawhere all the other _() are13:13
ralsinawhere they are :-)13:13
gatoxnessita, yep.... maybe that is better13:13
nessitamandel: is not personal, I think we all mae mistakes, always13:13
ralsinagatox: +1 on wizard-sizes, it looks great!13:18
gatoxralsina, thanks!13:18
ralsinaI mean +1 after I finish running the tests of course13:18
alecumandel, pong13:24
alecumandel, I'm working on fixing the issue you commented.13:24
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
ralsinagatox, everything passes, +113:32
gatoxralsina, nice13:32
gatoxralsina, nessita i've moved the license content into a variable as we speak...... now i have to run to the bank!!!!!!13:38
ralsinagatox: ok, I'll take a look now13:38
ralsinaI approved it before that. Boy, I miss coffee13:38
nessitaralsina: question13:41
ralsinanessita: shoot13:41
nessitaralsina: is there any way to pass custom params to widgets when creating them building them from ui files?13:41
nessita(not sure if the question is clear)13:41
ralsinanot sure what you mean13:42
nessitaralsina: I need to make all widgets have the same backend instance, can I create it in the top level widget and pass that to all the children?13:42
ralsinayou can add a parameter to the __init__ of the class that calls setupUi13:43
ralsinabut then when you add them with designer that's not used, so no13:43
ralsinayou would have to make the widget use it from parent()13:43
ralsinalike self.backend = parent().backend13:44
ralsinaThat way it propagates down the widget tree13:44
nessitaralsina: ok, I'll play with that13:47
ralsinanessita: OR you can use app as a "global singleton"13:47
ralsinaSince it's guaranteed that QApplication.instance() will always return the same, you can even do a subclass that has the backend13:47
nessitaralsina: hum...13:48
nessitaralsina: I think I prefer the first13:48
ralsinaI think the second one is a bit cleaner, but the first one is easier13:49
=== gatox is now known as gatox_away
ralsinamandel, alecu: need any reviews?13:52
mandelralsina, besides the watches one no? and I'm doing an IRL sets of tests of it13:54
ralsinamandel: ack13:54
mandelalecu, I just wanted to ask you if it made sense?13:55
mandelalecu, the issue I mentioned I mean :)13:55
alecumandel, yes, it makes sense. I'm working on it already.13:56
alecuralsina, not right now, thanks.13:56
mandelalecu, cool :)13:56
gatox_awayralsina, i can't go to the bank until lunch..... do you have any bug that you prefer i take?? or i just pick one from the list?14:01
=== gatox_away is now known as gatox
ralsinagatox_away: the page right after login in the installer14:01
ralsinagatox: it should show a "skip setup" button14:02
ralsinagatox: lisette told me about it but I am not sure it has a bug number14:02
mandelralsina, alecu, nessita, Chipaca, gatox mumble?14:02
gatoxralsina, ok..... i'll take a look at that14:02
gatoxmandel, fine by me14:02
ralsinaChipaca: mumble?14:04
ralsinaaleeeeeecuuuu alecu14:07
alecuuh, uh, uh14:07
mandelalecu, ralsina, nessita I've done the IRL AFAIK the bug is fixed, please review whenever you can :)14:28
mandelok, I have played around and I have my UDFs working!!!14:43
* mandel dances14:43
mandelnessita, alecu please let me know if you have any issues with that branch :)14:44
mandelralsina, if there is nothing very urgent I'll continued looking at the bugs that have been asigned to me14:45
nessitamandel: what happened with the bug rick had?14:47
ralsinamandel: could you try a share, too?14:48
mandelnessita, I have not been able to reproduce it, I wanted to talk with rick so that we tried again? I'll try a share and will get to it too see if I can reproduce again? maybe with a bigger file14:50
mandelralsina, waht do you want me to try?14:50
ralsinamandel: subscribe to a share and see if it's replicated correctly14:50
mandelralsina, ok14:50
nessitamandel: can you please try to coordinate that with rick?14:50
ralsinausually I got things locked before the share could start to download14:50
mandelnessita, yes14:50
alecumandel, can you please re-review my branch???14:50
nessitamandel: he should ne starting his work day now14:51
mandelalecu, will do asap14:51
alecumandel, that should be urgenter than the bugs14:51
ralsinamandel: could you do my laundry?14:51
mandelralsina, I can do you mu? wont say that to you ;)14:51
mandelalecu, ok, will look at your branh first, let me try shares first :)14:51
mandelralsina, I have the aranduka books you shared with me working!14:52
mandelralsina, if you want to see if it work in your system here is the mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/eq-add-ancestors-watches/+merge/7377514:53
mandelalecu, I'm doing your review now14:53
alecumandel, please, wait. I've just seen some broken tests.14:53
alecusorry :P14:54
mandelalecu, ok, I was just doing the code review, so feel free to change it :)14:56
gatoxralsina, nessita another branch for review (help button): https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/help-button-removed/+merge/7383414:58
nessitagatox: you already went to the bank?14:59
nessita(polite version of stop flooding with reviews :-P)14:59
gatoxnessita, nop.......15:00
gatoxnessita, i have to go at lunch :(15:00
alecumandel, r1125, with the fixed test15:01
ralsinagatox: I don't understand the test for that branch15:04
alecumandel, ping15:04
gatoxralsina, just checking that the wizard doesn't have the window flag for the help button15:04
alecumandel, can it possibly be the case that the code in u.p.w.network_manager is butt ugly?15:05
ralsinagatox: why not just flags & QtCore.Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint == 015:05
gatoxralsina, ............ shame on me15:05
alecuI believe the code in NetworkManager is the thread that's preventing twisted from stopping.15:05
ralsinagatox: there are 10 kinds of programmers. Those who think about doing bitwise operations, and those who don't.15:05
gatoxralsina, right! jeje15:06
mandelalecu, is ugly, we could make it a lot nicer by hooking it to twisted like we did with the fs15:07
mandelalecu, but that is the way to get that the network is up or down, yet ugly15:07
mandelI was planing to clean that15:07
alecumandel, I believe the pythoncom.PumpMessage() is never stopping15:08
alecumandel, because it waits for a WM_QUIT that it's never receiving15:08
mandelalecu, that is possible, that code is ugly ugly15:08
alecumandel, also: we are sending the "SYS_NET_CONNECTED" event at start, all the time. Even when the network is not connected.15:09
gatoxralsina, fixed :P15:09
gatoxralsina, launchpad not updated yey15:10
mandelalecu, always? well that is not a problem due to the sd that will try to connect and twisted would say no no15:10
ralsinagatox: also, line 10 looks wrong15:10
mandelalecu, which is the technique used when there is no NM15:10
ralsinaI mean, it works, but if by some miracle the original flags didn; t have that bit set it would break stuff15:10
mandelalecu, but that code certainly needs a second iteration15:10
alecumandel, right. It's not such a big problem, but that takes some time15:11
jo-erlendOn 11.10, I'm still unable to use Desktopcouch in any way. I've been told here, that it's a known issue. Does anyone have a bug number that I can subscribe to?15:11
mandelalecu, nevertheless can you take a look at the watches branch first, there are few hours before my EOD15:11
alecumandel, sure, sorry.15:11
ralsinagatox: I think the right way is flags & ~QtCore.Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint15:11
gatoxralsina, yep..... i was about to do that!15:11
ralsinagatox: cool15:11
alecumandel, it's just that I saw the bit in ipc where the NM thread was started, and I guessed that was the issue with the dangling threads and the qt reactor not stopping.15:12
alecumandel, so, I'm running the tests with IPCInterface.test=True, and my guess is that the reactor will stop just fine.15:12
mandelalecu, yeah? we initially had an issue with the looping call of the fs too, we need to hook that to twisted like the fs and listen to the stop event to kill the thread15:13
mandelalecu, no, it won't I dont think I was that smart when I wrote that15:13
alecumandel, right. We should find a way to stop the thread15:13
mandelalecu, lets file a bug and do this after the release in our 'sprint' in BA15:15
alecumandel, +!15:15
alecumandel, +115:15
alecumandel, I think I'll try to fix this sooner. If I don't start the NM thread, I can stop syncdaemon with Ctrl-C15:16
gatoxralsina, done15:16
ralsinagatox: that works without the int() calls?15:17
alecumandel, I think that the NM thread not stopping takes a toll on the reliability of SD15:17
ralsinathen you can remove it in line 23 :-)15:17
mandelalecu, true? it is bad when trying to stop it certainly? I'm nearly done with your review by the way15:18
mandelalecu, but please, review my branch asap, I wont be here next week :(15:18
mandelI'm on holidays15:18
alecumandel, !!!!15:18
alecumandel, I did not know15:18
alecumandel, I'll review it asap, and I'll take a look at this thread next week15:19
mandelalecu, cool thx a lot!!!15:19
ralsinagatox: "then you can remove it in line 23 :-)" just in case you missed it because I didn't say your nick15:21
gatoxralsina, i read that..... i'm checking if it is ok15:21
gatoxralsina, if i do that...... i can't compare it with 015:21
gatoxralsina, ....... maybe with QtCore.Qt.QWidget15:21
ralsinaNah, it's ok, use the int() then15:22
gatoxralsina, ok15:22
ralsinagatox: +115:22
gatoxralsina, thanks15:23
gatoxnow is time to go to the bank15:23
mandelalecu, +1 on your branch, I have approved the MP too15:27
ralsinahmmm we are having a serious memory consumption problem in syncdaemon15:29
ralsinamandel: up to 300MB and rasing about 500K/sec15:33
ralsinamandel: probably not your branch's fault15:34
alecumandel, revisate ésta: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/make-it-stop15:34
alecumandel, that is, try the branch by running the tests and seeing that they end up properly, and by running syncdaemon, and being able to stop it with Ctrl-C15:35
alecumandel, if it works for you too we can make a proper branch out of it.15:35
alecumandel, and don't worry: I'm reviewing your branch, and made that while the tests were running :-)15:36
mandelalecu, hehe I'm not worried, I know you are a man of your word...15:39
mandelralsina, is this when testin my branch?15:39
mandelralsina, is that a memleak?15:39
ralsinamandel: yes, but I have seen it on trunk too15:39
ralsinamandel: Iwould guess it is15:39
alecumandel, and what word would that be?15:39
mandelalecu, lego?15:40
mandelhm? ubuntuone.logger is broken on windows? puto!15:48
mandelralsina, this is ashot in the dark, but could this be the reason to the memory problems: http://paste.ubuntu.com/680660/15:51
alecumandel, I've added a few comments on the style while I finish the review: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/eq-add-ancestors-watches/+merge/7377515:52
mandelalecu, ok, on them15:52
ralsinamandel: I was not getting that15:53
ralsinamandel: I will take a better look once your branch and alecu's are landed15:54
mandelralsina, I'm getting it on stderr15:54
ralsinabut I just killed it and it was using 1.3GB of ram :-(15:54
mandelralsina, neverthless the handler is broken15:54
ralsinamandel: you think it was keeping the backlog in memory?15:54
ralsinamandel: that doesn't explain 1.3GB of usage :-)15:55
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mandelralsina, it could? although 1.3 is waaaaay too much15:57
ralsinaok, lunch for me16:09
=== ralsina is now known as ralsina_lunch
mandelalecu, pushed the style changes16:10
mandelalecu, I need to go for some time since otherwise the stores will be closed, I'll be back on time to make any change required to the review16:12
alecumandel, I'm approving... but LP is so slow today.16:13
mandelalecu, hurray!16:14
mandelI mean, for the +1 :P16:14
karnirye: was this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-android-files/+bug/806002 related to auto-upload or just manual upload of any file?16:37
ryemanual upload, don't think that anybody will want to blindly upload */* from the storage16:38
karnirye: I mean, U1F supports uploading a file of any type. Just touch "plus/add" > File16:39
karnirye: Is that what you meant?16:39
karnirye: We didn't have that before, but I've added that some time ago, and probably forgot to update the bug status.16:39
ryekarni, let me check16:39
ryekarni, tested on Adobe reader - opened pdf, clicked share - no U116:42
karnirye: ack16:43
nessitamandel: I'm doing your review now (ancestors)16:43
ryekarni, it works the other way, like you described, but it does not look like it is able to accept arbitrary mimetypes16:43
karnirye: I just uploaded a ".dropsync" file (of unknown to me MIME type) from AndExplorer using Send option (they call it send, it's just share)16:44
karnirye: I'll verify how we register the share option.16:44
karnirye: You're right, thanks!16:46
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
gatoxi'm bakc16:55
karnirye: any chance you have another app behaving like that? I've registered U1F for */* under both "android.intent.action.SEND" and "android.intent.action.SENDTO" with no luck16:55
* nessita -> quick lunch16:59
karnirye: any chance you have another app behaving like that? I've registered U1F for */* under both "android.intent.action.SEND" and "android.intent.action.SENDTO" with no luck17:00
ryekarni, ummm, define:no luck?17:00
karnirye: sorry, stupid me. no luck = Adobe Reader does not display U1F in the 'Share' dialog17:02
karnirye: I can share custom files from other apps17:02
karnirye: I'll sit on in, ignore me. Thanks for reporting that.17:02
ryekarni, hm, maybe it is doing something weird there17:07
ryekarni, is OI FILE Manager sending it right? or any other file manager out there for Android17:09
ryekarni, ah, re-read your message about AndExplorer17:09
karnirye: I'll look into it! :)17:13
nessitamandel: ping17:15
=== ralsina_lunch is now known as ralsina
nessitamandel, alecu: I added a couple of needs fixing to ancestors branch.17:20
nessitaralsina: talking to my office mate, I just remember that I have this Monday off (I swapped it from August 22)17:21
mandelnessita, ok, I'll take a look17:21
ralsinanessita: it's ok17:21
mandelnessita, but will have to be later 2day17:21
ralsinanessita: unless you want to re-swap it?17:21
nessitamandel: please try to fix those today because MOnday I\ m not coming17:21
nessitamandel: drop me an email when you push the changes, so I can re-review17:21
nessitaand do not block the brancj17:21
mandelnessita, will do, but is EOD here.. that why I'll do it after I do some shoping :)17:22
mandelnessita, changes pushed?17:35
nessitayou tell me?17:35
mandelnessita, yep, done but I did not have the time to run the tests? so I might have to be back, need to go or I wont have dinner, laters!17:35
ralsinawith mandel and alecu's branches, syncdaemon seems to work very smoothly :-) Except for runaway memory usage :-(17:42
alecuralsina, but "runaway memory usage" is not new, right?17:43
ralsinaalecu: no, I think it's old, just we never cared for it until now. I hoped it was related to the IPC bug and go away with it17:43
nessitaralsina: can you see a pattern for that? like, when syncdaemon processes a UDF memory raises17:44
nessitaor when is IDLE17:44
nessitaor when controlpanel contacts it17:44
ralsinanessita: not u1cp because I did not start it17:44
nessitafor example, if there is no controlpanel interaction, does memory increases the same?17:44
nessitaralsina: is there any other pattern you can distinguish?17:45
ralsinaI will try in a clean account without UDFs to see what happens17:45
ralsinano UDFs ==> stable memory usage17:50
nessitaralsina: which may indicate that watchs are consuming mem17:53
nessitaalecu: is that logical/possible? ^17:53
ralsinastarted trunk controlpanel, got this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/680758/17:54
ralsinaand this on syncdaemon: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/680759/17:54
alecunessita, not likely: watches are set on "Ubuntu One" too.17:56
nessitaralsina: look like bad credentials17:57
nessitaubuntuone.controlpanel.web_client.WebClientError: ('400', 'Invalid consumer.')17:57
nessita2011-09-02 14:53:56,369 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: <State: 'AUTH_FAILED'  (queues WORKING  connection 'With User With Network')>; queue: 239; hash: 0) ----17:57
ralsinabut but but17:57
ralsinaI did login17:57
nessitaralsina: without further debugging (which may be needed), smells like old controlpanel pycs17:57
ralsinanessita: ok, looking fot that17:58
nessitaor pycs mess up17:58
alecuralsina, when running control panel did you set the PYTHONPATH to use the new u1-client?17:58
ralsinaalecu: argh17:58
* ralsina is stupid17:58
ralsinathe auth error could explain the stable memory18:00
* ralsina gets new credentials and restarts18:00
ralsinaffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu the wizard's credentials are not valid now :-(18:03
* ralsina is going to take 10 minutes for a cofee, bang his head on the table and be right back with a sunnier attitude18:04
nessitaralsina, alecu: can I haz a review please? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/share-backend/+merge/7386218:06
ralsinanessita: sure18:06
nessitaralsina, alecu: that branch make widgets share the same backend instance18:06
ralsinanessita: cool18:06
gatoxnessita, ping18:10
nessitagatox: pong18:10
gatoxnessita, question: why are you using a qstackedwidget in control panel?18:10
nessitagatox: I owe you reviews, I know18:10
nessitagatox: yes18:10
gatoxnessita, jejeje no, this time wasn't about that18:11
gatoxnessita, did you read my question?18:12
ralsinanessita: would it be tricky to get a small branch that starts the stackedwidget with the regular u1cp showing instead of the login page?18:12
nessitagatox: sorry, I read "are you using", not "why are you using"18:13
nessitagatox: I'm using it because I need it :-)18:13
nessitagatox: we have 2 screen, that we need to swicth between them18:13
gatoxnessita, ahhhh, ok18:13
nessitadepending on if the user has credentials or not18:13
nessitagatox: you can try it your self! :-) wanna instructions?18:13
gatoxnessita,  no... no problem, just wanted to know why that widget was there......18:14
nessitaah :-)18:14
* gatox is fighting with widgets sizes18:14
ralsinagatox: we discussed that! (you brought up stackedlayout)18:14
nessitaralsina: sorry, not sure what you asked :-)18:14
gatoxralsina, yes, i remember that18:14
nessitaralsina: can you please rephrase?18:14
ralsinanessita: the stackedwidget shows the login page by default. So if sso-client is not running, and credentials take a second to arrive, it flashes18:15
nessitaralsina: yes18:15
ralsinait would seem (to me) more logical that the tabs are shown, and then, if there are no credentials, it switches to the login page18:15
nessitaralsina: hum, that will not work, let me explain why18:16
ralsinanessita: also, +1 on the last branch, with a little golden star sticker.18:16
nessitaralsina: if we show the "management" panel (the non-signin one) first, all the inner panels will try to load the info, and we'll get tons of traces due to credentials not being there18:17
ralsinanessita: yikes18:17
nessitaralsina: does that make sense?18:17
ralsinanessita: yes it does.18:17
ralsinahow about a blank page then?18:17
nessitaralsina: we should try not to show anything until the credentials answer is there?18:17
ralsinashow the window, the overlay, but nothing behind it18:18
nessitaralsina: yes, let me try a simple approach18:18
nessitaif the idea I have works, is easy18:18
nessitaralsina: can you please file a bug in the mean time?18:19
ralsinanessita: sure18:19
nessitaralsina: branch ready! :-P18:20
ralsinanessita: bug is #83979518:21
nessitaralsina: can you please try IRL? I have almost 0 delay, is hard to tell this is what we want: lp:~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/nothing18:22
nessitaralsina: MP is https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/nothing/+merge/7386518:23
nessitaalecu: ping18:24
ralsinaseems like the credentials problem is not global, since with another account I can login.18:25
ralsinanessita: checking!18:25
alecunessita, pong18:26
nessitaalecu: I still see issues in this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/eq-add-ancestors-watches/+merge/73775 but since I'm leaving to uni, and I'm not coming next Monday, I was wondering if I should approve and you add the needs fixing until the test is fixed18:26
alecunessita, I can do it, yes.18:26
alecunessita, and since mandel goes on vacations next week I can take over that branch18:26
nessitaalecu: mandel goes on vacation next week?18:27
nessitaI did not know that18:27
ralsinanessita: I forgot to announce it18:27
nessitaralsina: is... kind of... unexpected it18:27
ralsinathe same thing hapened with li-sette's we should define a vacation announcement protocol18:27
nessitaalecu: so, shall I approve the branch or we're rejecting it (since you may be proposing a new one)?18:30
jo-erlendis the development of Ubuntu One and Desktop-Couch completely closed, or can I follow the work on bugs, etc somewhere?18:44
nessitaalecu: hi! I was telling you:18:47
alecumy laptop has just kernelpaniced18:47
nessitaalecu: so, shall I approve the branch or we're rejecting it (since you may be proposing a new one)?18:47
alecunessita, let's reject it, and I'll fix it18:48
nessitaalecu: great, thanks18:49
nessitaI'm leaving soon crowd18:49
nessitaralsina, gatox: I'll will have to finish the reviews next week... I guess ralsina can add the branches to the installer without merging those?18:50
nessitaralsina: did the "nothing" branch work?18:50
ralsinanessita: haven't tried it yet18:50
gatoxnessita, ralsina also..... i'm finishing with the fixes in control panel (is something really small), but it took me a while to find it18:50
ralsinanessita: works. It's all pink though :-D18:51
alecunessita, have a nice weekend.18:51
nessitaralsina: no pink, orange I guess18:51
ralsinanessita: could you mail me the list of your branches that should go into the release?18:51
ralsinaorange+white = pinkish :-)18:52
nessitaralsina: just the two under review:18:52
ralsinaI think I will just merge "nothing" since it's almost trivial and it works18:52
nessitaralsina: ack18:55
nessitaralsina, gatox, alecu: have a great weekend, let's rest18:55
gatoxnessita, byeeee18:55
gatoxyou too18:55
ralsinaoff to pick up the kid19:10
ralsinaand back19:38
karnipizza, yum19:50
ralsinaI am currently having the best ubuntu one run on windows EVER19:58
ralsinaeverything is working, and memory usage is not running away, and the UI is responsive, and I can see only one ugly bit of UI that needs fixing19:58
karniralsina: \o/19:59
ralsinawhat the heck, let's package it20:00
alecuso, EOW for me21:02
alecubye all!21:02
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
=== ralsina is now known as ralsina_away
gatoxralsina_away, if you are still around and need something let me know! i'm back22:08
ralsina_awaygatox: nah, I packaged it :-)23:09
ralsina_awaygatox: You could take a look at bug #839844 but it can wait until monday23:10
gatoxralsina_away, ok23:16

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