
BigWhaleGood Morning everyobe05:39
BigWhaleUGJ in Slovenia happening today, yay! :)05:39
chilicuilwowowo, yea05:40
chilicuilwe're almost done here too, UGJ Mexico05:41
czajkowskimorning 06:12
BigWErrr, wrong window07:50
BigWUbuntu Global Jam in Slovenia in progress!07:54
chilicuilI think the UGJ could be even more cool if every (or almost every) event could stream a live session, and then a page could display all of them08:02
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bkerensaWill we have a central channel for all locos to chat during global jams?09:04
ebelHello from Dublin, Ireland.09:10
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ebelwww.ubuntu-ie.org (hosted on canonical servers) is down....10:06
nigelbebel: Have you filed an RT?10:16
nigelbIf not, please do10:16
ebelHow do I do that? I've never done it before10:16
ebel(FYI the 4 or 5 other ubuntu-XX.org sites on that ip address seem down)10:17
nigelbYou can login to rt.ubuntu.com ("click sign in with SSO") and open a ticket.10:28
nigelbAlternatively, you can just email rt@ubuntu.com10:28
ebelnigelb: thanks10:30
nigelbnp :)10:32
ebeldone, thanks10:32
BigWdoes anyone know what's going on with live.gnome.org? it seems rather dead to me :/12:23
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czajkowskibkerensa: here is the central channel for locos 13:14
komputesLet's Jam! Put on your red shoes and file some bugs!15:03
h00khi all.15:23
h00kglobal jam xxxix15:23
h00kwoah. apologies. on my phone.15:24
BigWkomputes, we're fixing them :>15:32
komputesBigW: What LoCo are you in?15:34
komputesh00k: ^15:34
h00kI'm the contact15:35
komputesBigW: h00k: whats the turn out for your UGJ event if you have one?15:35
h00kkomputes, I can't find the carrot character15:35
h00kwill find out, we're doing the brainstorm triage15:36
h00kalternatively,.hitting the domain root will get you there15:37
h00kplanet ubuntu should pick that up,.and it's.on the loco events page15:37
h00kkomputes ^ found it.15:38
BigWkomputes, Ubuntu Slovenia :)15:40
BigWpeople here have translation marathon and I'm working on Gwibber :)15:40
BigWkomputes, and we have around 15 people here15:41
komputesBigW: nice turnout!15:41
BigWyeah I was surprised myself15:41
komputesWe're in Montreal, Quebec doing testing at the moment15:41
komputes5 people at the moment15:42
h00khttp://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-wisconsin/events and we are doing a bug jam tomorrow15:42
BigWwe started at 9am and wanted to finish at 5pm, but most of the people came here at 4pm :))15:42
BigWso, we're extending15:42
komputesWe are doing 9am to 9pm15:42
h00kWe've had a few events lately, nice to see people putting in their time15:44
h00kIt's pretty cool.15:45
h00khi, ripps15:55
bkerensaOK ppl headed to the store before our jam starts at 2pm17:30
locodir-userhow do you join?17:52
locodir-userand why would you join?17:52
locodir-usernew to this gig17:52
Ronniehi locodir-user, where or what do you want to join?17:56
chilicui1running an UGJ, yeeei! n_n19:41
* popey stands to attention21:13
paultagOh jeesus, that's fluxbox syntax21:14
paultagdrubin: what's up?21:14
paultagoh ffs21:14
czajkowskiwhy are you waking my terminal up paultag :)21:14
drubinhehe :)21:14
paultagjesus, does everyone have that on ping?21:14
* drubin has an issue he needs dealing with21:14
czajkowskipaultag: all the council do yes21:14
paultagdrubin: want to join us in the bat cave?21:14
drubinpaultag: yip21:14
* popey slides down the pole21:15
paultagczajkowski: mind hooking drubin up? I need to run and help the father for 5 minutes or so21:15
drubinpaultag: czajkowski where do we join?21:16
drubinpopey *21:16
czajkowskidrubin: patience21:16
czajkowskiI've just invited you to the channel 21:16
czajkowski:) 21:16
popeynot sure I'm going to be supremely useful here. it's saturday night and I'm a bottle of wine under, but happy to listen in :D21:16
czajkowskiI'm just off to bed 21:17
czajkowskibut will try 21:17
paultagdrubin: so what's new21:32
paultagdrubin: of course :)21:32
drubinpaultag: nothing really, just work21:32
paultagdrubin: did you move jobs again?21:33
paultagI remember you were hopping around for a while21:33
drubinPartying like a rock start :) Loco team is doing events on their own nice. So proud they grow up so quickly21:33
drubinpaultag: ye moved jobs then back.. all pretty much blah21:33
paultagright! :)21:33
paultagdrubin: I left Ohio, and they're kicking so much ass it's not even funny21:34
drubinit makes you feel so proud21:35
drubinI am still invloved and stuff but kinda said others need to step up and help plan shit21:35
drubinpaultag: where are you now?21:35
paultagdrubin: Boston again21:35
tgm4883Anyone know if they sent out the UDS-P invites yet?22:44

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