
GTRSDK|busyfalktx_: I was told you were the person to talk to about iso building?00:26
falktx_GTRSDK|busy: ISO?00:28
GTRSDK|busyfalktx_: livedvd00:28
falktx_I can build a custom ISO, not official ones00:28
GTRSDK|busyfalktx_: do you base then off of an official ISO?00:30
falktx_GTRSDK|busy: no, build from scratch00:31
falktx_sorry I was busy00:44
falktx_GTRSDK|busy: what do you need?00:44
GTRSDK|busyfalktx_: I am trying to figure out how to build a LiveDVD00:45
falktx_GTRSDK|busy: I have a script for it00:45
falktx_ScottL: do you still have the notes I wrote for you about the ISO script?00:45
GTRSDK|busyI am currently trying to build a LiveDVD by editing files and adding some00:49
GTRSDK|busyI need to set up ubiquity00:57
falktx_the ubuntu docs have good info about that00:59
falktx_my script is based on that00:59
GTRSDK|busybecause there is no ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntustudio , correct?01:00
ScottLfalktx_, i do have the notes02:42
ScottLastraljava, you are probably right about a livedvd and trying to maintain double the number of images02:43
ScottLastraljava, perhaps we should do a "community" maintaind livedvd that we create manually after canonical release02:43
ScottLwe could host it on sourcrforge or something02:43
falktx_ScottL: I can host it02:45
falktx_sourceforge kxstudio though, if that's ok02:45
falktx_not sure...02:46
ScottLat this point we need to create it first ;) then we can wory about where it's hosted02:46
shnatselHey everybody07:02
shnatselI've explored the edubuntu ubiquity patch07:02
shnatselit will work for us, it's very easy to adapt07:02
GTRSDK|busyshnatsel: what is the patch about?07:02
=== GTRSDK|busy is now known as GTRsdk
shnatselGTRSDK|busy: installing only the components selected by the user during installation07:03
shnatselGTRsdk: usual ubiquity doesn't have it while debian-installer has07:03
shnatselthe way debian-installer implements it has always driven me nuts, though07:04
shnatselthe keyboard controls are absolutely non-intuitive and I always skip it instead of selecting a seed07:04
shnatselthen have to re-launch installation and think about the keys07:05
GTRsdkthere should be instructions on how to use debian-installer built in with it07:05
shnatselGTRsdk: if the UI needs explanation, it has to be fixed. (c) elementary philosophy, and also rule of UI design07:06
shnatselapart of that, you have a very common mistake in your seed packages07:07
shnatseleverything is marked as "depends"07:07
shnatselinstead of "recommends"07:07
GTRsdkshnatsel: which packages?07:07
shnatselwhich is terrible because if you uninstall an app from the seed, you lose the metapackage, and then you lose all the other packages from the seed on an autoremove07:08
shnatselGTRsdk: seeds, the ones parsed by Germinate07:08
shnatselGTRsdk: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/oneiric/ubuntustudio-meta07:08
GTRsdkso I have a mistake in a seed package?07:10
shnatselGTRsdk: you have a mistake in the guidelines for creating them, I'd say07:11
shnatselGTRsdk: apps should be marked as "recommends", not "depends"07:11
GTRsdkshnatsel: so which package?07:12
shnatselubuntustudio-meta source package07:12
GTRsdkI never packaged that one07:12
GTRsdkshnatsel: I don't have upload rights07:12
shnatselGTRsdk: hmm, I didn't say it's personally your fault, did I?07:12
GTRsdkshnatsel: I'm not even in the ubuntustudio-dev team yet07:15
shnatselOK, the project has this error07:16
shnatselI gotta report a bug I guess07:16
shnatsel!report ubuntustudio07:16
shnatselyeah, no rabbitbot here, sorry07:17
shnatselreported as bug 84014407:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840144 in Ubuntu Studio "Use recommends instead of depends in seeds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84014407:22
shnatselHere's the doc about custom ubiquity from edubuntu: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JinRIl_hYWJA4L0COe9r5uAX4ZgmfqyIYmC5Tdhfn3o/edit07:44
astraljavaI'm not too sure about that bug. For instance, -desktop kinda needs to depend on certain packages, that construct the whole desktop experience. IMHO, that's an invalid.08:00
astraljavaIs there an auto-removal for Synaptic?08:02
astraljavaIf you use it on apt-get, you're kinda expected to know what you're doing anyway.08:02
shnatselScottL: ubuntu studio doesn't use Launchpad blueprints at the moment. Maybe you should change that? AFAIK it's the best specification tracker available, and we definitely need one to get something done (I sent a link to my writeup on that a while ago)09:26
shnatselScottL: I need to coordinate some changes to the seed architecture but you have nowhere to write that down09:34
shnatselit sounds like a series of related bugs and blueprints to me atm09:34
scott-workmorning...i noticed a lot was written while getting ready to come to work, i'll read logs in a bit11:43
scott-workshnatsel: you mention blueprints and launchpad and a link in a write up that you sent a while ago....how long ago and to whom did you send the email?  i don't recall seeing anything at the moment11:51
scott-workTheMuso: could you offer any opinion on bug 840144 ?11:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840144 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "Use recommends instead of depends in seeds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84014411:51
shnatselscott-work: actually, I pasted the link here. elementaryos.org/journal/how-see-what’s-our-sleeves11:52
scott-workokay, yes, i saw that one :)11:52
shnatselscott-work: bug 840144 it's a requirement for the selective app installation in Ubiquity, too11:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840144 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "Use recommends instead of depends in seeds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84014411:53
scott-workokay, when i looked at it yesterday it looked just like a journal but as i read more at a particular entry i can see where you are talking about lauchpad blueprints11:53
scott-workto be very direct, i had considered using blueprints before (and milestones) but i really didn't understand it completely so i have shied away from it11:54
scott-worki would very much like to understand them however11:54
scott-worki will read more from your link when i have more time (i.e. not at work)  ;)11:54
scott-workshnatsel: is there a particular journal entry that you would i recommend reading first or foremost?11:55
shnatselscott-work: this is the only writeup about LP blueprints I'm aware about.11:56
shnatselscott-work: I tried to explain why blueprints are needed, what problem do they solve and how to use them11:56
scott-workso far this is the best i've read that starts explaining more about blueprints: http://elementaryos.org/journal/how-see-what%E2%80%99s-our-sleeves11:57
scott-worki will definitely read more tonight11:57
shnatselscott-work: yes, that's my article :)11:57
scott-workoh, oh, oh...this is funny11:58
scott-workshnatsel: the link you gave me is slightly broken :)11:58
scott-workit takes me to the main journal page11:58
shnatselhmm... :(11:59
scott-workbetween "what" and "s" i see a funny square box11:59
shnatselcopy-pasting from url bar in firefox 7 seems to be glitchy11:59
scott-workthe link you _just_ posted has "%E2%80%99" between "what" and "s"11:59
scott-worki read the titles and decided to read a little more on one that i thought would be right12:00
scott-workhappenstance that i picked the one you wanted me to read12:00
shnatselsorry, my bad12:00
shnatselI'm glad you found the right article anyway :)12:00
scott-worki think it's kinda funny12:00
scott-workokay, i will take a break at work and read this article during the day12:01
scott-workyes, thank you very much, this will be much help!12:01
scott-worki did something similar for packaging for backports using PPA's12:01
scott-workit started as a record for me to help me remember how i did stuff but then morphed into a way for others to use and i expand on what a ppa is and how it can be used12:02
scott-workastraljava: did you see my comment about livedvd?12:02
scott-workshnatsel: do you work with any other projects other than elemtary?12:21
shnatselscott-work: well, I also made http://shnatsel.blogspot.com/2011/07/weve-just-revolutionized-alpha-testing.html and it needs work12:23
shnatselalso http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/tag/shnatsel12:24
shnatselor maybe http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?s=shnatsel12:25
scott-worki will say that i like the clean look of the windows for the midoria screenshot under the discover page on the elementary os website12:25
scott-worki would like to push the ubuntu studio windows dressings to such a clean look12:26
shnatselscott-work: Midori is also damn fast and, unlike other browsers, it integrates with the DE well12:26
scott-worki think that xfce can look very clean but yet elegant too, perhaps even a "cutting edge" look 12:26
scott-worki just don't know much about changing themes or window dressings12:27
shnatselscott-work: there is an elementary theme port to XFCE12:27
scott-workhmmm, i might have to look into that then :)12:28
shnatselscott-work: to be completely honest, I think you'd better migrate to Pantheon than to XFCE.12:28
scott-worki haven't heard of pantheon before12:28
shnatselscott-work: it's elementary's desktop environment, to be released with the next OS version12:29
shnatselscott-work: it also has a modular DE-independent shell, Pantheon Shell that beats GNOME Shell and Unity12:29
shnatselit's built to be lightweight and fast, and also has very good design that's traditional to elementary project12:30
shnatselIMHO XFCE is good, but some of its components are hardly usable in real life; it's better to fix GNOME than to switch to XFCE.12:31
shnatsele.g. Mousepad vs Gedit12:31
shnatselMousepad is almost as useful as Windoze Notepad12:32
shnatselxfconf is better than gconf but dconf/GSettings from GNOME3 beat it12:32
shnatseldconf is damn fast; it's dconf that makes such a difference in login time between Lucid and Maverick12:33
shnatseletc etc etc12:33
shnatselso in elementary project we take GNOME and replace everything we don't like with custom apps12:34
shnatselThere was an article about it in the journal... http://elementaryos.org/journal/meet-me-pantheon12:34
shnatselMac has a reputation of being an OS for designers and creative people, because it's well-designed. I'm sure a Linux distro for creative people also should have the best design available.12:36
shnatselwhich is IMO elementary project. Unity is just ridiculous and GNOME is still like it's from early 2000s12:37
shnatselThere was a screencast of Pantheon shell somewhere...12:39
shnatselOutdated, but still: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/video-slingshot-plank-wingpanel-beatbox.html12:39
scott-workshnatsel: one thing to keep in mind is that ubuntu studio cannot ship anything in the image that is not in the official repositories (i.e. cannot use PPA)12:40
shnatselATM this is a prototype12:40
* scott-work is working on reading backscroll12:40
shnatselscott-work: yes, so we'll have to push all elementary apps to ubuntu repos on time; I have no idea how that can be done, because we mostly follow Ubuntu release schedule.12:41
shnatselIMHO using only official repos slows ubuntu studio down so much...12:42
shnatselI might make elementary studio someday, with blackjack and PPAs12:43
scott-workhehe, that would be pretty cool12:43
scott-worki an aware that xfce isn't quite a light as it used to be, especially compared to gnome and kde which used to be much heavier than xfce at one time12:43
scott-worki believe that gap has narrowed in the last year or so12:43
scott-worki really think that we need to redefine and articulate our vision of ubuntu studio (i know i keep talking about this)12:44
shnatselI guess don't really care about being lightweight because multimedia PCs are powerful anyway12:44
scott-workand having a fast light destktop is important (i believe)12:44
scott-workshnatsel: if that is the audience we want to serve (i.e. those with fast,  powerful computers)12:44
scott-workhistorically i believe we have tried to accomodate those with slower comptuers as well12:45
scott-workthis doesn't make it proper though12:45
shnatselscott-work: IMHO one of the mistakes you made is shipping custom artwork, custom sound theme, etc. After a fail of my artistic distro I strongly believe in division of labour and avoiding scattering resources.12:45
shnatselscott-work: I haven't been there to see the project's history, though12:46
scott-workshnatsel: wrt "customer artwork, custom sound": are you suggesting that we focus solely on packaging and less on branding perhaps?12:47
scott-worki'm not being critical, i just want to understand your intent :)12:47
shnatselscott-work: yes, exactly12:48
scott-worki ask also because i feel we really do need to figure out who we are, whom we server, and how we will server them12:48
shnatselscott-work: my distro failed exactly for the same reason - nobody knew what exactly we were going to make12:49
scott-workshnatsel: i just realized something....12:50
scott-workbut first, i have felt that the wallpaper on the desktop should be very, very plain12:51
scott-workfor a multimedia comptuer12:51
scott-workit should be nuetral12:51
scott-workit shouldn't distract12:51
scott-workit shouldn't be busy12:51
scott-workit should just....be12:51
scott-workyeah, i know that sounds Zen12:51
scott-worki just realized that this may be why i am preferential to xfce12:52
shnatselscott-work: or, the application presenting the wallpaper should present it in a way that makes any wallpaper be like that ;)12:52
scott-workit's uncluttered in many ways and it has simple, but functional, window dressings for example12:52
scott-workshnatsel: good point12:52
shnatselscott-work: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/pantheon-wallpaper/+spec/focus-blur12:52
scott-workah, yes...this is like the windows 7 or vista or something12:53
scott-workmy wife has a window laptop she refuses to let me change to linux and it does this12:53
scott-worki very, very rarely use it though12:53
shnatselscott-work: huh? It's implemented somewhere already?12:54
scott-worki belive so, perhaps its the other windows that blur or the background...i suppose it could be both12:55
scott-workbut i recall that on my wife's windows machine the stuff behind the active window is blurred, it could only be other windows but it could include the background as well12:55
shnatselAFAIR only the window decoration blurs stuff beneath it12:55
shnatselCompiz can blur inactive windows12:56
shnatselthat module crashes Compiz on my PC with default settings, though12:57
shnatselI had to tweak it12:57
shnatseland I don't like the effect anyway12:57
shnatselFading out inactive windows works better12:58
shnatselit's Compiz's ADD helper module12:58
scott-workbut this was on a windows machine12:59
scott-workthey are copying linux anyways ;)12:59
scott-workshnatsel: i appreciate your suggestions and comments and would appreciate any help you are willing to provide13:00
shnatselscott-work: does forking ubuntu studio and making elementary studio count as help? ;)13:01
shnatselI want to make your liveDVD first :)13:01
scott-workif we can steal some of you stuff!13:01
shnatselscott-work: no problem :)13:01
scott-workshnatsel:  astraljava had a very good point last night about supporting another image13:01
shnatselscott-work: huh?13:02
shnatselscott-work: I think I missed it13:02
scott-workwe have been struggling to just test the images we have currently13:02
scott-workand the team is already spread pretty thin13:02
scott-workso we have a few options that i can think of currently...13:02
scott-work1. scrap the live dvd (not my preference)13:02
scott-work2. build up the community more (yay!)13:02
scott-work3. create an "unofficial" livedvd that is "community" supported (weird third option)13:03
shnatselscott-work: I choose 3 for Oneiric13:03
scott-workshnatsel: i presume you meant to help us create an officially built livedvd that is created and hosted by canonical via the automated buildd system that already builds the other images13:03
scott-workis that correct?  or am i mistaken13:04
* scott-work is often mistaken but can easily admit it ;)13:04
shnatselscott-work: I'm OK with that too13:04
shnatselscott-work: I have no idea about Canonical build systems, though13:04
shnatselscott-work: I know I can build a livedvd right now13:04
scott-workthe buildd daemon builds the image from our seed files automatically and can only use items in the repositories13:05
scott-workall the ubuntu studio team does is have the seeds in our code13:05
scott-workbut it would appear that you are suggesting we build our live dvd manually?13:05
shnatselscott-work: well, building from seeds is OK13:05
scott-worki'm not judging or stating preference, i just want to understand your suggested process for building a live dvd13:06
shnatselscott-work: I'm OK with any process that's best for the project13:06
scott-worki think that different people have different expectations and perhaps perceptions13:06
scott-workshnatsel: but what would your original idea for building a live dvd?13:07
shnatselscott-work: making an unofficial one for Oneiric to test it out and make it official for LTS13:07
shnatselthat was my initial plan13:08
scott-workshnatsel:  can you describe what you meant by "official"?13:08
shnatselscott-work: no idea tbh13:08
scott-worklol, okay :)13:08
shnatselscott-work: I have no idea about your processes13:08
scott-worki think i understand though13:08
scott-workperhaps you meant "unofficial" is that we build it and then just test it, we don't announce it publicly as an available image13:09
scott-workthen for the LTS we build it and then announce it to the public as an available image13:09
shnatselthat's up to you actually13:09
shnatselI build the image13:09
shnatselyou do the announcements you want13:09
scott-workshnatsel: how would you build the image?13:09
shnatselI'm not the PR guy of the project13:09
scott-worki'll explain in a minute why i'm so curious about how you will build and the term "official" in a minute13:10
shnatselscott-work: whatever process you prefer. I can build it locally. I can write a script that builds it. Whatever.13:10
scott-workagain, this goes with expectation and perceptions13:10
scott-workokay, i'll explain why i was asking13:10
shnatselIt's a matter of apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop && pack image13:10
scott-worklike i said before, we currently use the automated buildd daemon from canonical, the same one ubuntu uses to build their images13:11
scott-workthis doesn't make it the "right" way or the preferred way, it just is _the_ way it is done currently13:11
scott-workto some this is the "official" image13:11
shnatselI guess it's handy13:12
scott-workand to some the logic goes the other way as well....it is the "official" image because it's built by the buildd system13:12
scott-workwhich infers that it cannot be "official" if it isn't built using the buildd system13:12
scott-workagain, not passing judgement or saying this is right or "proper", just stating how some feel13:13
scott-workmy thoughts are...we choose what image we want to call "official"13:13
scott-workit's an arbitrary decision13:13
scott-workand choosing to say the buildd images are "official" is arbitrary decision as well13:13
scott-workbut here's a nice dileneation....13:14
scott-workcurrently we follow canonical's QA system for the images and are required to participate in the montly image testing13:15
scott-workbut if we offer an alternative image that we build then we might avoid that mandatory involvement in the QA testing13:16
falktxshnatsel: hey13:16
falktxhey there everyone13:16
shnatselhi falktx 13:16
scott-worknot to say we wouldn't test it, but we wouldn't need to test two basically identical images and double our workload on a monthly basis13:16
falktxshnatsel: the last package had a small error, I forgot cmake13:16
falktxand section still seems to be kde13:16
falktxno kde3/kde4 difference I guess13:17
scott-workwe could test our current image montly, then after release we could make the livedvd, test is specifically for the "live" aspect, then make it available for people :)13:17
scott-workshnatsel: do you have any objections, suggestions, comments, etc to what i described?13:17
scott-workfalktx: you mentioned hosting a livedvd on your sourceforge page, is that still a valid offer?13:19
falktxscott-work: yes!13:19
shnatselscott-work: I'm OK with that, except for the LiveDVD needs some testing too, and I think it's better to do it before the release, not after13:20
falktxscott-work: but making it takes a lot of time, so I think it's better to wait until final release, then make one13:20
shnatselfalktx: not that much13:20
shnatselfalktx: I've apt-built my squashfs-tools, so now I can build live Ubuntu images in ~30 minutes13:21
shnatselcompression stage takes 2-4 minutes13:21
shnatselAuFS mount of squashfs - 1 minute13:21
shnatselor less13:21
falktxshnatsel: 2-4 minutes? what cpu do you have??13:21
falktxit takes ~30 mins to compress the squash fs for me...13:22
shnatselfalktx: use apt-build :P13:22
shnatselfalktx: Core2Quad Q660013:22
shnatselfalktx: I bet Gentoo would build it even faster13:22
falktxI have dual core 2.1Ghz13:22
shnatselfalktx: 2.4 here13:23
falktxmakes sense13:23
shnatselfalktx: I don't have 100% CPU usage anymore13:23
falktxshnatsel: have you looked at my script?13:23
shnatselfalktx: after I apt-built squashfs-tools13:23
shnatselnow the bottleneck is the hard disk13:23
shnatselfalktx: which one?13:23
falktxto make a live iso13:23
shnatselfalktx: nope. never heard of it.13:24
shnatselone more reinvention of the wheel13:24
falktxshnatsel: well, it's for personal use13:24
shnatselelementary has a similar thing when I came13:24
falktxbut shared as all-is-opensource spirit13:24
shnatselfalktx: this is a sure overkill. Just use UCK.13:25
falktxshnatsel: I used that script to build previous KXStudio ISOs13:25
falktxI like to have control, using an app to make things for me it's not what I want here13:25
shnatselfalktx: UCK does all the boring  stuff and lets you script the rest13:26
shnatselfalktx: but, really, the ISO build script should be "uncompress minimal ISO, install metapackage, build ISO"13:26
falktxmy script creates a new empty chroot and builds from there13:27
shnatselfalktx: UCK does the same.13:27
shnatselfalktx: but UCK is popular and polished13:28
shnatselfalktx: and you don't have to care about working around upstream bugs13:28
shnatselfalktx: moreover, it doesn't stupidly uncompress the base image - it uses an AuFS mount when possible, which speeds up base image uncompression several times13:29
shnatselfalktx: reinventing it is not a good idea.13:29
falktxI don't think I'm reinventing, I'm just doing things as I know13:29
falktxI never used UCK13:30
shnatselOK, as you wish13:30
shnatselI tried that in elementary and had to give up this approach because debugging and maintaining it took too much time13:30
shnatselso I switched to UCK13:31
falktxshnatsel: consider it this way - I made that script (which are basically the command-line stuff I need to run, just packed), so I'm very confortable with it13:32
shnatselthen I switched installing separate packages to Germinate-based seeds, because apt-get lines left too much unwanted stuff after them, or pulled it back in on updating some packages13:32
shnatseland I got tired of debugging it13:32
shnatselfalktx: sure13:33
falktxcreating an ISO is simple, it's just take takes a lot of cpu and disk usage13:33
falktxand my disk already broke once13:33
shnatselfalktx: lol13:33
falktxmy laptop no longer has warranty, so I need to be extra careful13:33
shnatselfalktx: bug 79937513:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 799375 in elementary OS 0.2 "Leftover packages in Luna" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79937513:33
shnatselfalktx: do you know how many times I tracked those recommends and removed them just to get unity back in the ISO in a week?13:34
falktxshnatsel: ahaha, I never had that problem13:35
falktxit's all about meta-packages13:35
shnatselfalktx: yep13:35
falktxkxstudio meta-packages are simple and clean13:35
shnatselfalktx: so, elementary build script now looks like "call uck to unpack image, install metapackage, call uck to pack image"13:35
shnatselbecause there's no point in maintaining custom build functions13:36
shnatseluck already does it and does it very well13:36
falktxI believe in you13:36
falktx"don't fix what ain't broken"13:37
shnatselfalktx: time will break it.13:37
shnatselfalktx: unfortunately :(13:37
falktxshnatsel: if my script stops working, I'll definitely try uck13:37
falktxbut, except maybe for US, I dont plan to build any more ISOs13:37
scott-workshnatsel: sorry, i probably didn't explain myself properly about testing and a live dvd13:42
scott-workwe would do all the expected testing for the alternative image throughout the cycle, this validates the image and applications13:42
shnatselfalktx: if you ever plan to do it again, apt-build your squashfs-tools, or even use a compiler that optimizes better than GCC :)13:43
scott-workthen after the "official" (i.e. the buildd built image) is released then we create the "community" image13:43
scott-workthen we test the "community" live dvd only for the "live" aspect, we don't need to reaffirm the packages work, etc 13:43
shnatselscott-work: OK13:45
shnatselwhatever is best for you13:46
scott-worki just wanted to point out that we would test the live dvd, but just a select aspect of it13:48
scott-workshnatsel: this isn't a firm decision yet and the team really needs to discuss this further on how a live dvd would be created, supported, etc13:49
shnatselscott-work: I hope this is none of my business :) Alert me when you make a decision.13:49
scott-worki think we should also discuss _which_ images we might want, some might suggest eliminating the alternate image completely13:49
shnatselit makes even more sense if the ubiquity patch will be a success13:50
shnatsels/will be/is/13:50
kubotushnatsel meant: "it makes even more sense if the ubiquity patch is a success"13:50
scott-workshnatsel:  lol, i think we would appreciate your involvment if only to inform us of the available methods and their advantages13:51
scott-workkubotu: are you a bot?13:51
charlie-tcakubotu is the bot normally found only in Kubuntu channels13:51
scott-workcharlie-tca: yeah, i know, but sometimes i try to get him to say something13:52
scott-workbut i forgot, i though jussi muted him a while back...hmmm, i wonder what changed13:52
scott-workthat bot used to spout all kinds of crap at random intervals and seemed to be responding to other conversations in other channels :/13:52
charlie-tcaI wish the rest of the bots could give the corrections the way kubotu does13:53
shnatselelementary's RabbitBot is clever enough to respond to greetings, praise and calling names :)13:53
shnatselI don't think that an alternate image is a good idea really13:56
shnatselif you don't want to support two images, use livedvd :)13:57
shnatselbut, let's first make one and see if it works at all13:57
shnatselSo, I wrote some docs on edubuntu's ubiquity: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JinRIl_hYWJA4L0COe9r5uAX4ZgmfqyIYmC5Tdhfn3o/edit?hl=ru13:58
holsteinyup... +1 live disc13:59
holsteinbut, maybe not this cycle13:59
scott-workshnatsel: did you help edubuntu develop this?13:59
shnatselscott-work: nope14:00
shnatselscott-work: I just went and questioned stgraber14:00
shnatseland then wrote this doc14:00
scott-workcory had mentioned talkign to the edubuntu guys about this14:00
shnatselbtw, me and stgraber work in some close areas, e.g. he wrote Arkose and I wrote Glimpse. I guess it could be a good idea to team up.14:01
shnatselWell, now we have the info :)14:01
shnatselSo, to get that we need the following:14:04
shnatsel1) fix bug 84014414:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840144 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "Use recommends instead of depends in seeds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84014414:05
shnatsel2) customize edubuntu-live package and make ubuntustudio-live14:06
shnatsel3) viola, build the ISO14:06
shnatselbtw, you have an enormous amount of [needs-packaging] bugs... I'd really want to see darktable in Ubuntu repos14:07
shnatseloh, it's available in Oneiric! Yay!14:09
* shnatsel installs in in Glimpse to try it out14:09
shnatselwow, darktable is super-cool indeed14:16
scott-workshnatsel: i offer two comments about [needs-packaging] bugs...14:17
holsteinthere was a really nice email on the list too14:17
scott-work1. we haven't really had someone to package things14:17
holsteinabout xsane14:17
holsteinsome other stuff more opinion bases...14:18
scott-work2. REVU (the ubuntu process for new packages) seems to be quite slow and unrepsonsive to audio/graphical/video packages14:18
holsteinis there a REVU channel?14:18
scott-workholstein: i read that last night or this morning while walking dogs, it's good information14:18
scott-workholstein: i don't know about a REVU channel14:18
scott-workshnatsel: but we have found that submitting bugs, or appending launchpad bugs for debian, tends to move things along well14:19
holsteini think its just *-motu14:19
holsteinscott-work: im going to hang with pete graner today :)14:19
holsteinits his Bday too14:19
scott-workcool :)14:19
scott-workhe's still with the kernel team, right?14:20
scott-workit was JFo that was dropped or quit or whatever14:20
holsteini havent talked to him in years14:20
holsteinhe came to a gig i played in his neighborhood14:20
scott-workthat's awesome14:20
holsteini havent seen Jfo in a while either14:21
shnatselhmm... how do I report a bug in SourceForge?14:35
craigs63http://sourceforge.net/support       anything on here look like it fits your problem?14:43
craigs63(I know nothing)14:43
shnatselsorry, I meant reporting a bug in an app that is hosted on SourceForge14:46
craigs63Hard to tell who is "away" on here, or is that the lighter grey user names?14:50
scott-workcraigs63:  depends on your irc client, but in xchat the light gray is away14:52
scott-workbtw, hi craigs63 and christof 14:52
craigs63using XChat 2.8.8.  Thanks14:53
craigs63Is there a torrent version of the beta Oneiric dvd? I have better luck with those vs. regular d/l on my laptop.14:53
shnatselWow, darktable is so freaking awesome14:57
shnatselyou gotta replace shotwell with darktable in ubuntu studio for sure14:58
shnatselwell, maybe tnot replace, but include it as well for sure15:04
scott-workcraigs63: torrents do not generally exist for images until they are officially released15:28
scott-workcraigs63: you can zync or rzync with some of the daily images however to reduce downloads15:29
scott-workshnatsel: all that i ask for including applications is to adjust or add to the work flows15:29
shnatselscott-work: OK15:30
scott-workshnatsel: of course if a work flow is made for some task that only 0.01% of users might use then we probably won't include that apps though ;)15:30
scott-workjust a sanity check is all we use15:30
scott-workshnatsel: you seem very interested in the graphical applications, i am very receptive to your input on creating a more comprehensive grapichical application set15:31
shnatselscott-work: I'll try to add more workflows there, but, as I said, I suck at paperwork :(15:32
scott-workit's kinda funny to see people talk about the ubuntu studio theme because it is old and kinda broken in some ways15:32
scott-workshnatsel:  the form of the work flows isn't set in stone, it's jsut what i created when i first started them, please feel free to use what is comfortable15:33
craigs63I installed regular ubuntu, then the studio stuff, so I am not sure I have the "real" themes.15:33
scott-workshnatsel: also, i'd be happy to assist you with them, if an email to me is better then do that and then i'll write it up15:33
shnatselscott-work: OK :)15:34
shnatselscott-work: darktable seems to embrace the whole photographic workflow15:34
shnatselscott-work: from importing photos from the camera to uploading them to online galleries15:35
shnatselI think I'll write this up myself15:35
shnatselI think I'll make a PPA for the custom ubiquity and other stuff15:41
shnatselanybody willing to work on bug 840144?15:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840144 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "Use recommends instead of depends in seeds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84014415:42
scott-workshnatsel: i would like to hear from either persia or TheMuso about making that change first15:42
shnatselscott-work: fine15:42
scott-workthey are some of the original plank owners (and ubuntu core-devs i believe) of ubuntu studio and value their input to make sure any unwanted effects will not occur15:43
shnatselscott-work: AFAIK ubuntu have already switched half of its seed dependencies to recommends, edubuntu have switched to recommends completely, elementary uses recommends for the time being15:44
scott-workshnatsel: i also understand that this would be required for the live media changes via the ubuiqity patch15:45
shnatselscott-work: yes15:45
shnatselscott-work: this is a requirement for the user to be able to choose some of the packages provided by the metapackage, not all-or-none15:46
shnatselOK updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Workflows15:55
scott-workawesome, thank you shnatsel !15:56
craigs63Some of the wiki docs are great, some are saying what the docs _should_ say in the future. 16:08
holsteini am at my LUG today16:08
holsteinwe are talking about the jam this weekend16:08
holsteini would like to JAM tomorrow on some of the US wikis16:09
holsteinim not going to have time today16:09
shnatselfalktx: you gotta add packages from ppa:doctormo/wacom-plus to ppa:kxstudio-team/kernel16:12
shnatselfalktx: that enables recent Wacom tablets16:12
falktxshnatsel: oh, ok16:12
shnatselfalktx: btw, what's audio-thumbs in KXStudio-Team Main ?16:13
falktxshnatsel: thumbs for audio files (displays covers)16:15
shnatselfalktx: that python thing?16:15
shnatselfalktx: that fetches covers from amazon?16:15
falktxdon't know if it's python16:15
falktxshnatsel: no16:15
falktxshnatsel: it's a small thumbnailer, gets images from music files16:16
falktxyes, musics have images inside16:16
shnatselfalktx: it works for individual files or for directories?16:16
falktxshnatsel: but kde can thumbnails directories, so it's cool16:16
shnatselI tried something similar in the past but it was too slow for general use: http://s59.radikal.ru/i163/1109/00/e335fb0dab52.png16:17
shnatselfalktx: does that thumbnailer work under xfce?16:18
falktxshnatsel: no, it's just for kde afaik16:18
shnatselthat's a pity16:19
falktxI really don't like nautilus16:20
falktxit's not that nautilus is not good, dolphin is just much better16:20
shnatselfalktx: agreed16:22
shnatselfalktx: we're making Marlin in elementary, it's similar to Dolphin in some aspects16:22
falktxbut then dolphin is also advancing16:23
shnatselfalktx: yes, 2 years ago I hated it16:24
shnatselfalktx: now it's actually usable16:24
shnatselnautilus-elementary was OK though16:31
falktxeeh, almost ok16:31
falktxtop terminal didnt worked right16:32
falktxand I miss option when dragging files around16:32
falktxlike move, copy, link, extract, etc16:32
falktxdolphin has those, it's very handy16:32
* falktx is creating a new team for audio plugin development16:33
shnatselfalktx: it has16:33
falktxshnatsel: what do you think about the website template? -> http://distrho.sourceforge.net/index.html16:33
shnatselfalktx: top terminal works fine for me, coverflow works if I tell Clutter not to sync to vblank16:33
shnatselfalktx: where's the website template?16:34
shnatselfalktx: there's such a lot of stuff in that page16:34
falktxshnatsel: top terminal does not handle "ctrl+KEY" events properply16:34
shnatselfalktx: it does16:34
falktxshnatsel: it's just the template for now, I'll edit later16:35
falktxshnatsel: try ctrl+R16:35
shnatselfalktx: I use Ctrl+C, Ctrl+O and Ctrl+X16:35
shnatselfalktx: never tried +R16:35
falktxR is for "history"16:35
falktxso I don't type the same commands over and over again16:35
shnatselfalktx: try Ctrl+Shift+R16:36
falktxno longer running elementary-mautilus16:36
shnatselfalktx: I use up arrow16:36
* falktx is on oneiric16:36
falktxshnatsel: I guess nautilus-elementary is not available for gnome3, or is it?16:36
shnatselfalktx: Ctrl+Shift+R works16:37
shnatselfalktx: no, it's not. Marlin is for GNOME3.16:37
falktxnot ctrl+shift16:37
shnatselfalktx: Ctrl+Shift+R does exactly what Ctrl+R does in usual terminal16:37
falktxshnatsel: on kde, terminal takes full control of keyboard when selected16:37
falktxfor nautilus, keyboard is not grabbed, so some combos are send to the nautilus window itself16:38
shnatselfalktx: I use open terminal extension instead of embedded terminal if I need something big16:39
falktxI just got so used to dolphin16:40
falktxF4, do-this, done16:40
falktxshnatsel: how far is merlin from being beta/try.out version?16:41
shnatselfalktx: mArlin16:42
shnatselfalktx: Not sure. It works, it even does that quite well, but it's not complete yet16:42
shnatselfalktx: I use it from time to time16:42
falktxshnatsel: what are the diffs from nautilus? or is it a new product from scratch?16:43
shnatselfalktx: new product from scratch16:43
shnatselfalktx: elementary actually has LOTS of projects, all written from scratch now: https://launchpad.net/elementary16:46
shnatselfalktx: https://launchpad.net/glimpse is mine, not officially elementar [yet]16:48
falktxyou already know mine, https://launchpad.net/kxstudio16:49
falktxit's also on sourceforge too, for the hosting and website16:50
falktxlaunchpad should allow website hosting16:50
shnatselfalktx: why duplicate sf?16:51
shnatselfalktx: sf already provides that16:51
falktxshnatsel: so you can have your project in 1 place only16:51
shnatselfalktx: huh... doesn't make much sense to me.16:52
shnatselI don't need web hosting for my projects anyway.16:52
falktxhm, how do I make a gtk status icon double-click aware?16:53
shnatselfalktx: what's a status icon?16:54
falktxshnatsel: I have a python class that handles systray cross-desktop16:54
shnatselisn't it xembed-based?16:54
falktxqt and kde works well, but I don't know much about gtk16:54
shnatselGNOME Panel used to use xembed16:54
falktxnope, app-indicator16:55
shnatselwhich sucked16:55
falktxfor xembed I use plain qt16:55
shnatselapp indicator? It's an api from KDE, isn't it?16:55
shnatselfalktx: I guess there's no way to do it (there shouldn't be at least)16:55
* falktx looks around16:56
falktxno way to do this17:27
ScottLastraljava, ping18:40
ScottLi'm out and about, but i'll check in from time to time18:40
astraljavaScottL: pong23:12
ScottLastraljava, aye23:12

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