
InHisNameMorning, Randy11:03
JonathanDhey guys.11:36
InHisNamemorning - JonathanD, waltman, jedijf, rmg5115:11
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!15:24
JonathanDmmm bacon.15:52
SamuraiAlbaHiya, JonathanD16:06
mikedep333hey, does anyone know how I can get the PID of a window?19:00
mikedep333I'm on oneiric19:00
mikedep333I keep on getting messages "a system program has crashed" (I think that's the correct wording)19:01
mikedep333whenever I click report or cancel, it goes away and comes back 3 seconds later19:01
mikedep333the only thing I could do was xkill it19:01
mikedep333but I would like to know what process is behind it19:01
jedijf@later tell midedep333 is would start by looking in syslog for clues19:52
jedijfhahah if we only had a bot, sung to the wizard of oz song, "If I only had a brain"19:53
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