
SpamapSsbuild does not.. something w/ the aufs I think00:45
hunterloftisSo - I'm trying to issue a 'killall' command to clean stuff up before a job is started. But if a matching process isn't killed, I guess killall returns a failed exit code (?) because then the job "fails to start"02:54
ionWhat are you killing in pre-start?02:55
hunterloftision - killing old instances02:55
hunterloftisThis process sometimes doesn't clean up after itself02:56
hunterloftisAnd it creates child processes02:56
ionShouldn’t that kluge be placed in post-stop?02:56
hunterloftisIt also binds to a port, so if any of the worker processes still exist on the next attempt at restarting it, you get an address in use error02:56
hunterloftisI plan on putting it in both places02:56
ionOr perhaps pre-stop.02:56
hunterloftisWhy not pre-start?02:57
ionIsn’t that redundant?02:57
hunterloftisWell, if I had to choose, pre-start would be the best place in that case02:57
hunterloftisBecause I don't care about the workers except when I'm trying to start a new process02:57
hunterloftisSo cleaning up after is much less important than preparing at the beginning02:57
ionWhen Upstart thinks a job is in the stopped state (which is a prerequisite for starting something), it *should* be.02:58
ionIt’s very nasty to leave processes just laying around even though the job claims to be stopped and then try to clean them up just before starting it again.02:58
hunterloftisThen why not just do it on both ends?02:58
frewsxcvto get a script working, do i just copy my conf file into /etc/init? and then just do 'start script'?06:26
codebeakeris it intentional that daemons started with upstart (ubuntu 10.x) don't inherit limits from /etc/security/limits.conf ?14:45
frewsxcvso if i create an upstart conf, shouldn't i be able todo 'start myscript' immediately?14:56
jhuntcodebeaker: upstart doesn't use pam currently.14:57
codebeakerok, so it's planned/unplanned/etc - but the limits stanza is just as sane (once you know about it)14:58
jhuntfrewsxcv: yes, assuming the script has valid syntax - try running "init-checkconf file.conf"14:58
codebeakerI've inherited a somewhat badly written upstart script via a ppa package, and was surprised that the software basically doesn't work out of the ppa, didn't know that there was a limits option14:58
frewsxcvjhunt: i don't have that command15:01
jhuntassuming the file is in /etc/init/, run "initctl log-priority debug && touch /etc/init/myfile.conf". Then, tail you system log and look for the name of your .conf file.15:02
jhuntUpstart will have logged if it has read it or if it is syntactically incorrect.15:02
jhuntfrewsxcv: alternatively, do this: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#older-versions-of-upstart15:03
jhuntfrewsxcv: (just to check the code blocks)15:03
frewsxcvthanks jhunt 15:06
jhuntfrewsxcv: np.15:06

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