
holsteinGTRsdk: o/01:59
holsteinscott-upstairs, meet GTRsdk 01:59
holsteini grabbed him? from *-offtopic01:59
scott-upstairshi GTRsdk  :)01:59
GTRsdkhey scott-upstairs 01:59
holsteinGTRsdk: we were looking at icon themes not too long agon02:00
scott-upstairsoh cool, looking at making a new one maybe?02:00
holsteinanyways... GTRsdk was talking about wanting a unit-2d ubuntustudio theme02:00
holsteinand i was saying we were getting around to that at some point02:00
holsteinmore open-ness with the metas02:00
holsteinbeing able to have other DE themes, and add the packages to whatever02:01
holsteindown the road a bit of course...02:01
holsteinanyways... GTRsdk is learning about packaging02:01
holsteinscott-upstairs is the team lead GTRsdk 02:01
scott-upstairsthat's sounds good but i don't know much about how themes will work across DE's, falktx probably does however02:01
scott-upstairsGTRsdk, usually i'm downstairs as ScottL02:01
holsteinyup, falktx__ already made some for kxstudio for everyhing02:02
scott-upstairsGTRsdk, but it's cool learning packaging, we always do need people who can help backport too ;)02:02
falktx__the key is qtcurve02:02
falktx__qtcurve supports qt3/kde3, qt4/kde4 and gtk202:02
falktx__no gtk3 support yet though02:03
holsteinfalktx__: planned?02:03
falktx__the author did gtk3.0 support, but 3.1 changed API and broke the engine02:03
falktx__now 3.2 will break API again, so he's pissed02:03
holsteini bet02:04
falktx__"**NOTE:** The Gtk3 release has been removed, as the Gtk theme API has changed!"02:04
scott-upstairslol, that sucks02:04
falktx__sad, but true02:04
scott-upstairsfalktx__, thanks for getting the menu and lightdm updates done and uploaded02:04
scott-upstairsyou rock man!02:04
falktx__what's left to do?02:05
falktx__I'll check later02:07
falktx__3am and need to sleep 02:07
scott-upstairsfalktx__, i'm not srue02:07
scott-upstairsgood night :)02:07
GTRsdkI think Unity 2D can be modified to have the Ubuntu Studio theme02:10
holsteinGTRsdk: im sure you can fold the current art in02:10
scott-upstairsGTRsdk, the current theme may not exist for the next release, we have plans to change it for xfce02:11
scott-upstairsit doesn't mean that the first interation won't be an exact (or as close as possible) replica02:11
scott-upstairsbut we were kinda looking at making a bit of a change....a walkabout as the australians say02:11
GTRsdkscott-upstairs: are there plans to make the package names different?02:13
GTRsdksuch as ubuntustudio-unity-2d?02:13
scott-upstairsGTRsdk, we could certainly make a package named as such02:14
scott-upstairswithin the ubuntustudio-* packaging ecosphere we certainly have quite a bit of liberty and/or latitude02:14
holsteinor whatever...02:15
GTRsdkI think I found one of the files needed to change the top bar02:15
scott-upstairsGTRsdk, i need to go downstairs and spend time with the family, but hang around here more tonight/today or later on another day02:22
scott-upstairswe'd like to talk more02:22
astraljavaThanks everyone for making beta1 happen!09:35
astraljavaOver the weekend, I'll be starting to work on our branding. Thanks to falktx, it won't be a big problem, just that I haven't meddled with lightdm before, there might be interesting scenarios.09:36
shnatselhi everyone12:40
shnatselI'm the guy from https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-studio-devel/2011-June/003391.html :)12:42
shnatselLast time I've been here we decided that those packages should be uploaded to Debian repositories and synced from there to Ubuntu Studio. Did anyone undertake it, and if yes, what's the status of this process?12:44
falktxshnatsel: you should talk to the debian multimedia guys12:45
falktxwe can't just put ppa packages into the official repos12:46
shnatselI think I'm incompatible with Debian processes... last time I tried to report a bug, I gave up after 10 minutes of figuring out how to do it. I can hardly imagine the amount of time that would be wasted on me trying to push a package... Maybe someone more familiar with Debian processes could do it?12:49
shnatselI'm afraid I totally suck at paperwork :(12:51
astraljavashnatsel: Hi. It was me who you talked to more in detail. But unfortunately I haven't had time so far for creating said packages conforming to Debian policies.12:52
shnatselastraljava: so, my packages don't meet Debian policies?12:52
astraljavaOther things ate up my time during the summer, and for the past few weeks I've been swamped with getting our images to become installable.12:52
astraljavashnatsel: I dunno, I just seemed to recall that's why you didn't submit them directly.12:53
astraljavaLike I said,l 12:53
astraljavaI haven't had time to look into them at all.12:53
shnatselyeah, I perfectly understand, I've just got rid of a similar situation12:54
falktxshnatsel: have you tried revu?12:54
falktxI got one package into ubuntu once that way12:54
shnatselfalktx: what's revu?12:55
falktxshnatsel: the official way of normal people trying to get stuff into ubuntu12:55
falktxthe other way around is to get it into debian, which ubuntu will bring automatically12:55
shnatselI'd better get it into Debian, of course12:56
astraljavaYep, that's the one I would recommend these days.12:57
astraljavaTheir multimedia team is excellent, I'm just joining it as soon as I'm free from the release pressure.12:57
astraljavaThat will of course bring the average down a bit, but *shrug*12:57
shnatsellooks like by the time the packages get into Debian, GIMP 2.8 will be released and they'll become bitrotten automatically.12:59
shnatselof course I hope it won't be like that13:00
astraljavaWhy do you think they're that version-dependent?13:01
falktxshnatsel: gimp will take too long, you have at least 1 year for this13:02
shnatselastraljava: well, GIMP Painter is a somewhat abandoned patch to GIMP 2.6, and the creator of GIMP Paint Studio hasn't figured out how to port it to 2.7.x by now.13:03
falktxshnatsel: btw, can I include your packages in the KXStudio PPAs?13:03
falktxthat is always done quickly ;)13:03
astraljavashnatsel: Ahh... that sucks.13:04
shnatselfalktx: IDK what is KXStudio, but they're under GNU GPL, so I can't prohibit it even if I want :)13:04
shnatselastraljava: and besides, Paint Studio is somewhat useless without the Painter patch.13:04
falktxshnatsel: http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net13:04
falktxand thanks13:05
astraljavashnatsel: You should have denied that! falktx IS OUR ENEMY! He's a competitor!!!!13:05
falktxastraljava: lol, don't say that13:05
astraljavaDid I type that out loud?13:06
astraljavaYeah, not really. :)13:06
falktx"KXStudio itself is not a linux distro; instead, users can think of it as an extension pack for other distros (currently ArchLinux and Ubuntu)"13:06
falktxastraljava: ^13:06
astraljavaYeah I know, just kidding here. :)13:06
astraljavaBesides, you're doing an awesome job directly here.13:06
falktxastraljava: KXStudio actually helps UbuntuStudio, has it brings many people to Ubuntu13:06
falktxhehe, thanks13:06
shnatselastraljava: I'll make you one more competitor if Ubuntu Studio development won't speed up a few times :) And it will have Pantheon desktop, MWAHAHA!!!113:07
astraljavaMight as well pack up the stuff and leave, then.13:07
falktxalready too much distros13:07
shnatselfalktx: nooo, not again13:08
astraljavaBut you're dead on about the speed. We'd need more falktxs and holsteins and whatnot to get this thing really going again.13:08
falktxTangoStudio and DreamStudio are good/bad ones I guess13:08
falktxshnatsel: what?13:08
falktxTangoStudio devs don't like launchpad...13:08
falktxnot sure why DreamStudio exists though13:08
shnatselfalktx: I think this is the most popular phrase in the Linux world, second only to Vim/EMACS wars13:09
shnatsel"already too much distros"13:09
astraljavaHeheh. :) It's a double-edged blade, really.13:09
astraljavaI'm all for the freedom of choice.13:09
astraljavaBut we're losing contributors.13:09
shnatselyep, there are over 40 linux music players by now, and there's no player to rule them all.13:10
astraljavaStill, I'm leaning against the former. People want to get creative, and they really should.13:10
shnatselguys can't unite and make an uber player, everybody starts their own13:10
falktxI don't like it at all13:11
holsteineh... i wish i were a code contributor :/13:11
astraljavaDoesn't make you any less of a contributor.13:11
shnatselfalktx: please notify me when the packages are copied, so I can notify the former team of my distro and cheer them up a bit13:12
falktxshnatsel: hm, your postinst has:13:13
falktxcd /etc/skel/.gimp-2.6/tool-options/13:13
falktxbut I don't have that folder13:13
falktx(and I have gimp installed)13:13
astraljavaholstein: I write enough code on my dayjob anyway, there's not very many lines of my code in ubuntu either. I wanna do different things as a hobby.13:13
holsteinastraljava: luckily this doesnt cross too much over into my job13:14
shnatselfalktx: I'm pretty sure it creates one or something like that. I tested it on an insane number of configurations.13:14
shnatselfalktx: wait, it creates this folder13:14
falktxah I see it13:14
shnatselfalktx: that's why it's in postinst13:14
shnatselnot preinst13:14
falktxshnatsel: I though gimp was supposed to have that13:14
falktxshnatsel: all seems ok to me, I'll upload13:15
shnatselfalktx: no, not at all. my packages are independent from GIMP folders. They create them on the fly with mkdir -p if needed (AFAIR)13:15
shnatselthe /etc/skel thing is needed for users created after installation of GPS to have it too13:16
falktxyes, I got that13:16
shnatselactually, those are ugly workarounds of GIMP faults13:17
shnatselGIMP has shared folders for everything but tool presets13:17
falktxshnatsel: you should not use 1.5-natty1 version though13:17
falktxuse something like: 1.5-1~natty113:17
falktxso that, once ubuntu gets the package, it will replace yours13:17
shnatselfalktx: I thought it's lower than 1.5-0ubuntu113:18
falktxshnatsel: letters are higher than numbers13:18
falktx1a2 > 19213:18
shnatselsorry on this one13:18
falktxno prob13:18
* falktx is uploading gimp-studio13:19
falktxyay, amarok-kde3 working!13:20
shnatselfalktx: what about MyPaint updates and OpenRaster plugins and thumbnainers?13:22
falktxshnatsel: soon soon, let me finish this one first13:22
falktxthe internet here sucks, so I have to be gentle13:23
shnatselfalktx: I just wanted to know if you're going to upload them at all or not. I'm not really concerned about the time it takes, if it's less than a week.13:23
falktxshnatsel: it's probably all today, if they are not too big13:24
falktxthis is a nice addition to the PPAs, thanks13:24
falktxI guess this could result in a little advertising too13:25
shnatselyeah, it's always great to advertise those things13:26
falktxshnatsel: remember that the ppas support lucid to oneiric, so it's 4x times the upload13:27
falktxholstein: if everything is ok, you just got the mail about these packages13:28
shnatselfalktx: you can simply copy the packages using LP's web UI, no reuploading needed13:28
holsteinfalktx: not yet... but i bet its coming13:28
falktxshnatsel: nah, I prefer rebuild13:29
shnatselholstein: I did that many times, works fine13:29
falktxshnatsel: it makes sure no hard-dependencies come from the old ppa13:29
shnatselfalktx: it can even copy source packages and rebuild them automatically13:29
shnatselin the new PPA13:30
falktxwell, let me point some reasons I like rebuild more13:30
falktx- version in the package (1.5-0ubuntu1~lucid1 for this one)13:31
falktx(maverick, natty and oneiric tags are auto-managed by my scripts)13:31
falktx- makes sure it got all build depencies right13:31
falktx- makes the ppa clean, so I can check whoever did the upload (copy packages doesn't show who copied them)13:32
falktx- I get a mail about new upload, but not copies13:32
falktx- it also contributes to my launchpad karma13:32
falktxshnatsel: you can easily be part of the kx team and help if you want13:33
falktxok, all uploaded13:33
falktxnow I need to do some real work in here, we'll check the other packages later today13:34
falktxshnatsel: do you have mypaint packaged?13:39
falktxoh, already in the repos, nice13:39
falktxbackport can work then13:39
shnatselfalktx: yes, but it's outdated. There's an official PPA, though.13:39
falktxshnatsel: should I really care about gimp-painter ?13:40
* falktx is trusting shnatsel and uploading packages 'as-is'13:40
shnatselfalktx: well, I didn't package it, but it's praised by the Sintel team (it was combined with Paint Studio there)13:41
shnatselfalktx: also, I didn't notice any bugs or regressions in it13:41
falktxyou convinced with "Sintel" ;)13:42
falktxI think I have some custom gimp build somewhere... I'll postpone gimp for now13:44
falktxgimp-openraster is up13:52
shnatselfalktx: I'm not totally sure that OpenRaster thumbnailers work well.13:54
shnatselfalktx: so you'd better test them before uploading13:54
falktxshnatsel: why doesn't ora-thumbnailer has kde support?13:54
falktxI see gnome and xfce, but no kde... :(13:55
shnatselfalktx: because I have some kind of broken dependencies on my machine or something. The KDE thing doesn't compile.13:55
shnatselfalktx: it should be fairly easy to package, though. dk_make will probably do everything you need.13:56
shnatselfalktx: oh wait, there were some tricks to do about KDE thumbnailer... I'll forward you a mail about it if you give me your address13:56
falktxshnatsel: can you prepare the package with kde version? I'll do tests and fixing13:56
shnatselfalktx: I guess dh_make will do exactly the same thing I'd do13:57
falktxthen I'll try to get kde working later14:01
falktxshnatsel: what will I need?14:01
shnatselfalktx: here's the working command for compiling the KDE part, it's different from the one in README:14:04
shnatselsudo apt-get install kdelibs5-dev cmake dolphin14:04
shnatselcd /ora-thumbnailers/kde14:04
shnatselcmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/14:04
shnatselsudo make install14:04
falktxshnatsel: I'll try it later14:04
falktxshnatsel: kde4 fixed14:27
shnatselfalktx: awesome!14:29
shnatselfalktx: where can I copy it? :)14:29
falktxshnatsel: let me upload it14:29
falktxshnatsel: done -> https://launchpad.net/~kxstudio-team/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=ora&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=14:36
falktx5 hours to build :(14:37
shnatselfalktx: are you sure that this thing works?14:39
falktxshnatsel: it builds14:39
falktxdidn't tested the real thumbnailer though14:39
falktxshnatsel: do you have some small raster images? or a link to some?14:39
shnatselfalktx: could you drop me the resulting .deb's ?14:40
shnatselI'll make one now14:40
falktxshnatsel: I'm running oneiric, maybe it's not compatible...14:40
shnatselthis is thumbnailed correctly on my GNOME machine14:42
falktxshnatsel: raster option appear in dolhin14:42
falktxshnatsel: hand-written hello world? with white background?14:43
falktxnice! it's working then14:43
shnatselI'll merge your changes then :) My PPA is recipe-powered.14:44
falktxneed to go into arch, brb14:54
astraljavaI read that as church.14:55
=== GTRsdk is now known as GTRsdk|busy
GTRsdk|busyI have made some changes to the appearance of all of the icons in Unity 2d.15:15
scott-workhi GTRsdk|busy , that's cool, do you have any screenshots?15:18
GTRsdk|busyI'll take some now15:19
GTRsdk|busyscott-work: I want to first find a way to get the panel changed to the color Ubuntu Studio was in Natty.15:21
holsteinGTRsdk|busy: the folk in #xubuntu-devel have been *crazy* helpful15:22
shnatselmeh. the only usable unity is www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/06/gnome-manu-style-unity-dash-project-revived-adds-a-ppa/ IMHO.15:24
holsteinGTRsdk|busy: actually, i was thinking you were theme-ing XFCE... sorry15:25
holsteinthe xubuntu-devel folk are still awesome though :)15:25
GTRsdk|busyhopefully I can get ubuntustudio-unity-2d put into a bazaar branch tomorrow15:30
holsteinGTRsdk|busy: :)15:30
shnatselGTRsdk|busy: I hope it will have a usable menu?15:33
GTRsdk|busyA usable menu? I am using 4.4015:39
GTRsdk|busyfor the ubuntustudio-unity-2d15:40
GTRsdk|busyI am using an older version, and am upgrading to 4.4015:40
shnatselGTRsdk|busy: www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/06/gnome-manu-style-unity-dash-project-revived-adds-a-ppa/15:40
shnatselGTRsdk|busy: well, you don't think that the dash is actually usable, do you?15:41
GTRsdk|busyshnatsel: I think the new unity is more usablt15:43
shnatselGTRsdk|busy: yeah, it's been getting better and better until the beta freeze15:44
GTRsdk|busyI made the icons look like strips of movie film, so when I view the launcher, there is this strip of movie film15:45
shnatselbuttons hidden by default for windows and *window* buttons shown by default for Dash... that's idiotic.15:45
astraljavadash? Really? Have people officially run out of application names?15:45
shnatselastraljava: it's a piece of Unity AFAIR15:46
shnatselastraljava: there also was an elementary experiment called Dash, it was an app15:46
astraljavaI understand that. dash is also a shell.15:46
shnatselastraljava: hmm?15:46
astraljava$ ln -s /bin/sh15:46
astraljavaUnless you've changed it.15:46
astraljavaln -l, of course15:47
astraljavals -l15:47
shnatselI found it earlier, and forgot again. Shame on me XD15:48
shnatselWe've been investigating FISH in elementary, so I've investigated all that stuff15:48
GTRsdk|busyscott-work: I think the newer version will work better16:03
GTRsdkscott-work: is the default wallpaper ubuntustudio-olis.jpg ?16:19
scott-workGTRsdk: i don't think so, is that the one with a bunch of white sextagons or octagons creating a room ?16:20
scott-workor is that the one with a bunch of out of focused lights?16:20
GTRsdkthe white sexagons16:21
GTRsdkscott-work: then is ubuntustudio-gutsy.png (the out of focus lights) the default wallpaper?16:22
astraljavaAre we talking theming/branding for oneiric now?16:23
scott-workastraljava: i believe so16:23
scott-workGTRsdk: the white sexagons is the currently wallpaper for natty16:23
scott-workwe haven't really decided what will be for oneiric, therefore by default it will probably be the same16:24
astraljavaUnless we can come up with something as cool as the sexagons, I'd say let's keep it at least until 12.0416:24
craigs63I hope sexagons is a translation difference  :-)16:26
astraljavaSorry, dog went wild.16:26
astraljavacraigs63: I am just following scott-work's example. :) No idea if that's correct or not.16:27
astraljavaI have faith in him, though. :)16:27
craigs63I just volunteered here to pick nits, anyway...16:29
astraljavaThat's the best hobby, anyhoo!16:29
craigs63six sides = hexagon 16:30
craigs63Don't try to make english make sense16:30
paultagsixagon, duh16:30
astraljavaOh well, I like the first one better. It's sexier.16:30
shnatselastraljava: I've been typing exactly the same16:31
craigs63It looks like Superman's fortress sort of.16:31
astraljavaWhat, sexagon? I thought he was an asexual being.16:31
craigs63the white picture with the crystal shape things16:32
astraljavaAnd yeah I know he had a "girlfriend", one he never probably "touched."16:32
craigs63Yeah read "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex"16:32
astraljavaYeah I know. I'm just trying to exercise my (granted, poor) sense of humour.16:33
paultag16:32 < craigs63> Yeah read "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex"16:33
paultagBRB, for real16:33
astraljavapaultag: I've been waiting for that.16:33
astraljavaWe've missed ya.16:33
scott-workyeah, i screw up that :P16:33
scott-workseven sides are sectagons i believe16:33
scott-workbut i was sure they polygons were either 6 or 8 sided16:34
scott-workor is it sextagons are 7 sided16:34
scott-workyes, i think it is sextagons, not sectagons16:34
astraljavaHow many vertices in a sextagon?16:34
astraljavaThere is no polygon with this name. 16:34
scott-workbut irrelevant since the ones in the image are either six or eight16:34
scott-worki believe it is seven sided16:35
astraljavaI don't care, it says so in Teh Interwebz!!16:35
scott-workeh, google says its hectagon16:35
scott-work*shrug* oh well16:35
craigs63I didn't mean to cause a war!16:36
astraljavaOh well, after the beta1 struggles, it was getting a bit too silent around here. :)16:55
GTRsdkscott-work: is there going to be a LiveDVD installer for Oneiric?16:57
scott-workGTRsdk: i don't think this will happen for oneiric, perhaps for oneiric + 116:59
astraljavaFor sure. We're already in beta1, and we haven't tested it once.17:04
astraljavaWe have enough work to do on the installer-only image.17:05
paultagastraljava: I've missed ya'll too :)17:07
shnatselI can make the LiveDVD.17:07
paultagastraljava: sadly, I'm so swamped, I hardly have time to process email :'(17:07
astraljavapaultag: I hear ya. I'm as sad not having time for syn :(17:08
shnatselIt's damn simple if everything is done right, and if we bundle all the apps in it.17:08
shnatselIt's a bit more complex if we install only the parts the user chooses.17:08
paultagastraljava: it's ok, we're mostly frozenish to do package work17:08
shnatselbut edubuntu devs have been through that already17:09
astraljavashnatsel: If you have time for it, that's great! I doubt we'll get it in for oneiric anymore, though, but working towards the LTS is very much appreciated and welcomed!17:09
shnatselI have too much plans for elementary lts and stuff. And I'm trying to finally organize my own life a bit, to stop being a hacking machine. But yes, I think I'll find time to do it.17:10
astraljavaNo worries. We will welcome it, for sure, but it's not _needed_.17:11
scott-workshnatsel: yes, that would be awesome!17:11
scott-workshnatsel: or at least share notes and mentor sometime to do it 17:12
shnatseldo you have workflow guidelines, do you use launchpad blueprints, etc?17:13
shnatselit helps us to organize the workflow a lot in elementary project17:13
scott-workshnatsel: not really, i've thought about doing it but it takes time that i don't want to invest right now17:13
scott-worki would like tough17:13
shnatselscott-work: I have already made one for elementary: elementaryos.org/journal/how-see-what’s-our-sleeves17:14
shnatselscott-work: it should be easy to adapt it for ubuntu studio17:14
astraljavascott-work: See, those are the reasons why we should probably have at least bi-weekly meetings for the 12.04 devel cycle.17:15
astraljavaWe need to attack immediately when that cycle begins.17:15
astraljavaFocus on the right things right from the beginning, and then work towards implementation when the plans are ready.17:15
astraljavaI'm getting pumped up already. :D17:16
astraljavaBut I guess we need to ship 11.10 first.17:16
shnatselwe already have a plenty of blueprints for 12.04 cycle in elementary17:17
shnatselthat's OK IMHO17:17
scott-workwhat's okay shnatsel ?17:17
shnatselto have blueprints targeted at future releases17:18
scott-workah, gotcha17:18
shnatselinvestigated before even shipping the current release17:18
shnatselgoogling and dreaming is not THAT distracting17:18
shnatselbut it's inspiring17:19
astraljavaSure. And we'd need to have people in UDS for that as well. Unfortunately, I couldn't do that this time around.17:19
shnatselSomething tells me that ubuntu studio needs a new logo.17:44
shnatselFor the LTS.17:44
shnatselI guess you should ask thorwil to take care of it... http://thorwil.wordpress.com/category/logos/ (he's very busy right now though)17:45
scott-workshnatsel: i've talked to him before and he didn't see very receptive to helping ubuntu studio....17:52
shnatselI see17:52
scott-workbut then again one of the team wasn't a little critical towards him17:52
scott-workso i can't blame thorwil for that17:52
scott-workone of the team WAS a little critical17:53
scott-worki would love to have a new logo, something quite a bit different since ubuntu studio is changing quite a bit, especially over the last year or so17:53
GTRsdkscott-work: are the default applications going to stay the same?17:55
shnatselIs MyPaint included in the artistic set?17:55
scott-workGTRsdk:  the application set will not change for oneiric from the beta1 image, although there may be some changes for oneiric+117:56
scott-workshnatsel: not currently, we were basing the application set based on work flows17:56
shnatselscott-work: MyPaint is a perfect sketching app17:57
scott-workshnatsel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Workflows17:57
scott-workshnatsel: i have been trying to avoid including applications "just because" (not to slag mypaint or your suggestions)17:58
shnatselhmm, great doc17:58
scott-workbut i want to make sure it really supports our users17:58
shnatselMyPaint and Alchemy can be included in almost any artistic workflow17:58
scott-worktoo often i hear we should include an application and when pressed they can't quite explain what the purpose of the applications is in regards to a user17:59
shnatselAlchemy is designed for artistic brainstorming. It can be used in making almost anything.18:00
shnatselMyPaint is designed for sketching the basic idea or real media imitation18:01
shnatselso whatever you do, it's a good idea to sketch in it first18:01
scott-workshnatsel: sorry, was interrupted by real work 18:01
shnatselscott-work: I didn't notice that18:02
scott-worki'm not oppossed to incorporating additional applications and i would greatly love to develop a robust graphical and video application set18:02
scott-worki have played with alchemy myself but it seemed to be not developed anymore, do you know if it is in the ubuntu repositories?18:03
shnatselI think it's not, or it's outdated. And it seems to be actively developed.18:03
scott-workthat was a silly question, heh, if i played wiht it then it must have been in the repos :/18:03
scott-workoh no, i remember, i watched a video of a famour artist creating stuff, was a very long video but very good and interesting18:04
scott-worknot sure it's in the repos then18:04
scott-worki cannot find alchemy in the repos but there is a bug to get it into debian though18:05
scott-workshnatsel: would it be possible for you to create a workflow for using mypaint?  i would appreciate that18:06
shnatselMyPaint is in the repos (probably outdated, but still in there)18:06
shnatselscott-work: the "sketching images" workflow is insane.18:07
shnatselscott-work: sketching in Inkscape is hardly sane for an artist18:07
shnatselscott-work: So, s/Inkscape/MyPaint/g in that one18:07
scott-workheh, i don't remember "sketching images" being in there18:08
shnatselscott-work: it's the first one18:08
shnatselscott-work: design a brand - same thing, sketching in MyPaint or on paper is essential18:08
shnatselafk bbiab18:09
scott-workah yes, i remember that one, doctormo helped with those18:09
shnatsel<personal opinion> doctormo rocks </personal opinion>18:09
shnatselI'm talking with the dev of that ubiquity modules thing in #edubuntu right now18:26
shnatselwhere should I write down the docs?18:26
scott-workshnatsel: whatever medium is best for you18:35
scott-workwiki page is fine, or type a word doc and sent it to me or the ubuntustudio-devel mailing list18:35
shnatselscott-work: google docs?18:36
scott-worksure :)18:36
scott-workshnatsel: if we could get a live dvd that would be exceptionally awesome and other superlatives18:37
shnatselI'll be back19:19
=== GTRsdk is now known as GTRSDK|busy
* astraljava wonders why it is so important for studio to have a livedvd. Everything we provide can be tested on vanilla live by installing the metas. We're already spread really thin as it is.21:57
GTRSDK|busyastraljava: livedvds are nice22:02
astraljavaGTRSDK|busy: As are unicorns.22:03
astraljavaIs there a real rationale?22:03
GTRSDK|busyastraljava: there is not livedvd available yet22:03
astraljavaIt doesn't take that long to install the metapackages after booting up to the vanilla, as opposed to loading up over half of the dvd.22:04
astraljavaGTRSDK|busy: I know. For a reason.22:04
GTRSDK|busytrue, but if someone is running from USB, the load time can be decent22:05
astraljavaGTRSDK|busy: I'm asking, is there a serious reason for a studio livedvd, for realz?!22:05
GTRSDK|busyastraljava: for testing studio22:05
GTRSDK|busyastraljava: similar why there is a livecd for most of the other derivatives, and a livedvd22:05
astraljavaOkay. The only reason I can think of for testing the stuff is the kernel.22:06
astraljavaIs that enough to justify a whole new image?22:06
astraljava-generic isn't _that_ far off from -lowlatency, anymore.22:07
astraljavaNobody's going to do serious business out of a livedvd anyhoo,22:07
GTRSDK|busythat would justify enough for me to build a DVD image22:07
astraljavaso really, _just_ for testing?22:08
GTRSDK|busyI am not sure how to build one22:08
GTRSDK|busyastraljava: and GUI install22:08
astraljavaGTRSDK|busy: How many installs have you done from both, separately?22:08
ScottLastraljava, mainly PR for those who might switch and new to linux22:09
astraljavaScottL: Would Studio be their first linux experience outside of the World of Point 'n' Click?22:10
astraljavaPlease note, I'm not totally against it. I'm against having to spread the already thin contributor force that we have between two images.22:11
astraljavaThey don't come cheap, you know.22:11
astraljavaubiquity is a whole 'nother beast.22:11
astraljavaIf we actually got new resources for that image alone, I'd be thrilled.22:13
GTRSDK|busyunder 2GB would be nice22:13
astraljavaSo far, we are under that.22:14
astraljavaI don't think expanding to the live version takes us over the 'limit'.22:14
astraljavaubiquity takes around a few tens of megabytes, AFAIK.22:14
GTRSDK|busydaily-live probably would22:15
ScottLGTRSDK|busy, yes, we've actually cut back slightly over the last few releases due to trying to follow the 'work flows' approach22:15
ScottLbut i would really like to even minimize what we currently have, but i don't think that will happen22:15
astraljavaGTRSDK|busy: Are the dependencies that big, actually?22:15
ScottLbut we definitely want to watch out that we don't grow much mroe22:15
astraljavaubuntu daily-live is currently 695M, while the daily is 674M.22:16
GTRSDK|busyastraljava: having two images22:17
astraljavaWhy would it bloat _that_ much more for us?22:17
astraljavaGTRSDK|busy: having two images ____ ?22:17
ScottLwe are still pulling in some kde apps but not as bad as before though22:17
GTRSDK|busyastraljava: having two images created daily or per each release would take more space22:18
GTRSDK|busyastraljava: server space22:18
ScottLastraljava, i say PR for the live disc because i think there are people who would take it and show it off at cons if we had a live media22:18
astraljavaGTRSDK|busy: Server space is irrelevant. Canonical hosts our images. We need not to think about that.22:18
ScottLi've been told that a few times22:18
ScottLhi falktx 22:19
GTRSDK|busyastraljava: true22:19
astraljavaScottL: Okay, if we wanna seriously pursue that route, then fine. Just be aware of the load it takes on our productivity regarding the overall product.22:20
astraljavaScottL: Currently, there are three developers who consistently tend the creation of the end product. Two more that care about theming and documentation.22:21
astraljavaNone of which can spare more than mere hours daily.22:22
astraljavaMere hours being less than three.22:22
astraljavaSeriously, that's not enough for two images.22:22
astraljavaUnless we got more horsepower, we can't scale.22:23
astraljavaAgain, if I seem to be coming off too strong re: livedvd, it's only due to reflecting it against the manpower at hand at the moment.22:32
astraljavaIf we got more active contributors, we could divide the responsibilities.22:32
GTRSDK|busyastraljava: I should find out how to build an iso22:33
astraljavaBut we have to keep in mind, that it's not just about creating the beast. It's also about supporting it. Especially for LTS releases. That takes 3 years. Are _you_ seriously ready to commit to that?22:33
astraljavaGTRSDK|busy: If you really want to, talk to falktx. He's got it going for fxstudio.22:35
astraljavaor is it fkstudio, I forget.22:35
astraljavaHe's willing to get it going for Studio as well.22:35
craigs63I thought it was KXStudio ?22:36
astraljavaProblem is, he's got his "derivative" (in lack of a better term) because he feels the standard ubuntu way is too rigid.22:36
astraljavaIt's a little hard to build on such foundation.22:36
astraljavacraigs63: Thanks, that's it.22:36
ScottLsorry, been talking with family about going to dinner23:20
ScottLastraljava, falktx was committing to creating a live image that he would create, it would be a "community within a community" supported23:21

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