
BarkingFishany kubuntu developers around please? I need to report a severe security issue within kubuntu 11.04, and want to discuss it with someone first. 01:41
BarkingFishI will discuss it in PM only, since it concerns WIFI security, and I don't wish to make the details public.01:42
ScottKBarkingFish: Sure.01:52
BarkingFishScottK, Thank you.01:53
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you see Riddell's email re xapain-index on kubuntu-devel?01:53
BarkingFishIt's late here, and I wanted to get this done as quickly as possible01:53
JontheEchidnaScottK: yup, committed a fix in libqapt upstream01:53
JontheEchidna(and replied to the LP bug)01:54
ScottKAh.  Great.01:55
rbelemScottK, the patch is ok now. may merge or should i wait for Quintasan_?02:09
ScottKLet me look.02:09
ScottKrbelem: Why did you rename all the patches for -libs?02:16
ScottKrbelem: Left comments in the merge proposal.02:17
rbelemScottK, it is easier to identify their orders with the numbers02:18
rbelemScottK, the name was as it comes from git02:18
ScottKrbelem: The order they are applied is their order in the series file.  The numbers don't affect it.02:18
ScottKAh.  OK.02:18
ScottKThen ignore that part of the comment.02:18
rbelemScottK, i will fix that right now02:19
rbelemScottK, done02:23
rbelemScottK, i just pushed :-)02:24
ScottKdiff is still updating.02:25
ScottKBTW, the kde-runtime branch had the same changelog problem.  I just fixed it.02:26
rbelemScottK, thx i got confused with these changelog stuff, but i think that now i got how it works02:28
ScottKOK.  Good.02:29
bulldog98_yofel_: around? 07:37
bulldog98_or ScottK: are you around for answering a question to pykde?07:49
ScottKKeep in mind it's nearly 4AM here, so I'm not very coherent ...07:50
bulldog98_do I have to install the .pyc files in the package, or is this not necessary?07:50
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
ScottKIn fact it's prohibited.07:51
bulldog98ok than, I’m ready to push pykde407:51
ScottKThose will be generated post-install on the target system.07:51
bulldog98ScottK: kthx07:51
ScottKYou're welcome.07:51
bulldog98someone must merge my stuff into ~kubuntu-packagers, everything only bump of dep and changelog entry07:53
vddloggerbulldog98: ! is the trigger for ubottu, not kubotu, anyhow, any feature is fine as long as you write it :P08:23
bambeeCan someone review my message posted yesterday on kubuntu-devel, please ?08:33
vddloggeronly jr can08:37
bulldog98vddlogger: patch to make list-missing hook ignore .pyc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/681700/08:37
vddloggerbulldog98: why not make a black list?08:38
vddloggeralso I find this bogus08:38
vddloggerwhat if there is no py08:38
vddloggerthen we would hide the pyc from list-missing despite not having a py around08:39
bambeevddlogger: how do you like paris ?08:42
vddloggerflipping hawt08:43
vddloggeryesterday it rained like the world were come to an end08:43
bambeevddlogger: yeah, these days, the weather sucks... :(08:55
vddloggerc'est terrible08:56
bulldog98!find ruby08:56
ubottuFound: libaugeas-ruby1.8, librrd-ruby1.8, libruby, libruby1.8, libruby1.8-dbg, libshadow-ruby1.8, ruby, ruby-dev, ruby1.8, ruby1.8-dev (and 744 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ruby&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all08:56
vddloggeroh, temps de cigarettes08:56
bulldog98bambee: the sun is shining for me08:56
bulldog98vddlogger: I shouldn’t I add ruby to build-dep for kdewebdev, cause an example scritp requires that? Right?08:58
bambeebulldog98: where do you live ?08:58
bulldog98bambee: Germany08:58
bambeevddlogger: you will improve your french at paris :P08:58
Quintasan_rbelem: Are libs merged?09:10
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
bulldog98Quintasan: do you want to merge my work?09:16
Quintasanbulldog98: What work?09:16
bulldog98Quintasan: the packaging09:16
Quintasanbulldog98: File merge requests09:17
bulldog98Quintasan: for nearly every of that is a merge request filled09:18
Quintasanno merge09:18
bulldog98Quintasan: that was the newest one I wasn’t able to fill one, but I’ll do that now09:19
CIA-89[kdetoys] Michal Zajac * 94 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release09:19
bulldog98Quintasan: what should I do after you merged that stuff (with my branches?)09:21
Quintasankubuntu-dev can upload them to main09:22
timhi, the `raptor' package from the kubuntu ppa (version 1.0.13) conflicts with the slv2 packages of natty (0.6.6-5). 09:25
timi am not sure, what's the best way to solve this, but installing slv2 from the 11.10 repository solves the crashes of my application09:26
Quintasantim: raptor is the alternate launcher?09:28
Quintasantim: IIRC raptor is dead, last commit was in 2010 and a lot of things changed and I'm not sure if it still works09:30
Quintasanbulldog98: Were you able to build kdenetwork?09:31
bulldog98Quintasan: yes09:31
timQuintasan: eh .. sry redland == librdf09:33
timQuintasan: it seems to me that it changed the ABI :/09:34
Quintasantim: in oneiric we have 1.4.21-5 of libraptor1, installing that helps?09:35
timQuintasan: i confused raptor with redland. it doesn't seem to be related to raptor.09:38
timhowever i need to install the slv2 packages from 11.1009:38
Quintasantim: Then librdf0 is 1.0.13-3 in oneiric09:40
Quintasan0.6.6-5 is in natty, right?09:40
timQuintasan: right. i had to install 0.6.6-909:40
QuintasanWhere did you get it?09:41
timfrom launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/slv209:41
Quintasantim: I'm talking about librdf009:42
Quintasantim: not slv209:42
timQuintasan: ah, sry .. from the kubuntu ppa (iirc updates)09:44
timthe version is 1.0.13-3~natty1~ppa109:44
QuintasanThat's the version from oneiric09:44
Quintasanshadeslayer: ping09:45
Quintasanshadeslayer: more like, backport slv2 from oneiric to kubuntu-ppa09:45
CIA-89[kdenetwork] Michal Zajac * 154 * debian/ (changelog control kget.install) New upstream release09:46
Quintasanbulldog98: Why don't you already join kubuntu-members?09:47
CIA-89[kdewebdev] Michal Zajac * 97 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release09:47
bulldog98Quintasan: cause I hadn’t time to organize a meeting :)09:48
Quintasanbulldog98: Then get some time since we are wasting time by this09:48
bulldog98somehow I’ll fix that, but I need to wait at least until monday, since I start a job then (only short time)09:48
bulldog98and I don’t know the times09:48
QuintasanTimes of what?09:49
CIA-89[pykde4] Michal Zajac * 11 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release09:49
bulldog98Quintasan: my job :)09:49
QuintasanOh, I see09:49
* bulldog98 want’s to be member by next kde release :)09:50
kubotubulldog98 meant: "want’s to be member before next kde release :)"09:50
CIA-89[kbruch] Michal Zajac * 12 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release09:50
CIA-89[gwenview] Michal Zajac * 22 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release09:51
CIA-89[kdepim] Michal Zajac * 173 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release09:52
CIA-89[kanagram] Michal Zajac * 9 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release09:53
bambeebulldog98: can you update https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging when your work is merged ? (replace ppa/merge by ppa/bzr)09:53
Quintasanbulldog98: It was you who wrote some zsh magic for kubuntu right?09:53
bulldog98Quintasan: yes09:54
Quintasanbulldog98: What it does and where I can get it?09:54
bulldog98lp:~bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools/trunk 09:54
bulldog98kgetsource needs some updates, but09:55
CIA-89[kamera] Michal Zajac * 10 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release09:55
bulldog98you need to place the _* into your fpath Quintasan09:55
QuintasanHow do I do that?09:55
bulldog98isn’t done by the install atm09:55
bulldog98Quintasan: mkdir .zsh/funcs09:55
bulldog98Quintasan: echo fpath=(~/.zsh/funcs $fpath)>> .zshenv09:56
bulldog98and place them under .zsh/funcs/09:56
bulldog98also nice is zcompile them, makes them faster.09:57
QuintasanCan I put that fpath in .zshrc?09:58
QuintasanI do not have .zshenv09:59
bulldog98Quintasan: than you can create one with that10:00
shadeslayerQuintasan: whuz that10:00
Quintasanshadeslayer: read what tim said10:01
Quintasanand think :P10:01
bambeehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/681744/ o.O10:01
bambeeWTF ?10:01
Quintasanbulldog98: Hmm, I don't get it, how it is supposed to work with kbzr for example?10:03
CIA-89[kdesdk] Michal Zajac * 142 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release10:03
QuintasanI see10:03
QuintasanAlso, aren't bat* scripts depracated?10:04
Quintasanvddlogger: ^10:04
bulldog98kbzr branch TAB first time it loads the branches later it just completes them10:06
vddloggerQuintasan: depends on the bat10:17
vddloggerall deprecated ones are actually removed10:17
bambeeCan someone try to fetch private-ppa.launchpad.net through apt-get update ?10:17
bulldog98bambee: works10:18
bambeewoo... and it works now...10:19
bulldog98Quintasan: updated wik, please merge the rest10:20
vddloggerbambee: mais tous les gens parles anglais :P10:23
bambeeoh mon dieux!!!10:23
bambeeyou did it !!10:23
vddloggeryup yup10:24
bambeevddlogger: I know that people talk in english, but jb can learn you few french words :)10:24
vddloggeractually it is surprising how much I still understand after not having pratcised french in years10:25
Quintasanbulldog98: I'll merge something later since I have $stuff to do now10:25
vddloggerbambee: so he could, but we are busy smooching10:25
bambeeI understand10:25
bulldog98Quintasan: updated kgetsource completion10:26
* Quintasan updates to 4.7.1 as he leaves10:26
bulldog98bambee: could you do merging?10:26
bambeebulldog98: sure, after dinner, I cannot merge when I am hungry :P10:26
bulldog98bambee: ok10:27
bambeedon't worry, I will merge your work ;)10:27
bambeevddlogger: bon appétit :P10:28
shadeslayerQuintasan: on it10:29
bulldog98has someone an idea how to replace kde-sc-dev-latest (>=… in control with the newest version? (within kgetsource)10:30
shadeslayer~]$ kgetsource --help10:34
shadeslayerNEED MORE ARGS YE BSTD10:34
bulldog98shadeslayer: kgetsource NAME 4:4.7.1 stable10:35
bulldog98shadeslayer: use my completion and it will be easier lp:~bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools/trunk 10:37
* shadeslayer can barely see his screen10:39
sheytanHey, can someone build this for 11.04 for me please: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Icon+Tasks?content=144808 ? :)10:45
shadeslayerQuintasan: kubuntu-ppa right? the default one10:45
* shadeslayer goes to install ubuntu server on the old laptop10:47
shadeslayerbulldog98: looking11:06
bulldog98JontheEchidna: do you want muon to be migrated to git (I can do that)11:16
shadeslayerhey bzr, y u no merge commit messages11:17
CIA-89[libkdeedu] Rohan Garg * 11 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release11:17
bulldog98shadeslayer: do you update the wiki or should I do that?11:18
shadeslayerbulldog98: i'll do it at one gong after merging everythi11:19
shadeslayerbulldog98: i'll do it at one go after merging everything11:19
bulldog98shadeslayer: ok11:19
bulldog98shadeslayer: keep in mind not to merge kubuntu-dev-tools11:19
shadeslayeri have no idea what you're doing there, so i'm not touching that :P11:20
bulldog98shadeslayer: I do zsh magic and make kgetsource better11:21
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/blinken] Rohan Garg * 9 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release11:22
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/marble] Rohan Garg * 13 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release11:24
shadeslayerbulldog98: do you have a idea how to close merges via bzr ??11:25
bulldog98shadeslayer: bzr merge?11:26
shadeslayerdid that11:26
shadeslayerbut how do you close the merge request?11:26
bulldog98do we have kimono in our repros?11:26
shadeslayeriirc yes11:26
bulldog98shadeslayer: ask vddlogger11:26
shadeslayeroh waut11:26
bulldog98we don’t have an kimono branch11:27
shadeslayerbulldog98: no, looks like it disappeared O_O11:27
shadeslayerpossibly because bindings were foobared during 4.7.0 ?11:27
shadeslayervddlogger: ping11:27
bulldog98I’ll skip that then now11:27
shadeslayervddlogger: how does one close merge requests in lunchpad via bzr11:28
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdepim-runtime] Rohan Garg * 74 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release11:29
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/libkipi] Rohan Garg * 17 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release11:31
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdegames] Rohan Garg * 132 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release11:37
shadeslayervddlogger: nvm11:40
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/libkexiv2] Rohan Garg * 19 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release11:40
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kalzium] Rohan Garg * 14 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release11:41
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kalgebra] Rohan Garg * 12 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release11:42
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/cantor] Rohan Garg * 8 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release11:44
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/smokekde] Rohan Garg * 6 * debian/ (4 files in 2 dirs) * New upstream release * Drop fix_smoke_config_install_path (now included in sources)11:45
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdeplasma-addons] Rohan Garg * 168 * debian/ (6 files in 2 dirs) * New upstream release * droped qwt6_build.patch * droped kubuntu_Fix-assignment-operator-and-add-copy-constructor.diff11:47
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer] Rohan Garg * 16 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release11:51
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdegraphics-thumbnailers] Rohan Garg * 9 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release11:52
* rbelem pokes Quintasan 11:54
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kgamma] Rohan Garg * 5 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release11:56
shadeslayer4 more to go11:57
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kgeography] Rohan Garg * 7 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release11:57
bulldog98shadeslayer: I’m doing more :)12:01
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/khangman] Rohan Garg * 7 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release12:18
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kig] Rohan Garg * 9 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release12:21
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kiten] Rohan Garg * 15 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release12:22
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kmplot] Rohan Garg * 8 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release12:24
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kolourpaint] Rohan Garg * 10 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release12:25
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/korundum] Rohan Garg * 9 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release12:26
bulldog98vddlogger: can you do the translation updates?12:26
vddloggercan I upload already?12:27
vddloggerI am on a netbook so it might take rather longish12:27
vddloggeralso I need to find a powersup12:27
bulldog98vddlogger: yes only ~10 packages left12:27
shadeslayerbulldog98: all merged12:27
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kross-interpreters] Rohan Garg * 4 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release12:27
* bulldog98 hugs shadeslayer for his epic work12:28
bulldog98shadeslayer: two more to do :)12:32
bulldog98shadeslayer: only one second makes lp go oops12:32
rbelemshadeslayer, how do i get latest kdelibs and kde-runtime bzr in ninjas repos?12:42
rbelemshadeslayer, just upload to ninjas ppa?12:42
bulldog98rbelem: yes and add an apropriate ~ppaX12:44
bulldog98shadeslayer: https://code.launchpad.net/~bulldog98/+activereviews12:44
rbelembulldog98, shadeslayer, may i upload them?12:46
shadeslayerhold on, kinda busy12:46
bulldog98rbelem: you may wait until the release was done or we have reviewed that12:46
rbelembulldog98, they are already in the kubuntu-packagers branches12:47
CIA-89[ksnapshot] bambi * 10 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release12:48
bulldog98rbelem: mh let vddlogger decide12:48
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kruler] Rohan Garg * 10 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release12:48
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/ksaneplugin] Rohan Garg * 16 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release12:49
bulldog98rbelem: I update wikistatus of ksnapshot, ok?12:49
vddloggerrbelem: upload what exactly?12:50
shadeslayerbulldog98: kdone12:50
vddloggerbulldog98: you should buy yourselfs some opinions on ebay12:50
rbelemvddlogger, latest changes to kde0runtime and libs packages12:50
vddloggerwhy upload to ninjas?12:50
bulldog98vddlogger: maybe :P12:50
vddloggershould go to experimental for testing12:50
shadeslayerok, i'll bbl12:50
bulldog98vddlogger: but if it breaks I can tell people vddlogger said rbelem to upload it :P12:51
vddloggerif it breaks in experimental then they can go and try to make ffmpeg and libav make love to each other12:51
rbelemvddlogger, ninjas would be a nice place to test them12:52
rbelemtest them widely12:52
vddloggerno it would not12:53
vddloggerbecause ninjas has a limited audience12:53
vddloggerexperimental, being called experimental is for experimental stuff that needs testing12:54
vddloggerso experimental is the right ppa12:54
rbelemvddlogger, some of these changes are already in ninjas12:54
rbelemwe just need the latest ones that add one patch each12:55
rbelemin fact great part of the active changes12:56
rbelemvddlogger, and kde-runtime builds twice, the normal and active ones12:56
CIA-89[svgpart] Romain Perier * 22 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release12:57
rbelemvddlogger, ah! and the latest change to kdelibs was approved but not merged yet, could you merge?12:58
* bulldog98 want’s to do perlqt and perlkde rbelem can you put that into the wiki?12:58
bambeedon't compute , why don't I see the full path ? :\12:58
rbelembulldog98, wiki?12:59
* bambee checks his config, again...12:59
bulldog98rbelem: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging13:00
rbelembulldog98, done13:08
* rbelem pokes vddlogger 13:08
bulldog98rbelem: thanks13:08
rbelemyou r welcome :13:08
CIA-89[kwordquiz] Jonathan Kolberg <bulldog98@kubuntu-de.org> * bulldog98@kubuntu-de.org-20110904130909-1yu3vowfj05fvr72 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release13:09
CIA-89[libksane] Romain Perier * 11 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release13:09
bulldog98Nice that works13:10
* bulldog98 needs to hook that into kgetsource13:10
vddloggerrbelem: please send me an email, I won't be able to get much done today13:20
rbelemvddlogger, oki13:22
CIA-89[perlqt] Jonathan Kolberg <bulldog98@kubuntu-de.org> * bulldog98@kubuntu-de.org-20110904132650-4t2tg7u4yi3i3bns * debian/changelog New upstream release13:26
bulldog98shadeslayer: how do I configure that?13:29
* bulldog98 now goes to a birthday (I’ll do my work later)13:33
shadeslayerbulldog98: configure what?13:37
bulldog98shadeslayer: cia-clients13:37
shadeslayerbulldog98: instead of branching, checkout branches13:38
bambeethat all ? :\13:38
shadeslayerand then use the plugin yofel_ wrote 13:38
bulldog98shadeslayer: ?13:39
bambeeQuintasan: could you change packages you've merged on the wiki ? (replace ppa/merge by ppa/bzr)13:39
vddloggershadeslayer: talking about non-intrusive tools, eh?13:39
shadeslayerbulldog98: http://paste.kde.org/11795513:40
shadeslayervddlogger: whut?13:40
vddloggersarcasm alert13:41
bulldog98shadeslayer: where should I put that?13:44
shadeslayerbulldog98: read the top of the file :P13:44
bulldog98shadeslayer: ok13:44
CIA-89[perlkde] Jonathan Kolberg <bulldog98@kubuntu-de.org> * bulldog98@kubuntu-de.org-20110904134644-onwsqh7jamgpzh8z * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream version13:46
bulldog98shadeslayer: I’ll put that into our kubuntu-dev-tools13:48
bambeeI don't see any differences with your previous message :D13:50
bambee(I am talking about cia)13:50
bulldog98bambee: haven’t changed that now13:51
bambeebulldog98: also, could you remove your branches when they're merged ? (keep only the branches requiring merging)13:55
bulldog98bambee: https://code.launchpad.net/~bulldog98/+activereviews shows only the ones needing merge13:55
bulldog98shadeslayer: where to put that file?13:56
bambeebulldog98: nice feature, I did not know13:56
shadeslayerbulldog98: the plugin? again, look at the header of that file13:56
bambeearrff "active review" is written on the right  v_v13:57
* bambee needs coffee13:57
shadeslayeranyone here worked with lvm>13:58
Quintasanrbelem: merging libs14:01
vddloggerso lp does debian.tar.lzma now?14:02
vddloggeror rather .xz14:03
* rbelem hugs Quintasan 14:04
Quintasanvddlogger: Could you upload new runtime and libs? I have stuff todo right now and I would like to look at plasma-mobile and s-l-c later today14:04
vddloggerI am doing l10n14:04
Quintasanrbelem: Then it has to wait14:04
rbelemoki :-)14:05
vddloggerand building is flipping slow cuz I am on the netbookz14:05
vddloggerc'est terrible14:05
vddloggeret ou est j-b14:05
* vddlogger goes looking for someone to smooch14:05
BarkingFishafternoodles guys. and what a wet one it is :)14:06
BarkingFishAnyone know where I can find a tutorial on packaging .deb for kubuntu please?14:07
vddloggerkubotu: google ubuntu packaging guide14:07
kubotuResults for ubuntu packaging guide: 1. Ubuntu Packaging Guide - Ubuntu Developer: http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/ | 2. Ubuntu Packaging Guide | Daniel Holbach's blog: http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2011/02/ubuntu-packaging-guide/ | 3. Fresh Ubuntu Packaging Guide Goodness | Daniel Holbach's blog: http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2011/04/fresh-ubuntu-packaging-guide-goodness/14:07
BarkingFishso it's the same whether it's for kubuntu or ubuntu? that probably explains why I couldn't find much :)14:08
vddloggerwell, the basic tools, workflow etc is mostly the same14:09
vddloggerbut there is all sorts of convenience stuff one can use when doing a KDE specific package14:09
BarkingFishok, I was talking with ScottK about this in the early wee hours of this morning.  I'm used to packaging rpm, but looking to get my arm in on this side too.14:10
BarkingFishThis is good.  The packaging tutorial for sending your GPG keys out doesn't work :)14:24
BarkingFishit says in number 1 on that list kubotu sent, that once you generated your gpg key, to type: gpg --send-keys <KEY ID>14:25
BarkingFishI did that, and got presented with an error - gpg: no keyserver known (use option --keyserver) gpg: keyserver send failed: bad URI14:26
BarkingFishi'll speak to the Ubuntu guys since it's on their site :)14:27
vddloggerwoohoo, at least uploading l10n is fast 14:28
* vddlogger leaves to annoy some people14:29
shadeslayerno lvm help anywhere14:30
=== timblechmann is now known as tim
vddloggerl10n up14:36
vddloggerthat was quick14:36
vddloggerlove it14:36
JontheEchidnabulldog98: isn't it already? https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/sysadmin/muon/repository14:37
shadeslayervddlogger: your kgetsource script will not work with kdegraphics mobipocket since the tarball is called mobipocket and not kdegraphics-mobipocket15:04
shadeslayershould i move the kdegraphics-mobipocket branch then?15:05
shadeslayerbah .. source is named as kdegraphics-mobipocket15:08
BarkingFishright, I'm happy to say I've got the whole of the packaging system set up and ready to go now. I've got my launchpad login setup with bazaar, got the base distro installed with pbuilder, and got my ssh and public gpg keys on launchpad.15:39
BarkingFishI don't think there's a whole lot else I need to do at the moment regarding setup.15:39
shadeslayerBarkingFish: thats pretty much it15:39
BarkingFishNow I've just got to sit down tonight and read through the distributed development guide15:40
shadeslayerbulldog98: wiki updated, please re confirm15:44
shadeslayeralright, i'm off to dinner15:45
BarkingFishprecisely where I'm going in about 10 minutes... I've got a fat juicy gammon steak with pineapple bbq sauce and green chili, plus buttered boiled potatoes and northern white beans :)15:47
BarkingFisheverything's done, just waiting on the steak15:47
BarkingFishwell that's lunch ready, see you all later15:55
bulldog98JontheEchidna: ok16:14
bulldog98shadeslayer: how to name the files16:15
kubotubulldog98 meant: "?hadeslayer: how to name the files"16:15
vddloggershadeslayer: policy is that branch name must be in line with source name16:23
vddloggersomeone hunt down usptream16:24
vddloggerkde-l10n-fr is kaput16:24
vddloggerdocbook shit again16:24
* vddlogger could so live without those issues16:24
shadeslayervddlogger: right, but then, we have to make amends to your script17:17
shadeslayeraha, i won't be available next week it seems17:17
=== sheytan_ is now known as sheytan
sheytanvddlogger hey, do you know any good hotel in Berlin near brandenburger tor ?17:21
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelbulldog98: kimono isn't there because nobody ever got qyoto done (see dep-graph)17:34
yofelmono packaging is hell17:34
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/perlqt] Philip Muškovac * 11 * debian/changelog New upstream release17:36
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/perlkde] Philip Muškovac * 8 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release17:37
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kwordquiz] Philip Muškovac * 5 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release17:40
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kturtle] Philip Muškovac * 11 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release17:41
bulldog98yofel: ok thanks for the information18:30
BarkingFishevening ScottK :)18:33
BarkingFishI'm all set up and ready to start packaging!  Someone directed me to the packaging setup thingy earlier, i've done all that needed doing now, so I'm pretty much good to go.18:34
bulldog98BarkingFish: we are finished with packaging. I’m doing the last one18:34
DarkwingDuckFor anyone who wants to help write the system docs for Kubuntu, head over to #ubuntu-doc we are holding a doc jam!18:35
bulldog98DarkwingDuck: what’s about translations?18:36
BarkingFishbulldog98, I'm not fussed about starting straight away, I wanted the stuff installed so I could learn to package.  Once I know how to make stuff, I can help with the next time something screws up, or start packaging on whichever release follows 11.1018:37
DarkwingDuckbulldog98, Once we have the docs done they will be passed to translations.18:37
bulldog98DarkwingDuck: We translated the into German (don’t know the release) and they were not shiped18:37
bulldog98we had 100% and they were not shiped, until we know that they will be shiped, we won’t do anything18:38
DarkwingDuckbulldog98, It was a build issue on our end. AFAIK that has been fixed.18:38
DarkwingDuckand release issue. By "our end" it was all of Ubuntu-Docs18:39
bulldog98Ok then I’ll try to translate as much as possible18:39
DarkwingDuckbulldog98, if you look at hte work items list: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-documentation-review You will see what docs are done and what needs to be done still.18:40
DarkwingDuckbulldog98, after today we will have a lot of this knocked out.18:40
DarkwingDuckvddlogger, ScottK, neversfelde, JontheEchidna http://wiki.ryanak.ca/kubuntu/LanguageSetup New wiki theme... MUCH thanks to ryanakca for the hard work. If approved we should have it uploaded as default18:44
bulldog98yofel: how do I use your CIA plugin for bzr?18:45
neversfeldeDarkwingDuck: nice18:48
DarkwingDuckryanakca, did the work for it.18:49
bulldog98shadeslayer: where have you placed the post_commit, with what name, and what to put into ~/.bazaar/locations.conf ?18:50
Quintasanyofel: Indeed, mono shit is hell19:21
CIA-89[lp:~bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools/trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * 126 * bin/kgetsource Made kgetsource also update control this bumps kde-sc-dev-latest to the version of the package19:42
CIA-89[trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * bulldog98@kubuntu-de.org-20110904194158-pa08adkvf6ewft0t * bin/kgetsource Made kgetsource also update control this bumps kde-sc-dev-latest to the version of the package19:42
CIA-89[lp:~bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools/trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * 127 * bin/kgetsource Also made the epoch optional (assumes 4:)19:50
CIA-89[trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * bulldog98@kubuntu-de.org-20110904195001-bplb7botkfs2l22l * bin/kgetsource Also made the epoch optional (assumes 4:)19:50
bulldog98Quintasan: why do I get two commit messages?19:50
Quintasanno idea19:50
bulldog98Quintasan: found it out, I named the post commit stuff the same as the system one. Then it calls also the system one19:53
CIA-89[lp:~bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools/trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * 128 * bin/ (khighestversion kgetsource_helper kgetsource) Made kgetsource also accept only one argument. Then it autodects the latest stable tar on the server and downloads that and uses that as version.20:10
CIA-89[trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * bulldog98@kubuntu-de.org-20110904201005-0ksoipw1tv3jo1bt * bin/ (khighestversion kgetsource_helper kgetsource) Made kgetsource also accept only one argument. Then it autodects the latest stable tar on the server and downloads that and uses that as version.20:10
bulldog98yofel: why does that happen ^ ? it’s wired20:11
bulldog98Quintasan: check that new kgetsource :) (It will make your life easier, but you’ll can test that if 4.7.2 is to package)20:12
yofelbulldog98: you probably still have the other plugin in use for that branch20:27
yofelI'm not sure which one is preferred20:27
bulldog98yofel: how do I turn that of?20:28
kubotubulldog98 meant: "yoffel: how do I turn that of?"20:28
yofelno idea20:28
yofelbulldog98: btw. we still need 4.7.1 for natty, so there's still stuff left to do20:29
* yofel cleans the wiki20:29
yofelBarkingFish: ^20:32
yofelyou need ninjas access for that though20:32
CIA-89[lp:~bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools/trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * 129 * bin/kgetsource Fixed a small bug in my Implementation20:32
CIA-89[trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * bulldog98@kubuntu-de.org-20110904203246-n0uoosgmulbqqmo6 * bin/kgetsource Fixed a small bug in my Implementation20:32
* bulldog98 is off for the day have fun with natty packaging20:33
BarkingFishyofel, a whositwhatnow?20:35
BarkingFishI lost track of that somewhere in the middle20:35
BarkingFishI'm sorry, I have my mind on several different things right now, and I'm not yet competent enough in kubuntu to package *anything* :)20:37
BarkingFishI only got the build system set up today :)20:38
QuintasanI would do something but school20:39
* Quintasan goes to bed20:39
sheytanhelp :D20:50
sheytanwhat's the easiest way to build a deb when i already build the sources?20:50
Quintasancheckinstall ffs20:59
Quintasansudo apt-get install checkinstall20:59
BarkingFishI thought you were going to bed? :P21:00
BarkingFishyofel, Are you free for a few moments?   If you want something building / packaging, I'd be happy to do it, but I need a fairly rapid crash course from someone who can already do it.  Once I know how, I'll be all over it like Chickenpox in a kindergarten :)21:02
yofelBarkingFish: sadly no, I'm off for bed too know, so you'll need to wait till tomorrow and we're up again or for someone that's actually awake :/21:04
BarkingFishOk then, what I really need is a tutor who can give me the absolute basics of what I need to do so I'm not picking through documentation for the next x^10 years trying to figure out wtf I'm doing :)21:05
sheytanQuintasan: any tip on how to use it?21:09
Quintasansheytan: build the damn source21:09
Quintasanonce you are done with make21:09
Quintasanjust invoke checkinstall21:09
QuintasanBarkingFish: yeah I was supposed to go but $stuff21:25
QuintasanBarkingFish: The bare minimum is:21:25
Quintasando changes in debian/21:25
Quintasandebuild -S21:25
Quintasansudo -E pbuilder build <dsc file>21:26
Quintasanif it works then you can commit to branch21:26
Quintasanbtw. good to see new people21:26
BarkingFishI used to build rpms previously, when I moved to kubuntu I wanted to pick up where I left off21:28
QuintasanBarkingFish: What do you exactly want to do?21:28
BarkingFishstart packaging :)21:29
BarkingFishI think yofel was referring to a package still needed for 4.7.1, but I haven't got the experience yet to know what I'm doing, hence the request for the crash course21:30
QuintasanBarkingFish: Do you have kubuntu-dev-tools installed?21:30
QuintasanBarkingFish: if not then bzr branch lp:kubuntu-dev-tools21:30
Quintasancd kubuntu-dev-tools21:30
Quintasansudo ruby setup.rb21:31
QuintasanBarkingFish: Do you have a working pbuilder?21:31
BarkingFishI think I only installed the stuff mentioned in the setup guide I followed21:31
BarkingFishand yes, I set up pbuilder-dist21:31
QuintasanI see21:31
Quintasangrab kubuntu-dev-tools then21:31
BarkingFishok, got them21:32
Quintasanwhat was that package...21:33
BarkingFishinstalled, but I didn't have ruby, I'm getting that now21:33
Quintasanyou'll need to reinvoke sudo ruby setup.rb then21:34
BarkingFishdone it21:34
QuintasanThose will be possibly needed later21:34
QuintasanBarkingFish: Did you upload ssh key to launchpad and did you sign CoC?21:34
BarkingFishyes, both done21:34
BarkingFishand gpg key is up too21:34
QuintasanBarkingFish: pull-lp-source recorditnow21:35
Quintasanpreferably in a separate directory21:36
Quintasancd recorditnow-0.8.1/debian21:36
Quintasansee files inside?21:36
Quintasanso, let me briefly talk about each and every one21:37
Quintasanchangelog <-- well, not much to say here21:37
Quintasanthis is packaging changelog21:37
Quintasanyou tell others what did you change so we know what's going on with the package21:37
Quintasantry to be verbose here21:37
Quintasancompat describes COMPATibility level21:38
Quintasani.e. which version of debhelper is required21:38
Quintasancontrol is one of the most important files now21:38
Quintasanif you look at it it has several fields21:38
QuintasanThis file tells the builder what packages are needed to built this package21:39
QuintasanBuild-Depends field ^21:39
QuintasanIn control we can split one source package into multiple binary packages21:39
Quintasanso for ex. you don't have to install EVERYTHING from kde-workspace but only application which you are interested in21:40
Quintasanrecorditnow is not really good example of multiple binary pacakges since it's a simple one21:40
Quintasanany questions so far?21:40
BarkingFishyeah, but I can see the way it works21:40
BarkingFishnot really, it's looking pretty good up to now21:41
Quintasancopyright <- this is sometime pain in the ass to deal with21:41
Quintasanbasically it says who wrote the software21:41
Quintasanunder what license is it21:41
Quintasannote tarball can contain files with different licenses and this has to be mentioned within that file21:42
BarkingFishhence why it's a pain in the ass :)21:42
Quintasandebian/patches directory contains patches obviously :)21:42
Quintasanif you look at debian/patches/series file you can see the order in which they are applied21:43
Quintasanthe patch system we use is quilt21:43
Quintasansudo apt-get install quilt21:43
Quintasanman quilt21:43
QuintasanI don't really to go into detail of quilt since it's easy21:43
Quintasanrecorditnow.postinst <-- afair this is so called maintainer script21:44
BarkingFishfair enough, got that installed21:44
Quintasanyou can have also postrm script21:44
Quintasanthose get invoked post installation or post removal of package21:44
Quintasanyou don't usually use them21:44
Quintasanrules is another of the most important files there21:45
Quintasanbasically it's a makefile21:45
Quintasana makefile that uses debhelper rules21:46
Quintasanthis one is short since it is using dh721:46
Quintasanman debhelper21:46
BarkingFishhow do you tell which version of dh it's using? Is that what the compat file is for?21:46
BarkingFishok cool21:46
Quintasanit will tell you the major verion of debhelper21:46
Quintasanif you want to know the precise version it is generally mentioned in control21:47
Quintasanwell, I won't go into detail how debhelper works since the manpages are good21:47
Quintasanman dh_auto_install21:48
Quintasanman dh_auto_configure21:48
Quintasanman dh_auto_build21:48
BarkingFishok, i'll look at those too21:48
Quintasanlook at examples in21:48
BarkingFishDo you mind if I copypaste this into a text file for reference?21:49
QuintasanNot really21:49
BarkingFishI only have a 1000 line scrollback and would hate to get my tutorial wiped out :)21:49
QuintasanBe sure to check if someone didn't point out any mistakes I possibly made21:49
Quintasansource/format file describes what format of source tarball this packages uses21:50
Quintasanmore info at http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.021:50
BarkingFishnobody's spoken in the last 25 minutes, other than us :)21:50
Quintasanwhat you want to know is21:50
Quintasansource format 3.0 allows you to use tar.bz2, tar.xz and tar.lzma source tarballs without repacking them21:51
Quintasansometime ago we had to repack tarballs to use gzip only21:51
Quintasanbut now it's not relevant21:51
BarkingFishok then, so any sources in those formats, I don't need to repack21:52
Quintasanwatch <- commonly called as "watch file"21:52
Quintasanthis tells uscan21:52
Quintasanhow to look for new upstream releases21:52
Quintasanif you go to recorditnow-0.8.121:53
Quintasanand invoke uscan --verbose you should get some output21:53
QuintasanYou don't really have to write watch files but it is recommended to do so if possible21:53
BarkingFishyep, I got quite a lot of output from it21:53
Quintasan#ubuntu-packaging is of interest to you if noone here is to answer your question21:54
QuintasanBarkingFish: Where are you from?21:55
BarkingFishOriginally from Iceland, now living in the UK, in Milton Keynes21:55
QuintasanOh, similar timezone then21:55
BarkingFishI've joined #ubuntu-packaging and added it to my favorites list21:56
QuintasanWe coorinate things using UTC timezone :)21:56
Quintasandate -u is your friend :P21:56
Quintasanmeetings, etc are usually given in UTC21:56
Quintasanmeeting times*21:56
BarkingFishwell we're currently 1 hour ahead of UTC, we should be switching back to UTC in a week or two21:57
* Quintasan is 2 hours ahead of UTC21:57
BarkingFishactually it's October 30th this year, British Summer Time ends21:57
QuintasanGoddamn school tomorrow21:57
BarkingFishI have work in the morning, and I bet my work is a lot harder than your school :P21:58
Quintasansup, I start with physics21:58
Quintasanquantum physics21:58
Quintasannot this super high level quantum physics but still quantum :P21:58
BarkingFishI wake up tomorrow morning, go into work and get faced with 660 screaming thugs to deal with :)21:58
QuintasanYou work in security or something?21:59
BarkingFish<<< Prison Officer21:59
Quintasanshadeslayer: I think we are done for with the "school is too hard" excuse now22:00
BarkingFishi work up to 68 hours a week, and I can still get called on outside that time if we have a problem.  22:01
BarkingFishSince i only live across the road from the prison I work at, I'm fairly close in case of trouble.22:01
QuintasanBarkingFish: Do you have some sort baton at your disposal?22:03
BarkingFishplus CS gas22:04
QuintasanBarkingFish: You are now responsible for hitting apachelogger to get to work :P22:04
QuintasanBarkingFish: Anyways, I've got to go22:04
QuintasanSee you tomorrow then22:05
BarkingFishI still don't know how to obtain the source files or anything :)22:05
BarkingFishoh wait, is that the pull-lp-source command?22:06
BarkingFish!seen apachelogger22:36
ubottuI have no seen command22:36
BarkingFishanybody know who apachelogger is and why I was told to hit him to get to work?22:37
BarkingFishI can't find a whois for him, and I'm stuck unless i can find him.22:37
ScottKBarkingFish: apachelogger changes is nick sometimes.  Currently he's vddlogger.22:57
BarkingFishThat explains why I couldn't find him :)22:58
BarkingFish"<Quintasan> BarkingFish: You are now responsible for hitting apachelogger to get to work :P"22:58
BarkingFishI was sitting here thinking - what is that? A package, a person???"22:58
ScottKNo, he's a person.23:02
ScottKHe's currently at some kind of development sprint (thus the vdd), so probably not paying much attention to us.23:03
BarkingFishah, ok23:04
ScottKBarkingFish: Did you get a chance to look at a package and explore a bit how it's put together?23:04
BarkingFishI'm totally set up now, Quintasan has taken me through everything else I needed to do, and given me a guide to the packaging stuff23:04
BarkingFishHe's shown me the control file, compat, changelog, the watch file and taken me through uscan, also copyright and postinst.23:05
ScottKYou can see how much of this relates to RPM terms OK?23:06
BarkingFishI still don't physically know how to build a package though, and I have 2 dists set up on here, natty and oneiric23:06
BarkingFishthe control file kinda looks similar to an rpm specfile23:06
ScottKThere is more than one way to do it.23:06
ScottKPersonally, I prefer to always build binaries in a chroot to make sure I'm building in a controlled environment and they nothing the build process does will affect my system.23:07
ScottKThis is, of course, a bit slower, since you have to set up the environment.23:08
BarkingFishsince I've set up pbuilder-dist to have more than one version, 11.04 and 11.10, how do I package seperately? I don't want to build something for natty and find it building for oneiric instead23:08
ScottKSo when you call pbuilder-dist you include the version.23:09
BarkingFishi did23:09
ScottKSomething like pbuilder-dist oneiric build sip4_4.12.4-0ubuntu1.dsc23:09
ScottKSo that would build something in the oneiric environement.23:09
BarkingFishi set them up seperately, pbuilder-dist natty create and pbuilder-dist oneiric create23:10
BarkingFishso i include the dist when i build the package?23:11
ScottKYou can also do pbuilder-dist oneiric login if you want to work inside the chroot.23:11
ScottKThis is sometimes good for testing.23:11
BarkingFishso right now, supposing i wanted to bring down a package, and rebuild it, just to see how i get on, what would I do?23:12
ScottKapt-get source packagename23:13
ScottKThat'll download it to the current working directory.23:13
BarkingFishi've pulled kdemultimedia as a trial23:14
ScottK(you can also use pull-lp-source, the difference is apt-get source will use the deb-src line in /etc/apt/sources.list and pull-lp-source you can specify the release)23:14
ScottKIt should have downloaded kdemultimedia*.dsc23:14
ScottKWhat's the filename for the .dsc?23:14
BarkingFishGet:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main kdemultimedia 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu2 (dsc)23:15
ScottKlook in the directory (ls)23:15
ScottKSo to build this you would do pbuilder-dist natty build kdemultimedia_4.6.2-0ubuntu2.dsc23:16
BarkingFishseems I had a shedload of errors on tha23:17
BarkingFish281 missing deps23:18
BarkingFishwhich are now all being installed :P23:18
ScottKThis process takes a little while.23:18
BarkingFishyou're telling me :)23:18
BarkingFishright, it's got the 281 new files, it's unpacking and installing them now23:19
* BarkingFish grabs a pillow and has a quick snooze while it's processing everything23:21
BarkingFishJeez louise.23:25
BarkingFishMy laptop's gone bananas.  It sounds like a Jet aircraft preparing to take off!23:26
BarkingFishThis thing's installed all these files and now it's going through some sort of compile process23:26
ScottKmicahg: Would you be able to look into updating gnash?  It needs a rebuild at least to drop the boost1.42 rdepends, but there's later in Debian that that's the sort of thing that normally we want the latest crack we can get.23:31
micahgScottK: yeah, cjwatson made the patch, just needs someone to test it, will try to do it tonight23:32
ScottKmicahg: Great.  Thanks.23:32
micahgScottK: new version is broke against libav 0.7 also, that's why I haven't done it yet23:32
ScottKOK.  I'm trying to push through for boost1.42 removal, so ...23:33
micahgScottK: yeah, with cjwatson's patch it builds, just needs user testing and I didn't get a chance last week with the DigiNotar crisi23:33
ScottKlibav 0.7 is in Unstable now too, so Debian needs the patch too.23:34
micahgyep, the severity was just increased to serious23:34
BarkingFishScottK, whatever was compiling has compiled23:37
BarkingFishwhat do I do with it now?23:37
BarkingFishlooks like I found it, and it appears to have built everything :)23:39
ScottKBarkingFish: If you look in ~/pbuilder/natty_result  you'll see the results of the build.23:39
BarkingFishyep, I have several different packages in there23:39
BarkingFishI think this is the main one, kdemultimedia_4.6.2-0ubuntu2_all.deb23:40
ScottKSince you just did a rebuild, it'd be the same as you could get be installing from the archive.23:40
BarkingFishbut I have packages for dragonplayer, ffmpegthumbs, juk, kmix, kscd...23:40
ScottKThose are all the different binaries built from the kdemultimedia source.23:40
BarkingFishto be frankly honest with you, ScottK - that doesn't look too difficult to be honest.23:41
BarkingFishI'm sure I could be churning packages out within a day or two at this rate23:41
ScottKIf you've done RPM packaging before, the basic 80% will be easy.23:41
ScottKHere's one I need tested.23:41
ScottKCan you do pull-lp-source gizmod oneiric23:42
ScottKThe see if it builds with oneiric?23:42
BarkingFishgive me a moment23:42
BarkingFishdoing that build for you now, I'll let you know when it's finished :)23:45
BarkingFishScottK, Package build failed23:49
BarkingFishI'll pastebin the output and show you what happend23:49
BarkingFishScottK, http://paste.ubuntu.com/682206/23:53
ScottKThanks.  Looking23:53
BarkingFishDo you want the output of the whole compile, in case other issues are mentioned?23:54
ScottKNo.  You got the important bits.23:56
BarkingFishlooks to be some coding errors in the source23:56
ScottKLooks like a missing header somewhere.23:56
BarkingFishall these files which the system pulls during a build, do they stay on your system once you've got them?23:58
ScottKThey are cached in /var/cache/pbuilder.23:58
BarkingFishIf so, I've got a funny feeling I'm going to need a bigger disk at some point :P23:58
BarkingFishI've only got a 160 in the laptop23:59
ScottKThey aren't part of your normal system install, but you don't have to download them every time.23:59
BarkingFishoh ok23:59

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