
qinphenrique: Do you know that it is publicly logged channel?00:03
satch5150anyone else know of any workarounds or have any other thoughts ?00:03
new001Why would I use apt-get over aptitude since aptitude has switches like -r which are super handy ?00:03
klj613in ubuntu, when i enable caps, type 'H'. then disable and type 'ello' i get HEllo (i seem to hit e before the OS disables the caps).. why? been irritating me for a while now..00:04
yeatsnew001: personal preference?00:04
new001yeats: does apt-get have features that aptitude does not?00:04
new001yeats: so I may know when to use it00:04
yeatsnew001: aptitude probably has more features - apt-get is pretty much the standard command line program to access APT00:05
new001yeats: gotcha, thank you00:05
yeatsnew001: they are basically equivalent, though - you can use them the same way00:05
jack__I am trying to install sun JDK on 11.04 and the script has lauched a doc that looks like the "accept the lic." but it doesn't seem to accept input, the OK button is not active.  Anbody know how to submit "OK" and get the script to proceed?00:06
seliteGuys I installed Ubuntu via Wubi from Windows 7 and now I have 30Gb of storage but I want more. How can I get more storage for my Ubuntu operating system?00:06
yeatsjack__: tabbing to OK doesn't work?00:06
jack__I don't think so, but I'll try again, hold on00:06
jack__and thanks!00:06
jack__it worked, for some reason it didn't or maybe I did something screwy, thanks!!!00:07
Priceyselite: Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How_do_I_resize_the_virtual_disks.3F00:07
=== phenrique is now known as joao
ZopiacHow do you count the number of lines a command outputs?00:10
yeatsZopiac: pipe it to 'wc -l'00:11
Zopiacyeats: ok, thanks. I had thought that wc only accepts file inputs, not piping00:11
volga629where I can find package xstroke ?00:12
yeats!info xstroke00:16
ubottuPackage xstroke does not exist in natty00:16
olfireballOn monday I will start to push ubuntu on my new biz...00:17
volga629ubottu: 10.1000:17
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101000:17
=== everybody is now known as xorg-pass
olfireballyeats, gestikk?00:17
apollohow do I reset the default action to perform when a dvd is inserted?00:18
xorg-passread the nice manual of ubuntu xubuntu etc..00:18
martin_tscHow do I change this into a correct formula for PHP? http://pastebin.com/sjjW9tEF00:18
szalxorg-pass: not helpful00:18
apolloUnity/ubiquity makes it so hard to find settings...00:18
=== xiella is now known as xiella-afk
genjixerm, wtf... random websites keep redirecting to a random chinese site on ubuntu00:19
szal!afk | xiella-afk00:19
ubottuxiella-afk: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»00:19
genjixam i infected? (a world's first?)00:19
xorg-passthat shouldn't be helpful, it should be to just to think of..00:19
pooltablehow to run Android emu on ubuntu???00:20
szalgenjix: afaics, that site doesn't exist00:20
apolloxorg-pass: find me the page... it's not in there00:20
martin_tscHow do I change this into a correct formula for PHP? http://pastebin.com/NusvXNCg00:20
=== cl581 is now known as cl58
genjixheh it seems to be firefox ALONE00:20
genjixone of my plugins has gone rogue?00:20
szalexcept if it's supposed to show a search box and some categories00:21
xorg-passdon't worry be happy - ?00:21
szalbut that looks like one of those templates for domains that aren't in use00:21
xorg-passhow about vm's in an internal network?00:22
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
xorg-passany things for reading - thank ya00:22
szalxorg-pass: you have an actual *buntu problem?  if not, please /join #ubuntu-offtopic00:22
krypton_caosalguem fala portugues aqui?00:23
szal!pt | krypton_caos00:24
ubottukrypton_caos: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:24
=== everybody is now known as Guest38855
=== Guest38855 is now known as be_happy
yeatsolfireball: eh?00:25
Spacemantook it three days to crash, not bad00:27
=== zendeavr is now known as zendeavor
martin_tscwhere can I get help for php? the php channel need invite00:28
olfireballmartin, what do you want to do?00:29
exutuxapollo: go into your home folder > edit > preferences > multimedia00:31
exutuxand select your prefered applications there00:32
martin_tscconvert a formula I wrote in excel to php, but  know harldy anything there00:32
pabelangerevening, any advice which channel I would use to help triage a backport request?00:34
rayfalkorrдоброго вечера00:34
sublim21hey all00:34
sublim21got a quick question.  im running ubuntu on a netbook. and i got a little panel uptop.  i've somehow moved one of the icons00:34
sublim21and i don't know how to move it back00:34
martin_tscsublim right click unlock/move00:35
sublim21martin_tsc: i can't right click on this app00:36
=== fr0sted2 is now known as fr0sted
sublim21i don't have the option to move00:36
martin_tscthen sry idk00:37
martin_tscKomodo tells me i got an error on this line but I dont know php very well yet.  $distance_factor = IF ($distance < 1000)00:38
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
urlin2usublim21, how did you move it to begin with and what is the icon?00:38
sublim21urlin2u: im not sure how i moved it.  i was trying to get the hdmi to work earlier and my focus wasn't on my netbooks screen00:39
sublim21and the application is jupiter00:39
martin_tsccant anyone direct me to a decent place to get help for php00:40
Mean_Adminanyone use ddrescue around here ?00:40
urlin2usublim21, is it off try restarting it, or is it somewhere else now?00:40
IdleOnemartin_tsc: ##php00:41
IdleOneor is it #php00:41
sublim21urlin2u: i've tried turning it off and on.  it goes back to the same spot.00:41
martin_tscinvite only00:41
sublim21urlin2u: nevermind.  i just moved it.  i had to right click NEXT to it, not on it.00:42
fr0stedsup all00:42
debugnetMean_Admin: what you looking at as far as ddrescue?00:42
urlin2usublim21, it helps if you give like this information on X desktop I had Jupiter here and now it is here, so at the least this isn't 20 questions.00:42
urlin2usublim21, cool00:43
sublim21urlin2u: im confused by previous statement00:44
=== Cain is now known as Guest95179
Mean_Admindebugnet:  Well, I'm using it (actually GNU ddrescue or gddrescue) and I have stuff like  [time from last successful read: 10m]00:44
urlin2usublim21, give a better description, but the very first respnse was the answer. :D00:44
Mean_Admindebugnet: and when I use the no-split option, it finishes in 1 second without any copying00:44
Mean_Admindebugnet: am I to interpret this as a really really dead drive ?00:44
sublim21urlin2u: yes.  couldn't agree more.  stating your problem clearly is of utmost importance.  thanks for the help.  its just odd the little lightening icon takes more space than is obvious00:45
urlin2usublim21, it's not always easy on your end that's for sure.:D00:45
debugnetMean_Admin: what is the exact cmd line you are typing (without sensitive stuff obviously) so i can look at what it is doing.00:45
sublim21urlin2u: true.00:46
jack__how do you select the java implementation you want to use after installing sun?  do I need to just reboot?00:46
Mean_Admindebugnet: ddrescue -d -r 3 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb1 /media/log/logfile00:46
debugnetMean_Admin: dead drives will sit there for hours before really giving you an indication it is truly f'd00:46
Polahjack__: sudo alternatives --config java   and select the one you want00:47
denstarkHello! Was just wondering how I can have other users access an external drive automatically mounted00:48
denstarkUsing Ubuntu 11.0400:48
Mean_Admindebugnet: at this point, I just wanna copy everything wholesale (thus using --no-split) but it doesn't do that .. it just finishes quickly and shows as result  0 bytes rescued00:48
Polahdenstark: Change permissions of files on the drive so they're publically read/writeable and you might want to configure a umask to make it so new files are also publically read/writeable00:49
debugnetaccording to my help, the -r is for reverse and -d is for O_DIRECT. both the options would not require other options (ie -r 3) so the three doesn't mean anything. also what is the log file, was that suppose to be a redirect ( > ) of stdout?00:49
grumblyHow do I discern what version of Ubuntu i am on?  I'm super drawing a blank and all Ican remember is uname00:49
Mean_Admindebugnet: I've looked through the man page and --no-split is the closest thing I found; I don't want to use good old    dd   on its own since it apparently just ignores errors and by simple ignoring them, it brakes any semblence of filesystem00:49
PolahOr for a bit more security, put the users you want to have access in a group and then set file permissions so only owner and group can read/write00:49
denstarkPolah: I tried sudo chmod go+rx -R /media/drive but the permissions didn't change00:49
debugnetMean_Admin: true that about dd00:50
new001What is the command to get an X on your cursor to kill an x window?00:50
Polahdenstark: sudo chmod 75500:50
denstarknew001: xkill i believe00:50
new001thank you00:50
Polahdenstark: 755 is read execute, 766 for read/write with no execute00:50
new001denstark, that was it, thanks00:50
Mean_Admindebugnet: I thought  -r  mean retries, lemme look at that again00:50
denstarkPolah: Ah ok.. I like letters better than numbers, trying 755 now00:50
debugnetMean_Admin: default options for ddrescue could be as simple as: ddrescue /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb100:50
urlin2ugrumbly, lsb_release -a00:51
Mean_Adminaccording to : http://linux.die.net/man/1/ddrescue00:51
grumblythank you urlin2u00:51
debugnetMean_Admin: one side note though is that the destination should usually be a file or drive at least the same size or LARGER than the source drive00:51
denstarkPolah: chmod 755 -R /media/drive still doesn't change the permissions :(00:51
Mean_Admindebugnet: sorry, according to http://linux.die.net/man/1/ddrescue ,  -r, --max-retries=<n>       exit after given retries (-1=infinity) [0]00:51
debugnetMean_Admin: that could be a version issue with the -r option00:51
denstarkPolah: it doesn't throw errors or anything00:51
exutuxis that an NTFS partition denstark ?00:51
Polahdenstark: Do you want write access or only read/execute?00:52
denstarkexutux: yes indeed it is00:52
grumblyNow, is it worth it to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04?00:52
denstarkPolah: Just read will be fine00:52
Polahdenstark: Or that. NTFS requires remounting to change permissions.00:52
szaldenstark: what filesystem?00:52
Mean_Admindebugnet: I'm using 1.1100:52
denstarkszal: ntfs00:52
Mean_Admindebugnet: so that manpage should be valid00:52
debugnetMean_Admin: 1.14 myself00:52
szalNTFS doesn't know Unix permissions, you set permissions w/ uid and gid in the mount options00:52
debugnetMean_Admin:  probably00:52
Mean_Admindebugnet: bleeding-edge, eh :P00:52
denstarkPolah: Aha.. so I guess I should just add it into fstab, I was thinking I could do it the easy way ;)00:52
urlin2ugrumbly, download the ISO and look at it really, unity is different, but there is a classic desktop as well00:53
denstarkszal: Thank you, I'll do it via fstab w/ uid/gid00:53
Mean_Admindebugnet: all right then ... so I'll try a vanilla        ddrescue /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb100:53
debugnetMean_Admin: funny, try to sometimes00:53
Polahdenstark: Yes, add an entry to fstab with permissions set through options and it'll do them each time the system is loaded00:53
szalor, respectively, umask/gmask/dmask00:53
grumblyi've used unity... not a fan, really, but that's probably because I just dont want to get used to it.00:53
denstarkI will do that, thanks all for the help00:53
szal!ntfs | denstark00:53
ubottudenstark: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE00:53
fr0stedbtw quassel irc is pretty neat irc app for ubuntu :)00:54
debugnetMean_Admin: my recommendation would send to a file so you can keep the image for backup purposes later, just a thought...00:54
grumblyurlin2u: is that the only major difference?  there's no boot time improvement? no back end goodness?00:54
Mean_Admindebugnet: so mount the destination ?00:54
grumblyurlin2u: also, I dont remember how to boot an ISO from GRUB200:55
denstarkHow can I grab the UUID of this drive? I'd rather use that but I am not sure how to grab it00:55
Polahdenstark: Mount it and do mount -l00:55
szaldenstark: blkid00:55
Polahoh no wait, sudo blkid is right. Had a bit of a dumb moment00:55
urlin2ugrumbly, I suppose it is really a subjective answer here in the end boot time is the same pretty much updated apps, we really don't answer these sort of questions; to many variables.00:55
debugnetMean_Admin: neg, just send it to a file on another drive that has enough free space. you can subsequently mount it with loop option to view it later after the hours of waiting for it to rescue the sectors one at a time00:55
denstarkszal and Polah: Thanks :) Got it!00:56
Mean_Admindebugnet: I had a destination partition /dev/sdb1 that I was using00:56
Mean_Admindebugnet: in my original tries ... I'll just mount that I guess (it's empty) ; but I'm assuming a 10 minute since last succesfull read is pretty bad00:57
grumblyurlin2u: fair point.  You know of any verdant places I can read on how to improve the performance of my beater ASUS K50Ij?00:57
urlin2ugrumbly, no really.00:57
debugnetMean_Admin: that is fine but just keep in mind that the destination will become and exact image of the source drive, to include deleted files, drive 'properties' like file system it uses and fragmenation, etc.00:58
johngilbroughI'm looking for a way to convey the client's timezone to the server when working with gnome-terminal - any ideas?00:58
grumblyurlin2u: phooey.  How about laptop performance in general?00:58
Mean_Admindebugnet: so I just initiated  ddrescue /dev/sda3 /media/dest/img logfile00:59
urlin2ugrumbly, I think you have to get in the trenches like the rest of us and search the web and test, any answer her is totally subjective, and a opinion.00:59
Mean_Admindebugnet: however, it's splitting  and then /media/dest/img file isn't growing ..00:59
grumblyurlin2u: i know... UGH...  I wish google would archive stuff from more than a year back...01:00
debugnetMean_Admin: put a > inbetween the img and logfile so the logfile gets the output. again might be a 1.11 version issue with it asking for a log file but that just seemed strange to have a third file name in the command to me01:00
denstarkThank you everyone for the help ;)01:01
urlin2ugrumbly, that laptop is hardly old, kore ram is always good I have laptops 5 to 8 years old01:01
rowasHey guys01:02
sublim21so this is my first installation of linux.  and as such i've installed/edited/bumbled through installations01:02
Mean_Admindebugnet: I omitted the log file, doens't really matter01:02
sublim21how can i be sure to squeeze the most performance out of this weeeee little laptop01:02
grumblyurlin2u: i know it's not old, but it's not my amazing macbook...  which just pooped it's guts out on my lap.01:02
sublim21thats the worse.  pooping out your guts01:03
rowasI was wondering about the ARM version of Ubuntu, and how I would go about installing it on a smartphone or tablet.01:03
rowasMore specifically, I'm thinking about finding a way to get it onto a Tegra 3 tablet01:03
grumblysublim21: the joy of slippery floors and over-stuffed hands.01:03
Mean_Admindebugnet: let me know if this sounds familiar: if i use vanilla   ddrescue /dev/sda3 /media/dest/img    then it says it's splitting and /media/dest/img has a size of 001:03
uofm49426off brand rtl8185 wifi card or a old belkin rt2561 witch sucks less01:03
=== linux is now known as jorge_
rowasgrumbly: that's obscene. lol01:03
grumblyurlin2u: never heard of Kore ram01:04
AegNuddelI have ubuntu studio and just got some new speakers but my computer will not detect them01:05
debugnetMean_Admin: interesting...is it running at the moment?01:05
grumblyurlin2u: oh.  sorry.  I wasnt trying to poke fun.01:05
sublim21grumbly: sucks man.  lets all have a moment of silence for your lose01:06
Mean_Admindebugnet: I'm assuming there are so many errors, it just keeps splitting, trying to find some useful peice of data to copy01:06
rowasAegNuddel: Uninstall it and go with full Ubuntu. It's a miracle you got that far. lol01:06
grumblysublim21: it will rise again.  this is not the 1st time i've tossed a laptop01:06
urlin2ugrumbly, I didn't think you were  corrected it two lines afterward.01:06
grumblyor this one01:06
sublim21grumbly: may it rise like a might phoenix from the ashes01:06
AegNuddelbut it played sound when I had my sister's speakers in, so it makes no sense.  the only difference is these need electric power which they currently have01:07
grumblysublim21: no... like a laptop from my neighborhood "tech nerd" teen!  he thinks he's so smart!  it's cute... and gross... but I give him $ for parts and labor.01:07
scollierhi, i've read the ubuntu community doc about setting up pxe server.  i'm trying to set up a PXE install of ubuntu 11.04.  do i need to add any special kernel options to the menu file?01:07
Mean_Admindebugnet: in a previous log from a previous try, the log indicates the position of data being read01:08
scollierright now it's grabbing the initrd and kernel, and stopping at "(initramfs)" No init found01:08
Mean_Admindebugnet: it's all either skipped or "no data from this extent was copied succesfully"01:08
Mean_Admindebugnet: basically, it seems to me .. it tried to read, saw errors, skipped ahead, more errors skipped ahead and so on01:08
grumblyOH!!! does anyone have any experience recovering data from a previously formatted hpfs+ drive?01:09
grumblythe interweb wasn't friendly for this task...01:09
debugnetMean_Admin: strange, maybe that version requires you to specify a starting offset/byte location?01:10
jorge_someone can help me with a video card nvidia NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] en ubuntu 10.04 , i try alots differents ways to do n google but nothing01:10
debugnetMean_Admin: ...or size/length of the data that you are trying to copy?01:10
szaljorge_: what exactly do you need help with?01:11
Mean_Admindebugnet: maybe .. I doubt it though. As it's running, it's showing me the pos on the hard drive, it's combing through the entire thing just "splitting failed blocks" (for 6.6 minutes, it's been doing just that)01:11
jorge_install drivers szal01:11
debugnetMean_Admin: actually based on what you described, it was actually doing what it was suppose to do...maybe i am just bad at chatting and didn't realize that that zero byte size is normal at first...01:12
Mean_Admindebugnet: you can indicate offset and size and length but I'm pretty sure it's optional; in the logfile , it starts at 0x00000001:12
Technicushello, i noticed that when i am running my laptop on battery vs. plugged in to AC that my wireless connections seem weaker than when my laptop is plugged in.  Is there a way to adjust the power settings so you can dedicate full power to the wireless unit consistantly???? Thanks!01:12
szaljorge_: 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-173 && sudo nvidia-xconfig', then reboot01:12
grumblyjorge_: do you have the correct drivers from Nvidia?01:12
mrmadmoneymanAnyone here good with Linux routing and tc htb?01:12
BlueProtomanDoes Linux have something similar to Joy2Key on Windows?  Eg, where I can take the input of a gamepad (a Bluetooth one, in this case) and turn it into keyboard input for programs that don't support gamepads?  Or does one at least run well in WINE?01:12
kingofswordsis .cache and .config foler suppose to be in my file browser side bar?01:13
Mean_Admindebugnet: yeah, splitting except when I call no-split, it finishes within 1 second .. according to itself, it consider the whole partition as one gigantic error :S01:14
jorge_i try different from system-administration n nothing then from nvidia official page n nothing n another ways i found n google01:14
Mean_Admindebugnet: errors:1  errsize:479GB01:14
debugnetMean_Admin: maybe it is working then afterall, trying waiting for it to do its thing for a while but if it stops after only a few minutes or an hour only then something truly went wrong01:14
Barzoghhello, got a weird issue here , my "id_rsa" and id_rsa.pub" disappeared from .ssh/ however if i try to locate them, it shows me the right path .. any idea?01:14
Mean_Admindebugnet: so I should let it run for like hours and hours ?01:15
debugnetMean_Admin: that error messages means that it had one bad spot, bad drives will normally have that but the program is designed to skip those bad spots and continue with the good spots.01:15
debugnetMean_Admin: yep, could be for days depending on the drive size.01:16
jorge_let me try this 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-173 && sudo nvidia-xconfig'01:16
Mean_Admindebugnet: you're right, unfortunately the whole log was *filled* with   skipping because of errors    and   couldn't recover anything01:16
Mean_Admindebugnet: I literally didn't see a single ANYthing recovered01:16
Mean_Admindebugnet: all right then.. days it is !01:16
debugnetMean_Admin: sorry about that, i had a 40 GB drive that took literally 72 hours to recover and it had about 10% drive damage...good luck.01:17
MSShello and good evening01:18
MSSI'm looking for some really basic help on ubuntu, anyone01:19
bazhang!manual | MSS start here01:19
ubottuMSS start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:19
urlin2uMSS, you will need to ask a question.01:19
bazhang!wiki | MSS  and here01:20
ubottuMSS  and here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.01:20
WhoCaresssWhat do I put into this command to use fdisk on my boot/main hdd? fdisk -l <disk>01:20
rypervencheWhoCaresss: Figure out which disk your main one is. "sudo blkid" to find it.01:20
urlin2uWhoCaresss, I don't use fdisk but stae your intentions.01:21
=== rww is now known as tardis
Mean_Admindebugnet: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell then ... I guess, yeah, I'll look again at the status in 3 weeks01:21
WhoCaresssfinding if my partitions aren't aligned correctly (they aren't) and then re-aligning my partitions01:21
Mean_Admindebugnet: thanks for your assistance man :)01:21
K-Richhey all01:21
WhoCaresssI have win7 and ubuntu at my disposal but it looks like gparted would be the best choice01:21
=== Ttech is now known as The_Doctor
RussellAlanInstalled 11.04 from Live CD, had Win 7 on /sda1/ and Ubuntu on /sda3 ... Made bootloader sda3 and / as mount folder, Now Grub2 does not load and it loads directly into Win 7, can anyone help? I went to Boot-Repair on  Live CD but it didm recognize sda101:22
urlin2uWhoCaresss, aligned correctly?01:22
RussellAlanPlease help01:22
urlin2u!grub | RussellAlan01:23
ubottuRussellAlan: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:23
debugnetMean_Admin: you are very welcome01:24
WhoCaresssbig hdds need to be aligned in order to singificantly increase performace, urlin2u. http://consumer.media.seagate.com/2010/03/the-digital-den/4k-sector-hard-drive-primer/01:24
=== The_Doctor is now known as Ttech
RussellAlanNever worked01:24
MSSthanks for the links, but I'm experiencing a pretty steep learning curve here, just booted my very first linux today and need to install VMWare player from a downloaded bundle. can't seem to find any specific examples for mounting the file and installing01:24
rypervencheMSS: Do you NEED VMWare? virtualbox is a lot easier to install.01:25
urlin2uWhoCaresss, did you notice the refrences to XP that is not really true anymore and barely was to begin with.01:25
WhoCaresssyes I did, however I'm fairly sure I created my partitions incorrectly (did not let Ubuntu auto-configure them). I know of know other reason why my drive would be performing so poorly01:26
=== bmoore1 is now known as bryanmoore
=== tardis is now known as rww
Guest40473problem:  i am getting an error from Archive Manager, "tar: unexpected EOF in file"   but i got no error when i created the archive01:27
Guest40473nothing in dmesg,01:27
=== bryanmoore is now known as GROUP
Guest40473is there a way to tell what is wrong with the archive?01:27
rypervencheGuest40473: How did you create the tar?01:27
Guest40473"sudo tar -cpjf /media/a6* --exclude=.etc,etc"01:27
=== GROUP is now known as moore-bryan
Guest40473"sudo tar -cpjf /media/FreeAg(snip)/30gig-a6fab.tbz /media/a6f(snip)/ --exclude=/media/a6(snip)*  --exclude=/media/a6(snip)/Desktop/maemo_back*  --exclude=/media/a6(snip)/Desktop/maveri*"01:28
Dmolewhovaresss: are they showing us as hda or sda? are they ntfs? what's the speeds01:28
Guest40473sudo because  /media/a6f*   is a root partition i am no longer using, and i just wanted to read & grab everything01:29
boothelphello iv run into shit with my bootlouder01:29
urlin2uboothelp, tell us all about it.01:30
Guest40473i will just run the tar again with -vv or somehting.    it took 30+ minutes to bzip the first 2.7 gigs, though01:30
Guest40473rypervenche: im just wondering if there is a post-mortem i can do while i wait.. -_-01:30
boothelpwel iv instaled ubutu, but the extarnal drive ware it was on just gave his life01:31
boothelpnow wen i start the bootloder it shows windows and 2times ubunto01:31
urlin2uboothelp, meaning the drive is dead?01:31
urlin2uboothelp, have you run a smart check with a live cd?01:32
boothelpwhat the windows cd?01:32
fr0stedboothelp: did you upgrade from 10 - 11 ?01:32
urlin2uboothelp, no a ubuntu in dsik manager01:33
boothelpno i just wanted to try ubuntu01:33
* nnull e-stretches01:33
fr0stednnull:  morning :)01:33
fr0stedbrb smoke01:33
nnullMorning fr0sty ;)01:33
fr0stedmorning mate, im still playing :D01:34
urlin2uboothelp, can you boot windows with its bootloader?01:35
jorge_-the same01:35
nnullThats the way son, sleep is for the weak and fatigued. Those without bulk mother.01:35
padhuGood Morning to all01:35
urlin2u!pm | boothelp01:36
ubottuboothelp: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:36
jorge_-You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.01:36
padhuboothelp: try on #windows01:36
bungholioanyone know the theme for the square look? -for openbox; http://box-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=73768&file1=73768-1.jpg&file2=73768-2.jpg&file3=&name=QuietNight01:36
Fenixdeuxwhoa.. I continue to surprise myself ... just got kick-bann-hammered on #ubuntu-offtopic01:36
urlin2uFenixdeux, lol01:37
Fenixdeuxurlin2u: ain't fun from where I'm lookin' at it01:37
rwwFenixdeux: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support, please use #ubuntu-ops for resolving operator actions in Ubuntu core channels.01:38
Fenixdeux'k will do01:38
jorge_-when i run nvidia-xconfig i  got this --> WARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'01:39
szaljorge_-: no reason to worry01:40
penosim using ubuntu 11.4 right now01:41
jorge_-what u mean szal01:41
szaljorge_-: reboot & enjoy (as far as enjoying is possible w/ an FX)01:41
urlin2upenos, thnks for sharing.01:42
Dmoleis ubuntu using the x server in that version anyway01:42
K-Richi can't use 11.04+01:42
jorge_-szal, im tired to reboot n nothing happend01:42
K-Richmy vid card is blacklisted01:42
szaljorge_-: ?01:43
fr0stedK-Rich: use the 185 version driver and it works ( for dualscreen anyway )01:43
jorge_-szal, when i reboot i cant login01:43
fr0stedworked for me01:43
NeedWirelessHelpAnyone willing to dial into my PC to get a wireless network adapter working? It's a netgear wg311 and I am on lucid. I have ndiswrapper/utils installed and the WinXP driver file handy...something is still not working01:43
szaljorge_-: meaning?01:43
jorge_-show a banner something wrong with a X01:44
szaljorge_-: exact error msg please01:45
jorge_-ok szal i will back01:45
Hot2Trotdoes anyone know a good way to make 'ls -la |less' show colors? Some .bashrc alias or something?01:46
jribHot2Trot: less -R01:46
jribHot2Trot: and pass --color=always to ls01:47
szaljrib: I guess the colours are stripped by less, so you'd need an option for less to show the colours01:48
Hot2Trotjrib: can you explain in a little more depth? You mean i should make an alias saying less= less --color=always ?01:48
Hot2Trotalso, running 'ls -la |less -R' does not give colors01:48
jribHot2Trot: you would run ls --color=always | less -R01:48
fisixi'm dual booting ubuntu and windows 7. i'd like to encrypt the windows 7 partition with true crypt, but i'm not sure whether it'll overwrite grub. what do?01:48
szalls will show the colours anyway01:48
Griz64hey folks. is there any way to specify which locale i am in so i'm not constantly pulling down ALL of these different language packs???01:48
Fenixdeuxwhoa.. I've been quited in #ubuntu-offtopic and then after complaining I gots it on #ubuntu-ops01:49
Hot2Trotjrib: thanks, toying with it now...01:49
raevolif apt-get downloads a package but errors out on installing it, where does it store the package it downloaded?01:49
szalraevol: /var/cache/apt/packages/ or something01:50
klamJraevol: /var/cache/apt/archives/01:50
Griz64is there any way to specify which locale i am in so i'm not constantly pulling down ALL of these different language packs???01:51
szalGriz64: what language packs?01:53
ktwohig9just updated nvidia drivers to get unity working on 11.04....what a PITA. Killed my TV on HDMI. Had to search everywhere for a solution01:55
fr0stedktwohig9:  how did you get it working, i had the same issue with dualscreen setup01:56
ktwohig9had to go to the nvidia x system and configure it as split screen, then make it a clone01:56
jxshxxHowdy!  So, I put 10.04LTS on a laptop with a dead screen with the intent of using external keyboard/mouse/monitor.  What's buggin' me is that it appears I cannot close the lid once I've turned it on.  The choices in Power Management for "closed lid" are Hibernate, Suspend, Blank Screen and Shut down.  Is there a way to keep it running w/ a closed lid?01:56
fr0stedktwohig9:  i used the 185 driver, and it worked for me with no problems01:57
jribjxshxx: wouldn't blank screen do that?01:57
new2netI am trying to set up two PCs like this. http://tinyurl.com/3ugp4w5 . Box 1 is Ubuntu Natty. I thought it would be a simple setup- put the NIC in and go. But that's not the case.  NIC 1 is actually onboard. What else do I need to do? (I need box2 to go thru box1, it can't be put on the router directly)01:57
jribjxshxx: oh it blanks the external...01:57
fisixi'm dual booting ubuntu and windows 7. i'd like to encrypt the windows 7 partition with true crypt, but i'm not sure whether it'll overwrite grub. what do?01:57
ktwohig9fr0sted: I used the following http://askubuntu.com/questions/37269/second-screen-detection/37274#3727401:57
Gredeulets do it01:58
NeedWirelessHelpRunning sudo dhclient wlan0          Outputs this: No DHCPOFFERS received            Any ideas?01:58
szalfisix: hmm, Gnome/Unity/whatever you use must be dumbed down in that respect; KDE also has options 'Sleep' and 'Do nothing'01:58
ktwohig9I do have to say I really like this Unity setup though01:59
=== Beastmode is now known as Dasda
dhacker29quick question how do I add java to my default path? when I am compiling andriod I have to always add the path from the command line02:00
szalsorry, I meant to poke jxshxx02:00
Griz64szal, everything not en_US02:00
szaljxshxx: or at least in Natty it has, no idea about Lucid02:00
Britehow do i install lubuntu restricted extras on lubuntu 1102:00
bazhangBrite, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras02:01
xanguaBrite: install lubuntu-restricted-extras02:01
Britebut i cant say yes to the licence it is stuck up02:02
jorge_-here --> Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode ,02:02
szaljorge_-: you're lucky I'm still there, so get the msg out before I get off my chair ^^02:02
bazhangBrite, tab to it , and click OK02:02
Britelet me try02:02
jorge_-the following error as encountered . you may need to uddate your configuration to solve this . ee no device detected02:02
NeedWirelessHelpRunning sudo dhclient wlan0          Outputs this: No DHCPOFFERS received            Any ideas?02:03
Britebazhang god bless you i got it thanks a lot02:03
bazhangNeedWirelessHelp, associate with the AP yet?02:03
penosNeedWirelessHelp, do you have working driver for wireless adapter?02:04
Britethanks once again02:04
NeedWirelessHelpbazhang: not sure what that means02:04
NeedWirelessHelppenos: yes, I have an XP driver installed and verified by ndiswrapper02:04
jxshxxIs it in Power Management?  Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place? - forgot command to address specific user.  Sorry, please remind me :)02:04
bazhangNeedWirelessHelp, what does iwconfig show02:04
bazhangNeedWirelessHelp, pastebin it02:05
NeedWirelessHelpbazhang: http://pastebin.com/C1tti6it02:06
bungholiodoes anyone know what theme the square look is from? - for open box; http://box-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=73768&file1=73768-1.jpg&file2=73768-2.jpg&file3=&name=QuietNight02:06
* szal goes off to bed02:09
bazhangAccess Point: Not-Associated  <---- NeedWirelessHelp02:10
NeedWirelessHelpbazhang: what does that mean?02:10
bazhangNeedWirelessHelp, it does not see a point of access, ie a wifi hotspot02:10
fisixi'm dual booting ubuntu and windows 7. i'd like to encrypt the windows 7 partition with true crypt, but i'm not sure whether it'll overwrite grub. what do?02:11
In-Vent-iveHello, can anyone help me?02:11
NeedWirelessHelpbazhang: not sure how...I am next to it...and other wireless laptops are connected02:11
In-Vent-iveI wondered if I could install ubuntu from the network ..02:11
billybigriggerIn-Vent-ive, yes you can02:12
NeedWirelessHelpbazhang: I also do not see the wireless card in my network connections dialog...only an entry for the wired connection02:12
In-Vent-ivethks 4 answer02:12
In-Vent-iveRight now I have no CD-ROM but I have a server with ubuntu02:12
bazhangNeedWirelessHelp, what chipset02:12
billybigriggerIn-Vent-ive, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot02:12
In-Vent-ivevery goood, thks a lot...02:13
In-Vent-ive:D :D02:13
NeedWirelessHelpbazhang: I followed these steps: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/marvell-88w8335-chipset-netgear-wg311-pcicard-driver/02:13
penosNeedWirelessHelp, is wg311 the name of your driver?02:14
NeedWirelessHelppenos: yes02:14
penosNeedWirelessHelp, are you sure the module is loaded? does it turn up when you do lsmod?02:15
NeedWirelessHelppenos: http://pastebin.com/8RAbTSYL02:16
KPGIs there a security benefit to using the shred utility to securely wipe a hard drive over simply using the dd command and zero-fillling it or filling it with random data from /dev/random?02:17
penosNeedWirelessHelp, dude lsmod output has no wg311 listed. that probably means you don't have the driver installed02:18
wildbatKPG: there is ~ that's y ppl make it02:18
KPGwildbat: Ok, what specifically is the advantage?02:18
NeedWirelessHelppenos: http://pastebin.com/aETFjwPK02:19
new2netHere is a picture/diagram of the setup I am trying to achieve http://tinyurl.com/3ugp4w5 and here is my hardware settings on [BOX 1] in the picture. http://pastebin.com/BCp59dJ7 . The problem is box1 and 2 are not communicating. All i've done so far is put NIC#2 in and plugged the cat5 cable into both.02:19
Caianyone here02:19
bazhangCai, yes02:19
Caibazhang: how can I support chinese in lxde Ubuntu02:19
Guest40473Archive Manager gives "bzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing" again while opening this tar02:20
wildbatKPG:  make it nearly impossible to recover the data ~ where with zeroing there are some hi-tech equipment to recover the data like in the FBI02:20
bazhangCai, support? use the kb? read fonts? please clarify02:20
Guest40473running tar with -vv still shows no error on creation02:20
Guest40473checking the file with bzip2 -tvv just says "data integrity (CRC) error in data"  on the last part02:20
KPGwildbat: Ok, thank you for the help.02:20
penosNeedWirelessHelp, sorry i'm not familiar with ndiswrapper02:21
Guest40473last file it tried to add was a symlink.02:21
CaiI could not read chinese02:21
NeedWirelessHelppenos: that's ok thanks though02:21
Caibazhang: when I open a website, wrong code02:21
NeedWirelessHelppenos: stupid netgear!02:21
penosNeedWirelessHelp, maybe you need to load the driver...?02:21
b0nghittri need to copy my current ubuntu install which is on a bad clicking drive, onto a larger good drive. can i just make the same partitions on the new drive (/, /boot, and swap), and set the /boot patrtition as bootable in fdisk? or will i need to do something special? thanks.02:21
NeedWirelessHelppenos: thought that's what I did already....maybe I am doing something wrong?02:22
bazhangCai, install the necessary language support packages then from the package manager02:22
penosNeedWirelessHelp, ok.....02:22
CaiI dont see there is a package manager02:22
penosNeedWirelessHelp, i thought ubuntu would set up wireless automatically? no?02:22
fisixi'm dual booting ubuntu and windows 7. i'd like to encrypt the windows 7 partition with true crypt, but i'm not sure whether it'll overwrite grub. what do?02:22
NeedWirelessHelppenos: this was an upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04.....guess not02:23
b0nghittri will have to manually copy over the files while the drive is still working.02:23
wildbatb0nghittr: you can simply clone the whole drive, fast and easy ~ hassle free02:23
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus Cai02:23
urlin2ub0nghittr, use clonezilla02:23
penosNeedWirelessHelp, maybe try a different driver?02:23
b0nghittrokay, thanks02:24
NeedWirelessHelppenos: maybe02:24
penosNeedWirelessHelp, or try ubuntu 11.402:25
Caibazhang: I do not have iBUS preference02:25
Caibazhang: I have lxde desktop02:25
NeedWirelessHelppenos: heh, that's an option.02:25
Cainot gnome02:25
bazhangCai, right. did you read the link?02:25
CaiI read it02:26
Caibazhang: can i do it from commandline?02:26
pooltableis there a place to see the new ubuntu snap shot ??02:26
bazhangCai, do what02:26
Caiinstall iBus02:26
bazhangCai, of course02:26
NeedWirelessHelppenos: thanks again02:26
Caihow? it is not on this page02:27
penosNeedWirelessHelp, ok... sorry I don't have experience with ndiswrapper02:27
bazhangCai, apt-cache search ibus02:27
b0nghittrwildbat: what if the drive starts clicking during the imaging?02:27
b0nghittrwill i be able to resume where it left off?02:27
wildbatb0nghittr: ddrescue02:28
Caii installed ibus02:28
Caiapt-get install iBus02:28
Caibazhang: then what I should do?02:29
buhmanhttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/469292/ what is going on here?02:29
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp Cai please see here02:30
b0nghittrwildbat: awesome thanks again02:30
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1729541 Cai and this02:30
bazhanghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNPYcu008c0   <---- Cai and this02:32
CaiBazhang:: i do not have language support in Preference02:32
Caibazhang: how to do it in Command Line02:32
CaiI installed iBus02:32
bazhangCai, how about checking all the various links I have given you .... first.02:33
CaiI checked...02:33
bazhangCai, I have zero idea how to do it in the command line. please check the links.02:33
Caiok thanks02:33
bazhangCai, You are welcome.02:33
wildbatCai: Language Support is inside Admin.....02:34
new2netI wish I knew enough about ubuntu to help myself.02:34
penosnew2net, what do you need to accomplish?02:35
new2netthis network setup. http://tinyurl.com/3ugp4w5 where box1 is ubuntu 11.04, box2 can't reach the router.02:36
new2neti can provide a less short link for the image if you want02:36
Mean_Adminnew2net: that is some awesome artwork02:36
phong_hi guys02:36
phong_is it a good choice to install ubuntu on SSD or just regular SATA drive?02:37
PMantisHi guys, fresh VPS with 10.04.1. I install ufw, and I'm getting errors starting the firewall.  "iptables-restore: line 66 failed" and more. 'ufw reset' didn't help. Ideas?02:37
billybigriggernew2net, you need to setup a bridged connection between nic1 and 202:37
new2netMean_Admin: I installed uhh.. MyPaint using Ubuntu Software Center, it was a team effort.02:37
phong_anyone of you give me good suggestion?02:37
phong_your help is appreciated.02:37
billybigriggernew2net, you probably need a bing long boring IPTABLES line, :) google is your friend on that one02:37
Mean_Adminnew2net: you have to enable forwarding in ubuntu if you intend Box1 to bridge NIC1 and NIC202:37
urlin2uphong_, yeah don't vampire the channel.02:38
phong_urlin2u, what02:38
wildbat!ics | new2net: OMG you need to learn some drawing too :>02:38
ubottunew2net: OMG you need to learn some drawing too :>: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing02:38
Mean_Adminphong_: what do you "good idea"?02:38
pooltableok what do i need to do the share info fome ubuntu to windows 7 ??02:38
phong_Mean_Admin, currently i install windows ...do you think i should have another SSD for ubuntu>?02:38
Mean_Adminphong_: you can simply dual-boot on the same drive02:39
Mean_Adminphong_: unless it's super small02:39
phong_i have 80GB intel ssd02:39
Mean_Adminphong_: that is, unless you don't have enough space left on it02:39
phong_how much space does it needs?02:39
Mean_Adminphong_: I've lived with 10GB02:39
Mean_Adminphong_: but probably less02:39
phong_what if i need more..can it be done adjust the space?02:40
Mean_Adminphong_: my case was some time ago, I don't know today but I'm assuming 10GB is enough02:40
Mean_Adminphong_: you can adjust afterwards, yes02:40
phong_well how to install it?02:40
Mean_Adminphong_: although _I_ have never really done it myself02:41
phong_currently i have windows02:41
new2netwildbat, billybigrigger, Mean_Admin: thank you. That should be more than enough info to get started.02:41
phong_do i need to partition somethign?02:41
Mean_Adminnew2net: pleasre, good luck, you may want to try ##networking also, never know..02:41
Mean_Adminphong_: well, you have to burn the Ubuntu LiveCD02:41
urlin2uphong_, you were on here days ago talking about ubuntu you know how.02:41
phong_and will it messup my windows boot?02:41
weecoldual boot02:41
Mean_Adminphong_: then you boot off the CD and Ubuntu will guide you with a wizard and ask you how much space you want to give it02:42
ArseneReiDoes anyone use xterm or urxvt on ubuntu? I'm trying to get custom fonts and I haven't found anything on google.02:42
phong_ok thanks02:42
ubottuIf with all the cute terminals that are around you're still using xterm, then you deserve any problem you're experiencing with it. Go away.02:42
Mean_Adminphong_: it's visual, no command line02:42
phong_ok thanks Mean_Admin02:42
PMantisufw issue on a VPS:  http://pastebin.com/Dw0Fg60602:42
ktwohig9phong_: or you can go to http://www.ubuntu.com/download and just use the one that says Run it with Windows02:42
Mean_Adminphong_: it won't mess up with Windows; when you boot the computer, you'll be asked whether you want to boot Ubuntu or Windows02:43
Mean_Adminktwohig9: I hear Wubi si problematic02:43
ArseneReirww: Alright, thanks.02:43
ktwohig9Mine has been good for over a week now02:43
Mean_Adminktwohig9: good :)02:43
dr-williswubi can be problematic. phong_  use wuth caution02:43
weecolany other problems i can solve here02:43
Mean_Adminphong_: just burn a livecd of Ubuntu02:44
ktwohig9yeah i can only speak on my experience with it, which is very limited02:44
Mean_Adminphong_: you can even try it without installing it02:44
dr-willisid rather use ubuntu in vbox then use wubi02:44
ktwohig9Only real issue I have come up with is the audio over HDMI not working02:45
urlin2uktwohig9, you might want to read what the designer says about what wubi was designed fro. http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/02:45
dr-willishdmi audio wiuld not be a wubi specific issue i would think.02:46
ktwohig9cool thanks02:46
fr0stedyo, anyone got an idea where the icons are saved for apps within unity ? i want to change them to custom icons you see02:46
ktwohig9urlin2u: So it's pretty much just a trial launcher02:47
urlin2uktwohig9, yeah, can be moved to a partion though.02:48
ktwohig9Funny, I keep thinking of doing the full install. That kinda seals the deal for me02:48
urlin2uktwohig9, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151935402:48
Ubuntu1Does anyone have Nvidia Screen flickering issues? on Ubuntu 11.0402:49
mrjbarwhat is the Unity 2D shortcut key for doing expose? In Unity 3D it's super + w, but that doesn't work in Unity 2D.02:49
fr0stedUbuntu1: no sorry, im using the 185 version driver though, as it works with unity very well02:50
fr0stedfor dualscreen02:50
fr0sted anyone got an idea where the icons are saved for apps within unity ?02:50
fr0stedfor the launcher02:50
bazhangmrjbar, clicking the workspaces?02:50
ktwohig9urlin2u: Migrating it would still leave it as Wubi, which means it could still be prone to issues right?02:50
sizzershas anyone here every joined a linux machine to a windows domain?02:50
urlin2uktwohig9, no it is a install then.02:51
mrjbarbazhang, I mean just exposing the windows and not the workspaces02:51
Ubuntu1Fr0sted, Thanks anyway but Still can't resolve the issue? Whenever the CPU goes to high flickers, but does anyone know how to keep the Nvidia compiz settings to maximum performance02:52
qinmrjbar: It is compiz feature.02:52
ktwohig9urlin2u: ah ok then, thanks for the heads up on that02:52
fr0stedUbuntu1: ye man you go to the nvidia x server ( settings ) and change it in there, click from quality to performance02:52
urlin2uktwohig9, no problem.02:52
bazhangmrjbar, in unity-2d clicking that shows all the windows presently up02:52
ktwohig9looks like I know what i am doing in the AM02:53
bazhangqin, he's talking abou t the feature in unity-2d02:53
Ubuntu1Fr0sted, Ok, well I have tried that before in Ubuntu 11.04 but doesn't seem to save after rebooting the system is there any chance of fixing that?02:53
fr0stedUbuntu1:  yes you need to save the changes tothe conf file, sudo su to gain root privs then write save configuration file02:54
fr0stedalso try removing the driver you have and use the package manager to install 18502:54
fr0stedworked a treat for me02:54
bazhangfr0sted, sudo or sudo -i   never sudo su02:54
dr-willisdont use sudo su.  try sudo -s  ;)02:55
Krawnsbiewhy sudo -i?02:55
dr-willisor -i  ;(02:55
usr13because it's cheaper02:55
Krawnsbiefair enough02:55
Mean_Adminwhy not   sudo su   ?02:57
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo Mean_Admin02:57
usr13because it's cheaper - fewer key stokes - less typing - it's the recommended method  ;)02:58
Krawnsbieit is the same amount of keystrokes...02:58
Khisanthand one of them is the same :)02:58
usr13fewer pixels02:58
Krawnsbiehahaha not my pixels!02:59
Mean_Adminbazhang: reading a little of that and the manpage, Im not sure why you'd use sudo -i besides for the environment variables02:59
usr13Well never mind.  sudo su - root03:00
Krawnsbiethe only thing I can think of is to stay in the habit of using that03:00
Krawnsbieit is good to know both03:00
usr13From now on that is the recommended method.  Ok?03:00
bazhangusr13, no stop that03:00
Krawnsbieyes massa03:01
usr13bazhang: So what are we?  A bunch of sea-lawyers?03:01
ktwohig9so pretty much someone like myself with little experience in linux should never sudo su?03:01
Mean_Adminktwohig9: the advice I was given is just use 'sudo' and not keep superpowers03:02
bazhangktwohig9, the ubuntu method is sudo, yes.03:02
dr-willisktwohig9:  correct03:02
ktwohig9ok, I will remember that. thanks folks03:02
Krawnsbieis this a place to ask questions with problems we have or am i going to be yelled at saying this is not google03:02
usr13ktwohig9: Correct.  It is a dangerous command that should be  used with caution.03:02
bazhangKrawnsbie, this is the very place03:02
Mean_AdminKrawnsbie: try03:02
muktiHow hot is too hot for a laptop CPU? I just ran acpi -V and saw my CPU was running at 82 degrees C...03:03
wildbatmukti: that's way tooo hot03:03
ktwohig9too hot03:03
Mean_Adminmukti: start blowing on it03:03
rwwno it isn't :\03:03
KrawnsbieCodeblocks keeps saying that I do not have the permission to run my code How do I edit permissions03:03
wildbatmukti CPU > 70C is unacceptable.03:03
wildbatmukti: 75C is the highest it should ever be .03:04
rwwwildbat: depends what precisely it's measuring03:04
rwwe.g. on my desktop, there are two sets of sensors. one should be < 72, the other should be < 10003:04
MonkeyDust46°C here03:04
rwwbut anyway, you should be using lm-sensors :\03:04
wildbatrww: of coz, assuming the sensor is working ;p03:04
ktwohig9mukti - is that idle or under load?03:04
muktirww: how do I know what censors I'm runing?03:04
muktiktwohig9: I just started running skype03:05
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.03:05
rwwmukti: use that instead, it's more informative ^03:05
KrawnsbieCodeblocks keeps saying that I do not have the permission to run my code How do I edit permissions03:08
=== picolo is now known as Luiz
=== Luiz is now known as Luiz-Picolo
cab938_dtI want to boot to a usb key, but I would prefer if the key was not fat32, suggestions?03:08
debugnetKrawnsbie: chmod command. if you use the GUI, right click and properties.03:09
KrawnsbieThanks :D03:09
cab938_dtThe startup disk creator eats whatever is there and drops as fat32, so I get max 4gb files03:09
=== Luiz-Picolo is now known as Picolo
urlin2ucab938_dt, boot what?03:09
=== Picolo is now known as picolo
cab938_dtJust the 1104 startup disk03:09
cab938_dtso I can have a casper environment and run from machine to machine with it03:10
cab938_dtIt's a 16gb key I'm using03:10
urlin2ucab938_dt, do a full install.03:10
jA_cOpWhere is librt located? What is typically linked when I pass -lrt to gcc?03:10
cab938_dtSo I did that, and first I partitioned the key into two disks, an ext3 and a ntfs, thinking "haha, I am so smart, now I can use part of the key in windows too"03:11
cab938_dtbut my laptop, which would boot from the startup disk created key, would not boot from this one03:11
cab938_dtand windows had no idea what the key was03:11
cab938_dtdon't know if the arrangement of partitions mattered, the ext3 one was first03:11
urlin2ucab938_dt, ypou put the ntfs at the front of the thumb.03:11
cab938_dtI didn't, do I need to?03:12
=== Merdam is now known as Merdam-afk
muktirww: this is the output from running "sensors" http://paste.ubuntu.com/680970/03:12
cab938_dtubuntu can see them both, fwiw03:12
urlin2ucab938_dt, yes and just do a full install the casper will fill up, and is pretty much impossible to clean.03:12
jA_cOp"ls /lib /usr/lib /usr/lib32 | grep rt" doesn't yield any form of librt for me :(03:12
new2netbillybigrigger: I'm having trouble getting from seeing the NIC in the output of new2net@box2~: lshw to having the NIC get called eth1 in ifconfig ~_~03:12
rwwmukti: I don't have WWW access right now, sorry. Perhaps someone else can help.03:13
cab938_dturist, so ntfs in the first location, then a full install on the ntfs drive?  or onto the ext3 in the second partition?03:13
urlin2ucab938_dt, ntfs first, ubuntu will only install to a ext type use ext403:14
muktirww: The fan is running at 3515 RPM and the two adapter sensors are running at 70 and 78 degrees C03:14
Krawnsbiewhere is permissions located?03:14
cab938_dturlin2u, ok, is there anything special i need to do to make sure i can boot from the ext part?  I don't understand why the laptop won't boot from it right now03:14
ktwohig9mukti: my opinion is all 3 temps are too high. Is there onyl 1 fan in that case?03:15
Surlent777hi everyone; I'm finding that all of a sudden my laptop's microphone isn't being detected by KDE or by the GNOME Control Centre, yet it worked previously. The only major thing I can recall changing is doing a BIOS upgrade whilst maintaining the Windows 7 install on the other partition, but the microphone works as expected there. Curiously, it does seem to show up in alsamixer, but gnome-sound-recorder doesn't recognize it. Any ideas?03:15
muktiktwohig9: I believe so, its a (1 week old) Thinkpad T42003:16
dorigentooDoes someone know how to do a grep regex which will exclude all lines having a 0 ?03:17
urlin2ucab938_dt, you have to install the grub bootloader to  the thumb, use the something else option in the install where asked where the install goes, there is a dropdown there to choose where grub goes, to the thumbs mbnr which has no partition numbers for example sdb.03:17
ktwohig9mukti: ah ok it's a laptop. If it were me, i would call the place you bought it from and demand a replacement03:17
cab938_dturlin2u, ok, I'll give it a wing03:17
debugnetdorigentoo: use the -v option in any grep command to exlude matches.03:17
muktiktwohig9: really?03:17
ktwohig9my sony F series I7 runs max under load 62C03:18
dorigentoothx debugnet :)03:18
ktwohig9Mukti: yep, otherwise you will definately need to start thinking of some cooling solutions for it03:19
ktwohig9but to me, right out of the box it should not go that high03:19
debugnetdorigentoo: np03:19
muktiktwohig9: it doesn't usually, I think it might have been skype (beta)03:19
emgelshola a todos03:19
bazhang!es | emgels03:20
ubottuemgels: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:20
emgelsquien me puede a alludar con mi compiz03:20
muktiktwohig9: usually its cool and quiet; but when I ran skype, it got extremely hot, and I could hear the fan blowing03:20
ktwohig9mukti: whne you got those readings you posted was it running skype still?03:20
bazhangemgels, english , #compiz03:20
muktii just closed it03:20
ktwohig9ok run the test again03:20
mukti72 and 7903:21
dorigentoodebugnet, actually my grep is really weird :(  I wanted to search for the string "font-family" in all files in my dir (which I normally do with grep -r "font-family" *). But here, it returned every files, even those which don't contain the string. I tried "grep -cr "font-family" *|egrep -v 0" to count the number of occurences, and I get a bunch of results, but still if I vim into on of the files and search for font-family, I can't find it. D03:21
dorigentooid you ever see this problem before ?03:21
muktiktwohig9: hold on, I'll be right back03:21
ktwohig9then it isnt skype03:21
new2netMy 2nd network card is not detected by "lshw -c net", but it has power.... what?!?03:22
debugnetdorigentoo: grep -iR 'font-family' .03:22
dorigentooerf it works03:23
debugnetdorigentoo: or maybe grep -iR 'font*.family' . where . is the directory you are in so change as necessary03:23
dorigentooI'll read the doc trying to figure out why this i option is mandatory. Thank you very much, you're very helpful03:24
debugnetdorigentoo: i option is for case INsensitive so that files with Caps at the beginning of words are included as well03:25
debugnetdorigentoo: btw, it was the cap R option that does 'recursive' directory searches03:25
dorigentooyes I was wrong with the lowercase one03:25
dorigentoook thanks03:26
TheNerevarHow do I install a serial mouse in ubuntu?03:27
urlin2uTheNerevar, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto03:28
TheNerevarurlin2u: thank you03:29
Surlent777okay, turns out that changing the Audio Profile in GNOME Contrl Centre from Audio Output Analog to Analog 4.0 + Input was enough to do the trick. No idea how that got switched around, but whatever.03:29
Surlent777thanks anyway03:29
urlin2uTheNerevar, don't thanl me to soon eh.03:30
Phong_i can't install ubuntu why?03:32
Phong_it said something about busybox03:32
Phong_then type 'help' for help03:32
Phong_something wrong with ubuntu?03:32
Hypershockwhat method did you use to install ubuntu? which version? which medium?03:33
Phong_x64 bit03:34
Phong_will it handle by i7 2600k?03:34
Josesordohello all, who knows a lot of Web programming and security (specially in wordpress) ??03:34
rwwJosesordo: you may find #wordpress helpful03:35
HypershockPhong_, what are you machines specs?03:35
urlin2u!ask | Josesordo03:35
ubottuJosesordo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:35
Phong_Hypershock, i7 2600k 12RAM03:35
Phong_80GB SSD intel03:35
Josesordorww, thanks =)03:35
Hypershockare you installing from a dvd or a bootable usb?03:36
lo-fi_so when running wpa_supplicant it says no wpa skip, but there is a wpa, and ive set the wep key in the config03:36
Phong_Hypershock, CD or DVD03:36
lo-fi_any ideas?03:36
decioI tried to do a stupid thing. I tried to install a liveCD in a SD Card and now I can't format the volume or delete the files in it. Can someone help me formating the volume, is it anyway to force it?03:36
Hypershockok, so you mean you tried both then03:37
muktiokay, sorry I forgot who I was talking too a few minutes ago, but I'm back03:37
ktwohig9mukti: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174847503:37
Hypershockok, now try the one you don't want to try, the standard 32bit one, it'll install a pae kernel so you won't loose access to your ram03:37
wildbatQ: ~ is there something that can make SSD and HHD to work together as if it is a single hybird drive :>03:38
Hypershockin fact it'll run better too as x64 is still experimental03:38
Phong_Hypershock, come on man, i want x6403:38
Phong_x64 will handle more RAM03:38
PolahHypershock: PAE isn't a very good substitude for 64-bit.03:38
PolahPhong_: What problems are you having?03:38
Phong_Polah, i can't install ubuntu x64 11.0403:39
deciowithout 64 bit each app can only access 4GB of RAM03:39
PolahPhong_: Yes but why not? What happens when you try?03:39
Phong_when boot, ...and later on....i got busybox 1.7....03:39
lo-fi_is there anyone who can help me with spa_supplicant?03:39
Phong_then next line is:   type 'help' bla bla03:39
debugnetwildbat: RAID is probably what you are going to want but it will probably be difficult as hell to setup since you will have to do software RAID instead of hardware RAID03:39
Phong_Polah, then it said, can't find live cd03:39
=== Merdam-afk is now known as Merdam
decioPhong, how many times did you try to install it?03:40
Polahdecio: 3.2GB of RAM is all the system can use, 4 billion or so address spaces. PAE gives 64GB and 64-bit is 16EB or some other huge number03:40
PolahPhong_: Have you checked the md5sum of the ISO you have, and burned the disc at a slow speed then verified to make sure it's a proper burn?03:40
TheNerevarurlin2u: It works thank you very much.03:41
muktiktwohig9: post #3 talks about how to get thinkfan working, but I'm not sure how to add kernel modules03:41
Phong_ok i'll try that03:41
urlin2uTheNerevar, cool. :D03:41
Polah!md5sum | Phong_03:41
wildbatdebugent, i doubt it ~ how md RAID put frequently use data to SSD only , and have the size of the HDD .03:41
ubottuPhong_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:41
PolahPhong_: md5sum your ISO and find the matching hash on those pages, if it doesn't match then your ISO is corrupt or incomplete and you'll have to redownload and reburn it. If it does match, boot the LiveCD, hold shift during boot and then select "Verify disc integrity" (or something along those lines) from the menu it gives you03:42
muktiktwohig9: also, the sensors are currently at 46 and 45 degrees celcius03:42
decioYou have to do md5sum to check if the files on you liveCD are the correct ones.03:42
debugnetwildbat: current technology doesn't have anything designed around that although you could mount the two drives in such a way that certain files are on one and others are on the SSD that are usually read-only.03:42
decioI tried to do a stupid thing. I tried to install a liveCD in a SD Card and now I can't format the volume or delete the files in it. Can someone help me formating the volume, is it anyway to force it?03:43
penosdecio, hahaha03:43
TheNerevardecio: Do you have something like a Palm or a phone or something along those lines to put it in?03:43
debugnetwildbat: i would have the SSD as the boot drive and mount theh normal HD to another folder and have sim links to all the folders that will keep the data you don't want on the SSD on the normal drive03:43
Polahdecio: SD cards have the little switches that stop writing to them when they're enabled? Check the switch is in the unlocked position.03:43
ktwohig9Mukti: Ok well the temps sound MUCH better. As far as installing kernal modules, that is beyond me03:44
muktiktwohig9: okay, thanks03:45
ktwohig9no probelm and good luck03:45
decioPolah, OMG, i didn't remember!!! lol. I'm a complete noob.03:45
deciook, you guys can laugh,,,, you probably are03:46
=== Datz__ is now known as Datz
urlin2udecio, we only laugh in your general direction. :D03:47
wildbatdebugnet: i know :) ~ but a feature nice to have ~ and so motherboard start offer similar feature but Win's drive only03:47
Datzhi, I was wondering if there is a problem with teh applet invest. Whenever I try to add it to the gnome panel, nothing happens03:47
deciourlin2u, seriously, I am so tired that I didn't even think on that03:47
urlin2udecio, it happens.03:48
=== MadSweeney is now known as Guest87641
DatzDoes anyone else use the invest appelt, or could someone try and load it to see what happens?03:48
deciourlin2u, yeah but, I didn't figure it out then, I google it (didn't find anything) and then I did go to a IRC channel to remember me that SD cards lave to be unlocked in order to change their content.... I need to sleep03:49
debugnetwildbat: that would be nice...03:50
deciowhat do you guys think of the idea of the menu on ubuntu 11.10 be on the dock?03:51
rwwdecio: #ubuntu+1 for oneiric discussion, please :)03:52
=== magocite_ is now known as artypig78
wildbatdebugnet: that why i am asking... :) a small 32GB SSD can give a 5400rpm  drive a huge speed up and spin down more often :> fast and green :>03:52
debugnetwildbat: got a scenario that you're thinking of that could give me an idea of what you are trying to accomplish and maybe i could 'spin it'?03:53
wildbatdebugnet: hehe why not :>03:55
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
lo-fi_so im runnign wpa_supplicant and its on scan update 40, is this normal?03:58
MrUbiquitousWhere can I get questions answered as a noob about Ubuntu?03:59
bazhangMrUbiquitous, here03:59
=== qmr is now known as QMR
MrUbiquitousI have a quick question. Maybe this cannot be answered here, I was banned from the Ubuntu forums 15pts for supposed spam. I have no idea why. Does this sometimes happen by mistake? I only made one post and it was a help question.04:00
bazhangMrUbiquitous, try #ubuntuforums perhaps04:00
stupididoti can haz helps?04:01
bazhangstupididot, ask first04:01
stupididotmy sound isn't working, just installed ubuntu 11.04:01
stupididoti think i haz realtek audio. that's what i had on teh windoez.04:03
Singhamhi...till 10.04,the videos which I used to watch on youtube.com were saved in tmp folder.In 10.10 they arent stored there..where are they stored ?04:03
urlin2uSingham, not sure, but the firefox add-on video downloadhelper will take care of it.04:04
urlin2uor minitube04:05
stupididotthere are some sites that convert youtube to flv or avi online too, haven't checked them out in a while though.04:05
urlin2uthe downloadhelper converts on the fly stupididot04:06
stupididotso the addon does it itself?04:07
stupididotor does it use a service?04:07
urlin2ustupididot, you can set it up to not sure which formats though.04:07
debugnetSingham: are you using firefox? if so you can check the preferences to see what the download folder is set to.04:07
bazhangurlin2u, mp404:07
luigiI'm not sure if this is a good place to ask, but I'm using icecast on my Ubuntu server and I'm having some major streaming issues when streaming from it.04:07
urlin2ubazhang, that makes sense.04:08
Singham<debugnet> : What to check in preferences ?04:08
luigiThere's a delay of three seconds or so in between songs that crossfade gracefully, which I would expect from a network stream, but when I skip a track or seek in a song, the stream just stops.04:09
luigiI'm running mpd as the backend.04:09
stupididotits 5am, i should proberbly go to bed. does anyone know how i can fix mah audios?04:09
luigistupididot: sudo lspci -v and paste output to a pastebin04:10
luigiThat way we'll know your exact audio card.04:10
stupididotwhere do i paste that? im such a noob :(04:11
Morgzstupididot - can use pastie.org04:11
debugnetSingham: save files to box should have a folder input there, you can usually check the check box next to it and input a folder of your choice then set it to manual so it always asks where to save (obviously that is your option). btw, what are you using to save youtube videos? firefox usually have a temp folder in your home~/.mozilla/firefox/????????.default/Cache folder where the ?'s are random.04:11
=== rafa is now known as Guest84837
Morgzstupididot or pastebin.com as suggested04:12
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest38857
stupididotI don't get it, do i paste "sudo lspci -v" in the terminal. sorry for asking idiotic questions.04:15
stupididotit does not work.04:15
debugnetstupididot: middle mouse to paste?04:16
Singhamdebugnet : Thanks but the video I just watched is not playing when I tried to play it from the .default folder..04:16
debugnetSingham: not sure if i answered your question...welcome though.04:17
StanleyPTPAnyone can help me with Impress sound effects problem in Ubuntu. It only happens in Ubuntu.04:17
stupididotoh it works, heres what it gaves to me. http://pastie.org/247443404:17
Singham<debugnet> :Thanks dude..its working.....:)04:19
luigistupididot: http://hardc0l2e.wordpress.com/2011/04/25/vt1708a-workaround-for-ubuntu-10-10/04:19
luigiThis applies to you, stupididot, and may help. It just involves adding a harmless (but perhaps helpful!) parameter to the boot line. You'll want to use gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub however, since vi has only two modes: beep and break everything04:20
miraenvigadohello everyone04:20
stupididotuuuh... :o .. this is like my second time using ubuntu, didn't get half of that. lol04:21
luigistupididot: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub in the command line04:21
miraenvigadoCould someone give me a hand?04:21
StanleyPTPAnyone has a sound problem with Impress and Ubuntu?04:21
debugnetmiraenvigado: whatcha got?04:21
luigistupididot: Modify the file so that this line looks like this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash pci=use_crs”04:22
luigistupididot: You're adding the pci=use_crs bit to what's already there.04:22
luigistupididot: Then save the file (Ctrl+S) and quit the program (Alt+F4). Paste "sudo update-grub" into the terminal, and then reboot.04:23
luigiWith any luck, you'll be hearing sounds in no time04:23
wildbatwhat pci=use_crs do ?04:23
StanleyPTPCombination of Impress + Ubuntu 10.10/11.04 = sound effects problem. Any one can help?04:24
luigiwildbat: It seems to solve some bug related to VIA1708/A audio chipsets.04:24
miraenvigadoI've got a problem with my acer travelmate 220004:25
almoxarifeluigi: you put the "?" instead of double quote? or I am seeing something04:25
miraenvigadowho can give me a hand?04:25
stupididotdo i restart now?04:25
bazhangmiraenvigado, ask a real question04:25
stupididoti think its changed.04:25
luigialmoxarife: You might be seeing things...04:26
luigistupididot: You ran sudo update-grub?04:26
luigiIf so, reboot.04:26
jewlesanyone familure with landscape? curious to see if anyone uses it / like it/ finds it useful waste etc...04:26
luigijewles: I consider it useless, to be honest. But I only have two Ubuntu servers to manage.04:26
miraenvigadoI install xubuntu 10.10 in a acer travelmate 2200, but i can not install the wireless driver04:26
luigiYet when you're on a large scale, you just get AC2...04:27
bazhangmiraenvigado, whats the chipset04:27
jewlesi have 804:27
luigiWhat do you need it for?04:27
miraenvigadoi don't know04:27
jewlesi don't know if I do...04:27
luigimiraenvigado: sudo lspci -v04:27
jewlesi did a demo, and it seem useless04:27
jewlesbut i figured maybe i did something wrong04:27
stupididotgonna reboot now. wish me luck. brb04:27
luigimiraenvigado: Copy and paste the output into pastie.org and give us the link04:27
StanleyPTPUbuntu 10.10 and Ubuntu 11.04 pulse audio system seems to play sound from Impress too fast (too short) making the sound effect sounded very funny. Anyone can help?04:28
miraenvigado02:03.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)04:28
miraenvigadoSubsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] Device 003604:28
miraenvigadoFlags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 128, IRQ 1904:28
miraenvigadoI/O ports at a000 [size=256]04:28
miraenvigadoMemory at f4200c00 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256]04:28
miraenvigadoCapabilities: [50] Power Management version 204:28
FloodBot1miraenvigado: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:28
luigimiraenvigado: Or, since you have no internet on the computer, put it in a text file on a flash drive, and then open it on a computer with internet.04:28
miraenvigadoKernel driver in use: 8139too04:28
luigimiraenvigado: You don't paste ~2 lines into the channel.04:29
luigiNow you've been muted, and only an op can help you.04:29
luigiStanleyPTP: Sounds like a sampling rate error.04:29
miraenvigadosorry, what should i do?04:29
luigiMake sure everything is set to 44.1 kHz in impulse.04:30
luigimiraenvigado: Use paste.ubuntu.com to paste the output and give us the link04:30
StanleyPTPluigi: The funny thing is when there a background sound, and animation, thus slowing the system down. The sound effect sound much better.04:32
StanleyPTPluigi: the "sound funny", I mean the sound is cut off too early before it has the time to make a full sound04:33
luigiStanleyPTP: So you'd hear 1 second of a 2 second sound, you mean?04:33
luigiLike that?04:33
luigiNot a sound that is too high or too low in pitch than what you want?04:33
StanleyPTPluigi:yes, i think it is miliseconds rather than a second04:34
StanleyPTPluigi: it sound like normal but cut off too soon.04:34
luigiStanleyPTP: Are you using digital audio? Or is it using a normal 3.5 mm jack to output sound to speakers?04:35
StanleyPTPluigi: I'm using the normal analogue output. The green one.04:35
StanleyPTPluigi: fyi, i tried using many different computers. it is the same04:35
jewlesif i wanted to allow people to run ircd on ubuntu server... how can i restirct them to one IP? without using jails04:36
luigiStanleyPTP: It's an issue with the software then, ofc. Is it a multi-platform program? Can you try it on Windows?04:36
usr13miraenvigado: Is this a laptop?04:36
luigijewles: One IP outbound or inbound?04:36
lo-fi_hey so ive been having trouble with wpa_supplicant all day today, i've made a forum post explaining hopefuly enough of my problem, would anyone mind taking a look at it?04:36
StanleyPTPluigi: Impress (openoffice 3.3) make proper sound on Windows after re-path of sound effect.04:37
jewlesonly inbound04:37
luigiStanleyPTP: Does it always make proper sound?04:37
jewlesoutbound traffic shouldn't matter04:37
StanleyPTPluigi: the reason I ask in here is that I think it has something to do with ubuntu sound system - pulse audio04:37
usr13miraenvigado: Your WiFi card must be  RTL-8139  (although it's not identified as such).  Is that it?  What does  iwconfig  say?04:37
luigijewles: You won't be able to do it easily, then. Ask in ##networking if you'd like someone with more experience in that area to help you out.04:38
luigiStanleyPTP: PulseAudio is quite terrible sometimes. I'm not a big fan of it.04:38
jewlesi suppose if i owned... i wouldn't want someone putting listen *:6667; in their config and bind all IPs04:38
luigiSo yes, it is something to do with pulseaudio if it works in windows and the problem bridges multiple computers.04:39
luigiStanleyPTP: Submit a bug report.04:39
jewlesi will ask04:39
luigiOh wait04:39
usr13luigi: Sometimes it works great, sometimes not so great.04:39
luigijewles: Here's an idea. Force the ircds to be run on localhost only, and force the users to use ssh tunnels to connect to it.04:39
usr13luigi: But you can just un-install it.04:40
luigijewles: Limit ssh to only one remote session at a time, problem solved.04:40
StanleyPTPluigi: looking at the sound preference, applications tab, it displayed the background sound (continuous) then the sound effect which appears and disappear very fast.04:40
luigiusr13: I'm planning on switching to OSS sometime soon myself.04:40
luigiStanleyPTP: Submit a bug report.04:40
usr13luigi: Just uninstall pulseaudio04:40
luigiusr13: I'm not on ubuntu.04:40
miraenvigadoiwconfig said04:41
=== FloodBot4 is now known as Guest33138
jewlesif they are running an ircd it runs in the background04:41
luigiGuest33138: Good job.04:41
=== Guest33138 is now known as FloodBot5
StanleyPTPluigi: then what should I use for the sound server?04:41
* FloodBot5 Sets mode to +n04:41
luigijewles: Yes, but it can still be restricted to localhost.04:41
usr13miraenvigado: Are you using 11.04 ?04:41
almoxarifemiraenvigado: see http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/ipn2220-inprocomm-%3A/ <-- yes its in german, chrome will translate, you seem to have a real lemon of a wifi card04:41
miraenvigadono 10.04 xubuntu04:42
rwwFloodBot5: Imitating bots is a good way to get removed from the channel. I strongly recommend not doing it.04:42
luigiStanleyPTP: ALSA works.04:42
FloodBot5<rww> : ok04:42
stupididiotjust came back to say thanks for the advice. it worked.04:43
FloodBot5rww but I am not a bot..04:43
rwwFloodBot5: you should probably pick a nick that doesn't imitate our bots', then04:43
luigiFloodBot5: Your nick is that because you want to pretend that you are related to FloodBot1, 2, 3, etc.04:43
StanleyPTPluigi: will openoffice/libreoffice work with ALSA?04:43
luigiStanleyPTP: Almost everything will work with ALSA.04:44
stupididiotanyway, its getting close to 6am now. i'm gonna get some zzz's. continue being awesome guys, even to noobs like me. :)04:44
stupididiotpeace out.04:44
luigiStanleyPTP: Just uninstall pulseaudio, and you'll be using ALSA. At least I'm pretty sure04:44
=== FloodBot5 is now known as Hello
Hellois it ok ?04:44
StanleyPTPluigi: will uninstalling pulseaudio break my Ubuntu?04:45
bazhangHello, support question?04:45
lo-fi_is there anyone who can help me with wpa_supplicant?04:45
luigiStanleyPTP: No.04:45
luigiPulseAudio is a gnome-thing that lets users set volume levels independently for each program.04:45
luigiIt does other things too, but that's one of the big things.04:45
StanleyPTPluigi: will it be possible to just modify the openoffice/libreoffice to use ALSA instead of the default sound server?04:46
Polahluigi: It's not a gnome-thing. It's a sound server for handling input/output, generally on top of ALSA04:46
luigiPolah: It's pulled in by gnome though.04:46
miraenvigadosorry, but i didn't find an answer04:46
luigiPolah: Vanilla gnome is packaged with pulse, last I checked. ;)04:47
luigiKDE? Not so much.04:47
Polahluigi: That doesn't make it a gnome thing though, it might come with it but it is standalone.04:47
CoverSlidedoesn't kde have some sound manager thingy?04:47
almoxarifefrom my own experience, trying to remove puseaudio cripples ubuntu, unless you like to listen to sound from a terminal04:47
usr13miraenvigado: is it a laptop?04:48
PolahStanleyPTP, you'll still get sound I believe but you won't have volume control and suchlike after removing it until you get something else04:48
luigiPolah: Mentioning how it's a sound server that each program wanting to output sound needs to connect to give out anything would only confuse someone who is trying to make a decision here. I know what it is and does.04:48
miraenvigadoyes it is04:48
usr13miraenvigado: Check to see if a switch is toggled off.04:48
StanleyPTPalmoxarife: yikes, thank for the head up. I heard it from some where before but unser04:48
luigiPolah: People here think in terms of DEs, not WMs and standalone apps.04:48
miraenvigadoI turn on already04:49
usr13miraenvigado: or check the BIOS to see if it is turned off.04:49
miraenvigadowhat else04:49
usr13miraenvigado: Well, it is more than likely rtl8139   lsmod04:49
miraenvigadobut i've got to reset the laptop04:49
usr13miraenvigado: It could very well be turned off in the bios04:50
almoxarifemiraenvigado: http://pastebin.com/TquLgJ1p04:50
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almoxarifemiraenvigado: INPROCOMM IPN 2220 Wireless <-- your wireless04:51
Datzhi, I was wondering if there is a problem with teh applet invest. Whenever I try to add it to the gnome panel, nothing happens.04:51
StanleyPTPUbuntu generally sound ok, multiple apps using the sound at the same time seem to work ok. Just this OpenOffice/libreoffice sound effects thing. It plays video and background sound together without a glitch.04:51
usr13miraenvigado:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking04:51
usr13I've got to turn in for the night. It's been real...04:52
StanleyPTPWell I think I am bump04:53
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StanleyPTPI have submitted a bug report to openoffice, but it has been so long.04:59
PolahStanleyPTP: The same problem occurs in Libreoffice?05:00
StanleyPTPSince only OpenOffice Impress has this problem05:00
StanleyPTPPolah: yes05:00
PolahStanleyPTP: Wait what, OpenOffice Impress has the problem but you get it in Libreoffice? They're different office suites...05:01
StanleyPTPI am using both 10.10 and 11.0405:01
CoverSlideLibreoffice is a fork of Openoffice05:01
StanleyPTPone came with openoffice the other libreoffice05:01
StanleyPTPboth has the same problem05:02
StanleyPTPI am using 10.10 on 2 computers and 11.04 on 2 others computers05:02
StanleyPTPI only tried Windows Openoffice via Vbox.05:03
StanleyPTPIn Vbox sound come out prefect  every time. But of course, it need re-path, different filesystem.05:04
StanleyPTPThe problem might be how OpenOffice/LibreOffice handled the sound effect thingy or PulseAudio cannot handle the sound request fast enough.05:06
StanleyPTPThat the reason I do not know where to ask for help Ubuntu or OpenOffice. And to make it complicated LibreOffice.05:07
aaasis there a good program that will sync files between windows and linux say every night... i only need one-way sync?  rsync?05:08
michal_szdo you want use it on desktop or on a server ?05:09
aaasmichal_sz me?  from desktop to server05:09
CoverSlidewsync which way?05:10
aaasCoverSlide: i want to sync from windows desktop to ubuntu server05:10
CoverSlidei'd use cygwin + rsync on the windows computer05:11
CoverSlidebut that's just me05:11
SIFTUaaas: you have so many options.. I would probably create a samba share on the linux box and mount it from windows.. then use whatever to copy the deltas05:12
aaasCoverSlide why not rsync from ubuntu05:12
__jonhi all. i'm connected to internet directly by a adsl modem. Need i to set a firewall ?05:12
CoverSlidewell either way would work i guess05:12
aaasSIFTU yes but what to copy05:12
aaasSIFTU is rsync still the prefered?05:13
SIFTUaaas: well you could use any windows command that way.. robocopy, xcopy, whatever05:13
michal_szaaas: have tried http://www.itefix.no/i2/node/10650 ?05:13
aaasSIFTU I would rather use the server to grab... so Im looking for an ubuntu solution i guess05:13
Hiro2could someone help me remove grub and edit windows boot file so that it'll default to booting into windows?05:15
SIFTUaaas: that will work also.. just personal preference I try not to install extra stuff on workstations (like cygwin etc).. and I keep the shares on the server05:15
CoverSlidecron + rsync05:15
CoverSlideyou can just have grub boot to windows05:16
aaasSIFTU well thats the thing the only reason I have to sync is becasue truecrypt + samba with thunderbird and evernote aren't playing well... i need to run them locally, hence the syncing05:16
new2netsudo ifconfig eth1 up .... SIOCSIFFLAGS: Connection timed out ? What does that even mean? Nothing relevant in sys.log05:16
Hiro2CoverSlide: that sounds good, how do I do that?05:16
new2netRoasted: Test 1/1  Passed 1/105:17
Roastednew001, <305:17
Roastednew2net, <305:17
RoastedI failed :(05:18
CoverSlideHiro2: http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/grub/html_chapter/grub_4.html#SEC2105:18
Hiro2thank you05:18
josh__hie out!!05:21
josh__some one will talk?05:23
magnusSomeone here knows how I can get the error message for the current Fildes, the browser on the current page?05:24
Polahmagnus: That no sense05:24
PolahOh lol, neither did my sentence.05:24
PolahMagnus: That made no sense.05:24
magnussorry translage.google :S05:25
newbhi, is there a way to get the subtitles off a dvd into a text doucment?05:26
CoolCoderI am using Dual boot. Now in my ubuntu, i need add some space to disk. I have used gparted and there is 40GB unalocated space. I have created new partition using ntfs. Is that the actual file system? Will this space added to the existing partition?05:27
magnusI trying to use apache on my ubuntu, and whene I got error messages, they to the error.log, but is it a way to get the error messages such Help.php when I open Hjelp.php browser?05:28
StanleyPTPhiro2: you can apt get startupmanager05:33
StanleyPTPif you still have ubuntu intact05:33
AndroidLoverInSFhow to permanently change time in ubuntu.  i change it from gui right top corner, but it just reverts05:37
wildbatCoolCoder: yes, no05:38
pdtpatrickwhat's the python version in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS ?05:38
bullgard6[Jaunty] A window appears: "Username onflict" Please type a new username for your local account: ***. Cancel | OK" What has coused the appearance of this window? It never appeared with me before.05:39
magnusPolah, I trying to use apache on my ubuntu, and whene I got error messages, they to the error.log, but is it a way to get the error messages such Help.php when I open Hjelp.php browser05:39
Polahmagnus: You want PHP error messages to display in your browser when they occur? Like error: unexpected { on line 15?05:40
bullgard6pdtpatrick: 2.6.5ubuntu105:41
magnusyes :P05:41
new2netwhich version of the generic-pae kernel is Natty currently using?05:41
StanleyPTPDate and time can be a headache. You may need to set your location correctly.05:41
bullgard6pdtpatrick:No. it's  2.6.5-0ubuntu105:42
magnusPolah, that's right :)05:42
Polahmagnus: In your PHP files you need to add the line error_reporting(1)  somewhere between the <?php ?> tags05:42
Polahmagnus: There's other levels too I think, here: http://php.net/manual/en/function.error-reporting.php05:42
magnusoki :)05:42
Polahmagnus: There may also be an option to do so globally in your php config files.05:45
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bullgard6new2net: Currently I am not using Natty. You can find that outy ourself by consulting packages.ubuntu.com.05:47
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testnick lincolnix-test05:49
=== test is now known as lincolnix-test
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keroni'm new to ubuntu05:57
keroncan someone help me?05:57
shaddai_help you do what?05:58
keronim installing ubuntu 10.0405:58
keroni want to install the driver for nvidia05:59
shaddai_Okay...is it installed yet?05:59
shaddai_I mean Ubuntu06:00
=== meta-coder is now known as meta
keronyes its intalled06:00
keroninstalled i mean06:00
keronnext i install the driver via hardware06:01
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=== meta is now known as metacoder
shaddai_There's an item under system preferences or system administration that says install additional drivers06:02
shaddai_or 3rd party drivers or something to that effect.06:02
=== awsnetworkrecord is now known as brass286
keronvia hardware drivers06:02
shaddai_I'm going from memory, I went to Kubuntu instead06:02
nmvictorFinally Shuttlew*th, ubuntu's core designer has succedded in putting Ubuntu on a road travelled by few Linux users, I hear 11.10 wont ship Gnome shell. In other words, the Ubuntu classic option, which had worn most experienced users hearts, wont be their any more. Its either you do with his Unity or die! I choose not to die, I'll be swicthing to Linux Mint, Its based on Ubuntu, I can only hope it doesnt ship the unity sh*t, Why wont ShuttleW*th just get it, U06:03
keronnow my ubuntu has blank screen06:03
keroncan someone help me?06:04
Rogachnmvictor, can you give a link to your source? I'm interested in it too?06:04
bullgard6new2net: Currently I am not using Natty. You can find that out yourself by consulting packages.ubuntu.com.06:04
new2netbullgard6: oh i already found out. Sorry, I forgot to thank you :)06:05
bullgard6[Jaunty] A window appears: "Username onflict" Please type a new username for your local account: ***. Cancel | OK" What has coused the appearance of this window? It never appeared with me before.06:05
Flannelnmvictor: This channel is for support, not discussion.  If you'd like to have a discussion, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.06:05
new2netbullgard6: now I'm reading the manual for make >.> drivers lol06:05
shaddai_I didn't think ubuntu would go blank if the xorg.conf is borked...guess it will.06:05
bullgard6new2net: Enjoy Ubuntu!06:05
nmvictorRogach: http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2011/09/first-look-at-ubuntu-linux-11-10-oneiric-ocelot-beta/#comment-75764,  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=1229906:06
FloodBot1keron: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:06
new2netbullgard6: thanks, maybe you know off the top of your head how to compile a directory that looks like this:  [ .  ..  e100.c  ethtool.c  kcompat.h  Makefile ]06:07
bullgard6new2net: No, I do not know that by heart.06:08
new2netbullgard6: aww, it's typically always the same. too bad my bash history got truncated XD06:08
keronhow to install the driver?06:09
Lintmy system is very sluggy, what can be a reason?06:12
daedprobably disease.06:13
nmvictorLint: Unity06:13
bullgard6!!enter | keron06:13
ubottukeron: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:13
Linti don't have unity I have xfce06:14
nmvictorLint: Well, ur processor, or Graphics card, or RAM or anything else ... doesnt seem to work for you. when does it get slaggier, we could start from their06:15
=== luigi is now known as \l
=== \l is now known as luigi
Lintalso I,m on "stable" 11.0406:16
bullgard6Lint: Do you mean "sluggish"?06:16
LintI mean irresponsible like mouse lag, windows redrawing etc06:17
bullgard6Lint: Please analyze you log /var/log/dmesg.0 for errors.06:18
bullgard6Lint: Please analyze your log /var/log/dmesg.0 for errors.06:18
new2netfeh... kernel/drivers/net/e100.ko  already have it06:18
TearDropHello, um... Is this a place to ask about ubuntus boot menu?06:22
Sanchezjoin #ubuntu-de06:23
TearDropOhkaii. Is that the boot menu chat?06:23
keronubuntu boot menu use startup manager06:24
TearDropYou don't even know what I want to do yet.06:24
keronyou want to edit menu.lst?06:24
TearDrop:S I though this one had the cfg thingy06:25
keronso what you want to do?06:25
CoolCoderwildbat: how will we add this new space to the existing database06:25
TearDropAnyway. No. I have Ubuntu and Windows installed. But I don't use windows anymore (much) but I still want it there. But That menu is icky and ugly, so i wanna hide it06:26
TearDropBut the hidden stuff in the /default/grub thing dosnen't make it go away :(06:26
ShirakawasunaTearDrop: there's a way to make is so that there's a smaller dialog which says 'hit any key for boot options' and does the normal countdown06:26
TearDropCan I have it so there is no countdown, it only shows if im holding shift?06:27
ShirakawasunaI'm not sure06:27
Shirakawasunayou could alternatively make it only 1 second long06:27
TearDropI had it like that when It was pure ubuntu. But my mom made me install windows because "Only boys do that stuff with computers" So... I kinda wanna hide it from her when she uses it.06:28
TearDropOne second might doo... shes blind as a bat anyway XD :D06:28
Gredeuhopefully it wont be in the front page headlines06:29
TearDropCus she told me to delete it cus shes stupid and sexist :( but i want it and she only uses it like once a month anyway, so like... yea :P06:29
bullgard6[Jaunty] A window appears: "Username onflict" Please type a new username for your local account: ***. Cancel | OK" What has coused the appearance of this window? It never appeared with me before.06:29
jorge_-join #ubuntu-es06:30
TearDropSo like, how would I do it.06:30
CoolCoderi have added some diskspace to ubuntu/ and by using gparted i have formated that unallocated space to "ext2" format. Now how i will add this space to the system(Its showing not enough space message)06:31
ubuntu_usermother fucker06:32
Gredeui get prerelease of final version of security updates and propietary video card drive final candidates06:32
ubuntu_userfather fucker06:32
FloodBot1ubuntu_user: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:32
Gredeui fib06:32
ubuntu_usershut up06:33
TearDropubuntu_user, no cursing :( its bad.06:33
ubuntu_useri'will find fucker user06:33
ubuntu_useri;m sorry06:33
jsecif you're going to be an idiot, at least make sense about it06:33
* jsec shrugs06:33
ubuntu_userson of the bitch06:33
Gredeu!ops ubuntu_user06:33
TearDropubuntu_user, No. Applogise to everyone. You could have offended people >:(06:34
LintI cannot see any errors in dmesg06:34
ubuntu_userGredeu, fucker shut up06:34
Lintbut even cursed keyboard is not fluent06:34
jsecor at least.... vary it up06:34
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!06:34
ubuntu_usershut up06:34
TearDropubuntu_user... stoooopppp!06:35
jsecubuntu_user: expand your palette plzkthx.06:35
ubuntu_usershut up06:35
TearDropubuntu_user. :(06:35
ubuntu_usershut up06:35
Flannelubuntu_user: Hey, simmer down.06:35
ubuntu_usershut up06:35
FloodBot1ubuntu_user: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:35
Gredeuhi Mr. Flannel06:35
CoolCoderi have added some diskspace to ubuntu/ and by using gparted i have formated that unallocated space to "ext2" format. Now how i will add this space to the system(Its showing not enough space message)06:35
LintCoolCoder: you cannot06:35
i_is_brokewhat is the command to reset gnome-panels?06:35
TearDropShirakawasuna, So like, how do i do it?06:35
TearDropi_is_broke, killall gnome-panel06:36
LintCoolCoder: add it in fstab06:36
TearDropi_is_broke, They come back, no worried :> its maaagiicc :D06:36
Gredeuyou can reset gnome2 from command line googling reset gnome to defaults06:36
i_is_brokecool i like magic...:D06:36
CoolCoderLint: do i need to format this space again?06:37
i_is_brokethanks for the google fu Gredeu . i got chya.06:37
i_is_brokety, TearDrop06:37
TearDropFlannel, whatcha doin to the chat?06:37
FlannelTearDrop: Nothing much.06:37
TearDropFlannel, :3 why can you do it but not like, others.06:38
Gredeuhow re you Flannel ?06:38
FlannelGredeu: I'm doing alright.  Yourself?06:38
Gredeugood :) ty06:38
CoolCoderLint: how to add this space into fstab06:38
ShirakawasunaTearDrop: sorry, I don't remember. I would google it and check the ubuntu, archlinux, and gentoo wikis on grub menu tweaks06:38
LintCoolCoder: choose a mount point and create a new record06:39
TearDropFlannel, >.< Whats archlinux and gentoo? is archlinux like... another kernel.. cus ares is linux, so like... archlinux sounds like linuxes enemi06:39
Linton unrelated note: VT1 keylogs my X session o_O06:39
TearDropwhoops... wrong person :306:39
FlannelTearDrop: Archlinux and Gentoo are other distros, just like Ubuntu is a distro.06:40
wh1zz0Hello guys.. I have a static IP and I'm running ubuntu natty desktop. I wish to host my mini website on my home computer. In other words I wish ti turn my desktop into a web server. Yes I've done some googling and I understand some of the advantages and disadvantages but I want to do this as it's part of the learning curve and it will hlp me understand a few things better. So here goes my question, how can I achieve this without having to 06:40
=== james is now known as Guest76348
TearDropFlannel, Oh. Whats the difference :S06:40
FlannelTearDrop: All three use linux as the kernel, and have many of the same programs available for them.  It's just a different group of people managing it, with differences due to that, basically.06:40
TearDropgentoo sounds like a good name for a frog :)06:41
bullgard6[Jaunty] A window appears: "Username onflict" Please type a new username for your local account: ***. Cancel | OK" What has coused the appearance of this window? It never appeared with me before.06:41
LintTearDrop: archlinux does not sign packages or track dependencies, gentoo compiles everything from source06:41
Gredeuare home web server notorious for hack attempts ?06:41
TearDropFlannel, Meh, they should all work together on one big distro. One for like, everybody.06:41
Lintwhy VT1 keylogs my X session? is it normal? what's to blame??06:41
TearDropLike.... why have patoons when you can form an army.06:41
Matth1a3when someone talks about binaries, they mean a build of source code - like an executable, right?06:41
LintTearDrop: unfeasible06:42
FlannelMatth1a3: right06:42
xqix9u2vmisconfigured home web servers?06:42
TearDropLint if all use the same kernel and programs... why not?06:42
LintTearDrop: not the same binaries, dependencies etc.06:42
FlannelTearDrop: The same reason all automobiles aren't the same color; people like different things.06:42
q0_0pby default in /usr/src/linux is .config already modified by default?  the reason why i ask is because i wish to have less modules.06:42
wh1zz0Can I achieve this using ubuntu desktop or I will have to do a full install of ubuntu server.. this is my question06:43
TearDropthen make all automobiles pink :D problem solved. and it would be pretty too!06:43
Lintwh1zz0: there's no difference except price06:43
TearDrophaha, I get it though.06:43
Flannelwh1zz0: You can just install the webserver stuff, yes.06:43
Flannel!apache | wh1zz006:43
ubottuwh1zz0: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:43
Flannelwh1zz0: The wikipage there gives you all the details on setting it up06:43
q0_0pwh1zz0: you can use ubuntu desktop and just remove the gui.06:43
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, either one will work but start with server06:43
TearDropA lamp is something you smash over stupid guys head. not a webserver >.< I'm still getting used to all this.06:44
wh1zz0Thanks Flannel and Linit >> I remember doing this once on windows 2003 using IIS but this time I'm trying to figure how to get it to work on ubuntu06:44
calmpitbullgood morning. i have a possibiliti to put ma sim card directly into laptop and i was wonderning does anybody have any experience with gprs and 3g networks on ubuntu06:44
TearDropcalmpitbull, I DO! :D06:44
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, do you have a router?06:44
Lintwh1zz0: it's much more difficult due to stupidly diffiult apache configuration06:45
Lintlast time I tried it, packaged apache wasn't even associating php with php06:45
FlannelIf you install all of the right packages (that wikipage walks you through it), it's pretty simple and straightforward.06:45
Lintcan someone explain why VT1 keylogs my X session??06:45
wh1zz0Lint: Hmm06:46
xqix9u2vheres how you do webserver in a nutshell06:46
TearDropLint, because a hacker wants your password. all your base are belong to us06:46
xqix9u2vinstall ubuntuy, forward port 80 on router06:46
wh1zz0Flannel: Which of the Wikis are you referring to?06:46
Flannelwh1zz0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP the one from the factoid ubottu sent y06:47
wh1zz0Thanks Flannel ....06:47
FlannelTearDrop: We prefer to keep this channel support only, with discussions and chit-chat (and humorous comments) in #ubuntu-offtopic.06:47
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: I don't have a router06:47
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: But my IP is static06:47
TearDropFlannel, sorry :(06:47
xqix9u2vok do you dial up, dsl, cable?06:47
xqix9u2vok sorry thats right06:48
wh1zz0xqix9u2v:  Cable.. ethernet06:48
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: i.e LAN06:48
calmpitbullTearDrop: come to offtopic i would like to know how does it work and06:48
xqix9u2vok... does this box have 2 ethernet cards?06:48
TearDropcalmpitbull, It just worked for me... idk. I didn't need to do anything.06:49
xqix9u2vif not, get 1 more card and make it into a router AND webserver06:49
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Not sure.. I know I have a LAN adapter06:49
xqix9u2vthis raises complexity considerably... but if you wnat to learn06:49
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: And wireless adapter..Is there a fast command to check ?06:50
Lintalso repository site tries to hack me06:50
xqix9u2vwell just looking at back would be fine06:50
lxuserI'm back with ubuntu now. However I have a small issue. I installed a new theme and the window buttons are on the left side. How do I change it to the right?06:50
xqix9u2vyou have 1 ip, and many computers?06:50
Flannelxqix9u2v, wh1zz0: I don't know why he'd need two network cards to host a website.06:51
lxuserbtw, that's why I installed a new theme because all the basic ubuntu themes are on the left.06:51
xqix9u2vno he has 1 ip06:51
xqix9u2vand no router06:51
Flannelxqix9u2v: He wants to use the same computer he's currently using, just add apache to it.06:51
xqix9u2vso next box he plugs in will not get ip06:51
xqix9u2vahhh he has 1 computer only..06:52
new2netxqix9u2v: I want to learn.  http://pastebin.com/bFa6EXgj  I can't bring my interface eth1 up06:52
new2neterr, yes I tried running it as su06:52
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: if  by just looking at the back, it's one LAN port that exist06:53
wh1zz0Flannel: Exactly06:53
LasersI'm trying to dd a local sda2 over network -- in particular folder. How can I do it? I tried this... sudo dd if=/dev/sda2 | ssh chris@xps.local 'dd of=/media/ea11b55c-1942-43d7-a321-d4ae7773ebc9ae7773ebc9/vaio-sda2.iso' -- but no such file or directory.06:53
xqix9u2vok you do have a router, and 2 eth06:53
wh1zz0Same PC06:53
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Nah, no router06:53
xqix9u2vhmm yea install Ubuntu, forward port 80, done!06:53
bullgard6[Jaunty] A window appears: "Username onflict" Please type a new username for your local account: ***. Cancel | OK" What has caused the appearance of this window? It never appeared with me before.06:53
xqix9u2vyeah you probably have router builtin to cable modem that is class c addy06:54
hplpbwhat, in your opinions, is the best way to remotely control the current x desktop?06:54
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: I thought port forwarding is something that has a relationship with routers06:54
xqix9u2vhplpb, realvnc, ultravnc, tight vnc06:54
TearDropHow do you make your own bootsplash? Cus I have photoshop and im not to bad if i say so myself, Id like to make my own with pretty birds and pink :306:54
xqix9u2vany of those06:54
Lint(1) why VT1 keylogs my X session06:55
wh1zz0xqix9u2v:  Well yeah no doubt there's an inbuilt router but it's inaccessible06:55
TearDropCus ubuntu needs more pink :D06:55
Lint(2) why Ubuntu ,mirror tries to hack my machine?06:55
hplpbxqix9u2v: are either of those any better than using x11vnc?06:55
SwedeMikeLint: what makes you think (2) ?06:55
TearDropAND blue, gotta have light blue , like a baby robin :306:55
rwwLint: how are you coming to the conclusions that lead you to ask these questions?06:55
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, type 'ip route'  what is last line?06:56
LintI see denied incoming connection attempt from mirror server06:56
Lintrepeated one06:56
xqix9u2vhplpb, sorry i should have asked what platform the client is...06:56
Onlyodinnew2net, what is the output of `sudo ifconfig eth1 up`?06:56
new2netOnlyodin: exactly the same06:57
xqix9u2vrww, can you remove my ban in #debian??06:57
Lintrww: about (1) it's every key I type in x session including arrows and stuff is printed on VT106:57
rwwxqix9u2v: no, I am not a #debian operator06:57
xqix9u2vok thnak you rww06:57
Gredeuwhen you install a package is there anyway to get it to appear in the unity menu ?06:58
hplpbxqix9u2v: using tightvnc viewer on windows, androidvnc on my phone06:58
wh1zz0xqix9u2v:  default via dev eth0  proto static06:58
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, try to connect to in browser06:58
TearDropdoes itunes work on ubuntu 11.04 wine?06:59
LintGredeu: isn't it automatic via *.desktop files?07:00
wh1zz0YEah... did that before, says cannot be accessed07:00
TearDroprww why are so many people getting unbanned? did they say sorry?07:00
xqix9u2vhplpb, i like RealVNC but not many features.  if ultravnc worked better in my scenario i would try that it is pretty full of usefull stuff07:00
new2netthis is crazy... instead of a bridged connection I'm going to connect to my laptop with a wire, bridge to my router wirelessly, tunnel through the router with ssh using my box as a proxy. two eth? is 1 too many07:00
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: SOMAportal is not enabled on this system.07:01
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, ahh alright just checking... well i would call your ISP and tell them you need to access that page07:01
hplpbxqix9u2v: thanks07:01
sujithMy ubuntu hangs when i shut it down07:01
xqix9u2vhplpb, no prob07:02
StanleyPTPCan anyone help me regarding pulse audio?07:02
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, i am not familliar07:02
TearDroprww, I think everyone should have to make a full appology before they are let back in.07:02
ShirakawasunaTearDrop: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=134707:02
ShirakawasunaTearDrop: also lots of bans are automated 1 hour bans for flooding/whatever, I assume07:02
lxuserok maybe nobody knows what I'm talking about. the buttons on the  you click to close, minimize or maximize is on the left side instead of the right, how do I fix this? thanks07:02
lxuseron the window07:03
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: I did that before but it seems it's disabled by default.. So there's no way this would work without forwarding any port?07:03
StanleyPTPIs it a good idea to apt-get remove pulse?07:03
ShirakawasunaTearDrop: ah, and for the iTunes I just linked, the overall impression I get is that older versions are fine, newer versions are crap07:03
ShirakawasunaStanleyPTP: not in general, no.07:03
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: I called them but they said they won't open it07:03
TearDropHmm.... I am an apple dev.. so i have the new iTunes 10.5 ... it had OTA (sync without the plug) so... we might not need the usb plug support for wine to use idevices.07:03
TearDropI shall test haha.07:03
Shirakawasunastamina: but you can survive without it, you just have to realize that ubuntu expects it to be there and work around it07:03
Shirakawasunaerr, StanleyPTP ^07:04
sujithMy ubuntu hangs when i shut down. i'm using ubuntu 10.10 and system config is lenovo ideapad z750  , i3 processor 3gb Ram. it Happens most of the times. Any suggestions?07:04
=== TokyoDan_ is now known as TokyoDan
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, ok i see yes they need to open that or you will not be able to forward.07:04
cihhanim trying to install linux to a laptop i have just bought, but i cant create any partition.07:04
Shirakawasunasujith: I know this is kind of a stupid/annoying answer, but just updating to 11.04 might help.07:04
wdd```any of u guise willing to proofread a resume07:05
StanleyPTPShirakawasuna: upon an advice from luigi that I should remove pulseaudio due to my probem with impress07:05
Shirakawasunasujith: basically, it's probably a config, low-level system tool, or kernel issue, most of which should change after upgrading07:05
rwwwdd```: ask #ubuntu-offtopic or ##english07:05
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Whew07:05
TearDropShirakawasuna, I may seem like a cute innocent blonde, but I know and use on a regular basis 3 programming langauges and 6 scripting langauges, learning c# now to add to that.07:05
sujithShirakawasuna, : I had Done that But 11.04 is giving me a lot of problems hence i had to revert back to 10.10.07:05
ShirakawasunaStanleyPTP: it's safe to do so, but some audio in other programs might not work as well - you might have to fiddle around and make them use gstreamer/alsa07:05
ShirakawasunaStanleyPTP: and you can always revert by installing pulse again07:05
TearDropShirakawasuna, So I may be able to develop a patch to get it working under wine :D. New project!07:06
ShirakawasunaTearDrop: that would be super awesome!07:06
luigiYes, removing pulse may not be the best, but it's not a permanent thing.07:06
luigiNor hard to undo.07:06
Shirakawasunasujith: ah07:06
StanleyPTPShirakawasuna: Let say I removed pulse, do I have to replace it with anything?07:06
sujithShirakawasuna, : Yes I have updated my ubuntu through Ubuntu Update Manger Still i Facec the same issue.07:06
TearDropKay, Im gonna try that. What langauge is most of wine's code in?07:06
ShirakawasunaStanleyPTP: nope07:06
ShirakawasunaStanleyPTP: pulse builds on top of tools that are there by default, mostly alsa07:06
StanleyPTPShirakawasuna: so basically open ALSA will take over by default?07:07
Shirakawasunasujith: sorry about that, I don't have any other ideas :/. I'm new to ubuntu, so I don't know what to troubleshoot.07:07
ShirakawasunaStanleyPTP: pretty much07:07
bullgard6[Jaunty] A window appears: "Username onflict" Please type a new username for your local account: ***. Cancel | OK" What has caused the appearance of this window? It never appeared with me before.07:07
bullgard6[Jaunty] A window appears: "Username conflict" Please type a new username for your local account: ***. Cancel | OK" What has caused the appearance of this window? It never appeared with me before.07:07
Gredeuwhen i apt-get install a package it does not appear in my unity menu. any way to fix ?07:07
TearDropStanleyPTP, Pulse is just a layer over alsa. If you have alsa, it will work instead.07:08
rwwbullgard6: Jaunty hasn't been supported since October, either officially (for security updates) or in here.07:08
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, sorry...07:08
sujithShirakawasuna, : Can u Direct me to anyone else who can help me on this issue? Anyways Thanks For your Support and Time :)07:08
TearDropStanleyPTP, You could also use OSS.07:08
StanleyPTPShirakawasuna: One more thing, if after removing pulse, then I install it again later, will it be any difficulties?07:08
bullgard6Gredeu Replace Unity with GNOME 2.07:08
Gredeuwant to use unity07:08
wh1zz0xqix9u2v:  I was of the opinion that it is possibe without having to forawrd any port because opera unite for instance doesn't require any port forwarding to function. This made me believe that there's hope, but the technology behind opera unite and how they achieved that is what i'm stil trying to figure out07:09
TearDropUGH! I just got a call >.< I g2g and get to coding :/ Cyahs Thanks all, byeeeee <307:09
Lintbullgard6: gnome2 is deprecated07:09
lxuserok this is crazy! I downloaded the "not xp" ubuntu theme and the instructions says... "Install this theme in your Home/.theme folder" LOL how do I do that?07:10
Shirakawasunasujith: Sorry, I'm new to #ubuntu as well so I don't know. I suppose if I were you I would check /var/log/everything after one of these freezes and see if it has any useful messages. The timestamps will be on the left and you'll have to sift through a lot of unrelated stuff.07:10
ShirakawasunaStanleyPTP: I haven't done it before, but I wouldn't expect it.07:10
StanleyPTPShirakawasuna" tq07:11
ShirakawasunaStanleyPTP: You'd have to undo whatever workarounds you end up doing to make things work without pulse07:11
bullgard6rww: I made a mistake. I meant Lucid. --  A window appears: "Username conflict" Please type a new username for your local account: ***. Cancel | OK" What has caused the appearance of this window? It never appeared with me before.07:11
StanleyPTPShirakawasuna: yes, noted07:11
rwwbullgard6: what's the username it's complaining about?07:11
ShirakawasunaGredeu: there's probably a command you can run, but logging out/in might help07:11
bullgard6rww: My normal username is "detlef". This strange window proposes that I type "detlef #2".07:12
rwwbullgard6: do you use gajim?07:13
bullgard6rww: Yes I do.07:14
martin_hey people07:15
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, ok yes it may be possible, eg you sigh up somewhere and then you will have a website hosted on your system as is without touching router hmmm...  yes there probably is something that would work although i have not heard of any/those you mentioned07:15
rwwbullgard6: That text string appears in gajim's code in a function that looks to deal with name conflicts in zeroconf/bonjour/link-local xmpp accounts07:15
martin_can someone tell me songname of this clip please msg me07:15
celltechIs there a way to jail break an iphone through linux? Cause I'm not switching to android or palm. I'm iphone only07:15
martin_need song07:15
rwwbullgard6: I was not aware that those accounts could /have/ name conflicts, but there's somewhere to start looking07:15
rwwmartin_: offtopic for here, try #ubuntu-offtopic07:15
bullgard6rww:  Ah. Intersting. Thank you very much for your help. Using your information I will now start more snooping. --  Thank you very much again.07:16
Onlyodinnew2net, it's probably not working because you've configured the same IP address on eth1 as is already on eth007:22
new2netOnlyodin: YES! I know that is one issue (probably the most important), how do I fix that. I want to bridge eth0 and eth1 where eth0 is for WAN07:23
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Hmm07:24
Onlyodinnew2net, you need a bridge interface, br007:25
new2netOnlyodin:  ok,  sudo brctl addbr br007:25
new2netOnlyodin: sudo brctl addif br0 eth1 eth0   ... i wont run that (it disconnects me)07:26
Onlyodinnew2net, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge07:27
andrewh192is there a room that might be able to help me figure out web design css stuff?07:27
Onlyodinnew2net, this one also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BridgingNetworkInterfaces07:28
wh1zz0new2net: You want to bridge or you want to create an ad-hoc?07:28
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, it would require some sort of software on your system for just this puropse...  Opera Unite: When you fire up Opera, you’ll be operating a secure server and you will be able to serve all kinds of content (whatever you want, basically: bookmarks, contacts, cached content, arbitrary files from a roped-off area of your local storage, web pages of your own) to other Opera users, at the very least, and maybe all browser users, at the ve07:28
xqix9u2vry most.07:28
zul__anyone can help me in a permission error while pushing in git?07:28
new2netOnlyodin: I followed it to the letter, I still get the same error when I run sudo ifconfig eth1 up.  I think that ipaddr is causing the problem07:28
bluelf hey all ,i just installed gnome 3 on ubuntu 11.04 its working fine except the top bar , its multi colored any idea what should I try ?07:28
Lasersnetmind: "sudo apt-get install bridge-utils" -- Set it up with nm-applet. Look in Properties -- Set it up to "Shared" or something similar. You're done.  (That was my experience)07:29
Lasersnew2net: ^^07:30
new2netwhizz0: http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/4927/thepictureq.png  NIC#1 = eth0, NIC#2 = eth107:30
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Yeah you are right, I understand the fact that I will have to install apache or something to create the server and create a public dir visible to the www but it's just the port forwarding part im trying to do without07:30
Onlyodinnew2net, yes, you'll need to remove the ip(s) from eth1/eth0 first and put your ip address on br0.  Perhaps try Lasers recommendation.07:30
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, i dont think you need apache for that only Opera Browser and Unite plugin07:31
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, it has been over 10 years shince i've installed Opera07:32
wh1zz0xqix9u2v:  No I just used opera unite as an example.. when you taked about port forwarding. I want to host my website on my PC. Opera unite is a bit different in that there's a limit to the kinds of things you can share07:32
wh1zz0I just wanted to point out that when I installed opera unite back when I was in windows, it worked without me having to do any port forwarding07:33
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, right.  i was thinking like maybe a service that you sign up for and install some software to interface... this would bundle nicely with a DNS service07:34
new2netOnlyodin: ok.. so how do I change the IP addr for eth1... I mean... it's not even up07:36
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Hmm07:37
=== bryan is now known as Guest37816
benonsoftwareHi all07:40
new2netLasers, Onlyodin: OK I'll try to undo the damage I have done and restart using Lasers suggestion.07:40
rwwdontkickplease: fun and amusing fact: you're muted in #ubuntu, so nobody is seeing your silliness.07:41
bsmith093i have a bunch of web comics organized like comicname/comics/2001/01/blah.jpg how do i batch move them all to comicnamme/comics/*07:41
bryan__hello  everyboody07:42
joshuahardy95Hello, I just installed Ubuntu 11.04. but i think it has deleted the boot loader for windows 7 (the partion it was on is still there and nothing has been deleated) so how do i get the windows boot loader back so i can dual boot)07:42
new2netrww: how tempting is it to kick?07:43
glebihanbsmith093, find comicname/comics -name "*.jpg" -exec mv {} comicname/comics07:43
Pupeno_I'm considering buying an external hard drive. I'm checking out this LaCie one, but it says it has password encryption. I don't care about that, but will that prevent it from working with Linux?07:44
glebihanbsmith093, but be careful if several files have the same filename07:44
bryan__who can help me with my soundcard  error07:44
lxuserhi, can you read me?07:44
grendal-primeI got this issue where a box hangs on reboot07:44
Lintyou should always have windows boot floppy at hand07:45
grendal-primeanybody have that happen?07:45
lion42Pupeno_, usually that means there's some crappy encryption software on it that you can easily delete.07:45
bsmith093glebihan: find: missing argument to `-exec'07:45
lxuserI just installed ubuntu 10 and I can't get the sound to work. Please help, what do I look for and where?07:45
Pupeno_lion42: ok, great.07:45
grendal-primeLint, are you insane?  everyone knows windows causes siphilus07:45
lion42Pupeno_, that said, "encrypted" drives tend to cost more than plain ones, so you might want to look for another external based on that alone.07:46
Lintjoshuahardy95 boot from win7 dvd and choose corresponding repair options07:46
new2netPupeno_: Why not just put it on someone else's drive... a file host or something07:46
Lintjoshuahardy95 then boot from ubuntu livedvd and reinstall grub07:46
Pupeno_new2net: put what?07:46
joshuahardy95_ok thankyou, its that simple...07:47
new2netPupeno_: whatever it is that you put... bits I guess07:47
Pupeno_new2net: what? there's no someone else. What are you talking about?07:47
Pupeno_lion42: I see.07:47
bryan__HOW ABOUT ME07:47
Hathadarserver irc.esper.net07:47
=== m1h0 is now known as y4h0
* Lint wonders why WIndows 7 can boot from floppy disk, and Ubuntu cannot07:48
Lasers!details | bryan__07:48
ubottubryan__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:48
new2netPupeno_: I mean. I'm too cheap to buy a drive, I just store my big files on a file host (free). Then save the URL to a text document... it's like 99.9% compression07:48
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, lets take a step back...  any solution that may exist will need you to sign up and utilize a server that has an Internet address.  So at this point you may as well just lease a box from someone else.  i have personally used a godaddy provisioned virtual machine and hosted/maintained websites07:48
lion42Pupeno_, I think new2net is asking if the thing you need an external drive for cannot be served with some sort of online file hosting service.07:48
new2nettake that bz207:48
new2netyeah, like ubuntu one07:48
bryan__i  love ubottu07:48
Pupeno_Yeah, no, it can't.07:48
wh1zz0xqix9u2v:  How much do these boxes cost for leasing/07:49
glebihanbsmith093, sorry forgot the ";" : find comicname/comics -name "*.jpg" -exec mv {} comicname/comics \;07:49
xqix9u2vwell godaddy vms were slow but i dunno i bet maybe 15 usd/month?07:49
bsmith093glebihan: i ran this and the files vanished alongwith the floder07:50
lxuserok I have a problem with sound, I'm running Ubuntu 10.07:50
Lintcan I get somwe explanation why ubuntu mirror srever tried to hack my machine?07:50
lxuserI don't think this chat is working at all.07:50
new2netglebihan: you want to find something then move it to the same place?07:50
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, ask around i bet you could find ones cheaper than that but idk really07:51
glebihannew2net, bsmith093 wants to do that yes07:51
bazhangLint, thats not credible. please stop07:51
xqix9u2vWhile the dedicated servers usually starts at $79.99 at GoDaddy (but currently available at half price), you can get a VPS for less than half that. And with this fantastic promo, you can get GoDaddy’s cheapest VPS for only $15/month for up to two years.07:51
Lintbazhang: [UFW BLOCK] SRC= DST=
xqix9u2vsource: godaddy.com ^^07:52
bsmith093glebihan:  well actually what im trying to do is get one full year of specific webcomics together in one folder and make yearly pdf files, so archive them, this particular example is the webcomic el goonish shive07:52
Lintbazhang: it's _incoming_ connection attempt07:53
warddrHello all, I wrote a python script that should be running all the time when ubuntu is running, how can I do that?07:53
xqix9u2vwarddr, use cron07:55
warddrxqix9u2v, and what time should I specify?07:55
glebihanbsmith093, and what happened exactly when you ran the command I gave you ?07:56
jackam i the only one with connection issues to de.archive.ubuntu.com?07:57
xqix9u2vwarddr, every hour check if it is still running07:57
glebihanwarddr, if your script just has to be started on boot, then put a command to launch it in /etc/rc.local07:57
warddrOk, that's what I need, it'll keep on running from then07:58
xqix9u2vjack, i can ping it07:58
bsmith093glebihan: im actually not sure, but the files basically wnt away, to somewhere else, and its easier to just redownload them and start over07:58
xqix9u2vwarddr, timtowtdi07:58
* warddr reboot to test if it works07:59
glebihanbsmith093, but you said the folders were moved too ? the command cannot do anything to folders (unless the folder name contains spaces that you didn't escape)07:59
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Okie sorry lemme understand a lil bit better.. When you say box.. Are you referring to dedicated VPS?07:59
jackxqix9u2v: ping works here as well07:59
jackbut apt hangs08:00
Lintis it normal behaviour for ubuntu mirrors to establish incoming connections to user machines?08:00
xqix9u2vjack, hmm08:01
hamedlll_how to install sorce package (tar.gz) plz ????08:02
jackdoesn't hang in fact, just doesn't build a connection08:02
glebihan!compile | hamedlll_08:03
ubottuhamedlll_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall08:03
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, oops.. um idk can you quote me box is a box is a box08:03
wh1zz0hamedlll_: unzip first :: tar -zxvf package.tar.gz08:03
xqix9u2vjack, sometimes repos go down try another maybe just for test08:03
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Lol08:04
jackxqix9u2v: hmm08:04
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Well.. If that is true.. will the box have a configurable router?08:04
jacknever edited my sources.list manually  yet08:04
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, no it will have raw Internet ip08:04
glebihanjack, you don't have to08:04
glebihanjack, you can select you mirror from the "software sources" tool08:05
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Hmmm, then how about the forwarding part?08:05
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, again not necc you will be on Internet08:05
jackuh, indeed08:06
xqix9u2vpoint browser to the ip of your vm08:06
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: OR are you saying that when there's a raw internet IP, there's no need to do port forwarding? Cuz remember the essence is to host my website without having to buy hosting and all that.08:06
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: And to learn more by administering my own webserver08:07
bsmith093glebihan: current the pics are laid out like this /home/ben/www.egscomics.com/comics/2002/01/*.gif whereas i need them like this /home/ben/www.egscomics.com/comics/*.gif08:07
hamedlll_where can I download Dlink dialup modem driver???08:07
Lintwh1zz0: you bind apache to your external IP.08:07
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, yes say you lease a VM box from somewhere... they you will ssh into it and admin it remotely08:08
wh1zz0I see..08:08
glebihanbsmith093, then find /home/ben/www.egscomics.com/comics/2002/01/ -name "*.gif" -exec mv {} /home/ben/www.egscomics.com/comics/ \;08:08
bsmith093thanks gleb08:09
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Is that the same as what Lint calleed binding?08:09
glebihanbsmith093, or even simpler "mv  /home/ben/www.egscomics.com/comics/2002/01/*.gif /home/ben/www.egscomics.com/comics/"08:09
hamedlll_where can I download Dlink dialup modem driver???08:09
wh1zz0Lint: Or are you referring to my PC08:09
Lintwhy newest ubuntu replaced free evolution with non-free thunderbird?08:09
rwwLint: how is Thunderbird non-free?08:10
Lintwh1zz0: I mean local hosting08:10
bsmith093glebihan: but the problem is theat its not just 2002 but also every year since abnd they all have 01 - 12 folders inside them08:10
glebihanLint, it wasn't replaced and thunderbird is free08:10
Lintit is Mozilla corporation product, isn't it?08:10
rwwLint: and?08:10
bsmith093glebihan: basicaylly its broken down by month and i need it all in one folder08:10
xqix9u2vLint, he has no access to router ISP does not allow servers08:10
hamedlll_where can I download Dlink dialup modem driver???08:10
rwwglebihan: (Ubuntu oneiric uses Thunderbird instead of Evolution)08:10
glebihanbsmith093, ok then find /home/ben/www.egscomics.com/comics/ -name "*.gif" -exec mv {} /home/ben/www.egscomics.com/comics/ \;08:11
glebihanrww, ok didn't know that, thanks (but we're not in the oneiric channel)08:11
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, "are you saying that when there's a raw internet IP, there's no need to do port forwarding?"  answer: yes08:11
hamedlll_where can I download Dlink dialup modem driver???08:12
Lintthat means I cannot customize it without doing some idiocy like re-naming it, because 'thunderbird' is patented trademark, doesn't it?08:12
hamedlll_where can I download Dlink dialup modem driver???08:13
xqix9u2vlets say you now go to network-tools.com...  it will show your internet address of your router08:13
glebihanLint, it's an open source software, you can do whatever you want with it as long as you conform to the GPL license08:13
xqix9u2vbut unless you can forward, noting will ever get to your LAN where the web server is08:14
hamedlll_where can I download Dlink dialup modem driver???08:15
glebihan!repeat | hamedlll_08:15
ubottuhamedlll_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:15
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Then if that's the case why wouldn't you consider my static IP (i.e for instance the one I see when I visit ipchicken.com) as a raw external IP?08:16
xqix9u2vhamedlll_, is this a modem card or some external device08:16
joshuahardy95_hello, I am  on a Toshiba satellite a500 and my wireless connection keeps dropping (this is not hardware because it works fine with Windoze).08:16
hamedlll_modem card08:16
xqix9u2vthe static IP you have is the router itself, and it is not running a httpd08:17
wh1zz0Lint: okie local.. Hmm.. know of a way to make it work without having to forward anyport? Cuz I don't have a router08:17
xqix9u2vthe httpd is running on your LAN firewalled off08:17
xqix9u2vusing NAT08:17
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Owh08:17
xqix9u2vgoing incircles08:18
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Hmmm08:18
xqix9u2vtake a step back08:18
xqix9u2vyou are a poor troll but ill go with it08:18
wh1zz0Lol.. sorry08:18
michaelxqwhere can i find and install r5u8xx?08:19
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, hehe np i suspect trollness for about an hour now :D08:19
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: Lol.. No but really, no pun intended08:20
michaelxqwhere can i find and install r5u8xx?08:22
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, ok i am going to store lol08:22
wh1zz0xqix9u2v: I reay nid this thing sorted, but thanks to you i've understood a couple of things, I guess i'll have to either change my ISP or get a VM in the mean time08:23
xqix9u2vwh1zz0, yea im kidding about troll i think you kinda had some idea here but clarification and imma goto store08:26
zoufengHi,how about Ubuntu 11.10 Beta 1?08:28
Lintwh1zz0: what are you trying to do?08:28
Lintzoufeng: gaudy and buggy08:28
grendal-primethis hanging thing is very irratating08:28
grendal-primewhat would be a good log to look at to see what the last thing that happened before a system whent to shit08:29
wilyhey i'm pretty new to ubuntu and i had a question and was hoping you guys could help me out?08:30
zoufengI know,I want to try it but I donnt know how well it work. so I ask.08:30
zoufengWhat  question?08:31
sanjeevkb_1hey folks, does anyone know where to download an x86-64 version for Dell laptops (core i5)08:32
zoufengPlease say clearly!!08:32
ShogootHi people. Any of you that had this nvidia problem that breaks Unity? (is unity the same as gnome3?) i got a brand new isntall of ubuntu 11.04 but unity fails to load.08:32
Laserssanjeevkb_1: Ubuntu.com --> Opt for amd6408:32
LasersShogoot: Unity is not same as Gnome3.08:32
wilyI just ran a .sh file and i have no idea if it worked or not or where it installed to, this http://www.kat.ph/crossover-linux-pro-8-djm-t2820628.html to be exact... i don't know how to phrase my question better sorry...08:33
sanjeevkb_1Lasers, yes, I did. But amd-64 ?08:33
Laserssanjeevkb_1: amd64 is a generic name for all 64 bit processors.08:33
ShogootThere are so  many guides on the intenret. Anyone care to direct me to one that works?08:33
sanjeevkb_1Lasers, thanks a lot.08:33
wilyi ran it in the terminal and it seemed to work08:33
Laserssanjeevkb_1: Because amd first came up with it. No problem.08:33
wh1zz0Lint: I am tying to create a webserver on my ubuntu desktop so I can host my website on it08:33
sanjeevkb_1another issue I have is w.r.t nvidia drivers08:34
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o08:34
wh1zz0Lint: I do have a static IP  But I do not have a router08:34
wilyalright my bad08:34
Lintwh1zz0: you don't need a router08:34
sanjeevkb_1"Additional Drivers" says it is activated but not in use.08:34
wh1zz0Lint: GREAT!08:34
ShogootHi people. Any of you that had this nvidia problem that breaks Unity? There are so  many guides on the Internet. Anyone care to direct me to one that works?08:34
wh1zz0Lint: I don't need to forward any port?08:34
wh1zz0Lint:  Please give me the 41108:35
Lintwh1zz0: no, your ISP forwards ports for you08:35
wh1zz0Lint: So I just install apache and follow the instructions on the wiki and i'm goog to go? it will become visible and accessible on the ww from any PC?08:36
sanjeevkb_1I recently found that nvidia released new software for the card in my laptop. Has anyone tried installing nvidia drivers before?08:37
Lintwh1zz0: yes08:37
wh1zz0Lint:  Cuz when I type in my browser i get this: SOMAportal is not enabled on this system.08:37
wh1zz0192.168.1.1 rather.. I get this: SOMAportal is not enabled on this system.08:37
Lintwh1zz0: what is 192.168.* subnet?08:38
Shogootsanjeevkb_1, yes, and its usually quite safe to upgrade drivers for Nvidia. Eighter from their site or when i hits repositories and then trough system-> administration -> additional drivers08:38
walluhello every one how can i make animation work ubuntu 10.04 ati graphics card dual monitor everthing works but animation08:38
wh1zz0yeah. when i type ip route08:40
wh1zz0...in the terminal08:40
wh1zz0Lint: then how will i access my website from another computer?08:40
wh1zz0Will I have to use a DNS hosting service to point the A record to my domain?08:41
Lintwh1zz0: you provide your external IP address, it gets mapped to your provider's local address08:41
Lintwh1zz0: of course08:41
Lintdo you know your external IP and local IP?08:42
wh1zz0Lint: Okie thanks.. I'll give it a try... one last thing please.. Will this tutorial work with natty desktop which is what I currently have installed.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP   OR do you have a better tut that I can follow, cuz btw, there are lots and lots of conflicting tuts out there08:43
Kartagis!info yasm08:53
ubottuyasm (source: yasm): modular assembler with multiple syntaxes support. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.0-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 770 kB, installed size 2012 kB08:53
prakasis padsp installed by default in ubuntu 11.0408:53
theadmin!find padsp | prakas08:54
ubottuprakas: File padsp found in libroar-compat1, pulseaudio-utils08:54
Kartagisprakas: yes08:54
Kartagisit seems so08:54
theadminprakas: There, "pulseaudio-utils". You need that package. Not sure if it's built-in08:54
prakas_!find padsp | prakas08:56
ubottuprakas: File padsp found in libroar-compat1, pulseaudio-utils08:56
prakas_are these packages included in ubuntu 11.04?08:56
theadminprakas_: You need that second package. I'm not sure if it's included08:56
prakas_!find aoss | prakas08:56
theadmin!info pulseaudio-utils08:56
ubottuprakas: File aoss found in aegis-doc, alsa-oss08:56
ubottupulseaudio-utils (source: pulseaudio): Command line tools for the PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.22+stable-queue-24-g67d18-0ubuntu3.1 (natty), package size 67 kB, installed size 324 kB08:56
prakas_i see08:56
prakas_!info alsa-oss08:57
ubottualsa-oss (source: alsa-oss): ALSA wrapper for OSS applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.17-4 (natty), package size 31 kB, installed size 152 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm armeb armel avr32 hppa i386 ia64 lpia m32r m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 s390x sh3 sh3eb sh4 sh4eb sparc sparc64)08:57
theadminprakas_: If you want to play with the bot for your own use, just /msg it, do not fire random triggers in the channel.08:57
prakas_ah ok08:57
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pea_brainhi all, one of my servers is giving a login problem: it takes the user id, makes me wait for 60 seconds or so and gives a timeout without a password prompt. does anyone have an idea why it should be so ?08:59
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pea_brainforgot to mention it is ubuntu 8.0408:59
maicolbuongiorno a tutti09:00
theadmin!it | maicol09:00
ubottumaicol: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:00
QMRAnyone here got minecraft working??09:01
theadminQMR: Why not? It should work just fine as long as Java is set up09:02
QMRtheadmin: so you have it working?09:02
QMRI'm well aware it "should" work.  it obviously doesn't or I wouldn't be seeking help09:03
theadminQMR: I don't play it, but many  people play minecraft on Linux just fine. Make sure you're not using JRE7 though, it doesn't work with that09:03
QMRii  sun-java6-jre                         6.26-1natty1                               Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files)09:03
popplerhello there09:07
DeltaEpsilonmy laptop runs hotter when using Ubuntu. why?09:07
popplermy SUPER+W shortcut is not working anymore on unity, ubuntu 11.04. I didn't do anything to deserve it (no messing up with conf files). why?09:07
popplerall other SUPER+key shortcuts seem to be working fine09:08
popplerany idea?09:08
rapageI have a question09:08
LasersDeltaEpsilon: Run "htop" or System Monitor[GUI] -- to see what's causing the high CPU/MEM.09:09
maxflaxAnyone here have knowledge about getting ubuntu running on a Macbook. I've run into some problems09:09
Ristovskihello I cant boot my Ubuntu from USB09:10
DeltaEpsilonLasers, umm it seems it runs hot when the screen is locked09:10
RistovskiI think my BIOS wont boot from it but I set it to Removable Dev.09:10
rapagehow to install java runtime support for firefox 3.6 I downloaded file jre-6u27-linux-i586.bin and ./ ran it but it didn't work then I copied the plugin files to 2 dif locations of mozzila plug folders but still nothing09:10
QMRrapage: 'I have a question' is entirely useless and a waste of a line for everyone.  Don't ask to ask, just ask.  If someone is willing and able to help they will09:10
QMRlike that :D09:10
sujithRistovski, : DId u prepare the Bootfile in the USB through UNetBootin?09:11
LasersDeltaEpsilon: Meh. If you have another machine, try ssh in and run "htop"09:11
Ristovskihelp ls09:11
QMRrapage: it's better to use the package manager to install things09:11
Ristovskisiujith : no?09:11
RistovskiI need to open Windows again?09:11
szal!java | rapage09:11
ubotturapage: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.09:11
Ristovskisujith : I loose my work Im using live cd09:11
sujithRistovski, : Can you please tell me how did you prepare your USB boot file?09:11
maxflaxI think the problems lies in where I choose to put the MBR -09:12
Ristovskisujith : I used the System boot disk creator09:12
maxflaxbut only get the black screen with the blinking cursors staring in my face when trying to boot the ubuntu i installed09:12
maxflaxMac Os X still boots thou09:12
Lasersmaxflax: Just use VirtualBox.09:13
Ristovskisujith : help please?09:13
sujithRistovski, : oh kk So you are using Windows to create a boot disk? Yes using a live Cd is like a temporary file. Once you shut down your system its gone09:13
=== boriscm is now known as oner
maxflaxLasers - Nah, thats for testing stuff not for everyday use - not for me thou09:14
Ristovskisujith : can i use Ubuntu to create the USB?09:15
RistovskiI kinda dont wanna go to windows09:15
Lasersmaxflax: Meh. Okay. It also have full screen option so if you really want to use linux, that can work too. It's what I use. :309:15
sujithOh kk09:15
maxflaxRistovski - Unetbootin09:15
Ristovskion windows?09:15
RistovskiI dont wanna go to windows09:15
maxflaxon all os09:15
sujithRistovski, : then you can install ubuntu on Your system instead of using Windows right?09:16
maxflaxUnetbootin creates bootable usb on boot linux,windows and mac os09:16
sujithRistovski, : And if you still want to Create a Bootable USB use UnetBootin09:16
Ristovskisujith : dont wanna corrupt windows09:16
sujithRistovski, : But still using a Live Cd I dont Think you Can Save Your Work .09:18
Ristovskisujith : in what app to open the .bin file?09:18
sujithRistovski, : in which OS are we speaking bout ?09:18
maxflaxLasers: I dont really like Mac OS and don't want to be foreced to use it just to load Linux in a virual machine - for me thats living with a blindfold.09:19
Ristovskisujith : it sauys choose app to open file09:19
rigvedRistovski: it is an executable file. just run it in the terminal.09:19
Ristovskirigved : its .bin file09:20
Ristovskiand I cant open it09:20
maxflaxRistovski, when creating a bootable usb with unetbootin u can add space in the usb which will be used for saving your work and such, its a feature just for ubuntu09:20
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RistovskiI need to open the .bin09:20
User182401Hi, is there a way to load the graphics driver before anything else? So the loading screen appears first.09:21
sujithmaxflax : Can you Pleaase detail on How to add the extra space in usb when using unetbootin09:21
Stanley00Ristovski: can you show me output of "file /path/to/your/bin"09:21
User182401Ristovski: You could convert it to .iso09:21
Kartagis!find xvidenc-dev09:21
ubottuPackage/file xvidenc-dev does not exist in natty09:21
rigvedRistovski: do you want to run/execute the file. then run it from the terminal. if you want to view it's contents, then open using the Text Editor (gedit).09:21
maxflaxsujith, u have it as an option i unetbootin when creating the bootable usb09:21
rigvedRistovski: is it a cd/dvd image?09:22
MartinetteHello! I want to install adom on UBuntu 10.10 64bit. Is this possible?09:22
Ristovski.bin file09:22
Ristovski:There is no application installed for executable files:09:22
Stanley00Ristovski: can you show me output of "file /path/to/your/file.bin"09:23
maxflaxAnyone here have knowledge about getting ubuntu running on a Macbook. I've run into some problems09:23
sujithmaxflax, : So Do you mean to tell thsi will make my usb Work a bootable as well as a storage device?09:23
Ristovskino bin ?09:23
Ristovskionly executable09:23
Ristovskibut says There is no application installed for executable files09:23
sujithRistovski, : are you trying to install the file *.bin09:24
rigvedRistovski: in the terminal, type: /path/to/file.bin and press enter. that should execute it.09:24
Ristovskitheres an executable file in my downloads folder09:24
maxflaxsujith, well not quite but it claims to save your changes and such on the space u set aside for it. never tried it but have seen the option when creating usb discs09:24
joshuahardy95_just a small problem --- with 11.04 and skype, the skype button is real tiny like 1 pixel big? how do i fix?09:25
Ristovskibash: /home/ubuntu/Desktop/unetbootin-linux-549: Permission denied09:25
sujithmaxflax, :  oh KK!! Thank you mate. New learning for me today. Thanks for the Knowledge Pill :)09:25
learnerubuntu 10.10 not able to connect to mobile broadband..the mobile broadband settings has been done..modem is detected ..everything was working fine yesterday..but not able to connect nw..any suggestion09:25
Ristovskirigved ^^09:25
Stanley00Ristovski: then, try chmod +x to your file. I hope.09:26
buserI have some problems with dragging stuff between different workspaces. When I start fresh it works perfectly. But just a moment ago all my workspaces collapsed into one leaving the other two workspaces empty. Now I cant move windows between workspaces with the cursor. Very annoying. (10.04)09:26
RistovskiStanley : how?09:26
sujithRistovski, : try chmod 755  <file_name> and try09:26
theadminRistovski: chmod a+x ~/Downloads/whatever.bin09:26
Stanley00Ristovski: run chmod +x /path/to/your/file09:26
rigvedbuser: did you try to replace compiz or metacity?09:27
Ristovskinothing happens09:28
buserChanging settings in the CCSM does not seem to make any difference09:28
theadminRistovski: Well, duh, you won't see anything. Now run the file again.09:28
sujithMy CompBiz Window Effects Are not Working ? Any Suggestions?09:28
Ristovskitheadmin nothing09:29
learnersujith: can u specify in more detail09:29
theadmin!u | learner09:29
ubottulearner: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.09:29
buserrigved, , or is that a suggested fix?09:29
RistovskiI cnt run ANY executable files09:30
sujithlearner, : Can you please tell me what are the details you require09:30
Ristovskisujith ^^09:30
theadminRistovski: That means you're doing it wrong and that's all :/09:30
buserrigved, replacing compiz seems to do the trick09:31
Ristovskiwell can you help me?09:31
sujithRistovski, :  hw did u run the File nw?09:31
buserrigved, why does it do that?09:31
rigvedbuser: log out and log in again. does that help? as to the cause of the problem, i do not know. maybe some application caused it.09:31
Ristovskisujith : nothing happens09:31
theadminRistovski: I did. Either you did something wrong, not following the directions properly, or the file isn't executable at all (some console's ROMs use .bin extension too, as well as disk images)09:32
Ristovskii cant run neither one executable09:32
rigvedbuser: no need to replace compiz09:32
buserrigved, oh? but it works??09:32
learnersujith: means which specific plugin in compiz is not working?09:32
sujithRistovski, : Please Tell me Wat Command did you use when trying to run the EE file09:32
Ristovskisujith  i double clicked?09:33
buserrigved, I just ran compiz --replace in a terminal and now everything is back to normal09:33
rigvedbuser: try logging in back. are you able to move to other workspaces using the cursor after logging back in?09:33
rigvedbuser: yes, it seems that something caused you to switch to metacity09:34
theadminRistovski: *facepalm*... That's not how you run typical Linux binaries. Just type the full path to the file in the terminal (after chmod +x'ing it)09:34
buserrigved, or compiz just broke down =)09:34
rk1routerin ubuntu how to install c++09:35
theadminrk1router: c++ is a programming language, you can't "install" it.09:35
buserrk1router, ooo ... installing c++09:35
daedsudo apt-get install seeplusplusplus09:35
sujithRistovski, : can you provide me a min So that I can Check my Commands and provide you that ?09:35
buseris that like downloading the pdf from ansi?09:35
Ristovskitheadmin : unetbootin-linux-549: command not found09:35
daedsudo apt-get convert pdf -> ansi09:35
theadminRistovski: Full path, I said...09:36
rk1routertheadmin: I want to install c++ compiler09:36
theadminrk1router: sudo apt-get install g++09:36
rigvedrk1router: that's called g++09:36
BlackScorphi all, since i updated the linux headers yesterday my notebook doesnt start anymore, it freeze after plymouth loaded, anyone have a solution?09:36
Ristovskitheadmin nothing09:36
rk1routertheadmin: Thanks.Can you tell me which channel is for gcc09:36
theadminrk1router: Not sure09:37
rk1routerWhich channel is for GCC09:37
rigvedrk1router: for the c++ language, try ##c++09:37
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
BlackScorpin ubuntu software center i can see linux-headers-generic and linux-headers-generic-pae is installed09:38
BlackScorpmaybe i need to uninstall somethink?09:38
sujithRistovski, : can you Tell me where you have stored your file in ubuntu?09:38
buserrigved, hmm it happened again.09:40
Ristovskisujith desktop09:40
buserrigved, compiz (core) - Warn: Exceeded max texture size, Launching fallback window manager09:40
mcl0vinhowdy everyone09:40
sujithRistovski, : Can you Go to The .Bin File Right click on it Select properties09:40
mcl0vini need help with routes in ubuntu09:40
rigvedbuser: anything specific that you were doing in both the times?09:40
Ristovskisujith : and?09:41
mcl0vinwhen i do nestat -r i see two entry for the same default gw09:41
theadminRistovski: For god's sake, just "sudo apt-get install unetbootin", that'll be easier for you09:41
sujithRistovski, : Then Select the Permission tab And Tick The "Alow Executing File As A program"09:41
sujithRistovski, : and Close the properties Window09:41
bhaveshHow can I create a new wineprefix with winetricks?09:42
RistovskiE: Couldn't find package unetbootin09:42
RistovskiE: Couldn't find package unetbootin09:42
Ristovskisujith : did already09:42
buserrigved, this time I was coding some in QtCreator. But rhythbox also changed track.09:42
theadminbhavesh: You can simply run any program like this: WINEPREFIX=~/whatever wine /usr/share/whatever/whatever.exe09:42
theadminbhavesh: Or something similar.09:42
sujithNow Double Click that File. A password Request will Pop up09:43
rk1routertheadmin: Please tell me channel for compiler issues09:43
mcl0vincan some one help me please09:43
theadminbhavesh: So, in your case, WINEPREFIX=~/blah winetricks09:43
sujithRistovski, : then Enter the Password and it should work09:43
damo22rk1router: which compiler09:43
bhaveshtheadmin: ok09:43
Ristovskisujith : password?09:43
bhaveshtheadmin: but I want to create a new one..09:44
sujithRistovski, : Kk When you double Clicked it did it ask for Password?09:44
bhaveshtheadmin: new wineprefix not just run a exe installed in it09:44
rk1routerdamo22: gcc09:44
damo22rk1router: /join ##c09:44
sujithRistovski, : Are you using Ubuntu 10.10?09:45
sujithRistovski, : or 11.0409:45
sujithin any Case go to application > and click on Ubuntu Software Center09:45
theadminbhavesh: You need to run something like this: mkdir ~/blah ; WINEPREFIX=~/blah wineboot -i09:45
bhaveshtheadmin: k09:46
kevorI'm trying to plugin a SATA drive, managed to plug it in. But it does not show up in my HEENUX, do I need to restart a service or something for it to show up?09:46
sujithRistovski, : Could you find do that ?09:46
kevorAlways thought SATA was hotpluggable09:46
Merdamhi  I have searched online09:46
Ristovskisujith : what?09:46
Merdambut I can't find out how09:47
Merdamto set autojoin09:47
Merdamfor xchat for ubuntu09:47
Merdamanybody know?09:47
FloodBot1Merdam: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:47
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rigvedbuser: check out bug 53708909:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537089 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz (core) - Warn: Exceeded max texture size" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53708909:47
sujithRistovski, : did you find Ubuntu Software Center Under Applications?09:47
Guest87799POLACY !!!???09:47
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.09:48
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sujithRistovski, : click on tat09:48
o_portista17my desktop is slow when i try to minimise windows, and i think it's because of my graphic card..when i execute "glxinfo" i have this message: name of display: :0.0   Segmentation fault09:48
Ristovskisujith : and?09:48
sujithRistovski, : Click on get Software and in the Search box type Unet bootin09:49
rigvedbuser: which version of compiz-core are you using? is it the latest updated one?09:49
buserrigved, yeah it is the tooltips, when I hover over some google mock object in QtCreator it is very reproduceable09:49
raj-darkmysteryubuntu 10.04 not detecting my ethernet card.. but was working well previously09:50
raj-darkmysteryany suggestions what may went wrong?09:50
learnerubuntu 10.10 not able to connect to mobile broadband..the mobile broadband settings has been done..modem is detected ..everything was working fine yesterday..but not able to connect nw..any suggestion09:51
sujithlearner : please try loggin out and loggin in09:51
buserrigved, 1:0.8.4-0ubuntu15.3 ... seems to be the latest09:52
Ristovskiwhere is teh .iso file?09:53
sujithRistovski, : what do you mean by ISO file?09:53
rigvedbuser: did you upgrade from karmic to lucid?09:53
Ristovskithe iso so I can select it in Unetbootin09:53
sujithRistovski, : you have a Iso File of ubuntu through which you boot in live mode right?09:54
k_szeIs it trivial to swap the HDD with Ubuntu from one model of motherboard to another one?09:54
jatooi was trying to start a remote gnome-session on my desktop from my laptop,  which involved things like restarting X, starting a gnome session, trying to start a unity session, and eventually gave up. now, when i log in on the actual machine, it will only give me normal gnome desktop session, not unity.  any idea how to get it back?09:54
buserrigved, yeah09:54
ubuntu_hi, i would like to set multiple keyboard shortcuts to do the same action, for example, mod4+tab and mod4+right both switch to the next workspace09:54
Ristovskisujith : yes?09:54
sujithRistovski, : Now select that file here09:54
rigvedbuser: so, it seems that this is happening only to those who have upgraded from karmic to lucid.09:54
sattu94k_sze: it worked for me once. did not have to try again.09:54
Ristovskiwher is the file?09:55
k_szeI have a Ubuntu instance that was installed on an Intel Core Duo rig and I may have to swap it to an AMD Athlon II rig.09:55
buserrigved, ahww that sucks09:55
Ristovskiwhat directory?09:55
theadmink_sze: Caused no issues for me whatsoever when I did it with my Arch setup. Ubuntu is Linux too so, I guess, will work just fine09:55
k_szelet me try then09:55
sujithRistovski, : you need to download the iso from the Internet09:56
rigvedbuser: also, the bug filed is for 1:0.8.4-0ubuntu13 in 2010. maybe you should file a new bug against compiz-core09:56
sujithRistovski, : then You can prepare the Bootable file09:56
Ristovskii have it09:56
Ristovskion my C drive09:56
RistovskiI cant access it from Unetbootin09:56
ionitehi everyone09:56
RistovskiI can only the linux drive09:56
ionitehow do i edit a rules files from terminal>09:57
rigvedbuser: and it seems that there may be a fix in 0.9 version of compiz, but the comments are not very clear about this.09:57
sattu94ionite: use a text editor like nano, vi or emacs09:57
sujithRistovski, : go  to Places > Select you r C:09:57
sattu94ionite: nano is easiest09:57
sujithRistovski, : And then try to do it from UnetBootin09:57
ionitesattu94: how can i do it just from terminal?09:57
ishmandoo2hey, my computer has no sound and if I look under "hardware" in sound prefs, there are no devices. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help.09:57
sattu94ionite: do "nano filename.xx"09:58
sattu94ionite: where xx us the extension(f it has one)09:58
ionitesattu94: thanks09:58
bogglinhow do i find out the screen resolution an X11 server is using? I only have shell access, so need to do this from the command line09:58
rigvedbuser: my advice. stick to metacity for now; until you finish your work with QTCreator.09:58
theadminionite: You might prefer vim if you need advanced features, be adviced that, however, it's rather complex to use if you are new09:59
Ristovskino places09:59
RistovskioOMG try it yourself09:59
theadminbogglin: Run "xrandr", check the output09:59
mebefucking in your ass :p09:59
improveuponi purged the system of firefox, deleted .mozilla, and re-installed and it is still crashing my os (though not as soon as firefox starts). i have 4 gigs of memory. the system becomes unable to detect the hard drive.09:59
sattu94ionite: np, all keyboard shortcuts are written down there in the terminal itself, when u start nano.09:59
bogglintheadmin: thanks09:59
rigved!language | mebe09:59
ubottumebe: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:59
theadminionite: ^W means Ctrl-W, and M-W means Alt-W, just saying09:59
raj-darkmystery*-network UNCLAIMED10:00
sujithRistovski, : Close unet bootin. Close all application Come to Your ubuntu Dektop. Please be polite If you are Asking For help10:00
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rigvedimproveupon: have you tried to run firefox from the terminal? maybe you will get a more clearer error.10:00
improveuponthank you :D10:01
jaberyo !10:01
theadminimproveupon: If no, presum10:01
theadminimproveupon: If no, presumably you should check if you have a swap partition. Firefox acts weird when there is no swap, or at least used to10:01
=== abhishek_ is now known as abhishekpathak
learner ubuntu 10.10 not able to connect to mobile broadband..the mobile broadband settings has been done..modem is detected ..everything was working fine yesterday..but not able to connect nw..any suggestion10:04
sujithQuit : leaving10:05
theadminlearner: Could it be your mobile broadband account is out of money or something like that?10:06
learnertheadmin, : no mine is an unlimited plan.its working fine with ubuntu live10:07
theadminlearner: Could be that some updates broke it10:08
theadminlearner: That happens10:08
learnertheadmin, : i just updated the broken packages through recovery mode.still the problem exist.10:09
QMRso, at least three times now, I've had desktop go unresponsive.  what the hell?10:10
QMRmy mouse cursor moves, but that's it.  windows dont' respond or update10:10
ionitesattu94: i've click on Run Nano button but nothing happens10:10
QMRridiculous.  what a huge pile of crap10:11
ionitehow do i get to my LIB folder in terminal?10:12
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ionitesattu94: i've click on Run Nano button but nothing happens10:13
linxehionite: cd /usr/lib ?10:13
linxehionite: assuming thats the folder you mean10:13
learnertheadmin, any suggestions?10:13
theadminlearner: Nope, sorry10:14
ionitelinxeh: ure right but how do i open the rules.d folder?10:14
ionite linxeh i tried cd rules.d but it can't get through10:15
abhishekpathakionite, open a terminal and type nano followed py the path of rules.d10:15
learnertheadmin, nope??10:15
theadminlearner: That means "no"... I'm not responsible for the bugs of Ubuntu software.10:15
abhishekpathakionite, for example nano /home/ionite/rules.d10:15
linxehionite: cd /usr/lib/udev/rules.d10:15
theadminExcept it seems he means files in /etc/udev/rules.d/10:15
enrryhi all. I have updated ALSA to 1.0.24 on Lucid compiling source files. I have a problem: flash player points to a wrong audio card now. Totem works correctly10:15
enrryanyone can help?10:16
linxehionite: or it might be /etc/udev/rules.d - there are two folders10:16
rk1routerundefined reference to `pthread_getspecific'10:16
ionitelinxeh: why nothing displans in udev folder when i type LS?10:16
abhishekpathaklinex the locate command might also help10:16
linxehionite: you generally dont want to meddle with anything in /usr/lib unless you know what you are doing10:16
abhishekpathaklinex you can always pipe it through grep if the list is too long10:16
ionitelinxeh: i need to add a device line in my rules.d to make my scanner work10:17
linxehabhishekpathak: I know. I'm not the one with the question10:17
linxehionite: then you probably want to add a new file in /etc/udev/rules.d/ and add the line to that file10:17
abhishekpathaklinxeh : right.10:17
linxehionite: call it 20-scanner.rules or something10:17
ionitelinxeh: thats right but i cant get to that file in my terminal10:18
linxehionite: cd /etc/udev/rules.d10:18
ioniteit's in Root/lib/udev/rules.d10:18
ionitelinxeh: it's not that directory u mentioned10:20
Tixoswhy can i not remove a keyboard language?10:24
jribTixos: how are you trying?10:24
Tixoseverytime i restart it resets back again10:24
Tixosin keyboard settings?10:24
Tixosits selected United Kingdom, but the icon in system tray says USA10:25
jribTixos: see if that's recorded by gconf?  See if you have gconf issues10:25
Tixosi cant remove the USA one,10:25
ionitewhat's the the command uninstall?10:25
Tixoshow do i go about checking that10:25
Tixosionite: remove or purge10:25
jrib!apt | ionite10:26
ubottuionite: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)10:26
ioniteTixos: if i want to remove gksudo what do i type?10:26
Tixosread the docs10:26
jribTixos: I would explore gconf-editor and see if the settings are stored there for starters10:26
jribionite: why do you want to remove gksudo...?10:26
linxehionite: /lib/udev/rules.d/ is for package provided udev rules. if you want to provide your own, or amend existing ones, it is advised you do it in /etc/udev/rules.d10:26
linxehionite: there is even a README explaining this in /etc/udev/rules.d10:26
Tixosjrib what am i looking for lol? i searched keyboard...10:27
jribTixos: did you find anything?10:28
lolzerwhenever i have the java running my wifi starts switching on/off10:28
lolzerplease help10:28
Tixosdoesnt seem to be anything about language tehre10:28
ionitelinxeh: thanks. http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/instruction_scn1c.html10:28
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jribTixos: do you mean "layout" or "language"?10:29
cristian_cI've got a keyboard called Media Wireless Desktop10:29
Tixoswhat the difference jrib?10:30
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cristian_cI tried to set the keyboard shortcuts directly from the Applications-> Settings-> Xfce4 settings manager -> Keyboard-> Applications shortcuts10:30
lolzerhi all .... i have a problem with the java 6 installed ...  it automatically switches my wifi on and off randomly10:30
jribTixos: the difference is I see "layout" in gnome-keyboard-properties but not "language" so I am not sure what you are referring to10:30
cristian_cI clicked on Add and for example I typed the command 'evolution'. I pressed Ok and then the system asked me to type the key on the keyboard. In this case the key was correctly recognized as XF86Mail and has been included in the list of shortcuts10:30
linxehionite: ok, in that case you could edit the file it says i10:30
cristian_cBut if I press the mail key, it always happens the same problem, that instead of opening evolution, the pc goes into stand-by10:30
lolzeris there a solution?? cause it works fine in windows 710:31
cristian_cIs anyone able to understand what the problem is due?10:31
Tixoslayout then w.e10:31
cristian_cI even tried keytouch editor10:31
Tixosits the language of the layout10:31
Mickey-Mousehelper are here?10:31
jrib!enter | cristian_c10:31
ubottucristian_c: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:31
Tixosthe layout depends on the language you speak doesnt it10:31
cristian_cand it recognized the keys10:31
cristian_cBut after setting up the keyboard with keytouch, if I press the 'mail' key, the PC goes always on standby for no reason10:31
ionitelinxeh: but how do i use nano? cant i just open it with a text editor and edit it?10:32
jribTixos: my understanding is layouts are organized by languages, but in the interface you add and remove layouts10:32
Tixosok so what are you asking me, ive told you i cannot remove a layout10:32
Tixosfrom this properties window10:32
bogglinI'm thinking of putting together a Dell box to run ubuntu. It comes with integrated video: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100 with a maximum 256MB of shared video memory. Anyone got this graphics chip and care to comment on its performance for web browsing, playing video, desktop effects etc?10:33
jribTixos: ok.10:33
Tixosmaybe i mistakenly installed with USA layout10:33
Tixosbut now i cannot remove it10:33
Tixosi think its a bug\10:33
cristian_cjrib, Some phrases are on two lines, one of these almost three10:33
jribTixos: psatebin: gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd10:33
Mickey-Mousei can request ubuntu cloack member? host?10:33
jribcristian_c: yes, please keep it to one line10:34
jribcristian_c: by line I mean carriage return10:34
theadmincristian_c: What he means is do not write10:34
theadmincristian_c: That is, do not use Enter as punctuation.10:35
cristian_cjrib, I checked better, only one of these is over a line10:35
jribcristian_c: as long as you now understand not to press enter to break up your thoughts, I don't how many lines was whatever before.10:36
melvincv_How do you change the default permissions that a Linux OS assigns when we create a file, to 777 permissions?10:36
enrrygoodbye all!10:36
jribmelvincv_: umask, but you don't want to change that to give 777 permissions.  Why do you want to do this?10:36
cristian_ctheadmin, I saw that the mistake was between the second and third, and between the eighth and ninth10:37
K|nGHi there I deleted Compiz and OPENGL mode but now I have problems with my grapich I installed it again but still doesn`t work fine how I can fix that anyone can help me ??10:37
ionitehow can i edit my lib rules in text editor?10:37
jribcristian_c: no, we're asking you to write one long paragraph without pressing enter instead of pressing enter after every sentence10:37
cristian_ctheadmin, for the rest of the log has not verified this10:37
enrryhi all!10:37
cristian_cjrib, ok10:37
enrrygoodbye all!10:38
melvincv_I'd like to do that within my home folder on ordinary files. Just asking if it's possible.10:38
jribionite: what are your "lib rules"?10:38
lolzerhi all .... i have a problem with the java 6 installed ...  it automatically switches my wifi on and off randomly10:38
lolzeris there a solution?? cause it works fine in windows 710:38
theadminionite: If you don't even know that udev rules are called udev rules, you probably just shouldn't10:38
ionitejrib: it's in lib/udev/rules.d10:38
jribmelvincv_: yes, it's possible.  I told you how to do it.  But it's not a good idea.  Why do you want to do it?10:38
ionitetheadmin: http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/instruction_scn1c.html10:39
cristian_cjrib, then I'll put it all together in the application10:39
cristian_cI'll translate better10:39
ionitetheadmin: how can i edit my lib rules file w/o using nano?10:39
K|nGIs there any restore system for Ubuntu ??10:39
cristian_c*in the question10:39
jribionite: why do you want to edit that?  You should override like linxeh suggested above10:39
Stanley00melvincv_: you can have a look at umask10:39
Tixos layouts = [gb,us]                   jrib10:39
melvincv_Just consider that I came over from Windows :)10:39
abhishekpathakionite: what exactly is your problem?10:39
jribTixos: which do you want to remove?10:39
ioniteabhishekpathak: http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/instruction_scn1c.html10:39
lolzerhi all .... i have a problem with the java 6 installed ...  it automatically switches my wifi on and off randomly10:40
lolzeris there a solution?? cause it works fine in windows 710:40
theadminionite: Use vim... lol10:40
Tixosive removed from the key10:40
Sidewinder1K|nG, No restore, per-say; just back-up your /home and reinstall if your problems are that severe.10:40
theadminionite: Again, it's called "udev rules", the proper location for custom rules is /etc/udev/rules.d/, and it's also split across several files10:41
Tixosso hopefujlly this will remove?10:41
melvincv_Yes, I had a look at that, but why is the maximum permissions you can set for a file 666 permissions?10:41
ionitetheadmin: it's a brother support web i suppose i can trust it. so how do i being?10:41
jribmelvincv_: what?10:41
ionitetheadmin: *begin?10:41
K|nGSidewinder1: I have remove compiz and opengl and install it again but my grapich is not fine right now :S many features not working :S10:41
abhishekpathakionite: what output does cd /etc/udev give?10:41
K|nGSidewinder1: there is very very LOW grapich :S10:41
theadminionite: sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-custom.rules10:42
theadminionite: Or something like that10:42
melvincv_Give me a minute, I'll pastebin that...10:42
cristian_cjrib, but if I write so, is possible that you understand anything about the question?10:43
jribcristian_c: just ask your question10:43
Sidewinder1K|nG, For resolution issues, you might look at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution10:43
cristian_cperhaps too confusing10:43
cristian_cthe question10:43
jribcristian_c: then don't ask it.  But stop talking about the question that you refuse to ask then.10:43
K|nGSidewinder1: Not Resoulution but There doesn`t show Fade or like this stuff like this :A10:44
ionitetheadmin: that will help me edit on a text editor?10:44
melvincv_This is from the fedora docs, I can't understand this. Why is the max permission for a file 666? http://paste.ubuntu.com/681129/10:44
theadminionite: Why, yes, it will open a custom rules file in nano10:44
ionitetheadmin: nono. but i dun know how to use nano10:45
jribmelvincv_: why do you want files to be created 777.  I see no valid reason to do this.10:45
Sidewinder1K|nG, If it's a compiz issue, there is a #compiz channel, I believe.10:45
jatoohow can i get ubuntu 11.04 to start a unity session? i somehow broke it and now i can only get a gnome2 session10:45
theadminionite: Well... If you want to use a GUI editor, do this: gksudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-custom.rules10:45
K|nGSidewinder1: thanks :p10:45
ionitetheadmin: how do i do it like in a graphic tesxt editor10:45
ionitetheadmin: oic.10:45
tarelerulzDo any of you have a ipod touch 2.21  ?  I can't get my to work10:45
cristian_cjrib, So can I repeat the question compactly if I understand correctly?10:46
theadminUgh sorry, couldn't hold back. Back on topic now.10:46
melvincv_It's because programmers asked me to do that to certain folders.10:46
melvincv_Isn't it better to just chmod -R those folders?10:47
jribmelvincv_: well you can't do it on a per-directory basis using umask anyway.  Use Access Control Lists for that.  See « man setfacl » and « man getfacl ».  Don't forget to add "acl" as a mount option to the relevant partitions (see « man mount »)10:47
ionitetheadmin: (gksudo:2906): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :010:47
theadminionite: what the... That should not be happening. Try to close the current terminal and open it again, then repeat the command10:48
abhishekpathakionite: just use nano.Its like notepad,except you press ctrl+o to save and quit10:48
abhishekpathakionite: the commands are all written at the bottom,just try using nano10:49
jribmelvincv_: chmod -R would not have an effect on the permissions of NEW files10:49
abhishekpathaktheadmin: probably ionite will have to export the x-display 0 to use gedit10:49
theadminabhishekpathak: That makes no sense since it already does detect the display as 0, just can't open it. I just thought he might of have su'd or sudo -i'd earlier or something so that's why I asked what I asked.10:50
grmlu1Hello. I'm using irssi on Ubuntu. Does anyone know how to send a message with a leading slash? How to escape that character?10:51
ionitetheadmin: thanks its working10:51
jribgrmlu1: /say /foo works10:51
ioniteabhishekpathak: thanks for nano but i'm really noob at it. sorry10:51
abhishekpathaktheadmin: hmm.10:51
grmlu1jrib: Thank you.10:51
abhishekpathakionite: no issues.the important stuff is to get stuff done :)10:51
enrryhi, anyone can help with pulseaudio/alsa configuration?10:51
ioniteabhishekpathak: i'm a total noob to ubuntu and now i'm trying hard to get use to it and honestly i find it quite hard to fix some things windows can fix easily10:51
jribenrry: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)10:52
abhishekpathakionite: it will take some getting used to,but after that your system will truly be your own10:52
enrryproblem: on lucid, updated to alsa 1.0.24. Flash player points wrong audio device10:52
abhishekpathakenrry: the problem might be with your mixer10:53
abhishekpathakcheck its settings10:53
enrrycan you explain in detail please?10:53
ioniteabhishekpathak: but is it buggy?10:53
ChrysalidIs there a channel for general tech issues? I'm having hard drive problems but they aren't really ubuntu based, just on a machine running it10:53
abhishekpathakionite: if you are using unity,its a work in progress and a bit buggy10:53
abhishekpathakenrry: are you using gnome?10:54
jribChrysalid: ##hardware, ##linux or here are probably fine10:54
enrryi'm on lucid, gnome10:54
ioniteabhishekpathak: kde or xfce?10:54
abhishekpathakionite: they are pretty much stable10:54
enrryalways worked well but i needed an unsupported updated due to a bug in audio play and to audio device not well recognized10:54
ioniteabhishekpathak: LTS is better or 11.04 better?10:55
enrryabhishekpathak: totem points the correct device, only streaming with flash player points wrong10:55
Chrysalidjrib Thank you for the tip. My problem is that when  plug in a SATA drive, one of my IDE drives is no longer detected in bios. It is a bit strange10:55
enrryand pulse does not show firefox in list when audio is playing10:56
jribChrysalid: see if it's detected on another machine, and on a different port10:56
abhishekpathakenrry: i guess you are better off googling or asking someone else then10:56
abhishekpathaki am not sure10:56
enrryok thanks10:56
abhishekpathakionite: LTS is more stable whereas 11.04 has the latest and greatest features10:56
jribChrysalid: oh I misread.10:56
=== frostie_ is now known as UbuN2
ioniteabhishekpathak: i guessed so too. but i'm using a net book i wonder what Environment is more suitable for me.10:57
theadminionite: 11.04 probably, Unity is good for netbooks.10:57
jribChrysalid: this probably isn't the right channel then.  I'd suggest motherboard manufacturer/support forums10:57
theadminAfter all, that's it's original purpose.10:57
abhishekpathakionite: unity 11.04 will be good enough.10:57
Sidewinder1Chrysalid, Could it be a "master/slave" issue, with the two drives.10:57
Chrysalidjrib: thank you for the help10:58
ioniteabhishekpathak: but unity has got this desktop 3D effects which is sluggish in netbooks?10:58
theadminionite: unity2d then10:58
abhishekpathakionite: there is another option on unity called unity 2d10:58
abhishekpathaktry that10:58
abhishekpathakits actually better10:58
ioniteabhishekpathak: ok. i'll check out on the web. there's just so much enviornments i don't know which is more suitable. some are eye candies while the others are plain yet stable and fast!10:59
ChrysalidSidewinder1: They are on seperate channels, but I guess it is an old board and might be doing something strange with channels. I'll go try changing them a bit.10:59
abhishekpathakinfact you can go for the recently release 11.10 beta as well10:59
ChrysalidThanks for the help10:59
abhishekpathakit is supposed to fix many bugs of 11.04,but then its a beta product right now11:00
Sidewinder1Chrysalid, Best of luck.11:00
abhishekpathakionite: so many desktop environments is one of the strengths of linux.you can use any distro underneath and have multiple desktop env to choose from11:00
abhishekpathakyou can try out all of xfce,kde etc on your ubuntu as well11:01
theadminionite: "plain yet stable and fast", you say? Go and check e17 and Openbox11:01
ioniteabhishekpathak: yea. but i'm just so noob i need to spend alot of time asking which i cant afford due to my work.11:01
abhishekpathakionite: infact,kde plasma has a pretty good netbook interface as well11:01
hamedlllwhats the best downloader for linux?11:01
theadminhamedlll: There's no "best", but try jdownloader or gwget11:01
abhishekpathaktheadmin: for a beginner,probably those two are not a good idea11:01
ionitetheadmin: i saw elementary OS but hmm.. held back.11:01
theadminabhishekpathak: You do have a point.11:02
theadminionite: Elementary just uses Gnome as of now...11:02
abhishekpathakionite: download a live cd of kubuntu 10.04 and try11:02
theadminabhishekpathak: KDE for a netbook is *never* a good idea11:02
ionitetheadmin: really? why is that so?11:02
abhishekpathakionite: you will get the kde environment,which is eye candy and has two modes- normal mode and netbook mode11:02
abhishekpathakionite: plus it will be 10.04 LTS so it will be rock stable11:03
ioniteabhishekpathak: i'm so noob so i need alot support and stability. as it's my first time for open source programs.11:03
theadminionite: KDE is too flashy and eyecandy and consumes a ton of video card resources so...11:03
abhishekpathaktheadmin: KDE plasma netbook is good enough,1 Gig RAM is good enough for it11:03
ionitetheadmin: it can be disabled right?11:03
obertwould be a bad sign to cannot launch a VM with ubuntu? it is asking to do something like boot=initarg when try to startup it11:03
abhishekpathaktheadmin: i say this as i have actually run KDE on my HP mini11:04
ionitetheadmin: so far i've tired xfce, kde, unity, gome and almost elementary11:04
theadminionite: Not completely xD Try Xfce. That one is awesome, both lightweight and very easy to use11:04
theadminionite: Oh. Well, Xfce is what I use11:04
ionitetheadmin: it's not very pretty as compared to KDE of course but it's fast.11:04
abhishekpathaktheadmin: i am currently on xfce as well,on debian squeeze11:04
abhishekpathaktheadmin: i switch between it and xmonad depending on my mood :)11:05
ionitetheadmin: environment support for me is very important because i'm new and i need to ask alot of things.11:05
theadminabhishekpathak: I'm on Arch, but Xfce is still Xfce... Are you runing 4.8.2?11:05
ioniteabhishekpathak: so i'm looking for pretty, fast and good support. i wonders now if there are any choices left...11:05
theadminionite: Xfce is one of supported environments. Others are Unity, Gnome, LXDE and KDE11:06
abhishekpathaktheadmin: its debian squeeze : lol xfce 4.611:06
theadminabhishekpathak: Oh... wow.11:06
abhishekpathakionite: the best bet for you is to use 10.04 LTS for now11:06
auronandaceionite: xfce can be themed too (beauty is in the eye of the beholder)11:06
abhishekpathakand in a couple of months when 11.10 is released switch to that11:06
dmtarmeygood day chat room is there anyone who can help with with issue with flash in firefox i cant get it to work11:06
icerootionite: lxde if you want a good gui without useless stuff like on gnome3, kde4, unity11:07
hamedlllwhere can i download ubuntu player codecs?11:07
ioniteabhishekpathak: but now i'm on 11.04.11:07
theadminhamedlll: apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras11:07
abhishekpathakionite: may i also recommend linux mint to you? its based on ubuntu,makes it even more user friendly and now has taken over ubuntu in popularity on distrowatch11:07
ioniteiceroot: auronandace abhishekpathak theadmin : honestly i've spent alot of time while moving over from windows. i don't regret but just get stucked at many 'what happened?" and compatibility problems.11:08
abhishekpathakionite: i will seriously go sugggest you try linux mint katya11:08
Sidewinder1ionite, Another invaluable resource for info is searching http://ubuntuforums.org.11:08
abhishekpathakit will make you comfortable11:08
Sonderbladein ubuntu lucid, how do you install the w32codecs package?11:08
abhishekpathakionite: use it for a couple of months11:08
abhishekpathakionite: by that time you will be able to make your own desicions i trust11:09
ioniteif some of u guys have noticed. i've been so regularly desparately asking for help in #ubutu11:09
blromwhat is the next ubuntu and when will it be out?11:09
auronandace!manual | ionite11:09
ubottuionite: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/11:09
icerootauronandace: ubuntu is still on 111:09
icerootauronandace: sorry wrong nick11:09
compdocblrom, new version comes out every 6 months11:09
theadminblrom: 11.10, and it will be out in, well, october 201111:09
icerootabhishekpathak: ubuntu is still on 111:09
auronandaceiceroot: np, i checked it too11:10
isydorhi, {lucid, 945GM} -> switching from console (ctrl-alt-f1) to display (alt-f7) results in only the mouse cursor displayed, the rest being working (could click the links in firefox) but all black. sudo service gdm restart required to put things in order. Any advice?11:10
dmtarmeyhi i have been trying to use a plugin to firefox which sort out issues with flash but this plugin dosnt work with firefox 6+ i need to install firefox 5 how can i do this pls11:10
abhishekpathakiceroot: did it come back up?mint was #1 some days back...there was quite a lot of hoopla on that as well11:10
ionitethanks everyone for u help!!! i really appreciate it11:10
icerootabhishekpathak: seems like a come back11:10
Sidewinder1!codecs > Sonderblade11:10
ubottuSonderblade, please see my private message11:10
abhishekpathakiceroot: nope.check out for last 30 days.11:11
abhishekpathakiceroot: what you are seeing is for last 6 months11:11
Sonderbladeubottu: you suck11:11
brontosaurusrex_what should i install to get "openssl development libraries"?11:11
icerootabhishekpathak: i think its because of unity...11:12
Xecuterhi! i need som help with installing gnome 3. Tried it twice, and i can log in to gnome 3 and it works fine, but when i reboot my computer hangs at Stopping System V runlevel compatibility. how can i fix this?11:12
brontosaurusrex_(node.js wants that)11:12
hiexpoopenssl dev11:12
icerootXecuter: on 11.04?11:12
abhishekpathakiceroot: last 7 days again ubuntu on top,probably due to its beta11:12
icerootabhishekpathak: yes i think so too11:13
Xecutericeroot: yes :)11:13
abhishekpathakiceroot: thing is,ubuntu and mint are pretty neck to neck now11:13
Sidewinder1!gnome3 | Xecuter11:13
ubottuXecuter: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.11:13
theadminXecuter: Gnome3 is currently not supported.11:13
icerootabhishekpathak: but more important is bug 1 in launchpad11:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111:14
Xecutertheadmin: so you wont help me here?11:14
abhishekpathakXecuter: ubuntu is planning to move to systemd , probably the problem is due to that11:14
abhishekpathakXecuter: oneiric replacing a lot of stuff like /var/lock with /lock, gdm with lightdm,init.d with systemd.In such a case gnome3 will have to be modded to run on ubuntu11:15
Younderabhishekpathak, inetd?11:15
abhishekpathakYounder: i did not get you11:15
abhishekpathakiceroot: isnt bug no 1 regarding microsoft?11:15
Xecuterabhishekpathak: wasnt the plan to implement gnome 3 in 11.10?11:15
icerootabhishekpathak: yes11:16
abhishekpathakXecuter: if anything they are dropping gnome support officially in 11.1011:16
abhishekpathakiceroot: i do not buy into the microsoft hate thing.They do certain things well for certain kind of people.i dont see a problem with that11:16
Younderabhishekpathak, ps aux | grep systemd gives only the grep command11:17
icerootabhishekpathak: free software is the point11:17
abhishekpathakiceroot: i use linux because i like it, not because i hate windows.Windows 7 infact is a pretty good product.11:17
icerootabhishekpathak: iphone is also a good product but.....11:17
abhishekpathakiceroot: more than free Software,what draws me to linux is its lego-like customisability11:17
abhishekpathakiceroot: infinite options11:18
ChrysalidSidewinder1: Changing the channel settings seems to be working right now. Thank you for the help. Have a good day everyone11:18
abhishekpathakiceroot: that is free as in speech is fine.I have no problems paying for good software.11:18
vltHello. Has anyone tried Canonical's Ubuntu Advantage? What does "desktop" mean there? One machine, one user, ...?11:18
icerootabhishekpathak: yes free as in free speech is the point, not free as in free beer11:18
icerootabhishekpathak: the second is nice but not the reason to use it11:19
abhishekpathakiceroot: those who feel iphone is great, i have no problems.I use android, and feel a lot restricted in iphone.11:19
Younderabhishekpathak, I paid for Mathematica and Wing IDE and I am fine with that11:19
abhishekpathakiceroot: exactly11:19
icerootabhishekpathak: the big point is the apple - samsung thing11:19
dmtarmeyanyone had issues with flash????????????????????????????????????????????11:19
icerootabhishekpathak: not the product itself11:19
Younderdmtarmey, works for me11:19
icerootabhishekpathak: same for microsoft11:19
icerootabhishekpathak: but i think we are getting off topic11:20
abhishekpathakiceroot: apple,samsung and microsoft all have their own business stategies11:20
dmtarmeyYounder ok what browser us using11:20
meta-coderHey abhishekpathak..11:20
Younderdmtarmey, chromium and firefox11:20
dmtarmeywhat versions pls11:20
abhishekpathakiceroot: as long as they dont force their products down our throat like MS does with pre-installed windows on laptops etc, i have no problems11:20
abhishekpathakmeta-coder: hi11:21
ioniteabhishekpathak: i'm back and i'm now facing a problem with xsane11:21
Younderdmtarmey, they are always kept up to date.. latest11:21
Tallcan i help me? about programms irc mode text?11:21
dmtarmeywhat version of flash you installed pls11:21
abhishekpathakionite: Xsane? neva heard of that.let me google11:22
ioniteabhishekpathak: scanning software11:22
Younderdmtarmey, 12.0.742.112 (90304) Ubuntu 11.04 for Chromium11:22
ioniteabhishekpathak: any other scanning software u recommend?11:22
abhishekpathakionite: sorry man.never used a scanner with linux.maybe someone else will be better qualified to answer your question.11:23
Younderdmtarmey, 6.0.1 for firefox11:23
abhishekpathakionite: and dont get discouraged.Scanners DEFINITELY work under ubuntu.yours will too.Its just that i do not have knowledge on that topic.11:24
dmtarmeyok ill try that i have mazilla pluging or 10 as options in my list11:24
Younderdmtarmey, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/flash11:24
ioniteabhishekpathak: it's just frustrating to go to terminal, google for many devices. like my blackberry too11:24
icerootabhishekpathak: or software-patents?11:24
Younderdmtarmey, Flashplayer 201111:25
icerootionite: for scanner support visit the sane projekt homepage11:25
abhishekpathakionite: you have hardware that _hates_ linux.accepted,hardware compatibility is one of the problems of linux11:25
ioniteabhishekpathak: i don't mind if it's once and for all it fixes it.11:25
abhishekpathakionite: that however does not mean that most hardware is unsupported.most hardware works one way or the other.11:26
ioniteabhishekpathak: but sometimes the bugs makes me depart from environment to other environ and i usually prefer a clean installion11:26
abhishekpathakionite: cheers.that will indeed be the case.just be a little patient11:26
Younderabhishekpathak, OHH you probably have 64 bit ubuntu?11:26
abhishekpathakionite: the bugs are rarely environment dependent.11:26
abhishekpathakYounder: no i have a 32-bit laptop11:26
StanleyPTPionite: have you visited their maker (scanner) website. My friend uses brother all-in-one. He need the brscan2 from brother.11:27
ioniteabhishekpathak: btw, how do i check out my last 10 commands in terminal?11:27
abhishekpathakiceroot: what about software patents11:27
abhishekpathakionite: keep on pressing the up arrow11:27
ioniteStanleyPTP: yes i know but the problem is that i added to line to my rules.d and it still can't work. it used to work but not now aymore.11:27
icerootabhishekpathak: they also force you to do something (or not to do something)11:27
Dr_Willisionite:  the history command shows a list.11:27
abhishekpathakionite: or type "history" to get a long list11:27
icerootionite: history11:27
dmtarmeyYounder cheers ill try that11:27
MeirDHow can I print the return value of a scp command in the terminal window?11:28
tokamhello, I accidentaly deleted my ecrypt password.11:28
abhishekpathakionite: or press ctrl+r and begin typing.the terminal will check for previous commands from history based on whatever you have typed till then.11:28
tokamis there a way to recover?11:28
jribtokam: no11:29
tokam( :D11:29
jribtokam: what did you delete exactly?11:29
tokammv /home/user /home/user_backup11:29
tokammkdir /home/user11:29
tokamecryptefs-setup-privet -u user --force11:30
tokam****** //that is what I did :)11:30
jribtokam: I don't know the specifics of that command11:30
meta-coderabhishekpathak: In other news, Ind 168/2 (33.2 ovrs)11:31
BluesKajhiyas all11:32
abhishekpathakmeta-coder: make that 172/211:32
meta-coderabhishekpathak: :)11:32
=== techhelp_ is now known as techhelper1
ioniteabhishekpathak: hwy can't i open RPM files?11:33
Dr_WillisMeirD:  most shell commands set their return value in a env variable you could print. I cant recall the special variable however. It would be in the bash guides.11:33
ioniteabhishekpathak: http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/download_scn.html11:33
icerootionite: ubuntu is not based on rpm, its based on deb-files. please dont use rpm files11:33
Jeanbeaudrillardthere's a prog to open them i believe11:33
icerootJeanbeaudrillard: alien11:33
auronandace!packages | ionite11:33
ubottuionite: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!11:33
Jeanbeaudrillardrpm is for redhat mandriva fedora etc11:34
ioniteiceroot: what's RPM for?11:34
icerootionite: red hat package manager11:34
laurusDoes anyone know of a simple GTK or Qt timer application where one can start and stop the timer ticking down with a button press?11:34
Jeanbeaudrillardit's a  package manager11:34
ioniteiceroot: http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/download_scn.html11:34
ioniteiceroot: but i was given rpm files by my support website.11:34
icerootionite: use the deb-files for ubuntu11:35
StevenRlaurus: I had an alarm app. You might search for it in apt/synaptic11:35
Jeanbeaudrillarddpgk is way better imo11:35
laurusStevenR: What was it called?11:35
StevenRlaurus: it also did countdown... I don't remember it's name, but "alarm" as a search string will probably yield it11:35
laurusThanks StevenR :)11:36
ioniteiceroot: why can't Xsane work with my scanner? i've already added a line to my rules.d11:36
cristian_cI've got a keyboard called Media Wireless Desktop by Labtec. I tried to set the keyboard shortcuts directly from the Applications-> Settings-> Xfce4 settings manager -> Keyboard-> Applications shortcuts. I clicked on Add and for example I typed the command 'evolution'. I pressed Ok and then the system asked me to type the key on the keyboard. In this case the key was correctly recognized as XF86Mail and has been i11:36
cristian_cncluded in the list of shortcuts. But if I press the mail key, it always happens the same problem, that instead of opening evolution, the pc goes into stand-by. Is anyone able to understand what the problem is due? I even tried keytouch editor and it recognized the keys. But after setting up the keyboard with keytouch, if I press the 'mail' key, the PC goes always on standby for no reason11:36
icerootionite: depending on the scanner, normally you just need the driver11:36
Jeanbeaudrillardmust be a driver prob11:36
StevenRlaurus: a quick search suggests "alarm-clock"11:37
_vikingi am trying to get my canon printer to work, but there is no info on the web about it11:37
_vikingit is a scanner, fax, photo printer, printer, cd printer11:37
ioniteiceroot: i get this xsane failed to open device invalid argument11:37
Jeanbeaudrillardi just plug my printer and it automaticly install the correct driver11:37
ioniteiceroot: i remember some weeks ago i added a line in my rules.d and it work.11:37
Dr_Willis_viking:  canon often has very poor or no linux support for many of their printers.11:38
_vikingdr_willis why is that, can't ubuntu sort that out11:38
_vikingcanon makes the best printers11:38
laurusStevenR: Yes I just installed that but it doesn't seem to have any stopwatch feature.11:38
Dr_Willis_viking:  it has nothing to do with ubuntu.. canon is the one not supporting the os.. and personally i will never buy canon again. i find theur printers and devices to be .. well.. junk.11:39
StevenRcristian_c: sounds like there may be an existing keyboard shortcut defined.11:39
Dr_Willis_viking:  if canon wont release the specs.. linux driver makers cant do much except try to reverse engineere things.11:39
_vikingdr_willis i understand the point about canon not supporting free software, but there is no way in hell you can call anything made by canon junk11:40
_vikingthey make the BEST printers and cameras11:40
cristian_cStevenR, thanks for your answer. How can I discover it?11:40
laurus_viking, yeah I agree. Can you switch printers though?11:40
Dr_Willis_viking:  I can call the canon printer i have junk..  its now sitting in the closet....11:40
Dr_WillisI will stick to my Brother brand printer for a long time.11:40
_vikinglaurus luckily the printer has an lcd screen and can print form a flash drive, so i dont really need to connect it to a computer11:41
laurus_viking, I recommend Brother printers if you want a GNU/Linux compatible printer.11:41
laurus_viking, oh well there yo go :911:41
Dr_Willisproblem solved. :)11:42
Jeanbeaudrillardgood then :)11:43
samuelsappsfor cannon printer you must some extra effort to find the driver for linux, my friend have experience that he once find canon printer, he find it on canon europe website11:44
Dr_Willissamuelsapps:  if the driver even exists. took over a year for the linux driver for my canon to even   get released. :) then it dident work right.11:44
Dr_Willisthen the printer broke...11:45
=== vicking2 is now known as _viking
enrryanyone knows how to make flash player point to pulseaudio?11:46
_vikingi don't like sikhs abinav_singh you towel headed bastard11:47
45PAAKZ56hi all11:47
=== 45PAAKZ56 is now known as BlackScop1
BlackScop1i have problems with ubuntu since update11:47
Jeanbeaudrillardhello there !!11:48
BlackScop1the new linux headers was installed and now i cannot boot11:48
samuelsappsfirst i'm not from canon guy :D, my friend have experience with canon iR2016 i don't know if this type old type, sorry my english bad11:48
BlackScop1i see first the plymouth and after this i have just black screen11:48
_vikingabhinav_singh, i bet your greasy yellow jaundice looking skin smells like curry and foul sweat11:48
theadmin_viking: That was rather rude.11:50
_vikingoh, sorry about that11:50
dpyhi guys11:50
Jeanbeaudrillardthis is a multicultural channel :)11:50
meta-coderI was disconnected. Please reply again. I want the generic drivers for connecting ADSL modem via USB to Ubuntu 11. Please help.11:51
_vikingmulticultural: look at fbi race statistics on crime. look at the ten most wanted in the usa, canada, and the uk. most of them are not caucasian. then look where i live, zimbabwe, where as a white who built the country, i get blamed for all the problems, and then they steal our farms and buisinesses and called it "indiginisation"11:52
dpyI'm trying to open a backed up file containing an aes-256 encrypted ext2 filesystem (it was created years ago using cryptoloop). But now It seems that ubuntu doesn't come with the aes-256 kernel module anymore... Does anyone know an easy route for getting the aes-256 kernel module?  (Without compiling my own kernel, please)11:52
Gentoo64_viking, where are you from?11:52
Dr_Willisgeneric drivers? I imagine they would be included by default meta-coder .11:52
Jeanbeaudrillard_viking, i understand i from france btw11:53
_vikinggentoo64 zimbabwe11:53
_vikingused to be rhodesia11:53
Gentoo64no seriously11:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:53
oCean_viking: please behave11:53
meta-coderDr_Willis: Ubuntu doesn't properly work with the modem. What driviers should I try?11:53
Dr_Willisdpy:  well an old ubuntu live-cd  might  be of some help.    in theory if the module is  still in the kernel code. you could just recompile the kernel module. not the whole kernel.11:53
Gentoo64i remember getting banned from here for saying "u" instead of "you"11:53
JeanbeaudrillardmUgabe must love linux haha11:54
Dr_Willismeta-coder:  no idea.  Ive never needed a driver for my cable modem. but ive never used asdl.11:54
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE11:54
dpyDr_Willis: is there a reason for there to still be a aes kernel module (128) and not a 256?     Maybe it was never put in because it may be illegal in some countries?11:54
Gentoo64meta-coder, does it have a usb and ethernet port?11:54
dpyDr_Willis: I was hoping to hear that I just need an extra repo, and apt-get install something11:55
Dr_Willisdpy:  no idea. - ive never really gotten into disk/file encryption.11:55
Dr_Willisdpy:  when in doubt check the forums and askubuntu.com - there maybe some easy work around.11:55
improveuponfirefox keeps crashing my os. i have 4 gb of memory. when it crashes, the system cannot detect a hard drive and you have to manually cold boot & then it is fine. i will paste the error messages (which i had to copy by hand) if you send me that url for pasting.11:56
=== viking2 is now known as _vikingSUPERBADL
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:57
Jeanbeaudrillardimproveupon, hi there what version do u have ?11:57
improveuponthanks again to those of you provinding support11:57
Jeanbeaudrillardi have 3.6.2111:57
Gentoo64improveupon, try deleting the ff profile11:58
LasersI have been entrusted with an important USB stick. It seems to be broken or corrupted. I plugged in. "fdisk -l" revealed nothing. What else can I possibly do?11:58
Gentoo64dno why itd crash the whole sys11:58
improveuponmy version of firefox is whatever is in the ubuntu repositories11:58
=== _vikingSUPERBADL is now known as _vikingLAG
Dr_WillisI would wonder if its not a hard drive issue  causing FF and the os to trcah...11:58
OerHeksor memory ..11:59
Lasersimproveupon: Use chromium. Firefox is bloated. ;<   But don't let that stop you.11:59
Jeanbeaudrillardok i see must be some o the latest then cuz there is like bunch o them (firefox 6 7 and even nightly 8 )11:59
StevenRLasers: do you get a device node? what does dmesg show for the usb device? (pastebin the relevant dmesg info please)11:59
Jeanbeaudrillardwhat about opera it works well on linux11:59
improveuponi have already purged firefox, deleted ~/.mozilla, and reinstalled it. note: before i did that it would crash like this as soon as i started firefox. now it takes a while.11:59
LasersStevenR: Okay. Hold on.11:59
Jeanbeaudrillardand u can use adblock 211:59
=== jason is now known as Guest8194
improveuponbut it is not because firefox is hogging memory. i want to diagnose this. i will paste the error messages...12:00
Jeanbeaudrillardtry installing a version from the firefox site and not the repositories one12:00
antonio_ciao a tt12:00
_vikingLAGwhy does the update manager prompt me to install updates when $ apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade says my system is up to date12:00
codemagicianI bought a logitech M305 mouse and its way too sensitive in Ubuntu 11.04.. any suggestions?12:00
Gentoo64codemagician, yes, turn the sens down12:01
improveuponalso note: windows vista is dual-booting on the same machine and it never crashes12:01
Myrtti_vikingLAG: because upgrade doesn't upgrade all the packages12:01
improveuponexcept for the usual windows issues12:01
Myrtti_vikingLAG: (necessarily)12:01
codemagicianGentoo64, even with it down to near zero its stupid12:01
Jeanbeaudrillardciao signore12:01
Myrtti!it | antonio_12:01
ubottuantonio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:01
Gentoo64codemagician, try typing xset m 0 0 in the terminal12:01
improveuponsmart data shows hd health at 98% (admittedly i do not know what that means)12:02
Jeanbeaudrillardou est le channel francais ?12:02
Myrtti!fr > Jeanbeaudrillard12:02
_vikingLAGMyrtti but when i use both apt and then the update manager, it breaks, packages return errors trying to install12:02
ubottuJeanbeaudrillard, please see my private message12:02
improveuponit should not be a hard drive issue. i thought it was for a while12:02
_vikingLAGi guess it means just use one or the other?12:02
codemagicianGentoo64, nothing apparently changed12:02
JeanbeaudrillardMyrtti, great tx !!12:02
Gentoo64improveupon, it means nothing. i know people who have had 1% health running without errors for years12:02
luiteimproveupon: hmm, percentages don't mean much12:02
Dr_Willisimproveupon:  windows could be reading from the 'good' parts of the hd.. while linux maybe on a part with failing sectors.. so thats not really proof.. You Could ssh into the box and watch the kernel logs  while its running and hope to catch why its crashing. You could test with differnt browsert to try to prove its a ff issue.12:02
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.12:03
bjhaidplease how do i open .vsd files in ubuntu?12:03
_vikingLAGMyrtti if i am just using apt-get upgrade will my system be secure?12:03
luiteimproveupon: but you can check the data for read errors or reallocated sectors.12:03
Gentoo64_vikingLAG, why not use the gui12:03
BluesKaj_vikingLAG, the update manager isn't reliable in my experience , best to stick with the command line12:03
_vikingLAGGentoo64 apt gives accurate download speeds and time12:03
Jeanbeaudrillardnever had prob with it though12:04
StevenRbjhaid: Visio? You could run visio with wine, otherwise you're probably out of luck.12:04
StevenRbjhaid: alternatively, convert the files to PDF with visio and view those? (or ask the sender to do so)12:04
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:04
Fudge_vi king lag i just do not know12:05
LasersStevenR: http://pastebin.com/8c8VEGuf12:05
bjhaidStevenR: really not too cool with wine, switched to windows though, but think there should be a linux alternative12:05
TintiHello, I have just done an applet called "rebootin" for gnome-panel in python12:05
Onlyodinbjhaid, +1 for wine & visio here12:05
StevenRbjhaid: well, time to write one then.12:05
LasersStevenR: The USB stick is only 2GB. It does not show up on any Linux or Mac system. Ho ho.12:05
_vikingLAGFudge i bet i'd kick the hell out of you in a scrap12:05
_vikingLAGsorry to say12:05
Fudge_vikingLAG  dude i agree, ill leave the scraps to you12:06
oCean!coc | _vikingLAG Please have a read of our Code of Conduct.12:06
ubottu_vikingLAG Please have a read of our Code of Conduct.: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct12:06
TintiThe aim of this app is to chose in which operating system you would like to boot. Do anybody else want it? I really would like to improve it.12:06
_vikingLAGFudge i am a mixed martial arts fighter, the only scraps left will be your teeth crawling out of your arse hole12:06
codemagicianany suggestions for a mouse that's way too sensitive even on the lowest settings in Ubuntu 11.04?12:07
JasefOoh. So happy to be on XChat instead of Empathy... it sucks as an IRC client. Is there an ubuntu channel around for chat instead of support?12:07
Jeanbeaudrillardthat indian dude just PM me lol12:07
LasersTinti: Any experience with linux? Zero. Ubuntu. That's it.12:07
jamiewan _vikingLAG i'd kick the shit out of u wanker piss off12:07
Gentoo64_vikingLAG, your just a weedy little boy behind a keyboard12:07
oCeanjamiewan: stop it please12:07
Jeanbeaudrillardyou can talk to me here singh12:07
oCean_vikingLAG: please drop the offtopic12:07
LasersJasef: #ubuntu-offtopic12:07
Jeanbeaudrillardwhy in private ?12:07
_vikingLAGlol, sorry for being a keyboard warrier, i'll leave the fights to the ring12:07
Dr_WillisTinti:  ive seen similer features. :) just never noticed it on ubuntu. Grub2 has a command line way to set it.12:07
BluesKaj_vikingLAG, you think you're some kind of tough guy , easy to brag in a chat channel where you don't have to backup your BS12:08
LasersTinti: Nevermind. I misread your statement. ;X12:08
JasefLasers: ty :)12:08
oCeanBluesKaj: please don't continue that12:08
codemagiciansome help me with my mouse?12:08
* nnull walks into the chatroom with a taser12:08
codemagicianM305 logitech12:09
pandawhat's up12:09
codemagicianwireless mouse super sensitive12:09
Gentoo64codemagician, not sure why the sens sliders not doing anything12:09
StevenRLasers: I don't see it in there. Does it create a device node?12:09
=== panda is now known as Guest28747
oCeanJeanbeaudrillard: stop that immediately12:09
FudgeoCean  i think the problem may actually be viking and not the people who are commenting on his behaviour12:09
Gentoo64codemagician, does the sens slider make any difference at all?12:09
=== Guest28747 is now known as panda``
Jeanbeaudrillardsorry there12:09
BluesKajoCean, wel, it had to be said ..the guy's BS has been tolersted in here long enough, no one took him to task for his racial remarks earlier ...and you're picking on me ?12:09
_vikingLAGBluesKaj i was deported back to zimbabwe from vancouver, canada for "serious and organized criminality" for drugs and firearms offences. google "united nations gang vancouver"12:09
jamiewanoCean: why hasn't that fool been tossed out yet?12:09
Gentoo64no admins in i take it?12:09
codemagicianGentoo64, they are, but the top end it sooo fast12:09
LasersStevenR: That's it. The USB is probably dead. I wanted to know how I can recover anything that's on it. It powered up briefly when plugged. It's damaged or corrupted or EOL, etc.12:10
Jeanbeaudrillardi just tried a irc command nothing to worry12:10
* Fudge claps and roars12:10
panda``you know the top right hand toolbar12:10
oCeannow, please move on12:10
panda``the one with the sound icon12:10
Gentoo64codemagician, hang on12:10
panda``what's that called?12:10
FloodBot1panda``: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:10
Gentoo64codemagician, is there a high dpi on the mouse?12:10
* Fudge moves to the bottom of the channel12:10
Onlyodinpanda``, indicator panel12:10
theadminpanda``: "Indicator Applet", I beleive12:10
LasersStevenR: I'm just seeing to see if I can recover something out of it. If not, I'll tell her "Whoops. Sorry, I can't do anything. I tried."12:10
codemagicianGentoo64, i chose this mouse as its got a standard laser12:10
codemagicianGentoo64, I had trouble with the high dpi ones12:10
Onlyodinor Indicator Applet, that's good too.12:10
Dr_WillisLasers:  theres the ddrescue tool. that mightbe able to recover stuff..12:10
codemagicianGentoo64, but I have a feeling I may have set some settings on this machine a long time ago12:11
LasersDr_Willis: Yes. -- but "fdisk -l" does not register it.12:11
codemagicianGentoo64, from the command line12:11
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Gentoo64codemagician, not sure then. the sens slider set to bottom should be lowest sens for your dpi. you can use xset or xinput to disable the accel completely but that didnt help you either12:11
Gentoo64so no idea :s12:11
StevenRLasers: well, you could check it physically. If it's been flexed/bent, then the pins might be able to be resoldered. The most stressed part of a usb stick is where the usb connector joins the circuit board. Unfortunately, this is also the weakest part of most usb sticks12:11
Dr_WillisLasers:   then you mightbe out of luck. You could try tricks like sticking it in the freezer for a hr.... and so on.. :) but this is a usb FLASH or a usb HARD drive?12:11
codemagicianits going screwy now also12:11
codemagicianthe pointer keep jumping12:12
theadminLasers: That'd be "sudo fdisk -l" unless you are root. I hope you are aware of that.12:12
LasersDr_Willis: USB Flash Drive.12:12
nnulli like turtles12:12
theadmincodemagician: Does it work on any other OSes?12:12
improveuponi have now pasted the error messages from firefox; again, they were copied by hand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/681157/12:12
oCeannnull: do you have a support question?12:12
codemagiciantheadmin, yes works fine on my windows xp doorstop12:12
Laserstheadmin: Yes, I'm aware of it. Just saving few letters. :P12:12
theadminnnull: So we herd you like turtles so we put a turtle in your turtle so you can chat while you #ubuntu-offtopic12:13
panda``how do I make a program start of Start up12:13
panda``Evolution Mail to be exact12:13
theadminnnull: For short, please use #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support questions12:13
theadminpanda``: System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications12:13
panda``thanks :)12:13
codemagicianit there a way to revert to the standard ubuntu xinput settings for the ouse12:13
Gentoo64codemagician, they dont stick12:14
LasersStevenR: Common Black USB -- SanDisk Cruzer with that annoying U3 crap. It seems to be in excellent shape. No signs of scratches or bent metal.12:14
Gentoo64codemagician, unless set mnaually at startup12:14
codemagicianGentoo64, the whole mouse behaves jittery and jumpy with super acceleration12:15
StevenRLasers: can you find a pic online of it?12:15
codemagicianbut on windows xp its sweet12:15
StevenRLasers: I've broken a lot of usb sticks apart to do data recovery (one of the "magic" parts of a previous job being a school sysadmin)12:16
Gentoo64codemagician, xset m 0 0 and the sens slider to the bottom really should take all the speed and accel off. no idea what else to suggest :s12:16
LasersStevenR: http://goo.gl/lVUgC -- I'm putting it in a freezer. :312:16
Gentoo64codemagician, have you got another mouse to try in ubuntu? only thing i can htink of it that its wireless...12:17
codemagicianGentoo64, this mouse is wireless. my dell wired mouse works fine.12:17
Laserscodemagician: Mouse Preference? Change that?12:17
codemagicianGentoo64, there is another issue. the pointer jumps and reappears on the screen12:18
Gentoo64codemagician, then its something with the mouse, not uubntu settings. i reckon its something to do with wireless, its always inferior12:18
StevenRLasers: putting it in a freezer won't help you.12:18
StevenRLasers: however, you could open it up. If it's dead, you've nothing to lose.12:18
codemagicianGentoo64, you think another person with a wireless mouse?12:18
LasersStevenR: I'll need permissions to do so. Okay. Supposedly I open it up, what's the next step? Outline them all, please.12:19
codemagicianGentoo64, but it works fine on my windows xp12:19
Gentoo64codemagician, i cant see why its happening. wireless mosue should work fine..12:19
meta-coderWhere are the C libraries saved in Ubuntu?12:19
codemagicianGentoo64, in ubuntu it skips and keeps reappears ten miles left12:19
Gentoo64codemagician, are you on 11.04? using classic?12:19
codemagicianGentoo64, using 11.04 with gnome desktop12:20
Gentoo64codemagician, unity?12:20
codemagicianGentoo64, i switch off unity12:20
Gentoo64ok i was gona say rule that out12:20
improveuponif anyone just entering would be interested in hearing about my firefox situation (system detects no hard drive!) and seeing the error messages please say so, and thanks again12:20
Gentoo64codemagician, does dmesg say anything regarding the mouse?12:20
StevenRLasers: basically, the usb connector attaches to the little circuit board with 4 pins. you're looking for signs that those might be damaged, or electrical connectivity lost. You could also try holding it in a usb port at a flexed angle and seeing if that helps. I've re-soldered usb sticks.12:22
kanhahow to move to past state of a file using bazaar12:22
codemagiciani wonder if it's the mouse battery12:22
Angelahow to get started with bug fixing12:22
panda_can I force a program to start up minimised?12:23
StevenRLasers: but if it's not detected by the system, then your only option is a physical inspection/resolder/holding. If that doesn't work, then the chip is probably dead.12:23
theadminpanda_: Maybe if your window manager has a way to do something like that12:23
Gentoo64codemagician, couldwell be!12:23
StevenRLasers: and unfortunately, if the chip is dead, your friend gets to learn a tough lesson :(12:24
matrixiumnwhich is best ubuntu or mint?12:24
theadminmatrixiumn: Look, you are in #ubuntu.12:24
theadminmatrixiumn: What do you expect us to answer?12:24
Myrttimatrixiumn: this is an Ubuntu channel, what do you expect us to answer?12:24
theadminmatrixiumn: I myself would answer "Mint", but most would say Ubuntu here12:24
Jeanbeaudrillardmint by far12:24
BluesKaj!polls | matrixiumn12:24
ubottumatrixiumn: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:24
nmepntgrmis there a stable version of gnome 3 for lucid?12:24
LasersStevenR: I plugged it in. It went on for a second. Is that an indicator of working power? Also, did you see line #501? That may indicate something. Yeah. I think she save everything on USB -- and does not know that it have short span life. DUnno.12:24
Jeanbeaudrillardmint is more user friendly12:25
matrixiumnsorry for caps12:25
theadmin!mintsupport | matrixiumn12:25
ubottumatrixiumn: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:25
Onlyodinmatrixiumn, slackware.12:25
kanhaangel:i think you should try bazzar tutorial for bug fixing....12:25
StevenRLasers: line 501 of what?12:25
matrixiumnok sorry12:25
LasersStevenR: The pastebin result.12:25
LasersStevenR: [825599.062305] SLUB: Unable to allocate memory on node -1 (gfp=0x20)12:25
matrixiumnand i'm not going to start a poll here12:25
Lasersmatrixiumn: Either! That's my answer!12:26
nmepntgrmis there a stable version of gnome 3 for lucid?12:26
theadminOnlyodin: That's not a proper possible output of "ubuntu ? ubuntu : mint"12:26
theadminnmepntgrm: No.12:26
Lasersnmepntgrm: No. Lucid is LTS. Stable. Gnome3 isn't stable.12:26
nmepntgrmok ill stick with my current12:27
ionitewhat scanning software can i use?12:27
ionitei need it to be compatible to my brother scanner.12:27
OnlyodinYeah, stable gnome3 is an oxymoron.12:27
Jeanbeaudrillardionite, Xscan ?12:27
Angelakanha:ya sure12:27
ioniteJeanbeaudrillard: what's the different from Xsane?12:28
StevenRLasers: not sure what that means12:28
Jeanbeaudrillardoh sorry i made a typo i wanted to wrote xsane12:28
kanhaangela:best of luck :)12:28
StevenRLasers: working power means two of the pins work. There are still two data pins that may, or may not, work.12:28
Jeanbeaudrillarddon't know other scan apps though :s12:29
LasersStevenR: Me either. Well, I'll ask since it seems like a total loss. To be honest, the USB stick looks perfect and intact. I can look inside the stick and look at an angle. :)12:30
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga12:31
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anadonhey, how do I tell 'make' to use multiple threads?12:33
theadminanadon: make -j5 (where 5=number of those thingies) I beleive12:34
anadonwill that setting stay?12:35
psycho_oreosdoubt it, not unless you may set env varible or something like that12:35
anadonhow do I get it to stay?  I know in gentoo there was some setting to set it permenently12:35
Onlyodingentoo compiles significantly more software too12:36
theadminanadon: I know, yeah, MAKEOPTS12:36
theadminanadon: I think you can set that environment variable in your .bashrc here, not sure though12:36
anadonis that just a hidden file in my home?12:36
theadminanadon: Yep12:36
theadminanadon: If that won't work, in the same place do: alias make="make -j5"12:37
theadminThat's a stupid solution, naturally, but hey12:37
panda_theadmin, what ubuntu version do you use12:38
panda_I'm thinking of using GLX-dock12:38
anadonI'm not seeing a setting in the file.  Do I just enter 'make -j9'?12:38
TintiHere the links for the reboot in: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/193872/applet.py  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/193872/GNOME_PythonAppletSample.server12:38
panda_would you reccomend deviating from the stock standard bar?12:38
theadminanadon: That's just a bash script... At the end of a file, type: export MAKEOPTS='-j9'12:38
theadminpanda_: I don't use Ubuntu.12:39
panda_what do you use?12:39
theadminpanda_: Arch12:39
panda_what do you prefer in Arch over ubuntu?12:39
theadminpanda_: It's offtopic in this channel, but... http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/The_Arch_Way ;)12:40
theadminanadon: Yep :)12:40
anadonI'm running into the same issue.  If I had more time to manage my machine, I'd add arch12:40
do0how can i resize the desktop panel please? where is the configuration file?12:41
techgloi want to know abt Android with Ubuntu platform ..?12:41
anadontheadmin: I think its going faster and the fans are running, thanks!12:42
panda_sounds very technical theadmin12:42
Stanley00do0: which ubuntu version do you use?12:42
do0Stanley00, 10.412:42
Stanley00do0: try right click and click settings or something like that?12:43
nmepntgrmdo0, resizing is in properties when you right click the oanel12:43
do0Stanley00, Just i like to know where the configuration file12:44
Stanley00do0: I think it is somewhere in gconf tools...12:44
zsh_da jia hao a12:45
theadminpanda_: It is, it doesn't even come with a GUI :P12:46
dmtarmeyhello iv got he following error can anyone tell me what to do  W:GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org natty InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783, W:Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 11.04 _Natty Narwhal_ - Release i386 (20110427.1)/kubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used12:46
dmtarmey to add new CD-ROMs12:46
dmtarmey, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.12:46
theadminpanda_: You just have to have good knowledge to run it. Let's get back on topic.12:46
panda_theadmin, badass12:46
Myrttidmtarmey: 1) you need to add the gpg key of medibuntu repo, 2) insert the installation disc in to the cd drive OR remove the cd from software sources.12:47
xanguadmtarmeyadd the nedibuntu key12:47
xanguathe medibuntu site says how12:47
dmtarmeyMyritti cheers any idea were i can find info on that?12:48
theadmin!caps | onyeex12:49
ubottuonyeex: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:49
onyeexONYEEX 412:49
onyeexHEY ANY ONE IN THER12:50
Myrttionyeex: NO, stop shouting.12:50
Myrttidmtarmey: the instructions for the gpg key are on the medibuntu site, as xangua said. the CD can removed by ticking a box (as far as I recall) in the Software Sources12:51
codemagicianhow to I make a screen recording with audio ?12:52
panda_so the default GUI12:54
panda_the Launcher12:54
panda_how do I get rid of that12:54
panda_I want to try out some different docks etc12:54
Johnny_GigglesCan you install programs onto a liveCD that is running entirely from RAM?  (ie not from hard disk)12:54
xangua!classic | panda_12:54
ubottupanda_: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".12:54
panda_cool, thanks12:55
DrPenguinHello there.. Currently I am running Ubuntu 11.04 64bit, I am trying to get my CPU into a happy running state (govenors all setup and what not) and I notice a few things.. even if I use cpufreq--selector to set C0 to ondemand, it constantly runs at 2.54ghz. Also.. my C3 is highlighted in this way: Avg residency 3.2ms (79.2%) with (frequencies) of 98.1%.. is this a bad thing?12:55
=== dsafds is now known as thesssxx
carreraGreetings! :)12:56
anadonDrPenguin:  what processor do you have?12:59
DrPenguinintel i5-480M I believe13:00
StevenRDrPenguin: cat /proc/cpuinfo will tell you13:00
anadonDrPenguin: that model does not change frequency13:00
DrPenguinM 460 actually13:00
anadonyou need a intel i7, or 2nd gen i5 or i713:00
StevenRanadon: really? my i3 changes frequency13:01
anadonStevenR: : is it 2nd gen?13:01
StevenRanadon: I'm not sure. It was new in January, if that's any guide.13:01
anadonStevenR: its 2nd gen13:01
Besogonhey! Does anyone know how to give permission for a user to run a program as an another user? I need "sudo -u #33 -g #33 vim file13:02
DrPenguinI know my CPU can change frequencies, I have done it on Arch Linux13:03
BesogonIt don't allow me to do so13:03
Gentoo64DrPenguin, do you mean when its idle?13:03
DrPenguinGentoo64: just in general. I like to have my cores on ondemand13:04
anadonO SHIT: http://kernel.org/ got comprimised13:04
Gentoo64old news13:04
anadonnew to me!13:04
jabermozer foker13:04
Gentoo64its all fine13:04
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:04
jaber!kick IdleOne13:05
ktwohig9howdy folks13:05
carreraMy Toshiba Qosmio x505, with  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M, keeps hanging with 11.04. It didn't do that with 10.04. Any ideas will be much appreciated13:06
StevenRBesogon: you need to edit your sudoers file with visudo (there may be a gui editor thing, but I don't know about that)13:06
jabergtx 460m for loosers13:06
BesogonStevenR, thanks13:06
michaelxqi'm having problems with my camera. I know i have to install r5u8xx but i don't know how13:06
Lucapunkciao a tutti13:07
michaelxqi'm having problems with my camera. I know i have to install r5u8xx but i don't know how and where to find it to be exact13:07
szal!it | Lucapunk13:07
ubottuLucapunk: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:07
shinsukehi. can a 64 bit cpu use a 32 bit ubuntu without any disadvantages? thanks.13:08
StevenRshinsuke: how much RAM?13:09
shinsukeStevenR, 4 gb13:09
Gentoo64use 64 bit13:09
Gentoo64why not?13:09
StevenRshinsuke: use 64bit Ubuntu13:09
szalshinsuke: then be sure to install the PAE kernel when using 32bit13:09
dmtarmeyMyritti thankyou iv sorted it, i still have original problem i can not get flash to play what ever i do.13:10
pandathat Notification Bar13:10
=== panda is now known as Guest22055
Guest22055how can I edit what it shows13:10
Guest22055what buttons activate what13:10
=== Guest22055 is now known as pand``
shinsukei needed partimage on a live boot cd which is only available under 32 bit. but when i wanted to install it is was not in synaptic.13:10
=== pand`` is now known as panda``
shinsukeso i just wondered if my 64 bit cpu caused the absence of the software in synaptic13:11
Gentoo64shinsuke, ive never used that, what about clonezilla?13:11
anadonHow does a package manager scan for other package dependancies?13:12
szalanadon: define 'other'13:12
shinsukeGentoo64, i want to save encrypted partitions which is a problem with clonezilla13:12
Johnny_GigglesIf I am running a liveCD, or a liveUSB that has no persistent storage allocation, can I nevertheless install programs and use them?  (Obviously they will be lost when I shutdown the computer)13:12
anadonother required packages/programs/libraries in order to install and run13:12
szalother in relation to what?13:13
StevenRJohnny_Giggles: no13:13
Gentoo64szal, in relation to the original package13:13
anadonszal: really?13:13
StevenRJohnny_Giggles: where would the programs install to? Actually, if you have enough ram it might work... time to try it :)13:13
carreraCan anyone tell me why My Toshiba Qosmio x505 keeps hanging with 11.04?  It didn't do that with 10.04.13:13
Gentoo64Johnny_Giggles, they install to ram yes it works13:13
michaelxqi'm having problems with my camera. I know i have to install r5u8xx but i don't know how and where to find it to be exact13:13
* szal doesn't see the use of the word 'other' in that sentence13:13
Johnny_GigglesStevenR: Well, it installs to RAM13:13
Johnny_GigglesGentoo64: can you confirm 100% that it works?13:14
StevenRJohnny_Giggles: try it and see?13:14
szalanadon: the package dependencies are listed in the package13:14
anadoncarrera: make a bug report13:14
abandersnatchso, is the next ubuntu going to have a regular application list like every other sane interface ever? Or are they going to keep this "touch friendly" stuff?13:14
Gentoo64Johnny_Giggles, yes. anything that dont require a reboot works13:14
anadonszal: they may not be right.  any way to do it dynamically?13:14
StevenRJohnny_Giggles: this assumes you have enough RAM to do that of course.13:14
Gentoo64Johnny_Giggles, you're already writing stuff to ram as you use the livecd. installing things isnt any different13:14
szalanadon: if they're not right, then file a bug13:14
Johnny_GigglesStevenR: I have 4 gigs13:15
anadonwhere are they in the source code?13:15
carreraanadon, ok. Thanks!13:15
anadonszal: where are they in the source code?13:15
StevenRJohnny_Giggles: should be fine for most things. Obviously you won't be able to install everything :)13:15
anadoncarrera: your welcome13:15
Gentoo64abandersnatch, theres other ubuntus like xubuntu etc that have a more standard look13:15
agustinCan anyoine tell me if under natty I can point to libreoffice ppa onearic to upgrade to 3.4.2?13:16
Jeanbeaudrillardlibreoffice is really goood13:16
abandersnatchgentoo64: I am well aware of that, but I have received so many complaints from users because of that its unreal. I also get complaints over the fact that they cant run the same application twice13:17
michaelxqi'm having problems with my camera. I know i have to install r5u8xx but i don't know how and where to find it to be exact13:17
agustinwill this actionbreak my system?13:17
Gentoo64abandersnatch, whats the problem? Unity? you can disable that13:17
xanguaagustin: mix repositories = bad idea13:17
agustinthanks xangua13:17
Gentoo64abandersnatch, the side bar thing? in gnome 3 you can hold ctrl and clik apps to open a new instance not sure if works on unity13:18
abandersnatchlet me ty13:18
Gentoo64abandersnatch, when you log in choose classic mode from the dropdown box youll prefer it13:18
abandersnatchnope, doesn't work in unity13:19
Gentoo64abandersnatch, use classic mode then13:19
Gentoo64its a bit like 10.1013:19
abandersnatchno, I do run gnome 2 normally. I just am wondering if they are fixing any of these problems in the next version13:19
ktwohig9ok got a ? Finally gonna do a real install of Ubuntu instead of my Wubi install. Sony F series I7 laptop - Should I go 32 bit or 64?13:19
agustinI guessed13:20
aeplusktwo, i would go 64-bit13:20
Gentoo64abandersnatch, i think they will do. but thats the reaosn a lot of people use classic because unity isnt very good13:20
agustinso, does anyone know when natty's libreoffice repositories will be updated?13:21
ktwohig9aeplus - thank you13:21
carrerawhich log should I look in for info after X (Gnome) hangs13:22
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abandersnatchlast time I was in ayatana when unity was first pushed one of the devs went on a rant of how much better it is to have giant icons, and to search for all your icons, and how normal people dont need to run the same application twice. I raged13:22
bazhangagustin, what version did you need? apart from security issues, they wont13:22
abandersnatchI was wondering if they rethought those things since, but I havnt tied the beta yet13:22
bazhang!ot | abandersnatch13:22
ubottuabandersnatch: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:22
aeplusi like unity, very screen real estate efficient13:22
abandersnatchunity is offtopic?13:23
Gentoo64how is it13:23
Jeanbeaudrillardnever heard o it i use mint but i might test it one day :p13:23
bazhangabandersnatch, ranting is13:23
Gentoo64unity takes up a load of screen space13:23
Jeanbeaudrillardis it based on ubuntu ?13:23
Gentoo64mint is the same basically13:23
Gentoo64but with different ui13:24
Gentoo64and some extra stuff13:24
abandersnatchI'm not ranting, I'm discussing the future of unity's development13:24
agustinbazhang, I'd like to upgrade to 3.4.2, I know it's available via .deb13:24
Jeanbeaudrillardok ireally like the last release of mint very well done13:24
bazhangabandersnatch, this is the wrong place for it; it's support13:24
IdleOneabandersnatch:  unity in the beta is offtopic for this channel. #ubuntu+1 is the proper channel.13:24
abandersnatchvery well13:24
IdleOnethank you.13:25
xanguaIdleOne: unity is the beta¿ o_O13:25
anadonwhere do I find the dependencies in a source package?13:25
michaelxqi'm having problems with my camera. I know i have to install r5u8xx but i don't know how and where to find it to be exact13:25
IdleOnexangua: he is talking about 11.1013:25
carrerahas anyone had any lockup or data loss problems with ext4?13:27
Stanley00carrera: nope. what's your problem?13:28
anadoncarrera: I haven't had any.  Its really a very nice fs13:28
BluesKajcarrera, not any that can be directly blamed on the file system13:28
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usr13anadon: Should be a readme, or you can just start compiling and it will tell you.  If it doesn't catch it then, (someimes the dependency is not essential to building the package) it will error out when it doesn't perform.13:29
panda_I really think I borked ubuntu13:29
usr13anadon: But there should be a list.13:29
michaelxqi'm having problems with my camera. I know i have to install r5u8xx but i don't know how and where to find it to be exact13:29
usr13panda_: What did you do?13:29
usr13!source | anadon13:30
ubottuanadon: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html13:30
panda_I wanted to get rid of Evolution mail13:30
panda_and replace it with Thunderbird13:30
anadonusr13: I looked at the 'README' and it mentions nothing13:30
carreraBluesKaj, thanks. I've had one data loss with 11.04 and at least 1 lockup every other day13:30
anadonubottu: I'm looking into how to make a package manager for proof of concept13:30
ubottuanadon: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:30
usr13anadon: There may be no dependencies.  Not all packages will.13:30
panda_because Thunderbird can start minimized13:30
panda_so I googled13:31
bazhang!enter | panda_13:31
ubottupanda_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:31
anadonusr13: I'm pretty sure dpkg (the source I got) has dependancies13:31
carreraBluesKaj, have you had the same problems?13:31
usr13anadon: Like I said, you'll find out.13:31
shinsukeit is said that the mbr is at the beginning of the disk. is this also true if the first partition is hidden or encrypted?13:31
panda_I'm not sure how to restore ubuntu back to it's original settings13:31
panda_besides re-installing13:31
IdleOnepanda_: that is the way13:31
usr13panda_: What have you done?13:31
IdleOneor undo the changes you did13:32
xanguapanda_: if it's unity, unity --reset or something like that i believe13:32
BluesKajcarrera, some , but most are probs with desktop graphics ,not any with the filesystem13:32
usr13panda_: What is wrong?13:32
panda_xangua, I think that pretty much fixed everything13:33
carreraBluesKaj,  I think it's the nVidia driver  for my GeForce GTX 460M too, but I can't verify it13:35
BluesKajcarrera, nvidia-current driver?13:36
szalthat's what it's supposed to use13:37
szalcarrera: dpkg -l *nvidia*13:37
carreraBluesKaj, yes, and I had trouble installing 11.04. I had to apt-get the driver manually13:38
carreraBluesKaj, szal, I had to do a text based install from the alternate CD13:38
szalcarrera: not that that'd be a problem..13:39
BluesKajcarrera, the default driver for nvidia is nouveau , you can install the nvidia-current driver from admin> addtional drivers13:39
carreraszal, No sir, I was just nagging!13:39
szalcarrera: anyhoo, 'dpkg -l *nvidia*' please13:39
carreraBluesKaj, thanks dude. I don't think that's what I have13:41
BluesKajcarrera, well check additonal drivers , there's a giu that let's you choose the recommended driver13:42
carreraBluesKaj, szal , nvidia-current 280.13-0ubuntu NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module13:42
szalso most current available13:42
BluesKajcarrera, that's the correct driver13:42
BluesKajmaybe your desktop is causing problems , carrera ...gnome3/shell/Unity , or whatever you use .13:44
carreraBluesKaj, what's nouveau then?13:45
auronandace!nouveau | carrera13:45
ubottucarrera: nouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default since Ubuntu 10.04. Currently, 3D rendering is only partially supported. More information can be found at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | See !nvidia for the closed-source Nvidia driver.13:45
BluesKajnouveau is the default nvidia driver , which provides a usable graphical desktop but without any "desktop effects", no 3D or DR, carrera13:46
carreraBluesKaj, szal, could it be Chromium?  Cause everytime my desktop crashed, I had both Firefox and Chromium open and I was switching desktops with13:46
BluesKajmore likely firefox13:47
jetscreamernouveau gave me unreadable console fonts13:47
carrerawhy does it say "This driver is activated but not currently in  use." at the bottom of Additional Drivers?13:48
BluesKajcarrera, ignore that message , it's abug13:50
* BluesKaj uses FF7beta. no probs so far ..also running 11.10 with KDE 4.713:50
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usr13shinsuke: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_Boot_Record13:51
carrerathanks BluesKaj!  How did you know that?13:51
carreraBluesKaj, szal , jetscreamer, what does it say, "No proprietary drivers in use on this system" at the top of my Additional Drivers?13:52
BluesKaj!proprietary | carrera13:53
BluesKaj!info proprietary | carrera13:54
ubottucarrera: Package proprietary does not exist in natty13:54
BluesKajcarrera, proprietary means from the maker/manufacturer/nvidia company etc13:54
Guest43506man... I haven't used irc in 3 years...13:54
Guest43506how do I change my Nickname?13:54
=== BluesKaj is now known as newnick
bazhang /nick newnick13:55
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carreraBluesKaj, szal  AND newnick, thanks for your help today!13:56
Guest43506 /nick furioshonen13:57
BluesKajcarrera, np :)13:57
Guest43506#/nick furioshonen13:57
BluesKajGuest43506, do it in the server textbox13:58
BluesKajGuest43506, no#13:58
apanagio\join #linux.sch.gr14:00
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Guest43506ahh... the sever textbox... 1st time using xchat... little different from mIRC14:01
devcalais< first time using IRC, 12 years of internet crawling and I can't believe I've never used it.14:02
Stanley00me too,14:02
Stanley00just know IRC when using Ubuntu :D14:02
BluesKajdevcalais, yeah , it is :)14:04
devcalaisUbuntu's been great to me, fresh install, first time using linux.14:04
devcalaisvery happy so far!14:04
invisiblekubuntu has come a long way, thats for sure14:04
devcalais.. except the software centre crashing. -_-14:04
invisiblek4.10 was great, but it was still a lot of work getting everything set up14:04
SvendbennoA quick question: How do i enable a GTK+ 3 theme in Ubuntu 11.04(gnome 2 shell)? I've downloaded the elementary theme from their launchpad site and extracted it to /usr/share/themes. The gtk+2 theme works fine, but not the gtk+3 theme :-(14:05
xanguaSvendbenno: because 11.04 uses gtk2, no 314:07
Svendbennoxangua: So there's no way to make GTK+ 3 apps look 'nice' in 11.04?14:08
xanguaSvendbenno: there are no gtk3 apps on 11.0414:09
xanguaif you mean you are using gnome3 ppa, i hope it is on a virtual machine ;)14:10
Svendbennoxangua: Well, i've installed the elementary switchboard-app(to develop plugs), isn't that made with gtk3?14:11
Lucapunka tutti14:11
kuchikuhow to disablet a hardware in ubuntu]14:11
Lucapunkspeak italina?14:11
oCean!it | Lucapunk14:11
bazhang!it | Lucapunk14:12
ubottuLucapunk: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:12
kuchikuhow to disablet a hardware in ubuntu]14:15
longsleepguys i have cuba libre and playing around with Oneiric - the user switcher in unity just shows me [Invalid UTF-8] in the top panel. Anyone got that?14:16
bazhanglongsleep, #ubuntu+1 please14:17
longsleepbazhang: oh all right - thanks14:17
pandahey, I'd like to move a file in to /etc/init.d/14:19
pandabut I can't just right click Copy/Paste14:20
pandawhat's the deal?14:20
=== panda is now known as Guest34438
=== Guest34438 is now known as panda``
dnivrapanda``: permissions probably.14:20
enrrygoodbye all!14:20
panda``what's the command to copy a file14:20
panda``copy doesn't exist14:20
Johnny_Gigglespanda``: cp14:21
dnivrapanda``: only root user can copy to that directory.14:21
Johnny_Gigglespanda``: cp /path/to/source /path/to/destination14:21
dnivra!cli: panda`` This might help in future14:21
ubottudnivra: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:21
dnivra!cli | panda`` This might help in future14:22
ubottupanda`` This might help in future: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro14:22
panda``I just14:22
panda``sudo cp 'src' 'dest'14:22
panda``worked well, thanks :)14:22
dnivrapanda``: pretty much yeah. stick to one line in future.14:22
hamedllllIs there any way to install source package (tar.gz) graphical??14:23
usr13hamedllll: no14:23
dnivrahamedllll: i don't think so. what are you trying to install? did you check if it is already present in the repositories?14:24
usr13hamedllll: Well, yes, actually, if you use gnome-terminal, it is a graphical user interface terminal  :)14:24
usr13hamedllll: As dnivra points out, you shoul check to see if you can find it in the package manager first.14:25
tool_kitcan i request for a vhost?14:25
doaNHi there14:26
doaNI recently decided to change from Ubuntu 11.04 to Xubuntu 11.04, installation was fine then I reboot and i a grub error telling me "no such device : uuid"14:26
tjiggi_fotool_kit, in #freenode14:26
bazhangtool_kit, ubuntu cloak? #ubuntu-irc14:26
usr13doaN: Is that all it said?14:27
compdocdoaN, you didnt reinstall from scratch?14:27
tool_kitwhere can i wget perl script?14:28
usr13doaN: Did you just instll xubuntu-desktop?  Or did you download xubuntu and install fresh from a new CD?14:29
doaNyes, used gparted to delete my ubuntu 11.04 system for xubuntu14:29
usr13 doaN http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130581914:29
doaNgrub error no such device found : uuid-number14:29
doaNfrom fresh ISO14:29
karolaugdoaN: boot from cd/usb and update uuid number in /etc/fstab on your root drive14:30
doaNhow do i update fstab ? blkid doesn t work14:32
usr13doaN: That site is old and where it says /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst  you need to change that to /boot/grub/grub.cfg14:32
usr13doaN: or /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg  or where ever you mounted it.14:32
karolaugyou have to use blkid form root account14:33
karolaugsudo blkid i mean14:33
doaNarf yeah14:33
usr13karolaug: Does he need to update it in /etc/fstab or in grub.cfg ?14:33
doaNmy grub.cfg : http://paste.ubuntu.com/681209/14:33
karolaugi bleive both14:34
doaNim in dualboot14:34
karolaugyou have to update uuid in grub configuration then run update-grub214:35
usr13karolaug: No, probably just in /etc/fstab14:35
karolaugand make sure that you have proper uuid in /etc/fstab, where / drive is mounted14:35
usr13doaN: So run blkid and see if it is wrong in /etc/fstab14:35
karolaugdoaN: yes14:35
rhsanbornRunning 11.04, I installed sshd and enabled the VNC server.ssh -?14:36
karolaugmake sure that your'e checking /etc/fstab on your system drive, not live cd14:36
bluecrysmile./join #ubuntu-cn14:36
usr13doaN: Did you try mode de dépannage ?14:37
doaNusr13, i cant see the grub menu14:38
doaNthe UUID s match14:38
doaNfstab blkid14:38
usr13doaN: Oh yea.  sorry.14:38
Calinoulol usr1314:38
doaNkarolaug,  the UUID s match14:38
rhsanbornRunning 11.04, I installed sshd and enabled VNC server. If the client fails (goes to sleep with active ssh or VNC connections) I can't reconnect  without rebooting the Ubuntu box for SSH, or manually killing the VNC connection from the Ubuntu box ... which kind of kills the remote access bit14:39
karolaugdoaN: so you have to update your grub configuration, i had the same issue when i changed hdd in my pc14:39
usr13doaN: maybe grub is messed up.14:39
usr13!grub2 | doaN14:39
ubottudoaN: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:39
doaNI tried this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Copy_LiveCD_Files14:40
karolaugdoaN: i dont remember exacly where it is but you have to update uuid in grub config and then run update-grub (or grub-update, i dont remember)14:40
doaNdidnt work14:40
panda_hey everyone14:40
doaNhi panda_14:40
panda_just letting you all know, I wrote my first .sh file today and it works great14:40
panda_cheeky cheeky!14:40
usr13rhsanborn: Go into the powersave settings and turn off suspend14:40
patrunjelHi guys, can you please recommend me a simple to use audio recording program? (I just need to test a microphone)14:41
devishi watched kung fu panda and it was great14:41
Antonyhey guys - got a quick problem...14:41
panda_patholio, audacity14:41
Antonypatrunjel: audacity is pretty good for recording - allows you to mess around with it too14:41
rhsanbornusr13, suspend is disabled on the ubuntu box, sometimes you just can't help a client losing connection, would hate to lose all remote access the first time I lose connection remotely.14:41
outer_spaceI am trying to run "autogen.sh" first I try "./autogen.sh" but it says Permission denied. Then I try "sudo ./autogen.sh" but it says "command not found"14:42
devishpatrunjel: why don't you try online services like of skype ,gtalk ect14:42
Antonyi'm trying to run a perl script as a different user - i have my pl chmodded 755, yet other users just get permission denied - any ideas?14:43
patrunjeldevish, because I need another person to chat with, and I don't know anyone that uses skype, etc (just yahoo.. )14:43
Antonypatrunjel: skype has a SkypeTestCall that records then replays to you14:43
devishpatrunjel: thats the fun u can record that listen youself14:43
patrunjelNevermind, audacity is good enough, thanks guys :D14:44
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=== TokyoDan_ is now known as TokyoDan
txtptc_I have an old (win2kpro) P3 pc with only IDE, should I be able to boot through a pci sata card?14:46
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devishtxtptc_: try #hardware14:47
jetscreamerlong as it works in bios14:47
jetscreamerie the bios sees it14:48
jetscreamercheck for updated bios image, also14:48
txtptc_well the bios has "alternate boot device" option.14:49
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savoy9020If I move an Ubuntu server vm (virtualbox) from one host to another, it doesn't see the nic's on boot.  Is there a way to make Ubuntu server reprobe the ethernet nic's?14:49
txtptc_I'm thinking of buying the pci card, so I can't test...14:50
txtptc_but thanks14:50
shadowmanhow to make linux os14:51
shadowmanmy own14:51
BluesKaj!lfs | shadowman14:52
ubottushadowman: LFS is Linux From Scratch (www.linuxfromscratch.org) - not to be confused with !LTS, which is the long term support release of Ubuntu (currently 6.06, 8.04 and 10.04)14:52
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shadowmanthanks for responds ubottu14:54
gallaeahoHi there, I appear to have run into a problem with opening folders.... More specifically, "Computer"14:56
aatishhi everyone. i have been trying to connect my bluetooth headset with my ubuntu desktop with no success since 3 months. i have tried this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothHeadset and other guides stil no success14:56
gallaeahoAll I'm getting as an error is "Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations."14:56
shadowmanmy z60m laptop blutooth is not working it is in bios but not detecting in my ubuntu14:57
AethIf I want to install a live USB of Ubuntu from a different distro, is there a special process that is necessary?14:57
AethThe documentation appears to only support Windows/Mac/Ubuntu14:58
AethThe computer in question does not have a CD or DVD drive14:58
gallaeahoAeth: Do you have said live USB stick made?14:58
Aethgallaeaho: No, someone had a broken USB stick (bad company, unbootable) and so I have to make a new one. I only have a Fedora box with me.14:59
AethAnd it has to be through USB.14:59
gallaeahoAh, ok14:59
yeats!unetbootin | Aeth14:59
ubottuAeth: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:59
gallaeahoThat's funny... The Computer link has disappeared off my device list14:59
gallaeahoI don't see it under Desktop where it should normally be14:59
yeatsAeth: unetbootin is available on Fedora, FYI15:00
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Antonyguys, i'm stuck with this perl script15:01
Antonyi'm running ubuntu server15:01
Antonyand it is chmodded 755 - i can run it, root can run it - but no other users can. even if the user is in the same group - any ideas?15:02
tensorpuddingAntony: is the path to the file accessible to other users of the group?15:02
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=== Guest23387 is now known as CaptainKewl
yeatsAntony: where is the script located?  In your home dir?15:02
Antonyit is in /home/antweb/store15:02
Antonystore is 755 - antweb is 700 (afaik)15:02
Antonyso i guess it cannot get to it.. but i thought the 755 would override that?15:03
Antonyah it is 75015:03
Antony(antweb is 750, store is 755)15:03
tensorpudding750 should be good enough if they are in the same group as the home directory15:03
tensorpuddingbut home directories are usually owned by the group of your user15:04
tensorpuddingand usually other users are never added to that group15:04
Antonyha yeah.. hm.15:05
Antonyi just need the postfix user to be able to execute it really15:05
=== dylan is now known as Guest41264
tensorpuddingAntony: you can place it somewhere outside of your home directory15:07
tensorpuddingmaybe inside postfix's home directory15:07
=== Guest41264 is now known as furyoshonen
Antonyit doesn't have one - i'll just put it *somewhere*15:08
dudei want to talk to mark shuttleworth now15:09
Aquixhe's busy15:10
OerHeksdude, tell us why ?15:10
dudebecause gnome3 is a joke15:10
Aquixspending all that sweet sweet ubuntu money15:10
dudehe should add a release ubuntu-mate15:10
Aquixdude he didn't make G315:10
Logan_dude: You can use other interfaces, such as KDE, XFCE, and LXDE.15:10
OerHekssupport gnome3 / oneiric in #Ubuntu+115:11
dudei want a gnome2 or gnome2 fork15:11
dudei hate gnome315:11
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Logan_dude: Which version of Ubuntu are you running?15:11
dudei use computers for now 25 years15:11
dudeu run mint15:11
Konata"Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations." - Been getting this since this morning15:11
tensorpuddingdude: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic15:11
Logan_!mint | dude15:11
ubottudude: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:11
Myrttidude: well this isn't the channel for general comments and feedback, please use some other channel for it. This is for Ubuntu support issues only15:11
KonataI also can't mount drives, and I also can't see my DVD drive anymore15:11
tensorpuddingthis is not the place to air grievances15:11
dudei think i am not the only one that doesnt like gnome315:12
KonataNot by a longshot.15:12
cement_head_Anyone have a good "touchfreeze" script for ImPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint touchpads?15:12
Myrttiyeah, you're not. That still doesn't make this channel the right one for feedback.15:12
KonataI'm not a fan of it.15:12
KonataAnyhow, I did some research on Google on my issue and it seems that this dates back to the Hardy release15:13
KonataBut anything that should've been fixed would have been fixed in updates since 3 years ago... Haha15:13
tensorpuddingKonata: do you have a bug report for it?15:13
cement_head_@Konata I had this problem15:13
cement_head_Your install is borked15:13
cement_head_backup & reinstall15:13
Konatatensorpudding, why would I report something that's been an issue for three years15:14
FloodBot1UnknownFork: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:14
dudestop bork15:14
UnknownForkim sorry15:14
tensorpuddingKonata: if you say it's a problem since hardy, there probably is already one in the system15:14
dudei am human not a toy15:14
tensorpuddingKonata: yes, so have you found it15:14
KonataNo, I haven't15:14
IamredHe's the story... I installed Ubuntu 11.04 an my eeePC and now the drivers don't work. HELP?!15:14
KonataThis just started happening last night tensorpudding15:14
KonataThis morning15:14
dudeubuntustudio uses gnome2 on natty?15:14
furyoshonenwhat eeepc do you have?15:14
tensorpuddingwhat exactly is the bug?15:15
IamredHe's the story... I installed Ubuntu 11.04 an my eeePC and now the drivers don't work. HELP?!15:15
tensorpuddingwhat version of ubuntu are you using15:15
sanvan anybody tell me why this modem is not working in ubuntu 11.1015:15
Konatatensorpudding, "Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations." along with I cannot mount drives and/or see my DVD drive15:15
Konatathis is Lucid15:15
tensorpuddingthat's the exact popup message?15:15
IamredHe's the story... I installed Ubuntu 11.04 an my eeePC and now the drivers don't work. HELP?!15:15
dudehow can i upgrade to natty ubuntu studio from maverick with release upgrade?15:15
Konatatensorpudding, I can even take a screenshot if you'd like15:15
UnknownForkhelp Iamred15:15
IamredHe's the story... I installed Ubuntu 11.04 an my eeePC and now the drivers don't work. HELP?!15:15
oCeansan: 11.10 is still beta, support in #ubuntu+1 channel15:15
UnknownForkhelp Iamred15:16
IamredHe's the story... I installed Ubuntu 11.04 an my eeePC and now the drivers don't work. HELP?!15:16
tensorpudding!repeat | Iamred15:16
ubottuIamred: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:16
tensorpuddingIamred: what drivers, be more specific15:16
oCeanUnknownFork: stop that immediately15:16
xanguadude: just open the update manager15:16
IamredThe cunt drivers.15:17
UnknownForkim sorry15:17
tensorpuddingIamred: be serious15:17
oCeanIamred: stop that15:17
UnknownForkim sorry15:17
tensorpuddingKonata: screenshot would be good15:17
UnknownForkim dearly sorry15:17
tensorpuddingIamred: what's your wifi chipset15:17
UnknownForkI'll buy you a drink15:17
oCeanUnknownFork: this channel is for support. Stop the offtopic talk now15:18
tensorpuddingIamred: that's not a chipset15:18
UnknownForkim sorry15:18
tensorpuddingIamred: what model is your wifi15:18
UnknownForki just wanted to say sorry15:18
UnknownForkok i have a question15:19
tensorpuddingKonata: does the problem persist if you reboot?15:20
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Konatatensorpudding, yes15:20
KonataI had to restart once to install some updates this morning15:20
KonataBut the issue was already present beforehand15:20
tensorpuddingIamred: please open up Terminal, and enter "sudo lshw -C network" and hit enter15:21
IamredI'm running Mac OS X 10.7 now.15:21
x3qt0rI am having a problem using remote desktop utility15:21
tensorpuddingIamred: oh15:21
MyrttiIamred: so why do you come to this channel for help?15:21
x3qt0rit says " unable to connect"15:22
IamredFor a shag.15:22
x3qt0ri am using ubuntu10.0415:22
x3qt0rwith xfce415:22
Antonyx3qt0r: wat client you using?15:22
improveuponfirefox keeps crashing my os. suddenly the system cannot detect the hard drive. i have 4 gb of memory and firefox is all that is running. the error messages (copied by hand) it gives are at paste.ubuntu.com/681157. i have already purged firefox and deleted ~/.mozilla and reinstalled (before i did that it crashed in this way as soon as firefox started; now it takes a while). this system is15:22
improveupondual-booting windows, which never crashes.15:22
tensorpuddingKonata: try opening a terminal, and running "nautilus" from the terminal15:22
x3qt0rTerminal server15:22
tensorpuddingKonata: you might get a more verbose error message if you try to browse Computer from there15:22
shinsukei want to save my mbr and grub with dd. but not sure if the count option should be 63 or 64. fdisk -lu says "255 heads, 63 sectors/track" thanks.15:23
KonataThere's no Computer link in there either15:23
x3qt0rthe desktop I want to remotely access is using windows 715:23
IamredSHAG ZILLA!15:23
MyrttiIamred: if you didn't understand what it meant that you were removed from the channel, it was trying to convey the message "Behave"15:23
tensorpuddingKonata: i would think it's a problem with the backend, though what specifically i have no idea15:24
IamredIs this because I'm autistic?15:24
Konatatensorpudding, might've come up after the 491 updates I installed yesterday15:24
x3qt0rThere are no other error message except " cannot connect"15:24
KonataWhy would I suddenly have it this morning and not last night15:24
IamredIs this because I'm autistic?15:24
tensorpuddingKonata: well, lucid is LTS, and does not use new versions of software, just security updates15:24
IamredIs this because I'm autistic?15:24
IamredIs this because I'm autistic?15:24
IamredIs this because I'm autistic?15:24
FloodBot1Iamred: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:25
dudeaspergers don't act like you15:25
x3qt0rhello anyone?15:25
Pilif12pis it at all possible to use a laptop as a wifi hotspot when it's connected to a network?15:25
Konatax3qt0r, is there a RDP running on the destination15:25
dudepill yeah it is15:26
AntonyPilif12p: yes - create a new wireless network and connect to it.15:26
Pilif12per, when it's connected to a wireless network15:26
x3qt0rI am pretty much of a newbie when it comes to remote desktop15:26
Antony(note you can only connect to one wireless network per wifi card)15:26
Konatax3qt0r: What OS is the machine you want to connect to running15:26
Pilif12pi know you can when it's wired15:26
Antonythen no..15:26
x3qt0rwindows 715:26
x3qt0rI am using ubuntu 10.0415:26
Antonysorry Pilif12p15:26
Pilif12pfirst world problems :P15:27
Konatax3qt0r, in the properties of the Computer (right click Computer off the start menu, click Properties)15:27
dudeis someomne into ubuntu-studio?15:27
Antonythere maybe some magic you can do in permisqious mode...15:27
KonataOn the left, there's a link to the effect of "Advanced Options" or something...15:27
KonataFrom there, click the remote tab15:27
x3qt0rand check those two boxes?15:28
KonataThere should only be one box15:28
Konata"Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer"15:28
x3qt0rYea i think thats checked15:29
x3qt0rIt is15:29
Konatax3qt0r, do you know the LAN IP of your windows machine?15:29
n2i"Natty/11.04 is out!" What does it mean?15:29
Frotshi /15:29
Konatan2i: That means you can update to the release with apt-get dist-upgrade15:29
x3qt0rLAN ip is same as IP address right?15:29
x3qt0rand its not my machine15:30
x3qt0rits my friends machine15:30
ActionParsnipn2i: It gets changed the second the next release is out.15:30
Konatax3qt0r, is it on the same network as your ubuntu machien?15:30
ActionParsnipn2i: It is officially stable and ready to use15:30
x3qt0rits in a different part of the city15:30
Konatax3qt0r, then the problem is absolutely ports15:30
x3qt0rso how do I solve it15:30
ActionParsnipx3qt0r: then you need him/her to go to www.ipchicken.com to get the WAN IP and connect to that15:30
Frotshow is everyone15:30
n2iKonata: but, I think 11.04 is not released yet15:31
ActionParsnipFrots: full of fryup :)15:31
Konatan2i: it is15:31
Frotsx3qt0r: whaqt are you trying to solve?15:31
ActionParsnip!download | n2i:15:31
martin__29I have recently been doing some remote port forwards with putty, but sometimes the connection fails for a variety of reasons. is there any sort of service that will do ssh and port forwarding and reconnect if the connection is lost?15:31
ubottun2i:: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!15:31
Konata11.10 is the next release and it's still in beta15:31
KonataFrots: A connection timeout issue with connecting to a machine through RDP15:31
x3qt0rI made them go to " what is my ip"15:31
x3qt0rand got their IP address15:31
ActionParsnipn2i: 11.04 is released in the 4th month or 20(11)   this is in the past15:31
x3qt0rthen tried to connect via terminal server client15:31
Frotsdid they forward 3389 to their machine?15:31
x3qt0rusing RDPv515:31
Frotshave you tried ruinning an nmap portscan?15:32
x3qt0rI dunno what that means15:32
x3qt0rI am a noobs to all this15:32
ActionParsnipx3qt0r: same deal, they will need to setup port forwarding in the router to allow your connection through. If you are wanting to use VNC then use an SSH tunnel as VNC has zero security15:32
n2isorry, I have taken a misstake :(15:32
Frotsmstsc uses port 3389 by default15:32
Frotsx3qt0r: for a n00b you have a cool nickname :)15:32
n2iI mean 11.10 is not released yet.15:32
ActionParsnipn2i: it's cool dude, that's how it's easy to know when releases are out, as well as when they are EOL15:32
Frotsbut if the port 3389 is not open, it will not work15:33
Frotsapt-get install nmap15:33
Konatatensorpudding, if you're still there15:33
ActionParsnipn2i: yes, it's out in the 10th month of 20(11). Hence 11.10 ;)15:33
Frotsand run nmap -P0 destination-IP15:33
KonataAny idea on a fix for this? I'd hate to have to reinstall a system I just installed last night15:33
tensorpuddingKonata: i was doing some digging on gnome's bugtracker for a bug on your issue, but i couldn't find one15:33
x3qt0rI think I have had nmap installed long back15:33
x3qt0rfor something else15:33
Konatatensorpudding, I found an ubuntuforums link15:33
x3qt0rokay wait15:33
KonataAgain, it's from '0815:34
tensorpuddingKonata: try hitting alt+f2, typing 'dbus-launch nautilus --no-desktop' and hit enter15:35
Konatatensorpudding, one moment15:35
tensorpuddingif it's a dbus error, that might fix the issue, i don't know15:36
KonataDone, and still nothing15:36
Antonytensorpudding: thrown it in /usr/ant/ and it seems to work - thanks for your help.15:36
KonataOh tensorpudding, one thing... I attempted to compile xchat2 from source this morning (dbus related) and it told me it oculd not find package dbus-115:36
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FloodBot1x3qt0r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:36
tensorpuddingKonata: that could be an issue15:36
tensorpuddingthough if dbus weren't running you'd probably have a lot more problems15:37
Konatachecking for DBUS... configure: error: Package requirements (dbus-1) were not met: No package 'dbus-1' found15:37
tensorpuddingKonata: can you see dbus running in the system monitor?15:37
Konataone second, I'll check15:37
KonataHere, I'll paste htis one15:37
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tensorpuddingyou'll want something called 'dbus-daemon'15:37
tensorpuddingi think15:38
tensorpuddingunless it's changed between 11.04 and 10.0415:38
Konatatensorpudding, http://pastebin.com/twbacDvu15:38
improveuponif anyone newly entering would like to take a look at the errors firefox is giving when it crashes my system: http://paste.ubuntu.com/681157/15:39
tensorpuddingKonata: dbus is running them15:39
tensorpuddingKonata: try seeing if glib is installed15:40
ActionParsnipimproveupon: if you create a fresh firefox profile, is it ok?15:40
Konataglib is definitely installed because I compiled and installed it from suorce last night15:40
tensorpuddingKonata: in lucid, there is no dbus-1 package, by the way15:40
tensorpuddingKonata: that thread indicates that glib is causing nautilus problems15:41
tensorpuddingKonata: try removing it15:41
KonataRemoving glib?15:41
improveuponActionParsnip: no15:41
tensorpuddingKonata: see if that fixes it15:41
tensorpuddingKonata: why were you compiling xchat, anyway?15:41
Konatatensorpudding, well, because I can15:41
tensorpuddingxchat is available as a package, though15:41
KonataYes, I know.15:41
KonataI wanted to try it the hard way.15:42
ItsPriyankHi all. I have been using ubuntu 10.10 for almost 6 moths and now want to shift to KUbuntu....what you guys suggest for KDE?15:42
tensorpuddingwell, xchat requires glib15:42
tensorpuddingif there is some unfixed bug involving nautilus and glib, that would be unfortunate15:42
KonataOh, here's a new one15:42
KonataI can't remove glib15:42
xanguaItsPriyank: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop15:42
Konatawhat's the name of the package?15:42
ActionParsnipimproveupon: try updating java, there is a 23 version available15:43
ItsPriyankxangua:  so will it upgrade my gnome to kde15:43
tensorpuddingKonata: libglib-2.0 i think15:43
xanguaItsPriyank: aaah...kde is not gnome's upgrade :S15:43
improveuponActionParsnip: thank you15:43
tensorpuddingKonata: libglib-2.0-015:43
ActionParsnipltspriyank: it will install both, you choose the DE at login15:43
ItsPriyankxangua:  sorry change it to kde15:44
Konatatensorpudding, got that through apt-cache search glib|grep glib15:44
ActionParsnipimproveupon: try a different browser too to test15:44
tensorpuddingKonata: found the LP bugreport on your bug15:44
xanguaItsPriyank: it will install kde desktop, if you want to remove gnome you can do it later15:44
ItsPriyankoh thats really great15:44
Konatatensorpudding, I can't uninstall glib without breaking it15:44
ItsPriyankxangua: oh thats really great15:44
KonataAfter this operation, 1,888MB disk space will be freed.15:44
KonataYou are about to do something potentially harmful.15:44
KonataTo continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'15:44
tensorpuddingKonata: oh!15:44
FloodBot1Konata: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:44
tensorpuddingKonata: you installed glib from source didn't you!15:44
coz_Konata,   you might want to install  chrome-browser  to test also15:45
improveuponActionParsnip: if the new browser does not work, what would you think were the problem?15:45
Konatacoz_: I have chromium15:45
Konatayou mean a file explorer15:45
tensorpuddingKonata: if you installed it to /usr/local, that seems to be the issue15:45
* Konata sighs15:45
Konatais there any way to rectify said issue15:45
FloodBot1Konata: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:45
ItsPriyankI don't want  to break irc rules or start any arguments....but is it worth installing KDE?15:45
coz_Konata,   ok doe that work ?15:45
tensorpuddingKonata: well, first, did you install it to /usr/local or not?15:45
ActionParsnipimproveupon: then it's java from what the error says, check the web for forums mentioning the same error15:45
Konatatensorpudding, more than likely15:45
KonataI just followed ./configure && make && make install15:46
tensorpuddingKonata: okay, so did you put anything in /usr/local besides glib?15:46
tensorpuddingKonata: if so, just nuke everything in /usr/local15:46
tensorpuddingKonata: compiling software from source can cause conflicts with other software in your system; it's not usually a good idea if you don't know how it affects the software you have installed15:47
ItsPriyankIs KDE better than GNOME15:47
improveuponActionParsnip: thanks again15:47
coz_ItsPriyank,  not really,,, they are different15:47
tensorpuddingKonata: in all likelihood you *already* had a glib installed, and when you installed a second one it caused everything to go haywire15:47
ItsPriyankcoz_: okay15:47
Konatatensorpudding, Which folder in /usr/local do i nuke15:48
oCeanItsPriyank: it's a matter of personal taste, mostly. But this channel is not for polls15:48
coz_ItsPriyank,    you have to try them to see which fits with your work habits and the kind of control you want over the system15:48
tensorpuddingKonata: just delete everything there, unless there is anything you put in /usr/local you want to save15:48
ActionParsnipItsPriyank: both are great, there is no single best solution for anything15:48
ItsPriyanki have though used fedora 15 kde.... oCean sorry. coz_ thanks15:48
ActionParsnipItsPriyank: its good to try both though, there is also LXDE and XFCE as well as many other desktops :)15:49
ItsPriyankActionParsnip:  yeah i guess so...i'm gonna try out both now15:49
scarleoHi, I'm trying to set up a chrooted sftp server, dir is /sftp/chroot/user and sshd config chroots to /sftp/chroot. Problem is all users can see each others catalogs. Can I prevent them from doing that?15:49
ItsPriyankThanks a lot guys....15:50
Konatatensorpudding, it's gone now15:50
KonataI made a backup of local just in case15:50
scarleochrooting to /sftp/chroot/user doesn't work since chroot directory must be owned by root15:50
tensorpuddingKonata: if you log out/in, it should work15:50
KonataOk, trying15:50
bindii'm trying to install ubuntu 10.04.3 here, and the installer hangs after the keyboard layout selection15:51
bindithen an error pops up in the notification area, saying parted_server has crashed15:51
ActionParsnipbindi: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?15:52
kristianpaulWhat's the recomended way to create a ubuntu live usb from a linux system (not ubuntu)?15:52
ActionParsnipkristianpaul: use unetbootin, remember to MD5 test the ISO you download15:52
BlueEaglebindi: How much RAM in your computer?15:52
bindiBlueEagle: 1 GB15:52
bindiit's a mini laptop, samsung NC1015:52
bindiActionParsnip: doing that now15:52
urlin2ubindi, is it a ssd hd15:52
bindiurlin2u: nope, 160 GB 2.5" hdd15:53
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kristianpaulActionParsnip: Where i can get the md5 for 11.04 32-bits?15:53
bindiActionParsnip: md5 sum matches15:53
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:54
coz_kristianpaul,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes15:54
kristianpaulyes checking now15:55
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UbuN2hi guys15:55
KonataI don't really like it, but it worked15:55
ActionParsnipbindi: cool, does the RAM test out as OK using memtest?15:56
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coz_UbuN2,  hey15:56
Konatathanks for all the help, tensorpudding15:56
UbuN2im trying to get a dual boot going on ubuntu but when i do update-grub it says it found the partition15:56
UbuN2hiya coz_15:56
ActionParsnipkristianpaul: using torrents helps get a good image, it also stresses the servers less15:56
tensorpuddingKonata: np15:56
UbuN2long time no see tht nick15:56
bindiActionParsnip: well I haven't gotten that far yet15:56
kristianpaulActionParsnip: he, too late ;)15:56
bindihttp://script.quakenet.org/paste/580140 here's /var/log/messages if it has anything useful15:57
kristianpaulalso my ISP block me torrents..15:57
kristianpaulbut thats another topic :/15:57
UbuN2but its not rigister the info in grub.cfg15:57
ActionParsnipkristianpaul: that's sad, ISPs can be so ignorant :(15:57
urlin2uUbuN2, is the partition a ntfs, and does t open when you want it to from Ubuntu?15:58
UbuN2any idea why it says found the Os but not registering it15:58
UbuN2its a ext415:58
urlin2uUbuN2, can you open it or does it read busy and what is there 3 questions here.15:58
UbuN2it opens15:58
UbuN2im installing it in a chroot enviroment15:59
urlin2uUbuN2, can you open it or does it read busy and what is there 3 questions here.15:59
UbuN2nope it doesnt read busy15:59
computerxHowdy, can I make tar read files from stdin (say, output from find), or --exclude=* --include=*.php?15:59
kristianpaulIs ubuntu okay with 1024x600 screens right?15:59
Siegel-hi need help. i installed the sims 3 through playonlinux. its installed and it appears in the list. i click on the icon, or i highlight it and click "operate" and nothing happens. like, the computer thinks, but then it stops and it wont open at all.15:59
computerxread filenames from stdin*15:59
Siegel-can you guess why?15:59
kristianpaulI got a netboot for my mother and with gnome3 (from other distro), the assitant was too big to fit on the screen.. :(16:00
computerxSiegel-: Yes, have you checked the wine appdb (google wine appdb sims 3)16:00
urlin2uUbuN2, what do you mean installing in chroot, the grun to the mbr?16:00
Siegel-computerx:  where do i do that?16:00
kristianpaulevolution assistant*16:00
KonataOh, tensorpudding, why is the official source 2.8.8 (xchat) but the repos 2.8.6?16:00
UbuN2im install in it from /mnt/gentoo16:01
tensorpuddingKonata: because ubuntu packages are kept at a particular version, this is called a package freeze16:01
UbuN2and now its all installed ubuntu is seeing it when i do update-grub16:01
Siegel-computerx:  is that the command i need to type into terminal? but how do i know which one?16:01
computerxSiegel-: Well, in Google... The wine appdb is the best place to check for compatability issues16:01
scarleois it possible to make a general fstab mount like /home/%u /sftp/chroot/%u (bind mount) and it will mount all users directory respectively?16:02
klingelbartdo you know, how i can make my laptop execute a commend when coming back from stand-by mode?16:02
Konatatensorpudding, there's no chance that a precompiled binary of 2.8.8 would be available somewhere, would there?16:02
tensorpuddingKonata: it allows you to avoid software version problems, because all the packages are tested and known to work together16:02
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UbuN2says FOUND all my operating system but grub.cfg isnt registering it16:02
tensorpuddingKonata: this problem has been somewhat dealt with by using PPAs16:02
tensorpuddingKonata: you can build a package for a newer version of xchat16:02
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klingelbartdo you know, how i can make my laptop execute a command when coming back from stand-by mode?16:03
tensorpuddingKonata: the ubuntu launchpad hosts PPAs, which are personal package archives; they host customized packages16:03
urlin2uUbuN2, you whole description at least to me is rather confusing.16:03
UbuN2windows is working fine but it will not see the other operating system16:03
UbuN2why confusing16:03
Siegel-computerx: how do i know which one is compatible? i have the latest version16:04
Siegel-computerx:  is it natty?16:04
tensorpuddingKonata: since you're using 10.04, the versions of software in packages are all from early 201016:04
urlin2uUbuN2, that is for you to figure out to be honest.16:04
UbuN2it says found the system but is not storing it in grub.cfg16:04
computerxSiegel-:  It's got more to do with the version of wine16:04
tensorpuddingKonata: for instance, you'll be using firefox 3, whereas firefox 5 is current at present16:04
computerxSiegel-: Run "Configure Wine" and click on the about tab to find which version you have16:05
qinklingelbart: By "stand by" you mean user inactivity?16:05
tensorpuddingKonata: the software updates you install are only to fix bugs and security issues16:05
klingelbartqin: when I'm inactive, my laptop deactivates the monitor and some other functions. this mode is the stand-by mode16:05
Siegel-computerx: ooh you mean the version i have might not be compatible with the game?16:05
computerxSiegel-: Yes16:06
Siegel-computerx: where do i run configure wine? i dont see it16:06
urlin2uUbuN2, we have a bootscript that is helpful at times, this at the least will tell us what is there and what might be missing, pastebin the RESULTS.txt   http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/16:07
bindiActionParsnip: do you think when running memtest, it will show on the external screen? the laptop has a dead screen, i was lucky to get it boot from usb :p16:07
klingelbartqin: do you have an idea?16:07
computerxSiegel-: In Unity, search for it. In Gnome, Applications | Wine | Configure Wine.16:07
tensorpuddingKonata: but there is no PPA for xchat available16:07
Siegel-computerx:  i have wine 1.2.216:07
computerxSiegel-: Have you read the AppDB entry for your game?16:07
damnotensorpudding: its in the repo.16:07
qinklingelbart: Propably, yes, that would be power manager area, you can add scripts to pm, moment16:07
Siegel-computerx:  i read on some website it should be wine 1.3.2316:08
UbuN2ok i will try thanks16:08
Siegel-computerx:  so how do i install that wine and get rid of the one i have?16:08
computerxSiegel-: As in, that's the latest version, or the version that will run your game properly?16:08
tensorpuddingdamno: of course, but he wanted to know if there were a newer version available16:08
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Siegel-computerx:  i think the version that will run it properly16:09
qinklingelbart: You would start there: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerManagement16:09
maxflaxAny experts in MBR? Think I've might have broken mine :p16:09
Siegel-computerx:  because also while installing the sims 3 it tried to install 1.3.23 but that installation failed. i proceeded to install the sims anyway. so i guess it WAS necessary. how do i do that now16:09
urlin2umaxflax, what's the symptoms?16:09
computerxSiegel-: I have Wine 1.3.26 from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa16:09
ActionParsnipbindi: not sure dude, maybe there is a BIOS option to set stuff, or a keyboard shortcut to switch it16:10
maxflaxurlin2u: Non bootable, just black screen and blinking cursor16:10
bindiActionParsnip: nope, the keyboard shortcut is purely software16:10
Siegel-computerx: ok, ill look for it there. computerx will i have to reinstall the sims, or just try to run it on this version of wine?16:10
ActionParsnipmaxflax: you can use the LiveCD to reinstate the MBR easily16:10
computerxSiegel-: You shouldn't need to uninstall it16:10
klingelbartqin: thank you16:10
urlin2umaxflax, fresh install?  Or did you install a boot default app?16:10
klingelbartqin: i'll read it16:11
d_atharvahi...how can I share my mobile broadband ?16:11
Siegel-computerx: ok, just run it on this version. now that my computer will have two versions of wine how will it deal with it? how can i delete the other version?16:11
damnotensorpudding: the development is probably dead16:11
maxflaxurlin2u: Was trying to install ubuntu on my macbook air - after install it don't boot --16:11
damnotensorpudding: the latest release was on may 30, 201016:12
tensorpuddingdamno: it might be dead now, but the version upstream is newer than in LTS16:12
bindiActionParsnip: ubuntu has memtest .. but I don't remember seeing the menu on my external monitor, only after the OS started loading..16:12
maxflaxurlin2u: Well Mac OS boots but not the emulated BIOS thingy16:12
computerxSiegel-: They should conflict, and the software centre *should* upgrade. You won't have two copies. If it doesn't work as you expect, uninstall the current one16:12
urlin2umaxflax, not sure there with mac installs, sorry.16:12
Siegel-computerx:  al right16:12
Siegel-computerx:  hope it works16:12
maxflaxurlin2u: must have selected wrong disk to install the boot sector on i guess.. don't know how to fix it thou16:13
ActionParsnipbindi: hmm, not sure then. You could take out the drive, put it in another system and install then transfer back16:13
bindiActionParsnip: I actually tried that16:13
bindiI don't know if it was messed up boot order, or something else going wrong16:13
bindijust wouldnt boot16:13
maxflaxActionParsnip: it doesn't boot my install disk anymore.. had a USB disk to boot from.. now it only gets black screen and blinking cursor16:13
ActionParsnipbindi: try setting BIOS to failsafe options, may help16:14
bindiActionParsnip: I tried that too :p16:14
ActionParsnipmaxflax: what GPU do you use?16:14
maxflaxActionParsnip: it's a Nvidia16:14
ActionParsnipmaxflax: add the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=116:14
maxflaxActionParsnip: problem is that I don't even get that far so I can adjust the boot options16:15
Siegel-computerx: so how come i had an older version of wine installed?16:18
ActionParsnipmaxflax: you do, you just need to know how16:19
ActionParsnipmaxflax: grub is on the CD, which then loads the OS.16:19
Siegel-computerx: it wont let me install the new version, it says i need to remove the old files first. how do i do that?16:19
bindiActionParsnip: i'm running memtester on the amount of free I had.. 190M <.< nothing so far16:19
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | maxflax just use the boot option I gave16:19
ubottumaxflax just use the boot option I gave: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:19
qinSiegel-: How have you installed wine?16:19
Siegel-qin through a website16:20
voozeHey, trying to install globalmenu alpha5 in gnome shell (ubuntu 11.10) following this guide: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/get-global-menu-in-gnome-shell.html   - but the get this error: http://pastebin.com/wAkBTBXF (step5)16:20
Siegel-the installation wizard opened the file and installed it16:20
man567bagai mana nak tukar prosy16:20
onlypythonI just installed exuberant-ctags, but when I do ctags -R, I get bash: /usr/local/bin/ctags: No such file or directory16:21
urlin2uman567, what is your native language?16:21
qinSiegel-: Open synaptic, in state filter, mark installed, and search wine, if it is not in synaptic results, you have to remove it manually.16:21
ActionParsnipvooze: oneiric support is in #ubuntu+1 until release16:21
BarkingFishurlin2u, That's Malay :)16:21
ActionParsnipvooze: you will get issues, Oneiric is pre-release, if you need a stable OS, use natty16:22
ActionParsnipvooze: emphasis on WILL16:22
urlin2uBarkingFish, cool can you direct them.16:22
voozeActionParsnip: not really complaining about issues? :D just asking if someone have a solution16:22
qinSiegel-: Or: dpkg -l wine, and if negative: locate wine16:22
BarkingFishhe's left, urlin2u - but if I can get a message from ubottu, I'll see if I can add it to his interface16:22
BarkingFishI don't think we have a malay language channel16:23
ActionParsnipvooze: #ubuntu+1 is where Oneiric is supported for now, the guys in there will advise16:23
urlin2uBarkingFish, not sure myself.16:23
maxflaxubottu: ActionParsnip: Did the nomodeset when booting the live cd to do the install.. now I don't even get so far so I can do that change..16:23
ubottumaxflax: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:23
dvz- /wc16:23
BarkingFishwell the language code for malay is ms usually, and I can't see one in alis, so I'm not sure16:23
ActionParsnipmaxflax: I advised nouveau.blacklist=1    did I not?16:23
onlypythonI installed exuberant-ctags with apt-get install, but when I do ctags -R, I get bash: /usr/local/bin/ctags: No such file or directory16:23
Siegel-qin ok i located wine, and now16:24
BarkingFish"my" belongs to Burma (Myanmar)16:24
BarkingFish!de | BarkingFish16:24
ubottuBarkingFish, please see my private message16:24
rhsanbornDoes the wireless card ever go to sleep on ubuntu 11.04 desktop?16:24
rhsanbornI've setup ssh server and vnc, and after a while, I can't connect with either, I generally have to reboot the box ...16:25
qinSiegel-: Right, you might want to check (or redownload) package form wine site and check fot uninstall script of procedure.16:25
ActionParsniprhsanborn: is it a desktop OS?16:25
Siegel-qin thanks but im just not so good with all this vocabulary. im doing my best but i dont know what those tings mean exactly16:25
ActionParsniprhsanborn: what  power and screensaver options do you have set?16:25
Siegel-i just want to uninstall something16:25
Siegel-why is that so difficult16:26
rhsanbornActionParsnip: Screen saver turns on after ~ 5 minutes, but all the power settings are disabled.16:26
qinSiegel-: Well, normally it would be limited to: sudo apt-get remove --purge wine16:26
deepblueSiegel: what's wrong?16:26
dsa_how do I know my wireless properties? How do I know the name of my wireless driver?16:26
ActionParsniprhsanborn: hmm strange. There may be an option you can add to the wifi driver to disable power management16:27
Siegel-qin well that worked16:27
Siegel-it seems16:27
qinSiegel-: oh, really?16:27
Siegel-qin it said its removed but when i go into aps its still there16:27
ActionParsnipdsa_: sudo lshw -C network     read the text intensive sections. one bit will say:   driver=16:27
Siegel-qin: After this operation, 69.6 kB disk space will be freed.16:27
Siegel-Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y16:27
Siegel-(Reading database ... 180005 files and directories currently installed.)16:27
Siegel-Removing wine ...16:27
dsa_ok, thaks ActionParsnip16:28
FloodBot1Siegel-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:28
Spacemanorning all...16:28
qinSiegel-: Ok, do not spam, and pastebin: locate wine (in paste.ubuntu.com)16:28
BarkingFishCan anyone here tell me how to add something to ubottu's database please, so it can be used in the future?16:29
teageI want to log in by command line, so, do i delete gdm?16:29
dsa_RTL8101E, is it possible that it gives me this result? ActionParsnip?16:29
ActionParsnipBarkingFish: something like:     /msg ubottu !beer is Beer is a tasty beverage16:30
Siegel-i just wanted to show you what it said16:30
Siegel-but i dont understand why its still installed16:30
BarkingFishActionParsnip, Brilliant, thanks16:30
ActionParsnipdsa_: the drive is in a little bit lower down, if the device is unclaimed then there is no driver loaded16:30
dsa_ActionParsnip, oh thanks!!! I get it. It says rtl819xSE16:31
qinSiegel-: Peste locate, so I can tell you.16:32
mewayHello I am on lubuntu but the volume is not quite as loud as ubuntu. how can I fix this?16:32
qmrI have no sound after system crash... Why !16:32
Siegel-qin ok thanks for your willingness, i pasted "locate wine" and i got a bunch of lines. i dont want to spam, so tell me what to look for16:32
mewayDoes anyone know a good increased volume output program?16:33
usr13meway: Just go to volume control and turn it up.  And see that PCM is turned up too16:33
mewayusr13: how do I get to volume control?16:33
usr13meway: alsamixer16:33
spider-marioalsamixer -c 016:33
BarkingFishActionParsnip, That command did the job, the edit I sent has apparently been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops16:33
usr13meway: Open a terminal window and run  alsamixer16:34
mewaypcm 5616:34
qinSiegel-: open: http://www.paste.ubuntu.com and show me locate, also you can: sudo apt-get autoremove; sudo apt-get install -f16:34
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BarkingFishhi roberto - can we help you?16:35
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qmrseriously though, wtf happened to my sound?16:35
misaqhello everyone. does anyone know how to modify Ubuntu startup configuration related to mounting /window?16:35
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:36
Siegel-qin i dont know what you mean when you say show me locate16:36
qmrmisaq: edit your fstab file16:36
misaqI meant /windows16:36
qmrmisaq: modify how?16:36
qinSiegel-: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && locate wine | pastebinit16:37
qinSiegel-: mean this ^^16:37
samuel_sappamisaq: did you mean mounting windows/ntfs file ?16:37
misaqqmr: I receive this error at startup: "An error occurred while mounting /windows"16:37
theabyssdragonFour or five times in the past week I've been randomly booted to the login screen. I haven't been able to pinpoint any particular program or action triggering it. Any thoughts?16:37
usr13misaq: find the line that has  /windows   in the /etc/fstab file and edit as needed16:37
qmrmisaq: look in dmesg for the error ... or try manually mounting it ... sudo mount /windows and see what it says16:37
misaqqmr: continued: "press s to skip or M for manual recovery"16:38
Siegel-qin thanks. i pasted that into terminal, it did some stuff, but wine is still in aps16:38
mordofare there plans to get rid of the Classic mode currently in Ubuntu?16:38
misaqI want to cancel this mount forever because I think it is not cecessary16:38
* mordof wonders how long the Classic login mode will be available16:38
usr13misaq: Check to see that the uuid is correct16:38
qinSiegel-: Did you by any chance get link in output?16:39
Siegel-in terminal?16:39
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mewayty usr1316:39
Siegel-qin, oh wait, i did! do you want me to paste it here?16:39
Guest58894Can someone provide a sha1sum of the Ubuntu 11.04 64 bit?16:39
qinSiegel-: Yes!16:39
gumusHello all , ubuntu doesn't recognize my built-in webcam. Can anyone help me ?  When I list pci and usb i got this16:40
qinSiegel-: pastebinit is program "piping" results of command to web, se we can see longer output comfy16:41
theabyssdragonGuest58894: f7b0d2b90fbd49794419338c2b9157c095b11bda assuming Desktop amd6416:41
gumus00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/PM/GMS/910GML Express Processor to DRAM Controller (rev 04)16:41
gumus00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 04)16:41
gumus00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 04)16:41
gumus00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)16:41
FloodBot1gumus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:41
Siegel-qin i see16:42
qinSiegel-: There is no wine in your system, apart of menu, you should be able to install whaever version you want right now.16:42
Siegel-qin thats weird. do you think i should restart?16:42
gumushello there16:42
Siegel-qin because its still in the menu16:43
gumusdo you here me ?16:43
gumuscan somebody say sth ?16:43
qinSiegel-: Will not help, you can remove menu entrie by hand, or use: alacarte16:43
gumusHow can I make ubuntu recognize my built-in camera?16:44
theabyssdragongumus: you were recently muted for flooding, we can hear you now16:44
qinSiegel-: And you had two versions of wine installed already.16:44
gumusI got a question16:44
gumusLet's say. I have a driver whose driver I didn't install. So ubuntu doesn't recognize it. And I also don't know its brand, model etc. What should I do ?16:45
qingumus: Did you try: cheese16:45
gumusI tried cheese it says no device found16:45
Siegel-qin thats crazy16:45
Siegel-qin how do i remove it manually from the menu?16:46
qinSiegel-: Not, really. What wine do you want 1.2 or 1.3?16:46
gumusis there anyway to identify my built-in webcam's model so that I can install its driver ?16:46
qingumus: By lsubs ID16:47
gumusqin: lsubs ID ? or lsusb ID ?16:47
qinSiegel-: Open: synaptic, search for wine, there are all version listed, choose yours.16:47
qingumus: lsusb16:48
gumusI did it16:48
anadonHow do I extract and diff 2 .vdi images?16:48
qingumus: What is ID?16:48
gumusqin: ı got 5 different root hub ?16:49
phong_hi guys, why i can't install ubuntu on P8H67-M Pro  ASUS16:49
Siegel-qin how do i choose?16:49
phong_why why why?16:49
gumusqin: it's laptop's own camera by the way. I haven't plugged anything via USB16:49
phong_i can install on any other machine but not Asus P8H67-M Pro16:49
tomodachiphong_: because youre questions arent precise enough for us to give you any helpful ideas16:49
Siegel-qin and how do i install the one i choose?16:49
qingumus: Sorry, did not read you too well.16:50
phong_tomodachi, it said something about missing medium live information16:50
qinSiegel-: Do you have synaptic open?16:50
phong_tomodachi, i can only install in vmware16:50
Siegel-do i "mark them for installation"16:50
gumusqin: when I lsusb it says I got 5 different  ID and by the way it's my laptops own camera. I haven't plugged anything via USB16:50
Siegel-and then "execute" it16:50
Siegel-my ubuntu is in hebrew16:51
Siegel-so my translation might be off16:51
qinSiegel-: All good, and?16:51
Siegel-now its installing16:51
ActionParsnipgumus: lsusb     will give an 8 character hex ID you can use to find guides16:51
Siegel-qin it says its 3 files its installing16:52
qinSiegel-: Still ok.16:52
Siegel-i chose wine 1.316:52
ActionParsnipSiegel-: close software centre and run:  sudo apt-get install wine1.316:52
Siegel-qin but i still dont understand how come wine is still int eh menu16:52
ActionParsnipSiegel-: you will need TAB and ENTER to accept the licence.16:52
Siegel-ActionParsnip: after its done downloadin, right?16:53
gumusactionparsnip: Ok. Please enlighten me. I'm absolute beginner. Why do I list usbs in order to find my laptop's own camera? It's not plugged via USB ports?16:53
qinSiegel-: menu are a bit separated form appdb16:53
ActionParsnipgumus: lsusb     is a terminal command16:53
Siegel-qin which means its just a graphic symbol, but its not physically there?16:53
qingumus: Do you want to paste lsusb?16:53
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gumusyes but it's  considered as flood16:53
gumusqin: yes but it's  considered as flood16:54
qinSiegel-: Dead record, or obsolence16:54
ActionParsnipgumus: if you install and run cheese, do you see yourself? It may already just work16:54
theabyssdragongumus: use paste.ubuntu.com16:54
qingumus: in paste.ubuntu.com?16:54
Siegel-qin  i see. do they disappear by themselves?16:54
gumusactionparsnip: no it's says no device16:54
qinSiegel-: They should.16:54
Siegel-qin ok. and now it says its installed. how do i open it? and how do i run the game on it?16:55
MHDI have lost my password and I am trying to revocer it with the single user hack in GRUB: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-reset-forgotten-root-password/  however I see no line starting with "kernel" what do I do?16:55
ActionParsnipgumus: or you can run:  sudo apt-get -y install pastebinit; clear; lsusb | pastebinit     what is output?16:55
MeirDI try to use ssh client to connect to another ubuntu computer on my lan... I try using the other computer's hostname (which I sae by running "hostname") but my Ubuntu says ssh: Could not resolve hostname16:55
qinSiegel-: right, what game?16:55
gumusactionparsnip: I pressed the paste button but don't know actually where exactly i pasted it :)16:55
John__hi I am running ubuntu from live USB, and the audio is not working. I have the asus xonar dg sound card. how can I make it work with ubuntu ?16:55
qmrguys, really, how the hell do I fix my sound?16:55
bsmith093how do i grab every picture file as far down a s a directory goes recursively16:55
Siegel-qin sims 316:55
qmrJohn__: tried alsamixer?16:55
qinMeirD: Use Ip16:55
ActionParsnipgumus: copy the address in the browser address bar and paste it here16:56
Siegel-qin this time when i clicked operate something opened. a playonlinix debugger16:56
Siegel-and it showed a few lines, and then it stopped.16:56
gumusactionparsnip: oh great http://paste.ubuntu.com/681269/16:56
mordofanyone know if Ubuntu plans to keep Classic mode available in future releases?16:56
MeirDok thnx!16:56
qingumus: ups16:56
ActionParsnipmordof: no, unity2D replaces classic in Oneiric16:56
gumusqin: ?16:57
ActionParsnipgumus: is the device attached?16:57
John__qmr whats that how do I use it ?16:57
qingumus: lshw | pastebinit16:57
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mordofActionParsnip: really... that's a load of BS. do you know of any alternatives to Unity i can install myself?16:57
qmrJohn__: from terminal16:57
mordofActionParsnip: I can't stand Unity16:57
qmrmordof: like a billion?  you could just use classic mode16:57
ActionParsnipmordof: install XFCE or KDE and use that16:57
qinActionParsnip: coffee of pint?16:57
ActionParsnipqin: always a pint dude :)16:57
gumusActionParsnip: it's laptops own camera. I guess it's attached ?16:58
mordofqmr: i was just told Unity2D is due to replace classic mode16:58
ActionParsnipqin: although it's tea right now, PG!16:58
Siegel-qin what is that debugger and what should i do with it16:58
qinActionParsnip: Chilled Gunness!16:58
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ActionParsnipgumus: is it enabled in BIOS and/or is there a switch to enable/disable it16:58
theabyssdragonmordof: there's nothing preventing you from installing gnome316:58
ActionParsnipqin: Guiness Red!!16:58
John__qmr: yeah what about it  ?16:58
gumusActionParsnip: I don't think so there's a button for that?16:59
Germanaz0Hello everybody, I've got an HP 5030 or something like that, would configure the printer to WIFI16:59
qmrJohn__: so ... run it.  is your card listed?16:59
Germanaz0I got some IO Error16:59
qinSiegel-: Well, at this pint you should be sent to #winehq channel....16:59
Siegel-j #winehq16:59
mordoftheabyssdragon: ah! that'll work then. thanks for that, was trying to figure out alternatives so I could plan ahead16:59
Siegel-qin thanks ill try there16:59
qinSiegel-: Do you install sims form CD?16:59
ActionParsnipgumus: what is the make and model of the system/ usually the webcam attaches to the usb bus16:59
John__qmr: yes16:59
qmrJohn__: ok, go back and forth... turn up your sound, make sure it's not muted (m key)17:00
gumusActionParsnip: just checking ...17:00
mordofI guess I'll have to do some research on which window managers I like on top of gnome *shrugs*17:00
Siegel-qin yes its already installed in fact17:00
Siegel-qin should i just reinstall?17:00
Germanaz0I got that error while configuring the Wireless HP http://pastebin.com/XMDdW9p917:01
gumusActionParsnip: What exactly should I say among all these specifications ?17:01
qinSiegel-: Wait. Have you installed it with wine?17:01
Germanaz0the weird thing is that I can print17:01
Siegel-qin yes17:01
gumusActionParsnip: Intel Celeron 1.40 GHz17:01
ActionParsnipmordof: there is an unofficial fork of Gome 2 called 'mate'17:01
mordoftheabyssdragon: gnome 3 looks a lot like Unity..17:01
John__qmr:  there is an output setting missing17:01
mordofActionParsnip: good to know :)17:01
M4d3Lhi. how I can know what is using port 8000 ?17:01
ActionParsnipgumus: we need the make and model of the system17:01
aaasmordof: are you a beginner, if so just stick with ubuntu stock because all the help guides and everything are geared that way... it may help if you're learning...if not nevermind17:01
John__qmr:  in alsamixer17:01
computerxSiegel-: Did the wine upgrade go alright? You on 1.3.26 now?17:01
ActionParsnipmordof: I switched to LXDE long long ago17:01
qinSiegel-: cd ~/.wine/dr<TAB> fine sims exe file17:01
Siegel-computerx im not sure. im on 1.317:02
mordofaaas: been using Ubuntu for a while - i'm used to most of the defaults.. but Unity is one I simply can't accept17:02
computerxSiegel-: Well it clearly upgraded. I tend to keep wine on the beta release.17:02
aaasmordof: i actually kinda like it, but I'm not using it...why don't you like it?17:02
gumusActionParsnip: Lİnux 2.6.38-11-generic (i686)17:02
Siegel-computerx ok, ill try what qin said now17:02
usr13What is the package name for Remote Desktop Viewer ?17:02
theabyssdragonmordof: I'm still using gnome 2.32.1, I like the look of unity but not the lack of contol. so I'll probably be sticking with gnome or xfce17:03
ActionParsnipgumus: you are on a laptop, right?17:03
gumusActionParsnip: yes17:03
ActionParsnipusr13: vinagre17:03
Siegel-qin where do i type that line?17:03
ActionParsnipgumus: what is the make and model of the laptop please17:03
mordofaaas: mainly - it ruins the desktop background app I made17:03
qinSiegel-: wine --version17:03
aaasmordof: but you can just go to "ubuntu classic" at the login screen for it to work correctly?17:03
qinSiegel-: All in terminal, forgot that you have mouse.17:03
mordofaaas: the bugs it initially had while I used it are taken care of.. but the app I have that i've pinned to my secondary monitor background gets overlapped17:03
gumusActionParsnip: oh it was one of the testers put out from factory. So it just says Style-Note17:04
Siegel-qin i typed it in termnial17:04
Siegel-nothing happened17:04
ActionParsnipusr13: if you are intending VNC over WWW, use an SSH tunnel17:04
gumusActionParsnip: I  guess we r looking for a way to identify the camera right ?17:04
mordofaaas: yes.. but as mentioned originally, Unity2D is due to push Ubuuntu Classic out of existance at some point17:04
Siegel-qin how do i open wine now?17:04
computerxqin: I got him checking it in Configure Wine17:04
aaasmordof ah, what does your app do?17:04
usr13ActionParsnip: Good advise, and I will, (just working in the LAN now though).17:05
qinSiegel-: cd ~ and after it  cd .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/17:05
mordofaaas: it's a local webapp. my snippets, google calendar, some RSS feeds, a notes app, my TODO list on projects.. etc17:05
gumusActionParsnip: It's Style-Note laptop :D17:05
mordofaaas: I keep adding to it17:05
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aaasmordof cool17:05
qincomputerx: lets try to run this sims17:05
aaasmordof what language did you use?17:05
mordofaaas: I like it because it's blended into my desktop background like widgets are.. only because it's running on Firefox 6 i have full control over what it does17:05
mordofaaas: it's a webapp - HTML/JS/CSS/PHP, etc17:06
Siegel-qin i really dont understand where i type that17:06
aaasmordof launched with firefox?17:06
qinSiegel-: In terminal: cd ~17:06
ActionParsnipgumus: what is the output of: sudo apt-get -y install pastebinit; clear; sudo dmidecode --type system | pastebinit17:07
Siegel-now its saying i need 1.3.417:07
mordofaaas: yes - launched in a second profile in firefox dedicated to that so that the toolbars and everything are taken out, it's always fullscreen - and devilspie removes it from task managers, etc17:07
gumusActionParsnip: doing right now17:07
mordofaaas: my launchers for firefox force the default profile so as to avoid conflicts17:07
qmrSound works in a guest session, it doesn't work in my login17:07
qmrWHY !!17:07
Siegel-qin nothing happens when i type cd ~17:07
qinSiegel-: version is ok, now: pwd (same window)17:07
aaasaaas cool17:08
aaasmordof cool17:08
computerxSiegel-: In Linux, if it's worked properly, it says nothing.17:08
gumusActionParsnip: pastebinit is already the newest version.17:08
gumusThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:17:08
gumus  linux-headers-2.6.38-8 linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic17:08
gumusUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.17:08
gumus0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.17:08
FloodBot1gumus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:08
ActionParsnipqmr: what groups are both in?17:08
Siegel-pwd also says nothing17:08
mordofaaas: since you can register protocols in firefox to handle different things - i made a bash script to accept arguments and run programs, this way i can make links like app://gedit?<command line properties here>17:08
ActionParsnipqmr: ok then it's a CLEVO M5x0G17:08
qmrthat's not relevant ActionParsnip, sound worked before the recent crash17:08
Siegel-how do i open wine? i dont get it. its in the menu but no icon for just opening the program17:09
mordofaaas: i intend to incorporate some file system browsing and launching of different things as well for convenience. media browsing, etc17:09
fbdystangtest :)17:09
gumusActionParsnip: It's http://paste.ubuntu.com/681283/17:09
ActionParsnipqmr: well you never said that so how was I supposed to know that....?17:09
gumusActionParsnip: it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/681283/17:09
mordofaaas: Unity is more of an inconvenience than anything, since it interferes with the way that's all set up in terms of the window manager, positioning, etc.17:09
aaasmordof: wow, you might find once you go that far you might have to switch to another language17:09
qmrActionParsnip: yes, I did say that.17:10
mordofaaas: nope - what i'm doing is entirely capable of fully integrating with the system17:10
fbdystangHi all, I have tried to get trac installed and working on Ubuntu 11.04 with git and postgresql and failed miserably. Anyone have link to a tutorial for this? Thanks17:10
ActionParsnipqmr: I can't see it in all the text you have typed.17:10
gumusActionParsnip: so?17:10
mordofaaas: PHP can launch command lines and pass results to JS, which parses and responds - and can launch GUI apps as a result in seperate processes17:10
ActionParsnipqmr: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc17:10
aaasmordof: so its like one of those system info background-thingies?17:10
ActionParsnipgumus: try finding guides for that model using the web17:11
mordofaaas: yes, but a lot more17:11
qinSiegel-: You with me?17:11
qmrI'm using natty17:11
Siegel-qin i am17:11
gumusActionParsnip: with the 8 digit codes I have?17:11
Siegel-the things i typed were fine17:11
Siegel-i got no reply from terminal17:11
MeirDWhen I add my public key to a remote computer under .ssh/authorized_keys , when trying to connect via ssh, I get a pop up saying17:11
aaasmordof: but why would you want a file system browser when you already have one?17:11
qinSiegel-: Ok, crash course!, command: pwd17:11
MeirD"An application wants access to the private key , but it is locked"17:11
mordofaaas: once I get around to it I'll be replacing all of my menus / task lists, etc.. with it so that it encorporates my entire background on all monitors17:11
MeirDWhy does it happen?17:11
mordofaaas: it'd be more of a media manager than a regular file system browser17:12
Siegel-qin i typed "pwd"17:12
mordofaaas: merges different sections into one, so i'd have things like "music", "movies", "web projects" etc17:12
Siegel-qin i got no reply17:12
mordofaaas: and have it displayed the way i want it17:12
ActionParsnipgumus: no, use the model we determined earlier17:12
=== Bipul is now known as vipul
aaasmordof cool17:13
ActionParsnipqmr: use this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/681288/17:13
qinSiegel-: OK, command: cd ~/.wine && pwd17:13
=== vipul is now known as bipul
=== bipul is now known as vipul
qmrright, that's a bunch of crap17:13
ActionParsnipqmr: why is it?17:14
qmrmainly cause it's installing random packages17:14
ActionParsnipqmr: it's simply a pastebin from: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure17:14
ActionParsnipqmr: so you think the OFFIAL documentation is 'a load of crap'?17:14
ActionParsnipqmr: interesting17:15
Siegel-qin OK it didnt do much. that command17:15
qmrSome of it is, yes17:15
qinSiegel-: Did you get output?17:15
Siegel-it showed me what folder its located in17:15
Siegel-i think17:15
ActionParsnipqmr: that's the official first thing that is recommended by the maintainers to try17:15
qinSiegel-: No, it has shown you what folder you *are* in17:16
Siegel-yeha the home folder17:16
Siegel-and then the folder named .wine17:16
Siegel-what do i look for from here17:16
Siegel-btw im reinstalling the game now17:16
qinSiegel-: Ok: find . -name *.exe17:17
Siegel-but last time it asked for 1.3.23 and this time it tried to install 1.417:17
Siegel-qin i got lots of lines17:17
Phong_i'm so mad , no mather what i do the ubuntu wont let me install...on p8h67-m pro asus17:18
qinSiegel-: Any of them include "sims"?17:18
Phong_i'll put the error17:18
Phong_can anyone tell me where i can post picture?17:18
qmrwhen I meet mark shuttleworth I'm going to kick him in the bollocks17:18
fbdystangHow can I tell if a channel has +m for moderation? I am trying to send a message to #trac but get ":Cannot send to channel".17:18
Siegel-qin i dont see any17:19
qinqmr: go to centOs cannel, please17:19
urlin2uPhong_, http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add17:19
qmrgross, I deal with centos enough at work17:19
qinqmr: qin! It is spelled q i n17:20
Siegel-qin right now its installing the sims , like in the same window it would show up on windows. i mean the background and the images from the game. it worked before too but then it just wouldnt run.17:20
ActionParsnipqmr: did the command work?17:20
Siegel-it does seem to do it a bit faster though17:21
qinSiegel-: So sims is not yet installed?17:21
Siegel-it was17:21
Siegel-i uninstalled it17:21
Siegel-and now im reinstalling it to see if it runs with wine 1.317:21
Siegel-cause i only had 1.2 before17:21
Siegel-buit now its asking for 1.417:21
Siegel-does that even exist?17:21
dexter_weirdest of things: all my bookmarks, after an update, do not work, but if I activate tor, they work flawlessly, why?17:21
ActionParsnipSiegel-: did you check the appdb?17:21
abhi01can i play mmorpg games in wine17:22
abhi01that use the nprotect gameguard thing17:22
qmrActionParsnip: I didn't run it, I don't want or need to install a bunch of junk17:22
computerxabhi01: Yes. I used to play WoW for a while17:22
qinSiegel-: By the way, you know that wine have list of tested games and stuff on their website?17:22
Siegel-yes i read up about it17:22
ActionParsnipabhi01: check the appdb for compatibility17:22
abhi01computerx thanks17:22
Siegel-many people reported it worked17:22
Siegel-i read it worked with playonlinux17:22
Siegel-which is what im using now to install it17:22
Siegel-which is part of wine, sint it17:23
ActionParsnipqmr: then all I can suggest:   killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse       then wait 5 seconds and try a sound app. It will reset the pulse settings to vanilla17:23
qinSiegel-: Ok. well you shuld have menu entry for sims after install.17:23
Siegel-qin because i cant seem to find a way to just open wine. but when i type "playonlinux" in terminal it opens up17:23
ActionParsnipqmr: ~/.pule*   sorry17:23
urlin2ufbdystang, some channels require registration to freenode maybe that is the problem.17:23
Siegel-qin yes thats what i had before as well but when i clicked on it, a small tab would open saying "opening sims 3" and then it would disappear. as if it couldnt open17:23
abhi01it is at garbage does it mean it wont work?17:23
tetsuo--hello, i have a couple of deskop users on my system. but for some reason their accounts do not see the attached usb drive, how can i fix this?17:24
qinSiegel-: I think it is winecfg, but "wine /path/file.exe" start programs.17:24
ActionParsnipabhi01: yes, click the link and it will tell you what does and doesn't work17:24
fbdystangurlin2u: how do I know if I am registered? I assumed so since it recognizes me as fbdystang17:24
Siegel-qin what is winecfg?17:24
Siegel-ooh to open it17:24
abhi01ahh ok17:24
qmrI might just have to delete my profile and logout and login17:24
ActionParsnipabhi01: could see if there is a native linux client17:25
Siegel-qin but in wine /path/file.exe i should replace "file" with the file name, right?17:25
ActionParsnipqmr: its not all of your profile though is it. Try not to be a complete drama queen17:25
qinSiegel-: Rightto!17:25
Phong_ActionParsnip, take a look : http://tinypic.com/r/x2neop/717:25
Phong_ActionParsnip, please, i am so mad, for the whole night, i can't install ubuntu17:25
Siegel-qin another question, if this all works. will i have to run the sims cd every time i want to play? i guess so17:25
urlin2ufbdystang, you have to register a nic to be registered.  http://www.wikihow.com/Register-a-User-Name-on-Freenode17:25
qmra)  whatever.  b)  I'm talking about dotfiles17:25
ActionParsnipqmr: youo don't need to remove all your profile do you...?17:25
Phong_ActionParsnip, no matter what.17:25
americaque version de xubuntu puedo intalar en una pc vieja17:25
Phong_ActionParsnip, this is what i get: http://tinypic.com/r/x2neop/717:26
ActionParsnipPhong_: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?17:26
abhi01ActionParsnip, says it doesnt run17:26
Phong_it works on other machine17:26
ActionParsnip!es | america17:26
ubottuamerica: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:26
John__how can I change the "close,minimise,restore" buttons to show up on the right ?17:27
Phong_ActionParsnip, am i being punished?17:27
qinSiegel-: Well, dunno, never played sims, but (if you have enought space on hard drive) it is easy to go around it.17:27
ActionParsnip!controls | John__17:27
ubottuJohn__: Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more informationand workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263317:27
ActionParsnipJohn__: there are literally THOUSANDS of guides for this, have you not found any guides online?17:27
Siegel-qin, not its not a problem to use the cd. just wondering if its necessary. i mean, its here. i can use it. but my question as well, how will i find out the file name? like right click the opening file and look in properties?17:27
fbdystangurlin2u: thanks, I appreciate it. I will try it17:28
dexter__Hi can someone please help me?17:28
ActionParsnipPhong_: have you tested your RAM using memtest on the liveCD?17:28
qinSiegel-: It depens of "security" features of game itself.17:28
Siegel-i see17:28
urlin2ufbdystang, you can get your IP cloaked as well after a little while.17:28
Siegel-so i might not be able to find out the file name and thus not run in through wine17:28
qin!ask | dexter__17:28
ubottudexter__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:28
iTextthe best web crawler on ubuntu?17:29
dexter__When I try to install updatE: Unable to locate package updatees- sudo apt-get install update I get: E: Unable to locate package update17:29
fbdystangurlin2u: does that mean in gets invisible to users?17:29
urlin2ufbdystang, yes17:29
qinSiegel-: nah, some games requrie cd, some not.17:29
xanguadexter__: install update package¿ :S17:29
dexter__What I mean is I can't install updates without getting the error-E: Unable to locate package update17:29
Siegel-qin oh ok17:29
ActionParsnipdexter__: can you give the output of:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade     please use a pastebin to host the text17:29
dexter__xangua yes17:29
tjiggi_foamerica, busca ayuda en #ubuntu-es17:29
xanguadexter__: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install upgrade17:30
xanguafor update*17:30
dexter__ActionParsnip: Alright.17:30
urlin2ufbdystang, do a who is on me or look at mine.17:30
qindexter__: install and update do not go toghewer well17:30
Siegel-qin it finished installing17:30
dexter__xangua the install portion errored17:30
hallmanAnyone know why xorg sucks up 25-100% of my cpu? Seems to be a common problem, yet the many suggested solutions doesn't seem to work for me.17:30
fbdystangwho is urlin2u17:30
hallmanI've also looked through the ubuntu wiki on X troubleshooting, HighCPU in particular.. I find it hard to believe that it's a client application. It's not software rasterizing. I've tried various drivers. Logs seem fine.17:30
qinSiegel-: check menu...17:30
xanguadexter__: errored¿ :S i just understand plain english17:30
Siegel-qin now its asking how much memory my graphics board has. how can i find that out?17:30
fbdystangwhois urlin2u17:31
dexter__xangua it gave me an error17:31
ActionParsniphallman: what video chip do you use?17:31
qinSiegel-: lspci17:31
Siegel-qin do i type that in terminal?17:31
hallmanActionParsnip: I got an Nvidia 8800GT card17:31
qinSiegel-: always17:31
fbdystangurlin2u: how do I execute a who is?17:31
urlin2ufbdystang, not sur of the who is actually I righ click the users in xchat17:31
ActionParsniphallman: have you installed the nvidia proprietary driver?17:31
Siegel-qin i got lots of lines, which one is relevant?17:31
qmrbah, deleted all my dotfiles and logged out/in, I have sound again17:32
ActionParsnipqmr: did the command I gave, work?17:32
hallmanActionParsnip: I've tried a few different ones.. I think the proprietary drivers were the original ones? I'll check17:32
ActionParsnipqmr: cool :)17:32
qinxangua: Why your question mark is flipped?17:32
qmrActionParsnip: I said three times I wasn't going to do that17:32
qinSiegel-: VGA17:32
Siegel-qin oh i have 1024. it said i have to have at least 25617:32
xanguaqin latin american keyboard17:32
ActionParsnipqmr: you only needed to remove ~/.pulse*   the other files have no reference to sound17:32
qmr"here install all this junk and see if it fixes your computer"17:32
qinxangua: ok, thx17:32
tjiggi_fofbdystang, put a / in front of whois like /whois <nick>17:32
qmrActionParsnip: no, because I removed ~/.pulse* several times, that didn't fix it17:33
qmrit was somewhere else.  no idea where17:33
qinSiegel-: Yes17:33
ActionParsnipqmr: the second command was different. I know you didn't want to use the big command I gave17:33
Siegel-qin ok again nothing happens when i click on the icon17:33
qmroh sorry, I didn't see a second.  I've been dtaching and reattaching my irc screen17:33
hallmanActionParsnip: right now I got in my xorg.conf under Section "Device", Driver "nvidia".. so that's the proprietary ones, yes? Package installed, nvidia-173 I believe17:33
ActionParsnipqmr: you got the gold, you can restore your settings folders from backup to restore settings easily17:33
qmrI should have just mv'd things though.. oops.  now I have to fix up firefox again for work17:33
qinSiegel-: cd .wine && find . -name *.exe17:34
qinSiegel-: look for sims17:34
qmrnow to wipe out empathy17:34
ActionParsnipqmr: d'oh. Shouldn't take too long though :)17:34
_srpwhile trying something php i got this error [cURL support was not found on this server. Please make sure cURL is enabled for PHP and try again], how do i install this?17:35
tetsuo--i have an external NTFS usb drive, how can i change its rights so all users have read access and one user has write access?17:35
dsa_ActionParsnip, how do I see the history of my terminal operations?17:35
fbdystangurlin2u: tjiggi_fo: I try typing "/whois urlin2u" into this terminal bar and nothing happens. What gives?17:35
Siegel-qin ok it just worked for a second btw17:35
ActionParsnipdsa_: history | less17:35
dexter__ActionParsnip: It's still going.17:35
Siegel-qin let me try17:35
Siegel-ill be back later if it works17:36
ActionParsniphallman: can you pastebin your xorg.conf please17:36
Siegel-thanks for the help17:36
tjiggi_fofbdystang, see the reply in freenode17:36
improveuponActionParsnip: it appears that if i use another browser, the system does not crash17:36
ActionParsnipimproveupon: sounds about right :)17:36
urlin2ufbdystang, I am not familiar with doing a who is other the right clicking a users name in xchat and looking that way17:36
qinhehe, totaly off-topic: "Unity is so awesome" by regular M$ hardhead.17:36
urlin2ufbdystang, basically the free cloak says unaffiliated17:37
improveuponActionParsnip: so it is just that firefox was hogging memory? but it was not doing that before. for a long time i used it for days at a time and it was ok.17:37
fbdystangtjiggi_fo: if I type /whois tjiggi_fo i get no reply17:37
fbdystangurlin2u: ah ok, now I see17:37
loculinuxI need help17:37
hallmanActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/73gBvRGr .. what if I install nvidia-current instead maybe? Anything I should think of to make sure it gets used rather than the old nvidia-173?17:37
urlin2uloculinux, what's the problem?17:37
tjiggi_fofbdystang, see the reply in the freenode channel, it won't print in the channel you're in17:38
pr0zoidHow can i remotely image by ubuntu-server.  I want to take a full backup of my remote server (all i have is command line interface).17:38
andygraybeali have a general computer quetsion, maybe you could direct me to the best channel - i have a two dsl modems that run off of a UPS.  Should I bother trying to control the UPS remotely with a computer?  or should i just let it run till it shuts itself off?17:39
edbianpr0zoid: Do you have somewhere to store all that date?  (you can use scp or rsync to compress it all and put it somewhere)17:39
fbdystangtjiggi_fo: ahhhhh, hehe, I have never seen that before, thanks! Good to know for registering with freenode17:39
mongypr0zoid, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508717:39
urlin2ufbdystang, it helps to register than we sort of recognze each other if needed.17:40
aaaspr0zoid as always it depends on what you want to do...did you wnat a server IMAGE so that you can restore it or do you just want to backup?17:40
ActionParsnipimproveupon: again, sounds about right17:40
RussellAlanDoes anyone have some time to help with specific bootloader problems? Grub 2 specific....17:41
edbianRussellAlan: sure, what's the issue?17:41
ActionParsniphallman: you may want to add the resolution you use in the screen section in the display subsection17:42
hallmanActionParsnip: I'll do that. You think it might speed things up..?17:42
RussellAlan1. I loaded live CD with /sda1 as Win7 .... then I had Ubuntu as /sda3 , with swap at /sda4 ... did I mess up when I specified the bootloader to be /sda3 ?17:42
ActionParsnipimproveupon: I don't use firefox these days, maybe others can advise. I think it's an appauling browser17:42
RussellAlanedbian:  because I get no grub2 interface even with Shift held down17:42
ActionParsniphallman: does nvidia-settings    show an error when you run it?17:43
hallmanActionParsnip: no17:43
edbianRussellAlan: Can you elaborate what you mean by 'specified the boot loader' ?  The grub (the bootloader) is actually installed to a hdd, not a partition.  However some parts of it do sit on a partition (/boot usually in the root partition) you typically don't specify this in the ubuntu install.17:43
improveuponActionParsnip: well, thanks again17:44
ActionParsniphallman: ok then run:  gksudo nvidia-settings      setup the display (even set the refresh rate) and then click "Save to X config file"   may help17:44
RussellAlanedbian:  okay heres how my tables look17:44
RussellAlanedbian:  /dev/sda1 ntfs Recovery17:44
bennishey, can i install full on login screen themes? i have a CIA thing for a friend and am unsure how to install it. I tried ubuntu tweak but that's just the logo and background.17:44
edbianRussellAlan: ok, (all on one line please)17:44
ActionParsnipbennis: that's all you can change in GDM17:45
RussellAlanedbian:  /dev/sda2 (!) ntfs 193gb .. unallocated .. /dev/sda4 (key) linux-swap 1.95mb ... /dev/sda3 ext2 19;.6117:45
ActionParsnipbennis: lightdm is a  bit more themable17:45
RussellAlanedbian:  when I was doing the Live Install, it asked where do you want your boot loader to install?17:46
edbianRussellAlan: The ! on /dev/sda2 means you should have windows check the disk.  why do you have unallocated space?17:46
RussellAlanI pointed it at /dev/sda317:46
bennisActionparsnip: is lighdm a pain in the arse to set up?17:46
edbianRussellAlan: Your swap is only 1.95 Mb ?17:46
RussellAlanI was saving the un allocated for windows xp or a different copy  of Windows17:46
RussellAlanedbian:  meant to say gb17:46
gratzianohello all17:46
ActionParsnipbennis: its a package like any other, should be fine. Not themed it though as I don't think it's beneficial to theme something which is going to be onscreen for 3 seconds17:47
RussellAlanhey gratziano17:47
edbianRussellAlan: ok, I'm not familiar with the part of the installer where it was asking you where to install the bootloader.  Are you able to boot the installed ubuntu at all?17:47
RussellAlanThat is why I am trying to setup grub proper17:47
edbianRussellAlan: Can you boot a live CD and use it to boot the installed ubuntu ?17:47
RussellAlanI'm on live rightnow.17:48
hallmanActionParsnip: xorg is still gobbling up all my cpu :/17:48
RussellAlanWhat would be the procedure?17:48
=== davros is now known as spacin
ActionParsniphallman: are there any bugs reported?17:48
edbianRussellAlan: When you boot the live CD, early during the boot process there is a purple/black screen that has a man = keyboard icon at the bottom.  Boot the liveCD and when you see that screen press some button.  There will be an option to boot the HDD17:48
edbianRussellAlan: please use my name when talking to me or I will miss things you say :)17:49
RussellAlaninteresting, didnt know what that was for17:49
edbianRussellAlan: sure :)17:49
edbianRussellAlan: We could fix it on the liveCD but it's a bit of a pain in the butt17:49
hallmanActionParsnip: to the developers? Yes, plenty. Since many years back. They don't seem to give a fuck.17:49
RussellAlanedbian:  so that icon would not appear unless i have had it installed already, or is that just an option to put it on the hdd?17:50
ActionParsniphallman: could try the 185 driver to test17:50
RussellAlanbtw, if your name is ed i like the world play edbian17:50
hallmanActionParsnip: I don't find the 185 drivers in kpackagekit17:50
edbianRussellAlan: that icon appears when you boot the liveCD,  it will possibly let you boot the installed OS (acting as grub sort of) temporarily this will let us boot so we can set up grub proper17:51
edbianRussellAlan: My name is Ed :)17:51
ActionParsniphallman: could try removing 173 and install nvidia-current17:51
hallmanActionParsnip: did that17:51
RussellAlanedbian:  any buttons i should smash or just enter, space etc?17:51
ActionParsniphallman: that's all I know then, maybe others can help17:52
edbianRussellAlan: the stick-man screen should react to any button17:52
urlin2uedbian, so the grub from the cd to boot the hd is after the first try ubuntu....etc or at that?17:52
RussellAlanedbian:  doing a checkdisk17:52
edbianurlin2u: I don't know wha tyou mean.17:52
edbianRussellAlan: windows checkdisk?17:52
hallmanActionParsnip: Yeah.. Thanks, you've been most helpful. Considering just switching back to arch instead..17:53
ActionParsniphallman: I use a 6150 and use nouveau + kwin   works really well17:53
urlin2uedbian, when you boot a live cd there are two install gui's the first has a try, and check memory etc, if you hit a key at powering on. If you just let the cd boot you get a sceond gui later on theat is a option to try or install only.17:54
edbianurlin2u: oh, yes, that's right.  What are you asking?17:55
urlin2uedbian, the exact area for the cd to boot ther hd, I didn't know this.17:55
edbianurlin2u: ah-ha :)17:55
urlin2uedbian, or I have just overlooked it not ever needing ut.17:56
Hh2-Serverhello, is it possible to wake a computer up from sleep via a SSH connection?17:56
ActionParsnipHh2-Server: there is WOL but it doesn't use SSH17:57
Hh2-ServerActionParsnip ah, well I kinda need SSH for what I'm doing, My laptop can't handle a HHD anymore, so I was going to boot it from an USB and use an SSH-X connection to my desktop to do everything i need17:58
=== Monotoko|AFK is now known as Monotoko
bindiActionParsnip: I fixed the gparted crash problem... got 11.04 instead of 10.04, it's installing atm17:58
ActionParsnipbindi: sweet :)17:59
Hh2-Serverand I really don't want the desktop to run all hours of the night either17:59
polygon-pusherso after turning on cube view untiy is not showing at all in 11.04 what can I do?18:01
=== stefan_ is now known as StefanRvO
mdmkolbeThe menu that is under the networking icon in the bar at the top of the screen has stopped responding (this is on Unity).  I can bring up the menu but nothing in the menu actually does anything when I click on them (they are not greyed out) and the VPN sub-menu is completely empty.  I've seen this happen before and it is usually fixable with a reboot but I'd rather not have to do that.  Any ideas on how to fix this permanently or to restart j18:03
urlin2umdmkolbe, you running a tweaked compiz?18:04
qwasgenДоброго времени суток. Есть говорящие по русски?18:04
mdmkolbeurlin2u: not that I'm aware of.  I freshly installed a week ago.18:04
polygon-pusheris there a  keyboard shortcut to logout?18:04
urlin2u!ru | mdmkolbe18:05
ubottumdmkolbe: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:05
moesIs a Nvidia G71 Ge Force 7900 gs video card capable of using Ge Force FX drivers18:05
bindi!factoids > bindi18:05
ubottubindi, please see my private message18:05
usr13Has vino replaced Remote Desktop [server]?18:06
urlin2u!ru | qwasgen18:06
ubottuqwasgen: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:06
urlin2umdmkolbe, sorry for that there what release are you running and DE18:07
slav3_kittenawesome, installer crashed18:07
urlin2uslav3_kitten, have you a unallocated space and are not putting to many partitons on the HD?18:08
mdmkolbeurlin2u: release is 11.04, DE is Unity18:08
urlin2umdmkolbe, try compiz --replace18:09
slav3_kittenis there any way to yea i have 2 partitions, it resized everything properly, got to "starting PC card services" and exploded18:09
slav3_kitten80 gig partition for ubuntu18:09
polygon-pusherwhats the name of the default terminal app if I was to try and look for it in  usr/bin18:10
urlin2uslav3_kitten, 80 gigs unallocted are pre formatted?18:10
mdmkolbeurlin2u: that didn't fix it.18:10
sunilgI m using ubuntu 11.04 I am unable to connect to my dell bh200 headset.Nor is blueman bluetooth manager working.Any solution??18:11
urlin2umdmkolbe, hmm hard to say for me, without knowing the set up, there is ubnity --reset as well.18:11
slav3_kittenurlin2u, resized win 718:11
urlin2uunity --reset*18:11
urlin2uslav3_kitten,can you imagen=bin a screen shot of gparted looking at the HD.18:12
urlin2uslav3_kitten, http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add18:12
bindihey, what is a good vnc server? one that supports viewing the main x session, instead of creating a new one18:14
abhi01so in natty narwhaal there is no menu? unlike gnome menu and it brings a box  where i got to type the name of the app?18:14
recon69_laphi all, installing netbeans ide and was wondering what path to set for JDK , i'v found /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk/bin , does this seem right to give to the netbeans installer which is asking for a path to the jdk18:15
icerootrecon69_lap: sounds correct18:15
icerootbindi: every vnc server can do that18:15
bindiiceroot: perhaps I failed then.. I couldn't get it to work18:16
icerootpolygon-pusher: gnome-terminal18:16
recon69_lapthx iceroot, chocs away and hope it works :)18:16
abhi01in ubuntu 11.04 natty narwhaal there is no menu? unlike gnome menu and it brings a box where i got to type the name of the app?18:16
abhi01is it so troublesome now18:16
moes Is a Nvidia G71 Ge Force 7900 gs video card capable of using Ge Force FX drivers18:17
icerootabhi01: try "alt + f2"18:17
slav3_kittenurlin2u, no net connection on that comp. anyhow /dev/sda1 ntfs system 1.46gb, /dev/sda2 ntfs 146.1gb /dev/sda4 extended 75.25gb, /dev/sda5 ext4 /target 72.5gb, sda6 unknown 2.74gb, /sda3 ntfs hddrecovery 10gb18:17
xanguaabhi01: clic onn the ubuntu icon18:17
fisixdoes anybody know how to setup grub in /boot so that i can truecrypt windows 7 while still dualbooting ubuntu?18:17
urlin2uslav3_kitten, are you using the something other option at choice of install destination.18:18
xanguaor use gnome classic abhi0118:18
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".18:18
slav3_kittenurlin2u, i just did the side by side option, then auto config18:18
taiyalwhat's a good piece of Ubuntu-compatible software that'll let me store arbitrary pieces of information indexed by person's name?18:18
slav3_kittenlike i said, it got to starting pc card services before it died18:19
recon69_lap no success using /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk/bin as the path to jdk in netbeans installers :-(18:19
abhi01iceroot and xangua i haven't upgraded to 11.04 yet but i heard that if i upgrade i cant bring the menu by clicking on ubuntu icon instead a window will open where i got to type the name of an app to open it. is it like that?18:19
Monotokotaiyal, sounds like a MySQL database may work? Along with phpmyadmin for easy viewing and adding18:19
taiyalalright, I'll check that out18:19
abhi01there is no gnome menu on clicking the ubuntu icon anymore?18:19
urlin2uslav3_kitten, I suspect you have a boot partition which would make 4 primaries, which is the max, you also if you have the ubuntu partitions formatted have to use the something else option18:20
fbdystangis gnome 3 coming in 11.14?18:20
fbdystang11.10 haha18:21
banjobenHey guys, I'm trying to get my sound to work on ubuntu 10.04. I can't even see any hardware in my sound preferences. Any suggestions on where to start?18:21
dexter_ActionParsnip: I restarted but it still doesn't work.18:21
urlin2uslav3_kitten, get  screen shot transfer it with a thumb or cd to what your using now and post it. If you force the partitions beyond the max allowed you will make your HD dynamic, or you have a gpt setup alreadt.18:22
icerootfbdystang: yes but without gnome-shell18:22
dexter_Can someone pelase hlp me? I can't isntall any packages.18:22
icerootdexter_: please post more details18:22
dexter_iceroot: sudo apt-get install updates E: Unable to locate package updates18:23
dancoleI'm try to parse python on a server though AJAX, but the python page displays a 404. It was downloading the file, but I installed mod_python and added the python handler to apache2. What do I need to do ?18:23
icerootdexter_: what should the package "updates" do?18:23
icerootdexter_: there is no package updates, maybe you mean "sudo apt-get upate && sudo apt-get install foobar"?18:24
salty-horsehey. I have an old feisty installation that I'd like to upgrade to natty. if I install from the livecd, will it leave my /home/ intact?18:24
dexter_iceroot: Yeah, that.But I can't install packages.18:24
icerootdexter_: what package e.g.?18:24
urlin2uslav3_kitten, I will not help you I don't take PM's without a warning, nor do I take I staed this already statements as a working together attitude.18:24
xanguasalty-horse: better make a copy of your data and fresh install ;)18:24
dexter_iceroot: installing htem from ubuntu tweak.... chromium, transmission....\18:25
sunilgI m using ubuntu 11.04 I am unable to connect to my dell bh200 headset.Nor is blueman bluetooth manager working.Any solution??18:25
salty-horsexangua, will do. thanks :)18:25
icerootdexter_: what is the output of "sudo apt-get install transmission"?18:25
afeijoI updated a machine from 10.10 to 11.04, now it does not power up. It halt at the loading page, with the 5 dots18:25
afeijowhat can I do?18:25
slav3_kittenurlin2u, first off i'm looking for a flash drive, secondly i mentioned i stated it as you may have missed it. i'm not too fond of people repeating the same requests for information that's already been provided.18:26
=== davros is now known as spacin
slav3_kittenif i cant screen shot, an exact text representation is just as good18:26
dexter_iceroot: It worked b/c I alread have the PPA but Tweak makes it easier. It's installing.18:26
urlin2uslav3_kitten, If I had a dollar for ecery time the other posted wrong information, I wouldn't be helping people here who have a attitude not acceptable, GROW UP18:27
icerootdexter_: so its working fine?18:27
John__where can I see cpu uage in ubuntu?18:27
icerootJohn__: top18:27
slav3_kittenurlin2u, not all people who come in here are idiots, i'm not fond of being treated as if i were one. i'm fully capable of reading as well as writing.18:28
sunilgI m using ubuntu 11.04 I am unable to connect to my dell bh200 headset.Nor is blueman bluetooth manager working.Any solution??18:28
sunilgPlz help guys... i hv been stuck for long time18:28
slav3_kitteni read the information, and wrote the information18:28
dexter_iceroot: I guess,  just don't want to install one by one. Ubuntu tweak said their were problems or whatever. After going to synaptic to fix it still didn't work. What is the command to install updates? sudo apt-get install update ?18:28
urlin2uslav3_kitten, k18:28
pr0zoidedbian: can i store it on the same drive or do i need to create a partition?18:28
icerootdexter_: sudo apt-get install package1 package2 package318:28
edbianpr0zoid: You can but your backup wherever you want.  Either one will work fine :)18:28
John__iceroot: thanks, you know how to sort it by cpu usage descending ?18:29
dexter_iceroot: What's package 1, 2... Do I insert a name?18:29
icerootdexter_: to install updates use "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"18:29
dexter_iceroot: Did it change in Natty?18:29
icerootdexter_: if you want to install the package transmission and firefox use "sudo apt-get install transmission firefox"18:29
icerootdexter_: no18:29
SJrI have a Belken PCI ExpressCard, it uses kernel module sky2. It only gets detected if I boot  the system up with it. Otherwise nothing.18:30
SJrI suspect I need another kernel module18:30
SJrI have both dmesg's but I can't diff them because of the time stamp.18:30
stercorpart w18:30
icerootJohn__: using p or P (dont know exactly)18:30
icerootJohn__: but if i am correct that sort-order is the default18:31
gabo-texspeaking spanish?¡18:31
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:31
John__iceroot: ok18:33
arjunkumarhow do I reboot a desktop using crontab -e18:35
theadminarjunkumar: You should use the system-wide crontab located in /etc/crontab18:35
icerootarjunkumar: 0 10 * * * root /sbin/reboot   but that in /etc/cron.d/18:36
icerootarjunkumar: and of course change the time to your needs18:36
arjunkumarthanks that will  work I think18:37
SoItBeginsHi, I'm installing Ubuntu18:37
wildc4rdevenin all!18:37
=== hacked is now known as vinces
icerootSoItBegins: great18:37
SoItBeginsAnd I need a little help because I'm setting up for a triple-boot.18:37
icerootSoItBegins: with which two other systems?18:38
SoItBeginsBasically, I've already got the drive partitioned correctly, into three main partitions (1 for each OS)18:38
SoItBeginsOh, Mac OS X and Windows XP.18:38
icerootSoItBegins: easiest is to install ubuntu at last18:38
SoItBeginsYep-- that's what I'm doing.18:38
iceroot!dualboot | SoItBegins18:38
ubottuSoItBegins: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:38
SoItBeginsI'm in the installer's "Allocate Drive Space" window now18:39
SoItBeginsI just need a few tips...18:39
SoItBeginsI understand that the partition I want to use for Ubuntu should be formatted as Ext3.18:39
icerootSoItBegins: the first tip is to ask your question all in one line18:39
SoItBeginsOh. OK.18:39
icerootSoItBegins: ext418:39
SoItBeginsExt4, then.18:39
theadminSoItBegins: ext4 is a better idea18:39
theadminiceroot: Nothing wrong with ext3 though, don't confuse people18:39
SoItBeginsWhat I'm not sure about is the whole bootloader thing18:40
iceroottheadmin: its the default18:40
theadminSoItBegins: Should be the drive you install Ubuntu on18:40
SoItBeginsI'd prefer to get away without installing any sort of bootloader at all, as my MacBook Pro already comes with one (Darwin).18:40
SoItBeginsOr am I missing something here?18:40
theadminSoItBegins: It probably won't boot Linux for you18:40
icerootSoItBegins: you install grub which is calling ubuntu, the bootloader from osx and the bootloader from windows18:41
icerootSoItBegins: normally you only have to install ubuntu in the free space, the rest is done automaticly18:41
excelsior1979Can someone tell me if I take one cord from the power supply out of the hard drive in my tower and replace it with another cord with the same specs, without changing anything else, will it work? (voltage is the same, but I don't know if different COM will cause problems)18:42
SoItBeginsOK... I'll try it and see if I can figure it out...18:43
theadminSoItBegins: You need 1 partition of type 83 with ext2/3/4, mounted at / for the very basic setup. Separate /home is also a good idea18:44
SoItBegins@theadmin: Got that bit set up.18:45
SoItBeginsNow, I should set the 'boot loader installation' menu to the entire drive, or the partition with Ubuntu?18:45
theadminSoItBegins: The drive.18:45
SoItBeginsOK, thanks.18:45
theadminSoItBegins: If your current bootloader can chainload, you can use the partition18:45
t4sHi. My external hard drive has a Russian k in it the name (probably from being hooked up to a Windows or Mac computer). I tried to rename it with Disk Utility, but now the Disk Utility is not responding (it's just hanging). Should it take long to rename a disk, or is something wrong? Would it be safe to kill the process and retry? Thanks.18:45
theadminSoItBegins: If you have no idea what I just said, use the drive18:45
SoItBegins@theadmin: Got it.18:46
pr0zoidedbian: it seems like there are number of options for taking an image.  rsync. tar, systemrescuecd.  What i am looking to do is take a full back up then load it in a VM on my desktop.  Later on i may want to have a mirror of the prod server but for now a backup will do.  any recommendations given the above?18:47
theadminSoItBegins: You do not need to use @, we're not on Twitter.18:48
theadminivanh: /quit18:48
rwwivanh: try /quit18:48
kyanHello. I've accidentally screwed up /etc/fstab so it mounts my root filesystem readonly every time18:48
SoItBeginsAfter some slight searching, it appears Grub can chainload Darwin. No word on whether Darwin can chainload at all (except maybe Windows).18:48
edbianpr0zoid: since you wanna use the backup in a vm I suggest using dd and clone the actual partitions.  (e.g. dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/some/file.vdi)18:49
kyanHow can I change /etc/fstab with it being read-only?18:49
theadminkyan: Should be something like this for your root: /dev/sda1 / ext4 defaults 1 118:49
theadminkyan: Ah, that.18:50
theadminkyan: Run this first: mount -o remount,rw /18:50
theadminkyan: Might need sudo18:50
kyantheadmin: Cool, thanks.18:50
kyantheadmin: The reason I got into that fix was because I had to write my fstab from scratch and had no idea how :-D just using a couple of reference guides from the internet18:51
edbianRussellAlan: yes?18:51
erkan^is beta for 11.10 stable or unstable?18:52
pr0zoidedbian: when you say dd do you mean using one of the above tools to copy the entire device??18:52
Gentoo64erkan^, its not oging to be as stable as non betas is it18:52
pr0zoidnot sure what dd is18:52
theadminerkan^: It's... a beta. Unstable, naturally.18:52
edbianpr0zoid: no, dd is a command, a tool you did not list (or apparently know about)18:52
urlin2uerkan^, not stable  #ubuntu+1 is your destination18:53
oCeanerkan^: well it's still beta, so unstable. Discussion/help in #ubuntu+1 channel18:53
erkan^i use ubuntu 10.04 now (-:18:53
erkan^thank you18:53
edbianpr0zoid: I gave an example of how to use it.  It copies data at the bit level.  It will make an EXACT copy of the partition you point it at.  This makes it useful for using the data to boot a VM18:53
SoItBegins[sigh] Another question.18:53
theadminSoItBegins: Sure, ask away18:54
SoItBeginsWhen I try to install, the system warns me that I haven't set up any swap space.18:54
SoItBeginsI started life as a Mac user, and on OS X the system uses a chunk of your main disk space as swap.18:54
SoItBeginsCan I set it up to do that / what should I do now?18:54
theadminSoItBegins: You need a separate partition of type 82 for that.18:55
mongyedbian, can you dd a partition while mounte?18:55
Thomas___Hello Can someone please help me? Synaptic says I have to fix broken packages before installing. I fixed via synaptic but it still doesn't work.18:55
John__what's the su password ? I am running from live USB18:55
edbianmongy: yes18:55
oCeanJohn__: you should use the sudo command, with your (user) password18:56
SoItBeginstheadmin: That's what the installer said, but I'm just not sure why that's the case.18:56
theadminSoItBegins: This is SPARTA! Err, Linux.18:56
theadminSoItBegins: Just the way it does things18:56
SoItBeginsHa, ha18:56
Thomas___Hello Can someone please help me? Synaptic says I have to fix broken packages before installing. I fixed via synaptic but it still doesn't work.18:57
SoItBeginsGot it. Creating a new partition (~5GB) for swap.18:57
pr0zoidedbian: the challenge i have is that the server only has 10GB (75% free).  From my understanding if its a bit for bit copy i would need the 10GB and i don't have another drive on the server.18:57
theadminSoItBegins: WOAH NOW18:57
theadminSoItBegins: That's just TOO much18:57
theadminSoItBegins: 3GB is way more than enough18:57
Thomas___hi guys18:57
SoItBeginsHuh. I guess I'm used to running an old laptop18:58
edbianpr0zoid: that's right.  Where CAN you put this data?18:58
SoItBeginsWhere it had to grab 6GB just to stay afloat18:58
Thomas___Is anyone here?18:58
edbianThomas___: yes18:58
oCeanThomas___: lots of people, yes18:58
Thomas___Very unhelpful then.18:58
Thomas___Hello Can someone please help me? Synaptic says I have to fix broken packages before installing. I fixed via synaptic but it still doesn't work.18:58
Fr4nthomas__, try sudo dpkg --configure -a18:59
Thomas___Fr4n: Thanks.18:59
oCeanThomas___: you determined that from the 5 minutes you are here? Remember people here are all volunteers. Have some patience18:59
=== Phor is now known as Phorfaber
Thomas___oCean: Sorry, I am just bery Busy and this is important19:00
theadminHey, Gentoo64.19:00
pr0zoidedbian: is it possible to route the output to my desktop(win7) from the remote server19:00
Fr4nwould someone recommend me a good music player? I've tried banshee and amarok, but these can't handle my music gallery.19:01
edbianpr0zoid: are you logged into the ubuntu server from the windows 7 machine?19:01
Gentoo64Fr4n, what do you mean cant handle it19:01
pr0zoidvia ssh19:01
theadminFr4n: I use VLC for everything19:01
Gentoo64i use cmus for music19:01
Fr4nGentoo64, I have around 130gb of music19:01
Gentoo64Fr4n, cmus will cache it, if your into minimal ncurses stuff19:02
SoItBeginsGoing to repartition for swap, then coming back later.19:02
RussellAlanedbian:  so whats the verdict?19:02
SoItBeginsSee you all19:02
Thomas___Fr4n: I ran it but it didn't do anything.19:02
edbianRussellAlan: Did you boot ubuntu (on the hdd) using the liveCD ?19:02
RussellAlanedbian:  to get grub2, does grub2 notice all paritions, i tried to reinstall ubuntu, but the downloads were taking to long19:03
theadminTotally offtopic question, but hey, we're in a Linux channel so guess I could ask. If I create a GUID partition table, will Windows work on it?19:03
Gentoo64theadmin, no i dont think so19:03
theadminGentoo64: Okay, thanks19:03
Gentoo64theadmin, im not 100% sure though19:03
Gentoo64but i think its just linux and mac19:03
edbianpr0zoid: do something like this on the windows machine: scp -r user@ubuntumachine:/ "C:\some\place"19:04
edbianRussellAlan: You don't need to reinstall.  Do you have an installed version of Ubuntu now?19:04
Gentoo64theabyssdragon, my bad apparently it does work on win 719:04
Gentoo64theadmin, rather19:05
theadminGentoo64: Failtab :P19:05
edbianRussellAlan: grub2 will find everything.  I will give you the command to install it if you'd follow my directions please.19:05
Thomas___Hello Can someone please help me? Synaptic says I have to fix broken packages before installing. I fixed via synaptic but it still doesn't work.19:05
theadminGentoo64: I found my nickname is best completed with "thead"19:05
urlin2utheadmin, some windows come with GUID gpt19:05
Gentoo64theadmin, yea i was lazy typing19:05
Gentoo64as usual19:05
urlin2uthe adamix http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/gg46352519:05
bindiis it possible to connect to a wpa2 accesspoint automatically, but with dhcp?19:06
theadminGentoo64: Well, I'm not too lazy to type out "alias rtfm=man" in my bashrc just because that's so much fun xDD19:06
Gentoo64theadmin, your adamix too19:06
urlin2utheadmin, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/gg46352519:06
John__i'm trying to install nvidia drivers but this command doesn't work? sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-280.13.run19:08
theadmin!find netcfg19:08
ubottuFile netcfg found in awesome-extra, ebox-network, mingw-w64, perl, perl-doc-html, ubiquity, vzctl, wine1.0, wine1.2, wine1.2-dbg (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=netcfg&mode=&suite=natty&arch=any19:08
Gentoo64John__, your supposed to install them from ther gui driver manager19:08
Gentoo64otherwise good luck removing them19:08
theadminGentoo64: Not really, just delete the stuff out of /usr/share/modules, mostly, and maybe some binaries from /usr/bin/19:09
Gentoo64well yea19:09
Gentoo64but i mean easy lol19:09
John__what gui driver manager?19:09
Gentoo64driver manager is easier to maintain19:09
Gentoo64i think its jockey gtk19:09
Gentoo64its in the menu somewhere / panel whetever19:10
Gentoo64additional drivers19:10
yeatsGentoo64: you're right - it's jockey-gtk19:10
Ab-guys, new to ubuntu here19:10
Ab-how do i set pidgin to autostart on pc boot19:10
alexander13Hello Can someone please help me? Synaptic says I have to fix broken packages before installing. I fixed via synaptic but it still doesn't work.19:11
John__additional drivers wont let me browse to one19:11
Gentoo64Ab-, there should be an autostart apps thing in the system settings19:11
theadminAb-: System -> Preferences -> Startup apps19:11
Gentoo64just add pidgin19:11
yeatsAb-: add it to Startup Applications19:11
jawsnflalexander13 use dpkg command19:11
kyanHello again. Now that I have the /etc/fstab problem fixed, it is booting to a blank screen. I do have a cursor, but nothing else.19:11
yeatsalexander13: can you pastebin the error you're seeing?19:11
kyanWhat could be the problem?19:11
Gentoo64kyan, did it work fine before the fstab messed up?19:12
Gentoo64could be gpu settings, all of a sudden :s19:12
Ab-thank you Gentoo64 / yeats / the admin19:12
theadminkyan: Do you have a separate /usr or /home partitions?19:12
kyanGentoo64: No, it's a new installation made by mondo19:12
Gentoo64what is it with ubuntu and blank screens19:12
theadminkyan: Make sure fstab mounts those properly19:12
Gentoo64kyan, who is mondo?19:12
kyanGentoo64: It's running in a VM (in VirtualBox).19:12
Gentoo64ah ok19:12
Gentoo64thats... sometimes bad19:13
alexander13yeats: It just said I have broken packages19:13
kyantheadmin: No I do not.19:13
alexander13jawsnfl: I tried, but it did nothing.19:13
kyantheadmin: Only one partition, occupying the entire drive, mounted at /19:13
theadminkyan: I see.19:13
Gentoo64kyan, try rebooting19:13
Gentoo64it might just wrk19:13
Gentoo64sometimes it glitches up like that19:14
theadminkyan: That looks odd, but okayish... Try sudo modprobe -r vboxdrv to unload virtualbox's drivers, those bug out from time to time19:14
yeatsalexander13: in the terminal, can you do 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' and pastebin the output?19:14
jawsnflalexander13 try the dpkg command with --help n choose what command suites u best19:15
kyan_Gentoo64: Mondo Rescue is a backup program http://www.mondorescue.org/19:15
kyan_Gentoo64: Reboot the VM or the host system? I have tried rebooting the VMB19:15
edbianRussellAlan: I'm here now :P19:15
kyan_I mean the VM19:15
jawsnflalexander13 ie dpkg -p <package name>19:15
Gentoo64kyan, the vm19:16
Gentoo64idk then19:16
theadminkyan: Rebooting the host won't help anyone19:16
kyan_theadmin: didn't think so :-D19:16
kyan_Gentoo64: Hmm.19:16
Gentoo64idk anything about "mondo" either19:16
theadminkyan_: Try what I said19:16
Gentoo64so ill be quiet19:16
theadminkyan_: sudo rmmod vboxdrv, for starters, to unload Virtualbox's graphic (and a few others) drivers19:16
jawsnflanyone know how to write an email harvesting script19:17
thomas13Hello Can someone please help me? Synaptic says I have to fix broken packages before installing. I fixed via synaptic but it still doesn't work.19:17
thomas13I also ran dpkg but it didn't do anything.19:17
theadminthomas13: sudo apt-get -f install ; sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a19:17
Gentoo64jawsnfl, http://goo.gl/wvZ9619:18
kyan_theadmin: Hmm ok. I'm afraid I missed the suggestions because the IRC client hung for a minute and I had  to reload it.19:18
jawsnflgentoo64 lemmie check it out now19:18
thomas13theadmin: Thanks for replying. Trying now...19:18
kyan_theadmin: rmmod vboxdrv — is that going to break anything?19:19
theadminkyan_: It will just unload the modules for one session, do not worry19:19
kyan_theadmin: ok… here goes19:19
kyan_ERROR: Module vboxdrv is in use by vboxnetadp,vboxnetflt19:19
theadminkyan_: I'm not sure who those are... But try killing them19:20
jawsnflgentoo64 i need open source code if posible19:20
kyan_theadmin: no process found for both of them19:20
bindican I change the display mode from command line? it's extend atm, and the main display is dead, i need to set it to mirror19:21
theadminbindi: The xrandr command can help you with that19:21
theadminkyan_: I see, meh, weird, I'm not sure how the modules work19:21
kyan_theadmin: Hmm.19:22
eiriksvinCan someone tell me why the Ubuntu installer would fail at resizing the partitions?19:22
kyan_theadmin: found a ref here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:yxT0cVsZOSMJ:ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-720349.html+rmmod+vboxdrv&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us19:22
thrillERboyHi, I use this script in .bashrc to display current git branch in prompt, if pwd is a git repo, I have a bug though, it outputs git --version in terminal everytime I start it, if git is not installed I get error everytime I strat terminal. Pls help http://paste.ubuntu.com/681349/19:22
Gentoo64eiriksvin, are any of them mounted?19:22
kyan_theadmin: different error but same goal: rmmod vboxdrv19:22
skuttCan someone help me to figure out how to fix "Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev) + ALERT! UUID does not exist" ?19:22
Spyder83I'm having a problem with x server crashing. I'm getting "intel/intel_bufmgr_gem.c:941: Error preparing buffer map. Any ideas? Thanks19:23
Spyder83I have the log uploaded if needed.19:24
binditheadmin: "Can't open display VGA1"19:24
eiriksvinI used the Ubuntu installers GUI for selecting partition sizes and it showed the Windows Vista partition, but when I tried to install Ubuntu along side vista, it failed to resize the partition19:24
Gentoo64eiriksvin, try installing it normall (making an ubuntu partition manaully) it will dual boot exactly the same19:25
Gentoo64and shoulnt have probs19:25
eiriksvinok, I'm going to bring up Gparted19:25
theadmineiriksvin: Probably a missing package with the program for resizing the specific partition type19:26
eiriksvinI'm on the live USB right now19:26
jonanscotthello. just got an Ubuntu system running openvpn (client) and wondering if anyone knows how to pass the username and password (maybe in the config?)19:26
jonanscottalas the --auth-user-pass does not work as it needs something on the server side, which I don't control19:27
pdtpatrickHow do you install a new theme in ubuntu 11.10 ? Do you have to manually install it in /usr/share?  Because the current appearance allows now way of installing themese19:27
urlin2ueiriksvin, if you resize vista far enough it will want a auto chkdsk probably be prepared for that.19:28
theadminpdtpatrick: You normally should be able to drag the tarball onto the theme list to install it19:28
eiriksvinok, gparted shows all the partitions, I know I need a ext4 and a swap first, then I'll work from there19:28
Spyder83I have uploaded the Xorg log on pastebin if anyone could take a look and help me out. http://pastebin.com/FMzyGyxp19:28
kyan_theadmin: During boot I am getting the error message: [52.320000] piix4_smbus 0000:00:07.0: SMBus base address uninitialized — upgrade BIOS or use force_addr=0xaddr. Do you think that could be a cause of the problem?\19:29
urlin2ueiriksvin, how mant=y windows partitons do you see?19:29
pdtpatricktheadmin, right .. but in 11.10 it seems they give you a list and you either choose from that or you're S.O.L at least on my attempts. Have you tried it on 11.10 and that worked for you ?19:29
theadminkyan_: Doubtable. I get that, that appears to be a problem with AMD processors in some way... Or maybe not. But for me X works and Xfce works and everything works19:29
kescci uinstalled a program from wine, it uinsalled sucsess but the folder of the program in the wine folder meny is still there how do i remove it?19:29
theadminpdtpatrick: Sorry but 11.10 is not supported here.19:30
theadminkescc: alacarte19:30
kescctheadmin ????19:30
urlin2updtpatrick, #ubuntu+119:30
theadminkescc: That's a terminal command, run it19:30
eiriksvinwell there are 4 partitions: fat16 (DellUtility), ntfs (RECOVERY), ntfs (OS), and unallocated19:31
Gentoo64eiriksvin, i dont see why it fails. but doing it manually shouldnt... as long as none are mounted19:31
VardamirHi, I want to create a shortcut to launch an application always with very high priority. If I write in the shorcut, or in a shell, "nice -19 vlc" vlc starts with 19 (very low priority), not -19 (the high priority). Can you help with this?19:32
urlin2ueiriksvin, you can only have a maxium of 4 promary partitions.19:32
kescctheadmin thx19:32
eiriksvinwhy would gparted have a red ! by the OS partition?19:32
Gentoo64no idea19:33
Gentoo64does it say anything when you hover on it?19:33
theadmineiriksvin: Probably means it's mounted.19:33
urlin2ueiriksvin, or 3 primaries and a extended, for logical partitions for ubuntu.19:33
edbianeiriksvin: the partition needs to be checked for errors19:33
Gentoo64i think padlock means mounted19:33
edbiantheadmin: a lock means it's mounted19:33
recon69_lapgot the jdk installed and netbeans 7.1 going as well :)19:33
edbianeiriksvin: it means there are errors on the partition, right click -> properties for more info19:33
Gentoo64eiriksvin, ok so fsck then try it again19:33
theadminedbian: Who am I to know? I use fdisk :D19:33
edbiantheadmin: cfdisk ftw19:34
Gentoo64gparted ftw19:34
theadminedbian: That fails on my drive randomly19:34
eiriksvinchecking it now19:34
urlin2ueiriksvin, are you counting the unallocated as a partition?19:34
sebsebsebGentoo64: yep :D19:34
pr0zoidedbian: appreciate all the help... got winscp loaded and connected to my server.  i'm doing just a strait get from the server to my local?19:34
edbiantheadmin: :(19:34
edbianpr0zoid: You tell me! :D19:34
alex-Are there any alternatives to dropbox which work the same but you can host yourself?19:34
edbianpr0zoid: that's what the command does :)  You're the one doing the backup though.  Is that what you want?19:34
Gentoo64alex-, mybox19:34
alex-Gentoo64, www.myboxhd.com ?19:35
thomas13theadmin: It didn' work. :(19:36
gaelfxtheadmin: you started a horrible, horrible thing, getting me on arch. I do like gnome 3 though :D19:36
eiriksvinshoot gparted is crashing19:36
kurt_is anyone available to give me a hand ? I am using Ubuntu 10.4 LTS 64-Bit and I have a problem with the pre installed Empathy Client19:37
tim__i carnt wait untill 11.10 to come out19:37
eiriksvin<urlin2u> yes19:37
Spyder83eiriksvin: Maybe try using parted magic19:37
gaelfxkurt_: is the problem with join/part messages? cause I'm having it too19:37
alex-11.04 is fucked up19:37
kurt_gaelfx, I can not log into MSN using Empathy19:38
alex-11.04 should be like 11.10 is19:38
Ab-teh initial theme after installation is fucked up19:38
theadmingaelfx: You should PM for things like that19:38
urlin2ueiriksvin, cool make sure you put a exteneded in the unallocated, then logicals inside the extended.19:38
Ab-until u choose classic19:38
kurt_I get a red bar saying "Reason Unspecified"19:38
gaelfx!language > alex-19:38
ubottualex-, please see my private message19:38
oCeanalex-: please mind your language in this channel19:38
kurt_"no reason specified" sorry19:38
pr0zoidedbian: i can see how this would work for data i want to back up but essentially i'm looking for a way to take a snapshot of the system (minus free space - since my server only has 1 10gb drive) and use that image to be reloaded in VM that i can boot.  my end result would be a dupe of my server in vm.19:38
kurt_does anyone know why Empathy doesnt like to connect to MSN even though it has the option to do so ?19:38
kurt_this is a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.419:39
eiriksvinI can't resize the OS partition19:39
eiriksvinI don't want to use Wubi19:39
urlin2ueiriksvin, take a screen shot of gparted and imagbin it.19:40
edbianpr0zoid: then dd is the best tool to use.19:40
alex-eiriksvin, why can't you?19:40
Kartagiskurt_: in pidgin, there is the option "Connect on HTTP" or something. maybe Empathy has it too19:40
Vardamirhow do you launch a process with -19 (very high priority)?  nice -19 launches it with 19 priority. [Using Ubuntu 11.04]19:40
urlin2ueiriksvin, http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add19:40
edbianpr0zoid: Problem is it isn't a remote tool.  So you'll have to have to use dd (and have enough local space for the double) then use scp or rsync or something to move it over19:40
KartagisVardamir: nice 19?19:40
kurt_If i select "Advanced" in settings Kartagis I get "Server" I can change the server and then "Port" I can change the port used19:40
eiriksvin<urlin2u> ok, one sec19:40
Vardamirkartagis doesn't works19:40
tetsuo---hello, i ahev a problem with a wine app and they told me i need " 32 bit gl/dri/drm libraries for your drivers" , how do i get these/\19:41
Vardamiri tried that19:41
Kartagistry +19?19:41
Vardamirdon't work19:41
Vardamirnice +19 vlc19:41
Vardamirnice: +19: No such file or directory19:41
kurt_anyone know why Empathy doesnt connect to MSN accounts and says "No Reason Specified" as the error ?19:42
gaelfxkurt_: are you in China?19:42
alex-Gentoo64, Is their site mybox-hd.com ?19:42
kurt_nope im in England, United Kingdom19:42
thrillERboyHow to check if Git is installed in .bashrc file? I mean what condition to I have to use, for an if statement?19:43
gaelfxkurt_: can you connect to msn using a different client?19:43
kurt_ill try 1 sec19:43
eiriksvinheres that gparted screenshot: http://imagebin.org/17087319:44
bindihow do I disable the keyring? it's stupid and it's in the way of my automatic wireless19:45
eiriksvin<bindi>just make the connection available to all users, it will get rid of the keyring flub19:46
kurt_gaelfx,  Yeah I can log in using other clients19:46
gaelfxbindi: you could probably set up your system to connect to wireless on boot up19:46
kurt_its just Empathy doesnt like MSN :s19:46
urlin2ueiriksvin, I yink you probably need to run a chkdsk on that19:47
bindieiriksvin: alright, let's hope it works19:47
eiriksvinso run win and chkdsk it?19:47
pr0zoidedbian: i guess i could resize the partition and use dd duplicate to the new partition then copy usind scp19:47
gaelfxkurt_: are you using any kind of PPA for empathy?19:47
VardamirIf you know the process name, what's the command to get the process number?19:47
urlin2ueiriksvin, yeah chkdsk /f/r19:47
bindihow can I add a command that needs sudo to be executed automatically?19:48
eiriksvinso run chkdsk /f/r at prompt19:48
kurt_It was the default install19:48
urlin2ueiriksvin, make sure your defragged as well, how much data is in sda3?19:48
kurt_it is pre installed with 10.4 LTS19:48
ItalianStallionhello i have a question19:49
oCeanVardamir: you can use pgrep programname (e.g. pgrep firefox) or grep the process table:  ps -ef | grep firefox  (example)19:49
eiriksvinidk, i think its probably viral19:49
VardamiroCean thank you very much19:49
kurt_Only advanced settings i can change is the port number and the server name19:49
urlin2u!ask | ItalianStallion19:49
ubottuItalianStallion: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:49
ItalianStallionif i install ubuntu with the wubi installer, will it any way affect my current windows 7 that i have installed?19:50
VardamiroCean now I want to renice that process to -19 priority, how can I chain renice and pgrep to do it?19:50
urlin2uItalianStallion, shouldn't but wubi is designed for trying out not longterm use.19:50
dfjsfjdfgnsxdthwould b better too run it in a vm19:50
ItalianStallionwhat do you mean trying out19:50
ItalianStallionwhy would it be on the webpage then if it says its a installer19:51
gaelfxkurt_: dang, then I'm out of ideas, might wanna restate your problem so someone who can help might actually do so19:51
kurt_ok :( well thanks for your time anyway gaelfx  :)19:51
urlin2uItalianStallion, read the designers comments.  http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/19:51
gaelfxsorry I'm not more useful19:51
kurt_lol its ok xD19:51
kyantheadmin: Sorry, the client just died again. Third time was the charm! Unfortunately, while it has booted now, compiz is not starting. :-( Compare the appearance of the windows in the vm and the host here: http://image.bayimg.com/najdaaado.jpg19:52
eiriksvincrud, I can't do anything on it right now, I just realized my aunt never gave me her password19:52
kurt_Does anyone know why my pre installed Empathy client will not connect to MSN ? I input my password and email and it does not connect saying "No Reason Specified" as the error message :s19:52
urlin2uItalianStallion, wubi is a file inside of windows so it will take up space.19:52
kyantheadmin: the host has compiz working, while the vm doesn't. Any idea why, or how to fix it?19:52
theadminkyan: Nope19:52
kyantheadmin: The error message compiz produced when starting is shown in the terminal window in the vm. Okay…19:53
kyantheadmin: thanks.19:53
ItalianStallionwill it act like a second operating system?19:53
kurt_anybody here know how to fix Empathy and msn lol ?19:53
eiriksvinI have done this a 5 times, and every time I do it, I run into a bunch of problems... I'm still a Linux junky though...19:53
kyanWhat could cause compiz in a new installation to not work?19:54
urlin2ueiriksvin, not without gparted being able to read it, be careful here you could damage the vista without following a protocol.19:54
jayson_rkyan: you are running in a VM? what virtualization product are you using?19:54
urlin2uItalianStallion, yes it is a pseudo dual boot.19:54
oCeanVardamir: something like this (with the example for firefox)  pgrep firefox-bin | xargs sudo renice -1919:55
urlin2uItalianStallion, also get used to tabbing nics so we can tell who your addressing, and they are notified of a address.19:55
kyanjayson_r: VirtualBox19:56
eiriksvinI'm not going to install it until I have checked it, so thats just going to have to wait a couple of days... at least my Live USB can be used19:56
VardamiroCean it works !  Thank you very much :)))19:56
jayson_rkyan: make sure you enabled 3D acceloration in the Display area in the VM's config in VB19:56
urlin2ueiriksvin, good idea. :D19:56
oCeanVardamir: welcome19:56
jayson_rkyan: also, install the package 'virtualbox-ose-guest-utils' inside the VM via apt-get19:56
kurt_Does anyone know if i need telepathy-butterfly ? Apparently removing it enables MSN to work in empathy buy i dont want to install things I dont know incase i need it for other stuff19:57
=== daniel___ is now known as feedelli
* jayson_r can't spell :-O19:57
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=== zippo^ is now known as erkan^
Guest5021anyone know a safe site where i can download music apps that i cant buy right now?a place without viruses?19:57
Guest5021ya know if i was into that?19:57
misterduckHello I was installing chromium but got an error:  chromium-browser : Depends: libgcrypt11 (>= 1.5.0-0) but 1.4.6-4ubuntu2 is to be installed E: Broken packages Can someone please help me?19:58
urlin2uGuest5021, we don't support piracy, but there are free download sites.19:58
Phoenix87is anyone familiar with the weak signal issue of atheros wifi adapters? I'm trying to switch from network-manager to wicd, but the former won't connect to a hidden essid19:58
kurt_lol is anyone available ? :P19:59
kyanGuest5021: libermusica is pretty awesome. Free music and audiobooks, all under free licenses19:59
urlin2ukurt_, yes and will answer possibly if they know, relax20:00
misterduckHi can someone please help me?20:00
kurt_lol ok xD20:00
urlin2umisterduck, yes and will answer possibly if they know, relax20:00
Guest5021kurt_: well what about extra add-ons to something like sonar le and xe for windows?20:00
root_which other tools then GNOME are possible?20:01
knittlhi. i don't have sound in wine (deus ex). any idea where to look for causes?20:01
urlin2uroot_, for what?20:01
kurt_Guest5021, huh ? xD20:01
knittlsound test in winecfg works (but crackles, is this normal?)20:01
misterduckurlin2u: I have been on for over an hour now and no one has helped me. I'm being as patient as I can.20:01
root_lucid lynx20:01
jbeattyI recently uninstalled Amarok from my machine, but upon finding that Clementine is not available for my release, I tried to reinstall it to get this error. http://pastie.org/2477447 Unfortunately, I'm setting this up for my friend and I am not an Ubuntu user so I have no idea what this is telling me.20:01
urlin2umisterduck, and begging will get you know where. If somebody knows they will answer.20:02
VardamirWhat's the way to start and application directly with very high priority? (nice -19)  nice -19 appname makes just the opposite20:02
Guest5021knittl: sorry sonar is a digital audio workstation and there are all kinds of ionstrument programs and effects that dont come with the software any sites that might have downloads of that kinda stuff?20:02
abhi01why did they make that unity menu window so large why not a sleek bar which would contain the programs20:02
jayson_rmisterduck: sorry I don't have an anwer for you - perhaps someone will later20:02
abhi01below the ubuntu icon20:02
misterduckurlin2u: I am not beggin but it is outrageously sad that alot of people are on this channel but no one can help.20:02
knittlGuest5021: wth?20:03
misterduckjayson_r: It's alright. Thank you/20:03
jayson_rmisterduck: have you by any chance installed anything outside of the standard repos that might have messed w/ your installed packages for dependancies?20:03
t4sHi. I can't mount my external hard drive. It says "The device is busy. A job is pending on /dev/sdb1". Is there a way to see which job is running or what is going on?20:03
urlin2umisterduck, your now getting to a quiet or ban be careful.20:03
misterduckjayson_r: Ubuntu tweak told me I had problems with my packages20:03
theadminVardamir: I think you need "nice -n 19"20:03
jbeattymisterduck: you're right, it is pretty outrageous. You should demand your money back.20:04
theadminVardamir: Err, "nice -n -19" or whatever20:04
urlin2u!pm | root_20:04
ubotturoot_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:04
Guest5021knittl: what?20:04
jayson_rmisterduck: you might also try putting a post up on the forums - it's not realtime, but a lot of folks check there as well. maybe you'll get a hit20:04
Vardamirtheadmin I tried that but it starts vlc with nice 020:04
knittlGuest5021: I don't see how your response has anything to do with my question except mocking me20:04
misterduckjayson_r:  Thank you.20:04
Phoenix87is anyone familiar with the weak signal issue of atheros wifi adapters? I'm trying to switch from network-manager to wicd, but the former won't connect to a hidden essid20:04
urlin2uroot_, you need to tab nics so we see you have replied this channel is very busy.20:04
kurt_Empathy does not connect to MSN Messenger with default settings error message says "Disconected - No Reason Specified" any ideas ?20:05
Guest5021knittl: no no i was not trying to mock you,i just am confused what your asking me about,sorry20:05
Vardamirtheadmin is very strange there is no an easy way to start a process with high priority20:05
root_How can i do this?20:05
urlin2uroot_, when I said for what I meant what tasks.20:05
knittlGuest5021: you highlighted me first20:05
theadminVardamir: Only root can nice to lower than 0, actually20:06
theadminVardamir: So...20:06
root_sorry Im quite new in ubuntu20:06
urlin2uroot_, type the first couple of letters of the nic then hit tab20:06
Vardamirtheadmin I understand20:06
Vardamirtheadmin that's was the problem, thank you ! :)20:06
root_urlin2u: okay thanks :)20:06
abhi01kurt_ use pidgin20:06
urlin2uroot_, thats it you have got it, and welcome to open source. :D20:06
root_urlin2u: are there any other tools like GNOME?20:07
kurt_hmm so there is no fix for empathy and msn abhi01 ? :s20:07
theadminVardamir: After VLC is started, just do "sudo renice -n -19 -p $(pidof vlc)"20:07
robin0800abhi01, if you mean the launcher it can be resized20:07
abhi01kurt_ i cant access yahoo chat in empathy do trashed it for pidgin20:07
urlin2uroot_, gnome is a desktop, what is it you need tools for.20:07
kurt_ahh ok :(20:07
abhi01robin0800 it can be? nice to know20:08
Vardamirtheadmin ok ... but I would like I can configure something so application always starts with high priority, just double click in an icon and run ...20:08
kurt_howcome empathy is the default IM client for Ubuntu if it doesnt work as it should ? :s20:08
theadminVardamir: You could write a script20:08
ehtedoes lubuntu support vlc player20:08
S0LIDUSHello people!20:08
urlin2uehte, yes20:08
abhi01kurt_ i think they made pidgin default in 11.04 but not sure ask someone20:08
Vardamirtheadmin but you have to sudo it ... so I can't to it with an icon20:08
abhi01kurt_ they should have vlc media player as well. their default movie player sucks20:08
kurt_ahh ok cus i still use 10.4 LTS and it comes with empathy20:08
urlin2uehte, lubuntu is ubuntu with the lubuntu desktop.20:09
root_urlin2u: are there any other desktops?20:09
Guest5021knittl: oh i thought u recomended a site where i could download sonar  instruments and add-ons20:09
abhi01kurt_ their media player is fail. doesnt even play mp320:09
Vardamirtheadmin I want any user in this machine launch by default that app with high priority20:09
ehteyea i just started using so im learning it20:09
theadminVardamir: Hm, actually if you add a line similar to "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL, NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/renice" to your sudoers...20:09
kurt_you need to install codec to play mp3 in their default media player abhi01  i think20:09
urlin2uroot_, there is ubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu, and xubuntu20:09
theadminVardamir: Could well work20:09
abhi01kurt_ i installed vlc. cant use that terrible player20:10
kurt_lol ok xD20:10
=== root_ is now known as ttf1
urlin2uroot_, and others like openbox, and other small desktops.20:10
Vardamirtheadmin mm .... it looks good, I don't know that syntax. What file I have to edit to do it?20:10
ttf1urlin2u: okay and how do they differ?20:10
theadminVardamir: Run "EDITOR=nano visudo"20:10
abhi01kurt_ it was redirecting me to buy some codecs to play dvd. wtf!20:10
theadminVardamir: Put that line at the end20:10
kurt_but yeah i think i might have to ditch empathy for pidgin or something abhi01, cant find a solution anywhere to get msn working on it lol20:10
tmandryhow do I stop kdm from being started after the system boots?20:11
kurt_abhi01, lol wtf xD was free for me :P20:11
theadmintmandry: sudo mv /etc/init/kdm.conf /etc/init/kdm.DISABLED20:11
abhi01kurt_ some page came idk it was free or not to play dvd ;)20:11
kurt_abhi01,  you are using ubuntu right ? Only distro i seen that wanted money for codecs was Mandriva xD20:11
abhi01kurt_ and i cancelled it and installed vlc20:11
urlin2uttf1, to exstensive to really discuss here the web would be a better source, this is for specific help, the #ubuntu-offtopic might help.20:11
guntbertttf1: did anyone tell you that it is a very bad idea ™ to irc as root?20:11
kurt_lol :P20:11
freebirdyou guys, when it asks to download flash player, thru the browser, when it's about to open, it asks me to choose an app that will handle the installation, which app should I choose ?20:11
abhi01kurt_ they also show terrible google ads in firefox. canonical is trying to make a few bucks20:12
ttf1urlin2u: no, why?20:12
urlin2ufreebird, you using flash aid  choose bets20:12
kurt_use adblock plus :P20:12
ttf1guntbert: no, why20:12
urlin2ufreebird, bets*20:12
Vardamirtheadmin done... how can I save the file?20:12
theadminVardamir: The shortcuts are at the bottom :D20:13
abhi01kurt_ lol the ads are shown when u search using firefox and canonical gets the money20:13
urlin2ufreebird, beta*20:13
ttf1urlin2u: sorry, wrong target ^^20:13
Vardamirtheadmin writeout ...20:13
theadminVardamir: Yeah.20:13
tmandrytheadmin: there's not a cleaner way?20:13
theadminVardamir: ^O means Ctrl-O20:13
theadmintmandry: That's rather clean, imo20:13
abhi01kurt_ thats why they ship free cds to users so that they can earn money through google adsense20:13
Guest5021anyone know where free safe software downloads can be found for all operating systems?20:13
kurt_i dont mind if canonical want to make money lol just install a default im client that works :P20:13
Phoenix87is anyone familiar with the weak signal issue of atheros wifi adapters? I'm trying to switch from network-manager to wicd, but the former won't connect to a hidden essid20:13
GaerikI'm using Ubuntu 11.04 on an Acer Aspire 7745G.  I can't get the internal microphone to work.  In sound preferences it isn't muted and it is set to "Internal Microphone" but the input levels never budge when I talk into the mic.  Can anyone help me out here?20:13
Vardamirtheadmin ok ... done . Now I test the script ....20:13
ttf1guntbert: what is bad with run irssi as root?20:13
kurt_ohh ok20:13
freebirdurlin2u, where would that be ?20:13
freebirdI don't have it in here,20:14
guntbertttf1: the linux concept of user permissions is based on the fact that a normal user cannot do much harm to the system, running all programs as root invalidates that...20:14
freebirdwhere shows me nothing20:14
urlin2uGuest5021, two many to list look on the web and decide for yourself, if it is 3rd party be aware.20:14
freebirdurlin2u, l20:14
abhi01kurt_ isn't it bad to ship cds to users inorder to make money via adsense xD20:14
voozeI just installed gnome-shell + gnome3 on 11.04 qne qll is fine, but just one thing.. when I add software its good, but when i log out and back in, its gone from the gnome-shell (i can start just fine with terminal) anyone tryed this?20:14
kurt_lol i dunno xD20:14
urlin2ufreebird, are you using flash aid if not install that add on, ot the ubuntu-redtricted-extras20:14
guntbertttf1: btw what system are you running?20:14
kurt_probably depends on if you need a free cd or not xD20:15
urlin2uor* freebird20:15
Vardamirtheadmin aaarggg still nice 0 ! maybe I have to restart pc?20:15
theadminVardamir: No, shouldn't have to20:15
urlin2u!pm | beelzebud20:15
ubottubeelzebud: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:15
abhi01kurt_ and call it free to copy and free to make canonical earn more money lmao20:15
ttf1guntbert: yeah right, i just started irssi in my already opened term, and i forgot that i was logged as root ^20:15
Vardamirtheadmin the script is ...20:15
Vardamirvlc &&20:15
Vardamirpgrep vlc | xargs renice -1920:15
ttf1guntbert: lucid lynx, why?20:16
abhi01kurt_ atleast their older versions of ubuntu did not show ads20:16
abhi01kurt_ custom ads in firefox20:16
theadminVardamir: What on earth is... that for? renice -19 -p $(pidof vlc)20:16
kurt_I havent noticed any but I havent used anything later than 10.420:16
abhi01kurt_ their founder puts the money in his pocket!20:16
abhi01kurt_ and calls it human!20:16
guntbertttf1: I asked because normally you don't run anything as root, you cannot login as root20:17
urlin2ufreebird, you can just install the ubuntu-restricted-extras  for codecs and flash20:17
Vardamirtheadmin ok, more easy ... testing ...20:17
urlin2ubeelzebud, DO NOT PM ME.20:17
theadminHe pmed me too20:17
beelzebudOk sorry20:17
kurt_in all fairness though im happy with the operating system as a whole :P as long as people who make it get to earn a bit they deserve some sort of reward lol20:17
abhi01kurt_ their media player is fail, the IM is fail, everything is fail imo xD20:17
beelzebudI need an email sender ?20:18
Vardamirtheadmin still nice 0 ...20:18
abhi01kurt_ the people who made it dont get the money. the canonical founder gets it20:18
kurt_than thats not so good >.<20:18
theadminVardamir: Well that's sad. I'm not sure why would you need VLC to run with such a huge priority though20:18
freebirdurlin2u, tks, I'm trying20:18
urlin2utheadmin, I rab the bots pm and was pmed again.20:18
guntbert!ot | kurt_ , abhi0120:18
ubottukurt_ , abhi01: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:18
ttf1guntbert: i can su to root in term..20:18
abhi01kurt_ like you use pidgin or firefox, the guys who made it dont get the money, nor does the guys who made GNOME that you see, ubuntu just changed the leg icon of GNOME on its own lol20:19
guntbertttf1: no, you cannot - on a standard ubuntu at least20:19
jack__Hello to everyone in this chat!20:19
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theadminguntbert: Setting a root password is rather simple even on a standard Ubuntu, it's just unsupported for no apparent reason20:19
Vardamirtheadmin to improve video smoothness, by default is ok, but sometimes it looks slightly more smooth with high priority20:19
guntbert!noroot | theadmin20:19
ubottutheadmin: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.20:20
ttf1guntbert: i just in stalled ubuntu 1 minute ago and you see.. it works ^^20:20
jack__Can anyone tell me a good web site that tell me how install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 11.04?20:20
theadminguntbert: I know, I just said it's not supported.20:20
urlin2ufreebird, if your running another desktop like lubunu or kubuntu sub the DE20:20
ttf1guntbert: why you can´t do this usually?20:20
theadminguntbert: I just said it may be the situatio nwith ttf120:20
abhi01kurt_ take a look at the GNOME interface, ubuntu is similar :D with a changed icon in its menu icon.:D the only good thing is that i was shipped a cd :D free of cost20:20
guntberttheadmin: you also said "for no apparent reason", which is wrong20:20
freebirdurlin2u, what does sub the DE means ?20:20
guntbert!sudo | ttf120:21
theadminguntbert: Well, the only real reason is Ubuntu trying to prevent users from causing harm to their systems.20:21
ubottuttf1: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:21
jack__a good Ruby on rails IDE ?20:21
urlin2ufreebird, if kubuntu run kubuntu-restricted-extras  they are all basically the same though20:21
guntberttheadmin: which is a perfectly good reason in my eyes :)20:21
ttf1guntbert: yeah i can use sudo or su root20:22
Vardamirtheadmin thank you for your help :)20:22
urlin2ufreebird, DE is short for desktop environment :D20:23
abhi01kurt_: you should see the GNOME desktop. it looks exactly like your ubuntu with the leg icon replaced with an ubuntus. check it http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.24/figures/gnome.png.en_GB20:23
guntbertttf1: no, on a standard ubuntu you only can use sudo (sudo -s at most) - that prevents you from having a term running as root and exposing your system to the risk of you doing something foolish :-)20:23
BarkingFishyou must be about the only distro which doesn't support setting a root password.  there's no real reason to not tell people how to set one, not everyone who uses linux is a first timer liable to screw their system up!20:23
ttf1guntbert: sounds logic :)20:24
kurt_yeah but gnome doesnt need much changing tbh lol20:24
insignetem alguem aí ?20:24
BarkingFish!pt | insigne20:24
ubottuinsigne: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:24
ttf1guntbert: it will take time until i understand whole ubuntu ^^20:24
abhi01kurt_ the only thing they added the unity interface in ubuntu 11.04 is complete fail20:24
freebirdinsigne, tamo ae tiu20:24
kurt_yeah ? I cant say i havent used it yet20:25
urlin2uBarkingFish, nice rant, makes no sense thigh :D20:25
abhi01kurt_ i dont think why canonical should make money when the GNOME developers made the interface. what is the new thing that the ubuntu guys did ;)20:25
abhi01kurt_ from the google ads lol20:25
abhi01on firefox20:25
insignegostaria de saber o que faz um sistema operacional mudar de idioma sem a permição do usuario20:25
guntbertttf1: do take your time - but please don't work as root when you are not doing any administrative work in your system20:26
Guest5021urlin2u: nah,i asked cuz i though someone who knows more about computers could goive me a suggestion20:26
ttf1guntbert: thanks and bye ..20:26
guntbertttf1: :)20:26
theadminAnyways, am off.20:26
BarkingFishurlin2u, to me it makes sense.  If someone already knows the threats open when working as root and is not a new user to linux, why shouldn't they work as whatever they want to? :)20:27
abhi01kurt_ do you see any point why canonical's founder should make bucks from the firefox google ads :D because everything was done by others, they only made a setup program and made a few wallpapers and themes :D and an ugly ubuntu sound at boot20:27
KronsbyMy facebook feed is not working on broadcast accounts. Twitter is but what do?20:27
urlin2uBarkingFish, if you expose the root system to installs that do not need root is the danger just messing up the system, basically.20:28
insigneo que leva o sistema operacional a trocar de idioma automaticamente?20:28
guntbertabhi01: please keep to the topic of this channel20:28
abhi01kurt_ my daughter said she felt like having a heart attack when she heard that noise at boot20:28
guntbert!br | insigne20:28
ubottuinsigne: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:28
BarkingFish!pt | insigne for the second time20:28
ubottuinsigne for the second time: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:28
urlin2uBarkingFish, besides a experienced user will only use root when needed not all the time.20:28
kurt_i see your point abhi01 its unfair if the actual devolpers etc dont earn any profit either, but there is nothing i can do about that :s20:28
abhi01kurt_ ;)20:29
BarkingFishurlin2u, I only got round having to type "sudo" before everything by creating bash shortcuts for a lot of the stuff I used.  Once I worked out how to add a root account, I did so.20:29
BarkingFishmy install command isn't sudo apt-get install now, it's sage -i20:30
urlin2uBarkingFish, I guess what your not understanding is there are linux releases that use root like puppy linux. Also root on linux is not the same as root in windows20:30
^^AnubisHello, there exists any log on kernell layer, to log the process that isn't leaving the cpu, so it is blocking the pc ?20:31
kurt_abhi01, you mind i ask where your from, weird question i know lol20:32
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abhi01kurt_ india :D20:32
kurt_ahh ok, cool xD20:32
abhi01kurt_ i was actually wondering what all those crowd of developers were doing when they built almost nothing, they simply assembled stuff and wrote wallpapers and themes :D and icons20:33
infested999nouveau is not compatible with my graphics card, but every time I boot up Ubuntu it goes directly to X, so then I'm stuck because X is broken so it blocks my keyboard+mouse and all I see is artifacts. I know that the propreitary nvidia drivers work though, how do I make sure that x doesn't start up at boot? For some reason it's skipping the bootloader so I can't go into recovery mode, right now i'm in TinyCore so all I have to edit with 20:33
urlin2u!ot | abhi0120:34
ubottuabhi01: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:34
insignecomo faço para entrar no chat em portugues, não estou conseguindo de forma alguma20:34
urlin2uabhi01, kurt_ please use #ubuntu-offtopic20:34
kurt_sorry moving now20:35
infested999So, how do I either stop X from starting at boot, or force it to use the vesa driver instead of the nouveau driver?20:36
BarkingFishinsigne, Tipo:     /join #ubuntu-br20:36
surskittygnome-terminal periodically uses ~360 MB of memory when left open for an extended length of time (a few days, typically) and closing individual windows doesn't seem to clear it up.  my scrollback's set to 512 lines, and I'm running ubuntu 10.1020:36
guntbert!nox | infested999 (1)20:36
ubottuinfested999 (1): To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode20:37
insigneonde digito isso, já tentei de todo jeito e nada20:37
tihamerHello, I have a lenovo g550. I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 and i don't know why but when i enable wireless nothing comes up... i don't know what to do anymore...20:37
tihamercould someone help pls :D20:38
infested999ubottu: Can I edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg with it text editor to do that,  even though it says not to do that in the file?20:38
ubottuinfested999: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:38
BarkingFishGuys, I know we don't speak portuguese here, but can someone help insigne please if you can?  He's saying that he's tried to /join #ubuntu-br and it's not working.20:38
BarkingFishinsigne, qual programa IRC você tem?20:39
robin0800infested999, you should edit etc/default/grub20:39
RussellAlanneed help20:39
RussellAlancant get to /dev/sda3 boot because grub2 not loading20:39
tjiggi_foBarkingFish, he can rightclick on the channel link you gave him and join from there20:40
^^AnubisHello, there exists any log on kernell layer, to log the process that isn't leaving the cpu, so it is blocking the pc ?20:40
RussellAlancant eevn boot into ubuntu 11.04 from livecd20:40
BarkingFishtjiggi_fo, I was just about to direct him to that, thanks anyway :)20:40
infested999robin0800: But I can't use grub-mkconfig on here20:40
tihamerHello, could somebody help my? I have a lenovo g550 and when i enable wireless nothing shows up :| i have tried everything..20:41
BarkingFishinsigne: clique direito no    #ubuntu-br       e selecione "entrar no canal" no menu20:42
insignedeu certo20:42
=== AlbertBrimley is now known as Maverick_Prowls
insigneagradeço, porem toda vez vai ser dose entrar no de lingua portuguesa rsrsrs20:43
BarkingFishinsigne, excelente. boa sorte!20:43
BarkingFish<<<portuguese courtesy of google translate20:44
robin0800infested999, why do you need too?20:45
voozeI just installed gnome-shell + gnome3 on 11.04 qne qll is fine, but just one thing.. when I add software its good, but when i log out and back in, its gone from the gnome-shell (i can start just fine with terminal) anyone tryed this?20:45
tihamerSo could someone pls help why the wireless problem!?20:45
yeats!gnome3 | vooze20:47
ubottuvooze: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.20:47
voozeyeats: yeah yeah i know, but does not mean i cant ask for some advice, does it ? :)20:47
shezriguys i need help with view.post()20:48
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:49
karmstwhat can you use to do full backups of Ubuntu?20:49
icerootshezri: doesnt sound like a ubuntu-related question20:49
iceroot!backup | karmst20:50
ubottukarmst: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:50
karmstwith BMR restore to dissimilar hardware?20:50
icerootkarmst: bmr?20:51
icerootkarmst: you mean mbr?20:52
karmstbare metal recovery20:52
icerootkarmst: never heard of it, sorry20:52
karmstso you can restore to new hardware20:52
karmstit allows you to inject drivers during the restore20:52
icerootkarmst: linux != windows20:52
icerootkarmst: a installation can be run on every different system20:53
stricb938445what is the name of the program that emulates windows driver?20:53
icerootkarmst: the need for a driver is set at boot20:53
icerootkarmst: so if you change hardware you dont have to uninstall drivers20:53
icerootkarmst: or install new drivers, normally they are all in the kernel and loaded at boot when needed20:53
karmstright I know this... But what I want is the ability to restore to new systems , virtual machines, etc...20:54
karmstand not have to config anything20:54
icerootkarmst: you dont have to config anything as i said20:54
karmstalso would like if the backup would dedupe20:54
icerootkarmst: just start the system on a different hardware20:54
Hot2Trotwhat is the best way to make 'ls |less' show colors?20:55
karmsticeroot: I've ran into issues with that actually working20:55
yeatskarmst: the kernel should just discover what drivers are needed wherever it is booted (assuming a generic kernel, which Ubuntu kernels are)20:55
icerootkarmst: like?20:55
karmstnic drivers don't work, video is all messed up20:55
icerootkarmst: nic is something different20:55
karmstso what I want is take entire backup from computer A20:56
yeatsHot2Trot: ls colors are set in ~/.bashrc, if that helps20:56
karmstapply it to computer B20:56
icerootkarmst: udev is setting up eth0 for a specific mac. if the mac is changed, udev will create eth1 instead of eth020:56
karmstand not have to do anything in order to get it to work20:56
yeatsHot2Trot: http://alicious.com/piping-ls-through-less-with-colors/20:56
karmstlike acronis for windows20:56
Hot2Trotyeats: I hae colors turned on for ls, but not for less is the problem, i don't know how to turn colors on for less20:56
karmstor ArcServe20:56
Hot2Trotyeats: thanks !20:56
yeatsHot2Trot: sure - the Google guided me ;-)20:57
MauriceJUbuntu 10.04.1 Hello, I recently changed the colour in my gnome panel but the parts where Applications, Places, the time, etc show up are still the default theme.  Is there any way to get those to be the same colour as the rest of the panel?20:58
jribHot2Trot: I gave you that same exact information this morning :/20:58
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Hot2Trotjrib: ? I asked the question like 2 days ago, and someone else gave me another answer....21:00
kyanjayson_r: That worked!21:00
jribHot2Trot: feel free to read logs21:00
kyanjayson_r, theadmin, Gentoo64: Thanks for all your help! Have a good day! :-)21:01
jayson_rkyan: awesome!21:01
kyanjayson_r: *Very* awesome :-D21:01
Hot2Trotyeats: It didn't quite work... I put " alias lh='ls --color=auto -lasth | less -R' " into my .bashrc without the "s and it didn't work =/21:02
jribHot2Trot: because you aren't reading.21:03
Hot2Trotjrib: i see now21:04
Hot2Trotjrib: I tried replacing "auto" with "always" didn't seem to work21:05
iceroothow to open the task-manager in gnome2 with a shortcut?21:05
jribHot2Trot: in your terminal, type: ls --color=always | less -R21:05
PrinceKapHotHi there, I just installed xubuntu on my brand new laptop, and the network manager tells me "no network adapter found"... any ideas ?21:06
nodexwas up people21:06
i42nnodex, thunderstorm over me right now21:07
Hot2Trotjrib: thank you for the exact command, it is not as easy as you think to figure out what people are saying when you are not that knowledgable bout linux21:08
Hot2Trotjrib: especiallyi n command line21:08
nodexhow i change my name color21:08
Der_Tiger<nodex> how i change my name color21:10
Der_TigerOn IRC?21:10
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brrhi all!21:10
brrwho speak russian language?21:11
Der_TigerIf so, I don't believe such a way is plausible, unless your client magically has such a 'client sided' feature.21:11
mecoIs it possible to have some dynamic activity on the desktop, like som spaceships moving around, mayb even some simple interactiveness into a little game? Or something else?21:11
BluesKaj!ru | brr21:11
ubottubrr: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:11
almoxarifemeco: I believe one opens a process/app on the desktop to achieve same21:12
mecoalmoxarife: Do you have an example?21:13
almoxarifemeco: clear desktop, open game(your choice), play it?21:14
mecoThat's not what I asked about...21:14
mecoOr I don't understand what you mean..21:14
mecoI'm looking for some activity on my desktop when I'm not in any application.21:15
almoxarifemeco: while back I did read about a wallpaper that was live, the guy/dudette had various logs scrolling as a wallpaper21:15
PrinceKapHotHi there, I just installed xubuntu on my brand new laptop, and the network manager tells me "no network adapter found"... any ideas ?21:15
mecoOK, I'll look for a live wallpaper then.21:16
yonijHi, need help please - I removed vlc from repo using apt-get - but I had installed vlc from source once also - how can I remove that - it still opens vlc when I type vlc in terminal21:16
adam__how can i install lxde without root acces ?21:16
mistermochahelp! trying to learn how to set up an LDAP server, following the instructions on the community help site, and keep getting error outputs. Additionally, the database files don't look like they're being created.21:17
blinkBlankyonij so apt-get remove vlc did not work?21:18
mistermochafollowing this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer21:18
mistermochagetting this error (removed newline): ldap_add: Invalid syntax (21)additional info: objectClass: value #1 invalid per syntax21:18
yonijblinkBlank: It removed vlc - but I can still open vlc - I assume it is the one I installed from source - dont know how to remove that21:18
adam__please why no one help me21:19
almoxarifeyonij: locate it via find ?21:19
IdleOneadam__: use sudo21:19
blinkBlankyonij - oh ok that's a bit harder. If you still have vlc source directory you can try make uninstall - it *might* work21:19
yonijfind vlc - its not there21:20
adam__i need install lxde + tightvnc without root acces because my vps provider dont give root acces21:20
dr_willisadam__,  you may need to compile from source then..21:21
almoxarifeyonij: vlc executable is a file, I'll assume you have a classic desktop, there is the 'locate a file' app somewhere in your choices, use it, locate it, delete it21:21
adam__and how i can do it please ?21:21
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall21:21
mistermochaadam__: why would you want to install a windowing environment on a vps?21:21
adam__to log into is like remote desktop21:21
mistermochawhat do you plan on doing on a remote device that you can't do locally?21:22
epzil0nadam__: what's the point in having a vps if you can't install anything? what system do you have on it?21:22
InfoLocoHello, can somebody help me to force a screen resolotion?21:23
adam__ubuntu 1021:23
jrib!fixres | InfoLoco21:23
ubottuInfoLoco: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:23
InfoLocom post21:24
InfoLocomy post21:24
dr_willisInfoLoco,  at least summarize with what video chipset you are using. and what drivers you aer using for it.21:24
epzil0nadam__: but you must have got a password to access the system or?21:25
mistermochaI still don't see the point in installing a windowing environment on a vps21:25
adam__yes i acces to system via putty but i dont have root acces21:26
epzil0nadam__:you mean login as root?21:26
dr_willisMay be time to shop for a differnt vps..21:26
mistermochaI <3 linode21:27
mistermochafor vps21:27
adam__i got from company a user + pass of the user21:27
adam__i dont log as root i log as a user21:27
mistermochaadam__: what do you need a windowing environment for that you can't do over ssh?21:28
yonijblinkBlank  almoxarife:  thanks , had to manually remove using whereis21:28
epzil0nadam__: try sudo bash and supply that pass21:28
adam__it didnt work21:29
dr_willissudo -i     is the normal ubuntu method.. but on a vps.. well thats perhaps getting beyond the scope of this support channel21:29
mistermochaadam__: define "didn't work"21:29
epzil0ndr_willis: ok thx21:30
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mistermochapoop... so, no ldap experts here?21:30
InfoLocoThks Done21:31
Kronsbyis there a shortcut to mentioning people?21:31
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:31
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer21:32
Kronsbyubottu: thanks!21:32
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:32
JaithMy webalizer stats script hasn't run in a week. I ran a ps -aux | grep cron and noticed that the cron.daily command (run-parts blah blah) has not finished in a week either -- there were about a dozen of them still trying to run21:32
JaithI noticed that they appear to hang on the logrotate script...i think the problem is because of a bad logrotate conf for samhain21:33
Jaithcan anyone help me fix this -- or determine why my cron.daily scripts won't finish?21:33
JaithThe samhain logrotate script contents are here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/681415/21:34
pr0zoidAnyone know how i would take an image of a remote ubuntu server with approx. 2GB of data on (10GB total) drive?  I need to restore the "image" locally so i can have an exact copy of the production system21:37
valdur55Can i read ubuntu build log?21:38
dr_willispr0zoid,  dd command can make an image.21:38
dr_willistheres tricks to make it smaller to easier to transfer also.21:39
pr0zoiddr_willis: any guides you can recommend?21:39
dr_willisnot really. Ive just read/learned how to use dd over the years21:39
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:39
KronsbyI am bored What fun things should I do with my newly installed ubuntu21:40
andrewh192hey, how do i add a button to the little sidebar in ubuntu on the desktop?21:40
andrewh192for a program21:40
andrewh192i have tried just dragging and dropping but it doesn't work21:40
Kronsbyright click and add program panel21:41
andrewh192is there another way to do it that works?21:41
Kronsbyohhh you are using unity21:41
KronsbyIdk I disabled unity21:41
Kronsbyhmmm You should be able to right click and add still21:42
Kronsbylaunch the application21:42
andrewh192but, in unity, when i do a search thing.. and it shows up the app.. when i right click on it.. it just opens it21:42
alyxHi. I have a thought.21:42
winocmso guys, why isn't wine included with ubuntu by default?21:42
KronsbyStart the application21:42
regeyacurrently using elementary os.  I give both ubuntu and gnome 3 kudos for trying to build somethign for everyone, but they both have a ways to go21:42
andrewh192i think i got it...21:43
alyxwinocm: that's a good question. WINE seems like it would be useful21:43
winocmalyx: of course ! <321:43
alyxespecially since a lot of Ubuntu users are ex-windows21:43
Kronsbyandrewh192,  launch the application and right click and say keep in launcher21:43
caii am using   GNU/Linux 2.6.35-palm-tenderloin armv7l21:43
alyxIt could ease the transition process A LOT21:43
andrewh192Kronsby: gotcha21:43
caiBut I could not install adobe reader on it21:43
andrewh192Kronsby: thanx.. ;-)21:43
winocmcai: use GNU/Linux 3.1-rc421:43
caianyone knows21:43
PolahHas anyone else experienced Steam running very slowly through wine1.3?21:43
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate21:43
dr_willisPolah,  the steam client? or games on steam?21:44
pilojo_I'm in linux mint and since it's ubuntu based I thought here could help. Anyways, I'm trying to build a package and get "/home/pilojo/Downloads/bzip2/pkgbuild.ini: line 52: makeinfo: command not found21:45
KronsbyI am bored What fun things should I do with my newly installed ubuntu21:45
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe21:45
dr_willis!find makeinfo21:45
MauriceJUbuntu 10.04.1 Hello, I recently changed the colour in my gnome panel but the parts where Applications, Places, the time, etc show up are still the default theme.  Is there any way to get those to be the same colour as the rest of the panel?21:45
Polahdr_willis: The steam client, primarily chat. It takes several seconds to open the friends list and entered text appears 2-3 seconds after being typed. It works fine on 1.2 but I have 1.3 for a few other programs. It's only been slow since 1.3.26 or 1.3.27, I don't remember it being slow on 1.3.25 but I built and installed from source and the problem still remained.21:45
ubottuFile makeinfo found in emacs-snapshot-common, emacs-snapshot-el, emacs23-common, emacs23-el, manpages-ja, manpages-zh, octave3.2-common, octave3.2-htmldoc, sendmail-cf, texi2html (and 4 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=makeinfo&mode=&suite=natty&arch=any21:45
dr_willisPolah,  cant say ive ever used the steam chat. :)  so cant verify the issue21:46
Polah!mint | pilojo_21:46
ubottupilojo_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:46
regeyaI don't have problems with steam (I have to admit I bought a license for crossover games) but what's weird on mine is that I tried playing the first mass effect, and it runs dog-slow...if it's in full-screen or in focus.  If I bring another window into focus, it runs smooth as silk...21:46
MauriceJphaedra: Are you phaedra of ovidcons?21:47
regeyaI left a message on the xover forums back in the spring, and the last time I checked I seem to be the only one :->21:47
phaedraMauriceJ, no21:47
pilojo_It uses the same repositories... so i just thought that the packages for makeinfo would be the same21:47
PolahAlso with 1.3.27 if I have Steam running and open another full screen program through wine the mouse constantly flashes between my desktop mouse and the in-program mouse, despite Steam not actually being open and only running in the background. I guess I could try 1.3.24 or earlier21:47
MauriceJphaedra: Okay, sorry to bother you.21:47
jeffcutsingerI'm having a weird problem with sudo that I can't figure out. It prompts for my password every time. sudo ls; sudo ls will prompt twice.21:47
phaedraMauriceJ, np21:47
tigranesHi! I somehow completely messed up my Gnome desktop after loging into Ubuntu Classic. I accidentally removed the notification area, and now after adding it again it doesn't look the same and is missing things like time and mail stuff. And I can't log into Unity again, since it says the computer doesn't meet hardware requirements all of a sudden. Is there a way to fix this?21:48
jeffcutsingerThe weird thing is that it doesn't do this for a newly created user on the same machine.21:48
Polahjeffcutsinger: Does that still occur if you do sudo ls twice as separate commands?21:48
robin0800andrewh192, and an icon should appear in the launcher which you can right click and select keep in launcher21:48
jeffcutsingerIt always prompts.21:48
andrewh192robin0800: thanx.. i got it...21:48
OerHeksjeffcutsinger, combine commands like this > sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install <package>21:48
OerHeksgives one time pass question21:49
Polahjeffcutsinger: You could try changing your sudo timeout.21:49
imarkthis will only work if the first command executes without errors21:49
jeffcutsingerThat would prompt 3 times (that's how I've done it).21:49
jeffcutsingerIn sudoers, do you mean?21:49
imarkother wise use sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade21:49
PolahSudo shouldn't prompt for a password again for 15 minutes  by default or until the terminal is closed, the time can be changed though.21:49
OerHeksjeffcutsinger, separated with ; or && ?21:49
jeffcutsingerDoesn't matter.21:50
jeffcutsingerIt prompts every time, no matter what.21:50
Polahjeffcutsinger: Yes, visudo and then you'll need to add a line and a value to change the timeout, I don't know the line though.21:50
jeffcutsingerPolah: Wouldn't that affect all users? Only my user has this problem.21:50
Polahjeffcutsinger: Yes. Strange that only your user is affected, have you changed any groups or admin rights (including sudo) recently?21:51
jeffcutsingerPolah: no. I've been using this since the natty beta and it's always done this. At this point I'm kind of madly curious (it's not a big problem).21:52
pr0zoiddr_willis: given that i only have 1 drive 10gb thats not full (75% free) would partitioning it had using the new partition as my drive be an option? or does dd work at the drive level?21:53
OerHeksjeffcutsinger, sounds like a regression from that beta ..21:54
Polahjeffcutsinger: Run visudo and look at the lines for your username and usergroups, I believe it's possible to set timeout by user as well as globally21:54
bluebomberHi, does anyone know how I can restore the appearance preferences? I installed gnome3, thinking I could have it alongside Unity, and to a certain degree I can, but I'm seeing lots of bleedover effects from gnome3 in Unity (lack of appearance preferences, e.g.).21:55
Polahbluebomber: Gnome3 isn't compatible with Natty, you'd be very lucky to get it working properly.21:55
jeffcutsingerPolah: I'm not seeing anything about timeout in there. I was thinking I might just up it to the maximum to give it a try.21:55
bluebomberPolah, I have Gnome3 working, errmmmm, acceptably, but I'm specifically asking about Unity now.21:55
Polahjeffcutsinger: Well, 15 is default. Perhaps set it for your user individually and see if that has an effect.21:56
Polahbluebomber: Yes, I'm just saying it's not supported and you'd be lucky to get it working, i.e. not messing with Unity when it's not supposed to.21:56
bluebomberPolah, I see. Let me see what I can manage. Thanks.21:57
dr_willispr0ton,  dd works at  the device level.  theres ways to combine tar/compression on the fly as you make the image to reduce its size. or you could resize the partition.21:57
Polahbluebomber: I'd recommend using ppa-purge to revert to gnome2 to avoid problems. gnome3 should be available for 11.10 when it's released.21:57
mun_does anyone know what's wrong with the following: sh -c 'for ((i=10000; $i <= 38000; i+=2000)) do (echo $i); done;' i keep getting an error "Syntax error: Bad for loop variable"21:57
dr_willisI must admit that gnome3 and  unity get along together in  the next release :)  which is good.21:58
Jaithcan someone help me troubleshoot a cron.daily/logrotate problem?21:58
PolahJaith: Quite probably.21:58
JaithPolah: cron never seems to finish.  looks like it hangs running logrotate.  i think this samhain logrotate conf is the problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/681415/21:59
InfoLocoguys, I still have the same problem, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11215574#post1121557421:59
PolahJaith: Could you provide your crontab as well please.21:59
JaithPolah: basic idea is that cron.daily starts run-parts on the cron.daily folder and the process never completes, resulting in a whole slew of backed up run-parts processes.22:00
JaithPolah:  do you mean /etc/crontab?22:00
JaithPolah: the script is in cron.daily folder.  The crontab to run those is the default with Ubuntu.22:00
pooltablehelp is there a program like this for linux Ink Saver Software Saves You up to 70% on Ink and Toner Costs ???22:00
ed_moneytrying to install mythbuntu on an older desktop, from CD. I keep getting '(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system' errors. What more info do I need to provide to diagnose a solution?22:00
dr_willised_money,  tht sort of error points to a bad cd/bad burn, or issue reading the disk.22:01
clausenis it possible to use a usb-usb bridge to set up a network in ubuntu?22:01
JaithPolah: default /etc/crontab just for your reference: http://paste.ubuntu.com/681433/22:01
clausen(like it is in windows an osx?)22:01
dr_williscant say ive ever seen a usb to usb network cable...22:02
ed_moneydr_willis: how can I test if it's a bad burn /cd?22:02
JaithPolah:  I think the problem is "/bin/kill -TTI" in the samhain logrotate conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/681415/22:02
clauseneg: can I buy one of these http://www.amazon.com/Cables-Unlimited-R-USB-1450-06-Factory-Re-Certified/dp/tech-data/B001NFQT24/ref=de_a_smtd to set up a network in ubuntu?22:03
ed_moneydr_willis: I can load to win XP on the machine I'm trying to install ubuntu on, so that's available for diagnosing any possible hardware issuses22:03
JaithPolah:  When I use pkill to halt all those hung cron.daily and logrotate scripts that are piling up, cron daemon sends email saying "don't understand TTI flag" or something like that.22:03
JaithPolah: snip from the start of email from cron daemon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/681434/22:04
PolahJaith: Just took a quick look at the man page for kill, I see TTIN but not TTI22:05
dr_willis!md5 | ed_money22:06
ubottued_money: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:06
JaithPolah:  hmmmm.  "might interact with the shell?" That doesn't sound like what we want for a friendly automated kill of the samhain process.  What do you recommend for kill command?22:07
JaithPolah -9 seems a bit harsh.  -15?  something else?22:07
jeffcutsingerPolah: no dice editing sudoers. (Defaults:jeff   timestamp_timeout=15) It's no biggie. I'll just keep typing sudo -i until I reinstall.22:07
gumboHey, I have installed Ubuntu server in my computer, just to play with it. However, now the grub appearing is its grub. How can I restore my Ubuntu desktop one?22:08
avinashhmHi , how to check is my ubntu 32bit version or 64bit version .. ? any help pls22:08
JaithPolah: do you think my suspicions are correct about the process hanging?  And unless I'm missing something, it would seem that the samhain prerotate command only runs 120 times before it moves on.  Or is that hexadecimal?22:08
dr_willisjeffcutsinger,  check permissions in your home dir/files..  it could be the sudo lock file got some how protected22:08
PolahJaith: kill -9 <id> would kill it certainly, perhaps -STOP, which would stop it rather than ending the process and then you could use kill -9 later if you wanted22:08
dr_willis-rw-r--r--  1 willis willis     0 2011-09-03 14:54 .sudo_as_admin_successful22:09
Chris89xhi, is there a similar command for chkconfig service off @ ubuntu with upstart?22:09
JaithPolah:  this is a bit beyond my skill set here -- this script is the logrotate 'prerotate' which will run without supervision.  I just want samhain daemon to halt (as nicely as possible) so that I can rotate the log without any fighting over the file.22:09
ubunwhats the difference between ubuntu server and ubuntu. (besides the fact that one is for a server...)22:10
jeffcutsingerdr_willis: yep, tried deleting that file jsut to make sure.22:10
jeffcutsingerdr_willis: Didn't help.22:10
dr_willisChris89x,  not that i have ever seen.  but ive not looked into it lately. I just rename the /etc/init/whatever.conf file normally22:10
cexsumwhere's the building packages MOTU link?22:10
Jaithavinashhm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit#How_to_Check22:10
PolahJaith: Hmm, I'd use kill -STOP <pid>  then, that would halt it and then you can continue it later with kill -CONT <pid>22:10
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Jaithavinashhm: STFI22:10
=== emod|watchingAmo is now known as emod|movie
PolahJaith: Unless you need to actually end in which case kill -9 <pid> to stop the entire process straight away22:11
avinashhmJaith, ok .. thanks ..22:12
Chris89xdr_willis, okay thanks22:12
Jaithszal: Search The Friendly Internet22:12
avinashhmszal, Search the F***ing internet22:13
szalJaith: not exactly helpful, unless you give some pointers22:13
gumboHey, I have installed Ubuntu server in my computer, just to play with it. However, now the grub appearing is its grub. How can I restore my Ubuntu desktop one?22:13
JaithPolah:  hm.  I don't see anything in the recommended script to restart samhain when rotation is done.  I've posted the samhain site with no results yet :(22:13
dr_willisgumbo,  boot the other ubuntu, rerun update-grub22:13
Polahjeffcutsinger, does the problem persist on TTYs as well?22:13
Jaithszal: i posted a link above right before STFI. ;)22:13
kurt_What is a good Audio Rip tool fro ubuntu, to rip audio From CD's but Keeping the track names and info etc ? I dont like having to rename all the music i just ripped lol xD22:13
gumbodr_willis: ok, I'll do that just right now22:14
gumbodr_willis: you mean not the server one, right?22:14
jimmyb2187How do you stop xchat from autojoining #ubuntu on startup?22:15
dr_willisgumbo,  either one should work fine.. you should pick one to handle the grub menu. personally i dont see the point in dual booting server/desktop onthe same box.22:15
kurt_anyone got any good ideas ? :P22:15
jimmyb2187It's not in the autojoin channels list22:15
PolahJaith: Perhaps just change TTI to TTIN then, it certainly appears that that is what it is supposed to be22:15
Zeldais it in your favorites?22:15
Polahjimmyb2187: Network List > Select Network & edit > remove channel from favourites list22:15
gumbodr_willis:I did it just to see how it looked and worked, not to actually run a server22:15
Zeldathere you are.22:15
dr_willisgumbo,  you wanted to see what a console looked like? :)22:16
jimmyb2187Thanks Polah I will try that now.22:16
JaithPolah:  thanks.  i'm looking at man page for kill and it doesn't tell you anything about what TTIN does.  thoughts?22:16
kurt_Whats he best tool for ripping audio cd's ?22:16
dr_williskurt_,  theres dozens of them. most of the bigger music players can do it also.22:17
dr_willis!info grip22:17
ubottuPackage grip does not exist in natty22:17
gumbodr_willis, yes. opening a console in desktop is sooooooooooooo difficult :)22:17
kurt_hmm ok, so i just have to try them all till i find the right one ? xD22:17
=== kuba is now known as Guest98355
PolahJaith: Stops it without ending it22:18
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs22:18
PolahIf I build and install 1.3.25 from source, will that revert 1.3.27 to .25 or should I remove .27 first?22:20
user82in a airplane is it sufficient to block the kernel modules for wireless drivers and the bluetooth module or is the hardware still active(and just not usable)22:21
SoItBeginsHi, I've installed Ubuntu. I'm trying to figure out how to do some things that should probably seem pretty basic, but I'm a little unsure about.22:22
SoItBeginsFirst off, I'm on a Mac. Is it possible to use the Command and the Control keys interchangeably?22:22
Polahuser82: You could just stop the networking service. Although, most aeroplanes nowadays won't really suffer from any interference from wireless devices, some airlines even offer wifi services on their flights22:22
andrejpancan somebody with firefox5 install addon: save my tabs 0.53 and report to me if it is working?22:23
JaithPolah: thanks, you've been very helpful.  Unfortunately, I don't see any behavior in this setup that will restart samhain once the log rotation finishes.  I know that logrotate supports a postrotate script too.  any thoughts about what to put in there?  I'm posting the samhain site with no responses yet.22:23
OerHeksPolah, you can try, but should warn you a newer version is installed22:23
user82ok Polah22:23
PolahJaith: Add a line later in: "kill -CONT <pid" that will continue the stopped process22:23
JaithPolah: thanks!  If samhain devs don't respond, I'll try what you suggest22:24
GaduI started the upgrade from10.10 to 11.04 and it seems to want to remove cairo-dock. Is there a way around this?22:24
PolahGadu: Back up your settings and reinstall it afterwards, perhaps.22:25
noobhello, can anyone help me with an issue i'm having with a touchsmart notebook? rather, i'm having issues with the hybrid intel/ati graphics22:29
mun_if i start a screen with 'screen -dm python foo.py >> out' the output of the python script doesn't seem to pipe into out. does anyone know how to pipe properly?22:29
gumboIf move a partition, should I move it to the left or right?22:30
InfoLocoHello, I to change my screen resolution... Please i need some help.. Post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11215574#post1121557422:31
=== incubus is now known as Guest7666
InfoLoco*I need to22:31
jstooneHey! My screen on my labtop died yesterday, and right this moment I remember that I installed SSH on it, but I can't figure out how to get it's IP22:31
Polahjstoone: Your router may list it when it's connected, or if you have a small network IP range you could try each one22:32
dr_willisjstoone,  use nmap to scan the network :)22:32
jstooneI tried to nmap some different ip's etc.22:32
Polahmun_: Only one > to write output to files22:32
cristian_cI've got a keyboard called Media Wireless Desktop by Labtec. I tried to set the keyboard shortcuts directly from the Applications-> Settings-> Xfce4 settings manager -> Keyboard-> Applications shortcuts. I clicked on Add and for example I typed the command 'evolution'. I pressed Ok and then the system asked me to type the key on the keyboard.22:32
eipi-1jstoone: nmap 192.168.0.* -p 2222:32
cristian_cIn this case the key was correctly recognized as XF86Mail and has been included in the list of shortcuts. But if I press the mail key, it always happens the same problem, that instead of opening evolution, the pc goes into stand-by. Is anyone able to understand what the problem is due? I even tried keytouch editor and it recognized the keys. But after setting up the keyboard with keytouch, if I press the 'mail' ke22:33
cristian_cy, the PC goes always on standby for no reason22:33
jstoonedr_willis: I tried 'nmap -PN' I gave up...22:33
Polahjstoone: Are you sure your network uses IPs in the range 192.168.0.XXX?22:33
mun_Polah, but i think my problem is that it's piping the output of screen rather than the script.22:34
jstoonePolah: Yes.22:34
eipi-1jstoone: only scan port 22 (or the one your sshd is running)22:34
=== mike is now known as Guest24689
gumboIf move a partition, should I move it to the left or right?22:37
jstooneeipi-1: OMG.. I executed the above command and BAM > http://pastebin.com/BrKecgb1 - is the one that I am on right now.22:38
Polahmun_: Oh, perhaps try screen -dm "python foo.py > file"22:38
Polahgumbo: It doesn't particularly matter. Why do you need to move it anyway?22:39
gumboPolah: because it's in the middle of 2 unassigned spaces22:39
noobwhen i type, does anyone see it?22:40
eipi-1jstoone: that was with the -PN option right? but it seems as there is only one ssh port on 22 in the network. did u setup any firewall?22:40
Polahnoob: Nope (:22:40
noobyay! i feel just a little bit validated22:41
jstooneeipi-1: Nope.22:41
jstooneeipi-1: Well, thanks mate! I'll be heading to bed, and then tomorrow I'll pull out the damn HDD and put it in my other box.22:43
eipi-1jstoone: gn822:44
jstooneeipi-1: Night night22:44
lebearhey guys. I'm messing around with keyboard customization; is there a way to assign a character to a command? specifically, I want Win+Z = { and Win+X = }22:49
Polahlebear: Keyboard Shortcuts > Add and then just enter the command you want to bind it to22:50
lebearPolah, yeah, I did that, but it doesn't seem to work with characters unfortunately22:50
cristian_cPolah, It doesn't work with my keyboard22:50
lebearperhaps they should be entered in a specific format (ASCII or something)22:51
gumbomoving swap partition isn't going to break anything, is it?22:51
noobcould someone at least spare a few minutes to explain https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics to me? i feel like an idiot trying to read through that page22:51
noobgumbo: i've never had any problems with it22:51
Polahgumbo: Not unless there's anything in swap, I'd be quick about it though. Where are you moving it to? If you're moving it to another drive then just reassign which one is your swap in fstab and remount it manually there22:52
gumbonoob, thanks22:53
gumboPolah: nothing that shouldnt be with the normal Ubuntu installation. I'm moving it inside the same drive22:54
Polahnoob: It allows you to change with GPU is processing your graphics. i.e. you could use your integrated GPU (provided you have one) to process while you're doing basic things to save power and then when you want to play a game or do something more intensive you can enable and switch to your graphics card/discrete GPU which would typically be more powerful and then switch back afterwards.22:54
Polahgumbo: Why are you moving it on the same drive?22:54
gumboPolah: because it's in the middle of 2 unassigned spaces22:55
Jason2gsOn Ubuntu 10.04, how can you have two clocks on the GNOME panel displaying two different times?22:55
Polahgumbo: Oh I see, that's quite strange. Do you have two partitions either side? You could just extend those partitions into the free space without needing to move your swap22:56
chaseJason2gs: I'm pretty sure you could do it with 2 panels...not sure on one panel.22:56
chaseI assume it won't let you just add the dock applet twice?22:56
Jason2gsNo, you can. But adjusting the time changes it system-wide.22:57
PolahThe clock gets it's time from your system time, not the clock applet itself so if you changed the time on one it would change system time and the other would change as well22:57
gumboPolah: it's like unassigned -> swap -> unassigned -> partition22:57
PolahI believe if you add more locations it shows time individually for them22:57
noobpolah, i think that is what i need, my computer has an 13 core with integrated intel graphics and discrete ati graphics, but i have no idea how to switch between the two or which i need to set it at during startup or how switching during startup works. it says to put a script into /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/hybrid_boot_options but i don't even know how to do that22:57
Polahgumbo: Oh, I see. I guess you want to move swap closer to the end and then extend the partition into the free space left behind by your swap partition?22:58
gumboPola: yes22:58
Polahnoob: 13 core? I know you can get 12 core processors, but I don't know about 13 lol22:58
noobI3* sorry22:59
Polahgumbo: Boot a LiveCD, delete your swap partition, remake it at the beginning of the disk, assuming that the free space is between the beginning and the swap and then extend your system partition22:59
help_meplzi need help22:59
KLinehelp_meplz: with what?22:59
help_meplzwhich unbuntu do i install on my netbook23:00
Knuxgenubuntu for netbook23:00
SoItBegins2Hi, I just installed Ubuntu on my MacBook Pro. I've gotten a triple boot working (OSX/Windows/Ubuntu), with the help of an app called rEFIt. The thing is, When I attempt to boot from rEFIt into Ubuntu, rEFIt brings up GRUB, which gives me a big menu of all 3 OSs I have installed.23:00
help_meplzmy netbook is messed up it says disk error occured but if i installed ubuntu would it work?23:00
Polahhelp_meplz: Any one you want. From 11.04 there is no netbook edition.23:00
gumboPolah: but couldn't I do it without a LiveCD?23:00
SoItBegins2Is there I way I can set GRUB to skip the menu and load Ubuntu automatically?23:00
robin0800help_meplz, desktop23:00
bazhang!une | help_meplz23:00
ubottuhelp_meplz: Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.23:00
help_meplzso what should i download for netbook kubunto netbook remix?23:00
Polahgumbo: You could work on your swap, but you couldn't extend your system partition and you could unmount it to do it from inside the system23:01
SoItBegins2Also, there's no chance I'll do any damage to my computer later with this boot setup, is there?23:01
bazhanghelp_meplz, you just asked for ubuntu, you want kubuntu instead?23:01
Polahgumbo: Back up your data before extending your system partition.23:01
help_meplzi want to know which would work on my netbook23:01
help_meplz because my netbook is currently dead23:01
bazhanghelp_meplz, they all work23:01
bazhanghelp_meplz, thats a hardware issue, nothing can bring that back23:02
gumboPolah: yes, I'd need / to be unmounted. But I could still move swap  without unmounting it?23:02
help_meplzso ubuntu 11.04 desktop will work on my netbook?23:02
robin0800SoItBegins2, grub does not show a menu by default unless you are dual booting23:02
bulleUppgrading from 11.04 to 11.10 beta doesnt give me LightDM but keeps GDM, is this expected behaviour ? if so, why ?23:02
SoItBegins2As I said, I'm triple-booting.23:02
bazhanghelp_meplz, if the hardware is dead? no23:02
help_meplzit isnt dead23:02
Knuxgeni'm trying to figure out on the third day what to do with http://i.imgur.com/tfB1z.jpg "unable to find a medium containing a live file system" problem, went through zillions of forums with no help, CD boots but doesn't show the Welcome screen, the same happens if I choose to TRY23:02
Polahhelp_meplz, Like I said, there is no netbook remix any more. There is just "Ubuntu 11.04 Desktop" and "Ubuntu 11.04 Server".23:02
help_meplz it says a disk error has occured press ctrl alt del to restart23:02
SoItBegins2But I'm using rEFIt as my boot menu. rEFIt calls GRUB, and I just want GRUB to load Ubuntu silently.23:02
Polahgumbo: No, you'd have to unmount it to move it.23:03
bullehelp_meplz: so, broken harddrive then ?23:03
bazhangPolah, he wants kubuntu netbook remix now23:03
help_meplz ok please i want to know if i should then download kubuntu because it is not netbooks23:03
gumboPolah: Oh. Thanks23:03
bazhanghelp_meplz, sure go ahead.23:03
chaseDoes anyone have any recent experience with the Catalyst drivers? I found a thousand people on the forum saying a year ago that catalyst might surpass Nvidia but no recent posts about it...23:03
robin0800SoItBegins2, startupmanager might be what you want23:04
help_meplzim asking if it would work23:04
bullechase: works very well for me, thats basicly all i can say23:04
SoItBegins2What's startupmanager?23:04
bazhanghelp_meplz, try it and see23:04
PolahFrom Kubuntu wiki: "The Netbook Plasma was previously available in Kubuntu Netbook Edition. Since then, It has been made already available in the Kubuntu Desktop ISO image combined with the regular Kubuntu Desktop. the installer detects display settings and chooses the best plasma workspace.", the "netbook DE is included with regular Kubuntu apparently23:04
chasebulle: I just bought an HD6670 on sale on newegg, so fingers crossed.23:04
bullechase: well, im using an 695023:04
WinCamXPHello, I wanted help with bash scripting.23:05
help_meplzis there a one on one dchat23:05
bullechase: so i dont see why your older card, wont work just as well23:05
bazhanghelp_meplz, see what Polah posted above23:05
bazhanghelp_meplz, not here no23:05
WinCamXPAre there any bash commands that will allow me to copy files into a java archive (.jar file)?23:05
bazhang!forums > help_meplz23:05
ubottuhelp_meplz, please see my private message23:05
chasebulle: the argument between open vs proprietary seems to rage on though. I will be using dual monitors almost constantly. use that alot?23:05
help_meplzsince my old windows xp on my nbetbook is busted is there a chance kubuntu can be my new os and can u use my webcam on it23:06
bullechase: hmm, no, i just use a single monitor23:06
help_meplz because my netbook had bult in webcam23:06
bazhanghelp_meplz, try a live usb stick and try23:06
bullehelp_meplz: what netbook is it you have ?23:06
bazhang!usb | help_meplz23:06
ubottuhelp_meplz: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:06
WinCamXPdepends on the netbook help_melps, look up the model of your netbook on google with something like this "[brand] [model] ubuntu webcam"23:07
Gunther0Hello, im from downstream mint, but I was wondering if anyone has a fix for the upstream indicator aplet memory leak bug? I came to check on my box and found the program using 3.4GiB23:07
bazhangGunther0, mint?23:08
Gunther0it says you have fix released, but I was wondering if I could get a .deb of that to apply it to mint.23:08
WinCamXPlinux mitn?23:08
WinCamXPthats what i installed onto my sis's netbook the next room over23:08
bulleWinCamXP: you just want to use the jar command, should be included in the java sdk, it works similar to tar, just read documentation23:09
Gunther0Mint apparently hasn't applied your fix for that bug, so I was wondering if I could apply it manually.23:09
bazhangGunther0, thats not downstream. its not supported here. check launchpad for bugs23:09
WinCamXPbulle: the javadoc?23:09
bazhang!bugs | Gunther023:09
ubottuGunther0: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.23:09
WinCamXPbulle: where is that documentation? ubuntu docs or javadocs?23:09
Gunther0linux mint is a ubuntu downstream.23:09
bulleWinCamXP: javadocs23:09
bulleWinCamXP: its a standard command of the sdk, its available for windows, linux, osx etc23:10
help_meplzok i am looking it up and whas a live usb stick i bought a 2 gb flash drive23:10
help_meplz is that enough?23:10
Gunther0https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-applet/+bug/369539 the bug is listed here, but I can't use the ubuntu update service, so I was wondering if I can update via a .deb or something.23:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369539 in indicator-applet (Ubuntu) "Unreasonably high memory usage" [Low,Fix released]23:10
bazhangGunther0, it's still not supported here. check launchpad for bugs as I indicated23:10
bazhanghelp_meplz, yes23:11
Gunther0Leme be simple. I'm asking someone to tell me how to borrow ubuntu's .deb files.23:11
Gunther0So I can patch my os.23:11
Gunther0With your fixes23:11
yeatsGunther0: you can download them from packages.ubuntu.com23:11
yeatsGunther0: but no guarantees of them working (of course) ;-)23:12
WinCamXPubottu: so which series of letters do i use after 'jar' if i want to add files to an existing jar?23:12
ubottuWinCamXP: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:12
WinCamXPoops wrong person23:12
WinCamXPbulle: so which series of letters do i use after 'jar' if i want to add files to an existing jar?23:12
chaseGunther0: not sure if its still around but aptoncd seems to be what you're looking for.23:12
Gunther0thank you yeats, I will try that.23:13
help_meplzI FOUND IT23:14
regeyaubottu is more intelligent than many human beings ;-)23:14
ubotturegeya: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:14
help_meplz I HAVE AN ACER ASPIRE ONE AOD25023:14
help_meplzDO YU THINK IT will work?23:14
bazhanghelp_meplz, no caps23:14
WinCamXPbulle: it looks like 'jar uf blah.jar /home/username/folder/filestoputinsidejar' correct?23:14
bazhanghelp_meplz, try it in live mode and see23:14
hidensofthi , i trying to use tuxguitar , but sound not work , when i try to open that in terminal i got this error /dev/sequencer: No such file or directory23:15
hidensoftanybody know how i can enable sound ?23:15
chasehelp_meplez: I had a acer aspire one for a bit and used a distro specifically for the aspire one called Kuki Linux. There was also Linux4One and a couple others I think.23:15
WinCamXPokay i have to have dinner23:15
noobcan someone tell me where i CAN find someone willing to help me get my computer booting up properly?? i installed linux so i'd have a computer that *works*23:15
WinCamXPanswer my previous questions if you can in a PM23:15
clint_hi all is gnome3 any good23:16
bazhangnoob, which version of ubuntu23:16
BlueEagleclint_: nope23:16
bazhangclint_, its in 11.10, not supported in 11.0423:16
help_meplzacer aspire on d250 how do i fund uubuntu webcam for it23:16
bazhangnoob, give us some details23:16
hidensoftclint_: i'm gnome user but i don't like it ?23:16
BlueEagleclint_: It's probably a bit better than the quality of your question though.23:16
clint_ok probley why i'm having so many problems lol23:17
noobgnome3 is so-so after getting used to it, not stable at all though and hopefully alot will be added in extensions23:17
noobor in further development23:17
chaseclint_ Vague question. Good? Gnome 3 is very different. Useful for some people. Not a fan myself.23:17
chaseXfce 4.8 is where its at. ;)23:17
rypervencheUsing Xfce4.8 here. Waiting for a Gnome 2.x fork.23:18
chase4.8 is better imho than a gnome 2 fork. Xfce is so much simpler in its configuration and setup.23:18
hidensoftanybody in there use tuxguitar ?23:19
BlueEagle!anyone | hidensoft23:20
ubottuhidensoft: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.23:20
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hidensoftBlueEagle: i ask my question before !23:21
BlueEaglehidensoft: Yeah I see it now. Did you check if /dev/sequencer exist?23:21
bytemanI'm currently running a production Apache/PHP/MySql CentOS 5 but am concerned by the lack of timely security fixes - how does Ubuntu handle security patches?23:21
BlueEaglehidensoft: ie. is it a missing module or a file permission issue.23:22
hidensoftBlueEagle: no , its not exist !23:22
BlueEagle!security | byteman23:23
ubottubyteman: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server23:23
debugnetdoes anyone have a problem with their wireless dropping every time your "Regulatory domain changed to country" changes with the cfg80211 driver?23:24
BlueEaglehidensoft: Do you get anything from: lsmod|grep snd-seq23:25
hidensoftBlueEagle: no dude23:25
BlueEaglehidensoft: How about: sudo modprobe snd_seq23:25
BlueEagle...and then do the lsmod |grep snd_seq again.23:26
BlueEaglehidensoft: also check if /dev/snd/seq exist23:27
hidensoftBlueEagle http://pastie.org/247824823:28
BlueEaglehidensoft: does /dev/sequencer exist now?23:28
hidensoft /dev/snd/seq is not exist23:28
hidensoft/dev/sequencer is not exist23:29
BlueEagleI see that you didn't grep for snd_seq the first time around. When you check if it exist I assume you do `ls /dev/sequencer` right?23:30
hidensofti do anything that you say , maybe i miss that in paste23:31
BlueEaglehidensoft: Well, I just need to know how you know that /dev/sequencer doesn't exist. Purely taking tuxguitars word for it is not necessarily good enough. Especailly when sudoing it.23:32
hidensoftlsmod|grep snd-seq : have no output23:32
BlueEaglethat's snd_seq not snd-seq23:32
BlueEaglemy bad on that one.23:32
hidensoftBlueEagle: i go to that directory and i can't see the sequencer folder23:33
BlueEaglehidensoft: ls /dev/se*23:33
noobbazhang: connection dropped, did what i said show?23:33
BlueEaglenoob: Last line was "or in further development"23:33
hidensofthidensoft: http://pastie.org/2478272 -> lsmod|grep snd_seq23:34
hidensoftBlueEagle: http://pastie.org/247827723:34
noobbazhang: what kind of details? as i've said, i'm running ubuntu 11.04 (and tried 11.10B) on hp touchsmart tm2-2050us with hybrid graphics intel I3/ati and every time it boots up i get a black screen and have to close&open the laptop about 5 times to get ANYTHING to come up. i've been having this problem since 10.04 when i got my laptop and all i've found is that what i need to do has something to do with vga_switcheroo which isn't explained in23:34
JasonGriffeeHow do I add bass eq in 11.04?23:35
bungholiomy friend installed wubi and installed ubuntu /win7 - and when he boots into Ubuntu the screen flickers black and white for a second and doesn't boot, any idea?23:36
BlueEaglehidensoft: That is really strange. When you have the module you should have the device nodes.23:36
bungholio-not sure if it matters but he installed it on his laptop.23:36
bazhangnoob, thats the optimus system? which graphics card are you trying to use?23:36
Jordan_Ubungholio: After it flickers black then white what happens?23:37
bungholioJordan_U: it reboots.23:37
BlueEaglehidensoft: Just out of curiousity which audio chipset and drivers are you using? lspci|grep Multi23:37
hidensoftBlueEagle: lspci|grep Multi have no output23:38
BlueEaglehidensoft: Do you have any audio from other applications?23:38
hidensoftBlueEagle: yes i have23:38
BlueEaglehidensoft: try it with just `lspci` and see if you can spot anything that looks like audio.23:39
hidensofti can play the music , but i don't know why this god damn software did not work23:39
BlueEagle...or are you using a USB sound card?23:39
noobergot disconnected again and previous username not working23:39
WinCamXPI'm writing a bash script here, may I ask how to delete a folder inside a jar file with the 'jar' command?23:41
debugnetBlueEagle: hidensoft is have this problem because tuxguitar can't be found or is not installed...23:41
hidensoftBlueEagle: http://pastie.org/247829923:41
WinCamXPI understand how to add files to .jar files, but how would I completely remove one?23:41
debugnetWinCamXP: unzip the jar file and then rezip the file again. that's all it is really.23:41
hidensoft00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)23:41
WinCamXPgreat, the .jar file has sixty million class files in it23:41
WinCamXPmaybe ill make the script extract the files into a folder23:41
hidensoftand this : 01:00.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation GF108 High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)23:42
BlueEagledebugnet: Are you certain of that? Because tuxguitar does not create /dev/sequnecer23:42
WinCamXPedit whats in that folder23:42
WinCamXP(oops forgot about enter punctuation) and then put everything back in the jar in its modified state23:42
WinCamXPi can use wildcards (*), correct?23:42
debugnetBlueEagle: according to the pastie/pastebin output that is what the sudo command is getting. either his environment variables for the path is not setup or it is not installed at all.23:42
hidensoftdebugnet: i think problem is something about MIDI , because tuxguitar use that23:43
WinCamXPdebugnet: so I can move everything inside the .jar with a wildcard (*) into a folder, then delete the .jar, modify what's in the folder and recreate the .jar with the contents of the folder?23:44
BlueEagledebugnet: No, the command processes just find but the application fails because /dev/sequencer does not exist. That is unless you know something I don't.23:44
cystichello I am trying to install kvm in 11.04 but I keep getting a 404 error with apt-get even after I update it. any suggestions?23:44
noobbazhang: what kind of details? as i've said, i'm running ubuntu 11.04 (and tried 11.10B) on hp touchsmart tm2-2050us with hybrid graphics intel I3/ati and every time it boots up i get a black screen and have to close&open the laptop about 5 times to get ANYTHING to come up.23:44
noobi've been having this problem since 10.04 when i got my laptop and all i've found is that what i need to do has something to do with vga_switcheroo which isn't explained in the help pages in any way that i'm currently able to understand. i'm getting tired of having this23:44
noobproblem, the hinge on my laptop is getting worn out, and if theres any more details needed than that before someone will actually try to help me get it working,23:45
noobi need someone to tell me what details and where do i get them23:45
WinCamXPwhats the copy command in bash?23:45
WinCamXPso cp [filestocopy] [copythemhere]?23:46
bazhangnoob, I asked whether this was an optimus system, and which card you were trying to use23:46
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WinCamXPso cp [filestocopy] [copythemhere]?23:46
BlueEaglehidensoft: cat /proc/asound/oss/sndstat23:46
BlueEaglehidensoft: does that show any Midi devices?23:47
hidensoftcat: /proc/asound/oss/sndstat: No such file or directory23:47
noobah sorry, don't know what you mean by "optimus system" and graphics card is hybrid intel/ati built into the processor afaik23:47
happiehow to format a pendrive23:47
bazhangnoob, yes, I know. which card are you trying to use23:47
bazhanghappie, gparted23:47
happiewhat is that23:47
BlueEaglehidensoft: sudo aplaymidi -l23:47
bazhang!gparted > happie23:48
ubottuhappie, please see my private message23:48
noobwhichever one gives me something other than a black screen on boot. idk which its trying to use now23:48
WinCamXPits 'cp filetocopy dirtocopyto', right?23:48
debugnetWinCamXP: that is one solution. i would keep that folder too as a working folder so you don't have to extract and compress everytime you need to generate it.23:48
PolahWould anybody know where I could get wine1.3.25 as a .deb?23:49
hidensoftBlueEagle http://pastie.org/247832723:49
BlueEagleWinCamXP: Well the ' should be ` but otherwise yes. You can specify a filename as well, but if dirtocopyto is an existing directory the file name will be the same.23:49
debugnetBlueEagle: i don't understand that particular application but i do understand bash very well and that error message is what you get when it can't find the program you are trying to run.23:49
WinCamXPwhat i was planning on doing was copying the jar to an isolated folder, extracting it, doing all the operations in that folder, recompressing the files back into a .jar and replacing the .jar back in the first folder with the modified one, would that work?23:49
noobbazhang: how can i find out which card its trying to use when it boots up? i'm pretty sure i want to use the opposite of that23:50
happiegparted installed now what ?23:50
debugnetWinCamXP: yep23:50
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1782966   noob this may be relevant23:50
yekomsneed a lil help. when i boot the ubuntu CD, the image is all distorted. any ideas?23:50
bazhangPolah, tried the #winehq repos ?23:51
happiewhat is Gsoc ?23:51
yekomsno advice?23:51
debugnetyekoms: if it is an rw disc, reburn the image else you will need to reburn to another disc. soz about that...23:51
yekomsits a CDR.23:51
BlueEagledebugnet: No it is not.23:51
BlueEaglehidensoft: http://tuxguitar.herac.com.ar/forum/5/1277/no-sound-in-debian-after-deletion-of-pulse/ could be helpful.23:52
Polahbazhang: They have specific repos for wine? I have the development ppa which gave me 1.3.27, but I need 1.3.25 for some program compatibility and building from source failed23:52
WinCamXPi can use ~ for the user's home folder instead of /home/username, correct?23:52
yekomsand when it spins up, it sounds rough but it installed fine on my other notebook.23:52
yekomsyes WinCamXP23:52
yekoms~ is /home/user23:52
WinCamXPokay, thanks23:52
happiehow to install gnu library?23:52
noobbazhang: thanks, will try it23:52
Polahyekoms: Is it just the Ubuntu image while booting that is distorted? Does the actual system display fine when loaded?23:52
happiehow to format a pendrive ?23:53
BlueEagledebugnet: This is what you get when not installed: The program 'tuxguitar' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:\n sudo apt-get install tuxguitar23:53
bazhanghappie, using gparted23:53
cysticcan someone help me with a problem I am having real quick?23:53
yekomsi installed along windows, and its distorted, and when i boot the cd23:53
confezzorhi all...i know Canonical wanted Ubuntu to be low powered but holy crap it's not..i know it's in beta now 11.10 but my cpu is retarded but my RAM is great at 380 to 560MBs...i really hope it's fixed by final23:53
yekomsits a widescreen notebook if that matters.23:53
WinCamXPyekoms: what GPU is it? sounds like a driver issue23:54
Polahbazhang: Okay, I got a .dev for 1.3.25, if I just run it through software centre will it overwrite or should I remove 1.3.27 first?23:54
xanguaconfezzor: then don't use beta releases23:54
WinCamXPgoogle something like this "nvidia 630m ubuntu"23:54
WinCamXPsee if any relevant problems come up23:54
cysticeverytime I try to install software with ubuntu software center it says failed to download packages, check internet connection. but I am obviously connected to the internet.23:54
confezzorno and 11.04 does the same23:54
JasonGriffeecan anyone tell me how to boost bass in ubuntu 11.04?23:55
xanguaconfezzor: for low resources there is xubuntu and lubuntu23:55
Polahyekoms: Try installing and then enable the proprietary drivers for it. When I install my plymouth logo is distorted using generic drivers.23:55
cysticwhat can I do to fix it?23:55
PolahJasonGriffee: I believe Banshee has a built in equaliser plugin23:55
BlueEaglePolah: If you don't know the answer you should read up on package management before you use anything out side of the repo.23:55
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confezzorno my cpu is over 50% without doing anything23:55
bazhangconfezzor, #ubuntu+1 for 11.1023:55
confezzoron 11.04 as well23:55
hidensoftsometime i think about Suicide23:55
BlueEaglePolah: Oh, you're down grading. Didn't see that at once.23:55
yekomsall the google responces i found is to configure it. not fixing the distortion23:56
BlueEaglePolah: When downgrading I always uninstall when possible.23:56
confezzormy PC can handle anything..just wondering why it's using 50% and more cpu power when i'm not even doing anything23:56
bazhangPolah, I'd remove then install23:56
JasonGriffeePolah: No Good, I need a system-wide program because I listen to Rhapsody.23:56
noobhidensoft: its okay, log out of this room and youll feel better23:56
WinCamXPso if i have a .jar file in a directory and I use 'jar xf name.jar', it will place every file inside the jar into the current directory?23:56
PolahHmm, I'll do that then23:56
bazhangconfezzor, #ubuntu+1 for oneiric as I just said23:56
PolahBest to be on the safe side anyway23:56
BlueEaglehidensoft: o.0 That sounds drastic.23:57
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BlueEaglehidensoft: Did you not have the tuxguitar-alsa plugin?23:57
soreauWinCamXP: If you want to experiment, make a copy of the directory first (a backup)23:57
yekomsill reburn at a slower speed, i did 24x on this one23:58
hidensoftnoob: no this room is not my problem23:58
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PolahWhat's the command to check package policies?23:58
WinCamXPis there a way in bash to have a 'press any key to continue' pause or something similar?23:58
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hidensoftBlueEagle: no , i try now23:58
soreauWinCamXP: Otherwise, try googling about how to use jar files23:58
Polahnevermind, I found it.23:58
hidensoftpooof , tuxguitar-alsa23:58
soreauPolah: apt-cache policy pkg-name23:58
hidensofttuxguitar-alsa is already the newest version.23:58
WinCamXPwell, since the jar command is apparently cross-platform due to it being part of java, i could make a windows batch script that does the same thing?23:59
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soreauWinCamXP: Yes. Ask in #bash23:59
WinCamXPoh theres a whole channel for that, thanks23:59
X_already_in_useIs it really necessary to screw harddrive? I have a few extra hdd's and I just lay them sideway inside the tower/case.23:59

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