
micahghas anyone tested blueman in xubuntu oneiric?00:25
ScottLwhat is blueman (obviously i haven't tested it)00:55
charlie-tcamicahg: far as I know, no one has tested blueman because none of us have anything that uses bluetooth02:33
GridCubecharlie-tca, :D good night mister02:34
charlie-tcaHello, GridCube 02:34
GridCubetomorrow i think i can make some tests02:35
charlie-tcaThat would be great!02:36
charlie-tcaWe can use as many people testing as are able to test.02:37
charlie-tcaThree or four days of installs can make you miss a lot of stuff02:37
GridCubeI'm also learning how to make webformularies to save into mysql databases XD02:38
GridCubeso in a couple of months my project will be on alpha :P02:40
GridCubewell good night mister charlie-tca :)02:42
micahgugh, will have to reply to him tomorrow03:24
Unit193Err... That softpedia says "Mousepad replaced Leafpad"06:01
Unit193pleia2: You done messed up ;)  Site says "Xubuntu has replaced gmd with lightdm" where it should say "Xubuntu has replaced GDM (or gdm) with (L)light(DM)dm"06:03
raevolUnit193: apologies if i am missing some sort of joke, but see: http://xubuntu.org/node/4906:05
raevoloh i see what you are saying about softpedia06:06
Unit193raevol: That's what I was checking06:06
raevolman i am always 2 steps behind here :P06:06
Unit193Na, I'm about the same. Second comment make sense?06:06
raevolare you correcting the capitalization?06:07
Unit193Not just that, gmd isn't anything afaik06:07
Unit193!info gmd06:07
ubottuPackage gmd does not exist in natty06:07
raevoldidn't catch that06:08
raevolGnome Manager Display06:08
raevolhur hur06:08
Unit193It's a quick typo, but I think she be sleeping now :/06:08
Unit193That's about the first thing I noticed on screen, and my grammar is not the best...06:09
raevoli'm bad at cathing typos unless they're the really common kind06:09
raevolsee, catching06:10
Unit193pleia2: You also need to link to the Beta1 download page, not A2 ;) ( http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/11.10/beta-1/ )09:55
Unit193Dang I need to get this VBox working again...10:02
astraljavaWhat's it not doing?10:23
pleia2Unit193: I didn't write the release announcement, I just published it ;)15:52
pleia2but fixed15:52
OlbiI have seen that Xubuntu 11.04 is downloading with update some components of Unity which isn't needed. Could we eliminate that form system? 17:08
astraljavaOlbi: What does "with update" mean=17:21
astraljava= == ?17:21
Olbiastraljava: today I had update thinderbird with unity integration, so strange :P17:21
astraljavaOlbi: Xubuntu doesn't control individual packages, so if there's a bogus dependency, we can't do anything about it.17:22
astraljavaThen it's a matter of filing bugs against that package, for removing dependencies that aren't needed exactly.17:23
astraljavaOn the other hand, if the integration package doesn't depend on unity, then what does it matter?17:25
astraljavaIt's just one cruft package.17:25
astraljavaI think anyone can live with that.17:25
OlbiI only want know if there arent any other unnecessary packages :P17:27
astraljavaOlbi: There's the issue with direct dependencies, and recommends. I think nowadays package managers install recommends by default, so for sure there will be unnecessary packages, for some.17:29
Unit193pleia2: You're the website person so I contacted you...18:19
Unit193astraljava: Crashes the computer when I try to open VBox18:20
pleia2knome: green light from stephanie for the splitting into different branches for theme and plugin20:44
Unit193Thanks for fixing the post :D21:06
GridCubeso tests need to be updated to the test tracker or jus to the spreadsheet21:08
GridCubeoh boy more than half of the image has changed since monday21:08
Olbi|2what is on 4 september? It is at pink color http://2tu.us/3dmh21:54
=== Olbi|2 is now known as Olbi
GridCubedon't know21:56
astraljavaProbably just the last day initialized so far. It's not a critical date for release schedule, anyhoo.21:59
Olbi22 september is last beta :P22:01
Olbimaybe some1 do calendar for it?:P22:01
Olbisuper, my xubuntu 64 bit beta1 is installing too long from LiveCD :P22:02
astraljavaWhat does 'too long' mean?22:02
GridCubethere's some troll on #xubuntu22:23
GridCubesay that i want to propose an image to be added to the backdrop folder, what kind of propieties it should have? like licences and such?23:54

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