
psychok7knome thanks it works :)00:02
duffman_Hi I have a problem with the scroll wheel on my mouse in xubuntu does not work00:03
duffman_someone help me?00:03
knomeduffman_, if you run 'xkbevd' in terminal an scroll, does it give any output?00:06
knomeduffman_, also, is it a "normal" mouse, or some not-so-common one (button count etc?)00:08
duffman_is mouse usb00:09
duffman_all boton found but scroll not found00:09
knomeso when you scroll, there is no output?00:09
duffman_dont output scroll but other button yes00:11
knomei have no ideas then...00:13
knomemight have something to do with mouse not being recognised properly, creating xorg.conf with a mouse section and especially looking that ZAxisMapping is correct might help00:14
knomebut i'm not at all familiar with that00:15
einseenaihello -)01:18
einseenaicharlie-tca, are you here?01:18
einseenaicharlie-tca, I used build of 31 august, but bug with multiple "don't show this message again" persists. i reported it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-notifyd/+bug/83920301:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 839203 in xfce4-notifyd (Ubuntu) ""Don't show this message again" button appears multiple times" [Undecided,New]01:20
mikodoHow do you  burn an .iso to HD, from an .avi burned on to a DVD with xfce 4.8, and then play it with vlc or mplayer or such? I can do it with Ubuntu Lucid. With Xubuntu, I can burn the .iso to the HD the same way in Xubuntu, (with k3b), but cannot play it with either of the players.03:27
mikodoAny guides or tips/links?03:28
mikodoJust thinking this may be taboo here03:38
mikodoCan I delete it some how?03:38
pleia2mikodo: what version of xubuntu?03:39
pleia2k3b and vlc would be the same exact packages as with ubuntu lucid03:39
mikodoStrange thing though, I tried replicating with Xubuntu many times to no avail.03:40
pleia2very strange03:41
mikodoYes, I want to free my self of Ubuntu, when Lucid EOl comes ...03:41
mikodoMaybe if I installed Gnome3 on top of Xubuntu 12.04, I can do this then with the newest Ubuntu DE03:43
mikodoEdit, meant to say without the newest Ubuntu DE03:44
pleia2k3b is a kde app03:44
pleia2so it seems strange to me that it would be a gnome issue03:44
mikodoNot really a gnome issue, seems to be with Xfce 4.803:45
pleia2yeah, I never used 4.8 on lucid03:45
pleia2I guess you're using the ppa?03:45
mikodoTwo things: It is not a problem with kde, It will burn an .iso alright with Xubuntu, just cannot play it with the players. On the PPA, I couldn't find one for k3b03:47
pleia2I meant to get xfce 4.8 on lucid03:49
mikodoIt runs nice.03:50
pleia2do you get some kind of error from vlc or mplayer?03:50
pleia2doing a google search for the error might lead you to figuring out what the encoding problem is with k3b03:50
pleia2anyway, I need to order some dinner, hopefully someone else will come by :) good luck!03:51
mikodoNo errors, just shows in the players as they not having any data from the iso to play03:51
mikodoYes, thanks pleia203:51
mikodoTime for my supper too04:07
mikodoIt seems to not be a problem with k3b with xfce, the .iso in it's properties shows the correct amount of data, just like it does in gnome2, just the players won't play it, I haven't tried any other players ...04:14
mikodoFrom above: Maybe if I burned the .iso with a Gnome app like Brasero it would be able to played my VLC or Mplayer, instead of burning the .iso's from k3b. Gnome2 will use kde apps. but maybe xfce isn't able to use all the kde apps like Gnome2.06:16
mikodoWill try that later and report any successes.06:17
Shirakawasunaanyone know how to get xfwm4 to open a given app on a particular workspace? I've googled it and the results say it doesn't have this functionality, but I just wanted to double check that there weren't plans in progress/a recent change07:27
SysiShirakawasuna: check out devilspie08:32
pauk960hi, can somebody change the download link for beta1 under latest news because it leads to alpha 209:37
Unit193pauk960: Thanks for letting us know, reported09:55
Ycareneis there a way I can test run unity without having to load ubuntu-desktop (and unloading xubuntu-desktop)?10:35
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incorrecti guess there are not going to be many changes in 11.1014:00
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moylanhelp! after booting my xubuntu 11.04 system i find that min/max and application title bars are missing. any ideas?15:40
Sysialt+F2 xfwm4 --replace15:45
moylanwill give it a bash, thanks!15:45
moylanthank you Sysi, that seems to have repaired the problem. made a note in personal wiki in case it happens again.16:13
Sysiis there any workaround for lucid's user switching from xcsreensaver failing -bug?16:33
incorrectif i purge off nautilus and that removes the gnome-session package i will not be able to run the gnome services?19:44
Sysior you can't login to gnome19:45
incorrectthat is fine19:46
incorrectis it worth changing to lightdm?19:57
incorrectin 11.04?19:57
Sysiif gdm works, no20:01
incorrecti have 1gb in this netbook and well if i can save any memory20:02
incorrectwhen did 1gb of ram stop being a lot?20:03
Sysinot yet.. depending what you're doing on that netbook20:04
incorrectwell i do run eclipse and firefox20:04
Sysiugh, eclipse uses lots of ram20:05
incorrectit can i limited mine to 25620:05
SysiI think you could set it to be more and you'd still have enough20:06
incorrectwell, 384mb will probably be where it ends up20:06
Sysihave you considered using something other than eclipse?20:07
incorrectyes i tried many20:07
incorrecti am hooked on using mylyn with my trac setup20:07
incorrectweirdly enough its not eclipse that is such a major hog, its firefox20:08
Sysiclose it and open again, get adblock and maybe flashblock20:08
incorrecti might try midori20:09
bronsonRunning Xubuntu on Oneiric works pretty well but xfce4-power-manager won't run.l20:21
bronsonIt produces a "BadName (named color or font doesn't exist)" X error.20:22
bronsonAny ideas on how to fix this?20:22
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lukinforebronson, say add needed font20:30
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:31
Sysiwe don't know that well #here20:31
bronsonlukinfore, how do I tell what font it needs?20:31
lukinforebronson, not sure. try "strace -efile command" maybe20:32
bronsonIt says "Details: serial 295 error_code 15 request_code 150 minor_code 11"20:33
bronsontrying strace...20:33
bronsondoesn't produce anything helpful20:35
bronsonAnything else I can do here?  I'm out of ideas.20:38
Sysi/join #ubuntu+120:39
bronsonSysi, haven't found any xfce users there in the past but I can give it a shot.20:41
Sysifile a bug report if you can't find solution20:43
bronsonSysi, already filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/82117020:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 821170 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "xfce4-power-manager fails to start (receives X window system error "BadName")" [Undecided,New]20:43
bronsonUnfortunately ignored.20:43
GridCubeupdating iso :D21:05
GridCubeoh... i could do that from ssh today...21:05
Redhammer_the_Olhi I am not sure if you guys can help me but here goes:21:24
Redhammer_the_OlI have a short question (and I have been trying my google-fu for a while) I cannot seem to get sound of embeded flash on my mythbuntu 11.04 (via upgrade from 10.10) box I have tried reinstalling, purging, flash-aid, manual installation and am now  bit at my wits end21:24
Redhammer_the_Olam running xcfe with no pulse audio installed and am quite clueless, sound works fine on other applications21:26
well_laid_lawnRedhammer_the_Ol: where's sound not working?21:35
Redhammer_the_Olin flash21:38
Redhammer_the_Olie youtube etc21:38
Redhammer_the_Olits fine in vlc, fine in mythtv21:38
well_laid_lawnI just use alsa and sound works fine in  flash21:38
well_laid_lawnI didn't do anything special to get it either21:39
Redhammer_the_OlI believe I am using no more than alsa21:39
Sysiyou could try using pulseaudio21:42
Redhammer_the_Oluuuh that worries me21:44
Redhammer_the_Oli mean pulseaudio21:44
Redhammer_the_Olam sceptic it will mess up mythtv21:44
Sysiyou can remove it if it doesn't work21:45
GridCubeRedhammer_the_Ol, try uninstalling flash21:45
Sysihe told he has tried uninstalling and reinstalling stuff21:46
GridCubethere are a few flash plugins beside the original one21:46
Redhammer_the_Olyes I tried 64bit beta , I tried 32bit with wrapper21:47
Redhammer_the_OlI tried gnash21:47
Sysithat breaks adobe flash21:47
Redhammer_the_Olyes I started with 32bit, then purged21:47
Redhammer_the_Olthen tried 64bit purged21:47
Redhammer_the_Olthen tried gnash and purged21:48
Redhammer_the_Oldeleted and purged firefox21:48
Redhammer_the_Oland chromium21:48
GridCubeRedhammer_the_Ol, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204022 ??21:51
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Redhammer_the_Olwill try21:56
GridCubealso after installing/uninstalling you have to reboot, yes reboot, thanks adobe for that21:57
Redhammer_the_Ollets see21:59
Redhammer_the_Olwill purge all21:59
Redhammer_the_Oland then do 32bit21:59
Redhammer_the_Olno luck22:14
Redhammer_the_Olwell well22:14
Xfilesi'm on a fresh install of xubuntu 10.1022:18
Xfilesimpossible to run the clear cmd in a terminal22:18
GridCubewhat terminal?22:18
GridCubexterm or xfce4-terminal?22:19
GridCubeon a tty?22:19
Xfileshow to know ?22:19
Xfilesi would say xterm at random22:19
GridCubeif you are using a tty you should know that, else the title of the window says so22:20
GridCubeor the >help >about22:20
Xfilesit's noted terminal22:20
well_laid_lawnwhy do you think it is impossible to run the clear command?22:20
Xfilesi have some error msg22:21
Xfileslet me copy22:21
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:21
XfilesTERM environment variable not set22:21
Xfilesthat's what it says22:21
juliusSup peoplezz?22:21
juliuswhat up bitches22:22
well_laid_lawnXfiles: try   export TERM=xterm22:22
Xfilesyeah i've found that22:22
Xfilesbut is this solution proper ?22:22
Xfiles*ive found and done that22:22
juliushey dooshes listen to me22:22
well_laid_lawnXfiles: what's in your ~/.bashrc? and yes the solution is proper22:23
juliusboner boner boner boner boner boner boner22:23
Xfilesi don't have .bashrc22:23
juliusBONER BONER22:23
Xfileswell that's scatty22:23
juliusBitch tits22:24
well_laid_lawnany other .bash files in ~ Xfiles22:24
Xfilesyeah i've one22:24
GridCubeXfiles, you did a clean install or updated22:24
XfilesGridCube, a clean one with a live cd22:25
juliusEveryone here can SUCK BALLS22:25
XfilesGridCube, the .bashrc file contains the default stuff22:26
Xfilesi didn't edit it22:26
GridCubethats weird22:27
Xfilesi can't run screen22:27
Xfilesand irssi22:27
GridCubeopen xterm22:27
GridCubealt-f2 > xterm > run22:27
Xfileswhy it don't work with22:28
Xfilesaccessories>terminal ?22:28
PerfieMReporting for duty, sir22:29
Xfileshi PerfieM22:29
PerfieMEvening, chief22:29
GridCubeXfiles, try uninstalling xfce4-terminal and reinstalling it22:30
Xfilesi thought about it22:30
GridCubesudo apt-get purge xfce4-terminal && sudo apt-get install xfce4-terminal22:30
well_laid_lawnI'd put   export TERm=xterm   in .bashrc then in a terminal   source .bashrc22:31
GridCubebut clear works on xterm?22:31
well_laid_lawnclear is a bash builtin afaik22:31
Xfilesi want to use xfce4-term22:32
well_laid_lawno k22:32
GridCubeXfiles, its a fresh install?22:32
XfilesGridCube, yep22:32
GridCubecan't you install 11.04?22:32
Xfilesi don't want to22:33
GridCubethis problem seems to happen whit 10.1022:33
well_laid_lawnXfiles: have you updated since the install?22:33
Xfilesand i skipped it :(22:33
Xfilesbecause of my slow connection22:34
well_laid_lawnthere you go then...22:34
well_laid_lawnupdate && upgrade22:34
Xfilesyeah i've reinstalled xfce4-term22:34
Xfilesbut cannot clear22:34
GridCubedo an sudo apt-get update22:34
GridCubeand then install xfce4-terminal22:35
GridCubemaybe its fixed on a later release22:35
Xfilesyes maybe22:37
* Xfiles crossing fingers22:37
Xfilessame stuff22:37
well_laid_lawnthere was an error with the default environment setup in 10.10 iirc22:38
GridCubeyes its a 10.10 problem22:38
Xfilesecho "export TERM=xterm" | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/set_term.sh && source /etc/profile22:38
Xfilesmaybe ?22:38
GridCubeprobably thats what the bug says22:38
Xfilesif i do that22:38
Xfilesclear will run22:39
GridCubebug 62192722:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 621927 in vte (Ubuntu Maverick) "Embedded Terminal Emulator isn't giving a TERM variable" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62192722:39
Xfilesbut i couldn't run irssi or screen22:39
GridCubenot even using xterm?22:40
Xfilesall run perfectly on xterm22:40
GridCubeyou can install another terminal emulator?22:41
Xfilesyes why not22:41
GridCubesudo apt-get install lxterminal22:41
Xfileswhat you think about zsh ??22:42
GridCubenever used it22:42
XfilesGridCube, same stuff22:43
Xfilescan't clear22:43
XfilesCan't initialize screen handling, quitting.22:44
XfilesYou can still use the dummy mode with -d parameter22:44
GridCubewell i don't know then22:44
Xfileswhile running irssi22:44
GridCubesomeone smarter can help you later i guess22:44
Xfilesyeah no lizards22:44
well_laid_lawnneeds a full updatee && upgrade22:45
GridCubeyes that might help22:45
GridCubeor upgrading to 11.0422:45
GridCubeor waiting a few weeks and installing 11.10 :D22:45
Xfilesthat's scatty22:45
Xfilesthere is not this problem on 10.10 gnome22:46
GridCubeprobably not22:46
Xfilesi've tested there isn't22:46
GridCubebut i think you just didnt get it, because it appears that there was22:46
GridCubesee the bug, all the reports22:46
GridCubesometimes stuff happens bro22:47
Xfileswhat is guake ??22:48
Xfilesanother terminal ?22:48
GridCubeguake is a drop down terminal22:48
GridCubelike in quake22:49
GridCubeyou press a key and a terminal popsout22:49
GridCubei use tilda for that22:55
GridCubeits basically the same22:55
Xfilesit runs22:58
Xfilesdunno how22:59
Xfilesbut irssi go with xfce 4 term22:59
XfilesGridCube, it doesn't run with lxterm :(23:10
GridCubebut it does whit xfce4-terminal?23:10
Xfilestotally scatty23:11
Xfilesmaybe engineers were drinking when coding23:11
XfilesGridCube, it runs with lxterm !23:20
Xfilesecho "export TERM=xterm" | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/set_term.sh && source /etc/profile23:20
Xfilesi think i've upgraded xfce4 term23:20
Xfilesand wit the update version when you do the stuff above it runs23:20
Xfilessee you back on irrsi23:21

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