
=== rww is now known as tardis
=== tardis is now known as rww
rwwtiox: hello, how can we help you?01:38
tioxI came to have my ban from #ubuntu-offtopic lifted.01:38
tioxI think after being in #ubuntu+1 for so long, someone would have noticed I stopped being a dick.01:39
rwwelky, Flannel: one of you around? I don't have WWW access right now.01:39
elkyi'll see if it'll load01:39
* tiox pokes topyli01:39
Fenixdeuxhi. I make a joke about Anonymous cutting Natalie Portman's hairdo for no apparent expressed reason and I get banhammered in #ubuntu-offtopic .. what kind of offtopic channel this is ?!??!?!01:40
elkyyou got removed and quieted, not banned01:40
rwwtiox: topyli's likely asleep :)01:40
elkybesides, it wasn't anythign to do with the hair, Fenixdeux.01:40
tioxYeah, thanks for telling me.01:40
elkyFenixdeux, it was about the thing rww asked you to stop talking about.01:40
tioxSo how much longer am I to sit in the corner?01:41
Fenixdeuxelky: which was what ?01:41
rwwtiox: until elky gets the Bantracker to cooperate, might be a few minutes01:41
rwwtiox: (it's a rather slow website, unfortunately)01:41
FenixdeuxAnonymous is not your personal tool for vendetta01:41
tioxMay I has dunce cap?01:41
Fenixdeuxhe's just anonymous ..01:41
rwwtiox: (and then we see what happened and whether there are any comments from the time the ban was set, and decide where to go from there)01:42
elkyrww, want to have a word to Fenixdeux plz?01:42
rwwelky: sure01:42
Fenixdeuxrww: yeah.. I didn't notice what was offa offtopic this tiem 'k ..?01:42
rwwFenixdeux: inflammatory comments about "blowing up shit" are not acceptable in #ubuntu-offtopic. Come back in a day or two.01:42
tioxMeh, too long to wait. For some reason I laughed my ass off reading this: http://xkcd.com/686/01:42
rwwelky: can you check whether penos is banned in #ubuntu while you're there, please? they change hostmasks and I'm pretty sure they're banned from somewhere.01:43
FenixdeuxI was only making reference to the movie "V for Vendetta" ( the thing those sucky Wachowsky brothers decided to direct after the eternally sucky Matrix trilogy )01:43
tioxYou do not say the Wachowsky Brothers suck.01:44
rwwFenixdeux: V for Vendetta does not mention races or religions. Your problematic interpretation of it is your own.01:44
elkytiox, the -ot ban has only been in place for 5 days. I'm going to leave it for topyli to decide if you've changed for his liking.01:44
tioxI assume no lurking allowed?01:44
rwwtiox: indeed, I'll poke him to PM you if I see him around01:45
elkyalso, it's 'the wachowskis', not brothers. One of them transitioned.01:45
rwwtiox: he's in Europe, so you might come back during the appropriate times for that timezone01:45
Fenixdeuxthey got scared of their own creation and therefore made the Matrix III all rubbish and shit..01:45
FenixdeuxI and II were epic and III was epically bad01:45
rwwIs there some part of this that's relevant to anything?01:46
elkyrww, i don't think so, no.01:46
Fenixdeuxrejoice !!!01:46
Fenixdeuxit has no relevance at all !!!01:47
elky<Fenixdeux> 'k I'll be back in a few days..01:47
elkyif he shows up before then, point him to that.01:48
bazhang<Fenixdeux> whoa.. I've been quited in #ubuntu-offtopic and then after complaining I gots it on #ubuntu-ops01:49
Piciwhere was that?01:49
bazhangfr0sted, hi01:50
Myrttifr0sted: hello?01:52
bazhangjubo_, hi fenixdeux02:06
jubo_foo.. bar..02:06
jubo_I really like this Xubuntu.. big thanks to all who contributed02:06
bazhangjubo_, you were instructed to come back in 48 hrs02:08
elkyok, thanks. your wait before we consider removing your quiet and ban is now a full week.02:08
jubo_yes. I just read that on other channels.. I was just so excited I found my Xubuntu-machines charger and was able to come back02:09
jubo_I had completely lost the power charger and I'm so happy that no further bannage has been excerted in my direction XD XD02:09
elkyexcept it has.02:10
rwwspecifically, you just got banned from #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic for violating network policy by evading the quiet set on you02:10
jubo_I'll check back in two days time ( but let me mention you will not be able to bannage me after I get my psyBNC accounts ) ( yes I know this is in violation of freenode policy, yes )02:10
rwwno, you'll check back in a week.02:11
rwwand if you join with a BNC and I find it, you'll check back in two weeks02:11
rwwthis is not a battle I recommend.02:11
jubo_but great work on Ubuntu, I love it02:11
elkyjubo_, you're going to leave now, and you're going to return when?02:12
Fenix2You win. I return in no less then one week02:18
bazhang<Phong_> something wrong with ubuntu?03:33
bazhangthis guy has been hitting several channels with nonsense.03:34
bazhanggot usr13 in PM to clarify the sudo vs. sudo su issue03:43
bazhang<usr13> It is a baseless philosophical argument.03:45
bazhanggetting mixed messages there..03:45
bazhangwell that turned out nicely at the last04:38
bazhangie why we recommend leaving root account disabled etc04:39
bazhang* FloodBot4 (~d_atharva@ has joined #ubuntu04:41
bazhangtried to PM, no response04:44
rwwnick changed04:44
ubottuLint called the ops in #ubuntu ()06:34
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (dontkick appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)06:36
* rww munches popcorn, watches martin_ go in #ubuntu-offtopic07:28
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (dontkickplease appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)07:40
rwwyup, they're still a problem >.>07:41
bazhang<Lint> you should always have windows boot floppy at hand   <--- wat07:45
rwwhas BookFace been in here at all over the last few days?07:46
bazhangnot that I recollect07:46
bazhangtroll detected07:48
rwwknown issue, gone.07:49
bazhangthat was the MARINES guy from before, right?07:49
rww07:49 -!- Irssi: stalker Verbose: Got nicks: GloodbayJarfiner, lvkjej, bienbienbienbien, NGAZGAPBR, wnobowbnwobnwobn, ItsAName, oqewru, oweibnweionbiwoe, EyeballZoomout, TROHL, shudderer, feiowwo, A1BTD, oibnweoingf from host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
rwwI'm probably missing some, but yeah.07:51
rwwthey're now asking in #defocus instead :|07:51
bazhang<Lint> can I get somwe explanation why ubuntu mirror srever tried to hack my machine?07:52
rwwThe bell tolls for Lint.08:10
rwwyou know what. no. I can't be bothered. someone else deal with the stupid if you want :|08:13
* jrib crosses fingers that these 22 updates will include fix for boot issues10:23
=== transitlogger is now known as vddlogger
oCeanoh, had not seen viking's earlier post..11:56
oCean*posts rather11:56
Myrttihe is going to get kicked so hard that he can't locate his bum because it's in the orbit, if he continues11:57
oCeanun88 = viking12:16
* Myrtti dusts off her hands12:23
IdleOne!guidelines > jaber13:05
bazhanghe was talking about 11.04 not 11.1013:25
IdleOnewas he?13:26
IdleOneI understood it as 11.1013:26
bazhangyes. feel free to field questions in +113:26
IdleOnedidn't the Unity devs just do a Q&A on reddit?13:27
bazhanghe doesn't want support, just to rant13:35
IdleOnerather have him rant in +1 even if that isn't the proper channel to rant in...do we have a "rant here" channel?13:36
IdleOneI suppose but I'm sure he would get blasted in there also for ranting13:39
bazhangat a certain point it just becomes like smallfoot-13:42
Tm_TIdleOne: we have, his personal blog13:53
Tm_The can rant there all he wants13:54
oCeanbazhang: ubottu was napping I guess14:12
bazhangoCean, heh yeah14:12
bazhang<tool_kit> where can i wget perl script?14:28
jussi!no, cloak is <reply> To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - you MUST set an email address, AND group an alternate nick. For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.14:39
ubottuI'll remember that jussi14:39
IdleOnethat is a good reply Myrtti has aliased :)14:39
jussihrm, thats not quiye right...14:40
jussithe alt nick is no longer needed14:40
jussi!no, cloak is <reply> To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - you MUST set an email address. For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.14:40
ubottuI'll remember that jussi14:40
jussiIt's useful, but not required, to have an alternate nick grouped to your account. For example, if your primary nick is foo:14:41
tsimpsonjussi: the part about "you MUST set an email address" isn't needed, you can't register without an email14:42
jussitsimpson:  aiui you cannot register without email anymore14:43
jussiThe email address that you select will not be given out by staff, and is mainly used to allow us to help you recover the account in the event that you forget your password. For this reason, you are required to use a real, non-disposable, email address. Upon registering, you will receive an email with a verification command that you will need to run to complete the registration process. Failure to verify the account will cause it to be automatically14:44
jussidropped after about 24 hours.14:44
tsimpsonjussi: read the last 6 words of my message14:44
jussioh bah. :/14:44
IdleOnemaybe change you MUST set an email address to an email address is required for registering?14:44
jussiIdleOne: go for it. :)14:44
tsimpsonit's already stated on the link14:44
jussiI blame the heat...14:45
IdleOne!no, cloak is <reply> To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.14:45
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne14:45
jussiits way too hot here.14:45
IdleOnetsimpson: is right no need to duplicate info given in the link14:45
IdleOnewhat about using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration instead of the freenode link?14:46
jussiIdleOne: too long imho14:47
tsimpsonwow that page is ugly14:47
jussiand the freenode link is much better14:48
IdleOnelol I'm sure ljl will appreciate that14:48
IdleOneokie dokie14:48
tsimpsonlooks better in the kubuntu theme, but all the *bold* is a little annoying14:51
Myrtti!guidelines > Iamred15:24
h00khi friends16:16
tioxOkay topyli, crawled my arse out of bed and waiting. :)16:16
tioxJust so other people of power are clear: (06:47:40 AM) topyli: if you can join ops, we'll get your ban removed16:26
ubottuIn ubottu, BarkingFish said: !ms is Dalam kebanyakan saluran Ubuntu, kita hanya bercakap dalam Bahasa Inggeris.Malangnya pada masa ini, kita tidak mempunyai saluran bahasa Melayu. Kami minta maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya.Jika anda boleh bercakap bahasa Inggeris, sila berbuat demikian, atau menggunakan penterjemah internet.16:30
BarkingFishGood afternoon ops.  I just want to enquire with you about edits to ubottu - I just sent one through, for a language we don't have a message for at this time.  Could someone tell me how long the requests normally take to enter ubottu's database please?16:31
BarkingFishI was told it'd been forwarded here.16:32
tsimpson^ that's Malay/Malaysian fyi16:52
topylitiox: you have been a slow learner. can you follow our guidelines in the future and keep ubuntu channels ubuntu?17:05
topylitiox: i am willing to remove your ban, but be sure to do this17:05
tioxI will.17:10
tioxSorry for the delayed response, I was getting food. Not even going to come in now anyway since I'll be leaving soon.17:10
topylitiox: no worries, irc is like that :)17:11
topylitiox: please try to join -offtopic so we can see if i did this right17:12
tioxNope, still B&17:14
tioxGuess you did it really really good. :P17:15
topyliyou can't join?17:22
topylii fail. let me see what the ban is really on17:22
topylithanks tsimpson. tiox, try again17:25
topylitiox: you should probably leave this channel at this point. business only, no idling :)17:27
tioxUhm, oops.17:28
tioxParted the wrong channel.17:28
Myrttimneptok: thank you ♥17:58
jforjackjohnsoni doubt that any sanity exists in your team.18:32
Myrttiwell what is your issue then18:32
Myrttiyou clearly have some kind of an agenda18:32
Myrttido tell us18:32
jforjackjohnsoneMail me the TOS, my ISP won't let me access https://wiki.*.*/IRC/*.18:32
jforjackjohnsonWell if you want my agenda, expects many \n's.18:33
Myrttino, not really18:33
MyrttiCliff notes version would do18:33
jforjackjohnsonWhat are you playing at? Try IRCing from a typewriter.18:34
Myrttilook, we don't have time for playing games with you18:34
jforjackjohnsonI don't have time for non-portable typewriters. How does that make any difference? Your agenda is to kill off opposition to Ubuntu and theirb restrictive TOSes.18:35
jforjackjohnsons/theirb/their/, sorry18:35
jforjackjohnsonhere i am, waiting18:36
* jforjackjohnson waits for answer18:36
Myrttiour IRC channels aren't for testing your typewriter, your software, or playing some social experiment on18:37
Myrttiif you can't behave without cursing, flooding, or idiocy, then we kindly ask you to live your artistic or scientific or software development dreams somewhere else18:37
jforjackjohnsonLet me quote self: You get more done on a typewriter.18:38
Myrttilet me quote the rules: no cursing, even obfuscated18:38
Myrttilet me quote some more: no flooding18:38
jforjackjohnsonMyrtti, Just quote the entire TOS.18:39
Myrttihow about you get your head around using your browser and reading the guidelines yourself18:39
MyrttiI'm not in a humourous mood18:39
jforjackjohnsonAs someone said in -offtopic (where I am now unable to stay sane and therefore banned), all browsers are essentially equal and therefore suck.18:40
jforjackjohnsonAll that means to me is "just use your typewriter, you darnface"18:42
jforjackjohnsonplease press the keys corresponding to the ban and kick typebars.18:44
jforjackjohnsonor i will leave w/o warning.18:45
Myrttiwelcome back to discuss your ban after you've read the guidelines.18:45
jforjackjohnsonIf I was in #xubuntu-offtopic I would say: (Xubuntu > Ubuntu ) < Debian.18:45
Picigood for you18:45
jforjackjohnsonlet me say: I am never sane I am not a steampunker, but I use typewriters.18:46
jforjackjohnsonlet me say: I am never sane - I am not a steampunker, but I use typewriters.18:46
topylijforjackjohnson: i don't think this is progressing today. please join this channel later in the future when you have some interest in the ubuntu channels and behaving on them18:47
jforjackjohnsonI am not an idiot.18:47
topyliright now, as there is no business, you should leave the channel because it's for work and not for fun18:47
jforjackjohnsonI could not remain calm. I will try, once I have written out my thoughts on my typewriter. Just wait one moment.18:48
jforjackjohnsonI will PM you when I have become calm. I am clammy and insane at now.#18:50
jforjackjohnsonI will PM you when I have become calm. I am clammy and insane at now.18:50
jforjackjohnsonAt least topyli will be notified when I have wriiten my thoughts down.18:50
jforjackjohnsonAt least topyli will be notified when I have written* my thoughts down.18:51
topylijforjackjohnson: free tip: it's a very bad idea to get banned from this channel18:51
jforjackjohnsonlet me open my window, then I will leave.18:51
topylithat is, if you want to use the ubuntu channels18:51
topylifor the record, jack is trolling me in pm19:03
topylijforjackjohnson: no19:05
jforjackjohnsonquote you: I don't think this is progressing today. [sic]19:06
topylijforjackjohnson: please don't join this channel before you're ready to improve your behavior19:07
jforjackjohnsonD oyu know why I have a TV dinner table shoved up my back? It's to improve my calmness my making my back sit straight.19:07
topylii told him in pm that it's a bad idea to get banned from this channel19:09
jforjackjohnsonYou can advise me on how to regain my sanity enough to meet your rules.19:21
rwwoh gods, you again19:22
jforjackjohnsonbecause you were not being constructive.19:22
=== jforjackjohnson is now known as doubtsSanity
* doubtsSanity needs to idle for private reasons - once he's back, tell him what your reasons are.19:29
topyli!appeals | doubtsSanity19:32
ubottudoubtsSanity: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.19:32
Unit193Hey,  do you have a ban on ~jack@188-220-172-173.zone11.bethere.co.uk in this channel?19:52
rwwUnit193: yes19:55
Unit193rww: Thanks. "do you not get my point? I kind-of hate the things the admins have unnecessarily done to me." Logged into #lubuntu-offtopic and started spamming a little, should be over now19:57
Unit193(There is an op online now if he isn't) I just wanted to make sure he was actually banned from here though19:58
oCeanUnit193: thanks for the heads up20:01
Unit193oCean: I wasn't sure if it warrented a visit to this channel, but I wanted to make sure. Your welcome if it helps!20:01
oCeanUnit193: if in doubt, visit us.20:04
Unit193oCean: Mind telling what's up with him?20:04
oCeanUnit193: I'm still wondering that myself. And we don't normally discuss bans/removals with other users.20:07
rwwUnit193: the channel logs (linked in /topic) may be informative. but yeah, we don't provide commentary ourselves.20:07
Unit193oCean: Also, check the access lists if you wish, jmarsden and I are both there. I understand fully, no problem20:07
rwwoh, *l*ubuntu-offtopic. I was wondering why I couldn't see what you were on about :|20:08
Unit193Alright, unless you want more I'll obey the topic and /part20:09
oCeanThanks, in that case I'll have to complete another supertuxkart challange :)20:10
oCean*challenge even20:10
rwwand now they're in #freenode.20:16
oCeanclaiming being banned "From every ubuntu* and debian* channel in existence"20:17
charlie-tcaClaim or wish?20:17
oCeanwait, I forgot to quote the "unreasonably" part20:18
BarkingFishHi. I asked a few hours ago about an edit I made to ubottu's database, by adding a factoid. It was sent to here to be dealt with, but it doesn't look like it's been approved or accepted.   I just tested it in PM and it's not working.21:20
BarkingFishHow long does it take to process additions to ubottu please?21:21
IdleOnegive me a moment please21:22
IdleOneDalam kebanyakan saluran Ubuntu, kita hanya bercakap dalam Bahasa Inggeris.Malangnya pada masa ini, kita tidak mempunyai saluran bahasa Melayu. Kami minta maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya.Jika anda boleh bercakap bahasa Inggeris, sila berbuat demikian, atau menggunakan penterjemah internet.21:23
IdleOnethat is what you are talking about correct?21:23
BarkingFishIt's ubottu's language message, slightly reworded into Malay21:24
IdleOnefor what channel?21:24
Myrttisurely in Malay full stops are followed by spaces21:24
BarkingFishSince we don't have a malay channel for people needing help, the message explains we mostly use english, but we don't have a channel for them.21:24
BarkingFishIdleOne, it's for #ubuntu21:25
BarkingFishMyrtti, yes they are, it's a typo21:25
BarkingFish*pair of typos21:25
BarkingFishit advises the users to speak english if they're able to, or to use an online translator if they need help21:25
BarkingFishshould I resubmit it with the typing corrections?21:27
IdleOne!ms is <reply> Dalam kebanyakan saluran Ubuntu, kita hanya bercakap dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Malangnya pada masa ini, kita tidak mempunyai saluran bahasa Melayu. Kami minta maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya. Jika anda boleh bercakap bahasa Inggeris, sila berbuat demikian, atau menggunakan penterjemah internet.21:27
ubottuI'll remember that, IdleOne21:27
IdleOnelook good?21:28
Myrttilets see21:28
BarkingFishI'll supply the english for it as well21:28
Myrtti!ms | BarkingFish21:28
ubottuBarkingFish: Dalam kebanyakan saluran Ubuntu, kita hanya bercakap dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Malangnya pada masa ini, kita tidak mempunyai saluran bahasa Melayu. Kami minta maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya. Jika anda boleh bercakap bahasa Inggeris, sila berbuat demikian, atau menggunakan penterjemah internet.21:28
Myrttiok, so it doesnt cut off21:28
BarkingFishObviously, you'd need to know the english as well for anyone questioning it.21:28
BarkingFish"In most of the Ubuntu channel, we only speak English. Unfortunately at this time, we do not have recourse to the Malay language. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you can speak English, please do so, or using the internet translator."21:28
IdleOneMyrtti: we good with the factoid?21:29
IdleOneBarkingFish: thanks for the help :)21:30
BarkingFishgreat, thanks guys, I appreciate it.21:30
BarkingFishno problem - it's just that we had a couple of malay guys in earlier asking questions, and I went to find an entry in ubottu to send them on their way, and there wasn't one :)21:31
BarkingFishanyhow, per your rules, instead of idling, I'll leave you in peace!  Thanks again both of you.21:32
BarkingFishsee ya later21:32
Myrttilovely chap21:33
IdleOne!malay is <alias> ms21:33
ubottuI'll remember that, IdleOne21:33
ubottuDalam kebanyakan saluran Ubuntu, kita hanya bercakap dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Malangnya pada masa ini, kita tidak mempunyai saluran bahasa Melayu. Kami minta maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya. Jika anda boleh bercakap bahasa Inggeris, sila berbuat demikian, atau menggunakan penterjemah internet.21:33
ubottubantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my21:34
IdleOneis the correct code my or ms?21:35
IdleOnemy search says ms21:35
IdleOne!my > BarkingFish21:35
Myrtti[00:35] ~~~Irssi: #ubuntu-my: Total of 15 nicks [0 ops, 0          halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal]21:35
BarkingFishIdleOne, That channel has the wrong language code!21:36
IdleOneBarkingFish: I see.21:36
Myrttino it doesnt?21:36
BarkingFishmalay is ms, that channel indicates it's for burma, my = myanmar21:36
IdleOnequestion is do they speak the same language?21:37
BarkingFishMyrtti, per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malay_language -- ISO 639-1 ms21:38
BarkingFishi'm not going by TLD21:38
BarkingFishBurma's tld is .mr if i remember correctly21:39
Myrttithe channels are names for the local communities...21:39
Myrttimm actually21:40
BarkingFishso they use the tld rather than the iso code for the language?21:40
IdleOneI think loco's are supposed to use official iso code21:40
Myrttiusually yes21:40
funkyHatiso code for the country though, not language?21:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:40
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:40
funkyHate.g. #ubuntu-uk21:41
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:41
IdleOnewell, you folks fight it out :)21:41
BarkingFishah, in that case I apologise.  I saw my on the channel and thought that it was wrong.21:41
BarkingFishAnd to answer your question, IdleOne, Saya bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu, tetapi tidak begitu baik.21:42
Myrttithe channels are for mainly geographical areas, yes21:42
Myrttibut we point people to the channels that have people21:43
IdleOneBarkingFish: I don't sp4ak any Malay21:43
BarkingFishI had a friend of mine translate the message for ubottu, I do speak malay, but my understanding of the language is appalling. It's almost like indonesian.21:43
Myrttiand looks like .my would be correct21:43
Myrttior -my21:43
BarkingFishso that message needs doing again21:43
BarkingFishcan you ask ubottu to forget it please?21:43
Myrtti!forget ms21:44
ubottuI'll forget that, Myrtti21:44
IdleOneMyrtti: but if they don't speak malay in -my ...21:44
IdleOne!forget malay21:44
ubottuI'll forget that, IdleOne21:44
BarkingFishI'll get Daran to retranslate the normal message, but it'll be tomorrow now. I'd imagine it's about 3am where he is.21:44
MyrttiIdleOne: it has to start from somewhere21:45
IdleOneI'm not emotionally attached to the factoid. Just as long as they are accurate :)21:45
BarkingFish!time Kuala Lumpur21:46
ubottuBarkingFish: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:46
BarkingFishah, he doesn't have a time thingy. :(21:46
IdleOneubottu: has no arms to wear a watch and she is a she21:46
ubottuI'll remember that, IdleOne21:46
BarkingFishdang, 5.50am21:46
IdleOne!forget has no arms to wear a watch and she is a she21:46
ubottuI know nothing about has no arms to wear a watch and she is a she yet, IdleOne21:46
IdleOnewhatever bot21:47
BarkingFishI actually requested it to be added to !ms because when I searched the alis here, I went by topic *ubuntu-ms* and it didn't show up...21:48
BarkingFishI wonder if it already has a malay message21:48
ubottubantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my21:48
BarkingFishyep, it does.  I assume that was what you sent me, IdleOne21:49
IdleOne!no my is <reply> bantuan bahasa melayu? sila /join #ubuntu-my21:49
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne21:49
ubottubantuan bahasa melayu? sila /join #ubuntu-my21:49
IdleOneso we all good now?21:50
BarkingFishWould you like that turning into a full length one, like the others, or leaving as is?21:50
IdleOneif it needs to be fixed please do21:50
IdleOneif not we will leave it as is21:50
BarkingFishit doesn't need to be fixed, per se, just wondered if you wanted the whole of ubottu's message doing.21:51
BarkingFishAs it is, it will suffice to point people where they need to go21:51
IdleOnethe goal is for users to be able to find the support they need.21:51
BarkingFishyup, and with that message they will.21:51
IdleOneif that factoid gets them where they need to be then great21:51
BarkingFishI'll leave it as it stands, no need to break what works :)21:51
BarkingFishthanks again guys, I appreciate your help.  If I find any languages it hasn't got, I'll try and sort something out for you.21:52
IdleOnesure thing and thank you.21:52
BarkingFishnp IdleOne - see ya!21:53
IdleOnenice chap indeed21:53
ubottuIn ubottu, BarkingFish said: !za is Do you need help with Ubuntu or Kubuntu in Afrikaans?  Type /join #ubuntu-za  or  /join #kubuntu-za - Het jy hulp nodig het met Ubuntu of Kubuntu in Afrikaans? Tik /join #ubuntu-za of /join kubuntu-za.22:04
KLinehow often is op intervention required in #ubuntu? its one of the most common channels to hear about in #freenode. is this simply because #ubuntu is so large, or because it attracts an unruly lot?23:04
bazhangthats an odd nick23:07
KLinebazhang: haha, yeah. its legit though, just felt like one more topical to irc23:08
bazhangkind of an anti-lightning rod :)23:08
bazhangKLine, probably a mix of both to answer your query23:09
bazhang<Gunther0> linux mint is a ubuntu downstream.   <---- bwahaha23:10
rwwNot sure why that's funny, it's correct.23:10
KLinebazhang: hehe, thanks for the answer23:11
rwwUpstream of us are Debian, GNOME, Linux, etc. Downstream of us are Mint, Backtrack, ...23:11
bazhangrww, as in he wants support for it23:11
rwwso tell him to go away23:11
bazhangI did. he's not listening.23:12
bazhangthats the second person in a few hours to think +1 is their personal blog/twitter/rantspace23:54
rwwconsidering some of its regular users, I am not surprised23:55
elkythey're confusing it with google+?23:55

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