
MrUbiquitousI have a question on Ubuntu forum rules and regs, anyone game to help a noob?04:02
MrUbiquitousAnyhoo, I was banned at Ubuntu forums (15 points) for supposed spam. I only made one post and it was a question on security. I did have a website I entered in my profile which is mine and not a commercial site. Could this be misconstrued somehow as spam?04:05
MrUbiquitousTHe website was mentioned as the spam site I believe. 04:05
=== TokyoDan_ is now known as TokyoDan
=== TokyoDan_ is now known as TokyoDan
Aquixnp: Even If by Calibre15:54
Aquixaquix is rocking to Notes from the Block by Logistics with Illskillz15:57
Aquixthere we go :)15:57

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