
hellhuhuhi, can't get my breakout box to work with studio ubuntu.11:56
hellhuhuIt has firewires11:56
hellhuhuhelp me.  if i can't get it to work, i will be executed.12:02
astraljavaUhh ohh... that can't be good.12:03
hellhuhui am from north korea12:03
astraljavaOh well that explains it.12:03
astraljavaSo the system isn't recognizing the firewire device?12:04
hellhuhuit recognises it12:04
hellhuhubut seems like i don't know how to use the jack server perhaps?12:04
astraljavaOkay, please explain the actual problem, then.12:05
hellhuhuin xp, i can tell the sound manager to use the breakout box and whatever audio application I use (VLC, web broswer etc....) the audio will out from the breakout box12:05
hellhuhubut in Ubuntu, if the browser or any media player is sending sound, there is nothing coming out of the breakout box12:06
astraljavaHave you taken a look at this page yet? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToJACKConfiguration12:07
hellhuhuyes, i have been through it12:08
hellhuhuand the breakout box i'm using is the FA-66 which i purchased especially because it is said to be compatible with linux12:09
astraljavaI don't really have that much experience in troubleshooting these things, so would you feel this page overwhelming? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure12:10
hellhuhuThats really, great.... how did you find that?  (i mean, which search terms did you use?).12:12
hellhuhuI'll do it later... I'm in the middle of a process in XP right now... thanks Astraljava...12:13
astraljavaI just search for "ubuntu sound troubleshoot" whenever I have problems. :)12:14
hellhuhuaaaah.... good12:15
hellhuhuthanks again12:15
astraljavaI hate to say this, but this channel is sometimes a bit slow.12:15
hellhuhumaybe see you later12:15
hellhuhuoh... thats ok12:15
astraljavaYou could try #opensourcemusicians12:15
hellhuhuit's not really urgent12:15
astraljava...if no further help can be found here. :)12:15
hellhuhui think my family will be sent for execution 1st12:15
hellhuhui can survive another day....12:15
astraljavaOh that's good, I guess.12:15
hellhuhunorth korea thanks you12:16
kubancdoes numark omni control work under ubuntu?15:29
holsteinkubanc: do you have one?15:30
kubancholstein, yes i have one15:31
holsteini dont see them listed at http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Main15:31
holsteinkubanc: i would get a live CD15:31
* holstein is assuming you are not running ubuntu..15:31
holsteinplug it in, and check it out15:31
kubancholstein, yes, i'm running ubuntu15:31
holsteinOH... well, plug it in...15:32
holsteinkubanc: USB ?15:32
kubancif i plug in in, the lsusb doesn't show it15:32
holsteinkubanc: thats not a good sign15:32
kubanci agree15:32
holsteinkubanc: what versions of ubuntu have you tried?15:33
holsteini would try a 10.04 live CD15:33
holstein*no need to install ubuntustudio natively to test15:33
kubancubuntu 10.1015:33
holsteinjust use the live CD's, and run lsusb15:33
holsteinaplay -l15:34
holsteinarecord -l15:34
holsteinthat should tell you what you need to know15:34
holsteinOH... kubanc i need to run15:34
holsteinsee #opensourcemusicians if you want :)15:34
holsteingood luck15:34
dudehello dudes and stuff22:58
dudeif i update to ubuntustudio nattism do i have gnome2?22:58
dudei get mad with gnome3/unity, because this is kindergarten toy22:59
dudeso how can i upgrade to ubuntu-studio from maverick? to natty?23:00
astraljavadude: studio never went with unity, so no fear.23:06
astraljavaJust open update-manager, it should prompt for a new release upgrade.23:07

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