
C_Smithis it acceptable to sign my emails to the Mailing list with gpg signatures since I have Enigmail set to do that? or should I keep setting those emails to not sign them?03:31
thefinn93sign 'em!03:32
thefinn93sign everything03:32
thefinn93i should set up thunderbird and everything03:32
C_Smithcool, makes sending emails a bit easier on my part, as I sign all my other emails with my key03:32
thefinn93get it all working03:32
C_Smithit's fairly easy to set up Thunderbird, though I had to get my gpg executable installed from source as Enigmail wasn't detecting the default one properly,w03:33
thefinn93yeah i had that problem03:33
thefinn93then i realized i really liked my webmail interface03:33
C_SmithI haven't used Webmail since Thunderbird started supporting Hotmail out of the box.03:34
C_Smithbefore it did, I needed to install Webmail before Thunderbird would even detect Hotmail. that was back in about '07, which was when I first used Thunderbird.03:36
C_Smithdo we used the mailing list on ubuntu-us-or@lists.ubuntu.com?03:38
C_Smithit's slightly different than the one I have, and I believe it might be an old one.03:38
thefinn93yeah i think that one is correct03:39
C_Smithhmmm, so i'll just subscribe to it, too, can't hurt.03:39
thefinn93did you get the correction i just sent out?03:40
thefinn93if so, you're good03:40
thefinn93otherwise, wrong list03:40
C_Smithhmmm, looks like I'm already subscribed03:41
C_Smithbut I didn't get the change. but my email sometimes takes a couple minutes.03:42
C_Smithoh, wait, I was looking for Ben's name, and not yours, finn! I got THAT update.03:44
C_Smithquestion: is it a good idea to have a backup battery for a laptop?03:45
C_Smiththefinn93, Puppetlabs has 3 pronged electrical outlets, right? the reason I ask is some buildings we built with only 2 pronged outlets, and I have to use an adapter for those.03:52
thefinn93they've got tons of fancy macs03:53
C_SmithI'll be bringing my laptop, anyway, plus my spare battery anyway.03:53
C_Smithwell, I'd better be off, getting sleepy.03:54
* C_Smith goes off to sleep, will see you all tomorrow.03:54
* bkerensa is finishing up planning for global jam tomorrow07:28
hypodermiabkerensa: exciting. what do i wear?15:14
bkerensaidk whatever you feel comfortable in :) its the weekend afterall hypodermia16:01
hypodermiathat's always the first thing i think, unfortunately16:01
hypodermiai'm not too worried about it16:01
* bkerensa is just gonna wear a tech shirt of some sort and jeans16:02
hypodermiai would wear a google shirt from 2004, but i hear i might obtain a NEW google shirt today16:02
bkerensahypodermia: Actually Google failed on us..... Apparently they ran low so we wont even have shirts maybe for another two weeks from them but if your after shirts many we have :D16:04
bkerensaI was pretty disappointed even16:04
hypodermiaah well. i have a vintage google shirt. i'm not too worried.16:04
bkerensaI was thinking to myself.... (this is google the largest tech company on the west coast)16:04
hypodermiabtw you or anybody else here want a google music invite?16:05
bkerensaI have had it for a few months now I think like 416:32
bkerensaI use UbuntuOne and Spotify16:32
bkerensabut maybe someone on our mailing list.... We share things there16:33
hypodermiamailing list eh16:56
hypodermiasounds fancy16:56
rigelpublicly logged, so i guess saying "loldongs" every 30 seconds would be frowned on?18:43
thefinn93yes, yes it would20:33
thefinn93however, we have #ubuntu-us-or-offtopic for whatever you want20:34
thefinn93however if you spam "loldongs" every 30 seconds i'm gonna ban you fast20:34
rigelcool. just testing the waters and whatnot21:11
tgm4883Just arrived at puppetlabs21:11
bkerensa_dgibbons and hypodermia were waiting on u guys :)21:25
hypodermiabkerensa: present and accounted for etc21:47
hypodermiawhoo irc and nerds21:51
hypodermiai'm at this uhhh22:07
hypodermiaubuntu global jam thing22:07
hypodermiaand ignoring people irl22:08
tgm4883hypodermia, as am I22:11
hypodermiatgm4883: disregard nerds, acquire pizza22:12
hypodermiai guess i should be more gung-ho, technically i'm here on behalf of a sponsor22:12
tgm4883hypodermia, ah, which sponsor22:12
hypodermiatgm4883: rentrak. where are you?22:13
tgm4883On the couch in the back22:13
hypodermiai'm on the couch up front near the projector eating like a slob22:13

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