
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
mattyfdgwho here loves pusy00:45
well_laid_lawnI like good spelling00:54
Xfilesmoi aussi01:09
Xfilesoops english only01:10
MetaCosmHmph, I been googling a bit -- anyone have a line on problems with nm-applet on x6401:50
chucklesi am trying to install xbuntu, but when i make a live usb then boot to it, all i get is a black screen with a cursor flashing, this occurs on my asus eee pc 1015 pem and i get the same thing on an old dell inspiron 115004:58
chucklescan anyone help?04:58
moylanwhat software are you using to make the boot usb?04:58
chucklesi tried unetbootin05:03
chucklesand linux live usb creator05:03
moylanone problem i found was that if the usb drive wasn't formatted correctly it wouldn't boot.05:04
chucklesi formatted it to fat 3205:04
chucklesthe computer sees it fine, but it won't boot at all05:04
moylansounds like the problem i had.  i cheated and just formatted it different formats on a windows system till unetbootin writing the image worked again.05:06
moylanalso you have made sure the bios will allow boot from usb?05:06
chucklesyep, i set both computers i tried to boot from usb, and there have been others who have put ubuntu onto the asus 1015pem05:08
chucklesi am pretty eager to try ubuntu, never tried a linux distro before, but man, this is really frustrating05:09
moylaninstalling linux used to be the hardest thing.  now i find it easier than installing windows.  that doesn't help you right now though.  still thinking...05:10
lightadid you tryed with lio ?05:11
lightais it the good name let me check05:11
chuckleswhat is lio?05:11
lightayeah I alway had issue with unetbotin too so it's on my black list now !05:11
lightalike usb creaot05:11
lightaoups usb creator*05:12
chucklesi tried lili usb creator05:12
moylanwhat os is currently on the machines?05:12
chucklessame result05:12
lightaah lilo05:12
lightaye I remenber was 4 letter05:12
chucklesdell has xp, asus has windows 7 starter05:12
lightalike most computer :(05:12
chucklesyeah, would like to find a better alternative, and when i read how you could try distros without installing them that seemed ideal05:13
chucklesexcept i can't get em to boot lol05:13
lightaoh ? well let me found lilo for you05:14
lightawhat did u try already again ? usb creator and unetbootin ?05:14
lightaoh did they change name ?05:15
chucklesusb creator didn't work at all for me, (the one that came packaged with ubuntu 11.04) i tried unetbootin05:15
chucklesand linux live usb creator'05:15
chucklescurrently trying a different usb drive that my friend just gave me05:16
lightaah yeah I had this issue too05:16
chucklesany known issues with kingston usb drives05:16
lightamy usb drive had an error, but hopefully was discovered when I did checksum05:16
chuckleswell i did checksum on my downloaded image and it was good05:17
lightaok well then05:17
lightahmm let see if I can found annother usb installer05:18
chuckleshey cool, it worked, i guess the problem was my flash drive05:19
chucklesdamn, just bought that thing05:19
lightaI think you're in right to complain then05:20
chucklesyeah, think i will take it back to fry's05:20
lightafry ??05:20
chucklesfry's is a big electronics store on the west coast of the us05:21
lightahey hmm by any chance are you familiar with svn with apache ssl ?05:21
Dice-Mani'm actually connected to an ssh server05:21
chucklesnope, not me05:21
Dice-Manhow to download a file from it ?05:21
lightayou want the command line ?05:21
Dice-Manscp breaks my teeth05:22
Dice-Manthe server is in LAN05:22
Dice-Manthe server turns under xubuntu :]05:22
lightadoesn't matter let me just try before gave it to you sometime I write wrong so05:22
chucklesthanks for all your help lighta, gonna play with my new os now05:22
lightayou welcom I didn't help much =)05:23
Dice-Manlighta: it's like a long long long cmd05:23
lightaoh well Dice-Man than I'll suggest you use an ftp client and use sftp option05:24
lightathat what I do mostly =)05:24
lightaor you use rsync but you should have configure that05:25
lightadon't you have a ftp client ?05:25
knomeor use sshfs to mount the remote05:25
Dice-Manwell ok05:25
lightayeah something easier like that05:26
Dice-Manyay !05:27
Dice-Manit runs with fillezilla05:27
Dice-Manhum the client is under gnome :)05:27
lightaah yeah that what I used too =)05:27
lightahmm if it's under gnome you could simply add the server as a drive too, but I prefer filezilla imo05:27
lightamy computer was kinda slow...05:28
Dice-Manif i want to add a different user to connect to my server05:29
Dice-Mani need to create an account on the server ??05:29
Dice-Manadduser !05:29
lightahmm that depend what the goal05:30
lightabut yes you can always add a system user to acces it05:30
lightabut if it's only for ftp or something like that you may wanna take a look at virtual user using a file or db to set users05:32
Dice-Manthe goal is to have a different user to connect with filezilla05:33
Dice-Maninstead of connecting me with root login05:33
lightaso it's like an ftp right ?05:34
lightaor you should do command on server too ?05:34
lightayou still can do your first idea and create users, idk if you can chroot them, must take a look at config file05:35
Dice-Mani'm happy to success in ssh stuff05:39
Dice-Mani never experienced that with a true lan05:39
lightahmm you did over web no ?05:39
Dice-Mannot again05:39
lightaah ok, well just the same05:40
Dice-Mani think i'll do that later05:40
lightawell I think not have many pc here :(05:40
Dice-Mani can let a computer switched on everyday in my current location05:40
Dice-Man*i cannpt05:40
lightathat mean 7 pc ??05:40
Dice-Manit means electricity is expensive XD05:44
lightahey guys can no one give a quite look about my apache config, I really not see what wrong about my svn. I followed that guide method 3 : http://queens.db.toronto.edu/~nilesh/linux/subversion-howto/05:44
lightaahhhh yeah Dice-Man could mean that too xd05:44
keronsomeone can help me?06:12
keronim new with ubuntu06:12
knome!ask | keron06:12
ubottukeron: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:12
keroni installing ubuntu 10.04, then i go to hardware driver, then i click activate for nvidia graphics driver, it downloads and succesfully installed the driver, then i restart and i show the blank screen06:16
keroni saw the blank screen06:17
Shirakawasunakeron: does ctrl+alt+f2 show you a terminal?06:19
Shirakawasunakeron: I assume this issue arose because nvidia (the driver) doesn't like your computer06:20
keronso waht the solution for the driver?06:22
Shirakawasunakeron: disable it06:24
Shirakawasunakeron: also, why are you using 10.04 and not 11.04?06:25
keroni already have dfownload the old version06:26
keronnot yet the latest version06:26
keronhow to disable it?06:27
keroni have go to boot menu > recovery mode, it doesnt appear anything06:27
Shirakawasunakeron: if you can ctrl+alt+f2, you can remove it using the apt stuff (sudo apt-get uninstall nvidia-common, maybe?)06:34
Shirakawasunakeron: but really, you should try 11.04 first06:34
Shirakawasunakeron: it has a better chance of just working06:34
Shirakawasunait might take less time to download 11.04 than diagnose the problem06:34
keroncan u help about wine?06:35
Shirakawasunamaybe :)06:38
keronso ican run windows application on ubuntu06:42
Shirakawasunawhoops, forgot they were here07:13
jarnosIs there an alternative way to start new session from existing Xfce session than xscreensaver's "new login"?08:49
Fudgeany accessibility guys in here09:59
Fudge01.04 is lts though10:00
Sysipop a question if you have one and somebody maybe ansvers it10:01
Fudgewhat else can i export to make things work better like thunar etc, it works with orca in gnome. export GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge10:13
jarnosIs suckless-tools automatically installed in xubuntu?13:26
jarnosIt is automatically installed in my system, but I don't know how.13:26
jarnosMaybe recommended by some xfce4-package?13:27
incorrecthi, how can i get the xscreen saver to use the nice gtk login form rather than the historic one with the flame14:08
doaNHi there14:18
doaNI recently decided to change from Ubuntu 11.04 to Xubuntu 11.04, installation was fine then I reboot and i a grub error telling me "no such device : uuid"14:20
doaNi have a grub error...***14:20
doaNI searched on google, found some solutions but nothings work14:21
andantinoi have never had that problem, i  just installed xubuntu this morning myself14:21
andantinohave you tried reinstalling?14:21
doaNI installed on pc friend yesterday, works fine14:22
doaNi m dualbooting with win714:22
doaNyes 2 times14:22
andantinoand the same thing happens?14:22
doaNmy grub.cfg14:23
andantinoim fairly new to linux in general, so im not the best guy to ask14:24
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:57
charlie-tcaWorks after installin Xubuntu , too14:57
andantinoany idea what could have caused his problem15:07
charlie-tcaandantino: what problem?15:30
andantinooh the guy with the grub problem15:31
charlie-tcait makes it very hard to overwrite the mbr15:31
andantinoi have never had any problems with it15:32
andantinooh well15:33
InfoLocoHello, I need some help please.18:13
InfoLocoI'm working with Xubuntu. I would like to include X11NVCserver when the system boots ...18:14
InfoLocoIt is very complex for me, because it's my first time working with XFCE18:14
Sysiyou want to run it when you login?18:14
InfoLocoyes if is posible18:15
Sysisettings → sessions and startup → autostart18:15
InfoLocoI'm sorry but I don't have  sessions and startup can I Intall it?18:17
Qronushello, one short question: i would like the desktop to show the contents of my home dir, ~, rather than ~/Desktop; how do I do it?18:17
TheSheepQronus: that's quite easy actually, but probably a bad idea18:20
TheSheepQronus: there is that file ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs18:21
ElderDryasInfoLoco: Settings->Settings Manager->Session and Startup->Application Autostart...18:22
InfoLocoIm Sorry for my expression.... Woooohoooo!18:23
Qronusthaks, thesheep; i have always had such configuration in another machines i use and I am installing xubuntu on a new one... uniformity, that's why. Thanks again!18:23
InfoLocoThks A lot18:23
mikodoFrom above: Just for the record; Tried using Brasero to burn an .iso from DVD, could not get it to do it, so could not test to see if I could play an .iso of a biniary file in XFCE 4.8 with Mplayer or VLC.18:42
mikodoAnyone know any N00bish guides for using Window Manager apps in WMdock?18:56
mikodoAnyone know any N00bish guides for using Window Manager apps in WMdock? Edit: should have read Window Maker not Window Mangager.20:55
arthi all-I need to learn how to shut down xubuntu without being able to see the screen. I want an orderly shutdown, not just a forced shutdown/21:47
Unit193You could always run sudo poweroff21:48
artdoes that shut down by doing a normal power off???21:50
Unit193Depending on what you mean by that, yes21:50
artand, how do I envoke the terminal from the kb?21:51
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.21:51
artok, ty to you all-will try.21:52
Unit193Alright, you will need to login first though21:53
Unit193I use ssh to login if there is a screen problem21:53
artunderstand the login in via the terminal!!!21:54
artwill give it a go-again, thanks.21:55
artand, hi to n2diy, de ky1k.21:56
artim new to IRC and to xubuntu-my Dell laptop has the dreaded black screen video issue, so there will be times when I need to close down the computer without being able to see the screen.21:57
Unit193When you switch, it's going to ask for your usernaem and password21:58
artin ubuntu/gnome, I used windows key + S, then the down arrow to get to the shutdown command....but it doesn't work in xubuntu/xfce21:59
Unit193If you switch to it now, you can see it. You can always switch back to here21:59
artyes, I understand about needing to log in and password.....22:00
Unit193You can add a shortcut for it in Menu > Settings > Settings Manager > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts22:00
Sysiart: you could bind hotkey for xfce4-session-logout, press that combo and right arrow two times22:00
artI tried it, I can go into terminal and out of terminal to graphics.....but can't test the shutdown while maintaining the irc connection.22:01
Unit193art: Take a look at what Sysi said, it's an easy way22:02
artI don't understand about adding shortcut-----am to new.22:02
Sysisettings manager → keyboard → keyboard shortcuts, command is xfce4-session-logout22:02
arthow do I bind a hotkey?? That's way beyond my understanding.22:03
Sysigo to that dialog, give command (press enter) and press keys you want22:04
artok, I'm going to log this session and try to shut down using the terminal....I shall return...I hope...agn, ty to all.22:04
artit worked, thanks to sysi and unit193.22:51
artthere's a problem however....I don't want to share the administrative password with my daughter-22:53
artSo I need to create a shortcut so that an administrative password is not needed.22:54
artIm trying to create a shortcut now-but the process is new to me-never saw that screen before::>22:57
Unit193art: You'll still need to login to a valid user, but type this in terminal and read it   man sudoers22:58
mikodoWell, I have been told that the Windows Maker project has been dead for 5 years now. I won't be pursing it at present.23:03
artI found the setup for the shortcut generator, and I named a new shortcut (shutdown), but not sure what to do from there.23:10
artmenu>settings>settings menu>keyboard>open application shortcut>click 'add'>type name-I used 'shutdown'....but how to proceed from that point?23:15
BlueEagleart: Did you try CTRL+ALT+F1 for the text console?23:15
artno, didn't know how to proceed.23:16
xrdodrxi just built a desktop computer that will run xubuntu23:19
xrdodrxeverything seems to work, but as soon as i get past "Install xubuntu"23:19
xrdodrxon the alternate installer23:19
xrdodrxI have no keyboard23:19
xrdodrxMy keyboard is USB, it works in BIOS and before I get past the xubuntu splash23:19

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