
Kilosmorning all06:11
=== AndChat is now known as Guest68056
kodezgood day everyone, how is your saturday?11:23
Kiloshiya superfly and others13:40
=== Owk is now known as Owkkuri
inetprogood morning17:30
* nlsthzn shakes inetpro to realize the day has passed and it is time for sleep again (almost)17:32
inetpronlsthzn: ..17:34
drubinI just want to say thanks guys21:36
drubinMost of you are decent awesome people!21:36
marcogdrubin: :)21:37
inetprodrubin: hmm...21:50
inetproonly most?21:50
drubinI don't know every one :)21:52
inetprodrubin: I guess I'm only decent but not awesome?21:52
drubinbut I think every one is here is the awesome21:52
drubininetpro: NO you are awesome!21:52
drubinpossibly awesomer21:52
inetprodrubin: what happened?21:52
drubininetpro: does something have to happen for me to say that?21:53
inetprodrubin: you suddenly woke up out of nowhere to tell us such interesting stuffs :-)21:53
tumbleweedit's because he's awesome!21:54
inetprotumbleweed: ahh21:54
* inetpro agrees with tumbleweed21:54
maiatodaythanks for doing the globaljam event today tumbleweed21:56
tumbleweedmaiatoday: np, thanks for bringing the CDs21:56
tumbleweed(anyone in cape town who wants CDs, shout now)21:56
tumbleweed(becuase they'll be obsolete in a month)21:56
maiatodayI had to get the CDs to you before the next batch gets here21:56
* inetpro is happy to see some awesome activity down in the cape22:00
* tumbleweed has to now dig through everything we did today and sponsor the uploads (I've only got through the syncs so far)22:00
* tumbleweed got bogged down in ubuntu-dev-tools22:00
inetproI guess it's not called the cape of good hope for nothing22:01
marcogtumbleweed: besides the ones you've found, deb bug #640253 and lp #77110322:02
tumbleweedmarcog: thanks22:05
maiatodaythanks marcog and the other people who were there too, I'll try to get the blog post up tomorrow22:11
tumbleweedmarcog: you got the bug number wrong in your pysatellites patch22:35
marcogis there anything i need to do?22:35
tumbleweedalso I should have told you to run update-maintainer, whenever you change a package in Ubuntu22:35
tumbleweednaah, nothing you need to do, I'm fixing it in the upload22:36
marcogwhat does that do and when exactly do you run it?22:36
tumbleweedmarcog: you never forwarded your ratpoison patch to debian23:23
tumbleweedmarcog: while you are there, please point out the lintian warning "E: ratpoison: missing-dependency-on-python-support python-support"23:24
marcogtumbleweed: k, will do this tomorrow23:27
tumbleweedin fact, please forward it upstream too23:27
* tumbleweed is done23:27

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