
bodomlogos: I use it, but this is an english channel00:00
szal!pt | logos, and be more specific with your questions00:00
ubottulogos, and be more specific with your questions: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:00
logosI`m sorry i did not know00:01
logostanks my friendy00:01
bodomInvestigating my problem, it looks like that KDE doesn't use standard subsystem from file transfer, but uses kdo instead that's much slower :\00:03
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new2netHere is a diagram of the setup I trying tinyurl.com/3ugp4w5 and here is my hardware settings on [BOX 1] in the picture. pastebin.com/BCp59dJ7 . The problem is box1 and 2 are not communicating. Shouldn't I have to do something like this: sudo ifconfig eth1 up && sudo ifconfig --magic-params eth1 -> eth0, or something like that?02:28
new2netI'm using Natty02:29
SIR_Tacohave no fear, Taco is here.... yes, lame I know ;)02:41
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sipherdee_cd /join #ubuntu-qc03:20
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kubuntu11011110_hello there, need help with touchpad issue.04:45
SIR_Tacokubuntu11011110_: what's the issue?04:47
kubuntu11011110_system can detect my touchpad, but i can only tap and drag04:48
SIR_Tacoon an HP touchpad?04:48
kubuntu11011110_it is a synaptics touchpad, in samsung laptop04:49
SIR_Tacoah ok04:49
SIR_Tacodo you know the model of the laptop?04:50
kubuntu11011110_RV411, weird model.04:50
kubuntu11011110_suppose running Win7 but i boot to kubuntu with my USB04:51
kubuntu11011110_this site https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingTouchpadDetection has mentioned my problem under the 'Touchpad features like scrolling, tapping, etc do not work at all' section. No solution available.04:53
SIR_Tacokubuntu11011110_: but the "mouse" part of it works? ie you can move the cursor around and what not?04:54
SIR_Tacoit's just the scrolling that doesn't work?04:54
kubuntu11011110_i can move the cursor, i can't perform edge scrolling, multi touch04:55
SIR_Tacohave you tried this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingTouchpadDetection04:56
kubuntu11011110_they just asked to submit debug and report the bug. no solution at all.04:57
SIR_Tacook... do you tried the part labled: "In case Touchpad features like scrolling, tapping, etc do not work at all."?04:59
kubuntu11011110_yea... the system suppose has sensed my touchpad, but it doesn't support any enhanced function which suppose to be worked in other system05:00
kubuntu11011110_etc Xubuntu 10.1005:00
kubuntu11011110_I'm now at 10.0405:00
Secrisjust wanted to stop by and say that Kubuntu 11.10 Beta is awesome05:02
kubuntu11011110_ah... new KDE interface?05:02
SecrisI am just happy that it is probably the fastest version of kubuntu I have used05:03
SIR_Tacokubuntu11011110_: yea... as in you followed those instructions? or yea you read those instructions?05:04
kubuntu11011110_i have read, and what they want is to submit bug file to them.05:05
SIR_TacoSecris: I agree05:05
SecrisI wonder if the problem I have been having has been fixed05:05
kubuntu11011110_that's all. i went to the bug reporting page at launchpad and it has been reported by many users with different symptoms. it doesn't solve at all.05:06
SIR_Tacokubuntu11011110_: ok, but have you tried the possible solutions above it?05:06
kubuntu11011110_yes. nothing happened05:06
kubuntu11011110_with only generated files which can prove it is a bug =.=05:07
SIR_Tacook, so you have a mouse (via the touch pad) but you can't click and/or scroll?05:07
kubuntu11011110_i can make a single tap, move the cursor, and the buttons are working. however it doesn't go beyond that. the mouse menu should give me options to activate the enhanced function but it says touchpad is not detected05:09
kubuntu11011110_it will remain unsolved until i update the system...05:10
kubuntu11011110_i think so.05:10
SecrisMy computer will only let me login if I have the network cable plugged up05:29
Secrisin fedora to stop the freezing I had to blacklist atlc1... what is it and how do I do it in kubuntu05:39
Secrisno takers05:45
kubuntu11011110_Secris: hm...06:00
Secriswell I found out that it's the Atheros kernel module and in *ubuntu you can temporarily disable it with "sudo rmmod atl1c"06:01
SecrisI am going to reboot and try it06:04
keronhow to instyall tyhe driver?06:07
keronsomeone can help me?06:08
keronim new to ubuntu06:08
keronsomeone can help me?06:09
Secriswell it worked06:09
keronSecris i want to ask some question06:10
Secriskeron I don't know if I will be able to help I am trying to get help myself06:10
keronsecris can you tell me how to install the graphics driver?06:12
Secrison kubuntu you can hit Alt+F2 and type jockey-kde it should do it for you06:13
Secriswell if the driver is listed you will have to click the activate button but it's significantly simpler than doing it yourself06:15
Secriskeron did that help?06:18
keronyes i had do that, it works, it download and install the driver, it needs to restart the computer, ok i restart and saw blank screen06:19
keroni saw the tutorial and do what it say, delete the nouveau driver, i already do it, and install again whit hardware drivers and click the activate button, the result is same, when i restart the computer, blank screen again06:22
Secrisnvidia or ati06:22
SecrisI don't know then all I have used is ati06:30
keronhow u install the driver secris06:30
keronjust tell me06:30
Secrisyou can go to the nvidia site and try but those are your options06:31
keroncan you guide me to install the driver manually?06:31
Secrisnever installed an nvidia driver06:32
SecrisI have never install one06:32
keronhow u install the ati driver?06:32
Secrisgo to the ati site pick the card from the dropdown list then run the file that downloads at the command line06:33
keronin windows file executed by .exe extension, how about ubuntu?06:34
keronhow to run the file with command line?06:34
keronwhich file i must choose?\06:34
Secrisi don't know which file like I said never done an nvidia... to run a file from the command line you need to "chmodd 700 filename && ./filename"06:36
keronin ati06:37
keronjust say in ati06:37
keroncan u tell me in linux06:37
Secrissorry it's chmod not chmodd06:37
Secristell you what in linux06:37
keronwhay extension is the execute file06:38
Secristhere are no set extensions in linux06:38
keronin windows executed file is .exe06:38
keronhyow about it in linux?06:38
keronso if ihave download ta.gz or tar.bz206:39
keronwhat should i do06:39
Secrisyou will need to extract it06:39
kerononly extract?06:40
keronwhat next?06:40
Secrisi don't know it depends on what it gives you06:40
kerondo  u know about wine06:46
DaemonFCWine gives me a headache06:48
SecrisI think Kubuntu 11.10 may be the first one that I use without installing preload07:13
Secrisif it maintains (or improves) it's current level of speed I am going to start telling people to give it another shot07:17
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maicolbuongiorno a tutti.08:59
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:09
ionitehi. i am using sane but it shows failed to load device. what should i do?09:43
i1920x1080can somebody help me figure out how using dbus to refresh kmails identity change?10:13
i1920x1080im currently browing qdbusviewer up and down and I am lost on how to get kmail to refresh the emailidentities file10:13
i1920x1080Id appreciate any help I can get on this10:13
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tonymcdoes anyone know how to install digikam2 from PPA? i have the PPA but can't install it due to dependency problems10:25
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Mamaroktonymc: could you please specify which Kubuntu version and KDE version you use?11:30
tonymcNatty with 4.7.0 PPA11:30
tonymckubuntu-backports or something11:30
Mamarokand which PPA do you try for digikam2?11:31
BluesKajhiyas all11:32
Mamarokhi BluesKaj11:32
BluesKajhey Mamarok11:32
Ddpbftonymc  $ kde4-config --version11:33
Ddpbfto determine wich kde11:33
MamarokDdpbf: ?11:33
DdpbfMamarok: to determine wich version of kde11:34
Ddpbfhe use, he should type kde4-config --version in konsole11:34
Mamarokare you actualkly asking a question or is this an answer for an unasked question?11:35
tonymcQt: 4.7.2  KDE Development Platform: 4.7.00 (4.7.0)11:35
Mamaroktonymc: which PPA did you try for digikam2?11:35
BluesKajor open a folder , about kde in help11:35
Mamaroktonymc: could you pastebin the error message you get when you try to install it?11:35
tonymcjust a moment, i'm currently trying to make my owncloud work on another channel :-)11:38
Mamaroktonymc: I guess you followed these instructions: http://www.digikam.org/drupal/node/62111:40
tonymci did11:40
tonymcit looks like it conflicts with other kubuntu ppa's11:41
Mamarokwhich is an installation for the git version, which is more recent than the one in Philip's PPA11:41
tonymcah, screw it, i'll wait for oneiric then11:41
KomiaPoi1ain kde4, how do i move the taskbar on the top of the desktop?11:41
MamarokI doubt that11:41
tonymcmove or add the panel11:41
Mamaroktonymc: Oneiric doesn't have a newer than 1.9.011:41
tonymcbut i'm sure it will have it somewhere in ppa's11:41
Mamaroktonymc: well, Philip's PPA is the latest you can get11:42
tonymclatest *for now*11:42
Mamarokbut you could at least pastebin the error you get, so I can have a look at it :)11:42
tonymcwhen we all officially move to 4.7 (as opposed to just us brave ones using PPA's) then it will have proper dependencies for oneiric11:42
tonymcKomiaPoi1a move/add a panel to the top and then move the taskbar widget11:42
tonymcthere's no error, just unresolved dependencies11:43
Mamarokdid you notify Philip about that?11:43
Mamaroksibce we do not give support for external PPAs, you should ask him11:43
jordiit's a test of my quassel irc12:14
jordisomeone here12:15
tonymcMamarok no i haven't, as these problems are really due to me using a backports ppa - phillip's PPA uses older packages12:25
tonymcso technically it's not phillip's fault12:25
c2tarunI have two java's installed on my kubuntu open-jdk and sun-jdk. by default its open-jdk how can I switch to sun-jdk?12:26
OerHeksi would remove one of the two.12:31
c2tarunOerHeks, hmm... do you think this will work?12:35
OerHeksi think you can have only one java alternative running in your browser.12:35
OerHeksrestart your browser after uninstall12:40
BluesKajc2tarun, are you going to do soe java programming then sun-jdk is the one you want , don't think it has much connection with open-jdk'12:40
KomiaPoi1awhat aptsource must i put to get gimp-registry, google earth, ...?12:58
OerHeksKomiaPoi1a,  sudo apt-get install gimp-plugin-registry >> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/gimp-plugin-registry-a-repository-of-optional-extensions-for-the-gimp.html13:04
OerHeksKomiaPoi1a, google earth may need 2 steps, lsb-core and the .deb file >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth13:05
kbroulikhow can I look up what kind of memory I have in my computer i. e. DDR3-1333 or so13:19
tonymci updated to KDE PIM 4.7 and now have my mail not updated13:22
tonymcakonadi is stuck at 0% on one inbox and 6% on another13:22
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_BS_Having hit Alt-F2 (run command), and started typing, and a suggested command appear in grey ... what keystroke accepts it?13:50
_BS_For that matter ... what is the application name of the beastie that comes up when I hit Alt-F2?13:51
KomiaPoi1aOerHeks, thanks13:51
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dappermuis_BS_: enter accepts it13:57
_BS_dappermuis: Not for me it doesn't, it just runs the command of the text entered to date. (evidently krunner is the app.)13:58
dnivrahello. I run Kubuntu 11.04. Whenever I plug my laptop into a projector, Kubuntu freezes and I've to force restart. The projector's manufactured by Dell. Any idea what could be the issue and how I could fix it?14:00
dappermuis_BS_: yes, it is krunner. For me if I start to type, once an application appears I hit enter and it runs14:00
dappermuisfor instance, kma+enter will run kmag14:00
_BS_dappermuis: ok. thanks. Right now nothing happens when I hit Alt-F2, or right-click run command. Will have to chase that down first.14:01
dnivraI don't have a projector right now so can't try anything :(. It's college property and rooms are locked. and besides I try plugging in, system freezes :D.14:01
dappermuis_BS_: ah ok, so something else is probably wrong14:02
dappermuis what version of kde are you running?14:02
dappermuisdnivra: it's probably some graphics driver issue14:02
dnivradappermuis: but it's worked fine in earlier versions-they were ubuntu true but still.14:03
dnivrathat's what's baffling me.14:03
_BS_dappermuis: Yes, but problem occurred post asking my question. SC 4.7 I believe.14:03
dnivrai have two installations of Kubuntu 11.04 and both have the issue.14:03
_BS_dappermuis: Yes, confirmed.14:03
dappermuisdnivra: ah, the driver has most likely changed in recent versions which caused it to break14:03
dappermuisdnivra: you could try booting with a kernel that worked before and see if that helps14:04
dnivradappermuis: I don't have a kernel in which it worked since I did a clean install14:04
dappermuisdnivra: what version is your kernel?14:05
dappermuisand what graphics chipset do you have?14:05
dnivra2.6.38-8-generic and Intel graphics chipset.14:05
szaldnivra: -8 is not up-to-date, please update your system14:06
dnivraszal: i don't see updates-i just updated my system about one hour ago.14:07
dappermuisdnivra:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/76639514:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 766395 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "multiple monitors fail to display" [Undecided,Invalid]14:07
dappermuisno fix, but a bug has been filed14:07
dnivragreat! invalid :(.14:08
_BS_dapermuis: Thanks, your 'kma' example works, but it's taking a coon's age to come up. Both the run command, and kmag. Something goofy going on here I'll have to resolve. Thanks.14:08
dnivrathe problem with my issue is that when the freeze occurs, the entire system locks up making debugging virtually impossible :(:14:09
dnivraszal: you mentioned that the kernel isn't updated. any idea why it doesn't show up as an update then?14:09
tonymci updated to KDE PIM 4.7 and now have my mail not updated14:10
tonymcakonadi is stuck at 0% on one inbox and 6% on another14:10
dappermuisdnivra: you could try a mainline kernel http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/14:10
tonymci even tried recreating one of the accounts14:10
dappermuis_BS_: okay, gl14:10
szaldnivra: how do you update?14:11
dnivraszal: "apt-get update&&apt-get upgrade"14:12
n233g16hello everyone!14:12
dnivraas root of course :)14:12
szalmake sure you have natty-updates enabled14:13
dnivraszal: oh right. lemme check that.14:13
dnivraszal: good guess. it wasn't. lemme try and check if there's a kernel update.14:14
dnivraszal: sure enough. I'll give this a shot next time. hope it'll work. thanks a lot!14:17
dnivradappermuis: you too! thanks for that bug report. I might reopen it if it doesn't work for me.14:18
dappermuisdnivra: no problem. As I said, you could also try a mainline kernel14:18
dnivrasure-that's the next thing and in case it doesn't work I reopen the bug probably so it might get fixed for oneiric at least.14:19
SpectrumAnyone have experience with WICD? Pros and cons vs. NetworkManager?14:31
BluesKajSpectrum, depends ..NM wifi hasn't worked for my Belkin USB wifi adapter since 2009 , the latest wicd-kde works just fine on it14:34
KomiaPoi1aOerHeks: can i use the .deb package from google earth download or do i have to unpack it first and then make another google earth package?14:35
DdpbfSpectrum: if you have wadsl conection than yo should try wicd14:35
Ddpbfgenerally it works better than nettwork manager with wadsl14:36
hacked_kernelthe CPU usage of the Xorg is very high, any suggestions?14:38
SpectrumThx. NetworkManager works fine for me. Just see a lot of people using WICD and wondering what's up.14:38
ubuntu_hi all14:42
BluesKajSpectrum, it's an alternative to NM , depends what drivers are needed and wicd seems ato accomodate the lesser knowns14:42
ashwinhow to install qt quick designer in kubuntu?14:51
KomiaPoi1ai have kubuntu 11.04 64bit, what do i have to install to let the google earth package install? it tries to install deps such as lib32gcc, ... but "is not going to be installed"14:56
BluesKajKomiaPoi1a, install lsb-core first then try the GE deb either from the repos or the GE site ..I used the GE site14:58
OerHeksKomiaPoi1a, you did select 64 bit @ http://www.google.com/intl/en/earth/download/ge/agree.html ?15:00
avihaywoops, ignore15:03
ashwinhow can i install latest qt softwares and libs?15:05
BluesKajashwin, do you have qtcreator , qt designer is a plugin15:10
KomiaPoi1aBluesKaj: i installed lsbcore and then i try dpkg -i google-earth-stable_current_amd64.deb but it complains about missing lib32 dll's15:10
KomiaPoi1aOerHeks: yes15:10
ashwinBluesKaj: i need to install qtcreator<=2.2 for qt quick design,15:11
BluesKajKomiaPoi1a, there are no dlls in linux , they're called libs ..insyall ia32-libs15:11
ashwineverything in kpackagekit is old15:13
OerHeksashwin, compile it from source, if it is not available15:13
BluesKajashwin, install sudo apt-get qtcreator15:14
OerHekscurrent in 4.7 is 2.1.015:14
BluesKajashwin , old doesn't mean it doesn't work15:15
KomiaPoi1aBluesKaj: ok, i had to make apt-get -f install with no package to solve it15:15
ashwini need latest qt quick and designer for it15:16
BluesKajKomiaPoi1a, ok , does it work ?15:16
KomiaPoi1aBluesKaj: still downloading, will keep you posted ;)15:16
BluesKajashwin, /join #qt15:17
BluesKajKomiaPoi1a, ok :)15:17
OerHeksashwin, look @ http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/downloads#qt-creator15:18
OerHeksbut then you are on your own, ifaik15:19
KomiaPoi1awhat's the command to list hardware in linux again?15:20
EagleScreenKomiaPoi1a: try lspci OR lsusb15:22
KomiaPoi1aooh yea15:26
OerHeksthis page may be a good start for terminalcommands > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:27
RatchetmanCould someone tell me how to open an installer? I just DLed the latest adobe flash plugin and opened it with ARK.15:36
BarkingFishafternoon all :)  I need a little help here.  Every time I touch one particular corner of my screen, my session locks.  I think it could be one of KDE's screen actions, but I don't know where to unset it from. Any ideas?16:19
BluesKajBarkingFish, which corner, upper left ? if so open system settings>workspace behavior>screen edges16:23
BarkingFishBluesKaj, bottom right16:24
BarkingFishbut I'll check it anyway16:24
lcbBarkingFish: Workspace Behavior and Screen Edges16:25
BarkingFishyep BluesKaj - it was a lock screen action16:25
lcbbut it depends where you have it set16:25
BarkingFishI've cleared it.16:25
guest__hello, I'm trying to install choqok and I'm getting this error when I run cmake "ERROR: cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake not found"16:26
guest__does any one know how to resolve this error?16:26
KomiaPoi1aBluesKaj: google earth works, but the fonts are all f*cked up, and I can't make the left area smaller than half a laptop screen16:26
BluesKajKomiaPoi1a, open system settings > application appearance >GTK+appearances ..configure the gtk apps there16:30
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konquianyway to get dolphin integration with ubuntu one?17:07
OerHeksi can't get ubuntu-one working on KDE :(17:08
konquiinstalled the gnome client, ubuntuoe folder synchs17:09
konquibut I would like dolphin int to add more sync folders17:10
tsimpsonmaybe this can help you: http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2010/08/19/ubuntu-one-the-kde-way/17:11
konquitsimpson: outdated no longer works since u1 changed its api17:12
tsimpsonI guess vddlogger needs more love/money17:15
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robriccan sme1 help me...??19:10
robrici want to make a bootable usb ..19:10
robricusing kubuntu 11.0419:11
OerHekshi robric use usb-creator from the Kubuntu menu19:15
robrichello ...i want to make a bootable xp usb ...19:16
robricbt it dosent take the iso image19:16
OerHeksdid you check the image Md5sum ?19:17
OerHeksehm xp usb ?19:17
OerHeksask in ##Windows i guess19:18
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OerHekshi x-number22:15
x-numberi'ḿ just learning about this....22:15
excognacwhat does this mean? [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlan0 OUT= MAC=ec:55:f9:1d:ae:e3:30:46:9a:c4:fd:b9:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=267 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=48 ID=8205 PROTO=TCP SPT=80 DPT=51041 WINDOW=108 RES=0x00 ACK PSH URGP=022:35
Torchexcognac: without context it looks like some log from a firewall blocking a tcp packet, probably http22:39
excognacTorch: yeah, from kernel log but it was bold. a few minutes earlier the machine froze. Why? Is this helps ?EXT4-fs (sda5) re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=60022:42
Torchthe firewall entry surely has nothing to do with a non-responding machine.22:42
Torchthe ext4 thing is serious if this is your root file system. it's serious if it isn't as well.22:42
excognacok, what could be the problem?22:47
excognachow to fix it?22:47
Torchexcognac: run this as root in a shell (without the quotes): "tune2fs -C 9999 /dev/sda5"22:53
Torchexcognac: then reboot22:53
Torchexcognac: this will trigger a file system check on your next boot.22:53
Torchexcognac: just a wild guess, though.22:53
excognacok, but it can't cause any further trouble, right?22:54
Torchexcognac: it can indeed make the situation worse, i'm afraid, but it's not very likely22:55
excognacwell, c u soon then hopefully22:55
excognacNo command arguments supplied!22:58
excognacUsage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command>22:58
excognacKdeSudo will now exit...22:58
Torchsudo makes you root in this case, not kdesudo22:58
excognacI know22:58
excognacI never typed kdesudo22:59
excognacthanks anyway22:59
RiffRaffDo Display setting carry over between enviroments?23:01
TorchRiffRaff: which settings do you have in mind?23:03
RiffRaffjust a question to understand better for gnome i am using compiz to do niffty things with the desktops but for kde i was told to use kwin just wondering if it would cause conflicts problems or where the line between enviroments divides?23:05
TorchRiffRaff: whatever you configure compiz to do in gnome has zero effect on kwin23:05
RiffRaffand vise versa?23:05
TorchRiffRaff: yes23:05
RiffRaffso all the visual stuff is divided between enviroments and software/package stuff is shared?23:07
TorchRiffRaff: compiz and kwin are just two applications that happen to do the same thing.23:07
TorchRiffRaff: you wouldn't expect firefox and chrome to share their configurations, right? ;-)23:08
Torch(neglecting importing bookmarks and stuff now ... ;-)23:08
RiffRaffwell thats what im feeling out is where do the eviroments divide; firefox and chrome share bookmarks but they don't share security settings, gnome and kde share program list but not visual settings23:10
RiffRaffleast thats what i'm understanding so far23:10
TorchRiffRaff: yes, that's how it is. the applications they appear to share are just the applications installed on your machine. when you run a program from inside KDE or gnome the desktop environment doesn't care much if it's a gnome or kde app23:10
TorchRiffRaff: you usually get certain benefits from using only KDE apps in KDE and only gnome apps in gnome, but it's not a requirement23:11
RiffRaffto highlight txt you type the persons name and the colon?23:15
TorchRiffRaff: to talk to someone, type a few chars of the person's nick and type <tab>23:16
TorchRiffRaff: your client (konversation or quassel, i guess) will autocomplete the nick. you may have to cycle through alternatives by pressing <tab> more than once23:17
RiffRaffTorch: i think i get the hang of it23:17
TorchRiffRaff: you do ;-)23:17
RiffRaffTorch: thanks for taking the time i have much to learn about linux and irc23:18
TorchRiffRaff: you're welcome23:18
RiffRaffTorch: what is the best place/way to learn about tty and init levels?23:21
TorchRiffRaff: hmm. afaik (k)ubuntu doesn't really _have_ init levels any more23:21
TorchRiffRaff: and what do you want to learn about tty? what do you mean with the term?23:22
TorchRiffRaff: console in general?23:22
RiffRaffthe alternate screens that aren't gui screens that you can iniate xserver to run different levels of gui. i'm aware of this stuff but very very far from understanding them23:24
TorchRiffRaff: the concept is the machine boots to some text-only level. no gui, no mouse (simplifying things), just text. then you're free to run whichever graphical environment you want, including multiple of them at the same time.23:25
TorchRiffRaff: this used to be called init levels indeed. level 3 was text withoutt X, 5 was full X. (4 was unused)23:26
TorchRiffRaff: (k)ubuntu does not use this concept any longer as far as i know, just some compatibility to keep scripts working.23:26
TorchRiffRaff: i'm not familiar with the "new" system (k)ubuntu used enough to describe how it works, really.23:27
RiffRaffdo the levels change from distros?23:31
TorchRiffRaff: no23:32
TorchRiffRaff: there's a standard from, i think, the end of the 1970s (i'd have to look that up) that says which level is what23:32
TorchRiffRaff: in theory each unix/linux is free to do with those what they want though23:32
TorchRiffRaff: and thinking of it, there indeed are some variations.23:32
RiffRaffwas originaly trained in suse linux was almost certin init 7 was full23:33
TorchRiffRaff: init 7 does not exist on suse ;-)23:33
TorchRiffRaff: there's only init 0 (which is shutdown == off) to init 6 (which is reboot)23:33
TorchRiffRaff: pretty arcane stuff for half past one in the morning, btw ;-)23:34
RiffRaffits 16:30 for me, emphisis was put upon this stuff when i was trained not sure why but the more i remember the more i can ask and learn23:35
TorchRiffRaff: nothing wrong with that, i was just trying to point out that you shouldn't be too surprised to find out not everything i say here is 100% correct and precise23:36
TorchRiffRaff: as always, wikipedia is a good starting point: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel23:38
RiffRaffforgot it was called a runlevel and init levels is too vague to search with23:38
RiffRaffas far as package management i am not too keen on the kpackagekit and prefer synaptic but is it wise to set synapic as defualt package manager?23:43
TorchRiffRaff: nothing wrong with that if it suits your needs.23:43
TorchRiffRaff: i just use the command line tools, apt-get and dpkg23:43
TorchRiffRaff: there's also aptitude on the command line, but i never bothered with that23:44
TorchRiffRaff: another command line program to manage packages23:44
RiffRaffone thirty you in london?23:44
TorchRiffRaff: not in londong, it's 0:45 there.23:45
TorchRiffRaff: i'm in germany23:45
RiffRaffhmm love thier wine23:45
TorchRiffRaff: hehe23:45
RiffRaffhow does one use tar.bz to install packages?23:52
TorchRiffRaff: you unpack the tarball with tar xfj <name> from the shell and then check what's inside what you unpacked23:53
TorchRiffRaff: in theory you should be able to use KDE's ark gui, but it's so buggy i'd advise against it23:54
RiffRaffusing ark i can unwrap the package but i can23:54
RiffRaffokay so try xfj?23:54
TorchRiffRaff: in a shell, run "tar xfj <name of the package file>"23:54
TorchRiffRaff: this will unpack it in the current dir23:54
RiffRafftar: Child returned status 223:57
RiffRafftar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors23:57
TorchRiffRaff: copy the whole command and output to paste.kde.org (see topic)23:58

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