
ebelGreetings from Dublin09:03
slashtommorning from the dublin globaljam09:13
infoturtlehello all!!09:13
slashtomgood morning, we have lattes :P09:18
infoturtleI can cans of cheap shit I got in lidl09:20
infoturtlenot as fancy09:20
slashtomgood morning airurando09:44
airurandoanyone in here from the jams in Limerick or Galway?09:50
trevorpowerWe're here in Limerick10:04
ebelour website seems down...10:05
airurandohello trevorpower10:06
airurandoI presume infoturtle is with you also10:06
airurandotrevorpower: do you know who is running the jam in Galway?10:07
infoturtlehey all10:14
infoturtleya I'm here airurando, just testing 11.10 beta10:14
ebelinfoturtle: was it you and thethomaseffect who said you'd like to be web master?10:23
infoturtleI did say, some time back yes, don't know who is on it now10:26
ebelno-one is on it now :P10:27
infoturtleoh dear, and it's down you say?10:28
ebelyou were asking for DNS name change? I can contact canonical to do it.10:28
infoturtleon a side note, we're having trouble getting getting the unity pack here, how do you get packages10:28
infoturtleebel, that wasn't me10:29
infoturtlethere was talk about it but I didn't ask for it10:30
ebelah ok10:30
* ebel is getting confused with names10:30
infoturtleI know, we should talk this over at the next meeting and have one go to guy for it10:31
ebeli have emailed canonical hosting to tell them that our website is down10:33
infoturtleebel, do you know how we can get the unity package to work on a bug?10:33
infoturtlecool, let us know what they say about it10:33
ebelwhat unity package?10:34
ebeldo you want the source code?10:34
* ebel tries to get empathy working with video char10:34
infoturtleha ha, I'm not sure, the bug says it is on the unity package but that would seem a bit big to work on10:35
ebelairurando1 is going to try10:42
ebelapparently ye/someone did it all ready10:49
infoturtleya, I just nabbed it, it won't work for trevorpower for some reason but I can get it using the same command10:50
ebelthis the unity thing?11:01
ebelyou know anything about the website?11:01
ebelwe're looking at it now11:01
airurando1infoturtle: do you know anything about the new.ubuntu-ie.org on the blacknight account?11:14
=== airurando1 is now known as airurando
czajkowskihows folks13:11
slashtomhey cztab13:27
czajkowskislashtom: hey13:32
czajkowskiebel: did you report the ubuntu-ie.org down in a RT ?13:32
ebelczajkowski: yes13:32
ebelno reply yet13:32
czajkowskicant see any vanguard on13:32
czajkowskits the weekend13:33
czajkowskiwill just have a look for the number13:33
czajkowskiand see if I cna go and poke someone13:33
czajkowskiebel: did you do it via email or logging into RT.u.c ?13:33
ebeli have a ticket number13:33
czajkowskioh whats the number please ?13:34
czajkowskihow's ye13:39
ebeleh, grand13:49
ebelonly me slashtom and airurando here in dublin13:49
czajkowskihere working oneiric in the apt13:51
czajkowskino global jams in the UK13:51
ebelyou haven't set one up? :P14:02
czajkowskinot my call14:03
czajkowskiAlanBell: area not mine14:03
AlanBellI am at a family thing, anyone could habe done one, nobody did14:16
thethomaseffectebel:  ping!14:37
ebelthethomaseffect: pong14:37
thethomaseffectebel:  Are we ready to move to the blacknight hosting yet? :)14:38
ebelthethomaseffect: well, me and airurando were looking at it14:38
ebeldrupal is installed and partially configured on the blacknight hosting14:39
ebelas new.ubuntu-ie.org14:39
ebeland we were wondering about that14:39
ebeldo you know anything about that?14:39
thethomaseffectThat partial install would have been me14:40
thethomaseffectbut I was using the direct path at the time14:40
ebelwe were looking at it by editing our /etc/hosts, however only the front page works.14:40
thethomaseffectthere was some wierd issues, html test page loaded fine, but not php ones for drupal14:41
thethomaseffectSo I said I'd wait until domain was setup14:41
ebelhave you changed your /etc/hosts file? that'd be like changing the domain just for you?14:43
thethomaseffectI have my own hosting at thomasgeraghty.me now14:45
thethomaseffectSo if infoturtle is up for it I can start on new site, then once domain has been repointed I can use the migration addon to move everything over14:46
ebelwe looked at the drupal on the blacknight thing and you can't click on any of the links14:46
thethomaseffectcan't install addons on current hosting unfortunetly :(14:46
thethomaseffectyeah forget about that14:46
thethomaseffectwould need a fresh install once domain is setup14:46
thethomaseffectIt's a blacknight thing I think, php isn't running because there's no damain maybe14:47
ebelsee, we didn't really know what to do with the drupal install there.14:47
ebelwe didn't want to delete it without telling you, but it sounds like you'd be OK with deleting what's there.14:48
thethomaseffectYeah go ahead14:48
ebelPHP is running, there's no way for a hosting company to know (a) what domain you are going to use on a hosting plan and (b) what the DNS for it is pointing to.14:48
thethomaseffectAlso, I suggested before moving to wordpress?14:49
ebelSince the DNS resolving is done on the client (web browser) end.14:49
thethomaseffecteasier to maintain if everyone was cool with it14:49
thethomaseffectebel:  Networking ain't my strongest point :)14:49
ebelYou should be able to change you /etc/hosts file to point to the blacknight hosting, and that should be as if the domain has been repointed14:51
ebeland it should all Just Work for you.14:51
thethomaseffecton windows right now14:53
ebelwell, what do you want to do with the website? Do you still want to/have the time to do the website.14:53
ebelCause airurando can be a fallback if needed.14:53
thethomaseffectYes and yes14:53
ebelIf you're still cool with doing it, then we can sort out the DNS14:53
thethomaseffectnot that I'll get mad if airurando want to do it14:53
thethomaseffectI'd just rather get the DNS sorted since the site isn't much work besides14:54
ebelgrand, i'll contact canonical to change the DNS, and I can leave the rest up to you?14:54
thethomaseffectand it's down now anyways :P14:54
ebelyeah, I've contacted canonical about it being down.14:54
thethomaseffectAh grand14:54
ebelwindows has a /etc/hosts file :P http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_(file)14:55
thethomaseffectOnly problem I can think of is I'm going up to my new house for college on Monday and might be offline for a new days14:55
ebelBeing able to 'pretend' that a website is live is great for doing web development.14:55
thethomaseffectbut I should be able use computers in college14:55
thethomaseffectwhich is 5 mins away14:55
czajkowskiebel: I've not sent that mail to RT re the website14:56
czajkowskiany ide awhen I can send it ?14:56
ebelYou're not going to have a laptop/internet access ? How will you cope? :P14:56
thethomaseffectI know right? :)14:56
slashtom3G dongle, android tethering?14:56
thethomaseffectOh yeah, I have my android :P14:57
ebelczajkowski: well looks like you'd be good to send it now? right thethomaseffect?14:57
thethomaseffectThat's be great with me14:57
thethomaseffectthat'd* even14:57
ebelsend czajkowski, send!14:57
czajkowskisenting now15:01
thethomaseffectWhy does this chan have no ops?15:01
czajkowskithethomaseffect: we do15:01
czajkowskibut it's impolite to be opped up when not needed15:01
czajkowskijust an ubuntu politeness15:01
thethomaseffectAh ok :)15:01
ebelyou can see who has ops on a channel in freenode by talking to ChanServ15:02
airurandothethomaseffect: could you use drupal.org/project/udtheme-2010 as the theme for the new website15:03
thethomaseffectczajkowski linked some official one on the ubuntu site for loco teams but yup15:04
thethomaseffectthat is for drupal 6, think it will work fine though15:05
airurandoit might be the same one15:05
airurandobut go with czajkowski s recommendation if not15:05
airurandoafternoon trevorpower15:06
airurandowas it just you and infoturtle in Limerick?15:06
czajkowskimoonpie: ping18:15
thejetsetHey guys! :) Nice to meet some of you earlier today at TOG20:38

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