
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
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icehihi.  in bazaar, is there a way of removing, say, the top three changesets from my repository, and applying the changes to my working directory?13:22
vilaicehi: s/repository/trunk, master branch, shared branch, remote branch/: yes13:25
vilaicehi: if you start with your working tree its parent branch pointing at the same revisions, 'bzr merge -r-4..-1' should give you just that13:27
vilaicehi: tri it and look at 'bzr st' and 'bzr diff' to check13:27
vilaicehi: 'bzr revert' to cancel the attempted merge13:28
vilaicehi: alternatively, use 'merge --preview' if you don't want the changes to be applied to your working tree13:28
icehidoes that actually delete the changesets from the repository?13:30
icehii want to use commits as temporary patches, apply them all to my working dir, and delete them from the log13:30
vilaicehi: no changes are ever deleted from a repository, in bzr lingo, a repo is just a place you put changes13:30
vilaicehi: what matters is the branch history and whether these revisions are part of it ir not13:30
icehii'm basically looking for a way to 'shelve' changes temporarily13:31
vilaicehi: 'bzr shelve --help' ?13:31
vilabut shelves apply only to uncommitted changes13:31
vilaicehi: 'bzr log' (or 'bzr qlog', its graphical equivalent) shows the branch history13:33
icehican i shelve multiple changesets in bzr?13:33
icehior is it just a single patch13:33
vilashelves are not part of the branch history, they are changesets what were never committed to any branch, so they don't appear in any branch history13:34
vilabut you can have as many shelves as you want in a working tree13:34
icehiokay, i might give bzr a try13:35
icehii use hg right now, but there is no simple way of shelving/unshelving in hg at the moment13:35
vilaicehi: you're welcome ;)13:36
vilaicehi: check http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/MatthewFuller/SpotDocs/PiecesInBrief , it's a good Rosetta stone for refugees (it's a wiki)13:38
icehithanks.  does bzr support git-diff format?13:47
jelmericehi: if you have the bzr-git plugin installed you can use "bzr diff --git"14:05
jelmersorry, "bzr diff --format=git"14:05
idnarbleh, is there any way to have ~/.bazaar/locations.conf override everything?16:10
idnar*not* override everything16:10
meoblast001hi, i'm a little confused19:03
meoblast001i have a .bzrignore in the root of my project, but it only lists things to ignore in the root directory19:03
meoblast001there is no .bzrignore in other directories19:04
meoblast001yet, it seems it's ignoring the files i told it to ignore in those directories19:04
meoblast001if these ignores are not in the root .bzrignore file, will they be ignored for others too?19:04
jelmermeoblast001: hi19:33
meoblast001hi jelmer19:33
jelmeridnar: I don't think there is a way to do that at the moment; the idea is that locations.conf can be used to override per-branch behaviour (e.g. for remote branches)19:33
jelmeridnar: Vincent's config improvements might help with that, though you'd probably have to ask him.. I'm not sure about the details19:34
jelmermedberry: I'm not sure if I follow, .bzrignore can only be in the root of the tree19:35
meoblast001jelmer: well, it doesn't contain the files i want to ignore within subdirectories19:35
meoblast001can i just add *.pyc to bzrignore?19:36
meoblast001and it ignore all pyc files in the entire project19:36
jelmermeoblast001: yes, if you just add *.pyc it will ignore them everywhere19:36
jelmeralthough I believe *.pyc is already in the global bzr ignore file19:36
meoblast001ah, thanks :)19:37
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AuroraBorealisso, if you have a shared repository within another shared repository, it stores all the stuff in the top most repository?23:52
AuroraBorealiscause it seems that way based on my old branches but it says nothing about it in the docs :o23:52
jelmerAuroraBorealis: it uses the first shared repository it finds when browsing up the directory stack23:52
AuroraBorealisit appears to be going up two repos23:53
AuroraBorealiscause i had like java/class1/trunk, and class1 and java are repos, and it seems to be storing stuff in 'java'23:53
AuroraBorealisaccording to the nice new branch location information23:53
AuroraBorealisor maybe i'm wrong cause this is on my server, hmm23:54
AuroraBorealisno i'm just being silly. you seem to be right =P23:57

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